#eyyyy fashion
blackjackkent · 8 months
More city exploration! We've reached the equipment shop that doubles as a Harper safehouse, where Jaheira said we would be able to meet up with her Harper buddies for info/help!
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And the man himself, Entharl Danthelon:
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"Greetings, saer! Your noble bearing brings a little class to my humble--"
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"You can turn off the charm, Entharl. He's with me."
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"Blueberries. Thought I had a sale. You look tired, Harper."
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"I missed you too. They're already here?"
"Down below," the shopkeeper says promptly. "Here's the key."
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I mentioned in a previous post that I was pondering the possibility of Hector becoming a Harper himself in the aftermath of this game (if his ending allows for it), since he has started to feel like he wouldn't be able to go back to the monastery after everything that's happened to him. So he's curious about the group that Jaheira has brought him to meet - and very polite, as always. "Pleased to meet you, Harper Entharl," he says respectfully.
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Danthelon squints at him pointedly. "You seem a nice sort, so I'll assume the insult was accidental," he says sharply.
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Jaheira laughs. It's not the first time Hector has heard her laugh, but it's not a common sound from her; he can see she's relaxed a little in this familiar place. "Entharl's no Harper," she says dryly. "And claims no love for those who are. But he's been known to shelter us when we need it."
Danthelon rolls his eyes. "Entharl has been known to charge rent," he quips in return. "Harpers have been known to ignore him." He waves a hand dismissively. "Now go on. The Short Father may send me an actual paying customer today."
Hector feels rather embarrassed about this unintentional faux pas so he takes a look at Danthelon's stock before they go downstairs. ("Wait - I would like to take a look at your stock." "To buy?! You're already my favorite." XD )
He has a lot of pretty shiny (and expensive) stuff, including Hector's first armor upgrade since the game began! (I honestly like his starting armor better but this looks pretty cool too and will probably look even better once I can get it dyed.)
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It's called "Garb of the Land and Sky" and gives him Blade Ward when using Patient Defense and Advantage and +1-8 force damage after using Step of the Wind. So after this post we'll go fiddle with getting him dyed up before going down to talk to the Harpers. XD
Danthelon also sells some pretty nice monk gloves and a cool cape that gives disadvantage on all attacks against you until you take your first damage in a given combat; I might end up buying both although I'm wary of completely draining my coinpurse. XD
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arbokzee · 2 years
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
When I said I wasn't ready for this to end on my last post I didn't intend to then not post until the weekend, but somehow using TriMax to try and soothe my JJK feels didn't seem like a good idea, so here we are.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 14, Chapters 4-6 below.
Chapter 4: Never Give Up! Never Surrender!
CW: Blood (in color)
This honestly seems like an odd title given how suicidal our main character is, but let's run with it. Maybe it's referring more to the Earth Fleet.
Vash, asking important questions.
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WTF, why is dead Legato just standing there screaming? Like, yes, I get that him standing around screaming in an unsettling fashion is totally in character for him, but... he's dead, yeah? Or... is it Vash screaming? I mean, I feel like screaming is generally the appropriate response to Legato showing up.
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What the...? Surprise Wolfwood. He looks in pretty good spirits for a dead man.
Dang, that's a lot of ghosts.
OMG it's REM.
Wait, is he dying? Like, I know he's dying, but is he dying dying??
Oh, he hit a wall between him and them. He must not be quite gone yet. But gods, his hair looks fully black here.
Oh, wait. It has just a bit of lightness in it still.
Vashie looks sooooo tired.
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Meanwhile, humanity is trying its very, very best to communicate with the Plants Knives has absorbed.
Ooh, looks like the Plants are forming Opinions.
That's a big boom.
Oooh, critical failure for Earth Fleet.
The good news is Knives and/or the Plants he's merged with just saved all of Humanity on Noman's Land. The bad news is everyone still has to deal with Knives.
Hahahahaha, this kind of spirit is the soul of Trigun. Thanks, girls.
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You're right, Meryl. It's absolutely too heavy a burden for him to carry alone. I hope he knows you feel that way. And not just you, but so many others, too. I hope he's at a place where he can accept that.
Wait, what cracked Meryl's helmet?
Eyyy, Vash is conscious again!
Chapter 5: Ticket to the Future
Where's he stuck? Limbo?
Ahhhhh! He heard Meryl's words!
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Oop, feather to the face for Vash, too.
I like how he calls himself Vash the Stampede in his head. Not Vash. Vash the Stampede. You have to say the whole thing.
I still don't know what the hell he caught, if anything.
Dang, Knives isn't even gonna bother slaughtering the humans. He's just gonna leave them to rot.
What is that noise, Knives? Is it maybe your sisters? Are they now making their noise un-ignorable?
Were you really united? Did you ever actually check with them? Or did you just assimilate and assume that because the assimilation took, they were in agreeance?
It's not just Vash at this point, though, is it?
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Wait, is Vash gonna plug into Knives? Ohhhh, he does not look enthusiastic about this move.
