#keaton x scarlet
moonstoneraven · 2 years
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fates kids sprite edits part 3 :D
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tim-hoe-wan · 2 years
Best superhero/villain casting in your opinion? Doesn’t matter if it’s Marvel or DC.
Won’t comment on the DC tv series cause I don’t watch them. Only listing the casting which I think or can’t imagine anyone else pulling off the role just as well.
Christopher Reeves - Superman
Michael Keaton - Batman
Hugh Jackman - Wolverin
RDJ - Iron Man
Sir Patrick Stewart - Professor X
Ryan Reynolds - Deadpool
Michael Fassbender - Magneto
William Dafoe - Green Goblin
Alfred Molina - Doc Oc
Chadwick Boseman - Black Panther
JK Simmons - J Jonah Jameson
Dafne Keen - X-23
Dan Stevens - David Haller
Aubrey Plaza - Shadow King
Michael B Jordan - Kilmonger
Paul Rudd - Ant-man
Tom Hiddleston - Loki
Elizabeth Olsen - Scarlet Witch
Charlie Cox - Daredevil
Vincent D’Onofrio - Kingpin
Kevin Bacon - Sebastian Shaw
Evan Peters - Quicksilver
Josh Brolin - Thanos
Anthony Starr - Homelander
Margot Robbie - Harley Quinn
Lauren Ridloff - Makkari
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okay-j-hannah · 4 years
That’s My Wife
Harry Potter : Fic
Charlie x Reader
Word Count: 3049
Warnings: SEXY TALK! Charlie is just all over you and your quidditch uniform 😂 Also I know I keep using different gifs for Charlie fics... I just look up ‘hot ginger man’ and pick one I like 🥰
Request: “Hey could I have a story where you are Charlie Weasleys wife and a professional quidditch player? In goblet of fire when they go to the world cup instead of Ireland vs Krum it's your team versus Krum and Charlie is so proud to have Weasley on your uniform and is showing you off to everyone and idk I really just think of Charlie as a very proud guy but humble. Thanks so much!” - Anon
A/N: There’s nothing quite like having your husband be your biggest supporter, especially with the Quidditch World Cup fast approaching
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Shifting beneath the covers, (Y/N) sighed as her brain began to wake up. There were a number of thumps happening outside their bedroom and she groaned.
Thankfully, a hand came sneakily around her waist, pulling her to him, “What’s the point of apparating if we don’t even get to sleep in?”
“They’re excited,” (Y/N) replied in a quiet voice, keeping her eyes closed as she turned towards her husband, “And people are a bit careless when they’re tired.”
Footsteps could be heard going down the creaky stairs and (Y/N) peered behind Charlie to see that the moon was still basking their window. It had to have been nearly daybreak for the others to be up and about.
“I’ll have to get ready anyway,” she mumbled, resting back into Charlie’s embrace, “The team wants to do warmups and standard procedure before the majority of the crowds…”
Charlie suddenly held her tighter, silencing her with a grin, “Later, sweetheart – I won’t be able to see you all day. I want to hold you for a little while before you fly off.”
She couldn’t help the giggle that escape her with him cradling her against his chest. Though the World Cup was hours away, she knew her captain wouldn’t let her out of his sight until the game started. With the narrow win England made to be entered into the cup, there was immense pressure to deliver a swift and skillful victory for the team.
Being the rising star of “Quidditch Weekly,” there was a lot on (Y/N)’s shoulders to carry the team. It was that thought that began to swell within her when a sudden shout came from downstairs.
“George! What is that in your pocket?”
Charlie laughed low in his throat, his grisly morning voice doing it justice, “Looks like mum found those joke shop toffees.”
“Don’t you lie to me!”
(Y/N) took a deep breath, allowing Charlie’s natural scents relax her; worn leather, old newspaper, rain-soaked grass. She wasn’t quite sure what she was going to do without him giving her pep talks between penalty shots and time outs.
More than anything she wished he could be on the grounds with the referees instead of up in the stands.
With the anxiety filling her up as it usually did before a big game, she reached for his hand wrapped around her. Lacing their fingers together, she could feel him lean into her neck and plant a kiss behind her ear.
“You’re going to be incredible, sweetheart.”
She sighed into a smile, closing her eyes once more and allowing a few more moments of peace.
“Accio! Accio! Accio!” Came from downstairs, and she laughed out loud that time.
The sun crept higher and higher as the team lay on the pitch, doing stretches. Their captain Edric Vosper was pacing along the team benches.
“England hasn’t been a part of the Quidditch World Cup since 1981,” he intertwined his fingers in front of him, “And with us scraping that win against Transylvania last month… there’s too much at stake.”
“We know, Vosper,” came the voices of some of (Y/N)’s best friends – the beaters of the team, Dawn and Indira.
“We’ve had this same speech at every practice since that win,” (Y/N) added, smirking and straightening her arm braces, “I’m not sure there’s much else you can say to prepare us.” Her fellow chasers Avery and Keaton snickered behind their hands.
Vosper seemed at a loss of a comeback, finally sitting on one of the benches, “You’re right, of course. I just had a talk with Ludo Bagman and have basically every coin in my account betted for England being the winning team.”
“Why would you do that?” Dawn cried, slumping onto the grassy ground, “I’m worried enough about the game without knowing you’ll be broke if we lose.”
“And will probably have to crash at my place for the rest of the year,” Avery rolled his eyes.
Vosper put his face in his hands and took a deep breath, making the team all refrain from smiling sarcastically. (Y/N) stood and folded her arms, leaning forward slightly to speak.
“I say we take a break before the match starts – go enjoy some time with our families until the whistle blows.”
Keaton flexed his fingers, “Yeah, if I have to practice another quaffle pass I pretty sure my fingertips will snap.”
The team all laughed, evidently trying to make it as lighthearted as possible with the amount of pressure all nestled on their shoulders. (Y/N) secretly believed that a pep talk from all their close friends and family would motivate and improve the teams morale.
But she also knew that if she voiced that much of her opinion, then the players would just tease her about becoming the next great captain for the team. And she was too good of friends with Edric to make him doubt the authority of his position.
“Hey, guys, we’ve been practicing every day for weeks,” Indira stated, pulling a knee to her chest for a stretch. “Maybe enjoying our last meal with our families would relieve some stress.”
“Why are you saying it like we’ve all got death sentences? Our last meal?” Avery laughed, leaning over to push her away playfully.
She shrugged her shoulders, “Way to improve the mood, Hawksworth.”
The rest of the team laughed again, waiting for Vosper to lift his head from his hands. When he did he focused his attention to the opposing team across the quidditch pitch. The brutal Bulgarian team was conducting a number of routines with quaffle passes and snitch spotting.
They donned scarlet robes with black and gold lettering, which reminded (Y/N) of her Gryffindor house back at Hogwarts. It made her frown to see them arrogantly flashing those colors as they sped on their similarly tinted Firebolts.
Peering down at her own uniform, she relished in the bright white and complementary cherry red accents. The proud emblem of golden dragons blazoned the front and brought a fiery desire to beat Bulgaria with every bit of will power she had.
“I think we are over exhausting ourselves,” Vosper concluded, resting his elbows on his knees. “How about this – you all are free to do whatever you please until the match, as long as you deliver the Rowntree Counter.” He stared pointedly at (Y/N), saying, “If we can execute that as perfectly as you did with Transylvania, we’ll have this game in the bag.”
With slight hesitation, she gulped and nodded. She knew there were scouts in the crowd, recruiters that were looking for talent. If she could make a spotlight of their team, they could go far in quidditch history.
It was this thought that dwelled with her as she left the pitch and made her way through the crowds to find the tent grounds the Weasley’s had rented.
