nrc-confessions · 7 months
🗝️ r u related to the twins…?
we r cousins :3
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as-warm-as-choco · 1 year
Yesterday I went to watch Spiderverse for the 3rd time in 4 days. 3/4 babe !!!
Can this user watch Spiderverse at the cinema more times than there are DAYS? Tune in next week to - 
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kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
interaction between me adn ipiper
red guy (arhcher): balck trutleneck guy! *show sleleve*
balck turtleneck guy (ipiper):
red guy: pelase don't eat it
balckc turtleneck guy: oepn mouth really wide
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gundamcalibarney · 2 months
[ Bust Commissions for Palestine ! ]
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Heyo! I’m opening sponsored / donation commissions for Palestine + Fundraisers! Donate to the given links below, send me proof / a receipt of said donation AND YOU WILL GET A THING FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!
Discord - lordbeetleboi3315 (for contact)
[ Specific Donation Links ] :
eSims for Gaza!
Nada Saftawi + Her Children / Aya and her Family / Ibrahim and his Family / Haya’s Family
Fadi A. Ayyad’s Family / Musab and his Family / Firas’ Family / Motaz’s Family
Dr. Mohammed Aldeeb + His Family / Ahed’s Family / Yousef’s Family / Thaer’s Familty
Mahmoud Alkhadi + His Family / Dina’s Family / Rehab’s Family / Samer’s Family
Mahmoud Khalad’s Family / Safaa’s Family / Amira’s Family / Aya & her Family
Fadi Zakkout’s Family / Haya's family / Rana’s Family / Osama’s Family
The Alnabih Family / Dr. Farhat's Family / Akram’s Family / Lama and her Family
Mohammed Alanqer & his Family / Amina and her family / Shreen’s Son / Hana’s Family
Munna Tashmali & her family / Hashem’s Family / Ahmed Abuzuour’s Family / Yousef's son Mahjd
The Qanou Family / The Majed Family / Muhammed's Fanily / Hanan's family / Osama
Nesma and her family / Israa and her children / Mohammed / Muhammed
Reham's family / Aya
Roba Ayyad’s Family
Mohammed's Funds
Adam Alanqar’s Family
Mohammed Hussein’s Family
Dina’s Family
Aseel & her Family
Ahmed Almeshal
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abimee · 11 months
can I ask why one of your ocs is called first victim
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in the world of YOU (ME) lives a man named Mimi who murdered his girlfriend/fiance Darcie, and in return begged the god of Time, Stopper, to rewind it
however, when it was rewound, he still wounded up killing his wife every time, and after the fifth time Stopper made hiim privy to the fact that he has asked for a second chance multiple times and the outcome is still the same. Mimi, being a scientist, realizes that this is knowledge only known between him and the time god, and becomes obsessed and fascinated with the finality of his fiuture as a horrible person.
Stopper doesn't rewind this time, but she gave Mimi information he should've never been privvy to, and watches as he tries to investigate the world further as to WHY this event --- him killing his wife --- is unavoidable. He stops showing remorse for his actions and instead shows morbid curiosity with his new plan; he wants to bring Darcie back himself.
He, with some manipulation of Stopper, finds out three core concepts in his world's existence; that people are two seperate forms, a soul (Object) and a body (Sprite), any soul (Object) can attach to any body (Sprite) while staying the same person, but by making that soul (Object) attach to a new body (Sprite), they are considered a new existence, and therefore whatever is befalling Darcie down the path of being murdered can be both further avoided AND she can be brought back to life by bringing her soul (Object) into a new body (Sprite).
He calls his research into this ''Beacons''; bodies that can be used to summon forth the souls of the dead. He calls them beacons because he believes all souls in this world drift off into the expansive darkness the gods, like Stopper, live in, and Beacons are bodies that guide them back to the living world, like lighthouse beacons.
Mimi is the older brother of Drew, who is friends with first victim. Mimi is also one of the two teachers at the only school left on the island, and first victim and drew are both in his class. first victim is otherwise a lonely teenager who doesnt have any familty and no support system, making her an easy victim to Mimi's needs; he needs a body that is still alive, to be his first test into being a Beacon, and find out what properties a body needs to house another person's soul in it.
