#farewell martinet
random-dragon-exe · 10 months
Welp, today's a bit of a sad day.
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TLDR: Charles Martinet is stepping down as Mario, Luigi, and the other characters he's voicing.
I don't know what else to say except "thank you so much for making our childhoods".
Thanks for the memories Charles Martinet and may your legacy as Mario live on.
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andreamland · 10 months
Ok but if you had to pick the worst option for a replacement Mario, who would it be?
Obviously they’re gonna put a ton of effort into the next choice because of the whole Chris Pratt fiasco (He’s the reason I haven’t seen the movie) but if they wanted to piss off everyone, who would you pick for them?
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Okay, this one was kinda hard. I decided to pick which actor would be the polar opposite of what Charles Martinet originally intended for how the voice for our favorite mushroom addicted plumber should be. I decided to pick Bill Murray.
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His deadpan delivery would be completely different from what we expect Mario to say. Just imagine Murray’s voice saying “it’s a-me. Mario. Wah-hoo”.
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nintendouniverse2023 · 10 months
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Charles Martinet was retiring. All I can say is... "Thank you for 27 years of Mario Hope, Keep jumping like a star."
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sarahvilelaheart · 10 months
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This is an art of Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi and Toadsworth celebrating the farewell of actor Charles Martinet, leaving misses. 🥲 So... Thanks for all, Charles Martinet... 😌 And enjoy! 🙂
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vera-king-hrfl · 2 months
In the morning you finish your preparations and wander over to see the tieflings in the midst of their final bits of packing, hitching oxen, and rounding up children. Your eyes find Zevlor as he stands, arms crossed, obviously annoyed at the flailing and hollering around him but too restrained to reprimand civilians. He likes these people too, you know, and respects their grit and will to survive. A few of the men stood near Zevlor, huddled in conversation. Some of these she'd heard speaking of Zevlor, with affection, but also as if he were a washed up old martinet who couldn't pay to have a woman, and who wouldn't know what to do with one in any case. You smile and move to stand before the man himself, noting the other tieflings' eyes following the sway of your hips with appreciation.
"I came to wish you safe journey," you say to Zevlor in a conversational tone. He looks at you curiously. You had said your goodbyes last night. This was just for show. "I take the route through the Underdark, but all roads lead to the Gate, and we shall meet again. I bid you farewell, for now."
You extend your hand for him to grasp, and lean forward, continuing in a stage whisper, "I also wanted to thank you again for last night. You were amazing, though I may be sitting carefully for a while. I can hardly wait for an encore"
You leave him flustered and blushing, but trying to hide a smile, making your way past the group of tieflings. Their attention was on both you and Zevlor now, noticing the bite mark on your neck, looking from him to you with surprise and a bit of envy, and maybe a touch more respect for the quiet, meticulous, unpreposessing gentleman then they'd had before. You grin as you depart from the hollow, heading to rejoin your party for the next stage of your journey.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 11 months
Martyrs and Kings - Epilogue
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Rating: Mature/18+/Minors DNI
Pairing: Kix x archivist/historian OFC
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: sensuality
A/N: What's that sound? It's my heart breaking to finally say goodbye to Kix and Maree. Thank you to all my readers who've stuck with me this long! I love you all.
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Six standard months later
“Safe travels, Dr. Finnall,” Brenko said. “While you’re away, I’ll finish cataloging the rest of the artifacts from Hisseen.”
“Have I told you lately that you’re my favorite research assistant?” she asked.
“I’m your only research assistant,” he pointed out. “See you in a couple weeks.”
Maree waved farewell and went to load a few last-minute items into the Meson Martinet’s shuttle. Reveth helped, lifting the heaviest bags with ease with her powerful mechanical arm.
“I still think it’s a mistake for you to go to headquarters of the New Republic Rangers,” Reveth grumbled. “What if the Spinward Patrol recognizes the shuttle and disintegrates you?”
“They wouldn’t dare,” Maree said. “The Rangers are even more scared of Baba than Kix is.”
“I never said I was scared,” Kix objected, entering the shuttle with his small satchel. 
“You didn’t have to,” Reveth said. “We could all tell.”
