#familiies can be two dads and a mom :)
moonstoneraven · 2 years
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fates kids sprite edits part 3 :D
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laughingsour · 8 months
Wind’s father figures.
Okay, this is definitely one fic I gotta write when I finish my current one for One Piece:
Before meeting the Chain, Wind has had a total of three people he's considered his dad.
Everyone talks about Linebeck and how he's Wind dad even if he won't admit it, so for now I'll leave him be and focus on the other two.
-First it was his birth father that tragically died when he was 5. He was a famous cartographer from whom Wind inherited his love for the sea and navigation skills.
-Wind's father would tell him the legend of the Hero of Time himself and other stories about his journeys across the Great Sea while they would both stare longingly at the waves.
-When Wind was born, he stopped sailing for some time because he was afriad of leaving his family alone if something happened to him. But when Wind's mother got pregnant with Aryll, the family was suddenly in need of more money.
-It was then that someone offered Wind's father a huge sum for drawing a map to locate the infamous ghost ship of the Great Sea. He took the job because the money would be enough for the family, but he'd have to lie to say he wasn't happy to get back on the waves one more time.
-Wind's father was able to complete the map and even discovered what was the supposed treasure in it's cargo. But before he could tell anyone, he mysteriously died and his map dissappeared.
-Since the map was nowhere to be found, the rich man who commissioned him refused to pay his familiy. This is one of the reasons Wind started to embrace the pirate's life while sailing the Great Sea.
-Wind's mom died when she gave birth to Aryll and so her two children were left to be raised by their grandma.
-During Wind Waker, Wind bonds with the King of Red Lions/King Daphnes
-I imagine King Daphnes as an opposite to King Roahm, but just as tragic and unintentionally harmfull. While Roahm didn't make sure to let Zelda know that he was in her corner, Daphnes innocently put too much pressure in Wind by remaining supportive, but still placing all his hopes in him.
-Think of Shifu's line to Tai Lung in Kung Fu Panda, "I loved you too much to realize what I was turning you into. I'm sorry."
-King Daphnes is not only is the first to believe that Wind has the makings of a Hero, he remains his biggest supporter through their journey.
-King Daphnes is the one who teaches Wind how to navigate and sail and Wind is ecstatic to find out he inherited his father's skills as a natural navigator and cartographer.
-He also encourages Wind to explore the Great Sea as he's wanted to his entire life, on the basis that it'll help him become strong enough to face Ganondorf. More importantly though, Daphnes just wants Wind to be as much of a kid as he can be in their situation.
-It's not long before they start to see each other as father and son. Daphnes tells him that, even if the gods thought otherwise, to him he would always be as brave and heroic as any old legend and that he's proud no matter what happens.
-This does become a problem because Daphnes has such belief and pride in Wind that he fails to realize in how much danger he's dragging his boy into. A brave boy, yes. But still a boy who shouldn't have to fight a man's battle.
-Because of that, he never stops to think about persuading Wind to stop and let an adult handle it. Wind would've refused of course, but that conversation between them never happens.
-It's not until Wind's friends start to be chosen one by one to fullfill their duties as Princess and Sages that Wind starts to question Daphnes and the kingdom's importance.
-Makar becoming a Sage is the last straw for Wind and he and Daphnes have a terrible disagreement. In the end, Wind tells Daphnes that he'll keep fighting to save his friends but that he was a fool for getting attached to someone who's just using him.
-That serves as a wake-up call to Daphnes to what he's doing and he starts to wonder if this world would be better off without Hyrule.
-Wind not only discovers his father's ghost ship map but also manages to hunt the ship down and recover the treasure aboard: A piece of the Triforce. He still doesn't find out what truly happened to his father but he's glad that his final work wasn't for nothing in the end.
-His expirience aboard the ship leaves him very shaken, but he still refuses to speak or listen to Daphnes unless necessary.
-When Wind gets appointed as the new Hero Spirit before descending to Hyrule again, Wind no longer feels as excited as he thought he would be in that moment.
-When Daphnes wishes for Hyrule to be drowned, part of him wants to come with Wind to keep raising his boy, if he'll have him. But the other is too weighted down by regret over failing his kingdom before and his son in the present.
-To this day, Wind is still guilt-ridden over saying Daphnes never cared for him. He'd give anything to be able to take it back.
-Wind is very much aware that Daphnes put him and his loved ones in danger and he's conflicted on why he chose to stay to drown. But he can't find it in him to stop missing the King or loving him.
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tonya-the-chicken · 3 years
I promised to tell my new Todoroki Enji backstory yesterday to some people so um hello
CW for abuse and alcoholism. Nothing inteense - it’s a recap
His grandparents were supporters of Destro and Meta Liberation army. Though they might have went a little bit too much into extremes, believing in inherent privilege of those who is strong aka has a strong quirk. They were very centered on that but also wanted their family to be prestigious. They believed that some familiies are better than the others. They also dreamed of having a proper heir who will continue to represent their strong family
Enji’s father was not on good terms with his parents. He was convinced that their parenting style and ideas only damaged him (obviously, they did; I am convinced those people saw nothing wrong with quirk training from young years and physical punishment). When he was younger he ran away, tried to live on his own, even got married but eventually he failed to survive in the world on his own and returned to his parents’ house
They desired to have a proper heir to the throne. So fisrt thing first they either arranged marriage for him or let him find a woman who had a fire quirk as the rest of his family (yeah they all kind of had quirk marriages but weren’t really open about it). Then they had a kid
Enji’s mother wasn’t from very prestiogious family so his grandparents kind of disrespected her but overall she believed she is in the very best place in her life. She lived a rich comfortable life and all because she had a child - it seemed like a dream and so she didn’t question anything her parents-in-law were doing... Endeavor’s father was the only one to dislike the state of affairs in this family
But his opinion didn’t really mattered - he had already failed in life and knew he could do shit without his parents’ money and influence. Nevertheless, he really tried to somehow keep Enji away from his parents’ ideas... His methods didn’t work - all he could was say “Don’t listen to them”, scream or even hit him but none of that made Enji care less about his grandparents - despite being strict, they loved him and convinced him he got to be ambitious and work hard to be the greatest
What didn’t make his father more credible was that he wasn’t really succeful himself and so everyone looked down on him (which made Enji look down on him too). He felt like a failure in his own house so he tried to spent as little time there as he could, probably even cheating on his wife
In short, Enji’s grandparents were corrupted with absolutely disgusting ideas, his father was a loser cheating on his wife and having no say in his house and his mother was going along with everything, wanting her son to be great and somehow fulfill herself through that. I would say Endeavor’s grandfather was kind of a role model for him - strong, confident and a strict head of the family - everything his father could never be. His grandfather promised him a perfect life as an heir to their prestigious household, saying that eventually they will arrange a marriage for him too and so as long as he trains hard evverything would be made for him
