#false lankum
butcharondir · 2 years
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stills from the video for Go Dig My Grave by Lankum
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fruitsoups · 6 months
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Lankum - Go Dig My Grave
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localrye · 2 years
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sekwar · 1 year
i was promised a life of great effervescence so i tried to make good with my given iridescence but all was in vain as i reached deliquescence
on a monday morning
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sinceileftyoublog · 1 year
Lankum Album Review: False Lankum
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(Rough Trade)
Lankum are a true progressive folk band, exploring the genre’s crossover appeal. Yet, the Irish quartet don’t make accessible music, necessarily; rather, they find common themes among tales of heartbreak, murder, oppression, and the terrible things the human race is capable of, diving headfirst into the darkness of old stories and applying it to new worlds. Produced by John “Spud” Murphy, the band’s latest album False Lankum is far and away their most ambitious and best, as horrific at times as it is beautiful. It begins with “Go Dig My Grave”, a standard tale of lovelorn suicide and its resulting note with burial instructions, that’s seen versions by everyone from Jean Ritchie and Doc Watson to Lambchop. It starts with singer Radie Peat, a capella, an uneasy shrillness in the weariness of her voice and the sharp tones of the guitar stabs. Eventually, the piercing drones and stomping percussion--meant to invoke the Irish process of keening--emulate the never-ending strikes of shovels in the ground during a burial. It’s straight out of an Ari Aster film.
False Lankum take traditional Irish music and put it up against a mirror, the inherent doom of the song’s themes staring right back at it in the face. “Master Crowley’s” is an instrumental fiddle reel that morphs into something truly sinister and dangerous, woozy concertinas and string instruments squeaking and growling like rabid, out-of-breath animals. On “Lord Abore and Mary Flynn”, Cormac MacDiarmada’s pained singing carries the dark, sad jaunt about a mother who poisons her teenage son instead of allowing him to choose his own love. Epic closer “The Turn”, one of two Daragh Lynch originals, sees the vocal harmonies in lower octaves, the song structure alternating between ambient and a galloping, fatalistic chorus. “Turn, we’ll find better days / Burned to the ground / Mourn, it’s the only way / We’ll make a sound,” they sing, before the song ends with clattering drums and squealing drones, the true sound of mourning, indeed.
Of course, there’s beauty and triumph in the pain on False Lankum, like on Gordon Bok tune “Clear Away in the Morning”, where the abstractly doom-filled strings are nonetheless gentle in their delivery alongside whispered vocal harmonies. “Netta Perseus”, another original, sports muted harmonies and plucked guitars, rolling drums and synthesizers that take us into an abyss of sound. The harmonic, chanted “The New York Trader” is a sea shanty about sacrificing the life of a confessed murderer boat captain in order to calm the seas, immigrants coming ashore in “Amerikay” bloodied but alive, which is how you feel as the song thrashes about until its conclusion.
And then there’s centerpiece “Newcastle”, which has origins in the 17th century but, along with “Lord Abore and Mary Flynn”, has undeniable contemporary applications. The former could be sung from the perspective of the latter’s victim. “Why should I not love my love? / Why shouldn’t my love love me? / Why shouldn’t I not speed after her / Since love to all is free?” the band longingly ask on “Newcastle”, presenting the questions of freedoms and human agency as matter-of-fact, righteous parts of existence rather than something to be begged for. In telling these stories, Lankum keep folk alive and well, peeling back its layers to reveal raw wounds.
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3d-visions · 6 months
False Lankum - Lankum
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This was the first album I listened to from 2023 in full, I know, very sad, but starting this slightly different flavour of breakdown has really changed the way that I listen to music. And to be very honest, this was both a challenge and a catalyst. In the past, the way I have interacted with music has been flighty and obsessive, repeatedly listening to a singular song whilst neglecting the rest of the album. This is why (and it should come as no surprise to anyone who has listened to this album in full) that this was a challenging album for my short attention span to listen to, especially as a return to full length listening.
Don't worry, I'll set the scene for you. On Friday the 5th of April (I sound like a wanker, last Friday) I travelled up to the north of England to the thoroughly depressing city of Hull - it even feels awful when you say it, try it now, say it out loud, I'll wait here for you. Done it? Good, now keep reading - (probably because of the weird vibes of my family) to visit family and go and see Ed Gamble in York. When we arrived after a refreshing 10 hours of driving, I was promptly frog-marched into my grandparent's house. Soon enough I had the chance to skulk off, up the creakiest stairs in existence to a room I used to share with my brother and cousins. You know the feeling when you go back to a primary school that you went to as a child and remark 'oh it's all so much smaller than I remember', now make it derelict. Returning to that room without the accompaniment of childhood or people creates a unique sadness, so I did the obvious thing and blocked it out completely. And thus began my deep dive into the music of 2023. It's a wonder how, when surrounded by the accoutrements of your rapidly rotting childhood, you can become so engrossed in reminiscing about my last year of not being an adult.
Anyway, onto the actual album, I know I've talked a lot about myself, but this is for me and not you so… I discovered this album when I scrolled to the guardian's album of the year on their 'top 50 of 2023'. Of course, being the impatient little imp I am, I imminently popped my noise-cancelling headphones on and emersed myself in the traditional folk/ drone metal masterpiece. Disclaimer, I literally know nothing about music, I'll do my best.
'Go Dig My Grave' is the opening track of the record, and it begins with the piercing, melodic, unaccompanied vocals of Radie Peat. If I were to come across this opening in my casual music listening, then I would skip quickly as my puny, internet-poisoned brain would not be able to handle an eight and a half minute song. However, once I took a quick glance around the room, I was open to something new. Soon enough, the unnerving floating vocals are accompanied by disembodied notes that are eerily elongated and a monotone duet providing a spine tingling bass/ drone-y feel which I can only imagine is amazing live. The floating notes soon amalgamate into a cacophony of noise that seems straight from hell, the drone has become heady and metallic, almost screeching. Where the rest of the song is felt in your extremities the final few minutes are most certainly targeting the head, I can almost feel the continuous pitched drone in my temples. It brings with it the experience of a gig, like you can feel the music through the speakers, but without bursting an eardrum.
'Clear Away in the Morning' drifts seamlessly into the ending of the last track, continuing the high-pitched and swooping drone I am so fond of but introducing a melodic pendulum of noise accompanied by acoustic strumming. Despite the lack of vocals for the first two and a half minutes, the instrumentation manages to evoke the feeling of the ocean, of waves crashing against rocks. It feels 'of the Romantics' (getting use out of my English A-Level) and to me gives a definite sense of the sublime, it makes the listener small in the face of majesty, almost meditative. Even once the vocals begin, the track doesn't lose its sublimity, it's only enhanced by the harmonising vocals, which to me feel almost rapturous. Personally, it reminds me (yes, back to me again) of a day in November. I was walking back to my university halls, I could hear through the occasional 'einschwingvorgang' of thunder (there isn't a word in English that matches) lilting melodies from the cathedral, dipping in and out, the stained-glass windows illuminating the surrounding area with other-worldly light. Through the pounding of rain, I couldn't make out the lyrics I could only hear the harmony of the collective, I sat outside the cathedral for over an hour in the pouring rain that night. I could have just listened to this song because, same vibes.
'Fugue I' is the first of 3 interludes within the album that act as musical markers within the wide expanse of ocean that is this album, the swing of a lighthouses beam recalibrating the listener's position. This one brings a nice, yet definitive, end to the collective of the last two tracks. It gradually increases in pace until the abrupt ending, which heads into the next track.
'Master Crowley's' (haha, I fucking love good omens, Neil Gaiman <3) though jaunty in its use of sting instruments and its higher tempo beats feels constantly at risk of falling in on itself. It feels almost alive. The song has a real sense of movement, of some kind of behemoth lumbering along, the jig (idk if that's the right word) is placed on a soundscape of life. As we reach the halfway mark of the track, it shifts. We are taken down into the belly of the giant metallic beast and the jig is overpowered once again by the pendulum of noise seen in 'Clear Away in the Morning'. This track, due partially because of the lack of lyrics, takes the listener on a journey through the musical arrangements, for me this tracks creates the most imagery.
'Newcastle' is the song that my mother likes the most from this album and is comparatively (at least to its fugue mate) simple, though the layering and soundscape that surround the music provides depth, the real power of this song is Peat's voice. This track, I would say, is one of the most beautiful of the whole album. I feel bad because I don't have much to say about this song other than to just praise its beauty and gorgeousness. If for some reason you only listen to one song off of this album, then let it be this one.
'Fugue II' is the second of our three fugues and the shortest. Once again, it provides a nice bridge between the sections of music. The fugues I think are a bit more experimental than the full tracks. They provide a space to explore a newer sound. This one evokes a definite maritime feel, though that could just be me. The sprinkling of high-pitched tones brought to my mind the movement of metal chains at the docks, the constant cold pull of them as you heave them away from the sea. The screams and screeches of the rusting metal as they call back to the ocean.
'Netta Perseus' is once again a more acoustic number, but rather than the soundscape of 'Newcastle', the music here seems to swell and twist around the guitar. The sound as a whole seems more cohesive, the sounds are no longer just concordant but intertwining. Once you hit halfway, it changes into a wall of sound similar to 'Master Crowley's belly of the beast. The acoustic is attacked and taken over by the goliath of sound, strings weaving in and out of incessant drumming until the vocals come back in calming the sound back down. The lullaby like harmonies reach out and raining in the catastrophising noise.