The Twi’lek exited the shuttle and sealed the hatch as Kix muttered under his breath. If he’d been worried that Reveth and Maree would resent each other based on their history with him, those fears paled in comparison to the reality that the two had become fast friends who told each other everything and held weekly holo-sabbac nights with Valsi. It was frankly unfair. Maree was already conducting a stealth campaign to convince Valsi and Tane to leave the Archive and join the crew.
Truth be told, the Martinet was starting to feel a little crowded, but Ithano had a plan. He was building a fleet from old Separatist ships that Kix helped him locate, and a few nights earlier, Quiggold had casually mentioned the possibility of making Kix the captain of a cruiser. If Ithano decided to go through with it, there would be more than enough room for Maree’s growing collection of Seppie junk—er, “artifacts of incalculable historic value and significance.” 
Of course, he wasn't sure how much Brenko might object to being pulled away from the Martinet. He had a tendency to flush to a deep emerald green whenever he spoke to Reeg Brosna, and the Arcona frequently had a dazed, starry-eyed expression that had nothing to do with his ocular biology. Maree’s tactics had been completely unsubtle as she seized any opportunity to throw the two together. If Ithano did make Kix a captain, he wouldn't be surprised if Maree tried to get Reeg installed as first mate.
He launched the shuttle, and Maree began to input the coordinates for Adelphi.
“I still can’t believe you stole Brenko to be your research assistant,” Kix said.
“I am a pirate, after all,” Maree said with a shrug as Kix flipped the lever, and the shuttle jumped into hyperspace.
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“You have two PhDs,” Eema said severely as she opened every window in the house to let out the billowing smoke. “How is it possible that something as simple as baking cookies eludes you?”
“It wasn’t covered in my coursework,” Maree said, gagging on the acrid scent of charred sugar.
She dumped the tray of scorched biscuits into the sink and turned on the water to put out any remaining embers.
“I’m impressed that this batch actually caught fire,” Baba said in a much milder tone. “How did you manage that?”
“I got distracted,” Maree said, heat rising in her cheeks.
She shot an accusatory glance at Kix, who was leaning against the wall and looking rather pleased with himself.
“Ugh, in my kitchen?” Eema demanded.
“Right in front of your salad,” Baba confirmed with a twinkle.
“Oh, stars, Moms, we weren’t doing that!” Maree exclaimed.
“Not this time, anyway,” Kix said.
“Traitor,” Maree grumbled. “Remind me why I brought you here, again?”
“Because you wanted me to charm your mothers enough that your Baba wouldn’t blow our ship out of the sky,” Kix said. “Do you think it’s working?”
“It was probably working better before I turned the kitchen into a smoldering ruin of despair and regret,” Maree said.
“As if his masculine wiles would work on us,” Eema snorted.
“Maree seems to like them,” Baba said. “No accounting for taste, I suppose.”
She winked at Kix, and he grinned back at her. Despite Maree’s reservations, Baba had taken a single look at Kix and practically adopted him on the spot. The two drank spotchka and swapped war stories, and Baba gleefully told Kix a few of the more embarrassing anecdotes from Maree’s childhood. One night, they sat on the front porch and spoke quietly for many, many hours, long after Maree and Eema had gone to sleep, and when Maree awoke the next morning, she found Kix curled up next to her, his face completely relaxed and looking more at peace than she had ever seen him.
When Maree had somewhat nervously broached the topic of piracy, Baba simply laughed and asked, “Did you think everything I did back in my Ranger days was strictly legal? Sweetie, this is the Outer Rim. If I went chasing every pirate and smuggler that crossed my path, I’d never get a night’s sleep again.”
Eema had been slower to warm up to Kix. She’d been polite and welcoming, of course, but she withheld judgment until she had a chance to see how luminously happy the clone made Maree. 
That night, Kix confessed to Maree that Eema terrified him. “I thought you said Baba was the one we had to worry about.”
“I said Baba might kill us,” she corrected him as she climbed into bed. “Eema will just make us wish we were dead.”
“Great,” Kix replied. 
He slid under the covers next to her, and she snuggled close to his body, resting her head on his bare shoulder and draping her leg over his thighs.
“She’ll come around,” Maree promised. “She’s just not used to the idea of me being in a relationship.”
“Have you never brought anyone home to meet them before?” he asked, kissing her forehead.
