#fandom problem 3389
damnfandomproblems · 2 years
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No matter how bad a fandom gets, it’s never affected the love or hate I have for canon, a ship or even a trope. Except for one, the found family trope. I used to like it, it wasn’t my favourite but I did like it. But, the mental gymnastics antis would make to justify why a ship is incest even when they aren’t related in any way ruined the trope for me. They would often say that it’s incest because they’re found family. Somehow the illogicalness of this managed to do what the toxic fans of the rival ship of my ship, the toxic fans of my ship and the toxicity of a fandom couldn’t do, they made me hate something due to its association with the fans. 
The most recent ship that was called incest due to found family was a ship between 2 characters who literally met 5 minutes ago. They do not look alike in anyway and aren’t related in anyway but decided they to call it incest because the girl called the older guy “big brother”. This character is Chinese. I don’t even ship this but this is ridiculous.
Also, the trope’s almost never executed well by fandom anyway. I’ve seen some good use of it in canon but rarely ever in fanon. They’ll call any group of characters “found family” just because they’re the main cast but they wouldn’t even be FRIENDS in canon. Or they’ll just be a group of friends who started hanging out recently. The appeal of the found family trope back when I still liked it was that it was a group who people who never had a real family found each other and became each other’s family. I also liked that there weren’t a fixed familial role for everyone. But now, you have fans trying to fit them into roles of a nuclear family. 
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starry-eyed-omo · 3 years
Omovember Day 1
Wetting in front of the toilet (3389 words)
Contents: female omorashi, wetting, slight aftercare, no nudity/explicitly sexual content
Fandom: Gensh/n /mpact, Kaeya x Jean
hey hey y’all! i am insanely busy irl but i wanted to get some content out there, so i figured i’d do a more casual attempt at omovember! i don’t expect to complete the full challenge, but i’ll be writing what i can when i can! i may do other characters as well, but i do have a soft spot for kaeya x jean so don’t be surprised if it’s mostly them ^^; i hope you all enjoy!
(also this has not been edited at all so i’m very sorry for any mistakes)
Even though the knight’s headquarters in Mondstadt were always kept in pristine condition under Jean’s watch, there were always bound to be days of mild catastrophe on the more domestic side of things. Luckily, they were rare, since despite being battle-hardened guardians of the city, the knights could be surprisingly weak-willed when it came to putting up with unfavourable conditions in the offices.
Jean took pride in not being one of those to complain, though even she had to hold back a groan when Kaeya entered her office whining about the toilets being out of service once again. It was not the first instance in recent months, and Jean was starting to think that a full replacement would be needed soon. It was expensive, but… well. She had to admit, she was not a fan of having to venture to some private corner outdoors to do her business. If any of the knights saw her, she thought she would simply die of embarrassment on the spot. 
She sent Kaeya out of her office with a letter to send to the local craftsmen, stamped with an official label of the knights and labeled “URGENT” in red ink. Hopefully the problem should be solved within the next day or two. In the meantime…
Jean let out a small sigh, shifting in her seat as she felt a twinge in her bladder. It was going to be a long day, to say the least. 
She had spent the morning on patrol with Kaeya, as he had insisted that she get some air on such a beautiful spring day. He had pampered her to the point of suspicion, treating her to a lovely breakfast with tea, as well as some extra breakfast tea for the walk back to the office and her morning paperwork. Sure, she supposed it was normal for them to spend more time together these days now that they were… intimately involved, but it still felt odd for him to be so openly affectionate with anyone. She hadn’t dared complain to his face, however, and had gladly accepted his little gifts.
Though the tea was now long gone, she had still made sure to keep a regular hydration routine throughout the day, drinking plenty of water between paperwork. It was of utmost importance that she remained at her best health, after all! Now that she was thinking about it, however, she had not gone to the bathroom once today, and all the extra tea from this morning was already making her quite a bit more full than normal. If this was an average day, she would simply take a quick trip to the restrooms right now, but as it was, she realized that she would just have to hold it until she was able to return home for the day. 