Therefore, first victim is Mimi's first victim --- she was groomed and brought to his lab where he attemped call forth his dead girlfriend's soul into her, but first victim fought back against it and managed to escape, but the attempt left a mark; first victim became physically withdrawn, and stopped talking to drew. She also began wearing an eyepatch over one eye, because the failed summoning left bits and pieces of Darcie supposedly within her, and the two souls trying to ''fit'' into one body has caused one of her eyes to bleed sporadically. First victim disappears one day altogether, and her friends never see her again
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when You, the protagonist of this story, meets First Victim and the crew, it is presented as if You had woken up after being attacked and was taken to Lilly's apartment, where Drew suddenly walks in with first victim in tow. You and the crew wind up going on an adventure down underneath to a world called the Comical Kingdom, which lives in the puddle reflections to the fjallo islands. There, first victim is seen acting like her usual self, but with an eyepatch over her eye.
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when You returns from this adventure, you (the player) and You find out what really happened; everything You just experienced happened 11 years ago, before they were born, back when first victim was still alive. You was not truly there to experience those events, but rather experienced a memory of those events. This is the only true time the audience ever hears or sees first victim
all of this was to prepare you for the answer btw. First Victim is not Actually named that, but her name was never known to You, and therefore the audience, and all she was remembered as by the system was the First Victim, so when You experiences the memory of her, her name is replaced with the title "First Victim''. So every time Drew, or Lily, or anybody says her true name, all the audience can see/hear is ''First Victim'', but the characters themselves are saying her true name. This is due to manipulation Mimi started to exhibit over the universe when he disappeared off tothe in-between, where he could manipulate the very existence of things, and wanted to wipe First Victim's existence away to hide what he had done'
i will also never reveal First Victim's true name 👍
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eirinstiva · 5 months
“Death, where is thy jolly old sting?”
My dear friend Bertie Wooster in engaged to Honoria Glossop! Congrats? Well, poor Bertie is not so happy with this arrangement. Honoria is dedicated to mould him but Bertie doesn't enjoy culture in the same way. Probably he feels like he's at school again.
“Bertie,” she said, suddenly, as if she had just remembered it, “what is the name of that man of yours⁠—your valet?” “Eh? Oh, Jeeves.” “I think he’s a bad influence for you,” said Honoria. “When we are married, you must get rid of Jeeves.”
Jeeves is essential in Bertie's life! How dare she to separate them? ¡Ven pa' acá, Honoria! [swears in Chilean]
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“Bertie,” she said, “dear Honoria does not know it, but a little difficulty has arisen about your marriage.” “By Jove! not really?” I said, hope starting to dawn. “Oh, it’s nothing at all, of course. It is only a little exasperating. The fact is, Sir Roderick is being rather troublesome.”
There's a light in Wooster future, I guess. If Sir Roderick doesn't like him there's a chance to break the engagement, but there will be new problems with Aunt Agatha. Hard choice, dear Bertie. It's a good idea to see what Sir Robert dislikes:
Don’t giggle nervously: try to keep that horrible glassy expression out of your eyes: don’t yawn or fidget; and remember that Sir Roderick is the president of the West London branch of the anti-gambling league, so please do not talk about horse-racing. He will lunch with you at your flat tomorrow at one-thirty. Please remember that he drinks no wine, strongly disapproves of smoking, and can only eat the simplest food, owing to an impaired digestion. Do not offer him coffee, for he considers it the root of half the nerve-trouble in the world.”
Basically, he dislikes Bertie's life style
“I should think a dog biscuit and a glass of water would about meet the case, what?” “Bertie!” “Oh, all right. Merely persiflage.”
Just as in the Holmes family, "art is in the blood" (neurodivergency, I guess) and in Wooster familty, Uncle Henry’s eccentricity is the trait that Aunt Agatha fears a lot, but I don't understand why is she so afraid of Henry's love for rabbits... unless he liked another type of bunnies...
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Sir Roderick is very smart, but his vibes doesn't match Bertie and my old chap is masking a much as he can. The fact that he doesn't like cats and apparently there's a cat hidden in Wooster apartament makes this harder.
Will Jeeves and Wooster be separated? Honoria has Aunt Agatha on her side, Jeeves has the power of friendship and luck on his side. Good luck, Bertie!
