#family support programme near me
myaliceinchains · 1 month
Princess Programs (Monarch Programming)
Princess programming isn't as talked about as much as other forms of programming, but I have recently been finding more on other survivors experiences with it and it has inspired me to make a post.
I was not only born into a monarch bloodline family, thus failing to integrate as an infant due to intense and extremely early trauma. I was also exposed to and programmed via Freemasonry due to my programmer's own lineage, therefore she and her family would be the ones responsible for my initial Alpha programming.
Freemasons utilize a lot of children's media and this unfortunately includes, yes I'm about to say, Disney princesses.
Princesses were a huge way for me to take on a new identity and escape any hellfire that may have been cast onto me. My Alpha programming neared it's completion, meanwhile my Princess (this is a type of organization and a Backup program) programming was being installed gradually.
When I was Ella I was invincible, got whatever I wanted, and I got special treatment. When I was Belle it was time to be forced into isolation for hours on end. And so on and so forth.
Now as an adult survivor, all of this has resurfaced and more, and now I am left with nothing but layers upon layers upon layers of dissociation, programs, amnesia, and fabricated memories to work with.
The Freemason method of programming was basically to install princess programs with a gradual build up of the necessary ingredients for splitting the psyche. They gave me princess dresses, makeup, toys as rewards, specific to certain princesses I liked. I remember I received a Cinderella dress for Halloween one year as a reward, then an Aurora nightgown soon after.
I recall beginning to receive new programming which was extremely fairy based and relied heavily on the main fairies of Pixie Hollow in order to run. This was done unsuccessfully however, since my biological father divorced my stepmother/main programmer, separating us from any direct contact and severing ties with the Freemasonic Temple, as well as cutting off contact with all other programmers.
With Alpha and Princess programs installed by the cult family, I was left to deal with my trauma without the "support" of the cult.
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soulofphoenicia · 18 days
Going to put a long winded personal discussion about mental health, spiritual psychosis and improvements underneath the read more. If any of it triggers you please don't be ashamed to skip this.
I'll be the first to admit it. I've had heavy delusions and been deep in the pithole of religious psychosis and hallucinations. Up until very recently, in terms of time lived here, I didn't realise nor care about the impact it had.
I secluded myself, I thought I was above human life and human interactions. I was convinced that I was trapped here and that investing anything into existing wasn't worth it in the long run. Or ever.
But, something changed in me when my parents brought home two cats. My priorities started changing. I didn't spend my days rotting in bed anymore because well, the cats wanted to play, to be handfed, the box needed to be cleaned. Etc etc. I was still doing bad mentally, but I had reasons to leave bed.
And then. I realised that I had grown apathetic towards real people, I couldn't grieve nor mourn about losing people near me. I felt nothing. And I used to feel a lot, friendships were important to me once. I brushed it off and continued with what I was doing.
One night though, a lot happened, any fragile structure I had built with people I thought I was similar to fell apart. I couldn't stand them anymore, I couldn't stand myself either. I hated who I saw when I looked in the mirror. So I made a promise to myself.
I dropped out of the science programme I wad attending, and applied to gastronomy. And I vowed to myself that I am going to improve, I am going to get better. Lack of medical support be damned I refuse to be this way anymore.
I won't lie. It was terrifying. I had to break down, examine and reevaluate everything I knew. From religion to gnosis, experiences, friends, soul family. All of it was mercilessly analysed and discarded if it contributed to my state.
I wasn't left with much, but what I have I can keep close to my heart without worrying.
I still believe that there are divines, and that magic exists, and that sometimes we get messages from someone through dreams. I believe that everything has a spirit and that multiple realities exist. But, those are distant and personal things I believe in, they don't affect me in person. They simply are.
I have a schedule for when I do my rituals and prayers, but I know nothing devastating will happen if I miss a day or two.
Regardless, rambling aside, it does get better. It will get better. And if you find yourself in a similar situation to me, please know that I am supporting you during every step of the way. Regardless of how many times you slip and fall back into old habits.
As for me, I'll be celebrating going down 50 points. I'm in a place where I can grow and become who I want to be. I'm.. Happy now.
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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The MiG-25 Foxbat
In the late 1960s, the USSR revealed the existence of the aircraft that appeared to be the world’s deadliest fighter, the MiG-25 (NATO reporting name “Foxbat”). This aircraft could outrun any fighter in the air, and indeed any military aircraft other than the SR-71 Blackbird.
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SR-71 T-Shirts
CLICK HERE to see The Aviation Geek Club contributor Linda Sheffield’s T-shirt designs! Linda has a personal relationship with the SR-71 because her father Butch Sheffield flew the Blackbird from test flight in 1965 until 1973. Butch’s Granddaughter’s Lisa Burroughs and Susan Miller are graphic designers. They designed most of the merchandise that is for sale on Threadless. A percentage of the profits go to Flight Test Museum at Edwards Air Force Base. This nonprofit charity is personal to the Sheffield family because they are raising money to house SR-71, #955. This was the first Blackbird that Butch Sheffield flew on Oct. 4, 1965.
Loaded with two R-40 missiles (NATO reporting name AA-6 ‘Acrid’), the Foxbat could reach 78,000 feet, but with its full complement of four missiles, it was limited to 68,900 feet. By contrast the Habu flew at cruise speeds above Mach 3 at over 80,000 feet.
Nevertheless, once an SR-71 Blackbird flown by Col. Darrel Cobb was fired on by a MiG-25, as Cobb himself recalls in this interview given to his son Chris;
The “holy grail” of the soviet air defense system: shooting down an SR-71 Blackbird
Col. Cobb’s SR-71 Blackbird fired on by a MiG-25.
‘Operational missions.
‘First let me assure you; we never broke President Eisenhower’s promise to cease overflying the Soviet Union. We remained over international water – 12 mi offshore.
‘All of my operational flying was from Kadena, Okinawa. Area of interest was Vietnam; Korea; Vladivostok, USSR; China. Later, we flew transatlantic & return from Seymour Johnson, NC supporting the Israel Arab war. After I left the program, the SR flew from Mildenhall, England & Bodo, Norway.
‘We already touched on missions against Vietnam & the only night mission.
‘Today let’s cover “north missions.”
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SR-71 print
This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. SR-71A Blackbird 61-7972 “Skunkworks”
‘Take off, refuel & head into the Sea of Japan; between Japan & south Korea. Accelerated to operational speed – 3.20. Head directly at Vladivostok. headquarters of USSR air defense; and test/r & d of new radar & intercept development. 2200 mph guaranteed to light up all the radar & intercept systems they had.
‘A MiG-25 interceptor squadron was based just outside of Vladivostok. The “holy grail” of the soviet air defense system was to shoot down an SR-71.
‘Turn north up the Sea of Japan & make a U-turn back down the USSR coast (12 mi offshore) with ELINT & SIGINT recorders going full bore. Photo cameras looking oblique into the USSR, updating the interceptor air order of battle. Head south east till past Vladivostok then turn slightly left then right to cross Korea at the DMZ. Photo cameras updating N. Korea force readiness to resume hostilities against S. Korea.
SR-71 Blackbird fired on by a MiG-25
‘Continue down the yellow sea coast of China. All sensors evaluating China’s threat to Taiwan. Turn left- decel & land at Kadena. I flew this profile several times during the 4 years I flew ops missions. One of these got very, very thrilling. Southbound, passing Vladivostok, Reg (my RSO) announced;
‘”We’ve got a fighter locked on – it’s gotta be a MiG-25″
‘”Our DEF [Defensive Electronic Gear, DEF. It Provided ground-to-air and air-to-air missile protection. Still Classified. Def systems were labeled DEF A,B,C,E and G. Later modifications to the DEF Systems resulted in DEF A2, C2, H and M systems. Nearing retirement of the SR-71, a programmable DEF labeled A2C could defeat all known threats to the Blackbirds] is blanketing all beautifully.”
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Fedotov MiG-25RB altitude world record
‘”Oops – he just fired – – we’ve got a missile locked on”
‘”Our def has shifted to its missile magic”
‘”There – lock’s broken. Missile’s back in search”
‘”That’s weird – sounds like the missile’s locked on – but not locked on us”
‘”He’s gone – coming up on the “s” turn to the DMZ.”’
Fast forward to late 1976 Col. Cobb retired from the Air Force.
