#falmouth sound
plus-low-overthrow · 2 years
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Kendra Morris & Eraserhood Sound - When We Would Ride (Colemine Records)
Flutes, 2022.
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zeldamacgregor · 1 month
It was a gorgeous day so here’s some lovely coastal vibes 🌊✨
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aristia-pjoheadcanons · 4 months
i have a headcanon that when percy is anxious or he has a panic attack he feels like he is trapped in the water and it suffocates him and he cannot escape it. but when he feels down, if he is not near the body of water, he imagines himself floating in the sea like a starfish and how the water gently hugs him and how the sound of the waves calms him down and brings him peace. it is simultaneously his nightmare and his saving grace.
His relationship with water is so beautiful, its his saving grace as you mention but also somewhat his weakness. It can make him do dangerous things at high levels. My headcanon to add on to this is that Percy's emotions influences the water that is nearby, even going as far as changing the colour and temperature. The idea that Percy's emotions can influence the water around him is so intriguing and can really amplify the symbolic connection between him and the sea. Also this is a fun thought but what if Pefcy often ends up on different beaches because he fell asleep while he was laying down on the water. One second he's at Long Island and the next he's at Atlantic Ocean nearly 2 hours away. He floats "faster" than normal people, like he can go from Camp Half-blood to Falmouth NY less than an hour.
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eregyrn-falls-art · 4 months
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Went down to Woods Hole, MA, on Cape Code, for brunch on Sunday. Afterwards poked around Woods Hole and Falmouth; and I wanted to see Nobska Light while we were there. While chilly and windy, we were still feeling the benefits of the warm weekend, and had to bundle up less than you'd expect for a trip to the Cape in February.
Nobska Light is very cute and scenic! It wasn't open, and while the Keeper's house seems to have been renovated and is planned to be a maritime museum, it wasn't open either. On the other side of the road was a short path to the cliff above the ocean (really, Vineyard Sound), where we looked out at Martha's Vineyard to the east, and the Elizabeth Islands chain to the west. Birds spotted: common eiders, red breasted mergansers, and a long-tailed duck drake came flying in.
Here's the text of the historical sign:
NOBSKA LIGHTHOUSE Latitude 41 30' 54" N Longitude 70 39' 20" Since 1828, Nobska Light has provided a familiar beacon for "all who go down to the sea in ships". 67 feet above sea level, Nobska's flash every six seconds is visible 17 miles out to sea. This 28,000 candlepower light used a 1000-watt lamp magnified by a Fourth Order Fresnel lens. The red section visible ton the east side of the lantern house warns ships away from Hedge Fence and L'Hommedieu Shoals south of the Cape. The present tower is 42 feelt high and was constructed in 1876. It was built to replace the original "Nobsque" light, a stone cottage with a light tower on top which had stood since 1828. The present tower is made of a cast iron shell lined with brick. It was built in Chelsea, Massachusetts and transported to Cape Cod in four sections. The front half of the current "keeper's house" was also built in 1876. Originally painted dark maroon-brown, it had a covered walkway to the tower attacked in 1899 and a second "assistant keeper's house" added in 1907. [Note: see bottom-right photo above.] Over the year, windows, doors, porches and walkways have come and gone and the color has been changed to the classic Coast Guard white with red roof. [Note: this sign is now out of date; the keeper's house is no longer white, although it still has its red roof; it is now covered in cedar shingles, which have weathered to a grey color.] Nobska Light became part of the Coast Guard in 1939, when the U.S. Light House Service merged with the Coast Guard. Despite this change, the keepers of the light remained civilians until Mr. Hindley retired in 1973, when active duty Coast Guard keepers took up the duty. In 1983, Nobska Light was automated. The two keepers houses were joined and became the quarters for Commander Coast Guard Group Woods Hole and his family. The Woods Hole Group serves the mainland and islands from Plymouth, Massachusetts to the Rhode Island/Connecticut state line.
Older photos above and some information came from:
The Enterprise, Falmouth: "History of Nobska Light Sheds Light on More Than Navigation" (July 15, 2015)
New England Lighthouses: A Virtual Guide. History of Nobska Point Light, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Friends of Nobska Light
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a-froger-epic · 8 months
1965 - What a year for Roger!
(In which I invite you to write fic about that time Roger's official girlfriend possibly tried to beat up his unofficial girlfriend. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
January - Roger joins "Johnny Quale and the Reactions". He is fifteen, about two years younger than his band mates. (Source: Queen in Cornwall)
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February - Roger starts dating Eileen Wright after meeting her at a Reaction concert in Falmouth. She recalls their relationship as quite chaste, and him as a "very gentle person" and not "a raunchy bloke". (Source: Queen - The Early Years). It must be true, because Roger remembers that his first proper kiss happened only with the next girl he started dating, Jill. (Source)
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Aww, you might think, that doesn't sound like the ladies' man Roger the fandom knows and loves! Is it all just rumours? Er, well... read on.
March - Johnny Quale and the Reactions come fourth in the Rock and Rhythm championship of Cornwall. Roger is voted Best Musician. (Source) Which I think is actually really impressive for the youngest member of a group and the drummer, at that. Bet he did some impressive singing while drumming.