They also kind of planned to overthrow the government or something like that with the rest of Destro’s crew... Enji’s parents never knew about that, only grandparents... But their plans were revealed and they were executed on a spot or were killed while resisting their arrest. No one told Enji what exactly happened
His parents were spared and allowed to live as normal family as long as they never follow their footsteps. But that’s were difference between his Mom and Dad became obvious - she hoped that Enji will be succesful regardless of everything that happened when his father wished for... he didn’t know I guess. He had no plan for life and when his parentts died it was clear he had no idea what to do with his own child. All he knew was that his grandparents, whom Enji loved dearly, were awful people
Nor Enji, nor his mother had trust or confidence in his father and so, the man really let his self-esteem issues get into his head. He was unable to be “proper head of the family” and so he ended up lashing out on his wife and son to make them listen to him. It seemed like he hated both of them and sincerely regretted being married. Over time he spent less and less time home and when he was home he would only yell and beat them. Enji’s mother beared with all of that because she sincerely believed her role of a woman is to keep this family together. His father wasn’t that much on “keeping family together” part. Before Enji turned 10, they divorced and Enji too ack his mother’s name - Todoroki
Enji’s mother had no college degree and because of [insert reasons here] couldn’t go back to her parents. So she found a job as a waitress and rented a very small appartment in very poor neighbourhood. It was tough for her to suddenly lose everything. Enji, who previously was a “good kid”, began to act up, skipped school and was pretty shitty in general. That only added to her struggles, she picked up drinking and *drum rolls* lashed out on Enji too, though more often she would just physically punish him or verbally berate him, blaming him for her problems, saying he is “no good” and will grow up to be like his failure of a father
Most of the time she was either at work, drunk or with some man, so Enji tried to avoid being home as much as possible. He didn’t really fit in with the rest of the kid, he felt very awkward outside of “prestigious families” group, not knowing how to behave around more simple-minded people. He also might have despised them or himself. Overall, he lived the same fate any kid from that neighborhoud was living - eventually, many of them became villains, addicts or workers of low-prestige jobs. Such perspectives made Enji only more depressed
Being very prideful and very on his limit, one day he couldn’t stand his mother belitteling him and so he ran away... Actually I like making him bordeline suicidal at this point. Since his Mom was drunk all the time and used to him not being home, she took her time before starting to worry about his disappearance. When she did began to worry she didn’t knew what to do and so, she probably just was full on binge drinking
Meanwhile Enji wondered around cities, probably going to his father’s house and starring blankly into the door. Then he got wasted and was found by some dude whose job is searching for lost kids. He refused to say his name or anything about himself and since his Mom did not file a report no one knew he was missing. Maybe his school was worried though?...
All that stuff happened in April, by the way, the same month the UA Sport Festival was held. And the man who found him took him there (he had two spare tickets from his work or something). I think Enji thought about being a hero before because he was taught to admire strength but seeing them out there in living flesh really inspired him. I also think it would be hilarious if he met young All Might there
The man tried to convince Enji that he can do great stuff and running away from home is no good. He also tried to find out i he was abused at home but Enji was quiet as a fish - admitting to being hurt weak was worse than death to him
So ummm
Enji’s father came to pick him up. It turns out he saw him near the house so he got all worked up and contected da police
While they were driving to his mother’s place, Enji told his Dad about wanting to become a hero and study in UA. As true garbage parent, the latter laughed...
He also told about that idea to his mother and she was furious. Enji went away saying he will take a walk so they can have no worries. When he was back in the evening his parents were mmmhmmm [”oops, sweetheart, you usually go back from your “walks” in the morning, son”] so he decided to return in the morning lol
His Mom went to work, so he roasted his Dad... Figuratively. He reminded how he cheated with their maid and was awful in general. Hid Dad tried to have a talk with him, complimenting how mature he was for his age (never a good thing). Enji said “Well, someone has to be a head of this family” while looking down at him
His Dad also asked him why he want to be a hero
“Well... I have always admired strong people and wanted to be strong myself... And heroes, they are strong, right? They are strong and they save other people. That is noble. Wasn’t that what grandpa meant saying how we should freely use our quirks to do more good in this world?”
“Yeah, that exactly what he meant. You should... Defnitely use your quirk to do good”
Enji - shocked that his father is being supportive; Enji’s father - relieved that his son didn’t understand his grandfather’s ideas
And like that Enji began his road to being a Number One Hero of Japan... That was bumpy. He moved away from his mother, working as much as he could
His father die in some suicide car accident and so Enji inherited his house... His mother either refused to live with him there or had died already
Anyway, it was pretty lonely in such a huge house... He would wonder around aimlessly on his days off... which usually were the days he couldn’t work because he was recovering from injuries.
On one of such days he went to his granfather’s cabinet... Looking through the books, he found the one called “The genetis of quirks”. It seemed interesting
There were a lot of case studies for some reason. One described how individuals might inherit both their parents’ quirk if they had the “opposite” ones
Most intriguing
Looking around the cabinet more, he also found some weird photoalbum with lots of different people Enji had never met. One of photos was signed “Himura - family of ice quirks”
“Well, that must be fate”
I know that was a lot but believe me it could have been longer. I have maladaptive daydreaming problems
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Ok, I think I'm ready to give it a try! I saw that matchups were open, so I'd like to request a romantic matchup! I absolutely adore your writing and the way you analyse every detail - you're a huge inspiration to me in terms of writing.
So, I'm a russian bisexual cis girl. I don't think appearance matters much, but I'll write down the basics just for fun! I'm quite short(5'2) in comparison with most of my peers, considering, that I'm 23. I'll be lying if I said that it doesn't bother me, since all my life people were making fun of my height and weight. I was always very short, thin and pale due to bad upbringing. I'm learning to love my body, but it still bothers me from time to time. I have very long deep brown hair (down to my waist) and green eyes. I'm actually quite proud of my hair! It was always my dream to have long hair, but my mom would cut it short each time. She still makes comments about my hair, and that it's 'gross', even though I take very good care of it. I've also been wearing glasses for my whole life, since I was born prematurely and my eyesight is just HORRENDOUS. But it doesn't bother me at all, since I've been living like this my whole life.
