#faerie jimin
gimmethatagustd · 16 days
faeries don't kiss | kth + pjm
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A human taught Taehyung to kiss, and now he won't shut up about it. Jimin doesn't care, though. He most certainly isn't jealous or anything.
○ Pairing: Peter Pan!Taehyung x Tinker Bell!Jimin
○ Rating: Mature
○ Genre: Peter Pan AU, fairy tales, friends to lovers, fluff
○ Word Count: 2,773
○ Warnings: Silly boys being silly
○ Notes: I wrote this for Writers for Relief, which you can check out on Twitter. If you'd like to request a drabble as part of the Writers for Relief initiative, please read more on my Carrd. It's short and different from my usual stories, but I hope people find it cute. 🧚🏽‍♂️✨
○ Post Date: September 7, 2024
○ Masterlist | AO3 Crosspost
○ What was Jai listening to? Brought The Heat Back - ENHYPEN
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"Surely you know what a kiss is?" she asked, aghast.
"I shall know when you give it to me," he replied stiffly...
- Peter and Wendy (1911), J. M. Barrie
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“Ahh, Jiminie, I felt like I was in the clouds!” 
Taehyung flies on his back with one arm crossed behind his head and the other dangling below him to let his fingers skim along the water. His seaswept blonde hair ruffles in the wind as he glides along the water with his eyes closed and his face pointed toward the midday sun. There’s no need to look at where he’s going; Taehyung knows the island better than anyone, even better than Jimin. 
“You can sit in the clouds whenever you want,” Jimin mutters, just barely loud enough for Taehyung to hear him over the tinkling sound of Jimin’s wings fluttering through the briny sea air.
“This is true. But imagine feeling such a sensation with both feet planted firmly on the ground!”
Taehyung’s eyes snap open to stare at Jimin, who floats above him. His eyes are deep, seafoam green, and as calm as the ocean on the island's north side, far from the Jolly Roger’s dock and Mermaid Lagoon. 
“I prefer to use my wings more often than my feet,” Jimin insists. 
“Stupid faerie,” Taehyung grins with large, white teeth, “you wouldn’t understand. It was absolutely magical !” 
With a sudden burst of energy, Taehyung kicks his feet and launches himself further into the sky. The force sprays water into the air, large droplets nearly knocking Jimin, who is in his tiny faerie form, out of the sky and into the ocean. 
“I am not stupid!” Jimin screams after Taehyung, whose cackle is carried across the island by the wind. “And I am magical!” 
“Not as magical as a kiss!” 
Taehyung swoops through a low-lying cloud, causing it to burst apart and disintegrate into small whisps of white. Jimin watches him skip across the sky, hopping from cloud to cloud, laughter turning his wide mouth boxy. Joyfulness looks gorgeous on Taehyung, even at Jimin’s expense.
It hadn’t always been at Jimin’s expense – not until Wendy. 
Stupid Wendy and her stupid kisses. 
Jimin scowls and struggles to keep up with Taehyung as he careens through the sky toward the dense trees of Neverwood. He isn’t interested in returning to Home Underground, for he knows some, if not all, of the Lost Boys will be there. It has been days since Wendy left Neverland, and the Boys still beg Taehyung to retell the Kissing Story. Jimin is sick of it! 
Tumbling into the brush on the forest floor, Jimin stands at his full height, no longer the tiny creature that fits in the palm of Taehyung’s hand. Jimin prefers his natural faerie form, but he has found himself transforming more than usual to be human-sized. Perhaps it’s because Taehyung has stopped letting Jimin sit on his shoulder or hide in his hair. 
It’s that damn Wendy’s fault! 
The only thing keeping Jimin’s anger at bay is the delicious fact that Wendy is gone, preferring to return to the human world rather than stay in Neverland. Jimin knew not to trust a girl . Of course, no one ever listens to him. He’s just a stupid faerie. 
“You are so grumpy today!” Taehyung shouts before scooping Jimin up and tossing him over his shoulder. “Yoongi is rubbing off on you.”
“I am not! You’re being a jerk,” Jimin hisses as Taehyung carries him to one of the hollowed-out trees made to disguise a secret shoot that leads to the underground hideaway the Boys live in.  
They shouldn’t be so loud; no one knows when a pirate might be creeping about. Even Jimin has let slip the Lost Boys’ secrets a handful of times out of anger that he always regrets later. He isn’t a malicious faerie, but Taehyung always says faeries are too small to have more than one emotion at a time. Whether or not it’s true, Jimin doesn’t know, but if it means that Taehyung will forgive him when he’s naughty, then Jimin is okay with that. 
“You’re just jealous,” Taehyung grins and tosses Jimin down the shoot. He cackles when Jimin screams and jumps down the shoot to follow him. 
“I hate when you do that,” Jimin groans from where he flops onto the floor, having been spit out by the shoot into the middle of the living room. When he looks up, big, wide eyes stare down at him. 
“Hi Jiminie,” Jungkook gives him a soft smile and holds out a dish with a mini blueberry cake on it. “I made you some sweets.”
“Oh, thank you, Jungkookie. That’s so nice of– Hey!” 
Quick and unapologetic, Taehyung snatches the pastry and pops it into his mouth. When Jimin gets up to charge after him, Taehyung presses his palm against Jimin’s forehead to hold him out of reach. 
“Taehyung! I am so tired of you!” Jimin tries wrestling with Taehyung's arm, twisting at his wrist. His efforts only make Taehyung laugh, the sound just as pretty as the tinkling of Jimin’s faerie wings as they flutter in frustration behind him.
“It’s okay,” Jungkook insists, “I made more.” 
Jungkook’s kindness is drowned out by the sudden hooping and hollering of the other Boys, who finally realize Taehyung is home. They come clambering out of other hidey holes in their home, falling out of patch-quilt hammocks, and popping up from holes in the walls. They all screech for the same thing, the Kissing Story. How many times must one story be retold?!
“Tell it again, Tae,” Hoseok demands with sparkling eyes, and the rest of the boys eagerly agree. 
The Boys lounge on the floor in the middle of their home, where pillows and blankets create a giant nest for them to cuddle in. Yoongi is curled up in Hoseok’s lap, mouth open, as he waits impatiently for Hoseok to give him a crumb of blueberry cake. Seokjin is off in the kitchen cleaning up Jungkook’s baking mess. As usual, Namjoon is found in the rafters – the roots of the tree that map the ceiling – with a book in hand. It’s one Taehyung stole from one of his trips to the humans. Jimin doesn’t know how to read, but he would bet all the gold in the world that the book is about something stupid, like kisses.
The Boys gather around Taehyung, who perches atop a small, polished tree stump — the “talking chair,” as the Boys call it, denoting that Taehyung has the floor to speak.
Jimin stands to the side with his arms crossed and one shoulder against the wall. He hardly listens to the beginning of the story, the part where Taehyung talks about trapezing through the human world and getting into trouble. It’s his good looks and quick wit that lure humans to Neverland. Jimin is quite honestly tired of it. Humans don’t belong here; it’s bad enough the Boys and pirates exist. If it were up to Jimin, the island would be inhabited by faeries and merpeople.
“Her lips were soft,” Taehyung reminisces with a sigh felt throughout Home Underground. Some of the other Boys sigh, too, with envy or hope that one day they will experience the unique magic of a kiss.
Scowling, Jimin turns away with disgust, twisting his pretty face. Faeries don’t kiss. No one on the island kisses except merpeople and pirates. It’s a savage thing, something dirty and dangerous that only serves to woo people to bed or kill them, as is the case with a mermaid’s kiss. There is no reason to spawn new faeries; they grow from morning dew every time a human baby laughs for the first time. Faeries don’t kill people, either. And if they did, there is sufficient magic for that.
So, what need does a faerie have to kiss? There simply isn’t one.
Yet Jimin watches Taehyung out of the corner of his eye and feels panic in his chest. It’s too stuffy in Home Underground — the downside of being underground. It’s hot, and there's no air circulation to calm the rising storm shaking Jimin from the inside.
With a puff of golden, powdery pixie dust, Jimin transforms into his faerie form, tiny enough to fit in a person’s palm. He flies through the group of Boys, pinching Taehyung’s earlobe as he zooms by before disappearing up the shoot Taehyung had previously thrown him down.
“Jimin-ah!” Taehyung shouts as he tenderly rubs his ear. “Come back, you little pest!”
The thing is, Home Underground isn’t Jimin’s home. He isn’t a Lost Boy. He grew up here, in Neverland, like all the other faeries. Sure, Yoongi carved a tiny bed out of a tree branch for Jimin to sleep on when he visits Home Underground, placed on a rickety nightstand beside Taehyung’s bed, but it isn’t his real home.
Pixie Hollow is where Jimin belongs. As he flies home, glittery tears staining his pink cheeks, he is reminded of how much he truly doesn’t belong with the Lost Boys. It was silly of him to bother saving Taehyung that fateful day many years ago. He should have known better than to venture out into the seas to save a boy from a shark attack after being cast off a pirate ship — he should have known that Taehyung would bring him trouble.
Trouble and heartache.
Jimin is unfamiliar with the second concept, but it fills his tiny body with such unbelievable sadness that he can barely make it to his miniature tree home before he collapses in the doorway. The gold glow he usually emanates is muted, so much so that it’s almost entirely nonexistent.
It isn’t true that flying requires happy thoughts; pixie dust suffices. But the life inside Jimin flickers sometimes, and he doesn’t know why. Sometimes, he thinks it’s because of Taehyung. Even though Jimin is always by Taehyung’s side every step of the way, no matter the circumstances, Jimin fears that Taehyung forgets him.
And the worst thing that could happen to a faerie is that they are forgotten.
Amid his sorrow, Jimin doesn’t hear the piercing wind that shoots through the trees protecting Pixie Hollow. Only creatures capable of flight can access the forest unless they brave the dangerous waters surrounding the island. Jimin prefers the solitude of their forest. He likes having someplace to run away to.
Flipping over onto his back, Jimin stares up at the stars twinkling in the sky. The lower half of his body is through the door’s threshold; the other half is on the porch of his tree house. Perhaps he’ll lie here through the night, using the patch of moss beneath him as a pillow.
It sounds like a good idea until the stars disappear behind dark clouds and the air smells thick with moisture. Before Jimin has the chance to summon enough energy to get up, the sky unleashes a downpour of cool rain. Each drop for a human might be refreshing, but tiny Jimin feels like he’s drowning. He’s weighed down by his soaked clothing and misery, willing to give everything up. Maybe he’ll die here instead. He supposes it would be an excellent place to die, his home. He hopes the world knows it’s Taehyung’s fault.
“Oh, Jiminie, what are you doing?”
The rain stops, and Jimin’s vision goes dark. He wipes water and tears from his eyes and blinks.
Taehyung’s blonde hair frames his face as he stares down at Jimin, worry etched in the wrinkles of his forehead and the pout of his lips. It’s such a strange look on a boy made of light.
“I’m taking a nap,” Jimin croaks.
Taehyung frowns.
“You’re so cold.” Taehyung pokes Jimin’s shoulder, his finger large enough to crush him but gentle.
Jimin lets Taehyung scoop him up in his hands and sits upright rather than flop his body down like before. He feels like rolling off Taehyung’s palm and plummeting to his death! That would be much better than staring into Taehyung’s big green eyes.
“Please get big.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Please,” Taehyung juts his bottom lip even further. “I want to give you something, and I need you to be big.”
With a quiet sigh, Jimin does what he’d considered: he rolls off of Taehyung’s palm. Halfway before he reaches the ground, a puff of pixie dust clouds the small corridor the trees make along the path to Jimin’s house. Once human-sized, Jimin stands before Taehyung with his hands on his hips. He wants to look menacing, despite his sadness. He wouldn’t look it regardless, but he does his best.
“What do you want?” Jimin tries to snap, but apparently, heartache changes everything.
Whatever this look is on Taehyung’s face, Jimin doesn’t like it. It isn’t mischievous or sad, but it reminds Jimin of those two things, and he doesn’t understand how both can be true at once. It doesn’t help that the rain still pelts them, plastering their blonde hair against their heads and making their vision blurry. Taehyung must be at least a little bit sad for some reason. He controls the weather.
“You stupid faerie,” Taehyung says softly, barely heard above the steady stream of rain, “you never ask enough questions.”
Narrowing his eyes, Jimin is about to ask what such an accusation means when Taehyung takes the side of Jimin’s face in one hand. He brushes his thumb along Jimin’s cheek, likely noticing the glittery remnants of his tears. Then he leans slowly but without hesitation to slot his lips with Jimin’s.
Faeries don’t kiss, so Jimin has no idea what to do. At first, he holds his breath and stands still, arms locked at his sides. Unfortunately, faeries aren’t merpeople, so Jimin must breathe. He gasps when he jerks back, and Taehyung laughs.