'The New York Trader' is another fucking banger, it might sound like I'm hyping this album up too much, but it is genuinely just that good. This song in particular is far more closely linked to the music which I usually listen to. In preparation of writing this, I have done absolutely no research other than the short bit of information on the guardian's top 50 list. But this track sounds quite distinctively punk-y, both the lyrics and the sound feels quite a bit grimier, it displays a more intense sound with markedly more aggression which can be heard even in the strumming of the guitar.
'Lord Abore and Mary Flynn' another beautiful acoustic number, more of a ballad this time with gloriously rapturous restrained strings, and I am a fucking sucker for string arrangements. I'm going to talk a bit about the album as a whole. I think now, I would say that this album feels, more than anything else, like a labour of love and a definite unwillingness to compromise on a vision. This album, despite much of the lyrical content, feels quite celebratory to me. I'm not sure whether that celebration for me comes from a completely realised and unhindered creative vision or something else. Perhaps the complete harmony of the group, there is no pulling indifferent directions, this is clearly exactly what every member wants to be doing. I would be willing to bet that these people had been working together for years, the synchronicity and ease is so apparent throughout.
'Fugue III' Our final fugue, and our longest one, this track once again makes use of the high-pitched drone - at this point I can call it a motif right? But with an undercurrent of guitar, though after the seven minutes of melody from the last track, this one creates the most dissonance yet.
'On a Monday Morning' feels almost filmic in its execution, it has grand swells and mellow dips, I can't keep saying how beautiful this album is, just go and fucking listen to it. This album feels like a Magnum Opus, it feels definitive and powerful. The sound surrounds you and envelops you, once again to use the maritime metaphor, you are swept away to the sea during this record. It feels like less of an album and more of a dream, you transcend different realms and stories and become intertwined, yet it's not overwhelming, yes you have been swept away by the tide, but you aren't drowning. Don't worry, I've almost finished waxing poetic.
'The Turn' is the final culmination, a 13-minute culmination, it's joyous and definitive. It tells of a ship departing, as they are departing from this album. The occasional pick-ups of tempo and instrumentalisation create a (and I hate to use the word again) rapturous feeling, at the end of a truly amazing album which I'm sure will continue to live with me for a long time.
This is long and, and I doubt that anyone has actually read this far, but I guess if you have any recommendations, let me know or if you disagree with me or have anything to add (fr none of my friends know I'm trying to listen to everything from 2023). Also, if somehow you have read this and not listened to the album like literally wtf are you doing, go and listen to it.
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bluevelvetcat · 7 months
New Music 03/2024 - Gina Birch, Lankum
Adventurous debut from godmother of feminist rock; a dark, atmospheric and intense take on traditional Irish folk that got me to learn a new genre, doom folk. Continue reading New Music 03/2024 – Gina Birch, Lankum
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juliansummerhayes · 9 months
Listen/purchase: False Lankum by Lankum
Here now. I’ve got to hear something other than Christmas carols and Wham today!!!
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taybrits · 9 months
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@blogovision 2023:
5. False Lankum by Lankum
"My lover she lies asleep My lover is warm and her heart is mellow I'd trade you the world just to share her pillow On a Monday morning"
©Sorcha Frances Ryder
Last year's #5:
Diaspora Problems by Soul Glo
So far:
6. Adventures In Limbo by Saul Adamczewski
7. A New Tomorrow by Zulu
8. Let’s Hope Heteros Fail, Learn And Retire by Alice Longyu Gao
9. Formal Growth In The Desert by Protomartyr
10. I Though I Was Better Than You by Baxter Dury
11. Living Human Treasure by Italia 90
12. Did You Know That There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd by Lana Del Rey
13. Blooming by Donna Candy
14. Θύματα Ειρήνης by Πυρ Κατά Βούληση
15. Tracey Denim by Bar Italia
16. CACTI by Billy Nomates
17. Rotten Bun For An Eggless Century by mui zyu
18. The Land Is Inhospitaple And So Are We by Mitski
19. Quaranta by Danny Brown
20. i’ve seen a way by Mandy, Indiana
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Lankum - La Discografia (2004-2023)
Dal folk sporco e politico degli esordi, alle nebbie drone dell'ultimo esoterico album. Un racconto inaspettato.
Una delle traiettorie discografiche più inaspettate del folk contemporaneo, capace di rinnovarsi pura rimanendo ancorati alla tradizione irlandese. Complice di questo percorso incontri e influenze dalla scena irlandese e internazionale, ampliando un bagaglio culturale che nasce dall’urgenza politica militante, ma ben presto si tramuta in consapevolezza del proprio potenziale artistico. Continue…
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reckonslepoisson · 1 year
The Livelong Day (2019), Fake Lankum (2023), Lankum
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What if Swans were Irish? And what if swans were Irish? So many questions, so many. This succulently mopey Irish drone folk stuff comes with heaps of perhaps-undeliberate Pirates of the Caribbean vibes... it’s quite cool, but not that cool.
Pick(s): ‘Bear Creek’, ‘The Turn’
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butcharondir · 2 years
ugly crying to the new lankum this is fine i am normal
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punkysdilemma-blog · 1 year
Haunting, doom laden take on a very old song, an incredible beginning to end experience that takes Irish folk into the dark future with style. 
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scumoftheworst · 1 year
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Lankum:  False Lankum (2023) out now....
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Song of the Day
26 Mar., ‘23
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jgthirlwell · 9 months
2023 Year In Review
This year once again I invited some friends and colleagues to reflect on 2023
JG Thirlwell Composer Foetus Xordox Manorexia Steroid Maximus Venture Bros Archer
2023 was an intense year. The year began with the premiere of my symphony for Alarm Will Sound and ended with guesting vocalizing with Dinosaur Jr on some Stooges classics. I completed the final season of Archer. Wrote a lot of material for new Xordox and Foetus albums. Released an album of string quartets and scored a Venture Bros movie. Worked with some great singers and premiered my Ensemble project in London. I spent several months traveling and set up a small studio in Melbourne for a bit. Road tripped through NZ with my partner, Dora. I played some excellent shows in London, Colchester, Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne and Sydney. I still woke up 5am in a panic on too many occasions. And I saw some great concerts.It was difficult to whittle down this list but here are a lot of albums I enjoyed in 2023, in no particular order.
Poil Ueda Yoshitsune (Dur et Doux) Poil Ueda - Poil Ueda (Dur et Doux) Genevieve Artadi Forever Forever (Brainfeeder) Knower - Knower Forever (Brainfeeder) Ultraphauna No No No No (Dur Et Doux) Gahlmm Break A Leg (GEIGER Grammofon) Oneohtrix Point Never Again (Warp) Lankum - False Lankum (Rough Trade) Evian Christ Revanchist (Warp) Chromb Cinq (Dur et Doux) Deskartes A Kant After Destruction (Cleopatra) Gazelle Twin Then You Run (Original Score) L’Rain I Killed Your Dog (Mexican Summer) Loraine James Gentle Confrontation (Hyperdub) Royal Blood Back To The Water Below (Warner) John Luther Adams Darkness and Scattered Light (Cold Blue) Catherine Christer Hennix Solo for Tamburium (Blank Forms) Rachel Fannan Bjork Impersonations (Instagram) Regal Worm Worm! (Quatermass) Wild Up Julius Eastman Vol. 3: If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich? (New Amsterdam) PJ Harvey I Inside the Old Year Dying (Partisan) Poppy I Disagree (Sumerian) Sparks The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte (Island) Queens Of The Stone Age In Times New Roman (Matador) Time Wharp Spiro World (Leaving) Murderpact Ultraheaven (Bandcamp) RVG Brain Worms (Our Golden Friend) HMLTD - The Worm (Lucky Number) Catarina Barbieri - Myuthafoo (Editions Mego) Ligeti Quartet and Anna Meredith - NUC (Mercury KX) Mandy Indiana I’ve Seen a Way + EP(FireTalk) Kate NV WOW (RVNG) Kelly Moran Vesela EP (Warp) Kurws Powiez / Fascia (Korobushka) Fever Ray Radical Romantics (Mute) Netherlands Severance (Svart) Tim Hecker No Highs (Kranky) Bohemian Flesh Bohemian Flesh (Ojet) Pure Adult II (FatCat) Model/Actriz - Dogsbody (True Panther Sounds) Laurel Halo - Atlas (Awe) Water From Your Eyes - Everyones Crushed (Matador) Moritz Von Oswald - Silencio (tresor) REZZETT Meant Like This (Trilogy Tapes) Jess Johnson and Simon Ward 'Terminus' Virtual Reality exhibition at the Museum in Dunedin NZ.