MiG-25 at risk of being shot down by its own missile
Cobb continues;
‘I’m retired! Learning that retirement means no days off; no vacation; no holidays; big pay cut.
‘I find the aircraft TV channel & history channel. Lots & lots of SR-71 films. I avidly watch at every opportunity. In my den, glued to the TV & today’s SR-71 show, & who do I see comparing the MiG-25 with the SR-71??
SR-71 pilot recalls that time his Blackbird flew so fast that he and his RSO landed at Kadena AB two hours before they took off from Beale AFB beating the sun
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‘You’re right – – Lt Victor Belenko!
‘He was totally gobsmacked; his MiG-25 burned up the engines getting to Mach 3 yet the SR’s cruise speed was greater than 3.0.
‘Belenko is the one who said that the Holy Grail of soviet air defense was to shoot down an SR.
‘He told of how they would pre-position ahead of the SR’s radar track and had to zoom up to get a lock on & fire their missile.
‘Belenko stressed how quickly & precisely they had to perform because the window of opportunity was so very short.
‘Their target was traveling at 3600 ft/sec. Faster than a speeding bullet.
‘He described in detail how precise the post firing breakaway had to be executed to avoid getting shot down by their own missile; talking as though they found this out the “hard way.”’
Cobb Concludes;
‘Man talk about intense attention – – I’m quickly mentally replaying that tape from the inter-phone – –
‘”We’ve got a fighter locked on – it’s gotta be a Mig-25″
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‘”Our DEF is blanketing all beautifully.”
‘”Oops – he just fired – – we’ve got a missile locked on”
‘”Our def has shifted to its missile magic”
‘”There – lock’s broken. Missile’s back in search.
‘”That’s weird – sounds like the missile’s locked on – but not locked on us.”’
What happened to the missile fired by the MiG-25 Foxbat at the SR-71 Blackbird?
What happened to the missile fired by the MiG-25? Could it have locked onto the Foxbat itself? Could the SR-71 DEF have deceived it? We’ll never know.
However, we can assume that given that SR-71 had a cruise speed faster than the top speed of the MiG-25’s Acrid missiles, the Blackbird simply outran the AA-6. There was no chance a Foxbat could conduct a tail-chase interception of an SR-71 (the MiG-25 couldn’t carry out a head-on intercept of a Blackbird too: in fact, the Foxbat’s radar and fire control system was not sophisticated enough to solve the problems of a head-on intercept at closing speeds that would exceed Mach 5).
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Twitter X Page Habubrats SR-71 and Facebook Page Born into the Wilde Blue Yonder for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
This model is available in multiple sizes from AirModels – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS.
Photo credit: Dmitriy Pichugin via Wikimedia and U.S. Air Force
@Habubrats71 via X
Linda Sheffield Miller
Grew up at Beale Air Force Base, California. I am a Habubrat. Graduated from North Dakota State University. Former Public School Substitute Teacher, (all subjects all grades). Member of the DAR (Daughters of the Revolutionary War). I am interested in History, especially the history of SR-71. Married, Mother of three wonderful daughters and four extremely handsome grandsons. I live near Washington, DC.
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Linda Sheffield Miller
AA-6 AcridLockheed SR-71 BlackbirdMiG-25MiG-25 FoxbatSoviet Air ForceSR-71U.S. Air Force
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writing-whump · 1 year
There is no hurry
Anneliese helping Julian part 2
Anneliese brings Julian to her apartment, worried about him. Continuation of this part. Warning for vomiting. 
Julian didn’t seem to notice they weren’t going to his dorm room until the car stopped.
He blinked sleepily at Anneliese. “Where…?”
She bit her lip. After half an hour of debating in her head, she decided to take Julian to her apartment. As a university assistant, she had a pay and as an Erasmus student she had the right for the limited apartments at the university campus. Which meant she had a real student apartment for herself and her roommate, with two separate rooms, their own kitchen and - the most relevant in this case - their own bathroom.
Anneliese could not, by good consciousness, let Julian go back to the dorms, suffer that crappy small bathroom and be alone. Not in this state, not since he appointed her to be in charge.
Aside from the whole confusion Julian not wanting to see Ryan - how was that even supposed to work, when they were roommates? - it seemed unlikely he was home. Otherwise he would already notice Julian was missing and would be hunting him down.
So Anneliese put her long wavy hair up in a bun, circled the car and made a decision. Penn was visiting her family during the weekends anyway and if she got back, as much as Anneliese probably shouldn’t be inviting sick guests, no one could deny Anneliese her room.
She opened the door on Julian’s side, offering her hand. “Come on.”
Julian was still blinking uneasily, but didn’t protest, taking her hand. Wrapping her arm around his waist, they stumbled out of the car and towards the elevators that Anneliese really came to appreciate at that moment.
Locking the door open with Julian swaying beside her turned out to be a bit of a challenge that made her perfect her skill in one hand key turns. Julian all but crashed into the couch near the door, relieved to finally be able to lie down on his back.
“You could have just taken me home,” he protested half-heartedly, shrugging off his jeans jacket.
“You could just say thanks,” she answered, dropping her handbag and rushing to change clothes. Her suit jacket wasn’t exactly a good match for this situation.
She returned to Julian in record time, bringing a thermometer, wash basin, wet towel, herbal drops,...
“You are stocked like a doctor,” Julian said, raising an eyebrow.
“My biggest fear about this whole exchange programme and visiting another country away from your whole support network was getting sick,” she admitted as she collected all the things on the small living room table. “Get this under your arm. It’s old-fashioned, but I don’t trust the digital playthings they sell as 'exact' one bit.”
Julian smiled at that and obeyed. “You must be the only person I know who prefers analogue over digital.”
“Pff. The term analogue was made after the term digital. As a way to distinguish new technological devices. I will let you know, CDs were considered digital just a few decades ago.” She put the wet hand towel to his cheek, wiping the sweat and dried drool away.
Juls furrowed his eyebrows at that, then sighted and leaned back into the couch, giving up on understanding it. “One of these days, you gotta explain to me again what exactly you are studying.”
“I will, once your fever goes down,” she said, appreciating the effort. Most people didn’t understand what cultural studies were after hearing the word. “How are you feeling?”
“Been better. Been worse.”
“Not very helpful. Try to be more specific,” she chided, sliding the towel down his neck and taking the thermometer out. He seemed so hot to the touch, but his fever wasn’t high. Just slightly raised.
“Stomach hurts. Head hurts. Life hurts. What else is new.” He kept his eyes closed as he spoke, one hand sliding to his stomach. It was pretty quiet in contrast to the previous churning. She had high hopes for it.
“You think you could keep some of this water down? Electrolytes against dehydration,” she offered him the glass. Julian didn’t move to rise from his lying position, his face scrunching up.
“Ugh. Don’t think so.”
“I get it. But just a few sips would really help you.”
He wrinkled his nose, but obeyed. Gingerly, he took the glass and took a couple of very small, slow sips. “That’s gotta be enough. I don’t want to give my stomach more ammunition.”
She shook her head, but accepted the glass back. “Fine. Try to get some rest then. I will wake you up in a few, to make you drink it more.”
A corner of his mouth pulled up. “I’m counting on it.”
Anneliese chuckled at that. At least he trusted her with taking that responsibility on herself. Kind of cute.
Fetching her ereader, she settled for the armchair in the opposite corner to keep watch. If Julian drank the water and didn’t throw up until the evening, maybe she could send him home…or maybe better in the morning?
There wasn’t any warning.
One minute she was completely taken in by a new study she found, highlighting a good quote, and the next there was a high pitched retch piercing her thoughts.
No groaning, no churning, nothing. Julian was soundly asleep and then he was vomiting bile, violently.
Anneliese jumped from the armchair to his side. He was blinking rapidly, face scrunched up. His body spasmed again and his whole back moved as he heaved over the edge of the sofa. There was whitish watery bile on his hands and pooling down on the floor under him, but his body was still jerking.
She didn’t know where to put her hands, what crisis to address first. He was still heaving, like something took over his body and wrung him from the inside. Moving without his own volition.
“Okay. Okay. Breathe, Juls. Just breathe.” What else could she say?
He finally stopped, mouth hanging open, taking deep ragged laboured breaths. His eyes raised to hers in horror.
