#thanks for the excuse to distract myself this morning :)
moonstruckme · 3 months
Thanks for being patient with me! This is edited on about four hours of sleep so apologies for any errors <3
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8 │ part 9 │ part 10 │ part 11 │ part 12 │ part 13
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1.6k words
Water sizzles on the stove. You reach over to turn down the heat, your side heating from its proximity to the boiling water, before spinning back around to keep speed-chopping onion. This is a result of poor planning. 
It’s possible that some of your nerves could be reinterpreted as excitement. Giddiness, even. You’re finally—finally—doing something to try and repay all the kindness James shows you. You’ve felt like such a mooch, eating his cooking and stealing his time with his friends, but last week had been too much for you to take. He’d discovered the stomach bug you were weathering, and James had completely devoted the next two days of his life to making sure you were looked after. 
Your fever had gotten so out of hand he’d very nearly followed through on his favorite threat (going into your phone while you’re sleeping and phoning your mum), and though you’d done your best to downplay it at the time there are admittedly gaps in your memory wherein you think you were simply too out of it to know what was going on. It’s not a very comforting thought when you’re harboring a humiliating crush on your roommate; you may well have been just as talkative as James always is, you don’t know. At least he hasn’t said anything. 
He had, thankfully, managed to avoid catching it. You’re not sure how he managed what no one on your shift at work did, but you assume it has something to do with all that kale he eats. Which is why you’re doing your best to make the thank-you meal you’re making him as healthy as might suit his standards. 
You hear his key in the door, and a little frisson goes up your spine. 
“You’re early,” you accuse as he walks in. 
“Since when do you know when my training ends?” James asks. You sound like you’re sniping at one another, but as usual the joviality in his tone is unmissable. 
The sounds of his entrance are familiar, perhaps more ingrained in your mind than they ought to be. Keys jingling as he hangs them on the hook, shoes toed off and left by the mat, heavy footsteps headed for wherever you are in the apartment. 
When he finds you in the kitchen, you both speak at once. 
“What happened to your shoulder?” 
“You know how to cook?” 
“Hurt it at training,” James answers, shrugging with the shoulder that doesn’t have an ice pack held to it. He’s probably too nice for it to occur to him to withhold his answer until you’ve given yours, as had been your first thought. “What are you making?” 
“How did you hurt it?” Worry pries at your tone. Your hands have stilled on the cutting board. 
“We had a scrimmage, and I got shoulder-barged.” He gives you a smile, a shadow of the real thing, but gentler. Reassuring. “It’s not bad.” 
You frown. “I don’t know what that means.” 
“Didn’t expect you to, love.” 
“Why do you need to ice it if it’s not bad?” 
There’s a look in James’ eyes that’s wavering between smugness and softness. You balk at the sight of it. “I need to be a bit careful with it,” he hedges, “but it’ll be good by morning. Now, you’ve distracted me. Do you mean to tell me you’ve known how to cook this entire time?” 
“Yes,” you concede with a laugh. “I’ve always said I cook for myself when you’re not around.” 
“And here you are, doing it right before my eyes.” James leans on the counter with his good arm. He looks immensely entertained. “I’m honored.” 
“This isn’t just for me,” you say, looking down to resume chopping onion as your face warms slightly. “It’s for—” Another remonstrative hiss from the stove, and you whip around, moving the pot off the hot part entirely. You’re a bit relieved for the excuse to face away from him. “It’s for both of us. Also, I just want to provide a disclaimer right now that I never said I was good at cooking, only that I knew how.” 
James’ laugh rumbles behind you, just as you knew it would. He’s too easy. You can practically feel the force of his smile hitting your back, like the sunshine brought inside. 
“Here,” he says, taking a couple of steps toward you, “let me help.” 
“No!” You whirl again, stopping him before he can actually enter the kitchen. “No way. James, I’m trying to do something nice.” 
“And it is very nice,” he says, earnest. “It just seems like you could use a hand.” 
“I’ve got it,” you insist. Your hands are up to ward him off, but you put them at your sides when you realize how close they’re hovering to his chest. “It doesn't count as doing something for you if you do it yourself. Anyway, you’re incapacitated.” 
“I’m…” James looks confused, but then he glances down to his icing shoulder. “Oh, come on. I’m hardly immobilized.” 
“For all intents and purposes, you are.” You do your best to infuse your voice with conviction. You’ve found that’s usually the way with James. If you show any hesitation, he’ll turn on the charm and have you eating out of his hand before you know what’s happened. You herd him away from the kitchen. “Go sit down. Dinner will be ready soon.” 
You can’t help but be aware of him as you finish up, knowing he has to hear the sizzling when you accidentally spill things onto the stove or the one mumbled curse you’re not quick enough to bite back. All evidence that you’re not nearly as practiced a cook as James. You can practically feel his grin from a room over. Still, when it's done you’re fairly proud of yourself. 
James is beaming as he accepts his bowl. He hikes his knees up so you can pass between the couch and the coffee table, making a show of sniffing the steam rising from the food. 
“Is this risotto?” he asks, waiting for your little nod before his mouth drops open in astonishment. “You are so sneaky! I didn’t know you could cook at all, let alone fancy shit like this.” 
“It’s not that hard to make.” You look down at your fork as you raise it to your lips, blowing. 
“Sure it is! Loads of people have a hard time with it.” 
“Do you?” 
James grins, caught. You feel your own smile tugging at your lips as you take a bite.
He follows suit, forking a bit of the risotto and blowing to cool it before taking it in his mouth. His eyes dip closed, head lolling back, and he moans. 
“Oh my god, this is good. I’m never cooking again, now that I know you can do this.” 
You take another bite to avoid a response. You’re fairly sure the heat from your face could power the apartment for a month. 
James makes a few more over-the-top compliments of your culinary skills, which you deflect as best you can. As always, you eat mostly silently while he chatters, but when you look over your attention gets snagged on his shoulder. 
He’s only using the one hand to eat, bowl resting in his lap while you hold yours up closer to your face. His ice pack sits beside him now that he can’t hold it on anymore. You catch yourself gnawing on the inside of your lip. 
“Does it hurt?” you ask. 
James looks over, following your gaze. “Yeah,” he admits. “Nothing I’m not used to, though.” 
You feel your eyebrows pinch. “You get hurt often?” 
He smiles bemusedly. “It’s rugby, love. Getting a bit roughed up is part of the deal.” 
This doesn’t sit right with you. Though you hadn’t pondered it much before, you realize you’ve sort of been thinking of James, with his muscles and constant smiles and easygoing manner, as somewhat invincible. He seems like such a source of light in the world, it hadn’t occurred to you that anything bad could happen to him. You don’t like the idea of him being hurt. In any capacity. 
You realize this is likely playing out on your face when you notice James watching you. His eyes are soft. “As much as I would love to milk this for attention and maybe a sponge bath,” he says, setting his fork in his bowl, “it’s really not that bad. See?” 
He pulls down the sleeve of his shirt, and the effort to placate you is wasted. You take in a quiet, horrified gasp at the deeply colored bruise on James’ shoulder. One of your hands raises as if to touch it. It hovers in the space between you. 
“That’s not that bad?” you look at James in alarm. “It looks broken.” 
“It’s not,” he laughs. It’s a bit awkward, as close to self-conscious as you’ve ever seen him. “Trust me, I’ve had a couple broken bones in my time. It’s only bruised, and the muscle’s a bit strained.” 
The muscle, you’re noticing now, is quite substantial. Your focus is on the bruise, but the shoulder beneath it is eye-catching as well, hefty and taut-looking, presumably from the strain. That, or James is flexing. 
You raise your gaze quickly to his. Brown eyes tinged with smugness. 
“You’re worried about me.” His lips stretch into a grin. Not your favorite one in his arsenal. “Aw, sweetheart, I love you too.” 
You direct your attention back to your food, face hotter than hot. “I have justification for worry,” you say, the teasing tone you were going for undercut by the unintentional softness of your voice. “You’re voluntarily participating in a sport that seems like it’s trying to kill you.” 
James takes a self-satisfied bite of his risotto. “I don’t know, I was pretty worried when you fainted in my arms last week.” 
You side-eye him suspiciously. “I didn’t actually do that.” 
“Guess you’ll never know.” 
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hollowdeath · 7 months
Okay I was thinking of writing this myself but like Harry and his crush (who's a talented Potions witch) brews up an aphrodisiac potion into the form of a vapor (inhaled through like an atomizer) and she wants to test it with her best friend (crush lmao) Harry. Idea is a WIP but if you could use it for a smut piece I wouldn't complain 🫣🫣 LOVE YOUR WORK OMFG
Thank you loveee! ❤️
AAAAA thank you for requesting this!!! ive been wanting to write something like this for a while so you gave me the perfect excuse to try it out :D you're the best!
pairing: harry james potter x fem!reader (18+)
summary: you and harry have been working on a project involving amortentia, the most powerful love potion to exist, and when harry tests your device the night before it's due, he has some rather intense side effects.
cw: smut!!! dom!harry, fingering, penetration, breeding
word count: 6k
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you and harry had spent the entire semester working together on a project that challenged you to create a new form of an old potion. rather than settling for the obvious ideas like turning felix felicis into gummy candies, you and harry had decided to try something a bit more complex.
you knew right away you wanted to work with amortentia more closely, as you had always been fascinated by the potion and its powerful properties, and harry was more than willing to let you take the reins of the project. he gave insight when he could, and spent a fair amount of time helping you figure out the more complicated steps of the process, but he honestly just loved sitting back and watching you work your magic. literally.
you were by far the most knowledgeable student when it came to potions, and undoubtedly one of the smartest witches harry had ever met. he considered himself lucky that you two had already formed a friendship prior to taking potions together, allowing him to pair up with the most sought after partner in the entire class. more than just your knowledge and skill, harry was just excited to be your partner so he could know you better and see how your mind works.
you were excited to work with harry as well, but not to collaborate on potions and fiddle with mechanics you could never understand. you had looked forward to sitting close to him, reading from the same books, talking for hours, and watching his eyes intently focus as he prepared the ingredients for you. of course you two were friends more than anything, and you never considered yourself one of those girls who would fawn over harry for doing absolutely nothing, but working with him so intimately for the entire semester really made you see him differently. he was funny, he was smart, he remembered every little thing about you, and he always brought you snacks when you were working together. it didn't help that you found him absolutely adorable in big sweaters with messy hair, or felt your heart race when he looked at you from over his glasses, or couldn't keep your eyes off his hands when he was helping you put together your atomizer.
speaking of, your project had actually turned out extremely well for the little experience either of you had in engineering such a device. it was a small, handheld diffuser that transformed liquid amortentia, as well as a mix of other potent aphrodisiacs, into a vapor that could be inhaled for the full effect. harry had actually been the one to suggest the idea, trying to figure out a better way to ingest the mixture while still altering its state. you thought it was brilliant, and were surprised at how smooth the process turned out to be.
however, the presentation for the project was tomorrow morning, and you were still fiddling with a few of the mechanics to get it to work just right. it was hard to know when it was fully finished since testing the product wasn't exactly practical, as the effects would have anyone distracted and unable to focus within seconds of inhaling it. you were a bit frustrated sitting alone at your table in the potions lab, a single light above you as the sun had long since set and night took over. your head was in your hands, staring at the atomizer in front of you, wondering if you should just take the chance and test it since you were alone in the classroom.
just as you were convincing yourself, you heard the door creak open to your right, causing you to jump in your seat. you couldn't make out who was there ar first as your eyes were still adjusting to the dark room around you. you hadn't expected anyone to come in anyway, mostly because it was past curfew and, frankly, who would want to spend their time in the potions lab on a sunday evening?
but, as the figure walked closer to you, you noticed it was harry dressed in pajama pants and a sweatshirt with his slippers scraping across the wooden floors. "harry," you breathed a sigh of relief, your hand resting on your chest. "you scared the piss out of me." you say with a laugh.
harry chuckles, and you notice he's carrying his invisibility robe in one hand, half of his arm disappearing beneath it. "sorry, figured there'd be no one in here," he says with a sleepy voice, setting the robe over his own chair, making it disappear as well.
you sigh, setting your head back in your hands and leaning your elbows on the table. "it's okay, i probably shouldn't be here anyways. this thing has me seeing red, and not in a good way." you complain. harry laughs again, making his way next to you and under the light. your stomach drops at how soft he looks, his hair messy, cheeks flushed, deep voice quietly chuckling as he leans on the table beside you.
"yeah, well, i couldn't sleep knowing it wasn't perfect as well," harry tells you, his eyes fixated on the device. "not that slughorn would notice either way, but…" he trails off, making you crack a smile and chuckle as well.
harry looks down at you, his glasses sitting low on the bridge of his nose. "i just know how much it means to you." he says.
you feel yourself blushing and quickly begin changing the subject. "w-well, i think i've got it most of the way there, it's just, um…" you say nervously, picking up the cylindrical vaporizer and examining it in your hands once again.
"just…?" harry provokes.
you let out a nervous laugh, shaking your head as you pass the device back and forth between your hands. "just…that, um, it still needs to be tested, i guess, to see the full effects, y'know?" you try to explain without stumbling over your thoughts.
harry understands what you mean and nods his head slowly. "oh, right…" he says a bit nervously as well, pushing himself off the table to stand up straight and clear his throat.
an awkward silence hangs in the air for a moment as you continue to roll the vaporizer between your fingers. "yeah…" you trail off once again.
harry nervously chuckles, breaking the silence and making you laugh at the sudden tension. "well, then, hand it over i guess." harry casually requests, holding his hand out to you.
you look up at harry in confusion, your eyebrows pinched together as you examine his lighthearted expression. "harry," you try to find your words, feeling yourself still blushing under his gaze. "are you mad? you can't just test this out randomly." you try to explain to him.
harry shakes his head, his own eyebrows pinching together as he lets out an amused laugh. "why not? it can't be that strong," he shrugs.
you give harry another incredulous look, utterly confused at his nonchalant attitude. "are you kidding? this potion is composed of some of the most potent aphrodisiacs in the world, and inhaling them should only intensify the effects…theoretically," you add the last part in a hopeful tone, turning your attention back to the device in your hands.
harry just extends his hand out further, nearly touching yours. "well, we'll never know if we don't test it, now will we?" he asks with a smirk. you hesitate for another moment, still looking down at your hands. of course you were insanely curious about the effects of the project you spent weeks sweating over, and certainly would feel better knowing it actually works as intended before having to present it to the class tomorrow. but you were worried it could affect harry negatively, or that he could have a bad reaction to it, and you weren't sure if you could take that risk.
"just trust me, [y/n]. i can handle it." harry reassures you once more, his voice warm and familiar.
you sigh, carefully handing over the device to harry and leaning back in your chair. he smiles at you, taking one more look at the design of the vaporizer in his hands before bringing the mouthpiece up to his lips and inhaling the mixture. harry holds his breath for a moment before blowing out the vapor slowly, the clouds surrounding him under the dim lighting in a way that makes your heart stop. he looks ethereal with the billowing vapor coming from his lips and nostrils, a soft smile pinching his cheeks.
"tastes amazing," harry observes, taking another look at the design as the vapor fades into the air.
you wait for a few seconds, looking for any sign of behavioral changes in harry as he continues to rotate the device in his fingers. "well?" you ask in a hopeful tone.
harry looks down at you, and for a split second, you swear his pupils expand to the size of his iris before shrinking back to their normal size, blinking rapidly as they do. harry sets the device down and looks away from you, his neck jerking to the side and his knuckles clenching.
"harry?" you ask, concerned, standing from your seat and reaching for harry's shoulder. before you can touch him he jerks away, making a frustrated groaning sound as he did. you're still concerned, but mostly confused as harry's hands reach for the edge of the table and grip it so hard his veins are pulsing. his breathing is ragged and heavy, nearly growling as he tries to steady it. you're momentarily distracted before harry attempts to speak to you.
"it works," he barks out, his voice strained and impatient. you're taken aback at his aggressive change in tone. "what?" you ask again, trying again to reach for his shoulder. "harry, are you okay?"
just as you make contact with his sweatshirt, harry's legs go limp beneath him as he sinks to his knees. his breathing gets heavier as he lets out a pained groan, trying his best to stand up and let go of the table for support. "just," he says between panting breaths. "i have to go," he abruptly turns and tries to leave, his hands grabbing at his hair and face as he stumbles away.
"harry," you call after him. "what's happening? are you okay? is it hurting you?" you try to get some insight on what harry's experiencing, but he keeps shaking his head as he tries to make his way to the door.
"harry!" you finally snap, stepping away from the table. harry stops in his tracks. "our presentation is in 6 hours and you said you could handle the effects. now, i need to know what they are or else i'm testing it out myself." you demand angrily, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
harry turns to you but doesn't dare look at you, his body hunched over as if he's in pain. his hands are still rubbing at his eyes and he seems to be wiping away sweat on his forehead every other second.
"look, [y/n]," harry snaps back. you're again taken aback by his tone; you've never heard his voice so dark and foreboding before, and the sound of him practically growling your name has your mind racing. "i told you it works, okay? isn't that what you wanted?" his words are rushed, as if he's still trying to leave when you have so many questions that need answered.
"i need to know specifics, harry. what does it feel like? was there any physical response? how strong is it? i mean, you really can't let me ask a few questions about something we've been working on for weeks?" you ask.
harry frustratedly walks towards you, his wide strides making you step back towards the table in anticipation. his fists are balled at his sides, his eyes still pointed at the ground. "you wanna know what it feels like?" his voice bellows in the empty classroom, causing you to jump and gasp. you didn't want any prefects to hear you two in the lab and then have to explain why harry was in such a state.
harry comes closer to you, backing you against the table as his eyes stay fixed downward. "you wanna know how i feel, [y/n]?" he asks again, his voice less angry and more impatient, feeling his hot breath fall across your skin. again, hearing him spit your name at you so aggressively only made your mind race faster. you could hardly speak, so you just nodded your head anxiously, still attempting to put more space between you and harry.
for a while only harry's heavy breathing fills the room. you can see his hands still clenched at his sides, nearly shaking from the amount of pressure they're under. just as you're about to turn your head away from the tense moment, harry's eyes meet yours. you gasp again, this time at just how dark they had become since first looking away from you.
harry smirks evilly at your shock, his hands quickly grasping the edge of the table behind you, bringing his body even closer to yours. you were feeling such a rush of every emotion possible it was hard to tell what exactly you were feeling; all you knew is you could feel the wetness pooling between your legs despite fear making your heart race.