Naomi Klein Doppelganger Graham Rayman and Reuven Blau Rikers : An Oral History Thurston Moore Sonic Life Malcolm Gladwell The Bomber Mafia Tony Cohen Half Deaf, Completely Mad Brett Anderson Coal Black Morning Book Wesley Doyle Conform To Deform Primo Levi Survival in Auschwitz
Films + TV
Beef Barry Fargo The YouTube Effect Mutiny In Heaven Beau Is Afraid In The Court Of The Crimson King Oppenheimer
01.28.23 Kodak Quartet performed at the Jack Studio Festival Event at The New School, performing a work by Khyam Allami and a stunning rendition of Ligeti’s String Quartet No 1. 02.21.23 Pure Adult opened for Gilla Band at Brooklyn Made and both were excellent! 02.22.23 Clown Core (featuring Louis Cole on drums and keys) Elsewhere in NYC. 03.02.23 Laurie Anderson performs at a drone event anchored by Lou’s guitar generating feedback drones, on the occasion of Lou Reed’s birthday .Other musicians joining the drone included Shazad Ismailey, Steven Bernstein, Stan Harrison, Briggan Krauss and more. 03.09.23 Michael Byron’s new work In One Second There Will Be A Thousand Plateaus Perhaps for two pianos and small orchestra featuring pianists Joseph Kubera and Steve Beck with Petr Kotik conducting members of the S.E.M. Ensemble. At Roulette Intermedium. 04.04.23 Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs brought the rock power and played an intense and triumphant show at Mercury Lounge to end their first US tour. 04.08.23 Amarcord Nino Rota, a reimagining of the Hal Willner’s Nino Rota tribute album, at Roulette Intermedium. 05.03.23 Genevieve Artadi played a grreat set at Public Records in Brooklyn to support her new album Forever Forever, with Louis Cole on drums. 05.27.23 Gloryhammer at Irving Plaza. Saw them in Melbourne too. 06.27.23 Sparks played a brilliant show at the Beacon Theater in NYC and I also caught them at Palais Theater in St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia on 10.26.23 07.04.23 75 Dollar Bill at Union Pool 08.20.23 BeatFox . Incredible luck to see this guy busking on Brick Lane. 08.21.23 The very wonderful Deerhoof at The Lafayette in London 08.22.23 clipping. played a killer show at Outernet in London 08.23.23 The incredible Poil Ueda from Lyon, France played in London at the Lexington + Lost Crowns 08.24.23 Swans played an epic set at The Troxy in Londo 09.24.23 TENGGER played an amazing set at the Art Gallery of NSW. 10.06.23 Fuji|||||||||||ta at Tempo Rubato in Melbourne, Australia. 10.07.23 RVG played a killer show to a packed house at Northcote Theatre in Melbourne, Australia 10.17.23 Chloe Sobek at Make It Up Club in Melbourne Australia. 10.21.23 Paul McCartney at Marvel Stadium in Melbourne Australia 10.28.23 Sarah Mary Chadwick at Wesley Anns as part of The 86 Super Saturday Festival 10.28.23 Party Dozen from Sydney played a great set at The 86 Super Saturday Festival in Melbourne Australia. 11.10.23 Devon Townsend played a beautiful, brutal and ecsatic show in Melbourne Australia at the Forum. 12.06.23 Ashley Bathgate and percussion sextet Mantra Percussion performed Matt McBane’s Topography at National Sawdust in NYC.
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Michel Langevin (aka Away/Voïvod)
My coups de coeur in 2023:   TV Series: The Last of Us   Music: The Damned - Darkadelic Godflesh - Purge Crown Lands - Fearless Gong - Unending Ascending Soft Machine - Other Doors   Best show: KISS End of the Road World Tour in Montréal on Nov 18th   Best Moments: -Recording and touring the new Voïvod album, Morgöth Tales, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the band -Celebrating my 60th birthday on stage in Lyon on the Voïvod/Testament Euro tour -Jason Newsted joining the band on stage in Fort Lauderdale, USA -Eric Forrest joining the band on stage at Hellfest, France  
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Lydia Lunch
“Time-one long second that goes on forever” So enjoy it motherfuckers!
Love the World or Get Killed Trying Alvina Chamberland Mother Howl Craig Clevenger Nein, Nein, Nein! : One Man's Tale of Depression, Psychic Torment, and a Bus Tour of the Holocaust Jerry Stahl Mystic Debris Justin Gradin Niagara, NY Ric Royers The Pale-Faced Lie : A True Story David Crow The Conspiracy Against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror Thomas Ligotti The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe Lynne McTaggert Yuval Noah Harari Box Set (Sapiens, Homo Deus, 21 Lessons for 21st Century) Season of the Witch Cathi Unsworth Every word John Tottenham utters or writes
TOURS with Sylvia Black & Gregg Foreman, Joseph Keckler, Marc Hurtado (tribute to Alan Vega & Suicide), Ian White, Kevin Shea (Sinister Impulse), Tim Dahl & Matt Nelson (Murderous Again)
Workshop & Performance Badass Babes of Burlesque w Rita D’Albert Zebulon LA
Workshop at the University of New Mexico thanks to Greg Moss
Reading with Zoe Hansen & Ron Athey at The Philosophical Research Center LA Reading with Eugene Robinson Makeout Room SF
Finishing the documentary with Jasmine Hirst Artists - Depression, Anxiety, and Rage and premiering it in Italy
Meeting butuh Queen Azumi OE and discussing up coming performances together with Tim Dahl
Completing the 233 episode of The Lydian Spin with Tim Dahl
Nights in London & Brighton spent with Nick Soulsby, Cathi Unsworth, Billy Chainsaw, Chris Bohn, Jack Sargeant, Pam Hogg,
Tina Kit (opened for my Suicide tribute in London & Brighton) best new band of suited and booted bad boys
Squired around Europe by Sebastien Greppo, a man like no other - who so lightens my burden…
Watching every episode of The Dark Side of The Ring with Kevin Shea
Training squirrels, levitating objects, saving lives, screaming into the void.
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Mike Berdan
(Uniform) https://uniform-nyc.com/
Lankum - False Lankum
Surgeon - Crash Recoil
Ryuichi Sakamoto - 12
Fellwinter - The Dawn Of Winter
Abysmal Lord - Bestiary Of Immortal Hunger
Death Kneel - Dawn Simulation
Shit And Shine - 2222 And Airport
Carnivorous Bells - Room Above All
Agonal Lust - Mankind Is A Talisman Of Misfortune
Godflesh - Purge
A History Of Violence (1973) - David Cotner
Someone Who Isn't Me - Geoff Rickly
Your Dreams - Thomas Moore 4. In A Lonely Place - Karl Edward Wagner
Burn You The Fuck Alive - B.R. Yeager
The Holy Day - Christopher Norris
A Collapse Of Horses - Brian Evenson
The Devil Thinks I'm Pretty - Charlene Elsby
Let's Go Play At The Adams' - Mendal W. Johnson
Counterillumination - Audrey Szasz
Godzilla Minus One
Cohiba Magico Maduro Petit Robusto
God Of Fire Serie B Double Robusto
Padron Family Reserve no. 95 Maduro Petit Gordo
El Pulpo Toro
Tatuaje Reserva J21 Broadleaf Robusto
Atabey Benditos Double Corona
Romeo y Julieta Línea de Oro Nobles
H. Upmann Half Corona
Foundation Cigars The Tabernacle Robusto
OpusX Eye Of The Shark
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Mario Diaz deLeon (composer, Luminous Vault, Bloodmist)
ALBUMS Evita Manji - Spandrel? Eartheater - Powders Slowspin - Talisman Marta DePascalis - Sky Flesh Kalia Vandever - We Fell in Turn Eraldo Bernocchi + Hoshiko Yamane - Sabi JakoJako -  Verve Surgeon - Crash Recoil Cavalera - Morbid Visions / Bestial Devastation Bell Witch - The Clandestine Gate Steve Lehman + Orchestre National de Jazz - Ex Machina
SONGS Kelly Moran - Vesela Vines - I Don’t Mind Cybotron - Maintain Barker - Birmingham Screwdriver VMO - Supergaze Omar Hisham - Adhan (Be Heaven)
EVENTS New Firmament: MONAD - Roulette Peter Evans: Being and Becoming - Roulette Anna Sperber: Amplifier - Roulette 20 Years of Shinkoyo - Roulette Anthony Braxton + Wolf Eyes - Pioneer Works Caterina Barbieri - Pioneer Works Felipe Lara + Claire Chase + Esperanza Spaulding + NY Phil TAK Ensemble: Swoonfest - The Clemente Center Kayo Dot: Choirs of The Eye - MilkBoy Cecilia Vicuña / Raven Chacon - The Poetry Project Krallice / Indocrithere / Geryon / Ocrilim - Saint Vitus Cavalera: Morbid Devastation - Irving Plaza Hulder / Blackbraid / Aeviterne - Le Poisson Rouge Eartheater / Concrete Husband - Elsewhere
BOOKS Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz - An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States
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Alexander Tucker (Microcorps)
I started off the year by releasing a project very close to my heart: Fifth Continent, a collaboration with the late Keith Collins, partner and collaborator of film maker and artist Derek Jarman. The album was partially recorded in Jarman’s cottage in the desert-like landscape of Dungeness, on the South East coastline of Kent, in the UK, with elements constructed from Collins own spoken word pieces, and environmental recordings. The album was released on James Ginzberg’s Subtext label, and we also produced Fifth Quarter, an anthology publication of writing, recollections, photography and newly commissioned artworks about Jarman, Collins and Dungeness.