“Ever since I learned to kiss, I have wanted to teach you, too,” Taehyung’s confession is cheeky, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he ducks his head and looks at Jimin through his eyelashes. So coy and deceiving.
The look sparks heat in the pit of Jimin’s stomach, shooting in every direction until his limbs are tingling just as badly as his lips.
“Try to breathe next time,” Taehyung taps his index finger against Jimin’s parted lips, “and move like I do.”
Jimin grabs the front of Taehyung's tunic when Taehyung leans in for another kiss, this one moving faster than the first. Taehyung's other hand wraps around Jimin's waist, pulling him until their bodies are pressed together, from their lips to their feet sinking in rain puddles as they sway. Taehyung is warm and firm, and when Jimin cracks his eyes open to take a peek at the gentle look on Taehyung's face as he kisses him, he sees his own golden glow reflect on Taehyung's pretty tan skin.
The slide of their lips together is smooth and wet with rain. Jimin follows each whispered instruction Taehyung gives him in between breaths, desperately wanting to perform well. Other feelings drive him, such as desire and the need for affection, too many emotions for a tiny faerie to carry. He can only focus on one, and his body naturally chooses a loophole — a way to encapsulate all the feelings he wants to feel at once.
“I love you,” Jimin admits, his eyes squeezed shut, and Taehyung’s lips pressed against his jaw. He had never considered the possibility for kisses to be given elsewhere.
Taehyung laughs, and Jimin’s love is almost overpowered by flaming embarrassment.
“I don’t know what love is,” Taehyung pulls back and pinches Jimin’s earlobe. It’s delayed retaliation, and it makes Jimin open his eyes.
“It’s okay,” Jimin says softly. The rain has stopped. “I don’t know what it is either.”
There’s still mischief in Taehyung’s eyes, but his look is soft rather than dangerous. Jimin has grown to adapt to Taehyung’s unpredictability, but this look catches him off guard.
“Shall we find out together?” Taehyung asks, lips reddened and still wet.
“That sounds like it would be an awfully big adventure.”
Taehyung’s grin is boxy and wide. He throws his head back and hollers, not unlike a wolf singing to the moon or hyenas laughing at prey. In the same breath, he snatches Jimin by the wrists and kicks off the ground, hurling Jimin high into the air with a screech.
Jimin’s love drains as flustered embarrassment fills him when Taehyung catches him in the air, only to toss him onto a fluffy rain cloud that soaks Jimin even further and shout, “I told you, Jimin-ah, kisses feel like being in the clouds!”
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Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie). 
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justimajin · 11 months
House of the Haunted
Genre: Fluff & Comedy
↳ 3.5k / Supernatural AU (inspired from Hotel Transylvania)
[Includes: Vampire! Yoongi, Werewolf! Jungkook, Ghost! Namjoon, Demon! Jimin, Angel! Hoseok, Warlock! Taehyung, Faerie! Seokjin, Human! Reader]
Summary: It's Halloween and the Council of the Haunted have convened together for a very important and highly classified discussion - there's a *whispers* human on the premises.
A/N: I was originally going to post this for Halloween, but it unfortunately got a bit delayed. It's just meant to be a fun story for spooks and laughs. Happy (Belated) Halloween! 🎃
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The front door creaks open. 
The mansion is nothing short of grand, lined with expansive black marble floors and dark wooden walls. There are ebony crystals hanging down from the dimly lit chandelier, connected right above the old spiral staircase that’s decorated with small oil lamps. The wind ever so whistles against the grey murky windows, echoing through the emptiness of the haunting infrastructure. 
Amongst the different doors next to the staircase, only one is brightly lit. 
A tall man dressed in lavish purple robes shuffles forward, his eyes darting around. There’s a sudden change in the air, akin to a low draft he feels against his back that his keen senses pick up on right away. 
“Taehyung.” A voice whispers into the night and he swivels, robes cascading around him as he does. “You came.” 
His lips pull up into a cheeky smile, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
The transparent man before him gyrates around, his feet floating an inch off the ground.
“Follow me.” 
Taehyung obliges, trailing after him. 
“You know, Seokjin will be very pleased to see you too.” 
Taehyung deeply chuckles, fingertips absent-mindly playing with the mist that radiates out of them. “I’m sure he will be.” 
He’s led into a large dining room, the very one that is brightly lit. In the middle of it sits a long outstretched table that’s entirely covered with a black tablecloth and with candlelight decor. There are seven wooden chairs lining the table and accompanying, seven golden chalices. 
It’s a room he’s become very familiar with over the course of the last couple of months. Namely, ever since one fateful day when he was granted a hand-crafted invitation with intricate writing and symbols. At the time, he truthfully wasn’t quite sure to expect, or rather, who to expect. 
His answer came without another thought and it took the form of an old, but peculiarly cheery Faerie man – the very one seated at the head of the table and examining a chalice before him. 
“Warlock Kim Taehyung has arrived.” The voice booms into the room, making Seokjin look up. 
The Faerie man rises to his feet, addressing the transparent man. 
“Thank you, Namjoon.” He nods in confirmation, before wafting back into the breeze and exiting the room. 
Seokjin spins around with a big grin, “Taehyung!” 
“You haven’t changed a bit.” Taehyung remarks, giving the man a swift hug. “Though, your way of sending invites has gotten really interesting.” 
He twirls his fingers and a piece of paper emerges, landing in his hands. He envelopes it, eyes focused on the written words. “A call for all supernatural beings to meet, for the Council of the Haunted to convene once more for urgent matters–”
Taehyung snickers, “You write like you’re a hundred years old already.”
“I was trying to be formal!” Seokjin protests, irises glimmering with specks of pink. 
Taehyung raises a playful brow, “A Faerie trying to be courteous? Now that’s funny.” 
Seokjin shakes his head with a sigh, “Sit down, will you? I’m going to have more guests to tend to.” 
Taehyung non-chantently hums, eyeing the wine in the centre of the table with intrigue. The former Faerie hears more footsteps, and he hurriedly leaves the room altogether. 
Making his way to the front door, Seokjin is met with the sight of Namjoon surrounded by others. 
“Well, well, who do we have here?” He piques, mischievousness brimming in his voice.
Two men appear before him – contrasting like day and night. 
One of them has swept violet hair and dark ebony wings sticking out from his back. A dark red beam within his orbs and there’s a soft smile lingering on his lips. The other has a mop of brown hair and a pair of white wings. He holds a deep scowl, arms crossed and his blue eyes stern. 
“Demon Park Jimin and Angel Jung Hoseok have arrived.” Namjoon announces from behind, appearing a bit frazzled from the duo’s sudden appearance. 
“The Council of the Haunted, huh?” Hoseok remarks, “You haven’t called us here in ages.” 
Jimin peers around, “The decor is really nice, did you remodel the place?” 
Seokjin merely laughs, immediately engulfing the two into a hug. “It’s been a while, you two!” 
Hoseok grumbles and Jimin giggles. “Come on in! Taehyung’s already here.” 
He steps to the side, gesturing the two men forward. They enter the grand dining room with Namjoon’s assistance, taking spots at opposite sides of the table. 
Seokjin comes up behind Namjoon. “That makes three – who are we missing now?” 
“The vampire and werewolf.” Namjoon utters, grimacing a bit. “I was informed today was a full moon.” 
“Of course it is.” Seokjin sighs, glancing at his present guests. “We’ll have to wait a bit longer.” 
Taehyung raises his chalice of wine with a grin. “M’kay with me.” 
“Wait, I have to sit here longer?” Hoseok recoils, “With him?” 
Jimin sweetly smiles. “How interesting. I share the same sentiments.” 
The Faerie narrows his eyes, “Taehyung, that wine is supposed to be for everybody.” He turns to his ghostly friend, whispering underneath his breath. “Namjoon, can you make sure those two don’t cause a brawl on my dining table?” 
He immediately nods, effortlessly floating over to the table. Seokjin turns around with a huff, planting his hands against his waist. 
At this point, anyone who will arrive will be considered late. He should have considered this, knowing that some of his members simply had the tendency to be forgetful and– 
His heart nearly jumps out of his chest at the low voice behind him, wide pink orbs coming into contact with a red-eyed man with midnight hair and long incisors sticking outside of his teeth. 
“Oh gosh–” Seokjin presses a hand against his heart, attempting to calm himself. “It’s just you, Yoongi.” He huffs, “For a moment, you had me scared there.” 
The vampire looks at him impassibly, “Sorry about that.” 
Seokjin shakes it off, “Don’t worry about it.” He stares at him intently, tilting his head to the side in amusement. “I didn’t think you would come. What changed your mind?” 
Yoongi seems to hesitate for a split-second, before mumbling the words. 
“You said there would be others here….I was curious.”
The corners of Seokjin’s mouth upturn and he watches as the vampire silently trails over to the dining table, carefully taking a seat amongst the table. He was really interesting – that was for sure. 
Suddenly, a howl breaks through and echoes into the walls of his home. He swivels around, just in time to catch the faintest blur of caramel brown fur. 
There’s an enormous wolf launching itself against him, practically pouncing onto the poor defenceless Faerie man before he has the chance to say anything. 
“Okay, okay, I get it!” He scolds, pushing him away. “Jungkook, get off of me!” 
The caramel brown wolf whines loudly, as if in utter protest. Seokjin deeply sighs, petting his head rather awkwardly. 
“There! You happy now?” 
The wolf seems to let out a pleased howl, before its paw hits against the marbled floor. Within a couple of seconds, its bones begin to crack and a young man with crinkled golden eyes and a huge bunny smile stares back at him. 
“Hi hyung!” He chuckles and Seokjin grins lop-sidley, “Thanks for inviting me.” 
“Thanks for coming, JK.” Seokjin turns to Namjoon, leading Jungkook in. “Everyone’s here!” 
Jungkook brightens up, “Namjoon! It’s so nice seeing you again.”
The ghost man stares back at him wide-eyed as Jungkook loudly cackles, throwing his head back. Seokjin ends up pushing at his shoulders to get him to sit down in one of the chairs. 
“Haha, veryy original.” He sarcastically retorts, moving to take his seat at the head of the table. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook get seated on his right side, while Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi remain on the other. 
He ushers for everyone to raise their chalices. 
Seokjin clears his voice. “We have all gathered here today for a very important matter to discuss.”
Jungkook raises his hand, “Have you finally decided to remodel the meeting room to look less worse?” 
He scoffs, “No.” 
“Are you considering taking a step down and letting someone with purer intentions take over?” Hoseok remarks. 
Seokjin sighs, “No.” 
“Is this about the time I accidentally turned one of your workers into a goblin?” Taehyung ponders. 
“What? No.” 
“Is this when I forgot to turn your goblin back into your worker?” 
“Tae, no–” 
“Is this when the goblin wrecked havoc on–” 
“Okay, then!” Seokjin loudly coughs underneath his breath, a bright smile plastering on his features. There’s a sudden build up of pressure into the room, as if a hazy wave had crossed over everyone’s mind. 
His irises tinge with pink and the room is taken aback with a command, all members in his group visibly relaxing more than before. 
“This is so cool.” Jimin whispers, specks of pink dwindling in his own eyes. 
“Stop trying to toy with us and get to the point.” Hoseok barks, shaking his head with a huff. 
Seokjin grins wickedly, “Now that I finally do have your attention, there is something urgent to discuss.” Taehyung raises his hand again, but Seokjin glares at him, causing him to lower it, “This matter is of utmost importance and I believe it will affect all of us sooner or later.” 
Six sets of rounded eyes stare back at him. 
He drops the ball, “I have discovered….a human in my home.” 
A sharp, collective gasp echoes through the room. 
Jimin and Hoseok glance at each other wide-eyed while Taehyung presses a hand against his chest. Jungkook stares back at Seokjin with doe eyes as Namjoon shrinks back and Yoongi takes a sip out of his chalice filled with wine. 
“You should have started with that!” Taehyung protests. 
“Well, maybe you all hadn’t been – Oh, I don’t know – interrupting me constantly, then I would have!” Seokjin exclaims. 
“How could you let a human in here?!” Hoseok hisses, aware only the supernatural kind were granted permission. 
“This is why I have gathered all of you here.” Seokjin speaks a bit softer, “I would like some opinions about the matter and to frankly, form my own.” 
Namjoon floats forward, “We had discovered her a while ago wandering outside around the mansion. She seemed lost, as if she had nowhere to go.” 
“And?” Hoseok raises a brow, “You thought letting her in here was a good idea?” 
“I don’t think it's too bad.” Jimin objects, “They were just trying to help.” 
“Help a human? Out of all people?!” 
Taehyung bites his bottom lip, “What if...the human tries to kill us?” 
“I wouldn’t take it that far.” Jimin reasons, “Humans aren’t too dangerous.” 