Maree shook her head. “This is uncharted territory for all of us.”
“I feel better already,” Kix said drily.
“I know how to make you feel better,” she said mischievously, stroking her hands down his abdomen.
He squirmed away. “Are you insane? What if they hear us?”
“What’s wrong? Is the big, strong, fearsome warrior afraid of a couple of retirees?”
“Yes!” Kix said frankly. “You know we clones have genetically enhanced survival instincts.”
“I guess you’ll just have to use your genetically enhanced stealth abilities and be very, very quiet,” she said, sliding down his body.
“Oh, kriff,” he gasped as she licked up the inside of his thigh.
“Shhh,” she soothed, snaking a hand up his chest to rest reassuringly over his heart. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”
“Now that I think about it, we clones were also taught not to fear death,” he said, tangling his hands in her hair and guiding her head toward his stiffening cock.
“Such a heroic sacrifice,” Maree whispered, drawing him into her mouth.
Kix bit back a groan as he sank into her soft warmth. “Anything for the Republic.”
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karlohabagatstudios · 10 months
[MMD] August Madness
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In this month of August, we celebrate our lazy but strong and powerful fruity girl a happy birthday, while celebrating the second anniversary of the Dimetrix, and bidding farewell to the man who brought the red italian plumber to life! To those who either loved the melon warrior, are members of the Valentin Renegade, and fans to the now-Mario Ambassador himself, Happy Birthday to Melony and Happy Anniversary to Dawn of The Dimetrix, and Thank you, Charles Martinet, for the childhood memories!
August 19: Melony's Birthday August 21: Dawn of The Dimetrix's Anniversary and Charles Martinet's official retirement
CREDITS • Goliath, (c) IRIS & DiamondArmadaOnline • Melony, (c) SMG4 & Glitch Productions • Mario, (c) Nintendo
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waluigis-biggest-fan · 10 months
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Farewell Charles, thanks for the memories.
Oh man. I saw him in person last year at Momocon and it was a treat. He’s one of those people who you can tell loves his work.
I’ve seen some people hoping he performs as Mario and the gang again someday but honestly I’d rather he stayed retired. He’s had like 30 years of making our childhoods. His voice is iconic. I hope he enjoys his retirement so much.
I’ve always been more of a Sonic guy than a Mario guy but even I can say how much of an impact he left on my childhood.
And Nintendo totally knows this. They’re not oblivious to how hard they got raked over the coals for casting Chris Pratt. They’re not gonna make the same mistake twice. Whoever takes up the mantle next is gonna have some big shoes to fill.
Godspeed Mr Martinet. Godspeed.
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ftonews · 10 months
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Farewell to a Gaming Legend: Mario Voice Actor Charles Martinet Announces Retirement 🎮🍄
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End of an Era...
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"Hey, Bro. you know what's wrong with the Mario Bros and the Wario Bros? I've never seen them so quiet..."
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"They are fine, Brother they've just...
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...Lost their voices..."
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"Oh....Right, I....I heard about that...It was bound to happen eventually..."
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"....I'm gonna miss him, Bro..."
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"Now now, Brother. This isn't goodbye..., Just a...farewell for now...Sir Charles is still with us, he's just supporting the World of Mario in a different way."
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"Heh...You're right, bro....Take care, Mr. Martinet."
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((It's finally happened...For those that don't know, Nintendo has announced that Charles Martinet, the voice for Mario, Luigi, Wario and Waluigi for years has stepped down from this roll...Granted, i'm still heartbroken by it...Charles has been Mario ever since I started playing Nintendo since I was a little kid...He's even the man that got me into perusing voice acting as a career, as his characters are some of the ones I impersonate when I play VRChat...
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But that doesn't mean it's the end of the road for his involvement with Mario and his friends, as Nintendo said he was promoted to be a 'Mario Ambassador' that gets to travel the word and spread the good name and entertainment that Mario provides. And I wish him the best of luck with new Adventure!
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So Charles, if you ever see this, Thank you so much for voicing Mario and friends for many years, AND for being my Hero and inspiration into becoming a voice actor! See You Next Time~!))