May - Roger meets Jill Johnson at a concert. She's a singer with a folk band and a year younger than him (which makes her fourteen). "Roger was sitting next to us in the back row and we left together. It was that night, or the next, that he took me to the local funfair [...]. And I believe the next night I went to one of his gigs with him. From then on it was a pretty regular thing." Not an exclusive thing though. "I knew one or two girls that he was involved with. One tried to beat me up at a dance in Falmouth!" (Source: Queen in Cornwall) Wait, did she say Falmouth? :O Eileen?!?
This is pure speculation, I have no idea whether it was Eileen. But if it was, I have a feeling Eileen was not, in fact, aware of any of the other girls. Because whoever tried to beat up Jill probably was under the impression that Roger was very much taken and exclusive with them!
September - Johnny Quale leaves The Reaction after a fight over whether they should play a gig when there is an Elvis film being screened at the same time, as you do. (Source: Queen in Cornwall)
And so, just over half a year after he joins a group where everyone is older than him, Roger pretty much becomes their drummer/lead singer. Picture the ecstatic, cocky grin. Picture it.
October - Roger goes to see The Who in concert. According to Eileen (who is still his girlfriend!? Have they kissed yet? Who knows!) Roger tries to catch Keith's drumsticks and "walked out of the concert on cloud nine". (Source: Queen - The Early Years)
Christmas - The Reaction play at a school dance (source: Queen in Cornwall) and Eileen breaks up with Roger. (Source: Queen - The Early Years)
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Oh dear. Did someone finally tell Eileen about the other one or two girls? Ah, well. Roger doesn't look too broken up about it. (The picture is from the school dance.)
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rreliquaries · 9 months
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Chapter 13
When Hermione stopped at one of the newsstands selling postcards with idyllic moving pictures of wizarding London, she couldn’t stop her eyes from trailing to the other trades to see what they were saying. She found them utterly idiotic. Heartbroken Draco Malfoy Throws Himself in Front of Speeding Bludger! , read Rumours!’ front page.   Distraught Draco: Falmouth Seeker Seen Leaving St. Mungo’s in Tears , said Witch Weekly’s gossip column. Many suspect Draco Malfoy deliberately intercepted the bludger with his face, in a last-ditch effort to show former fiancee Astoria Greengrass that he can’t go on without her. The pair’s betrothal was practically written in the stars, and sources tell us we have nothing more than Astoria’s gentle love letters to thank for keeping our beloved seeker’s spirits intact during his year in Azkaban. How will he go on without her? blathered the Prophet. The sound that escaped Hermione at the last bit was entirely undignified.
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scottysketches · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
Another excerpt from ch4 of Don't Dream It's Over. I won't be able to work on it for the next few days as I'm going to visit my younger brother in Falmouth, though I may commandeer his laptop while I'm there as he primarily uses his desktop.
It takes him almost ten minutes to find Satine and Amis, and it’s only when he walks briskly past the hospital’s café and briefly glances in through the archway that he sees them sat together, clearly discussing something in Mando’a as other visitors around them keep throwing confused — and even slightly scared — looks their way.
He slides into the booth next to Satine. “You are aware that you’re frightening other people in here, aren’t you?” He tries to disguise his laugh as a cough, but it comes out sounding like a snort, when they both turn to him with blank expressions.
Amis runs the tip of his finger around the rim of his empty caf mug. “Is Korkie okay?” He doesn’t look up at Obi-Wan when he asks this.
But the Jedi smiles at the young man sat opposite him. “He’s fine. Actually, he wants to talk to you.” Amis looks up, his blue eyes glimmering with emotions long-repressed, and Obi-Wan emphasises, “Just you. He’s got something he wants to tell you.”
“Really?” Amis sounds a mixture of wary and hopeful; but he stands, anxiously smoothing his hands down the front of his shirt. “Well, best not keep him waiting. He gets grumpy if he’s ignored for too long.” Satine sniggers into her cup of tea next to him, and she and Obi-Wan watch as Amis leaves the café, walking back to Korkie’s room at a brisk pace.
He turns to his lover. “Twenty credits says we get back there and they’re snogging.”
Satine snorts. “Seriously? You want to bet on our son and his love life?” She levels a stare at him. “Alright, I’ll take that bet. Twenty credits — you win if we return to Korkie’s room at any point before Korkie is discharged and they are snogging, and I win if we don’t catch them snogging until after Korkie is discharged.”
Obi-Wan nods firmly, then grins and leans in to press a kiss to Satine’s cheek. “Deal.”
“Oh, and the loser — which will be you, my dear — cooks dinner tonight,” she adds; when Obi-Wan pulls back sharply with a playful glare, she shrugs. “I’m getting a little tired of Coruscanta hospital food.”
“Too bland for your Mandalorian tastebuds?”
“Far too bland.”
The café steadily empties as the other visitors return to their loved ones across the hospital’s various wards; they sit there as Satine finishes her tea, leaning with her head on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, and he wraps his arm around her, pulls her close. The subtle scent of her perfume wafts up towards his nose, and a smile crosses his face as it soothes him.