She quickly found herself distracted by numerous fans; now, with the sun newly risen and the mist lifting, she could see the city of tents that stretched in every direction. She made her way slowly through the rows, staring eagerly around.
Many of the campers were starting to wake up. First to stir were the families with small children; a tiny boy no older than two was crouched outside a large pyramid-shaped tent, holding a wand and poking happily at a slug in the grass, which was swelling slowly to the size of a salami.
“Excuse me, miss,” came a timid voice nearby, “Are you (Y/N) Weasley?”
She turned her shoulder and saw a young girl and boy standing on their tip toes and wringing their hands excitedly.
“Yes, ma’am, that’s me.”
“The chaser for England’s National team?” the boy added on, somewhat disregarding her previous response.
(Y/N) peered down at her uniform and shrugged her shoulders, “I’m pretty sure that’s what my robes say.”
There was a squeal behind her, and then another and another. Whispers, then shouts, began appearing all around her as exclamations said:
“Is that…?”
“Mum! It’s the England chaser!”
“She was on the cover of Quidditch Weekly yesterday.”
“Do you think I could get a signature?”
“Wait… (Y/N) Weasley?”
“I don’t have a quill… would she mind using my body paint?”
And it was twenty minutes before she was able to extract herself from the growing crowd. She had signed robes, arms, books, tents, and English flags with everything from paint to lipstick. There was even a little girl that bought a miniature figurine of (Y/N) that padded along her palm, even laughing the same full body laugh that (Y/N) usually did, which she signed the back of.
She had to apologize to everyone as she pushed through, saying she’d like to get to her family before the day was through. It didn’t stop the stares, gasps, and waves, but she was grateful for not being followed as closely anymore.
A short way farther on, she saw two little witches, who were riding toy broomsticks that rose only high enough for the girls’ toes to skim the dewy grass. Here and there adult wizards and witches were emerging from their tents to claim a breakfast. Some, with furtive looks around them, conjured fires with their wands; others were striking matches with dubious looks on their faces, as though sure this couldn’t work.
As she neared the other side of the fields, she noticed the colors changing drastically from black and scarlet to white and cherry. This new patch of tents were all covered with thick clusters of dragon themed décor; blue, red, and white flags flew all around the campers. Dragon kites, dragon statues, dragon emblems, dragon puppets, and even dragon hide was covering most other surfaces.
It really showed the loyalty, as well as the increase of more fans trying to get her attention. One began waving a moving poster of herself crossing her arms and smiling broadly. But just beyond she noticed the exact family she was looking for.
One of the redheads sitting around the morning fire stood and whipped around to see who was calling for him. When he spotted his beloved, he called out, urging her forward.
The nearer she got, she noticed that it wasn’t just the Weasley’s, Harry, and Hermione – Ludo Bagman and Mr. Barty Crouch were there too.
“I thought you were going to be on the pitch all day!” Charlie cried, reaching her and pulling her into a bone-crushing hug. “I wasn’t expecting to see you until after the game.”
She giggled happily as he lifted her enough that she was on her toes, “We convinced Vosper that we could use a break to gather our senses.” She nuzzled into his shoulder as they continued to hold each other close – that calming smell of rainfall and old, weathered book pages whelmed her again.
Charlie moved a hand to the side of her face where he could direct her attention to his eyes, “God, you’re so beautiful.”
She smiled, her eyes suspicious, “Even in this sweaty updo?”
“What can I say? I can’t resist a woman in uniform.” He gave her a seductive gaze and bit his lip, leaning his forehead against hers.
She moved her hands up his torso and around his neck, sighing deep in her chest, “Not until I knock Bulgaria on their ass.”
Charlie closed his eyes and breathed deeply, “You just got a whole lot sexier.” And he practically growled as he dipped for a kiss, a hungry kiss. The intensity took (Y/N) slightly off guard, accidentally pulling a moan out of her.
“Okay, woah, woah!” came the boisterous voices of Fred and George, “Lock it up, this isn’t your honeymoon.”
They could hear Ginny laughing with Bill, and Percy was muttering things like, “Right in front of Mr. Crouch,” under his breath.
“Now, Charlie,” Mr. Weasley stated in a nervously loud tone, “We’ve got guests.”
(Y/N) had to be the one to pull away, finding her breath was taken away by the moment. Charlie grinned and waved a hand over his shoulder.
“Paparazzi,” she muttered, “We’re surrounded by witnesses.”
“It would be ridiculous to hide my feelings for you, (Y/N). Why shouldn’t the public know we have a perfectly wonderful marriage.” He held her by her shoulders, “I’m proud to have you by my side, so what if the Daily Prophet knows we kiss… guess what? We’re married!”
She couldn’t help but laugh, “Still I’d like to keep a few things… hello!” Behind Charlie’s shoulder she could see the entire Weasley family, and guests, watching them closely.
Charlie twirled around and put an arm around (Y/N), “Mr. Crouch, Ludo – may I introduce my wife, (Y/N) Weasley. THE best chaser that England has known these last few years.”
Ludo Bagman, a jolly man with rosy cheeks and a boyish charm, stood immediately and came to shake hands, “An introduction long overdue I’m sure you feel as well. You know I’ve got a pretty penny on your head to get England the win tonight.”
“Us too,” Fred yelled over the many heads, “So don’t fall off your broom.”
“Oh, you’ve seen nothing until you’ve seen (Y/N) play on the pitch,” Charlie stated, leaning towards the group, “She’s like a snitch herself, whipping through the air.”
“Yes,” agreed Ludo, “The biggest hope England has had in over a decade.”
Charlie beamed, moving his loving gaze to his wife. He simply stood there admiring the praise and talent, silently wondering how it was possible she had chosen him to be her husband.
“Thank you, Mr. Bagman,” (Y/N) replied, “Though you should look at England as the team it is – I’m just one person; it takes all of us to win the cup.”
Charlie grinned even wider if it was possible. Admiration wasn’t enough to describe how in awe he was of her. It was like she was in total denial that she was plainly the one carrying the national team. Though it was incredibly endearing and only made him more in love with the fact that she was with him.
“Oh, please, don’t neglect your talents,” Ludo exclaimed, “We all know you were the one that got the qualification from the Transylvania win!”
“Even with that illegal shot by the bludger,” Ron interjected, sneaking the rest of Hermione’s breakfast sausages, “Those scheming, biased referees.”
Bill clapped his hands together, “This is exactly the problem, if we can’t find the right people to observe the field, then what’s the point of having good players? They’ll be disregarded completely with a biased referee!”
And the family continued the conversation of the prospects of the upcoming game. Percy and Mr. Weasley tried to continue remarks with Mr. Crouch before he left and shortly followed by Bagman.
And all Charlie could do was stare at his wife and wonder… wonder how he got so lucky.
She could hear the sounds of thousands of people moving around them, shouts and laughter, snatches of singing. The atmosphere of feverish excitement was highly infectious; Dawn and Avery couldn’t stop grinning.
The roaring voice of Ludo Bagman could be heard magically magnified across the sea of people.
“Ladies and gentlemen… welcome! Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!”
The spectators screamed and clapped. Thousands of flags waved, adding their discordant national anthems to the racket. A huge blackboard opposite them showed BULGARIA: 0, ENGLAND: 0.
After a presentation of entrancing Veela and a few soaring dragon fireworks, Ludo began to announce the Bulgarian quidditch team members; next came England.
“Presenting – Vosper, Frisby, Choudry, Withey, Flitney, Hawksworth, and Weasley!”
Seven gleaming robed players came whizzing out of the stands on white golden Firebolts. The Weasley family cheered and shook their top box voraciously.  
“That’s her, that’s her!” yelled Charlie, waving his English flag and pushing into Bill and Ron. His brother followed her with his Omnioculars.