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"Ah, that Charles Martinet! Nice Italian boy." ~ Mario. (Mario vs Donkey Kong, 2004)
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brawler1993 · 10 months
The Entertainment Dome Episode 226 - Godspeed, Charles Martinet
This week on The Entertainment Dome, James shares some positive impressions of En Garde on Steam, we discuss the latest developments in the Microsoft/Activision deal, and we bid farewell to Charles Martinet as he steps down as the voice of Mario.
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knightendo4 · 10 months
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I heard the news as of yesterday, Charles Martinet will no longer be voicing Mario or any other characters that live in the Mushroom Kingdom. Farewell Charles Martinet, your hard work definitely didn’t end up unnoticed. Thank you for giving these characters so much personality.
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violet-t-9 · 3 years
Check in on my (not very realistic) wish list for episode 141
 1. Blooming Grove Clay family reunion! Hugs and tears! Home-cooked meal and tea! Much needed relaxation and downtime after saving the world.
Ay that was a nice meal and a good night’s sleep.
2. Widogast’s Nascent Nein (9!) Sided Tower because Caleb still has a spell slot for that! So many cats and books. Also, rooms for Essek and Molly (9!). Bonus: seeing more rooms on the 8th floor of the tower?
Oof well thanks Trent now we don’t get to see the tower again, ever. I’m 100% sure that Essek will see his room during the Aeorian study fun times and Luc and Yeza will see their rooms in magical summer camp with professor Widogast though, so I’m happy.
3. Check in and visiting Allura to return her staff and Kima’s Holy Avenger (”hey we saved the world killed Lucien stopped the city Allura are you proud of us? You are? Tell us who is on the Tal’Dorei council.”)
They mentioned it, but they didn’t play it out, unfortunately. Alas, the members of the Tal’Dorei council shall forever remain a mystery.
4. Check in and visiting Yussa and Wensforth to apologize for their last visit to the Tidepeak Tower and using his emergency exit plan, but Yussa being too grateful to be saved from a screaming city hivemind to care.
Yep, thank you Caleb for remembering Yussa lol. Should have known that he would want to study the Happy Fun Ball... Wizards sharing knowledge, how nice! Also, Veth’s goodbye to Wensforth was very sweet.
5. Molly getting more and more of his memory back and slowly becoming his old flamboyant self.
I... wow I mean I guess Kingsley? This technically happened? He is going to become someone new, which is always exciting! He got a lot of... interesting memories back too. He is also interested in learning about Molly’s memory too, even though he is somebody else (and just as flamboyant).
6. Caleb says goodbye to Frumpkin and there is either a sweet farewell or Frumpkin just goes “nah fam I choose my wizard you can’t get rid of me”.
Aw Frumpkin didn’t feel ready to leave at first... :( The actual farewell was indeed short and sweet, I loved it. 
7. Beau and Yasha moments, conversations, fun times, shameless PDA, or potentially fade to black because they deserve it.
Camping outside at night, aw. Their moment after the Zeenoth trial was very touching as well! “Yes, my love?” and “my Expositor” lol how romantic they are. They are planning to settle down and explore Yasha’s past together! Their honeymoon little trip! Also, “I will have you and then some” was indeed hot.
8. Jester and Fjord being domestic, adorable and sharing kisses/conversations or potentially fade to black because they deserve it.
The sleep snuggle was soo cute and Jester’s love admission was adorable! Also the rain and double confession wow Fjord what a romantic man. Their conversation in Nicodranas was sooo cute guys. They planned boat trips!
9. Caleb and Essek have a long one-on-one conversation about their “it’s complicated” relationship and have some more physical contact (still reeling from the forehead touch last episode).
Caleb attempting to include Essek in the globe of invulnerability and Essek dragging Caleb away from melee combat aw. The kiss on the cheek and the empathetic hug... I will take the time travel conversation as well. 
10. Veth, Yeza and Luc’s joyful/tearful family reunion and happy fun times in which Veth and Yeza may or may not celebrate in private.
Aw that was a nice reunion, so very cute. Veth gets to fully return home to her family after saying goodbye! I’m going to assume that she celebrates her return with Yeza in private. 
11. Cad’s moments with his family and also with Molly (because it’s fun to watch them on screen together and conversing let’s be real).