As she took another sip of her water and picked up her pen, she did her best to shake out any thoughts of doubt in her body. It would be fine, Jean told herself. She had been through worse, and the day was already halfway over. She would be home in no time at all at this rate!
A few hours later, and it was most definitely not fine. 
Though she tried her hardest to ignore it, Jean could no longer deny the aching desperation growing in her bladder, making her leg bounce almost constantly now. She knew there was still water in her system that had not made its way to her bladder yet, as she had stubbornly continued to hydrate (albeit slightly less than normal), refusing to acknowledge that anything was out of the norm. 
She bent over with a soft moan, her grip on her pen tightening as a particularly strong wave of desperation ran through her and she had to fight back the urge to hold herself. Her legs tensed together as tightly as she could manage, as if she could somehow squeeze back any chance she had of leaking. While she didn’t quite feel like she was going to explode yet, a voice in the back of her head told her it wouldn’t be much longer before that was the case, considering how much liquid was still making its way through her body. 
Perhaps… if she simply didn’t have anything else to drink for the rest of the day, she would be able to make it through? Jean bit her lip a little, her leg jiggling as she considered the thought. Going outside was out of the question, especially with how busy the headquarters would be throughout the afternoon and evening, so her options were either to stop drinking and hope she could make it through the rest of the day or give up and go home early. 
Considering her usual workaholic reputation, the choice seemed obvious. However, if she could get through everything she needed to do early… Jean eyed the papers on her desk, quickly thumbing through them. It might be possible to get out early today, as her workload wasn’t as heavy as usual… Besides, it was rather irresponsible to try to go without water.
With a determined huff, she adjusted in her seat to sit on her heel (no one would notice from the other side of the desk anyways), picked up her pen, and got back to work. 
It took a bit longer than Jean had estimated it would, as she had to stop more and more frequently to simply concentrate on staying dry, but as the sky had just started to tint pink with the sunset, she set aside the last item on her to-do list with a relieved smile. 
Her bladder felt like a bowling ball low in her abdomen, and if she looked down, she could swear she could see a small bulge underneath her clothes, but she was done. She could go home early and get the release her body was practically screaming for. 
Slowly, Jean rose from her seat, feeling the weight inside her shift to press even harder against her urethra. A small bit of wet heat touched her underwear, and Jean doubled over with a soft moan, her hands desperately grabbing at her crotch as she realized what was happening. The shift in position had caused her to leak the slightest amount before she had managed to get herself under control, and while she felt no wetness on her hands, hot shame still rose to her cheeks at the realization of how close she had just come to wetting herself completely in her office. She had to get home now, before the situation got any more dire. 
Jean slowly straightened herself, her muscles straining to not let a single drop leak out. She took one careful step towards the door, then another. Suddenly, said door burst open, an out of breath knight barging in. She jumped a little in surprise, and adrenaline quickly brought her back to a seat behind her desk, her body tensing up to avoid any sort of accident. 
“What is it?” she asked tersely, her hands clenching a little on her lap as she resisted the urge to squirm. 
The knight placed a note upon her desk, bending over a little as they caught their breath. 
“From Captain Kaeya,” they said after a moment. “He said it was urgent so I made sure to get it here as qui-”
“I understand,” Jean said, wincing a little as she realized that she had cut them off in her rush to get them out of her office. “Ah… Thank you for your timely delivery. You are dismissed.” 
The knight responded with a salute and left the office. The moment the door shut, Jean breathed a sigh of relief, immediately letting a hand slip down to hold her tightly as she shakily unfolded the letter with the other. 
“Urgent news,” it read in Kaeya’s distinct scrawl. If she hadn’t been so caught up in her own predicament, she may have fondly smiled the way Lisa said she always did when reading Kaeya’s reports. “Please meet me in the usual location.” 
She groaned quietly, crumpling up the paper and tossing it into the trash. His favourite courtyard, of course. With a fountain square in the middle… The usually charming water streams and fountains of Mondstadt now seemed like her worst enemy. Kaeya said it was urgent, however, and if her captain needed her, she knew she had to be there, no matter what. 