"i feel like i could tear you apart." harry's words drip with venom, his body leaning further into yours. you let out a shaky breath, your feet still trying to back up despite the table stopping you. "and i feel like you would let me." harry teases, his smirk growing.
you let out an involuntary squeal as harry's face comes closer to yours, turning away to avoid his eyes. "h-harry–" you try to protest, but he turns your chin back to him before you can finish.
"wouldn't you?" harry asks with a knowing tone.
you try to turn away again but harry doesn't let you, instead only bringing your lips closer to his as his hand fixes itself around your jaw tightly. you struggle a bit in his grasp but he isn't letting you go.
"i see the way you watch me, pretty girl. you may be smart but you're not very clever." harry's lips barely graze yours as he talks, his breath overwhelming your senses as he continues to stare into your eyes. "you'd love for me to tell you all the filthy thoughts running through my head about you right now, wouldn't you, darling? want me to describe every scenario, every position, every sound that comes from these pretty lips?" harry's thumb raises from your chin to your bottom lip as he swipes it across the soft skin.
you're speechless at his blunt attitude, your legs shaking beneath you as you try your best to continue standing. your mind is a mess trying to understand his response. you knew the vapor would be powerful, but you had no idea harry would react like this. you weren't exactly complaining, it was just so out of character for him to be so suggestive and upfront with his desires, let alone his apparent desire for you.
you clear your throat, trying to gain the confidence to formulate an answer to his question. "h-harry, it's the vapor, y-you're not yourself," you try to explain, your voice getting caught. "just…just sit down a-and we can talk about the side effects."
harry's grip on your jaw tightens more, making you wince slightly.
harry pulls away from your face, his eyes still boring into yours hungrily. his glasses are slightly fogged from how close he was to you, but his blown pupils were still clearly visible. he's looking down at you, smirking, chuckling at your pained expression. "you never answered my questions, if i remember correctly."
you can hardly continue keeping eye contact with harry as you felt your cheeks completely flushed and heart racing beneath his grasp. you were trying to keep it together knowing he was under the effects of a powerful potion, but part of you has wanted this for so long it only feels right to let harry have what he seems to want as well. i mean, that's what friends are for, right?
still squirming under the weight of his body against yours, harry grows impatient as he lets his clothed erection just barely rub against your thigh, enough to get your attention. your eyes widen, and harry smiles in satisfaction, humming at your response. you let your body relax despite your thumping heartbeat and rapid breathing, feeling yourself lean into harry as well.
harry hums again with his eyes tracing over every part of your face like he's trying to memorize it. "hmm, that's what i thought. now, tell me, pretty girl," harry starts, his hand tilting your head up to face him more. "what do you want?"
his question left you speechless once again. you didn't expect harry to consider your feelings in the matter; not that it made any difference anyway, you've wanted him just as bad for a long time now. but you were conflicted, was harry actually attracted to you, or would the potion make him act this way towards anybody? would it be wrong of you to encourage his behavior knowing he was under the influence of a potion? did any of that even matter with harry's throbbing erection pressed against you?
rather than answering harry's question, you took a chance and reached for his shoulders to help steady yourself before pressing your lips against his. harry moans into your mouth at the feeling, his grip on your jaw loosening but still holding you in place. his other hand snakes around from the edge of the table to your ass, hungrily grabbing for it and making you gasp.
harry takes this chance to shove his tongue past your lips, pushing you back against the table once more. in one swift motion he lifts your ass onto the tabletop, sitting you down in front of him. both of his hands go to the hem of your shirt, which you help him take off quickly. his lips attached to your neck, his hands already wrapped around your waist, and you nervously watched the door behind harry to make sure no one catches you two.
you start pulling at harry's sweatshirt and he rips it off before you even have the chance to help him. his skin is hot to the touch, and his hair's becoming damp with sweat. "harry," you say shakily as he's leaving a bruise on the side of your neck with his teeth. "you're so warm,"
pulling away and admiring the fresh red mark he's left on you, harry has a slight smirk on his swollen lips, "you should feel my heart," he says with a chuckle, guiding one of your hands to his warm chest. you can immediately feel his racing heart just beneath your fingertips, beating at a pace that couldn't be healthy for him.
you try to protest, but harry just gives you another hungry but short kiss. "i'm fine, [y/n]. i'm better than fine. it's like every inhibition i've ever had is gone, and it feels amazing. i'm sorry if i've been a bit strong, but, if you could see what i'm thinking, you'd actually be a bit impressed with my restraint…" harry voice is softer this time, his hands finding their way to your back, fiddling with the clasps on your bra. his lips wander from your ear down to your shoulder, sending a chill down your spine.
once harry has your bra undone, he looks back at you for confirmation. you eagerly help him remove it from you, throwing it to the side as harry's eyes become fixated on your chest. "fucking hell, [y/n]." harry curses under his breath before his hands cup your boobs aggressively, making you whimper in response.
it doesn't take long before harry has to press his lips against the soft skin of your tits, with his teeth following not far behind. you instinctively bring a hand to your mouth to muffle the sounds you can't hold back, but harry isn't having any of it. he gives you a stern look before grabbing your wrist and placing your hand in his messy hair. "let me hear you." he states, his voice dark and commanding once again.
once harry's lips and tongue find their way to your nipples, you can't help but start to melt in his hands. whiny moans, gasps, and occasional curses fall from your lips watching harry's eyes flutter close as he enjoys pleasing you. your fingers become entangled in his hair, holding him closer to your chest.
however, harry soon grows impatient again, and your filthy noises certainly didn't help him.
he pulls you down from the table, making sure you're able to stand before quickly turning you around and pressing his erection against your ass. you moan at the feeling and grind against him, making harry's grip on your waist tighten as he lets out his own strangled moan.
you help harry remove your pants as his come off as well. only left in your underwear, harry's arms wrap around you from behind, his fingers softly running across the wet fabric covering your pussy. "fuck," he breathes against your ear, his other arm wrapping across your chest and bringing you further into him. "i need you."
harry's desperate tone sends another shiver across your skin, your mind practically short circuiting at the thought of him wanting you so badly.
harry bends you over the table, his chest against your back as he leaves rushed kisses along the nape of your neck. the cold surface of the lab table makes you gasp, your nipples hardening at the sensation.
"now," harry says, leaving one more kiss just under your ear. "what i want you to do," he continues, reaching for your open notebook across the table as well as your pen. "is be a good potions student, and write down my symptoms." he tells you as he sets the notebook in front of you and hands you the pen. you can practically hear the smirk in his voice.
you're a bit confused and nearly about to protest when you feel harry's fingers hook under your panties and pull them down hastily. you try to look back at him, but a hand quickly grabs your hair from behind and forces you to look back at your notes. "follow the rules, darling." harry's deep voice instructs you with a hint of a threat behind his words.
harry's grip on your hair only makes your pussy throb more. you can feel his other hand resting on the back of your thigh, his fingers running along the wet folds of your pussy, humming to himself at the warm feeling. just as you're about to start writing, you can feel harry slowly pushing a finger inside of you. your moan is strained at the unfamiliar feeling, but harry's tight grip in your hair loosens as he begins to comfort you. "just relax and let me take care of it, baby."
if you weren't wet before you certainly were now. your knees were weakening beneath you, forcing you to lean into the table for more support. you relaxed your body and breathed evenly, trying to shift your focus to the notes in front of you instead. your handwriting is shaky and uneven, biting your lip in an attempt to distract yourself from the desperate feeling growing inside you.
"go on, tell me what you wrote." harry teases. you groan in protest but attempt to speak anyway. "r-rapid, heartbeat," you manage to say before you start writing the next symptom. "d–" you try to speak, but you gasp as harry introduces another finger into your aching pussy.
harry chuckles, tightening his grip in your hair. "hm?" he asks, waiting for you to continue. you try to hold back your moans as you look back down at your notes, your eyes attempting to focus on your writing. "d-dilated…pupils…" you trail off, your eyes rolling back as harry's fingers thrust deeper into you. you can hardly keep your moaning under control and harry's loving every second of it.
"lack of…inhibitions," you breathe out, your handwriting barely legible the more you write. harry deep chuckle from behind you only distracts you further. your stomach is tight and your legs can barely hold you up anymore as you feel your high begin to build. just as it does, harry removes his fingers and leaves you feeling empty.
before you can whine, harry lets go of his grip on your hair and instead grabs your shoulders, pulling you up from the table a bit. holding yourself up with your arms, harry separates your feet with his. you can feel the head of his cock grinding against your wetness from behind.
harry's fingers end up in your mouth, making you taste yourself as he forces your head back to look at him. his eyes are entirely dark, no longer the inviting shades of blue you're so accustomed to. his smirk is evil, and his hair is sticking to his forehead from the excessive sweating. "i want to watch you take me." harry's voice is darker than his eyes, a cold, demanding force that takes what it needs.
with his fingers still holding your mouth open, you let out a pained moan at the overwhelming feeling of harry's cock pushing inside of you. despite his aggressive demeanor, harry remains gentle with you, giving you time to adjust to the feeling and carefully watching your expression. his eyes are practically sparkling with lust watching you lose yourself in the feeling of being filled by his cock.
"fuck," harry curses under his breath again. his other hand grabs for your hips, his fingers digging into your skin like you're the only thing keeping him standing. "feel so good, darling." harry places a messy kiss on your forehead before he begins thrusting into you again, slowly, enjoying every second he's inside of you.
you're nearly crying out in pleasure and desperation with the pathetic sounds coming from you. you can hardly move against harry's grasp, not that you were complaining, but you just needed more or else you would go insane.
you attempt to push your hips back to make harry get the message, and the smirk on his face tells you he got it right away. once he starts thrusting into you quicker, your mind goes blank. you can feel the drool start to drip out of your mouth and over harry's fingers, even down to your chest and the table top. harry is groaning at the sight of you becoming such a mess for him.
"looks like you needed this more than i did, hm?" harry teases, his lips so close to your ear you can feel them. you nod eagerly, your hands reaching for his arm holding your mouth open. you grip onto his forearm for stability, your eyes rolling back into your head at the overwhelming pleasure. he takes his fingers out of your mouth and instead holds your throat tightly. you gasp for air and wipe the drool from your lips.
soon both of your moans fill the room, the air sweaty and the table creaking beneath you. the fear of someone hearing you or getting caught no longer concerns you, if anything it just thrills you even more.
harry then reaches for your notes and pen again. you try hold the pen as well as you could. "i have one more symptom i want you to add," harry says between heavy breaths, becoming worn out and even more sweaty. you whine, but nod your head as you attempt to line your writing up with the rest.
you feel harry bend you further over the table, his chest hot against your back as he continues pounding into you. it's challenging trying to keep your eyes open and focused when you're completely blissed out with harry groaning in your ear.
"obsession," he hisses, his grip on your throat tightening as he picks up the pace of his thrusts.
you try to write out the word, but you can hardly keep your hands steady. your stomach feels tight, your heart starts beating even faster, and you can feel yourself on the brink of your orgasm.
harry chuckles at your pathetic attempt at writing, but moves the notebook away anyway. "good girl." he commends you.
it's enough to bring you over the edge, your mouth dropping open with nasty sounds and eyes rolling back once more. harry groans into your ear as your pussy tightens around him, his thrusting becoming sloppy and tired.
"please," he breathes out just as you start coming down. "please, baby, can i cum inside you, please, please, i need it," harry's practically begging you, as if he even needed to ask.
"cum inside me, harry, please,"
"fuck," he moans again, his voice broken and needy. he's still desperately chasing his high, his hands sliding around to your stomach to feel himself pounding into you. "you're all mine, [y/n], all fucking mine." he growls into your ear. you could nearly cum again hearing harry fall apart behind you.
with a few more stuttering thrusts, harry cums inside you with another broken moan, bending you over the table again as his hands try to catch himself. his cock still fully inside you, you can feel his chest rising and falling on your back as he tries to catch his breath.
harry quickly gets off of you, almost in a rush. you turn to him and see his eyes are wide, his pupils shrinking back to their normal size, his hair nearly soaked in sweat. he tries his best to cover himself up, eventually grabbing for his pajama pants to put them back on. you're a bit lost at his reaction, hoping he didn't regret his actions so quickly.
"u-uhm, [y/n], i'm…i'm, so sorry," harry apologizes, his voice genuine and scared. he's wiping the sweat from his face, barely able to look at you. "i-i didn't mean for it to, f-for me to, um…" he's stumbling over his words, the same nervous harry you were so used to.
you smirked, crossing your arms in front of your chest to cover yourself a bit as well. "what, you didn't mean to fuck me over our lab table?" you ask smugly. harry's cheeks are completely flushed but he's trying his best to hide that from you, his hands covering his face.
"stop." he simply says, his voice meek and quiet. you giggle to yourself and step closer to him, admiring how pretty his sweaty skin looks in the dim lighting.
"hey," you say to him, stopping only about a foot away, completely naked and still shaking a bit. you reach for harry's arm and tug at it, making him uncover his face. he still doesn't dare look at you. "look, it's okay. that potion was extremely powerful, and we didn't know what would happen. as long as you feel alright that's all that matters, yeah? and, y'know, we can still be friends, even if you regret it..." you add the last part quietly, your voice breaking a bit.
harry looks up at you with guilty eyes. he's a bit distracted by your bare skin, but he can't stop looking back into your eyes. "please, don't take this as regret," he says, his eyebrows raised sympathetically. "i-i just, that's not…" he sighs, frustrated, looking away from you again. "it wasn't supposed to happen that way, our first time. n-not that i've thought about it that much," harry nervously interrupts himself, making you giggle once more.
harry looks back at you, his eyes wandering down to your chest. "u-uhm, just, you…if we ever did, y'know…you'd just deserve so much better than that," he tries to explain himself while clearly flustered.
you laugh again. "harry, i clearly enjoyed myself just then, didn't i? i mean, i don't know how it could've been much better." you admit, still in a teasing tone.
harry reaches for your shirt on the floor and offers to help you put it on. as he does you notice his eyes lingering on your chest again. "yes, but, i would've at least liked for you to have a bed to be comfortable on…" he says, knocking his knuckles against the hard surface of the table.
you roll your eyes at harry and reach for your pants as well. "well, maybe we can plan better for next time." you say with a smirk as you slip them on. harry straightens up from grabbing his shirt and looks at you with wide eyes again. "next time?" he asks innocently. you swear you could take him again right then and there, but you hold yourself back. "yeah, next time. if you'd like that." you offer him.
harry gives you that same shy smile he always has, and can barely hold himself back as he steps towards you and gives you a soft kiss on your lips. it's different, not hungry or full of lust, but rather warm and comforting. he pulls away after a moment to look at you, admiring your face in the light. "i'd love to." he whispers to you.
after helping you pack your stuff and clean up the table, harry offers to walk you back to your room with the invisibility cloak. you accept his offer and he wraps his arm around your shoulders, covering you both and walking you out of the lab and down the hallway.
before he leaves you for the night, harry can't help but snag another kiss, still as soft and loving as before with his hand resting on your cheek. you giggle into his lips, laying your forehead on his. "goodnight, harry." you say to him, readjusting your bag with your notebooks. "goodnight, my love." he tells you, unwrapping you from the cloak and leaving you with a swish.
the next morning you two had barely slept, sitting in potions class with matching eye bags and flushed cheeks. you could hardly look at the side of the table you were just bent over last night, and noticed harry smirking anytime he turned his head that way as well. his hands were subtly bumping into yours, as well as his knees, trying anything to get your attention during the other presentations. you just gave him a look, but couldn't help smiling at his gestures.
when it was your turn to present, harry let you do most of the talking and admired how passionately you spoke about the process to create the device. slughorn was more than impressed with your skill and knowledge, and awarded you and harry with top marks for your vaporizer.
"would there be any way to test the device?" he had asked curiously, holding it between his hands and examining it. "no!" you nearly exclaimed, taking it from his hands before he could even try. slughorn gives you a surprised look, but harry pipes up from behind you. "it's entirely too powerful to just try it out casually, sir." he says.
slughorn's eyebrows pinch together. "how so?" he asks. you and harry exchange awkward looks, both blushing and chuckling to yourselves. harry takes the device from you and puts it in his own pocket.
"just trust me, sir."
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tag list: @gorlsinmultifandoms @mymoonmeow @treacletartlett @lucasinclairsgf @stvrlavs @dinomdubs
(if you'd like to be tagged in my future fics, leave a comment or send me a message! if you like this please let me know, your comments make my day <3)
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seventeenreasonswhy · 11 days
Super Shy ~ A JWW School-Life Romance Pt. 1
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Star Athlete!Wonwoo x Shy Wallflower!Reader
Jeon Wonwoo... THE Jeon Wonwoo is... paying attention... to you!?
~1.1k words
Series content: fluff, first crush plot line, school-life anime vibes, slow burn/yearning, some light angst, classmates to friends to lovers, fem reader, reader is ~*super shy*~ and has low self-esteem, reader is kind of bullied (?), sweetie pie Wonwoo, appearances by Choi Hansol and more!, all characters are in high school so no explicit content (but probably kissing eventually).
My Masterlist
Author’s note: Eeeee! I’ve been watching a lot of school life/romance anime these days and here we are lol. Wonwoo is so first love-coded I couldn’t help myself! And I needed something to distract myself from the pain and sorrow of Jeonghan enlisting. This is just part 1, but we’ll see how long this goes! hahaha. Thank you for reading!!! LMK if you want to be on the taglist 😊
Taglist: @yeoberryx @clownprincehoeshi @soffiyuhh @wonwoos-wineparty @hamji-hae @junniesoleilkth @seokqt @haniinah @yangtyunhannie @cherrylovescheol @iIIucere @lukeys-giggle @cookiearmy
Despite the lingering winter chill, the time had come for the baseball team to start their pre-season training.
You didn’t know this because you were particularly fond of baseball. You (and everyone else in school) knew this because every morning a crowd of girls could be seen clinging to the chain-link fence surrounding the baseball fields.
