#fall festival stickers
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johnology · 11 months
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Went to a fall festival downtown today and got these silly lil guys
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iguanodont · 9 months
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Meant to make this my final post of the year, but I guess it’ll have to be my first instead! A look at part of a birg end-of-year tradition.
The Wis’Sachoi are a culture far to the west of the Twowi, where they exist fairly peacefully on the coast of a large inland sea. Come autumn the gifters (bachelors) herald the mating season by arriving to clans towns in bulky costumes made of sticks and reeds. They chase kids and animals, knock things over, and sing playfully that life away from the village has made them course and wild; won’t somebody please trim their shaggy hair and crooked claws? Young receivers (the ladies) don spiny cowls of woven branches in a cheeky imitation of the spiked armor worn by beast hunters of legend, to engage the “monsters” in games of song and wordplay. Should the beast court the wrong individual, or insult his quarry, or make too much mischief around the village, the elders are ready to chase him off with sticks. When a “beast” and “hunter” have successfully matched wits, the hunter will approach with beak scissors, so that she may snip away at the reeds covering her partner’s face in a tender gesture of allogrooming. Then her sisters and elders help tear away the rest of the costume, making the suitor fit to live among the clan again. The night ends with the burning of the reeds and a communal meal.
Courtship games such as this are just the first in a series of events held for around nine days, which include bachelors presenting gifts for the children and elders of the village, a fishing contest, and lots of feasting. Many of these gifts arrive in the form of exotic spices and other ingredients collected over the past year of trading abroad. Though it is tradition for courting pairs to consummate on the final night, it is not uncommon for a gifter to offer his spermatophore to several partners before the end of the festival period. After the final night concludes, Wis’Sachoi bachelors are granted the privilege of hibernating with their temporary in-laws.
As birgs generally sleep through the winter, fall and early-winter events such as these are the closest most cultures come to the sort of midwinter holidays observed on earth.
For more worldbuilding (mostly creature) posts or to see what im up to on discord, I do have a patreon, where I post weekly!
I also have new stickers up on my kofi, or you can get prints of my art here, for those interested!
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blu-ish · 7 months
Seasonal Love💝
Summary: "Love is in the air~" or that's what all the Valentine's Day decor says around Westopolis anyways...
Shadow finally decides to participate in a holiday for once. Little does he know most Mobian's don't know what a "Valentine's Day" is...
AKA Shadow gives a certain oblivious blue hog the surprise of his life.
"Do you know what Valentines Day is Shadow?"
Shadow ponders for a moment, reaching instinctively toward one of the history books spread around the metallic flooring. Flipping past the tables of contents before landing on the page.
"It's name derives from ancient Rome," he holds the small candle to the passage, illuminating the words for the other. "It's a pagan festival called Lupercalia, celebrating a martyr named St. Valentine." Small hands reach to take the book, a soft chuckle following.
"I didn't mean literally silly."
It was past their bed time, well, from what schedule they did have aboard the Ark anyways. The sun was hidden behind the earth, it's rays barley reaching around its curves like a halo.
The lights below sparkled like the blanket of stars surrounding the planet, reminding them of the life they could barely see, they weren't the only ones awake.
Maria smiled, the tubes in her nose shifting ever so slightly. "It has to be one of my favorite holidays."
Shadow adjusted her IV pole as she spoke, making sure it didn't bother her when she moved. "I thought the tree holiday was your favorite." He smirked as Maria rolled her eyes.
"That's Christmas Shadow."
"Close enough," she gestured to her bed as Shadow helped her up, she was always more tired during the night. She hated it.
But what she lacked in physical strength she made up for in her love of knowledge. She wanted to always learn more, more about Earth, about her people. Who they are, what they do, what they did. Besides the doctors and scientists aboard the Space Colony who doted after Maria.
She was fascinated with the giant blue planet, she loved it with every fiber of her being. He wanted nothing more then to experience it with her. It reminded him the hours of testing in the lab and sneering doctor's were worth it, for her.
"It's a day to celebrate those we care about, to remind them we love them. Grandfather thinks it's rather childish, but he thinks that of most things I suppose." She fiddles with her night gown, even with the small flame and his advanced night vision Shadow could see how her face darkened.
"Tell me about it." The hybrid rolled his eyes, trying his best to comfort his sister. If there was one thing to say about his creator, is that he lacked a sense of humor.
Maria let out a giggle taking the candle from Shadow, using her free hand to reach under her pillow.
"I wanted to give this to before you went into the labs today, but I didn't want them taking it away from you." She pulled out what seemed to be a handmade object, a simple paper folded together with Shadow's name written in fine print on the front. A heart sticker sealing its contents.
Shadow let out a soft breath in amazement, gently taking the lumpy paper from her. He examined the paper front to back honestly a bit puzzled. It was kind of heavy. His face flushes in embarrassment as he catches Maria trying not to laugh.
"It's a card, you have to open it, stinky."
"I am not stinky, I am Shadow." He replies monotone, but opens the card as instructed. Through his peripheral vision, he sees Maria's excited expression as he's greeted with a drawing.
It's him and Maria, standing on Earth, hands outstretched to hold the hands of the planets inhabitants encircling the globe, she even included Gerald and a few doctors and nurses he's grown to tolerate.
A bag of coffee beans falls onto his lap.
"It's not chocolate, but I know how much your love grandfathers coffee beans so I--" Maria was enveloped in a hug, Shadow was gentle to not put to much of his weight on her. But this meant so much to him. More than he would've thought it would. He loved his sister to the Earth and back.
"Thank you, Maria."
She blew the candle out.
Shadow stood Infront of one of the many decorated shop windows in the city. His ruby eyes staring right back at him. The heart shaped window stickers had caught his eye, and he ended up glancing around at what was behind the glass.
More heart themed chocolate boxes, bouquets, and what seemed to be a uncountable amount of stuffed toys. Those prices...
"Find something you want hun?" The clicking of heels approached the ebony hedgehog, he knew he didn't have to look to know who it was.
"Your late." He responded a little dryer then anticipated, but Rouge knew better. She insisted he get here early-- the cold might not bother him much, but he'd still rather be inside their drastically warmer apartment by now.
"Had to pick up a few extra things~" The agent chuckled, gesturing to the multiple bags she had in her hands. Shadow only huffed in response. "So glad you understand sweetie! Thank you for coming over to take them off my hands."
He hummed, placing the bags in the side-bag attached to his motorcycle. Somehow the bat was capable of flying hundreds of miles in the air to try to "borrow" a certain emerald from a certain echidna, but is unable to fly to Team Darks apartment with a few bags.
That's just Rouge he supposed.
Just as he was finished snapping the side-bag shut, Rouge let out a dramatic sigh. Glancing back, he saw her looking through the window with a sly smile on her lips.
"My, my, that much for some mere gifts?" She let out a laugh, "Please, what are they stuffed with, diamonds?"
He couldn't help but chuckle, he had to admit it was rather ridiculous, then again some humans tended to be that way.
"I didn't take you for someone to be so concerned with such materialistic things." He teased, but Rouge only scoffed. It wasn't like she just spent a whole extra half hour "shopping" or anything.
"At least people know when I steal from them, I've been living in the city for years, this holiday is nothing more than a capitalistic nightmare." She groaned, fixing her outfit with the reflection.
"Right." Shadow sat on his bike, starting up the engine with a low purr. He was ready to go.
"I'll see you at home hun, just a few more hours and we'll be free from all this Valentines stuff." She blew him a kiss and was on her way, but what she said stuck with him on his ride home.
There was more to it than just that.
He wanted to make a valentines.
He stopped himself halfway turning the keys to unlock the apartments door.
He wanted to.. what?
He pushed the thought away for a second, entering the room and placing Rouges bags on the couch. Slipping out of his jacket, folding it neatly over his arm.
He could, maybe...
But he hasn't made one since then.
Who would he even give it too?
Walking into his bedroom, he set his things down. Thoughts unwantedly swirling around in his mind. He supposed there were multiple people he could theoretically give a gift too. Glancing at his clock, he cursed under his breath. When did it get so late?
He didn't have much time.
But he wasn't actually planning on doing anything so why was he worried. He wasn't. No.
He groans as he sits up from his bed, scrambling around for some paper.
He was.
Sonic was asleep in one of the trees surrounding Green Hills. The branch bent a little, supporting his weight. He had found the perfect position where the setting sun hit his quills just right.
There was nothing better than getting a moderately warm sunbath during the seemingly cold winter, the hedgehog could barley keep his eyes open during this time of year anyways.. he cursed his hibernation tendencies.
Don't get him wrong, he LOVED to run during the winter, kept him active, it didn't snow a lot in Green Hills expect in some areas.. maybe he'd check it out after he wakes up--
He woke up with a yelp, quills sticking out sharply, piercing what was left of the leaves on the poor tree. Falling right onto his face on the somewhat grassy surface below.
Quickly standing up, he looked around in a groggy daze.
"Whatsgoingonwhosthreatingtheworldnowohhishads--" Words a little slurred, he readjusted himself by shaking his head, leaves falling with it. He thought he recognized that voice!
However, the other hedgehog only looked at him with mild confusion, hand momentarily outstretched to help the other but ever hesitant.
The hybrid decided to just clear his throat, Sonic noticed how his hand was awkwardly behind him, along with a basket in the other arm. Just Shadow doing Shadow things he guessed, but man, he was so happy to see him.
Sonic practically jumped in excitement. "Shadow! Aw man, how have you been! Didn't think I'd see you until spring dude." Last he heard from his rival, he was abroad on some "mission". He remembered Shadow telling him about it... kinda. He sorta spaced out after Shadow started talking about paperwork and-- yeah he doesn't remember.
