plusultrach · 1 year
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Two-Stone-Dial #makepiagetgreatagain and see our blog: plus-ultra.ch #piagetstonedial #piagetwatch #piaget #stonedialwatch #twotone #twotonedial #hawkeyedial #falconeye #hawkeye #piagettank #tankwatch (at La Côte-aux-Fées, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnr0S0UrzN9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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444names · 3 months
ok since you suggested in pinneddddd….warrior cats names but using plants native to england. if that’s a little too much then just warrior cats names!! thank u so much 444 yiure awesome :)))))
Names generated from Warrior Cats character names and common flowers and herbs
Acateface Acoragonia Aldendrop Alderhear Aldustpaw Allowferria Alonpaw Amarminter Anetooth Appercy Artemkit Asted Aveheart...
Bacca Bacorage Badge Beetfury Beetleap Beetpaw Berrisker Besightclaw Bircheyes Birchilip Birchkit Birdstar Blace Blackenfoot Blaze Blest Blossfire Blosshell Blossop Boulderkit Brackclaw Bracter Bractered Brambleek Brambroom Brance Breed Breeneather Breenose Brigoldo Brindleaf Bring Brise Bristlestar Broketoot Broomkit Broot Brostystar Brushpelt Bubblefrose Bubblestar Bumblekit Bumblestar Burryfall Buttens Butter Cametalnose Captail Captoot Caright Casperick Catay Celeap Chalftail Chareface Cheddark Cherb Chestar Cilangle Cinderflow Cindle Cindlewing Cindstar Cloverheart Clovewing Corch Coria Corningnose Costar Cresight Crockface Crook Crowanbeam Cudweedclaw Curry Curryfall Dahlight Dance Danfling Dapple Darheart Dashheart Dawnbria Dawnclaw Dawnstem Dawnypelt Deadowstar Dieseed Dieselwing Dillower Doespots Doesprind Domint Domisia Dover Downpelt Drife Eaglewhite Elderhear Errowlnose Erryfeather Eucal Eyestar Falconeye Fallis Fallow Fawnclaw Fawnsta Fawnstar Fawnyfur Feath Feathear Featheart Fenugree Fenugreed Ferrynoses Fidge Fierch Filot Fincess Firchkit Fireflower Firestripe Fishaded Flasha Flepaw Flossomkit Flowstar Flurrelight Fluttedpelt Flyingstar Footh Foothpelt Forgetmeg Fritzi Frose Frostc Frostmastic Fuzzle Galame Gerrel Glovage Golderkit Golderpelt Goldo Goosepaw Grasc Grassheepaw Gravens Greena Gremleap Growfern Gullstart Haibasilt Harefeather Harepowdrop Hares Haresspeck Harleafpool Harpelt Harrowler Hatchfoot Hatter Herrytainch Hicorick Hilip Hilipclaw Hollower Hopperkit Hoppyclaw Hosong Huacacia Hundleclaw Husserclaw Hydrage Hyssumace Iceclaw Impather Irisrook Jacqueak Jacquestep Jasmint Jaspercy Jaycloudy Jessaracter Jestar Jonquinch Jumpes Junia Juniaale Junip Junipe Junipkinks Kestar Lamelody Lametail Larcissus Laven Lavenpelt Leavystar Lemong Lemongbird Lemonkshorn Lestnut Licah Licherb Light Lilackclaw Lilax Lilot Lilyweed Lionstrike Littlepaw Lizzle Lobelic Lupines Maggotted Magnose Malame Maplefrostc Maplet Mapletsy Marling Melight Midges Midgetream Mintfang Minth Mistclaw Mistep Mistle Mistlebalm Mitterfoot Mittle Month Moonflowhen Morntail Mossleed Mossomheart Mossop Mossper Mossy Mouncetail Mousefoot Mousewinder Mudpuddyher Needfeather Nettlefore Nettlekit Nettletsy Newinderkit Newtspelt Nighthervil Nightwise Oakle Oatchkit Oatfury Oleaf Oliverb Olivystrel Onefoot Onewistle Owleryllium Owlwhistc Packenpaw Pagestar Palerystep Panderfoots Parabbits Pashfoot Pashheart Pashpaw Patchen Patchfoots Pation