Sooooo much giant Plant underboob.
Oh, Vash is going to plug himself into the connection they've set up to try and talk with the Plants. That's hella dangerous. Has he ever been plugged into anything before? What if he can't maintain his sense of self in there? Though I guess Chronica could when she plugged into Domina... but that was only a fraction of the entity Vash is gonna jump into, and the entity he's gonna jump into includes Knives.
Hahahaha, I feel like Knives telling Vash not to touch him is exactly the fuel Vash needs. Big sibling energy here.
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This looks distinctly unpleasant for the both of them.
Everyone's screaming for ice cream here.
Eyyyy, the giant fused entity is dissolving! Presumably into feathers.
Yyyup. Feathers. Weird-shaped feathers.
Wait, is Vash falling?
More screaming, but this time in Japanese.
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LOL, it's not tenacity but recklessness. Fair. This is Vash we're talking about.
I feel like I keep saying this, but Knives doesn't look so good.
I keep saying that about Vash, too, but it continues to be true.
All these freaking feathers. I'm STILL blaming CLAMP for this.
Chapter 6: Mind Games
Memories for everyone!
Yeah, Meryl's allowed to panic a bit when she gets inundated with foreign memories again.
But look at her, doing her best to stay focused. She knows Vash is at his limit and she's doing her best to support him.
UGH, HE CAN FEEL HER EMOTIONS!!! HE CAN FEEL THEM!!!! That there's a rare genuine Vash smile. He may not know if it's gonna work, but he's so grateful for her effort and support. He's glad she's here for him right now.
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This is a Thing. Everything dissolves when communication ends. When there's no more room for it, whatever the reason may be.
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Heh, they call Vash "Red Brother." I approve. I think he'd like that.
Love and Peace, yo.
They're leaving Knives.
I bet in Stampede, if they get this far, everything will dissolve into flowers. That is NOT LESS CLAMP-LIKE.
Ooof, there's just a mess of bulb-less plants lying everywhere now. That seems dangerous for them.
This guy doing what he can to communicate via a feather. I approve.
This scene. I love this scene. I love the tenderness of his touch on the one Plant's head. I love how he changes his words from a statement of fact, a demand and a command, to a desperate request. I love her smiling peacefully through her tears.
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Vash is up and on his feet!
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After watching Stampede, I read somewhere that someone was saying how those who were familiar with the series were gonna have fun explaining to Stampede-onlies how Knives getting destroyed in July is just him being dramatic. Looking at him missing HUGE CHUNKS of his body and yet still somehow maintaining his basic shape, I can't help but think he's being dramatic again.
"My head's killing me." You don't say? Maybe it's because HALF OF IT IS MISSING?? What a freaking dork.
I... honestly don't know if what Vash is aiming for here is something that can be defined as "freedom."
Howwww can there only be two chapters left??? [insert panicked hyperventilating]
Chapter Archive
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Archive Intermission for Formatting Reasons!
Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8 || Vol. 11: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 12: Covers + 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 || Vol. 13: Covers + 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 || Vol. 14: Covers + 1-3
Extra Credit Archive
Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel) || Vol. 11: New Hair, New Outlook
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chipmunkweirdo · 2 months
K but I got my gripes with the CGI show and it has more to do with the designs more than anything (frankly cuz they got the personalities down lmao)
Cuz why do the Munks and Chettes look like that can’t the designers just make them have a lot more chipmunk characteristics cuz why do they got human ears and why are they fur markings gone
Or am I just a huge CGI movie fanatic idk (ALSO EYYYY SQEAKQUEL ENJOYER✊ my first one is the OG one tho but the sequel is a close first)
The CGI show design is still cute in someway tho Alvin especially looks throwable ngl but yeah I personally think the older designs like the 80s show and the CGI movies are a lot cuter
Still can’t forgive how they took away Britney’s fashion tho cuz why do the boys just get jeans while the girls literally have new wardrobes and it doesn’t look too good
Anyways thoughts on the CGI designs??👀
(Kinda can’t get over your Alvin 2.0 design cuz i swear if I enter any huge video game shop id find atleast one dude dressed like that) (also would Al 2.0 play Assassin’s Creed and rage over the lack of irl physics in the game or nah?)
You’re probably just a big fan of the CGI movie looks. I hated the new designs at first, but I like how they tried to merge the CGI versions with the 80s versions while also making them their own thing.
The biggest complaint that I have about the Nickelodeon TV series designs is the giant heads. That’s why I draw them smaller in my artstyle. I also add a few more chipmunky features to them like the bigger teeth that stick out and ears that can perk or droop. Longer tails and 3 stripes on their backs instead of just one.
I also give them all a bigger selection of outfits to pick from. Brittany’s Nick show outfit makes me cringe because it’s so….plain…and not Brittany style to me. She looks too business woman like.
HAHAHA! ALVIN 2.0’s STYLE IS SO FUN! I had a blast coming up with it…on accident. It was never really planned out. He just found clothes he liked and then made a new look. His shoes are great, but a pain to draw.
