#fandom: DARLING STAND BY ME! | ffxv
heartlessfujoshi · 2 years
inseperable - a promnis one shot
Title: Inseperable Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Promnis (Ignis Scientia x Prompto Argentum) Rating: Teen (Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault - Angst and Feels - Angst and Hurt/Comfort - Angst with a happy ending) Word Count: ~2,425 Summary: Ignis receives a phone call from Prompto, who has been hurt.
A/N: I decided to write some stuff I generally steer away from. I promise it has a happy ending, because I needed it to have one lol. Please heed the warnings - if this isn’t something for you, thanks for stopping by. :) 
Special shoutout to my dear friend @lavendartwine, who I know loves the angsty stuff. :)
Holding his phone up to his ear, Ignis sets his feet on the ground, going on high alert as he can hear that something is very wrong. “Prompto?” He replies, not used to hearing from the Prince’s best friend like this. He’d given him his phone number when he and Noctis began to hang out more, figuring that if something should happen, at least Prompto would have a way to get a hold of him. “Prompto - what’s wrong?” He tries to ignore the panic that begins to flare up inside of his chest, his hand gripping onto the phone with a little bit more strength than probably necessary.
“I’m really sorry to call you, but I don’t know what to do.” Prompto cries softly, Ignis standing up from his couch as he goes over to his door and begins to put on his shoes. “I need help.”
He takes a few deep breaths while Prompto is speaking, getting his shoes on properly. “Tell me where you are. I’m coming to get you.”
“I’m…I don’t know where I am, Iggy. It’s dark. I’m in a park? I think? I don’t know.”
Ignis is somewhat thankful to be in the position he’s in, as he has access to certain things that most normal civilians would not. “It’s all right, Prompto. I’ll find you, okay? Do you need medical help?”
He bites his lip as he grabs his jacket, then picks up his keys and heads down to where his car is parked underneath his apartment building. “Do you need it right at this moment, or can you hang on until I get there?” Thankful that he keeps a bag of curatives in his trunk, he puts his phone down and allows his speakers to take over, allowing him to drive with his hands. “Prompto - are you still there?”
“I’m here.” Ignis doesn’t like the way that Prompto sounds. “Please, hurry. I’m trying to stay awake, but it’s hard. I just want to sleep. I want this pain to end.”
“It’s okay, Prompto. Stay with me. Tell me about your day.” He turns on the location for where Prompto’s phone is - he has a locator for the Prince, Prompto and Gladio for these specific reasons. If anything were to ever happen to any of them, he’s made it much easier to track them. “Did you have a good day at school today?”
“Yes, Iggy.” Prompto sighs. “School was fine. After school - not so great.”
He sees the location of where Prompto is, and thanks the Six that it’s not that far from where he is. “Keep talking, darling.” He knows that they’re not very close, but Prompto trusts him enough to contact him in an emergency situation, so he wants to make him feel as much at ease as he can. “I’ll be there soon. Less than five minutes.”
“That’s not so long.” A long sigh comes through his speakers. “I’m sorry for when you see me.”
“I don’t know what you mean.” Ignis tries to keep him talking, wants to make sure that he doesn’t lose connection to him. “I bet you look marvelous.”
A sound comes through his speakers, not quite a laugh and not quite a sob. It’s a combination of both, and it breaks his heart. “Oh, I don’t know about that. But thank you, Iggy. You’re always so kind to me. Why? Why are you always so nice to me?”
“Because the Prince cares about you very much.” He speaks without thinking, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter as he’s forced to come to a stop, the light turning red. He’s less than a block away from where Prompto should be, and all he wants to do is get there.
“Only because of Noct, huh? That figures.”
He pushes on the gas pedal, the light finally changing to green. “Prompto, you know that isn’t the only case. You are a very nice person, and I know that the Prince is looking forward to when you join his Crownsguard. Which means you and I will be spending a lot more time together.”
“I hope so. I’m really looking forward to joining the Crownsguard. But I’m pretty sure no one is going to care about me. No one ever does.”
Parking in a lot, he sees the park that Prompto is in, and quickly grabs his bag of curatives from the trunk and follows the tracker, putting his phone onto speaker as he looks around for Prompto. “Nonsense. Plenty of people care about you.”
“Iggy!” He hears Prompto’s cry from both the phone, and in the area. He turns round a corner, and sees Prompto is in a grove of trees - hidden from the public’s eye. Ignis comes to a sudden stop as he looks at him, his heart crumbling into pieces at what he finds.
Prompto’s shirt is torn, his pants are ripped. His face is a verifiable mess. There’s blood on his chest and on his neck, there’s dried blood on his face, and what looks to be seminal fluid on his stomach. Ignis rushes forward and drops to the ground. “Hi, darling.” He greets him with a sad smile on his face. “Looks like you’ve had a pretty bad afternoon.”
He listens to Prompto begin to cry, and takes an elixir out of his bag. Holding it above him, he breaks the vial and watches as it begins to cover his body with a green haze. It won’t completely heal him, but it will be enough that any pain he’s currently feeling should abate. “Iggy, I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize about.” He grabs his handkerchief from his pocket, and takes care to wipe the seminal fluid off of him, wanting to get rid of that as quickly as possible. “Tell me what happened. Do you know who did this to you?”
Grabbing some antibacterial wipes from his bag, he begins to work on cleaning up Prompto’s face, now cradling him in his lap as he works. He wipes at some of the lacerations on his face, hating that he’s causing Prompto to wince but he needs to make sure the wounds are clean. “No. I was walking home, and then had to go to the bathroom. Next thing I know, I’m being shoved up against the wall, and….and…”
“It’s all right, Prompto.” Prompto begins to cry, unable to get the words out. “Are you in pain down there?” He asks, afraid of hearing the answer that he already knows is coming.
“I hurt everywhere, Iggy.”
“Did they….did they rape you?” He asks, trying to remain calm, as a sick feeling begins to emerge in his stomach. Prompto bursts into a fresh set of tears, telling Ignis that the answer he expected is correct. “Do you think you can stand?”
“I don’t know.”
He gets his bag of curatives situated, puts it over his shoulder, and then leans down and picks up Prompto as gently as he can. It’s not gentle enough, as Prompto whines and moans in pain as he shifts him in his arms. He apologizes over and over, hating that he’s causing Prompto to experience more pain. He carries him to his car, and lays him down gently on the backseat.
“I’m going to make you go to sleep now, Prompto. When you wake up, we’ll be at the hospital.”
“I’m scared, Iggy.” Prompto reaches for his hand, and he freely gives it to him. “Please, don’t make anything bad happen.”
“I won’t, darling.” He gives his hand a squeeze, then grabs a sleeping draught from his bag and holds it up to his lips. “Drink this.” Prompto swallows, and then he watches as the potion has its desired effect - Prompto falls fast asleep.
He puts his bag back into the trunk, then heads to the King’s hospital. It’s the place where all the Glaives go, as well as Gladio, Noctis and himself. It’s where Prompto will get the best care. He carries him into the emergency room, and is helped immediately - the staff know to treat anyone in the Crownsguard without any preamble. He follows behind, having every intention of being there when Prompto wakes up.
Thankfully, Prompto remains unconscious as the doctor and nurses do a thorough examination of his body. Ignis informs them that he’d been raped, and they made sure to treat any trauma on all parts of his body. The doctor pulls him aside after the examination. “We’d like to keep him here overnight.”
“I will stay with him.” Ignis has no intention of leaving him alone. “And, doctor - please keep this confidential.” He has a feeling that Prompto isn’t going to want anyone to know about this.
The doctor nods. “As you wish, Mr. Scientia. And please give the King my regards.” He leaves the room, allowing Ignis to pull the chair that’s over to the side to be next to the bed.