Pebblekit Pebblestar Petail Petailkweed Petuft Petvine Pigeonyclaw Piger Pingpelt Pinkfur Pipsquestar Pipsquirrel Plumstorm Poleshives Pricepaw Priketail Prind Puddleclaw Quail Quickory Quirrel Rabacca Rabbite Ragon Ratchfoot Rattailher Redclark Redtoot Reech Reeneyfur Reeze Ridger Riper Risinghear Riveclaw Rives Robine Robineclaw Rocus Rookeheart Rosia Rowanch Rowpelt Rowtail Runnel Runningpelt Runnings Rushpelt Safoetida Sagestep Salviana Sanderheart Scilacevil Scillkit Scourgetmeg Scowstar Screstone Sedge Seedclaw Seedshine Shadown Shadowpelt Shantherb Sheale Shellium Shellower Shellyflow Shimmerry Shinect Shisker Shnose Shoodsong Shrewfooth Shruster Slashfoot Slashhear Slater Slaters Sleaf Smokedstar Snakestar Snowdropsis Songtail Sorrelt Sorrelwing Spardens Spiderlegs Spiders Spiketoe Spires Splashfoots Splashfur Spotspenfur Spotterstar Spottleclaw Stedpeltail Stoadfoot Stoney Stoneyfur Sunbeamkit Sunflight Sunny Sunnypeach Susantfur Swallower Swallowfur Swiftflower Taracks Tawnstripe Tellfur Testep Thail Therkit Thisker Thispeck Thispelt Thistles Thorntoot Thuntang Tinyclaw Toadfooth Trumpercy Tunipe Turtlestar Twigbram Twing Vanise Vineclaw Violepad Voleap Voleg Volepaw Volet Voletoot Waffron Wavens Waves Whistleaf Whistleclou Whitefur Whitess Whiteth Whitewatep Whitewind Whorning Whorty Willeaf Willower Willweevil Wingo Wooping Wrenfly Wrenfur Yelleap Zackclaw Zinnowy
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aceofwhump · 1 year
hello my dear!!! how are you? hope the new year is treating you well 💜💜 I'm wondering if you or your followers have any h/c fic recs for Bucky or Hawkeye?
Hello nonny! I'm doing very well! So far 2023 has been pretty great. Three days into the new I got a call to interview for a job I really want, had the interview yesterday and it went really well. So I'm really hoping that I'll get the next interview and hopefully the job! I've been trying for a long time to get a job and already 2023 is treating me better at the job search than 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 lol. I hope the year is going well for you so far!!!
Anyways, yes I do have a few fic recs for you! Love both Hawkeye and Bucky whump. Good stuff.
For Hawkeye:
Teambreaking by Arkada: The Avengers are supposed to be a team, but when the team turns into a sexual relationship, Clint just knows everything's going to fall apart, because he's asexual, and suddenly the team is something he can't be a part of. Being alone is the last thing in the world he wants, and he'll go to desperate lengths to keep his friends with him.
Coming In by Arkada: Clint's asexual, and he's been putting himself in Medical to keep it secret from the Avengers. Telling them makes things worse before they're better.
SOS Hawkeye aka 1001 Ways to Almost Kill Clint Barton by Sandylee007: Exactly as the title suggests. A collection of (mostly) independent oneshots or short stories where Clint Barton, alias Hawkeye, nearly dies.
A Hawk's Freefall by Sandylee007: On a mission that was supposed to be routine Clint/Hawkeye ends up getting badly injured. Has luck finally ran out or will the team and his own stubbornness keep him hanging on?
Thin Ice by AisforAWKWARD: For JadenGrace1's prompt, "While rescuing Tony, Clint falls through the ice of a frozen lake, river, etc. Cue lots of snark, angst, and more snark."