“Theeeeeeeey’re OFF!” screamed Bagman. “And it’s Weasley! Hawksworth! Flitney! Dimitrov! Back to Weasley! Hawksworth! Levski! Flitney!”
The speed of the players was incredible – the chasers were throwing the quaffle to one another so fast that Bagman only had time to say their names. Charlie reached over to fight Ron’s Omnioculars off him but failed as he heard the name Weasley again.
The chasers had fallen into their Rowntree Counter, their signature move. They flew into a straight dive as red, white, and blue colors came streaming out of the back of their brooms – signifying the flag of the United Kingdom.
They knocked two of the opposing Bulgarian players teetering on their brooms and distracted the beaters. Flitney passed the quaffle to Hawksworth, who kicked it around before passing it back to Weasley.
(Y/N) did a magnificent overhead kick into the hoop on the far left.
“WEASLEY SCORES!” roared Bagman, and the stadium shuddered with a roar of applause and cheers. “Ten zero to England!”
Charlie jumped and waved his arms, screaming himself hoarse, “THAT’S MY WIFE! WEASLEY IS MY WIFE!”
Bill reached over and stuffed his UK flag over Charlie’s face to shut him up, and Ginny laughed, giving him her white and red rosette.
(Y/N) did a lap of honor around the field and threw a kiss towards the top box where Charlie waved his hands toward her, “I love you, baby!”
The England chasers were superb. They worked as a seamless team, their movements so well coordinated that they appeared to be reading one another’s minds as they positioned themselves, and the rosette now on Charlie’s chest kept squeaking their names: “Flitney – Weasley – Hawksworth!” And within ten minutes, England had scored twice more, bringing their lead to thirty-zero and causing a thunderous tide of roars and applause from the white-clad supporters.
Charlie watched as (Y/N) performed miraculous moves toward the goal posts. The continuous overhead kicks, the usage of the butt-end of her broom like a beater bat, and the intense throw of her arm was mesmerizing.
Charlie yelled and screamed until his face turned red, shouting his praise for his wife. The other members in the top box had to accept the fact that Charlie wasn’t going to shut up about his incredible player on the field.
It was just a continuous strain of, “THAT’S MY WIFE!” with a splendid look of pride and admiration on his cheery face.
Tag List:
@caswinchester2000 @aria253264 @bippity-boppity-boopa @andreasworlsboring101 @oncemorewithfeelingg
Remember to check out my tag list so you’re updated when a fic you like is posted on my blog! Tag List
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fischerfrey · 3 years
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► basics;
Full Name: Genevieve Viola Davenport/Edith Mary Allen
Pronouns: she/her
Sexual Orientation: male-leaning bisexual
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Nationality: English
cw: death, illness, bodies
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► magical info;
Wand: Vine wood, 9 inches, thestral hair core, unyielding
Vine wands were among the less common types, and their owners were nearly always those witches or wizards who sought a greater purpose, who had a vision beyond the ordinary and who frequently astounded those who thought they knew them best. Vine wands seemed strongly attracted by personalities with hidden depths, and Garrick Ollivander himself had found them more sensitive than any other when it came to instantly detecting a prospective match. Reliable sources claimed that these wands could emit magical effects upon the mere entrance into their room of a suitable owner.
Patronus: Wildcat
Wildcats are as wildly different as their coats. They tend to be solitary, territorial homemakers with dens and burrows lined with soft grasses and feathers. While they are hunting, they move quickly and confidently through the trees in pursuit of prey! If your Patronus is a wildcat, you’ll be protected by this fierce cat!
Boggart: A horde of corpses, reaching for her. Her parents among them.
Amortentia (What do they smell like?): Burning wood, fall rain
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Incendio, Stupefy
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Arithmancy: E
Muggle Studies: O
► background;
Place of Birth: unknown
Home: London, England
Edith Mary Allen was born to muggle parents, who died during an epidemic of Scarlet Fever. She was stuck in the house with her deceased parents for two days until she was discovered by the body-collectors.
As a young child, Genievieve was housed in an orphanage. As soon as she was old enough, she ran away and lived in the streets. She chose the name Genevieve Davenport and constructed an elaborate backstory, in which she is an orphaned heiress to a huge fortune. She worked for a few separate gangs, before finding her own crew. Making a fortune in the criminal world with the help of her innocence and underlying magical abilities, she had already made a name for herself.
► physical;
Faceclaim: Rose Williams
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5′5 (165cm)
► relatives;
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown
► relationships;
Allegiances: Ravenclaw House, her gang of thieves and thugs
Dorm mates: (3/5)
Lillian Miller by @camillejeaneshphm
Persephone Gould by @cursebreakerfarrier
Minerva Kennedy by @unfortunate-arrow​
MC Friends:
Basil Keaton and Persephone Gould by @cursebreakerfarrier
Helen Walsh by @camillejeaneshphm
Merilyn Prewett by @potionboy3​
Love Interest: tba
Pets: A crup called Horatio
► personality;
Positive Attributes: intelligent, clever, observant, loyal to those she cares about
Negative Attributes: self-serving, ruthless, closed off, sort of a kleptomaniac
► misc;
Hobbies: Reading, playing cards, riding
Favourite Subject: Arithmancy, Charms
Professions: Thief of magical artifacts
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maudus1 · 4 years
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Tagged by @elveny @faerieavalon and @pikapeppa thanks lovelies!
I have two writing WIPs I can share this week!
   From a Hawke x Lavellan one-shot I’m working on for a friend:
Little did she know, that’s exactly what Keaton was doing. Hiding in an empty tower with Varric, drinking wine from the bottle to quell his nerves.
“I’m tellin’ you, Hawke. The Herald likes you!”
Keaton ran a hand through the thick, dark stripe of hair atop his head and sighed. “I fear you may be right, Serah.”
“So what’s the hold-up? I’ve never known you to be nervous about bedding a pretty mage before.”
He shot the dwarf a chiding look. It had been years, but his best friend never failed to tease him over that blasted affair. The mere thought of it left an unpleasant taste in his mouth, one he chased with another swig of wine.
“This is different. Lilitu is different. I won’t lie and say I don’t wish to bed her. Andraste preserve me, I really do. But she’s been through so much, and I don’t know how to be… ‘gentle’, or ‘patient’. Or whatever she might need.”
“Well you won’t know what she needs, or wants, until ya suck it up and ask her.”
Keaton grimaced. “But each time we’re alone and the opportunity presents itself, suddenly I’m the one to lose my words. All I can think about is winding that long hair around my fist and shoving my co-”
“Okay, okay, too much information.”
  And a bit of Alistair x Morrigan I’m working on:
The rush of adrenaline that burst through his veins upon striking the final blow still coursed like fire so many hours after, as they trudged through the snow toward their small encampment outside Haven. A fire that even the village’s eerie atmosphere could not quell.
It was not simple bloodlust which stimulated him now, but also relief. Relief in knowing his fellow companions were safe, one in particular most of all. He glanced to his left, gaze meandering over the slender form of the woman who so frequently occupied his thoughts - and lately, his dreams. Her golden eyes flitted over the distant treeline, intelligent and alert, little clouds escaping her tempting scarlet lips with each exhausted step. 
A woman whose aura tingled like little pinpricks across his flesh, teasing that deep urge within to dispel, contain, control. Her magic was unlike any other he’d encountered; it clawed at the edges of his mind. Raw, beautiful, untamed. Much like the dragon, in fact.
She caught him staring and scowled, the faintest blush painting her cheeks, as she swept raven hair from her narrow shoulder, pale as the snow beneath their feet. He grinned. Every opportunity he got to fluster her, instead of the other way around, was a victory more glorious than any he won with his sword. 