To answer your final question, Alvin 2.0 wouldn’t necessarily play Assassin’s Creed, but he absolutely DOES rage over the lack of real life physics in videogames, especially when it makes the game harder to win. Some of his favorite videogames are racing games, virtual sports games, world building games, Mystic Mountain, (their version of World Of Warcraft) and games with monsters and aliens.
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ms-scarletwings · 1 year
Creacher Feature Friday 10: That’s No Spoonbill, but it’s Pretty in Pink!
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Or should it be called Flamingo Friday, ha ha! eyyyy 👉🥴👉
Requiring little more introduction than that, most people already perceive these as unique enough birds at face value, with their odd shapes, famously salmon-to-pink plumage, and stylish struts; indeed, these bubblegum swans have captured the hearts of many the bird enthusiast and the intrepid lawn decorator. Nonetheless, all that shimmers in the sun is not cheap plastic, and there are many layers of deeper weirdness behind the flamingo than most could imagine. Let’s see if we can take a crack at it below!
As we begin with our triple Fs (fun flamingo facts), there’s no better place to begin covering like the basics. Flamingos, of the family Phoenicopteridae, are omnivorous shorebirds which live in large social flocks, or “flamboyances”, and use their specialized beaks to filter feed algae and small organisms from the waters they do love to wade. Though we often refer to them as one sort of animal, there’s actually six total species of flamingo. Two of them can be found in Africa, and the other four call the central and southern Americas their native home.
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Very fittingly, you may notice that the smallest species has been dubbed the Lesser flamingo, while the largest of the family is the Greater bird, at least in height! Besides general size, the bulk of the morphological difference between these species actually goes into the specialization of their bills. Which does make sense, as their different migratory patterns and natural ranges have long fine tuned them for maximizing what they could gain of their own localized food sources.
Personally, I’d call the American Flamingo my favorite of the batch. It’s just almost about as big as the tallest ones, while standing apart as their most vibrantly colored cousins. Also known as the Caribbean flamingo, it’s also the only species actually native to the North American range as well as the Caribbean and Galápagos Islands.
For some, it’s a commonly held, intuitive misconception that flamingos find close relatives in that of the spoonbill storks or water-wading cranes, but it actually turns out that they share a much closer evolutionary line with that of grebes. What’s a grebe? They’re little and funny and they look like this
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So certainly another funky bird of all time. What’s an even stranger piece of their history is the fact that these two animal types share a closer genetic lineage to that of land doves than they do to other water birds. Yeah, that’s including herons and ducks. The things we would near never guess without DNA analysis is such a head screw, sometimes. Or at least, a head scratcher.
You are what you eat
To speak again of the firey fashion sense of the marsh prowling American Flamingo, they in fact, like all Phoenicopteridae species, owe their coloration to a steady diet of aquatic organisms and plant matter they separate from the water with their teeth- well, not “teeth” per se, more like these unnerving, toothy ridges along their bills and yes, tongue.
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Both mouth features act together much like the bristles of a baleen whale’s own jaws to comb and trap all manner of delicious critters and algae that the birds so love to snack on. Critters and algae that just so happen to also be filthy rich in carotenoids (organic, warm-color pigments) responsible for the natural colors of MANY living things, in fact: from the pink flesh of salmon who draw from the same food web, to lobsters, to pumpkins, and especially carrots, which can even alter the color of human skin if eaten in huge excess. In other words, you can tell a lot about how a flamingo’s been eating lately from the vibrance of its feathers. Their offspring, logically, come out as an adorably blank, fresh canvas of sort.
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Unfortunately, though, you may notice they also enter the world with wimpy little bills not as equipped to start scooping krill and small fish out of the shore. So, how’s the grey lil goober to eat, then? Easy, the same way pigeons and male emperor penguins feed their own young, interestingly:
🍼🦩Bird Milk~! ✨
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Yeah that’s right, lactation is yet one more thing mammals can’t say they hold a true monopoly on! Okay fine, there are a few differences. In this handful of avians, milk produced to nurture hatchlings is secreted by the lining of the crop (the first major stop in the digestive tract of a bird) and then regurgitated into the younger’s waiting mouth. This is also why the formal name for the stuff is “crop milk”. Nutritionally speaking, it’s high in protein and fats, but where it really differs from mammalian secretions is that it lacks carbohydrates. Most fascinatingly, though, the process of making crop milk and the process of mammalian milk production are induced by the same hormone- prolactin. What makes this phenomenon all the weirder in flamingos is all of those aforementioned carotenoids I mentioned them eating… well, funny side effect of that seems to be that it turns their milk blood red. Big part of why this specific “creepy” photo circulated like wildfire in some places of the internet.
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Brutal as it may appear on first glance, it’s actually a wholesome demonstration of two proud parents working together to grow up a healthy and well-fed baby! You may also notice that the parents themselves look practically ghostly in the image. Just another side effect of good parenting. All of that sharing food means less pretty color juice for mom and dad to spare on their own appearance.