Although I probably made more music than usual this year, and had a greater focus than ever on the various projects I have underway, 2023 felt like a weird and often frustrating year for me and music. About five years ago I set about teaching myself modular systems, experimenting, and recording the results as I went along. This culminated in a new solo guise primarily for electronics and the synthesis of voice and acoustic instruments, MICROCORPS (the debut album Xmit came out on Alter records in 2021). Using these systems is at the same time liberating and incredibly frustrating. For a while this year nothing felt good enough: I could feel the potential of my ideas glimmering in the distance but was unable to catch up with them. I decided to take a short break from the modular, and focused upon compositions for cello, saxophone, and clarinet. But the pull of electronics is never far, so I began processing these recordings, using granular synthesis to stretch, mutate and reorganise the audio into new pieces. As soon as you want more from your practice and yourself, things can become more laborious - it’s difficult to be in the moment and focus on what’s in front of you. I used to be happy with the immediate effects I produced, but I think this is being replaced by a different approach, something more considered, which is exciting and, in some ways, sobering - even if the results are far from what you would describe as sober. I’m also so lucky to have many friends and fellow artists around me to offer help and suggestions, to whom I’m eternally grateful. As R.Crumb says, “Keep on truckin”.
Music I dug this year: Godflesh - Purge (Avalanche Recordings) Rắn Cạp Đuôi - *1 (nhạc_gay) Mun Sing - Inflatable Gravestone (Planet Mu) RS Tangent - When A Worm Wears A Wig (The Trilogy Tapes) Arnold Dreybaltt And The Orchestra Of Excited Strings - Resolve (Drag City) Elvin Brandhi and Lord Spikeheart - Drunken Love (Hakuna Kulala) Mark Fell and Will Guthrie - Infoldings / Diffractions (NAKID) Afrorack - The Afrorack (Hakuna Kulala) Kinn - Dogtooth (First Light Records) General Magic - Nein Aber Ja (GoTo Records)
Live shows: Emptyset - Village Underground Elvin Brandhi - IKLECTIK Mick Harris/FRET – Downwards’ 30th, Centrala Mun Sing, Crys Cole, Penelope Trappes - Boundaries Festival  Maxwell Sterling - Cafe OTO Pole - EartH Nik Colk Void - Too many to count! Phew - Cafe OTO Residency Acid Horse Festival Devo - Hammersmith Apollo Kinn - New Cross Road Baptist Church
Comics: In 2023 I produced a new issue of my ongoing oblique and nonlinear comic series, Entity Reunion. For this issue I drew upon my love of HP Lovecraft, using the repetition of the comic format to peel back layers of the everyday to reveal omnipotent entities underlying all reality. The viewpoint of each page is from the point of view of the protagonists, who hold an electronic device, photographing their surroundings only to capture the blurred features of some insidious face. There are also references to Lovecraft’s own fictional grimoire the Necrononmicon. I wanted that dreamlike sensation of being the protagonists of the dream but also viewing yourself as separate entity.
Books: I read nearly all of Patrica Highsmith’s ‘Ripley’ books, a bunch of John Le Carré novels, Mark Kermode’s book on The Exorcist and I’m currently working my way through the spy novelist Eric Ambler’s books. I also re-read Bruce Robinson’s analysis on Jack the Ripper and Victorian society, ‘They All Love Jack’. 
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Tom Chiu (composer, Flux Quartet)
2 0 2 3  IN  REVIEW
Albums Worth Exploring (including a couple entries from 2022 that I discovered late)
Bar Italia                 Tracey Denim (Matador)
Blur                         Ballad Of Darren (Parlophone)
Bush Tetras             They Live In My Head (Wharf Cat)
Death Valley Girls    Islands In The Sky (Suicide Squeeze)
Dummy                    Mono Retriever (Sub Pop)
Duster                        Remote Echoes (Numero Group)
En Attendant Ana       Principia (Trouble In Mind)
Everything But the Girl     Fuse (Verve)
Horse Lords               Comradely Objects (RVNG)
Kelela                         Raven (Warp)
Lael Neale                  Star Eaters Delight (Sub Pop)
Lana Del Rey             Do You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (Interscope)
Lewsberg                   Out And About (12XU)
Munya                        Jardin (Luminelle)
Slowdive                    Everything Is Alive (Dead Oceans)
Sweeping Promises    Good Living Is Coming For You (Sub Pop)
Wednesday                Rat Saw God (Dead Oceans)
Yo La Tengo               This Stupid World (Matador)
Night at the Movies
Poor Things Past Lives Monster
Recurring Personal FAVES
FAVE Sandwich: Mekelburg's  Clinton Hill, Brooklyn
FAVE Burger: Two8Two Bar & Burger, Boerum Hill, Brooklyn
FAVE Craft Beer Brewery Omnipollo (Sweden), brewed at Twelve Percent Beer Project, North Haven, CT
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Pierre Cerrato
Producer - Editor  Floyd County Productions (Archer)
Favorite Movies/TV Archer Season 14 The Last of Us Gen V Beef This Fool Season 2 Fargo Season 5 Primo (Amazon Prime Show) The Bear Season 2 Episode Barry Season 4
Favorite Records  I listened to a lot of music but these were in constant rotation.  Some are from last year but what is time and who cares?
Boris/Uniform - Bright New Disease (2023) Birds in Row  - Gris Klein (2022) Fleshwater - We Are Not Here to Be Loved (2022) Asunojokei - Islands (2022) Everything But the Girl - Fuse (2023) Night Owls - Versions (2022)
Honorable mention Boris - Feedbacker (2003) this was my introduction to Boris. This year is the 20 year  anniversary of its release. Roberto Carlos Lange shared it with me one day while at work. He said it was something he thought I would like. Blew my mind and I have been a fan  ever since.
Favorite Concerts The Cure - State Farm Arena - also saw The Cure at Riot Fest but this was better of the 2. I regret not going to Night 2 in Atlanta because they played Disintegration.  H20 - Riot Fest 2023 Set Fleshwater - Riot Fest 2023 Set Future Islands - Shakey Knees 2023 Set The Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Shakey Knees 2023 Set Converge / Brutus - The Masquerade Drain / Drug Church - The Masquerade Donny Benet - Terminal West Idles - Re:Set 2023 Set
Favorite Food
MF Sushi - Atlanta - went twice and each time it was a special occasion.  Heirloom Market BBQ - Atlanta - best BBQ in my neck of the woods. The Aviary - Chicago - specialty cocktails with spectacular presentation.  Cafe Tola - Chicago - best empanadas i've ever had in my life.  Selva Negra - Miami - a solid contender for Nica food. Jaguar - Miami - great vibes, service and ceviche! No Hard Feelings - Chatanooga - great cocktails and vibes! 
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Zachary Lipez
(editor at large of Creem Magazine, writer, singer of Publicist UK)
Music I made a (very) long list on my wildly popular blog, Abundant Living. But, for kicks and with the understanding that maybe you don’t feel like reading (or subscribing to) my wildly popular blog, here’s some stuff I included and some stuff I forgot (with particular attention paid to albums I think might be of particular interest to JG friends/fans but which may have slipped through the radar) (meaning: I mainly put the stuff that wasn’t on too many other lists). Fatboi Sharif Decay (Backwoodz) Skech185 He Left Nothing for the Swim Back (Backwoodz) Zohra Murder In The Temple (American Dreams) The Native Cats The Way On Is The Way Off (Chapel)  Geese 3D Country (Partisan) Gold Dime No More Blue Skies (No-Gold) Algiers Shook (Matador) EXEK The Map and the Territory (Foreign) Skinhead Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt (Closed Casket) Débruit & Alsarah Aljawal ا​ل​ج​و​ا​ل (Soundway) Fairytale Shooting Star (Toxic State) Among The Rocks and Roots Pariah (Cacophonous Revival)  Full of Hell, Nothing When No Birds Sang (Closed Casket) Uniform & Boris Bright New Disease (Sacred Bones) Sleaford Mods  UK Grim (Rough Trade) Money&King Act Unnaturally (self released) Blu Anxxiety Morbid Now, Morbid Later (Toxic State) Nana Benz du Togo  AGO (Komos) Citric Dummies Zen and the Arcade of Beating Your Ass (Feel It) Ghösh  Prismassive (Ramp Local) Peasdez  Fenomenologia Del Espiritu Agonico: De La Existencia Sordida Al Pendulo De La Nada (SPHC) Upper Wilds Jupiter (Thrill Jockey) Death Valley Girls Islands In The Sky (Suicide Squeeze) Raphael Rogiński Talán  Body Void Atrocity Machine (Prosthetic) Feeling Figures Migration Magic (Perennial) Ryan Davis & the Roadhouse Band  Dancing on the Edge (Sophomore Lounge) Nosaj from New Kingdom & steel tipped dove House of Disorder (Fused Arrow Records) mclusky unpopular parts of a pig / the digger you deep (self released) Advertisement Escorts (Feel It) King Vision Ultra  Shook World (hosted by Algiers) (PTP)
Live Shows that Stand Out In My Memory Moor Mother/Armand Hammer/The Caretaker/Raphael Roginski for the Unsound Fest at Lincoln Center (I covered this for The Quietus if yr interested) Sleaford Mods at Coachella (profiled them for CREEM) Lydia Lunch/Zohra at St.Vitus Lydia Lunch Retrovirus last American show ever (?) at TV Eye Various skinhead/nü oï bands at the Monarch/TV Eye etc. with Liberty & Justice being the standout Son Rompe Pera at TV Eye Chisel (the Ted Leo outfit, not the neo-bootboy band with the “the” in their name) at LPR
BOOKS My phone has pretty much eliminated my ability to read. I did read the first 100 pages of more books than I care to admit. I finally finished Mark Andrews’ Paint My Name In Black and Gold: The Rise of the Sisters of Mercy and I recommend it if, like me, you think The Sisters of Mercy are better than the Beatles (or whatever inane comparison annoys your friends the most). I also discovered Gene Wolfe and read the first book in the Book of the New Sun trilogy. Otherwise, it’s pretty much been just using Louise Glück poetry as inspiration to write terrible versions of Louise Glück poetry. 
