#face your maker
andyxphantom · 8 months
i really miss the windbreaker, spinkick/cartwheel, crowdkill your homies, slow breakdowns and super downtuned deathcore from 09' to the early mid 2010s decade or so, and also those bands promoted in breakdown compilation videos or that old chugcore blogspot
good times
keep staying br00tal in the year of 2024 my friends
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gammija · 4 months
musing about what a translation of the silt verses would sound like and immediately running headfirst into the problem of whether and how to translate 'Sister Carpenter'
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lskamil27 · 11 months
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twirls my hair, soooooo... I opened up a Patreon, guys. Finally.
There is only one tier, and it's $3 to hover around me in a circle and stare me down as I hunch over my game and make progress
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Believe and get results
hi queens! Im back to continue with the blog and explain this so get a nice snack and relax
Oki so im going to be completely honest, to get results you need to stop thinking as a victim
you are just the victim of yourself and you also have the power to stop that !
Guess what, no one is doing it for you you’re the only one that has the power to do it or not, you also have to choose if you will continue “trying” or just think dang it im not going to let this shit win.
My experience
So i was manifesting my ideal face a while ago and I remember it was 2 a.m. and i went to the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror and i just thought damn I have two choices, I can just go back to bed and wonder what went wrong for 3 days and start over again just like always or go back to bed knowing im doing it right and i already have my desire and when I realized that I just did something I had never done before I was so proud of myself and im not gonna lie I thought about it for 3 hours LOL and when I went to the bathroom again and saw myself I saw someone beautiful (from the outside) and just thought to myself “this is a process and you’re doing it great” but this took me almost 2 years to do LIKE LMAO and this takes us to our next point.
Some people can actually control their feelings and continue with their manifestation and some others need some time
Some people do not care that much about their desires and some others are so obsessed, how to get rid of that? Okay so this might not be what you expected but time is the solution, think about whatever you want to think even if its about not having your desires try to slowly control your feelings and know how to calm down.
Okay but does it take long ?
The time can vary depending of how much u desire something, it took me one year and a half but it might take you a week, a month or 5 years or maybe more or maybe it could be in 10 minutes who knows!! But how to know you already got detached? You will know when you’re able to continue with your manifestation even if you see no results, having a better confidence and loving yourself more than ever. Its not about changing your manifesting methods, it’s about beating the situation <3
Just remember I love ya so muuuuuuch 🤍
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amiharana · 2 years
what do you guys think revali and link's love languages are?
for revali, it's absolutely words of affirmation but i'd also like to propose quality time as his "secret" love language. nobody wouldn't expect this stuck up birdie to be a sucker for doing things like flying together or napping in a hammock together, but once you think about it more, it makes more sense. and revali's arrogance and irritation are significantly quelled after getting back from a training session at the flight range or fishing in the hebra plunge with link.
for link, it's most certainly physical touch and i propose his "secret" one as acts of service. i love the headcanon that rito "kiss" by pressing their foreheads together and nuzzling each other or whatever, but i think link is the #1 rito kiss enthusiast. at this point, everyone in rito village has seen link on his tiptoes cupping revali's face in his teeny little hylian hands to initiate a rito kiss and revali's squawking and complaining, but ultimately returns the gesture much to link's delight.
i love the idea of revali braiding and doing hair maintenance on link as part of their nightly routine, or link looking for his weapons because where the fuck did they go until he finds revali in their shared roost, polishing his shields and retying his bow strings, all of his quivers fully stocked of regular and elemental arrows. revali is still quite bristly and blunt, so he's all mumbling embarrassed at being caught doing something sweet for his mate like, "it's incredibly dumbfounding that they still call you the hero of hyrule when your idea of weapon maintenance is sliding your blades against a rock like a bokoblin" or "i see now why you go through bows within a moon as quickly as you eat. you aren't changing your bow strings out and you're just using them until they snap! were i any less disturbingly infatuated with you, i'd dissolve our coupling for such atrocious behaviors." link just smiles at him, fond and warm, and any irritation revali feels dissipates into the air as he returns to the weapons, his feathers ruffling and muttering under his breath.