There was only one reason why they gathered out there so early and in the freezing cold: Jeon Wonwoo.
Jeon Wonwoo was the star of the baseball team in the spring, the star of the track team in the summer, the star of the soccer team in the fall, and the star of the basketball team in the winter.
And everyone... everyone was in love with him.
Or, at least, that’s what it seemed like to you.
Spring came so fast, you thought as you shuffled your way to homeroom. You always got to class early since you didn’t really have friends to meet up with beforehand, and you didn’t play any sports. Your whole life existed within the path from your bedroom to school, only ever deviating to your parttime job at your uncle’s convenience store on the weekends, or occasionally to the library to study.
You glanced out the window to see the crowd of your classmates (not to mention girls from the grade below you and the grade above you) watching the baseball team’s practice game. You were impressed that they got up so early just to watch a practice.
Jeon Wonwoo was in your class, and you had technically spoken with him exactly one time. But still, you didn’t think you could say you’d ever had a ‘conversation’ with him.
Earlier in the year, you had been tasked with collecting everyone’s homework. He had been chatting with the guys seated behind him.
“Um,” you’d squeaked, barely audible, “... Excuse me?”
He had turned to you, looking directly at you through those dark, feline eyes. You could tell right away that they were the eyes of someone with effortless magnetism. Even you felt your face get flushed when they were trained on you.
“Uh, your homework—” was all you could muster, unable to meet his gaze.
“Oh,” he said, turning to rummage in his bag, “sorry about that—thank you!” he smiled as he handed you his assignment.
He seems nice, you’d thought.
And that was the extent of your interaction with Jeon Wonwoo. Months had passed now, and his seat was on the opposite side of the room from you.
And even though you wouldn’t like to admit it, the moment had stuck with you...
The smile on his face, the way it... sparkled?
You chalked it up to being the moment you really understood why so many people in school were obsessed with him. He was more than just handsome and a top athlete; he was actually really nice. Or appears nice... you’d remind yourself that you didn’t really know Jeon Wonwoo. You didn’t feel like you could say with certainty what kind of person he was.
He wasn’t the most outgoing guy in your grade, but he attracted a lot of attention. You’d never seen him exchange harsh words with anyone. You couldn’t imagine handling that kind of spotlight. You saw girls talk to him and flirt with him all the time—giving him gifts, following him to the cafeteria, passing him notes in class... he was always super nice to anyone who wanted to talk to him, but apparently he’d never reciprocated anyone in the school’s feelings. Sometimes you wondered whether he already had a girlfriend or not.
Someone like him is probably dating a model, you assumed.
Class was about to start, and people came pouring in one by one. You continued to stare out the window, until you felt a tug on your school blazer.
“Hi, Y/N!!” it was your classmate, Chaeryong. She sat in front of you. You weren’t really friends, but she was nice. You were kind of surprised that she approached you.
“I’m sorry to ask, but do you think I could look at your homework from last night?”
“Oh,” you said, coming back down to earth, “Sure.” You pulled your notes out and handed them to her.
“Thank you!!” she said, “I owe you!!”
She took her seat in front of you and started copying down your homework. You knew that it wasn’t right, but you also didn’t care that much if other students copied you. It wasn’t like you’d get in trouble or anything. Even the teachers tended to overlook you. A blessing and a curse at times.
“Your handwriting is so neat, Y/N!” Chaeryong said. Then, the girl who sat next to her asked to see your notes... and another boy from the row in front of her... until eventually, it seemed like the entire class was copying your homework.
“Uh,” you started to interject as yet another classmate asked to see your work, but right then, Jeon Wonwoo and Choi Hansol from the baseball team came in, both of them emitting a post-practice glow and completely disrupting the vibe.
“Ah, Wonwoo! You were going crazy at just a practice, I’m so impressed!” the guy currently clutching your notes turned and said to Wonwoo. You’d gotten out of your seat by now, and were about to reach for your work...
“Oh that was nothing,” Wonwoo said with a casually cocky grin, “what’s that?” He pointed at your homework with his chin.
“Oh, this is Y/N’s homework,” the guy said, “she’s letting me copy.”
“Um,” you said, starting to panic. I never said that!
“What?” Wonwoo said, his tone incredulous. “Do your own homework! Y/N, you don’t have to let this clown copy your work.” His tone was much sweeter when he spoke to you, making your stomach turn inexplicably.
“Aww, Wonwoo! Don’t be like that!” the guy whined.
“Do your own homework next time!” And he snatched the notes from this guy’s hand.
“Here you go,” he said softly as he handed you the notes.
“Th-thanks,” you said, feeling completely flustered. You all but ran back to your seat. Maybe he is really nice, you thought.
“Man, bad timing,” another girl giggled, “we already got to copy Y/N’s notes.”
“Wait, how many people are just copying Y/N?” Wonwoo asked, but the room didn’t answer—instead shuffling off to their respective seats, continuing their own pre-class banter. Wonwoo looked across the room at you while you tried to crawl inside your own skin out of embarrassment. He almost went over to you... but he saw the look on your face and decided against it.
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rose-tinted-kalopsia · 7 months
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≡;-꒰ 𝐉𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐇 ꒱₊˚ ପ⊹ I 𝑺𝒐 𝒊𝒕 𝒈𝒐𝒆𝒔...
╰┈➤ ❝ jeremiah x afab!reader | smut nsfw 18+ mdni
tags : angst, friends with benefits, forbidden love/"we shouldn't be doing this" vibes, hints at friendship betrayal, the pain hits more if you've read main story ch8 and xavier's myth ch5, kissing and making out, mentions of nipple play, mentions of oral (f and m receiving), fingering, clit play, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, cumshot, dirty talk, praise, cursing, use of nicknames "pretty" "princess" "milady/my lady", lmk if i missed any tags!
wc : 4.5k
an : LOOK. BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING. before you "roxie... what—" me !!!!! writing for him is probably a one-time thing, but listen. he's CUTE!!! and if he's cute, i will write for him...!!!!! (sorry, xavier)
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You didn't really know when it started.
After all, what were the odds for you to be strolling around long enough, just to chance across this quaint little flower shop that would eventually became part of your every being?
He'd been arranging some flowers out in the front when you first saw him, light brown, curly hair shining with a gleam under the sunlight. He was humming some kind of tune—it wasn't one you particularly knew, and yet, oddly enough, it was one you found familiar, in ways you couldn't really describe.
In retrospect, the flowers were pretty. Pastel colors blending in with limes and greens, a splash of vibrancy against a largely black exterior. Blues and yellows seemed to be predominant amongst the hues, almost tiny and star-like—a galaxy of flowers, you remember thinking.
And something about it had you easily magnetized.
"Hi!" You'd walked up to him without really thinking; lamely telling yourself in your head, that, hey, maybe your apartment could use some extra decorating...!
(It didn't, but now that you'd approached the florist like this, you felt compelled to at least buy something.)
Jeremiah, however, had been completely spooked by your sudden appearance. One look at you, and his eyes went wide and his humming immediately ceased—you could have sworn a hint of recognition had passed in his eyes, but it was gone before you could truly make out what it was that you saw.
"W-whoah!" he'd laughed, hints of both nervousness and awkwardness glaringly obvious to you—and any busybody that happened to be passing by, for that matter. "Uh!? Sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone so, um... Early?"
You could feel it was a feeble excuse.
Sure, it had been your day off, and sure, maybe it was odd for you to be out and about in the morning at all—but it hadn't been that early. You almost wanted to say something about it out loud... but something in you told you to cut him some slack.
Instead, you'd offered a smile.
"No, I'm sorry. Are you not open yet? You have some beautiful flowers, and I couldn't help but want to look at them a little..."
It was amusing to you how easy his expressions were to read. They had changed seamlessly from bewilderment to joy, and he instantly gestured inside. "Oh! We are open! Wow, maybe I'm just really distracted this morning, haha! But hey, thanks, I'm actually pretty proud if them myself. Though I get some help from a friend in taking care of them, I think they're pretty too..."
You'd known from the start that he was quite the talker, but as a smile played on your lips, you thought that you didn't really mind so much, anyway.
He looked cute, and his voice was just as cute.
But the store, you later realized, would take your breath away in an instant.
The inside was just as majestic as the outside. You found that despite the fact that it looked rather small from a distance, its exterior was actually quite misleading. The inside was beautiful—a floor and a loft worth of flowers, and, you could spot all the way in the back, a door that seemed to be leading out into a garden.
And was that... a greenhouse?!
He had probably noticed the awe on your face when you stepped in, and couldn't help but chuckle. "You like?" he grinned, obvious pride twinkling in his eyes.
"Well... yeah! I can't belive I haven't found this place before. Don't you get a lot of customers?"
"Hmm... Sometimes. Depends on the day, really. But as it goes, if you know the place, then you know, right? Welcome to Philo!"
He turned momentarily before offering you a single yellow blossom, its petals unfurling like puffs in your hand.
You eyed it curiously.
"This, is...?"
"It's a zinnia flower. I thought its colour matched your eyes a little, so think of it as something to keep you company while you look around!"
That day, you picked out a lovely bouquet of little blue periwinkles, and learned that his name was Jeremiah.
From then on, you would chance upon him more, and more, and more—taking the occasional detour whenever you were free, or even timing your lunch breaks enough so to at least be able to catch a glimpse. For the flowers, of course, you would tell yourself, because each visit, Jeremiah would give you a single stem. "On the house!" he would say, and you would smile.
The first day you met, he'd given you a yellow zinnia.
The second day you met, he'd given you a sunflower.
The third day you met, he'd given you a white camellia.
And the fourth, and the fifth, and the sixth, and onwards—a single flower, handed over with a dismissive excuse of it going with your hair, or your outfit, or your smile—most often accompanied by a nonchalant remark on how pretty you looked.
Sometimes, after that, you'd talk a little. He would ask you about your day, and you would ask him about his day... You've even learned, by now, the things that he liked. Flowers, a given, but also literature—poetry. Though he remarked that lately he hadn't gotten around to reading anything, he's always been quite fond of them.
You found that these little tidbits made him feel less... mysterious, in a sense, and more real. It went without saying that the more you went over to visit, the longer you'd stay—the longer you'd stay, the louder your heart would beat.
In the end, it wouldn't take long before you realized it yourself, but you were no longer going to Philo for simply... the flowers.
And on one particular night, having made it just in time for closing hours, things had started taking a different turn.
...That night had started off innocent.
Cheerful greetings, cheerful chatter—now, you'd grown accustomed to telling him all about how your day or how your week had gone, and then you would never fail to fluster at the way he'd listen to you so attentively. His eyes, you realized, were almost as bright as the sun—honey-brown like his hair, with specks and glimmers of sapphire when the light hit just right enough. If anything else, you thought that a sunflower suited him better than it did you—the cheerful bounce in his curls, and the way his laugh would tinkle in the air and send butterflies into your stomach without even trying.
Perhaps, down bad was an understatement for you.
But no matter how close you had gotten to this boy, you couldn't help but feel as if there was an unknown barrier between the two of you.
That night, Jeremiah gave you a rose.
Cleaned of its thorns, and as pure and pristine as all the other white flowers he'd housed in his store—he tucked it behind your ear, and his gaze softened in a way that you had never seen before.
The air between you was heavy.
But neither of you would make a definitive move.
"Hey, so how are the flowers all doing?" He broke the silence, but his eyes remained steely on yours.
"I'm... taking care of them like I promised to. I still have that bouquet, and I still have all of the other ones you gave me..."
"Hmm." A smile played at his lips, and then he began to list the recent flowers he'd given to you, for the past couple of weeks of your sporadic visits—
"Let's see. Azalea, petunia, iris, lily... a yellow tulip, some lavender—" He stopped, and amusement shone in his eyes. "Hey, don't tell me you're keeping them all in one vase! And with the others, too? That won't make for a pretty bouquet, you know, the colours will all just clash too much!"
You watched as he laughed, but your eyes only furrowed. "What do you mean? I don't have a greenhouse like you do! Might I remind you that I live in an apartment?!"
"I know, I know! But... You didn't really have to keep them..."
"Why not? They're from you..."
Jeremiah's gaze softened.
And then, again, came that same, pensive silence.
And again, you felt like you were drawn to him.
You couldn't have known why.
Despite whatever butterflies and giddiness he'd often bring upon you, it wasn't as if you'd spent all that much time with him—perhaps, you'd try to visit every week if you could, but that was it, wasn't it? A small chat, a few glances... a flower, and then a wave goodbye—
Yet here you were, like a moth to a flame.
"Penny for your thoughts, milady?" he mumbled out as if to bring you out of your reverie, but it almost seemed to you that he was having the same trepidations.
And that nickname.
He would call you by it often—it fell from his lips almost naturally, and then onto your ears equally as naturally. You've always liked the sound of it, reveling in the way he would treat you so sweetly like this, smiling to yourself at the way his eyes would squint in joy whenever he said it.
But, in this situation....
You chanced it, this feeling, and leaned in.
Jeremiah drew in a shaky breath... but he didn't move.
Instead, his eyes—so telling, his eyes—would move downwards over your face, before settling onto your lips.
"...'Miah," you whispered, and you saw him gulp at the nickname. "Can I kiss you?"
Moths, near a flame, never end well. Surely they don't.
But Jeremiah, despite knowing that, had never been happier to oblige.
That night, was the first night he had kissed you. The first time that both of you had given into the thrumming of temptation always in the air; the first time he had you pressed against his counter, hands roaming fondly over your body, kissing you almost as if his life depended on it.
And from that night forward, things changed substantially.
Weekly visits turned to daily—nightly. Chancing upon closing hours became more planned and deliberate, and then the situation would be the same. Lips crashing upon lips, fingers gripping tightly onto fistfuls of hair, the soft resounding of hushed moans into each others mouths.
You no longer remembered when he started becoming more daring, either. When he started sliding his hands underneath your top, when he started kissing at your neck, fingers rubbing your nipples fondly... You don't remember when you made it into his bedroom, having him trace his hands over your thighs, pushing you apart, fingers slipping into your cunt and sliding through your folds in a way that had you absolutely speechless. Or, neither could you remember how on some nights, he had his head between your legs—licking, and sucking, and eating you out, waves of pleasure coarsing through your veins like never before.
No, at this point, you really didn't remember—how many times your night had been filled with him, how many times you would come all over his mouth—his fingers—
How many times you'd moaned his name.
Perhaps, you thought, it might have been the same for him. Your hands, pumping his cock with fervor, tongue swirling around his tip, drinking up ever last drop of cum he would offer you. You knew, by now, that he loved it when your fingers fell through his hair, stroking fondly at his curled tresses, or digging into his scalp as a testament to your passion.
And yet, you'd never gone further.
Each night, you would see a hint of regret flash in his eyes, and though he would hold you, and kiss you, and do everything to ensure you would sleep soundly right beside him...
The ambiguity of your relationship was clear.
The nights would be for pleasure, but there would be nothing more.
No professions of love, no promises of commitment...
Perhaps, the butterflies you'd always felt around him, had also simmered down to nothing but racing heartbeats in anticipation of his touch.
"Does that feel good, pretty?"
Now, Jeremiah had his fingers in your pussy, drinking up the lust in your eyes, watching the way your mouth would hang open in breathless pants.
"Mhm... 'Miah... 'Miah, you're so good..."
He smiled up at you, thumb grazing over your clit, sighing when your head fell back with another moan.
"Staying quiet really was never your strong suit, huh? I love having you like this. You're so, pretty for me, my lady... So pretty..."
He leaned up to kiss you, his lips feeling home on yours, your back arching to meet the thrust of his fingers.
"You're adorble," he mumbled, lightly onto your lips when he pulled back. "Really adorable. So adorable, damn, I'm so lucky."
Another moan from your mouth, and you tensed beneath him. "C-close!" you cried, "M'gonna— gonna cum!"
"Mhm? Real close, huh, pretty?"
His finger brushed on the spongy spot in your walls, and your high came crashing immediately.
"'Miah! Oh, fuck—'Miah, 'Miah— Jeremiah—"
You groaned as he rode out your orgasm, his fingers slowly pulling out of you, drenched in your slick, and you trembled beneath him with pleasure.
"Aww... Now I'm hard for you again..." He almost whined as he pressed against you, the feeling of his bare cock on your folds making you hiss in pleasure.
"Should I..." you panted, chest heaving as you struggled to catch your breath. "Do you want me to suck you off again?"
Your offer came out genuinely, and you propped yourself up on your elbows as if to prepare yourself—but he shook his head, guiding you back down. Jeremiah smiled and placed kisses all over your face, rolling over to lay down next of you as if to make a point. "No need, princess. We've done enough for tonight, right?"
You expected this.
Jeremiah never went too far; always keeping your activities to a minimum, always shaking his head when you asked for more. His self control was impeccable—but it was ironic, almost, considering that these activities had already very much become a nightly adventure.
But you pouted.
Instinctively, you reached out a hand for him to hold; "Why do you hold yourself back when you're with me?"
"What do you mean?"
You could at scoffed at the obviously feigned innocence on his face when he turned to look at you.
"This. You won't let this go... further. Like there's—there's something stopping you, or..." You paused, and squeezed his hand "Jeremiah, what... are we? What are we doing?"
It was a question you'd never dared to ask, but one that you had always felt burning in the back of your mind.
He didn't answer immediately.
You probed him further.
"Even when we're like this, it's almost like... You're still so far away from me. I just... I want to understand where this is all coming from, because, 'Miah, I think I—"
His voice, interrupting you, was twinged with guilt. He shifted closer enough to cradle you into his chest.
"We're just... We're friends, right? Who just... fool around, from time to time..."
The more words fell out of his mouth, the more he seemed to sound... regretful.
You looked up at him with a searching gaze. "Is that why you'll never really go further than this? Because we're... friends."
He nodded, slowly.
But something wasn't sitting right with you.
It was almost as if he knew something; as if he was hiding something so desperately from you that it was taking every ounce of his being not to give in and tell you everything.
"...Ah, fuck—please. Not that nickname, not right now..."
You couldn't understand the pain in his voice.
"...Jeremiah, then."
He looked at you, chewing on the inside of his lower lip, and his eyes held a glimmer of something you couldn't quite understand.