TV Doom Patrol Pokerface Rick and Morty (idc idc idc idc) HasanAbi twitch stream  A ludicrous amount of Britbox mysteries and—passively, yes, but not without a fair amount of emotional investment—various Real Housewife shows/spinoffs
Movies Didn’t watch any new movies this year but I did have a lot of youtube videos playing in the background while I did other things, and sometimes those videos would be three hour long screeds about what was wrong with a number of movies I’d never heard of. So I feel like I got the gist. 
LIFE Converted to Islam and married Zohra in January. Both choices have proven to be rewarding as all hell. Cashing in my “as a Jew I…” argument card—while simultaneously being too new a Muslim to reasonably claim either special knowledge and/or marginalization status—has really fucked with my ability to be self-righteous online. But the love that Zohra and her family have shown me has more than made up for my newfound inability to really wipe the floor with a motherfucker in the instagram comments. In fact, I liked marrying Zohra so much that I did it again in December (first time was a religious ceremony, the second time was our rendering to Caesar etc). If you know me/us and weren’t invited to either that’s because essentially no one was. As my parents couldn’t attend (on account of being dead) I didn’t really see the point of a big party. That was perhaps selfish. We love you (probably) and will have some sort of to-do in 2024. 
Otherwise, I am still very much enjoying working for the new CREEM Magazine (please subscribe) and doing my newsletter (please subscribe). Musically, I lived vicariously through Zohra and the release of her first solo album. Murder In The Temple, with amazing production by Ben Greenberg and contributions by Lydia Lunch, is a synthesis of so many of Zohra’s obsessions. It’s unlike anything in the post-goth-dark-whatever sphere and I can’t express how proud I am of it and her. As for my music, I did some neat-o Scientists-esque stuff with Telematics (Sohrab Habibion, Robert Austin, and Alexis Fleisig) and Zohra and I did a Sheer Terror cover in the style of Tindersticks to commemorate Paul Bearer’s marriage. Also, I’m pretty sure my most successful band (Publicist UK) got dropped by our label (apparently taking eight years to finish a demo is a long time) so get at me if you have a low-to-mid tier label and want to put out an album of eight minute gothic metal songs with zero mosh parts, about an aging hipster loving his wife and cats and missing his dead mom and dad. C’mon, do it. You’d be printing money. 
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Jim Siegel
Vivid Oblivion
Records And Other Things I Liked In 2023
Lankum - False Lankum (Rough Trade)
Milford Graves with Arthur Doyle and Hugh Glover - Children Of The Forest (Black Editions Archive)
Nakibembe Embaire Group (Nyege Nyege Tapes)
Henning Christiansen - Mediterranean Music-Water (Holidays)
Alain Goraguer - La Planete Sauvage (Expanded) (Decca)
Phill Niblock - Boston III (Alga Marghen)
Sam McLoughlin & David Chatton Barker - The Heavenly Realms (Folklore Tapes)
Svitlana Nianio & Tom James Scott - Eye Of The Sea (Skire)
Half Mortal - Creature Of Christ (Hospital Productions)
Pharoah Sanders - Pharoah box (Luaka Bop)
Ragnar Johnson & Jessica Mayer - Spirit Cry Flutes And Bamboo Jews Harps From Papua New Guinea (Ideologic Organ)
PJ Harvey - I Inside The Old Year Dying (Partisan)
Jana Winderen - The Blue Beyond (Touch)
Rezzett - Meant Like This (The Trilogy Tapes)
Arsenije Jovanovic - Sailboat Galiola Nuria's Unfinished Logbook (Pentiments)
Only Voices Vol. 1 + 2 (DDS)
Wounded Son - Pain Is All I Have For You (Hospital Productions)
Various - Cease & Resist: Sonic Subversion & Anarcho Punk In The UK 1979-1986 (Optimo Music)
Umeko Ando - Upopo Sanke (Pingipung)
Philip Jeck & Chris Watson - Oxmardyke (Touch)
Lori Vambe - Space-Time Dreamtime: The Four Dimensional Music Of Lori Vambe (Strut)
Mozart Estate - Pop-Up! Ker-Ching! And The Possibilities Of Modern Shopping (West Midlands)
Sandwell District - Feed Forward box (The Point Of Departure)
Japan Blues - Japan Blues Meets The Dengie Hundred (DDS)
Various - A Web Of Braided Willow - The Folklore Of The Wickerman (Folklore Tapes)
Surgeon - Crash Recoil (Tresor)
Mark Glynne And Bart Zwier - Home Comfort (La Scie Doree)
Ariel Kalma - French Archives Vol. III 1964-89 (Black Sweat)
Marginal Consort - 06 06 16 (St Elisabeth Kirche, Berlin) (901 Editions)
Brendan Perry - Eye Of The Hunter / Live At The I.C.A (4AD)
The Complete Obscure Records Collection box (Dialogo)
Various - Avant Garde 21xCD Box (Deutsche Grammophon)
Bill Nace Live at Public Records, December 2023
The Elephant 6 Recording Co. Documentary
Squaring The Circle - The Story Of Hipgnosis 
Shame And Dignity with Stanley Schtinter and Sukhdev Sandhu at UnionDocs, NY November 2023
Godland, dir. Hlynur Palmason
Wawa Pretzel w/ Melted Cheese (Sandwich)
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Simon Karis
(CEO of Nice Music, recording artist)
Okay so fave releases of 2023
Absurd Cosmos Late Nite 'These Magic Clothes Don't Play Themselves' (Reseach Laboratories) Actress 'LXXXVIII' (Ninja Tune) Armand Hammer 'We Buy Diabetic Test Strips' (Fat Possum) Danny Brown 'Quaranta' (Warp) De-Bons-En-Pierre 'Card Short Of A Full Deck' (Dark Entries) Evian Christ 'Revanchist' (Warp) Eyes Of The Amaryllis 'Perceptible To Everyone' (Horn Of Plenty) Francis Plagne 'Into Closed Air' (Bison) Francis Plagne 'Udge' (Horn Of Plenty) Giuseppe Ielasi 'Down On Darkened Meetings' (Black Truffle) HHOST 'Windswept Italics' (Altered States Tapes) HHOST 'Veil' (Snail Editions) JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown 'Scaring The Hoes' (no label) Kassell Jaeger 'Shifted In Dreams' (Shelter Press) Khanate 'To Be Cruel' (Sacred Bones) Klein 'Doubt'/'Normani's Torment'/'STORM' (no label) L'Rain 'I Killed Your Dog' (Mexican Summer) Land's Air 'Land's Air' (Tone List) Locust 'The First Cause' (Mysteries Of The Deep) Low Flung 'The Wheel' (Snail Editions) Matt Harkin 'The Door Knocker' (no label) Nick Ashwood 'Inside The Body Of A Wave' (no label) Nuno Loureiro 'Lua Onus' (Super Pang) Patten 'Mirage FM' (555-5555) Pissed Jeans 'No Convenient Apocalypse' (Sub Pop) Princess Nokia 'I Love You But This Is Goodbye' (Arista) Red Wine & Sugar 'Turkish Coffee & Twice Baked Potatoes' (Chocolate Monk) Rezzett 'Meant Like This' (The Trilogy Tapes) Richard Youngs 'Modern Sorrow' (Black Truffle) Rory J S 'P' (no label) Rrose 'Please Touch' (Eaux) Solo Andata 'Slip Casting' (12k) WPH 'III' (no label) 100 Gecs '10,000 Gecs' (Dog Show/Atlantic)
fave back catalogue listens that made sense in 2023 Armand Hammer & The Alchemist 'Haram' (Backwoodz Studioz) Beherit 'H418ov21.C' (Spinefarm) Bernard Parmegiani 'De Natura Sonorum' (INA-GRM) Bowery Electric 'Beat' (Kranky) Charalambides 'Exile' (Kranky) Def Leppard 'Hysteria' (Mercury) Elastica 'Elastica' (Deceptive/Geffen) Elucid 'I Told Bessie' (Backwoodz Studioz) Emptyset 'Demiurge' (Subtext) Emptyset 'Recur' (Raster-Noton) Hematic Sunsets 'Musik Aus Dem Aroma Club' (Klang Der Festung) Joey Beltram 'Classics' (R&S) Ka 'Languish Arts' (Iron Works) Kim Cascone 'Cathodeflower' (Ritornell) The Kinks 'Lola Vs Powerman And The Moneygoround Part One' (Reprise/Pye) Kreator 'Terrible Certainty' (Noise International) Lol Coxhill & Morgan Fisher 'Slow Music' (Pipe/Aguirre) Low 'Hey What' (Sub Pop) Marsfield 'The Towering Sky' (Faraway Press) Massive Attack 'Mezzanine' (Virgin) Matt Harkin 'Sanctuary 1, 2015-2016' (Hobbies Galore) Maurizio Bianchi 'Endometrio'  (no label/Dais) Moodymann 'Mahogany Brown' (Peacefrog) Moor Mother & billy woods 'Brass' (Backwoodz Studioz) Nearly God 'Nearly God'  (4th & Broadway) Nightcrawlers '2031 AD' (no label) Richard Youngs 'Beyond The Valley Of The Ultrahits' (Sonic Oyster) Rita Revell 'I Had A Very Bad Time!' (Happy Endin') Roc Marciano 'Reloaded' (Decon) Seine Trance-Parenz Fredi Alberti 'Klaenge Aus Dem Engelsraum (Die Verdunklung Der Sonne Und Des Mondes)' (Scribble Art) Simbiosi 'Elements' (Werkdiscs) Suede 'Dog Man Star' (Nude) Valerio Tricoli 'Say Goodbye To The Wind' (Shelter Press) 100 Gecs '1000 Gecs' (Dog Show)
fave melbourne/naarm restaurants in 2023
Khabbay (Indian/Pakistani, Carlton) Laksa Village (Malaysian/Chinese, Donvale) Cinger Biang Biang (Dolan/Uyghur/Chinese, Carlton) Lim Kopi (Malaysian, Naarm/Melbourne CBD) Raya (South East Asian desserts, Naarm/Melbourne CBD) Taste Hunan (Hunan/Sichuan/Chinese, Naarm/Melbourne, CBD) Laksa House (Malaysian, Naarm/Melbourne, CBD)
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Brendon Randall-Myers
(composer, Scarcity, Marateck, Glenn Branca Ensemble)
If 2022 was the Return of the Show and the Return of Travel, 2023 was about Building Stability (i.e. making my teaching studio a primary income source), Hunkering Down to Finish Two Albums, and Re-Learning How to Be a Human Being. I also played a bunch of cool shows with Dither (collabs w/ Carla Kilhlstedt, Lee Ranaldo/Brian Chase, Amirtha Kidambi, AJ Santillan, and Laurie Spiegel; playing Electric Counterpoint on GFA), a couple fun Scarcity shows (playing with Liturgy, improvising on graphic scores by Anthony Hawley) and did some performances with Whimbrels and Contemporaneous. 