Okay... I think that's enough for appearance! As you probably guessed, my familiy's really not the best one out there. And that's putting it lightly. I don't talk about it much now, since I don't live with them anymore and I got over my trauma, but... My childhood was VERY rough. Sadly, it really affected what kind of person I am now, so I'll go over the basics. My mom was extremely abusive: verbally and physically. My dad was always busy at work and she threatened me not to tell him anything, so... I never told about it to anyone. I never cried, since she would get angry at me for 'looking scared'. I used to be proud of that, but now I know how much it was ruining me. Long story short... My dad found out, they divorced and he and took me away. I suppose, that's a happy ending, but I was already 12 at that moment and the damage already has been done. I have some trust issues, although I've gotten WAY better, and I'm still working on myself. Still, it's hard for me to open up, since I'm always expecting the worst and I don't want to be hurt again. There's also some triggers that I have to avoid in my everyday life, but I've learned to deal with them in my own way. Still, they're there, and sometimes they can get the better of me.
My tragic backstory aside, I'd love to share some more positive details about myself! Currently, I'm studying psychology and working part-time at a bakery. I guess my experience with trauma taught me a lot, and so I decided that I want to help people the way, that I wished someone would help me then. Sure, I've managed to heal and move one by myself, but it didn't have to be that way. I want to help people and make them feel heard and understood. I love my work as well! I find something comforting in this kind of routine, but maybe it's just because I enjoy cooking so much. Yeah, cooking is one of my passions! As I mentioned before, I barely ate when I was a child, so now I'm trying to eat as many different things as I can! God, I especially love korean and japanese cuisines! And I'd love to cook for my partner every day. Or, maybe, we could cook together! Although, in terms of intimacy, it's hard for me to be open with someone. Not because I don't want to be close to my partner, but simply cause I have no idea what I'm doing. I was never even hugged as a child. This kind of affection is... foreign to me, even though I do crave it. I totally don't mind physical affection, but my partner would probably have to take the lead at first!
In terms of hobbies... I love writing. Although that's a very personal one, than I keep mostly to myself. Oh, I'm also a huge science nerd! I was one since childhood, haha. Instead of toys, I was always reading some kind of book. My favourites are probably biology and paleontology. I'd absolutely love to share with my partner many random facts about animals or other stuff! People always told me that it's boring and lame, so... It means the whole world to me if someone actually appreciates my interests. Oh, I'd love to watch some nature documentaries and add my own knowledge here and there! I'm also a huge animal lover. When I was a kid, finding a connection with animals was always way easier, then with other kids. Gosh, I used to spend the whole day with a bunch of chickens, haha. Everybody always told me that they're stupid, but I found that they are actually quite smart and caring animals! And it's not just chickens: I've had a tendency of 'taming' street animals, such as cats. Everybody hated them, and called them 'rabid', but... they were just scared. Sure, it always took some time to earn their trust, but I don't mind that at all. In fact, every single animal that I have today has been previously abused or abandoned. I guess... I have a personal connection to them in some way. Nobody wants an aggressive animal and nobody wants to give them a chance. It's not like they WANT to be this angry all the time. I also really want to own a parrot in the future! A cockatoo, to be exact. They are a very difficult bird to own and that's why I'm waiting for the moment, when I will be able to give it the care it needs. It has been my dream for a long time! Now, in terms of kids... I don't know if I'll ever have one, so that's important to consider. And even if I will, I totally don't want to go through pregnancy itself. I'll probably adopt. But... then again, I'm not sure if I ever will. I love kids, sure, but actually raising one... it's such hard work, and I'm not sure if I'll ever be ready for that responsibility. I'm fine with my animals, haha. But, I appreciate someone, who could take me out of my comfort zone from time to time. I have a tendency to chicken out due to my self-doubt, so a small dose of occasional tough love would be welcome. Oh, I'm also currently learning korean! I plan to study there after I finish my degree here, so that's something to think about, haha.
Music is also one of my passions! I'm ALWAYS wearing headphones, so that could probably be annoying, I guess lmao. I listen to pretty much everything: from musicals to pop. Although, I definitely prefer to have some meaning in songs I enjoy. In fact, I tend to overanalyze the stuff I enjoy to ridiculous extend: from music to characters in shows I watch. People often find that stupid, sadly.
My ideal date would be... something, that has a special meaning to us. It doesn't have to be something elaborate or loud. For example, going to the specific place in the park, where we first held hands or something. It sounds ridiculous and cheesy, but... I love to show people I care about just how much they mean to me. And that means finding deeper meaning in everything we do.
Okay, I think that's wayyy to long, but I'm done lmao
I'm very interested in reading your take on things!
I match you with...
You've got a passion for what you love. It means a lot to you to lose yourself in the music and imagine all sorts of things. it just makes you feel good inside. Even if others don't understand that you're in a world of your own... it's everything to you. It makes you feel nice and being able to share that with others means that you trust them. And, despite what you've gone through, you've got a positive outlook on life ahead of you, you just want someone that understands your limits and your desires.
The reason why Zen stands out here is that you need someone who understands you. Your love of music is so much like his love of arts and the theatre. When you talk about what makes you happy, he just starts to smile and laugh. He's always wanted to hear someone who is as passionate as he is. He could listen to you for hours. He wants to watch the stars with you and talk about everything and anything at all.
He also empathizes with a parent hating at your looks. He wants you to know that you're lovely and beautiful, even if your parent told you otherwise. It's not true. You've always been lovely. He wants to make you feel special and seen. Think about all those selfies he wants to take with the two of you!
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gigilalaka · 4 years
Meta Knight HCs part 4
I can fianlly write this one down! Good god, this was a long time coming. Its mostly going be about Meta’s childhood, skills and other small things. Its a sort one, but that all the time I have for now.
Edit: I’ve added a bit more since I won’t be able to make any more HCs for a while. My work has gone from 7 hours to 10-15 hours work thanks to the covid-19 virus. I work at a cleaning and house help place, where we help with laundry, house cleaning, shopping ect, for the handicaped and ill. So thanks to the virus, we become very busy with deliverys to all the places that needs all the help they can get. Hope everyone are haveing a good week/month.