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directivexero · 7 months
i've hit a wall when it comes to fighting games, i've been here for a few weeks now and it feels like the worst plateau i've come to. and it's not just Strive or Granblue, i've flatlined everywhere. i took a week off, didn't play a single game and took a vacation to see some familty and friends, thinking that it would give me a nice little refresh so that i could see where to go. in reality, everyone that i was matching up somewhere evenly with has completely blown passed me and everyone who was already ahead of me is now even further out of reach. i'm a fucking idiot and have no idea how to analyze my own flaws and my dyslexia makes me completely dissociate when I sit down to read stuff on dustloop or in discord servers. i hate being like this, i want to improve and to keep up with and maybe even overcome some of these giants that i've looked up to for so long. but i need to take breaks occasionally for my sake, and the more breaks i take the further behind i get. and that all sucks because i don't know where to start improving in the first place.
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lgcmanager · 2 months
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over the years, LEGACY ENTERTAINMENT's groups have released several japanese singles and albums. in more recent years, with LGC CHARMS JAPAN, they have shown a desire to further their presence in japanese media. as such, starting this trimester, the company will be having a PERMANENT radio show on Nippon Cultural Broadcasting that will air weekly for 45 minutes from 2200JST Sunday evenings. each week, the radio show will feature various legacy artists cross talk, reading of fan mail, and several other segments. the current PERMANENT HOSTS are HIRAWA EMI, KANG SARANG PARK TAEHA and TAKANASHI ASAMI. each trimester, a total FOUR GUESTS will also be invited as per the following schedule:
WEEK 1: Asami, Emi, Sarang and Taeha
WEEK 2: Asami and Guest 1
WEEK 3: Sarang and Taeha
WEEK 4: Emi and Sarang
WEEK 5: Taeha and Guest 2
WEEK 6: Asami and Sarang
WEEK 7: Asami and Emi
WEEK 8: Sarang and Guest 3
WEEK 9: Emi and Taeha
WEEK 10: Asami and Teaha
WEEK 11: Emi and Guest 4
WEEK 12: Asami, Emi, Sarang and Taeha
each trimester, a different theme will be picked and some guest restrictions may be placed.
for the current trimester, the THEME is INTRODUCTION; since the show is new and most of the hosts unknown to the public, the goal this trimester will be for listeners to get to know them as well as their guests. episodes may center around anything that achieves this goal like TMI, MBTI, hobbies, skills, favorites (colors, food, cities), ect.
EACH HOST will be in charge of picking their GUEST through an ON DASH PLOT CALL, with priority given to any JAPANESE ARTIST OR TRAINEE (must have at least 60 japanese points) or any DEBUTED ARTIST with over 65 JAPANESE POINTS.
REMINDER: this is a PROFESSIONAL setting. as such, even if conversations touch personal matters, both the HOST and GUEST need to keep a good etiquette. the show isn't to talk about friendship, familty ties or past between the hosts and guests, but for listeners to be entertained. furthermore, if a host cannot maintain a completely professional conversation comfortably and without awkwardness or tension with someone, they shouldn't pick that person as a guest.
since radio shows are more of a DISCUSSION, we want the requirements to reflect this. therefore the requirements are lowered to a minimum of 50 SPOKEN WORDS per post. on the other hand, you'll need to write a thread of TEN POSTS (five posts each) minimum to collect +3 MCING/HOSTING and/or VARIETY, +3 FREE SKILLS, and +5 NOTORIETY
for the hosts, guest threads are MANDATORY. you may also do a BONUS thread with any of the other hosts, with the same requirements and reward.
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:charmsjapanradio on your threads and solos ! to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before SEPTEMBER 28, 2024 11:59 EDT.
MUSE NAME ∙ CHARMS JAPAN RADIO - THREAD: +3 MCING/HOSTING and/or VARIETY, +3 SKILL POINTS DISTRIBUTION +5 notoriety [ LINK ] - BONUS: +3 MCING/HOSTING and/or VARIETY, +3 SKILL POINTS DISTRIBUTION +5 notoriety [ LINK ] *only if applicable - HOSTS: do you want to continue hosting next trimester? yes/no
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dynamic-k · 3 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!!!