Caduceus gets to be with his family now, enjoying life at the blooming grove! He deserves the relaxation!
12. Jester’s reunion with her mother with big hugs and finding out that parent trap TM has succeeded thanks to her genius plans. Also, the gentleman being a super awkward but loving dad.
Yes I knew it would work! The gentleman is a nervous drinker confirmed lol. The mother-daughter talk was very nice and a great reminder!
13. The Mighty Nein plans for the future: getting rid of Cloven Crystal, Fjord visiting Vandran (with Jester probably, who discusses Tusk Love with him) and maybe Sabian? Yasha’s plan to bring flower to Zuala (trip with Beau?). Beau’s plans regarding Zeenoth’s trial (has that happend yet? Does she want to go?) and Caleb’s plans for the assembly (or even further ahead, magical school? Aeorian research with Kryn Colleague? How pissed is Ludinus Da’leth?)
Well, the empire siblings sure started a task force against the assembly huh. Also yeah Caleb you tell him, F**k your vacancy Martinet Ludinus Da’leth! Professor Caleb will teach Luc. Astrid would be more interested in the position anyways. Fjord got to visit Vandran with Jester and got him to join their sailing adventures! Jester also talks about Tusk Love with him wow. Beau testified against Zeenoth with Yasha by her side! Yasha gave flowers to Zuala on a trip with Beau! Caleb and Essek got to do their Aeorian research study! Fjord’s cloven crystal adventure was also addressed! I’m so good at predictions you guys I KID YOU NOT I predicted everything.
14. Getting an update about Astrid and Eadwulf to find out that they are in fact doing fine because Trent is in deep trouble and under heavy investigation by the Augen Trust and Cobalt Soul (bonus: Trent is already starting to get what he deserves. Or even better, Trent has died from liver failure in jail. Like his jaundice really kept getting worse so one can hope I guess?)
F**k you Trent, you just had to show up and ruin everything didn’t you. Well, Astrid and Eadwulf are fne now, and Trent IS in deep trouble and rotting in jail. Still hoping that he will die from liver failure after like, a few years.
15. Fjord officially “meeting the parents” and Gentleman/Marion giving Fjord the shovel talk because that didn’t happen last time.
Aw he didn’t go with! But the gentleman did talk about Fjord anyways lol and gave her some sound advice.
16. Wedding mentions/discussions? Proposals? Anyone? No?
Well Jester proposed to marry... her parents? Lol did not see that one coming. Veth and Yeza renewing vows yes! It was a nice suggestion. 
17. Artagan/sprinkle joins in the celebration because why not (bonus: Sprinkle gets to be free! Or whatever an undead weasel could be lmao)
Artagan and Jester’s conversation was very nice development for them. Sprinkle gets to stay forever, unfortunately for Sprinkle lol.
18. Obligatory wish for Essek’s fancy dunamancy or magical items (like I know we will never see dark star probably but I live for spell casting flavours).
Essek’s hold person on Trent was clutch, “stay down”, what a king. The tether essence, lightning bolt and gravity sinkhole were all wonderful. Still sad about the dark star never being seen though.
19. Obligatory wish for the polymorph spell (look, I just love it okay).
Hey, Jester threatened Astrid with it! Polymorph mention wins! Fjord was sad about the potential choice of turning her into a turtle but it would have been funny.
20. Obligatory wish for Caleb to use more fire/customized/dunamantic spells creatively or with nice flair (what’s sexier than wizards NOTHING).
What’s sexier than counterspells and dispel magic NOTHING. Also hey, the manacles of stasis worked!
21. Discussion about Essek’s future because oh boy can he even go back to the Dynasty? Have they found him out yet? If they did, how mad is the Bright Queen? Are Volstruckers too busy to chase him down? We need to know!
Oh man I mean Essek found a way to live freely at least! With a lot of illusions and identities, of course. He also got to stay in contact with the M9! I think he may show up in campaign 3!
22. Group hug! Group feast! Group cheer! I dunno, just do group stuff. They are the Mighty Nein, they are the Mighty Nine, they saved the world!
A lot of group hugs and feasts! I especially loved the hug when they said goodbye to Essek. 