These were albums I enjoyed (incessantly) at some point during 2023 that were mostly - but not exclusively - also released in 2023.
Agriculture - Agriculture Armand Hammer - We Buy Diabetic Test Strips Arnold Dreyblatt - Resolve Big Brave - Nature Morte Blackbraid - Blackbraid II Bummer - Dead Horse Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want to Turn Into You goat (JP) - Joy in Fear Goldfeather - Change JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown - SCARING THE HOES Jute Gyte - Unus Mundus Patet KEN Mode - VOID Killing Joke - Night Time Krallice - Mass Cathexis 2 - The Kinetic Infinite Model/Actriz - Dogsbody Modern Nature - How to Live  Nabihah Iqbal - Dreamer Neil Young - Greatest Hits Oren Ambarchi - Shebang Pink Pantheress - Heaven knows The Prodigy - The Fat of the Land  Rid Of Me - Traveling  Slowspin - Talisman Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream Swans - The Beggar Trauma Bond - Winter’s Light  Tristan Kasten-Krause and Jessica Pavone - Images of One Victory Over the Sun - Dance You Monster To My Soft Song! Yaeji - With A Hammer
Here were some shows I attended:
Wolf Eyes + Raven Chacon @Union Pool Liturgy @TV Eye Gamelan Dharma Swara, Ridgewood Presbyterian Church Moor Mother @Merkin Hall Object Collection @The Brick Theater Spectral Wound @Saint Vitus Pyrrhon + Barrsheadahl @Saint Vitus The Smile @Forest Hills Stadium Krallice @Saint Vitus Mediaqueer @Windjammer Sarah Hennies + Tristan Kasten-Krause @Issue Project Room Peter and the Wolf @Guggenheim Model/Actriz @Music Hall of Williamsburg  
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Grace Bergere
(songwriter / singer / performer)
This year was full of firsts for me! 
Definitely the most musically eventful year of my life to date. I went on my first tour playing bass with my great friends in COP/OUT, supporting Days n' Daze (A band I'd been listening to for years as a young punk kid.)  I immediately realized touring is really all I want to do.  I also got to tour alongside Subhumans in Cop/Out. Meeting them and getting to know them was mind expanding.  They were all kind and humble thoughtful individuals, completely down to earth and engaged with everyone they spoke to. Every night across the midwest they brought the crowd to a cathartic screaming euphoric mess. Working with COP/OUT, whose message is so clear; to be good to each other, question everything even when it means swimming upstream with every bit of strength you have, filled me with hope.  Playing on that tour with them, and watching Subhumans every night reminded me the power of music to affect real social change which is something I believed to have been  lost in recent years.  I met my great friend Jessica Mills on that tour and we still talk all the time. 
I also started playing guitar in The Art Gray Noizz Quintet. One of my longtime favorite bands (that my very talented cool boyfriend happens to play bass in.) We went all across the West Coast, landing in Las Vegas. Playing with them has demanded I advance as a guitarist, stepping into Andrea Sicco's shoes. Andrea is a complete beast of a musician and all of his musical projects are awesome. Check out MOVIE MOVIE, his most recent project. 
I also joined Crazy And The Brains on second guitar. They’re a super fun high energy punk band. I love being around such positive fun loving musicians and watching them bounce around while I do my best to keep up. 
I recently finished recording my album at HOBO SOUND in Hoboken by James Frazee. The time and effort it took over the several years since I started, was at times grueling. But James never stopped caring or checked out. He helped me shape this album into something I am truly proud of, along with Richard Dev Greene, one of the first people to ever believe in my music. I am so grateful to both of them.
I started spending time with Victoria and Kay of Puzzled Panther. They quickly have become two of my best friends. It is so meaningful for me to have found such badass, driven young women to share a dream with. Puzzled Panther is raw and hypnotizing. They have a unique strong hold over their audience and every show of theirs I’ve been to has been fantastic.  Victoria has joined me a few times on a song at my shows, and every time I believe has been one of the strongest points in my set. 
I Met Eugene Hutz of Gogol Bordello (the first huge band I ever went to see as a young teenager.)  He will be releasing my upcoming single and video for “Come And Go”  on his label Casa Gogol Records in early 2024. 
I just played the biggest show I’ve ever played with my solo project that plays under my name.  We were on a bill with Gogol Bordello and JON SPENCER (Also one of my favorite artists.)  Being on that stage standing there in front of more people I’ve ever seen in an audience from that vantage point, I felt like every second of my life was leading to that moment. Each song brought me back to the time in my life when Id written it and it felt very much like watching my life projected in front of me. It was indescribably satisfying to be on that stage. Later, in the audience, I screamed along to Gogol and watched my mom dance to songs she'd heard me blasting through the house as a kid, and felt just as moved by them as I did as a young teenager the first time I saw them.
I am so grateful to be working with Eugene. He is kind and thoughtful in his feedback and hugely supportive of me and my dreams. 
I will be playing New Years Eve with the Art Gray Noizz Quintet before Kid Congo Powers and The Pink Monkey Birds !!
This last week I can honestly say, has been the best of my life to date. Like looking out over a valley after climbing for years.
(other than the ones I was lucky enough to play at listed above) 
I got to see Richard Dawson three whole times!!! it was his first US appearance. He is a completely unique force. I’ve never seen such a captivated crowd. we all cried and screamed along with him. 
One of those times he was playing with Pigs x7. They quickly became another favorite band of mine despite having severe technical difficulties. it was actually kind of a highlight because their front man just started joking around and had the entire audience laughing along with him and talking for about 10 minutes. I got to see them two other times that went perfectly. What a band.. 
I saw them at TV Eye. I had been able to squeeze myself into the DJ booth for their set. They hammered away into some kind of magical hypnosis that made me feel like I'd taken MDMA. (I had not.) I had to lean against a wall to keep my balance. They played with Licks, a badass 60s garage rock inspired band fronted by my friend Skunk. 
Also driving and hypnotic and loud as hell. I was left with a similar feeling of having been dosed with something at all of their shows…
The first time I saw Joseph perform was at TV eye with Lydia Lunch. He’s completely unique. He writes gorgeous songs that he sings in an incomprehensibly wide range, sometimes in languages that he has invented himself! His seamlessly mixes humor with honest beautiful songwriting.
ART GRAY NOIZZ QUINTET- Lie Come True  JOSEPH KECKLER- The Ride JON SPENCER AND THE HIT MAKERS- Death Ray  GOGOL BORDELLO- Shot Of Solidaritine  PUZZLED PANTHER- Smoke And The Mirrors We Broke  PIGSX 7 - Reducer  ARCHERS OF LOAF- Banging On a Dead Drum 
LAURIE ANDERSON- Poison  POISON GIRLS- Fear Of Freedom CULTURE SHOCK- Things To Do  CAPTAIN BEEFHEART- Tropical Hot Dog WARREN ZEVON- Desperados Under The Eves MINNIE RIPERTON- Les Fleurs  BOBBY GENTRY - Ode To Billy Joe TOWNES VAN ZANDT- Highway Kind
Joseph Keckler-  Dragon at the edge of a flat world.  Mark Lanegan- Sing Backwards and Weep Miriam Toews- Fight Night
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Marc Urselli
producer / engineer / sound designer
I want to thank JG Thirlwell for inviting me to submit my 2023 Year in Review. I had never done one of these before and it's been a fun challenge to go through my calendar and social media to remember and realize how much I was able to pack into this year! Selecting and writing down all of these things also helped me further grasp and understand how tremendously privileged and lucky I am to be able to do what I love all year around, year after year, and to live my life to the fullest and according to my own wishes and my own design. I don't take this lightly and I don't take it for granted. I am very aware that it comes from hard work, limitless passion and unweavery dedication, not just luck and good fortune, but nevertheless I am grateful every single day for this life and for being healthy, being able to do all of this, and for all the people in my path who trust me, inspire me, support me, challenge me, and enlighten me!