“What did Korkie want to talk about, anyway?"
Obi-Wan pauses, mulling over his words. “He wanted to know why I haven’t been here. And why I’ve been sleeping at the temple.” Satine doesn’t say anything, just twines the fingers of one hand with his own on top of the table. “He brought up the idea of therapy, too.” Satine looks up at him with a small frown, and he explains, “For my nightmares.”
Satine doesn’t say anything for a moment. “I’m not surprised,” she eventually murmurs. “Korkie used to see a therapist regularly after he started attending school at the academy. Originally it was for homesickness, but as he got older and Amis and Soniee were targeted by bullies for their sexualities—”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan says, interrupting her and smiling, “he mentioned a student who picked on Amis one too many times and found out the hard way that his friends were fed up with his bullshit.”
Satine rolls her eyes. “Well, suffice to say I verbally ripped Kohav a new asshole for assaulting one of his classmates while we had a Jedi visiting the academy…” And she pauses here, before admitting, “…even if it sounds as though the kid deserved it.”
Obi-Wan feigns swooning. “Well, I never! Duchess Satine Kryze, pacifist leader of the New Mandalorians, endorsing physical acts of violence? Whatever next?”
She leans back and punches his shoulder. “Nutennir laam, gar di’kut jetiise.”
They rise from their seats, Satine’s empty cup placed back onto a tray, and they hold hands as they begin walking back to Korkie’s room. Nothing is said between them — nothing needs to be said, not yet. Obi-Wan knows that Satine will question him about his nightmares eventually; but for the time being, they’re both content to let matters lie and just be there for their son.
They reach the main corridor of Korkie’s ward, and Satine quickly gives his hand a squeeze. “Whatever you decide to do,” she says quietly, and he turns his head to look down at her, “if you decide to start seeing one of the temple’s mind healers… keep me in the loop. I want to help, in whatever way I can.”
They approach Korkie’s room, and Obi-Wan brings Satine’s hand up to his mouth and presses a kiss to her knuckles. “You already do help, cyar’ika. In more ways than you know.”
Satine laughs. “I’m not talking about your cock, di’kut—” The door slides open, and Obi-Wan and Satine stop dead in their tracks, their eyes wide; and as they stand there, a grin begins to curl over Obi-Wan’s lips.
Amis is practically laying on top of Korkie like he’s one of the many blankets that cover the copper-haired young man, his hands hidden in the mop of hair on Korkie’s head; Korkie’s hands, in turn, are gently cupping Amis’s jaw, and the end of his long and thin nose is bent at an angle as their lips eagerly press together. A pink blush is creeping up their necks, and yet both of the young men remain completely unaware that they have an audience.
Satine lets out a noise that isn’t too dissimilar to an attempt at strangling a laugh, which makes Obi-Wan snort.
The boys quickly pull away from each other, though their swollen lips and steadily reddening faces are hard to hide. “Um,” Korkie says, and it comes out as a squeak; Amis just sinks down in his chair, his face in his hands and his legs raising so that he can curl into a ball. “This, uh… it’s not—”
He doesn’t get a chance to finish, however, because Obi-Wan turns to Satine and says loudly, “Ha! Pay up!” Satine just groans and slaps twenty credit chits into his hand.
Korkie and Amis exchange a bewildered look; and then Korkie turns back to face his parents and just says, “Seriously?” Amis groans, pressing his face against his legs and wrapping his arms around his knees, trying to make himself as small as he possibly can. “Gods, could you be any more immature?” But the smile making his mouth curl up at the corners belies the truth that he’s just making fun of them.
Mando'a translations: Coruscanta - Coruscant Nutennir laam, gar di'kut jetiise - Shut up, you idiot Jedi
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wessexroyalfamily · 5 months
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{Location: Fogmorre Castle, Avon County, Kingdom of Wessex}
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Head Mover: We should have everything moved into their proper rooms before your family arrives, ma'am.
Queen Anne II of Wessex: And Christian says that he couldn't find his back brace this morning. If you could have someone find the box that it's in and bring it into our dressing room. that would be most appreciated.
Head Mover: Not a problem, I'll get someone to check the list now to see where it is.
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Anne II: I say. I’m impressed how quickly you’ve moved all of our belongings from Claremont House into Fogmorre Castle.
Head Mover: Thank you ma’am, my staff has been preparing for the move for awhile now. Though…
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Head Mover: …(continued) and if I may ask ma'am, we were originally told to prepare two rooms for The Crown Prince and The Crown Princess. That is one for both of them and one for Prince Richard.
Anne II: (uncomfortable) Yes well.
Head Mover: But talking to the Crown Prince's team it sounds like their Royal Highnesses would prefer separate rooms.
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Anne: … Yes, very well. Prepare the Tower Suite for William, it's already furnished nicely, and shouldn't need too much.
Staff: And Margaret, ma'am?
Anne II: Move any boxes or furniture from Claremont House marked B into the Double Suite for Margaret and Richard. We can move it after the weekend after All Saints Day.
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Prince Arthur, The Earl of Falmouth: (off screen) There you are, your staff told me you were looking for me.
Anne II: Yes, its been a busy morning. I've been meaning to pop by.