-When Coldswager, Estella and Kickcrack found out about Meta’s real age of 1775,his been at the sickbay for 16 years and both Coldswager and Estella was very concerns about why Meta’s body seems to have bad reactions with a lot of the medicien that was given to him, instead of being somewhere between 3000-5000 years old as his hight, weight and body structure said, the three of them did not believe it at first. It took another 10 trys with the same end results for them to believe it. Arthur was far from happy when he got told of Meta’s true age.
-When Dragato, Nonsurat and Falspar was told that their new little bro to be was infact still a toddler/baby, they could not quiet believe it. It did not help that Meta’s body was physically 3-5 years old. Though they learned over the years that Meta was indeed bearly 2000 years old.
-Theres a high age diffrent between Meta and his brothers. Meta’s age when Kirby meets him is 50 268 years old. His big brothers age are as followed: Dragato’s is 76 279, Nonsurat’s being 65 893 and Falspar’s being 58 785.
-Meta dose not start speaking untill he is 3207 years old, simply thanks to the fact that he did not know that he had the ability to and had learned from his time at the lab that being silent is worth its weight in gold if he wanted to not get eaten or beaten to death. Though he’d would have problemly start speaking sooner had he know how his dad and brothers react to it. He almost got crushed by a hug from Estella when Dragato asked Meta who she was, and got ‘mom esta’. Safe to say she was very happy.
-Meta is smaller than most puff children his age, and along with his blindness, trust issues, truma and fear that he got turing his first 1759 years of life, it became hard for him to be with other children his age without getting in some sort of problem, trouble or misunderstanding. He also became a prime target for bullys and the like. This has been one of the many reasons why Meta is so anti-sosial, though the pain of his friends dying in the war is the biggest reason of them all.
-Meta would spend most of his time playing with Falspar becuse of said bullying and the fact that Falspar was still a child and thuse had more freetime than the rest of the familiy. Meta also played a lot with Nonsurat and Dragato when they where not busy with training or study. When Galacta became friends with Meta things got a little easier for him to make friends.
-Becuse of Meta’s poor health, the puff had to eat a special diet for the next 10 000 pluss years or so. He only got things like junk food, cakes, sweet and fancy food on either his birthday or holidays. Now as a adult he can eat whatever he wants, but he still eats healthy meals most of the time.
-The first time Meta ever got to taste something sweet was when Dragato shared some of his favoritt snacks, strawberries dipped in chocolate and baked apples with honey, and the purple puff swear to this day that fireworks was danceing in his little bros eyes when the dark blue puff got to eat them.
-Meta when he was still a child and small, ended up with two habits that would only show when he was with his family. One being that he would fall alseep on their heads, after a while and out like a light, whenever he ended up on there. None of them mind it. The other one being that he would only accept anything that had something about food from them. He had a major trusts issues when it comes to food thanks his living conditions back at the lab and him being blind did not help at all.
-Meta is a terrible cook. He can not cook something without a cookbook and someone to help him, and unless you like to eat brunt ash or some sickly grayish soup, flaming water, want your kitchen to brun to the ground or expolde it is not the best idea to ask him to make dinner.
-His is however smashing at bakeing, pastry, candy makeing and other sweet desserts as well as makeing the best tea or coffe. Had he not been warborn, he’d be famous for it around the galaxy and make tons of money. His Milk tea jam, honey salted chocolate candy, special lollipops and special mixed coffeblends are to die for.
-Meta has taught both Tiff and Tuff self defense as well as hidden knife and throwing technique a few decade after NME’s defeat, when all the other villains started to invade Popstar at Lady Like and Sir Ebrum request. Both Tiff and Tuff sees Meta as their honorary wired/cool/smart uncle.
-Meta knows how to swear in eight diffrent languages and can out swear Dark Meta Knight and Dark Galacta Knight at the same time with or without curse words with flying colours. Though the only time anyone hear him swear like that his when you have ROYALLY PISSED HIM OFF HIS ROCKER AND ASKED FOR MOTHER DEATH! He swear most of the time in his head though.
-Meta’s relationshipe with Knuckle Joe and Sirica has over the centuries gone from awkward and tense to familiy friends. Both hunters sees Meta now as their uncle and would often ask Meta about their parents and what the three star warriors would do together when not in battle. They where supriest when they learned that the old warrior had a husband that got seal away 21 203 years ago and both felt bad for the puff.
-Meta and Dark Meta as a very intreresting, distructive, annoying and bad relationshipe. The two of them have a hard time not trying to either maim, kill or get on the others nerv. Both has a burning hatred for the other, and there are very few things the two of them are willing to agree, share or help on with the other. However, the both of them are very happy to team up when their husbands decides to destroy eachother and the univers with them though. Both of them hates it when its happends.
-Meta is someone that even the best of psychiatrist would find as a struggeling nightmare to help. The old warrior has had so many trumas, mental breakdowns, seen enough shit to last a few lifetimes and more that many of them are amazed how he is still as some sanity left. Some would say that the puffs psychic is a utter mystery for their profession.
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jawira707 · 6 years
Max was always punished for the wrong reasons
like seriously, Max Thunderman did some messed up stuff, but everytime he was punished...it was like- he didn’t know why he was punished. You can’t raise your son like that...
For me the most prominent example- and I don’t think we ever talked about it enough- was the season 2 finale.
Okay, so Colosso asks Max to turn him human for a day so he can go to get his villain award and Max immediately tells him, that he can’t do it, because his dad wouldn’t allow it. It’s not that he doesn’t listen to Hank, he DOES LISTEN.
So then Barb is about to give birth to her child and can’t go to the hospital and - no matter how hard you try to downlplay it bc it’s a kid show- that is a urgent and very, very serious situation. So how does everyone react?
Nora and Billy are both small, so they think about what will happen if the baby arrives and don’t come back from the shop and that’s totally okay, regarding their age. They don’t get how important their task was and Billy was very sweet to Nora.
BUT PHOEBE LITERALLY GOES AWAY JUST BECAUSE CHERRY CALLED HER TO HELP HER WITH A DATE. I appreciate their friendship and all- and yes, we have NEVER seen that dude again-but for me that’s really a lack of priority, if you think you can’t cancel a date while your mother asked you to stay and is about to deliver a baby. I’m sure Phoebe didn’t mean it like this, that she just felt like she had to help Cherry. Still, this is wild to me.This- in the aftermath- is never adressed.