“I-Iggy?” Prompto’s voice rouses him from a light sleep a little later. “W-What’s going on?”
He lifts his head, and reaches for Prompto’s hand. His right hand has an IV hooked up to it, along with a small bag of pain medicine. “Hello, darling. You’re in the hospital. I’m afraid you’ll have to stay here tonight, and school will be off the agenda tomorrow.”
“No.” A frown appears on Prompto’s face. “I can’t miss school, Iggy.”
“Prompto, you must allow your body to heal. You’ve been through a very traumatic event.”
He holds onto his hand as Prompto sniffles. “You…You won’t tell Noct, will you?”
“It shall remain our secret.” He lifts Prompto’s hand, and seals the deal with a kiss that he places against the back of his hand.
Prompto closes his eyes, and he can see two tears rolling down his cheeks. “I’m really sorry this happened.”
“Darling, you had nothing to do with this. Some sick fuck decided that you were going to be their target for the day.”
“You swore.” Prompto gasps softly.
A smirk appears on his lips as he lays Prompto’s hand down on the bed, but never lets go. “I do swear on occasion, Prompto.” He teases, happy to see his spirits being elevated somewhat. Turning serious, he looks into his eyes. “Do not think that you’re weak, or anything of the sort. This could have happened to anyone - it could have happened to me.”
“You would have fought back. I didn’t.” Prompto’s lip quivers. “I should have. I’m so stupid.”
He stands up, and carefully puts his arms around his body. “Stop.” He commands him, and hears him sniffle. “You did everything you were supposed to do. It was just an unlucky afternoon.”
“W-What if it happens again?”
“We will train you, and teach you ways on how to defend yourself.”
Prompto’s arm comes up, and returns the hug he’s continuing to give him. “Thank you, Iggy. I really don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I’m very honored that you trust me enough that you thought to call me first.” He pulls away, and sits back down, grabbing onto Prompto’s hand. “I know that must have been difficult for you.”
“You were my first thought.” Prompto leans back on his pillow and sighs. “Thank you for coming to my rescue, Iggy. I don’t deserve your friendship.”
“Yes, you do.” He gives his hand a squeeze. “Go ahead and rest now. And before you ask, I will be spending the night here with you. And your hospital bills will be covered by the Royal family.”
Prompto nods his head, as Ignis sees he’s beginning to cry again. Prompto falls asleep only a few minutes later, his hand going lax against Ignis’ hand.
The next day, Prompto is released with a clean bill of health, as well as a dose of antibiotics to help heal his body faster. Ignis drives him home, helping him to walk up to his front door with his arm around him. He knows the trauma to his backside is going to make sitting a bit painful for a bit, but with the proper care it shouldn’t last too long.
Getting him settled on his couch, Ignis looks at him with a smile on his face. “If you need anything, text me. Call me. I will do my best to reply right away.”
“Thank you, Iggy.” Prompto smiles, then winces as he shifts on the couch. “Man, is it going to hurt like this all the time?”
He smirks, then shakes his head. “Not with the proper care. It isn’t supposed to hurt, Prompto. That’s why what happened to you was sexual assault, not feel good sex.”
“I hope you’re right, Iggy. Because if this is what I have to look forward to, I’m really screwed.��
Ignis laughs, then gives Prompto a quick hug before heading to the front door. “Remember - you can call me anytime, Prompto. And, your secret is safe with me.”
“I know, Iggy. Thank you. Now go - I’m going to watch trash tv until I pass out.” Prompto picks up the remote, and turns on the television.
He smiles, then heads out of his place, knowing that Prompto will be fine.
“Wow.” Prompto flops down onto his chest, panting hard as they’d both made love for the very first time. “That was amazing, Iggy.”
He reaches down, and gently pulls Prompto up towards him, kissing him softly on the lips. “This is how it’s always meant to be, Prompto.”
It had been two years since that eventful afternoon had happened, and the two of them had remained very close following the events. And as one seems to do, Ignis found himself falling in love with Prompto, as he spent more and more time with him. Then, they decided to see how things would be if they changed their friendship to be one that’s more of a relationship, as they both felt a strong bond with one another. And now, here they are, basking in the glow of their first time making love together.
“I think I’d like to do that again.” Prompto kisses him again on the lips, then lays his head back down on his chest. “After a nap.”
Ignis chuckles softly, cradling the back of Prompto’s head with his hand. “Anything you want, darling. I’m happy to make you happy.”
“You make me very happy, Iggy. Do I make you happy?”
“You do, indeed.” He smiles.
Trauma may have brought the two of them together, but true love has kept them inseparable.
Cross-posted to AO3
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escapekissed · 4 years
there’s a certain. way. the final fantasy series portrays women. as sort of breathless, flightless birds, hands always clasped in prayer or behind their back as they arch and tease and commit to some bit that i as a non-binary lesbian written by myself for the benefit of women and not an out-of-touch video game man, cannot hope to understand.
with aerith, i tend to try to bridge the gaps. aerith is kind---but i rely more on her humor than anything. it’s a coping mechanism i understand. i say that she’s stronger than the game does---i say she cares a little less about femininity and a little more about cloud and tifa than the game lets on.
but with lunafreya... i’m aiming for a Heroine Gothic. taking ffxv to its more realistic, logical extreme with the very little we are shown of her.
luna is a woman that exists for men&god. she exists to pray, to motivate, to be consumed by the love of her people and noctis. her destiny is to die, and she knows this, and by all accounts, god & her people think that she should feel honored to be placed on such a pedestal to get to fall so low beneath them.
aerith’s affectation is saracastic and witty and quick, her voice is deep and smooth, but it drags, and it rolls, she drawls like a the kind of woman that says she’s ‘sweating like a sinner in church’ and like she’d love to commit any number of sins right now with u here.
lunafreya’s, in comparison, is blank. she sounds robotic, even as she smiles at u, and her eyes are dull and faded from restless nights, always spent praying, waking up and praying more, talking to god, pleading to god, healing the sick & taking on their sickness just as ardyn once did. she can speak in multiple languages, she can read and write and translate alll of them, but she seems to come with stock phrases, phrases that she thinks will make u happy, a script she follows to the letter, and when you do not respond the way she thinks you will, she repeats the script, changes a word here and there so that it will help you deal with your pain a little easier. if she could say nothing, simply smile and make you go away happy. she would do it.
lunafreya is a woman that has stared into the abyss, and the abyss has taken her for its own, claimed her body and soul. she does not speak to god anymore---she speaks to god’s despair under his patriarchal rule, and she falls deeper into the monarchy’s control everyday as nifhelm (and ardyn) grow more powerful.
she has no hope except to love & die, as most final fantasy women do. luckily i plan for luna to have a more yuna-esuqe ending than ffxv grants her, where she is literally saved by a divine goddess’s love as a representation of her feminine spirit to fight and be a holy woman in and within herself and not just a vehicle for a man’s reign---but at the beginning of the game. 
luna would do anything for god, and for the man she ‘loves’ to die alongside her ‘for the peace and prosperity of the world’, including hurting her own family, toppling empires, taking on the very plague itself. and she does do it. anytime she gets a chance to fight, she does it, and it’s very scary when she does get to fight. that blankness takes a form of pure, angelic light.
and that takes her mind to a very derranged and fatal place for a very long time.
i just think final fantasy heroines should be a bit unhinged. that’s all!
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randomfandomimagine · 6 years
You’re Injured (Final Fantasy XV Scenario)
Requested by anon:
FFXV scenario, the reader gets really hurt but fights agaisnt any help that people try to give them until they pass out
A/N: This is my first writing for FFXV after the hiatus and I want to take it slow to get back to writing for the fandom. So if you do send more requests for it, I might not be inspired for them or get overwhelmed, but I’m open to slowly get back to it. Also, sorry this took so long to post and it might not be as good.