“Anneliese, I’m so sorry. I don-n’t- don’t know what happened, I-I-suddenly-” he coughed and gagged, balling his hands into fists, but nothing came up.
“Pssshh. It’s okay. You are okay.”
“-s not okay.” He was on the verge of tears.
Anneliese grabbed the hand towel, almost dried by this point and quickly wiped his hands and chin clean. There was a small pool of vomit on the edge, dripping onto the mess on the floor. His shirt would need changing too.
“This is nothing, Juls. You are going to be okay.”
Was he though? She was counting on his nausea receding after sleep, that she could finally get more water in him. What was his body even rejecting? He woke up so violently too, out of nowhere.
“I’m so sorry,” he whined. His breathing wasn’t slowing.
“Hey.” She took his face into her hands then, gently but firmly pushing both palms against his cheeks. “You are okay. You are sick, but you are okay. We can do this. Don’t stress about it.” Anneliese hoped it sounded as convincing to him as it did to her.
Julian’s hazy eyes focused on her and he gulped. She never watched his eyes from this close up. They weren’t just green, they had a deep sea hue to them. She stroked his cheek with her thumb. “Psshh.”
Julian shook his head, but his breathing slowed a little. He breathed in through his mouth and out his nose. Deliberate. Slow. Practiced.
“I’m not sick, Ann. I’m sorry.”
Anneliese blinked at him in confusion, but kept her hold on him. “Don’t be sorry. Just tell me what to do.” She didn’t really get it yet, but he seemed to know.
He leaned his head back and she let go immediately. Still not looking at her, he pointed at the towel discarded on the floor. “Please.”
She nodded and stood up, feeling better with something to do. When she brought a fresh hand towel soaked back, he gratefully took it, lying down again, spreading it over his forehead.
He curled up on his side, cradling his stomach. Confusion kept her rooted in place, before she jumped into action again, fetching paper towels to clean the floor with and then positioned the basin at the place. Maybe it could catch more if it was right under him.
She sat down beside Julian, patting the back of his leg gently. “Hi. Talk to me.”
“...Stomach still cramping hard.”
“The nausea still there?”
“A little.”
“How long since this started?”
Julian squeezed his eyes shut. “Didn’t eat breakfast. Threw up on the way to grab some lunch.”
“You felt bad in the morning already?”
“Just queasy. Happens after nightmares.”
Okay. She wasn’t sure what to do with this new information. Was he having bad dreams because of a bug starting or did he get sick because of the nightmares?
“Did you dream about something now?” Anneliese kept her voice hushed.
Something like a whine cough in his throat and he turned his face against the sofa completely. As if he wanted to dive into it and disappear.
“Juls.” She didn’t know what to say. What if this was more of a psychological problem? Hardly enough information for this, but it reminded her of the stress migraines and heartburn her mom had.
A groan escaped his lips and he curled up even more into himself. “Au.” He opened his eyes slowly, green blue glittering with rain. “I’m so sorry. It’s so lame to get this from over-stressing. I shouldn’t be bothering you with this.” He sounded angry at himself. By now he was just a shaking miserable ball on her couch, all long limbs and lean muscles jumbled together.
She wasn’t sure what she was allowed to ask. So many questions, but non felt not inquisitive. Where’s the line with knowing someone for a few weeks, inviting him home for an emergency and finding out he is stress puking? “How... often does it happen?”
“Not that often anymore. I thought maybe it wouldn’t…”
“Still nothing to apologise for, Juls. I’m glad you aren’t sick at least.”
He scoffed, pulling his arm over his forehead. “At least that would have been outside of my control. But this? This is just stupid.”
“It’s not stupid to be stressed out and I don’t think it’s in your control either. Our bodies are strongly connected to our emotions. It catches up to everyone, one way or another.” She resumed patting his leg gently. “Anything else I can do? Hot water bottles are real good for cramps if you want some…”
Anneliese wished she could offer something more. She knew her mother’s life from the inside out. She knew exactly what emotion, what event, what crisis could trigger a headache, what would make her upset. Many times she talked her out of some. Many times she guided her through them. She felt like she could help more, if she just knew more.
He shook his head. “I should go home.”
“You can stay here as long as you like.”
“Well. It’s not like I can spare you the nasty sights anymore.”
His jacket vibrated then. She looked up to the chair at the table she threw it over. Someone was calling him.
“No. Don’t,” he said, as she started to get up to bring it over. “I know who’s calling.”
“You should let him know where you are. He could be worried,” she offered, keeping her voice soft and careful.
Julian shook his head again. “He will just want to come pick me up. Make a big deal out of it.” He curled even more into himself.
And that’s bad, how? She wanted to ask so badly, but didn’t feel like it was her place.
As pitiful as Julian looked, all shivering and curled up on her couch, his sea blue eyes watched her with surprising intensity.
“Alright.” She raised her hands in surrender. He relaxed visibly at that, unwrapping himself. One hand travelled to pillow his head and one to loosely lie on his stomach.
“Thank you. Can you just…stay here until I fall asleep? I swear I will sleep this off and leave you alone in an hour or so.”
She sighted and sat down on the floor, leaning her back against the couch. “Of course. There is no hurry.” Why did she feel so protective of him, when he looked like that? All soft and vulnerable and confusing, but with puppy eyes blinking sleepily at her.
He felt so close and so distant at the same time. One day I’m going to figure you guys out, I swear. 
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abovebeyondbundy · 1 month
Unveiling the Best ELC Near Me: Essential Criteria for Finding the Perfect Early Education Fit
Understanding the Importance of Choosing the Right ELC
Choosing the right Early Learning Centre (ELC) is a decision of paramount significance for parents and guardians. The early years of a child’s life are formative and lay the groundwork for their future educational and social success. An ELC that provides a nurturing and stimulating environment can profoundly impact a child’s development, shaping their cognitive, emotional, and social skills. As such, selecting the ideal ELC is not merely a matter of convenience but a crucial step in ensuring that your child’s early educational experiences are both enriching and supportive.
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The Role of Early Learning Centres in Child Development
Early Learning Centres play a pivotal role in the developmental journey of a child. These institutions offer more than just a place for children to spend their day; they are dynamic environments where young minds are introduced to the basics of learning, social interaction, and personal growth. A well-rounded ELC promotes cognitive development through age-appropriate educational activities, encourages emotional resilience by fostering secure attachments with caregivers, and enhances social skills by providing opportunities for peer interaction. The quality of an ELC can significantly influence a child's ability to adapt to formal schooling and thrive in future academic settings.
How Early Learning Centres Impact Long-Term Educational Outcomes
The effects of early education extend well beyond the initial years of schooling. Research indicates that children who attend high-quality ELCs tend to exhibit stronger academic performance and better social skills throughout their educational careers. These centres equip children with foundational skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and effective communication. Moreover, early exposure to structured learning environments helps cultivate a love for learning, setting the stage for lifelong educational engagement. Therefore, the choice of an ELC can have lasting implications for a child's academic trajectory and overall personal development.
Key Criteria to Consider When Selecting an ELC
When selecting an ELC, several critical criteria must be evaluated to ensure that the centre aligns with both your child's needs and your family's expectations. Each factor plays a distinct role in determining the overall quality and suitability of the ELC, contributing to an optimal early learning experience.
Accreditation and Quality Standards: What to Look For
Accreditation and adherence to quality standards are fundamental indicators of an ELC's commitment to providing high-quality education and care. Accredited centres typically adhere to rigorous guidelines that ensure they meet or exceed established benchmarks for safety, educational practices, and staff qualifications. Look for certifications from recognised bodies that vouch for the ELC’s compliance with national or regional standards. Additionally, inquire about the centre’s own quality assurance processes and how they maintain and improve their standards over time.
Understanding Curriculum and Learning Approaches
An ELC’s curriculum and pedagogical approaches are central to its educational effectiveness. Investigate the curriculum framework used by the centre and assess how it aligns with your child’s developmental stage and learning needs. Some ELCs may adopt play-based learning, which integrates educational content into enjoyable and engaging activities, while others might utilise structured programmes with specific learning objectives. Understanding the approach can help ensure that it complements your child’s learning style and fosters a positive educational experience.
