#faerie knight tristan
ghostielollipop · 1 year
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I really like her design
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milfmerlin · 8 months
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been thinkin bout baob (ref: perfect blue)
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chaldeamage-neo · 1 year
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Goat and Sheep 💕💕
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Take heed:
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brave-symphonia · 1 year
I can't help but think about how Arturia Lancer turned Tristan from the kind knight he was into the merciless person we first meet in the Camelot Singularity.
And how Morgan told Baobhan Sith that she had to be cruel in order to survive, leading to her becoming the cruel faerie we meet in the Avalon lostbelt.
Like, her being named Tam Lin Tristan, it really feels like there was a reason, beyond Tristan having to come to terms with the fact that the Tam Lin with his name, was the most cruel of the Tam Lin.
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grailfinders · 1 year
Fate & Phantasms #311: Faerie Knight Tristan
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gosh, today’s episode of Fate and Phantasms is just so sad- Tristan, play Despacito. wait, that’s not Tristan, it’s today’s focus Faerie Knight Tristan, a.k.a. Baobhan Sith. She’s a Whispers Bard to play some creepy music and impersonate humans as well as an Enchantment Wizard to learn some life-draining magicks from your momma.
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: and the winds would cry, and many men would die, and all the waves would bow down to the- wait, no, wrong fish woman.
Ancestry and Background
apparently “Baobhan Sith” means “baboon of peace” in Gaelic- at least that’s what google translate had to say about it- but that doesn’t really help us pick a lineage, does it? I mean there’s the hadozee, but uh… no.
you learn creepy magic from Morgan though, so Hexblood should work fine. you even become a Fey! I don’t think you’re short enough for the small size, but you do get +2 Charisma and +1 Dexterity, as well as an Ancestral Legacy for some skill proficiencies. grab Animal Handling for your riding skill and Deception to become an imposter among us. funny meme joke.  
you have 60’ of Darkvision and can create an Eerie Token by pulling out a part of yourself as a bonus action, making a tiny item that lasts the rest of the day. with it, you can send out a Telepathic Message to its holder over a 10 mile distance as an action, or you can begin Remote Viewing for a minute to see and hear from the token’s position. the latter destroys the token, but the former is free.
you can use Hex Magic using your Intelligence to cast Disguise Self and Hex once per day each for free, or by using spell slots. So technically the bard levels aren’t 100% necessary, but I think having to hurt someone to disguise as them is more in-character. it’s certainly a good excuse!
As a Knight of the Order, you have proficiency with Persuasion and History.
Ability Scores
your highest score is in Intelligence, since you have literally the most busted magic tutor known to man. second to that is Charisma, mostly because you’re kind of terrifying, but also because your faerie type is really good at disguising itself. third is Dexterity. we’re not getting an actual bow to use, but you’re good at strumming and balancing- both are dexterity. your Constitution isn’t that great, but you eat the life force of others so it shouldn’t be that hard to stay topped up. your Wisdom’s a little low on account of you indulging so much, and we’re dumping Strength. that’s more Barghest’s role.
Class Levels
1. Bard 1: starting off as a bard bumps up your Dexterity and Charisma saves, as well as giving you proficiency in three skills of your choice. grab Performance to play some really sharp notes and History and Intimidation to be a scary noble.
speaking of notes, at level one you can use your Bardic Inspiration to give an ally a d6 they can use to improve an attack, save, or check they make in the next minute. you can do this Charisma Modifier times per day as a bonus action.
you also learn some Spells. once you become a wizard we won’t go over all of them, but bards are usually more restrained. grab True Strike to hopefully aim a bit, Minor Illusion and Disguise Self to impersonate loved ones, Bane for a fun little curse right off the bat, Feather Fall to glide a little to make your animations easier to pull off, and Animal Friendship for your riding skills.
2. Bard 2: second level bards are Jacks of All Trades, adding half your proficiency bonus to all skill checks you make that don’t already add it. I’m not sure if tutors exist in faerie england, but if they do you have one.
you can also use a Song of Rest to add some extra healing to your party’s short rests. this is probably the most out of character SoR’s ever been, but having extra HP on hand to suck up is never bad.
finally, you can Detect Magic. proper magic’s rare in the Feywild, but you’re good at figuring it out.
