#fake site
pinkravat-art · 1 month
i cannot keep my identity secret anymore. I am harrier du bois
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torchfirekat · 2 years
A Pizza Tower reference
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the-awful-falafel · 6 months
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"can fake peppino say fuck, can people teach him swears--" i think fake peppino knows/understands curse words perfectly well but sees them as bad customer service and therefore will never use them himself. he is mildly confused when the other peppino starts cussing, seeing it as a behavioral flaw. here i depict a mildly shitposty approximation of this dynamic
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pixlatedvampire · 23 days
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insert "these boots are made for walking" joke
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buffygirlfail · 3 months
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youre-only-gay-once · 4 months
the librarians episode where they try to go to human resources but end up in a labyrinth is so real. companies WILL make you fight the minotaur instead of letting you go to hr.
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bluebirds-stuff · 3 months
Tang bo return au inspired by ge's and azu1as Tangchung arranged marriage au
Something Something happens and chung myung ends up needing to be (faked) married for a short awhile so the tang family offers the hand of a distant tang cousin who's been making waves in the cultivation world and getting stronger during the last 3 years (*note that this is after cm is 21 ) who seems to REALLY hate the demonic cult and the great sects who won't meet each other until the wedding day
Now on the outsider pov we have people up and down making sure everything is doing good on said wedding night , and it is ..... except for the fact that said wedding grooms seem to be late for THEIR OWN WEDDING
Thankfully the mount hua disciplines see their youngest coming, not so Thankfully he's coming covered in blood dragging a (dead or unconscious ? ) demonic cult member and all of you are worrying about the poor groom who doesn't deserve to be tied down to this heart attack inducing menace ,except the groom ALSO Shows up covered in blood dragging a (also dead or unconscious ?! ) body without a care in the world, then all of you see your youngest FREEZE at the site of him as if he saw the dead coming back to life he did
And the tang groom freezes too and whispers in awe and confusion " taoist hyung-nime!? "
The crazy bastards proceed to drop the bodies and launch at each other with desperation
And all of you are hit with a horrible gut feeling that this isn't going to be a "fake" wedding after all .
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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honestly, FUCK ISRAEL!!
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silvermoon424 · 6 months
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(from Gabi Belle's video "How Dropshipping Ruined Online Shopping")
YES OMG. I went to an anime convention a few months ago and saw SO many cheap bootlegs being sold as if they were authentic items. Being an experienced collector, I have a good eye for bootlegs so it didn't affect me, but I couldn't help but think of all the people who were duped into buying a crappy $30 bootleg that they could have gotten on Aliexpress for like $2.
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theravencycletweets · 21 days
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adrawer4ever · 11 months
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(kipo prints & stickers on ADRAWER4EVER.COM)
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snekdood · 1 year
hey if ur in the midwest or more specifically missouri here’s some websites i’ve found helpful for finding native seeds and live plants (they’re not all in missouri or the midwest specifically but have some seeds from around here too bc truly human made borders are fake and plants go wherever they want so):
mowildflowers (this websites cool bc they’ll deliver live plants to you if you live nearby enough and they also go to different places around missouri all year to sell plants at festivals or events or whatnot)
seedvilleusa.com (also on etsy)
mybutterflylady on etsy
and if u ever need help or info or whatever about plants or even find a place to exchange plants and buy some on a forum check out dave’s garden
if anyone knows any other websites and wants to add them on i’d totally appreciate that c: !
(i will update this with more websites too if i come across any)
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katabay · 6 months
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lmao these are ocs I made wayyyy back in 2021 on a personal blog and I don’t think I ever posted them here, so I’ll do a quick recap!
the guy with the blue hair is marion. he hunts demons! baron is a librarian at a university only because everyone else who was actually qualified for the position died and he really just wants to go home and take a nap.
that’s about it! it was a story I started on because I wanted to draw cool outfits and big monsters after spending a weekend playing DMC5 during the lockdown, but recently it’s been getting some more serious depth as I build up the world.
the original desire to give everyone fun hair colors has remained the same tho, that’s not going to change no matter how serious this story does or does not get
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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hikuswing · 6 months
Romulan Dictionary
So I went looking for this site and it appears to be down now, probably a casualty to the whole geocities thing. I wish I could credit the original author (trraith according to the document I have), if anyone has a direct link/is this person please hit me up. Otherwise, please enjoy the English->Rihannsu (Romulan) dictionary. To keep this from spiraling and taking up someone's whole dash, I will be replying with cuts for each letter (Z and X had no entries at the time of my saving this. If there is a more updated version of this list I would love to hear about it.) Please reblog the final entry only, linked here. I will also pin it.