Jungkook leans back in his chair, gold eyes flickering as if recalling a fond memory. “My girlfriend used to be human and tried killing me once.” 
Hoseok deeply frowns, “That’s not something to be proud of, JK.” 
He huffs, “We lived happily ever after, thank you very much.” 
“Someone’s a hopeless romantic.” Taehyung chuckles underneath his breath and Jungkook sends him a glare. 
“Well, I for one, don’t trust it.” Hoseok states, crossing his arms. “Humans should be monitored because of how fickle they can be.” 
Jimin snorts as he sips his wine, “That’s a lot coming from you.” 
Hoseok venomously glowers at him. 
“You got something to say, demon?” 
Jimin smiles wistfully. “I don’t know, it just seems like a lot coming from an angel that’s been notoriously involved with a female demon.” 
Namjoon lets out an audible gasp. Jungkook’s doe eyes increase in size and Yoongi spins his head around. Taehyung leans forward with gleaming eyes and Seokjin leans back, taking a sip of his wine.
Hoseok blushes, flustered from all the sudden attention. “T-Then what about you, huh? Why don’t you tell everyone how fond you are of humans?!” 
Taehyung revolves his head around, staring at Jimin with amusement now. Seokjin sips more of his wine, intrigued by the direction of the conversation. 
“What can I say?” He cheekily smiles. “Humans are very kind and loving. I have no regrets.” 
“Why you–” 
“H-Hyung!” Jungkook looks at Yoongi in desperation. The poor werewolf is caught sitting next to the bickering angel and demon, their interactions almost making him feel like they very well arguing over his own two shoulders. “W-What do you think about all this?”
Yoongi leans forward, clearing his throat. “Humans can be very violent and destructive, if swayed in the wrong direction. However, they can be compassionate. It’s something can take decades, even years to be able to find the right one–” 
“Not all of us wait for our significant others to be reincarnated, hyung.” Taehyung comments with a smile.
“T-That’s beautiful, hyung.” Jungkook whispers while sniffling. 
Taehyung looks at Jimin with a grin, mouthing ‘hopeless romantic’. The demon loudly giggles, causing Jungkook to scoff. 
“Hey, it is! Do you know how long it takes to find the one you love?” He proclaims, “They could literally be your best friend and you wouldn’t even realize it!” 
“Okay, JK’s started to project. Anyone else?” Seokjin looks around the table, growing bored with the conversation. 
His dancing pink eyes land on Taehyung. “How about you?” 
“What about me?” Taehyung gulps the last of his wine. 
“You have a human partner, no?” 
Taehyung smiles amused. “Do I? Who knows?” 
“Oh, stop being so secretive and mysterious.” Hoseok rolls his eyes. 
“I’m a warlock, angel.” Taehyung snaps his fingers, mist sparkling around that Hoseok waves off with a disgusted look. “I don’t let out my secrets so easily.” 
“Okay, so Taehyung’s still as hard-headed as ever.” Seokjin glances over at Namjoon, an unamused hand planted against his face. “Any progress?” 
“Two members have vouched for the human and two are against,” He looks up with a frown, staring at Taehyung, “and I believe one is undecided…?” 
“So it’s a tie.” Seokjin heaves, pressing a hand against his temples, “How am I ever going to make a decision?” 
“What’s going on?” 
The entire room plunges into an uncomfortable silence. 
Everyone slowly turns to the entrance of the grand room, line of sight redirecting to the person attached to the quiet voice that echoes into the chamber. 
Your eyes are as wide as ever, taking in the grand table and the chalices of wine in front of the seven interesting individuals. There’s a mix of different coloured eyes staring back at you, paired with intricate features like wolf ears, fangs, mist, and wings. Among them, a human-like man with pink orbs is the only one you recognize. 
“Seokjin?” You wonder, “Are these your friends?” 
“Y/N.” Although he smiles, it doesn’t completely reach his eyes. You wonder if you interrupted something, especially with how they all stare at you like you were supernatural.
Seokjin glances around, continuing to smile, “Something like that.” 
“O-Oh, that’s nice. What were you guys talking about?” 
You stare at the pink-eyed man, not noticing how the angel uncomfortably shifts, or how the demon smiles in your direction. You don’t notice the werewolf staring at you naively, or the intrigue the vampire holds. You especially don’t notice the warlock pushing his wine closer to himself, or the floating man that looks at you in wonder. 
“Um…” Hoseok warily peers at Taehyung. 
“Don’t mind me.” He swipes away at Hoseok’s drink with mist, causing Jimin to laugh. 
“Shhh.” Jungkook chides, accidentally letting out a howl in the process.
“Take mine.” Yoongi offers. “I prefer blood.”
“Y/N!” Seokjin chimes in, stern pink orbs locking onto his table of supernaturals who immediately pipe down. His arm wraps around your shoulder, a charming smile on his lips. 
“How about you wait outside, hm? Things are a bit…unearthly here.” 
“Oh…okay!” You chirp, “I don’t mind, I hope you have fun with your friends.” 
Seokjin nods, smiling unmovingly. He quickly guides you outside, before looking over in Namjoon’s direction urgently, who floats over to your side. 
The two of you leave the room and Seokjin continues to smile until the door shuts. 
He spins around. 
“Would you all calm down?!” He hisses, taking the wine out of Taehyung’s hands and instantly separating the members, “Didn’t I already tell you she’s human?” 
“And?” Hoseok retaliates, “You’re the most human looking out of all of us!” 
“Yeah!” Taehyung preaches, “You’re biased towards her.” 
Seokjin rolls his eyes. “For your kind information, I’m actually half human which is why I don’t look completely like a Faerie!” 
He gestures to his ears, which should have sharper pointed ends but take on a human-like appearance instead. 
“Biased! I’m calling it!” Taehyung says again. 
“Wait hyung, then why do you need our help?” Jungkook questions, “Wouldn’t it be easier for you to figure it out by yourself?” 
“I needed opinions.” He states, crossing his arms. “Despite being half-human, it isn’t as easy making decisions regarding them.” 
“Well, I think she’s nice. Doesn’t seem too harmful.” Jimin pitches in. 
“Yeah, I wasn’t quaking in fear.” Hoseok retorts. 
“She’s not a werewolf slayer, I’ll tell you that.” Jungkook states with uttermost seriousness. 
 Yoongi shrugs, “Don’t think she’ll reincarnate anytime soon either.”
“Can I turn her into a goblin?” Taehyung lets his intrusive thoughts out, but Seokjin frowns. 
He regards all of them, “I appreciate the penny for your thoughts,” His voice deepens, sounding borderline threatening “–and Taehyung, no.”
He pouts and Seokjin sighs, standing at the front of the table once again. 
“I have made my decision and it will be final – Y/N be allowed to stay in this home until we can recover where she came from.” 
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A low laugh escapes your lips. 
“Is something wrong?” Namjoon wonders and you shake your head. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. You just have a really interesting group of friends.” 
“Ah, well, we are all quite interesting, aren’t we?” Namjoon chuckles, before fumbling. “Uh, n-not in a suspicious way, of course. In a more human-like way, with human lifespans and human way of livin–” 
“You’re all supernaturals, right?” 
Namjoon freezes. 
“Y-You knew?”
“It was quite obvious from the start.” You laugh, “Also, I heard Seokjin mumbling something along the lines of getting the creatures of the night to gather together just like the good ol’ tales.” 
Your laughter grows as Namjoon places a sheepish hand against his temples. 
He sighs, “Well, you aren’t wrong about any of that.” 
“And what about you?” He turns, only to be met with your curious gaze and warm smile. 
He grows hyper aware, “W-What about me?” 
“I could hear them talking earlier.” You explain, gaze not leaving him. “Are you like the others? Do you have a human counterpart too?”
Namjoon is taken aback, not quite expecting you to ask. But then his smile diminishes, hints of anguish filling his orbs. 
“I used to, but she crossed over not too long ago.” He looks down at his hands, his transparency only becoming more evident by the minute. “I’m just a wandering ghost now.” 
Your heart sinks. “Wandering?” 
“Regrets.” Namjoon shuts his eyes, “I’m tethered to this world because of my last regret – which had to do with my dead wife.” 
“Oh…” Your eyes soften. “I….I hope she’s in a better place.” 
“She is.” Although remorseful, you notice the hope that fills his smile. It results in one lifting onto your own lips. 
The doors before suddenly come bustling open, startling the two of you. 
Seokjin emerges, brimming with confidence. 
“There you are!” He boasts, “A final decision has been made!”
Namjoon looks at him eagerly, “Is she staying?” 
“She is, but–” Seokjin waves a finger around. “As long as she follows the rules and… accepts our true identities.” 
“Oh, I already know you’re supernaturals.” You profess, much to Seokjin’s utter shock.
“She knows?!” Hoseok’s voice pitches out from the table. 
“Humans are smarter than you give them credit for.” Jimin snorts. 
“Well, that’s my cue to go.” Taehyung snaps his fingers, vanishing into purple smoke. 
“I-I guess that answered my concern.” Seokjin stutters, staring at you with a mix of surprise and horror. 
“Thank you for letting me stay.” You warmly smile, glancing in Namjoon’s direction. “It’ll be nice getting to know all of you." 
He smiles back and Seokjin nods, widening the door and allowing you to enter into the dining room. 
“Supernaturals are a bit peculiar around humans.” Seokjin states, placing another chair at the table, “But hopefully you’ll fit in with time.” 
You slip into it, taking the seat of the eighth member amongst the large table. 
Leaning back into the chair, there are specks of pink dancing within your irises. 
“Don’t worry.” You grin wickedly, “I think I’ll fit in just fine.”
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lhazeeart · 4 months
"‘You’re standing here, trembling like a leaf but you still pretend you’re not scared?’
- Fae Prince Jimin after he definitely did /not/ try to eat Namjoon alive
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cantinho-da-evelynn · 2 months
💫 Últimas Assinaturas feitas
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dragonfly0808 · 1 month
Please please please make the winx rewrite playlist on Spotify
Mkay so… I got way too invested and wound up making a 5 1/2 hours long way-too-detailed playlist
This is the link:
Veiled Wings and Shattered Panoramas Official Playlist
And if you want to know why I chose each song, down here is the way-too-detailed-explanation of the playlist!
First off; I chose 2 songs to represent each season
Season 1- Wings by PIXY and Faerie Soiree by Melanie Martinez
Season 2- What’s up Danger by Blackway and Black Caviar and Different World by Alan Walker and Sofia Carson
Season 3- This is War by 30 seconds to mars and Nightmares Never End by JT Music and Andrea Storm Kaden
Season 4- Tiller’s Prayer by Sabrina Jordan and Ribs by Lorde
Subsection here for the main song of each arc for s4
Arc 1- Generation Why
Arc 2- The Old Therebefore (the singing to snakes version cause it’s more dramatic)
Arc 3- What Was I Made For? By Billie Eilish
Arc 4- Spinnin by Madison Beer
Season 5 will be… Nightmares Come to Life from HSMTMTS and Long Live by Taylor Swift
Next I chose 2 songs for each member of the Winx
Bloom- Rising by Julia Lester and The Albatross by Taylor Swift
Stella- Sober II (Melodrama) by Lorde and skinny dipping by Sabrina Carpenter
Flora- Envy the Leaves by Madison Beer and Mouth of the Eden by Sabrina Jordan
Musa- Whispers by Halsey and the grudge by Olivia Rodrigo
Tecna- Invisible Chains by Lauren Jauregui and idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie Eilish
Aisha- The Tradition by Halsey and Comfort Crowd by Conan Gray
Subsection for my 3 main songs I associate with the girls:
A World Alone by Lorde
For Good from Wicked
Continuing with the boys
Sky- Lie by Jimin and In My Blood by Shawn Mendes
Brandon- Something Big by Shawn Mendes and Thumbs by Sabrina Carpenter
Helia- Cough Syrup (the Glee version) and Speak Out (Acoustic) from HSMTMTS
Riven- Boy in the Bubble by Alec Benjamin and BLUE by Billie Eilish (cmon ‘I thought we were the same birds of a feather now i’m ashamed’ is so Driven coded it’s not even funny. And the whole final part from ‘you were born bluer than a butterfly’ is just so perfect for him.)
Timmy- The Other Side and Summer Child by Conan Gray
Nabu- Wool by Flatland Cavalry and Die Alone by FINNEAS
Subsection for my 3 main songs I associate with the boys:
Youth by Shawn Mendes and Khalid
The Story by Conan Gray
Next, songs for the couples!