"Do you... Want this, Jeremiah? Is it... Is it not enjoyable for you? If— If you don't want to anymore, then we could just—"
"N-no! It is! God, it is! You're so perfect for me, princ—" the nickname caught in his throat, and he gulped. "Y-you... You always feel so good. I more than want it, I love doing this with you—!"
"Then why are you so sad?"
Your words hung in the air, the silence that followed laying thick with a mix of your emotions. It was almost like he took a moment to process the truth of what you'd said, and then he looked away, gaze flitting to the bedsheets, grip tight around your arms.
"No, don't... I— Please. Please, I just—I want you so bad. To have you beneath me—to fuck you, to make love to you... You don't even know how much. And even more than that, I... The more we do this, the more I realize that I don’t want to just fool around with you..."
"Then why don't you? Jeremiah... all this time, I—"
"You're not mine."
You paused. His voice came out barely a whisper, and though he refused to look at you, you could make out the tiny glistening of tears in his eyes.
"What... What do you mean?"
"You... You belong to someone else—"
"No, I don't! I don't have any other man in my life, 'Miah, you know this—"
"But you should!"
"...What? What are you saying?"
He finally looked at you, moving you onto your back once more, clear, pure conflict in his eyes, even as he leaned down to nip at your jawline. His hot, warm breaths were against your skin once more. Immediately you felt your hair raise up, all manner of thoughts seeping through your mind in an instant, desire stirring inside of you—
"'M-Miah..." You drew in a sharp breath. "W-wait, you're not— not making any sense, what's going on...?"
"I can't—I'm not—I'm not supposed to be doing this with you..." His voice shook, but he rolled his hips against yours, and you had to let out a gasp. "I'm not, but I... God, you're just so tempting..."
"I don't... U-understa—ah, shit—!"
"Wh- What's your... call..." Jeremiah let out a shaky breath near your ear, his eyes pleading, his cock resting neatly between your folds, the heat of his touch sending your mind into overdrive. "You— Is it okay? Can I put it in? You... Y-you said..."
You swallowed thickly, melting under the intensity in his eyes, failing to hold back a whimper at the way he was sliding against you.
"Yes," you breathed, immediately, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I said yes... I still say yes..."
His hips stuttered at your words, and you could see him grit his teeth as he bit back a loud moan. "O- once. Just once. Once, and I'll pull out, I promise... Just once, let me be inside you..."
Despite the fact that you had already given him consent, he seemed almost as if he was reassuring himself more than you. It didn't sit right with you—something was wrong, and you knew it. Jeremiah wasn't drunk, to have been possibly saying this while not in his right mind, but, this... this was...
What was holding him back?
You, being in such a situation where you understood nothing, didn't know what to do.
Should you stop him...?
Something in your mind was screaming at you to tell him to calm down; what if he didn't truly want this?
But his cock was rubbing so nicely into your clit. You could feel the pool of arousal gather within seconds of him rutting against you, and how—how could you think?
If this were up to you, you've wanted this for so long.
And he was asking you...
He was asking you if he could finally put it inside of you...
You shuddered at the thought, your walls clenching around nothing.
"You can take me, 'Miah," you whispered, breath shaking. You steeled yourself to keep from bucking your hips upwards. "But you have to promise me... Promise me, promise me, that you won't end up regretting it..."
Something flashed in his eyes.
Uncertainty, perhaps—
Jeremiah let out ragged pants, but for a moment, he didn't speak.
You moved your hand slowly, trailing his skin before resting to cup his cheek.
"...Do you truly want this, Jeremiah?"
"Yes," he breathed. "Fuck, yes..."
"Okay. I want this, but I'm not forcing you. You have my consent, but I... I want yours."
He sighed, and leaned into your touch, something like a hopeless resignation now made clear in his eyes. He was like a deer in the headlights, almost—so embrolled in whatever internal conflict was at the forefront of his mind, that you almost pitied him. With a pout, you kissed him, slowly, softly, and he lay his forehead to meet yours.
"What if," he whispered, "there was... someone out there, who's loved you all this time?"
"What if... What if I'm stealing you from him? What if it was never supposed to be this way? I just... I feel like... You were never supposed to be mine to hold..."
It wasn't something you could understand at a surface level. You knew that there was more to it—things he couldn't say out loud, and things he couldn't make you understand no matter how hard he tried to.
So you sighed.
"Well, 'Miah, I haven't met him, whoever he is."
"But you hav—"
"The point is that I'm here, now, with you. And, if... If, it makes you feel better, then..." You swallowed your pride, swallowed all the feelings you might have grown for him through your time together, swallowed all hope that you could ever have a normal relationship with him. "We're just... friends, right? Fooling around, like you said. Just... like we've always been doing."
Your heart buzzed, numb, almost.
The look in his eyes told you he didn't believe you; almost as if he'd known, all this time, that you've fallen in love with him, very likely just as he had with you—
But you didn't pay it any mind.
If nothing else, you didn't want to lose what you had now.
It was okay, like this.
You could live with it.
All things considered, your words seemed to bring him to relax just a little bit, and he nuzzled your nose, the fondness in his eyes resurfacing and drowning out any remaining traces of guilt. "Okay," he nodded, "you're right. Of course. We're just... fooling around. Friends, just... fooling around."
It was a false sense of security.
Somehow, the both of you knew it deep in your hearts that you were lying to yourselves.
But it didn't matter, right?
Not when the first push of his tip through your walls had you gasping your air, not when the feel of his length moving right into your cunt felt so perfect—so right. And along with you, Jeremiah let out quiet whimpers, sinking into you slowly, slipping in inch by inch, allowing the both of you to savor this very feeling.
"Holy shit," he cursed, breathless, gritting his teeth as he looked at you almost pleadingly—"How can you feel so good?"
By now he'd bottomed out and your bodies were flush against each other, feeling the echoing of your heartbeats in sync, heavy pants filling the equally weighty silence that followed. Leaning forward slightly, he moved to rest both of your legs on his shoulders, and you couldn't help but moan at the way the slight adjustment had him shifting deeper within you.
"Fuck, can I... Can I move?" He placed a chaste kiss on the skin of your calf, before letting his hands fall down to your waist, his grip firm yet gentle, his eyes still searching yours almost expectantly.
You could have melted at the way he smiled at you.
And then Jeremiah wasted no time in pulling out, before slowly easing back in. The way your name fell from his lips in a drawn-out moan had you tingling, and you held him tight against you, eyes closing at the way he stretched you out.
He felt so... warm. So safe.
Each of his thrusts were thoughtful, intentional; slow, but long and deep.
"S'good, Miah..." you whispered, latching your hands onto his soft curls. "You fit so well..."
"I know... haah... I can't believe we're—I think I'll ruin you for him—"
You didn't dare dwell on his words and only clenched around him at a particularly deep thrust, having the both of you moan in synchrony.
"Fuck! My lady, please— g-go easy on me...!"
"Y-you're the one w-who's so deep—ah—!"
You pulled at his hair, feeling the way the sensitive head of his cock would delightfully brush against your most delicate spot. Your eyes clouded with want, raking your nails over his scalp, shuddering at the way he would moan and moan, on and on about the pleasure of your heat.
"Mhm... so good, 'Miah, s'perfect..." You moaned in tandem with him, whispering praises, matching his thrusts with every movement of your hips. It was too much, almost, even though all he was doing was thrusting into you, doe-like, unfocused eyes transfixed upon your face.
If you weren't lying to yourself, you were inclined to think that he, too, mirrored your exact thoughts.
"Princess... Fuck, my princess..."
Ah. That nickname.
The way his cock would twitch inside you at the mere sound of this nickname from his lips had you gasping, and you wondered, truly, why it had him so worked up. This wasn't the first time you'd seen him so attached to it—but you adored it; you reveled in the way he would use it on you.
"S-say it again," you breathed, heart racing at the wet sounds of your pussy with each of his thrusts, every roll of his hips pushing him so deep inside of you, gliding against that spongy spot. You could barely hold back your moans anymore, words turning into broken, unintelligible whimpers.
"You..." Jeremiah closed his eyes, gritting his teeth, and you felt lightheaded at the image of it in front of you. "Y-you... You like it? When I call you princess?"
Another whine escaped from your lips, and you continue to coax him, pleading him, praising him—anything to get him to bring you closer to your high.
And he listened.
"Fuck, princess— princess, princess, princess— my princess, my pretty, pretty princess—"
Your eyes rolled back as he picked up his pace, precise with his thrusts as the bed rocked steadily beneath you. Cries and moans spilled from your lips, your hands falling to twist into his sheets.
He was perfect.
You'd barely started grinding your hips upwards to meet his thrusts, and then your body was tensing with pleasure
"'M-Miah!" Your fingers raked down to his back, gripping tightly when he hissed into your ear. "M'cumming, 'Miah! M'gonn— I'll—!"
He thrust hard and deep inside of your cunt, and you trembled, crying out his name, mouth falling open—
Jeremiah buried his face into your neck as he pulled out of you, spilling his load all over your chest, broken chants of your name.
"I—fuck—shit—" He whined into your skin, barely lifting himself enough to relax your positions, crawling back over to give you the sweetest of kisses.
"Jeremiah..." You stroked his cheek once more, gently, lost in the way that his eyes would look at you with so much adoration that your heart could beat right out of your chest.
"I..." he started, a pout forming at his lips. "I'm sorry, my lady..."
He didn't explain why, but he didn't need to.
You could see it in his eyes.
His eyes, his ever expressive eyes, holding so much warmth and so much love—
He loved you.
Even though you had dared to reach this illusion of mutual agreement, even if you'd promised yourselves only just a short while ago that this wouldn't happen.
That it couldn't happen.
And you closed your eyes.
"I know," you whispered.
I love you, too.
Your words would remain unsaid.
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⁺₊ / an: flower language is cute and the flowers mentioned here represent things like compliments/love/growing attraction! the zinnia symbolises welcoming back a missing friend! because jeremiah would totally flirt via flowers... haha... florist, right....... did i just make myself more attached to him? 4.5k wordcount says yes!!
© rose-tinted-kalopsia. all rights reserved. do not: steal, copy, repost, reupload, modify, or claim any of my works as your own, regardless of credit given. absolutely do not use my works for AI training and other related purposes.
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heeheesang · 2 months
practice time..! | 𝗰𝗼-𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗿𝘀
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“good morning everyone..!” i greeted and bowed to them as i entered the practice room. iroha and ahyeon rushed over to me and tackled me onto the floor with tight hugs and screams, “eonni..!” they screamed repeatedly in my ear as i gave up and just laid on the floor.
soon enough, the two got distracted by riki and jungwon and ran over to them because riki was trying to do something stupidly fascinating. i almost closed my eyes but someone interupted me, “it’s not the time to sleep princess, wake up..!”
sunghoon said as he offered a hand for me to reach, which backfired him because i pulled him in the floor next to me. “you’re pretty strong…” sunghoon mumbled as i slapped his chest playfully. he giggled and got up, offering a hand yet again.
this time i stood up with his help and soon our choreographer came in to teach us the second part of the dance. we were doing a royalty concept for our freestyle cover, we had partnered up with each other and the pairings were : jungwon and ahyeon, riki and iroha, sunghoon and i.
the pairings for our vocal cover was : jungwon and i, riki and ahyeon, sunghoon and iroha. and the pairings for our dance cover was : riki and i, jungwon and iroha, sunghoon and ahyeon. i knew this was going to be an easy collaboration because we were able to distribute the parts evenly and confidently without any arguments whatsoever.
soon enough we took a break and riki and i were trying to perfect our dance cover.
“yn noona, could you help me with this move..? i don’t understand it.” riki asked as i giggled and went beside him, “for this, you just have to move your leg in a circular motion and jump to put your feet together. try it,”
i could tell riki was one of the best dancers for his age, he might just be number 1. as soon as he got the move, he ran towards and me lifted me off the ground, “you’re the best yn noona..! thank you!” i giggled and pat his shoulder to let me down.
not long later, we had to finish up our royalty freestyle dance cover. there was a part where i had to intertwine hands with sunghoon and i was so focused admiring his face to the point i almost fell flat on my face.
thankfully, sunghoon had his one of his hands on my waist and the other on my back, and was able to capture me on time before i fell. i felt my face burning, his eye contact as he slowly broke out a smile was killing me.
“you okay?”
i nodded my head and immediately excused myself to the toilet. oh hell no, what is happening to me?!
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hhs’ notes ! guess who finally uploaded..! i’m so sorry for the wait my loves ;( i’ve been losing motivation these days and school is really draining me out😭 thank you for always supporting and loving my smaus, i love you all🫶🏻💘
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lynzishell · 5 months
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✨Li Xue by @ginovasims ✨Lot by CmdrWheatley on the gallery
Transcript below the cut:
Dawn: Maybe I should stay. Phoenix: Dawn, we’re just fine. Go.
Dawn: I know, but there’s still so much to do. The flowers and the cake— Phoenix: Megan is picking up the flowers, and you already put in the cake order, remember? Ash is picking it up Saturday morning on his way out.
Dawn: Right, right. Okay. Did you get your suit? Phoenix: Atlas has it. He’ll drop it off later. Everything is handled, I promise.
Dawn: Okay. Ohh, I’m such a mess. Phoenix: That’s why you need to take a day for yourself. Now, please go, relax, enjoy yourself. You deserve it.
Dawn: Fine. I’m going. Thank you. Phoenix: You’re welcome. ...
??: It’s a beautiful view, isn’t it? Dawn: Excuse me?
??: Sorry. I know, it’s rude to interrupt someone’s meditation, but with all your fidgeting and sighing, I thought you might prefer talking. Dawn: [laughs softly] I’ve never been good at sitting quietly, but I’m trying to force myself to relax today. ??: If you’re forcing it, then it’s hardly relaxing, is it?
Dawn: Good point. I’m Dawn, by the way. Li: Li. Nice to meet you. Dawn: You too. Um, I can go, if you want to meditate without distractions. Li: Oh no, it’s okay. I’m just taking a break, getting some fresh air. I’m the new yoga instructor here. Dawn: Really? I love yoga. I’ve been meaning to get back into it since I had my daughter, but I’ve been so busy.
Li: How old is your daughter? Dawn: Almost 15 months. Li: How cute! Mine is 17 months. Dawn: Oh, my goodness, they’re so close.
Li: Yeah. Well, look, I have to head back inside, but I’m hosting another class on Saturday. The first one is free if you’d like to give it a try. Dawn: I’d love to, really, but I’m actually getting married on Saturday. Li: That’s wonderful! Congratulations! Dawn: Thank you!
Li: Well, I’ll have an official schedule posted up soon. Let me give you my card. Dawn: Sure. Li: Also, um, I’m actually new to the city. I don’t know many people, and you seem really nice. Maybe we could meet for coffee or get our daughters together or a playdate or something? Dawn: Yeah, I’d love that.
Li: Great. Well, good luck with everything, and congratulations again! Dawn: Thank you! I’ll talk to you soon.
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clangenrising · 3 months
Month 16 - Greenleaf
Fogpaw was in trouble and she didn’t like it. 
Her spell to help Mystique hadn’t been as successful as she had hoped. Mystique seemed to be a little less miserable, or at least, she had started grooming herself again, but that wasn’t enough for Fogpaw. She wanted to see Mystique smile again so she decided that she needed to give the spell a power boost. 
And that was how she got caught trying to take catmint from the herb stores. 
Sagetooth had thwapped her hard on the head and chewed her out for ages despite her efforts to explain why she needed it. After that, she had been put on dawn patrols for a week and now, three days in, she was already exhausted. 
“This sucks!” she had groaned as she trudged back into camp, tired and cranky. “Why do I have to do the early morning patrols all the time? It’s not fair!” 
“Nope,” said Scorchplume, seeming amused. “Life isn’t fair.” 
“But I was just trying to help!” Fogpaw protested as she flopped down in the shade. 
“You took something that wasn’t yours and you got caught,” said Scorchplume. “This is what happens when you get caught.” 
“It’s not like I was gonna use it for myself,” she said, neglecting to mention how tempting it had been once she was nose deep in the catmint smell, “I needed it for a spell! How am I supposed to help if I can’t get the stuff I need?!” 
“You’ll just have to be smarter about getting it, won’t you?” purred Scorch softly. Now that was an interesting concept. Fogpaw sat up a little, ears forward. 
“What do you mean?” she asked. 
“If you really want something, there are smarter ways to get ahold of it,” said Scorchplume. “But you didn’t hear it from me.” She swiped her tongue over her whiskers secretively. 
“But I did,” she said and Scorchplume sighed a little. 
“It’s a euphemism,” explained her mentor and when Fogpaw frowned in confusion, she added, “a saying with hidden meaning. It means that you can’t tell anyone that I told you, it’s a secret.” 
“Oh!” Fogpaw brightened. “Like a code! That’s so cool.” 
Scorchplume chuckled, brows lifting, and said, “If you say so. Just think about what I said. You’re excused for the afternoon, I’ll grab you for a hunt after the sun reaches the mountains.” 
“Okay,” Fogpaw smiled and flopped back down into the grass. She let herself enjoy the cool shade for a moment but, soon enough, her mind started to turn over Scorchplume’s newest advice. You’ll just have to be smarter about getting it, won’t you? What did that mean? Okay, maybe there was a better way to get some catmint than just walking in and taking some. Maybe she could wait for Sagetooth to leave and then go in?
“Hey!” Lakekit purred, flopping down beside Fogpaw, “Whatcha doin?” 
“Trying to be smarter,” Fogpaw said. 
“Ooh,” Lakekit nodded. “That’s hard. Can I help?” 
“Maybe?” Fogpaw said, unsure. “I need to get some catmint to make Mystique feel better but Sagetooth won’t let me have any. I gotta figure out how to get some.” 
“Hmm,” frowned Lakekit, pressing a paw against her puckered lips. “Maybe we could make a distraction.” 
“Oh, that’s a good idea,” Fogpaw nodded. 
“Gee, thanks,” Lakekit blushed proudly. “Back in the city, my mother and I used to do distractions all the time. I’d go sit all cute and call to the Folk and then she would sneak around the back and grab the food out of their carriers!” The kit giggled to herself at the memory. “Then we’d run away! It was lots of fun. I wonder if we could distract Sagetooth the same way.” 