   Passing on to a few of the partners in crime! No pressure, ofc ^_^
@lostinfantasies38 @schoute @charlatron @kauriart @kemvee @jacklyn-flynn @midnightprelude @queen-kass-the-writer​ @serial-chillr​ @ginnyq​ @kunstpause​ @kita-lavellan​ @jellysharkbat​
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lol-jackles · 5 years
I’ve noticed the AA stans are trying to petition/create noise to get Jensen noticed by casting directors for projects. Does that even work with directors, getting actors tagged to your projects on sm? Does that really help the actor in anyway?
Are you talking about fancasting petitions like the campaigns to get Jensen to play X-Men Cyclop?  No, fancasting never works but studio loves them because it’s free publicity.
Vivien Leigh was already signed onto Gone with the Wind when the studio concocted the widely publicized search for Scarlett as a publicity stunt.   Windies (GwtW fans) wrote thousands of letters to the studio and publications campaigning for their favorite actresses and talk to their non-Windies friends about the book and what actress could possibly play the iconic Scarlet O’Hara even though unbeknownst to them the role had already been cast. 
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Then there’s the anti-fancasting, which is also free publicity for the studio.  In 1988, fanboys were furious when they learned Michael Keaton was cast as Batman because Keaton was mainly known as a comedian.  Fanboys sent 50,000 letters to WB in protest and demand a re-casting and also sent their letters to various publications to express their displeasure.  WB loved it because mainstream media was (freely) talking about Batman and general viewers who wouldn’t have watched comic book movies were intrigued.  Batman went on to be a smash hit and Keaton’s Batman is considered one of the best incarnation and an early herald of the comic book millennium. 
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littlebitwriter · 6 years
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This is what I’m thinking and hoping the future of the X-Men franchise within the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going to be like and I’m going to try and delve into different predictions I have.
We know for sure that Wolverine is the character that Marvel will cast immediately which I don’t know for sure if it was from producer Lauren Shuler Donner, I don’t know for sure I’m definitely no expert and not a credible source I’m just speculating and going off of rumors. I don’t know if that means he will be confirmed to be in the first X-Men film.
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One of the most different ways Marvel could do it is make it a film about the core original five X-Men. Which I find to be the obvious way that Marvel could do something different. Since those characters in particular were so shafted and a lot of others were across the franchise. Here if you choose this direction you can start smaller and if there has to be Wolverine you could be set up in the background of the film, maybe.
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Wolverine is over done but is still such a great character. Wolverine is such an inherently cool and interesting character and I think Wolverine is overdone but I do still think he is a great character. Even though there are some X-Men movies without him he’s still so synonymous with X-Men. I also think with whoever they cast it’s going to be awhile before people will dissociate him from Hugh Jackman. Marvel Studios has always for the most part been smart with casting but I have a strange pick for Wolverine even though they will most likely stick with an unknown. With a new actor Wolverine, I would like a much more comics accurate tale where he’s shorter and scrappier.
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I think that X-Men now more than ever is the franchise for this culture nowadays. They are the persecuted minorities stand-in metaphor I think Marvel can do a really relevant and I understand you can’t do the first five X-Men because reportedly Marvel wants a very diverse cast for their rebooted X-Men. So I think they should go for something like the straight-up classic ‘Giant Size’ X-Men team where you all of these different people all around the world. Also it’d be great since we never really had all those characters together like Nightcrawler, Storm, Colossus.
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With both Deadpool and X-Men being under Disney they may do a Deadpool and X-Men that may speak to each other more. While he is still kind of doing his own thing in a separate universe. Deadpool would be carried on from where he is regardless and they would poke fun and make references that Deadpool knows about the Disney buyout of Fox and things of that nature. Since Deadpool is such a breaking the fourth wall character. So his integration into the Marvel Cinematic Universe is fairly simple.
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With the X-Men’s integration into The MCU I find the most likely scenario as to how they will be integrated is that mutants will have always existed. They also may retroactively say that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were actually mutants where they will go back and say mutants have existed this whole time. Which would be pretty much a straight up retcon since you know how they got their powers but it really wouldn’t be the first out of the many continuity discrepancies and retcons from across the MCU. Where you could say Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver has the mutant gene in them and they were sort of predisposed to it. The MCU will say there have always been mutants and they’ve been in hiding. Maybe all the mutants they’ve been in the Savage Land (which would be awesome!!!!)
In terms of casting this is MY DISNEY-FIED MCU X-MEN! With a mix of Giant-Size lineup, Pryde of The X-Men and the 90’s Animated Series.
Millie Bobby Brown as Kitty Pryde
I’d like to see Kitty Pryde especially because I love Kitty Pryde and I would make her our eyes-in focus character into the X-Men universe. I’d do something like Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men meets a more serious take on The Pryde of The X-Men cartoon. Also Kitty Pryde hasn’t been well represented on screen and I like her in Days of Future Past (2014) but she still doesn’t get to do enough. Also Millie Bobby Brown is such a talented young actress if you've ever seen her performance in both seasons of Stranger Things as Eleven you know what I’m talking about. I think she’d be a great Kitty Pryde.
KiKi Layne as Ororo Munroe/Storm
I think Storm has been severely shafted in the X-Men films. She’s underrated and underutilized and it is of course important to have her in here because she is a minority character but not only that she is tremendously underrated and deserves the right to have her fair due. Also she will be older and one of Xavier’s first students because of her romantic relationship with T’challa/The Black Panther. Also Kiki Lane’s performance in If Beale Street Could Talk was great so I think she’d be a great Storm.
My casting for Wolverine is Zac Efron. In comic book casting traditions if this were real life people would’ve protested and demanded for Zac Efron to not be Wolverine. However this isn’t first time people have overreacted about casting look at the reactions to Michael Keaton, Heath Ledger, Ben Affleck etc. You don’t know until you see him in action. He may not be the most comics accurate Wolverine but Zac Efron isn’t 5’2 he’s 5’8 but he’s shorter than Hugh Jackman who is 6’2. Since it is Marvel Studios I’m sure they will go out with the classic yellow costume and the mask and maybe even the orange and brown suit. I understand why people despise this choice but you never know until you see Zac Efron grow mutton chops in that classic costume smoking a cigar calling someone “Bub.” That may have the potential to win people over.
Scott Summers/Cyclops
Cyclops will be the leader of this team of X-Men, I’d like to see his costume look very 90’s or very much like the 80’s or even modern look. I think Logan Lerman would be a good choice he’d be one of Xavier’s first students which is why he’d be a bit older, he will already be established on the team just like all the other X-Men outside of Kitty Pryde. He’d be very much classic Scott Summers there’s threads and hints of him growing into where he is in things like Morrison’s New X-Men or Whedon’s Astonishing. Setting up a true comic book accurate Scott Summers.
Jean Grey (Maybe???)
I don’t know if Marvel should right out the gate do Jean Grey and I don’t know if they do the Phoenix the third round this time. But I’m very much at a Marvel can’t do no wrong stage in the MCU so maybe third time's the charm. Also since it’s in MCU they can touch upon the cosmic stuff with the Shi'ar empire and Lilandra which will be cool. I think Emma Stone would be a great Jean Grey, it will seem a bit meta to have her in the role since she was Gwen Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man franchise but she’d be a great Jean Grey. Maybe a more reserved, anxious but still witty Emma Stone sort of Jean Grey. I think she’d be one of Xavier’s first students which is why I cast her older.
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
Timothee Chalamet I think is a great pick for Nightcrawler. Personally he is one of if not my favorite X-Men character and with his Oscar nomination for Lady Bird I’m hoping he can manage to pull of my favorite often misunderstood mutant.
