#false gabriel
spxrw · 30 days
all for the love of you
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sugarstimz7 · 1 year
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blinkie by me!!
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demgozellegs · 7 months
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False Gabriel doodle from a stream i did earlier tonight plus the cursed doodle
i have regrets
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trashprinceward · 1 year
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What if the ultimate evil was actually just a massive troll?
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coffincataclysm · 2 years
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A dump of some Gabriel love
✝︎ Reblogs are greatly appreciated ✝︎
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serpsorchestra · 2 years
open the door! open the door.
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natabuggie · 2 years
i want false gabriel and the real gabriel to have an epic ass showdown like the one lucifer and gabriel had. or is lucifer false gabriel. i dont know. i just want to see them brawl
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine getting possessed by False Gabriel
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(I hope this will be to your liking. I tried to make it creepy and kinda gory in a way and I can sense writer’s block creeping in so sorry if the text is not the best.  Male reader by the way)
Requested by @weird-addiction​​
Warnings: kidnapping, cult stuff, demonic possession, animals being scared, violence, blood, gore, some nice moments, Gabriel is a douche and wants you to take the ring and kill Sauron. 
- You didn't know how it started. One day, you were riding on your horse to return home, then you were hit in the head by something. 
-You remember being dragged into a place and laid on something. You saw strange symbols and these people wearing dark hoods to cover their faces. They were chanting something then you recall the pain. 
-It was painful. It was like something crawled into your mouth, going inside your body, and then it was nothing but darkness. 
-You woke up on a table, covered in blood, and the people who took you lay dead on the floor, severed and slaughtered like it was a beast that attacked them. It was horrifying, especially when it seemed it was you who attacked them.  
-You didn't know what to do, so you grabbed your belongings and left the place. 
-You managed to find your beloved horse in the forest, and you were glad to see no harm done to him. However, you were confused when he started acting frightened when he saw you. He almost refused to come to you. It took everything to calm him down. 
-It was your first sign something was wrong with you. 
-You took a bath in the river to clean yourself up and tried to continue your journey, which was difficult because your companion still seemed frightened by you. It was strange because you had him for years, and he had never been afraid of you before, and now he was walking like he was at the edge of a cliff. 
-You considered stopping at Rivendell and asking for lord Elrond's help to find out what those people did to you. It wasn't just your horse who was afraid of you. Every animal you saw and encountered fled or made threatening noises when they saw you. It was like you were one of the most dangerous predators on earth. 
-You made a camp when the night came and tried to rest, hoping everything that happened so far was just a bad dream. 
-You then began to dream about strange things. You dreamed about the birth of the christ, the antichrist, angels, the god, and the devil, and you saw never-ending darkness that covered the sky and the land. It was like the sun, moon, and stars had ceased from existence, and the people looked frightened when there was a voice– telling them not to be afraid. 
-You then saw what seemed to be your banishment. You woke up screaming and sweating like you had been running for hours, breathing frantically. 
-You didn't know what to make of the dream, which felt like a nightmare. Strangely, it felt real, and now you know things that don't exist or have never happened in Middle Earth.
 -The war between the god and the devil, the birth of Jesus, false Gabriel. None of it made sense to you. 
-You tried to stop thinking about the horrible dream, but then you noticed your companion was gone. You tried to look for him and call out his name, but there were no traces of him, and he didn't return. 
-Now you knew something was terribly wrong with you. First, animals are afraid of you, second, you dream strange things, and now your faithful companion has left you. He would always stay somewhere near, so there had to be something wrong with you for him to abandon you like that. 
-As a result, you had to continue your journey on foot.
-You tried to make sense of everything, but it only made your head ache in pain since you had no idea who Jesus was or this false Gabriel. All you knew from the dream was that he looked like a divine spirit with brilliant white wings and a kind smile. 
-You remember his voice and how he told the people not to be afraid and that their savior had arrived. He sounded convincing, and the people looked at him with hope before the sky suddenly turned black, and there was nothing but darkness. 
-He lied to them. 
