perikiro · 2 months
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My fave piece I did for artfight this year!! 🐰🩷 (Character belongs to Ezaria on AF and Toyhouse)
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
ISRAEL REALTIME — war updates
— HUGE ROCKET BARRAGE from GAZA… Tel Aviv and surrounds, including the airport. (1:30 PM) — HIT, Petach Tikva, causing damage and a fire - no injuries.
— TELEGRAM INCITER ARRESTED… East Jerusalem channels report that Eyad Abu Damos, a resident of Ezaria, who owns an extremely active Telegram channel with almost a million (!) followers, has been placed under administrative arrest in Israel. He often publishes inflammatory content against Israel.
— AID… Today - 12 aid trucks that included water, food and medical equipment. In Gaza, it is reported that since the beginning of the war, 74 trucks of humanitarian aid have entered the Strip (many of the double-trailer semis).
— TUBAS FIREFIGHTS (North East Shomron / West Bank)… Arab channels publishing videos (not shared here) of 2 hour firefights with IDF.
— ECONOMY, G-CITY… The business space company informed its tenants that the rent for the month of October will be charged based on the revenue of the businesses, and that at this stage no charge will be made for the month of November.
— DEPUTY FINANCE MINISTER… MK Waldiger of Religious Zionism resigns from her position to focus on her area of ​​expertise - mental rehabilitation. Requests to transfer the budget of her office to the war effort.
— JUSTICE & INTERIOR MINISTERS SAY… "In view of the war, it was agreed to immediately advance legislation that would see the execution of terror actions or incitement, as an aggravating circumstance for the purpose of denying citizenship or residency.”
— US BASES ATTACKED… US bases in Syria and Iraq repeatedly attacked over the last 24 hours, 20-30 soldiers injured (CNN), some evacuated to medical care in Germany. Most recent attack: 12:45 PM A rocket attack on the US airbase Al Shadadi located in northern Syria.
— DELAY ANALYSIS… (Arab Desk - 100% speculation with experience) Why does the US not respond? What is this waiting for defense systems? Answer: The US currently has forces that can deliver such a severe blow to both Syria and Iraq at the same time that they don't have to wait for anything. But it is better to wait for more equipment and more defensive and offensive systems to arrive, another two days or another week, the reaction can wait. The explanation is simple, once it starts it will be impossible to stop - better to have resources in place. Israel and the US are coordinated, neither side will surprise the other because either’s actions can trigger the greater region.
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beenovel · 1 year
Ok I think I've only posted about Pretty Little Liars on this blog once so y'all probably don't know this but for a while there I was obsessed with PLL. And tonight I need to talk about it
It is horrendous. It is the best show I have ever watched. It is a comedy romance drama mystery thriller soap opera. It is the worst thing I have ever seen in my life and it is Magnificent.
If I ever found out a relationship like Ezaria was happening around me in real life I would CallThePolicePutThatManInJail
Troian Bellisario, Actress, Goddess, she should have won an Emmy and a Tony and an Oscar for this performance.
The people who wrote this show should be investigated for something. For what, I don't know. Mental Illness. A serious case of Wattpad Writer Syndrome.
The reveals? Some of the best ever put on television. Some of them make Absolutely No Fucking Sense.
It is a Mess. It is a Masterpiece.
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chronicsyd · 5 months
Some Opinions I'll take to the grave:
Ezra Fitz was a groomer, and Ezaria was never cute
Klance is overrated
Stop making remakes, most (if not all) of them are cash grabs that have no heart or soul
Disney needs to take a step back and rework their ideas
The Secret Circle was underrated and shouldn't've been cancelled
Supernatural went on for Way too long
STOP asking for Iron Man or Capt. America back. their stories are done, let them tell new ones
the FNAF film was mid, not great, just mid
S4 of OUAT wasn't that bad, yall are just mad cause they put Elsa in
having romance just because isn't worth it
The Sims is just as much of a game as anything else is
Korra is a good character, yall are just blind sighted by hate/misogyny
That's all for now, I'll probably think of more later
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innsanex · 1 year
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18 , ezaria
(pinned isn’t finished💔)
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hurremsfirstchild · 3 months
For the addicted to you verse…I am going to be honest when I tell you that I only like Loren in that whole entire series.
Like let’s start with rose. A lot of yall too boldly say that Loren was mean to her. He always started fights then act as if rose is some victim now you know damn well she’s not?