Prince Arthur: No need for apologies, I can imagine everyone around here is keeping you on your toes (chuckles).
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Anne II: I'm sure you heard about old Lord Poole.
Prince Arthur: It's such a shame having an old friend pass away. I figured you'd want someone from the family to represent you at the funeral? I'd of course be willing.
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Anne II: That's very thoughtful. But I wanted to talk to you about the Order of the Royal Chrysanthemum. With his death a new spot has opened up, and since you are the Grand Master of the order, I'd figure I would talk to you first.
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Prince Arthur: ...yes well. There are a few strong candidates in the National Council that are Peers. Though inducting someone involved in the sciences or Cancer research would be a way to honor Lord Poole.
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Anne II: Well, actually I was thinking about nominating William to take Lord Poole's seat.
Prince Arthur: William, do you think he's ready?
Anne II: I'm not sure if ready is the word. He's seems so lost lately, it's as if he's lost his connection to the Crown. He needs something to reaffirm his sense of commit and purpose to the monarchy.
Prince Arthur: Well if he is meant to be Sovereign of the Order one day, I see no reason for government to deny his knighthood.
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Anne II: Does that mean I have your support?
Prince Arthur: I think it's a wonderful idea. We can have a proper ceremony planned in about a month or two.
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Anne II: What about sooner?
Prince Arthur: How soon?
Anne II: I'd want it done during the upcoming Devon Tour. We can convene the Order then. I can inform my staff to make all the necessary arrangements at Exeter Chapel.
Prince Arthur: All the same to me, if you're sure?
Anne II: More than anything.
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consolecadet · 1 year
I was really not prepared to participate in an art show! I didn't have a bad time, I just had no idea what to expect, and also should have worn much more comfortable shoes.
I got there right on time for the members-only hour, earlier than almost anyone else. They gave me a name tag with a photo of my painting printed in the background. While it was still quiet, multiple members of the art org's staff pulled me aside to introduce themselves and...tell me what they thought of my painting, basically? Got some comments like "A lot of us really liked it" (great), "It might make some people uncomfortable, but it's memorable and intense and that's what makes art valuable" (thanks), "I know it's trite to say this but it is very visceral" (yeah!), and "the teens were in here the other day to judge the youth committee prize and you got a lot of sticky notes next to yours" (cool). I was mostly kind of uncomfortable, but I can see how this sort of thing could quickly become a person's personal cocaine.
An upbeat local media producer with deep mauve eye bags interviewed me and the artist whose painting was next to mine (she had painted a beautiful, slightly abstracted forest landscape of Falmouth, Maine). This was the part I was really unprepared for! Fortunately I've had to explain the painting to people a few times, since I worked on it during Open Hacks around other people...but this was a much artier crowd, and despite technically knowing how, I really don't want to talk about it like "I'm juxtaposing familiar objects with a transgressive concept to blah blah blah etc". He was like "man, my insurance won't approve shit, we gotta nationalize healthcare" which, so right.
The gallery quickly got extremely crowded and, because the sun was blasting in through the enormous picture windows, extremely hot. I wandered around looking at everything. My favorite works were "All Bagged Up", a 3d wall piece of pink expanding foam with bags of candy and toys tacked to it, "Self-Discipline #23", a pair of charcoal self-portraits of the artist wearing a bondage mask, and "Resilience", an mixed media painting with mesmerizing swirls of green and blue iridescent paint.
I had to take some daily meds at 6 and -- I swear this was not on purpose -- spilled all the fucking pills from my pill-shaped pill case onto the floor. On brand, I guess?
KC came partway through and brought me a big bundle of sweet-smelling lilacs from his workplace's backyard. <3
I met someone who recognized me from a FB group I'm in for fat people in the Boston area. She'd painted a self-portrait of her squeezing her waist extremely tightly with a leather belt. She asked to hang out (!) and followed me on Instagram. I followed her back. She has 25k followers and I'm a little intimidated.
Several people found me to say they found my painting relatable, which was nice. One woman told me about her chronic pain and told me, sounding a bit constricted in her throat, that she wished more people would talk about and make art about this stuff. I am really used to people oversharing about very personal topics in the tags on my posts, but it's another thing entirely to experience someone's response to your thoughts or art IRL. Unlike Tumblr, though, nobody said anything unkind to my face!
My feet got so sore. I was so sweaty. I got an honorable mention from the Youth Committee of tweens and teens. Fat positive belt lady got the Youth Committee prize. We...hugged about it?
I felt somewhat out of my depth -- some of the artists priced a lot higher than I would be comfortable charging, some of the art was much more technically advanced than mine, and some of the artists' statements were much more, uh, Art School. I feel I did not schmooze very effectively. But I would try doing this again!
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moondal514 · 3 months
Once upon a time I used to be the kind of person that only liked happy endings in my fanfics. Then I grew up (I’m kidding, it’s more like I started appreciating tragedies more at the end of high school. We’re not here to psychoanalyze me though)
So! Have a fic rec list of my fave Andreil mcd/hurt no comfort fics. If you like misery and unhappiness, you are in the right place. There are no happy endings here. Seriously. I must emphasize: there are NO HAPPY ENDINGS here. Enjoy :)
your memory is ecstasy (i miss you more than) by Major_816
“You don’t need another addiction.”
