blackestnight · 4 years
9. What is something that would break them emotionally? Love that angst, for both gals (:
for hanami: being forced to raise a hand against a person she loves. again. she might make joking, increasingly elaborate threats when she’s embarrassed or annoyed, but that’s just for show. she’s well aware of what a fuzzy line she toes on the metaphorical moral alignment chart, what with all the extrajudicial “justice” she serves, and she certainly doesn’t give a shit about being a bastion of goodness or anything like that, but she has some very firm lines and that is one of them. as far as she’s concerned, the second she raises her sword with intent to harm her loved ones--even in self-defense, which is why the concept of tempering still terrifies her--she will have lost the right to love them. 
you can imagine what a fun time she had in a certain 5.3 duty.
for sjanna, it would be failing to protect someone she’s taken under her guardianship. not just losing them--she’s outlived many friends, and will outlive many more; it’s a curse of her longevity--but being responsible for their safety and not upholding that bargain. it’s part of the reason she took up healing arts. she literally got herself exiled from her homeland because she would rather save lives than protect institutions, which is why she’s recently taken up work with lente’s tears to help smuggle dalmascan spies through imperial territory. she hasn’t lost one yet--she dreads the day she will, because she’s lived long enough to know that if you roll the dice too many times, they will come up wrong.
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
To the Beat
Are we ready for the most self-indulgent thing I've written yet? I am!
Modern high school AU where the teen squad is in marching band. Of course F!Teen!WoL x Alisaie!
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bard-of-light · 3 years
Ethereal Vibe; Mehna Nuwu
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(all eyes are always fixed on you every time you enter a room. no matter what colour your wings are, you embody that colourful aura and everyone is drawn to you. you may not be one for too many words, but your eyes convey many feelings with just one look. be a little obsessed with yourself, I promise you it's ok)
Tagged by @kich-rp. Thanks for tagging me!
Tagging: @faeluria @smoking-serpent @jessilynse
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jessilynse · 3 years
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Tagged by @faeluria , it turned out not half bad!
Tagging @lavenderleblanc
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deathflares · 4 years
» layers upon layers: shiori
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I was tagged by @wind-up-mayru! Thank you so much for the tag and sorry it took me so long to do it, it’s been a busy week (’:
I’ll unfortunately not be answering all of those IC like all of you cool people because I don’t really roleplay and don’t trust myself to not be terrible jdhdfsk
Name: Shiori Minami, birth name Shiori Kensaki
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Style/Color: White, long and straight. Usually wears it loose or at most tied up in a ponytail.
Height: 152cm / 5'0"
Clothing Style: Does Not Like Pants™ lmao, mostly dresses and skirts, particularly fond of thigh highs, be it stockings or boots. Neutral colours usually, though you might find some red and blue in her wardrobe at times.
Best Physical Feature: Probably her hair—it’s a very pretty colour with a silky and glossy texture, quite striking at a first glance. She’s very particular about taking care of it. 
Your Fears: Abandonment is definitely the biggest one, followed closely by failure. Less abstract ones include spiders and rats.
Your Guilty Pleasure: Baking on her free days and just eating the entire tray by herself.
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: People trying to get into her good graces to ask for favors or anything of the sort—she really hates any sort of “ingenuine kindness”, so to speak. If you need something, she’d rather you come out and say it instead of trying to appease her. She’s used to, well, being used, but she doesn’t like feeling like she was tricked into believing someone genuinely cared for her feelings or her wellbeing when all they wanted was to get something out of her.  
Your Ambition for the Future: Her biggest one would be burning all of Garlemald to the ground, but that’s not very Warrior of Light-y, so she’d probably keep it a secret lmao. Other than that, just eventually being done with her duty and being able to settle down, maybe travel the world not as an adventurer but just a sightseer.
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: How much longer she can lounge about in bed and not be late for whatever business she has that day
What You Think About the Most: She spends far too much time thinking about every possible thing that could go wrong in the near future...
What You Think About Before Bed: Usually about how many hours of sleep she would get if she could fall asleep right now, then failing to do so.
You Think Your Best Quality Is: Her resourcefulness. 
Single or Group Dates: Single
To be Loved or Respected: She believes anyone that loves her would also respect her, so there shouldn’t be a need to pick.
Beauty or Brains: Brains
Dogs or Cats: She loves both, but cats tend to not be very fond of her, much to her dismay.
Lie: By omission, quite often—usually about her emotions and/or wellbeing. 
Believe in Yourself: She tries to.
Believe in Love: Honestly? Yes. She’s quite the romantic, actually, but you definitely wouldn’t be able to tell.
Want Someone: (:
Been on Stage: Yes! She’s grown shy about it across the years, though.
Done Drugs: Not willingly...
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: Not so much changed as hid aspects of herself (physical appearance included, when she first arrived in Eorzea) when she felt it was necessary. 
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Animal: Rabbits!