But this all this cozy attention within the nest site marks only the first few days of a chick’s life. By the passage of the first couple weeks, the newborn has begun to waddle around and explore well beyond the spot it hatched from, eventually joining up into massive groupings (called crèches) with the rest of the colony’s wee ones.
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While mom and dad will still feed their own children, the crèche itself is guarded communally by the flock’s adults, related or not. It’s a behavior also seen in some penguin species to maximize the safety of an entire community’s offspring from predation. And these communities can be massive in the wild, made up of anywhere from hundreds to even thousands of breeding flamingos. Recent study has even indicated a greater depth to their social behavior than we’ve suspected before, complete with complex inter-group dynamics, the forming of cliques between birds of similar personality, and even what resembled friendship bonds between individual flamingos that would play a social support role for one another during conflicts. As well, the colony itself sticks together tightly and acts as one unit when it comes to the most essential stuff- migrating, feeding, and most particularly in breeding. Courting and nesting rituals are synchronized among the entire flock, with individual flamingos pairing off into monogamous partnerships for the whole of the season. Typically, they will lay one egg, sometimes more rarely fostering an unrelated hatchling, as in the case of the occasional same-sex pairing (another similarity they seem to hold in common with penguins).
And what time they are given to fill with such rich social lives! In the wild, flamingos are known to live between 20 and 30 years, but under captive care they have been known to top out into their 40s-50s. On the most extreme end, we have even seen outliers such as Betty, a captive Caribbean flamingo who passed away at 67 years old, and the world record achieving Greater, who stretched out to an astounding 83 years old in an Australian zoo before being humanly euthanized. Whoever said that the brightest flame must also burn the fastest was clearly leaving these wonderful birds out of their metaphor.
And so fare thee well, flamingos. For a first, we have a relatively popular animal to hand the spotlight moment for this tidbit. Hoping that I played at least a tiny part to mystify and then immediately demystify something new about a quirky, frilly dinosaur. Until next 💞
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Moral Orel #36: “Dumb” | October 30, 2008 - 12:15AM | S03E06
Dumb takes place during School Pageant and Nature parts one and two. It begins with Joe, Orel’s delinquent friend, returning home from the school pageant. His father, the way-too-elderly Dr. Secondopinionson, couldn’t make it. He’s too old to move. Joe is a dick about it, and his allegedly middle-aged half-sister (the adultswim.com description calls her this, canon disputed?), who has a traditionally masculine voice.
That last bit is a little contentious in times where more people are aware of transgender issues. In a previous episode, she was Principal Fakey’s receptionist, and we heard her through what appeared to be a tinny-sounding speaker, but when they cut to hear speaking on the receiver she’s seen pinching her nose, the actual reason for the bad sounding speaker. I don’t think the intent of the joke was to mock transgender people, it was just meant to add another layer to the previous joke. That probably doesn’t keep the portrayal from being uncomfortable for some viewers, but eyyyy what can you do? Hope that detached nihilistic irony comes back into fashion one more time before the world ends, I guess.
Nurse Bendy calls Joe’s sister. It turns out she calls her to keep tabs on Joe so she can use biographic details on her own ersatz child, Sonny. We saw her talking to her teddy bear family in a previous episode, Alone. From here, Joe winds up going on a journey to reunite with his mother, whom he was told died during child birth. He finds out from Coach Stopframe that this isn’t the case. He eventually meets Nurse Bendy, said to be his actual mom. He likes her youth and her filthy ‘tude. The two begin to bond, and she takes him to her apartment to meet her teddy bear family. He disrespects them, sticking his tongue out at Sonny and what not. He fucked with the wrong hombre in that regard, for Sonny can dish it out exactly as hard with a simple squeeze. Sonny and Joe…  they are quarreling!
Joe beats the shit out of his father out of anger, but this is played sorta for laughs as it happens in the background. He tries to go back to Bendy’s apartment and sees Sonny in the trash. He finds her at work and she explains she threw him out because he didn’t work anymore, and that she hoped Joe could be her Sonny. The episode ends with Joe and Bendy imitating Sonny’s retractable tongue. It's heartwarming as fuck. Credits roll. 
This is a really great episode which demonstrates how this show managed to transform itself into something soulful and emotionally affecting while staying entirely in character. The style of joke-writing, the characterization, the absurdly hyperbolic explosion of anger displayed by Joe when he beats up his dad, it’s all very much in line with what Moral Orel has always been. The ending is heartwarming and sweet. The episode is scored by “Failsafe” by The Choir Practice, which is also a New Pornographers song. It’s written by Carl Newman from New Pornographers, but The Choir Practice version was actually recorded and released first if wikipedia is to be trusted. I think I prefer the version in this episode. It just sounds so beautiful in this episode. 
