#fake librarian
youre-only-gay-once · 4 months
the librarians episode where they try to go to human resources but end up in a labyrinth is so real. companies WILL make you fight the minotaur instead of letting you go to hr.
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thoughtsfromlayla · 1 month
How the Sandman characters would respond to you asking them to buy you pads
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thesorrowoflizards · 6 months
listen the mastermind job has flaws but i kind of. love it?
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Rough Enough for Love
“So, let me get this straight,” Crowley said, dragging that r a little for best effect. “Your librarian asks for an escort, and the first person you think of is me?” When tabloid reporter Anthony Crowley gets roped into posing as the loving partner of their intern’s fussy librarian friend for an infernal wedding in the country, he has an inkling that he won’t come out of that little spot of bother unscathed. There is more to Aziraphale than meets the eye, and soon Crowley will discover that relationships are not for the faint of heart.
Length: 403,339 words
AO3 Rating: Explicit / Spice Level 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Best for: After Dark, Not Safe in Public, Taking Breaks, Human AU
Triggers: Abusive Family
Read it here, fic by Nekhen
*Minor Spoilers* This story starts out as your classic fake boyfriend story. Aziraphale is a closed off University librarian faced with his sister Michael’s upcoming wedding, and his friend Anathema takes it upon herself to figure out how to make the experience better for her friend. Which is of course how her coworker at a shitty tabloid newspaper, Crowley, comes into play. This will hit on some tried and true tropes: misunderstandings, nervous to be loved Crowley, abusive family dynamics. But takes many turns I was not expecting.
What this story really is about is Aziraphale and Crowley settling into their new relationship as a gentle dom/sub. By the tags, I assumed it would be a minor plot point, but really makes up the bulk of the story. After their weekend as a pretend couple, the plot slightly goes away and morphs into an exploration of their relationship dynamics. Learning to be loved, desired, owned. It mostly becomes a smut fest, but in a way I personally was never bored of. For me, smut has the tendency to become a little cringe. Especially dirty talk. This did not do that for me. I loved the dynamic, and I loved the gentleness of their scenes. Neither of them are interested in pain or humiliation. It’s dominating but more like worship, not punishing. They are truly both getting a lot out of the experience. I particularly liked Aziraphale's explanation of terms and how he isn't inexperienced. His backstory to the scene was a great plot point. I also love how the dom/sub dynamics are present very early on, I think it’s very true to their characters. Aziraphale taking control, and Crowley willingly following even with minor things like their meals together. It's a major topic and there's some struggles knowing that they slipped into this kind of relationship without intending to. But I love that it's another way of showing how they were made for each other.
A couple minor critiques, I could have used more time with Aziraphale's family more than just Gabriel. The other siblings really don't make a lot of appearances. They're just kind of there for a bit. I would be interested in seeing a remixed version of this story with the fake relationship in the middle of Aziraphale and Crowley's journey rather than the beginning. I thought it was going to be the main plot, but it happens fairly early considering the word count. That section is so GOOD. There was tons to explore there, and it was my favorite part of the story. But we don't stay long, and we don't go back. Do NOT take that as me being unhappy with the rest of it. I just think a reappearance towards the final act would have been *chefs kiss*. Also very very minorly, I would have liked to see more of Crowley’s job. A tabloid reporter is interesting, but it's kind of just a job.
This was a satisfying, long, steamy read. Not something you want to be reading on your phone at work! I read this in one sitting but I think once you get past the wedding, this one is a great one to take breaks from and read slowly. Perfect when you’re in the mood for something dirty but still gentle. Not too much angst, but not a fluff fest either.
Read it here, fic by Nekhen
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UHF (1989)
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Nothing like accidentally reading a racist book about religions in the school library while trying to make a unique Tanya and Being X dynamic to start off the week.
The book is Mankind's search for God and I do not believe the reviews for it. It assumes so much about religions and their superficial similarities and goes "see! Tje path is all there they're all just misguided!" To the point that even as an Asatru pagan I felt disrespected whenever I read the chapters on the Abrahamic faiths and Buddhism. Shintoism got fucked because it has an entire page or two dedicated to insulting the believers for thinking their emperor is God during a time of propaganda and wondering "How could such people devote themselves to such a fallable man?"
In our clibrary copy of the book it has a world map and it shows Shintoism and Judaism on it. Both of which are just one nation and the former is even mixed with Buddhism on the graphic. The only religions I remember represented are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Confucianism/Taoism and Shintoism. Meanwhile all the other "primitive" religions are represented with an African mask even when in the Americas or Asia lmao.
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yourfaveisfriendshaped · 11 months
The baby Alivened from Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians
Ya know what I’ll post a picture hang on
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The baby Alivened is friend-shaped!
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thislittlekumquat · 11 months
The day I have the courage to say to a cis person who asks for my pronouns "I'll have whatever you're having" is the day I'll finally know peace
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Why are there fully sentient humans born in 2019, that was last year, you are supposed to be a baby.
I’ve signed way too many kids up for library cards and am baffled by how long ago the mid-late 2010s was.
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thebookanaconda · 2 years
The bookworminine urge to fake your death and and run away with the vampire librarian of your dreams.
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thespookylibrarian · 2 years
In the age of “fake news” and information “bubbles,” Chatman’s work takes on new meaning, and emphasizes the public library’s role in combating information poverty. Buschman and Warner (2016) explain that in the current political climate, it is particularly important for librarians to define their work in terms of community, social justice and social services (p. 10). The goal of the public library has always been to expand and encourage information seeking habits and information literacy, but to truly do so, Chatman suggests, the librarian must bridge the divide between the two worlds of insiders and outsiders in order to encourage information seeking behavior (Chatman, 1996, p. 197-198)
Equal Access as Social Equity A Literature Review of Programming and Services in Public Libraries by Lily Rose Kosmicki (Progressive Librarian Issue 47)
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nmotypdfsfg · 2 months
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loudlylovingreview · 2 months
Verifying facts in the age of AI – librarians offer 5 strategies
Knowing good search techniques can help internet users sift through a more reliable set of results. The phenomenal growth in artificial intelligence tools has made it easy to create a story quickly, complicating a reader’s ability to determine if a news source or article is truthful or reliable. For instance, earlier this year, people were sharing an article about the supposed suicide of Israeli…
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philemonsdarling · 5 months
i wasn't the biggest fan of emily henry's happy place but the fact that people are comparing the mmc in her newest book to nick from new girl really sold me on funny story
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sporadicfrogs · 6 months
Just remembered that in high school, my friends and I would spend lunch breaks in a 'slap circle' where we would just. Slap each other as hard as we possibly could, fully in the face. Then we'd just go to class afterwards with our faces bright red and bruised?? Why did we do that
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agentemo · 6 months
nowhere near a cute lil boop message so I'm over it but read tags for an epic prank my class pulled in 6th grade spoilers it doesn't go well the whole time
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