Favorite Food: Literally anything sweet really, girl ain’t picky. If she had to pick one, probably Dango. 
Favorite Game: She doesn’t play games often—if you consider tarot reading a game then it’d probably be her answer.
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: 11th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon, aka September 10 next year.
How Old Will You Be: 26
Age You Lost Your Virginity: Been a few years
Does Age Matter: Her canonverse love interest technically has a hundred year age gap with her, so you could say she really doesn’t care as long as both parties are consenting adults lmao
Best Personality: Forgive this sounding like she’s a cringy ass sapiosexual, but she’s attracted to people she feels she can have intellectually stimulating conversation with—not to say they need to be booksmart per se, but she likes being able to learn from her partners.
Best Eye Color: She really has no preference.
Best Hair Color: Again, no preference.
Best thing to do with a Partner: Cooking together, or any sort of activity that can be done on a lazy day indoors—or something close to nature but still preferably private, like a picnic.
I love: “Those I keep closest to me.”
I feel: “Overwhelmed, more often than I’d like to be.”
I hide: “Nothing that is anyone else’s business, really.”
I miss: “Far too many people.”
I wish: “That some things in the past could have turned out differently.”
Tagging: @faeluria, @otherworldseeker, @earthlystar, @witchfall, @alamhigyoooo — sorry for any double tags or if any of you have already done this and I somehow missed it!
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windupnamazu · 4 years
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getting to know you
rules: tag nine people whom you’d like to get to know better.
Last Song: gimmme! - oresama
Last Movie: pacific rim!
Currently Reading: [looks into the camera] the pacific rim official movie novelization. i dont read books at all anymore really but i do a bad job of keeping track of all the manga i read here??
Currently Watching: maoujou de oyasumi / sleepy princess in the demon castle!! i love the manga and ive been looking forward to the anime for a while 
Craving: fwuit... i want mangoes and stwawbewwie...
tagged by: @kepesktribe!! thank you very much!! ♡♡♡
tagging: @yshai-tia | @vaniccio | @alourish | @wintersound | @faeluria | @brokenmelody | @silvernsteel | @babykrogan | @forgivencruelty!!
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asphodxlos · 4 years
RULES ―  Post the last line you wrote from any WIP (and tag the same number of people as there are words).
With the wave of her hand, the young Miqo'te silenced the rowdy patrons of the Drowning Wench, rising to her own feet. Much to the chagrin of her friend to stand down. 
"Last I checked, the Sultana ruled over Ul'dah. And in case your sun-baked brains have forgotten," With little to no hesitance the golden-hued maiden found herself stepping in front of the young guard, seemingly determined to apprehend her. "Limsa, ain't part of that shithole."
TAGGED BY  ― FAELURIA & THEFATCATMESSENGER  Thank you so much for tagging me this was a lot of fun to post! There was simply too many words so I’m going to tag six people I’m also super looking forward to seeing some WIP’s from. Of course never feel pressured, and if I didn’t tag you and you’d like to participate please do! 
@only-hyuran @wolfgreed @windupzenos @whitherliliesbloom  @maiden-born-in-snow @sweetbloompier
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msviolacea · 4 years
getting to know you
rules: tag nine people whom you’d like to get to know better.
Last Song:  What Makes a Good Man - The Heavy 
Last Movie: ... oh god what WAS the last movie I actually watched? It’s been a while, tbh. I think it was Holy Hell, the documentary about the Buddhafield cult, when I was in a weird cult-type mood this spring. 
Currently Reading: Not in the middle of anything right now, but the next thing I’ll probably read is The Emperor’s Wolves by Michelle Sagara, because the Chronicles of Elantra is one of my very favorite series and SEVERN BACKSTORY OMG. 
Currently Watching: Let’s go with both “just watched” and “about to watch” - just watched Lindsay Ellis’s most recent Omegaverse video, which everyone should watch if they’re craving some really good WTF right now. About to watch the first episode of the new season of The Mandalorian.
Craving: Some really good queso dip, oddly enough. I wonder if any of the good Mexican restaurants deliver.
tagged by: @faeluria!
tagging: @koosei @deathflare @verthunder @exposed-whimsy @dragons-bones @witchfall @frostmantle  because I’ve gone on an FFXIV following spree lately. :D 
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
"say's who?"with Ahmi 👀
Rating: PG-13? For a single, lowkey implication. 👀
WoL x G’raha, post 5.3
“Says who?”
“I - I didn’t mean anything by it!” G’raha stuttered, “I simply thought that you shouldn’t have to do all this yourself, seeing that you just came back from the First a mere bell ago!”
Ahmi rolled her eyes playfully, “I’m fine, G’raha. No reason why I can’t wash my own clothes.” she chuckled, her sleeves rolled up to her elbows as she worked on scrubbing her robes. They were soaked in blood and dirt and grime, as was on par for her duties as the Warrior of Light and Darkness. “If you’re so intent on babying me, at least stay and keep me company so I’m not laboring away and lonely.”