There are continuity tie-ins: We see Orel before and after the hunting trip. We also see Bloberta clutching Dr. Potterswheel’s handkerchief. Joe’s fear of getting old is explored a little more, which was most recently alluded to in Orel’s Movie Premiere. Nurse Bendy’s teddy bear family was first introduced in Alone from earlier in the season (I already mentioned this, but I struggled to think of a third thing). 
One dark thing to note is that the script for an unproduced episode, “Narcissism”, reveals that Nurse Bendy is 24, which means that she gave birth to Joe at the age of 12, which means Joe’s father prooooooooooooobably deserved his beating. It might potentially explain Nurse Bendy’s arrested development. 
These episodes take place in different moments in the chronology of events of Moralton surrounding Orel’s hunting trip. Some of them, like this one, take place across a span of them. And it’s fun trying to untangle it all. But this episode and Alone sorta tell me that trying to perform an actual fanedit of the show, attempting to make a movie or something out of these highly-connected episodes, would ultimately be a failure. Seeing Nurse Bendy’s traumatic freak out in the middle of these scenes probably wouldn’t enhance the story of Joe and her connecting to one another as mother and son. They’re probably better off as two separate things. But I’ll still download it and watch it if you make one. Just saying.
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The 44 Nights of Orel was an event where Adult Swim showed the entire series in a special running order where continuity-specific old episodes were meant to enhance the season three premieres.
This episode was preceded by Elemental Orel, because it shows Joe’s Elderly father (for the first time?). After that was Holy Visage, which Dino says they went too gross with the wound (I agree!) but this episode shows Joe’s father working as a doctor, hence it's inclusion.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Get to know me meme?
Thanks for the tag@chocmarss ! 💛
Last song: Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benatar. (I'm working my way through a playlist of all the songs sampled for the Broadway production of Moulin Rouge.)
Last show: Midsomer Murders, just finished episode 3 of the new season
Currently watching: If you mean actual shows, then Midsomer. Otherwise, youtube playlists about fashion history.
Currently reading: Not counting fic? I'm intermittently working my way through "Agatha H and the Voice of the Castle," (third novelization of Girl Genius), "Chronicles of Old New York" (historical nonfiction about the development of Manhattan neighborhoods), and "Odevanje u Beogradu u XIX i XX Veku" (fashion history in Belgrade)
Current obsession: I recently cycled through Bleach and the MCU again, but I've landed firmly back in Star Wars eyyyy. It was like hitting the refresh button on my brain. Or maybe turning it off and back on again.
Tagging: @sergeant-angels-trashcan, @brawltogethernow, @professorsparklepants, @azzandra, @whirlibird, @misfitmccoward, @lexlokiy
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kromer · 2 years
Eyyyy do Yumiko (legally required to ask for one piece of Yumikel)
>:) i've been waiting for this
Overall opinion of them: I fucking love her so much fhjfgfdgfj such a simple design, yet so perfect. I adore how she contrasts with Yumie and how that adds to her dynamic with Heinkel...
Gender/sexuality headcanons: Likes women and that's all I can say. I tend to default to cis interpretations, but in my typical fashion, I'm open to anything that doesn't fundamentally change her character.
Favorite moment in canon: Ppprobably when she called upon Yumie to take out the cult in Crossfire 3, and also all lighthearted moments between her and Heinkel. I'm a sucker for fluff but I always look for it in the least likely sources o(-<
Favorite moment in a fanwork:
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Favorite line, in canon or otherwise: I don't exactly have one, but I'll take advantage of this space to say goddamn, her voice actress for the drama CD hit the nail on the head. The tone and delivery are super on point. And, yet another reason for me to yearn over never getting to see her animated...
Characters I love seeing them interact with: Heinkel, Yumie (if indirectly), Maxwell, Anderson, the works. Especially the former two tho ofc :^)
Last thing before sleeping headcanons: This takes on a whole new meaning with her dfhdfjhfg ANYWAY.. I'll adhere to what the prompt intended (so in terms of actual sleep, rather than switching). When possible, she'll get changed into something cozy and wind down with a cup of tea, and most importantly she prays with Heinkel before heading off to bed.
Sleeping habits headcanons: A heavy sleeper. Prone to incoherently mumbling every now and again. Definitely hogs blankets when it's chilly (and has, at least once, tried pinning the blame on Yumie (and I can see her being equally guilty of this JDFJFDH)). Often ends up being the little spoon. She's just a little creature yk (emphasis on the "little" part in her case)
First thing after waking up headcanons: She and Heinkel wake up at roughly the same times, though Heinkel will often give her an extra ~15 minutes to snooze or just lay in bed so long as it won't put her behind in the day.
Favorite locations headcanon: She's most drawn to scenic, atmospheric places, though she enjoys traveling to just about any new location so long as it's not on short notice for a hit mission, lmao. She has a soft spot for the orphanage where she and Heinkel were raised and visits the children there from time to time.