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Teacher Qualifications and Experience: Ensuring Quality Instruction
The calibre of educators at an ELC is crucial to providing quality instruction and care. Assess the qualifications and experience of the teaching staff to gauge their ability to support your child’s development effectively. Teachers with relevant certifications, specialised training, and substantial experience in early childhood education are more likely to deliver a high standard of care and instruction. Additionally, consider the staff-to-child ratio, as smaller groups generally allow for more personalised attention and support.
Evaluating Facilities and Resources: A Comprehensive Checklist
The physical environment of an ELC significantly influences a child's learning experience. Evaluate the facilities and resources available at the centre, ensuring they are safe, clean, and conducive to learning. Key aspects to consider include:
Classroom Environment: Is the classroom space well-organised, stimulating, and equipped with age-appropriate materials?
Outdoor Play Areas: Are there safe and engaging outdoor spaces for physical activity and exploration?
Health and Safety: Are the facilities maintained to high health and safety standards, including hygiene practices and emergency procedures?
A thorough evaluation of these elements will help ensure that the ELC provides a supportive and secure environment for your child.
The Importance of Location and Accessibility
The location and accessibility of an ELC can affect both convenience and overall suitability. Proximity to home or work can ease daily logistics, making drop-offs and pick-ups more manageable. Additionally, consider the centre’s accessibility in terms of transportation options and any potential barriers to reaching the location. A well-located ELC should ideally offer a balance between convenience and accessibility, ensuring that it integrates smoothly into your daily routine.
Proximity to Home and Convenience Factors
Choosing an ELC that is conveniently located can alleviate the stress associated with daily commutes. Proximity to your home can reduce travel time and allow for a more relaxed drop-off and pick-up routine. Moreover, a nearby ELC can facilitate greater involvement in your child’s activities and events, fostering a stronger connection between home and the centre.
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Transportation Options and Safety Considerations
Evaluate the available transportation options to and from the ELC, including public transport routes and parking facilities. Additionally, assess the safety measures in place for children arriving and departing from the centre. Secure drop-off and pick-up procedures, as well as safe routes for walking or driving, contribute to the overall safety and convenience of the ELC.
Cost and Value: Balancing Budget with Quality
Determining the cost of an ELC and assessing its value is a crucial aspect of the decision-making process. While higher fees may be associated with more extensive resources or specialised programmes, it is essential to weigh these costs against the quality of education and care provided.
Comparing Fees and Additional Costs: What to Expect
Compare the fees charged by different ELCs and be aware of any additional costs that may arise. These could include registration fees, activity fees, or costs for extra services such as meals or extended care. Understanding the complete financial picture will help you make an informed decision that fits within your budget while ensuring that you are receiving good value for the investment.
Assessing Value for Money: Quality vs. Cost
Evaluate whether the ELC provides value for money by considering the quality of education, facilities, and staff in relation to the fees charged. High-quality centres should offer a balanced approach, where the cost is justified by the level of care and educational benefits provided. An ELC that delivers excellent value will contribute positively to your child’s development and provide peace of mind for you as a parent.
Making the Final Decision: Steps to Take
After considering all the criteria, making the final decision involves a few critical steps to ensure that you select the best ELC for your child.
Visiting and Observing Potential ELCs: What to Look For
Arrange visits to the shortlisted ELCs to observe the environment and interact with the staff. During your visit, pay attention to the atmosphere of the centre, the interactions between staff and children, and the general organisation of the space. Look for signs of a stimulating and supportive environment where your child will feel comfortable and engaged.
Gathering Reviews and Testimonials from Other Parents
Seek out reviews and testimonials from other parents who have experience with the ELCs you are considering. Their insights can provide valuable information about the centre’s strengths and areas for improvement. Personal recommendations and feedback from other families can offer a more nuanced perspective on the quality of care and education provided.
Trusting Your Instincts and Making an Informed Choice
Ultimately, trust your instincts when making the final decision. Consider all the information gathered, including your observations, reviews, and personal preferences. Choose an ELC that aligns with your values and expectations, ensuring that it offers a nurturing and effective environment for your child’s early education.
Making a well-informed choice will set the stage for a positive and enriching early learning experience for your child, laying a strong foundation for their future educational journey.
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nulifelinecarerehab · 2 months
Looking for a Deaddiction centre near you in Dehradun?
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About NuLifeLineCare Deaddiction Centre in Dehradun
NuLifeLineCare Deaddiction centre in Dehradun is specialized treatment facility that aims to help individuals overcome addiction to drugs, alcohol, or other addictive substances. When you search for deaddiction centre near me on google, find NuLifeLineCare Deaddiction centre which is a holistic rehabilitation center that focuses on healing the mind, body, and spirit. Our goal is to help individuals achieve optimal health and wellness through a variety of natural and alternative therapies.
At NuLifeLineCare, the Best Deaddiction centre in Dehradun, we believe that true health and wellness cannot be achieved through a one-size-fits-all approach. That’s why we offer personalized wellness plans that are tailored to meet each individual’s unique needs and goals. Our team of skilled practitioners works closely with each client to create a comprehensive wellness plan that addresses their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
Our deaddiction centre in Dehradun services include drug addiction, alcohol addiction, behavioral addiction, mental health and detoxification and more. In addition to our services, we also offer workshops and classes that educate individuals on the importance of self-care and holistic wellness practices. Our goal is to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their health and well-being.
NuLifeLineCare Deaddiction Centre is committed to help individuals and families achieve freedom from addiction and get a new life.
NuLifeLineCare Deaddiction Centre is a Premier Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment center, When it comes to the best treatment centers, we are rooted in the belief that every resident can reach and sustain a lifelong Sober and Recovering lifestyle through Individualized attention and 360 degree Post rehab regiment and action plan.
We pride ourselves on offering an intimate setting for rehabilitation tailored to each resident’s specific needs. Through our strong, supportive treatment program and Evidence based practices, we foster education, self-actualization, and the opportunity to overcome drug and alcohol addiction. We walk alongside our clients on their journey; understanding their past and working together to build a new future — transforming lives and sustaining recovery for everyone we support.
We work hard to treat people with kindness, privacy, dignity and respect.
We look out for others, even when it isn’t our job to do so
We respect and support client’s to make informed choices about their life.
We value and respect the contribution that families and friends make to our client’s recovery.
We Never give up and work hard to find a solution
We treat the whole person; mind, body and soul to achieve a healthy recovery.
We recognise that one size doesn’t fit all and there is no “right” answer to achieve recovery.
We are committed to involving and supporting the “whole family” in our work.
We do what we say we are going to do, when we say we are going to do it.
We take our responsibilities for excellent services seriously & remain committed to learning and improving.
We will push the limits, but respect boundaries.
We uphold professional conduct in all we do and maintain discreet care for our clients
We treat the addict & value their being
Individual Attention & Individualized Treatment Programme
Free Counselling and Consultancy for the new patients
We not only look after Rehabilitation but also work on their Re-integration
Highly Professional Approach towards Addiction Treatment
Our team comprises of Highly trained professionals working on the principles of love & care
NuLifeLineCare Deaddiction Center is offering holistic, quality care for recovering addicts — right from the moment they walk in at residential rehabilitation center Dehradun.
Residential Rehabilitation Center, also known as inpatient rehab, is a type of addiction treatment program that provides 24-hour care and support to individuals struggling with addiction. Residential rehab typically involves a stay of 30 to 90 days in a specialized facility, where individuals receive a range of therapies and services designed to help them overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery.
The goal of residential rehab is to provide individuals with the tools and skills they need to overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery. This involves addressing the underlying causes of addiction, such as trauma, stress, or co-occurring mental health conditions, and developing coping strategies to manage triggers and cravings.
Overall, residential rehabilitation center can be a highly effective form of addiction treatment for individuals struggling with substance abuse. By providing intensive, 24-hour care and support, residential rehab programs can help individuals overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery.
One of the primary advantages of residential rehab is the intensive and immersive nature of the program. By providing 24-hour care and support, residential rehab programs can help individuals break the cycle of addiction and build a strong foundation for lasting recovery. In addition, residential rehab provides a safe and supportive environment where individuals can focus solely on their recovery and avoid the distractions and triggers of daily life.
The residential treatment experience is fairly regimented and created to give people a secure and encouraging atmosphere in which to concentrate on their recovery. Individual and group counselling, medication-assisted treatment, behavioural therapies, and recreational activities are just a few of the services provided by residential rehab programmes. Individuals may also receive medical attention, dietary advice, and other supportive services as required.