23. Visiting/checking in with other NPCs or allies potentially! Like Kiri, Calianna, Twiggy, Keg, Shakasta, Bryce, Dagen oh also the Hag (I’m kidding).
They checked in with Orly! Not these allies but you know, Orly is awesome. 
24. Obligatory wish for everyone (the Nein, their friends/families) to get a happy ending that gives me a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment, and that the episode/campaign ends with a poetically beautiful scene!
Yes, it was a very poetic and very beautiful story indeed
I love the Mighty Nein/Nine, I love the cast. I’m so grateful for their story in my life. Words are not enough to describe my thankfulness for being able to go on this journey with them.
Now excuse me I just need to go sob in a corner.
My score: 19/24
Seriously though check out #13 I’m proud of that one
Other Highlights: 
Caleb hit 100 HP OMG I too am proud of him.
Well I didn’t expect the boss fight but I’m glad we are getting one? 
Caleb’s produce flame was used by Veth on Fluffernutter, nice!
The Veth + Beau putting collar combo was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen, also there is something poetic about Caleb relying entirely on his friends and Astrid to carry out the collar tactic on Trent.
The forced empathy commands by Cad lmao wow angry Cad is scary, too bad Trent didn’t have any.
Veth’s silent image... Caleb disintegrating and burning everything in the T-dock... Caleb’s book for his parents... Professor Widogast... Excuse me I’m going to cry now.
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Episode 48
The band of misfits arrive in Nicodranas and hand over the ship to Orly, saying their goodbyes before splitting up the party. Caleb, Nott, and Jester head into the city to find a bookstore for the wizard, once there he picks up about 25 gold worth of normal paper, a book on the history of Nicodranas, and a romance novel about two sailors on opposing ships. Meanwhile Beau, Fjord, and Caduceus search for a blacksmith at the request of Caduceus. He's been in possession of a broken sword hilt for some time and has made it his pet project to fix it up. Unfortunately the blacksmith informs him it seems to be Uthodernian made (a place far far up north) and is out of his, and probably most other's, skill range to fix.
With the shopping done the Nein reconvene at the Lavish Chateau and visit Jester's mother once again. She smothers her daughter with kisses and subtly pleads with her to take back Nugget the blink dog. The dog has destroyed the side room jester use to live in and has grown quite a bit since she last saw the pup, him being so young on top of being a blink dog has definitely taken a toll on Marion and her room. Ms. Lavorre sets the Nein up with some rooms while they all head out to investigate the mage tower, all except Caleb who stays back to read his new books and look after Nugget.
At the tower, Fjord and Beau notice that the balcony they tried to reach before is no longer there. Still no door is visible on the outside and the nearest balcony that is there is about 60ft. up. Fjord heads over to a nearby fish merchant to see what he knows about the tower, leaving the others to ponder over this strange building. Jester attempts to knock against the hard stone, I mean what else are they gonna do, and that actually seems to do the trick as a door appears and opens inside to reveal a little goblin man.
The group try to talk their way past him, saying they wish to set up an appointment with the mage for they have dire information he must hear. Unfortunately the closest appointment he can schedule them for is about 17 months out. Beau reiterates that it's an emergency and he must hear what they have to say and the goblin concedes a little, telling them to return in the morning, as his master has likely headed to bed by now, and maybe Yusa would be in a good mood and let them in.
Fjord returns after the door closes and disappears, but not empty handed! He managed to have bought himself a rather large snapper and gotten little information on the tower. The others inform him of what he missed and naturally he doesn't believe them until Caduceus reassures him it's true.
With dusk approaching the Nein return to the Lavish Chateau and offer the snapper to the chef to include in their dinner. They spend a nice evening with Ms. Lavorre, sharing stories and food before heading to bed.
They wake early and all set out for the Open Quay, where the mage tower lies. Once there they're met by the one and only Yusa having his morning tea on the balcony. He's very stubborn in letting these strangers in, obviously, but allows Caduceus and one other in when the firbolg offers him his best tea. Beau accompanies him inside and the door disappears behind them.