Thank you! [source]
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prinsomnia · 5 years
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cocoon in the streets, butterfly in the sheets 🦋#metsona
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flynnardkuwata · 5 years
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Did I mention I was handsome as shit yesterday? Because fuck yeah. Moving Day and I still killed it.
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Pastel Goth Salt
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flufflecat · 3 years
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(wip) eyyyy first rusty quill gaming fanart and of course it involves me furiously collecting references of edwardian fashion for a solid hour 
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I saw your Loba headcanon about her struggling in school with reading, and it made me think if she has any other struggles? Such as learning to speak in English, making friends, reading Yk stuff like that
Eyyyy I’m ready to give Loba some love. Also credit to @translocatingbamboozler because I believe she was the one that came up with the reading hc initially.
-I don’t really think she struggled with learning English, was most likely raised pretty evenly bilingual. If anything she struggled picking Portuguese back up when they pushed her into the foster system, might have stumbled and had some struggles due to how young she was when she was separated from it – I think of it like my dad who learned Spanish as a 2nd language, but he learned it from a 4yr old in Ecuador, so he sounded really like, infantile to everyone around him until he learned enough to talk to adults and get his shit together. Not the same degree since she was about 9 when her parents died, but I think Loba might have struggled along those lines.
-She has a hard time keeping good friends. She’s entered high society and does not regret it, but it can be a lonely existence; there are few people she can trust, and when it comes to romance it is rare and fleeting.
-Romance is doubly difficult because she wants a long-term connection with someone before she commits and has to really, really feel for them. So every potential romance is a deep investment that she does not make frequently, and if she gets burned in it she…she has trouble dealing with the emotions.
-Yeah just reiterating she has a hard time reading. She didn’t spend much time in school after her parents died when she was 9; she was in and out of it like she was in and out of foster homes until she was in 6th or 7th grade, when she really started taking off with her thieving stuff. She relied on charm, wit, and observation, and can read fast enough to read like, a sign, title, name, location, whatever, and is pretty good at skimming, but sitting down and reading paragraphs takes her a while.
-Like when she got a contract to join the Games she acted like she was being fashionably late turning it in with her signature but it actually just took her that long to read it.
-She can keep up with everyone socially and physically, but tends to stay quiet when she’s mingling with high society when the topic of education comes up. She can lie through her teeth just fine, she knows she’s smart and capable, but it always gives a little sense of intferiority, like she’s the little orphan girl crying in the street again.
-Has issues with being clingy. As in she doesn’t want to be clingy, but she kind of tends to hang on a little tight in a relationship, which works with the other hc on relationships.
-Jamie is kind of her only actual friend. Trust is required and hard to find. This gets better in the Apex Games, but it takes her a while to scrub off the instinctual mask and superficiality and like, talk to people.
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dippydots · 2 years
Eyyyy new MIA Mysfits part
The quartet resumed their journey the following morning. Edith once again didn't eat anything, letting the rest have more to eat. Robin looked at her uneasily. "You can have my granola bar," he offered. She shook her head. "I'm not hungry," she said. "Are y-you sure? Your sto-stomach's growling." She glared at him. "I'm not hungry," she reaffirmed. "O-ok I'll eat it," he said quietly, unwrapping it quickly.
Edith felt bad for being rude to Robin, well, only a little bit. But he clearly needed to eat more. She'd eat when they returned home. Her father would cook a nice, large meal; maybe some dessert too. Spaghetti and cherry pie sounded really good right now. Garlic bread would be good too, and maybe some strawberries too, and-. Her stomach growled loudly. "What was that?!" Edmund exclaimed, looking around fervently. "Nothing, Teddy," she mumbled. "Oh, uh, okay," he said unsurely. The quartet continued along, Edmund pretty much skipping. "So ho-how long until we find y-your uncle?"
"Good question!"
"He doesn't know what he's doing," Edith whispered. "Edith! You know that's not true! I planned out everything! Every last-." He suddenly stopped in his tracks, which caused the other three to as well. Edmund was looking ahead, and Edith felt a wave of panic wash over her. There was a large swarm of bees up ahead. Edmund was deathly allergic to bees. Edith remembered that last summer, they were all outside playing. Edmund had gotten near Edward's flowers, which bees were pollinating. One thing led to the other, and Edmund had gotten stung. If being stung wasn't enough, his skin had started to swell in other places aside from the sting, and his breathing had become hoarse. He was rushed to the hospital. Her brother almost died that day, all because of a small bee. Now there was a whole swarm of them, blocking their path. Edmund was trembling, and he was grasping one of his arms. "Teddy," she said, "we don't have to go through." He gulped. "N-no we have to, we've go-got no other ch-choice." He was starting to sound like their dad. "Teddy, please," Edith said again, but Edmund held his breath and ran across, covering his face with his arms. He tripped, and a slight crack could be heard as he fell on his arm. He yelped in pain, and upon hearing him, Edith ran across past the bees to his aid. "What happened?!" she asked, and she helped him sit up. "I fell, and my arm, i-it stings," he inhaled through his teeth. There was a tear in his sleeve. Maisie ran through the bees as well, and Robin followed suit in the same fashion as Edmund, although he didn't fall. "Roll up your sleeve." He rolled it up, and there was a big bruise and a thorn lodged in his arm. Edith winced. "What?" he asked. "Don't move."
