#facial markings
siashicat · 2 years
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!▪°~nya nya~°▪! .{artist}.
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chai-artsy · 2 years
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TMNT 2003 facial markings
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s4y4ishere · 10 months
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Sho....the goth ninja boy
Summer of remakes....original: sketch from when im on highschool
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wreckerslula99 · 11 months
The Styling of Live-Action Ahsoka Tano
I have many thoughts about the styling of Ahsoka Tano in the Mandalorian (for now, we will be ignoring the Ahsoka trailer's & show's existence, just to make it easier to focus on one thing and because the Ahsoka show isn't out yet either), so I will be going through these thoughts here.
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DISCLAIMER: I have no issue with the casting, I think Rosario does a good job at portraying Ahsoka as an adult in a live action show! I think she fits the character so well, acting wise, feature wise and voice wise etc.! This is solely about the styling, mainly about the make-up and the headtails and stuff like that, and not the clothes.
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Picture 1: Ahsoka is 14 (s1-2 of Clone Wars + the movie) Picture 2: Ahsoka is 15-16 (s3-5 of Clone Wars) Picture 3: Ahsoka is 17-18 (s7 of Clone Wars) Picture 4: Ahsoka is 33 (Rebels) Picture 5: Ahsoka is 45 (Mandalorian)
As you can see, throughout the different seasons and shows, Ahsoka ages and grows. Her clothes change, she gets taller, her face grows more mature, but something else that changes are her lekku & montrals (+ the markings on those) and her facial markings. Let's ignore the live-action Ahsoka from Mandalorian for a second, and focus on her evolution in animation.
Ahsoka's lekku go from being just past her shoulders, to down to her stomach / past her ribs. Her montrals go from barely visible to tall and pointy. The markings on her lekku & montrals grow thinner and more intricate with time, which is a bit hard to tell up until Rebels, but this is a fact supported by Tales of the Jedi:
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Ahsoka (1 year old) in Tales of the Jedi.
As you can see, the markings on her headtails are thick and clunky, no real detail to them. While you're already looking at this picture, take a look at her facial markings. We'll get to those in a second.
Another reference picture for the lekku & montrals growth +the markings on them:
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Ahsoka as a young child.
Her lekku are already growing larger, and you can see her lekku markings, as well as her facial markings, starting to take form.
Speaking of her facial markings, you can see how they go from being mere dots on her face, to rough outlines, to continuing to become larger and more detailed and intricate the older she grows. By season 7 of Clone Wars, you can see the marks on her cheeks starting to pull out more towards her cheekbones, which we see the full result of in Rebels.
So, having just discussed these facts about Togruta biology, how they age and grow, it's time to question the live-action version of Ahsoka.
Why are her lekku the same size when she's supposed to be 45, as they were when she was 15? Why are the marks on her cheeks so small and oddly thin? Why do the marks on her lekku/montrals make no sense? Why are her montrals the same size as when she was 17-18, but they're sagging backwards?!
It's no secret that Disney doesn't care much about continuity, but this is so lazy.
"Well it would be hard for her to do stunts etc. if she had longer lekku!" 1. How do you know that? 2. Is Disney not a multi-billion corporation with access to world class prosthetics and CGI? If they wanted to, they could. If they wanted to, they would. 3. So much harder problems have been solved in films throughout the times. They did it with Shaak Ti in episodes II and III. They did it with Twi-leks back in the 80's! "It's a completely different medium! You can't expect her to look like an ANIMATED character!" 1. I don't, that's why I'm not shaking my head complaining about how her eyes aren't as big as the animation (lol). 2. It's not so much about "animation accuracy", more like universe accuracy? This is how a Togruta ages. This is how their lekku/montrals and markings grow. This is fact and also raises an important question of continuity. If it didn't matter, why would they go through the trouble of showing her markings and lekku/montrals slowly growing the older she gets? "Maybe she's a sub-species of Togruta." 1. A sub-species where her lekku grow and grow down past her ribs, then suddenly when she reaches the age of 45 they shrink back up to the same length they were when she was 15? Ah, yes, this makes plenty of sense... 2. Stop making excuses for Disney?? They're just lazy, cosplayers do a better job than they do at most of the live action adaptions of previously animated characters (Hera Syndulla? Need I say more...). 3. Referencing Shaak Ti's appearance real quick, we know Ahsoka and Shaak are both Togruta, but Shaak's facial markings are quite different from Ahsoka's. This could be because she's older than we ever see Ahsoka (until live-action...), or also maybe because of VARIATIONS in species. There are so many different coloured togrutas, with so many different looking facial markings. But their lekku and montrals all grow about the same, even if their shapes differ slightly here and there. (See: Ahsoka's family from Shili and the people of Kiros. Don't act like Ahsoka and Shaak Ti are the only Togruta we've ever seen in Star Wars.) "They kept her facial markings simple to make it easier to touch up on the make-up and to do it every day of filming, several times a day etc.!" 1. Have you seen Jennifer Lawrence get into her prosthetics & make-up for Mystique (X-Men)? Dave Bautista for Drax (Guardians of the Galaxy)? Karen Gillian for Nebula (Guardians of the Galaxy)? Jamie Campbell Bower for Vecna (Stranger Things)? Jim Carrey for the Grinch? Oscar Isaac for Apocalypse (X-Men: Apocalypse)? This is such a weak argument lmao. 2. Stencils...? Temporary tatoos...?
