#falcon answers
falconscales · 10 months
it would literally be so cool if you wrote anything ab endermankin xisuma and ex, maybe from ur highschool au? like, how they discovered about it, their experiences etc. you don't have to do it if you don't want to of course, but from dirty paws is one of my comfort fics and I would love to read more of it, especially being endermankin myself :]
Mcyt Alterhuman highschool au, Xisuma and Ex flavored <3
The au is also now part of a series!!
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abarbaricyalp · 1 month
Hi! Intimacy prompt #36 for SamBucky?
#36 being pushed against a wall Sorry this took so long! // CW: Injury/blood
It had been a while since Bucky had been manhandled and he didn't really care for the sensation. The only saving grace was that it was Sam who was doing the shoving.
"What the hell was that?" he demanded as he shook Bucky by the lapels.
Bucky blinked at him, trying to clear dust and grit and flashbang from his eyes. He'd know Sam blind, but he still liked to be able to see him anyway. "I saved your life. You're welcome."
Just below Sam's knuckles, Bucky's heart was beating a ferocious time. There had been many times when Bucky reacted without thinking, pulled off some feat he was sure he wouldn't be able to if he'd intentionally tried. All of them paled in comparison to the blackout he'd just had when he'd realized Sam was directly in the line of fire from a row of combat robots who all had multi-shot weapons trained on him. One moment he was following the trajectory of a barrel, the next he and Sam were on the ground, rolling out of the way.
He'd been too far away to grab Sam. There must have been a running start to it, but Bucky couldn't remember. He didn't remember how he'd tackled Sam or how he kept from crushing him into the unforgiving concrete of the ground. And he wasn't sure how the robots had all ended up exploded, but there was a grenade missing from his tac belt, so he assumed those two things were related.
Sam was standing really close. So close, Bucky could smell the sweat dripping down his face, feel his breath as Sam panted at him, watch a bead of blood as it welled and then fell from his brow.
Then Sam was undressing him, which was a shock to the system.
"What are you doing?" he asked, trying to keep his voice level. It came out bored, which was great since his heart rate had just increased by 33%.
"You were shot," Sam snapped. He was holding Bucky up against the wall with a knee against Bucky's leg and his opposite hip pressed into Bucky's. Christ alive, he was really close. Bucky wasn't sure if he should blame himself or Sam when his forehead came down on Sam's shoulder.
Sam shoved him upright again with a jarring of his shoulder. "Don't pass out," he ordered.
"I got shot?" Bucky finally pieced together. "When?"
The glare Sam leveled on him was enough to stall out the wild beating of his heart and then trip it back into overdrive. He finished getting Bucky's jacket off and--oh, yeah, he'd definitely been shot. He just felt his jacket peel away from three different wounds. Nausea flowed through him briefly, but he got it under control. If he threw up on Sam's boots, he'd never hear the end of it.
"I had it handled. I knew what they were doing," Sam was bitching, voice tight and strained and scared. "Where the hell did you even come from?"
Bucky made his vision stop swaying long enough to focus on Sam's face again. "I was next to you," he said. His voice sounded far away, which was probably not great. He spit out blood and was pleased when no tissue seemed to be present in it. "I was just a few steps away."
"No you weren't," Sam insisted. "You weren't anywhere near me."
Bucky's stomach hurt too much to argue. "It's not like I'm gonna die," he pointed out. "Relax."
That glare came back out. Bucky had the feeling that if he had less holes in him currently, Sam would have already socked him on the shoulder. As it was, the glare was enough to hush Bucky. He couldn't stand it when Sam was mad at him for some avoidable thing, like running his mouth. Sam had the best eyes. Bucky loved to have them on him. But his eyes also expressed hurt far too effectively for Bucky to get away with ignoring what Sam wasn't saying. Especially when they were three hair's breadths away from each other.
Sam pulled out a huge compression bandage and then hiked up Bucky's shirt, ordered him to hold it, and began to apply the bandage to the scattered buckshot that littered Bucky's side. Bucky kept his shirt held up, but his head came back down on Sam's shoulder. He could feel Sam working, hands moving faster now. He wasn't sure which part to blame on the sudden crash--the adrenaline rush fading out, knowing that he'd been hurt, or the fact that it was Sam who was taking care of him now. Bucky was pretty certain there wasn't a safer place in the world for him than right in front of Sam Wilson.
"I was fine," Sam repeated roughly. Bucky had seen him like this once before, but it was a much more serious injury. This was nothing in the grand scheme of things. "Why would you do that? Why did you jump in front of me?"