3. Bard 3: third level bards can join a college, and in the college of Whispers you can get real creepy thanks to your Words of Terror. if you talk to someone alone for a minute, you can force them to make a wisdom save. if they fail, they’re frightened of you or another creature for up to an hour, or until it or its friends get attacked in its sight. if they succeed, they don’t know you even tried anything, and you can do this once per short rest.
you can also spend your inspiration on some Psychic Blades- once per round when you hit a creature with a weapon attack they take psychic damage. we’re not getting bow proficiency, but if you really want it you can use an epee or crossbow.
you also gain Expertise in two skills, doubling your proficiency bonus in Performance and Intimidation.
you can also create a Cloud of Daggers- not for any particular reason, just feels right.
4. Bard 4: are you fey enough yet? I don’t think so. let’s get Fey Touched to fey a little more every dey. dae. whatever. with this feat, you round up your Intelligence, and can cast Misty Step or Command once a day for free, or by spending regular spell slots. that’s how ruling works, right? force everyone to do what you say?
you can also stab people so hard they’re stuck in place with Hold Person, or just make fun of them with Vicious Mockery. that’s fun too.
5. Bard 5: fifth level bards get supercharged inspiration, their dice growing to d8s and also by becoming a Font of Inspiration to regain their uses on short rests. that also gives you another die of damage with psychic blades btw.
you also finally learn the truest way to govern: Tongues! now you can understand and speak all languages for an hour, so everyone can understand your commands! yay!
6. Bard 6: sixth level bards can countercharm but we’re here for the Mantle of Whispers. when you kill a humanoid within 30’ of you, you can steal their shadow that lasts for the rest of the day. if you use the shadow, you transform into that person for up to an hour. not only does that change your face, but you learn any information about that person they’d freely give away. you can take a shadow this way once per short rest. I’ve only found one book series that actually gives baobhan siths this power but damn if it isn’t cool.
you can also cast Major Image this level, mostly because there isn’t anything else we really want from the bard list.
7. Wizard 1: now that we’ve got your existence down, it’s time to learn. as a wizard you can learn a lot of Spells that you cast using your intelligence. you don’t get to use all of them at once though, preparing a couple each day from your spell book. to help you cast more spells, you can use an Arcane Recovery once per day to recharge a few spell slots over your short rest.
you get a ton of spells each level, so we’re not going over everything here. still, grab basics like Mage Armor and Magic Missile for some music notes that never miss and the ability to fight in your best dress.
you can also Find Familiar to locate a grimalkin, since you have a skill that does that, for some reason. and I thought I randomly tack shit onto builds…
8. Wizard 2: second level wizards pick their specialty, and as an Enchantment wizard you’re an Enchantment Savant, halving the price and time it takes for you to copy enchantment spells. backups are always important if you want to keep all your spells, so stock up!
you can also use one of the most powerful shutdowns in the game, Hypnotic Gaze. you can force a creature in melee range to make a wisdom save against your spell save DC- if they fail, they’re charmed for a round, or until they take damage or you move away. the big part of this is that you can spend each turn maintaining the effect without another save. so yeah, if you’re alone with someone you can sit them down until they die of dehydration, and there’s nothing they can do about it. also you can do this once per day per creature, so keep that in mind.
9. Wizard 3: third level wizards get second level spells, and you get your first life-sucking option, Wither and Bloom. you force a constitution save on a bunch of creatures, dealing some necrotic damage if they fail. one creature who is also in the area can spend a hit die to heal up, using your spell modifier as a bonus. it’s not super strong, but hey it’s a second level slot.
10. Wizard 4: fourth level wizards get their first Ability Score Improvement, so bump up that Intelligence for better everything we care about. you can also use a Mind Spike now! it’s not a literal spike for your heels, but it’s pretty creepy. if the creature fails their wisdom save they take damage and you can track them down for up to an hour, even if they’re invisible.
11. Wizard 5: with your third level spells, you can pick up a more traditional bloodsucking spell, Vampiric Touch. touch someone, vampire, them, pretty self-explanatory.
12. Wizard 6: sixth level enchanters have an Instinctive Charm to them that makes people want to hurt them less. specifically, you can react to an attack to force a wisdom save against the attacker- if they fail, they have to attack someone else. you can do this as much as you like, but when an attacker saves you can’t use it on them again until tomorrow.
you can also use Spirit Shroud now, because god knows you haven’t been creepy enough already.