G’raha sat down obediently on the bench beside her, though Ahmi had taken to kneeling on the floor to really dig into the stains she had acquired in her most recent battle. He resisted the urge to apologize again, still getting used to the fact that Ahmi saw him as a friend. She felt comfortable throwing jabs and joking with him, and truthfully, the casual intimacy made his heart feel as if it was going to burst from his chest. “How is Lyna doing?” he asked, trying not to let them lapse into awkward silence.
“She’s doing great. Misses you, of course, but they’re all getting along just fine.” Ahmi hummed, pausing to close her eyes to consider all that they had already accomplished since the ‘death’ of the Exarch, “Thanks to you, of course. She thinks it’s very amusing that you’re always so hungry here, considering that she would always have to fight with you to eat something when you locked yourself in the Ocular.”
“Lyna told you that?!” G’raha’s ears pressed back with embarrassment, plopping his chin into his hand and leaning forward, “...I suppose I deserve it, though, considering how much she went out of her way to make sure I was taken care of.”
“As you did with her, G’raha.” Ahmi smiled up at him, standing and wringing out her robes into the grass before draping them over a nearby railing. She then sat down next to him and dried her hands, which were wrinkled and pruned from being wet for so long. “Speaking of, are you hungry? We can go to the cafe - I’ll buy.”
G’raha’s ears perked up at the mention of dinner - oh gods, is she asking me to dinner?
“Yes! I mean...” he cleared his throat, “I would like to grab dinner with you.”
Correcting yourself didn’t help! They both sound desperate!
“You make it sound so formal,” Ahmi laughed, standing up and motioning for G’raha to follow as they walked towards the other side of Revenant’s Toll. Her laugh sent shivers down his spine, wanting to pocket the noise and replay it over and over in the back of his mind. “I’m not even dressed up!”
It was true, she was only in a button up and trousers, but seeing her so relaxed was just as good as seeing her in a dress. “You look beautiful, Ahmi, as always.”
Ahmi flushed, though she covered it with another laugh. Laugh again please. “And now you’re making it sound as if we’re on a date! What’s next? Taking me back to your quarters and asking me to call you Raha?~” she bumped his shoulder with her’s, a shy grin plastered across her face.
She said my name she said my name she said-
G’raha covered her jest with a painfully obnoxious laugh, “I - of course not! I would never even dare to think I could convince someone as inspiring as you, to, ah-“
Ahmi paused, stopping dead in her tracks and pulling G’raha out of the main walkway, “The man who traversed time and space, built an entire city from nothing, ruled said city for centuries, figured out a way to get our friends back from the First, figured out a way to get himself back from the First... thinks he can’t land a woman who’s simply lucky enough to have one too many souls stuffed inside her corporeal body? Gods, G’raha... you really are hopeless.” Ahmi shook her head with a quiet chuckle, “I think he could easily convince someone like that to, ah,” she mocked playfully, “go on a date with him.”
G’raha turned a shade of red that he didn’t think had existed before, staring at Ahmi wide-eyed as he tried to process what she had just said to him. Was she implying...? No, of course not - but it really seems as if...
“A-Ahmi, would you like to, perhaps, consider our dinner plans a... date?” G’raha exhaled as if he had been holding his breath for centuries. He instantly began to panic to himself, wondering if he had interpreted her wrong, or if he was too forward, or-
“I would love that, G’raha.” Ahmi tucked her hands behind her back and beamed up at him.
His heart practically stopped at the sight of her batting her eyelashes at him, playfully or not, before shakily holding out his arm so that he could at least escort her like a proper gentleman. She took it eagerly, locking their arms as well as placing a gentle hand against his bicep. Gods, I could die right now. This is all I could ever possibly need for the rest of my existence.
And so they continued, the entire walk to the cafe taken up by a desperate attempt from a nervous catboy to stop the incessant twitching of his ears as he prepared for what he anticipated would be the best meal of his entire life.
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
Hello all I’m back with more Alisaie/N’adana content!
Ship: Alisaie x Teen!WoL
Characters: Alisaie, Alphinaud, Raubahn, + N’adana Vhet. Mentioned: Tataru.
Timeline: Just post-Stormblood!
Teen + Up audiences for just some very minor fantasizing on Alisaie’s part.
Alisaie takes some advice from the Warrior of Light in order to impress her.
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
“Can I have this dance?” For Ahmi
Rating: General Audiences WoLExarch, post-5.3. P.S. based the dress of this pretty as hell number.
“Can I have this dance?” 
It was the introduction to every old friend and missed face that she had heard for the past two hours. Lyse, Arenvald, Edmont, Artoriel… Aymeric and Tataru had promised to only hold a party for their friends, but she was reminded how many of them the Scions had. She had. 