You gasped as you clutched your injury, trying to hide it from the group even though you were clearly hurt and bleeding a lot. Ignis was smarter than this, however, and very observant, enough to realize what was going on before any of the others did.
Walking a little faster to catch up with you after the battle, he took you by the arm and spoke lowly not to alarm the others.
“Y/N, you are hurt” Ignis said sternly, knowing enough about you to foresee that you would brush it off.
“I’m okay” You just said, even if clenching your jaw not to complain about the pain.
Your friend let out a soft sigh and adjusted his glasses, then briefly looking over his shoulder to the rest of the group. Noctis, Prompto and Gladio were completely oblivious to the situation, so Ignis gathered his full attention back on you.
Trying to convince you, he gingerly rested a hand on your back and spoke closely to your ear so only you could hear.
“Come, we will patch you up and then you can get some rest” His voice was soft and gentle even if there was a hint of impatience on it.
“I said I’m okay, Ignis” You replied nonetheless, walking faster to try and avoid him.
“This is absurd, Y/N” Ignis easily caught up to you. “Quit your puerile attitude and allow me to help you”
You dangerously stumbled, but he was fast enough to hold you up by the arm. After you regained your balance, he still didn’t let go of you.
“It’s not puerile, Ignis” You were gasping for breath and your vision had started becoming blurry, but you tried to hide it all. “I said I’m fine, it’s just a scratch”
“You are bleeding profusely” He disagreed, sternly focusing his green eyes on you.
“Ignis…” You complained, but he adamantly shook his head.
“While it causes me great displeasure to disagree with you, I must protect you even against your wishes” The man said, allowing you to weakly lean over him as your strengths failed you. “No matter how stubborn you might be about it, darling”
Before you could say anything else, Ignis looked over his shoulder to your friends. Despite his authoritarian stance, you noticed his hands were shaking as he held you up with both of them.
“Noct!” Ignis called out. “Quickly, bring the car!”
“What’s wrong?” Gladio’s deep voice asked while you heard Noctis warping away without questioning it.
“Y/N is severely hurt” Ignis’ voice also sounded slightly hoarse as his hands nervously changed their grip from your upper arm to your waist, also using his arms to better support you. “We must make haste and treat the wound”
“I have a potion!” Prompto quickly pointed out, and you heard his feet stomping on the ground as he approached you.
However, and before the potion could be administered to you, you felt how your knees buckled and you completely collapsed over Ignis’ torso as the world turned to black.
You felt relieved as you finally made it to Hammerhead, where you could sit down and rest. No more endless walking and no more standing under the hot noon sun. Nonetheless, you were still exhausted and in pain, but you had managed to cover your wound and conceal it from your friends so far. Or at least almost all of them.
As you feebly leaned on a wall, you watched Prompto approaching you. That sweet boy had been keeping an eye on you ever since you left the battlefield. The other three had, of course, noticed something strange as well, but they believed you when you brushed it off saying you were just tired. Prompto, however, didn’t quite buy it.
“Hey, Y/N, um…” He bashfully piped up as you tried your hardest to appear normal. “Are you okay? You’re not looking so good, you’re all sweaty and everything. And you’re awfully quiet…”
“I’m fine, Prompto” You managed a weak smile, even if his frown never softened.
“You sure? Want me to call Iggy or something?”
“I’m sure. Don’t tell them, okay? I’m just tired, I’ll be fine as soon as I rest a little later”
Prompto nibbled on his bottom lip, his blue eyes settled over your side. Just then you noticed you were clutching it there where your wound was, but you didn’t want to uncover it in case he saw the blood. Instead, you softened the strength on your grip.
“Are you okay, for reals?” You had never heard him so serious, his usually upbeat voice sounded low and soft. “You look so pale…”
“I’m okay, for real” You tried not to move too much, scared that a bad movement gave you away.
Prompto didn’t seem too convinced, but he left anyway. You let out a sigh as soon as he walked away, wishing they cut the visit to Hammerhead short and you could sit back on the Regalia and rest. You would cover up your wound as soon as you found an outpost, you had already used a potion to buy yourself some time.
Your plans were trumped, however, when you noticed Prompto tugging at Iggy’s arm. He was telling him, and Ignis was now hurrying over to you.
“Damn it, Prompto…” You whispered to yourself, feeling betrayed.
Leaning away from the walk, you took a few steps closer to them. Words were already forming in your head, trying to find excuses as to why Prompto was so worried. 
You wobbled when you lost your source of support, and the two hurried to your side. Ignis wasn’t fast enough, but Prompto arrived just in time to hold you up as you drifted into unconscisouness.  
You gasped as you weakly plopped down in the car, in your seat next to Noctis. You had managed to hide your injury from the guys that long, but you didn’t know how long you could keep up the act for anymore. You were exhausted, your vision was blurry and your wound hurt like hell.
“Y/N?” Noctis whispered, staring at you intently, noticing something was off.
Before you could reply, you cleared your throat to avoid your voice sounding hoarse. Then you looked up at him with the best and most convincing smile you could put together.
“Yeah” You held his glance, no matter how hard it was to focus on his blue eyes.
“You okay?” There was concern in his voice, but you tried to brush it off.
“Sure, just tired” You carelessly waved a hand in the air and closed your eyes, pretending to sleep when in reality you just wanted to stop the world from spinning around you.
Now that the Regalia was moving again, the constant movement of the car was making you queasy and with every bump in the road you could feel the wound in your side scream out with a pang of pain.
You opened your eyes just enough to take a look around you. Ignis was focused on the road, Prompto was absently looking at the landscape to the right and Gladio was immersed in his book. At least the boys hadn’t noticed, and you hoped Noctis believed your excuse.
With a huge bump, you bounced in the seat due to the inertia and couldn’t suppress a groan, feeling how your wound bothered you even more.
“Iggy…” You complained, closing your eyes again as you leaned over the side of the car.
“My apologies” He muttered, thinking you were just annoyed.
You didn’t know what to do, but you needed to do something. Not only were you sweaty, weak, dizzy, queasy and in pain. You were also very uncomfortable and quite delirious.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Came Noctis’ voice again, just as you somehow got comfortable.
“Yeah, why?” You mumbled in an instinct, not bothering to open your eyes.
“You never put your head on my shoulder” With his words you realized that was the reason why you were feeling a little bit more comfortable now.
“Mmm…” You just groaned, not feeling strong enough to move. Everything was horrible, and at least Noct’s warmth and softness brought you some comfort.
“Uh… Iggy?” He spoke up, sounding a little nervous and insecure.
“Yes, Noct?”
“I think Y/N is sick…”
“Oh my god, she’s bleeding!”
Prompto’s loud voice made you wince but you still didn’t move. You felt the car come to a halt but refused to leave the comfort of Noctis’ support. He clumsily put your hair aside to take a look at your face.
“You’re burning up!” He exclaimed, fidgeting around a little.
“I’m fine” You softly swatted him away.
“I think we should get her somewhere safe”
“But what about the wound?!”
“Prompto, please, don’t speak so loudly, Y/N isn’t feeling well”
“I’m with Gladio, we should get somewhere safe” Noctis carefully grabbed the hem of your shirt, trying to take a look at your side as the blood stained the fabric but you weakly slapped him.
However, as soon as you touched it, you took ahold of his hand. It felt so nice.
“Your hands are cold” You pressed it against your forehead, since his cold skin made your fever a little better.
Part of you wanted to push Noct away again, but your delirious stated made it hard to fight back. Besides, his closeness and your head on his shoulder seemed to be the only thing bringing you some stability and comfort.
Nonetheless, you didn’t want to gather the other’s attention. Just Noctis’, he was the only one you were allowing to slightly freak out, and only because his attention seemed to improve your terrible state.