If he'd had the strength to, Bucky would've lifted his head or blinked in confusion. "Why wouldn't I jump in front of you when someone was pointing space guns at you?"
"Because I was fine and now you're bleeding." Sam lifted Bucky's head for him, both hands on either side of Bucky's face so he could hold Bucky against the wall fully again. The brick or concrete or whatever had gotten warm under his body and Bucky didn't like it. "Look at me," he ordered.
Bucky managed, but only barely. Only because it was Sam giving the order and Sam's face promised at the end. "I'm always gonna save your life," he said, which is exactly what he'd been telling himself not to say. "Because I'm in love with you."
Sam's frantic energy condensed inwards, like a star about to go supernova. It kind of felt like all of the air had been sucked out of Bucky's lungs in the same moment. Not because he was mortified at what he had said. Of course not. It had to do with Sam's energy star supernova thing. Bucky tipped forward again, caught up in the gravity pool of it all.
Then all that cosmic energy was exploding into him. Sam's body was pressed flat against his and the wall behind him was giving away none at all, so Bucky was being held up by nothing at all except Sam, it felt like. Sam, whose hands were still on Bucky's face and who Bucky couldn't get away from, even if he wanted to. He didn't want to. He never wanted this moment to end.
Sam was actually kissing him. Sam Wilson. That felt impossible. Unheard of. Maybe he'd been rattled around too hard by the explosion. Or he'd lost too much blood and had passed out. He was imagining all of this.
"Ow," he said into Sam's mouth when Sam crushed his nose with another desperate push into Bucky's space. "No, wait, don't stop," he added quickly when Sam sank back and took all his star warmth with him.
"You weren't-- You weren't kissing back," Sam objected. "And...and you're bleeding. Oh my God, your face is so pale, you're almost green."
"I don't care," Bucky argued. And he really didn't. He'd kiss Sam until he was blue and purple and red and yellow and green and orange and stripped and spotted and flashing. He brought his metal hand up to Sam's neck, because that was the one still responding to his brain, and pulled him into another kiss. He'd really meant to be kissing Sam the last time. He'd thought he had been. Hell, he was a little out of practice, but he wasn't that bad. (It was difficult to find people worth kissing when who he wanted to be kissing was Sam Wilson) It was just that he was kind of very light headed and he really should sit down but this was more important.
Sam kissed him back, crowding even further into Bucky's space until Bucky was certain he was feeling Sam's heartbeat in his chest instead of his own. This was really good. The best, even.
Then Sam pulled away again, wiping the back of his hand over his own mouth with a slightly horrified, strangled kind of look. "Oh my God, you're bleeding," he repeated.
And, oh. Shit. Was that Bucky's blood on Sam's lips? That was fucking embarrassing. "I'm sorry," he said, which was about just as embarrassing.
"I have to get you to a medic," he insisted.
"Wait, hang on," Bucky interrupted, reaching for Sam's flailing hand as Sam tried to grab him. "Are you gonna keep kissing me if we do that?"
The panic eased off enough for Sam to throw him a disbelieving kind of glare. "Later. Fix your priorities, Barnes."
"My priorities are exactly in the order they need to be in," Bucky assured.
He stepped away from the wall, made it two steps with his fingers wrapped around Sam's wrist, and then immediately collapsed. The world spun around him, vision darkening around the outside. He could hear Sam saying his name and holding his face again. This was not helping the racing of his heart.
"Kissed me right off my feet, Wilson," he said and passed out.
- - -
When he woke up in a hospital bed, the first thing he saw was Sam, sitting beside him, reading. For a moment, Bucky thought he was just seeing what he wanted.
"Did you kiss me?" he asked and then cringed at how wracked his voice sounded.
"You told me you loved me," Sam said without looking away from the book.
"Yeah," Bucky agreed. "Do you want to do it again? Is it a trigger phrase? I love you," he offered.
Sam snorted and looked down at him. "Last time, it was 'I'm in love with you.'"
"I'm still in love with you," Bucky promised. "More now, I think." As he stared up at Sam from the bed and lackluster pillows with wide, slightly medication-heavy eyes, he kind of felt like a loyal dog begging for pets. He was not above begging.
Sam rolled his eyes, but he was smiling and then he was leaning over to kiss Bucky again. This was a thing Bucky was going to get to have and get to do for the foreseeable future. This was great.
The heart monitor Bucky was attached to kicked up instantly.
"It was better up against the wall," he said when Sam sat back a little.