That’s why you should choose NuLifeLineCare Deaddiction center for your friend or family who need care and support to get rid of drug addiction and recover from mental illness.
Contact NuLifeLineCare Deaddiction Center today to learn more about our treatment program.
Call us on: +91–8958305058
Or visit: https://nulifelinecare.org/
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evsvolunteerstotem · 3 months
Beginning of summer in the Czech Republic
Ahoj znovu^^
June had ups and downs when it came to its weather, but thank God almost only ups regarding the memories I made. I was able to experience them at home, but also in Plzeň and beyond, including in České Budějovice and Český Krumlov. A lot was going on in TOTEM and outside of it and with that being said I don't want to waste any more time- so let's get started. ;)
The month started at home, where I was able to meet (as always^^) my family and many friends. I enjoyed sleeping in, having coffee dates, and going out for dinner, as well as watching movies at the cinema and going pottering together with my sister. I really feel like the three times I spent at home looked quite similar haha – BUT there was indeed also something new this time! I attended a wedding on Saturday with the most summery weather so far (no clouds, 27 degrees, and Sun) before leaving on Sunday, the day I also went voting for the first time.
Back in Plzeň, my sister accompanied me again for some days, and then everything went back to normal, even though I would say that things are everything but normal at the moment. It's the first time I seriously plan my last time in TOTEM, regarding the conversational lessons, the events I will take place in, and other things, like my youth pass or the final conversational videos. This definitely feels strange, but I also take all the beautiful moments with me…
… such as our TOTEM summer festival. On Thursday, the 13th of June, we celebrated in a village near Plzeň, and what can I say, I think it was a great success. Even though the weather was, let's put it that way - very changeable - and we didn't know how many people would come during the preparations, it ended up being a very nice evening. The buffet was fabulous, there was a play area for the children, we had a tombola and the programme was complemented by a school orchestra, which impressed me extremely, and featured songs by Adele, ABBA and the Czech-German film "Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella". Moreover, the sun finally accompanied us at the end and so the mood was extremely good and lively. That evening I realized again how comfortable I feel in the "TOTEM family", of which I have become an integral part over the last few months. I think that will make it even harder for me to leave…
… but let's not concentrate on those feelings but rather on the happy moments again.
One of those happened on the weekend after the festival, when I visited a football match of a friend together with Isabelle, before having a quick dinner at the newly opened Kebab near the Plzeň Plaza, where we made new friends again haha. The evening ended with watching the movie "Back to black" about the life of Amy Winehouse (big recommendation for those who haven't watched it yet) and was accompanied by sunny weather and summer feelings.
The European Championships also began - held in Germany - and even though we couldn't watch from home, we followed the first matches with excitement. And because we watched them at the new public viewing place near the river Mže in the centre of Plzeň with fresh beer and good food it kind of felt like the football matches with barbecue evenings that we used to have in our garden and so it wasn't that hard to experience the tournament away from home.  Let's see, who will win the European Championship this year…  Of course, I would be happy about the so-called German summer fairy tale, but in the end, I think that it is more important that different European fans come together to celebrate and to have a good time without hostilities but with respect and support towards each other. 
And then I already told you about my little journey to České Budějovice and Český Krumlov- in fact, it was only one weekend. After work on Friday,  I made my way - together with Isabelle - to the city where the famous "Budweiser" beer got its name from. We had a very nice suburban apartment with a balcony which we arrived at on Friday evening before taking a walk to the city centre. Our way guided us along the river Moldova and through a beautiful park, which was full of people due to a concert taking place there. After a much-needed dinner, we explored the beautiful city centre with its Náměstí Přemysla Otakara II and the Černá věž as well as the Dominican monastery, where we ended up spontaneously watching a live guitar concert by young music students. This experience was so unique and beautiful and especially so impressive because of the nighttime ambiance. Later we went to the nearby island with the Park Sokolský Ostrov, where another concert took place. After a while we were craving something sweet and coffee (at 10 pm!!) so we made our way to the beautiful Café Datel which has incredible opening hours from 8 am to 10 pm and sometimes even midnight- like on Friday and so we indeed enjoyed some coffee and cake there, before going back to our apartment and falling - very tired - into our bed. The next morning we went to the city centre again for a late breakfast and after that made our way to the train station - of course not to drive back to Plzeň but to travel to Český Krumlov. The drive was only about half an hour long and after we arrived in the city we walked straight to the city centre, where we were welcomed by crowds of people. Even though the city is always very touristy, this time even more people were drawn to the city because the so-called "Slavnosti pětilisté růže" was taking place. The Five-petalled Rose Festival was accompanied by many people dressed in medieval costumes, a medieval market, and other performances and shows. We also visited the city's famous castle and its garden, walked along the Vltava River, and stopped for a coffee at a sweet little café in the old town. However, the many people finally were a bit overwhelming for us so we went back to České Budějovice early in the evening, where we spent the rest of the day cooking, chatting, and watching football. After an early breakfast the next morning, we checked out of our apartment and made our way to the city centre again, we strolled around a bit and had a last coffee at Café Datel. And then it was already time to go back to Plzeň - exhausted but also happy about the lovely little trip we had. <3
And the next day I had to get up early again because I made my way to the "Tech tower" in the district of Slovany in the south of Plzeň. In this original brewery, which is now a modern research centre and meeting place for companies and entrepreneurs, our teambuilding took place and it was a very lovely day. We started with breakfast together on the terrace of the building, from where you could look out over the city, and then had a personal tour through the Tech tower, which impressed us all very much. Finally, we took a walk together to Borský Park, where we ended the afternoon with coffee and ice cream and of course many talks. I enjoyed this day very much and again felt the good group dynamic that the TOTEM family has.
This week my last official conversational lessons took place and it was so nice and at the same time emotional to meet my seniors in their group constellation for the last time. I was so overwhelmed by the presents they got me but even more by the beautiful words they had for me. I can remember how nervous I was before my first lesson with them and now I just feel so comfortable with them.
But gladly there will be two more lessons for each Language in July and last in August and I'm looking forward to meeting some of them for at least one more time…
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Sunset in my beautiful hometown Halle<3
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Last coffee with Tati :’(
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Watching Germany winning its first matches in the European Championship =D
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Exploring Český Krumlov with Isabelle :)
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The beautiful city of České Budějovice at dusk :)
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Helping at the “Dobroběh“ (charity run by TOTEM)
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At the Plzeň Plaza before watching the movie “Back to Black” (again-big recommendation!;D)
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Last lesson with one of my courses <3
July will be my last full month in Plzeň and I’m looking forward to many trips with TOTEM and personal travels through the Czech Republic. Let’s make the last time here unforgettable!
And with that being said, see you in July and enjoy the summer…
Slunečné pozdravy
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markeduke · 3 months
Seeking a Furry Companion? Explore Our Cattery&#8217;s Munchkin Kittens for Sale
Here at Kitty Cat Cattery, we specialise in breeding Scottish Fold Munchkins and Munchkin cats. Our lovingly pampered fur babies are bred to be a source of happiness for their caring homes. Our Munchkin kittens for sale are well-mannered and have versatile personalities. They easily fit into families and greet kids, dogs, and other pets with open arms.
It is more important than ever to discover moments of pure delight in a society where stress frequently surpasses calm. We at Kitty Cat Cattery are well familiar with this requirement. We are committed to creating happy environments as a result of our remarkable Munchkin cat breeding programme.
Munchkin cats, renowned for their endearing short legs, capture hearts with their playful antics and affectionate nature. Coupled with the distinctive folded ears of Scottish Folds, our Munchkin cats for sale possess an irresistible charm that enchants all who encounter them. But it’s not just their physical attributes that make them special—it’s their gentle demeanor and adaptability that truly set them apart.
When you welcome a Munchkin cat for sale from Kitty Cat Cattery into your home, you’re inviting a bundle of joy that radiates warmth and companionship. These fur darlings aren’t just pets; they’re cherished members of the family, spreading love and laughter wherever they go.
Our breeding program isn’t just about producing adorable kittens—it’s about nurturing souls that enrich the lives of those around them. Each cat is raised in a loving environment, receiving the utmost care and attention from the moment they’re born. We prioritize the health and well-being of our cats above all else, ensuring that they grow up happy, healthy, and well-socialized.