Skloom: lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid, Surrender by Natalie Taylor (and in the future) Maybe this Time by Joshua Basset and Sofia Wylie
Stella and Brandon: There’s no Way by Lauv and Julia Michaels and R.E.M by Ariana Grande
Flora and Helia: Canada by Lauv and Alessia Cara and Venus Sunrise by Lia Marie Johnson
Rivusa: Ain’t No Doubt About It from ZOMBIES 3 (partially as a joke but also cause that song is absolutely so them) Alley Rose by Conan Gray and ESPECIALLY Vermillion by Sabrina Jordan
Tecna and Timmy: Someone You Like by the girl and the dreamcatcher and Tell Em by Sabrina Carpenter
Aisha and Nabu: Tornado Warnings by Sabrina Carpenter and safety net by Ariana Grande and Ty Dolla $ign
Next, songs for different characters and a few couples!
Icy- 28 Reasons by SEULGI
Stormy- The Lighthouse by Halsey
Darcy- Partners in Crime by FINNEAS
Darcy and Riven- Getaway Car by Taylor Swift and Astronomy by Conan Gray
The Trix- Lightning by Little Mix
Daphne- Can’t Catch Me Now
Valtor- Burn the Witch by Shawn James and Castles Crumbling by Taylor Swift and Hayley Williams
Daphne and Valtor- Dynasty by MIIA
Now Roxy’s squad!
Roxy- Control by Halsey and How Villains are Made by Madalen Duke
Shirley- Matilda by Harry Styles
Naten- Kid in Love by Shawn Mendes
Alexa- Follow the White Rabbit by Madison Beer
Chimera- Wandering (Don’t Go) by Hues and Lia Marie Johnson
Chimera and Naten- The Alchemy by Taylor Swift
Roxy and Shirley- On My Way by Sabrina Carpenter and Alan Walker
The Sibling Squad- Grow by Conan Gray and Warriors by Imagine Dragons
Then I put a bunch of songs that just remind me of the Winx or help me get into a writing mood, I’ll just put the title here cause I’m getting tired
odd eye
run for roses
secret story of the swan
flesh & bone
legends never die
Finally, I put a song for Selina and what will be the main song for season 6
For Selina: Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall by Lydia the Bard <- this is exactly the vibe future Selina will have for reals
And finally, the main song for s6:
Til Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS
Wow… I def put way too much thought into this.
Anyways, hope u enjoy!
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port-sever · 5 months
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olá olá meus amores, como vcs estão? depois de 10 dias de atraso, cá estamos nós com a minha prometida doação de capas de aniversário 🥳❤
quer adotar uma? vem comigo!
Como vai funcionar?
aqui estarão disponíveis 4 capinhas para doação (tinham mais ideias de capas nas asks, pena que não tive tempo nem paciência de desenvolver as demais, mas agradeço a quem mandou sugestões, talvez virem capas de treino posteriormente 👀), deixarei uma ficha para ser preenchida nos comentários e só vai ser válido o comentário que estiver com a ficha completa ✨
assim que eu validar seu comentário, estarei deixando a capa reservada para vc. sendo assim, vc terá até dois meses para estar desenvolvendo e postando a sua história para aí sim eu te enviar a capa editada (se caso precisar de um tempo a mais podemos estar conversando por mp, mas caso passe o prazo e vc não se manifeste estarei colocando a capa de volta para a doação);
as únicas alterações que poderão ser feitas serão os users de cada capa, as frases e os títulos (não trocarei os personagens);
a doação será feita por ordem de chegada (ou seja, quem chegar primeiro será priorizado).
sem mais delongas, vamos às capas 🤧🤧
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01 - the crucifixion | v (bts) e irene (red velvet)
status: reservada ❌
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02 - chi mat ba ram | jimin e jungkook (bts)
status: reservada ❌
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03 - end in friends | v (bts)
status: adotada 🚫
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04 - faerie soirée | kim lip (loona/artms)
status: adotada 🚫
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é isso galerinha! muito obrigada pelo carinho e pela paciência, se cuidem. amo vcs 😭🫶
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staytinyville · 4 months
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Stay Alive (45)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: none
A/N NOT BETA. Two updates in one day WHOOO!!
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“Beloved, your aura is stale. I know you're worried but you have to put faith in us.” Jin dipped his head into the crook of your neck, his head tickling your cheeks. 
You all had finally begun to get a move on with the plan, traveling from the magical city of Seoul to where the portal of Lake Yuri laid. Each one of you traveled in their own ways–the valkyries were on their pegasuses while Seungcheol was able to carry some of his companions on his back as a full dragon. 
To say you were stunned when the man transformed into a 5 story reptile was an understatement. Namjoon laughed at your expression telling you that most dragons were able to shift just like Jungkook was able to. When you realized Namjoon was able to do that you softly told him you wanted to see his dragon one day. 
However it was not that day because Namjoon explained he was still healing from his injuries so shifting wasn’t an option for him just yet. So all of you climbed into a ship that was fueled by magic. It floated high above the sky–courtesy of another coven that learned how to use their magic in objects. 
You watched from the railing as the scenery passed by below, catching sight of more creatures that were beyond larger than imaginable. That didn’t stop you from thinking about what was going to happen the moment you all reached your world again. 
You shook your head. “Jin, you've been stuck in that facility for the past 10 years. Who knows what will happen—”
“And that's the thing, we don't.” He cut you off. “No matter how much the witches tell us the fortune is going to be good, fate has a silly way of changing quickly. However, because of our powers we have hope to win this. We're going to take everyone out–they deserve it just like we did.”
“I understand that. I couldn't live with myself knowing they were still trapped.” You shook your head, looking back over the railings as you allowed your body to relax into the elf’s arms. “But I also couldn't live with myself if something happened to you.”
“We'll come back home—with you.” Hobi walked over to the two of you, the others coming up as well. 
“And then we can settle down and have those babies. No worries about our powers from there.” He grinned, teasing you about the future. 
“We have things to finish, Beautiful.” Jimin told you.
“And we have a reason to make it out.” Namjoon spoke up. 
“Who do you think will have a kid first?” Taehyung asked. 
“We don't even know when!” You laughed at the second youngest’s question.
“She slept with me first.” Jungkook spoke honestly. 
“Ya! Doesn't mean anything. I slept with her here!” Jin whined, glaring at the boy. 
“I did too.” Yoongi shrugged.
“Same.” Taehyung repeated. 
“We just having sex all over the place now?” Jin scoffed. 
“Jin!” You scolded, lightly hitting his arm around your waist. 
“Sorry, beloved.” He grinned, leaning down to kiss your cheek. 
It wasn’t long before the mountains came into view. It seemed that everyone slowed a bit down as they came to the realization that this was going to be it. You couldn’t imagine how tough things might have been. Hanseol was a weak person from what Bang had explained. However Kang was a different story.
He was a witch who only wanted more power. He would find ways of making himself powerful at the expense of others. You couldn’t give an answer for as to why he started working with Hanseol but there was still worry in the back of your mind about the man you had only come across once. 
Seungcheol was quick to turn back into his human form in a puff of smoke after his members got off his back. The faerie of the group twirled a staff around stomping it into the ground causing a mist of magic to flow out from it. Another member who you assumed to be some kind of sandman dropped down from his cloud, letting go of the three other members who had rode with him. 
The valkyries climbed off their horses, allowing some of the other warriors from the area to take them. IU had shifted back into her human form after being a swan. There were more people who came down after them, getting ready to cross the portal and into the other world. You took in a deep breath, knowing no matter how many people Hanseol had on his side they couldn’t stop people who had trained for years. 
“You boys ready?” Minsuk asked them all. 
Namjoon took a look at everyone, getting nods of their heads. 
He turned back to the leader of guards for Yuri Lake. “Let's go.”
 The pass through the magical mirror-like lake felt much different than what you remember a few days ago. It was freezing cold but only for a few seconds. You didn’t feel wet like you thought you were going to but you did feel light as Jungkook helped you through. 
He was waiting on the other side along with the rest of the boys wanting to make sure you were more than okay. Once you caught your breath again, you gave them a smile allowing them to rest easy. While the others looked around in quiet contemplation you took the time to walk towards the entrance of the cave. 
Seeing the small cross waiting there had you stopping in your tracks. You felt the breeze blew through and into the cave, causing you to look up. When nothing caught your attention you turned back to the stone, trying to memorize it to heart. 
You felt something touch the back of your legs, causing you to turn but found nothing. The others had begun to make their way out, Hoseok’s eyes quickly landing on you before making his way over. 
“Do you think her parents hate me?” You asked quietly. 
“I don't think they would. It wasn't your fault.” Hobi comforted you. 
It hurt to think that you couldn’t remember anything from before. Your head couldn’t even come up with the things you could’ve done with Nabi before everything went wrong. You must have been friends with her before crossing into the other world. You had been coming to your grandparents home since you were a little kid. But your mind really couldn’t think of anything having to do wit her. 
“I want to know her story. What happened before and after everything.” You said, looking over at him. 
“I'm sure your grandfather will be more than happy to tell you after this, princess.” Yoongi passed by, giving you a smile. 
The familiar trek back to your grandfather’s house was easy. However once the building came into view and the back gate was left broken your eyes went wide and you rushed forward. 
“Wait!” Jungkook called out, having smelled something off with the house. “(Y/N)!”
You stopped at the patio, seeing most of the doors broken off or furniture thrown out into the open. The house itself was still standing but it was clear someone had forced their way in and were trying to find something specific. In this case you knew it was someone rather. 
“They were here.” Jungkook spoke up, his nose wrinkling up as he took a sniff around.
Your eyes began to sting, biting your lip to keep from making any loud noises to alert the others. However they could still easily see you picking up things with shaky hands.  
“Let's get a move on. We have to stay vigilant in case Hanseol left some of his men behind to guard the lake.” Namjoon added, looking around the trashed house. 
“I'm glad we told grandpa to stay back.” You spoke up, picking up a family photo.
“We'll help him rebuild later.” Jimin told you softly, picking up the other pictures that were thrown around. 
“All my grandmother's things.” Your breathing began to grow shallow, tears pooling at your eyes. 
“Here, I managed to find this in the rubble.” Jin came up to you, handing you a small metal circle.
“Her wedding ring.” You sniffled, turning the diamond over before putting it on your own finger. 
“It fits.” You choked on your tears, quickly being pulled into Jin’s embrace. 
Hoseok took your hand, fingers delicately running along the one that had your ring. You sniffled as his magic came from his own hands, wrapping themselves around the jewelry. He had a small smile on his face, looking proud of himself when he pulled back after he finished. 
“What did you do?” You asked, looking up at Hoseok.
“It won't fall off.” He explained with a smile. 
“So it's glued on?” Taehyung tilted his head. 
“It's magically glued on. She can take it off but only her–or us.” The witch explained. 
“Thanks Hobi.” You smiled, leaning up to give him a kiss. 
“You're welcome, Hun.” He smiled. 
“If I could, I would make you your own ring.” The boy rubbed the ring, smiling softly. 
“Your transfiguration is good though.” You told him. 
“Not perfect.” He shook his head. “And for you I want to make the perfect ring.”
“Why is it not perfect?” You asked. 
“Because I don't have my wings to perfect my spells. They are part of my energy and because they are gone things don't look as they should in my eyes.” He told you honestly, a sad look passing his eyes. 
You could easily remember the day you had met Taehyung for the first time. A boy who wanted to show you a magic trick–well what you thought was a magic trick at the time. It left you astounded and with wonder. You wanted to see more of what he could do. 
He was someone who left you wanting to know more about the childish side of things. It was who he was as a person, someone who could do so much and yet still stay as though nothing ever really affected him. You knew he was hurting as much as the others but that didn’t stop him from wanting to try his best to protect everyone just like the others. 
“I think everything you do is amazing. You got the others out perfectly. Wings or not, your magic is amazing.” You softly told him. 
Everyone had gathered outside in the courtyard in the middle of your grandparents home, watching as Namjoon seemed to fuss in and out of the building. 
“How will we get there? You say it's in Seoul.” Hwasa spoke up, looking as Namjoon seemed to close all the available doors to the house. 
“Bang Nim gave us some portal keys to enter.” He showed six different keys in his palms, all different sizes. 
“However I must let you all know, we will be heading directly into the facility. Be prepared to fight.” He took in a deep breath, looking around. “Are we all ready?”
“Are you?” Yoongi spoke up, looking at his closest companion. 
Namjoon turned to you, watching as you had a reassuring look this time around. “Always.”