Max is THE ONLY ONE who stays at home with his dad and even though we don’t see much of these scenes (for obvious reasons), you can tell how very worried he is. HE is the ONLY Thunderman kid how actually has realized that his mother is in a fragile state, that they are in a crucial situation. Yes, he still cracks jokes, but you just feel how he tries to lighten the mood, because what else is the poor boy supposed to do. His mother is in so much painand he doesn’t know how to help her.
Then Phoebe finally arrives...after thinking about everything again, they ask Colosso for help. And Colosso doesn’t even think a second about using this to some advantage for him. He just helps right away.
Finally Chloe is there and the twins are completely in love with her and think she is the cutest in the word!!! And Hank thanks Colosso (which is the least he could do, but better than nothing.)
So...after all this drama, Max is back in his lair and thinks about how Colosso just saved his mom’s and the baby’s life-that’s what he did!- and because he is a good person, because he knows how much he now owes to his friend...he decides to let him got to get this award IF he can go with him.
Well,we all now what happened next and how Phoebe saved him. And she did amazing. Still they later blamed Max for all of this (we maybe didn’t see it, but can EASILY tell by his mood in the first episode of season three).
Still- until today- I don’t think he did ANYTHING wrong.Like at all. After Colosso was left behind while they were running out, Phoebe even said: “Okay, you have to let him go Max” after that man just saved two members of her familiy hours ago. And she didn’t even know about him telling on Max (which he later regretted, sacrificing his own freedom to help him out).
It’s not that Max is weird or something, it’s just that he has different standards especially when it comes to loyality.
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Being Human AU headcanons
Smol explanation/summary thing: Okay so Being Human (the UK version) is an amazing show about vampires, werewolves and ghosts and everything related. I had a thought about a Sides au and what it would be like, and as I don't have time to make an entire fic just yet, I wanted to something with this anyways. So here we go. 
Warnings: Just a few mentions of blood, deaths, two tiny implications of nsfw, but there's just an implication and nothing more
Note: This turned out much longer than I had expected, but it's fun. I might make a part two of this actually
Roman is a vampire
He was born as royalty in England in the 1300s
Still acts like it sometimes
Like, when he gets very upset with someone, he will start using old language again or he will make references to things no one understands
He is usually pretty adapted to current society though
He is cold a lot, so he often wears a red jacket 
His move was to seduce people, to get them into bed and then he would bite
He did this with anyone, regardless of gender, cause the taste of blood just... differs
He is trying to stop drinking blood, though
He hasn't succeeded to stay off it for more than a few months
Through the ages, he has travelled a lot
He has seen most of Europe, big parts of Asia and he is now stuck in America for a bit
Fought in the First World War, because he felt like he needed to serve his country, even if he hadn't been to England in centuries
There, he came into contact with a vampire named Herrick
They sorta maintained contact during the war, but after that, Roman went to America and they didn't speak again
He never understood the feud between vampires and werewolves, but he just sort of goes with it
Logan is a werewolf 
He was turned when he was 21
He has always loved nature and he happened to be in the forest on the day of full moon
Unfortunately, a werewolf was there as well
Logan was hospitalised for a few days after the attack
The first full moon was horribly agonizing
It never stopped being horrible, but at least he got used to it
Just a few weeks after he was turned, Logan was cornered by hostile vampires
They were going to kick his ass, but then someone else showed up
He chased the vampired away and immediately checked on Logan
Logan had a few small scrapes and he was bleeding
The guy, who happened to be Roman, wanted to help him up, but some blood from a wound on Logan's arm dripped onto his hand, burning him
Logan had no idea what was going on. How does his blood burn people?
He was going to ask, but Roman shut him up.
“Not here. I'll explain inside.”
So he led Logan to his own house, where he explained the werewolf/vampire feud and how werewolf blood is like poison to vampires
Logan was so confused and trying to understand what was going on
He still didn't understand shit but that's fine
Roman and Logan stuck together, becoming best friends, despite the feud
Other vampires often commented on Roman's scent
But Roman often said he had a dog, because he was scared of endagering Logan if he told the truth
After a particular bad relapse of Roman, where he killed three people, he and Logan moved to Florida
They moved into a super cheap house
Turns out it was so cheap because someone died there
It was a guy named Patton
He died when he fell down the stairs and hit his head
He was 24 when it happened
It was a few months ago 
He tripped over something he left on the ground
He never really had a great familiy before that
HIs dad had left and his mom worked two jobs in an attempt to afford food for them
Eventually his mom married another dude, but he never really liked him
When Roman and Logan came in and saw Patton, he was confused they could see him
“Wait... you guys can see me?”
Logan was confused because of course they could see him
Roman however, was familiar with ghosts and he explained the whole business to Logan
Just when you think you know it all, there's another thing to learn
Roman told Patton about them and swore to help him figure out his Unfinished Business so he could pass to the afterlife
The three of them grew super close and after years, Patton still hadn't found his unfinished business, but that's fine cause he finally found a family
Logan finds a job as a college professor
Roman's dream is to be an actor, but it is risky with his not-showing-up-on-cameras and being in large crowds is a risk for him too
So he doesn't
He keeps trying to stay off blood, but it's super difficult
Logan and Patton support him though
He just stops having relationships altogether because all he can think about, is how their blood would taste like and it scares him so much
But then, he meets Virgil
Virgil works at Roman's favourite café
And damn this guy is cute
He doesn't want to date him because he's scared of himself, but damn he is cute and he wants to date him
So he just fucking asks him out anyways
And Virgil says yes
And Roman is just so fucking excited 
Their first date is a movie date
It's cliché, but Roman is scared to do anything more... out there
They both have a great time though
When Ro comes home, he gushes to his friends about how he didn't think of what Virgil's blood would taste like once, and he wasn't tempted at all and he's so happy about it
And Logan and Patton are of course just as excited
Roman and Virgil go on more dates together and they eventually make it official
It is tricky, though, Virgil starts to get suspicious
“Why won't you let me take pictures of you?” “Why can't you come in without being invited in?” etc.
But Roman makes up excuses every time
One time, when the two of them were hanging out at Roman's place, Patton kept teasing them
And Virgil couldn't see or hear Patton
But Roman could
And he nearly gave it away, but he managed to stop himself just in time
One day
Roman and Virgil were at Roman's place again
And things were getting... heated
And Roman just... he blacked out
He couldn't stop himself
And when he woke up from his little black out, he noticed blood everywhere
And he just turned to Virgil and saw what he did
He couldn't even think straight anymore and he ran out of his bedroom, to see Pat in his own old room
Patton noticed Roman's panic and the blood and he asked what was wrong
“I think I- I think I turned Virgil, or... or... I don't think there's enough to kill him but, I- I...”