Steeling her resolve, Jean stood up, slower this time. Her bladder let out a sharp pain of agony, and she had to immediately double over and squeeze herself to stay in control, but she somehow managed to not leak this time. Perhaps it was a good sign, Barbatos willing. 
On shaky feet, she made her way to the door, doing her best to straighten out her posture. Jean felt oddly vulnerable like this. Though realistically she knew most people would be too busy to notice the bulge of her bladder or the abnormal urgency to her steps, the fact that someone could realize her weakness at any second was humiliating. She was the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, and she should have a better control over her basic bodily functions, simple as that. 
And yet, here she was, walking out of the halls of the headquarters with a bladder that was about to burst and underwear damp as a premonition of what was to come if she couldn’t wrap this up quickly. 
The moment she stepped outside, Jean was immediately thankful that the spring evening was still warm and the bite of winter had long since left the air. It was a small comfort, but a comfort nonetheless. 
With small, brusque steps, she made her way over to the courtyard, giving a nod of greeting to the few knights she passed along the way. As she neared the small clearing, a furrow appeared in her brow. Kaeya was nowhere to be seen, and considering his height, unless he was somehow hiding, he should be visible by now. 
Feeling worry rise in her chest, Jean took a deep breath and stepped into the courtyard, looking around at the empty benches. Sure enough, she was the only one here. She was about to turn around to find someone to help her search for Kaeya when a flash of fluttering paper caught the corner of her eye. Next to the fountain, pinned under a small stone, was a piece of paper. 
A message from Kaeya, perhaps…? 
Biting her lip, Jean approached the fountain, her worry briefly overcoming her need as she knelt down to pick up the note. Her eyes scanned it quickly, and her gaze turned to disbelief. Written there was a simple message. 
“Feeling a little worse for wear today?” 
He didn’t even need to sign it for Jean to know it was from Kaeya. 
She crumpled up the letter and shoved it in her pocket. Suddenly everything was starting to make sense. The odd morning out, Kaeya reporting the broken toilets, and now, an urgent letter the moment she had finally finished her work… She wouldn’t be surprised if the toilets hadn’t even been broken in the first place! She could check and perhaps-
Her thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pang in her bladder as it struggled to expel its hours upon hours worth of contents. She moaned quietly and squeezed her legs together, practically crumpling in on herself as she fought against her trembling muscles. The sound of the fountain trickling right next to her was only making the situation worse, taunting her body with thoughts of complete release. 
Jean stumbled away from the courtyard and the fountain as quickly as she could, still partially bent over. She could feel that she was moments away from losing it all, and yet she was nowhere near a bathroom. 
With a deep, trembling breath, Jean waited for the worst of the urges to pass before slowly removing her hands from her crotch and standing up straighter. She could only hope that walking would be enough to distract her from the solid bulge that felt like it pressed harder with every passing second. 
Swallowing nervously, she turned her back on the headquarters and walked towards her home. Though there was a chance that she would be able to relieve herself quicker if Kaeya had lied to her about the restrooms being broken, it was not a chance she was willing to take. Jean knew that if she made it to the restrooms only to be denied relief, there was no way she would be able to make it home. In her mind, this was the best chance she had at guaranteed relief. 
Luckily, she lived in the part of town closest to the headquarters, so even though every step was torture on her swollen bladder, it only took a few minutes to reach her home. She practically cried with relief when her front door came into sight.
As Jean took the two steps up to the door, she felt her bladder contract harshly, and she grabbed herself with a soft moan. It was not quick enough, however, as she felt her pants grow damp with a large patch before she managed to cut off the flow. 
Soft gasps left her lips as she mindlessly grasped for the door handle. To her surprise, the handle twisted easily under her touch, despite it usually being locked. She froze where she stood, slowly letting the door creak open. 