…wait, so the hypnotic gaze sets an enemy’s speed to 0, and this reduces their speed by 10’… how does someone having negative speed even work??? do they start reversing through time? moonwalking everywhere? whatever it is it sounds fun, ask your DM about it.
13. Wizard 7: seventh level wizards get fourth level spells. your Black Tentacles are supposed to come out of your back, but they attack anything that gets in range so maybe hold off on the character acting this time around.
14. Wizard 8: use this ASI to bump up your Dexterity to die less quickly. you can also use Leomund’s Secret Chest to hide stuff from even your mother. probably.
15. Wizard 9: ninth level wizards get fifth level spells, like your most powerful lifesucking spell Enervation. it’s like witch bolt, but you suck up life at the same time. it’s also got a much longer range, so it’s actually usable.
16. Wizard 10: at level ten you can Split Enchantment, so leveled enchantment spells that usually hit one target can now hit two. why dominate one person when you can hit two? polyamory for the win!
17. Wizard 11: your spells past this point are just cool wizard stuff. turns out having the lostbelt king as your mother comes with some serious perks! Soul Cage lets you be sadistic to people you’ve already killed, very spooky, and True Seeing will help you look past the other fae’s bull.
18. Wizard 12: bump up your Dexterity again for a tougher AC, and better offense if you ever use that bow properly. I don’t know why you would when you can blast people with a  Circle of Death, but maybe it’s a matter of taste.
19. Wizard 13: when we finally get seventh level spell, you can pull out your noble phantasm, the Finger of Death. pick a creature, force a constitution save, deal an ungodly amount of necrotic damage if they fail. any humanoid killed this way also comes back as a zombie, how fun!
20. Wizard 14: with your ultimate level you gain the enchanter’s ultimate ability- Alter Memories. when you enchant one or more creatures, you can alter one of their memories so they don’t realize they were charmed. on top of that, once per spell you can use an action to wipe a creature’s memory while they were charmed. if they fail their intelligence save they’ll forget up to 4 hours of time they spent enchanted. use the court politics to your advantage, and nobody will ever notice your hand pushing things into place, not even the people you’re pushing.
also you can cast Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion now, because why not travel everywhere in style?
Pros and Cons
your charisma skills are solid, and that’s before we get into all the ways you use magic to mess with people. basically, if you’re alone in the room with someone there’s no way it’s a good thing for them.
you’ve got spells on spells, with slot recharging, free spells, and spell-like abilities giving you plenty of options to keep things interesting. plus bards have some great bonus action spell options if you want ‘em, so you can keep busy even while using your Hypnotic Gaze or Enervation.
you’re weirdly tough. your AC is decent enough, especially for a wizard, and you can use fear or magic to make yourself even harder to hit. when you do get hit, you still have plenty of ways to heal yourself, usually while also hurting the enemy at the same time.
even if you can heal, your low HP can still be a problem. if someone so much as sneezes on you, you’ll be in Power Word Kill range. thankfully you’ve got that big ol’ tank to fall back on, so as long as you don’t have to stand right next to the enemy, you’re all set! Hypnotic Gaze has a range of what now?
while you can make some serious waves with the spells you have, it’s no secret that missing out on level 9 spells always hurts. upcasting Dominate Person to warp the minds of two people for a day is cool, but so is Wish, which can do a lot more.
a lot of your options feel a little… one note. you deal damage, but it’s almost all necrotic. you do debuffs, but they’re almost all charm or fear. it’s not hard to imagine you’ll have trouble with high-level enemies.
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caer-gai · 6 months
Tristan to Iseult, Or, Who Needs A Love Potion?