"Recon ended early, so I was able to come back.." Sonic raised a brow when Shadow started to avoid eye contact. "Rouge needed help back at headquarters anyways--".
"What's in the basket?" Sonic mentally cringed, he didn't mean to say that out loud. Oh welp.
Shadow glanced down toward his arm, bringing the picnic like basket a little closer to himself. Sonic guessed he was still half sleep because he could've sworn Shadow looked almost, nervous?
"I got you, something." He replied, completely monotone. Sonic blinked.
"Wha...?" A big dumb smile creeped on the hero's face.
Shadow growled, but caught himself and sighed. "It's not anything special, you don't have to take it." He slowly extended his hidden arm, revealing a card-- made simply from folding a paper in half.
Sonic didn't know why, but he could feel his heart in his throat. Trying to stop his tail from wagging too much. He gingerly took the card from Shadow, and the basket. As soon as he opened the lid the smell woke him up completely.
"Is that a chilidog...?"
If Shadow didn't look worried before he sure did now. He crossed his arms, huffing a bit. "Yes, it is... it's all I could think of at the moment."
Sonic placed the basket down to grab it, it smelled heavenly. He took a bite and he swore he was about to cry.
"Holy Gaia... Shadow, WHERE did you get this?!" Sonic had to stop himself from eating it too fast, he wanted to savor every bite.
Shadow seemed to relax a little, relieved for the most part. "I made it myself." The hedgehog said matter of factly. He flinched when Sonic just stared at him in complete awe, his emerald eyes wide.
"I-It was pretty... simple I suppose, why are you looking at me like that?"
Sonic could not believe it... it was almost ironic in a way. His rival, made what was now probably his favorite chilidog ever.
Instead, he directed his attention to the card still in his hand. He ate the rest of his godly like chilidog and opened the card. This time however, Sonic squinted, seemingly reading the card over again and again. Shadow was back to being worried, ears pinned back.
Maybe this was a mistake after all...
"Shadow..." Sonic looked up from the card with a lost look, Shadow felt like he was going to test his own immortality and die right there. Did he go too far? Why did he feel like this? Why wasn't Sonic saying any--
"What's a Valentines Day?"
The duo sat on the roof of Shadows apartment, Sonic had practically begged Shadow for more chilidogs. He didn't know what to do with this kind of power over the hero, yet.
"So your saying there's a whole holiday dedicated to giving gifts to those you care about, and you give them cards that say Happy Valentines Day?" Sonic had started to piece it together, sorta, he took another bite of his chilidog with a thoughtful hum.
"Yes," Shadow took his seat next to the blue hedgehog, "I'm surprised you never heard of it, I assumed it was a well known custom."
"If your thinking of the human calendar at least." Sonic corrected, licking his fingers before Shadow stopped him and handed him a napkin.
"What do you mean?"
"Well," the hero started and let out a breath of a laugh, "Tails would probably be better at explaining this than me.. but basically, you know how Humans tend to call the Earth, well.. Earth?"
Shadow blinked, "I'm aware..."
"Well most Mobians, like us, call it Mobius. And like how Earth as a specific set of seasons and holidays.." Sonic explained, "So does Mobius, but its called the Mobian Calender."
The ebony hedgehog hummed, he didn't know that at all. Who knew Sonic of all people would teach him something...
"So Valentines Day isn't on the Mobian Calender?" Sonic nodded with a smile.
"Yeah! Where did you even learn about that holiday from?"
There was a pause. Sonic looked at Shadow curiously.
"From my sister... Maria, it was one of her favorites."
Shadow noticed how the others face softened, he didn't know why he said that. But, he did, and he felt like Sonic understood. So he didn't press.
After a few moments of strangely comfortable silence, Sonic broke it with a gentle nudge to Shadows shoulder.
"Ya know, I wouldn't mind learning a bit more about it... If you wanted to of course."
Shadow could feel the ghost of a smile creeping on his face. He looked away, not quite sure why he felt such a flush to his face. He hoped the night hid it well.
"I also wouldn't mind, at some point, learning some Mobian traditions as well."
Sonic leaned a bit into his side, causing the hybrid to fluff up a bit.
"You got yourself a deal faker."
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skrrts · 2 months
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wave of music (one-shot)
✧ gn!reader x wooyoung ✧ genre: non-idol, slice of life, soft, dating, music festival ✧ word count: 1,9k ✧ warnings: mention of alcohol in one line
wooyoung and you attend one of the world's largest music festivals. the day seems endless and the music keeps going.
a/n: i bought some festival tickets and wanted to write something related to them. i meant to do a oneshot for mingi (still will) but then i thought this also would be fun with woo. no special warnings for this one.
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“Stop moving so much, or you will look like you have a spider on your cheek rather than a butterfly,” you scolded Wooyoung. He pouted gently but finally managed to sit still, which was quite challenging for him.
In the not-so-far distance, loud music was playing, and the cheers of a crowd of almost half a million filled the area, which seemed to be the center of the world for those who loved music. For the two of you, it was a kind of goodbye adventure before you entered the second half of your twenties soon.
You stepped back and looked at your boyfriend’s face. He started to pose cutely for you as he noticed your pleased expressions. Everyone here wore some kind of unique makeup, from bold colors to little pieces of art. Wooyoung wanted to try one as well after watching you carefully draw gold and silver eyeshadow all morning, decorating it with little silver stones around your eyes.
“How do I look?” he asked, waiting for you to say something. Wooyoung’s face never ceased to amaze you — his sharp chin, dark eyes, and the way his long hair framed his face always made him look like a faerie or what you imagined they would look like.
“I like it. You should wear butterflies more often,” you gently teased with a smile.
Wooyoung pulled out his phone to check his appearance with his selfie camera, carefully turning his face around.
He wanted something different, so you drew him a colorful butterfly and sacrificed some of the jewel stickers you meant to keep for tomorrow. But who cared for that when you had tonight?
“I admit, I didn’t think it would look cool, but I like it a lot. Thanks, y/n,” he leaned in and quickly kissed you.
Your friends decided not to come along; the tickets had been pricey and the journey quite long, but for the two sweethearts in love, no distance could stop them.
Wooyoung had always been full of energy. When you wanted to go somewhere, he would take your hand and drag you along. If you felt insecure, he’d do something silly to make you laugh, and when you were sad, he sat by your side, holding you tightly and rambling until your thoughts calmed down.
This was how you fell in love, but your passion for music was shared long before you became a couple.
You fixed the shirt that Hongjoong designed for you—two outfits for each of you in exchange for some photos for his Instagram account. He really outdid himself with them once more.
“Let’s take the photos for Hongjoong before we leave. Knowing us, we’ll likely spill some drinks on them or maybe fall in the muddy hole close to the shower area,” you joked, but it wasn’t unlikely.
Wooyoung was reckless, and you were infamous for being somewhat clumsy at times, at least while in a rush.
He nodded and grabbed his phone. “I’ll take some of you, then we’ll swap and ask somebody to take some of us together.”
You nodded. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Let’s go over to the art walls; I think that will make a nice background.” Next to music, many artists had come here to take advantage of the large number of potential interests.
“Now, show me your best faces!” Wooyoung went into position, and you chuckled and made some silly poses related to festivals. “There we go. Hongjoong should pay us for this,” he chuckled.
After a few more, the two of you switched. All of the pictures turned out rather nice, and you found another visitor who helped to take some couple ones.
“Those are cute,” Wooyoung replied with a smile as the two of you looked at them together. “Can you send them to me? I’ll use one as a lock screen.”
You gave him a quick nod. “Sure, I’ll do that later. For now, we really should get going. It’s almost time for the acts on the Ocean stage we wanted to see.”
The two of you had decided to sleep in, take it slow, and stay up all night to watch the performances you would likely enjoy the most. Not to mention, the heat proved to be challenging, and the evening offered a welcoming cool-down of the temperature.
“Let’s go!” Wooyoung was easily excitable, just as you got to know him. He was unlike all your other friends who were never easy to convince to do something wild like going to this festival, but he was up for it all. When you told him you got two tickets, he didn’t even hesitate; it was just obvious he would accompany you.
His hand was warm and soft as the two of you walked towards the stage area. The more people around you, the tighter he held it so there was no way to separate the two of you.
The thought of it caused a warm flush on your cheeks as you squeezed his hand gently, and Wooyoung flashed you an excited smile.
On stage, the artists were currently preparing for their session. It was a rock band the two of you loved because they played on the radio on your very first date when your car got stuck in traffic, and you didn’t make it to your restaurant reservation. Looking back, this was already almost two years ago—time was flying by.
“Actually, the view from here isn’t too bad, is it? I’d say it’s fine we didn’t go for the VIP tickets,” not that they would have been within your budget.
While the people around you were vibing to the music that was playing as a filler, it seemed Wooyoung only had eyes for you. “Do you want to get something to drink before they start?” you asked, trying to hide the blush that mixed with your makeup.
He only shook his head a little, his arms curled around your waist to pull you closer. “I am fine just like this. You are more tempting than any drink I could think of.” Of course, he had to be a tease even here.
You rolled your eyes playfully. “I will remind you next Friday when you complain about how your friends went to the bar without you because you decided to sleep in.”
He grinned. “Well, that is different. Besides, maybe it is just my strategy to have an excuse to stay with you instead.”
“Of course, you’d never just be lazy and admit that you forgot about it.”
Wooyoung bumped his nose against yours, grinning. “Absolutely, that’s it! You are my favorite person to spend time with. It’s so hard to ignore you, though. You walked into that dance studio, and since then, there has been no way to escape for me.”