Professor X
Daniel Day Lewis is an actor that makes for a perfect Professor X and with his role in Lincoln as former U.S. Abraham Lincoln he is such a dedicated actor that his performance as Professor X could wind up there next to Patrick Stewart himself and many other greats.
Daniel Craig’s time as James Bond May soon be over but that won’t stop him from joining the MCU as the villain Magneto. Daniel Craig would make for a damn good villain in the MCU and what villain is more perfect than Magneto!
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As far as spin-offs outside of Deadpool. Since there was that Kitty Pryde movie Brian Michael Bendis was Writing or that Jamie Madrox movie I guess those aren’t happening with the Disney buyout. There’s still potential for that Deadpool X-Force spin-off and other X-characters can still get there time to shine in their own spotlight solo films.
I think a Gambit/Rogue solo film would work and I’d like to see a connection with Rogue and Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers since they have a tremendous history in the comics. I would love an X-Factor TV series on the Disney+ streaming service based on the Peter David run that’d be great!
-LittleBitWriter (3/5/18)
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unassumingvenusaur · 7 years
Gay Fates Update V 0.6.1
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Here’s a new update for Gay Fates, version 0.6.1!!! This update fills in a bunch of S’s to canon C-A’s along with sprinkling a little extra Oboro and some new family supports on top. Hope you enjoy! Full changes under the cut.
Edited Forrest/Leo to accommodate same sex couples
Reverted the M!Corrin/Forrest C back to its original form
Added Support Options for:
Oboro x Peri C-S
Added Romantic Support Conversations for:
Forrest x Shigure S
Hisame x Shigure S
Forrest x Ignatius S
Xander x Kaze S
Arthur x Keaton S
Kiragi x Dwyer S
Selkie x Rhajat S
Peri x Felicia S
Peri x Kagero S
Ophelia x Rhajat S
Oboro x Rinkah S
Oboro x Mozu S
Oboro x Hinoka C-S
Oboro x Scarlet C-S
Oboro x Peri C-S
Oboro x Camilla C-S
Added Family Support Conversations for:
Hisame/Kiragi Sibs
Midori/Siegbert Sibs
Velouria/Percy Sibs
Kiragi/Forrest Sibs
Ophelia/Forrest Sibs
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 5: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
This article contains WandaVision spoilers through episode 5, possibly beyond, and for the wider MCU.
WandaVision episode 5, “On a Very Special Episode…” took everything we liked about the first two episodes and shook them up. For the first time, we have a fully blended approach to the storytelling, with the episode alternating between the altered “sitcom” reality of Westview, NJ and the actual, current MCU events. And then there’s that multiverse-shattering ending to contend with.
There’s a lot to break down with this week’s WandaVision, so we’d better get to it…
Sitcom Influences
WandaVision took us to the ‘80s this week, with a little Growing Pains, some Family Ties, and maybe a hint of Full House thrown in for good measure. The living room set itself looks very much like the standard seen on shows of the era, specifically Family Ties and Growing Pains.
Family Ties
The aging up of Billy and Tommy is much like Andy Keaton from Family Ties. In season 4, Andy was born and spent the whole season as a baby. As of the beginning of season 5, Andy was suddenly about 5 years old with zero explanation.
Also from Family Ties is the beginning of the opening credits, where it would show someone painting a colorless sketch of the family.
Bettany’s Michael Gross impression was extremely disturbing in how good it was a couple of times.
Growing Pains
Wanda and Vision getting vaguely horny for each other while doing regular domestic stuff is reminiscent of the way the parents would occasionally get it on on Growing Pains and Family Ties.
The sitcom theme lyrics and feel are extremely Growing Pains. And yes, as you might expect, they are very appropriate for these characters.
Here are the full lyrics for you (courtesy of the Disney+ closed caption feature):
“You wander the world with a vision…Of what life could be But then the years come and teach you…To just wait and see Forces may try to pull us apart…But nothing can phase me If you’re in my heart Crossing our fingers Singing a song We’re making it up as we go along Through the highs and lows We’ll be right, we’ll be wrong We’re making it up as we go along And there will be days…We won’t know which way to go But we’ll take it higher…You’re all I desire When the going gets tough…When push comes to shove We’re making it up Cuz we got love we got love we got love We got WandaVision”
Darcy also refers to Vision “playing Father Knows Best,” a callback to the sitcom style of the first episode.
We wrote in more detail about the sitcom influences of WandaVision episode 5 here.
Scarlet Witch
For the first time, we get the names of Wanda’s parents: Irina and Oleg Maximoff, but in the comics they were known as Django and Marya.
Wanda was born in 1989, the same year as Elizabeth Olsen.
We learn here that the “Scarlet Witch” codename has never been used in the MCU
Darcy refers to the anomaly as “the hex” after the hexagonal patterns that were noted in the previous episode. In the comics, Wanda’s powers are often referred to as “hex bolts.” She could also produce “hex spheres” and the town seems to be enveloped in a large one here.
Wanda’s accent, missing since Avengers: Age of Ultron, makes its triumphant return here.
Wanda talking to the kids about how “my brother is far away from here” is technically true: his corpse is…nowhere nearby. Although given how the episode ends, she could very well have been referring to another corner of the multiverse. We’ll get to that soon enough.
SWORD seems to refer to what’s going on as “The Maximoff Anomaly.”
We now know that Vision’s corpse is physically present in Westview and he isn’t just a manifestation of Wanda’s powers, nor was the horrific image of him glimpsed at the end of episode 3 a hallucination: it was Wanda seeing him as he really is.
Vision is working on a Commodore 64 at Computational Services. This early personal computer was a terrific gaming machine, with graphics and sound that were far better than early home gaming consoles of the era.
Vision apparently had a “living will” about what he didn’t want done with his body in the event of his untimely demise. Think of it like the MCU equivalent of a DNR. No, not a “do not reveal.” The other thing.
House of M
Before Agnes shows up the second time around, Vision is reading a newspaper with the headline, “LOCAL HOMEMAKERS INNOVATING RECIPES.” Moments later, he folds the newspaper in a way so that it only says “HOM.” HOM is short for the big Scarlet Witch comic event House of M.
The Twins
While it’s used as a setup for the twins inexplicably growing up, Wanda and Vision are horrified to find that the babies have simply vanished. In the comics, the first time we really get an idea that something is wrong with the children (as well as Wanda’s mental wellbeing) is when they show us that Billy and Tommy would cease to exist when Wanda wasn’t around.
This episode is the first to really feel like it’s borrowing a lot from Wanda’s most important story: the Dark Scarlet Witch story from Avengers West Coast. In that book, the first clue that something was wrong with Wanda was how the twins would disappear when she wasn’t looking a them. This would often happen when Agatha Harkness (presumably Agnes here) was babysitting for them. And later, Wanda’s personality started to shift towards full villainy and she was very cavalier about the use of her powers, something we start to see in this episode. 
For most of the episode, the twins are dressed in red and green. This more than a nod to their parents’ favored color schemes, but it appears to mirror the colors they adopt when they grow up to be superheroes themselves. William becomes the hex-wielding Wiccan, who favors red, while Tommy favors green (like his Uncle Pietro) as Speed.
Poor Sparky. Good boy.
The name “Sparky” is a reference to Tom King and Gabriel Hernandez Walta’s brilliant Vision story, in which Vision and his “family” (not the Maximoffs) move to the suburbs and try to live a “normal” life. Part of that includes a synthezoid canine named “Sparky.” He didn’t meet a good end there, either. Stop letting dogs die in our stories, you monsters! It’s too sad.
This week’s commercial is for Lagos Brand Paper Towels, with the catchy slogan of:  “For when you make a mess you didn’t mean to.”