The Best Laid Plans by flashwitch: So, Clint's been rescued. But it's not all hearts and flowers. He's struggling in the aftermath, and the rest of the team are all struggling along with him. Latest in the OCD Verse. Follows on directly from Break from Routine.
Friends Check for Bullet Wounds by Ezra Cross: utter, shameless, clint injury. It's been a couple months since New York changed everyone. Bruce tracks Clint down in his room one night and finds the archer in dire straights. terrified to move with a ten inch steak knife stuck in his chest, what will they do to save him? And what sort of pain has Clint been hiding beneath the physical?Team bonding, Clint!whump, Steve/Thor revenge
For Bucky:
Bullets and Bandages, Tanks and Tents by OneStepShort: “It’s okay, I got it.” Sam doesn’t really listen to him. “What are you gonna do, pull it out yourself?” Bucky doesn’t answer. Sam finally stills. “You can’t pull it out yourself.”
Acceptance is the first part of Healing by Laevateinn: "You good?" Wilson asks him, after he fought against eight men. "You okay?" Wilson asks him, when they get to Sharon’s house. "You hurt?" Wilson asks him, when they get out of the car. Yes, Wilson. All good. Now if the guy could shut up and carry on, that'd be great. Why would he be anything but anyway? It's not as if anything that happened that day hasn't happened before.
Rest by HeartoftheWizard: Bucky refuses to sleep. Getting electrocuted in the warehouse while fighting Walker brings back traumatic memories for him. He can only go without sleep for so long.
pitch black; pale blue by freakymcgoo: Sam desperately wants to shove the idea back under and forget it existed; the swell of rage and fear tailgating the realization that Bucky is the merchandise, and all the underlying reasons why that even makes sense. He wants to cling to the last shreds of his denial, hold his momma’s hand like a scared little kid again, because in no world should that make sense. ---- Before the deal at the bar begins, Selby requires a demonstration from the Winter Soldier. Sam doesn't take it well.
Masks Required by FalconEye: It’s just a piece of cloth, so why can’t Bucky just put it on?
i don’t need serotonin if i can just have your hand by cyanica: "Can I… Can I hold your hand?” He reached out, human and warm in the sunlight that shone upon Sam in a kind of iridescence that was all-consuming. His eyes were half-lidded and glassy, the twilight dawn breaking all over the atmosphere as he watched it devote itself to Sam’s presence like each spec of dust caught within the sunshine were fireflies addicted to his glow. “Something – something else to know what's real if I wake up and can't remember.”
Hold Me Close and Hold Me Fast by gr0gu:
It's all too much for Bucky. The lights, the music - if you can call this music, the bodies rubbing against one another. He feels claustrophobic and like his body is on fire. It's obvious to him what's happening when he feels throat is closing up and his palm begins to sweat. He needs to get out of here before he does something stupid. Something dangerous. or - Sam helps Bucky get out of his head by dancing. Feelings ensue.
a glimpse into the lives of Sam and Bucky by Shes_from_the_Twilight_Zone: The evolution of Sam and Bucky’s relationship (told in no particular order) as told through some angsty and fluffy moments/one-shots.
A Star in the Western Sky by juniperwick: Sam wakes up on the flight to Riga to find Bucky's not okay.
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hollysoda · 1 year
I found a bunch of notes the other day from one of my first ever Warrior Cats OCs (from 2015) and thought it would be funny to share them
Foxfang was basically a Firestar clone. He was ginger with white paws and a black tail, and was included in the prophecy “the brave fox will slay the evil rabbit.” (Creative, I know). He’s a warrior of DawnClan.
His mate was a she-cat called Silverstripe who was white with, you guessed it, a silver stripe going down her back and black paws. I think she was technically my first warriors OC but I made the story revolve around Foxfang for some reason. Her personality bio is literally just: kind, loves kits and loves Foxfang 💀
Final main character is Redwing, Foxfang’s best friend and the medicine cat of their clan. He’s a Ravenpaw clone; very anxious until he finds his calling aka healing cats. He’s a red cat with white paws.