Let’s start with this scene
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This woman literally WALTZ into their apartment without notice and then demanded respect?? and im not even telling you that Loren was innocent because let’s face it they BOTH took digs but if we’re being honest, rose started everything. She literally admits to not liking Loren solely because she’s jealous of the attention he gets with Lily??
And what gets me the most is that her hatred for Loren really blinds her. I will never forget the scene where Loren literally feels worried that Daisy a MINOR was modeling half naked and you would think rose, who wants to be there for her sisters would take that as a chance to agree but nope, she uses that moment to take a dig on lo for being concerned about HER sister being GROOMED??
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like rose I promise you that your one sided beef can continue any other day.
And don’t come here with the “he triggered her OCD” and rose accused him of going back to being an alcoholic and DEGRADES him and you expected him to shake ass? Like this woman is always talking about the benefit of her sisters then goes ahead to say she likes ryke more than Loren?? ur sister is literally being GROOMED?!
Honesrly, I don’t hate rose that much, my hatred goes towards ryke. I’m sorry but if you in your 20s and ur defending raisy, you need to be watched cause I can understand if minors ship them like let’s look at Ezaria. And the fact that KBR do NOT shy away from making sure everyone knows the age gap says a lot.
The literally subtitle of daisy’s book is “she’s all grown up now” ryke from the beginning had always made sexual comments about daisy and im meant to ship them or think this shit is normal? Like I understand that it’s fiction and I wouldn’t judge for that but if you DEFEND those actions??
And even aside from ryke being a groomer, he is genuinely not a good person. How he treated lily over her addiction and the constant belittling that he does to her??
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Like ryke you are not funny, you’re just weird. and let’s not forget the whole all men lives matter speech because lily wanted to do a blowjob?? like please be genuinely so serious 🧐
Anyways, the only character that I like in this series is Lo
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maximalttigers · 11 months
This has been delayed but I finally have more profiles of characters for 'Hunted Butterfly. This time it will be grouped on characters from Salem's planet although I'm splitting it into two as there are more antagonists/neutrals on Salem's planet than anywhere else.
This post is focusing on the protagonists.
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First profile of this post is Alexandra Genov or more commonly known as Alex. He is one of Salem's closest allies as well as a well-known vlogger and free-lance photographer of his home planet, in fact he's got fans from outside his planet as Chiro is a fan of their work, I suppose in a way they're a form of 'idol'.
Alex is seen often around their home planet, but his usual places are Salem's cave, his dad's work, and some cafes. Since meeting the Hyperforce, Alex sometimes accompanies Salem on visits to Shuggazoom for his vlogs or just to see his newfound friends.  A note to add is that Alex is trans, born female and transitioning to male. Their 'new' name is their nickname which Alex is referred to as well as written with both he/him and they/them, it a personal preference for Alex that everyone uses. 
Alex is a very work driven but energetic person, finding information that is true while having fun. Alex is pretty much his father's copy as they act alike and have similar interests, Alex loathes his mother due to a lot of bad actions from her that she is still doing today. Alex is not easily scared or fazed due to the 'scary' things he saw as a kid, they're friends with Salem after all so he would naturally get used to it.  Alex didn't have a clue about the original Hyperforce team until he met them in the series; Alex only knew about Salem and the monkeys on Ezaria, they didn't really question it to be fair and only questioned when he felt was a relevant time.
Alex was created to show more characters Chiro's age and for me to explore more aspects of the LGBTQ+ community as I have never had a trans character before.
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Next is Salem's creator and one of the head scientists of his home planet; Dr Murad Iwasaki. He focuses on a range of areas in science as he couldn't pick which one he preferred.
Dr Iwasaki is a very introverted being, preferring to be left to his projects than interact with others but no one really stops him since it is what he prefers. He is usually seen in the lab part of Salem's cave as his home and occasionally in the royal labs for meetings with his fellow scientists.  He is one of the other individuals who worked with the Alchemist and Professor Dominic. Unlike Professor Dominic, he had an inkling of an idea about the project's true intentions since his home planet are very aware about Dark Ones and detected their energies from the Alchemist, despite this he became very invested in Salem's development. The full truth was shown to him by Professor Dominic after the said man 'snooped' into the notes, Salem at this point was infused with the DNA that he has now, and Dr Iwasaki had to do a lot of work to stabilise him. Dr Iwasaki never exactly claimed Salem as his son but still loved him as family so rightfully took him to protect him and hopefully stabilise his condition further.