The Lord-Commander and Tataru exchanged a mountain of letters arguing whether to hold the party in Ishgard or Revenant's Toll, but as always, Tataru had gotten her way and even convinced their busy friend to come a few days early and assist her in setting up the festivities. We can’t have our friends, still weak from traversing worlds, setting up a party that’s meant to celebrate their safe return!
Ahmi had been passed around and finally landed in step with Aymeric, who swept her away from Biggs. “But you must tell me more about those dwarven fellows you met!” the clumsy engineer called out to their Warrior as she was swept away again.
“Of course!” she returned with a smile before returning to Aymeric, flashing a bright smile at him as they began to chatter away above the music about what they had been up to. As always, Ahmi did most of the talking, not for any reason of importance, but because it was much more exciting to talk about what happened on the First compared to what nobleman had been snubbed at the most recent restoration meeting.
G’raha sat at a table, one of many pushed to the walls of the Rising Stones to make room for dancing and socializing. Krile sat next to him, the pair drinking in comfortable silence as they watched everyone catch up and chatter amongst themselves. Neither of them were much for parties, so like old times in the Studium, they stuck together.
“Raha, you’ve been staring at her all night. Go dance with her!” Krile pat his shoulder forcefully, her insistence heightened by the fact that she was on her third drink.
“Krile! Could you say that any louder? ” G’raha blushed, hiding his face in the wine he had been sipping on. He took a much longer swig after her comment, trying to drown his embarrassment as she continued to tease him. “Besides, can’t you see she’s dancing with Ser Aymeric?”
“Are you jealous, Raha?” Krile chuckled with a knowing grin. G’raha would have better described it as shit-eating.
“N-no! He’s just… well-” G’raha sighed, his ears pressing back against his head, “he’s very handsome, and accomplished. They look good together,” he grumbled in defeat.
Krile rolled her eyes, “Well, I suppose she does have a thing for easily-flustered workaholics. But do you know who’s even better at that then the Lord Commander?”
“You, dumbass. Now go!”
G’raha didn’t even have time to drag himself out of his chair before the object of their conversation had appeared in front of him, as if his longing had summoned her by magic. Oh, gods, did she hear us?
“G’raha! Come dance with me, it’s Scion tradition!” she called over the music, holding out her hand and patiently waiting for him to stand and join her on the dance floor. She looked absolutely opulent, adorned in a gown tailored to fit her perfectly, with the fabric hanging off her shoulders and exposing the various moles that dotted her skin. 
“I, uh - okay!” he stuttered, putting down his glass of wine and standing to join her. He stumbled a bit as he got his bearings, still not used to his new old body. 
Krile watched smugly as the two danced together, silently considering how well they complimented each other. The moon guided the sun into the dawn, with Ahmi helping G’raha learn the steps until they had practically molded into one. Krile leaned over and took a sip of Graha’s wine, scrunching her nose at how overwhelmingly sweet it was. “Scion tradition my ass,” she muttered to herself.
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
Rated General Audiences, Lite WoLExarch
Ahmi looked out at the Crystarium as she tugged on her armor, sighing to herself as she watched the crowds below celebrate their newfound night sky. She was happy to see it, but it was hard for her to stop thinking about him when she was so close to the Crystal Tower.
A bustling city at the foot of the tower, with people that took care of and relied on its protection. The way it shined in the starlight, the same way it did on the late nights she spent with the Sons of Saint Coinach instead of returning to Revenant’s Toll for the night.
Ahmi was so lost in thought that she didn’t even notice the Crystal Exarch until he was next to her. “Not enjoying the festivities?”
Ahmi jumped, though it took her but a moment to ease herself once she realized it was only the Exarch. “No, that’s not it. I’m just... thinking, that’s all.”
“May I ask of what?” the Exarch hummed, taking a step forward to stand next to her on the high-rise walkway that spanned over the upper half of the city. He placed a hand on the banister, his skin surprisingly wrinkle-free despite how old he claimed he was.
Ahmi nodded, “Just of some old friends, that’s all. They would have loved to see the Tower like this.” She smiled under her words, turning to look at the beautiful blue spires.
The Exarch’s grip tightened against the banister, though Ahmi didn’t notice. “I am full glad to know that friends of the Warrior would be impressed with it,” he hesitated, knowing that pushing further would only make him long for what he left behind, but he couldn’t help it. “What were these friends like?”
Ahmi smiled, turning back to look at the Exarch before leaning back against the railing. “I say they, as I’m sure the Sons of Saint Coinach would all be thrilled, but I think G’raha Tia would have been the most excited. I always felt so bad leaving him behind... he wanted to explore the tower more than anyone, be the first to see it. I felt as though I was undeserving to go in first compared to people like him, who dedicated so much time to uncovering the secrets of the tower.”