Meeting him had been so unplanned and sudden, making you feel silly for developing a crush so quickly after always being teased for taking forever to fall in love. It wasn’t that you lacked confidence; you just didn’t seem to be an easy case to win over, but Wooyoung had been great at it.
He was about to lean in to kiss you when the music started to play and the crowd cheered loudly, causing both of you to wince a little just to laugh about it.
“Time to shine,” he grinned, taking your hand again to lead the two of you deeper into the crowd. Wooyoung loudly joined their cheers, and after laughing about his enthusiasm, you did the same, grinning at one another.
To sing and dance along with thousands of people while the sun was slowly setting and nature surrounded the area was freeing and different from how a concert hall captured a crowd when seeing one of your favorite artists playing there.
After some time, you could feel his arms curl around your body from behind once more, and you closed your eyes for a moment before leaning in to meet his lips in a kiss while vibing together.
Just like this, hours passed, and the night was welcomed by the rainbow lights of the stages. Eventually, Wooyoung reached for your hand and started to pull you away through waves of people.
“Where are we going?” you asked with a curious gaze, but Wooyoung just waved for you to follow him. When you made it out, he started to head towards one of the nearby hills.
You were quite sure that visitors weren’t supposed to go there, but it wouldn’t be Wooyoung if he didn’t pretend like he didn’t know that.
When he found a spot he liked, Wooyoung pulled you down to sit on his lap and curled his arms around you. From here, you could easily see the festival with its endless lights and hear the loud cheers of the visitors.
“This is nice,” you hummed and sighed a little. Your boyfriend nodded as he placed a few loose kisses on your hair.
“I am really enjoying this trip. Thank you for taking me here,” he whispered, but you just smiled.
“Of course, I love your adventurous and playful side; it makes it so much more fun. Who else would steal me to a location we very surely aren’t supposed to be at?”
He grinned. “Pft, we will behave so they will be okay. I just want to enjoy the view with my favorite person.”
You leaned your head back a little to look at him. “Hey, Wooyoung.”
“Hm?” he brushed through your hair, waiting to see what you had to say. There was a moment of hesitation, wondering if maybe it was silly, but you gave in anyway.
“The second half of my 20s, I’d love to spend it with you, no matter if it’s like this or just us lying in your bed, playing old video games.”
Ah yes, maybe it was your age that finally turned you into a sappy person, but he just smiled and pressed another kiss onto your face.
“Well, I actually also intend to make your 30s more entertaining. Then we will have to see what the 40s bring for us. Rock musicians often only really started to thrive in their 50s. I am sure we can keep coming up with brilliant ideas.”
You poked his shoulder, laughing and shaking your head. “You really are something… but that sounds fun, count me in.”
He seemed pleased with your answer, and the two of you moved so you could finally kiss properly, your hands resting on his cheeks as you closed your eyes.
Wooyoung was leaning in, pulling you closer, eyes shut as he seemed to grow a little more confident until a voice interrupted your moment.
“Hey, you two! This place is off limits for festival visitors!” The security called out and was heading towards you up on the hill.
You blinked in surprise, but Wooyoung already pulled you up. “Well, looks like you also get your villain era before you turn twenty-five. Ready to run?”
He grinned at you, but you knew he was right. Risking being kicked out when you still had all of tomorrow wasn’t exactly appealing, but you weren’t scared.
If anything, Wooyoung really was a bad influence on you, and you grinned back. “Ready when you are.”
He chuckled and quietly counted to three before the two of you started to sprint down the hill on the other side.
All that was left to hear was the cursing of the security and for you to smile, knowing life would never be boring with Wooyoung by your side.
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okaerina · 1 year
𖥻 THINGS — enhypen ◌ ִ ۫ ּ
syn ; things enha reminds me of !
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heeseung !
dangly earrings, pendent chains, skinny ripped jeans, rock guitar, clubbing, late studio night, concerts, rainy empty street, love songs, specs, ice cream, deers, rainforest, going over the speed limit, long drive, polaroids, balcony, tattoos, collage campus, basketball, getting into fist fights, breaking rules, warm breeze, kisses, sharing earphones, untied shoelaces, sleeveless tops, cross jewelries, chase atlantic songs
jay !
red wine, ball dance, guitar, empty kitchen, champagne bubbles, tuxedo suits, runaway, black cat, fashion magazines, gold jewelries, camping, eucalyptus, biking, biker jackets, street racing, late night walks, city lights, porsche, cologne, the weeknd songs, loose tie, fancy restaurant, chanel bags, iced americano, home, long hugs, words of affirmation, eye contact, autumn, posh music, v necks, opera, musical recital, marriage, ancient churches
jake !
pancakes, golden retrievers, empty parks, cardigans, picnic, wolf pups, landscapes, abstract art, lip piercings, makeout sessions, mornings, cream, sheets, swimming, sand castles, tree houses, venus, varsity player, rings, clashing waves, sun shinning through curtains, backyard, champagne, sparkly eyes, netflix and chill, forehead kisses, caramel fudge, winter, jb songs, garden, lilies, lipstick stains
sunghoon !
sculptures, greek mythology, snow, ice skating, pointe shoes, swan lake, ice rinks, rhinestones, vampires, sharp canines, royalty, huskies, novels, cruise, 90s songs, ear muffs, moon phase, poetry, dandelions, maple leaves, vanilla shake, pearls, penguins, blush, lucid dreams, confessions, lullaby, archangels, romance movies, boyfriend coats, monsoon, hair blowing because of the wind, moles, tears, old love, unrequited love, ribbons, weddings
sunoo !
sun, tulip field, solar system, marshmallows, tteobokki, street food, shopping, karaoke, smiles, cute stationeries, stickers, secret diary, cheek kisses, mufflers, red foxes, bratz doll, playdate, selfies, carnations, easter, boba tea, bestfriends to lovers, cherry blossoms, lip gloss, skincare, disney shows, late night face timing, gossiping, watching kdramas, sanrio stuffs, blowing bubbles, photo booths, texts, horizon
jungwon !
kittens, valleys, teenage dream, gold fish, aquariums, subways, cds, headphones, empty bus rides, babybreaths, holding hands, first love, taylor swift songs, messy hair, vacation, countryside, group study, constellations, piggyback ride, dimples, converse, empty classroom, sheep cubs, indoor plants, mini cactus, namsan tower, han river, late fall, vintage hand written letters , young love, romcom, kitties
ni-ki !
graffiti, sunsets, baggy pants, late night dance jam, empty beach, bicycling, sea shore, ear piercings, watermelon, summer, slow dancing, grass field, bungeoppangs, duck chicks, disneyland, ps5, arcade, puma cubs, eskimo kisses, bracelets, youth, climbing fences, skipping school, skateboarding, mangas, school festivals, footsies, cute band aids, oversized attires, j-rock, night sky, laughters, slice of life, teenage, playfulness, photo booths, anime, shoujo manga
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© aenfilmz / 02072023
taglist ; @solarwoniii @shiningstar-byulxx @wtfhyuck @ichiibunztwt @enhawhoreist
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hannahssimblr · 2 months
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We spend the afternoon here, talking about all the things that come into our heads, most of which is music, happily, as I always have a lot to say on the subject. I let her go through my CD collection, and she confesses she hasn't heard of most of the artists.
“Bloc Party, really?” I say, showing the CD to her. “You don’t know them?”
“No! Why would I?”
“I don’t know, because they’re famous?”
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“I know Eminem,” she picks that one out of the pile, and I smirk, “That’s a pretty old one. I don’t really listen to it anymore.”
“Hm,” she turns it over in her hands. “Well, just letting you know, you forgot to take all the stickers off.” Her thumb nail picks at the corner of the parental advisory sticker, and I snatch it out of her hands. 
“No, leave it.”
“Leave it?”
“Yeah, the sticker stays on. C’mon, everyone knows that.”
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She examines me like I’m the weirdo. “Um! It’s a sticker, the same as a price tag. You just peel it off like a normal person would.”
“No, you keep it on so everyone knows you listen to music with bad words in it.”
This makes her laugh. “Oh, yeah, very important. Sorry. I would have peeled it off, because if my mam saw an album with that sticker on it, she’d have brought it to the charity shop the next day.”
“Bit strict, hm?”
“Yeah, I suppose. She just doesn’t like the idea of me being exposed to certain things.”
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I’d like to ask Evie what specifically she’s not allowed to be around, but judging by the bizarre way Shane clucks around her like a mother hen, I can guess. Alcohol. Drugs. Boys like me. I’m curious what it’s like to have parents that care about any of that stuff. I can’t imagine. 
“How would she feel about you coming to the festival? Does she know there’ll be songs with bad words there?”
“No, obviously,” she gives me a playful shove, “She’s not going to be going on iTunes and finding the artists. She barely even knows how to use the internet, and she’ll be fine about the festival as long as she knows Shane is there.”
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“What’s it with Shane, anyway?”
“Oh, God. She loves Shane. For some reason, she’s just obsessed with him, and keeps trying to get me to go out with him.”
“You don’t want that though, do you?”
She snorts. “Hardly. That’d be so weird.” She grabs my Prodigy CD and slips the booklet from inside. “He’s like my brother or something. It’s just sick.”
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“Right, right, so, like, just curious, what kind of guy would you-”
“That’s you,” she interrupts, holding a picture of Keith Flint with his tongue out up to my face. He’s got that green, clown hair thing going on and really intense black makeup under his eyes. I laugh, surprised. “What?”
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“That’s you,” she taps her nail against it. “Him.”
“Why? Because he looks bad?”
A shrug, “Yeah.”
God, it’s so stupid. I understand there is no sophistication to this joke, that it’s just an ugly-looking man, but that’s exactly why it’s so funny. She grins at me as I snicker into the back of my wrist. “What?”