Other important cats include Falconeye (Foxfang’s mentor), Cheetahstar (DawnClan’s leader), Stormflower (DawnClan’s deputy who had an entire secondary forbidden romance plotline) and the main antagonist Rabbittail (from their rival clan DuskClan, and also Stormflower’s son lmao)
Basically DuskClan were trying to take over DawnClans territory for unspecified reasons but the prophecy foretold that Foxfang would be able to stop it by killing Rabbittail (his ass isn’t even leader why is it so important!!!)
There’s a lot of romantic subplots, including Stormflower and her mate Burnwhisker who are the most tragic couple ever!!!1!1!1! Also this wasn’t in the notes but I’m pretty sure Foxfang’s daughter became evil because Rabbittail’s spirit manipulates her in the dark forest because Omen of the Stars was still new and cool back then
I would’ve been 10 or 11 when I came up with this and it shows but the artistic side of me really wants to redesign/rewrite these guys
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Cyberdefenders.org FalconEye Blue Team Challenge Walkthrough  
Hello again to another blue team CTF walkthrough now for more Splunking! This is FalconEye Blue Team Challenge in CyberDefenders.org. Some of the interesting things in this challenge are as follow but not limited to; -Dcsync attack -Pass-The-hash -Lateral Movement techniques -Mimikatz And more J Challenge Link:…
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cybersecurity4humans · 11 months
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FALCONEYES / RX-24 TD II 150W BiC control-box with v-mount, dmx, wifi +LED 64x64cm +headlead 5m +softbox incl. egg-grid +insurance incl. (retention 250 Euro) 40 Euro (excl. VAT) [1 piece available]
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yohheru · 1 year
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Modern Fine Art concept Photoshoot (6) . Photo & edit: @yoh_heru Model: @rahmadani_putri_dewi MUA: @fionafainevive by @makeoveracademy Studio: @darwistriadischool Assistant: @ipung412 Photoshoot on Jan 14, 2023. . . #portrait #portraitphotography #model #beauty #mood #conceptual #profile #modernfineart #fineart #texture #studiolighting #lightingsetup #highlights #shadows #composition #photographer #photoshoot #preweddingphotoshoot #commercialphotoshoot #fashionphotoshoot #profilephotoshoot #productphotoshoot #DarwisTriadiSchoolofPhotography #kulakanrasa #DaySixProductions #DaySixPhoto #HeruSungkono . Part of Darwis Triadi School Of Photography @darwistriadischool . Sony ILCE-7M2 + SEL85F18 @sonyalpha_id Falconeyes lighting @victoryfotojkt . @daysixprod @daysixphoto (at Darwis Triadi School Of Photography) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoNUw-pBWKd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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diqajemepo · 2 years
S&s handleiding
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timedealerhotmail · 2 years
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A cheeky response to Rolex Yachtmaster Falcon Eye Dial… Rolex Submariner Date 16610LN Tritium Dial in Melbourne. #SUBMARINER #Rolex #16610ln #submarinerdate #16610lv #explorer #daytona #gmtmaster #seadweller #watchesandwonders2022 #flat4 #falconeye #watchesandwonders #vintagerolex #creamylume #patina #vintagesubmariner #collectiblerolex #creamypatina #16610 #luxurywatch #116610 #vintagewatch #126610ln #oldrolex #116610lv #16800 #watchfam #watchenthusiastsmelbourne @mondanibooks @mondaniweb @mondanidoc @hodinkee @phillipswatches @rolex @rolexcollectorsaustralia @andychanrolex @wristporn @wristwatchporn @timedealerhotmail @rolexknowledge @rolexinformation @rolexpassionreport @bobswatches @sothebys @sothebyswatches @christieswatches @watchfinderofficial @watchtradingco @rolexdiver @rolex_lover @watchesandwonders (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb11JKuLgs2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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idnek83 · 3 years
So I have 2 snakes and one of them is shedding rn and it’s SO LOUD and all I can think about is Gundham having a snake in his bedroom and originally Kaz teased him mercilessly with all the snake/penis comparison jokes he could think of, but then he and Kaz sleep together and Gundham’s already fallen asleep but Kaz is wide-eyed and mortified cuz the snake is SO FUCKING LOUD HE CAN’T SLEEP WHAT THE FUCK SNAKES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE QUIET but nope, the Python’s skin shedding sounds like someone crinkling an empty water bottle and it goes on for like TWO HOURS and Kaz gets ZERO SLEEP cuz he spends the rest of the night thinking about it. So anyway... I’ve taken a lot of melatonin tonight I apologize
Sodas just like super relaxed and sleepy, cuddled up next to Gundham and on the verge of falling asleep when he hears a weird crinkling noise and it kind of startles him back awake. He’s super confused but eventually figures out it’s coming from Gundham’s snake’s enclosure. 