Dr Iwasaki is a hardworking and dedicated man who, while having his blunt and sarcastic moments, is a very chill-going man with good humour and welcoming personality. He's well likeable by those around him despite his bad habit of overworking and neglecting himself clearly annoying others but that's because they care. He's seen a lot of things, so he's not so easily scared or fazed by the 'scary' things on his home plane, Dr Iwasaki has seen all of Salem's 'dark' moments and stayed with him throughout his episodes, so he is unfazed by things. Speaking of Salem, Dr Iwasaki was honest about his origins and potential abilities from the start, he hated the idea of lying about something so serious since he thought that the sooner Salem knew, the more time he has with learning how to control his abilities.  He's probably the oldest human character in the cast so he's not always going to be at the frontlines or be doing dangerous jobs without someone with him. Dr Iwasaki is honest with the fact that he has never been physically active, he was always healthy but was never into sports.
He may not be seen a lot in the story due to his general personality and personal focus on work. Dr Iwasaki was basically created as the other person who worked with Professor Dominic and the Alchemist.
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Next is someone who grew to become a personal favourite, Reynold Salem Nystrom Jr. or more commonly known by his nickname Rain; He is Salem's godson who has his middle name in honour of him. Rain is currently under a year old but has shown great promise in his future, this is due to him developing faster than the average baby since he is very smart and interestingly has some form of sensory tracking that Salem hopes that he develops more as he gets older.
Since he is a baby and has close connections to Salem, he usually at home with his mother within Salem's cave. His father isn't around sadly due to a tragic event that took his father's life while saving others, Rain was named after his father to honour him as well as give Rain another form of connection to the father since Rain looks like him. He is never referred to by his full name and is always called by his nickname to avoid confusion. 
Rain is an infant, so he is naturally naive and oblivious to his surroundings. However, that does not make him unintelligent, in fact he is highly intelligent for his age since he is learning how to talk (Although it isn't perfect as anyone just older than him) and has recently in the story started to crawl. He is still under a year old too.  
In recent days he has shown to be able to sense others through ‘Aura Tracking’ which is very impressive as neither of his parents have this ability, they had more spatial awareness than most people there is no denying that, but Rain has a more acute ability to sense others as he can easily find Salem. Although he has shown to be better at sensing more ‘darker’ auras since Salem is easy for him to find and occasionally, he can sense the rest of Hyperforce team when they are going through a negative emotion. There has already been plans made for Rain to learn how to control this ability better when he gets older, he would have Salem and/or Antauri teaching him. 
He is a lot more significant that originally intended, especially in terms of Salem's character and Chiro's family relations.
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Next is some we owe for Rain's existence; Mari (She was formally Winship before her marriage so her last name is Nystrom). She is an old friend of Salem so is one of his most trusted allies as well as the one who named Salem as Rain's godfather.
Mari is seen around Salem’s home planet with Rain by her side, she lives in Salem’s cave due to Salem’s personal fears of people going after her because of her connections to him. She has been working some small part-time jobs that consist of organising files for Alex’s dad (Who you will see soon), she doesn’t really work since she’s occupied with raising Rain. 
It's hard to not say that she wasn’t born to be a mother as she’s always had a mother vibe to her, even before Rain was born. Mari is a truly kind, patient and understanding woman who's compassionate and understanding nature make her easily approachable and in a way easy to befriend. It’s hard to anger her but Mari can hold her ground if needed and has had her rare moments of explosions which are scary calm furies, these moments can come about when someone is threatening or insulting any of her loved ones (Mari unleashed one of these on her own mother when the woman insulted Salem and her choice of Rain’s name). 
Mari’s strength mainly comes from her emotional capabilities that are just natural to her, she’s not really a fighter but does what she can to help by learning first aid and being the voice of reason when needed.
I really liked Mari and see her as a definition of what a strong motherly character is.
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Lastly for this post we have Cathan Genov, Alex's biological father and someone who is very experiences in his line of work. He is a photographer, journalist, photojournalist, and interviewer while also helping Alex with his vlog; His mission is to ensure that the public has the correct/true information about anything.
He is close ally and supporter of Salem where he has even gone so far that he works hard to keep a positive image on Salem, something the said monkey is a bit against as he personally doesn't care about his reputation.
While Alex is practically a copy of Cathan, the said man is a lot calmer and chill going while having his cynical moments and having moments where his instincts take over his logic. Despite him usually being a calm individual, Cathan can fall to violence when seriously angry especially when it comes to Alex as he is very protective over his child. 