"Uh-huh," Sam said doubtfully. "I'll hold you up against something." And he kissed Bucky again.
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trustymikh · 8 months
Thank u for helping me run down the Harvey TwoBats and Harvey/Falcone rabbit hole I live here now and love every second
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kafakhfjdah well I'm glad!! Bruharvey is a special batman ship to me, something about it...
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clarkewayne · 1 month
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SHARON CARTER code name: Agent 13
Sharon has a habit of going against her superiors — both at S.H.I.E.L.D. and the CIA. She chooses the side she thinks is right. This isolates her and creates enemies. After years as a fugitive, Sharon takes a more mercenary approach to life.
Marvel Studios: Character Encyclopedia Updated Edition
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
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justawhitewolf · 2 days
Hi :D
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samwilson-official · 4 months
Yeah, okay. It better now be a dangerous space rock this time, though.
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navybrat817 · 2 months
Hey 👋
Fave falcon and winter soldier scenes??
Hard to choose, nonnie! So I'll share a few by gifs.
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I'm missing some. 😂 How about you?
Love and thanks!
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felis-rach · 10 months
I don’t even know what to ask cuz I’ve never played PIKMIN and I’ve never played F-Zero, all I know if that they teamed up in smash bros brawl and I love the ship so much for some reason 😭😭 little guy and big guy.
What’s their dynamic? How’d they meet? What are they doing?
My sISTER IN CHRIST you just unlocked a five-hour cutscene with this ask
I'll start with dynamic…
Both of them love to talk. To share their crime-fighting and planet-exploring adventures. And they also love to be together in comfortable silence. Falcon is the more constantly talkative one. Olimar tends to stay silent for a long time, then jump to a full five-hour podcast, since he just loves to get all descriptive and philosophical about mundane or alien things to someone willing to listen.
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They’re also SO IMPOSSIBLY, SICKENINGLY SOFT with each other. They’re all “dears” and “darlings” and they’re very physically affectionate. Olimar likes to just shove himself to Falcon like a cat and Falcon likes to grab Olimar in a hug out of nowhere.
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About how they met, I figure it was when Olimar had to deliver something to Mute City (he's a space delivery guy, in case you don't know) and got caught up in a criminal situation. Lucky, local bounty hunter/hero Captain Falcon was there and protected him! Later that day, Olimar ended up in a certain cafe, and the owner spoke to him - asking if he was ok, since he “saw what happened in the news…” (the scene I did here) (Falcon owning a cafe is a thing from the anime btw.) And they got along pretty well! But I have no more details for what they’re doing now since I still have a lot to work on my "pikzero" au - I only figure rn Olimar has to stay in mute city for work reasons and that's how they keep seeing each other.
Annnd boy do I have thoughts about them getting in some angsty stuff together and caring for each other……. (i can absolutely get into it if someone asks. I can ALSO get into the specifics of the admiration they feel for each other but this ask is already pretty big sooo)
Anyway tysm for the ask 🙏🙏🙏🙏 I am currently breathing this ship and running in circles screeching until I get my au right—
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spoopdeedoop · 4 months
Can i just say tysm for using Elliot as 11s name for the new post from tardis fic because???!??!! Other people are using it too?!?!!?!! which just makes me explode with happiness
PSSHH it’s no trouble! Elliott being 11’s human name is such a galaxy brained take from you like!!! it’s el!!! like eleven!!! what!!! shakes you around!!!! im so thankful you let me use it!!!
I’M GLAD OTHER PEOPLE ARE USING IT it’s genuinely one of my favourite name hcs ever so im rly happy!1!!! :]
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cobrafantasies · 2 years
since Bucky seemingly showed up with nothing to yell at Sam have we decided if Bucky did in fact pack a bag knowing he'd barge onto Sam's mission or did Sam have this jacket ready for him?
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falconscales · 11 months
This might be kinda dumb but I was wondering if you could explain the difference between otherkin/therian/alterhuman?/nf
Alterhuman is just the general umbrella term for things like otherkin and therian (among other terms that I don't remember off the top of my head.)
There's not much difference between otherkin and therians, I believe the main one is that they used to be two different groups back in the day and then merged into one under the alterhuman umbrella.
Personally I tend to use therian when talking about more animal-like kintypes (I've called myself a dragon therian before,) and otherkin when talking about ones that are less animal like (my harpy and elf kintypes.) But I think they're pretty interchangeable.