“You know that’s good, c’mon.”
“I actually don’t know why I even said that. That’s the sort of thing I say in my own head.”
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“Very funny, okay, well two can play at that game.”
I reach for my Dodos, Beware of the Maniacs album, and she starts protesting before I can say a word. “No!” she says, “No, no! That’s not me!”
“Uh huh!” 
“That’s offensive, you can’t say that!”
“Evie…” I show her the image.
“...Is that you?”
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I grab her leg and we fall about, howling, wiping tears from our eyes, laughing until I think I might be sick. If someone ever asked me what we were laughing about, I’d have to play it off, and pretend that I didn’t really think it was so funny, that it was a bit juvenile and stupid, but I would be lying about the first part. For some reason, nothing has even been as hilarious as pointing to an image of a big, looming bald man’s face and asking Evie if it is her.
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It goes on like this, as we try to find more ugly things to compare each other to, eventually pulling that magazine from under my bed and wiping off the dust to flip through, eventually landing on an very serious article about a family of inbred royals from Austria. We don’t even have to say anything. I just turn the page and we start shrieking. 
“Oh, God,” Evie’s face is red, and she has tears in her eyes. “I promise I’m usually not this weird in front of people.”
“Me neither, fuck sake, we have to calm down.” 
We look at the picture and burst out laughing again. 
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I decide it would be cool, eventually, to show off my immaculate, curated CD collection. I hold her hostage while starting and stopping my CD player, running through all the best songs and the best albums in my possession. Evie keeps pretending to know them, but then doesn't recognise their biggest hits. 
“Of course I know Gorillaz,” she scoffs. “I just don’t know this song, is all.”
“This is Feel Good Inc.”
“Yeah, I just don’t know it.”
“You’re lying to me!”
“No! I’m not caught up on new music yet! I don’t have time for everything…”
“This album is five years old.”
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When I try to teach her German, she fares no better. She pores over my textbook, trying her best to pronounce all the long words at the back, the ones that are, like, five different words squashed together into one. I understand the difficulty on one hand, but on the other, it's really not that complicated.
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“You have to stop trying to pronounce them weird.” I'm know I am beginning to come across as an impatient person. “It’s not like French. Just think in English.”
She takes a determined breath and gallantly butchers the word “entschuldigung.”
We go back to the start of the book and try “eins, zwei, drei” again. 
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“I’m tired of this! I can’t do the throat sound,” she protests, so I relinquish the book and lay it on the bedside table. 
“Well, just pointing it out, but you’d get it after a while if you kept trying.”
She peers at me. “It’s not a very nice language, is it? It sounds harsh.”
“There’s something about it,” I say. “Like any language, you know? Once you get to know it, you start to discover the nice things.”
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“Are you worried about having to speak it all the time?”
“Kind of. I’m mostly worried that I’ll have a strong accent, you know? And everyone will just think of me as the foreign guy, rather than who I really am.”
“Hm, yeah, I never thought about that.”
“It’s hard to be myself when I speak German. I just don’t know how to express what I want to say, or to be funny and whatever.”
 “Well, you could just show them an ugly picture in a magazine and say ‘ist das du?’”
“Thanks, I’m sure I’ll come across great.”
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Her eyes dart across my face. “I don’t think you should worry. I think everyone will like you, even if you have a bad accent. They’ll know just by being around you that you’re cool, and they’ll line up to be your friend.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, Jude, I think you’re really nice.”
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I smile. Resting my head mightn’t have been the greatest idea, because my body quickly informs me it is time to give in and sleep. Insomniac nights routinely catch up on me by the afternoon, and now heaviness pulls at my lids. With the sun heating my body through the window, and the soft, dreamy melody of a Radiohead song coming from the speakers, I want to stop fighting. Evie too watches the waves outside the window, and her breath moves with them, a meditation. I shut my eyes. It’s just for a few minutes, just to ease the sting. Then we can talk some more. I really want to talk to her more…
Beginning // Prev // Next
Corresponding LG Chapter
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chaos-bites · 6 months
☀️ Subtle Baldr Worship 🌱
@broomsick helped a lot with this list!!!
Drink herbal tea or tea that you like; raise a glass to him!
Take an herbal or relaxing bath/shower
Grow your own herbs or produce
Collect flowers; press flowers; decorate with flowers; make a flower crown
Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Have a stuffed animal of animals that you associate with summer; keep childhood stuffed animals or ones that comfort you
Have symbols of sunrises, sunsets, summer, flowers, citrusy fruits, or anything you consider beautiful around
Decorate using fairy lights or lanterns
Practice writing if you'd like (poetry, stories, etc.); read your old writing, and celebrate any improvements you notice!
Sketch or draw - any sort of creative expression
Practice forgiveness and compassion, especially towards yourself
Set time aside to relax and decompress
Take a walk/hike in nature/a forest, especially on a sunny day
Meditate or sit in the sunlight
Fall asleep/meditate to the sound of birds or ambient forest sounds
Eat fruit, especially citrus fruits
Nurture and express your wonder towards the world around you; let yourself view the world from the perspective of a child; find the beauty in every day things
Practice emotional regulation as well as feeling your feelings
Find healthy emotional outlets; drawing, boxing, dancing, singing, etc.
Cloud-watching and star-gazing
Camp in the forest; sit in nature for awhile
Listen to music that calms or comforts you
Spend time with loved ones or pets
Support humanitarian or environmental preservation organizations
Cook yourself a delicious meal
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Donate clothes, food, blankets, hygiene kits, etc. to homeless shelters
Take care of yourself physically and emotionally
Exercise; get some movement throughout your day, even just stretching
Play with your pets
Engage with childhood media/activities
Keep a self-care/self-love journal
Keep a personal diary filled with both positives and negatives; sketch in it, add stickers to it, make it your own!
Make a list of things you enjoyed and things you disliked about the day at the end of it
Make your space comfortable for you; make it your own!
Hang your accomplishments, drawings/paintings, or creations on your walls
Celebrate your achievements, even the little ones
Dance to music you enjoy, especially if it makes you feel lively
Light a bonfire for him; sit alone or gather around it with loved ones
Make s'mores or similar treats on a summer night
Tell stories around a fire
Try new things; take risks, and go outside of your comfort zone; be spontaneous
Visit an amusement park, local fair, or local festivals; engage with celebration and fun!
Learn about the local flora and fauna
Learn about herbs and their different properties/usages, especially in a Norse/Viking context; try to use them in those ways
Clean trash in your neighborhood or environment; recycle if you can
Feed neighborhood birds, cats, dogs, etc.
Practice mindfulness; try meditation if you can
Try bird-watching or wildlife watching
Practice open-mindedness; try to comprise with others; agree to disagree
Honor your ancestors or passed loved ones; learn about your family history
I may add more later on! For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Baldr. I got a lot of help from @broomsick who is extremely knowledgeable on Baldr and other Norse gods. I recommend checking them out if you have any questions! Thank you, and I hope this post helps! 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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tamapalace · 2 months
Bandai Namco US Shows off Tamagotchi Uni, Connection, and Original at Sweet Suite 2024!
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image source: tolovelfromvine on Instagram
Back to New York for Sweet Suite! Bandai Namco attended The Toy Insider’s annual Sweet Suite event, which is an invitation only event for influencers and press to get their first looks at the hottest toys for the upcoming holiday season.
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This year it was hosted at a new venue, The Glasshouse located in Hell's Kitchen.
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image source: tolovelfromvine on Instagram
Bandai has a lot to show off these days, and they sure did! First the Tamagotchi booth at the event is super cute booth that featured banners of both the new Tamagotchi Uni Angel Festival and Monster Carnival, was well as the Tamagotchi Connection 20th Anniversary. Talk about setting the stage for an incredible fall lineup!
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image source: tolovelfromvine on Instagram
Visitors were able to get some hands-on time with the new Tamagotchi Connection 20th Anniversary which connected to the table by wire, did not connect with others, and ran demonstration software that allows the Tamagotchi character to not die.
The latest Tamagotchi Originals were on display, along with the Tamagotchi Uni, both outside and inside their packaging. Bandai did show off the new Angel Festival, Monster Carnival, and Sanrio Uni’s! There was also a small display of both 50th Anniversary Hello Kitty Tamagotchi Nano shells.
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image source: tolovelfromvine on Instagram
Bandai was also handing out Tamagotchi stickers which featured Tamagotchi Original, Tamagotchi Connection, and Tamagotchi Uni on them. There was even a photo opportunity where you could take a picture in the screen of a Tamagotchi Connection 20th Anniversary True Friends Pack!
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image source: rebecca.krauss on Instagram
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wannabe-fic-writer · 10 months
Kate Bishop x Reader : Kiss Me
Summary: The time has arrived to bring the holiday spirit into your home. Covers the ‘Decorations’ square of Holiday Bingo.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1k
* * * * * * *
Snow slowly falls from the sky, further covering the ground below, and adding to the vibe you were working to create.
Standing in front of the large windows, you reach into the bag at your side and pull out yet another red snowflake sticker. You take a small step back to look over the expanse of the window, making sure you space out the red and green stickers properly. With the visual confirmation that you have, you step closer again and stick the red snowflake on the glass.
After that, you turn to the box on the table and take out the tangled up string of holiday lights.
“I thought you said you untangled these things.” Your teasingly accusatory tone cuts through the air that, previously, was only filled with the sounds of rummaging and Sleigh Ride by the Nickelodeon Cast.
From downstairs, Kate’s head pops around the corner, eyes a little wide like she’s been caught. She knows that she has when she sees jumbled up cables in your hands.
“Okay, I started to,” she begins her explanation while stepping further into view,“ and I even got a few of them done but my arms got tired and the chords were so long.. so I quit.” Her sentence ends with a pout.
