#falafel in air fryer
strawberrycinema · 1 year
here’s my terrible attempt at bribing ember to sit still while I pick burrs out of her butt and toe pads. I was doing this for 20 minutes.
her fur is everywhere
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electricalsheep · 1 year
realizing that i'm going to have to make my own falafel if i don't want to eat myself out of house and home
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thesuffolkpunchpress · 6 months
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Recipe for Air Fryer Falafel After soaking your chickpeas, you can quickly bake these hot falafel patties using a food processor and an air fryer. 1 cup dry garbanzo beans, 1 tablespoon ground cumin, 1 tablespoon sriracha sauce, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon ground coriander, 3/4 cup fresh flat-leafed parsley stems removed, salt and ground black pepper to taste, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, 1 clove garlic, 1.5 cups fresh cilantro stems removed, 1 small red onion quartered, cooking spray, 2 tablespoons chickpea flour
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sammutant · 7 months
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Air Fryer Falafel Gluten Free It's so easy to prepare these flavorful, crispy, gluten-free falafel in your air fryer using almond flour and plenty of fresh herbs and spices. 2 teaspoons ground cumin, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, sesame oil cooking spray, 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro, 1 can chickpeas drained, 3 cloves garlic, 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper, 2 tablespoons almond flour, 1 pinch ground nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon coarse salt, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 1 small yellow onion roughly chopped, 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley, 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
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gkonboard · 8 months
Delicious Homemade Falafel Recipe: A Middle Eastern Delight! சத்தான ரெசிபி செம ஈஸி
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defectivegembrain · 4 months
Very neurodivergent conversation: my mum was obsessing over the idea of getting an air fryer and I was responding to her with duck noises, and then she tried to make a duck noise back and then said it sounded like the Penguin from Batman, and then we started talking about how silly Batman villains are, and then she says in the middle of this "we could make our own falafels" and then has to clarify that this is about the air fryer not Batman, but then obviously from falafels and Batman I start talking about Abed and this is a very normal conversation in this house
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drifftingg · 2 months
Ostatnio mam taki odzew pod postami <3
Uwielbiam was również :3 tak jak z tego co mi piszecie wy mojego blogaska grubaska
mam taki problem - mam ochotę na pizzę, stek, falafele - każdą z tych rzeczy naszczęście mogę zjeść w moim limicie, ale nie wszystkie jednego dnia.
No i teraz zastanawiam się co zrobić dzisiaj - albo klasycznie stek + ziemniak z mikrofalówki + czerwona kapusta ze słoika z lidla (nie ta w zalewie slodko-kwaśnej, chociaż tez jest dobra tylko ta gdzie słoik jest taki węższy i wysoki)
Albo pizza: ciasto robione od zera, salami, karczochy, czerwona cebula, mozarella light, moze troche ostrych papryczek jakichś
falafele z przepisu middle eats - problemem jest że nie mam air fryer, a w oleju tego smazyc no sam nie wiem, chyba nie chcę... nie jest to wykluczone w 100% ale wolałbym inaczej to zrobić. Juz kiedys o to pytałem ale moze mi ktos to wyjasnić? Czy air fryer sie czyms różni od piekarnika? czy jezeli mozna zrobic falafele z podobnym do smażenie w tluszczu efektem w air fryer to czy piekarnik tez da taki efekt? No bo wiem ze np frytki mozna tam robic i mięsa i wychodzą wlasnie podobne do takich z glebokiego tluszczu ale czy to chodzi o cos podobnego do wyniku w piekarniku (gdzie tez mozna zrobic i frytki i np kurczaka - skrzydelka) czy air fryer jest pod tym względem imitowania smazenia w głębokim tluszczu lepszy???
Takze prosze o jakies komentarze na temat mojego problemu z airfryer. A dodatkowo dodaje ankiete czy dzis pizza czy stek - pizza wymaga kupna sera ale chyba bedzie otwarta biedronka przez jakis czas?? albo żabka ostatecznie. I zjem ją z mamą (kochamy naszą pizze pół roku temu zrobiliśmy z mamą taką pizzę i potem następnego dnia identyczną i była lepsza od pizzeri mimo ze w pewnym sensie gorsza.
Bo nie umiem póki co dobrze wyrobić ciasta na pizzę a konkretnie glutenu w nim no i przez to bardziej mielismy taki placuszek ale on był taki ciap ciap ciap w konsystencji taki wiecie fajny do żucia i ten serek na nim i inne dodatki było to idealne i przede wszystkim bezposrednio z piekarnika jedzone a pizza od razu z pieca jest kilka razy lepsza od zamawianej czy odgrzanej.