G’raha Tia. G’raha Tia G’raha Tia G’raha Tia-
His own name swam through his mind, in her voice, as she spoke of her time opening the Tower. He knew it all so well, of course, he was there. She was speaking about him so fondly. However, the Exarch simply cleared his throat to cover himself before speaking. “I’m sure he understood. I read that the Tower had many dangerous foes to battle before it could be properly studied, so I’m sure he was very appreciative of your efforts.”
Ahmi chuckled and shook her head, “I know he could have handled it, but I suppose I understand why Rammbroes wanted to keep him safe. We never would have gotten as far as we did without him, so in hindsight it was for the best.”
G’raha was thankful for the hood he wore, as he could feel how flushed his face was by now. His heart practically stopped at the notion of the Warrior trusting him enough to run into battle with her was almost too much for him to handle.
“Are... are you sure you didn’t find any sign of him in the Tower?” Ahmi suddenly asked, quieter than her normal boisterous demeanor.
G’raha’s heart sank as he watched her gaze drift away again. It would be so easy for him to reveal himself now, with no one else around. It would be so much easier to make them trust his actions, but... he knew it would only make the end harder for both of them.
“...No, I am afraid not. I apologize.” His hands shook as he steadied himself against the railing, trying to cover his nerves by pretending to look down at the crowd below them.
G’raha watched her ears flatten against her head momentarily, but her troubled frown didn’t leave her face. “Well, thanks for listening to me babble on. I think I’m going to get some sleep, though. Goodnight, Exarch.” Ahmi stepped away and waved slightly before turning around and leaving him, the soft thud of her boots hitting the metal of the walkway as she did.
When she was finally out of sight, G’raha gripped the railing and let out a quiet sob.
She remembers G’raha Tia.
She remembers me.
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
Hot Chocolate
WoL: Ahmi Vhelo, Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te
Pairing: WoL x Haurchefant Greystone
“Ah, there you are!” A familiar voice boomed behind her, confident and warm as it grew louder as he approached.
Ahmi turned her head to see Haurchefant, dressed in more casual attire as the night wound down and Camp Dragonhead slowly became still. She hummed a greeting towards him, not speaking for a moment as she had just popped a handful of Coerthan berries into her mouth. “You were looking for me - Is aught amiss?” She asked, concerned, after she swallowed. She dangled her legs over the balustrade that overlooked the camp, the highest point that she could climb without directly scaling the tall tower atop the main building. Since coming to Camp Dragonhead in search of the Enterprise, she found herself up here a lot. She enjoyed the calm of watching from above, as if nothing could touch or ground her as she let her thoughts wander.
“Oh, no.” Haurchefant shook his head, patting her blanketed shoulder in comfort. “All is well tonight, my friend, especially now that I have found you! I simply wished to chat with you, ‘tis all.” He winked, sitting next to her and reaching over to pluck a berry from her hand. She rolled her eyes at him playfully, which only led to a warm chuckle from the flirtatious elezen.
She relaxed her shoulders at the relief of knowing she wasn’t needed for something daring, for once. Her hand shifted, allowing the pouch of berries to sit on her knee closest to him as they ate in silence for a few moments, looking up at the night sky of Corethas and watching the moon and the stars through sparse, wispy clouds. It was cold out, so she had taken the precaution of wrapping herself in a blanket, but secretly she enjoyed the slight sting of the chill on her reddened cheeks.
“You seem quite at home here, it seems. Your friend, Alphinaud, has not become accustomed nearly as well,” he chuckled, glancing over at her through his silvery bangs as he mused, “I do not believe you have ever mentioned where you hailed from?” He suddenly seemed aware of this fact, and his tone was almost a hint apologetic, as if he felt bad for not asking before.
“Gridania,” Ahmi nodded, popping another red berry into her mouth before swallowing, “I had actually never left the Twelveswood until shortly before joining the Scions.” She handed the berries over to him, signifying she was done snacking, before moving her hands to rub some warmth into the tips of her ears. “I’ll admit, though – I hate how warm it is in Thanalan. I’ll take the cold over sweating any day,” she laughed softly.
“Ah, it seems we have that in common! I also, in fact, have never left my home domain. Do you think you have room for another in your ranks? If anything at all, I could be of use assisting the Warrior of Light in reaching things in high places.” His hand hovered over the top of her head, as if to emphasize her short stature.
Ahmi attempted to feign offense, but it was hard to hide her amusement at his warmth. “Unfortunately, Urianger already fulfills the needed top-shelf-reaching quota.” For emphasis, Ahmi reached a hand above her head to mimic the action. The simple gesture made Haurchefant’s heart flutter, but for once he didn’t have a witty, flirtatious aside for her. He simply stared for a few moments until she furrowed her brows at him. Halone preserve him, she had only been here a week and he was already faltering.
“Haurchefant?” She questioned, and with his name from her lips he shook himself from his stupor.
“Hm?” He hummed before blinking, realizing his blunder as he cleared his throat. “Well, how unfortunate. I suppose I must continue my existence inside these confining walls.” Haurchefant sighed dramatically.