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Series Masterlist
@h3arteyes4mingi , @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh , @rinkund, @rln-byg , @singukieee ,  @hoshi-is-ult-bbg , @ldysmfrst , @juju-227592 , @alienchickenpoop , @dreamerwasfound , @afangirl91 , @psiphidragon , @puppyminnnie , @shyloh-the-cornsnake , @ollyoxenfrees , @whynotlarene , @beeltsumu , @cryingpages , @milopenne , @belikejk , @thatonedemigodfromseoul , @woozixo,
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JIMIN fic recs oneshot PART 1
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Hope it helps to find you the great fics! Hope it helps!! And please leave a comment/like/reblog or any reviews guys the writers should receive the appreciation they deserve (I'll be eventually adding more fics here)
Minors strictly DNI
And if you want recs about any particular trope or au I'm always willing to help 👀🤗
Oneshot :-
Fluff :- ☁️
Angst :- 🥀
Smut :- 🔥
Crack :- 🎃
Personal Favourite :- ✨
1. you.Me.us__ ☁️🔥🥀 (stalker, yandere , thriller) @kosmosguk
2. Driver's license __ ☁️🥀✨ (coming-of-age, one-sided!au, brother's bestfriend!au) @gyukult
3.while you are at it __ ☁️🔥(pool boy jimin, divorced reader). @aureumjeon
4. I need you __ ☁️🔥🥀(exes to lovers, oneshot, idol au) @hisunshiine
5. Crystal snow __ ☁️🥀✨ (figure skating!au, fantasy!au, king jimin, supernatural power). @minniepetals
6. Vampire's garden__☁️🎃(College student jimin, fantasy, dark fantasy, vampire au). @ebonyinktea
7. soliloquy __☁️🎃 (Angel jimin× human reader). @kinktae
8. schrödinger’s cat__ ☁️🎃✨(guardian angel jimin, comfort) @dovechim
9. Azure blue__☁️🎃✨(Adventure, Fairy!Au ) @jimlingss
10. The pull of the tides __☁️🔥(surfur au, Strangers to lovers) @goldenscript
11. Fairytale__☁️🎃(merman jimin × human reader) @gukyi
12. Rock bottom __☁️🥀🔥✨( Idol!Jimin, establishedrelationship!AU, marriage! AU) @jkbabiey
13. Boats against the current __☁️🎃✨ (Hogwarts au, opposite to lovers). @gukyi
14. Into the wilderness __☁️🥀🎃✨ (camp counselor!au, unrequited love!au, friends to lovers!au) @gukyi
15. Lover to lean on__☁️🥀🔥🎃✨ (neighbour au, flower shop au, it's more complicated) @sketchguk
16. Paper bandits __☁️🎃(highschool au, S2F2L) @vantaenims
17. Blowing dandelions __☁️🥀🔥(badboy jimin, e2l, childhood friends, college au). @httpjeon
18. Grinch in law__☁️🥀🔥✨(fiance to marriage, bad to good mother-in-law, established relationship) @mercurygguk
19. Cut me free__☁️🥀🔥(Demon Yandere jimin ) @sopejinsunflower
20. Earnestly yours __ ☁️🎃✨(Highschool au , enemies to lovers , actor au) @gukyi
21. Theophany (To Paint a God) __☁️🥀🔥 (college!au , Old Friends to Lovers , Best Friend’s Brother!Jimin , Bisexual!Reader , Dancer!Jimin , Painter!Reader) @ilikemesometaetaes
22. Hello__ ☁️🥀🔥✨(exestolovers!au, high school pining, adult love, slice of life au ) @gyukult
23. Only you __ ☁️🔥 (single dad jimin, best friends to lovers au) @personasintro
24. Hell-ish__☁️🎃 (establisedrelationship, kinda fun date) @jtrbluv
25. 20 things and continuing I Hades about you__☁️🥀🎃✨ (dj famous jimin× pa reader) @readyplayerhobi
26. Just a little bit of love(is all you really need)__☁️🎃 (gymnastics au) @gukyi
27. Poster boy __ ☁️ (highschool au, social anxiety, comfort) @versigny
28. He's pretending__☁️🎃✨ (Enemies-to-lovers (kinda, jimin is in deniel but lowkey wipped) Daemon!Jimin x Faerie!Reader, fantasy au). @crystaljins
29. Adonis __☁️🎃 (firefighter jimin, s2l ). @xjoonchildx
30. Red gardania__☁️✨ (ballerina au, secret admirer, kinda e2l ) @joyfulhopelox
31. Shake shack __☁️🔥🎃(stranger to crushes to lovers) @kth1
32. The happiest place on earth __☁️🎃🔥 (Disneyland actors au, slice of life au) @dovechim
33. The midnight pack __☁️🎃🔥 (wolf au, S2L) @jjungkookislife
34. Terrible liar__☁️🥀✨ (F2L, pinning , comfort) @writtenwhalien
35. All that glitters __☁️🥀🎃✨(kinda soft Yandere/ tsudere jimin , Obsession) @deepdarkdelights
36. Deviant affairs __☁️🔥🥀(new Yandere stepbro jimin ) @yandere-society
37. Believe it __☁️🥀🔥✨(friends to enemies to lovers (it’s more complicated though)+ bet AU , high school to after high school) @writtenwhalien
38. Love you a latte__☁️🎃(Yandere Jimin, Stalking, Masturbation, obsession, it's kinda angsty though) @worldwidemochiguy
39. Heartbreak Insurance__☁️🎃✨ (insurance agent jimin× fraud reader, S2 F2 L) @jimlingss
40. Wicked obsession __🔥☁️(University AU, friends with benefits, unhealthy obsession) @peachypinkygloss
41. Love pages__☁️🥀(Yandere, highschool au, supernatural kinda) @jimlingss
42. The devil's own luck__☁️🥀🎃✨ (demon jimin , Slice of Life). @jimlingss
43. Beneath the water __☁️🥀🔥🎃✨(merman jimin× human reader, mermaid au, fantasy au). @jungshookz
44. His hoodie my hoodie__☁️🔥🎃✨ ( S2F2L, college au) @yoongihime
45. Kiss the girl__☁️🎃 (Disney land prince jimin×waitress girl, f2l, whipped) @sketchguk
46. Devil's advocate__☁️🎃(devil jimin ×human reader) @7cypher
47. No need for dreaming__☁️🎃(roommate au, clumsy jimin, frenemies to lovers) @ve1vetyoongi
48. Nine to five__☁️🎃🔥(softie smut, fwb2L, Dr. jm) @jiminrings
49. Just a taste__☁️🥀🔥🎃(Vampire jimin, established relationship). @yoonieper
50. Safe haven__☁️🥀🔥✨(royal king’s guard werewolf!jimin × princess reader, forbidden love au, medieval royal au) @kth1fics
51. Spiral__☁️🥀✨(Time traveler Jimin, teenager! reader, underground fighter! Jimin, time jumps, violence, blood, supernatural) @i-am-baechu
52. Red flag__☁️🎃🔥✨( richboy!jimin x mystery!reader, strangers to enemies to lovers to potential plaintiff) @xjoonchildx
216 notes · View notes
koqabear · 8 months
Hmmm, I'm really into fantasy. As for groups, I stan a lot (probably too many), so you could recommend any 😭
Also, what do you mean?!😭 Your personality is just so 💜💜💜!! Like I have never admired a stranger so much in my entire life 😭😭😭
hi loveee !! so as it turns out,,, making a rec list is very hard. very. i've read a lot less fics than i thought omg (which is why all the ones i listed are on the older side LMAO), so i am here with some txt and bts recs 😭 they're mostly supernatural/fantasy, but you can always check out my main blog (@/michipan) if you wanna see anything else!
also 🫠 please.... im sobbing rn u are the cutest ever </3 i am nothing but a silly little normal person i promise
to anyone who decides to check out these recs, pleeeeaaase support the authors!! please im genuinely begging you!!! leave a little review and a reblog and show them love bc they're amazing <3
BTS Recs
☆ Beastly Gods by @lemonjoonah
✧ hybrid!taehyung x fem!reader x ???
wc: 8K // genre: hybrid au, thirller, drama, smut, potentially dark and triggering content so read the warnings carefully!
Summary: ‘Don’t leave the forest,’ a rule that you’ve been forced to follow since birth, but you are tired of living in this wooden cage. Out of desperation you cut a deal with Taehyung, who claims to be the only one who can get you out safely, even though he might be just as dangerous as the god you’re trying to escape.
sol's personal notes:
oh. my. GOD. this was one of the first few fics i read when i joined this site, and it's literally stuck with me ever since. i can't say too much about it without spoiling it, but the worldbuilding and pacing was just. immaculate. the storyline is so well done and just. everything about it is perfection omg. there's another part that goes along with this story, but i can't link it bc ofc... spoilers 😖i wish i had more to say about this fic, but i read it years ago and forgot to write a review for it T_T
☆ Treasure by @sombreboy
✧ faerie dragon hybrid!jimin x fem!reader
wc: 4.7K // genre: pwp smut, hybrid, yandere, fairytale, again potentially dark and triggering content so read the warnings carefully!
Summary: Jimin loves to collect sparkly riches and playthings. You just happen to be the next treasure that ignited his obsessive desires.
sol's personal notes:
(fucking explodes into a million pieces) i can't. i had to reread this story real quick to get a refresher on it and just. jimin's character in this is literally so perfect and mischievous and evil!! and i love it... <3 he is characterized so well and the descriptions are just so well done... ouuu i just read over the smut again and i teared up a little. the dialogue is genuinely so insane im not normal abt this fic sorry.
TXT Recs
☆ the prince and the jackal by @gyuluster
✧ prince!beomgyu x woodcutter!metalbender!reader
wc: 11.8k // genre: fantasy au, fluff
Summary:  in the Kingdom of Terrae, you, a metalbender, believe in the deforestation to modernise the land. As a member of the Lumberjackals, you thrive on cutting down trees and stealing resources until you get caught by the Crown Prince, Choi Beomgyu, a lover and embodiment of the nature you wish to destroy. However, instead of imprisoning you for your crimes, Beomgyu decides to show you the beauty and wonders of nature, leaving you to doubt your beliefs, your identity, and your very feelings for the certain boy determined to change you for the better.
sol's personal notes:
unfortunately the author is no longer active on this account (💔💔💔💔) but like. this story literally changed my brain chemistry i dont think you guys understand. it's been so long since i read this but even so, it lives on in my mind... the world building and characters are so well done and from what i remember, beomgyu's character was literally so charming T_T such a pretty story, i might go reread this bc like... the fantasy was executed so well and i love me a good royalty au <3 not to mention the whole concept of the powers is so cool!
☆ Swimmin' in a Mirror by @bangchanswolfpelt
✧ soobin x2 x fem!reader (stay with me here)
wc: 2.5K // genre: magical school au (not a harry potter au) smut
Summary unavailable.
sol's personal notes:
this one's like a whole 180 from the last fic LMAO but GOOD GOD. this author isn't active anymore from what i know of but like. they were literally revolutionary and this fic is just. never seen anything like this before but )#%(&#%??? it's genuinely so impressive how they managed to pull this off alkghadg so hot so insane so creative
☆ that's the spirit! by @agustdiv1ne
✧ sixth sense/ ghost hunter! soobin x fem!reader
wc: 14.6K // genre: high school au, fluff, angst, some elements of horror
Summary: a couple weeks before halloween, you find the quiet boy from your high school staring up into your bedroom. you're a little creeped out, and miles more scared, but then he shows you something that changes how you see, well, everything.
sol's personal notes:
are we surprised. i don't think so. i literally never shut up about this fic ever like i'm such a sucker for unique stories and this is definitely one of them! the pacing, supernatural elements, and environment was written sooo well, and the worldbuilding and explanations that comes along with the plot is so perfectly executed and well thought out. such a cool story, with a banger playlist to go along with it :]
☆ Dirty Little Secret by @petrichor-han
✧ vampire! yeonjun x gn!witch!reader
wc: 4.0K // genre: angst, dark fantasy, vampire!au, witch!au, enemies to lovers
Summary: yeonjun is one of prince seungmin’s most trusted bodyguards. born as a low-class vampire, he worked his way to the top and is proud of his accomplishments, beginning to adapt his friends’ classist mindsets and forgetting where he came from. but when his brothers come to visit one day, exposing his poor ancestry, everyone turns against him except for one: a lowly servant whom he’d picked on in the past—you.
sol's personal notes:
are you kidding me. DARK FANTASY. yeah that's literally all it took for me to fall in love with this story; the imagery is beautiful and the storytelling is so heart wrenching and good and i am literally clawing at the bars of my enclosure rn btw. this fic is sososo good and i'd literally kill to get another morsel from this universe !
✧ again, make sure to show all these lovely authors some love!! if any of you manage to see this (unlikely. for the most part) i literally cherish these stories sm and would literally die for them idcidc u guys truly made some masterpieces over here ✧
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taevbears · 2 years
Main Masterlist
☆ all written works © taevebears. do not steal or copy! ☆ most of these works are 18+, minors do not interact ☆ note that titles & summaries are not finalized and will likely change ☆ these stories have been cross-posted to AO3
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Recent Updates:
♡ Magic Shop Series - 12 | Posted Apr 20 2024 ♡ Magic Shop Series - 13 | Posted May 18 2024
♡ Dancing with Prince Charming - 01 | TBA ♡ Dancing with Prince Charming - 02 | TBA ♡ Dancing with Prince Charming - 03 | TBA ♡ Dancing with Prince Charming - 04 | TBA ♡ Dancing with Prince Charming - 05 | TBA ♡ Magic Shop Series - 14 | TBA ♡ Magic Shop Series - 15 | TBA
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Story by Member:
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⏤ To Be Loved | Beauty & The Beast ↬ Caught in a heavy storm, you and your rescued hybrid seek shelter in a mysterious old manor. The owner’s only condition: to go on a date with him. ↬ Hybrid AU ↬ Kim Namjoon x You | Mini Series | Completed!