Jean knew she looked ridiculous, standing there in the doorway, her entire body squirming as she fought to stay dry, but she couldn’t bring herself to care in that moment. All that she could think about was the toilet being right there. It was only a split second before she decided that if someone had broken in, she would simply have to deal with them after going to the bathroom. She knew she could not wait a moment longer, as she wasn’t positive that she could stop herself from completely letting go if she leaked again. 
She stepped in and closed the door behind her as quickly as she could without making too much sound, and immediately made a dash for the restroom. Panting quietly, she swung the door open, only to freeze when she saw a figure sitting casually on top of the closed toilet, his legs crossed and a smirk on his face. 
Of course he was here. Why wouldn’t he be?
“Kaeya,” Jean gasped softly, his name practically a moan. “Please…” 
He quirked up an eyebrow as she stepped into the room, both hands now desperately clutching at her crotch. 
“Hmm?” he hummed, glancing over her slowly. “Do you need something? I’m a little busy here, you know.” 
Jean thought that she might burst into tears right there. He was so clearly teasing her, as he wasn’t even using the restroom, but she couldn’t bring herself to say how desperate she was, how she couldn’t hold it a second more. Instead, her face flushed a bright red as all that left her mouth was a quiet whimper.
She had to hold it. She couldn’t lose control now, not when she was so close to finally being able to go. And yet, all her bladder knew was that it was at its absolute limit, and there was no such thing as holding it anymore. 
A particularly sharp pain ran through her, and she shivered as her bladder contracted, her urethra slowly, painfully, forcing open. She tried to clench it shut, but her muscles were so tired from hours of holding that she simply couldn’t stop it anymore. All Jean could do was moan out Kaeya’s name in one last desperate attempt to get him to move. 
He simply leaned forward a little with a grin, and her breath caught in her throat as she felt a spurt of pee force its way out, immediately passing right through her already saturated underwear and spreading the wet patch on her pants. 
Jean clenched her legs together as hard as she could, her hands pressing hard against her crotch, and for a moment she thought that against all odds, she had managed to stay in control for a second longer. The moment was brief, however, as another, more intense urge overwhelmed her, and a powerful stream shot out for a few seconds. She felt piss drip down her fingers and she turned bright red, making one last attempt to clench her muscles and hold back the flood.
“A-Ah, Kaeya-” she gasped out, eyes meeting his as another leak forced past her grip. Despite the silent plea in her gaze, she knew in that moment that he was not going to budge even if she got on her knees and begged. He wanted this, and she was useless under his will. 
A quiet moan left her lips as her bladder gave one more angry protest, and though she tried to hold it back, she felt the heat flood her fingertips from another stream. As it dribbled down her shaking fingers, it only grew stronger, and she could feel her muscles completely giving out, giving in to the sheer relief of finally being able to let go. Moaning in pleasure, she fell to her knees, her entire body shaking as she peed full-force onto the floor of her bathroom.
She was acutely aware of Kaeya’s eyes on her, but she couldn’t bring herself to care in that moment, her entire body focused on the sheer pleasure that was filling every inch of her. She was disgusting, humiliated, soaked, but she was so blissfully empty. 
It felt like forever and a few seconds before her stream finally slowed to a stop. Jean took a shaky breath and slowly removed her hands from her crotch, staring down in shame at her now ruined pants. She couldn’t bear to look up at Kaeya after this, wishing she could shrink away from his piercing gaze and disappear forever. 
Even if he had seen her vulnerable and exposed before, he had never seen her like… like this. 
Jean startled a little when she felt a surprisingly gentle touch on her head, stroking sweaty strands of hair away from her face. She bit her lip and risked a quick glance up at Kaeya, her entire face bright red with shame. Jean couldn’t read his expression in the second that she looked at him, but his touch told her what she needed to know. 
He was absolutely delighted. 
“Jerk,” she murmured weakly, no real bite to her words. “You planned this.”
He chuckled softly and placed his hand under her chin, bringing her gaze up to meet his.
“Stating the obvious today, are we?” Kaeya teased gently, his gaze soft. “I wanted to have a little fun, but I know how hard it is for you to truly get into this mindset when you know exactly what to expect ahead of time.” 