“Hm,” Fogpaw chewed her lip. “She’d be pretty mad if she found out. Maybe we should try not to run away at the end.” 
“Okay!” chirped Lakekit brightly. “Whatever you say, Fogpaw!” 
Fogpaw laughed and sprang at Lakekit with her front paws wide, overcome with the urge to wrestle. Lakekit shrieked in delight and reared up on her hind paws. They tussled for a few seconds before they flopped back down into the grass, laughing. 
“Okay, okay,” Fogpaw said, trying to focus again. “What would Sagetooth get distracted by…?” 
“What if there was a fire?” asked Lakekit. “Or a big bird?” 
“Hmm, I don’t think we could fake those,” Fogpaw said, “and she’d get suspicious when she didn’t see them.” 
“Oh, true,” nodded Lakekit. 
“What if you pretended to be sick?” Fogpaw asked. “That could work!” 
“Good idea!” purred Lakekit. “What kind of sick should I be?”
Fogpaw thought for a good moment, tail tip twitching, before declaring, “Probably a stomach ache. People get stomach aches from bad food sometimes.” 
“Okay,” nodded Lakekit. “Should I go be sick now?” 
“Um, wait a little,” said Fogpaw. “We’ll rest first.” 
“Okay,” purred Lakekit, nuzzling closer to her. Fogpaw sighed contentedly and curled her head around behind Lakekit’s shoulders to rest it on her side. She could take a little nap before her special mission, right? 
The nap went longer than she’d expected and by the time Fogpaw woke up it was almost time for her to go hunting with Scorchplume. She snapped up, suddenly alert, and looked around. 
“Huh?” Lakekit sat up blearily, “Whassat?” 
On the other side of camp, there was a bit of commotion which Fogpaw realized had woken her. Russetfrond was sitting near the elders’ den where Oddstripe was coaxing a wobbly Bluekit and Yellowkit out into the grass. The two little kits stumbled and bobbed with every step, mewling pathetically as they explored. Russetfrond was smiling, which Fogpaw thought was weird for him, and trying to get the kits attention so they would crawl over to him. 
“Hey, there,” he said in a soft little baby voice. “Over here. Yeah, that’s it!” 
“You’re doing such a good job,” Oddstripe told the kittens, then adjusted Yellowkit’s course with a gentle paw. 
“Awww!” said Lakekit. “Look at the babies!” 
Fogpaw gasped quietly. “Now! We have to do the distraction now!” 
“Really?” Lakekit frowned a little. 
“Yeah, ‘cause Oddstripe’s already busy!” Fogpaw jumped to her feet. “You stay here, I’ll go tell Sagetooth you’re sick!” 
“Oh, okay,” Lakekit said, shuffling her paws. Fogpaw sprinted off to the healers’ den and poked her head inside. Sagetooth was lying in her nest breathing deliberately slow and even. As Fogpaw skidded in, she opened one eye and scowled darkly.
“You’d better not be here to try and steal from me again,” she growled. 
“Uh, no, I’m not,” Fogpaw said, suddenly feeling queasy with nerves. “It’s- uh, it’s Lakekit. She’s feeling sick.” 
“Mm. Go ask Oddstripe.” 
“He’s helping with the little babies right now,” she said. Please, please, please, she thought, please go check on Lakekit! There was a long pause where Sagetooth glared at her with a twitching tail. Then, the old healer sighed and heaved herself to her feet. 
“Alright, where is she?” asked Sagetooth.
“In the shade over there,” said Fogpaw, moving to the edge of the den to point with her muzzle. Sagetooth padded up beside her, sighed, and then headed over to where Lakekit was lying curled up in a ball. Fogpaw stood and watched for a moment before she crept backwards into the healers’ den and scurried to the herb stores in the back. She let her nose guide her to the heady smell of catmint and reared up on her hind legs to take some of the dried leaves in her jaws. 
Heart soaring in victory, she slank back to the edge of the den and peered out across the clearing. Sagetooth was hunched over Lakekit still, grumbling to her while Lakekit groaned softly. Fogpaw grinned, proud of her amazing accomplice. She darted out of the den and up the hill into the tall grass where she was hidden. Dropping into a careful crouch, she crept softly around the top of the ridge until she was standing on top of the elders’ den where she had buried the fish bones in a large circle. 
She reluctantly set down the sprig of catmint and began to crush it in her paws until it was nothing but a crumbly pile of aromatic dust. She let out a small, unintentional purr at the smell of it and nearly dropped down to roll around in the pile but she managed to resist the temptation. She was doing this for Mystique! It would all be for nothing if she failed to actually cast the spell. 
Taking a deep, slow breath, she closed her eyes and focused her intention. She felt the darkness of her closed eyes ripple and deepen, like a wave of darker blackness falling over her face. She focused on her breathing and the sounds around her until she felt like she was one with the swaying grass and the warm, packed, earth beneath her paws. Then, she pictured her desire; Mystique, smiling and happy. She imagined physical burdens on Mystique’s back, then imagined them being lifted by a set of large, starry jaws. Make things easier for her, she asked, opening her heart completely to the magic. 
Once she had sat with that thought for a few seconds, she opened her eyes and used her paws to start spreading the catmint throughout the circle of fishbones. She tried to spread it evenly in sufficiently magical patterns. When she couldn’t see the crumbles in the dirt anymore, she nodded to herself, satisfied with her work. Then, she crept back around through the grass to find a less suspicious spot to enter camp. She paused at the edge to try and make herself look normal, whatever expression would say ‘I didn’t just steal your catmint’, when suddenly a cat chattered softly beside her.
She jumped, barely restraining herself from screaming in surprise. Scorchplume was crouched right behind her, eyes glittering with interest. 
“Are you going back out there?” asked her mentor.
“Uh, y-yeah,” said Fogpaw, unsure what was about to happen. 
“With the smell of catmint all over your paws?” 
“Oh, foxdung,” Fogpaw cussed and quickly started licking at her paws to get the smell off. Scorchplume laughed. 
“It’s not gonna come off just like that,” she said. “Let’s go hunting early and wash them in the river, hm?” 
“That’s so smart,” Fogpaw beamed in admiration. Her mentor really was the best, most smartest cat that had ever lived. Scorch turned with a beckoning jerk of her head and led her off into the grass towards the river. Fogpaw bounced after her, purring to herself. 
“How did you know what I was doing?” she asked after a while. 
“I started watching you the second you went to fetch Sagetooth,” said Scorchplume with a casually satisfied tone. 
“Really? Why?” asked Fogpaw. She hadn’t even realized. 
“I wanted to see what you really wanted the catmint for.”
“I told you I wanted to use it for a spell,” said Fogpaw. 
“I know,” said Scorchplume, “but cats don’t always do what they say they will.” She cast a narrow eyed glance back at Fogpaw and Fogpaw couldn’t help but feel like there was a meaning in the expression that she couldn’t understand. 
“But I’m not gonna lie to you,” she said with a puzzled frown. 
“Why not?” asked Scorchplume. “I could get you in trouble.” 
“But you’re not going to,” said Fogpaw. 
Scorch tilted her head up to look down on Fogpaw mysteriously. “How do you know that for sure? I could change my mind. I could decide to hurt you.” Fogpaw frowned. Why would Scorchplume say that? It made her throat feel tight and too tense to swallow easily. She pursed her lips and straightened her posture instead of shrinking into her shoulders. 
“But you wouldn’t,” she said. 
“You don’t know that,” said Scorchplume. 
Fogpaw frowned, starting to get irritated. “Yes I do. You’ve only ever been nice to me.” 
“I could just be trying to get close to you,” Scorch shrugged. “Setting up an advantage.” 
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Fogpaw growled. “You wouldn’t get anything from me, I’m just an apprentice. Stop being stupid.” Scorchplume faltered, shock shattering her mysterious expression, and Fogpaw suddenly realized that maybe she had gone too far. 
Then Scorchplume laughed, a bright and ungraceful laugh that wasn’t at all like her usual chuckle. 
“Right,” she said, “My bad.” She smiled and continued easily through the grass. Fogpaw let out a sigh of relief and bounded a few steps to keep up with her mentor, leaning in to bump her head against Scorchplume’s side fondly. 
“I would never decide to hurt you either, by the way,” she said. 
Scorchplume glanced down at her and murmured, “I know.” She flicked her tail over Fogpaw’s face to tickle her nose and Fogpaw sneezed and then giggled. A warmth spread through her like a stone in the sun. Scorch was the best mentor she could ask for and that was proof that her spells worked. Mystique was going to be okay. Everything was going to be alright.
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sophrosynesworld · 3 months
Curtain Call (Pt. 1)
This entire series is inspired by this post/repost.
"Good morning, girls," I greet them warmly, smoothing my hands over my leggings as I welcome them in.
Soft music plays in the background as the little girls run to their spots on the colorful dots along the floor, chattering excitedly.
"Excuse me?" A small voice calls out. I look over to see Eri raising her hand, her arm shaking slightly.
"Yes, Eri-chan?" I ask, walking over and squatting beside her. Her small fingers hold out a green hair tie.
"My big brother didn't know how to do my hair. Could you do it?" she asks, her eyes wide and pleading.
"Of course," I reply, taking her hand and guiding her to the side of the room. She sits on the floor with her legs crossed, and I gently run a brush through her hair. I quickly gather it back into a bun, securing it snugly with the elastic before sending her back to her spot.
As Eri rejoins the group, I turn my attention back to the class. "Alright, everyone, let's start with our warm-ups," I instruct, clapping my hands to get their attention. The girls begin their stretches, following my lead as I demonstrate each move.
As the class continues, I can't help but notice Eri glancing towards the door occasionally. I wonder if her brother is outside waiting for her. When her dad drops her off, she's never this distracted. I force myself to refocus on my students, softly scolding myself for getting distracted.
"Great job, everyone!" I praise, moving around the room to offer individual encouragement. "Remember, we want nice clean lines. Imagine yourself as straight as a pencil." I correct Hana's posture as I move along the row.
The girls giggle and nod, their energy infectious. Eri, with her newly fixed hair, seems especially determined today, her movements more confident than before.
After warm-ups, I gather the girls in a circle. "Before we start on our recital piece, I have some news," I begin, taking a deep breath. "Our male lead had to drop out, so we need someone new to take his place."
The room buzzes with murmurs and whispers. Some of the girls look worried. "Does this mean you won't have anyone to dance with?"
"Don't worry," I reassure them. "We'll figure this out. For now, let's go over the parts we have."
We move through the routine, each girl doing her best to remember the steps and stay in sync. I make a mental note to work on their leaps; several of them lack the needed flexibility.
"Excellent work, everyone," I say as we finish the run-through. "Let's take a short break, and then we'll do it again."
The girls disperse to grab their water bottles and chat among themselves. The rest of the class flies by, and before I know it, a parent is peeking their head in to make sure we get out on time. I offer a quick apology before saying goodbye to my kiddos.
I stand next to the classroom door, mingling with a few curious parents and watching my students put coats and boots on over their dance attire. Eri stands next to her cubby, a blonde-haired boy chatting with her as he ties her shoes, her foot on top of his knee as he's bent over. She tugs on his jacket, pointing over to me.
"Sensei! This is my big brother, Katsuki," Eri says, her voice full of excitement. She waves at me with a large grin.
"Nice to meet you," I reply, offering a warm smile. "Eri talks about you all the time."
Katsuki, or "Suki" as Eri calls him, glances up at me with a nod, his expression full of mild irritation. "Yeah, she talks about you too," he replies, standing up straight after finishing with Eri's shoes.
"Thank you for helping her with her hair today," he adds, his tone softening slightly.
"It was my pleasure," I reply. "She's a wonderful student."
Eri beams at the compliment, hugging her brother's leg. "Sensei, do you think I could be a ballerina like you?" she asks suddenly, looking up at me with hopeful eyes.
Surprised, I kneel down to her level. "You're already a ballerina, Eri-chan. You're just learning like everyone else."
She stays quite for a moment, thinking. "Do you think I can be bendy like you too?"
I blush, trying to look anywhere but at her older brother, who now has an amused look on his face. "If you go home and stretch every night, I think you'll be just fine."
Eri's face lights up with joy at the thought and she gives me a quick hug. As they turn to leave, Eri glances up at her brother and says absentmindedly, "I wish you could do the part in my show, Suki. That would be amazing."
Katsuki raises an eyebrow, glancing back at me with a smirk. "Well, who knows," he says, ruffling Eri's now loose hair. "Maybe I'll make an appearance."
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kingofpopmj · 6 months
hiii, can i request a story where y/n is Michael's babies nanny and she is in love with him but she thinks he is totally out of her league, a bit of angst & smut if its okay pls 💗
Y’all are so damn naughty. 🙈🙊 I support it! lol
Here you go hunni! I hope you enjoy!
I Really Want It, I Can't Deny
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I stood off to the side watching over Michael’s photoshoot with his beautiful baby boy. He’s so happy to finally be a father. It’s truly a special sight. Michael’s wearing a white crystal covered blazer with pearl accents, black slacks and a black fedora. His hair pulled back into a loose ponytail, a few stray curls lying across his soft skin. He looked phenomenal— as always. His eyes sparkling more than ever before. And, his smile, when he smiles it feels like the entire world stops along with my heart. He’s everything I’ve ever imagined the perfect man to be, I never thought I’d find a man like that, I never thought they were real— until I met Michael. I didn’t realize how deep in my daydream I was until...
“Y/N!” Michael raised his voice, waving his hand in the air.
“Yes, Michael, what can I do for you?”
“Can you take the little one? I’m going to do a few solo shots.” I nodded, quickly making my way over to him and carefully lifting the baby from his arms.
“I’ll be in the nursery.” I stated, excusing myself quietly.
I gently rocked the baby, trying to get him to fall asleep, but he only stared back at me, making funny noises with his mouth. I decided to walk out to the backyard. He loved being outside. He would giggle uncontrollably at the sound of birds chirping. He enjoyed chasing butterflies and admiring all the flowers. The small water fountain was his favorite, it always put him right to sleep. It’s very calming on the ranch. I grew to fall in love with it myself— more so its owner.
Michael caught my attention immediately. It’s impossible not to fall in love with how kind, sweet, thoughtful, caring and handsome he is. I often found myself daydreaming as I roamed about his home. He’s my first thought when I wake up in the morning and the last when I fall asleep at night. He crossed my mind more than I care to admit— I couldn’t control how I felt. I was completely head over heels for him— and he had no idea. He didn’t see me, not the way I saw him. I wasn’t even on his radar and I couldn’t blame him. When I first started working for Michael, it was easy to lock away my feelings, but that all changed when he insisted I move in. It’s been about three months since Neverland became my home. It’s been a fairytale— for me at least. I spend everyday with Michael. It meant everything to me— yet so little to him I’m sure. I’m the nanny. I’m his employee. He’s my boss. There’s no changing that.
Once the baby had drifted off, I stayed outside, admiring the view. Everything is breathtaking here. The green grass, the clear blue sky, and butterflies constantly gracing the space. You can’t help but feel happy here. Neverland is unreal. It’s like a dream.
“There you are! I thought you ran off with my kid.” I turned around seeing Michael jogging towards us. My breath got caught in my throat when my eyes scanned his body, now he’s wearing a blue button down shirt. I admired how handsome he looked without even trying.
“I’m so sorry! I was trying to get him down for his nap. I got a bit distracted. It’s lovely here.”
“Relax. I’m joking.” He smiled taking a seat beside me. “I love it here too. I put thought into every little thing. I’m happy it all came together.”
“It’s beautiful.”
“Mhm.. very beautiful.” I felt Michael’s eyes on me as I tried to focus on his baby boy.
“The carousel seems to be coming together.”
“Yes! It will be ready to go this weekend. Maybe you can be the first to ride it with me?” He smiled sweetly, I mentally kicked myself for thinking ‘yes, I’d love to ride you.’
“I’d be honored.”
“You’ve got beautiful eyes.” He pushed a strand of hair out of my face, his palm grazing my cheek, causing my face to heat up.
“Thank you. You’ve got lovely eyes as well.” I giggled softly, playing with the baby’s tiny hand.
“Has anyone ever told you how stunning you are?” My eyes shot up, falling on Michael with a longing expression on his face. “Your beauty alone can inspire someone to write songs— love songs.”
I could barely process what Michael was saying, responding to him proved to be a challenge, the beating of my heart clouding my thoughts. Michael stared at me with anticipation, leaning in, I could feel the warmth radiating off of him. He’s so close. The baby began to stir just as Michael was about to— well I’m not entirely sure what was about to happen. I guess I’ll never know.
“I should take him inside.” I said sadly, Michael quickly jumped up next to me.
“I’ll join you.”
We walked in a somewhat comfortable silence, our arms brushing against one another as we traveled through the halls of his home. Every few moments we looked at the other quickly sharing a kind smile. My mind was racing, trying to think of something to say, but I was at a loss.
“What are your plans for Thanksgiving?” Michael asked, breaking the silence. Bless this perfect man.
“I’m not sure yet. My family is out of state, I don’t want to travel back home this year. Besides, I’m the one that does all the cooking and baking. I think I deserve a break.” I laughed, Michael quickly joined in. Goodness, his smile could clear up a rainy day. His laugh is the reason rainbows exist, I’m sure of it.
Michael held the nursery door open for me, I walked in thanking him, standing in front of the crib. I gently laid the baby down careful not to wake him.
“You can spend it with me.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Thanksgiving. You can spend it with me.” Michael coughed, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. “With us. I meant spend it with us.”
“Oh, that’s sweet, but I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“Y/N, you’re family. No intrusion I promise.”
“That’s sweet. I’d love to. Thank you.”
Walking out of the nursery and shutting the door behind us, there was a shift in his demeanor. He became more playful, if that was even possible. Michael winked, holding his arm out for me, I gladly linked arms with him, trying desperately to hide the effect his touch had on me. We began walking down the hallway with no destination in mind.
“You can teach me a few things. I’m not the best cook.”
“Ah-ha! Mr. Jackson, did you invite me to thanksgiving to do all the work?” I questioned, pretending to be offended.
“No, no, I like you. I’d like to have an excuse to spend more quality time with you.” He spoke quickly, shaking his head.
