#fandom whites are wild
wouldgaysexfixthem · 3 months
would gay sex fix them?
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colombinna · 7 days
K is actually much more autistic coded than Evan but you guys are too racist to have that conversation
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ellzilla · 29 days
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I have gone through an arc where I thought Fatalis was a dumb stupid idiot generic dragon, however, through learning his lore and seeing how fucked up he is for monster hunter standards... He silly :3 I was gonna paint him but eh Commissions
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astral-schools · 10 months
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or am I indelibly stained by what I have done?
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It makes me genuinely very sad as a POC to see people talk about how Ed is becoming so violent and irredeemable.
We see Ed retaliate to people being racist towards him and trying to dehumanize him by telling him to fit into a caricature he hates. Characters like Izzy and the French captain double down on the racism, don't listen to him telling them to stop, mock him, insist they know more about him than he does. Ed NEVER starts this shit.
So why is Ed the violent one when he pushes back? Why are we arguing about him becoming "abusive" when he's responding to someone abusing him?
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repmet · 7 days
Ngl, despite my apprehension (i.e. I'm old and cynical), I'm interested to see what they do with the Red, White & Royal Blue sequel partly since I know in the book bonus chapter, Henry gives up his title - I haven't actually read it so idk if he's actually described as 'abdicating' or fandom just decided to use that term (which is not exactly correct).
But the book lacks a lot of accuracy around the British Royal family where as the movie put in a bit more effort (e.g. Henry's Mum being Duchess of Edinburgh not Princess of Wales) and since in the United Kingdom, Henry can't step out of the line of succession without an Act of Parliament which isn't an insignificant thing, I wonder if the movie will focus on that or if it will gloss over it or just go in a brand new direction entirely for a new audience who aren't familiar with the book.
Personally, I hope for the latter partially because the parallels to certain real life royals would get distracting but mostly because I'd love to see Henry use the position he once felt suffocated by to advocate for and empower others.
Though being honest, I'm mostly just hoping they don't fall into the romance sequel trope of breaking them up to get them back together again.
To be clear though, in real life I think the entire monarchy should be abolished - but in this gay little movie world I have other thoughts :)
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lxvvie · 4 months
in regards to ur last post ur so valid omg. i keep seeing cod authors mention reader’s pussy being pink but as a latina i do not have a pink pussy??? like??? it’s a pet peeve of mine and it greatly discourages BIPOC readers from reading fics. i’ve stopped halfway through some really good smut bc reader is alluded to be white/fair skin toned :/
to think that cod characters will only date a certain race/color is absurd. especially when they think it’ll only be white. maybe i’m being selfish bc i know most authors write for themselves and/or are self indulgent but i want to be included as well :(
sorry for this rant. you don’t have to post this if you don’t want to. i just figured you’d understand where i’m (and many many other BIPOC readers) are coming from
much love <3
I have seen this play out across multiple fandoms. I totally feel where you're coming from, nonnie.
I've also come to a place of general acceptance with fanfic writers writing for themselves, with themselves and similar people in mind, based on their experiences, etc. I don't carry that expectation like I used to when I was younger because their lived experiences aren't mine and vice versa. Trust me, it took some time to get here, and that's the primary reason why I do my best to make sure my writing is as inclusive as possible, not just for black and other readers of color, but for anyone who comes across it.
Now I can read, enjoy fics for what they are, and keep it moving.
I do have issues, however, with people in fandoms who go out of their way to harass writers/readers of color on some, "[insert fave here] would never be with a POC reader," or "what makes you think [character] would be with [reader from a specific group]?" bullshit.
I'll use CoD as an example since you mentioned it, nonnie. ❤️
You mean to tell me that the likes of Price, Soap, and Ghost, who've traveled the world, worked with a diverse array of people, and been exposed to different cultures, couldn't possibly be paired with a reader of a different race, nationality, and/or ethnicity?
...But the likes of Gaz, Alejandro, Rudy, Farah, Horangi, Valeria, etc. are hot as fuck, down bad for you, and want to rearrange your guts yesterday?
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Make that shit make sense.
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the-bitter-ocean · 4 months
I apologize to all of my followers who initially followed me for Aurora content (I still like the comic it’s very cool) I just have no desire to draw for it bc of recent stuff + ISAT is my main focus atm lol!
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you fandom people are always obsessing over your yin-yang, sun and moon, dark-hair-light-hair ships, so give me the bloody fanfiction with all of pairs being reincarnated into their “next form” (aka next fandom) and finding each other over and over again despite all of the obstacles keeping them apart.
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ourtubahero-blog · 1 year
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Being this beautiful should be illegal.