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abarbaricyalp · 24 days
⚔️: Hidden weapons Omg I've been meaning to write a fic like this for ages. Thank you for the prompt and nudge! I'm very sorry too. I don't know what this is lol
The first time Sam kissed another boy, he was eighteen years old and it was mid-October his senior year of high school and he'd just scored four unanswered shots around Jay in a one-on-one pickup game after school. He and Jay weren't friends, exactly. They were too competitive for that. Competitive in the classroom. Competitive on the court or the track or the field. Competitive in extra-curricular debate competitions from the Civics class they all had to participate in.
That fourth layup, while Sam was bouncing backwards to get the ball while taunting Jay at the same time, had broken something between them in the silent gym. Jay had hauled him up against the padding on the wall and kissed the daylights out of Sam.
Sam had had a lot of good kisses since then. He'd had hundreds with the love of his life and every one of those was special. But, still, there was something about that first kiss that had never been replicated.
Not until Sam was 36 years old (well, hell, that was a whole nother lifetime wasn't it?) and he was the one hauling a smug asshole up against a wall.
Bucky Barnes kissed like he knew he was good at it and like he never wanted to stop getting better. And, Jesus, had his hands always been that big? They felt like they covered Sam's entire waist, up and down and front to back.
"That a knife in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me, Wilson?" Barnes leered, head leaned back against the wall of a shitty little hotel room that Sam had tracked him down to. Based on the way Barnes was grinning, Sam was beginning to suspect it was less that he'd tracked Bucky and more that he'd been lured here.
Sam reached beneath his waistband and watched Bucky's pupils blow wide with desire. He pulled out a large Bowie type knife and stabbed it into the wall beside Barnes's head. "It's a knife," he said. "Don't flatter yourself."
Bucky had turned his head to watch the knife and now trailed his eyes along the shaft of it, the line of the handle, back to Sam's face. Impossibly, his eyes were even darker now. "That was so fucking hot, I almost came without you even touching me."
"That'd be a shame," Sam pointed out.
"Nah," Barnes said with a shrug. "I'd come right back, what with you in front of me? I've been waiting for this a long time."
"You didn't even know your name six months ago."
"Nah, but I knew what you looked like."
Sam narrowed his eyes at the assassin in front of him. "How is this the first part of your personality that you remember?"
"Good inspiration. Now, come on, take your clothes off."
In an instant, he had them flipped, Sam against the wall and Bucky with all the free space of the shitty room to his back. He sank down to his knees and, yeah, alright, Sam's brain fuzzed out for a second. When he came back online, Bucky was pulling a knife from an ankle holster.
"You wear this all the time, or do you just get dressed up for me?" Bucky asked, looking up at Sam with bright eyes beneath dark lashes and dark hair he kept flipping out of his face.
"You're not that special," Sam lied. "Just like all the other assholes I've been having to deal with recently."
Bucky grinned. "Now, don't go mentioning all your other guys. Gonna make me jealous, Sammy."
He sat up a little, undoing Sam's jeans the rest of the way and pulling them down. His tac belt fell against his hips heavily. Bucky genuinely licked his lips as he examined it.
"This one I know is for me," he said, then put his mouth right above the holster wrapped around Sam's thigh, the one the bigger knife had been in. Sam's hips jerked forward into Bucky's face. It just made Bucky flatten his tongue against the inside of Sam's thigh and drag his tongue up until he hit the edge of Sam's jockstrap. "And this one too. You're a boxers guy normally, aren't you?"
"You go commando?" Sam taunted. Taunted? Was that really taunting? Unfortunately, Sam's brain was slow to come back to its sharp edges while Bucky kept putting his tongue to Sam's thigh.
"I like a breeze. The leather gets oppressive, y'know."
"You're so stupid," Sam breathed, dropping his head against the wall. He pushed his fingers through Bucky's hair, down his neck, and to the collar of his shirt. "Wait, do you have..." He slipped his hand beneath the shoulder of Bucky's shirt and pulled free a gun from one side, then the other. "You were going to a farmer's market!"
"You were following me to a farmer's market," Bucky pointed out, and then reached down for the gun on the other side of Sam's ankle holster without looking.
Sam moved his hand to the middle of the shoulder harness and pulled a long blade free from a sheath that ran down Bucky's back. Bucky shivered and pressed his face to the taut expanse of skin between Sam's hips, mouthing over his tac belt.
He methodically disarmed Sam, sliding cartridges and knives and mace from each pouch and hook and elastic slot. Normally, Sam wouldn't wear so much. However, chasing an assassin who had been toying with him for months had made a man paranoid and irritated.