It was so cozy, and more when he put an arm around you. You could hear ruckus around you and noticed Ignis had stopped the car, but you still didn’t move. You were falling asleep on Noctis’ shoulder, even if your friends asked you to stay awake.   
His amber eyes were settled on you, you felt them burning in your nape as he refused to tear his gaze away from your persona. He knew, no matter how hard you were trying to hide it, he knew. Was it that you were dragging your feet across the ground as you walked? Were you hunching over tiredly? Just then you realized you were clutching your arm, so you casually let go of it and subtly took a look at it to figure out if there was blood sipping through the fabric of your clothes.
“Hey” His raspy voice called out to you. You pretended you didn’t hear him, but he insisted. “Hey, Y/N”
“What?” You asked back, exhausted yet trying not to show it.
“What’s with you?” With Gladio’s question, the other three men looked at you.
“Nothing” You forced a smile to comfort them. “I’m fine, guys”
Ignis, Prompto and Noctis gave you strange looks but didn’t ask, they just continued to walk. Gladio wasn’t as satisfied, though.
“Lemme guess, you got hurt”
“And you’re trying to cover it up not to make a fuss out of it”
“I said I’m fine, Gladio”
“You’re not fine, stop being so stubborn”
“Look who’s talking” You knew you were pigheaded, but Gladio was a tough competitor himself.
You suddenly yelped when he held you by the arm, causing a wave of pain to spread through your arm and up your shoulder. Gladio immediately let go of you, so fast that it seemed like he was the one to feel the pain instead of you.
Luckily, the other three were immersed in a lively chatter and were too far away now to hear anything. But Gladio’s concern only worsened at your reaction.
“Lemme see” He crossed his arms, bearing an expression that admitted no arguments.
Honestly, you were too tired to argue anymore. You felt your energy was being drained due to the blood loss. Not that it was a serious injury, but during your last encounter you had gotten hurt by a sabertusk and its horn made a deep cut in your arm that was now gushing blood.
You just gave him your arm, allowing him to roll up your sleeve and do all the work himself. You just felt like collapsing on the ground and falling asleep, you were so tired.
You winced as Gladio gingerly revealed your wound and let out a shaky sigh. Instead of taking you by the arm, he put an arm around your waist instead not to hurt you.
“That’s it, we’re going back to camp” If he was usually stronger than you, now that he was so determined and you so weak, there was no stopping him as he took you with him.
“No! I said I’m fine!” You refused to let the party stop everything just to take care of such a tiny inconvenience.
“If you don’t let me take care of you, I’m gonna have to tell the others” There was a bit of smugness in his voice, even if it was mostly laced with concern still.
“You wouldn’t dare” You closed your eyes, feeling how every bit of energy left in you was leaving your body and Gladio’s arm almost supported you entirely.
“Iggy!” Gladio exclaimed, gathering the group’s attention. You didn’t complain, feeling too faint to even open your eyes. “Y/N got hurt!”
“What?!” The three of them muttered exclamations of their own as you heard them rushing to your side.
“You traitor” You managed to let out as the very last of your energies left you.
“No need to thank me, gorgeous” Gladio said as he effortlessly picked you up in his arms.
You began to drift into the darkness as you groggily thought that, even if they would all freak out, at least you were safe under Gladio’s supervision.
Tagging: @anonymoiselle, @overpowered-insanity, @xionroxas, @dancewaterdance02, @snowfire71
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stephicness · 7 years
Stephic Writings -- Fanfiction Masterpost
OKAY. I finally got around to reorganizing my masterlist of things, and now I decided to be a dummy and compile them VIA what I wrote (fics, headcanons, theories, etc). So here’s my current masterlist! C: Have a browse whenever you like! I’ll also link this onto my main blog page too. Just in case~
Corrupt (S/O, NSFW) -- Horror, Romance
Rage Mode (S/O, Language Warning) -- Dramedy, Romance
Unrequited -- Drama, Romance Sensuality (S/O, NSFW) -- Romance Little Wonders -- Drama, Angst Time for a Diet! -- Comedy, Headcanon
Restless Nights (S/O) -- Romance Pint-Sized (S/O) -- Comedy, Romance Rainy Days (S/O) -- Romance Secret (S/O) -- Dramedy, Romance
...Seriously? (S/O) -- Comedy, Romance
If I Talked To God -- Drama, Angst
Shades of Pink -- Drama, Romance, Angst The Bringer of Bad News (S/O) -- Comedy, Romance The Gala (S/O) -- Comedy, Romance Peace Among the Chaos -- Romance A Date Of Fate You Can Relate... To -- Comedy, Romance Confidence Booster (S/O) -- Dramedy, Romance Ecstasy (OC, NSFW) -- Romance, Smut
PROTOCOL (Ravus x Reader Fic) -- Dramedy, Romance, Android AU
Chapter 1 -- By Another Other Name Chapter 2 -- Apology Requested
Disposable (Character Death Warning)-- Drama, Angst
Leave A Message -- Comedy Sexy Sax Ardyn -- Comedy Racket Power -- Comedy
A Response -- Comedy
The King of Mercy -- Action, Drama A Queen in the Shadows -- Drama
Child’s Play -- Comedy, Drama Tickle-Me-Pink -- Comedy, Drama A Shadow Lingers -- Comedy, Drama, Horror With Care -- Comedy, Drama, Angst
Fatherly Advice -- Comedy Dressed to Impress -- Comedy, Romance
Wedding Woes -- Comedy
The Morning After -- Romance
Sugar-Coated (NSFW) -- Romance, Almost Smut
Fallen -- Drama, Romance Flowers -- Comedy, Romance Artistry (NSFW) -- Romance, Almost Smut A Last Resort (Semi-NSFW) -- Comedy, Romance Recovery -- Drama, Romance Deceiving -- Comedy Plush -- Comedy, Romance Trust -- Dramedy, Romance Darling -- Comedy Sleepless Nights -- Drama, Romance Blind As A Bat -- Comedy Devour (Body Horror Warning) -- Drama, Horror, Dark Romance Discipline (Semi-NSFW) -- Romance
CORQI (Cor x Loqi)
Dirty Tactics -- Comedy, Romance
Fixation -- Romance Sensory -- Romance Contained (NSFW) -- Comedy, Romance, Smut Together -- Romance Spoiling You Silly -- Romance Locked-On -- Drama, Romance Lingerings (NSFW) -- Romance, Almost Smut Little Luxuries -- Dramedy, Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
How To Adult (Nyx x Ravus x S/O) -- Comedy, Romance Handled With Grace (Ravus x OC, Part I) -- Drama, Romance Handled With Grace (Ravus x OC, Part 2) -- Drama, Romance
PROMDYN (Prompto x Ardyn)
Monsters -- Drama, Horror, Angst Pleading -- Drama
Twenty-Four -- Romance Food for Thought -- Comedy, Romance
Need A Lift? -- Comedy, Romance
Pain (Self-Harm Warning) -- Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Night -- Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort Coffee Break -- Comedy Night Terrors -- Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort Intruder -- Comedy, Romance Lick -- Comedy Stand By Me -- Drama, Romance Greetings -- Drama Nyactis -- Comedy Road Rage -- Comedy
RAVNIS (Ravus x Ignis)
Morning Search -- Comedy Admiring the View -- Comedy, Romance Taste -- Romance The Usual -- Romance Scandalous -- Comedy The Void (Suicide Reference Warnings) -- Drama, Angst The Next Chapter -- Romance
RAVIOLUS (Ravus x Gladio)
Delight -- Comedy, Romance Combatant -- Action, Comedy, Romance Addicted (NSFW) -- Romance, Smut Provocation (NSFW) -- Romance, Smut
RAY OF SUNSHINE (Prompto x Ravus)
GOTCHA! -- Action, Comedy, Romance A Nickname -- Comedy
Where Your Duties May Lie (Lothric x Lorian) -- Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Shattered (Violence/Abuse Warning) -- Angst, Drama, Dark Romance
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alicemoonwonderland · 7 years
A Surprise In The Sock Drawer
Request from @atlerion: Cuz I’m a domestic bastard: Nyx lives with his so, and accidentally finds a ring in the sock drawer.