How was Andrew meant to be anything other than completely–
This one is so brutal it actually took me 2 tries, separated by nearly a year, to read it all the way through but it’s beautifully written and something about it is strangely comforting
Begin Again by passive_phantom/ @passive-phantom
It starts with an almost illegibly-scrawled message on the back of a cheap photographic reproduction of Falmouth Beach, and a single line that, like everything else in Andrew Minyard's life, he will never forget.
Or: five times that Andrew gets postcards from Neil and one time that he doesn’t, set against the backdrop of six different beaches.
Lures you in with cute Andreil shit and then stabs you in the back the last couple of chapters: quite the experience, 10/10 recommend
One for sorrow by butallmystars/ @butallmystars
Andrew’s last day.
Absolutely miserable and incredibly written
Love Doesn't Live Here Anymore by Twinyardtrash/ @twinyardtrash
Neil doesn't know how to be something real without Andrew, if he lies and pretends long enough maybe even he'll believe he's fine.
Gut-wrenching and gorgeous
it was night when you died by seasy33/ @seasy33
It should have been the sound of the front door unlocking that woke him up.
It should have been the jingling of Andrew's keys as he came into the apartment. It should have been the glow of the bathroom light sneaking under the door and the sound of the sink running as he got ready to join Neil for bed. It should have been the weight of Andrew crawling under the covers, the smell of cigarettes and crisp night air washing over Neil and Andrew asking quietly, "Are you awake?"
Instead, it was the buzz of Neil's cell phone on the nightstand.
Tragic and cathartic
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
In the early 19th century, sailors making their way to Providence, Rhode Island, depended on the signal of the Warwick Neck Light to safely find their way. While it no longer carries the navigational significance it once did, the 51-foot tower continues to preside over Narragansett Bay from its clifftop perch. 
Now, this historical property’s dramatic views could be yours.
This year, the General Services Administration (GSA) will give away six of the historic beacons, including the Warwick Neck Light, at no cost. An additional four will be sold via public auction. The goal of the transfers is to preserve the historic buildings, even as technology renders them obsolete.  
For hundreds of years, lighthouses have welcomed travelers to the shores of the United States. However, the advent of navigation technologies like GPS has left many of the shore’s sentinels without a practical purpose. Since the passage of the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act in 2000, the GSA has been transferring ownership of lighthouses “no longer critical to the U.S. Coast Guard’s mission needs” to groups willing to preserve them, according to a statement from the agency.
“People really appreciate the heroic role of the solitary lighthouse keeper,” says John Kelly of the GSA’s office of real property disposition to Mark Pratt of the Associated Press (AP). “They were really the instruments to provide safe passage into some of these perilous harbors which afforded communities great opportunities for commerce, and they’re often located in prominent locations that offer breathtaking views.”
At many lighthouses, upkeep is challenging: Two of the structures up for auction, the Penfield Reef Lighthouse in Fairfield, Connecticut, and the Stratford Shoal Light in the middle of the Long Island Sound, are accessible only by boat.
“They’re such unusual reflections of our history that it takes a certain kind of person who wants to be a part of that,” Robin Carnahan, administrator of the GSA, tells the New York Times’ Michael Levenson.
For now, the lighthouses won’t be available to just anyone. The GSA is first offering them at no cost to federal agencies, state and local governments, nonprofits, educational agencies and community development organizations. To be eligible, interested buyers must be able to maintain the historic property and allow the public to access it. More than 80 lighthouses have found a new owner—and stable future—through this process so far, according to the GSA.
Several of the lighthouses up for grabs this year are already under the care of nonprofits, which can apply to continue their work, Kelly tells the AP. For example, the Nobska Lighthouse in Falmouth, Massachusetts is maintained by the Friends of Nobska Light, which has applied for the transfer of ownership, according to the Cape Cod Times’ Zane Razzaq.
If no owner is found, the lighthouses will be offered for sale to the public via auction. The GSA has auctioned 70 lighthouses to date, in sales ranging from $10,000 to over $900,000, reports NPR’s Emma Bowman.
Other lighthouses going to auction this year include the Cleveland Harbor West Pierhead Light in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Keweenaw Waterway Lower Entrance Light in Chassell, Michigan. The list of transfer-eligible lighthouses includes Lynde Point Lighthouse in Old Saybrook, Connecticut; Plymouth/Gurnet Lighthouse in Plymouth, Massachusetts; Little Mark Island and Monument in Harpswell, Maine; and Erie Harbor North Pier Lighthouse in Erie, Pennsylvania.