Compared to most humans, he is armed with a firearm and may be the only one to always have it on him. Cathan’s job can get dangerous at times, so he has a weapon for self-defence purposes, he has never used it as offence/to intentionally harm anyone. If it does come to having be on the offence, Cathan knows self-defence, so he will be ok.
I felt that the show lacked in more human father figures so Cathan was my personal take on a human father figure while keeping a young concept as he is still young in a way. He was inspired by Frank West from the ‘Dead Rising’ franchise, his outfit is a form of homage to the character but with some personal changes to create individuality. 
In the series, there will be flashbacks to better explain all their stories and the events of the story that will better tell their characters.
I will reveal more about them at a later date.
I need to design and make the profiles for the more antagonistic/neutral characters.
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WEST BANK: Israeli forces arrest Palestinians, seize weapons during West Bank raid [PART MUTE]
Israeli soldiers arrested 10 Palestinian men in the West Bank during a raid on Wednesday, August 16. The Israel Defense Forces said five men were arrested in the city of Hebron and in the villages of Jabariat and Talat, and weapons and ammunition were seized during the operation. Another five Palestinians were arrested in the villages of Ezaria, Surda, Beit Fajar and Anta, IDF said, adding that…
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cptsdbaby · 3 years
i blame the romanticization of pll’s aria x ezra for one of the reasons i was an easy target for grooming, that show was targeted towards teens
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m-atilda · 5 years
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xboymoon · 5 years
Ezra & Aria|| ❤️
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haikyuutarot · 5 years
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Guest Artist #2
Please give it up for EZARiA UMiKO ( @ezaria-umiko-art ). our next Guest Artist! They are incredibly talented and a delight to work with!
Ezaria will be working on The High Priestess and Ace Of Wands!
Find Ezaria and the rest of the team here!
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Who kissed who?!
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misssarahbeau · 7 years
Ok so I'm rewatching the last season of Pretty Little Liars and I really don't understand why they wasted the whole season on the dumb Nicole being dead/not dead storyline when they could have done so much more with the Aria finding out she can't have kids storyline. Like don't get me wrong Ezra loosing Nicole and dealing with it was a really interesting route to go down, but her 'coming back' and him ditching his actual fiancée to be there for her all the time was ridiculous to watch.
Like the fertility storyline was such a missed opportunity for them, it was an opportunity for them to cover such an important subject that many couples actually go through on a daily basis. I can't believe they destroyed it as badly as they did and I'm pissed as hell that they wrote it as poorly as they did. Instead I had to watch a whole season of storyline that was pointless while a real issue was covered in less than five minutes
Just my thoughts obviously but I really wish they'd have explored the issue more instead of it being a throwaway comment that was covered so quickly
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Throwback Thursday
~Pretty Little Liars #13: Crushed by Sara Shepard
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Pretty Little Liars Finale
Okay gotta get this off my chest because people threatening Marlene and the actors are really starting to get on my nerves First off as was seen through the cast's posts on social media and snapchats etc etc TV episodes are filmed MONTHS before they air. And unlike movies TV shows don't get reshoots most of the time because after the pilot/first season they don't go to focus groups before the public the way movies do. So at no point ever had the story been changed due to a spoiler leaking no matter what is written on online. As for missing actors unfortunately that happens sometimes. Actors get contracts for other projects they agree to schedules and they can't get out of it. It sucks but it's an unfortunate truth of filming and theatre as a whole. Second off the CeCe reveal: it made a lot of sense as a mix of the direction the show went and the books. The books contained a neglected misunderstood DiLaurentis sibling being sent off to Radley which caused them to have bitter and angry feelings toward the family. This causes them to take over the game from Mona when her time as A ends (though Mona meets very different fates). The hurt sibling (who for clarity I will simply refer to as C as that is the common initial) returns to rosewood under a new name and manipulate their way into the Liars narrative. Later on C reveals themselves right before almost killing themselves and liars in an explosion. Back before the C reveal Marlene said that the twin theory was not off the table (as is now clear with Twincer). Someone who no doubt read the books snatched up the twin theory with C and Ali and the fandom ran with it on the internet. For CeCe specifically the switch from Charles to Charlotte and then choosing the name CeCe Drake is very understandable. If she was trans in a mental hospital she would have been given the hormones required to transition. Hollywood as a whole tends to make the casting decision to have some characters played by the gender the character had transitioned to so that it is a bigger more dramatic reveal (Law and Order