abandon, lose (v) - ehlu (D) ability (n) - alehu (D) able (adj) - aled above, area above (n) - aerrh (D) absent (adj) - nuhur (D) abundance, great supply (n) - aefau abuse (n) - aehyy* (D) abuse, hurt, injure (v) - dirhae (D) abuse, misuse, ill-treat (v) - aehyy (D) abused, injured, hurt (adj) - gustai (D)
Academy, military training center (n) - Phi'lasasam (D) accelerate (v) - reuvh (D) accept (v) - neiss (D) acceptance (n) - oann (D) access (n) - kheah (D) accidentally, by accident (adv) - oiidh (D) accommodate (v) - awhae (D) accompany (v) - haodt (D) accomplish (v) - arhoe (D) accomplish, perfom, do, carry out (v) - sthe
accomplished, skilled (adj) - hnnial (D) accomplished, finished (adj) - cufhae (D) accomplishment (n) - raon (D) accord (n) - hoaer (D) accumulate (v) - taith (D) accusation (n) - bhuut (D) accuse (v) - swuil (D) ache (n) - rheis (D) ache (v) - rheis* (D) achieve (v) - khuea (D) achieve, arrive, attain (v) - dhaie (D)
achievement (n) - rhaarh (D) acid (n) - nnoihr (D) acquire (v) - kaeth (D) act, behave (v) - kla act, deed (n) - grukhai act, take action, do (v) - irea (D) actually (EA 11) (adv) - rhaau add (arithmetic) (v) - llifv (D) add, give (v) - mnyiener address, lecture (n, v) - dochai* (D)
adjacent or neighboring area, area beside (n) - ieuhh (D) adjust (v) - aorre (D) administer (v) - haidh (D) administration (n) - daesn (D) administrator (n) - fvrihai admiral, senior commander (n) - enriov admire (v) - eirai (D) adroit, ready, skillful (adj) - hnaai (D) advance (v) - onnta (D) advanced, highly developed (adj) - duimn (D)
adversary, sworn enemy (n) - jihmn (D) adversary, opponent (n) - retaenir (D) advise (v) - aueth advise/answer a query, "advise me" (v) - auethn advisor (n) - auethnen advocate, one who speaks for another in court (n) - raihiw'sheh (D) affirm (to be true), assert (EA 0) (v) - yie aft (n) - aehf (D) after, afterwards (prep) - aihkh (D) after (RW 25) (adv) - rheh afternoon (n) - aihkhmiite (D)
again (EA 12) (adv) - hlun aged, old (adj) - ira agency (n) - dhaehhr (D) agent, instrument, cause (n) - iarr'voi (D) agent, representative, intermediary (n) - lehrei aggressive (adj) - khied (D) ago, hence (adj) - lhai (D) agonizer, Klingon agonizer (n) - fveolh (D) agony (n) - iolae (D) agree, assent (v) - rhai
agree, match (v) - aekhra (D) agreeable, amicable, friendly (adj) - khedak agriculture (n) - aellae (D) aid (v) - nveim (D) aid, help (n) - solaere (D) aid, help (v) - solaere* (D) aide (n) - kaidha aide-de-camp (n) - hmnial (D) air (not the Element) (n) - lhael air, breeze, wind (n) - mosaram (D)
Air, the Element (n) - Jaeih airlock (n) - fveill (D) alarm (n) - bhaie (D) ale ingredient, a Vulcan grain (RW 168) (n) - kheh alert (n) - nhyrh* (D) alert, warn (v) - nhyrh (D) alerted, prepared (adj) - alleik* (D) alert, prepare oneself, be vigilant (v) - alleik (D) alien (adj) - yikh alien (n) - ssouh (D)
alien or stranger, lit. neighbor (derog.) (n) - vaehkh (D) all, exclusively, solely (adj) - fortnepas (D) all (RW 58) (pron) - oiuu'n all gone (adj) - urrhaa (D) all's well (RW 58) (sup-inf phrase) - oiuu'n mnekha
Fig. "Alls'-well?", lit. "Advise me [whether] all is well" (formal, inf.-sup. phrase) (RW 58) - Aeuthn qiu oaii mnek'nra?