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 (End)
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⏤ Dancing with Prince Charming | Cinderella  ↬ In a strange turn of events, your one night stand with the town’s most eligible bachelor is now a scandalous affair.   ↬ Strangers to Lovers, Fake Dating  ↬ Kim Seokjin x You | Mini Series | planning
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
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⏤ Distant Dreamers | Sleeping Beauty ↬ Everyone has a dream about their soulmate. But you’re certain you’ve been cursed to forget about yours.  ↬ Soulmate AU, Historical AU ↬ Min Yoongi x You | Mini Series | planning
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
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⏤ In Blue Dreams | Peter Pan ↬ You know that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting. ↬ Yandere, Faerie AU ↬ Jung Hoseok x You | Mini Series | planning
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
⏤ Pandora’s Box | Birthday Fic 2024 ↬ Keep a fire burning, however small; however hidden. ↬ Angst, Lovers to Exes ↬ Jung Hoseok x You | One-Shot | posted ♡
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⏤ Untitled | Little Mermaid ↬ What would you give to be part of his world? ↬ Strangers to Lovers, Unrequited Love ↬ Park Jimin x You | Mini Series | planning
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
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⏤ Untitled | Aladdin ↬ His only desire is to be with you. Little does he know, you feel the same. ↬ Mafia AU, Forbidden Love ↬ Kim Taehyung x You | Mini Series | planning
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
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⏤ The Innkeeper’s Daughter | Snow White ↬ Everyone said she is the fairest of the land, but he always thought it was you. ↬ Adventure Guild AU ↬ Jeon Jungkook x You | Mini Series | planning
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
⏤ Movie Night | Halloween 2023 ↬ When horror movies don’t scare you anymore, your boyfriend wants to figure out what you are afraid of. ↬ Horror, Yandere ↬ Jeon Jungkook x You | One-Shot | posted ♡
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⏤ Magic Shop Series ↬ Within the walls of a seemingly ordinary shop is a place of comfort, love, and most of all, magic. ↬ Magic AU, slow burn, found family, comfort/angst ↬ OT7 x You | Series | ongoing ↬ Series Masterlist & Schedule 
Pt 1: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 (final) Pt 2: 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | coming soon
196 notes · View notes
sailoryooons · 2 years
The Iron Ring | Epilogue | pjm (m)
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❀ Pairing:  fae prince! Jimin x human! female reader
❀ Summary: After finding a mysterious ring while cleaning out your late grandmother’s attic, you receive the unlikeliest of visitors: a fae prince who claims you have something that belongs to him. Discovering the fairytales your grandmother told you are true is the least of your problems when you’re taken to a world dangerous and unfamiliar.
❀ Word Count: 5,831
❀ Genre: fantasy au, strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
❀ Warnings: Jumping around and no clear timeline, unexplained things because this is just a shortly little tie-up for scenes we didn't get in the final chapter, explicit language, sexually explicit content including hand jobs, grinding, unprotected vaginal sex, nipple play, a lot of spit and making out and overall passionate sex in a bathtub, Jimin and reader being simps TM, reader being a wicked little bitch in her scene with Jin honestly we stan because the Jiminfication of reader
❀ Published: December 9, 2022
❀ A/N: Here is the promise epilogue for just a handful of scenes to put the cherry on top of the massive overhaul that was the last chapter of this series. If reading the side character stories is something you're interested in (like Yoongi and Khione or Hoseok and Taehyung etc.) please let me know here. This sex scene is brought to you by SZA's new album thank you
❀ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
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“Stop fidgeting,” you giggle, swatting at Jimin’s hands as he adjusts the collar of his button up again. He’s already pulled it away from his neck several times, complaining that the human shirt-style is far too restricting for his taste.
Jimin’s taste is open chest shirts that reveal far too much skin for lunch with your mother, but convincing him that had taken a lot of begging. And kissing. And moaning.
“Your fashion here is dreadful,” Jimin huffs, crossing his arms. You’ve put him in nice jeans, a button up shirt and let him keep his earrings and jewelry on for meeting your mother. Though he wears a glamour to seem less faerie, Jimin stands out. “My chest was made for ogling.”
People are ogling anyway. Jimin has turned heads all morning as you walked into the store to buy him an appropriate outfit for lunch, and as you walked into the French café tucked in the corner of a shopping district.
Even your waitress had given him a glass of water with trembling hands, red cheeks and a stutter. You couldn’t blame her. Even dressed as a pedestrian, the King of the High Court was a work of art to look at.
“Just admit you’re nervous,” you hiss at him. “It’s okay to be nervous, you know?”
Jimin glares at you, green eyes darkening. You can sense that he’s nervous through your mating bond, but you’ve also gotten better at reading Jimin in general.
When you returned to your world a few days after the Battle at High Tree, as they’ve come to call it, you’d discovered that two days had passed. While Jimin assures you that time is different and sometimes it might be a year that passes, your world is almost always moving slower than Faerie.
Entering your grandmother’s home that first time had sent such a wave of relief that you were alive and well that you had sat in your room with walls painted of her life story for an hour and cried. When you finally felt strong enough to call your mom, it was deep into the hours of the night.
You’d become a bit of a night owl, of course.
Meeting your mom sparks your own nerves. It’s only been two weeks since you last saw her and told her everything. She had barely survived the shock of your slowly changing ears and your tales. And you had barely survived the shock of learning that your father, though not half-fae, had someone far in his bloodline that was a part of the Summer Court once upon a time.
I always knew where my mother came from, you mother had whispered, watching you with haunted eyes. But after the loss of your father, it was easy to turn it all into dreams.
Years of frustration with her had melted in that moment. You could understand now, why she had thrown out your books of magic and fantasy. Why she had been steadfast in having Namjoon curate a normal experience for you in a normal world.
The thought of losing Jimin… well it inspires understanding. Sympathy.
You don’t expect your mother to accept your half-in-her-world-half-out approach right away. And she doesn’t. The tightening of her mouth and the strain in her voice during that conversation was evident. She doesn’t want this for you and yet, she knows it’s in your nature.
Like me, once she had said. Like your grandparents and your father.
Now that you’re intimately familiar with the fae, you can see those traits in your mother. When she enters the café, she commands the room the same way Jimin had. She is sharply beautiful, with angular features that would look strange on anyone else. But her chic style and eye for aesthetics lends itself to the powerhouse of her beauty.
The chair scrapes sharply against the brick patio as you shoot to your feet. Jimin looks up at you, frowning as you ring your hands nervous as your mother approaches. For Jimin, this is a new version of you. One that is timid and awkward.
You’d never really been timid with him, even when you were afraid.
“Hi,” you greet your mother, voice high-pitched and reedy. Her gaze is sharp as a blade as she regards Jimin, lips pursed. She ripples with tension as she hesitates at the chair across from you. “It’s nice to see you.”
Jimin stands and walks around your chair, surprising you both. He bows at the waist, not a full ninety-degree angle but deeper than the king of the High Court should to anyone – especially a mortal. He looks up at your mother, a gentle smile on his lips and eyes glittering.
“It’s an honor to meet you. Thank you for taking the time to meet me.”
She looks down her nose at him, eyes narrowing a second before she nods and pulls her chair out. “Of course.” Her tone is tight, but it softens a bit when she looks at you, lips twitching in an almost-smile. “It’s not every day your only child runs off to her grandmother’s native land and comes back with a boyfriend.”
Jimin settles next to you and sips his water. “Mate.”
Her eyes narrow at him, unperturbed. “I heard stories about you as a child. Boyfriend will do for now.”
You hold your breath as Jimin swallows his water and places the glass on the table. Though he has come a long way with his biting wit and razorblade attitude, there is a moment of tension before he bows his head. “I like you, I think.”
With a humph your mother picks up a menu. “We will see if you suffice.”
Letting out relieved laughter, you lean back as Jimin slides a hand on your thigh and gives you a squeeze. You realize everything is going to be okay.
The throne room of the High Court needs work. The dais of diamond is scuffed, the glass throne has long since been shattered and gathered dust, and the floor to ceiling windows of glass with gold inlaid art have long since been broken, covered in grime, or cracked. Though Jimin’s court – and by association your court – is slowly coming together and there are fae returning to restore their homelands, it’s slow work.
Which means the throne room simply won’t due for an audience, which dampens the dramatic flair you wanted for your upcoming meeting. Nonetheless, the study that you’ve discovered tucked in a corner overlooking a flowing stream and garden is just as well.
Today, the windows are cast open. It’s light and airy, with a fresh breeze spinning the spider silk curtains and airing out the smell of old books. There are hundreds of tomes in the shelving that line the walls, in languages and symbols you can’t begin to read.
Though small, the study is beautiful. An ornate desk of gold with curling, filigree designs stands in the middle over a blush rug. Like everything in the High City, the palace is made of floor to ceiling windows of spelled glass and diamond.
It’s like the world is spun in gold, Jimin whispered as he led you through the palace, all clear ceiling and gold chandeliers.
Behind you, the afternoon sun throws the room in a shade of rose and pomegranate. It’s warm at your back where you stand behind your desk with your arms linked behind your back, chin set. A fine set of china sits on the desk, the teapot steaming with the scent of rose and lemon.
A knock on the door pulls you from your thoughts. You tell them to come in, lifting your chin a bit as the double doors swing open to reveal a set of guards and your visitor for the next hour.
Seokjin looks beautiful as ever, sweeping into the room in his all black, the sigil of his court stitched in silvery finery over the heart of his tunic. His hair has gotten longer and you see twinkling stars throughout the inky strands.
Stopping just short of your desk, Seokjin links his hands behind his back. He looks healthy, golden skin glowing and dark eyes swimming with fathomless cosmos that did not exist when he was possessed not long ago. Now you see the endless night in them, the dark fire of being a Shade, the whispers of the sky.
Neither one of you speaks, regarding one another. Seokjin is a king – the stars in his hair, though blinking in and out of existence like sentient beings - is crown enough. Your guards close the door and though you cannot see beyond the broad frame of the Night Court king, you can sense his Dreadwolf in the hall.
“You look well,” you offer, voice even. Seokjin gives away nothing. “Would you like some tea?”
“No bow?”
Your smile is razor thin – a trait you’ve picked up from Jimin at court. “I could ask you the same. You’re in my home at my behest. However, if it pleases the Night Court’s pride to be addressed so formally…” You dip slightly, not quite at a forty-five-degree angle, but close enough. “Welcome to the High Court, King Seokjin.”
His lips twitch, so minute you almost don’t catch it, but you sense he almost smiles. “You’ve spent far too long with Jimin.”
“You’d have bowed to him first.”
“You are my court until you marry him.”
It’s hard not to wince. It is technically true. You’re the granddaughter of Yvaine, and a member of the Night Court. The only Shade the Night Court has, beyond the king who currently stares at you with a knowing glint in his eye.
“Would you like tea?” you sigh, gesturing to the steaming pot. “It’s your favorite.”
“Trying to win me over?”
“I don’t have to,” you fold your dress against your legs and sit. You flick your eyes to the seat in front of your desk and he tentatively does the same, not quite leaning against the back of the chair. “You wouldn’t have come here if you didn’t agree with me.”
“I thought it would be a funny little adventure.”
You pour him a cup, rose and lemon filling the room. “You can needle me all you want, but you know just as well as I do that you have to name me heir.”
“I don’t have to do anything.”
“No, I suppose that might be true. But with the rumblings of how close your court was to losing you, you having no heirs, and the fact that Jungkook can serve me because my bloodline is enough…” You tsk at him. “Your options aren’t great. So needle me all you want, Seokjin. But like calls to like, and in both blood and bone, the Midnight Tree recognizes me as the heir to your throne.”
“Why are you so interested in being named heir, hmm? Looking to continue Malik’s work with Jimin and impose your authority on the other courts again, starting with you claim to my throne?” He takes the tea and blows over it. You watch the water ripple, sensing magic. You roll your eyes – you’d never poison him. “Whatever will the other courts think?”
“They think that Jimin and his mate fought to dispel an evil from this land, saved the Night Court from obliteration when their king was at risk, and that the High Court would never do something as stupid as a conquest while they are weak and rebuilding.”
“So that’s it. You’re weak and need allies.”