oop. now i feel like writing fic for this. 😳
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whhopdidoop here you go 🚀 sending love <333
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districtsof-treason · 8 months
day 599 of searching for a gif of just Eddie walking back to the table from this scene
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it awakened something in me and has become my religion
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bigkickguy · 10 months
Have u played canto 5? Its v good
I have seen some screenshots! Some of the character designs look so cool!!! and I'm excited to see what the story is about cause Ishmael is so interesting to me! I want to know what her deal is!!! I'm not playing the game unfortunately since I what happened with how the company treated some workers really sucked. I work in the games industry too, so the idea that someone would fire / bribe a resignation of a coworker or me over something someone on the internet said is so insane to me. Especially how stupid the pinching hand gesture call is, like its crazy. I can't get over it personally haha. It could also just be the worlds worst handling of public messaging too? But having worked too many places weird shit like this happens - I don't trust like that not without some kind of external proof. I am on the fence on if I will play again or not! It really depends on how the investigation will go if they end up doing one! I love the world and the characters and I still think it is the best mobile game I've ever played!! But it's much harder for me to enjoy the themes now knowing what the company chose to do or not do in real life. So I am holding off watching the chapter for now - if I do end up feeling alright playing the game again I think it will be fun to play through an experience the story as I play it! And if I do I'll probably scream and get all excited over it then! But if I decide not to play again I'll probably just watch it at some point!
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astrangerlately · 2 years
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theonewiththevampires · 2 months
Looking through V5's coterie types and I've invented a new one; the nursery. You and your mates were all embraced roughly around the same time and sometimes Mama needs a night off so your makers arrange this nice playgroup for you.
Advantage: Mawla (whichever childe-sitter is on duty)
Flaw: You are baby. On the upside, older kindred would rather not harm you (and have to deal with a pack of upset makers), on the downside no one takes you serious and you get shooed away when the 'grown ups are talking'.
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myownjadedpieceofmind · 10 months
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A moment of "I feel cute" coupled with decent lighting from the kitchen window left for decent photos.
I think I found a reason not to cut the long part of my hair off. I haven't found any reason not to keep shaving my undercut, so it stays. Will be better when it comes time for them to cut a hole in my head- less traumatic if I'm not having my head shaved atop having my brain cauterized.
I know yall are Christmas shopping, so I'd like to offer up a suggestion- support your friends businesses this year. They need your help. So many of the small businesses and artists or creators that I know have been struggling to afford day to day life and are likely not going to have a holiday at all thanks to the economy.
Instead of supporting the businesses that don't care about their business ethics or their employees- spend your money purchasing gifts that come from the people you know and help them have a Christmas too.
Make sure you check out my store to see all the available stock! Remember : all pieces are one of a kind and made from recycled and repurposed copper wire and gemstones. Once a piece is sold, there will not be another made the same.
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
I really struggle with Pearl I just cannot put to words how unlikeable she is and how incomprehensible the choice to make your protagonist this way. Like I'm not asking for her to not be villainous I'm asking for her to be sympathetic, which she isn't. Her selfishness is so blatant and annoying sure her mother was mean but she was 70% right about all she said. Like even in the ending which I already expressed is awful bc it's tell not show and it comes out of NOWHERE (like the baby thing, tell me that isn't bewildering from a storytelling point) she is just thinking of what SHE can't have and what SHE can't be completely ignoring everything else going in the world like I don't know THE FUCKING PANDEMIC LEAVING PEOPLE QUADRIPLEGIC AND THE WAR WHICH IS DOING THE SAME PROBABLY TOO. I get it's because her isolation but christ alive girl that's no excuse. Think of someone who isn't yourself for once I hate this woman I hate this movie I genuinely don't get it.
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downfallofi · 1 year
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I never post selfies anymore and I should
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veloriium · 9 months
i think owning a waffle maker would save me
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ozcarr · 9 months
The cats have been so profoundly terrible lately that every time I hear a noise above a certain decibel, I assume the worst, so I'll fucking burst out of the room half asleep at top speed to find out what they just broke. But twice in a row now, it's just been my wonderful roommate who's had to watch me just fucking lunge at her in the middle of the night like an analog horror creature wearing old navy Halloween limited edition underwear
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florshedworf · 5 months
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this avatar creator highkey sucks
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