You can’t help but shake your head, a low chuckle falling from your lips as you drop the lights back into the box.
In all fairness, it’s always a hassle to untangle your Christmas lights. Granted, had they been stored properly in the first place, this wouldn’t have been a problem but that’s neither here nor there. 
With the window and landing decorated completely, well, almost completely, you head back down the stairs. Your girlfriend is still standing by the stairs with a pout on her lips.
“It’s okay baby,” you assure her with a gentle hand on her cheek,“ I probably wouldn’t have done them all either.” You run your thumb over her pouty lips and it elicits a smile from her, right before she kisses your thumb.
“You didn’t need them anyway, it looks great.” She says while slipping an arm around your waist, pulling you flush into her side.“ I do think it’s missing something though.”
A frown instantly covers your features and you snap your gaze away from her over to the window and landing. How could something be missing? You were over there for nearly an hour, doing your absolute best to make the space look as festive as possible.
The plan to decorate the apartment was made long before today. In fact, when you moved in with Kate earlier in the year you both discussed your favorite holidays and how you would want to spend them now that you live together. One of your favorites had always been Christmas and decorating was an absolute must.
So, the instant stores started selling decorations, you and your girlfriend were buying them. Bit by bit you acquired all the items you needed to “perfectly” decorate the apartment: garland, stickers, ornaments, lights, a tree, etc. 
With everything ready to go, you woke up this morning on a mission to fully decorate the apartment. After big steaming mugs of hot cocoa, topped with a few too many marshmallows, were made and your Christmas playlist was blasting through the apartment, you began.
Kate’s place being so open was both a challenge and a blessing. It served as a huge blank canvas but the lack of walls meant that certain decorations couldn’t be used.
Still, you made it work. The tree was up in the living/dining room, lights and garland wrapped around it with ornaments spread about on it. Lights were strung up on the wall and the figurines you bought were scattered around on tables and shelves.
Very little was done to the kitchen, just some mini tree figures on the island, mini wreaths on every other cabinet, and a red Christmas themed rug on the floor.
Kate’s archery/workout area just had tinsel and lights strung up around the archway and she hung some ribbons from the shelves.
Then there’s the landing, which you worked on. It was decorated with snowflake stickers on the windows, tinsel looping along the tops of them, while fake snow covered the window sill and the floor below it with mini snowmen and penguins on top. You’d also wrapped some lights and tinsel around the stair railings.
It looks amazing. Perfect even. So you’re confused as to what your girlfriend means.
“Okay no.” You shake your head, looking from Kate to the landing.“ I did an incredible job. There’s nothing miss-”
When you look back at the brunette she’s sporting a smirk, her other arm raised up as she holds a singular mistletoe above your head.
“I think the space could definitely use a few of these.” She whispers with implication.
“Oh? You really think they’ll make a difference?”
The small gap between you two has been gradually closing since she held the mistletoe up, her lips but a whisper away from yours.
“You tell me.” Are her words before she closes that miniscule gap and crashes her lips onto yours.
Hands instantly wrap around her waist as you equally melt into the kiss and her embrace. She drops the mistletoe, freeing her hand so that she can raise it and cup your cheek. 
You feel the corners of her lips quirk up a little as she fights a smile but it inevitably comes up anyway and the second your lips meet her teeth you pull away with a giggle.
Smile still lighting up her face she asks,“ you think it’ll make a difference?”
“Definitely,” you nod, still a little dazed from the kiss.
Kate smirks, pecking your lips softly before she scoops up the mistletoe and moves to hang it from the doorway into her training area.
“Nope, we’re gonna need more.” Grabbing her waist, you pull her back into you," a whole lot more.” You mumble before initiating yet another kiss.
* * * * * * *
Taglist: @owloftheshadows @blackxwidowsxwife @b-5by5 @lostandsearching @iliketozoneout @alotofpockets @storiesofsvu
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littlejazzy · 1 year
🎃👻 Boo Basket Ideas for Littles 👻🎃
If you haven't heard about them before, a Boo Basket (or Boo Bucket or Boo Bag) is a basket filled with Halloween and fall-themed goodies - so, basically, a Halloween-themed Easter basket 😅
They're intended to be given to people of all ages - from parents to kids, neighbor to neighbor, spouse to spouse - basically, they're for everyone!
The reason I think these Boo Baskets are LITERALLY PERFECT for littles is because, for a lot of them, they either aren't comfortable or can't go out to go trick or treating. If that's not an option, then many are happy to simply pass out candy to trick-or-treaters... except when they can't even get the satisfaction from that because of a lack of trick or treating in their neighborhood.
There are always other available events, from local fairs, fall festivals, trunk-or-treats in random parking lots, theme parks, amusement parks, and other pay-a-fee-to-walk-around-and-get-candy events - but some littles may not be able to attend one of these either.
With no big event or activity to do, then some littles may feel left out or are otherwise let down by the time Halloween Day arrives.
But! Getting a Boo Basket can give them something to look forward to!
The Boo Basket itself can be anything - a trick-or-treat bucket, a woven basket, a cauldron, a paper bag - what matters is that it fits whatever you put inside it! It doesn't have to be big, nor do you have to put lots of items in it, it's the thought that counts!
Some things you can put in a Boo Basket:
Comfy Things! This is a big category that stretches from cozy socks to big, soft blankets! There's also sweaters, hoodies, and/or special Halloween pajamas!
Candles! Scents play a large part in setting a mood - from scents like Pumpkin Pie to a Ghostly Graveyard, there are plenty of aromas for any type of little!
A Mask! Depending on the little, one can tuck in a spooky, rubber monster mask, a fun, shiny plastic mask, or a plain wooden or paper cut-out mask that the little can decorate themselves!
Toys! There are so many possible toys one can throw in, but some ideas are a Halloween stuffie, a themed doll, a horror action figure, a wind-up toy, or a container of slime!
Books! There are plenty of picture books that are appropriately themed, as well as coloring books, but for older littles, some spooky horror books can also be a fun treat!
A Movie! Physical media isn't dead, so putting in a DVD or BluRay can be fun! There are compilations of Halloween episodes for kids shows, family-friendly flicks, and scary horror movies!
Treats! Any treat you think the little in question would like can go right in! From sweets like chocolates, gummies, lollipops, cookies, and marshmallows to more savory things like popcorn, pumpkin seeds, chips, and pastries, there are plenty of food one can throw in! Don't feel limited to food items though, as hot chocolate or coffee can be just as special!
Other Bits and Bobs! Stickers, bookmarks, lotions, bathbombs, glow sticks, puzzles, fidgets, decor, if you think the little in question would like it, toss it in!
If all these items and the variety of items are a bit overwhelming, one can also make a themed Boo Basket!
Some specific themes for a Boo Basket:
A Recipe and its Ingredients! Collecting all the items necessary for a specific recipe can make for a fun activity! You can also throw in new cutlery, flatware, or cups!
Movie Night! A blanket, movie, and popcorn - along with any other treats - can make for a perfect movie night!
Slime! Instead of simply buying some slime, making a slime recipe of choice is another fun activity - especially if themed mix-ins are there!
Glow Party! Halloween night is when festivities tend to start, so why not have a bunch of glow-in-the-dark items to play with when the sun goes down! Light-up items are just as fun, and last longer, so feel free to mix the two!
Sugar Rush! Just fill the basket with as much sugar-filled items as possible :) Your little can handle it responsibly :) It's fine :)
Jack-o'-Lantern! Place a medium to large pumpkin in the basket, along side either a carving kit or painting kit! Placing the ingredients preferred for roasted pumpkin seeds can make the whole affair an event! Toss in some mini pumpkins and markers to make a whole family!
Most of the items listed can be bought at a dollar store or other bargain stores, so they can be made with any budget! Don't stress about the amount of items you're getting, as, again, it's the thought that counts!
I hope if anyone makes or gets a Boo Basket, themed or not, that it brings them some needed Halloween spirit!
👻🎃Happy Halloween! 🎃👻
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obetrolncocktails · 1 year
Ignition | Danny Wagner X f!Reader X Jake Kiszka | Part 7
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Warnings: angst, sexual tension, lying, cheating, fluff, use of alcohol, drugs. IT'S JAKE'S TIME TO SHINE.
Word Count: 4,459
Summary: Ignition is beginning to take a sharp turn, and Y/n's stuck in the middle of a terribly difficult situation.
Listen to the playlist!
Previous Chapter |
“What?” You asked Danny, who kept looking at you with too much enthusiasm. “Why do you keep looking at me like that?” You took a bite of your chocolate croissant, leaning over the table to get as few crumbs on your clothing as possible. 
“No reason,” he evaded the question, taking a swig of his cold brew. He licked his pointer finger and reached forward to press it to the croissant crumb that landed on your– well, Danny’s ribbed black t-shirt. You watched as he stuck it to his tongue. 
“No, something’s up,” you argued. “What is it?” You asked brightly, grinning. 
“Well, since you’re so cute, I think I’ll tell you,” he said finally, resting his elbows on the cafe table in front of him. “My friend, Madie, from high school is getting married next month, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me,” He looked up at you with a gentle sparkle in his eyes. “She would love you, you know. Plus, it’s back home in Frankenmuth. Also thought it would be cool to show you around. With it getting colder, it’s really beautiful this time of year.” You couldn’t stop smiling. You loved how he continued to throw in more reasons to appeal to you.
“I’d love to go!” You said excitedly. “Now I can see what all the hype is about. Maybe I’ll force you to go to Bronners for like what, the hundredth time?” 
Danny eyed you with amusement. “Probably thousandth.” he grinned, reaching for your hands. “But I’d walk through the store as many times as you like as long as I get to see that smile.” 