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prettypangolins · 1 year
"She ran away to Falmouth and went with the sailors." says the mother in warning Mary that a woman alone doesn't end up well. Doesn't sound so bad to me XD
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riverstardis · 1 year
fall on me:
holby had an episode on the aftermath of the crash right?
dylan’s complaining about the noise from the building work saying his eardrums are about to explode😭
ethan’s patient immediately asking him if he’s single bc he has no wedding ring on and going “well it’s just that she says there are no handsome single doctors around here, and that’s why she still hasn’t met anybody, but i think she’s just making an excuse” and ethan’s like “sorry who are we talking about?” as alicia notices the board in the background and comes over, revealing that the patient is her mum😭 though alicia’s only been back working there for a week at most and her mum’s already expecting her to be in a relationship??
alicia’s dad calling her scoobie and ethan’s like “scoobie?” and she’s like “don’t ask”🥺
alicia’s parents the og scibbles shippers
alicia and her dad talking “i’m sorry if we embarrassed you in front of your colleague, scoobie” “yeah yeah” “he does seem like a nice lad. ethan” “mm” “ohh the heart is aflutter! so why you dancing round each other?” “i dunno. he’s smart” “hey, no one’s too smart for you” “no i know i- it’s not that, i dunno” “well do something about it then” “right but don’t tell mam okay cause she’ll be booking wedding venues before i can blink” 🥺🥺🥺
elle telling the team she’s organised a peri-arrest simulation in the ambulance station after their shift and they are not happy😭
aw louise
lmaoo alicia’s mum going “just ask him out! you can’t be scared, darling!” and then ethan comes in with her results and she’s like “what do you think of my little girl, dr ethan hardy? she’s a cracker isn’t she!” and alicia’s like “just ignore her ethan”😭😭😭 then ethan has to tell her that her urine test results suggest gonorrhoea😭😭
alicia already thought her mum had had an affair so that just confirmed it for her and she gets angry :(
ethan finding alicia on the roof looking at the building work at the entrance and she smiles at him then asks “if you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?” and he goes “ooh… falmouth” sjkfkfjggk
and she’s like “of all the places??” “i don’t really like flying” “alaska” “yes, the aurora borealis. although you wouldn’t need to go that far. iceland? norway? scotland!”
“since we nearly… yknow like how close we came to… in the crash it’s made me think of all the places i haven’t been. hey we could go!” “alaska sounds a bit cold for me. my lips get chapped.” sjdkfkgk he’s so😭 “falmouth. one day. little road trip.” “yeah, i’d like that. on one condition though, you have to tell me why your dad calls you scoobie.” “no chance” “oh come on! quid pro quo, i told you about nibbles.” “well more fool you” I LOVEEE THEMMM🥺🥺🥺🥺 i feel like they probably never got to go on their little road trip to falmouth though :(
they both laugh and then stop to just stare at each other in silence for like a good 10 seconds at least and then ethan breaks it to tell her that her mum’s blood tests confirm gonorrhoea😭😭
robyn’s sad because glen only has 2 years :(
alicia going and having a go at her dad for letting her mum walk all over him and taking her back after cheating but he reveals that it was him who cheated
alicia asks her mum why she let him back when she knew and she says “do you wanna be alone?” and alicia goes “well it’s better than relying on a man to make you happy” so true!!
her mum says she lied for him because alicia worshipped him and she didn’t want her to be heartbroken as well. and she says maybe alicia’s better off the way she is, single, successful, and happy
jez and max are complaining about their cleaning rota and cal’s like “have you boys never heard of cleaners?” and jez says they’re barely making the rent right now and ethan’s asks why don’t they rent out their box room and max goes “who’d want to live in that?” but alicia was complaining about still living with her parents to ethan earlier so he knows just the person!
aww ethan meets alicia in the pub before the training thing but she’s doing tequila shots and already pretty drunk and she talks about how her mum’s basically given up on life because of a man but that won’t be her she’s just going to have fun. she says he should have fun as well because they both nearly died. he tells her he negotiated a good rent with jez and max and gives her the keys and she’s like “awwww that’s so nice” and then some random man comes up and she leaves with him😭
he just says jez and max but did robyn not live there too?? she must be spending a lot of time at glen’s, but she can’t have actually moved out or they could’ve rented out her room rather than the box room?
so basically if alicia’s dad wasn’t cheating on her mum, or just if alicia hadn’t found out at this point in time, it wouldn’t have taken nearly as long for her and ethan to get together😭😭
cal comes in while alicia’s going out and he’s like “she’s a player? trust me mate you’ve dodged a bullet with that one” so again, cal thinks that either alicia likes ethan back or she’s a player, but doesn’t expect to be cheated on? tbf he does get distrustful of her, but that’s only after he’s found the cuff link
cal tries to cheer ethan up in his own special way “right come on, how about we get this training thing out the way and then we’ll go and get you a curry, okay? and the fast and the furious box set” “i hate the fast and the furious” “i know, come on” bless😭😭
why are iain and jez walking over to the ambulance station with the rest of them for the training thing, surely they should be there already?? wait actually nvm jez was talking to max wasn’t he, so i guess iain must have been over there with him
elle reveals the training thing is actually basketball🥺 dylan goes “there’s about a million things i’d rather do than this, and one of them would’ve been a peri-arrest simulation exercise” SKDKKSDKK
it’s doctors vs nurses but isn’t that a bit unfair?? dylan’s just standing there not playing and ethan’s still limping from his dislocated knee so that leaves basically just cal and elle (with a small contribution from ethan) vs ALL the nurses plus noel, max, and jez
also isn’t is a bit odd that noel and max were even there in the first place?? were they expecting to participate in the training?? iain and jez too tbh bc they’re not even part of the emergency department?? maybe elle just told them to come anyway
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New Friends
"Next stop, Falmouth station. Next stop, Falmouth station," announced the conductor as the train rattled over the bridge toward a new beginning.