I talked with her and asked if I could use one of my OCs, and she wonderfully said yes! Need to mix it up from reader inserts from time to time (and smut, I know, shocker). So, here it is a small fluffy drabble. 
Fandom: FFXV 
Pairing: Nyx Ulric x Aeyanna
Rating: SFW
Tagging: @stunninglyignis @themissimmortal @nifwrites @blindbae @nykamito @chocobropuffs @insomniacapples @fieryfantasy @hypaalicious @louisvuittontrashbags
Aeyanna busied herself with cleaning up the living room. Her hair piled up on her hair in a bun, she wore one of Nyx' tank tops and his boxers. Much nicer to wear, and they smelled like him. It helped on the days when Nyx had to be away for a while because of training or missions.
She knew that Nyx carried a ribbon on his wrist of her at all times, just so he had a piece of her when he was out of the house and not next to her. It always made her smile when she saw the purple colour on his wrist. The way he at times touched it with a silly fond look on his face.
By the Astrals, the man had such a hold on her heart that it was getting ridiculous. But she wouldn't change it for the world....well, maybe the man could have less damn socks! Honestly, he had socks in all kinds of colours and motives.
They were cute and many of them warm, but they were a legit pain to organise as she did now. He just tossed them into one of the drawers but how could he ever find a matching pair or any pair he wanted.
Shaking her head amused, she kept taking them out of the drawer so she could match, fold, and put them back into the drawer.
Something stuffed in the back of the drawer drawn her attention. A little black box. Confused, she picked it up and opened. Her hand shot to her mouth as she gasped in shock. A ring. Oh by the Astrals, there was a ring in the box. A beautiful one.
It had a simple silver band with as centre three small oval shaped amethysts. Like a little crown. And in the band, there were little diamonds. Simple. Elegant. Cute. Tears appeared in her eyes as she stared at the ring. It must have cost a fortune, because it wasn't a generic ring. It was unique and one of the kind, which meant it cost quite a few Gil. He did this for her. He wanted to marry her.
"Shit...that wasn't how I wanted to do this." She squeaked and almost dropped the box, swirling around on her heels and saw Nyx standing sheepishly in the door opening - fresh from work.
"I am sorry! I was just cleaning up everything." She brushed her tears away as he stepped towards her. "It is so beautiful."
He made soothing noises and brushed her tears away before taking the little box, sinking down on one knee before her. The situation was almost hilarious; socks everywhere - panties and bras too as those drawers were next -, him still sweaty and grimy from work, she wearing his clothes.
Not the 'traditional' way to propose, but lets be honest, when were they every traditional. Nyx took a deep breath, and she gave him a reassuring look. Already knowing her answer, but she knew he wanted to say some things.
"My sweetest Aeyanna. Ever since I met you in the market of Lestallum, I knew you were the One for me. I just had to convince you to give this silly man from Galadh a chance. And I thank my lucky stars every single day that you gave me that chance. You are my home and hearth."
"I want to grow old with you. I want to explore Lucis, create special memories, have our own special vocabulary. I want to dance with you under the stars, and bring you chocolate when you're sad. I want to grow old with you. See time change our bodies, and maybe when we are ready, have little ones."
"You are my sun and moon. You are my darling. I cannot think of anyone but you to spend my life with, so, will you marry me?"
It was a small speech, cute and sweet. And so Nyx. Aeyanna blinked rapidly as he took out the ring, the look on his face so vulnerable. "Yes! Nyx! A million times yes!" She tackled him to the floor and kissed him hard. His lips curled up against hers as he kissed her back just as hard.
He pulled back after a few minutes and held out her hand. Nyx's fingers trembled a little bit as he took it and pushed the ring on her finger. A perfect fit. It felt right.
"I love you, Nyx. I cannot wait to be your wife."
"How about we go now and tie the knot right now?" She laughed happily as she hugged him tight. That was Nyx for you. Unconventional as hell, and she loved him for it. The weight of the ring a comfortable feeling on her finger. It belonged there.
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fabulanova-ffxv · 6 years
Fan Fic Ask Game! M A T! C:
Fanfic Ask Game
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
 So like ideas and stuff? Well all my ideas surround my ABOSULTE RAREST OF PAIRS. I got the Cor headcanon about his love for Aulea that I’ve been planning to write as a oneshot. I also want to write something for ravnea like Aranea returning to Nifilheim and finding him dead. But eh, my moods off for ffxv so I don’t have much motivation to write atm. (I JUST WANT MY RARE PAIR DARLINGS TO HAVE SOME LOVE IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK??)
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
My order of working through things is kind of odd. Usuallly when I come up with or I see a word, sentence, lyric or whatever that I think would make a nice sounding title I will work my ideas around that title to create my fic. So yeah theres not much thought on the titles. But when I’m lazy I will just pull out something from my ass and call it a title. 
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Crossovers. theres just something about crossovers that peeve me. I mean if the two universes are similar and I can see it work, then I can look past it. BUT when the two universes are at a totally different spectrum, like for example ffxv and idk, adventure time. I’M NOT GONNA LOOK AT IT. 
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escapekissed · 4 years
ffxv mainverse write-up:
it is my solemn duty to fix all ff games except ffx which is perfect in every way. so this is my new ffx verse which i will write all my threads with gladio and ardyn in, excepting aus and the like, and if people want to write more ‘canon’ things.
this au takes inspiration from @darkkept ‘s stray who becomes basically a secondary protagonist and @serapime ‘s ravus, who does not feature heavily in this au as she is in canon bc she’s hard to fit in any kind of ffxv canon bc she’s so much better than canon but IS STILL THERE IN THEORY, BITCH! the ravus in this is at least a sexy trans girl oracle lol whatever
okay so. its based off of the universe of kingsglaive but with the lore changed.
basically instead of a road trip simulator, prince noctis has been allowed to have a normal life bc. that's what you do in the city if ur a young handsome prince. you have a normal life. 
he was spoiled! he got everything he wanted! 
meanwhile, his older sister had to go to the meetings and be a real noble lady. same with gladio, whose father was just a stickler for this kind of thing.
she had marriage proposals by the time she was 6, and that was just to send her off to some foreign country to have babies. 
 but basically the crux of this is. 
instead of a simple roadtrip simulator. it's a royal convoy through the vast and dangerous wilderness simulator. the kingsglaive is part of it, including nyx and crowe and the fat guy whose name i forget, and this gives gladio such a fucking complex bc he wants to be the best but the kingsglaive OWN on him. ignis is there. prompto is there. any ocs or any other characters from other fandoms we want to add are there (or with the second team which i will  go into). 
they have to treat it like its nothing special, but its a dangerous mission just to go into the wilds at all, and only gladio and cor and the kingsglaive have any experience with the outside world. 
 lunafreya is imprisoned by the empire. ardyn is also technically imprisoned by the empire, as their secret weapon. lunafreya too is given her own title and considered the enemy----up until the point that she escapes, sending one word to her bethrothed thru the goddess gentiana before she leaves. 'claim your birthright.' and then, another word. to the princess. 