One of the most remarkable qualities of Munchkin cats and Scottish Fold Munchkins is their adaptability. If you are looking for Munchkin cat for sale near me, and you have a bustling household filled with children and other pets or you prefer a quieter atmosphere, these cats effortlessly adjust to their surroundings. Their easy-going nature makes them the perfect companions for families of all shapes and sizes.
At Kitty Cat Cattery, we believe that the bond between humans and animals is a sacred one. That’s why we’re committed to matching each kitten with the perfect forever home, where they’ll receive the love and care they deserve. Our thorough adoption process ensures that both the cat and the family are well-suited to each other, setting the stage for a lifetime of happiness together.
But our dedication to our cats doesn’t end once they leave our cattery. We provide ongoing support to our adoptive families, offering guidance and assistance whenever needed. Whether you have questions about proper care or simply want to share stories about your beloved fur baby, we’re always here for you.
In addition to our commitment to our cats and their families, we’re also dedicated to the welfare of all animals. That’s why we adhere to strict ethical breeding practices, prioritizing the health and happiness of our cats above all else. We’re proud to be a responsible breeder, setting a standard of excellence in the industry.
When you choose a Munchkin cat or Scottish Fold Munchkin from Kitty Cat Cattery, you’re not just getting a pet—you’re gaining a lifelong companion who will bring endless joy into your life. From their adorable antics to their unwavering loyalty, these cats have a way of brightening even the darkest of days.
So, welcome to Kitty Cat Cattery, where happiness comes in the form of a furry friend. We invite you to explore our website, meet our precious kittens, and discover the joy that awaits you when you bring a Munchkin cat or Scottish Fold Munchkin into your home. With open arms and open hearts, we look forward to welcoming you to our family.
[Related site1] [Related site2]
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nickersonageney99 · 7 months
Nickerson Insurance Agency
Expand on the parts of your life that hold the most significance for you.
Prominent, authorised insurance brokers in the area go above and above for their valued consumers in every interaction. This is something we have all promised ourselves insurance agency near me This has solidified our resolve to finish the current project. More than that, though, our legacy goes back nearly 30 years in our industry.
We are quite grateful that you have decided to visit our family-run insurance firm. Best regards; I appreciate you taking the time to be here today.
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Here at Nickerson Insurance Agency, we want to make sure that our valued clients get affordable insurance that is customised to their industry and meets all of their individual needs. Everyone at the agency is totally behind this. We listen carefully to our customers so that we may personalise our programming suggestions to meet their demands. Completing this task requires a significant amount of effort and expertise from our staff. Conversely, we think universal insurance programmes should be totally discarded. However, we prioritise learning about you and your unique requirements so that we can adapt our offerings to your busy schedule.
Kindly let me know which insurance firm you are affiliated with.
Businesses and residents in Southeastern Connecticut and Rhode Island have trusted the Nickerson Agency for over 30 years for reliable support, skilled solutions, and wise direction. Each and every one of them is a permanent US resident. Whatever your insurance needs may be—personal or business—our local team of knowledgeable and helpful agents can craft a policy at a price that fits your budget. We serve not just the vibrant towns of Norwich, Groton, and Waterford in Connecticut, but also the beautiful countryside that extends as far as Warwick, Rhode Island. This feature is available on all of these platforms. An integral aspect of this strategy is documenting the region's rich history, diverse landscapes, and bustling urban areas.
If you need help understanding how to get car insurance, our helpful staff is here to help. To cater to drivers of varying experience levels, we give a wide variety of insurance rates from highly regarded businesses.
The house being examined
Whether this is your first house or you've been looking for a policy for a while, our dedicated local staff is here to help you locate the policy that suits your needs, budget, and property the best insurance agent near me Anyone, including current homeowners, can benefit from this, not just first-time homebuyers. These rules can be adjusted to fit your needs.
When I was riding my motorbike, I coasted.
Motorbike insurance in Connecticut can shield you and your bike from a host of problems, including fines, accidents, and theft. Also, you won't have to worry about any legal trouble that may arise. You are fully secure, so you can ride with all the exhilaration you desire.
The Benefits of Working With Us Adaptable Security Plans Made to Meet Your Individual Requirements
The phrase "Insurance to Fit Your Lifestyle" has become the official motto of our insurance agency. Our company's number one goal is to provide personalised coverage while cutting down on unnecessary expenses. We make it easy to insure yourself or your business by offering flexible plans that may be adjusted to fit your needs. This is just as crucial to think about when you are buying insurance for yourself. Personal insurance can be obtained in the same way, and the process is quick.
A current, error-free quotation from Nickerson will get you covered fast. It will be very easy to achieve the coverage you require with this. Save yourself the trouble of making multiple trips to our office just to fill out paperwork by using our handy electronic signature option. Once you're done, you can just sign and go. As you will soon see, time is of the importance.
You may get insurance quotations, pay bills, and handle claims at any time, from any place in the world. No task is too big or too small for Nickerson Insurance Agency. The service's ease of use will become apparent the moment you use it. Whether you choose to communicate in person, via email, phone, text message, or online, our dedicated crew is here to assist you at our office. No matter what you say, this is the right answer to provide.
Reducing expenditure and time is always a good idea.
If it means safeguarding your interests, Nickerson Insurance Agency will not rest until we have exhausted all possible options. Due to the fact that we provide prices straight from the vendors, we can assure you that it will be both affordable and easy to acquire.
Based on ratings and reviews, choose the best insurance provider in Waterford, Connecticut.
For trustworthy advice with all things related to insurance in Waterford, Connecticut and the neighbouring counties, Nickerson Insurance firm is the firm to call. We are pleased to offer both standard and individualised vehicle insurance coverage to our valued customers, positioning us as one of the top insurance providers in Waterford. Because we provide our clients with this type of coverage, it becomes possible. Offering a full range of insurance products and services, our company is committed to providing outstanding service to our customers in Waterford, CT. Among the many services that come under this umbrella is insurance for homes, tenants, and companies. Nickerson Insurance Agency is devoted to offering first-rate service by learning each client's unique insurance needs and crafting tailored policies to meet those needs to the maximum degree. Giving our customers the best service possible is our top priority. Your support is much appreciated.
Our insurance firm has expanded its coverage to include Groton and Norwich in addition to the full state of Connecticut. Those two Connecticut towns, Groton and Norwich, are very near to one another. We have well regarded insurance agencies in Groton and Norwich, Connecticut, and we provide a range of coverage to suit your requirements and safeguard your possessions. Being reliable and forthright is, in our opinion, the surest way to win over clients and keep them as customers for the long haul. If you need help understanding your insurance options or developing a plan that fits your unique circumstances, our organization's trained professionals are here to help.
You may rely on our organisation to provide first-rate, personalised insurance solutions and help to all of our consumers in Waterford, Groton, and Norwich, Connecticut. If you prefer complete coverage, we can help you get it. For any of your insurance needs, contact Nickerson Insurance Agency immediately. To put it another way, this will show you what it's like to collaborate with someone you can trust.
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personalisedsupports · 10 months
What Are Disability Support Services?
Dedicated disability support workers help disabled individuals lead more fulfilling lives. These professionals can also help them secure disability benefits by finding them the right service equipment.
Counselling is a type of support that allows disabled people to express their feelings and emotions in a safe environment. This helps them deal with the challenges they face in daily life. It can also help them cope with environmental stressors.
Disabled individuals often have a hard time feeling connected to society due to lack of social activity. Disability support services provide a variety of lifestyle support options that help increase socialisation and community participation. They can also provide expert behaviour assessments.
Disability support services coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities, ensuring that they have full access to the university’s education and campus experience. The service aims to foster a learning community that supports individual academic achievement and is in compliance with federal laws.
Lifestyle support
Nearly everyone will experience disability at some point in their lives. This may be temporary or permanent and can occur from a physical or mental health condition.
Regardless of the cause, disability can impact the ability to live an independent life. This is where disability support services come in to provide assistance.
Persons with disabilities frequently report that their health care providers do not regard them as knowledgeable partners in discussing their medical conditions or as experts in their own illnesses. Many believe that health care providers distance themselves from them because they do not meet expectations of cure (Krahn et al 1999).
Lifestyle support involves assisting disabled people with daily living activities such as meal preparation, bathing and shopping. This can help them to gain independence and reduce their reliance on family caregivers.