“We have allies.” You feel the thunder in your voice. “You need allies, Seokjin. And I offer this meeting as a courtesy. Naming me heir does nothing for my court. My status does not change – I am the mate to the king of the High Court, I am a Shade of the Night Court, and they call me Cythraul’s Bane these days. What does title to heir of a court I don’t desire offer me?”
Seokjin sips the tea as his jaw works. You watch him with a flat expression, giving away nothing. The truth is – there is something in it for you to be named heir. You can rightfully claim the things that once belonged to your grandmother – heirlooms, houses, lands that you can sell for things that the High Court now needs.
But Seokjin doesn’t need to know that you’re looking for this title for nostalgia and money purposes. You and Jimin have already worked this out – Seokjin needs you more you need him. He needs the protection of an heir that wants nothing to do with his throne, the commitment to the Shade bloodline, and the security of hushing rumors that his little half-niece is stronger than he is.
Seokjin sets the cup on the desk. “You pick up the game fast.”
“I had a trial by shadow fire.” You don’t miss the opportunity to throw the world play in there, to barb him. Even as loose allies, you’re not friends. There is too much estrangement there. “You live an eternity. You have time to think about it.”
He hums. “I’ll consider it.”
It’s as close as a concession as you’ll get from him. So you smile, full of teeth when you lean back in your seat, pleased. “Tell Jungkook to come in. I’ve grown fond of him since he nearly ripped your head off at the Battle at High Tree.”
Night lily blooms in the dark green house that Jimin has given you in an empty, and otherwise unneeded room in the palace. Though it took a lot of troubleshooting – and a lot of Jimin’s help – you were finally able to suspend the room in night.
Of course, it isn’t night like the Night Court. It is artificial night, powered by a crystal that feeds off as much magic as you put inside of it to mirror the magic of the Night Court that lives inside of you. It’s a bit of clever channeling that requires a tiny amount of energy, but it makes you happy.
Especially when you see flowers from the night court with their glow in the dark throats and speckled petals, and dripping neon sap. Your heart squeezes as you grin at the lilies, straightening up from your crouch just as someone comes in.
You turn to look over your shoulder as a figure slips into the room, a single orb of fae light leading them down the dark, twisted hallways that lead beneath the castle. Namjoon grins when he sees that you’re not so in the dark as it appeared, extinguishing his light.
“Hi!” you gush, running up to him. With Namjoon, you don’t have to be the king’s consort. You’re not an heir. Or a Shade, or a bane of anything. You’re just you and Namjoon is just Namjoon, who smells like vanilla and spice when you throw your arms around him, holding him tight. “I missed you.”
Namjoon, as it turns out, is hundreds of years old. He was one of your grandfather’s best friends, and watched over him when Oberon and your grandmother left Faerie long ago. Namjoon’s ever watchful eye turned into more as he discovered the wonder of the human world.
At first, you had been angry with Namjoon. Angry for deceiving you, angry for altering your memories, angry for… so many things that you realize now, he was asked to do by a friend he had known for a lifetime, only to watch that friend die suddenly. For your grandmother, who was the last familiar face.
For your mother, who begged him to give you once chance at normal.
Though it hadn’t worked out, you were enjoying not normal. And you were happy to discover that Namjoon was no different in Faerie than he was in the human world, loving the ancient tombs of the library, tending to plants in the Citadel and studying the High Tree.
A member of the Summer Court he might be, but Namjoon is a roving Faerie at heart, who has found far too many things like e-books and newspapers and museums in the human world. He is fascinated by the moral ability to ache and hurt and make music, write and paint in such small amounts of time compared to eternity.
But he still visits. Like today, when you promised that you would show him the night garden you had been working on.
Letting you go, Namjoon holds you at arm’s length, two dimple popping out proudly as he smiles down at you. “Come on,” he says eagerly, shaking you a bit. “Show me what you’ve grown.”
Night in the High Court isn’t eternal, but it’s beautiful. Millions of stars paint the sky, thousands of collars and so close, you feel as though you could reach your hand up to touch them. You can see them now, flittering through the glass ceiling of the recently-finished throne room.
You’re not much for sitting on the throne. It feels ridiculous and a bit tedious to sit in an opulent room made for appearances. Well – you are working. You’ve been sharing audiences with Jimin all day, listening to the rapidly growing members of his court and trying to settle land disputes, claims to long-abandoned homes, problems with infrastructure, nixies gone wild.
The usual.
Though you find it anxiety-inducing, hearing all of these problems that the people Jimin’s court are plagued with regularly. Jimin sits in these all day. While you move about the High Court’s lands on his behalf and work with the new citizens and repairing parts of the palace, Jimin almost never leaves the throne.
You admire the way he will sit there for hours. He never cuts anyone off, he never dismisses a single person who wishes to speak with him, and Jimin lets none of the lords wishing to reclaim lands that aren’t theirs push him around.
Now, you watch as a centaur bows deeply before turning to leave the room, having been granted a larger pasture for his heard, who had been defending it for a long time once the cythraul began to come through the High Tree.
When the double doors to the throne room boom closed, and the guards bow deeply at Jimin’s dismissal, your mate finally melts into the chair, eyes closed, head pressed to the high back. Exhaustion weights heavy on him, despite how beautifully he’s dressed today.
A midnight blue tunic hangs artfully on his frame, the chest cut low to reveal tawny, smooth skin. He has necklaces on, little stars and moons and hourglasses that you’ve found all over the High Court. It seems that time and rotating spheres of planes and universes are a popular motif, and you’ve since learned that with his full powers of the High Court, Jimin is able to perform magic far beyond that of the Night Court.
Freezing objects in time in space – though he can’t freeze time itself yet – aging things forward and backward. Sensing portals and dimensions and becoming energy sensitive are all things that he remembered when he was much younger, but is once again trying to grow into.
Leaning over the arm of the chair, you brush your fingers through his silver locks. He’s grown out his hair substantially. It’s pushed back by a silver circlet with the seven stars of the courts, and an earring catches the moonlight as he tilts his head to lean into your touch.
Jimin almost purrs under the gentle raking of your nails against his scalp. He quivers under your touch, head lolling to the side as he lets go completely. You grin, seeing how much your tired king reacts to your touch.
It’s hard to get over.
“Come on,” you whisper. He whines when your hand drops from his hair and you stand. “Don’t out, it’s beneath you.”
He’s pout increases, bottom lip stuck out as he looks up at you with glossy, green eyes. Jimin has a talent for switching between a doe-eyed sweetling and a siren-eyed vixen at a moment’s notice, something that he increasingly weaponizes against you. Not that you mind.
“It’s not,” he assures.
“Fine, remain seated on your throne. I’ll just run myself a hot lavender and orange blossom bath while you- “
Jimin brushes past you, his steps silent and gait smooth like a dancer. You love the way he spins around to face you, a grin on his face. He moves through the world like a velvet ribbon, graceful and elegant as is common among the fae.
“Thought so,” you grumble as he offers you a hand and a smile.
Coming up with a palace staff is difficult. It isn’t like the Night Court, where there have been generations of faerie loyal to Jimin and the royal family. The old staff members of Malik’s court were few and far between after the collapse of the High City, and those who remain haven’t known Jimin for a long time.
Earning trust among the fae is not common. So the palace staff is small, mostly made up of allies that he made when he was in the Night Court, and a few High Court faeries who were recommended by Hoseok and even Seokjin.
Then there is, of course, the occasional Nightingale who appear and disappear on a schedule you don’t yet understand, but has been put in place by Yoongi and Khione to assure that you aren’t murdered in your sleep.
You don’t hear from them much, but you did come to your room one day to find a mysterious tomb on the history of the Night Court, it’s laws and practices that you used in your battle of wits with Seokjin. It did not have a note, but there was an unmistakable symbol that you could not remember the shape of the moment you looked away from it.
Khione, though maybe not a friend, is an excellent ally.
The palace, like the rest of the city, sits on a network of moving bodies of water. There are pools and caverns underneath the building that have pools of water that move slowly into the large lakes beyond the city limit, and over the waterfall that empties from the basin where the Citadel lives.
Because of the easy access to water, the palace has its own unique plumbing and water filtration system that turned on when Jimin poured his magic back into the High Tree. It’s like the entire place was built by a maker to respond to the magic of those who live inside of it.
That is, at least, what you gathered from Yoongi’s explanation of the building.
Inside of the en suite bathroom is rough-cut crystal dub, hewn into the floor of the bathroom. You have to be careful getting in and out of the steps once wet, but the rose quartz glows warmly when you enter and tap one of the gold spouts. Water spits from it immediately, rushing hot and steaming to fill the deep tub.
Jimin stands staring in the doorway, too tired to do much beyond admire the way you pop open a jar of salts to pour it under the running water. Next, you dig out dried lavender, sprinkling it over the filling tub, following by dried orange rinds.
You glance over your shoulder at Jimin, his eyes cat-like in their study of you. You beckon him over with a finger. He doesn’t hesitate, drifting toward you wordlessly before stopping right in front of you, looking down through full lashes as you begin to untie the two strings that hold together the collar of his shirt.
“What’s the point of the strings if you keep such an open collar anyway?” you muse, letting your fingertips brush over his warm skin. His breath stutters slightly and you smile. “Are they really there for modesty?”
“You’ll have to ask Rika.” You drop the strings and push the shirt backward over his shoulder. It falls down his middle and waist, before dropping to the floor. “I’m not in the artistry of making clothes.”
“Hmm. You give them ideas. I see you down in their little studio sometimes, pouring over sketches.”
Jimin’s skin is perfect. He is golden and warm, flesh smooth under your fingertips as you brush your hands down his chest and over is stomach. You poke his soft flesh and he flexes, making you giggle and slap his abdomen lightly.
“Show off,” you huff, fingering the button on his trousers. “Don’t flex your muscles for me.”
“I thought you liked them.”
“As insufferable as your personality can be, I rather like that instead.”
With a sharp movement, you pull Jimin’s trousers down. He’s in linen undershorts, like briefs but not. And he’s semi-hard just from your teasing touches and words. Jimin notices you looking at his clothed cock and grins. You go read, realizing your mistake when he grabs you by the chin and pulls your face toward his.
“Huh,” he clucks, nose brushing yours. He’s so close that his lips touch yours when he speaks, your gasp swallowing his words. “I think you like something entirely inappropriate.”
“Entirely untrue. Faeries don’t lie.”
Jimin half laughs, half growls as he kisses you.
The kiss is scorching, his mouth hungry and all-consuming as Jimin licks into your mouth. You moan in surprise against him, tilting backward with the force of his onslaught but his hands are on your waist, already hiking up the fabric of your dress as he sucks your bottom lip into his mouth.
Kissing Jimin makes you dizzy. He always kisses you like his survival depends on it, sometimes slow and sometimes fast, but always starving for you and wanting more. He makes little sounds of desperation between the kisses, catching his breath in pitchy tones that drive you absolutely wild.
Jimin’s hands feel like heaven when they grip the soft flesh of your inner thigh, massaging and pulling you close to him as he peppers your jaw and throat with kisses. Each one leaves a wet trail fresh on your skin, more tongue and teeth now that you’ve ignited the want in him.
It’s hard not to let him rip the dress you have on, made of dark blue silk with cape shoulders and silver broaches at the shoulders. When you convinced him to gently take it off, his movements grow softer, more reverent than greedy.
“In,” you laugh between the wet smack of your mouths. “You need to relax.”
“I’m wide fucking awake now.”
“Be wide awake in the bath. Let me take care of you.”
It wins him over. Jimin doesn’t take his eyes off you as he bends down and pulls his briefs off. From your peripheral, you can see his cock spring against his stomach, dark tip swollen and begging for attention with pearls of precum.
You’re torn between wanting to drop your eyes to his cock as he stands and watches you peel your slip off, nipples hardening in the cool air under his heated gaze, but you keep your eyes on his. You could lose yourself in those deep, green pools.
“What?” Jimin asks, hint of a laugh in his voice. “Why do you look like that?”
“Like what?”
“You have moon eyes.”
You flush, feeling warm beyond the heat of lust. “I just love you.”
Jimin gets a look on his face for a moment, one you don’t understand. For a split second you feel insecure about the admission, standing naked in front of him and telling him that. But the next, the anxiety is gone as he scoops you from the floor, making you squeal as he steps into the warm water and sits down in it carefully.
Water laps over the side, the smell of lavender and orange filling your senses as you breath in. Jimin flicks his finger toward the faucet and the water stops – a trick you have yet to manage – and leans back against the rose wall of the tub, pulling you with him.
Your knees scrape lightly against the rough bottom but you don’t care, coming alive under Jimin’s touch as he settles you over his waist. You can feel his heavy cock brushing your stomach as you straddle him, shotting a thrill through you.
For now, he seems intent on swallowing you whole again, bringing wet hands to tangle in your hair and yank your mouth flush against his.