This references the opening scenes of Captain America: Civil War, when Wanda used her powers to stop Crossbones from detonating a bomb in a crowded marketplace. While she reduced the number of casualties overall, a number of innocent civilians still died when he exploded. It’s the first indication that Wanda’s grief and trauma in Westview are driven by far more than just the loss of her lover.
The Lagos ad is also another reference to the Infinity Stones. Previously, we’ve had the toaster (Power), the watch (Time) and the Tesseract-shaped bath powder (Space). Here, we have a red liquid spill in a sly nod to the Aether (Reality). Only the Mind and Soul stones to go – which means two more commercials.
These are definitely not the only X-Men references in the episode (of course), but we’ll get to that big one down below…
The scene of Wanda confronting SWORD agents looks to be directly inspired by the scene in the first X-Men movie where the police try to take down Magneto. Much like Wanda, he uses his powers on their guns, causing them to be aimed at the cops themselves before escaping. Considering the payoff to this episode and Magneto’s role as Wanda and Pietro’s sometimes-father in the comics (not to mention Pietro’s definite father in the X-Men movies), this was more than likely set up. 
Vision says he was reading Charles Darwin’s “The Descent of Man” to one of the twins, a book that deals with evolution. (David Bowie voice) “Gotta make way for the homo superior!”
The Twilight Zone
Serious Twilight Zone “It’s a Good Life” vibes in the episode throughout, particularly when Agnes is visibly weirded out by Wanda with her “take it from the top” moment (unless she’s deliberately screwing with everyone), and the mailman telling the twins “your mom won’t let [Sparky] get far.”
Also, while we’re on the subject of The Twilight Zone, Agnes appears to live at the corner of Maple St. and Sherwood Drive. “The Monsters are due on Maple Street” is a notoriously paranoid unpacking of suburban paranoia.
The opening credits feature a “Greetings From Westview, NJ” postcard in a pretty common format, but one made most famous on the cover of Bruce Springsteen’s “Greetings From Asbury Park” album.
We wrote more about Westview in general here.
“For the Children
Vision points out that there are “no other children in Westview,” which calls to mind the creepy “for the children” chant from back in episode 2. 
Captain Marvel
Darcy draws the connection between how both Wanda and Carol Danvers got their powers via an Infinity Stone. Similarly, they acknowledge Wanda almost took out Thanos in Avengers: Endgame but that this feels outside the scope of her powers. Still, the fact that both Wanda and Carol stood up to Thanos isn’t something that’s being glossed over in the MCU.
Note Monica’s reaction when the name “Captain Marvel” is said isn’t exactly what you’d call enthusiastic.
Monica Rambeau
Monica’s test results coming back blank seem pretty significant. Is this a signifier that her molecular structure has changed, whether from the blip or passing through the hex barrier? Are we witnessing Monica’s superheroic origin story in slow motion?
Who is the Villain of WandaVision, anyway?
Despite the implications from the end of episode 4, Wanda isn’t completely in control of what’s going on. At various points in the episode she seems to be manipulating everything, but at others seems to be completely immersed in this reality. 
But if she doesn’t remember how this all started, that sets up a potential villain reveal (or more than one) down the road.
What’s up with Agnes?
Agnes is complicit but was disturbed by Wanda’s ability to “resurrect” so how much can she really know? Unless, of course, she’s just “acting” this way to continue with her cover.
On the other hand, Agnes “helping out with the kids” is kind of in line with our Agatha Harkness theory for the character.
Reed Richards?
Monica mentions that she has a particular “aerospace engineer” in mind to call for help. Based on all the other subtle Fantastic Four clues that were in the fourth episode, could this individual be Reed Richards?
If they aren’t taking that big a swing, it could be Adam Bernard Brashear, known as “The Blue Marvel,” another prominent Marvel scientist, and one who has led the 616 version of the Ultimates with Monica on the team.
Evan Peters is Pietro
“She recast Pietro?”
Yes, you are indeed seeing Evan Peters returning as Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver here. This is (at least until it’s revealed that the MCU Wanda and Pietro were indeed mutants whose powers were merely “activated” by Strucker’s experiments) now officially the first appearance of a mutant/member of the X-Men in the MCU. Peters, of course, played Pietro in three films,X-Men: Days of Future Past, X-Men: Apocalypse, and Dark Phoenix. While Aaron Taylor-Johnson played Pietro in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Peters played him in Days of Future Past, and he was generally more warmly-received by fans.
And does this indeed mean that Pietro is alive again, albeit in “recast” form? Or is Wanda so powerful that she ripped open a hole in the multiverse itself in order for her brother to “make a guest appearance” in Westview? This could very well be the first indication of what’s to come in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and the possibly Spiderverse-y Spider-Man 3.
Unless…what if this isn’t Pietro at all? What if it’s someone manipulative merely taking the form of Pietro to mess with Wanda even further?
Also, Pietro’s “bad boy” appearance very much feels like it fits with the Family Ties aesthetic. His “New York tough guy” look and persona is much like Nick, Mallory’s idiot boyfriend.  Coincidentally, Nick also starred in an episode of the show where he got a dog and it died soon after from an accident.
We wrote much more about the shocking WandaVision episode 5 ending here.
We Are Kind of OK With the ’80s
Jazzercise was indeed a real thing, god help us.
For those of you thinking the internet was a whatever a reverse anachronism is, we made the same mistake too. But it turns out it has been around in some form since the 1960s, when the Advance Research Projects Agency (precursor to today’s US government mad science agency, DARPA) networked a few computers and sent messages back and forth. 
Unanswered Questions
Dennis the Mailman is back from episode 1. His little aside to the kids is an indicator that he is vaguely aware of what’s really going on. Not necessarily in a sinister way, but a reminder that the people of Westview aren’t really enjoying this.
One of the camera feeds we see is from Satellite 348. Avengers #348 had a Vision-centric cover and story.
Is there a significance to the stuffed animal on the chair at the beginning? I thought maybe it was a stuffed Bova or something, but I think it’s just a bunny.
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Spot anything we missed? Let us know in the comments!
The post Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 5: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide appeared first on Den of Geek.
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echoeternally · 7 years
do you have any gay FE ships? maybe some mrobin X chrom?
*deep breath* Where to begin?
First, yes, I severely love the concept of gay Fire Emblem characters. If you’ve ever been to @unassumingvenusaur​‘s page, she even has a blog for gay pairings, and I’ve enjoyed a lot of them. I need to go tell more writers that they do a good job, and it’s really impressive that the mod is even able to keep the blog running while being busy with school and stuff. (I would never have done that when I was in college.)
So, I’ve got a lot of pairs resulting from that page and my own shameless desires, because I’m disgusting great. Obviously, I do like ManRobin with Chrom and FemCorrin with Azura, because story couples are the best. And, of course, I ship both Robins and Corrins with everyone, as they should be able to be paired off with whomever they like. (Though, I like some more than others.)
There’s no way that I can do this simply, so let’s see…I’m only going to stick with Awakening and Fates, because Heroes allows me too much freedom with crossover ships that don’t make sense.
Buuuut, here we go! I’ll put the answers below the cut. And…won’t totally overload it with just how much I love the avatars with other characters.
Gay Awakening
Les Awakening
Gay Fates
Les Fates
There are probably more, but that’s where I’ll leave it.
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cinemedios · 4 years
¡Llegaron las #PopNews! 🍿🥤🎬🎮 ¡¿Robert Downey Jr. será Pirata?, Michael Keaton en 'The Flash', Scarlet Witch vs. los X-Men y más! ¡Llegaron las #PopNews! 🍿🥤🎬🎮 ¡¿Robert Downey Jr. y Margot Robbie en 'Piratas del Caribe'?, Michael Keaton y Michelle Pfeiffer en 'The Flash', Scarlet Witch vs.