"What ar-." Edith pulled the thorn out, making Edmund yelp. "Ow," he said quietly. "Here's a band-aid," Robin offered, and Edmund applied it to his arm. "Can you also take this out?" Maisie innocently asked, her eyes watering a bit. Edith's eyes widened. There was a bee stinger stuck in her arm. Edith hastily yanked it out, and examined her arm. Sure enough, her skin had begun to swell. "Oh gosh," Edmund said, "this is my fault, I'm sorry," he said quickly. "It's ok, it only hurts when you," Maisie grimaced as Robin poked it, "touch it."
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tiny-banana-time · 2 years
Stardust and moon for the ME ask meme? 🥰
Stardust - What kind of clothes do they usually wear off-duty? (sporty, elegant or specific clothes like sweatpants, jeans etc)
Jay likes comfortable and functional. Half the time he's off-duty he's still in fatigues, since that's basically all he's worn since he was 16. Otherwise it's gym shorts or jeans, t shirts or basic long-sleeves, and flannels or hoodies. Going straight from the Farm to the Alliance's biotics program didn't give him much opportunity to expand his fashion preference lol.
With enough encouragement from Kaidan after he retires, his closet might get a little more adventurous. Plus he would rock a leather jacket, let's be real.
Moon - Did your Shepard have any dreams as a child? (dream job, plans for future etc)
Eyyyy this is one of the ones I didn't have an answer to. Okay, let's see…
I think he definitely wanted to travel: Earth, other colonies, beyond, wherever. As he got old enough to really comprehend that Mindoir was his home, but not his home planet, it helps put things into context for him. So yeah, he wants to see where he comes from. Where his parents came from.
While he enjoyed working around the farm with his parents, he was never quite sold on 'taking over the family business' or anything. Maybe eventually, but teen Jay wanted exploration and excitement first, adventures outside of Mindoir and experiences outside the norm. Probably got a little more than he bargained for 😬
I don't know that he ever had a dream job growing up 🤔 He's always loved animals and nature, so he probably had a veterinarian phase until he learned what all it entailed. (Heh - tailed…) I might have to stew on that one longer.
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bardly-working · 3 years
quickreacts to CritRole c3ep14
yeah wow I watched this one REAL late. Started watching it live and had to stop, didn’t finish until today. it’s been a rough week y’all
Spoilers below the non-spoiler pic!
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Goddammit Matthew Mercer why do you keep giving these aggressive, violent, scary enemy NPCs so much sexual energy, holy shit
c’mon, Matt, you’re doing this on purpose
Okay, no weapons, okay.  This guys probably a goddamn werewolf blood hunter, but okay…
“You throw the first punch”  ITS A TRAP THATS ALWAYS A TRAP
Marisha: “I just want ‘em to kiss so bad”  I’d like to thank the CR ladies for saying what we’re ALL thinking in this fight
Fuck.  Our boy’s gonna die 😅 ...oh thank Aeor for FCG!
Can confirm: staying in accent when you’re surrounded by different accents is real difficult
Oh my god Travis is just... the glory hole jokes I cannot I love this
Matt/Eshteross: “I think we should just keep our ears open” Ashley/Fearne: <flips her low deer ears up and I’m in love>
Lorelai de Rolo what the FUCK Marisha
Can I just say that I fucking love everything about Marisha’s incredible Norma Desmond schtick as Laudna, I adore her
Like, goddamn, is she not just the most 🥰
fuck fuck fuck fuck Ashton’s getting interrogated JUST DENY IT
You have like 2 different possible connections to fey shit (both Fearne and whatever “weird fucking fey chaos magic” Milo used on you) you can use as an excuse for having, say, some knowledge of a creepy Archfey dude.  Or even just, y’know, a nightmare of him!!!
Dude, you DIDN’T destroy the tower!  Don’t act like you did! NOOO ugh
Sam/FCG: “Were you lying?” Ashley/Fearne: “Well I was gonna take a little bit of a detour“ I love Ashley so fucking much.  And I love that she ans Ashton are both such bad liars.
Dorian you are so fucking awkward, I ador[ian]e you.
dude this is the worst game of telephone ever I fucking love it
Robbie: “As we’re walking to the potty-” Travis: “The potty...” Robbie: “I have children!!” I love Travis and Robbie’s banter so much.
FUCK wait welp they got the guards killed
This is what we get for calling the guards, I guess
Eyyyy combat here we go, Dugger 2.0: Fashion Edition!
DAAAAAMN ROBBIE!  Yknow I never thought College of Swords was anything decent, saw it as an inferior version of College of Valor, but damn, Blade Flourish is legit!