“You’re such a goob,” you told him with a wide smile. 
“You just caught me in a mushy moment, that’s all.” He smirked, standing up from his seat, reaching for the pastry wrappers on the table. “Gotta shed the rough and tumble exterior every now and then.”
“Liar. You’re so soft, Wagner.” You moved in to hug him from the side as he moved to toss away the garbage. “You’re the softest, sweetest biker I know.” You loved the way he looked down at you, his lips curling upward while his cheeks pinkened gently.
“Only for you,” he grinned, leaning down to kiss you on the top of your head. He’d driven the motorcycle today, surprising you at your front door with a helmet of your own, being sure to throw in a practical joke by placing a “passenger princess” sticker on the back of it. 
“Where next?” You asked, pulling the helmet over your head. 
“How much do you love Fall?” He asked, tugging his own helmet over his head, straightening it. 
“You know I love it. I literally just changed all of the decor at home and made you facetime me while doing it.” You watched the wrinkles form at the corners of his eyes as he smiled. 
“How about caramel apples, apple picking, apple cider donuts…?” He asked. “And pumpkin patches.” 
“What are you planning?” You asked him, poking his belly several times with the brightest smile on your face. He pulled you in, tilting his head down to look at you.
“How about a Fall festival?”
“What? It’s already time?” You said excitedly. “I’ve never been!” 
“Wanna go?” 
“Is that even a question? Get on the bike!” Danny chuckled softly before snapping the visor of his helmet down, obscuring his eyes. 
You watched as he stepped over the bike, straddling it. “Jump on, honeybee.” You wouldn’t admit it to him, but you adored the names he called you. 
Weeks ago, you’d noticed that a colony of bees had begun to nest under Danny’s front porch. It turned out that you knew far more about honeybees than you ever thought you did, and while you explained their habits and lifecycle to him, he stood leaning against his house grinning at you while beekeepers removed the bees and the biggest parts of the hive. “You’re my little honey bee,” he had said after a while, pulling you in for a soft kiss. He made you feel radiant; like no matter the weather, he’d be the sun on your skin, keeping you smiling every day. 
You hugged him close, feeling protected wrapped around him as he drove. The ride took a while, but you didn’t mind, busying yourself as you stared up at the passing trees, noticing how their colors have begun to change over the last two weeks. After a while, you felt his gloved fingertips interlacing with yours as you rested your head against his back.
Two weeks Later
“I probably won’t see you tonight,” Danny explained. “Dave’s show won’t be over until probably one, and then he asked me to help tear down.” You watched as he plucked his hoodie off of your couch, pulling over his head. “You sure you don’t wanna come?” He asked, grabbing his keys. 
You shook your head, taking a step toward him. “I just feel like being home tonight, baby.” You tilted your head up to him, waiting for him to kiss you. “Will you come here after you finish?” He leaned downward and kissed your lips softly before responding. 
“It might be really early in the morning,” he explained. “I know you have work.”
“I don’t care,” you shrugged, reaching for his hand. “Kiss me again. That first one was so good.” You watched the smile that you loved so much grow wider across his face. 
He leaned back down and kissed you several times, humming into every kiss, and just when he pulled away, you tugged him back down by the strings of his hoodie and stole one last hot kiss. “I’ll miss you.” 
“Don’t worry, Bee,” he said softly. “Keep the bed warm for me, ‘kay? I’ll be back before you know it.” You watched him leave, his corvette roaring down the street as he drove. 
You spent most of the evening lazing about on the sofa, letting your mind wander, but after a while, you realized that there was no hope when it came to combating boredom. You’d considered reaching out to friends, and while you knew you’d have fun, you felt a bolt of nervousness move through your body as you thought about Jake. You and him hadn’t spent time together in a long time, and, considering the conversation that you had with him at rehearsal, you figured you’d make things a bit easier by reaching out to him. 
Pulling out your phone, you selected his contact and pressed ‘call.’ You listened to the dial tone ring several times before he answered. 
“Hey Y/n,” he answered, his tone particularly bright and eager. 
“Hey. What are you up to?” You asked him, moving past awkward small talk. You listened as you heard the background noises of him moving around. 
“I’m at home debating if I want to drink or smoke myself into oblivion, if I’m being honest. It’s been a long ass day. What about you?” He asked. “Did you work today?”
You shook your head though he couldn’t see you. “No, but I work tomorrow. I’ve just been sitting around the house. Danny went to Dave’s show tonight, but I just didn’t feel like going out. I was wondering if you wanted to come over,” you finally said, feeling nervousness well in your gut. 
“You sure he’d be okay with that?” Jake asked carefully. 
“Yeah…we’re friends, right?” You asked slowly.
“Yeah–yeah we are,” Jake answered just as hesitantly. His tone sounded strange to you, but you dismissed it. 
 “Do you have prerolls?” You asked him. “It’s been forever since we’ve smoked, and honestly I could use it.”
“Is that even a question?” He asked with a soft chuckle. “I’ll be over in half an hour.” 
It was a relieving feeling to break at the walls that had grown between you and Jake. There was still so much tension between the two of you, but at the same time, you knew that he missed you just as much as you missed him, and you hoped that tonight would ease some of those uneasy feelings. 
Jake was late, of course, appearing at your door almost an hour later with a grocery bag in hand, a dark flannel shirt layered on top of a simple white t-shirt. “Howdy,” he said as he stepped into your house, holding a grocery bag. “I had a craving so I stopped at the store.” You watched as he pulled out two colorful, flat boxes out of the bag. “You remember these?” He asked. 
Your smile grew wide as you realized what they were. He’d picked up the pillsbury halloween cookies you loved, getting a box of each type–ghosts and jack-o-lanterns. “Oh my God!” You said with far too much excitement. “I fucking love these, holy shit!” 
“Jeez, if I knew you’d be that excited, I would have thrown in some more.” You looked at him and rolled your eyes. “I figured if we’d be smoking, we might as well have some snacks ready to go,” he grinned, walking into your kitchen and reaching into your cabinets to retrieve a sheet pan. 
“Make yourself at home,” you scoffed with a teasing grin. He turned over his shoulder and stuck his tongue out at you. “You missed me, don’t lie.” You watched as he shut the cabinet door with his foot, and placed the pan on the sheet pan on the countertop. 
“I did,” you said genuinely. “It’s been a long time since we’ve just–” you fished for words. 
“Hung out?” He asked, breaking the silence. 
“Yeah, but at the same time– I don’t know, it’s weird.” 
“It doesn’t have to be,” he said gently, glancing at you. “Weed, cookies, and a scary movie. Simple as that, right?” 
You nodded, releasing a heavy sigh. “Exactly.” 
Fifteen minutes later, fresh cookies were ready, and Jake had already burned himself in the attempt to pry them from the sheet pan too early, eager to steal the first cookie for himself. “That’s what you get for being impatient!” You scolded him. 
“Oh trust me, I’m very patient,” he said, looking into your eyes with an expression you couldn't quite place. 
You were silent for a long moment, watching him wiggle a spatula pitifully underneath several of the cookies. You watched them crack down the middle, sticking to the pan. “Jake, you really suck at this,” you admitted with a smirk. 
“It’ll eat the same. Fuck it,” he said, shoveling broken cookie into his mouth. 
“You’re literally a psychopath,” you teased him, grimacing at the wad of cookies in his fist. 
“I’m your worst nightmare,” he smirked. “When have you known me to ever be a normal, functioning human?”
You shook your head, reaching for a cookie, testing it for warmth and structure before popping it into your mouth. “Come on,” You said with a full mouth, sliding the spatula underneath the cooling cookies, placing them on a cold plate. You stepped over to the refrigerator and retrieved a half-full bottle of wine. “Do you have a lighter?” You asked Jake over your shoulder as he followed you to your bedroom upstairs. 
He nodded.
It was an older house, and given its character, the largest window in your room opened over the slant of the roof, which allowed for ease of access. You and Jake had spent countless nights crawling through this window lying under the stars, usually accompanied with liquor, wine or weed. You remembered the many evenings where you and Jake had spent hours talking about everything and nothing at all. Your mind poked at the more vulnerable thoughts, and you considered why you’d never spoken to him about your feelings on that roof while drunk or high. At least your feelings would have been protected–at least until you sobered yourself again. You silenced the thoughts in your head, hoping that the substances would keep your mind from wandering back to the unanswered questions. 
Dusk was rolling in quickly, and to the west you could see the last dying, pale streaks of pink that began to vanish into the horizon. “I can’t tell you the last time I’ve been up here,” you told him as you stepped out of the window, moving to sit in your usual place tucked between the angled pitch of the roof where it created a gable over the house. Here, you could recline comfortably against the shingles and watch the sky. 
“May,” Jake said, coming to sit cross legged beside you. You watched as he fiddled with the bracelets on his wrists, his long hair falling into his face. 
“What?” You asked him. 
“May 14th,” he continued. “That’s when we were out here last.” 
“How do you remember that?” You eyed him, surprised and impressed at his memory. 
“Just a good memory,” he answered with a shrug. His gaze remained downturned, his tone sounding evasive. You dismissed his strange disposition and leaned back to watch the sky darken above. You heard him dig into his pockets, and as you looked over, you saw him pull out the first joint, placing it between his lips. Shielding it from the wind, you watched as his hand cupped over the joint as he lifted the lighter to the end. It had been just as long since you’d smoked, and honestly, you’d craved it for a while now. Of course, you could have gotten high on your own, but you never smoked by yourself. It had always been yours and Jake’s way of celebrating the end of a hellacious week, or a way to say good riddance to particularly awful days. Plus, he was the one that had initially pulled you into the bad habit of being the occasional stoner. 