“I like you too.” I said with a smile, hoping that he couldn’t sense how nervous I was around him, or how honest those words felt coming out of my mouth. I meant those words with all my heart.
“Maybe, we can spend time together, alone, before Thanksgiving?” He asked hopefully, stopping in his tracks to face me.
“Is seeing me everyday not enough?” I teased.
“No. It’s not enough.” His tone was so serious it sent chills down my spine.
“What do you have in mind?”
“Well..” He began, closing the distance between us, slowly gliding his long fingers down my arms. “I can take you out for dinner, just the two of us, then bring you back home.. for dessert.” his overly flirtatious tone, catching me off guard, I never thought I’d be on the receiving end of this side of Michael.
“That sounds—”
Michael cupped my face with urgency, shutting me up in the most tender way, but with just enough roughness to make a girl weak in the knees. His lips were like nothing I’d ever felt before, they were soft, but strong. This is really happening. Michael is kissing me, his breath tasted like mint and his hands had a firm grip on my backside.
“Michael!” I loudly whispered, breaking apart from his sweet lips, his lust filled eyes were focused on me. It felt incredible. He held onto me as if I’d run away from him if he let go.
“What is it baby?” Michael’s voice came out deep and seductive. I couldn’t control myself any longer, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him into me. I’m not sure how we got to this point, but I certainly wasn’t going to waste it.
My back collided with the wall as Michael clutched my wrists, pinning them to the wall above my head. I’ve never felt this kind of passion, I never knew it existed, but now that I’ve tasted it, I’ll never be able to give it up.
We hungrily went after each other, bumping into a tall end table, knocking off everything on it, an expensive looking glass lamp shattered all over the floor. Michael laughed against my lips as he lifted me onto the table. Confidently, I held his hands in mine, placing his palms against my bare thighs, with my hands resting on top of his, I guided them toward me, pushing my skirt up painfully slow in the process. Michael groaned in my mouth, without skipping a beat he tore my panties off, shoving them in his pocket.
I unbuttoned his slacks, finding myself extremely needy, I was desperate to get rid of his clothing. I’ve never wanted something in my mouth more than in this moment. He was glorious.
“Can I? Is this okay?” Michael asked, against my neck, I nodded eagerly wanting him to continue. “Baby, I need words.”
“Yes, I want this.”
My words ignited something in him and it was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Michael didn’t waste any time pushing through my entrance, feeling every inch of him made my entire body tingle. He paused for a moment, looking into my eyes full of desire, he continued, overwhelming pleasure spreading throughout my body.
“I love the way you look at me.” He whispered into my ear, lifting up my leg, resting it on his shoulder, pushing into me deeper. “I’ve wanted to feel you around me for so long.”
“Oh my—”
“I’ve wanted you so bad.”
“Michael!” I whimpered as he kept his steady pace, my core aching more with each passing second.
“Oh, the things I’ve dreamt of doing to you.”
“I’m so close.” As the words fell from my lips, the ache in my core was replaced with a strong wave of pleasure.
“Baby, you’re perfect.”
“Oh, Michael.” My head fell back as I fought to catch my breath. Michael didn’t halt his movements, causing my high to drag on, making me whimper his name profusely.
“I want to taste every inch of your body.” Michael spoke against my breasts as he covered me with wet kisses, the pounding into my sweet spot being amplified by the table repeatedly crashing into the wall. The pounding was accompanied by the cracking noises of the table, breaking furniture has never been so satisfying. Suddenly, we heard a loud voice along with footsteps, the intoxicating feeling of ecstasy was nowhere near wearing off. We choose to ignore our surroundings. We choose to live in the moment.
“Michael! It’s me. Where are you?” A female voice carried through the halls. Michael stepped back, quickly pulling his pants up, dragging me into a nearby room and shutting the door softly. He was visibly panicked as he tried to make himself look presentable. I began brushing my hair with my fingers, fixing my top and adjusting my skirt to cover my legs.
“I should go check on the baby.” I muttered, reaching for the doorknob, too embarrassed to look at him. Michael stopped me, taking me into his embrace and kissing me passionately.
“It’s not like that. I’m not seeing anyone. It’s my sister Latoya. I know that irritating voice anywhere.” He chuckled, leaning his forehead against mine he continued. “If I don’t go out there she will just keep screaming until she finds us. And, as much as I would love for her to meet you, maybe in the middle of our—.” He paused, clearly thinking of the right thing to say and how to avoid hurting my feelings.
“Quickie in the hallway?” I asked innocently, trying to lighten the mood.
“Well, that’s one way to put it. I was going to say, impromptu love making.”
“What a gentleman.”
“Only for you beautiful.” He left a lingering kiss on my forehead. “I really don’t want to, but I gotta see what my very annoying sister wants.”
“It’s okay.”
“Wait.” He shrugged off his button down shirt, leaving him in a tight white undershirt, goodness his chest is perfect. He draped his shirt over my shoulders, his hands traveling down the length of my back, squeezing my bum one last time. “Just so you don’t go on missing me too much.”
“Is that so, Mr. Jackson?”
“Well, I’ll definitely be missing you.” His breath causing my lips to tingle, needing to feel him again, I could feel through his pants just how much he wanted me too. The look in his eyes, making me want to tear his clothes off and pounce on him.
“Little brother!” The loud high-pitched voice was moving closer causing me to jump, Michael sent me an apologetic smile.
“Fine, go.” I playfully rolled my eyes. “Don’t be too long. Please.” I smirked, batting my eyelashes at him.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He gulped, his eyes growing wide. “I will gladly disown my whole family to avoid future interruptions.”
“No!” I laughed, pushing him towards the door. “Go see your sister.”
“We will be finishing this tonight.” He winked. “I am nowhere near done with you.”
Michael left the room, leaving me to overthink his last words. I regretted letting him leave, call me selfish, but I didn’t want to share him, especially, when I just got him. I could still feel the electricity from his touch.
“What happened? The floor is covered with broken glass! I heard loud pounding!” Latoya’s voice pierced through the door. I quickly covered my mouth to muffle my laughter. Michael was right about her voice.
“It’s none of your business!” I heard Michael say loudly. “Now, stop with the yelling I got a baby napping.”
I couldn’t wait for tonight. I couldn’t wait to feel Michael.
He was right.
I missed him so much already.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Can't Take You Seriously
First Lady of Private Garden Blurb
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AN: I saw a tweet about this and just had to do it lol
Synopsis: You are trying to have a serious conversation with your husband, but can't figure out why he's so distracted
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist 1
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist 2
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
“Baby! Are you even listening to me?!” You exclaimed as you looked at your husband who seemed like he was focused on everything else but you.
“Of course I am!” Jack replied to you as you were standing in front of him.
“Then what did I just say?!”
“Umm, I forgot to do something that you asked.”
“And I asked you to do it last week! If I knew that this was going to take this long, I would have done it myself. You’ve been home for three weeks now from tour. I let you relax a little bit and take a moment for yourself, but did you suddenly forget that you’re a husband and a father too?”
“I’m not trying to argue with you, babe. Of course I didn’t forget!”
“Then why are we having this conversation for the third time this week? I’m about to drop you off on Maggie’s doorstep but now that she’s gotten rid of you, she probably doesn’t want you back.” You complained while crossing your arms and Jack still had that weird look on his face and didn’t even bother responding to your previous statement. 
“Jackman! What has you so distracted? Because you are literally hardly paying attention to anything that I’m saying. I could use a little more help here and I don’t know how many times that I have to say it. You decided to get me pregnant, did you not?”
All you felt was Jack move your wig that you were wearing slightly to the left, taking you aback and you were now the one looking confused.
“I literally cannot take you seriously while you’re yelling at me and your wig is crooked. Now it’s not, so we can continue.” Jack muttered while smoothing out the top and you were just looking at him in disbelief.
“Look, as much money as I spend on buying them for you, I need to make sure we’re getting my money’s worth and you’re wearing them right. Now, as you were saying?”
All you did was roll your eyes and Jack noticed that you now had a pout on your face.
“If you rolled your eyes at me any harder just now, they would have gotten stuck. So, now you’re quiet and don’t have anything to say?”
“You get on my last nerve.” You replied as you were trying your hardest not to laugh.
“I can’t have my wife out here looking like I don’t love her and take care of her! Can you imagine the headlines? And then he who shall not be named will take that as an opportunity to slide right in and take my place.”
“Not with him wearing those inspector gadget looking outfits.”
“I-... we’re going to leave that one alone.”
“But seriously, baby can you please go do what I asked?” You said as Jack pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.
“Yes, babe. I’m going right now and I’m sorry that I’ve just been in a mood lately. Being a husband and a parent doesn’t stop and I promise that I’m good now. Was just overwhelmed for a minute.”
“And you didn’t tell me this because? What did I tell you about that?”
“I know and I have no excuse. Thank you for always being here for me when I need you.”
“Always and forever.”
“And I’m always going to be here for you especially when your wig needs to be fixed.”
You pulled away from Jack to look up at him and gave him a blank stare.
“I should have returned you with the receipt when I had the chance.” You muttered and Jack rolled his eyes.
“If the receipt you’re talking about is our marriage license, keep in mind that you were the one who got drunk and proceeded to almost set it on fire and would have if I didn’t throw you over my shoulder and Dani grabbed it from you.”
“Hmm, she was useful for some things I guess, but I don’t recall.”
“I guess not since the next morning you didn’t remember a single thing that happened, but it’s okay. I love my wife and her crooked wigs and all.” Jack leaned down to kiss the tip of your nose and you were trying to get away from him. 
“Uh oh. Government name was used.”
“Use your hand for a week.”
“That’s how you’re going to treat me after these hands fixed your wig for you? They can make you cum too if you let me.”
First Lady Blurbs Taglist
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athenaswrath · 7 months
Until I Found You - Chapter 3
Quinn Hughes x Reader
Word count: 1,163
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 >Chapter 3< Chapter 4
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Quinn's POV
When Jack and Luke started talking about how amazing the new girl on their crew was, I thought she was just another girl looking for fun, but time passed and they kept bringing her into every single conversation. Then mom and dad met her, and the same thing happened. "She cannot be that good, she's probably faking it" I told them from time to time. While Jack was harder to get close to, Luke was so caring, and that worried me. He is already so attached to her, "you don't know her, Quinn" is what he always answers.
Now that I met her and saw the panic on her face, I couldn't help but think about everything she's done for my brothers, like that time she helped Luke with a panic attack or how she cooks for them from time to time, taking the time to look at their diet. So after I left her outside the room, I started beating myself up. I'm not the best around people, which should be a valid excuse in any other situation, but I also know that she suffers from anxiety and that she helped Luke that time from mere experience.
So when I went downstairs and Jack formally introduced me to her, I took advantage of Trevor's nonexistent silence to distract my attention from her and think about how I was going to make her feel welcomed, but time passed and eventually she came to me again. "Hey" she said in a soft voice, "you should go upstairs and sleep there, I mean, this is your room after all. Holtzy is there but I'm sure Jack or Lu wouldn't mind switching" and there it was, she thought I was uncomfortable with her. I took the time to truly look at her, and I could see it. Behind that cute face and soft body, I could see that kind-hearted girl my brothers described all this time.
After God knows how long, I finally said "Thank you, but it's okay if you sleep there. And... I'm sorry, I... What happened earlier was my fault, so you don't have to blame yourself for it, it is nice to finally meet the girl that my brothers feel so close to" I took another glance at her, trying to keep a soft expression, and then I headed upstairs, where Luke was yelling for me.
"What?" "Whoah man relax, just wanted to give you some blankets" I didn't say anything after that, but I could feel his gaze on me "why are we giving bad looks at Q this time Lukey?" said Jack when he entered the room. "I don't know yet, but there's something off about him today"
"It better not be related to Belle" he said in a serious tone, which was a weird thing. Luke immediately stopped moving and looked at me and I could feel my god-damned face heating up. "No, absolutely not. You won't get too close to her, but you'll make her feel safe. You hear me? I told you this whole time she was one of the kindest, hardest working, selfless people I know and I don't want you to take advantage of that"
"what do you think I'm gonna do to her? you know damn well I don't like to fool around and I will never try to hurt her, I know she means a lot to you, we're just... in an awkward situation, I think she's unconfortable?"
Luke threw the blankets at me and said "well you better fix it Quintin" and then he's slamming the door, leaving me stading in the corridor.
The next morning I wake up to my growling stomach, and I immediately know why. I'm pretty sure the entire house smells like waffles and bacon, so I make my way to the kitchen to find y/n slicing apples, and I can spot enough food for 30 people (or the equivalent, which is all 7 of us)
"How'd you do this?" I said before thinking, which caused her to jump in surprise and make a cut on her own hand "oh shit, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I grab her hand, putting it under the water. When she didn't answer, I turned to look at her, only to find a very pale-faced girl trying to catch her breath "yeah I just hate blood" she looked at me and gave me a small smile, which was immediately replaced by a frown "did I wake you? I'm sorry, I tried to be as quiet as possible..." Way to fix this, I thought to myself "I just made you cut your hand, and you're worrying about me waking up early? Jesus, you're... not what I expected" 
I couldn't help but laugh. All this time I was worried about her taking advantage of my brothers in some way, and here she is, making me feel like an asshole. I grabbed a band-aid and secured it on her cut, barely hearing a small "thank you" coming off her lips, and before she can turn around, I say "I'm sorry, for everything. I shouldn't have left you in the hallway when we met and I should have introduced myself, I shouldn't have scared you just... I'm glad you're here, you have no idea how much you mean to my brothers, and I hope you forgive me and you can enjoy being here too" 
She was looking at me with big doe eyes and a big, bright smile, and I felt my heart soften. "Thank you Quinn" she said and I swear I've never been more thankful to see Zegras' face than this moment "ugh it smells so good!" He said while shoving bacon in his mouth, followed by Drysdale who was shaking his head at his friend "morning, what are you two talking about?" he asked, and y/n answered "oh you know, I was thanking him because I finally got my honorary invite to the Hughes lake house this summer," she chirps, wrapping an arm around Jamie's shoulders and leaning into his side
"Morning beauties!" Jack yelled the minute he opened the kitchen door and behind him was a grumpy Luke "do you need to be that loud all the time?" I saw y/n laughing softly, accepting Luke's hug, he stayed there for two minutes and I thought he had fallen asleep again but y/n brushed his curls off his face and Luke grabbed her wrist "what happened to your hand?" He touched her gently "I was preparing everything, and I dissociated, you know how I am" she smiled sheepishly at him "oh my clumsy sis, it smells delicious tho thank you" and he started arguing with the rest of the guys, complaining about not being enough food for him. "You should grab some, they'll have zero mercy if you get none" Her eyes snapped to mine while heat rushed to her cheeks, and I couldn’t control the smile that broke across my face.
Author's Note: couldn't post this last week but this week I'll post a Sebastian Aho request and the 4th chapter
Tag list: @coldheartedmar @adore-u-ls
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spicybutterfly · 1 year
Moon Meeting
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Summary: Of course, you would get your first menstrual cycle on a Monday, in the middle of class, during an algebra test, in front of your crush. Fortunately, that very same crush is there to save the day. 
Pairing: nonidol!Jungkook x fem!reader
Genre: High school au, neighbors au, childhood friends au, angst, fluff
Rating: M (18+!)
Word Count: 4.3k 
Warning/Tags: !Mentions of blood! (reader has her first menstrual cycle), explicit language, bullying
A/N: As per usual I proofread this myself so please excuse any mistakes!
*Disclaimer all characters and events portrayed in my works are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persona or events is purely coincidental.*
Copyright © 2023 Spicybutterfly
All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for reading!♡ 
“Did you guys see what Noa posted on her Instagram story last night?!” Your best friend, Peri announced, coming to stand before you and your other best friend, Imani. The booming of her voice startled you, making you jump. With her mouth ajar, eyes widened, and eyebrows raised high, you imagined this is the exact face you made when you saw Will Smith slap Chris Rock across the face at the Oscars. How she had so much energy at seven in the morning was beyond you.
Both you and Imani watched as Peri raised her phone, the Instagram story in question already displayed on the screen. Beside you Imani gasped, covering her mouth with both of her hands.
“Omg, yes! So it's true? Theo really cheated on her?”
Peri locked her phone and tucked it away before responding. “I don’t know for sure, but that’s what it seems like. I believe it though, he definitely gives fuckboy vibes. I mean, did you see how touchy he was being with her best friend at the basketball game last week? He’s gross.” Her curls swayed as she shook her head disapprovingly. 
Further down the hall, the sight of a familiar boy caught your eye, distracting you from the conversation. You watched as your longtime friend, neighbor, and crush, Jeon Jungkook strutted down the hall. Flashing his peers a pearly white smile as he passed, his dark brown, fluffy bangs bounced with every step. 
With your attention now focused on the boy, the voices of your best friends soon faded into unintelligible murmurs. You probably looked just as hypnotized as those cartoon characters mesmerized by the scent of a freshly baked pie sitting on a windowsill. 
It always amazed you how he could make your school’s overly bleak uniform look so attractive. There was not a wrinkle or crease on his white collared shirt and black uniform pants. His tie rested against his chest, tied neatly and securely. And, although it was nearing the end of the year, his school shoes looked like he’d just bought them yesterday.
The sight of his smile as he approached his friends all huddled around his locker awaiting his arrival made your heart flutter. He didn’t even need to say anything. All he had to do was walk down the hall and you were already a nervous wreck. He had you wrapped around his finger with not a clue in the world. 
With how far away you were standing at your own locker you couldn't hear what he was saying to his friends, but from the way they all laughed it was obviously funny. You didn’t miss the way Ella, held onto his arm, covering his mouth as she chuckled the hardest. She grinned at him, tucking a piece of her long, black hair behind her ear. 
Oh, Ella. How could you describe her?
Many of your peers would say she was pretty, smart, and well-liked. But you on the other hand liked to keep it simple. Ella was a bitch
For whatever reason unknown to you, Ella decided she would make your life a living hell. Since the day you all started high school together, bright-eyed and full of excitement, she’s had it out for you. From tripping you up in the halls or cafeteria, making you spill whatever was in your hands all over yourself, to knocking your things off your desk whenever she passed you in class. She’s always found a way to terrorize you.