'find me before he finds you.' the royal convoy has already left the city. but the princess and king are then escorted secretly outside the castle by BAD DAD DRAUTOS, who attempts to kill the king but who is stopped by cindy, who is more of an action girl in this, ravus, who is a trans girl in this and who is looking for lunafreya along with stella, and the princess herself, stray, wields the chosen ring herself to defeat drautos, and the kings fall privy to her charms and her heritage in order to defeat drautos---just in time for ardyn to see.
from there, lunafreya awakens gods and leaves clues for both siblings to find her where she is with the relics or the gods respectively, healing all she can though she is really just making the problem worse. noctis and his team find all the artifacts. stray and her team take on the power of all the worlds gods
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escapekissed · 4 years
ardyn hc:
ardyn still prays before they eat&before they go to bed.... they still believe in the astrals’ will.
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escapekissed · 4 years
NOTP | meh | it’s ok | i can live with it | BROTP | cute | i love this ship | adorable | OTP |
The Amicitia crest is sewn into Gladio’s skin by the red string of fate(---what could that string be but blood, what could that needle be but a needle, a knife, a sword, to connect a shield). Every day Noctis spends in the crystal, Gladio’s heart tugs at where that thread first met his skin all the way through his chest;---pounding, up and down, his muscles tightening, wings flexing in the sky of his pound of flesh, as he tosses and turns in bed. It’s hard to sleep without the sun to wake up to. It’s hard to wake up at all without Noctis on the other side of the pillows, legs kicking you, tangling with yours only to push you and all the blankets away. 
He would scream in his sleep, sometimes, and you would hold him, and shush him, and whisper sweet words against the nape of his neck that tasted like the dust on the pillows, the missed dirt on his skin.
A shield is yielding---that’s how it softens the blow. A shield listens, a shield obeys, but never abandons.
He is gone, and Gladio was born for him, and he was born for this country, and without either he’s both nothing and all alone, and he has no idea which one is worse.
There’s worse ways to spend twenty-two years, he supposes. No, he knows that one, has thousands of ideas, thousands of memories, tucked away like treasures to mine in his mind, over and over (though they all turn to nightmares in his dreams, Noctis there, smiling, laughing, and then---gone, replaced with crystals, and swords, and magic). 
There’s worse things to do than protect a boy that loves you with all his heart. Who trusted you, when no one really did. Who was there, when no one else was.
Gladio clutches the blankets to his chest, as if Noctis is in them, holds them tight, and pretends the sweat dampening the sheets is his instead, and smells deeply his own scent amidst his own mindgame, before scowling and rolling out of bed entirely to face another day alone.
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escapekissed · 4 years
@sinnhelmingr [ HEL & ARDYN ] “ you know i’d die for you . ”
“You already have.” They murmur the words against the crest of her wrist. His eyes glaze over, a flower dusted with dew in the night---and the moon outside seems to sparkle for them, shining brighter in his witch’s haze. “An angel--fallen from the Heavens. Poetic, truly----you are romantic to a fault, my angel.” She sighs, and smiles into a long, shuddering sigh, dampened with weakness, moreso than affection. “You died for me. You gave up the world and all the sky. And I will not thank you for that.”
Her hand drips dry against his wet cheek, and they pulls her palm to them. He is stained with sweat and a miasma-instilled mucus. They are the poison dart frog. Cheeks red and hands blue, spotted with malaise and rash, secreting the toxic waste the Gods left behind. 
Their ‘home’ is infested with a single plague rat---and her angel is infected, with the fleas that carry his disease and imprint on her from the fuzz behind their ears---and she doesn’t even know it---or she ignores the scratching from her attic and from between the cabinets, the blackness betwixt her fingernails from scrubbing up so much waste and filth, and she loves her all the more for it.
“I will love you for it all the same. In my own way, of course.”
She asks for little else. A lifetime of service--a thousand years, in payment for twenty or so of watching him shine above all others---penance for not being able to stop the star’s fall. There is guilt in her, beyond the blackness. And it burns white, paler than an angel’s monstrous skin, paler than the veined red white of her eyes, glowing just as the moon in the sky. It is furious. And it is forgiving.
Ardyn returns such forgiveness in her kinder moments. 
With so much love, they could black out all the sky.
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randomfandomimagine · 7 years
Expert Mode (Ignis x Reader)
Character: Ignis Scientia
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Categories: Reader Insert, Female!Reader, Fluff
Title: Expert Mode
  Requested by @kerbiesworld28:
Hey there, could I get some fluff with ffxv ignis? Maybe about him and his female s/o in the kitchen and they get distracted when a song comes on while they are cooking and they start singing and dancing together?
  A/N: Warning! Being it my specialty and signature, this is extremely fluffy and also quite silly! Enjoy some fluffy cooking with Iggy! :3
I smiled to myself when I heard Ignis singing from the kitchen. He hardly ever sung at all! He was probably listening to the radio as usual, yet for once he was listening to some songs instead of the news.
Deciding to go see what he was doing, I walked over to the kitchen. Apparently, my boyfriend was too immersed in what he was doing to notice my presence, because he didn’t lift his green eyes off the book he was eyeing.
I saw him standing there, surrounded by lots of pans, utensils and varied ingredients. Knowing I would startle him and fluster him –which didn’t happen too often either –I smirked to myself as I hugged him from behind.
“What’s cooking, good-looking?” I cheerfully said, making him jolt up slightly just as my arms wrapped around him.
“Ah, Y/N” Ignis greeted me, pretending like he wasn’t blushing a little because of my loving and playful term of endearment as well as my surprising hug.
As he calmly looked over his shoulder to meet with my glance, I innocently smiled at him.
“Hey, Iggy”
“I was merely going through some recipes, to see what I can cook for dinner”
“No, you weren’t!” I exclaimed, breaking the hug and teasing him as I moved to stay next to him. “I saw you!”
“What is it that you mean, dear?” Genuinely puzzled, he watched me as he adjusted his glasses.
There was still an adorable faint rose tone on his cheeks, even if he had done his best to brush it off. I knew it flustered him profoundly when I got so affectionate. And today I was in a very affectionate, playful and goofy mood. That should be interesting.
“Or should I say…” I paused dramatically. “I heard you, Ignis”
Instantly understanding, he cleared his throat. The faint remnants of the blush on his cheeks intensified again.
“I’m afraid I do not know what you’re talking about, kitten”
“Oh, I think you do”
“I believe I do not”
“You have a beautiful singing voice, sweetie” I leaned in to leave a light peck on his cheek.
Now clearing his throat and adjusting his glasses, he tried to change the subject.
“What would you like to have for dinner, my love?”
Still, I sweetly smiled at him. He was always so loving, so sweet and so thoughtful. Not to mention charming and gallant.
“How about some cookies? Oh, oh, or brownies!”
“That wouldn’t be too healthy, Y/N” He softly scolded me, in a serious yet gentle tone.
“Please, Iggy?” I pouted, giving him my best puppy look. “I really want some!”
“I can never say no to you” Ignis smiled softly, lovingly cupping my cheek.
As he prepared to bake the cookies, he calmly picked out the ingredients he would need and quickly started mixing them with the same confidence with which he cooked. I knew he had baked before –namely for Noctis and the boys, for me too on occasion –but I was just endeared by how capable he was at everything.
I stared at him, admiring how great he was. Not only was he extremely selfless, caring, attentive, respectful, charming and polite. Not to mention an amazing and loving boyfriend. But Ignis also knew how to sing, cook, bake, give massages, talk to people… And that was only the things I knew off!
I wondered if he could dance as well…
Of course he would be able to dance! To my eyes, there was nothing Ignis Scientia couldn’t do. He was the closest I had seen to a perfect man.
“Excuse me, darling” Ignis dared to lock eyes with me. “But may I ask what are you doing?”
“Lovingly staring at you” I playfully told him, with an innocent smile.
Ignis made a pause, in which he couldn’t contain a cute little chuckle, before he proceeded talking.
“Is there a reason why you’re behaving especially affectionately and, dare I say, giddy… today?”
Trying to appear innocent and adorable, I shrugged one shoulder.