STUDIO SESSIONS, ALBUMS & PRODUCTIONS When compiling this list, it really dawned on me how fortunate I am to be working with such incredible talents and how priviledged I am to be able to witness, participate and contribute to the creation of exceptional works such as the following:
Producing, Recording & Mixing sessions with David J of Bauhaus, Norwegian artist Ihsahn (of Emperor) & Toby Driver (of Kyao Dot), John Stanier (of Battles), Brian Chase (of Yeah Yeah Yeahs), Restless Spirit, Vicki Peterson (of the Bangles), John Cowsill (of the Cowsill Family and The Beach Boys touring band) and many others for my new RAMONES tribute album to come out next year on Magnetic Eye records
Producing, Recording and Mixing a cover of Soundgarden's song "4th of July" with my doom metal / throat singing project SteppenDoom for the Magnetic Eye album "Soundgarden (Redux) and featuring Matt Cameron of Soundgarden themselves on drums
seeing the release of Brian Carpenter's "Ghost Train Orchestra & Kronos Quartet - The Music of Moondog" album featuring Kronos Quartet (which I recorded at EastSide Sound) and many other amazing guest artists
Producing, Recording, Mixing, and Mastering a live album by Brazilian artists Zé Ibarra, Dora Morelenbaum and Julia Mestre of Bala Desejo for Glasshaus Presents & Tower Records
Mixing new albums by Glenn Max Vanderwolf (produced by Dennis Martin), by Bloodmist (Toby Driver, Mario Diaz De Leon, Jeremiah Cymermann), and by Ikue Mori & Zeena Parkins at EastSide Sound fully utilizing the analog console and the analog outboard gear (something nowadays is more and more rare)
Recording & Mixing 6 new albums by John Zorn this year alone, which brings my total JZ count to over 120 albums, and which as of this year can finally be heard on streaming platforms as well!
Recording and Producing a new album by Marco Cappelli's Italian-inspired band IDR at EastSide Sound in NYC and then going to Rome, Italy to overdub trombone and vocals with famed contemporary Neapolitan singer Raiz
Producing, Recording, Mixing, and Mastering 2 new albums by incognito jazz / blues artist Russell Orr with legendary Brian Marsella & Brian Mitchell on keys, respectively
Recording, Mixing, and Mastering two new albums by Jessica Pavone and her trio
Producing, Recording, Mixing and Mastering a "We Are the World"-type track for NYC Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs with a song composed by Captain Beefheart / Jeff Buckley's guitarist Gary Lucas and 10 other musicians from various parts of the world playing their local instruments and singing in their mother's tongue
Recording and Mixing the new album by Italian singer/songwriter Beppe Voltarelli, produced by Simone Giuliani, which took second place in Italy's Premio Tenco
Recording a new film score by composer Billy Martin (of Medeski, Martin & Wood) and arranged by Simon Hanes (of Tredici Bacci)
Producing, Recording, Mixing, and Mastering contemporary classical music sessions commissioned by Miller Theater and Columbia University with artists such as Laura Barger & Julia Den Boer, Miguel Zenon, Matt Mitchell & Miles Okazaki, Russell Greenberg & Vicky Chow
Recording new albums by contemporary classical/jazz musicians such as Miles Okazaki, Brian Drye, Anna Webber & Matt Mitchell and others Recording new albums by amazing Latin Jazz artists such as Gili Lopes, Homan Alvarez, Rodrigo Recabarren, Benjamin Furman
seeing the HBO release of John Lurie’s “Painting with John” new season where all the music was recorded & mixed by me and seeing my face briefly on TV
recording in an old church in Italy with Adriano Viterbini and Vincenzo Vasi for a project that will come out sometimes next year hopefully 
SOUND DESIGN GIGS & LIVE SOUND MIXING GIGS Similarly to the list above, I am eternally greatful for the fact that all these wonderfully talented people trust me with designing, mixing and amplifying their sound so that the rest of the world can truly and fully experience their art in the most complete, sonically articulated, detailed and full spectrum way there is! Some of these highlights include:
Mixing a 90-piece orchestra + 90-piece choir playing the score to Stanley Kubrick "2001: A Space Odyssey" live-to-picture  conducted by Brad Lubman in the Auditorio Nacional of Mexico City to a sold-out crowd of 10'000 people 
Mixing the Grammy Award Premiere Ceremony in Los Angeles and being there to amplify and mix the immensely talented house band led by Cheche Alara and the performances by musicians such as Samara Joy, Anoushka Shankar, Arooj Aftab and more…
Mixing the Robbie Robertson tribute concert & memorial organized by Martin Scorsese at Village Studios in Los Angeles with artists such as Jackson Browne, Jason Isbell, Rocco DeLuca, Citizen Cope, Angela McCluskey, Blake Mills and Jim Keltner
Mixing the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony concert at the White House with artists such as Dionne Warwick, Samara Joy, Joe Walsh of the Eagles, St. Vincent and others.
Sound Designing and Mixing the world premiere of "Perle Noire: Meditations for Joséphine" at the DNO Dutch National Opera House in Amsterdam, a beautiful performance/concert/opera directed by Peter Sellars, composed by Tyshawn Sorey and performed by Tyshawn Sorey and ICE International Contemporary Ensemble with soprano Julia Bullock
One of my sound design pieces inspired by Icelandic nature sounds and folklore was presented at the "Le Son 7" Art Gallery in Madrid between the 3rd and the 13th of May 2023, after it was presented the year before in London and will be presented in January 2024 in New York
mixing 12 shows by John Zorn in 2 days at Big Ears Festival in Knoxville TN
mixing more shows by John Zorn to celebrate his 70th birthday in places like Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Miller Theater in New York, Reggio Emilia and Modena in Italy, Philharmonie in Paris, November Music Festival in Den Bosch Netherlands and Mexico City
Mixing Brian Carpenter's Ghost Train Orchestra live at Roulette with special guests David Byrne, Karen Mantler, Joan As Policewoman AND doing so right after I mixed another matinee gig earlier in the day with the New York Choral Society
working sound for the Met Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art with musical guests Lizzo and David Byrne
Mixing Claudia Acuna at Lincoln Center
mixing Idina Menzel's performance in Trafalgar Square in London for Gay Pride 2023
playing keys (something I almost never ever do!) for Japanese electronic artist Coppé's first-ever performance in Italy
mixing my first ever K-pop gig in Times Square NY
teaching Mixing Workshops at SAE in Mexico City and MOB Studios in Rome, Italy
RECORDS In no particular order, here are some of my favorite records of 2023 that I was not involved with but I wish I had been ;-)
Anohni and the Johnsons "My Back Was a Bridge for you to Cross"
Lil Yachty "Let's Start Here"
Boygenius "The Record"
Ryuichi Sakamoto "12"
Jaimie Branch "Fly or Die Fly or Die Fly or Die ((World War))"
Arooj Aftab / Vijay Iyer / Shahzad Ismaily "Love in Exile"
Peter Gabriel "I/O"
Hania Rani "Ghosts"
Meshell Ndegeocello "The Omnichord Real Book"
Bill Frisell "Four" - Ambrose Akinmusire, Bill Frisell, Herlin Riley "Owl song"
Porcupine Tree "Closure / Continuation"
Dr. John "The Brightest Smile in Town"
Spencer Zahn "Statues II"
Meshuggah "Chaosphere 25th anniversary 2023 Remastered edition"
Ennio Morricone "Segreto Songbook 1962-1973"
Sin Fang, Kjartan Holm "Angakok"
MUSIC SHOWS It's always hard for me to recount the shows I've seen because I usually see about 300-500 shows every year. LPR (Le Poisson Rouge) definitely shines through as my favorite venue and the one I've visited most often! Here are some of the highlights of 2023:
Spotlights, Imperial Triumphant, Puzzled Panthers at Saint Vitus
"La Splendida", a heavy metal opera by Laurent David & Kilter at Culture Lab LIC
Exotech 3 times, at Public Records, Mark Morris Dance Theater and at LPR
Tredici Bacci at least 2-3 times, one of which at Sultan Room
John Cale at Paradiso, Amsterdam
Plini at Melkweg, Amsterdam
Mary Halvorson Quintet at Bimhuis, Amsterdam
Thurston Moore at OCCII, Amsterdam
Jeff Goldblum at Town Hall
Xylorius White at LPR
Hal Willner's Amarcord tribute concert at Roulette
Snarky Puppy at Beacon Theater
Tim Bernardes at LPR
Groa at Taste of Iceland showcase at Pianos
JG Thirlwell & Mivos Quartet at National Sawdust
Bloodywood at Irving Plaza
Hermeto Pascoal twice, at Pioneer Works and LPR
Sexmob at Fotografiska
Grace Jones at Hammerstein Ballroom
Lisa Fisher at Blue Note
Iggy Pop and Debbie Harry / Blondie, London
Laurie Anderson & SexMob Let X=X at Barbican in London and BAM in Brooklyn - The Cult at MEDIMEX festival in Taranto, Italy - Tom Morello at MEDIMEX festival in Taranto, Italy
Emperor at Kings Theater
Ibrahim Malouff at Drom - Elan Mehler & Dave Douglas at Fotografiska