-He was the devil in disguise. It reminded you of the incident in Eregion where Sauron had disguised himself as an emissary of the Valar, and the city fell when he attacked and killed its lord. The two felt quite similar, but there was something more sinister about Gabriel. 
-You couldn't figure out what was going on, but when you noticed orcs following you, you had your answer. 
-You tried to escape them since there were too many of them for you to take them on your own. However, your luck seemed to get worse because you got cornered. 
-They surrounded you with vicious grins and prepared to skin you alive. You couldn't find another way out till you felt the pain, and something began to crawl inside you, making you stand still and twitch uncontrollably. 
-You then felt a pair of hands coming from behind you and covering your eyes from the sun and the sky. You then heard a gentle hush, and everything turned dark. 
-The next time you woke up, you were covered in orc blood, and all the orcs lay dead around you like those people in the cave. You stared at them horrifically while holding your bloodied blade because the way their innards and blood dressed the ground made it look like they faced a savage beast. It was carnage. 
-You were frightened because there was no way you could have done that all by yourself. You then remembered something or rather– someone, covered your eyes, and made you black out. 
-You were confused beyond words. 
-You were startled when you heard someone behind you and saw another one of your kind looking at you with a disturbed and concerned look on his face. 
-He asked if you were alright, but you didn't know how to answer. You were still in shock from what happened. 
-The elf introduced himself as Legolas and offered to take you to see his companions. 
-You remembered what happened and almost refused his offer, fearing you would put him and his companions in danger, but you were too tired and wanted some peace of mind, so you accepted, and he took you away from the bloody scene. 
-He helped you clean up from the orc blood so you wouldn't scare his companions, then introduced you to them. You did not expect to meet two human men, one dwarf, four little creatures, and a wizard. You certainly haven't met a company like that before.
-They helped you out, even though some of them were suspicious of you. You found the little creatures 'the hobbits' pleasant company. The food they made was excellent, and the little rascals Merry and Pippin were humorous. 
-You honestly felt better after such maddening days. 
-When they questioned you and your journey, you felt reluctant to tell what had been happening to you. You didn't know what was wrong with you and felt fearful, so you lied and told them you got lost, which wasn't precisely a lie. 
-Soon, however, you began to hear strange whispers. 
-They were quiet and spoke in a strange language. They oddly became stronger whenever you stood beside Frodo. You didn't know why, so you were afraid that you were losing your mind. 
-You decided to confess to the wizard what had happened to you and what you went through before meeting them. You even told him about the whispers and how they always became stronger when you were around Frodo. 
-Gandalf heeded your concerns and asked you to give him your hand. You cooperated and gave him your hand, allowing him to feel your fea and mind. He then let go with a troubled face. 
-There was an evil presence deep within you, he explained, and that is why you are most likely hearing one ring, the purpose of their journey. 
-You felt shocked hearing the news, but you finally understood why those things had been happening to you. When you told Gandalf about the strange dreams, he was a bit baffled since even he had never heard of concepts such as Christ or false Gabriel. 
-He advised you to watch your condition and stay clear of Frodo to avoid getting affected by the one ring. He then said you should come with them to Lothlorien and seek aid from the lady of light, who might be able to help you. 
-You heeded his advice and stayed clear of Frodo, keeping it a secret that you knew about the one ring like Gandalf promised to keep your condition secret to ensure the fellowship won't be frightened. 
-You tried to avoid Frodo indirectly so he wouldn't notice. He was sweet and kind, so you didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Although you enjoyed being around him, you had to do it for his sake as well as yours.
-You joined on their journey since they were going for Lothlorien. Everything was going quite well. You managed to become somewhat friends with Gimli, the dwarf. He was rough-tongued but funny. Legolas teased you sometimes, and you became friends with him fairly quickly.
-You watched over your condition and tried to observe if anything else was going to happen to you. Knowing there was an evil spirit inside you made you feel a bit on edge. Surprisingly, nothing happened so far until you went to sleep. 
-" They can't help you..." You heard a voice say and found yourself in the familiar world of endless darkness. You were frightened till you came face to face with Gabriel or false Gabriel. 