Tess couldn't help looking up at the speaker, as if it were the one to blame for the change. This unfamiliar view was nice, but just that - unfamiliar. She would much rather just be at home, cuddled up by the fireplace with her father. Twig squeaked anxiously in his little box, leading Tess to slide her hand in, an attempt to calm the frightened hedgehog. She didn't so mind the spikes, his comfort came first. Pasta, her dog, whined in anticipation. She just sighed. She couldn't do everything at once.
When the train finally stopped, Tess rose, nudging Pasta out the way so he could let her out of the corner and through the train. She stepped out into the warm, welcoming sun, box of hedgehog in one hand, dog lead in the other. Glancing up to the sky, she took the rays as though it were an unexpected hug. It felt as though it was attempting to brighten in reassurance.
She scoffed, needing anything but pity, and sat in the shade to process these new sights and sounds. Falmouth wasn't necessarily countryside, but it was far more nature involved than her old home of London. The beeping of traffic replaced by birdsong, the cars slow with calm timing, the miles and miles of fields and forests seen so easily, the scent of seasalt begging for attention.
"Tessa?" Tess suddenly bolted up at her name, looking for who called her. Before her stood an undoubtedly recognisable man; her beloved father. Her eyes lit up in joy, feeling free at last... before she realised it wasn't him. Rather, the person she came to meet.
"Uncle Isaac?" Tess questioned, standing up once more. Her father's twin brother was someone she'd never met, so their similarities were highly confusing to her. Aside from Isaac's more brightly coloured clothing and vicious scar across his face, they were all too similar. Even his kind smile radiated the same gentleness.
"Sorry I wasn't here to greet you," he said, a hint of nervousness to his voice. "My bus was running late."
"It's fine," Tess replied coldly, making sure to let him know she wasn't happy about this situation. Isaac gave a little understanding nod, taking a step back away from her as though he'd been trained to do so.
"Well, I hope the train ride was alright. It's quite a distance, huh? I was never one for the city, that's... why I came here... Um-- Would you like me to take your bag?" Isaac was trying his very best, but all that did was fill Tess with guilt. She was just intruding on her poor uncle who'd never even met her. She would've stopped this if she could, she didn't want to bother this man, but she had no say in the matter. Only fate spoke.
Isaac kept up the anxious rambling all through the journey, yet Tess didn't respond in anything more than nods and little questions. She was far too busy thinking to pay true attention until Isaac hesitantly snapped his fingers to alert her back into the real world.
"... I understand why you wouldn't want to be here right now," said Isaac softly and quietly, "but it's very important you hear what I'm about to tell you. We won't be alone in the house, I live there with my roommate. I had to warn you... Cornelius isn't bad, mind you! But he is... odd. He isn't the best at communicating with people, he's got some learning difficulties and in general is eccentric. You know what that means...? Cool, you do. He much prefers dogs to humans, you'll find. He might be curious of you at first and won't understand your boundaries, but please be gentle or he'll panic. Remember, it's his house you'll be living in, so he'll undoubtedly be strange about you. He has only the best intentions, but he has funny ways of going about friendships. Oh, and he hasn't exactly had the best life, so if he freaks out about something little like mess, insults, stuff like that, please, please, please don't judge him too harshly."
"That's fine," Tess responded as though she didn't care, but her heart was racing. Another stranger? One hard of understanding her boundaries, no doubt? It was getting increasingly difficult for her to feel comfortable. She had issues with her cousins going in her room or touching her without permission before, and they had understood why it freaked her out.
'Deep breaths,' she thought. 'Don't judge a book by it's cover. This might not be all that bad. Maybe this Cornelius and I could even bond over our preference of animal company? That's it, find the silver lining. Everything will be okay.'
And that's part one! I hope you enjoyed this snippet of the story, I'll be writing part two soon enough!
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warningsine · 21 days
Dancing for worms may seem an odd pursuit, but an environment charity is calling for people across the UK to charm the creatures from the depths in order to count them.
The Soil Association is trying to get a nationwide picture of worm abundance, to track their decline and see where they need the most help.
Across May, the charity is asking people to dance on the soil, soak the earth with water or use the vibrations of a garden fork to draw worms up.
Using the data collected, specialists will create a worm map of the UK to show where the healthiest and most biodiverse soil is. Soil that is full of worms is an indicator that it is healthy.
Worms are vital for the soil; they produce a sticky mucus that binds it together, and this helps to alleviate flooding. Soil with worms is up to 90% more effective at soaking up water.
However, due to pesticides, excessive draining and the use of inorganic fertilisers, the worm population appears to have shrunk. A recent study found that earthworm populations had declined by a third over the past 25 years.