Any other poet would’ve had to mention
The sparkle of your eyes,
The flowing majesty of your hair
How fair is thy face
How graceful thy form
They would talk you up, their goddess
Unattainable, most desirable
If that were truly all I could see, I could go along
And write all the soulless poetry my uncle could need
To woe you to his side
If all I glimpsed was emerald green and midnight hair
And a healthy blush
You would’ve been a beautiful woman,
But my uncle’s still
Another muse chosen for another man
But you greeted me on that distant shore
With cutting wit
The boldness to confront a knight of Cornwall
And tell him what to do with his degrees
You met me at the ship, 
every thought your parents would not hear
Written plainly on your sleeves
You rode with me north to the castle, trading
Barbs for stories for sweet lyric
When we met here in the garden
Both knowing you were promised to my King
We joked of love potions and impossible escapes
And the stuff faerie stories 
Who needs a love potion
When I can draw out that laugh
The unattainable is in front of me
The goddess matches my turn of phrase
The jokes stop being jokes, and give into plans
Plans of freedom
Of love
Of a life far away from here
A cottage in the woods and a pack of dogs
A happy family round the fire
Waiting to here the songs we will write together
And if all else should fade
If we are found
And that house burns 
It will burn so bright
And we shall love so wild
And sing so loud
So that the minstrel and poet must remember
How deep was our love
The story of eternity, written in a thousand hands
And two
Tristan to Iseult
Us to the world
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
More Agravain stuff from my brain since his likelihood of arrival is nil in GO abut anyways
Here’s the last post on Akkun stuff
Under the cut is a BUNCH of dialogue - side note, I didn’t really know about the FK in depth when working on this so I went off of his preexisting relationships with Gawain, Lancelot, and Morgan (for Bao) . I also wanted to include more but I figured 22 is a lot (20 if you arent counting the other fan servants) and I ended up cutting the three Hassan and xaunzang.
This is mostly just servant interaction, working on cleaning up the bonds and extra dialogue (likes, dislikes, combat, etc)
Dialogue 1:
What do you need? Do not bother me with frivolous things.
Dialogue 2:
Hah. What a handful of a Master you are.
Dialogue 3:
If there is work to be done, leave it here. I will handle it.
Dialogue 4 (Lancelot, both):
You-!! Do not speak to me! Do not even look in my direction unnecessarily, the mere idea of working with someone like you makes me ill.
Dialogue 5 (Gawain):
Well met, Gawain. Hm? A request? Urk- no, no. I will not refer to you as such, not even in an informal setting-! Gareth might call you ‘big brother’ but I have no intention to do so! (Sigh.) fine. Simply calling you brother should be sufficient. No? … Don’t push your luck.
Dialogue 6 (Mordred):
You look well, Mordred… hmph. As rambunctious as ever, aren’t you? Don’t go an cause problems for our Master or King. Go on, get out of here. Yes, yes, don't wait up, as you say.
Dialogue 8 (Garath):
Good to see you, Garath. Hm? Ah… please do not call me as such, Gawain is much more suited to be called ‘big brother’ than I. Urk-! G-Gareth… [sigh] very well… if it makes you happy, you can continue to call me as such.
Dialogue 9 (Carmilla):
They say that you are a master of torture. Perhaps a conversation on techniques is in order?
Dialogue 10 (King Hassan):
Hm. It appears that donning amor isn’t as scarce as I expected from Assassins. Though this is the progenitor of Assassins… despite our differences- Well met.
Dialogue 11 (Any Knight of the Round Table):
Indeed I am here as well. If it makes you uncomfortable ignore me, it doesn’t matter what you do as long as the job gets done.
Dialogue 12 (any Arturia):
Ah, my King… if there is anything you wish of me to do, I will do it. Hm? Rest? Ah… well… if you insist, my King.
Dialogue 13 (Morgan le Fay):
Urk-!! (He looks like he’s looking for a way to escape)
Dialogue 14 (any Faerie knight):
Ah. Hmm. I’m afraid I just do not understand what exactly is going on…
Dialogue 15 (any Alter Saber):
To think that this is… no, this being is not my King.
Dialogue 16 (Gray):
Strange… truly, you resemble the King but… at the same time, you are very different. Your responsible nature is admirable, though. Should you need advice from a dour man like myself, as a… distant… blood relative, my door is open.
Dialogue 17 (Fairy Knight Gawain/Barghest‎‎):
You’re… Gawain, you say? From your world? I… Hm. I suppose I can see the resemblance and why that woman would give you that graph.
Dialogue 18 (Fairy Knight Tristan/Baobhan Sith‎‎):
I warn you, if you start calling me ‘brother’ as Gareth does, I will remove your head from your shoulders. We may share a connection through that Woman but that is all.