SVU, Nip/Tuck and many others have done this as well I'm not saying I agree with this practice but that is a post for another day). Clues for CeCe's reveal were all over. Take Ravenswood: the mime Charlemange the Great. Charlemagne was a girls name until Prince Charles the Great of Germany was crowned king and took on the name making it male. Charlotte is a name derived from Charles. Also we saw CeCe getting up to some A antics long before the reveal (listening to Ezra and Aria in Ezra's apartment in a black hoodie). She references dolls all throughout her periods on the show and Melissa says no one is quite sure where CeCe came from. In Game Over Charles it was revealed that CeCe was allowed to go to UPenn the school Ali later got her kicked out of. Well if she (CeCe) had been blamed for Mrs. Cavanaugh's death the school would have no reason to doubt her pushing girl down the stairs. CeCe was the only one with an Ali mask besides A which was another clue. As for those who called her an "irrelevant character" at the time of the reveal she had been in 13 episodes. Wren had only been in 20 at the time. That is a 7 episode different making Wren just as irrelevant as her. The neglected CeCe made the most sense. Neglect mixed with obvious an dissociative disorder ("No one died did they?" - CeCe in "Game Over Charles") and other mental health issues (Note: being trans is not a mental illness) added to the obsession with her family would lead to these actions. Add in CeCe's talent for math and stats she made the most sense. Her escaping to England leads in to: The AD storyline: First off on the whole twin thing it actually makes a lot of sense that Jessica or Mary would give birth to twins being twins themselves. Twins or the children of twins have a 50-75% increase in the chance of becoming pregnant with twins. So Spencer being a twin makes sense. Secondly: Alex would have lived her live happily and never bothered the Liars if Wren hadn't found her. Then she learned that if she had just been the first born twin she could have had a wonderful (to her) life with parents and a sister and friends who loved her no matter what instead of being abandoned over and over. That kind of universal randomness can really screw with some people's heads, you see that after random acts of violence etc. Then Alex got what she wanted: a family. She had a family in Archer, Wren, and CeCe. Then Charlotte got sucked back into the game she lost her. When they caught CeCe she lost her for good then Mona killed her. She lost Archer when CeCe was put away. Later on she loses Wren because he begins to realize how screw up this is (your girlfriend asking you to shoot her so that she can pretend to be her identical twin to torture the twin and her friends can do that to a person). Alex was taken over by anger. She had a break with reality and believed she could really become Spencer (the whole twin thing makes me think Alex may have had borderline personality disorder which can cause inappropriately close relationships with friends, abandonment issues, lashing out and the want to be someone else specifically). Then we learned all the weird shit Spencer had done this season wasn't Spencer at all. It wasn't bad writing we just weren't looking deeply enough. And the way Toby figured it out is actually very smart. Horses are animals who can sense energy like no other. Horses become used to the energy one exerts and it doesn't matter if you look like the person they are used to (because horses have shit eyesight and it gets worse the closer you get to them) if you don't have the exact same energy they will spook (I have some experience with this my best friend is an identical twin. He is very comfortable around horses but his brother is not. The horses get spooked when the uncomfortable one comes near them and tries to touch them but relax when the comfortable tries). Horses are prey animals so their default setting is nervous and they are very aware of their surroundings. Add in the book he had seen Spencer writing in not having notes and there you go. (For those saying "it wasn't her vagina either" that's not how that works at all). And they showed that Mona was always Mona. She was obsessed with the game so she found a way to keep it going with her beau "arresting" them and setting up a new doll house Last part of my rant: The ships Can't we just be happy all the wanted loved ships sailed? Like come on how often does that happen? I never thought Emison would happen because Ali had been so manipulative to Emily throughout the series. Ezaria: Listen I have a unfortunate history with predatory relationships. Age, status etc etc doesn't immediately make the relationship predatory. Should Ezra have dated Aria while she was his student? No. But just because he did does not make him immediately a predator. Yes he made a stupid choice with the book but so has LITERALLY EVERY OTHER CHARACTER. Pretty Little Liars exists because they don't think their actions through they think it'll all be okay or they act when they are scared. As for the pregnancy thing: Some times unfortunately that is a real deal breaker and people break off engagements for it. So of course Aria was scared and guys don't always understand what goes through a woman's head when they find that out. A lot of women don't understand either. It's a complex personal thing. In the end Aria decided she could look past the book thing. Ezra decided he could look past the times she had lied too and they got married. It's fine. I think they tied up a lot of loose ends very nicely. We had all our questions answered even if you didn't like the answers they were there so it's all fine. Okay rant over.
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