Ahmi chuckled, though through her amusement she shivered at the growing cold of the evening. “I assure you, Ser Haurchefant, that you will be the first to know if the Scions are in need of another such individual.”
“I look forward to it, Miss-“ Haurchefant paused, noticing the fact that the miqo’te was beginning to suffer the consequences of the harsh Corethas wind. “Never mind that, I request that you let me escort you inside before you become a frozen statue atop my camp!” he offered, turning around and standing on the stone walkway before holding out a hand to her.
“I am sure I would be quite an unsightly statue,” she grinned, taking his hand gratefully before hopping down from the balustrade.
Despite both their hands being covered by gloves, Haurchefant couldn’t help but quietly marvel at how tiny her hand felt in his. He led her inside and practically begged to continue keeping her company, using the excuse that she needed to recover from the cold before he (a most proper and diligent host) would even consider leaving her alone.
The two made pleasant conversation as he lead her through the main castle, down stairs and hallways until eventually he turned a corner to a simple sitting room, having only been recently dusted due to the arrival of the Warrior of Light and her white-haired companions. He hurried across the room to light the fireplace, begrudgingly accepting aid from the miqo’te as she handed him kindling and crouched next to him. “I insist, Miss Ahmi – rest! You must be far too cold.”
“Mm, yes, but I will warm faster if I keep moving.” Ahmi quipped back with a smile.
Haurchefant tried to argue further, but it was useless against her wits. He simply gave in and allowed her to do whatever she pleased, which he began to appreciate as he watched her delicate hands pass over the matches. He continued to notice the small details (he wasn’t sure if it was intentional or not) like her eyes watching intently for any opening to assist further, or the way her blue waves contrasted with the firelight as it flickered to life.
Haurchefant excused himself before he said something too embarrassing, and when he returned he brought a tray with two mugs and two metal kettles, one with a painted blue top, and another red. He set it down on the table in front of the fireplace and gestured towards it with a flourish. “Fortemps specialty hot chocolate – the blue lid is without alcohol, and the red one with.”
“What kind?”
“Why, rum, of course. The only proper alcohol that is allowed to go in hot chocolate, lest I show up to remedy the mistake personally.” He smiled, picking up the mug closest to him and pouring some of the alcoholic hot chocolate into his mug.
Ahmi chuckled, “You sound very passionate about your hot chocolate, Ser Greystone.” She seemed to think for a moment before picking up her mug and pouring from the non-alcoholic kettle, “I hope you are not slighted at the idea of drinking alone, but I much prefer to try out your esteemed recipe unabated, first,” she smiled at him, blowing on the liquid carefully before taking a sip. Her eyes lit up happily, humming contently into the lip of the mug. “Oh my gods, this is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted!” She threw her head back dramatically, closing her eyes as she savored the taste.
“Oh? Well, I know plenty of other things that taste better. Perhaps they even reside in this very room.” Haurchefant’s eyebrows quirked upwards, which offered another giggle from his companion.
She leaned across the table and pushed his shoulder playfully, shaking her head at him, “Are you wont to seduce every adventurer that passes through Corethas?”
“Only the pretty ones,” he corrected, brushing his hair from his face with another wicked smile.
Ahmi rolled her eyes at him, settling herself back in the cozy armchair across from him. “Mm, likely story.” she pursed her lips, but behind the glint of her grey eyes there was a surprising glimpse of mischief, despite her otherwise unassuming demeanor. He wasn’t sure if she was teasing or serious, but even so, he wasn’t quite sure of his own intentions either.
She had discarded the blanket while he was off making their beverages, the fur draped across the back of the chair, her elbows propped against its arms. She wore a a simple enough sweater and skirt combo, with the former being tucked in at the waist to flatter her full figure. It had been about a week since her and her white-haired companions brokered for his help, and he had noticed that she had quickly adapted and bought some warmer clothes from the few merchants that occasionally stopped by to sell their wares. It seemed only practical, since it was unfolding that their stay would be longer than they were expecting – especially with how it was becoming increasingly difficult to procure information about the Enterprise. He would search tirelessly, however, because the one asking this of him was so captivating.
And she vowed to help Francel, of course.
“‘Tis true! And, Camp Dragonhead does not get many adventurers, so perhaps you have been the only adventurer I have attempted to seduce,” he winked again, though there was an inkling of truth to his defense. Of course he had seduced men and women alike, but Camp Dragonhead didn’t get many adventurers, and none of them were as beautiful as her.
“Mm, now I am wondering if you came to find me just to see if you could bed me, with all this obvious flattery. How predictable, the plight of men.” Ahmi teased, her laugh like the bells of the convocation, calling forth its congregation to worship.
“My chambers are open for you any hour of the day, Miss Ahmi,” he grinned, taking another long sip of his boozy concoction. Another jest, but it was absolutely not a joke. Not in the slightest.