Now, don’t misunderstand. You didn’t just take the abuse. Sure, the mere thought of confrontation made you queasy and anxious. But you always stood up for yourself, no matter how much your hands shook and your voice trembled.
“Ughh, I feel so sad for her, she doesn’t deserve that at all,” Imani expressed. “Is it bad that I kinda want to ask her about it, though? I mean, I know it’ll be weird because we’re not really friends but we do follow each other on Instagram.” She frowned, fingering the curly ends of her braids before tossing them back over her shoulder. 
Peri shrugged. “I think ______, has a class with her.”
“Oh, yeah!” Imani called your name. “Has she said anything to you about it? Did you guys talk?” 
  You didn’t answer, too busy focused on Jungkook, now conversing with Hoseok and Seokjin. He rolled his eyes, pushing at Seokjin’s shoulder before grinning. He must’ve felt your gaze, turning away from his friends to look directly at you. Focusing his bright eyes on you, he smiled raising a hand to wave at you.
 Your breath caught in your throat. It felt like your heart was going to beat out of its chest. 
God, you were so whipped for this boy.
You smiled back at him equally as brightly, returning the wave before he thought you were a freak. 
Your mood was quickly soured though. From beside him, Ella shot you a nasty glare. You kept eye contact for a few seconds before she rolled her eyes, turning away to whisper something to her friend. They then both turned back towards you, grimaces on their faces. 
It took everything in your power to look away. As much as you wanted to show the pair, you disliked them just as much they disliked you, you didn’t have time for the drama. These past few weeks have been nothing short of exhausting. Your schedule was packed with back-to-back exams, homework keeping you up all hours of the night, and several oral presentations coming up in the near future. With so much going on, you simply did not have the mental capacity to entertain Ella and her mean-girl antics. 
The sound of fingers snapping instantly removed you from your thoughts. “Earth to ______,” Peri grinned at you knowingly.
Beside you, Imani touched your arm. You turned towards her giving her your full attention. Concern was plastered all over her face. “Are you okay? You looked pretty spaced out there.”
“Oh, she’s more than fine,” Peri declared before you could answer. Bringing her thumb up, she gestured it backward over her left shoulder towards Jungkook and his groups of friends. Snitch. Next to you, Imani snickered, attempting to mask the sound with a hand over her mouth.
Instantly, you felt your face flush. Avoiding their gaze, you opted to twist at the charms on your bracelet.
“Don’t you get enough of him outside of school? You do live right next door to each other. And what about your nightly, romantic stargazing? What is it called again? Moon gathering,” Peri cooed making kissy faces at you. 
“Moon meeting,” You corrected, rolling your eyes, listening to both of your best friends snicker. 
You were still sour you’ve been missing your Moon Meetings with Jungkook. You hadn’t missed a single one since you both started doing them at the youthful age of six, nearly a decade ago. 
You still remembered the day Jungkook came up with the Moon Meeting Idea. Both your moms damn near had a heart attack when they found you and Jungkook, on top of his roof, wrapped in blankets and sharing a tub of chocolate ice cream. Neither of you understood the problem, waving down at your bewildered parents with toothy grins on your faces.
 After a stern scolding, and a long talk about safety your parents agreed to let you continue your Moon Meetings as long as they were supervised by your or his mother. It wasn’t until you were ten that your parents stopped supervising your meeting, trusting you to make the right decisions. Of course, they’d still check on you from time to time, bringing you snacks and blankets if the weather saw fit.
“Actually, I haven’t been to a Moon Meeting in the past two weeks, so,” you stated matter-of-factly. 
“Oo, snappy.”
“Anyway,” you continued, ignoring Imani’s comment. “I’ve spent the last two weeks hunched over my desk studying for my stupid algebra test.” A sharp pain in your lower stomach made you grimace
Peri hummed, looked at Imani, and then back at you. “Any we don’t stargaze romantically. We talk and eat snacks. And watch movies occasionally."
“Right,” she nodded, drawing out the end of the word. From the look on her face, you could tell she didn’t believe you. 
“Whatever,” you leaned away from your locker, readjusting the bag on your shoulder. “It’s 7:26, we have to get to class.”
Chatter filled the room as the rest of your classmates filed in. Sitting idly at your desk, you watched the fish tank perched atop of the bookshelf. Your classroom pet, a clownfish cleverly named, Nemo swam around aimlessly. He poked and prodded at the colorful rocks at the bottom of the tank, mistaking them for food.
He was the only fish in his tank. Your class used to have another, also cleverly named, Marlin, but they didn’t get along. Marling constantly picked at Nemo. Biting at his fins, stealing his food, and smacking him with his own fins.
Besides your two best friends, you didn’t really talk to anyone else. You took solace in being alone. Too many social interactions rapidly drained your energy. It didn’t matter though, there weren’t too many of your classmates who an effort to get to know you anyway. Courtesy of Ella.
You and Nemo had a lot in common.
None of it bothered you though, you didn’t have anything to prove to anyone. Thus, while your peers conversed with each other, you sat patiently at your desk waiting for your teacher to arrive. 
Of course, your least favorite class would be the one to start off your school day, and of course, you’d be taking a test in that very same class today—Algebra 1.
Math has always been a challenge for you. You’d never been the type to get excited about numbers and operations. And once they introduced letters into the formula, you completely checked out. Algebra is just a concept you simply did not understand. All the effort you put into the subject seemed to be pointless, as with each exam you take your score drops lower and lower. Maybe that’s the reason why your stomach has been hurting all morning. Just testing anxiety.
The sound of Jungkook calling your name came from behind you. Subconsciously, you sat up straighter, brushing out the creases in your uniform skirt. With that same bunny smile you loved so much, he rested against the desk next to yours, crossing his ankles. 
“Hey, Bugs! I’ve missed you. It feels like we haven't hung out in forever.” Playfully, Jungkook pushed your shoulder, smiling gently at you. “Our Moon Meetings aren’t as fun when it’s just me.”
“Jungkook,” you groaned, pushing his hand away. “I told you not to call me that.” He smiled down at you, letting you continue.
“I’ve missed you too,” you confessed, before licking your lips. Suddenly, your mouth felt as dry as the Sahara Desert. With your eyes downcast, you missed the way Jungkook’s eyes intently followed the movement.
 “My test scores in this class haven’t been the best so, my mom has been making me spend nearly all of my extra free time studying.”
 Besides this class, and occasionally passing each other in the halls, your Moon Meetings are the only real time you have together. With Jungkook’s packed soccer schedule and you working four days a week and maybe more at your part-time job, there was really no extra time to spend together. 
“Damn Bugs, that sucks. You know I have a B in this class, I can help you study.” You could hear the pride in his voice. 
You popped your head up, staring at him with widened eyes. “You have a B in algebra?”
“Yeah!” Noticing your shocked expression he continued. “What I can’t be good at math or something,” he pouted, lower lip jutted out.
Your eyes widened. “No! I just meant-” 
“Well that’s rude, ______,” Ella interrupted, standing next to Jungkook. “Our Jungkookie is very smart. And, apparently, he’s better at math than you.”
Taken aback, you stared at her in disbelief. Where the fuck did she even come from? You swear she was like a constant dark cloud looming over you just waiting to ruin your day. Just as you were about to open your mouth to respond, Jungkook spoke up before you could reply. 
“C’mon Ella, that’s not necessary. ______ and I joke around with each other like that all the time. She obviously meant no harm.” 
“This conversation has nothing to do with you anyway,” you defended yourself, returning the rotten scowl she was sending you.
Ella arched her manicured eyebrow. “Hmpt,” she shrugged, sending a smirk your way before strutting over to her desk. Gosh, you couldn’t stand her. 
Jungkook sighed. “I don’t know what her problem is.” He shook his head, wiping his palms down the front of his pants. 
“I don't see how you’re even friends with her. I mean, you two are nothing alike.” You don’t mean to sound so possessive but it’s true. Jungkook and Ella were the complete opposites. Jungkook was good Ella was evil. Jungkook was an angel, Ella was the devil, simple. 
The look on his face turned sheepish. You watched quietly as Jungkook scratched the back of his neck before answering. “I don’t know about friends. She’s more like a pain in my neck. All she does is follow the guys and me around all day. It’s actually pretty annoying.” You hummed, pursing your lips. 
“Good morning, everyone,” the firm voice of your algebra teacher, Mrs. Lee, rang out in the room. Her blunt-cut bob swayed with every movement as she strode across the front of her classroom toward her desk. Authority radiated from your teacher as she silently stood at her desk waiting for her class to settle down. Around you, your peers quieted down scurrying to their assigned seats.
“Good luck!” Jungkook shoot you two thumbs up. “I know you’ll do good!” With that he made his way to his own desk, waiting for further instructions. 
One by one, Mrs. Lee called you all up to put away your phones and assign you a calculator and a formula sheet. The pain in the lower part of your stomach grew stronger. You were really nervous about this test. 
After Mrs. Lee passed out the final test paper, she stood behind the podium. “Did everyone receive a test paper?” A chorus of yeses was heard. Mrs. Lee smiled.
 “Good. As per usual, there is absolutely no talking, assisting others, or usage of any device besides your calculator during this test.  If you are caught breaking any of these rules your test will be terminated and will result in an automatic zero. Please refer to your formula sheet, guys,” Mrs Lee sighed. “I’ve provided you with one for a reason. And take your time, there’s no need to rush, you have the whole class period to finish. Good luck, don’t let what you’ve learned be in vain.” 
Mrs. Lee glanced down at her expensive-looking wristwatch. Anxiety filled you as you awaited her next words. "You may start.” 
At Mrs. Lee’s confirmation, you and all of your classmates flipped open your packets and began your test. 
Here goes nothing.
It had been forty-five minutes since you started your test and you were in excruciating pain. This was definitely not testing anxiety. Your stomach has never hurt this bad before, and you were dreading the possible reason it could be. Please don’t let this be what I think it is. Please, please, please.
Readjusting your legs into a more comfortable position in hopes to relieve some pain, you felt your worst nightmare come true. A gush of thick liquid rushed out of your nether region. Immediately your eyes widened. Oh shit! No, no, no, no, no, no!
Panicked, you felt your hands shaking as you hurried to finish the question you were on. There were at least ten left, but there was no way you could bear the pain or the messy feeling of your blood-soaked panties any longer. Tears had already begun to prickle your eyes. Gosh, why today?! Why this class?! Why me?!
Wiping your eyes before a stray tear could fall you, stood up from your seat. Squeezing your thighs together, you walked as stiffly as you could to avoid any further damage. Your desk was only a few feet away but felt like it took forever to reach Mrs. Lee. Silently, her hawk–like gaze remained on you the entire time, her eyebrows pinched in question.
Your test papers wobbled lightly as you placed the packet on her podium. You cleared your throat before you spoke. “M-may I go to the restroom, please? It’s an emergency.”
“Now? Why didn’t you go before-”
“Mrs. Lee,” you interrupted her scolding. “I thi- I started my period. My stomach hurts really, really bad and I don’t have any um sanitary supplies.”
A look of realization crossed Mrs. Lee’s face as she registered your words. “Oh honey, I’m so sorry!” She kept her voice low, ensuring you were the only one who could hear her. “I’ll write you a pass to the nurse.” She rushed to her desk leaving you to stand alone.
 Her words were like a trigger, causing the lump in your throat to grow thicker. You swallowed, trying to ease the discomfort. It felt like your nose was full of cotton as you sniffled between breaths. You could feel yourself continually leaking into your underwear. Please hurry up, Mrs. Lee. 
“Ew! What the hell!”
It felt like time had stopped. You didn’t dare turn around, already knowing who the voice came from
 “Ella!” Mrs. Lee snapped finally finishing her signature at the bottom of the pass, giving the girl a stern look.
“Seriously, ______. Are you just going to stand there and bleed all over the place? Go get a tampon!” 
Your breath hitched at her words. There was no doubt everyone’s attention was now on you. You could nearly feel the stares of your classmates pierce your back. Your body was hot all over with embarrassment. You couldn’t move, instead, you stood frozen in shock.
Someone snorted behind you. This time a more profound voice was heard. 
“Gross, she even got it in the seat!” 
Roars of laughter filled the once silent classroom. The pounding in your ears muffled the sounds around you, virtually drowning out the mocking laughter and Mrs. Lee’s panicked voice demanding them to stop.
 Oh, fuck this.
 Solely focused on your escape, you missed the concerned voice of Jungkook calling out to you. You swung the door open, rushing out of the classroom. 
The harsh sounds of your breathing echoed throughout the empty halls. Tripping over your feet with how fast you were walking, you shoved the door to the girl’s bathroom open, barreling into the first empty stall in sight. It wasn’t until you were secured behind the locked door, slumped against the defaced wall, that you finally let yourself break down.
Your body shook with the force of your cries. Snatching the toilet paper from the dispenser, you struggled to wipe away your tears with how fast they were falling. Your nose was completely stuffy now, ensuring the only way for you to breathe was through ragged open-mouthed pants
Of course, this would be the experience of your first menstrual cycle. Of freaking course. This was all Ella’s fault. There wasn’t a violent bone in your body, but you wanted to punch her right in the throat.
The sound of the bathroom door creaking open interrupted your panicked thoughts. Swallowing, you pressed your lips together, trying your hardest to suppress the harsh sounds escaping your mouth. Sure, your entire class has seen you covered in your own period blood, but you didn’t want to add to the embarrassment by having someone know you were crying in a bathroom stall. How lame.
Wiping your eyes, you flinched at the roughness of the toilet paper tugging at the skin underneath your eyes. You clutched the wad of used tissue in your hand. 
Confused, you stared at the stall door as if you could see through the solid. You know there was someone else in there with you, but you didn’t hear any movements. It wasn’t until you looked down that you noticed the pair of shoes right outside of the stall you were in. 
A knock sounded on the door, followed by a gentle voice calling out to you. “Bugs?”
“Ju-Jungkook,” you croaked eyebrows furrowed. What the hell was he doing in the girl’s bathroom? Through the crack between the door and the wall of the stall, you could see the boy standing on the other side. A calmness was radiating from him. 
“Could you open the door? I have something for you.” When you made no movements he spoke again. 
You wiped your face again before smoothing your shirt and readjusting your skirt, despite all that's happened, still wanting to present your best self to him You hoped your eyes weren’t as puffy and red as they felt. 
Slowly, you twisted the metal lock, opening the door for Jungkook. You kept your eyes cast down, staring at a scuff mark next to his foot.
“Here.” A black uniform skirt, pair of black cotton panties, a sanitary pad, and a travel-size pack of baby wipes obstructed your view of the dusty bathroom floor. Once again, you stood frozen staring at the items in his hands. When you didn’t immediately take them from him he spoke again. 
“I got them from the nurse. She assured they'd never been warned. I didn’t know your size, so I just guessed.” Carefully you took the items from his hands. Hoping your face remained neutral when your fingers brushed over his, you secured the items in your arms. You swear a shock ran through you. Jungkook was truly an angel sent from above. 
You cleared your throat before you spoke. “Thank you, Jungkook.” The expression came out hoarse and dry. Ignoring the roughness of your voice, he smiled and nodded. “I’ll be out there,” he reassured, pointing a thumb towards the bathroom door. 
You cleaned yourself the best you could with the few baby wipes you had. The panties you wore, which were your favorite pair from Victoria’s Secret PINK might you add, were completely ruined. You wrapped them up with the bathroom’s flimsy paper towels. It stung a little when you had to throw them away in the trashcan. 
You stuffed your soiled, khaki uniform skirt in the trashcan as well. It sported a large blood stain where your butt would be. You knew your mom wouldn’t mind though. You had more uniforms skirts than you could count.
Standing at one of the three bathroom sinks, you washed your hands clean of any remnants from your accident. You avoided looking at yourself in the mirror. You were feeling incredibly self-conscious and had no intentions of making it worse with the sight of your swollen eyes and stuffy nose. Rather, you wet a few paper towels, and dabbed lightly at your face, focusing on the tender skin around your eyes and nose. You felt a whole lot better, though the cramping in your stomach was still incredibly painful.
True to his word, Jungkook stood outside of the girl’s bathroom waiting for you to come out. He wore a look of concern as he watched you stand before him. 
“The skirt looks good. Like it fits goods.” Choosing not to think too hard about his choice of words you nodded, looking down at the skirt in question. Jungkook didn’t do too badly with the sizing. It was a little snug, but it would do until you went home.
 It was silent for the next few seconds, neither of you not really knowing what to say in the next moment. Wordlessly, Jungkook opened his arms, asking for a hug. You could melt with how adorable he looked. 
Without a second thought, you fell into his embrace. Like magic, the worries and the stress from the day began to melt away. There was a strong sense of security that emerged from being wrapped in Jungkook’s arms. 
“Are you okay, Bugs,” Jungkook whispered, his cheek resting atop your head. Slowly, he rocked you both from side to side. Tears began to prickle in your eyes again. You were okay now that you’ve cleaned up and somewhat composed yourself. But what about later? What about when you go online and see everyone talking about what happened? What about tomorrow and then the next day and then the next, until something juicer happens for everyone to talk about? Sure you were okay now, but you don’t know about later.
Jeez, these hormones were really getting to you. 
 Rather than burdening him with your troubles, you kept your answer short and simple. “Mhmm,” you nodded, your words muffled from pressing your face against his chest. “Just a little embarrassed.”
“Hey,” Jungkook pulled away, forcing you to look up at him. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Periods are completely natural.” You groaned covering your face with both you’re hands. “You sound like my mom.” 
“It's true!” He giggled as pried your hands away. “Seriously though, you shouldn’t be embarrassed. But I know that’s easier said than done.” You nodded, listening to his words. “Everyone in there who laughed at you are a bunch of immature, idiots with worms for brains. And if they say any slick shit to you, I’ll beat them up, okay?”
“Okay,” you giggled, bumping your fist against his outstretched one. 
“Good,” he smiled, that same bunny smile you loved so much. “Come on,” he declared taking your hand, leading you down the hall when you intertwined your finger with his. “I texted your mom and let her know what happened. So, she should be almost now. Oh! And I left your bag and your phone with the lady in the front office. There’s also some pain reliever up there for you.” You felt yourself grin at his words. He was such a sweetheart. 