And now incredibly horny.
"Barnes," he said lowly, as Bucky trailed the tip of a long bullet along Sam's abdomen in nonsense patterns that made everything in Sam spark white hot. When the tip of Bucky's tongue moved to follow the trail, he forgot what he was warning about. His fingers tightened in Bucky's hair and he yanked on it once, sharply.
And then Bucky really got to work.
. . .
Sam didn't have any illusions about working so quietly that he hadn't alerted the super soldier in the bed. He'd accepted that Bucky was just ignoring him as he got dressed. Fair enough. This was Bucky's shitty room, not Sam's. Bucky could pretend to sleep all day if he wanted to.
He'd already finished getting into his jeans and kicking his shoes on when he realized his belt was missing. Bucky had taken it off with his teeth, so it's not like it exactly got thrown across the room.
"Come here," Bucky said, voice all rumbled and grouchy.
Sam turned, found him sitting on the side of the bed with hair that was half controlled, and Sam's tac belt in his hands. Sam's eyes narrowed, but he cautiously closed the distance between them again, stepping between Bucky's broad thighs and willing himself not to get distracted. It didn't work.
"Why don't you put it through your belt loops?" Bucky asked.
He had to lean forward, cheek coming to rest against Sam's ribs briefly as he passed one edge of the belt to his other hand behind Sam. He didn't get much further away as he hooked the inner belt against Sam's skin. His knuckles kept brushing over Sam's stomach, over a hickey Bucky had put there half an hour before, as he worked the hook through the right holes.
Sam shrugged. "I dunno. Easier to get off when I need to this way," he supposed. He missed it when Bucky's touch left him.
Bucky continued on to fasten the outer belt, keeping it tight enough to hold everything in place. "Easier to disarm you too," he pointed out.
"It's double layered. Someone would have to be tryin' real hard to get it off of me from real close."
"I did it," Bucky pointed out. Sam wasn't sure how to take it until Bucky flashed those baby blues and a grin up at him.
"I let you," Sam corrected. He stepped away from Bucky so he could collected his weapons instead.
But Bucky was there as soon as he tried to reinstall everything. He took the cartridges from Sam and slid them back into place, then the mace, then the handful of knives Sam kept on him. He even passed over the knife and gun from Sam's ankle holster.
"Did I miss any?" he asked. "I mean, I got you naked, so I assume not."
Sam raised an eyebrow. "Well, you know what they say about assuming." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the pocket knife. "I literally used this one in a fight with you already."
"Not with me," Bucky objected. "Handlers are morons. Don't pin that on me."
"You took my pants off and didn't notice."
Bucky shrugged. "I might've been a little distracted. Not every day a hot guy bursts into your room and slams you against the wall, y'know?"
Sam flipped the closed knife between his fingers and walked Bucky back against the nearest wall. Bucky lit up like a sunrise and opened right up to Sam, going pliant and easy. "I might come around and do it again," he threatened/promised.
"Please do," Bucky agreed. "The new age was starting to get boring."
Sam trailed his fingers, and the cool shell of his knife, along Bucky's side, from his hip up to his ribs, and then reached past him to drop his knife into the pocket of Bucky's coat tossed over the dresser.
"Give me a good reason," he tempted.
Bucky hauled him back to the bed.
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violetscacti-art · 1 year
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Introducing Oroku Koya, named after the Japanese fairytale of a bloodthirsty falcon with wings made of swords. She was Shredder's hunting bird until she was accidentally mutated in battle. He took her in as his own daughter and she was personally trained by Shredder's best: Karai.
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Please tell me I'm not the only one in the ninjago fandom that's confused about this too but... What the fuck happend to Zane's falcon? Like the last time I remember seeing it was in s6 getting dismantled by Monkeywrench (is that how you spell their name idk) but since the entire season got undone by Jay's wish that didn't happen so obviously it's okay, right? I don't remember seeing it in s7 and there is an entirely different falcon that Nya built for Zane in s8 (that only got used for like a few minutes of an episode but still) so something must've happened to it right? Please someone answer me so I can sleep in peace.
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iilllya · 8 months
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Sam Wilson + the world on his shoulders
The Falcon and The Wintersoldier / Atlas, Michael Maller / Scared of the Dark, Lil Wayne, Ty Dolla $ign, XXXTENTACION / Fallen Angel, Alexandre Cabanel / Anthony Mackie in The Falcon and The Wintersoldier / Крылья, Nautilus Pompilius, I’m Not The Man, Ben Folds
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