Ahmi blushed a little deeper under her already reddened cheeks, still adjusting to the warmth inside the walls. “You cannot expect me to come that easily, foolish man. Perhaps I will indulge you once you have given me a reason besides your boyish charms. A backstory, perhaps?” She hummed at him expectantly, holding out her mug for him as if she expected him to oblige what she was asking.
“I am simply a humble knight of Ishgard,” he bowed his head, but she certainly was not going to take that as an answer. He could talk anyone’s ear off if he so chose, and she had figured that out very quickly. She watched him expectantly, egging him to continue on.
Haurchefant obliged, but not before making her promise to divulge some of her’s in return. He spoke of all the good parts – mentioned being a bastard, of course, as it was unavoidable when she realized he did not share the Fortemps surname. Beautiful and perceptive, he noted. He skimmed over the hatred of his stepmother, of how othered he felt as a child. Instead, he spoke of how hard he trained as a knight, of silly little adventures he had inside and out of the city, and of his young self getting into all sorts of trouble.
He even recounted the tale of trying to defend a woman from some grisly man. Haurchefant had only been a mere fifteen summers at the time, his voice cracking as he valiantly told the man to unhand the lady. However, to his embarrassment, she just laughed and explained that he was just her very affectionate, very drunk husband.
“I see you have been chasing after maidens since you were a boy.” Ahmi giggled, and by that time she was on her third mug of hot chocolate. She kept it without alcohol, which he noted, as she urged him to continue his stories. She felt so blissfully comfortable to talk to, asking questions at all the right places and making him feel like she was actually interested in his silly antics, so much so that he didn’t feel guilty talking about himself as he usually did.
Finally, he told her of Francel and their friendship that he held dear. He recounted the time Francel had gotten kidnapped by bandits, and how frantic and worried he was for his friend as he tracked them down with merely a hunting knife to defend himself. He left out the grisly bits, as he knew she was experienced enough with combat to fill in the blanks. It was then he revealed that it was this deed that finally awarded him his position as a Knight of Ishgard. He was fiercely proud of his position, and Ahmi could tell.
“T’would seem that you, of all people, should deserve the position the most.” Ahmi noted, a steep compliment to Haurchefant, but she spoke it as if it were a simple fact of life. “A true knight should fight for justice and the ones he loves, and it seems you hold the standard for that code.” She smiled brightly at him, and again Haurchefant’s heart threatened to burst from his chest. He knew it was no more than a puppy crush. She was a primal slayer, after all – a beautiful, kind, delightful primal slayer. However, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was in danger of it turning into something more.
“I… thank you, my friend. I appreciate the sentiment more than you know,” he smiled at her softly before glancing down at his mug. She is going to leave, ‘ere long, Haurchefant thought to himself, she has duties to attend to, and I mine. However, that does not leave out the possibility of more casual affairs, if she so chooses…
However, by the time Haurchefant had pulled himself out of his internal musings for yet another time that night, he had found that her eyes had drifted shut, her mouth slightly agape as she slept quietly, curled up in the armchair with the mug still held in her hands, though thankfully it was empty.
When Ahmi awoke the next morning, she was curled up in her own guest chambers, the same fur blanket she had the night before draped over her. The sun shone dimly through the curtains, and though she could tell it was far later than she would have liked to have woken up, her chest filled with a pleasing warmth despite the cold and she allowed herself to rest for a few moments longer.
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
“Why are we whispering?” For N'adana
Alternate Title: Old Men Gossip and Gripe About their Age Minor Spoilers for 5.4: Futures Rewritten
“Why are we whispering?” Cid leaned down towards G’raha.
G’raha Tia pointed silently towards the other side of the room where Alisaie and N’adana had been chattering away just a few minutes earlier. It was easily drowned out by the whirring magitek terminals, so Cid had just assumed they kept talking amongst themselves. However, it was quite clear that the young ones had instead decided to curl up on a bench and take a much deserved nap. They used each others’ shoulders to rest, with Alisaie amusingly drooling on N’adana’s shoulder.
“Well, I did tell them to kick up their feet.” Cid chuckled, smiling softly at the heartwarming scene. He was more than pleased to see them happy after all they had been through, especially at such a young age. 
It would not have been a day at the Ironworks if Nero wasn’t there to walk in and ruin it. “Slacking, Garlond? Tsk tsk, not surprising.”
Cid shushed him, pointing towards the pair of sleeping heroes opposite of them. 
“Oh? When did that happen?”
G’raha chuckled under his breath, “Back on the First, it seems. ‘Tis heartwarming to see, though I felt quite the third-wheel when we visited Azys Lla.”
Nero grinned, and despite playing the part of the gossip, he, too, seemed to be quite pleased with the Warrior of Light’s happiness. “Embarrassing that the youngest of the Scions partnered up before you old men, no?”