And he just couldn't
“Wow, wow kiddo, calm down. What is going on?“
And he calms Roman down, so he can explain what happened
When he finds out, he reassures Roman, tells him it is going to be okay and he should go back to be there for Virgil when he woke up
So he did
It took him a while, but Virgil woke up
For a moment, Roman was scared he had killed Virge, but then he woke up and he was so relieved
Virgil was confused tho
Why did he feel so weird? Why did his head hurt? What happened?
Roman tried to explain
“Virge, I don't know how to say this but... I am a vampire and I... guess I... accidentally turned you into one too...”
“Accidentally? How the fuck-?”
“I didn't mean to! It was just... I don't know... reflex? I wasn't in control, it was... I didn't know what I was doing until it was too late. I'm sorry.”
He is so scared Virgil is going to break up with him, and for a moment, so is Virgil, but when everything is explained, it is still kind of okay
Virgil doesn't break up with Roman after all. He's going to need help and he loves Ro too much
“So... when were you born?”
“Around 1295.”
“Hm... interesting.”
He has no idea how to respond to this
He smells something vaguely dog he didn't smell before and he asks Roman about it
“Oh, yeah... that's werewolf.”
“There are werewolves?”
Again, Roman has to explain the whole deal
Then Virgil goes downstairs and he sees Patton and just has a fucking heartattack
Poor kiddo having to be faced with everything in one day
Patton immediately takes a liking to Virgil though and he takes care of him
Even though he is very shook still, Virgil is so curious and he asks Roman about every vampire stereotype he knows
“Can we eat garlic?”
“It doesn't kill us, but it can be a nuisance.”
“Do we really not have a reflection?”
“Look into the mirror and find out.”
It's pretty adorable
After a week or so, Virgil moves in with the others because he is scared of going on a vampire rampage when he is alone
He hasn't had any blood though, because Roman told him how dangerous it was 
But he is still craving it very very much
They don't live happily ever after but this is as much plot as I have got right now
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fckhunters-blog · 7 years
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hi everyone!!! i’m pauline and i’m so excited to meet all of you! sorry this is so late i’m pretty much always a huge mess? anyway, here’s a little bit about hunter under the cut! please feel free to message me for plots/connections! 
hunter is a 24 year old cismale who has lived in ottowa for ten years, hunter moved here with his mother and younger sister when he was 14 to get a fresh start after their father died. hunter’s dad was p terrible? he was a drug addict who basically spent all of their families money on drugs and alcohol. the familiy was evicted more times than hunter can remember and his mother was afraid to be alone so she delt with it all of those years
hunter lowkey resents her for putting them through it but he loves her so much because she’s really the only one who gave a shit about him and his sister growing up, and she worked like three jobs once they moved to ottowa to support her two kids. hunter stayed home with his sister and basically helped raise her because his mom was constantly out late working her as off.
because of his childhood hunter is kind of closed off, they lived in terrible area’s when his dad was alive and he learned that you can’t trust anyone. he’s really rough around the edges and he’s still so angry about p much everything? like you can look at him the wrong way and he gets angry/defensive.
hunter’s hella protective over his sister, like he would probably kill someone who hurt her tbh? :///
but now he works as a teacher because deep down under layers and layers of angry and mean hunter there’s a huge softy who really loves to help people!!!
sorry this isn’t super detailed but i’ll be happy to come up with plots/connections or anything else!!! ksjghj can’t wait to meet you all!!!
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kahayaya · 4 years
Out here in Privette on USF. P sure no one knows where tf that is, but iykyk.
Anyways I’m listening to EDM songs and its currently playing Hard to say Goodbye by Ekali. I seem to always stick to one genre every season. Last semester, it was all about the K-Pop, last summer it was all about J-Pop, specifically Aqours. I don’t really understand why I like listening to these types of music. I guess its one of those things that click with me at a perfect time in my life. I really don’t listen to the lyrics, when I probably should be listening to them. I mainly listen to beats. But anyway, the song I’m listening to makes me feel some type of way. I feel sad but also happy? The song is p much about what the title describes. I’m fine with how it is, but its hard to say goodbye because it ended off on good terms. This reminds me of Eren, cuz it did end off on good terms. And it was Hard to Say Goodbye. I stuck around for a while. But when it started to affect me, that was the line. To say officially goodbye. I’m not sad, but happy because it was the mark of a new path to take. So IDK, maybe I am listening to the song’s lyrics but some other songs don’t click with me, which makes me think I like a song that goes with a electronicy feel accompanied by lyrics. GOD DAM this sun is blazing and its a nice feeling cuz it was cold this morning. SOrry brain trailing into its own thoughts. 
I guess I can write down my thoughts on my current family situation.
 Lets start off with my parents. I think they are doing fine, but they are not at the same time. They are constantly taking care of my sister, who to simply put, a brain bleed from the drugs she used. My parents are constantly busy and stressed. It's sad because I always think of the conversation with my mom saying this is the life she did not want. She wanted to be at peace and for her children to continue with themselves. But nope, my sister is essentially handicapped and my brother is just barely living. I feel really bad, which puts immense pressure on me to succeed. But sometimes I also feel that my parents want me back at home. They want comfort from me, who is doing exactly what they wanted me to do, which is successful, while my brother and sister are not what they envisioned. My parents will show their unconditional love no matter what, but I’d say I'm the favorite among them. As for me, I feel distant from my parents. Short story for maybe another post, but with my parents, there is always the same argument being brought up, with conflicting on my mom or dad wants to run things. And because of that, sometimes that gets taken out on me. Then after the argument, it is like nothing happened and we continue. The cycle keeps on happening and I get annoyed, which is why I feel like I'm distancing myself, alongside the fact that I am becoming more independent with my life in SF. I feel bad, but at the same time its nice not having to face with that. I feel bad because they made sacrifices that got me here, which is something I will never forget and pay back. I’ll make an attempt to give them a call each week, cuz they are after all my parents. I think in another post, I’ll go into more detail of what my mother and father are like. But they are an interesting duo.