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the-everqueen · 7 months
swan thought i have permission to paraphrase/post: dreamling as a ship posits that the only thing that eludes hob, the embodiment of britishness and all that entails, who has an unquenchable hunger for life and all the time in the world to claim it (an empire the sun can never set on, because it cannot/will not die), is the heart of his stranger - the personification of the collective subconscious. empire can devour the world but it can never colonize the dreams of every person! except that the larger fandom's insistence on him as the universal human implies what if it could. and this is not explored as or considered to be a horror.
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chryblossomjjk · 9 months
something that really annoys me is when antis make fun of joonie when he words things in english a certain way. like this man is self taught. he learned an entire language by himself, and has been translating for the whole group since debut; even when translators are present bc it's become expected of him. like one thing we're not going to do is downplay his intelligence because his sentence structure in a self taught second language was a little off in a casual live. western kpop stans keep showing their asses n its wild.
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spiri-a · 2 months
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Though also can I just say I’m so proud that we have one of the few non-binary ships on both this list and the top ships of all times list????????? Like I mentioned this before but one of my favorite things about the GO fandom is how free and absolutely whatever the fuck and purely utterly tolerant this fandom is about gender???? Like I love these guys???????
(Gushy rant about the GO fandom’s beautiful relationship with gender and expression down below oops I just started and couldn’t stop??)
Like I’m not ashamed (though maybe a little a lot embarrassed) to admit that this fandom was probably most definitely my non-binary awakening because it was just so strange and refreshing and completely new for me to learn this brand new little talked about side of how other people experience gender, and how they channel those experiences into Crowley and Aziraphale in their fanfiction and fanart and headcanons??? It was to a degree that I had NEVER EVER felt before and it shocked me?? Then I found myself weirdly SUPER relating to the descriptions of genderlessness and the pure careless neutral feeling about gender that I saw people talking and writing about???
And then, well, um, I MAY have accidentally discovered my gender identity from Aziraphale headcanons??????? Oops??????????
And Ive heard of plenty of other people who saw their own gender expressions reflected in Crowley or Beelzebub or Muriel!!!! ITS CRAZY!!! I’ve been in fandoms for years and years, but this is the first time characters have felt so freeing and moldable to however the fandom wants to love them and so so easy to love because we see parts of ourselves in them and parts we aspire to be and parts we hate but can’t help see the reasoning behind and it just makes everything feel so…..close???? Like these characters were made to be the furthest from basic stock characters they could, and they were made with a little extra room left over in them for the fandom to take and fill and make their own?????
I don’t even know where I’m going with this but I guess my point is: Dear Good Omens fandom, I FREAKING LOVE YOU??????? The pure and open freedom you allow people to express themselves and mold this story and these characters into a million different wonderful things is the most awe inspiring thing, and I never thought such a massive fandom would feel so welcoming and tolerant and flexible and fluid and expressive and diverse and AGGGHGAHAHGHH EVERYTHING I GUESS
God I really hope no one reads this cause this is probably the gayest shit I’ve ever written. I just wanted to celebrate but then it turned into a rant of the secret private super duper uber gay reason I love this fandom.
Oh well
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Whenever I think about which fandom I've been in has the best fics, it ends up being this weird split between The Witcher (Netflix) and Transformers? Like... The Witcher had a truly incredible average writing quality; it was significantly higher than pretty much any fandom I've been in before or since (at least during the time period I was doing the most and the widest reading, it might have changed in the times/parts of the fandom I wasn't there for), there are so many incredibly well-written fics, but at the same time, they were all... kind of the same? There are a lot of very technically-well-executed watch-Geralt-and-Jaskier-fall-in-love fics with excellent prose and characterization, and a lot of very good "fairytale" kind of fics, and a lot of very good modern AUs, but they were all pretty standard for fantasy and romance and, well, white TV slash fandom. And meanwhile Transformers was, like... it did not have a high average fic quality, there was a lot of... let's call it very beginner writing in that fandom, but the fics that were good were so insanely good and thoughtful and complex? There was barely any standard-slash-fandom-fic, it was all, like, about the aftermath of war and the politics of revolution and how you rebuild after that, and so many of them have stuck with me in a way that almost no other fics ever have...
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Different random thought that idk if I've shared before:
The boys have one of those double sided white boards and they use that shit for literally everything. Bringing up ideas, rdebriefing, planning things, chore lists, drama debriefs, they get their money's worth to the point that the Saturdays dub white board as the 5th roommate
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jyndor · 8 months
liberals will happily support liberation on tv or in a book. but they'll never support it when it's knocking on their doors.
how many more tens of thousands of palestinians have to be murdered before you care more about them their idk a fucking tv show. or a burger. or a politician.
like meanwhile the world is never going to be the same. how can it just go on for you like nothing's happening?????????
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