You watched as he took a long drag from the joint, the cherry glowing bright red as the paper burned. He exhaled through his nose, an opaque wisp of white smoke looping into the air in front of him. With his thumb and forefinger, he pinched it, pulling it from his lips and passed it over to you before leaning back on his elbows, shaking the hair from his face. 
The idea of his lips having touched the joint in your hand sent static coursing through your body even though you weren’t sure why you still felt this way. You thought you’d pushed the feelings away for long enough. You’d spent the last few months silently telling yourself that with enough time, the attraction would lessen, and this affliction would fade. It was becoming more and more apparent that you were terribly naive to believe Jake would cease to invade your thoughts. 
“What?” He asked, noting your hesitation as you looked down at the burning joint in your hand. 
“Oh, nothing,” you chuckled nervously, bringing it to your lips. You sucked on the end, breathing in the intoxicating essence, feeling the familiar burn in your lungs. You coughed as you took in the drag, unintentionally wasting the first moment of relaxation. You heard Jake’s laugh clang through your ears like church bells, and you couldn't help but grin too, curling forward to cough again. 
“Fuck,” you chuckled. “It’s been a while.” You took in another drag and willed yourself to hold in the smoke for a long moment, feeling your muscles relax and your mood lighten as you exhaled through your mouth in a long huff. You passed the joint back to him, watching silently as he took another puff on it. The thick, sulfurous odor hung low in the air, the headiness of the substance calming your senses as you leaned back against the roof, humming softly. 
“You always do that,” he said quietly, turning to you with an enthused grin. 
“Do what?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. 
“Hum while getting high,” he smirked. “I always loved that about you.” You looked at him for a long moment before turning back to look up at the stars. The moment was awkward, but you let it float. 
“Loved?” You asked him, willing yourself to not look at him. “Why past tense?”
Jake cleared his throat before speaking. “I didn’t mean it that way, I just meant–” he began, turning to you, pulling his knees to his chest where he sat. “You know, it’s been a while,” he explained. You nodded as you took in what he said. 
“I don’t want to be past tense in your life,” you told him quietly, your filter dissolving quickly. 
“Trust me, you could never not be in my life,” he assured you. 
“You weren’t for almost two months, Jake.” You tilted your head and looked at him. “You still didn’t answer me when I asked you.”
His expression moved to that of confusion. “Answer you about what?” 
“Why did you let our relationship fall apart? Why was I the one who had to pick it all up again when I was the one that was hurting? You should have been there for me. You know you should have.” You paused for a moment as you looked up at the sky, sighing deeply. You reached for the bottle of wine that you brought and slugged down a long gulp, waiting for him to speak. He remained silent. 
“Why can’t you answer me, Jake?” You raised your voice slightly, anger pitching higher and higher. “Every time I practically beg you to give me an answer that isn’t half bullshit, you give me nothing.” You stood up, and he echoed your movement, standing up as well. 
“Y/n, relax–” 
“Don’t tell me to relax, Jake!” Anger began to boil out of you. “Answer me! Why can’t you just be honest with me?!” 
“Because I’m fucking in love with you!” His eyes grew wide with frustration, his hands flying out in front of him as he lost his composure. “Okay?!” Silence lingered in the air, the only noise supplied by the passing cars below, and faint police sirens going off deeper in the city. You felt the evening breeze kiss your face. 
“You told me–” you began, taking a step toward him.
“And I’ve regretted it ever since.” 
You looked at him, unsure of what to say or what to do, but you knew one thing for sure. Those seven words simultaneously catapulted you into the heavens and slammed you back into the earth. Your mind wandered between all possible choices that you could have and should have made, but your body decided before you could stop yourself. You reached for his hand, and he pulled you in closer. In a combination of inebriation and poor impulse control, you let yourself drift into his space. And there he was. One of his hands laced through your hair, cupping the curve of your cheek, his thumb resting softly against your cheek as he tilted your head upward, the other placed on the side of your face. 
He watched you for a long moment, and when you did not deny his touch, he closed the remaining distance and kissed you hard. His touch was intensely possessive as he devoured you, mind, body and soul. You pressed your body against him, images of the last two years with him spinning through your mind. Jake would have usually approached something like this with more care, but tonight, either the substances or his impatience had turned this into a desperate embrace, a physical embodiment of the words that were so difficult for him to admit. He wanted you, and he knew he couldn’t have you–not honestly. He left you breathless, heaving for more air and more of him, but before it could move any further, you pushed him back gently with your hand against his chest, placing your forehead against his as you regained your breath and composure. 
“We can’t–” you began. 
“I know,” Jake said, his tone thin and breathless. “I’m too late.”
You weren’t sure what to say to him, because though you knew that he could sense the deep attraction and desire you had for him, you were already spoken for. You were with Danny, and you didn’t see that changing any time soon. You had no choice but to nod in response to him. 
“You are.” You felt his fingertips looping through your hair, spinning pieces of it around his fingertips as he paused there in the embrace. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I’m so sorry.” He took a step backward, and when he did, you could see the deep sadness set in his eyes, his hands falling down to his sides. You nodded slowly, hugging your arms close to your body, still feeling the reminder of his lips on yours.
You knew that this would create yet another rift between you both, and though you dreaded tonight’s outcome, you weren’t going to let it end here. “I’ll–I’ll go,” he said, bending down to reach for the untouched plate of cookies. 
“Jake, no–” you reached out for him. “Stay. Please–,” you watched as his gaze moved to your hand on his arm. He looked at you for a long, agonizing moment before he offered you a thin smile. “Don’t leave.” 
“Okay–okay,” he said, and you could sense the hesitation in his tone. His eyes were dark with want and regret, but you ignored it, knowing that you’d moved too close to dangerous territory. You offered him the same smile, mostly to reassure yourself before bending to pick up the wine bottle and plate of cookies, heading inside first, and hearing him follow close behind. 
“Please don’t say anything about–you know,” you pleaded with him as you landed at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Who exactly would I tell?” He asked, his eyes twinkling brightly for a split second. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“I don’t know, you’ve got two brothers who are possibly the nosiest people I’ve ever met,” you teased. “Just please. Danny can’t know.” 
Jake stuffed his hands into the pocket of his jeans and nodded. “Our secret.” 
The word twisted through your ears like barbed wire– sharp and painful. You nodded. 
“Can we just–watch a movie or something?” You asked him. It was getting late, and with Danny away, you really didn’t want to be alone. You’d gotten so used to switching between staying at Danny’s and him staying with you, that staying alone left you feeling unsettled. 
“Of course!” Jake said, practically vaulting over the couch, reaching for the remote. “Are you feeling in a spooky mood?” He asked brightly. 
“I’m in the mood for a stupid scary movie. You know, like the ones where the blonde with big tits gets killed first?” You grinned wider as his lips curled upward with amusement.
“How about Scream?” He suggested. “That’s a classic.” 
“If you can find it on the TV, sure.” You came to sit on the opposite end of the couch, reaching for the same bottle of wine from earlier and tilted it back, slugging down the sweet liquid. 
“Ah! Here we go!” He selected the movie and pressed play. You and Jake had watched plenty of movies before, and when you had become bored of the movie you were watching, you’d let your mind wander to different scenarios of what a life with him might look like. Now, watching this movie, you tried to force yourself to focus on the storyline. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Jake, who sat faced forward, picking at his jeans. 
Then, inevitably, your mind slipped from the movie, creating a new one in your head, painting different futures with both Jake and Danny and then comparing them to one another. Eventually, after you’d done enough of this, you felt your eyelids becoming heavier and heavier until you fell into the arms of sleep.
Jake’s POV
I feel her warmth against my skin as she sleeps, her head resting against my shoulder as she shifts in her sleep. I finish the movie while she sleeps, not because I am interested in the story, but because I want to have an excuse to enjoy her closeness for as long as possible before we have to return to reality. I change the program on the TV to something uninteresting, turning the volume down enough to fall asleep while hearing the aimless chatter. I ache for more of her, but relish in the closeness that we currently have here on this couch. I fall asleep with the memory of her lips on mine. 
“What are you doing here?” You heard as Danny spooked you awake. From where you lay, you couldn’t see him because you were wrapped around Jake, one arm under his body, your legs wrapped around him. You quickly crawled off of him as Jake stirred. 
“Wha-?” Jake asked sleepily, squinting his eyes up from the couch as he moved to right himself. 
“What are you doing here?” Danny asked again, his tone almost accusatory. You didn’t like the way his eyes roamed over Jake’s body, and even more so, the way he looked at you left you feeling hollow, as if caught in the act. 
“We were watching movies and fell asleep,” you said quietly, standing up from the couch. “We lost track of time.” 
“You’re not even dressed, Y/n. Don’t you have work?” Danny asked, his tone slicing through any chance at you having a good morning. 
“What time is it?” You asked, reaching for your phone, which was dead. 
“It’s seven,” he answered, crossing his arms across his chest. “Don’t you have to work at eight?” You nodded sleepily and stretched. 
“What are you doing here, babe?” You asked him. “You didn’t show up after the show.” 
“It was so late, and it just made more sense to crash with Dave. I texted you, but you didn’t answer. I brought your favorite breakfast. I figured we’d eat and then you could go to work, but now I don’t think we have time.”
“I’m just gonna head out,” Jake said, ruffling his messy hair with his fingertips. 
“Good idea,” Danny said frankly, narrowing his eyes at him. Jake didn’t look away from Danny, only returned his gaze with equal intensity. 
As he left, Jake offered you a sheepish goodbye, and you watched him walk out of the front door without looking back. 
“What was that, Danny?” You asked him wide eyed.