He wakes Gundham up cus he’s worried something might be wrong with the snake, but Gundham just tells him it’s shedding and then wraps his arms around Soda and goes back to sleep. 
Soda just lays there, wide eyed and listening to the weirdly loud noise of a snake shedding its skin while his apparently unbothered boyfriend sleeps away on his chest, and questions everything he ever knew. Snakes aren’t quiet, what else is a lie? Is the sky really blue? Does the ocean even exist? Is he actually living in a video game?
Gundham wakes up the next day to a very over-tired Soda having an existential crisis and makes a mental note to move his snake to a different room lol
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dpgemstones · 3 years
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🎄🎁Voici une sélection de pendentifs en pierre a mettre sous le sapin 🎁🎄 🎆Lien vers les articles dans la bio🎆 #charoite #jaspe #labradorite #gabbro #pierredelune #oeil de faucon #falconeye #howlite #stonependant #pendant #pendentif #l4l #l4like #dpgemstones https://www.instagram.com/p/CW9QHmtMPWU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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zikosoft-blog · 4 years
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#desertlife #desert #sand #falcon #falconeyes #falconeye #falconvibes #desertvibes #uae🇦🇪 #uae #middleeast #lifestyle #blogger #lifestyleblogger #2020 #summer2020 #summer #travelphotography #traveling (at Desert Safari Dubai) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDmrwbMqv6A/?igshid=1bzr5oplaxaov
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astronormiee · 4 years
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Orbital no 19 of 2020 A Soyuz-ST rocket launching the Falcon Eye 2 spacecraft - the sister of the satellite that was lost in the Vega VV15 failure last year. Ig @n.k_k_n 2 nd Photo credit @Rogozin #arianespace #arianegroup #uae #falcon #falconeye #vega #soyuzsta #space #прогресс #Роскосмос #russia #esa #cosmodrome #nasa #spacecraft #spacex #kourou #космонавт #mars #soyuz #космодром #космическийпесок #логистика #nkknspacepage (at Kourou, French Guiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9R_UItJ6dF/?igshid=1avtn1thefsm7
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yahamadph · 5 years
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#falconeye (at واجهة الرياض Riyadh Front) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4tnGHnBuvj/?igshid=d7tznn5p0qch
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moderntumbler · 3 years
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#Repost @thewonggrip with @make_repost ・・・ Blast from the past 🙌🏻🙏🏻 Two 300Ds thru 6x Lite Grid and a 4x 216, a P5-TD for some background motivation, 16’ Menace Arm with two 4’ tubes as my back light, and a B-Board on the other side as fill 😇 #behindthescenes #onset #setlife #lighting #lightingdesign #led #light #gaffer #keygrip #lightingtechnician #lightingiseverything #falconeyes #aputure #aputuretech #nanlite https://www.instagram.com/p/CN-DB4hBNaI/?igshid=750h5ltlcjki
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