all, entirety, whole (EA 0) (n) - en all, everything (pron) - qiuu, qiuu'n, qiu (oaii) alliance (n) - kaehht (D) allow, permit (v) - hisl (D) allow, have, permit (v) - vhuin ally (n) - dhaekav alone (adj) - eial (D) alphabet, the Rihannsu writing system (n) - efveimne (D) also (conj) - oi (D) alter (v) - aimnaa (D)
alternate, substitute, proxy (n) - hlomaus (D) altitude (n) - mniue (D) always (adv) - diamn (D) ambassador (n) - llairhi ambassador, diplomat (n) - kiitha ambition, hubris, extreme pride (n) - mhr'vaat (D) amicable, friendly, agreeable (adj) - khedak ammunition (n) - saedi (D) analysis (n) - temnei (D) analyze (v) - hnnai (D)
ancestor (n) - orheika (D) ancestry, blood (fig.), temperament (n) - plaeh (D) ancient (adj) - ulhei (D) and (RW 25) (conj) - u' angel (n) - jhu (D) anger (n) - dhuil (D) angle (geometric) (n) - meraehh (D) angry, mad (adj) - mnaae (D) angst, pain (n) - uan animal (n) - ahlh (D)
bird (in general) (n) - dhael bird(s), flightless and edible, ostrich-like - hlai(in); hlai'hwy, domesticated bird, hlai'vna, wild bird bird native to ch'Rihan, Rihannsu-sized and carnivorous (n) - mogai (D) small venomous bird (n) - nei'rhh cockroach (n) - nhaidh (D) a hyena-like animal (n) - sseikea a pet (n) - fvai(in) a wolf- or wolverine-like animal (n) - thrai(in) a worm (n) - kllhe edible ostrich-like bird (n) - hlai(in) weasel-like vicious predator (n) - hnoiyika(r)
annihilate (v) - rhioy announce, reveal (v) - doprae (D) announce, proclaim (v) - lihr announce the presence/ arrival (sup.-inf.) (v) - oal'lhlih announcement (n) - veiht (D) annoy (v) - ebhae (D) annoy, hassle, bother (v) - daehhra (D) annoyance, hassle, problem (n) - daetra (D) another (pron) - koemae (D) another (EA 11) (adj prefix) - hra'
answer (n) - aednae answer (n) - dhroi* (D) answer (v) - dhroi (D) antecenturion, subcenturion (Starfleet ensign) (n) - erein antidote against artificial poisons (n) - ssifefva antidote against natural poisons, antivenin (n) - ssifegho antimatter (n) - nvihha (D) any (of a group), any one, whichever (pron) - ehrr (D) any way (corr) - khrisa any, some (adj) - siufve (D)
anybody, somebody (pron) - rilhta (D) anyone (corr) - isaeha for any reason (corr) - ievoi anything (corr) - khru anything (n) - eriuu anytime (corr) - khefv anywhere (corr) - khira apartment (n) - takas'rhe apartment building (n) - takas apology (n) - veherr
"Non-Apology" (RW 133) (n) - Vehe'rrIhlan
appear, build up, take form (v) - hhwai (D) appear, come (v) - mayri appear, seem, look (v) - hhaetn (D) ascribe, blame, attribute (v) - aerlhi (D) apprehensive, worried, nervous (adj) - aaemir (D) approach, propose, request (v) - ekhau (D) approach, close in, get closer, come nearer (v) - iurrhi (D) approach, near, come (unexpectedly) (EA 11) (v) - mrei archway (n) - gaih area beside, neighboring or adjacent area (n) - ieuhh (D)
area next to (n) - hhaehh (D) area, district (geographical) (n) - hiudh (D) area, district (political) (n) - kaisu (D) area, vicinity, premises (EA 11) (n) - lai area (large), region (n) - kalanam, calanam argue (v) - iyhwe (D) argument, fight, brouhaha (n) - fhaihuhhru arm (body part) (n) - haenhe (D) arm, offshoot, branch (n) - ahtma armed, as in "disruptor armed," or "ya-ie'yakk" (adj) - ya (D)
arms (small), weapons (n) - teidr (D) army (n) - draao (D) around (prep, adv) - hraefva around (prep, w/nom) - sevihf arrangement or contract, unfair or too restrictive (colloq), chain, currency unit (n) - takhse arrest (v) - iera (D) arrival (n) - oali arrive, achieve, attain (v) - dhaie (D) arrive, get somewhere (v) - hilai
art (n) - lvhiet artisan, craftsman (n) - aethhon as far as, to, until (prep) - ru (D) ascend (v) - vailiu (D) ashamed (adj) - urhae (D) ashen (adj) - rehillh ask, question (v) - nihroi (D) ask, request (v) - stheirhn assault (n) - arkhiann assemble (v) - paeti (D)
assembly (of people) (n) - aetheaa (D) assembly (of objects) (n) - bressas assembly (n) - paeti* (D) assembly, gathering (n) - bresasam (D) assent, agree (v) - rhai assert, affirm (to be true) (EA 0) (v) - yie assets, money, wealth (n) - iaehhs (D) assist (v) - irhis (D) assist, serve, help (v) - etrhei (D) assistant (n) - diserhn (D)
asteroid (n) - ihrh (D) at that time (corr) - astev at, on, in (prep, w/nom) - hrrau, h'rau atomic (as elementary particles) (adj) - fvinnash atop (post, w/nom) - mibh attache (n) - lleifven attack (v) - errhi (D) attain, arrive, achieve (v) - dhaie (D) attempt (v) - eidae (D) attend me, hear me (phrase) - vaed'rae
attend, care for, minister to (v) - aihei attend, heed (v) - vaedn attention, pay attention (v) - aemni (D) attitude-control thrusters (n) - itheil (D) attractive (adj) - l'lorel'ei* (D) attribute, blame, ascribe (v) - aerlhi (D) authority, power (legal/social) (n) - efveh (D) authority, commission (n) - eireth avenge (n) - kholhr avenger (n) - ra'kholh
awake (adj) - khumae (D) award (n) - sagomh* award (v) - saghomh away from (prep) - uaenn (D) away team (n) - ahyan (D)
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hourcat · 1 year
anyway i will never stop rpf content creating obviously but the way people online have begun to just post without shame or acknowledgement that rpf is about REAL PEOPLE the last few years makes the fandom spaces so much more uncomfortable. like it's wonderful to be part of but also please remember that these real people are on social media platforms and can SEE what you're saying, and you're going to impact them as people and likely damage whatever relationship you're trying to make them notice. yeah they're celebs but they're real so like have some respect for their personhood please
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werebutch · 1 month
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