The Misfits at Prudential Center - Oumou Sangare at Brooklyn Bandshell
Red Fang at Gramercy Theater
The Eagles & Steely Dan at MSG - Tammy Faye Starlight at Joe's Pub
Julian Lage at Village Vanguard - Mdou Moctar at Summerstage
Makaya McCraven at Locus Festival, in Locorotondo Italy
Fatoumata Diawara at Locus Festival, in Locorotondo Italy
Sisters of Mercy at Cinzella Festival, in Grottaglie Italy
SunRa Arkestra at Locus Festival, in Locorotondo Italy
Robert Plant at Locus Festival, in Bari Italy
Mr. Bungle at Terminal 5
Melvins, Boris and all the other amazing bands at Desert Fest at Knockdown Center
Front Line Assembly at LPR
Peter Gabriel at MSG
Empire State Bastard at LPR & St Vitus
Cavalera Conspiracy at Irving Plaza
Swans at Music Hall of Williamsburg - Steven Bernstein w/ Millennial Territory at Dizzy's
Nick Cave & Jonny Greenwood  3 times, twice at Beacon Theater and once at Kings Theater
The Mission at LPR - Titan to Tychons at NuBlu
Dresden Dolls at Bowery Ballroom
Robert Glasper's Art Blakey tribute at Blue Note - Puzzled Panthers at Bowery Electric
Ghost Train Orchestra at Roulette
Arthur Brown in London
The Mongol Khan theater production at the Coliseum in London 
8 Bit Big Band at Sony Hall
Bud Spencer Blues Explosion at Monk in Rome Italy
plus all the amazing artists I can't recall individually that I have seen at Winter Jazz Festival, Long Play Festival and Big Ears Festival
BOOKS I am sadly a slow reader and my pile of books on my bedside table is always bigger than the time awake I have when I finally do get to bed, but here are some I have read, or started to read or am planning on starting to read:
Kid Congo Powers "Some New Kind Of Kick"
Nick Cave & Seán O'Hagan "Faith, Hope and Carnage"
Warren Ellis "Nina Simone's Gum"
Rick Rubin "The Creative Act: A Way of Being"
Quincy Jones "12 Notes: On Life and Creativity"
Quincy Trouple "Miles & Me"
MUSEUMS I try to visit museums in every city I go to, whether I am on tour, working, traveling for pleasure or whatever the reason is… Art is my passion, my love and a way of life…
Museu Picasso, Barcelona, Spain
Fundcaio Joan Miró, Barcelona, Spain
The Salvador Dali Theater and Museum, Figueres, Spain
Salvador Dalí House / Fundació Gala, Cadaqués, Port Lligat, Spain
Park Gúell, Barcelona, Spain
Moco Museum, Barcelona, Spain
Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain
Vermeer Exhibit, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Moco Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Art on Paper, New York
Frieze, New York
Karl Lagerfled "A Line of Beauty", Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
Yayoi Kusama "Infinity Mirror Rooms", Tate Modern, London, UK
Frida Kahlo & Diego Riviera House & Studio, Mexico City
Palacio De Bellas Artes, Mexico City
Museo Jumex, Mexico City
Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporanea, Mexico City
Paul Gugelmann "Poetic Machines", Aarau, Switzerland
MOVIES There are soooo many movies I still want to / need to see… I love movies but I prioritize work and live music in my life and I will only watch movies on planes, on (very very) rainy days or those rare times when I don't have a concert on my calendar, so here are a few of those rainy/non-concert films, in no particular order:
Killers of the Flower Moon (for the story, the acting and the soundtrack)
Equalizer 3 (because aside from its Hollywood-ish story and ending, it's a realistic look at how organized crime works in Italy)
Little Richard: I am Everything (for his story, his character, his music and his courage!)
Psychedelicized: The Electric Circus Stroy (for the amazing portrait of a time that's past but that changed NYC forever!)
American Symphony (for the amazing story, talent, spirit and courage of Jon Batiste)
32 Sounds (because my life is about sound…)
Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen, A Journey, A Song (because Leonard was an amazing artist and songwriter and singer and so many friends are in this movie)
Oppenheimer (because that history is so complex and so divided as the country in which it took place)
TRAVEL Travel is the richess of life! I travel SO MUCH that I am on a plane AT LEAST once a month and usually it is to an international location… This year was no different, so I've decided to only list 12 trips for this section:
January: Ringing in the year in a medieval tower in Barcelona and spending the first 4 days of the new year trying all the tapas bars, restaurants, food stands this beautiful city has to offer and seing the Sagrada Familia cathedral for the 3rd time in my life
February: Living in Amsterdam for 3 weeks visiting all the musuems, all the music venues and all the while working at the Dutch National Opera with some amazing folks (see list above)
March: Snowboarding the Swiss and the French alps
April: Visiting Knoxville Tennessee for Big Ears (easily the best independent music festival in the US!!!) for the 2nd time in 2 years, and hopefully the beginning of many more visits in the future!
May: Spending time in sunny Los Angeles and plotting a way to spend more time there and make music
June: Visiting London twice in one month to work and see amazing music shows, theater shows and art exhibits
July: coming back from London on July 6th only to realize that strangely there is no travel for the rest of this month! So weird and unusual!
August: Spending the month in Puglia, Southern Italy eating good food, kitesurfing in the Adriatic and Ionium sea, seeing tons of concerts and playing one myself!
September: arriving in Mexico City and getting my very own police escort motorcade to make it in time from the airport to the theater
October: On tour with John Zorn in Italy, France and the Netherlands
November: Flying to Los Angeles with a 36 hour notice for a concert I was hired for in secrecy having been told "we need a mixing engineer who can mix music for a room full of musicians" and showing up for the Robbie Robertson tribute orgnaized by Martin Scorsese with people like Joni Mitchell and Leonardo DiCaprio in attendance
December: DC-to-DF aka flying to Washgington DC to work at the White House and then flying straight to Mexico City I've finished the year with travel to my motherland of Switzerland, my fatherland of Italy and my second home of London UK!
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
DJ Food aka Kevin Foakes
Music: Kosmischer Laufer - Volume 5 LP (UCR) Soia, Julien Sénélas, Jérôme Vassereau - In C for 11 Oscillators and 53 Forms LP (unjenesaisquoi) Cate Brooks - Tapeworks DL (Cafe Kaput) Memorials - Music For Film: Tramps! LP (State 51 Conspiracy) King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - PetroDragonic Apocalypse… LP (Album of the year) Brian Eno - The Lighthouse radio station (Sonos) (most listened to) Niholoxica - Source of Denial LP (Crammed Discs) SareemOne - Olivine Window Coast Contra - Breathe & Stop Freestyle/Never Freestyle/Scenario Freestyle Move78 - Grains LP Heiroglyphic Being - The Moon Dance LP (Apnea) Raj Pannu - Past Crimes EP 12" (To Pikap Records) Gordon Chapman-Fox - The Nine Travellers LP (Castles In Space Subscription Library)
Gigs / Events: Beyond The Streets exhibition @Saatchi gallery, London Sunroof / Finlay Shakespeare @iklectik, London The Light Surgeons - The Consensual Hallucination @iklectik, London Memorials at the State 51 Summer Psych party @State 51, London FogFest2 @iklectik, London JG Thirlwell & Ensemble @Bush Hall, London Machina Bristronica, Bristol Visiting Peel Acres with Eilon Paz for Dust & Grooves Nihiloxia @the Jazz Cafe, London
Design / Packaging: Yves Malone - A Hello To A Goodbye LP (Castles In Space) Drumetrics - Phuzzle (Drumetrics) Waclaw Zimpel - Train Spotter LP (State 51) David Boulter - Factory 3" CD (Clay Pipe Music) Fluctuosa - Wetware EP 12" (Analogical Force) Fluxus - Orbit & Shine LP (Castles In Space) Floating Points - Birth4000 12" (Ninja Tune) Cate Brooks - Easel Studies LP + badge (Clay Pipe Music) Brian Eno - Top Boy OST CD (Beatink)
Books / Magazines / Comics: Medical Grade Music - Steve Davis & Kavis Torabi (White Rabbit) Doctor Strange - Fall Sunrise - Tradd & Heather Moore (Marvel) Tales To Enlighten - The New Testament - Matt King and James Edward Clark Pop - Milton Glaser (Phaidon) Kevin O'Neill Apex Edition (2000AD) Mark Stafford - Salmonella Smorgasbord (Soaring Penguin Press) Savage Impressions - Bruce Lichen (Independent Project Records) Hexagon Bridge - Richard Blake (Image) Monica - Daniel Clowes (Fantagraphics) Acid Valley - Luke Insect Petrol Head - Rob Williams & Pye Parr (Image) Lawless - Dan Abnett & Phil Winslade (Rebellion) Giant Robot Hellboy - Mignola/Fegredo (Dark Horse) Facelss & The Family - Matt Lesniewski (Oni Press)
Films: Barbie Squaring The Circle : The Story of Hipgnosis
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