It just sucks that with all the technology we possess nowadays, Disney can't even do something remotely as good as we've already seen in Star Wars movies before??? Like, 1-6 were all masterpieces. They were beautiful, things looked real and accurate and had so much afterthought put into every little thing. It was a passion project. But now, it feels like it's all only about the money, which is why they're putting out shows right and left. Don't get me wrong, I love how much content we are getting, but it gets frustrating when they don't put full effort into it. It's clear they're only doing it to earn more money, and not to keep telling the stories of characters fans have grown to love. If they cared about that, they would care enough to make the characters accurate to Star Wars lore.
Notable mention: Shaak Ti was 40 years old when her lekku were all the way down past her hips and her montrals were larger than her head. She was also in both Star Wars Episode II and III, and she had her lekku & montrals animation (togruta biology) accurate! And she still fought with them. And this was in the very early 2000's.
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Ahsoka was 5 years older than Shaak Ti was (when she died) in Mandalorian and her lekku were literally tiny. Her montrals as well, and even worse, they were sagging backwards so bad.
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Also, why are her lekku so flimsy??? Do they know lekku are organic matter............ which is heavy.......... not saying they wouldn't move at all in the wind, but that much...?
God, Rosario is so beautiful though, it's such a shame. It would've been so cool to see a new era of Ahsoka, to see how her lekku and montrals would've continued to grow in the 12 years between Mandalorian and Rebels, as well as her facial markings. I just feel like it's so painfully obvious that it's a headpiece, especially with the way it looks like the brown headband/headpiece is squeezing her???? It just looks so odd. Very disappointing.
Feel free to tell me your thoughts! <3
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kagrenacs · 1 month
IDK, my immediate reaction to official Nerevar is mild distaste. I thought it was interesting that there was very little depiction of Nerevar that wasn't heavily stylized and certainly nothing free from Tribunal Temple propaganda. He was this faceless unmatchable "hero" whose visage is endlessly copied, but not truly remembered. Everyone respects Nerevar as a saint, but who was he as a person? Also he looks like John Cena
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bolithesenate · 3 months
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because I always make true on my threats I don't
Mortis-arc adult Ahsoka because I love her, she is my wife that went to war and never returned 😢
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engagemythrusters · 3 months
do togrutas see more colours than humans. do you think. or what about twi'leks do you think they see the same. what about nautolans. what about--
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canisalbus · 7 months
Okay I just realised this but Vasco's two moles under his eyes reminded me of this old saying that two moles directly under the eyes mean you get bad luck in relationships. Intentional or not, this detail is a nice little easter egg to his relationship with Machete and any he had beforehand!
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foolsocracy · 1 year
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siashicat · 2 years
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!▪°~nya nya~°▪! .{artist}.
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httyd-art-requests · 5 months
Would you consider blessing us with a Typhoomerang 🥺🥺 pweatiest of pweases with chewwies on top 🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺 lol, in all seriousness your art is a blessing to the eyes of the planet and I might create a religion around it ❤️
Aw shucks //^^// No need for drastic measures.
But seriously, thank you so much! And thank you for the request!! I may have gone a little bit overboard with the design, but it felt right for this dragon
Dragon #21 - Typhoomerang
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(Bet you guys thought I wouldn't do a dragon today ey?)
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onii-onahole · 2 months
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latenightsundayblues · 6 months
A little doodle of a charmless man.....
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He knows his claret from his beaujolais, ill tell ya THAT much
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F1 Midweek Report, 8th Sept 2015
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moeblob · 6 months
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The downside to playing Birthright that I think about a lot is I don't get Nyx. I love her and I love pairing her with someone available in all routes BUT SHE HERSELF ISNT IN ALL ROUTES (as a recruit). So here's a doodle of lament because I really like the cursed old murderer. :c
I actually enjoyed a fair amount of her supports from what I recall (which isn't much).
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cherrytraveller · 1 year
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went on another short sketching spree with the so-shaped! gang
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