When people think of rehabilitation they may think of physiotherapy or exercise programmes in hospital or at home. It can also include education and advice to help prevent the onset of new symptoms, reduce complications or maintain function. This is common in long-term conditions such as COPD or diabetes, but also underpins supported self-management.
Disability Support Services (DSS) facilitates equal access to Southern’s learning community for students with documented disabilities. We work collaboratively with students through a proactive and interactive process to determine reasonable and appropriate accommodations, in accordance with Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students with disabilities are expected to follow published procedures for making requests and to provide appropriate documentation. Confidentiality of student information is respected at all times.
Relieve primary caregivers
Most disabled people wish to attain or regain independence, which may require them to learn new skills such as bathing or cooking. The caregivers deployed by disability support services near me are trained to impart such skills to their clients. Moreover, they can conduct minor home modifications to promote independence.
Caring for a disabled family member can come with various costs, including out-ofpocket expenses and lost income. However, there are several ways to get compensation for the cost of caregiving. These include government programs, longterm care insurance, and tax credits and deductions.
Another option is respite care, which provides short-term temporary care for the disabled person. This service can be provided in a day care center or in the family’s home. It allows the primary caregiver to take a break and focus on their own personal needs.
Assistance with personal care
If you are unable to manage your personal care or household chores, then disability support services may be able to help. This includes assistance with preparing meals, grocery shopping, and running errands. It can also include friendly visiting and help with medication reminders. These services are available for people with a range of disabilities and include elderly adults and developmentally disabled adults.
CUNY’s Disability Support Services office provides guidance and facilitates equal access to institutional opportunities for students with documented disabilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments 2008. Its primary mission is to ensure that a student's disability does not interfere with their academic success. These services can include a variety of accommodation options such as note takers, taped texts and alternative textbook formats.
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kiddieacademy · 11 months
Early Education : Local Pre-Schools and Kindergarten
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In our neighborhood, Pre-Schools in My Area and Pre-Kindergarten Schools Near Me. promote early childhood development and learning. These prestigious schools prepare students for lifelong academic excellence. These schools are trustworthy partners in our children's education because to their creative teaching techniques, experienced teachers, and nurturing settings.
Pre-schools Near Me
Pre-Schools in My Area are essential to early childhood education in our neighborhood. Their specialized curriculum, competent educators, and exciting environment show their dedication to children brains and bodies.
Customized Curriculum
Pre-Schools in My Area tailor its curriculum to each child's requirements and interests. Play-based learning stimulates cognitive, social, and emotional growth in children. Children learn language, numeracy, and critical thinking via hands-on experiences.
Expert and Caring Teachers
Teachers at Pre-Schools in My Area are dedicated and loving. These experts love early childhood education and have extensive expertise. With a profound understanding of child development, they create a welcoming environment that promotes exploration, self-expression, and learning.
Emotional and Social Development
In order to foster social and emotional development, Pre-Schools in My Area emphasize a friendly and inclusive community. Safe and supportive environments inspire children to cooperate, communicate, and express themselves. Positive connections with peers and teachers help children build social skills for academic and personal success.
Programmes of enrichment
Besides essential academics, Pre-Schools in My Area offer stimulating programs that introduce youngsters to artistic expression. The program incorporates art, music, and physical activity, allowing kids to discover their skills. These programs boost cognitive development, self-confidence, and creativity.
Parental Engagement
Pre-Schools in My Area understand that school-parent partnerships are crucial to children's education. The school promotes parental involvement through updates, parent-teacher conferences, and special events. Open communication builds communities and engages families in their child's education.
Nearby Preschools
The Pre-Kindergarten Schools Near Me are well-regarded schools that prepare kids for kindergarten and beyond. These institutions develop well-rounded, confident kids by laying a solid academic foundation, encouraging critical thinking, and fostering social growth.
Foundational Academics
Pre-Kindergarten Schools Near Me value academics. Children learn literacy, numeracy, and science through a carefully organized curriculum. Children learn academic abilities through fun and interactive sessions.
Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving
Pre-Kindergarten Schools Near Me emphasize critical thinking and problem-solving in addition to traditional academics. Children are encouraged to ask questions, solve problems, and think independently. Hands-on experiences and guided inquiry teach them confidence and creativity in solving problems.
The Pre-Kindergarten Schools Near Me have highly skilled and dedicated teachers who provide a safe, nurturing, and intellectually stimulating environment. These professionals know they shape young brains and work hard to establish a healthy and enjoyable learning environment.
Kindergarten preparation
In order to ease the transition into formal school, Pre-Kindergarten Schools Near Me educate youngsters for kindergarten. The curriculum meets state and national requirements, preparing students for the next stage of their education. These institutions help children succeed academically by teaching a passion of learning and vital skills.
Pre-Schools in My Area and Pre-Kindergarten Schools Near Me are vital to the early growth and education of our children. These schools encourage children to explore, learn, and grow through innovative curricula, professional teachers, and nurturing settings. These institutions give every child a strong academic foundation, social skills, and a pasing, ensuring a bright future.
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Work from Home Jobs Near Me: Embracing the New Era of Remote Opportunities
The global landscape of work has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent times, driven by technological advancements and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The rise of remote work has become a defining characteristic of this new era, allowing individuals to find rewarding and fulfilling job opportunities without ever leaving the comfort of their homes. In this article, we explore the various work from home jobs near me available to job seekers and discuss the benefits of embracing this flexible and convenient workstyle. The Prevalence of Work from Home Jobs:Remote work has become increasingly popular across industries, with many companies recognizing the advantages it offers both to employees and employers. The traditional 9-to-5 office model is being replaced by more flexible arrangements, enabling individuals to work remotely, no matter where they are located. This trend has opened up a plethora of remote job opportunities that job seekers can take advantage of. Advantages of Work from Home Jobs:a. Work-Life Balance: One of the most significant benefits of work from home jobs is the improved work-life balance it provides. Employees have more control over their schedules, allowing them to better manage personal commitments and family responsibilities. b. Cost Savings: Commuting to work can be costly and time-consuming. By working from home, individuals can save money on transportation expenses and allocate that money elsewhere, leading to increased disposable income. c. Increased Productivity: Remote workers often report higher levels of productivity. The absence of office distractions, combined with a comfortable and familiar environment, allows individuals to focus better on their tasks. d. Access to a Global Job Market: Geographical boundaries are no longer barriers when it comes to finding employment. Work from home jobs allow individuals to work for companies and clients from around the world, widening their professional network and enhancing career opportunities. In-Demand Work from Home Jobs:a. Remote Customer Support: Many companies now offer customer support roles that can be done entirely from home. These roles include handling customer inquiries, resolving issues, and providing exceptional service. b. Virtual Assistants: Virtual assistants provide administrative support to individuals and businesses remotely. Tasks may include managing emails, scheduling appointments, and conducting research. c. Content Creation: Content creation roles, such as freelance writing, graphic design, video editing, and social media management, are in high demand in the digital age. d. Online Teaching and Tutoring: The e-learning industry has witnessed tremendous growth, creating opportunities for educators to teach and tutor students online. e. Remote Software Development: Skilled programmers and developers are highly sought after by companies looking to build and maintain software products and platforms. Conclusion: The emergence of work from home jobs has revolutionized the way we work and opened up a world of opportunities for job seekers. Whether you're seeking better work-life balance, increased flexibility, or the chance to explore global career options, remote work can be the perfect fit. By staying informed about the available opportunities and leveraging online resources, job seekers can discover fulfilling work from home jobs near them and embrace the exciting new era of remote work. work from home jobs near me
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Consult Bharat Sharma, Top Marriage Therapist in Edmonton, Alberta, For Addiction Counselling.
Addiction is common in many people. Addiction can be of any type, like shopping, food, eating, mobile or TV addiction. These addictions are not so unhealthy for you or for your partner or family members. But some addictions can be harmful and can make your life stressed. Addiction like drug, alcohol, or porn addiction is unhealthy and can affect your and your partner's life in many aspects.
Addiction is a condition that influences the brain cells, not a personal disappointment or intention.
One of the most common addiction counselling is usually individual counselling. This includes the counselling session with the person, who can also have their family and partner in the counselling sessions (if they want to). Counselling helps the person to talk about the challenges and problems they are facing, what is not right and how they get into this addiction. Your counselling sessions will include how to recover and stop the habit. A Counsellor can help you fix this problem. Just speak to an addiction counselling near me in Edmonton, Alberta, and get the everyday life you deserve.