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foodffs · 2 years
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Delicious and healthy, falafel can be a super easy snack, appetizer, or main dish.
Air fryer, trader joes falafel
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akakodasezovem · 6 days
please send movie and music recs
I am desperate, please send any media my way. Finally binged the latest season of Hacks and I am seriously considering just rewatching Lisa Frankenstein because I just can't get into anything at the moment.
Spend most of the day in bed, fever and all. Had some leftover pizza, banana oatmeal with berries and peanut butter, a bowl of wholewheat spaghetti with jarred basilico sauce. Two cups of coffe, could not finish the second one. I feel like my mind has been wiped and it reminds me of the brain fog I had issues with while recovering from covid.
Spending the day in bed is disgusting. I fucking hate it. I would rather pull my eyelashes out piece by peace than stay horizontal. Alas, that would not help me heal. It would also render my mascara useless.
Pride is this Saturday and I also planned on attending an early morning protest for women's reproductive rights but I can't do shit if I don't recover, I can just be Typhoid Mary.
Called my father to congratulate him on making it to 65 years old. Tolerated him on the phone for more than 30 minutes, does that count as a present? Like I previously said, he is a narcissist who uses Ozempic for weightloss and is a fucking doctor who should know better. He also loves to judge my weight no matter the number on the scale, so yeah. I just heavily dislike him.
Today ends my era of impulsive vinted purchases. I am currently waiting for 2 dresses, 1 cardigan, 3 bras, 2 skirts, 3 tops, 1 belt.
3 dresses, 1 top, 1 skirt and 2 men's t-shirts haven't been sent out yet and the seller can still cancel the orders.
Fuck, I really went overboard. I will finally have clothes my size and be able to get rid of larger dresses and tops that barely do anything for my figure, but still. I will need boots and a new (new old) coat for the winter, but that is all for the year, along with hiking boots and new gym sneakers. Living is fucking expensive and takes up so much space.
I am currently ready Bunny by Mona Awad and listening to St. Vincent's latest album, hoping this will heal me.
Speaking about health, I have decided to almost completely eliminate fried foods (at least at home, I might still treat myself to falafel and similar while out with a friend). I have just been reading so much about nutrition and I will not lose out on anything by doing this. Maybe I should just get an air fryer? Nah, I'm not buying shit till autumn at least, including household appliances.
How do I get back into creative writing? Have been putting it off for so long, my well of ideas has dried up. I use to love writing, then I was horribly afraid of it (yay uni) and now I crave to revisit it. Probably not on this blog, unless? I don't know. We shall see!
Get some fucking sleep, dearies.
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outoftheseine · 2 months
quick question: can you cook falafel in the oven? i don’t want to deep fry it because it’s so greasy and i don’t have an air fryer either. help meeee
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nycfoodieblog · 3 months
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carleyhunt · 3 months
Air Fryer Falafel with Sesame Seeds - Air Fryer Recipe
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This recipe for Air Fryer Falafel with Sesame Seeds is a lighter take on a traditional Middle Eastern dish. Instead of deep frying the falafel, they are air fried for a crispy exterior and tender interior. Sesame seeds add a nutty flavor and a crunchy texture to the dish. Made with Cumin, Chickpeas, All-Purpose Flour, Parsley, Sesame Seeds, Black Pepper, Onion, Cilantro, Salt, Olive Oil.
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triplecap · 3 months
Weekly Menu 02/25/2024
Sunday lunch, 02/25: Out
Sunday, 02/25: Sukuma wiki over rice
Monday, 02/26: Dumplings
Tuesday, 02/27: Broccoli pasta salad with tomato vinaigrette
Wednesday, 02/28: Omelet tortillas
Thursday, 02/29: Air fryer falafel with BB falafel recipe with Greek salad
Friday, 03/01: Out
Saturday, 03/02: Breakfast for dinner
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goawayimcrabby · 4 months
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Everyday Cooking Recipe It's so easy to prepare these flavorful, crispy, gluten-free falafel in your air fryer using almond flour and plenty of fresh herbs and spices.
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theuntemperedschism · 6 months
Air Fryer Falafel with Sesame Seeds
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Air Fryer Falafel with Sesame Seeds - This recipe for Air Fryer Falafel with Sesame Seeds is a lighter take on a traditional Middle Eastern dish. Instead of deep frying the falafel, they are air fried for a crispy exterior and tender interior. Sesame seeds add a nutty flavor and a crunchy texture to the dish.
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raleigh-in-the-garden · 6 months
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