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salarta · 8 years
What Polaris did for me
I’ve ranted and complained a lot lately about how Marvel (really meaning Brevoort) has treated Polaris.
What I don’t think I’ve explained is what she’s done for me. How she’s changed my habits. How she’s altered my perspective in good ways that would never have happened if not for her.
I’m certain I’ll miss some things as I write this. It won’t be a perfect list, but it’ll be a meaningful one. I invite other fans to share similar experiences if they have them.
1) Got me to go to comic book stores
Before Lorna, I almost never went into a comic book shop. It was an exceptional rarity. That’s also true right now... because Marvel won’t let her be in comics anymore. But when she was in ongoings, I was going to comic book shops at least once a month, sometimes twice per month. No character anywhere, ever, got me to do that.
2) Got me to buy Lego video games
I didn’t care about Lego games at all. They seemed fairly boring to me on the face of it. Even when I played the demo for Lego Marvel Super Heroes, if I had gone by that demo alone, I would’ve passed entirely.
But I bought Lego Marvel Super Heroes anyway. I bought it solely because Polaris was playable in it. She didn’t even have any story aspects to her appearance, and she didn’t even have a unique color to her power set (cloned from Magneto).
I bought the game anyway, and because I bought and enjoyed it, I bought and played other Lego games. Pirates of the Caribbean. Star Wars. The Hobbit. Lord of the Rings. Jurassic World is pending. They were all fun, enjoyable experiences. None of them would’ve happened without Polaris appearing in Lego Marvel Super Heroes.
3) Opened me up to playing mobile phone games
Maybe I would’ve eventually played mobile phone games anyway. Maybe I’m giving too much credit on this one. But at the time that the Days of Future Past game released, with Polaris as a character added later on, I wanted absolutely nothing to do with mobile phone games. Mobile phone games seemed awkward, not as fulfilling as playing games on consoles or PC.
Since then, I’ve played Phoenix Wright HD on my phone, and I’ve been playing Terra Battle for months. I don’t think I would’ve been as willing to try these games out on my phone if Polaris hadn’t been in the Days of Future Past game.
4) Got me to care about her family - Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, especially Scarlet Witch
Here’s the entirety of how I perceived the Maximoff twins before I discovered Polaris: X-Men Evolution. That’s it. That’s all I saw and knew about them. To me, Scarlet Witch was a goth girl and Quicksilver was some cocky brat. Neither seemed worth my time.
Polaris changed that.
Through her, I learned Wanda had two kids (Wiccan and Speed). I came to truly understand the awful ramifications of M-Day, because I saw how that day affected Polaris, how it changed the course of the character’s life. I also saw, for the first time ever, a female duo that I could really like and get behind. Their sisterhood seemed so perfect, so ideal, in ways that duos like Supergirl with Batgirl or Poison Ivy with Harley Quinn never managed to pull off for me. There have been so, so many possibilities, and the surface was hardly even scratched with Jeff Parker’s Exiles.
I also saw Quicksilver. I learned he had a daughter, Luna Maximoff, with the Inhumans. I learned about Crystal. I discovered Pietro’s struggles with responsibility, the playful sibling banter they could have (even before they knew they were siblings), the protective and caring guy always lurking beneath a facade of (sometimes cocky) indifference.
Neither of these characters would have been known to me if not for Lorna.
5) Got me to care more about Marvel than DC
I grew up on DC properties. I grew up on Reeves’ Superman, Keaton’s Batman, the Justice League cartoon. As far as I saw it growing up, DC was the only superhero/comic book company that mattered. Everything Marvel had to offer - X-Men, Spiderman, Avengers - meant nothing. The most I got out of the Marvel side growing up was one Avengers video game and action figures of Wolverine and Cyclops. That was absolutely nothing compared to whole playsets of Batman and Superman toys, Batman costumes, so much else.
Then Polaris came along. I bought the Women of Marvel calendar because Polaris was in it. I bought a minifig of her. I checked out Marvel books I normally didn’t care about because Lorna appeared as a cameo in them. I gave Marvel way more money over the past 8 years, even with them sabotaging and undermining her, than I ever would’ve given them over the past 8 years and next 10 without her.
6) Exposed me to a stronger sense of fan communities than I’d seen in the past
My last point may read like I was a DC comic book fan, but really, I wasn’t. I was a casual DC fan with no interest in Marvel. My REAL interest is, and always has been, video games.
That interest has led me to interact with other fans in the past. I joined fan groups for Final Fantasy in particular. But before Polaris, I hadn’t looked much at or really cared about cosplay. Before Polaris, cosplay seemed to me like a fun quirk that could look impressive. I hadn’t fully grasped that it lends to a stronger sense of community. I understood it intellectually, but I didn’t really understand it. I didn’t recognize how two people cosplaying as related characters and going out together can be a deep, meaningful and special experience.
I’ve also chatted with people I otherwise never would have met. Some of the people I talk to regularly in opposing the worst elements of our current times, I don’t think I ever would’ve met if not for Lorna.
That’s all I can think of right now.
When I talk about how amazing Polaris is, how she has so much potential, and when I complain about Marvel refusing to make real use of what she has to offer, this is where I’m coming from. Polaris is a character that literally changed my life and opened me to thoughts and experiences I never would’ve had without her.
When she’s put down and undermined by people that hate her for no good reason, for me, those actions are essentially an attack on everything she’s done for me just by existing. She deserves so much more than the raw deal Marvel’s given her for decades. I know this for a fact because of what she’s done for me despite how absurdly little she’s been given.
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lightningbug-lane · 8 years
What are your favorite Awakening amd Fates ships? And who do you think would father each Awakening kid if they were based on the fathers like Fates?
A lot of my favorite ships are not popular, so don’t expect too much from me.(●´ω`●)
Fates: Felicia x Arthur, Azura x Laslow, Kaze x Sakura, Silas x Charlotte, Jakob x Nyx (or Jakob x Setsuna but less so), Mozu x Leo, Camilla x Benny, Peri x Kaden, Beruka x Niles, Selena x Keaton, Effie x Azama, Nyx x Hayato (just cause Nyx seems like the most likely to produce a Rhajat-), Odin x Orochi, Hinoka x Subaki, Takumi x Rinkah, Hana x Saizo, Kagero x Hinata, Oboro x Ryoma (if not marrying Corn to Ryoma), Ignatius x Caeldori, F!Corrin x Xander, F!Corrin x Ryoma, M!Corrin x Scarlet, F!Corrin x Flora, Gunter x Reina.
Awakening: F!Robin x Chrom, F!Robin x Priam, M!Robin x Emmeryn, M!Robin x Tiki, Lissa x Frederick, Sumia x Henry, Gaius x Olivia, Donny x Cordelia, Sully x Kellam, Virion x Tharja, Stahl x Maribelle, Vaike x Panne, Miriel x Gregor, Lon’qu x Cherche, Nowi x Libra, Lucina x Laurent, Basilio x Flavia.
Now, on to kids!!
Inigo = Virion, Owain = Vaike, Kjelle = Lon’qu (stronk dad and stronk daughter who terrifies dad), Noire = Libra, Gerome = Frederick (stern looking guys who are secretly super soft?? yes plz), Brady = Ricken, Cynthia = Henry, Yarne = Kellam, Nah = Stahl, Severa = Gaius, Laurent = Gregor.