Wow, so Laura said “so you’re gonna stick it in her, pull it out, stick it in her, pull it out, and then stick it in the other guy?” without even smiling?! (Bonus points to Travis for “well yeah, I mean, he is a bard.”)
Ashley: Natural 20. <hoooowwwwwls!> (she is so cute I cannot) Laura: HOWDY DURRDY DURR! HOWDY DURR DURR DE!! (it wasn’t a HDYWDT but it was adorable)
Oh my god the way Liam describes combat is always so fantastic.
Travis and Robbie both just being huge fans of Liam/Orym, and they BOTH just start doing those quick little imaginary dagger moves, it’s adorable.
“she’ll help me” WHO? WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHOMST
FUCK she got away... hooo.... they’re going to get blamed for this--OH SHIT THAT OTHER GUARD’S ALIVE HE’S GONNA VOUCH FOR THEM THANK GOODNESS
Dorian and Laudna’s friendship is just... perfection. I love it. Laudna: How do we look? How do we look? Dorian: You look amazing as always. Laudna: <wiping his sleeve> You’ve got some, like, goop here. Dorian: Yeah, okay. Game face, game face, everything’s normal, go down and up and then-- Both: <look down, look up> And... ‘Ah!’ <Pose!> Me: <wild applause, tears, bravo>
Fuuuuuck Cyrus what the fuck have you gotten yourself into.
Dorian and Imogen’s friendship is just... a disaster.  I love it. Robbie/Dorian: I’m gonna break for the door. Laura/Imogen: Are you telling anyone that you’re leaving or are you just... R/D: No. L/I: Cool. Cool. We’re the worst group.
oh no oh god oh no oh god oh cyrus you motherfuck oh no oh
Marisha/Laudna: “ughafhamnhunl DARKNESS! <looks at Matt> Wait, what were you about to say, first? “ 😂Relatable moment.
oh no the gnome noticed oh no the gnome is gonna--
No Laudna, fucking do not draw attention to yourself right now, Vali saw YOU as a ghost at the tower, he’s gonna remember you more than anyone...
Wow they are suddenly making up for all their shit rolls earlier...
All Guards Are Bastards Except One
Sam/FCG: “I’ve got a mask on! No one will remember me!” (I love this lil robit)
Taliesin/Ashton: “Closest [guard] on the way out, I make eye contact: ‘Great party,’ and I tip a gold coin.” (bless this punk rock)
oh no... Eshteross is mad 🥺 OwlBearDad plz don’t be mad
Dorian: “So your bounty... was for falsely stealing from a Mahaan house... and you thought the best way to pay it off was to... actually steal from another Mahaan house.” Me: You TELL ‘im, Dorian!
Oh FUCK me, the Green Seekers thought he blew up the tower... which this crew did not do, but was involved in... fuck.  Someone must have remembered seeing Dorian.  Blue guy in fancy ass clothes is fairly memorable.
Cyrus: “[I was] the new kid without any sort of known rap, really... aside from the bounty... actually, no, I’m real bad at this, I’m so sorry.” Me: ...Oh Cyrus, you’re too dumb and cute for me to stay mad. <3
House Wyvernwind: We’re Real Bad At This, We’re So Sorry.
oh no it’s happening, oh no
I already got spoiled for this but Fearne’s immediate “wait wait wait wait,” and Orym’s “No, wait, I don’t know that that’s necessary” just.. <lip quiver>
I... oh FCG kicking the floor with his lil legs😭
Dorian spent so much time trying to get away from who he was and get away from his family, even though he’s said he loves his family.  Maybe... maybe he needs this time to reconcile who he really is with where he comes from.  Integrate these two parts of himself so he can just honestly say that he’s Dorian Storm without it feeling like a fake name.
Imogen: [about the name> I mean we are a bunch of hellions! Chetney: We raise hell! Laudna: And we killed Bertrand! <big smile> This fucking ending has me sad laughing and happy crying, I swear.
Ashton: “Here’s to Dorian, who’s leaving us for his stupid brother. what the fuck is up with that?!”  Love him.
I love how much the whole cast ships both Dorym and ExU Trio.
Robbie: "I'm gonna try to sing a little song for these guys" Laura: "...are you gonna sing it?!" Robbie: "NO!" XD
Yeah, as someone with Huge Bard Energy, that is such a mood.
“I would never forget you.” 🥺 oh Fearne
Halfling hug and forehead kiss <3
Bravo, Robbie Daymond It’s only been 14 episodes (okay sort of 22) how am I so emotional about this!?!?!
Dorian spent so much time trying to get away from who he was and get away from his family, even though he’s said he loves his family.   Maybe... maybe he needs this time to reconcile who he really is with where he comes from?  Integrate these two parts of himself so he can just honestly say that he’s Dorian Storm without it feeling like a fake name.  He has his brother’s acceptance and support, but having his brother by his side for a while might... I dunno.  Make it all feel less like a dirty secret.
Maybe this’ll be good for him.
What a performance from all of them.  Hot damn, the CR cast and crew, tho.
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