The two of them try to explain why they've come here, telling the mage about news they've heard about the war, the attack on the Zauber Spire, their dealings with Uk'otoa (leaving out key details of course) and how they believe it may all be connected. He isn't really shocked by much of they tell him so they resort to showing him the happy fun ball. Now this catches his eye as he knows of the owner of the ball, and just how incredibly dangerous it is. He tells the two that he wants the ball in return for his allyship. Eventually he brings the others in, announcing to them he will be keeping the happy fun ball, and in exchange he will offer his tower as a sort of anchor to the coast for them, meaning whenever Caleb wishes to teleport himself and his friends back here his tower will receive them.
As another sign of trust the Nein show Yusa the dodecahedron, allowing him to gaze into it and attempt to identify it. It's something new to him, and as an elder elf mage that's very rare, it's power is beyond him but he does recognize it's danger. At the request of the Nein he does allow them to leave with it so long as they keep it under very tight wraps. Before bidding them farewell he takes Caleb upstairs to have him learn the rune for his teleportation room, and assures him that while it was incredibly dangerous for him and his friends to seek out this tower and him, sometimes risks don't end badly. And he sends them on their way.
They spend over more day in the city before planning to leave for Felderwin. Jester's mother gives her a necklace with a ruby in it, so she can always be with her daughter, and the Nein say a proper farewell to the Ruby of the Sea this time (while she insinuates that if they don't watch over her daughter she has many suitors willing to do whatever she asks…). On the road to Felderwin Beau asks Jester to send a message to Dairen, her teacher and more than likely gal pal in the Cobalt Soul. When she responds she sounds injured and tells Beau, through Jester, that she is safe but still in Bladegarden recovering.
Tensions between Beau and Caleb run high when the two remote kids get into an argument about what transpired at Yusa's tower. Neither of them seem to understand each other very well and it only makes it worse as Caleb is trying to say that he doesn't trust powerful mages like that and he's upset the team wanted to mess around with that tower so much because he knows who is after him and if they find the Nein with him they'll kill them to get to him. And Beau tries to tell him that no matter what they'll have his back and he can't stop that from happening. Even though it was dangerous to speak to Yusa at all they need to start letting people in who may know more than they do about the things they have on them. One way or another people will be after them for what they know and what they have. Of course the fight ends with Caleb storming off after getting in the last word.
Once in Felderwin they see the destruction the war has wrought on them, fields burned and slashed, buildings razed to the ground and a surplus of crown's guard and righteous brand patrolling the streets. They notice a group of righteous brand being ordered by an elven woman who is joined by another elder elven man from a flash of blue light. Caleb recognizes these two as archmages with the Cerberus assembly. Lady Ves Derogna, archmage of antiquity and Martinet Ludinous Delete, archmage of domestic protection.
They ride past, not wanting to bring attention to the goblin girl and runaway mage with them, and head to a place Nott knows well. Yezzah's apothecary, the halfling man she saved, has been burned to the ground. There's no immediate signs of death or life but Nott and the others keeps searching through the rubble, eventually coming across the entrance to a basement. The door is locked with arcane means but doesn't hold up after a dispel magic and bashing from Yasha. Inside is obvious signs of a struggle, heavy scratch marks embedded in the wall, scuffing on the floor, and destroyed furniture save for a single chair in perfect condition in the center of the room and a steel chest.
The chest is also locked with an arcane lock but Nott's tenacity manages to break through it and open the chest, ignoring the plume of gas the spurts from the trap. Inside the chest is a strange steel tripod with a platform atop it, three vials of strange liquids, and two partially burned pages of notes.
What can be read from the notes speaks of how they were having the alchemist, Yezzah, distill a strange substance they managed to force from what else other than that dodecahedron the Nein have been carrying around. The one that belongs to the Xhorhassians and was stolen from them by the empire. It also tells of its effects it seems to have had on the soldiers, seeming to bend time and space and entropy. Further on the words begin to mention Trent Ikithon and his students, and how they could be helpful in the endeavors.
Having taken all they could from that basement the Nein rush out behind Nott who makes a beeline to the cart and they ride down the road to a woman's house. Old lady Edith, Nott knows her well. The old woman opens the door to be greeted by Nott's disguised face demanding that she see her son. Edith is shocked, believing Nott had died, but brings out Lukas, a 5 year old halfling boy who also is shocked at Nott's presence. Seems his father had told him she had died to the goblins. Nott hugs her son and asks what he knows about the attack and his father's disappearance, given what he tells her she believes the elven mage woman was making him do experiments on the dodecahedron, when the Xhorhassians found out and attacked the city. No one found his body and Nott promises Lukas she will find him and that she believes he's alive. With that the boy closes the door and Nott turns to face an absolutely shook group of friends behind her.