-He looked like the ethereal angel, but there was a dark shadow behind his eyes, and the way he smiled at you made shivers run across your spine. You somehow knew in your guts that this was the devil, the creature that tricked the people and plunged the sky into darkness. 
-" What do you want from me?" You asked, your body shaking with fear as he towered over you with his ominous presence. 
-He didn't say anything till he tilted his head and grinned. "You..." he said, and you woke up with fright. 
-Frodo was startled by your sudden awakening since he was awake and didn't expect you to wake up with sweat running down your skin. He helped you calm down after waking up, and you two talked with each other, talking about homes and your family members. 
-It was comforting, and you felt much better. However, your nightmare didn't seem to be over since you began to hear Gabriel's whispers in your ears, telling you to take the ring. 
-You ignored him and tried to push his voice away, feeling unsettled that he was now talking to you when you were awake. You had a bad feeling. Your condition might get worse and worse, especially when the one ring was whispering to you too. 
-The journey became difficult. You went through the path of Moria. You tried to keep the hobbits safe from the goblins, but when you sensed the balrog – Gabriel awakened and tried to take control of you. 
-You tried to resist him, but your internal struggle separated you from your companions. They tried to call out to you, but you didn’t hear them and ended up surrounded by the goblins. 
-When Gabriel covered your eyes, he again made you fall into a dreamless sleep. 
-The goblins surrounded you, but when you clapped your hands with a wicked smile– everything fell into darkness. The fellowship couldn't see anything. They heard the goblins scream in pain and terror, making sounds they had never heard from a goblin before. It was enough to make them all shiver with fear. 
-They were worried when you disappeared into the darkness. But, since the goblins and the balrog were after them. They had to leave you behind. 
-Frodo mourned for you and Gandalf. He saw you as a good friend because you were kind, and it felt like there was something connecting you, so he did only lose one friend but two. 
-Time passed, and he and his companions reached Lothlorien, meeting the lady of the light.
-Frodo felt tired after everything he went through but kept going since he chose to do it, and he felt like he owed it to you and Gandalf since it was he– who chose the path through Moria, and you gave your lives for him to live. 
-His departure from Lothlorien was smooth, but then the orcs attacked, and he made the decision to continue the journey on his own along with Sam. 
-The two wandered through the woods until they felt a menacing presence. Frodo could feel the ring reacting to it. It was so strong he could feel it vibrate against his chest. Against better judgment, they decided to investigate and follow where the ring was taking them. 
-They came to a lonely forest opening and were shocked to find you hovering in the air with haunting eyes. Leaves and stones floating around you. You had a terrified expression on your face, and all the green around you had either turned grey or withered. 
-The air felt heavy in the hobbit’s lungs. The one ring reacted strongly to your presence, and they felt like there was less light in the world, just growing darkness. 
-Frodo called out to you, and his voice reached your mind, waking you up from slumber and making you drop down to the earth. 
-You laid there, dizzy and confused. Frodo and Sam had to walk over to see if you were alright, and when they saw you conscious, they bombarded you with questions. 
-You knew you couldn't hide it from them, so you told them the truth about Gabriel, who has been taking control of your body and doing unimaginable things. You had been trying to avoid spending too much time around Frodo since the one ring seemed to affect you and Gabriel, who seemed interested in its power. 
-You expected the hobbits to fear you and push you away, but they comforted you and told you how glad they were to see you alive. They told you about Gandalf's fall and their departure from Lothlorien. 
-You were baffled by the news and saddened to hear Gandalf fell with the Balrog. You should have considered going to Lothlorien and seeking lady Galadriel's aid, but you couldn't bring yourself to leave the hobbits do their journey alone, so you asked if you could join them to keep them safe. 
-Frodo and Sam felt reluctant to let you come and told you how you should find help to deal with Gabriel. You insisted, saying it wouldn't feel right for you to let them go alone. You might even find use in Gabriel's abilities to keep them safe from Sauron. 
-They allowed you to come, and you three started your journey together toward Mordor. They felt comforted since you were an experienced warrior and a friend. 