Jean shivered a little from the chill of the puddle slowly cooling around her, and she immediately felt Kaeya’s hands pulling her to her feet and working to unbutton and remove her pants. She relaxed into his touch with a quiet sigh. With the tension slowly easing from her body, all she could think was how tired she was. 
“Was it too much?” he asked after a few moments of silence. “I know we’ve done similar things before, but-”
“No, it was good,” Jean said quickly, not giving him a moment to doubt himself. Even if she was exhausted, thoroughly humiliated, made a complete fool out of… she had loved every moment of it. “Can we just… get this cleaned up and enjoy ourselves tonight?”
Kaeya smiled softly and wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Enjoy ourselves, you say?” 
Jean let out a quiet snort. “I did leave work early today because of this, after all. We might as well make it a night to remember, hm?” 
“Oh, trust me, I’ll already be remembering this one for a long time,” Kaeya replied teasingly, causing Jean to flush bright red. “And something tells me you won’t be forgetting it any time soon either.”
He was right, of course. Jean quietly hoped that the toilets would be “broken” again in the near future. 
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ao3feed-zukka · 4 years
head in the clouds (but my gravity's centered)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iQYCvS
by cj_thedepressedgay
Sokka has always wanted to be seen as a trustworthy person. 
He wanted his friends and family to go to him when they had a problem that needed solving, or when they had a secret to tell. He wanted teachers to trust him with handing out papers in elementary school, and with taking a worksheet to the office. As he got older, his curiosity blossomed and he started asking questions. 
The questions, and the trustworthiness, maybe that’s why so many people came out to him.
Honestly, he just couldn’t catch a break.
or: five times someone comes out to Sokka, and one time that he comes out to them.
Words: 3389, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Bato (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Suki (Avatar)
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Bato/Hakoda (Avatar), Sokka/Suki (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Sokka (Avatar)-centric, Bisexual Sokka (Avatar), a wee bit of, Internalized Homophobia, Gay Zuko (Avatar), Gay Bato (Avatar), Bisexual Hakoda (Avatar), Bisexual Suki (Avatar), Pansexual Aang (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar) Needs a Hug, Zuko (Avatar) Needs a Hug, listen yall, sokka is a good friend and an even better boyfriend, bato is uncle bato in this household, paw patrol rights, Fluff, Angst, Coming Out, figuring out your sexuality is a STRUGLE, okay?, i thought i was bi for two years before i realised that i was a lesbian, it's hard yall, 5+1 Things
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iQYCvS
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ao3feed-daredevil · 5 years
what do tapeworms sound like?
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2VpbX7T
by GayKravitz
Matt had a problem.
alt title: peter parker should never be given prescription pain medication
Words: 3389, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Daredevil (TV), Venom (Movie 2018), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Deadpool - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Eddie Brock, Venom Symbiote (Marvel), Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Last two are very lightly there
Relationships: Eddie Brock & Venom Symbiote, Matt Murdock & Peter Parker & Wade Wilson
Additional Tags: meetings, Actual child matt murdock, Team Red, Matt Doesn’t Whine, Humor, light and fluffy
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2VpbX7T
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 6 years
There You Were
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2G8vDWu
by youngandbitchy
Mantis and you work through your problems and feelings.
Words: 3389, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Mantis (Marvel), Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Gamora (Marvel), Avengers Team (MCU), Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Your OC
Relationships: Mantis (Marvel) & Reader, Mantis (Marvel)/Reader
Additional Tags: Minor Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Parent Tony Stark, Self-Insert, Reader-Insert, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Light Angst, Fluff and Humor, Fluff and Angst, Post-Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, LGBTQ Character, Originally Posted on Tumblr, Tumblr: young-and-bitchy, Avengers Compound, Avengers Tower, Romantic Fluff, Romance, Eventual Romance, Romantic Comedy, Romantic Friendship, Based on a Tumblr Post
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2G8vDWu
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