1.) eating nommable items like muffins and spaghetti and Flairya's delicious art ehehehhee, and some fanfiction, and apples, and cronchy ice cubes, and asks-
2.) HUGS. I am such a hugger, it's like a staple part of my familty. I have this thing called "cuddle reserves" and when it's low I'll just go and snatch a sibling. XD
3.) SNES Super Mario Kart!! I will always adore the older pixellated version best, no matter how many new ones they can come out with.
4.) Colors!! :D Every color is very pretty, though I definitely have my favorites-
5.) Coffee. U v U
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langblr reactivation challenge week 2
Day 5: Post at least 2 songs that you like in your target language. Make sure you add a link to them so people can go listen to them.
How to chose?!
For one, I love Tawsen so much. His voice is so addictive! He sings in mainly French with parts in Arabic, and his familty background is Moroccan, but after reading about him it seems he grew up in Europe. Here’s one of favorites on Youtube
I will also share one by my fave Russian speaking artist, Jah Khalib (he’s from Kazakhstan). He includes a lot of references to Central Asian music and culture in his videos, but I’ve heard he’s pretty popular in Russia from a friend. This video is just so pretty and epic :)
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these days i've been thinking about john winchester in his darkest moments considering and even planning on familicide. 
tw: murder-suicide ideation
maybe several months after mary's death, when everything is still raw and fresh but the initial frenzy has settled down into something less chaotic. he's still wild with grief. uprooted and isolated. he knows his familty has been targeted by demons, or at least, by some supernatural evil. he knows about all the vicious scary things that lurk in the shadows, he has seen things in the night and in broad daylight that most people couldn't imagine in their worst nightmares. but it's real, way too real: some friends and good people he has thoughtlessly involved in these affairs have ended up dead. he has returned to his children soiled with traces of human and not-human entrails, smelling like charred flesh, that unmistakable scent, putrid and sweet, he can't seem to remove from his clothes and skin. and he has reached an impasse; his revenge quest is at a standstill: no leads left to follow, silence, and the hunts he runs into and cannot ignore -a hunter never passes up a hunt- might serve him as training and as learning experiences for his personal war, but they also keep his attention and efforts constantly diverged, constantly peaking, his mental state worsening and worsening with every new case. he feels angry or apathetic all the time, in a state of permanent alertness. watching sam standing on his own and taking his few first wobbly steps or catching an unaware dean taking care of his brother so lovingly does nothing for him. he feels nothing. when sam is weeping loudly, when dean is looking at him with such sad eyes, begging for a simple touch, a word of comfort... he feels nothing. and killing monsters doesn't bring him that wild joy he has come to expect, and even saving people feels pointless. the world a hopeless place. he's having nightmares about nam, curiously, but on most nights when he's not away hunting, sleep doesn't come naturally and he has to drink himself out of consciousness. he's drinking a lot. mostly whiskey. it's foolish and dangerous and he knows that he should stay vigilant and ready to protect his family, but he can't let exhaustion hinder him or kill him either. also, when he is too tired while sober he gets paranoid and irritable, often thinks he can smell burnt rubber and diesel exhaust and he really can't be of any use if he can't trust his senses. it's even more terrifying when he finds himself zoning out, unable to remember long chunks of time, like entire hours just blink out of existence, or when everything becomes foggy and he can't make sense of what's going on, like a dream, and maybe it's living on the road and moving every other day what's disorienting, what's making him feel like he's floating away... it's an impossible situation. his hopes of ever completing his mission vanishing, his utility compromised, the possibility of returning to his previous life non-existent: he should just give up and take his own life, shouldn’t he? but what about his children? if he can't look after them himself, he also can't leave them in the care of the state. the us foster care system is broken enough without worrying about ghosts and werewolves and shapeshifters and ghouls and whatever killed their mother. they'd be alone and vulnerable.
no one can keep them safe. either way, they're doomed.
yes, he could get the children into the car, then drive off a cliff. he likes the idea of dying at the same time, maybe in a blaze of fire, in the only home they have left, but it feels risky and uncontrolled. one of the kids could survive the crash and die a terribly slow death. it's better if he can kill them all quickly and efficiently. so one at a time must be.