-However, Gabriel started whispering relentlessly into your ears to take the one ring, kill Sauron and become the new dark lord. He tried to tempt you with these horrible ideals, and you tried to resist him, ignoring his honeyed words and promises. 
-He didn't make it easy. He started haunting you in your dreams, trying to tempt you, yelling at you angrily, and showing you terrible visions of flames and darkness. It was an endless charade of nightmares. 
-You started suffering from fatigue because you didn't want to sleep anymore. It got so bad that there were bags under your eyes, and the lack of rest began to catch up with your body. 
-One day, Gabriel showed you the most terrible nightmare ever, and you woke up screaming. Your fatigue and the constant whispering, possession, and dreaming drove you mad. You took out your dagger, intending to end it by killing yourself.  
-Sam and Frodo were fast enough to stop you, holding you down and taking your dagger away from your hand. You struggled, but when they managed to calm you down, you cried and apologized hundred times. 
-They didn’t know what else to do, so they only comforted you, making you some calming tea to help you clear your mind.
 -You struggled to keep yourself going after that. Gabriel's hold on you only grew stronger, making you worry about what would happen to you and Middle Earth if Gabriel was to set free upon it. You couldn't make yourself leave Frodo and Sam to make the dangerous journey, so you only had each other to keep yourself sane.
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harnasinducedriot · 2 years
I really don't know how to feel with the fact that Gabriel became a Tumblr Sexyman.
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vinceres-a-loser · 6 months
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haven’t even owned the game for a full week and i’m obsessed
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leclewi · 1 month
false god — medina.
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warnings ⟅ conotação sexual, palavrão.
WHAT ABOUT?╭ . .⃗ vocês brigam, mas ainda se amam.
MARI’S NOTES! ╭ . .⃗ oi vidocasss, me pediram e eu trouxe mais meu homem. espero que gostem de vdd! se vcs puderem comentar o que acharam, eu aprecio demais! eu não sei se eu gostei desse, relação de amor e ódio. não revisei, perdão por qualquer erro.
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a bateria não foi boa. faltou ondas, atenção, equilíbrio, suporte e cabeça. gabriel não tinha cabeça, desde quando vocês brigaram pela manhã. uma briga sem fundamentos, sem nexos e sentido, mas mesmo assim acontecia.
a prancha logo foi jogada ao chão, a imprensa pedindo por uma palavra, mas ele não tinha alguma. o corpo dele doía, a água gelada secando tornou o traje grudento e desconfortável. o mundo contra medina e, aparentemente você também.
o foco dele era voltar para o hotel, ter o mínimo de conforto que ele podia, merecia, depois dessa prova. mas, a visão do seu rosto absento de um sorriso, fez a frustação vencer a vulnerabilidade. assim como palavras se tornavam armas, o silêncio era um abismo de pena. e era seu mecanismo, ele aprendeu — forçadamente —, mas aprendeu. de certa forma, o acalmava.
o amor não era algo rotulado, um jogo com um manual de instruções, era uma dádiva, concedida pelo seu próprio organismo e lá se sabe quem, se você acreditar. é uma destreza, necessitada de tempo e sofrimento para ser entendida e manejada. e gabriel sabia, que pra te amar, precisava sofrer antes amando as suas imperfeições.
no quarto de hotel, ele foi para o banheiro, ainda quieto. o banho foi demorado, a água quente queimava as tatuagens e ele rogava para que o ressentimento também fosse embora.
“qual foi, s/a?” foram as primeiras palavras que ele direcionou a você, depois desse tempo. “esse silêncio vai te matar antes mesmo que eu te diga desculpas.”
a sua raiva ainda borbulhava por dentro, de forma branda e controlada, mas o suficiente para que você rolasse seus olhos. “como se você fosse capaz.” sua voz sussurrada.
ele resolveu ignorar, o amor em ação era uma coisa horrenda em comparação ao amor dos filmes. a ação de ignorar a alfinetada e a dor que ele sentiu uma prova.