They need to talk.
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mikanrulz · 7 years
Kaisar & Favaro speaking of Azazel in the commentary of ep12
I couldn’t find the english version, so here’s a translation for the part when Kaisar and Favaro mentioned Azazel in ep12 commentary from BD bonus.
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Starts around 5m59s (scene: Azazel stabbing Beelzebub, saying they’re even now) Kaisar: And then the one who delivered a finishing blow to the Beelzebub who was on the verge of dying, that was Azazel. This kind of underhanded thing, to think he did it without feeling even a shred of guilt. Favaro: [Azazel] really said he paid back his debt to Beelzebub, but wasn’t the one who defeated Beelzebub actually Bahamut? That guy, till the end he couldn’t erase it huh. Kaisar: Without wavering, he continued on being evil. How to say this, that antipathy/merciless attitude… it was a very demon thing to do, and I kind of respect him for that. Favaro: …he was actually a Fallen Angel though. Kaisar: So he was just shrewd!
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Around 13m40s (scene: Bahamut being surrounded) Kaisar: at the end, the angels and demons, and even Gabriel, helped us establishing God’s barrier [to contain Bahamut]. Favaro: That was such a huge magic square. Kaisar: Even Lucifer, who always secluded himself in his room, for once he actually lent us his power in order to stop Bahamut. Favaro: He didn’t actually come to help us. It seemed he was worried about Azazel and came to save him. Kaisar: Is that true?! Favaro: I don’t really know myself, but Cerberus complained loudly about how she was told to come in order to save Azazel, so it must be true. Meanwhile Azazel himself seemed to help us out of his own volition. Kaisar: That Azazel… it turns out he was a better guy than I thought.
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Around 22m10s (talking about how everyone’s doing in the epilogue) Kaisar: What about Azazel since then? Favaro: When I got blasted away by Bahamut, the one who came and saved me was Azazel. That was the last time I talked to him. Kaisar: To think *he* would ever save a human… that was unexpected. Favaro: Azazel himself didn’t seem to understand why he did it, so while saving me, he was really grumpy. After that, he went away with his colleague* Lucifer and that was the last I saw of him. Kaisar: Farewell, interesting fellows.
*Favaro said nakama here, and I translated it as colleague, but technically Azazel was Lucifer’s subordinate as well as his right hand man. I’m not sure if Favaro was aware of Lucifer/Azazel’s ranks and he just said ‘nakama’ bcs they seemed close to him, or if he just used the word ‘nakama’ as a broad term considering both Lucifer & Azazel were demons.
lol I just think using the word nakama to describe Lucifer and Azazel’s relationship is peculiar bcs it implies they’re somewhat equal in certain capacity, esp considering the seemingly strict hierarchy of demons realm, and how in this show, Lucifer is the leader of fallen angels as well as the highest authority right after Satan – who is never present anyway.
So Favaro saying Lucifer personally came for Azazel is a big thing, bcs it implies:
wow fallen angels do have hearts
the world could burn and he barely blinks but Azazel’s missing so of course he needs to find him
at this point saying Lucifer *cares* for his subordinate seems like an understatement honestly
when Azazel came requesting an audience with Lucifer in Cocytus after his Gregor crashed and was turned away, it was possible it was all Martinet and Lucifer didn’t hear anything of it
Azazel wanted to help human so naturally of course Lucifer had to lend a hand too
Lucifer even made Cerberus help
Not only that, but Lucifer actually waited until Azazel finished his business (delivering Favaro to safety) before bringing him home/they went back together.
which, in light of S2 events, kinda raises the question: where’s Lucifer?
If he cared that much about Azazel missing in S1, it’s doubtful he would let Azazel away, *alone*, for more than two years getting hurt all the time. So either Lucifer’s incapacitated and is in hiding, or he was killed, or maybe he’s always near without Azazel ever realizing it. /coughs I’m still harboring theory that Mugaro might be secretly Lucifer
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