“Thank you, Jungkook, for everything. I really don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
He bumped his shoulder with yours. “Of course, Bugs. You know I got you. But you do have to promise me something.”
“Moon Meeting tonight? If you aren’t in too much pain.” Smiling down at you, he awaited your response. Sighing in mock annoyance, you playfully rolled your eyes. “Yes, Jungkook.”
“You promise?” 
“I promise.”
Copyright © 2023 Spicybutterfly
All right reserved.
Distribution, copying, reposting, or translating of any kind is not permitted. I will take legal action against those who attempt to steal my work. 
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divinehedons · 1 year
you write THE BEST dark fics like oh golly you execute it with such poise and charm 🫵 i saw you're looking for drabble ideas so i've been wondering.. what are your thoughts on jealous joel miller?! just him being disgustingly jealous that it's consuming him. oh that paired with the miscommunication trope.. i'm salivating..
side note: this emerged as i was mulling over bacon and eggs in my sleepy, migraine-y brain :'D
ann, you're an actual angel and i love you wtf! thank you for bringing pstar!joel into our lives, and i hope you enjoy! nsfw and dark themes (stalking(??), possessiveness) under the cut!
joel miller and the five stages of envy
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i think it's very rarely that joel miller feels envy. he's an adult, for god's sake, and he knows you better than you know yourself. so when that insatiable head of envy turns to him, it's something that he does not take lightly.
it always begins with the seedling of doubt. when you don't kiss him the moment you see him. when he has to call your name for a moment or two before you finally look to him with all your attention. he'll try to reason with himself. maybe you were just tired. maybe you were just stressed. he'll take you to his arms and kiss your temple sweetly, as if his lips could take away whatever was distracting you from him.
however, his envy would only persist with confirmation. one scapegoat to explain everything, no matter how false. one time it had been your childhood friend. another time, it was your boss. whoever or whatever it was, he becomes hyperaware of the inconsistency. he'd ask you in bed, moments before you fall asleep. "any plans, doll?" you'd mumble something, seeing christopher tomorrow, or something else so innocent. it'll haunt him. images of you in someone else's arms, fucked open by fingers that were not his own. he'd lean down and kiss the crook of your neck. "don't have too much fun, darlin'."
in the morning, he'll try to rationalize it. you're a grown person, he trusts you. of course you can have friends of your own. it's not enough. it was never enough. when you kiss his cheek and run out the door, he takes a deep breath, counts to a thousand, before opening his eyes. of course he has to do something
then, there was escalation. suddenly it was him sitting three tables away, your back to him, watching the way this "friend" smiles and laughs with you. he doesn't find it twisted, doesn't find it troubling. you were just so precious, of course you needed someone to keep an eye on you. and of course he was the one to do it. you're all his. he's not going to let some sleezy boy get all over you that easily.
so, then, conclusion is inevitable. he reacts. he shoots up from the table, trying to ignore the pounding of the vein on his temple as he approaches your table, wrapping an arm so easily around your shoulder. he makes a quick, flimsy excuse to pull you out of your chair and into the nearest restroom, forehead creasing as you try and derive answers from him.
"what the fuck, joel? i was having a good time-"
"is that what'cha call it, doll? whorin' around some guy like you're not mine?" he growls, large hand pinning you by your neck to the nearest wall. you stammer, try to explain, try to free yourself. "guess i don't remind you enough that i own you, sweet girl."
"it wasn't like that. he was just-"
your words fall short when you feel his fingers up your skirt, pushing your panties aside to fuck two into you, making your breath hitch and your eyes glaze over. true pavlovian response. as if the feel of his fingertips, and only his fingertips, was enough to silence your protestations.
it was easier this way, anyway: reminding you of just who you belonged to when you're crying for his cock while he smirks down at you. you always come back for him, anyway.
"that's it, doll. have i made myself perfectly clear to ya?"
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littledollll · 1 year
Hii, so I am going through some shit and I just really, really want Brienne comforting me, so can I request Brienne and squire reader who sh, and has scars all over their body, and one day after a long journey they go to a bath house and she sees the scars and takes a while for her to realize what they're from? I totally understand if that makes you uncomfortable, but I am really struggling with mine lately so..yeah
Distracted by beauty
Brienne of Tarth x reader
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A/n: hi darling, I hope you feel much better soon. I’m sorry this took so long, I’ve mentioned before my little issues with writing but I really wanted to get to this better late than never.
Warnings: mention sh scars, insecurities, slight non-sexual nudity, wandering eyes.
“Just a quick bath, alright? We head out again early in the morning so the sooner you get to sleep, the better.” Brienne’s voice cut off your conversation as you reached the bathhouse with the quick demand. You’ve been on the road for days, and finally it was the last night you had to spend out of your home. You noticed early on that Brienne wasn’t one to converse much, but after a while you broke through her walls and got her to engage.
With only a nod to her statement you placed your things on one of the benches, on the farther side of the bathhouse. Brienne thought nothing of it, wanting a little privacy is expected but once she caught sight of you beginning to undress her mind went blank.
She didn’t mean to stare. Her cheeks flushed red and her heart beat at about a thousand miles per second. It took her at least a full minute for her to actually register she was staring. She saw every detail of your delicate skin, many curious scars scattered through different places, some places more scarred than others. but she said nothing of it.
She snapped her eyes away to focus on undressing herself for now, hoping you didn’t notice her staring and were uncomfortable. She could faintly hear the sound of you getting into the water.
It was obvious you were looking at her too. She could feel you staring, which only alerted her more that you probably noticed her.
The image of you replayed in her mind, you were breathtakingly beautiful, and the more she thought about it it slowly registered in her mind just what those scars might be, and again, she said nothing of it.
It was uncomfortably quiet between you two. And she felt the need to somehow excuse or explain her staring. Not wanting you to think the wrong thing, that she was judging or was staring out of distaste, she knew that feeling very well.
“I’m sorry.. for staring, I mean. You’re beautiful, and I found myself staring before I even noticed.” Her voice was quiet, her cheeks still lightly flushed. She was quick to get into the water as well, unsure if she should look at you or not right now.
“You don’t have to say that, Brienne.” You said with a sigh, carrying that same air of quietness that she had.
“I don’t, but I mean it. I- think you’re beautiful. I did not mean to stare or make you uncomfortable.” It was a statement she knew to be true. But you’d be one to disagree regardless of what the knight said.
“Right, so you staring has nothing to do with-“ she didn’t even let you finish. She shook her head as she interrupted you. “Absolutely nothing.” She sounded so sincere. And she continued, trying to prove her point further. “I refuse to let you believe that’s the only thing about you that stands out or you’re any less worthy or beautiful because of it, because what took my breath away was you.”
You felt like you could cry at that point, and you really didn’t stop to think further about the fact she had just openly admitted to being attracted to you in such a way. “You don’t know how much I needed to hear that… Thank you, Brienne.”
She gave you a sincere smile, one you thought was beautiful, and a nod. “I have many scars of my own. They might be from different types of battles, but battles regardless. They don’t take away your beauty, they don’t stop me for admiring everything that you are. And you’re as much as a fighter as I am. Never forget that.”
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happyandticklish · 3 months
Sore Loser
Notes: Commission for @ultimatelee19 Thank you so much for commissioning! It’s been a while since I’ve spent any time in the Legend of Korra fandom, so it was fun to get to revisit it for this piece. I hope you enjoy ^^
Summary: After several losses in the Pro-Bending Arena, Bolin is anxious to prove his worth amongst their group. Meanwhile, Korra shows him the hard way that sometimes it’s okay to lose.
“You know you’re gonna lose, right?”
The field was clear save the two of them. They had snuck out hours before Mako had even had a chance to wake up for their usual training, and the hint of pink in the sky was the only indicator that it was morning at all. There was something nice about being out this early, the only creatures awake as the rest of the world slumbered. It was a peaceful feeling. Korra, however, was never very good at accustoming herself to times of peace.
Perhaps this is why she had been so easily persuaded by Bolin to come and spar before their next competition in the Pro-Bending Arena, even if she felt a bit uneasy about it. He hadn’t said anything, but she could tell he was nervous about their upcoming competition. Their last few fights hadn’t gone very well for them, but he especially had been off his game. Nothing to worry about, really, but it could be if he got in his head about it. Most likely, this was just an excuse to get a win under his belt in order to ease his nerves. Not that he would ever admit it—hence the attitude.
Korra raised an eyebrow at him, adjusting her stance. “Is that so? Well then, I look forward to my swift defeat, since you’re so cocky. It’s a risky move, going up against the Avatar alone.”
Bolin scoffed, but his fists clenched by his sides. “Please. ‘The Avatar’. You’re also reckless and undisciplined.”
“Undisciplined? As opposed to you?”
“Obviously.” A grin made its way to his features and she relaxed a little at the easy banter. “I’ve worked myself to the bone for years on training.”
“So have I.”
“In general, maybe,” he conceded. “A typical jack of all trades, whereas I am a master of earthbending. Which is why for tonight, I challenge you, oh great Avatar—a battle, earthbending style! If you use any other elements, you’re disqualified.”
Korra considered the proposition for a moment. An easy handicap, even still. She knew it might be better for Bolin’s ego if she lost, but Korra had never historically been a great loser. If he wanted a challenge, he was going to get one.
She smirked, trying not to enjoy how her words made the cocky expression on Bolin’s face waver. “Alright. You’re on. Just try not to be too disappointed when you lose.”
“I could say the same to you.” The ground under them rumbled, and Korra yelped as she just barely jumped back in time to avoid a cluster of rocks that had nearly toppled her from underneath. “Careful.”
Korra laughed, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. “Oh, you’re in for it now.”
With that, the battle was on. For a while, Korra tried to play the long game and keep her attacks careful and coordinated, opting more for defense than anything else. Bolin, on the other hand, lashed out with a determination that was only serving to make him sloppy. His lunges were too quick, his strikes too sudden, and his words were tinged with frustration as he attempted to keep up the same arrogant banter as before. Heneeded to just relax if he was going to get a hit in, let alone win.
Bolin ducked forward suddenly with a fist that was evaded as she grabbed onto his arm. He struggled against her fruitlessly for a moment and her eyes widened with an idea as a smirk slowly took over her features.
“You know, maybe it’s time to get a bit more up close and personal,” she said, gripping his arm and using his own weight to flip him down to the ground. He grunted as his back hit the earth and she threw a leg over him in his distraction, one of his arms still captured in hers. “Take a more offensive stance, perhaps?”
“What are you talking about—gah! K-Korra!”
Bolin’s words were cut off by a strangled yelp as Korra’s fingers skittered over his stomach, poking and prodding occasionally to great effect. Bolin’s face, already red from exhaustion, pinkened as his features scrunched up in defiance. Tickling. Perhaps cheating in an official fight, but for now it came with the side benefit of always working to relax Bolin. After all, if she could knock him out of his weird mood and win the fight all in one, where was the harm there?
Bolin was squirming underneath her, giggling up a storm as she managed to slip a hand under his shirt to get at bare skin. “N-Naha knock it off! This is cheheheating!”
��I fail to remember you ever specifically banning tickling as an option.” Korra vibrated her hands into his ribs and Bolin shrieked, lurching out of her grip suddenly and scrambling to get away. She clucked her tongue, dusting off her hands as she stood up. “Bad move, my friend. I’m afraid you’re still wide open.”
She ran after him, throwing herself at his back in an unskilled but effective attack. The momentum carried them both forward, and they tumbled to the ground in a clumsy roll. Before Bolin could gather his bearings, she pulled her fist up, forming a rock foundation around him that effectively covered and pinned him to the ground. The rock formed makeshift stocks for his feet, and his hands were encased in stone raised far above his head. Bolin struggled fruitlessly against the bonds, but with his hands trapped, there was no way out. Korra strolled over, stretching her arms above her head before taking a seat by his feet.
“You have been awfully strung out all week now. I think it’s a high time that you take a moment to sit back and actually relax. And—” she held his toes back, scribbling her fingers over his bare arch. “If you’re not gonna do that on your own, then I’ll take it on myself to help you out.”
Bolin threw his head back in wild laughter, his other foot dancing around wildly in the stead of his trapped one. “W-Wait Korrahaha! I’m fine, j-just—shit, n-not tihihickling!”
“Yes tickling,” she said, digging her fingers under his toes to a torrent of frantic giggles. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed what you’ve been doing to yourself all week.”
“What—not the other fohohohoot!!”
“You lose a couple of fights and get all in your head about it,” Korra continued, ignoring his protests. Her fingers spidered over his arches, pausing occasionally to scritch under his toes in a manner that she knew from experience made him go crazy. “That’s not the Bolin I know. No, the Bolin I know would use those losses as encouragement to do better—to train, not whatever pity party this is.”
The corners of Bolin’s mouth made an attempt to turn down in indignation, but the tickling was quickly sapping all of the venom and frustration out of him. He shrieked when she moved up to his thighs suddenly. His clothing got in the way a tad, but she was able to pinch up and down the area in a manner that seemed just as effective, if not more so, than if his skin had been bare. “And challenging me to dumb fights at some crazy hour of the morning before a competition is not ‘training’. You need rest. You need diligence. You need to stop beating yourself up about this.”
Bolin shook his head back and forth, his legs jerking against the stone. Out of curiosity, she tried scribbling her fingers over his inner thighs and the sound he let out at that seemed to indicate that the strategy was worth continuing. “It tihihickles though!”
“Mm, and I know how much you hate tickling.” Korra raised a brow and Bolin’s cheeks flushed red. It wasn’t something that he advertised, per se, but it wasn’t hard for anyone who witnessed these moments to tell that he was enjoying himself. “Listen, man, we’ve all had bad days. You think I got where I am by winning every fight I’m in or always nailing new skills first try? You think Mako did? You practice. You study. And you don’t let one defeat get in your head.”
He shrieked when she moved her hands up under his arms suddenly, tugging desperately at his hands. “Okahahay okahahay I get it! Just p-please gihive me a breheheak!”
Korra considered it for a moment, continuing to trace idle circles under his arms as she did, much to Bolin’s chagrin. “Okay, I’ll consider it. Considering…”
Bolin whimpered underneath her, his face scrunched up in an intense expression of concentration. As his skin was still protected by his clothing, the tickling wasn’t as intense as it could be. She glanced down, however, to notice that his shirt had ridden up in the tussle, revealing a sliver of his stomach—historically, his worst spot. Perhaps it was time to really show Bolin exactly what happens to teammates who underestimate themselves.
She placed her hands on his stomach, sliding them slowly under his shirt as she did. She bit back a grin when Bolin visibly jumped. “Here’s the deal. We have about a half hour till Mako wakes up and starts to wonder where we are. Either you admit that you’re a good fighter and that it’s okay to make mistakes, or I tickle your stomach until he finds us—your choice.”
With that, she descended into a frenzy of scribbling and poking fingers all over his stomach that left Bolin a wheezing mess under her. He arched his body back against his bonds, but there was no escaping rock. He probably could have used his bending to get out, but bending required a certain focus that tickling left no room for.
In the end, Bolin held out for another five or ten minutes until Korra discovered that his naval was a hotspot of nerves that broke down his pride in a matter of seconds. And while Bolin complained and muttered indignantly while he caught his breath when she finally set him loose, the happy flush to his cheeks revealed the truth of how much he had needed to be able to let go.
Next time, Korra just hoped he asked instead of making her endure the horror of being awake at four in the morning.
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shadowdaddies · 9 months
Could I request something with Dorian and the reader is having difficulty with anxiety and he sort of just comforts her?
Hi! Of course💜 for me when my anxiety is bad, I usually try to distract myself so that's the route I went with here (also I used this as an excuse to put my dog's name into a story)
Dorian x Reader
Warnings: anxiety/panic attack at the beginning
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The splash of cold water on your face was enough to draw you back to your current surroundings, finally inhaling a deep - albeit shaky - breath. You couldn’t even recall what triggered the anxiety, a vortex of thoughts spiraling with every worry your mind could create. 
The door to the bedroom opened, boots clicking against the hardwood floor as Dorian strode into the bathroom where you were hunched over the sink. Sapphire blue eyes searched your appearance - the fidgety hands tapping the counter, chest heaving, gaunt eyes on a paled face as the splashed water dripped down. 
His gaze softened, lips thinning into a straight line as he recognized your anxious state, asking softly, “hey love, can I give you a hug?” 
After another deep breath, you nodded, turning around as you wrapped your arms around Dorian’s waist, tucking your head into his chest. He held you snugly, the comforting pressure of his arms around you already easing your breath. You focused on the feel of his warm body, his scent of oud and cardamom, the soft beat of his heart. 
He held you there for a long moment, before the restlessness took over once more, and you pulled away. Protectively wrapping your arms around your chest, you looked around anxiously. “I need something to do. I’ve just been stewing with my thoughts. Can we go somewhere?”
Dorian nodded, a bright smile lighting up his face. “I know exactly where to take you,” he said, reaching out a hand for you to hold. Twining your fingers in his, you allowed Dorian to lead you out of the castle and towards the stables. 
Scrunching your nose at the smell of hay and manure, you coughed out your complaints. “Why are we here, Dor?” 
Chuckling at your dramatics, Dorian just smirked as he pulled you into one of the stalls, where a stable boy crouched over one of his hounds. “Hi Simon,” Dorian greeted, drawing the attention of the boy. “If you want to take a break, I thought we could spend some time with the puppies for awhile.” 
As Simon stood, nodding his thanks before he left the stall, you took in the sight of the newborn puppies snuggled into their mom’s side. “Oh my goodness,” you cooed, a soft whisper as you knelt down with the pups. 
Dorian kneeled next to you, stroking the mother’s head as he watched you pet the tiny puppies. “They were just born this morning. I thought they might cheer you up.” 
Your heart swelled as you watched the little animals stumbling around, tripping over each other to get closer to their mother’s warmth. Nodding, you let out a soft laugh as a particularly small black pup waddled over to you, nudging your hand. Carefully, you scooped it up, holding the sweet creature to your chest as it nuzzled in close.
“They don’t usually take to people so quickly,” Dorian whispered in awe. The two of you shared a soft smile, and he nodded at the pup. “You should name that one.” 
As happiness bubbled up inside of you at the tenderness of the moment, you knew what name to give. “Joy.”
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