“You always cook and do it so easily” I couldn’t get through my sentence without laughing a little. “I thought you could use a little distraction”
“I must assume you are the distraction then”
“Yup” In a kind gesture to excuse myself for all the random silliness, I fondly rubbed his upper arm. “You now have to cook in expert mode while I distract you”
I thought that I was genuinely annoying him yet he was too polite to admit it. But when I noticed the amused hint in his expression and the way he chuckled again next, my face lit up in excitement.
“I do enjoy to be challenged” Tender and loving, he leaned forward and gingerly brushed his lips against my forehead.
Then he continued to mix his dry ingredients before he added the wet ones.
There was a pause in which we both remained silent, until I realized the song that came from the radio next was a slow one.
“May I challenged you to dance with me then?”
Ignis raised an eyebrow and forgot about the baking for a moment to look at me again.
“On one condition alone” He accompanied his words with a lovely yet shy smile. “If you allow me to hold you close while I do, my darling”
I giggled, wooed by his charm once more, and nodded.
“Why yes you can, my good sir”
His smile widened as he wiped his hands on a cloth and held me close to him. One of his hands tenderly held mine at shoulder height while the other softly rested against the small of my back.
We then began swaying softly, slow dancing to the music. How come I had never slow danced with Ignis before? It was so calming and lovely!
Definitely giddy and enamored, I giggled again as I looked up into his kind and warm beautiful green eyes. Ignis laughed a little in response himself.
“You’ve got flour on your face” I mumbled in a soft voice.
“Oh, do I?” He stopped swaying, a bit alarmed. “Where, exactly?”
“Here” I stood in my tiptoes to meet with his tall height and gently planted a kiss on his lips.
When I broke away I was fighting to keep a smile back. But I failed miserably when I looked up to Ignis and realized he was blushing bright red.
Next came the most adorable and genuine chuckle, one that I had never heard him utter. It greatly widened my grin.
“I have a feeling that I’ll never get those cookies made at this rate” I joked, starting swaying again, to which he followed.
“I must say, Y/N” Ignis softly pushed me closer to him as we danced so my front fully rested over his. “You are the best distraction I ever faced”
“You can’t beat the expert mode, huh?” I mumbled, carrying on with the playful chatter. “I finally found something that distracts you from your great passion of cooking”
“In my defense, you are not playing fair, my love” He paused to lovingly gaze into my eyes. “You are my biggest passion”
“Ignis…” I whined, flustered and embarrassed by such beautiful words.
I hid my face on his shoulder as fast as I could, but I was sure that he had already seen me blush really hard.
He laughed again, which made me smile in spite of myself. It was definitely the most I had heard him laugh in the same day, ever.
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heartlessfujoshi · 4 years
xvtober day 5: divine
Tumblr media
Title: Sneaking Away   Fandom: FFXV   Pairing: HighSpecs (Ignis Scientia x Aranea Highwind)  Rating: Mature (NSFW - Fluff and Smut) Word Count: 2625 Prompt: Divine
Summary: Ignis is the right hand man to the Prince of Lucis, and as such attends high society functions with him. At each function he hopes to run into the Prince of Niflheim, as his right hand man is someone that he is very much interested in. 
A/N: Here’s my next offering for FFXVtober! :) Please enjoy! 
“You’re a sight for sore eyes. I wasn’t aware His Highness would be attending this event too.” 
Ignis turns his head towards the feminine voice that had just addressed him, his eyes widening only slightly as he took in the goddess’ appearance - a form that any man in this blasted soiree would be lucky to have on their arm. He nods his head in affirmation, not bothering to say anything else as she tucks herself close to his side, the two staying near the wall while the rest of the crowd continues in their revelry. 
He turns his head to look at the woman who has joined him - one Aranea Highwind, the Prince of Niflheim’s right hand man, so to speak. She carries the same position as himself, although he assists the Prince of Lucis, the two countries more or less ‘amicable’ with one another, but far from being best friends as far as the population is concerned. They often run into each other at these events, but as Aranea has commented, he hadn’t been aware that she would be here with the Prince of Niflheim. 
“It seems that a game might be being played right now.” He comments, adjusting his eyeglasses before fixing the vest he wears underneath his tuxedo jacket. It’s a black tie affair, and he notices that she is also dressed in a suit similar to his own. “Why didn’t you wear a dress tonight?” He asks, not that it’s any of his business. But the way this suit hugs her curves, he’s having a very difficult time not grabbing onto her hand and pulling her away from this pomp and circumstance that the upper echelon like to enjoy every few months. 
Her forced laugh makes him wince a little, hiding it from her by turning his head towards the side. “As I recall, someone once told me that they like the way I look in a suit.” 
“And I recall that if you were to be wearing a dress, that it would make things infinitesimally easier if one should want to go find an unoccupied bathroom, darling.” He hears her intake of breath, smirking as he realizes she understands his comment. “You do look divine.” Ignis turns to look at her, admiring her form with a somewhat wicked smile on his lips. “It’s a shame we’re stuck here for another few hours.” 
“I’m sure that neither of our parties will notice if we decide to take a walk around the perimeter.” Aranea comments, the two of them looking across the dance floor at their respective Princes. Both the Prince of Lucis - Noctis Caelum, and the Prince of Niflheim - Prompto Argentum, seem to be engaged in a rather animated conversation, both laughing while standing precariously close to one another. “No one would think of causing a scene in this venue.” 
He agrees - no one would be insane enough to do such a thing, and a walk might do nicely. He turns towards her and nods. “A walk outside might be nice.” He offers her his arm, which she takes with a beautiful smile on her face. “Why wasn’t I informed that Prompto would be here?” He asks, as they make their way outside with one another. 
“Probably the same reason why Prompto neglected to tell me that Noctis would be here. I think those two are playing at something.” Aranea leans her head against his shoulder, Ignis immediately putting his arm around her waist as they casually make their way towards a darkened alcove. “They seem to have a thing for one another.” 
“Sounds ominous.” Once they’re out of sight of any passerbys, he lowers his head and brings his nose to chuff at the spot right below her earlobe. “You’re wearing my gift.” He murmurs into her ear, delighted to smell the perfume he’d sent to her a month ago. “Was it because you’d hoped to see me this evening?” 
“Hardly.” Her breathless comment lets him know that he’s got her right where he wants her. “I wear it often. Wearing it tonight is no different than me wearing it yesterday.” 
That makes his stomach pitch, a possessiveness that he doesn’t know where it comes from has him tightening his arm around her body. “You wear it often?” His lips drag up to the shell of her ear, kissing along the studs that dot the shell of her ear. 
“And if I do?” 
He tugs on her earlobe before dragging his lips to hers. He kisses her softly, not wanting to spoil the beautiful red that stains her lips. “I wear what you gave me.” He grabs her hand and brings it to his chest, where he keeps the small trinket that she’d sent to him months ago. “It’s always on my person.” 
“You know how that makes me feel.” 
His head spins as he takes his hand away from hers and pushes it right up against the mound of her womanhood. “Again, as much as I love seeing you in this, you really should have worn a dress, Miss Highwind.” His fingers went more towards the center, while the heel of his hand pushed up against the top of her mound. “Pity…” 
“Alright, I get it.” Aranea huffs out, but he feels her push down against his wandering fingers. “You like me in pants. You prefer me in a dress.” 
“On the contrary.” Ignis pulls his hand away from her body, and looks into her eyes. “I prefer you in nothing, but beggars can’t be choosers.” He smirks, adoring the blush that comes across her cheeks. 
“Fine. Let’s go somewhere more...private?” 
“I have the key to the Prince’s suite.” He suggests, tapping his chest again. “Or, are you two staying in this hotel as well?” 
“We are.” She nods, as they begin to walk back towards the hotel. “Let’s go check on them first?” 