Dialogue 19 (Fairy Knight Lancelot/Melusine):
To think that fool would be represented by a waif of such stature in that place… I suppose holding animosity towards you for being that rabid dog’s counterpart is… unbecoming of me
Dialogue 20 (Ching Shih, Clear Eternal Summer Stage):
[Sigh] We meet again, Crimson Pirate. Please get off of me, we are not— watch where you’re putting your hands, woman!
Dialogue 21 (Vincent Van Gogh (True), Clear Eternal Summer Stage):
Ah, so you are here as well painter. You should not hide yourself away like that, though. I’m certain there are many others who wish to see you.
Dialogue 22 (Romani, Clear Eternal Summer Stage):
Hm… I did not expect to see you again, Doctor of Chaldea, and as a Servant, no less. I understand that I am not one to talk, but even as a Servant you should not overwork. Especially as Chaldea’s beloved doctor.
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ghostielollipop · 1 year
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Ok ok one more
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theprismaticvoid · 2 years
for the ask meme: percy <3
uwu ty friend <3
Favorite thing about them:
GOD this is such a hard one to answer, there's so many good things about my boy... I think in the end, I have to go with his supportiveness, it's so sweet how much he cares about his friends and wants to take care of them.
Least favorite thing about them:
Honestly not sure what to go with for this! He's just such a sweet boy, there's not much to hate about him.
Favorite line:
This line makes me laugh every fucking time
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The lines where he chastises Tristan and Caesar for their infidelity are also really great.
Him with any of the other Knights, either of the Round Table or Faerie variety. I especially like him being siblings with Melusine, or him being supportive of Mordred.
Percival x Maxwell's Demon! I suggested these two as a couple at complete random, but I've come to absolutely adore them together. Shy anxious nerd with supportive himbo is SUCH a good dynamic <3
Percival x Melusine. Absolutely disgusting, I hate every time I see content of this (which is thankfully somewhat rare)
Random headcanon:
I suggested an idea to Adet ages ago about him being scared of thunderstorms... It'd be a really cute way of flipping his dynamic with Maxwell's Demon, making Percival the nervous one and having Max be the one who comforts him...
Unpopular opinion:
I don't really interact with a lot of the fandom so I don't know how unpopular any of my opinions on him are... I do see a lot of art that makes him super horny and sexual, which I'm not a fan of. Shy virgin Percy is cute!! I definitely see him as asexual, not necessarily repulsed by it, but if he ever fucked it would be purely for the benefit of his partner.
Song I associate with them:
I don't have any particular songs really! I think something relaxing and soothing on the piano would definitely fit his vibe though.
Favorite picture of them:
He's soso pretty in this one,,,
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bittertomato · 1 year
Man, all of the OST for Lostbelt 6 are phenomenal, but my favorites have to be Faerie Knight Tristan's and the BGM that plays during hardest boss battle against [REDACTED].
Even when said boss fight is going to either make me tear out my hair, blow through all of my Command Seals and revive prisms, or both.
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finotaisen · 1 year
Faerie Knight Tristan may look like this year's version of Elizabeth Bathory, but this princess is way less sinister- Wait, more. I meant more.
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asteroidhub · 1 month
this  blog  is  a  hub  for  merlin's  sideblogs,  it  will  post  promos  and  activity  updates.   blogroll:
@bhanshi  ⭑.ᐟ    f/go's  faerie  knight  tristan  /  baobhan  sith. @bedrydant  ⭑.ᐟ    f/go's  sir  bedivere. @deceivedthem  ⭑.ᐟ    a  horror-inspired  original  character,  aviv  haddad. @tyr4nnus  ⭑.ᐟ    a  dinosaur  original  character,  yu  huáli. @f1nalboss  ⭑.ᐟ    a  multimedia  multimuse,  ft.  f/go,  hoyoverse,  mxtx,  naruto,  demon  slayer,  reverse:1999,  &  others.
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0cto1 · 2 years
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Faerie Knight Tristan uuuh not bias. I totally don’t like her cause she looks like eli-chan x’d
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grauver · 3 years
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baobhan sith third ascension (spoiler)
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mara-draws · 3 years
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kujō sara and baal pieces to bring me outta my drawing funk
timelapse of sara utc:
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