I tried not to overdo my own preferences for these parent/child combos but I might have failed. ;v;
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ufoparty · 8 years
tagged by @turnways
relationship status: single
lipstick or chapstick: neither!! i hate waxy stuff esp on my lips. makes chewing them unpleasant
last song I listened to: idk, i had the radio on but wasn’t paying attention really
last movie I watched: rogue 1
top 3 tv shows: i don’t watch actual tv anymore but. hunter x hunter, the x-files, invader zim i guess??
top 3 characters: terezi pyrope, shi-long lang, phoenix wright
top 3 ships: naroumitsu. fox and the hound (keaton/kaden since no other ship names seem to exist). fe14 scarlet/me
gender: this diccqke
nickname: 1 person calls me wy. a couple people purposely pronounce my name wrong as like a Kind of nickname but Only Friends Allowed
star sign: pisces
height: 5'4.5
birthday: march 14th, 1996
hogwarts house: probably hufflepuff
favorite color: orange
favorite animal: cats
average hours of sleep: 5
cat or dog person: cat
number of blankets you sleep with: 1 and a sheet
favorite singer/band: cage the elephant, the blue van, weezer, cake
dream trip: i want to go to that nge-themed bar but not drink any of the alcohol just soak it all in
dream job: drawing whatever ace attorney art i want and miraculously all my bills are paid
when was this blog created: may 29th, 2011 i think
current number of followers: 1,594
what made you decide to get a tumblr: i was trying to follow jhonen vasquez on every social media account he had
i’m not tagging anyone but if mutuals want 2 to do this you can say i tagged you!!
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lol-jackles · 5 years
Does campaigning for an even actor works? Im not from USA, I've never see those fan campaignings to get certain role work. Supporting current projects and charities I get, but now I see post of "support Jensen to be x" (have yet to see a similar post for Jared).
No, but studios do encourage fan campaigns as free publicity stunts.  
Heavy rumors said that Vivian Leigh was already signed onto Gone with the Wind when the studio concocted the widely publicized search for Scarlett as a publicity stunt.   Gone with the Wind fans (Windies) wrote thousands of letters to the studio campaigning for their favorite actresses and talk to their non Windies friends about the book and what actress could possibly play the iconic Scarlet O’Hara even though unbeknownst to them the role had already been cast.
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Fan campaigns can go the other way.  In 1988 fanboys were furious when they learned Michael Keaton was cast as Batman because Keaton was mainly known as a comedian.  Fanboys sent 50,000 letters to WB in protest and demand a re-casting.  Those fans’ anti-letters were as effective as today’s online petitions, which is to say big fat zero.  Keaton’s Batman is considered one of the best incarnation and an early herald of the comic book millennium.
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This is the four stages of irate Batman fanboys:
Stage 1: ‘That’s the worst choice EVER and he aint’ Batman! I’m boycotting this movie!’”
Stage 2: ‘OK, he doesn’t look too bad in this first picture as Batman, but he still sucks…but not that bad I guess.’”
Stage 3: ‘Man that trailer was awesome and Batman looks badass!’”
“Stage 4: ‘I just saw THE BATMAN and it’s EPIC! Best Batman on film EVER!’”  (Except George Clooney Batman, he’s still apologizing for it to this day even though the nipple costume wasn’t his idea)
The saying goes that any publicity is good publicity so maybe WB loved the fanboys’ anti-Keaton campaign because mainstream media was reporting it, which for a lot of non-comic book fans were how they learn that a Batman movie was in the works.  Free publicity.  
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valadren · 8 years
Fuck it. I’m sure that no one’s really asked for the full list, but I’ve rolled up my Hard Mode runs of Awakening, Conquest, Birthright, and Revelations. These pairings and team comps have been selectively randomized (I ensure that each team has main characters and one DLC class. Awakening always has Chrom, Robin, and Lucina on the tem, Fates always has Corrin and at least one member of the royal family (Azura, Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura). Yes I’m cycling between them. Yes I know that sounds unreasonable but also hush.
Final Team:
Great Knight!Chrom, paired with Hero!Gregor Falcon Knight!Noire, paired with Sorcerer!Tharja Bride!Emmeryn, paired with War Monk!Libra Valkyrie!Kjelle, paired with Sorcerer!Henry Falcon Knight!Aversa, paired with Valkyrie!Maribelle Assassin!Yarne, paired with Bow Knight!Inigo Dark Flier!Lucina, paired with Dark Flier!Morgan (F) Grandmaster!Robin (M), paired with Dark Knight!Miriel
Chrom x Gregor m!Robin x Miriel Lissa x Sumia Frederick x Stahl Sully x Henry Virion x Lon’qu Vaike x Olivia Donnel x Nowi Maribelle x Gaius Panne x Anna Cordelia x Cherche Libra x Emmeryn Tharja x Aversa Say’ri x Tiki Basilio x Priam Lucina x f!Morgan Owain x Laurent Kjelle x Noire Cynthia x Gerome Brady x Nah Yarne x Inigo
Final Team:
General!Elise, paired with General!Effie Dread Fighter!Laslow, paired with Strategist!Ophelia Hero!Corrin (F), paired with Great Knight!Velouria Sorcerer!Lucina, paired with Dark Knight!Leo Adventurer!Percy, paired with Maid!Nina Master Ninja!Midori, paired with Wolfssegner!Ignatius Kinshi Knight!Shigure, paired with Adventurer!Forrest Dark Knight!Odin, paired with Dark Knight!Nyx
f!Corrin x Velouria Azura x Mozu Felicia x Selena Jakob x Niles Silas x Kaze Shura x Izana Anna x Charlotte Lucina x Leo Xander x Laslow Camilla x Arthur Elise x Effie Peri x Beruka Odin x Nyx Benny x Keaton m!Kana x Siegbert Shigure x Forrest Dwyer x Ophelia Sophie x Soleil Midori x Ignatius Percy x Nina
Final Team:
Blacksmith!Hayato, paired with Paladin!Rhajat Dread Fighter!Anna, paired with Falcon Knight!Kiragi Basara!Sakura, paired with Falcon Knight!Azura Onmyoji!Mozu, paired with Onmyoji!Midori Hoshido Noble!Corrin (M), paired with Priestess Hana Bow Knight!Takumi, paired with Great Knight!Dwyer Falcon Knight!Subaki, paired with Kinshi Knight!Setsuna Basara!Selkie, paired with Basara!Kaden
m!Corrin x Hana Azura x Lucina Felicia x Kagero Jakob x Azama Silas x Kaden Kaze x Mozu Shura x Ryoma Izana x Reina Anna x Takumi Hinoka x Saizo Sakura x Hayato Setsuna x Subaki Hinata x Rinkah Oboro x Scarlet Orochi x Yukimura f!Kana x Dwyer Shigure x Shiro Sophie x Rhajat Midori x Selkie Kiragi x Caeldori Asugi x Hisame
Final Team:
Malig Knight!Velouria, paired with Malig Knight!Rhajat Adventurer!Soleil, paired with Adventurer!Nina Ballistician!Ryoma, paired with Swordmaster!rinkah Dark Knight!Camilla, paired with Sorcerer!Odin Hoshido Noble!Corrin (M), paired with Maid!Anna Mechanist!Shigure, paired with Wyvern Lord!Ophelia
Azura x Lucina Felicia x Silas Jakob x Kaze Mozu x Elise Shura x Fuga Anna x Hinata Ryoma x Rinkah Hinoka x Reina Takumi x Laslow Sakura x Hayato Saizo x Niles Kagero x Orochi Azama x Subaki Setsuna x Peri Oboro x Charlotte Hana x Selena Kaden x Arthur Xander x Keaton Camilla x Odin Leo x Beruka Nyx x Benny Shigure x Ophelia Dwyer x Caeldori Sophie x Kiragi Midori x Forrest Shiro x Hisame Asugi x Selkie Mitama x Percy Rhajat x Velouria Siegbert x Ignatius Soleil x Nina
that’s so many but I love these games and this hack???
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