* * * dean looks at the door expectantly. since the fire he always sleeps with sammy. it makes falling asleep easier, but he never sleeps soundly. when dad stays with them at the motel or the apartment, the fear subsides but doesn't go away. he has constantly the feeling of a looming menace in the dark, hovering over their little heads. he listens very carefully over his baby brother's breathing. for a few nights now he's been hearing noises behind the door. it's dad. it must be dad. he hears him standing on the other side, the floorboards creaking softly under his feet, the stillness ill-at-ease with presence. then a quiet sob. the metallic click of a safety catch being released and then a silence so dense it's suffocating. a hand resting on the doorknob. more silence. then that click again and dad's receading footsteps. right away, sounds of bottles in another room. this little walk is repeated every night since dad is not going out. something is worrying him. dean wants to raise his voice and call him, go to him and put his arms around him, saying 'it's ok, dad'. but some strange dread keeps him in bed, with his little brother within arm's reach, listening carefully and looking at the door, expectantly.
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
Don't you have a psychotic father? Didn't you fear that acid might trigger psychosis in you too?
He did. Its unclear what has caused my fathers psychosis however. His mother holds that when he was young he overdosed on some medication and had a long series of epileptic-like seizures, and that this may be the source; doesnt seem too far fetched bc there have been cases of this happening, and of epileptic seizures causing religious-focused psychosis, and feelings of "heaven" and "hell." Noone else in that line of my family, or on any side of my familty, has had any kind of psychosis-inducing mental illness however, noone recently at least or noone that anyone knows of
I used to worry about it at the beggining, yes, every once in awhile I still do. I mean, before i even did psychadelics weed could have technically caused psychosis - ive met ppl in psych wards who had weed-induced psychosis who had no family history of it even; one girl who it hit after the first time she smoked, and didnt even smoke much. However, no matter how much and how frequently ive smoked, ive never come close to feeling like it was causing that - the most ive had is weed-induced paranoia and other shit, but nothing once I came down. To smoke weed was a risk in the first place, which i took, and so far its been years and nothing has hit me
When i first tried psychadelics, and acid was the first one, I knew it was a risk, one i took because I know I could handle high doses of weed without losing it, and because I was...... well. I was fucked up. anorexia bulimia suicidality a bunch of other shit, i wasnt far away from a second suicide attempt at all, and I couldnt rly see many ways out of the shitshow i was in - i figured if I didnt kill myself the anorexia or bulimia would kill me anyway...... and so, i decided to take the risk, that everything good ive heard might be worth it. And im very glad I did, bc theres a high chance id be...... either dead or much worse off today
By now ive tripped idk well over 50/60 times and have yet to feel like my brain has been pushed twoards psychosis. The most I can say is that, and this applies only to acid which I dont rly do anymore, when I did later on take probably too high doses and had rly bad trips,,,,, yea, in the middle of the bad trip i was afraid of that possibility (or more accurately afraid the trip would never end) - frankly, I think the fact that I had the strength to keep myself together and pull myself out of it got me through it; i dont know if someone else going through that experience without prior experience and the ability to try to keep it together would have had a psychotic break, idk, maybe so maybe not - maybe it wouldnt have been chemical but it would have been so traumatic that theyd have been lost in the sauce. Or maybe not........ the most i can say is that I learned my lesson w strong doses of acid, and that it did happen that I felt its effects for days or weeks after the trip - not psychosis or delusions - hard to explain, but its like the trip lingers; in good cases this is called psychadelic "afterglow," after bad or exhausting trips its not particularly pleasant
Sooo, idk. Yea, i guess it could happen, fuck it, it could happen with weed too. Its a risk I take. I don't smoke as commonly as I used to anyway, and I dont do psychadelics as often (tho frankly the times when I would do shrooms around once or twice a month were the most productive, stable, sane, happy periods of my life). I hope to God it wont, but it could, even being careful and respectful with it
....... overall though? psychadelics, and especially shrooms, have made me feel exponentially, exponentially more "sane" than I ever was before I took them..... and even particularly crazy trips managed to teach me, my brains a lot more put together and stronger than I thought it was
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moonstandardtime · 2 years
one time i went to france with my familty for a holiday when i was 3 or 4 and jerma895 was there and he said hi!!! i remember something about "you will remember me and be filled with dread" but idk what that was about.