Now moving on to my other two siblings. First off my brother. I defs looked up to him when I was small. I thought he was cool and I was going to be him when I get to that point of stage in life. When I was young, I use to play beer pong with his friends in the garage of our house. I didn’t drink alcohol, but I’d do it with a soda or water. That was really fun. The parties were fun and most of his friends were cool with me playing. That was fun. I think my brother and I had a cool relationship. I didn’t really open up to him though, in a sense I didn’t tell him the details of school or the ones I liked. It was a weird way to describe what happened but I felt like a brother but I didn’t connect like a brother. And I feel about him the same how I feel today. My brother has def changed since going to college and when he worked as a nurse. My brother is now shut in his house working for like GrubHub or something who delivers food. My brother never tells me anything going on his life. All news comes from my parents. I never ask my brother often to hangout, despite the fact that we literally live next to each other by a 25 minute walk. I’m not too sure how I feel, but I know that we are not really connected with each other. My brother is currently trying to apply as a case manager for hospitals, but I heard he got rejected due to no experience in that specific position. So I hope he find a job and gets back on his feet. I also forgot to mention he is in debt, that my mom tells me that debt collectors are coming to him. IDK how he got there, but he was not money managing. Which he also took advantage of my parents when he was helped with in college. He said he needed money for college and his loan, but he’d be spending it on vacations and his ex girlfriend. My brother went through three relationships, all of whom I did not even connect with. My brother was suppose to get married, but it got canceled. I think that event really changed my brother and really turned him down. He never brings up anything about it, but its only up to him if he wants to talk about it. There’s soooo much more to talk about my brother, but all in all as of right now, he is in a tough position and he’s bottled up his feeling at Haight Ashbury.
Now for my sister. My sister is defs one I was more closer with, but at the same time not. ITs the same situation with my brother, but only last year did I start telling her more personel stuff. As a child, my sister was the one who was rebellious and always fought with my parents. At the time I was lost and confused on wtf is going on. She had cuts and scars on her wrist. She had depression. I was somewhat grasping the idea of what that was back then, but its more clear now why she did things. but my sister was crazy, again she had three relationships she went through. Her first ex was a homeless person, idk how they met, but he would live in our house. Honestly, he was a cool dude. He was the one who got me into gaming. Due to some complications with the relationship, they broke up. This person though got back on their feet and is doing alright now, which im happy for him. The next boyfriend rolls and he was a fucking crazy dude. This second boyfriend literally was a druggy and would smoke a lot. I remember my sister and him would play video games a lot and I would occasianlly join them in the MMORPG called Aika. But this ex was a bad person. He would literally steal my parent's meds, which were very addictive meds. We’re talking Vicodin and morphine kinds of meds, which my parents needed for their surgeries. But he would steal them and Im p sure my sister and them took drugs. FYI, my whole family was on pain meds due to accidents they actually had and spine injuries that happened. This person was crazy and not really respectful. I remember I was sleeping in my bed, and I saw my sister and him having sex. My room is connected to a balcony and as well as my sister’s room. That stuff was a bit weird to see, and at the time I was like 11 years old? Things happened where my parents kicked out this dude out of our house and things broke off cuz it was a lot. My sister threating to cut her self cuz of the fighting. It was crazy and chaotic. Years roll on by and Im in high school and my sister recent ex. This dude was quiet. Asian dude and also liked to play video games. This dude would never talk to me, it was weird. This relationship ended quickly due to him cheating on my sister. The dude was also a pedo too, he was dating a highschooler, who was not 18 and this dude is like 25 yrs old. WTF. but yea i think this post turned into a relationship analysis. I learned a lot from those relationships and I took into account when I was going into one. But its a different dimension out there in the world of relationships. And because of the relationships my sister and brother had, it really defined them and somewhat destroyed them. My sister turnt to drugs, especially Esctaty and was a raver herself. Which is why she is in the position where she is in now. Handicapped and bedridden as of right now. I don’t know the outlook on how much she can do now, but shes having it rough. I truly feel sad for her, but at the same time, she created this timeline. But my sister and I i felt like getting a bit closer to her recently, but then distance ourselves again. IDK my family situation is weird, and IDK how to describe it. Maybe if i layout the events, someone can describe my relationship with my familiy. But one thing is for sure, and that we all love each other, when we do call for something, my family will do its best to do it. But the friends I built here in SF felt more connection with me and resonates with me. More than I had with my family. Esp Alex, where I yearned for in a friendship. I’m about to start work in 3 minutes, so I’ll write later on random thoughts or something comes up. IDK. Peace out strangers on the web.
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cutepinoyportal · 7 years
🌈 JOEL PALENCIA and JHAY LAYAM of That's my Bae - Discreet Gay Couple?
That’s My Bae Joel Palencia was involved in an alleged photo scandal with a certain Jhay Layam.
Palencia and Layam were rivals in male pageants.
The apparent photos of him was leaked by PamintaSuperstar.com and Trending Stars PH on Facebook and Instagram.
The post includes the alleged conversation of Joel with Jhay.
Joel’s parents were quick to deny the allegations that their son is gay.
Jhay and Joel’s close friend also expressed his shock over the leakage of their alleged kissing photo.
Netizens and Joel’s fans are debating whether the photos were manipulated or not.
In celebration with LGBT Pride Month, a certain entertainment Facebook page shook the world of That’s My Bae fans. Advertisement by Google: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
On June 10, at around 1PM, Trending Star PH posted an alleged photo of “Trops” star Joel Palencia and a guy named Jhay Layam on Instagram. In the photo, the two guys can be seen kissing each other on the lips. The caption says: “May parte talaga ng ating nakaraan ang mahirap takasan.”
Screengrabbed from @trendingstarsph’s Instagram account
Facebook page PamintaSuperstar.com, a page dedicated to gays and bisexuals and the sister page of Trending Star PH, shared the most and revealed that the photo had gone viral on Twitter. The page also claimed that the two guys on the viral photo are from Antipolo City in Rizal. Advertisement by Google: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Screen grabbed from PamintaSuperstar.com’s Facebook page
After several hours, the original uploader has posted another set of alleged photos of Joel and Jhay. This time, the page has also included several photos of an apparent Messenger conversations by Joel with a guy under the Facebook name of Jhay Layam.
Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
The blue bubbles were believed to be sent by Joel himself to Jhay; while the gray bubbles were ostensibly from Jhay.
Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
In the conversation, Joel and Jhay apparently engaged in a sexual activity, with Joel as the one who allegedly used to bring up the topic.
Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Towards the end of the post, the conversation revealed that Joel apparently said that he was ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of his relationship with Jhay.
Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Finally, the supposed gay couple seemingly parted ways. Joel apparently said that would wait for Jhay until they meet again.
Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
It is also noticeable that the profile picture that was used by the alleged Jhay is similar to what Jhay had used for his personal Facebook account.
Left: Photo from Jhay Layam’s personal Facebook page | Right: Photo from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
If the photo is proven to be genuine like what others think, then the conversation was captured about two years ago.
Screengrabbed from Jhay Layam’s personal Facebook account
Netizens react
Some netizens are skeptical about the viral photos. Other claimed that the guys in the photos are not Joel and Jhay, while others think that the photos were professionally manipulated to discredit Joel and the rest of That’s My Bae members.
Screengrabbed from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Screengrabbed from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Screengrabbed from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Screengrabbed from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Screengrabbed from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
Screengrabbed from Trending Stars PH’s Facebook page
On the other hand, some people believe that the photos were authentic and were not modified. They even expressed their support for the alleged gay couple.
Screengrabbed from Aj Chaplin’s Facebook account
Screengrabbed from Vince Santos’ Facebook account
Screengrabbed from Vince Santos’ Facebook account
Screengrabbed from Johnrex Espinosa’s Facebook account
Joel’s familiy and friend’s reaction
AL Palencia, Jr., Joel’s dad posted his sentiments on his Facebook account, hours after the the issue erupted on social media. He defined the word “Basher” and defended his son from such allegations. He wrote:
Screen grabbed from AL Palencia Jr’s Facebook account
He even changed his cover photo on his Facebook to his picture with Joel with the caption: Advertisement by Google: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Screen grabbed from AL Palencia Jr’s Facebook account
Additionally, Joel’s mom, Mercy Palencia, appealed to his son’s fans to refrain from believing from the “hearsay.” She said through a Facebook post:
Screen grabbed from Mercy Palencia’s Facebook account
She also added, “[P]ero nqaun tayo kylangan ng bae joel ntin kylangan natin sya damayan sa lht ng problema nya lalo n sa nangyayari nqaun kya mga joeletics damayan ntin c joel ipaglaban natin sa walang kwentang litrato n yan di natin pababayaan ang bae natin ipakita natin na mahal natin sya at di natin sya iiwan dhl lng sa chismis n kumakalat ito lng.” In the end, Mrs. Palencia thanked the leaker of the photos, as her son became more famous on social media. She said, “[G]usto ko sbhin sa walang kwentang nagkalat ng picture n yan slmt h kse lalo mong pinasisikat c joel masaya kn b kung wala kng magawa at naiinggit k sa anak ko isa lng masasabe ko syo dios na bhla sayo.” Meanwhile, Ian Dustin Tolentino, Joel and Jhay’s closest friend, expressed his shocked over the viral photos. He tweeted, “WTF ANONG KUMAKALAT SA DALAWANG TROPA KO NA PARANG SCANDAL NA MAY MGA PICTURE PA ANYARE JOEL ANYARE JHAY?”
Screen grabbed from Ian Dustin Tolentino’s Twitter account
He also described the leaked photos as uncanny and shocking at the same time.
Screen grabbed from Ian Dustin Tolentino’s Facebook account
Based on Ian’s previous tweets, he, along with Joel and Jhay were best buddies. He even used to call their group Big 3.
Screen grabbed from Ian Dustin Tolentino’s Twitter account
As of this writing, Joel and Jhay remain mum about the issue. Articles courtesy of LionHeartTV (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); from Blogger http://ift.tt/2sqq9P5 via IFTTT
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Reply 1988
this post will be revealed as my response to the one of the best drama i have ever had in 10 years that is “Reply 1988″. 
At first, I didnt have any plan to watch this drama because Reply 1994 had a bad feedback from me, I mean it is not really that bad, yeah just an ordinary drama like others. That is the reason why I underestimate the other series of Reply. Until to the point that i witnessed the scene of this drama on TV while i was in my friend’s house. I am shocked this drama is so entertaining even just took a peek of its scene. I jumped in excitement. I cannot helped but watching it in a rush. my friend also told me that this drama nearly has the same family condition as me. not literally me, I think all the people must have experienced the same thing as how the scene represent our daily activities in natural way. We ended up watching the first episode together that night. you know, I still remember i was unintentionally closing and opening my eyes as watching it. Probably that is my habit in getting sleepy easily while watching drama with others hahhaa. The principle of watching drama is enjoying and grasping it all by yourself without the presence of people around you. So you can totally feel the emotion inside it. you must have felt like me, right ?
It is just me or any other people out there also pouring all the tears to each episode. Those scenes is delivered in a simple way but directly shoot to our heart with its real particular condition we often go through in a household or bestfriend matter. it is disclosed by 5 different typical family. The first family is Sunwoo who had been left by his dad and living only with his mom and cute lil sister named as Jin Jo. He is the only normal person out of 5 person. A kind child who is obedient to his mom, he is always busy taking care of his mom feelings. there is scene while sun woo try to cut the day off to watch cinema with Junghwan and Dong ryeong, he hasnt finished his rice box once he came home and end up eating it in the stairs before he stepped his foot on his home. it is the most touching scene though. if only someone like Sun woo is truly found in real life I would be the one who chases him first haha. On the other hand, Taek, the king of baduk, lives with his dad only since his mom has passed away. the two dont talk that much and just living peacefully with cares. Comparing to the 3 other family who has a complete familiy member but having their own troblematic family matter. Duk Seon as the main character, lives with sensitive and thoughtfull mom and lovely dad, an emotional older sister and an old-faced lil brother. Sadly, His dad get involve in a debt bill because he has insufficient salary. They live as economical as possible to sacrifice for life. The first child, Bora, who always gets what she wants, she gets easily pour her anger over Duk Seon for every lil matter in which Duk seon is such a patient, cheerful kid and compliant in many things, particularly in birthday cake and fried eggs scene. I got chilled knowing she scream out loud saying that she doesnt want tobe respected as their child i meant their parents is supposed to be fair among them there is no discriminalities that depend on child order. Based on this drama, i gain plentiful knowledge and outlook how to live our life happily without any complain since life is all about giving, receiving, to be grateful on every single things and keep improving ourselves as growing to be adult :") Do not be anxious of miserable or sorrowful things since happy ending awaits in every scene :")
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