Cid and G’raha collectively rolled their eyes at Nero. “Embarrassing for you, perhaps. I’m quite sprightly with my young body now!” G’raha beamed, smoothing down his armor proudly.
“You’re an old man as well, Nero.” Cid pointed out.
Nero shook his head, “Absolutely not! I’m not the one with white hair here, Garlond.”
“I’m sure if I find that hair dye of your’s, that’ll change in less than a moon.” Cid shot back.
“I have no such thing!”
Cid chuckled, “Hit a nerve, Nero? It’s alright, we all grow old one day!”
It wasn’t long before N’adana and Alisaie were woken up by the familiar sound of the pair’s bickering. “Are they fighting again?” Alisaie muttered.
“Mm, sounds like it.” N’adana nodded, not even opening her eyes before readjusting against Alisaie’s shoulder and falling back to sleep.
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
In Sickness
Alisaie x Teen!Wol
Pre-Relationship, General Audience as always!
“Alisaieee, it’s fine!” N’adana whined, rolling over to face away from her friend.
Alisaie hovered over the other side of the Warrior’s bed, medicine in hand as she fussed over the difficult miqo’te. “You’re sick, N’adana. You’ll feel better if you just let me-“
N’adana groaned from under the covers. “It’s just a cold! I’ll be fine come tomorrow morning, so don’t waste your free day on taking care of me.”
“I’ll do whatever I please on my free day,” Alisaie responded firmly, walking around to the other side of the bed and forcibly making the smaller girl sit up. She struggled the whole way, which only made the elezen more firm as she tried to balance getting N’adana up and not spilling the bottle of liquid in her other hand. “Now come on, take this.”
“But it tastes so bad. I’d rather just sleep it off!” N’adana argued incessantly, her body racked with shivers.
“Don’t make me bring in my secret weapon. It will be much more unpleasant,” her gaze darkened, “for both of us.”
N’adana grumbled, “Yes, ma’am.” She knew Alisaie wasn’t talking about her forcefully grabbing the miqo’te and dumping the bitter liquid down her throat.
She was talking about getting Tataru involved, and she didn’t want to experience the wrath of the Scion’s secretary today (or any day thereafter... not after the first incident).
Alisaie sat down on the edge of the bed and measured out the correct dosage, her usual reckless mannerisms controlled and subdued. She was taking care of her Warrior of Light, after all. She needed to be careful.
Gods, did I just think that?
“Here, open up. You’re so shaky that I don’t want you to spill it all over the sheets.” Alisaie gently grabbed N’adana’s shoulder, steadying her as she helped her adjust.
N’adana furrowed her brows, “Alisaie, you’re all flushed! Am I getting you sick?” she frowned.
“What? Of course not, I feel just fine!” Alisaie stuttered, all sense of gentle care evaporating as she shoved the spoon in N’adana’s mouth and forced her to swallow the vile cold medicine.
N’adana grimaced, covering her mouth to cough before shuttering once more. “Gods, I hate that shit. If you’re so determined to take care of me, could you at least get me some water?” she blinked her puppy dog eyes at Alisaie, who turned away as she blushed even more.
Damn her, she doesn’t even know how well those stupid eyes work on me!
...Or does she? am I that obvious?
“Fine, fine. I’ll bring some firewood to kindle the fire, too, since you’re shivering so badly.” Alisaie grumbled, though secretly she was elated to be able to take care of N’adana like this.
“Thank yoooou~” N’adana smiled weakly, falling back into bed and curling up under her blankets once more.
Alisaie stood up and rushed out of N’adana’s room, shutting the door behind her and making her way down the hall before she began to curse herself for losing her composure.
Once she returned with water and firewood from the Rising Stones kitchen, Alisaie gently knocked on the door before entering again. N’adana was already fast asleep, curled up in her blankets, red hair plastered against her cheeks. Her mouth hung open, breathing quietly as she drooled onto her pillow.
Alisaie shook her head with a quiet chuckle, setting the glass of water down next to the bed before getting to work starting the fire. She took the time to take in N’adana’s room, decorated to the brim with trinkets of her adventures since joining the Scions. It was cute, the way she had so eagerly poured her efforts into making this room feel like home - Y’shtola had even found her a candle that smelled like the La Noscean sea, which was practically burned up on the desk pushed against the far wall. I should get her another, Alisaie thought to herself as she finished up with the fire, standing and walking over to the Warrior’s bedside and leaning over to check on her.
“Feel better soon.” Alisaie whispered with a smile, reaching out to brush N’adana’s hair out of her face. Her touch lingered before pulling away, staying for just a moment longer before backing out and quietly closing the door behind her.
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
Adolescent Weapons, Chapter 1: Nightmare
Hey all! Finally posted Chapter 1 of my N'adana x Alisaie longfic! Go check it out maybe? <3 Spoilers for Shadowbringers!
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