“Do you have something to tell me?” His eyes were dark with jealousy. 
“I don’t. Is there a problem?” You asked, crossing your arms across your chest. 
“Here.” Danny handed you the bag he’d been holding. It was from Carlotta’s, one of your favorite breakfast places. 
“Nothing happened,” you lied. Something did happen, just not what Danny thought. 
“Okay,” he said, though you knew very well that it wasn’t.
End of Part 7.
Taglist: @ohgodthefeeling-gvf, @astreamofcolors, @sammysobaby, @gretavanfreakmadie, @weneedsomehealing123, @sarahstardust7, @strawberryblondeee, @squirreledelman,@madneedshelp, @watchingover-hypegirl, @llightmyllovee, @moralmorbid, @gretavangroupie, @jordie-gvf-admin, @brujamagik, @gretasmokerising, @ascendingtothestarsasone, @mama-likes72, @gold-mines-melting, @myownparadise96, @sanguinebats @sulkyrie, @mackalah, @interstellar-shores, @jakekiszkasmommy, @laneygvf, @overtheehillsandfarawayy, @takenbythemadness, @joshskittytickler21, @jaketlove, @gretasfallingsky, @starshine-gvf, @itsdannysworld, @lipstickitty, @scoreofinfantryvines, @capturethechaos, @tripthelightfatality @hippievanfleet @demolitionndann @thetroublegetssoloud71, @malany-gvf, @gvfmarge, @idontlikelizards, @dont-go-home-without-me, @ace-harrington, @jjwasneverhere, @writingcold @starcatcherry @cherrybugbaby @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Continued: after falling in love with Y/n and his performance. Both Henry and Alex became a hugest supporters like once they find out he made it to the Grand festival they both send him a beautiful new suit for him to perform in.
Ever since the contest, Henry and Alex were invested in Y/N's career as a coordinator. They'd watch him perform whenever they got the chance to sit down and watch him on TV. They'd watch him win or lose, until he finally had all five ribbons to compete in the Grand Festival.
They had been ecstatic to learn that Y/N was competing in such a big event, that they became Y/N's biggest supporters. Alex would blow him up on his social media and spread the word of Y/N and his excellent performances. Prince Henry would often keep track of him and ask his staff and advisors to send him little gifts anonymously. Nothing big, just potions, or PokeBalls. Sometimes food for his Pokemon.
It wasn't until they finally met up that they decided to buy him a nice suit for hi to perform in. "I was thinking about something elegant. Something the audience will love." Henry said over lunch.
Alex nods. "I think I know just the place."
They settled on a sparklingly blue jacket over a button up shirt and pants. The top hat was a bit much as they also bought some seal stickers for him to make his Pokemon's appearance more flashy with ball capsules too.
A few days before the grand opening, both young men traveled to where the Festival was going to be held, and presented Y/N with the suit they had purchased for him. Y/N looks at them. "This is very kind of you both, but I can't accept this."
"Why not? You've certainly earned. Hasn't he, Alex?"
"He has. You've worked hard to get here and this suit is a gift from us. To say good luck, and we'll still be your biggest fans, whether you win or lose."
They both leaned forward and kissed his cheeks.
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preciadosbass · 1 month
11/8/24 [PARAGRAPH 3 & 4!!! — draft from sunday. key & significant photo/s at end]
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woke up at 10:20 and made myself breakfast. i ate it outside with boris in the sun and tried my best to be productive while being on my phone [e.g, make a fursona/oc/journal entry etc.] but failed miserably. i just scrolled on tiktok and saved a few videos i could use for outfit inspiration. i went back inside after 30+ minutes, got dressed [skinless shirt, dark cargo jorts + matching bracelets consisting of spiked cuffs and band bracelets, motorbike socks] and looked up a couple can tab bracelet tutorials. i know that i don’t have enough for the particular design i want to make, but i’m getting there. my dad’s sister, my aunt, has multiple pepsis a day and has been collecting can tabs for me.
i went back next door with my sister after giving up on the bracelet for the moment and saying goodbye to boris. when i arrived i just sat on my own while my sister went on the swings. a group of girls my age walked past and laughed at me and after a few minutes i got called over with the other kids to make a keyring. i honestly much preferred that but i think the staff thought i was a part of the actual camp anyways so i don’t think i had much choice either way. i picked out a star shaped template and a blue floral sticker to go on it. i stuck it on, but couldn’t cut around the star completely — so i put it in my bag for another time at home where i can use one of those tiny knives to carve all the imperfections out.
once id done i went back over to the bouncy castle. this time round, only 8 people were allowed on it at a time and this younger girl was being really bratty about it, as in acting like she owned the place, which was odd, because yesterday it was fine and nothing bad happened. but kids are just like that. she kept on going around to people and launching herself onto them, she also decided to boot me over and over again on my bruised shin which was fun 😭. i tried telling her we don’t even know eachother and ive just been sitting there but she didn’t care. she kicked me and almost everyone else off using her sister that was my age so i got off and just sat beside it while people watching.
the same member of staff from the keyrings sat next to me and just exclaimed ‘panic! at the disco?’ — reffering to my panic! band bracelet. i nodded and she started speaking about liking that type of music too. more when she was younger, but she’s still into it, she said. she took out her phone and started asking me if i’ve been to see any live bands. i told her about me seeing the mcr + fall out boy tributes, pierce the veil, cavalera conspiracy, and my upcoming concerts. [slipknot, falling in reverse, possibly the tributes again but idk was its the day before fir]. she started speaking about how she has family in scotland and therefor goes to festivals there a lot and then casually says she’s seen fall out boy 4+ TIMES??? i literally could’ve curled up and died right there and then after hearing that come out of her mouth.
she also spoke to me about seeing slipknot 20 years ago, and then she showed me one of her friends instagram pages. then she came out with that that friend, has another friend, who is the sibling of someone from PIERCE THE VEIL?? WHAT THE FUCK. i was so taken aback but she unfortunately couldn’t remember what their name was because they were told years ago now — and she couldn’t find pictures of them together despite trying as the friend is a concert photographer and it’s importable to sort through the thousands of photos.
i out of interest asked if she’d seen linkin park and she said she did at milton keynes in 2008?? with jayZ?? RAAA. i got told that everyone was leaving in 30 minutes so i stayed speaking to her until people started loading themselves onto their coach and i set off for home. it was really cool speaking to that woman and its a shame i’ll probably never see her again or get to know any more info. although it was awesome meeting someone like me that was quite a lot older. when i got home i fussed boris on the driveway and had a 20 minute nap before leaving for my other aunts house [6pm]. i said goodbye to boris, and on the way to the car, my dad showed me this injured butterfly. it was a shame because it looked so young. i held it and then placed it onto a bush before leaving. [photo at end]
since the concert, i’ve been listening to the setlist on repeat. so i obviously did even more on the way to my aunts, although the drive is really short. once i got there i stayed in the living room for a bit and greeted the family of mine that was there. there was only my grandad, his fiancé, my aunt + uncle, and one of my cousins girlfriends there. that cousin in question is on holiday, the other moved out, and the other also moved out. i didn’t really know what to speak about and my parents sparked a conversation between the others anyway so i went to see what my sister was up to. she was playing fnaf security breach so i watched her.
i had my phone out ready to record her getting jumpscared and i caught a video of her doing exactly that over moondrop. i’m surprised that i’ve never watched anyone play security breach before even though i was really excited when it came out. i don’t usually watch my sister play stuff unless it’s the last of us/the evil within/silent hill at 8:30 i stopped watching jay and went for a walk with my mum, dad, aunt, + grandads fiancé. [+ archie and my aunts dog, charlie.] we couldn’t be too long because charlie has bad diabetes and can’t do much now. we came across one of my aunts friends on our way, she accidentally called me he and didn’t correct herself which made me feel SO euphoric considering i’m not out.
she spoke about lifeguarding or something and once done, we went round to this field i used to always play in as a kid. i went in the park to spark some nostalgia and my dad pushed me on a swing for the first time since i was like 7. we walked for about 40 minutes. once i got back to my aunts i went on pinterest to look at some diys. i saved a photo example of how to make a can tab bracelet, a cardboard minecraft sword, a cardboard coffin shelf, a little fairy/elf house thing made up of pebbles, a cardboard direction sign, a bottlecap tortoise, and a number of other things i dont know how to explain. after i couldnt seem to find anything else, i watched my sister play fnaf a bit more. we had to leave so i stopped and got ready for home at 12.
i don’t really remember what i did when i got home, but it would’ve been the same as always. maybe a small nap, then obviously questions about boris, then i say goodnight to boris. i went to sleep at 3.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, archie/my family’s dog
have a good day/night O_o
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hillibillibob · 3 months
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Hello! In September I will be attending my first craft fair (The Fall Arts & Crafts Festival at Hartville Marketplace) and I am considering making some vocal synth merch for it! Please take the survey in the post below to help me decide what to make!
Please only respond if you would actually consider purchasing merch from me, I don't want the numbers to be artificially inflated
Whatever doesn't sell at the fair will likely be sold on my Ko-Fi
Thank You!
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neon-dynasty · 1 month
Wow, Japan really likes the Wanderer.
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It's the same kind of campaign as the most recent one, but this time it's Christmas instead of summer festival themed. Also, Kaito took a break so Oko could take the reins? 🥁
So yeah, buy ¥3000 worth of Foundations and get a sticker. Some of the stickers are redeemable for prizes, which include sleeves, art boards, playmats, and full sticker sets. The featured art this time is a Christmas scene with Oko, the Wanderer, and a few of our little buddies along for the ride. It's done by fuzichoco.
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That said, I hope Kaito finds his way out of Duskmourne. He's been falling for quite some time.
Via Reddit
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