“Very well.” 
They enter the ballroom, and see both Prompto and Noctis are in much the same position as they had been in before they’d left - standing close, but not too close to each other. Ignis knows that it would be beneficial to both countries if the two of them found themselves together, but likes to see how things progress naturally than institute it as a treaty between nations. No one seems to be paying either of them any mind, giving both Ignis and Aranea peace of mind that they can disappear for a half hour, or maybe an hour. They look at one another, nod, and then walk together towards the elevator. 
Ignis unlocks the suite door with his electronic keycard, and is quick to pick up Aranea in his arms, not at all interested in wasting time. He hears her peals of laughter, smiling as he carries her to his bedroom for the weekend, gently setting her down on the bed with a fond smile on his face. “You do look stunning, darling.” He comments, putting his fingers at the tie that sits perfectly at the hollow of her throat. “Always a stunning goddess, the most beautiful woman in the room.” 
“Stop.” The blush returns to her cheeks, as he carefully unbuttons her vest and then the shirt she wears. His fingers brush against the nude corset she wears underneath, lowering his head to kiss the swell of her breasts. “I’ll wear a dress next time, Ignis.” 
“Then we won’t have an excuse to go find us a room.” He reminds her, his lips now wrapped around her areola, his teeth giving it a teasing bite. She arches up, his teeth sinking back down into the sensitive flesh of her tit, her fingers finding a home in his scalp as she holds him in place. His hands go to her waist, and get her slacks unbuttoned, the zipper being pulled down as he moves his mouth to her other nipple, lavishing it in the same attention he’d just shown her right breast. 
Her soft gasps as he slid her pants down had his own pants becoming painfully tight. He knows she’s turned on - his fingers tug on her underwear, and as he pulls them away from her body he sees the wetness between her thighs. He moans low, as he feels her hands tugging on his own clothes with an urgency he feels in his soul. They both get the rest of their clothes off, and then he’s between her thighs, the tip of his cock nudging against her wet center. 
“I had hoped you were going to be here tonight…” Her chest arches up towards his own as he slowly sinks his cock into her body. Her arms curl around his neck, drawing them closer together. “I love getting to see you like this, Ignis…” 
“I didn’t want to get my hopes up…” He whispers into her ear before brushing his lips back and forth over hers. “The one time I had thought for sure I would be seeing you had been such an utter disappointment that I promised myself to never feel that way again.” 
Her inner walls fluttered against his cock, massaging him in a way that made him moan low. “I’ve had that happen too.” Her nails drag down his back, his body shuddering at the pleasurable pain that it produces as he sinks more of his cock into her body. “But, we’re together now.” 
The reminder has him nodding his head, as he starts to roll his hips a little more. He knows he’s got himself into the right position, as a flush begins to spread across her cheeks and down towards her neck. “We are, my darling…” He murmurs low, groaning softly as he feels her squeeze around him. 
He feels her juices start to come in a wave, his cock becoming saturated by her orgasm, his own need growing as he answered her body’s call with his own primal instinct. His hips piston, and then he’s releasing a loud moan as he starts to come inside of her, her own sweet moans filling his ears as they fall back down together. 
Ignis moans low as she kisses him on the lips, her body coaxing him back into full hardness with a few quick kegel exercises. He groans, locking his wrists above her head as he stares down at her. He’s about to push deep inside of her again when a noise outside of his door startles the both of them, their heads snapping to look at the closed door. 
“Noooct….” Prompto’s voice carries perfectly through the suite. “Noct, hurry….I want to see your cock again….” 
“I know you do…” The Prince of Lucis’ voice joins Prompto’s. The door to Ignis’ room is rattled, as it seems a body is pushed up against it. “We can’t stay up here too long. Ignis and Aranea will kill us if they know we left the party.” 
“We didn’t see them…Please, Noct….I wanna fuck again….” 
“Come on…” 
Ignis turns to look at Aranea, who has the same expression on her face. “Well.” He smirks, shaking his head. “That answers that.” 
“Those two are in a world of trouble.” Aranea scowls, but then he gets it to change with a quick snap of his hips, bringing her attention back to him. “A-ahh….I-Ignis…” 
“Guess we should be quiet.” He gives another quick snap of his hips, smirking as she moans again. “Or, don’t.” 
“You know they’re going to be loud.” She smirks, then shakes her head. “Guess this means we won’t have to sneak around anymore?” 
“We’ll see.” Ignis drops his head, then starts to grind his cock deep inside of her, enjoying the deep moans she begins to make as he hits her in the perfect spot. “Now, where were we…?” 
Ignis brings her to another orgasm, his own body soaring high above the world, coming deep inside of her for a second time a few moments later. They share lazy, libidinous kisses with each other, Ignis pulling out with a soft grunt. A sweet kiss touches her lips as he walks over to his en suite bathroom to grab a couple of towels to clean the both of themselves up. Once they’re back in order, he helps her get dressed, the two fixing each other’s ties with a peaceful smile on both of their faces. 
“Should we text them?” She asks, as they quietly leave the suite. As they had walked out, they could hear Prompto in the throes of passion, clearly having no idea that they had been in the suite with them. “Or, should we go back in there and terrify them?”
The latter option makes him smirk, but he shakes his head. “No, we should leave them be. Let’s go back downstairs and see how long it takes for them to return.” 
“If they’re not back in two hours…”
“We will return up here and embarrass the hell out of them.” They share a smirk, and head to the elevator together. 
Both Princes return to the ballroom forty-five minutes later, looking as put together as they had earlier in the evening. If Ignis hadn’t known where they had been, he wouldn’t have thought anything was amiss. Noctis walks over to where he’s standing with Aranea against the wall, and greets him with a small wave of his hand. 
“Are you ready to head back up the room, Your Highness?” He asks, his eyes going to a small red mark he can see starting to bloom right above where his collar sits. 
“I am. Hello, Aranea.” Noctis waves at her. “Nice to see you this evening.” 
“Nice to see you too, Your Highness.” She nods her head towards him. “Specs - it was nice seeing you. As always.” 
“And you, Miss Highwind.” He smiles, then looks at Noctis. “Let’s go.” 
As they walk to the elevator, Ignis touches the spot on Noctis’ neck, and sees his cheeks turn a bright red. “It isn’t what it looks like. I was shaving, and-” 
“Do not.” Ignis shakes his head, as they get into the elevator together. As it slides closed, he turns to the Prince. “Just how long has this dalliance with Prompto been going on?” 
“Do not deny it.” He crosses his arms across his chest. “Tell me.” 
“Six months.” 
He raises his eyebrows up. “That long??” 
“What about you and Aranea??” 
Ignis blinks. “Excuse me?” 
“Your collar.” Noctis points to it. He turns to look at his reflection in the mirrored door and sees a hint of her lipstick has indeed stained his collar. He sighs, and shakes his head. “A year.” 
“Please tell me you weren’t upstairs now too.” 
He looks at the Prince and smirks. “Prompto is very loud.” 
“Uuuugh. Can we not talk about this?” Noctis shakes his head, the blush returning to his cheeks. “I don’t care what you do with Aranea. Just...not in front of us. Please.” 
“Yes, Your Highness.” 
They retire to the suite, Ignis going to his room. He sends a text to Aranea, smiling as he stares at his phone. “The Prince is aware of our relationship. Might as well tell Prompto before he tells him for you. Tonight was a blast. See you soon?” 
“I will. And yes - tonight was fun. Take care of yourself, and the Prince, Specs. G’night. <3” 
Setting his phone down, he looks up at the ceiling. For an uneventful night, this evening proved to be more adventurous than he thought it would be. Seeing Aranea is always a treat, and it seems that they might be seeing each other more often now that the Prince is out with his relationship with Prompto. And that keeps the smile on his face for the duration of the evening. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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