“você não tem ideia.” ele referiu a você de novo, o corpo dele afundando ao seu lado. um suspiro pesado e cheio de cansaço flutuando dos lábios dele. — tão lindos. “foi uma porcaria, eu tô me sentindo mal. e você ainda insiste na ironia. por deus, s/n.”
querendo ou não, te afetou. você causou o cansaço nele, de certa forma, você causou uma infelicidade maior quando negou o que ele queria, o amor e conforto. o silenciou possuiu de novo.
“você me tira do sério.” você admitiu, sua mão acariciando o braço dele antes mesmo de pensar. o erro dele realmente te tirou do sério, você disse coisas que não deveria, assim como ele te disse coisas que não deveriam ter sido nem cogitadas. — mas, ele ainda era aquele gabriel. o que faria de qualquer coisa para redimir seus erros, mesmo que negaria as desculpas.
ele sem pensar te beijou, rolou para o lado e grudou seus lábios. o amor não sobressaia o ressentimento, a dor, mágoa, aquilo era parte do amor de vocês, de qualquer um. a necessidade se sobressaia.
o corpo dele se pressionou contra o seu, te prendendo contra a cama. “você que é maluca.” ele protestou, em um gemido pequeno e quieto, relaxando na sua pele. “sério, ciúmes daquela bruaca loira?”
sua mão puxou alguns fios do cabelo dele, em retaliação, mas falhou quando seu sorrisinho apareceu. “minha culpa se você é educado demais? qual foi, ela ainda fala de você.” a explicação meia boca serviu de nada, além de alimentar o ego dele e apaziguar as sensações ruins.
não importa as condições, vocês ainda se amariam. os lábios dele — constantemente admirados por você. — deixaram um beijo no seu nariz, “você não quis me escutar, s/n. não vem com essa.” um selinho no seus lábios. “é sério. me mata toda vez que você resolve calar a boca e ainda me leva junto nessa porra de silêncio.”
uma das mãos dele guiou sua perna para descansar na cintura dele, obediente seu corpo seguiu. o toque físico era sua melhor forma de reconciliar e foi isso que você fez, beijou ele antes mesmo que ele pudesse te retaliar de novo.
a língua dele era tão familiar que seu coração apertou, um dia e meio era o suficiente para você sentir falta dele. e vice-versa. ele procurava pelo seu corpo, pressionando o quadril dele em meio a suas pernas.
não demorou muito para vocês estarem doendo de desejo. “desculpa.” você tentou e ele não caiu, riu da sua palavra. “mentira, nem vem.”
ele se levantou, ainda no meio das suas pernas, puxando sua saia para baixo sem prolongamento. você desmanchou nas mãos dele, como sempre.
“tá, bobão.” você riu de volta e ele te beijou.
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judeiscactus · 6 months
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i did something a little silly
for those of you who have absolutely no clue what falsettos is (because im noticing that in the comments/reposts:
“Falsettos is a sung-through musical with a book by William Finn and James Lapine, and music and lyrics by Finn. The musical consists of March of the Falsettos (1981) and Falsettoland (1990), the last two installments in a trio of one-act musicals that premiered off-Broadway (the first was In Trousers). The story centers on Marvin, who has left his wife to be with a male lover, Whizzer, and struggles to keep his family together. Much of the first act explores the impact his relationship with Whizzer has had on his family. The second act explores family dynamics that evolve as he and his ex-wife plan his son's bar mitzvah, which is complicated as Whizzer comes down with an early case of AIDS. Central to the musical are the themes of Jewish identity, gender roles, and gay life in the late 1970s and early 1980s.” -Wikipedia
i created an AU where marvin would be aziraphale; crowley would be whizzer; gabriel would be trina; beelzebub would be mendel; muriel would be jason (i keep on teetering between them or adam); and the lesbians are the lesbians (because they’re literally the same people/hj)
this is the playbill for falsettos which is where i got the inspiration from
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keideez · 6 months
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Please click for better quality
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hatchi-matchii · 6 months
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FAItH art comp aka coolest pages in my sketchbook atm
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halfassedtea · 2 years
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craziest blunt rotation
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toopolar · 3 months
Gabriel ultrakill would viscerally hate sephiroth maybe ?
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