The mixture of warm water, Jimin’s touch and the gentle brush of his tongue makes your brain fuzzy. You float as you kiss him, your fingers knotting in the hair at the back of his neck, holding him close.
Slowly, you lower yourself a little more, grinding on his cock. You both whine in between spit-slicked kisses, a shudder going through you as you seek friction on his velvety shaft. You’re dripping for him, making the glide even easier as you roll your lips lazily, smiling against his mouth when he lets out a loud curse.
Jimin’s hands go to your waist, submerging under the water. He doesn’t take control, but his grip is hard, dimpling your skin as he grips onto you, letting you tease both of you. It feels like you’re tingling all over, heat rushing through your veins. His cock head nudges your clit and you let out a wanton sound, letting your forehead fall against his shoulder, slick with water and sweat from the heat of the water.
“Fuck,” Jimin rasps, lips pressed to your ear. His tongues snakes out, licking your lobe playfully. “Fuck please don’t tease me.”
“Oh, am I teasing you?”
The name shivers through you, a ripple of love and a million other feelings. You reach a hand down between you, firmly grabbing him in your hand, giving his cock a gentle squeeze as you lightly stroke him.
When Jimin is at your mercy, he sounds so beautiful. He leans is head back, face tilted toward the ceiling, mouth open to let sighs escape through pillowy lips. You watch him, the way his neck has light pink splotches as he grows flushed, thighs twitching underneath you as you pump him.
A grin spreads over your face. Seeing him like this is your favorite. Hair presses against his temples and he squeezes his eyes shut, trying not to lose himself entirely to your hand.
Thankfully, you don’t make him wait longer.
The crown of his cock catches your aching hole and you hiss between your teeth, ring of muscles clenching as you slowly sink down on him. It feels like you can’t breathe, every inch of his thickness stretching you to the max until you’re seated and he’s fully sheathed in your fluttering walls.
It takes quick breaths to adjust, your panting against his neck earning a hum from him as his fingers dig painfully into your hips. “Fuck,” he whispers. “So fucking tight.”
“Feels fucking full.”
“Yeah?” he mouths messily at the side of your jaw, voice a low whisper as he says, “Fuck yourself on my cock, baby. Make me feel good.”
Your eyes nearly roll back in your head at the request. Leaning away from him, you put your hands on his shoulders for balance, slowly rolling your hips into a languid rhythm. You can barely breathe at the feel of him inside of you, so fucking deep that you can think of nothing but Jimin.
There’s no rush. Jimin lets you find a pace you like, picking up speed when you feel comfortable enough. It feels divine, the way your walls hug his length, the way his tip hits deep inside of you. You laugh a bit, head dropping back as you sink down on him again.
You moan his name as you take a moment to gather enough thoughts to answer his question, most coherency scattered to the wind. “Feels like you’re in my stomach,” it comes out whiny and pitchy. “It feels really fucking good.”
“Keep going, baby. You look so fucking beautiful like this.”
Jimin leans forward, taking a nipple in his mouth and sucking generously. You give a high-pitched squeal, the stimulation adding as you grind yourself on him, clit rubbing against his pelvis. You’re dizzy and overheated, Jimin focused on flicking his tongue devilishly around your pert bud, your eyes rolling back in your head.
Fucking Jimin always feels different. Even at this lazy pace, you feel like you’re going to fucking lose your mind. An orgasm gathers deep in your stomach, a swollen raincloud looming in the distance. You move a little harder on him now, water splashing over the side of the tub as you increase the size of your movements.
“Fingers,” you beg him as he lavishes your tits. He pulls his mouth away with a lewd pop, looking up at you with swollen lips and glassy eyes. “Please.”
He understands. Jimin’s mouth meets yours, a messy exchange of moans and spit. It’s sloppy but it’s good, especially as his hand slides down your abdomen, fingers finding your clit. You gasp into his mouth as he applies gentle pressure, slowly circling your bundle of nerves until you’re shaking on top of him, barely able to keep it together.
Jimin senses your coming apart, increasing his attention on your clit as he begins nipping the column of your throat, sharp teeth pinching your skin, rough tongue laving over it to sooth the sting.
“Shit,” you gasp, shaking above him. “Gonna – fuck.”
“Come on,” Jimin urgers. He plants his feet on the bottom of the tub, helping you as he thrusts gently up into you. “Come all over me.”
Hiding your face in his neck, you feel your orgasm open up on you. You clench hard, muscles clenching and a scream working its way out of you. You shudder in Jimin’s arms as he fucks you gently, letting you ride your orgasm, shaking and crying in his lap.
It sends him over the edge, Jimin curses and crashing his mouth with yours, sucking your tongue into his mouth greedily. You meet him with the same hunger, so fucking overwhelmed with the heat of his desire for you, for the way he makes you feel, for the way he whimpers your name between teeth and tongue.
As you come down, you catch your breath in his arms. He leans his head back, letting you lay against his neck, just trying to level yourself again. It always takes a bit, trying to come back down from the post-orgasm bliss. Jimin responds in kind, eyes closed, hand drifting up and down your spine.
“I love you,” he murmurs, eyes still close. Your eyes flutter open, looking up at him. “And I like when you look at me like that. So keep doing it.”
You laugh and close your eyes, just happy where you are. “Okay.”
Another day closes with you in Jimin’s arm, and your forever grateful for that one ring in your grandmother’s attic.
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
jaaaaiiii do you have any yoonmin ff recs ?
hi bestie, surprisingly i don't read a lot of yoonmin (mostly because i'm a taegi/vmin bitch cuz, yknow, my obsession with kim taehyung, and also for some reason i really adore yoonkook) HOWEVER i gotchu 🙏🏽
Sea la víe by ryuks
explicit, mermaid jimin, very soft and awkward and cute, “yoongi is a disaster gay”
Yoongi finds a strand of pearls caught on his fishing hook, but when he tries making off with them as goods to sell he’s not prepared to find an annoyed mermaid glaring at him over the edge of his boat, demanding he give them back or else.
Shadow by @sailoryooons (AO3 version here)
explicit, fantasy (faeries), royalty, toxic bdsm, predator/prey, dead dove, hali writes such a sexy and scary jimin
Yoongi’s life has been sworn to Jimin’s since the moment he was born. He was bred, crafted and trained to be Jimin’s shadow, his greatest protector. Jimin loves just how much Yoongi can never refuse him.
Samsara by @sailoryooons (AO3 version here)
explicit, urban fantasy, demon yoonmin, angst, hali wrote this for me 😌
samsara sɘm-sӓr-ɘ : the indefinitely repeated cycles of birth, misery, and death caused by karma. OR : Yoongi has made a terrible mistake that has bound Jimin to a life of endless grief.
Anniversary by pparkchimin
mature, VERY SAD, suicide attempt, sad ending, grief/mourning, i loved it even tho it was hard to read
Jimin struggles to accept reality for the way it is and finds maladaptive ways to deal with their life.
Dick Picturesque by pornographicpenguin
explicit, there are literal dick pics so proceed with caution lmfao, it's actually a really funny fic, social media au
youre pretty cute tho also why were u sendin some dude who u never texted before nudes that’s like a really bad idea u shold be smarter i’m drunk
Double Ended by deepslowpanic*
explicit, enemies to lovers, coworkers to lovers, humor, sex shop au
Coworkers Yoongi and Jimin are always competing for sales and trying to outdo each other. They’re enemies, rivals. No matter what anyone thinks, it’s absolutely not sexual tension.
*tbh anything by deepslowpanic is good cuz she writes a lot of yoongi fics.
and, of course, a shameless plug:
witches & devils by gimmethatagustd
explicit, vampire yoongi, witch jimin, enemies to lovers (kind of), i desperately need to rewrite this fic lol so i recommend subscribing to it and you'll get an email when i update it (or just wait for me to eventually post it on tumblr), i swear one day i'll finish it lol
Yoongi has a habit of getting himself into trouble, and Jimin is exceptionally good at mending wounds.
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crystaljins · 2 years
I’m begging for more daemon!jimin and faerie!yn pleaseeeee😩😩😩😩 maybe first date ?? First proper kiss?? Yn makes jimin even MORE flustered ? Anything pleaseeee😭😭
Ahahaha unfortunately i am right in the middle of my retirement process and don’t have the energy to spin out a new chapter for these two
But in terms of first dates, it ends up being a disaster- Jimin tries to achieve this big sweeping romantic night (encourages by the king and Taehyung) but it ends up raining on the moonlit picnic he planned and the string quartet he hired knocked over the basket of food ans one of the violinists managed to catch the ends of your dress on fire.
But Jimin looks so disappointed at the end of it all that you can’t help but give him an affectionate little peck at the tip of his nose as you inform him that you’ve never been one for big sweeping gestures and that you’re glad that you’ve had a night to remember with him right next to you.
And the tip of his nose tingles and before he even realises what he’s done, he’s pressed his lips to yours.
At least a moonlit kiss is romantic even if it starts storming moments later, right?
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lhazeeart · 7 months
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Yeah, it’s another au I was working on o-o
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
i have successfully fulfilled my need to read a faery!jimin fanfiction after finishing "you asked for help, he asked for your name"
the descriptions of how yn felt lost and missing her memory in bits, teleporting to other areas without memory of getting there felt so real???? (the ending tho 💀)
it was a lovely story can't wait to read more 💗
thank you so much 💕💕 I am happy you enjoyed yourself 🥰 I tried my best to make the glamour surreal feeling, when I was writing I thought about dizziness and that feeling when you’re lucid dreaming, like that 😋. I feel like I’m really bad at endings most of the time, but this one I felt was…. deserved 😈😈🥲
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fancifulrp · 3 months
hi, admins! would it be possible to share the current masterlist? i'm sure it's changed from the last time you posted it! thank you in advance!
— ✻ 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐, 𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆! - absolutely ♡ our current masterlist as of today (18 june) is the following (fcs between brackets):
𝒂 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒋
›⠀⠀Bae Iseul (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Kim Mingyu) 𝒂𝒔 human ›⠀⠀Ha Yujin / Cerí (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Choi Yeonjun) 𝒂𝒔 water faerie ›⠀⠀Han Haewon / Saoirse (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Park Sohyun) 𝒂𝒔 shaper faerie ›⠀⠀Han Yesol / Aeralindra (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Park Sooyoung, Joy) 𝒂𝒔 air faerie ›⠀⠀Hou Mingze / Gaulir (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Zhang Linghe) 𝒂𝒔 earth dragon ›⠀⠀Ji Meixia / Meadhbh (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Zeng Keni, Jenny) 𝒂𝒔 fire dragon ›⠀⠀Jung Hana / Aingeal (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Im Dayoung) 𝒂𝒔 spirit faerie ›⠀⠀Jung Sunhee (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Kim Hyungseo, Bibi) 𝒂𝒔 nymph (fire)
𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒓 ›⠀⠀Kang Taejoon / Ceallach (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Hwang Hyunjin) 𝒂𝒔 fire faerie ›⠀⠀Kwon Yiseo (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Hwang Eunbi, SinB) 𝒂𝒔 human (𝒈𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒅) ›⠀⠀Min Siyong / Fiachna (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Choi Soobin) 𝒂𝒔 air faerie ›⠀⠀Moon Yoorim / Nimue (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Zhou Xinyu) 𝒂𝒔 water faerie ›⠀⠀Oh Haejoo (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Kim Jiwoo, Chuu) 𝒂𝒔 human ›⠀⠀Park Jaehyuk / Fionnlagh (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Park Wonbin) 𝒂𝒔 fire faerie ›⠀⠀Ryu Seonjae (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Lee Minho, Lee Know) 𝒂𝒔 banshee
𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒛 ›⠀⠀Seol Sunhwa / Dáithí (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Lee Juyeon) 𝒂𝒔 shaper faerie ›⠀⠀Shin Dahee / Máirín (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Yu Jimin, Karina) 𝒂𝒔 water faerie ›⠀⠀Xin Hailan / Azukar (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Luo Yunxi, Leo) 𝒂𝒔 water dragon ›⠀⠀Xing Mengyao / Xan (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Hou Minghao, Neo) 𝒂𝒔 spirit dragon ›⠀⠀Xu Jingren (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Zhang Xincheng, Steven) 𝒂𝒔 banshee ›⠀⠀Yeon Jiwoo / Caoimhe (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Lee Yongbok, Felix) 𝒂𝒔 spirit faerie ›⠀⠀Yoon Jihyun / Aonghas (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Han Jisung, Han) 𝒂𝒔 spirit faerie ›⠀⠀Yu Boxian / Ríonach (𝒂𝒌𝒂 Ning Yizhuo, Ningning) 𝒂𝒔 water faerie
i hope the masterlist is clear ^^ feel free to ask about specific fcs if you're not sure if they're taken/reserved yet or not ♡
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