i am tier 3 subbed to him!! I've been tryjng to meet up with him but no luck. ever since i saw him long ago it's like he was connected to me eger since. sometimes People call me weird For feeling like we were destined to meet but as the saying goes "ssparjle on its wednesday!! be urslef" wednesday is today haha thats funny
do you have any tips on how to meet him again? I've tried many things but i think collabing with him will be the only way. how do i start on streaming??? thsnk you for listening to me :) how much did i concern u
yeah i feel the same way abt ur mom but i havent found her yet bc shes not a content creator :( heres what ive been trying
tip 1: dont live in [my state]. nobody is in virginia. its all history and [an amusement park].
tip 2: give him sacrifices (livestock, the most high quality quarter of your harvest, blood offering, firstborn child, etc. blood offering and firstborn child are the most cost-effective imo)
tip 3: full perfect combo on the intense voice of hatsune miku on master (hes best friends with miku so this should be extra effective)
tip 4: peep that horror. the more ppl that die, the more likely it is that youll run into each other. statistically
good luck!! :)
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i find it really funny how i have little sister energy
i am literally the eldrest child of my familty
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oculusxcaro · 2 years
What's their McDonalds order? What's their go to outfit each day? Which movies do they like? Are they on social media?
Everyday Muse Questions!
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What's their McDonalds order?
McDonald's is pricey to visit when food isn't a concern but if she has to order something, Khare would order a plain old cheeseburger or Fillet-O-Fish? Her sense of taste and appetite have been strongly affected after being experimented on with sauces and non-meat products tasting off, as though her tastebuds have forgotten how to perceive their true flavour. It's not pleasant when biting into a salad feels as though the dressing is raking her tongue, or that sweetened pancakes taste of nothing at all despite being drenched in heavy syrup and butter. Bread can be tolerated in small amounts but she'd sooner throw the buns and fries to the pigeons or crows. Plain burger meat or better yet fish fillet taste closest to how they should taste, at least according to her memory.
What's their go to outfit each day?
If Khare's not working over at Pauli's Diner, she makes do with the cheapest, thriftiest shirts, jeans and shorts she can afford. Dresses aren't really her thing even if they are the formal regalia at work but as long as it's cheap, comfortable and not too ugly she'll be pleased. Also Khare loves it when she finds clothing with decent pockets(!), a necessity in this day and age since handbags attract way too much attention in Gotham and she'd really rather avoid getting mugged or having her bag snatched by some lout. So far her favourite shirt is an old vintage R.ainbow B.rite sweater obtained from a second-hand store, combined with patched-up blue jeans and a pair of comfy converse shoes. Perfect for a casual day in-between shifts.
Which movies do they like?
New movies aren't really her thing but Khare will watch them every now and then if Cindy insists on dragging her along. If she had her way, Khare would prefer a night in with cult classics and movies dating back several decades like G.remlins, T.erminator, J.aws and C.ritters. They're old and she's seen them many times before, familiar nostalgia giving her the vague comfort of times when things were so much easier and there was nothing to worry about. Unfortunately with such movies regaining popularity and Blockbuster no longer a thing, it's gotten much harder to find copies to watch, much to her ire.
Are they on social media?
Absolutely the fuck not. Khare avoids social media at all costs, even though the urge to check up on familty and friends back home is as painful as it is hard to resist. She fears that looking them up, even if just out of curiosity would be enough to weaken her resolve and log into her accounts, causing further confusion and upset over her disappearance and why it's taken so long to contact them. One day she will contact them, if only to let them know everything is okay and to not worry about her but right now it's too soon when she's only just gotten her bearings. Her finger hovers over the button, knowing that the message button is just a few clicks away but then she turns her phone off, putting the idea out of her mind for now.
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cliffburton · 29 days
hearing people say they "waste too much money on gear" (in the music sense) is such an alien concept to me... i thought i was grossly privileged for having my familty (3 people or more) buy my rick for my 15th bday since the expectancy is to have a big quince and i didn't want that i wanted a red rickenbacker and that's why got it... i know i know, it's different when you're a teen, but some parents wouldn't do that... that's why i felt that. i don't get it.
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