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How Does The Therapy Work?
During counselling sessions, the counsellor will consider the person's problems and challenges that lead to drug use. Once the counsellor evaluates the difficulties, the therapist or counsellor can then plan for specialised treatment. This will then helps the recovering person in their challenges to achieve the goals they have set for themselves.
It helps the individual overcome what they fear or what is causing stress. It also allows the person to talk and share their feelings in difficult times and take the necessary action to deal with them.
Addiction counselling sessions can let the person know why a particular habit happened and what made it an addiction. A person's inspiration or behaviour can tell what made him addicted to what. This makes the person aware of their actions and understands themselves better. 
Talk to a porn addiction counseling in Edmonton, Alberta. They will assist in healing relationships that have fallen apart due to porn addiction or alcohol. Counselling sessions help the person to encourage to commit to the treatment plans and take responsibility for their actions. The addiction counsellor's role is to support the recovering individual and help them develop their abilities and values to access the tools they need to live a drug- and alcohol-free life.
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What Advantages Do Addiction Counselling Programmes Offer?
There is a greater likelihood for a successful recovery when the issues that caused the person's drug addiction have been uncovered through counselling. Stressors, emotional traumas, negative influences, and other factors can encourage drug usage.
Counselling for addiction is a helpful and successful method for treating drug or other addiction types. You can discuss with your doctor which sort of addiction counselling is most appropriate for you or a loved one now that you know the variety available. Participating in and attending counselling for someone in drug addiction recovery has numerous benefits.
There, a person can learn many things about themselves and understand how to deal with h their drug use problems or other addictions. Consult with an alcohol addiction counseling near me in Edmonton, Alberta, for more details.
In Conclusion:
Talking to an expert can make your addiction habits under control, and slowly, you will quit your habits. They will tell you how to cope with your cravings but remember that they are treatable only if you are willing to get rid of the addiction through the counselling sessions. 
Counselling can help you a lot, and even you can reduce the symptoms of addiction by talking to your loved ones, taking fresh air, or trying meditation. Consult the drug addiction therapist in Edmonton, Alberta and enjoy your life without addiction!
Article Source : https://www.vetteblog.com/consult-bharat-sharma-top-marriage-therapist-in-edmonton-alberta-for-addiction-counselling/
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accmedlink214 · 1 year
Non-Emergency Medical Transport and Its Benefits
In simple words, Non-Emergency Medical Transport is a transportation service. This service is provided to those who are not in an emergency but need more help as compared to a taxi service. Transportation typically offers non-emergency medical transportation services through computerized software. Additionally, this type of transportation is sometimes paid for by Medicaid, but not everyone receives it. Other funding sources include state and local government programs, aging services, and hospital systems. If you are looking for long-distance transportation services near me, you can visit ACC Medlink. Through this blog post, you may come to know about NEMT along with its benefits.
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What are NEMT brokers?
By using specialized software, NEMT brokers will identify the best transportation service. These transportation services are standard vehicles and specialized ones to cover all the non-emergency requirements. Moreover, this modern technology should allow people to handle non-emergency medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, mobility scooters, and gurneys with effortlessness.
The programmers will also consider the transportation expenses the provider will bill the brokerage for that particular trip, the provider’s service area, and the availability of drivers and cars at the time the requested trip is made.
Key benefits of NEMT
People with specific transportation needs may preserve their independence and prevent feeling like a burden on the family. Or friends thanks to NEMT and the specialized software that helps manage it. A chronic condition can be recovered from and managed more effectively with the support of this sense of independence.
By using good brokerage software, you can coordinate provider availability, and monitor the driver’s location. Additionally, keep brokerage costs under control, and provide many other flexible tools to make sure your customers get the best possible service.
Long-term, the right software is an economical and efficient choice for setting up and fostering a NEMT brokerage. Many of these consumers would not be able to get the medical care that is essential to their health without NEMT.
This is all about NEMT, and after reading this informative content, you may come to know all the essential things about it. Hopefully, the information shared in this post regarding Non-Emergency Medical Transport will help you a lot. Additionally, there is a comment box at the end of this blog where you can ask your questions or give suggestions to us. Furthermore, you visit the website of ACC Medlink, where you can find lots of articles and blog on it. Thank you for reading.
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lifeashore · 2 years
immigration consultants near me
How Can I move to Canada without job offer?
It may appear difficult to relocate to Canada without a work offer, but it is not impossible. You may make your goal of living in Canada a reality with the correct assistance and tools. In this blog article, we'll look at some of the alternatives to a job offer for Canadian immigration.
Applying for permanent residency through the Fast Entry programme is one option for migrating to Canada without a work offer. This programme is intended to assist talented professionals from across the world in relocating to Canada to live and work. You must fulfil specific criteria, such as a particular level of education, language competence, and job experience, to be eligible for Express Entry. You'll also have to pass a medical checkup and a security check.
A student visa is another option for moving to Canada without a work offer. If you want to obtain Canadian job experience, develop your language abilities, or further your studies, this is an excellent choice. Throughout the application process, Canadian student visa consultants give vital information and support, assisting you in navigating the different criteria and deadlines. Moreover, once you have completed your education, you may be entitled to apply for a post-graduation work visa, which will allow you to earn Canadian work experience and perhaps lead to permanent residency.
You may be eligible for family sponsorship if you have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. This programme enables Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their spouses, children, parents, or grandparents to live and work in Canada. Nevertheless, because this procedure may be lengthy and difficult, working with a competent Canadian immigration consultancy to ensure that your application is correctly completed and filed is essential.
Lastly, if you are self-employed or an entrepreneur, you may be eligible for a startup visa or self-employed person visa. These initiatives are intended to attract people with talents, experience, and entrepreneurial ideas who can contribute to the Canadian economy. To be eligible, you must: Show that you have a feasible business strategy and satisfy other requirements such as language competence, education, and job experience. Moving to Canada without a work offer is doable, but needs careful planning and preparation. Working with renowned Canadian immigration consultants can help you manage the complex application process and boost your chances of success, whether you're interested in Express Entry, a student visa, family sponsorship, or a self-employed person visa.
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I’m a little disturbed by the way that people consider living in a big city a privilege, as in something that is unnecessary, not a privilege the way not be disproportionately targeted with violence is classed as a “privilege.”
Often times the resources of a large city are necessary, even those that aren’t employment related. I can’t live too far from a major city because it would severely impact my access to medical care, there are not many pharmacies able to provide the medication I need. Currently, I go to the major specialist pharmacy by the hospital once a month to get my prescription filled. This cost alone if I lived much further would increase to needing an overnight hotel room once a month to access that, an overnight hotel room that is going to be on the more expensive end of nightly accommodations because things like Airbnbs and hostels are rarely accessible, whereas major hotel chains generally have accessible rooms available.
Then there is access to delivery options, taxis, cleaners, childcare etc. etc. etc. and these can feel like luxuries but depending on your health, and work, they often are not. Even for a healthy person, a shift with overtime might make it difficult or even unsafe for them to cook when they get home, nearly anyone who wants kids will need childcare at some point. Also an estimated 22% of Canadians are disabled, using that country since it’s where I live, WHO estimates 16% of the world population. My disability means I need a cleaner, or my bed sheets stay dirty, I physically can no longer change my own sheets, living in a city means that it is relatively easy to hire a cleaner. It means I’m near to an ER if an emergency arises. It means I can easily order food for delivery that fits within my dietary needs should the need arises, something that happens to me when I have a particularly bad flare and I am unable to cook.
Now sure some of these are accessible in smaller cheaper cities, but one, that assumes there is a smaller cheaper city, and two not all of them will be, depending on your specific needs, it’s likely I wouldn’t be able to access adequate specialists anywhere that isn’t Vancouver, Toronto or Montreal, and Montreals transit does not have the kind of accessibility I would need to be independent.
There are also other types of services, social workers, support groups, day programmes etc. Oftentimes these do not exist in cheaper rural areas.
Living in a city should not be treated as a luxury that you should not have if you cannot afford it because it’s often a necessity, not to mention people are born in large cities, I’m one of them, and when you combine a lack of public services with the lack of help from family and friends because you’re no longer near them you can see how leaving can become impossible.
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