The Soil Association’s head of worms, Alex Burton, said: “It might sound wacky but dancing on the bare earth can help with science. Worm charming is fun and a little surreal, but scientists and farmers use worm counts to understand soil health. We depend on soils for 95% of our food production, and they hold more carbon than the atmosphere, so it is crucial for us to know what’s going on under the ground and worms help to tell us that.
“The data we get for the worm map will help us build a better understanding of the health of soils in gardens, allotments and green spaces across the UK. This will show where they need help to restore their numbers. Worms are in our news, films and our gardens, where children love uncovering them. We’re calling for people to become citizen scientists for our valuable pals, and if they don’t find as many as they were expecting, we have plenty of advice to help them improve the soil.”
The charity is working with the Falmouth worm charming championships, which will be handing out awards for the most worms charmed and the most creative ways of seducing them from the deep.
It can take as little as half an hour to find the worms and only requires a little piece of land, so the work can take place in gardens, farms or local parks. People interested in taking part can download the Worm Hunt Guide and get charming.
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Top Destinations for Digital Nomads in the UK
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The United Kingdom, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes, isn't just a popular tourist destination; it's also becoming an increasingly attractive hotspot for digital nomads. For those who crave a change of scenery while staying connected to work, the UK offers a diverse range of locations, each catering to different preferences and budgets. So, pack your laptop, embrace flexible work arrangements, and get ready to explore the best places to live and work remotely in the UK. Thriving Cities with a Buzz: London, Manchester, and Edinburgh For digital nomads seeking a dynamic and cosmopolitan environment, bustling cities like London, Manchester, and Edinburgh offer a compelling combination of work and play. These urban hubs boast excellent infrastructure, including high-speed internet connectivity, a plethora of co-working spaces and cafes with Wi-Fi, and a vibrant atmosphere that fosters collaboration and networking. - London: The UK's capital city pulsates with energy. From world-class museums and historical landmarks to trendy neighborhoods and a thriving startup scene, London caters to every taste. However, the cost of living can be significantly higher compared to other locations on this list. - Manchester: This dynamic city in northern England offers a vibrant cultural scene, a strong entrepreneurial spirit, and a more affordable cost of living compared to London. Manchester boasts a growing co-working space scene and a youthful energy that makes it ideal for young professionals. - Edinburgh: Scotland's captivating capital city offers a unique blend of history, charm, and innovation. Edinburgh boasts a thriving tech scene, stunning architecture, and a more relaxed pace compared to London. It's a perfect choice for digital nomads seeking a beautiful and culturally rich environment. Seaside Escapes with Breathtaking Views: Brighton, Cornwall, and Bournemouth For those dreaming of working with the sound of waves crashing in the background, the UK coastline offers a plethora of seaside havens. These charming towns and villages provide a peaceful environment to work remotely while enjoying stunning natural beauty and a slower pace of life. - Brighton: This vibrant seaside town on England's south coast offers a unique blend of beach life, quirky charm, and a thriving arts scene. Brighton boasts a good selection of co-working spaces and cafes with Wi-Fi, making it a great choice for digital nomads seeking a relaxed yet connected atmosphere. - Cornwall: This picturesque region in southwest England is renowned for its dramatic coastlines, charming villages, and laid-back lifestyle. While internet connectivity might not be as readily available in all areas compared to cities, co-working spaces are popping up in popular towns like St Ives and Falmouth. Cornwall is ideal for digital nomads seeking a true escape and a connection with nature. - Bournemouth: This popular seaside resort town on England's south coast offers beautiful beaches, a lively atmosphere, and a good selection of cafes and co-working spaces with Wi-Fi. Bournemouth provides a good balance between work and leisure, with plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities and exploring the surrounding areas. Rural Retreats and Hidden Gems: The Cotswolds, Yorkshire Dales, and Scottish Highlands For digital nomads seeking ultimate peace and quiet amidst stunning scenery, the UK countryside offers a haven for remote work. These rural retreats provide a chance to truly disconnect from the hustle and bustle of city life while staying connected to the digital world. - The Cotswolds: This picture-perfect region in central England is known for its rolling hills, charming villages made from honey-colored stone, and a slower pace of life. While internet connectivity might vary depending on location, co-working spaces are popping up in some larger towns like Stroud and Cirencester. The Cotswolds are ideal for digital nomads seeking a truly idyllic escape. - Yorkshire Dales: This breathtaking national park in northern England offers a rugged landscape of mountains, valleys, and waterfalls. Digital nomads seeking a digital detox and an abundance of outdoor activities will find solace in the Yorkshire Dales. Limited internet connectivity might be a factor in some remote areas, but charming towns like Settle and Grassington offer co-working spaces and cafes with Wi-Fi. - Scottish Highlands: This vast and dramatic region in northern Scotland offers a true sense of wilderness and breathtaking scenery. Internet connectivity can be limited in some remote areas, but towns like Inverness and Fort William offer co-working spaces and cafes with Wi-Fi. The Scottish Highlands are ideal for digital nomads seeking an adventurous escape and a chance to reconnect with nature. Choosing Your Perfect UK Nomad Base The best place to live and work remotely in the UK depends on your individual needs and preferences. Consider factors like budget, desired level of connectivity, proximity to amenities, and Read the full article
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