#farewell owl house
1 year. 1 year. Wow. Has it really been that long? Has it really been that long since The Owl House bid us farewell? Since the final "Byeee!" that was heard 'round the world? We learnd the story of The Collector, we saw Luz die and get revived, we met Papa Titan. That night, every last one of us got the opportunity to witness Luz, Eda, King and Raine all come together to kick Belos's ass and take him down once and for all. We all watched as every last character came together to build a brighter future for the Boiling Isles. It was an emotional night for everyone. All of that was 1 year ago. And it's hard for me to believe. It doesn't feel real.
To this day, I can still recall how my night went. My parents were at my aunt and uncle's wedding. Adults only, small ceremony in their backyard, I could understand. Only problem is that it left me with no other option but to stay at home, alone with my thoughts, dread, worry and fear over the finale as the minutes ticked by. Waiting until the world would say byeee to a show like no other. At 5 in the afternoon, what would become the most emotional night of my life began with me going to my music, and listening to Lacrimosa on loop for 45 minutes. I listened as I went through Reddit, Tumblr, Discord, YouTube, seeing everyone get ready to watch the finale that I don't think anyone was ready for. I made one last post here wishing everyone good luck before I cut myself off from Tumblr for the rest of the night, not wanting to get any spoilers, as I was waiting until Easter morning to watch it myself. I decided to watch a bit of YouTube to maybe clear my mind and cheer me up, especially once I saw Zeez Vov Gee's TOH video contest was up. I had made a submission of my own, so I was excited to find out if mine had made it in (it did not, sadly). By the time I had finished watching, it was 8:20. 5 minutes away from air time. So, I said good luck to some friends in a TOH Discord I'm in, muted said server until the morning, and was about to switch to watching something else, as YouTube was also a no go. Until a farewell video appeared in my feed. I watched it, being met with the chorus of the song "As The World Caves In".
And I watched it again. And again. And again. One last viewing, this time singing along to the chorus in the literal seconds before the finale aired. A fitting event that was unintentionally timed to perfection. Couldn't have given a better last second send off if I wanted to. For nearly the entirety of the finale's runtime, I listened to the full song on loop, singing along, crying at the thought of getting a hug from Luz as it was really the only thing I wanted then, doing literal shots of milk, sitting and walking while everything swirled within me. Before long, it was past 9, and I hadn't eaten dinner. Stouffer's meatloaf and mashed potatoes. And you wanna know what I did? I ate it while venting to this claymation mouse. Just the two of us, enjoying our meals. For a bit, it felt like that mouse was listening as he chomped down on his chocolate. It was oddly nice. I at least got a break from my anxiety. Turning to dessert, a mini double chocolate bundt cake while watching 30 Rock and drawing glyph doodles, a pleasure that lasted for a short while before my parents made their eventual return. At 11 o'clock at night.
But my entertainment wasn't over just yet. After cleanup, I still had one last thing up my sleeve. I laid on my bedroom floor, in the dark, with my phone brightness turned all the way up. Caramelldansen played through my headphones as the strobe lights danced on the ceiling, getting in one last silent breakdown before heading to bed. My night had concluded after many hours of nothing but dread and anxiety, me constantly trying to keep myself sane. My parents and I had McDonald's for breakfast the next morning, witnessing a masterpiece of animation. And I was happy at the end! Belos was dead, the coven system erradicated, everyone was at the best places in their lives! It was peace and love in the Boiling Isles! How could I not be happy about that? Unfortunately, the joy wouldn't last long. Things settled in soon enough. At first, it felt like the show wasn't over yet. It felt like there were still some stories to tell. But the reality set in before I knew it and I was left sad. I kept thinking about how much the show meant to me, to many. All it had done for me in the handful of months that I had known it. I still wasn't ready for it's end.
Nowadays, a year later, I still haven't fully recovered. This time around feels a bit dark. My 2024 has been nothing but a mess so far, although I am getting through it. But with such a stark contrast to where I was last year, I can't help but feel like things are too different. Almost like a royal fallen from grace. Life in itself hasn't felt the same since Watching and Dreaming. I can't bring myself to watch it again. Today feels weird, and I'm probably not alone. Wherever your emotions stand on this anniversary, just rememeber this:
Us weirdoes have to stick together.
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jazzstarrlight · 1 year
Well, I just cried for 10 minutes or so after watching the series finale of The Owl House. It truly is the best show ever.
Dana Terrace, and Alex Hirsch, (if you ever see this,) we are not worthy of the divine gifts you've given us. The laughs, the tears, the emotions, and the connections to relatable characters. We honor and treasure your existence. I am proud to be an artist, inspired by you and your creations. May you continue your ethereal work, and live long and fulfilling lives.
So mote it be.
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midnightgremlin · 1 year
It's both sad and heartwarming that I'm ageing out of kid shows at the same time they're ending and their characters are growing up too. Like, I know I can still watch them and enjoy them as an adult but there won't be that same deep connection I had when the protagonist was my age and struggling with the same things I was. Like when The Owl House started airing I was about Luz's age and feeling just as misunderstood with all the crap that was going on in the world. Now Luz is going off to college just as I'm going off to college, and like that just hits me where it hurts. Also, Percy Jackson getting another novel about him having to go to college too, while also having a new show in the works -- It's so hard to describe how happy and heartbroken I am at the same time.
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hopkins48 · 1 year
It's always sad to see someone go isn't it...
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The Owl House finale destroyed me and broke my soul in the best way possible. My vocabulary does not possess the words that are required in order to fully articulate how not only this final episode, but this show as a whole has changed my life, made me feel, and has seriously helped me with my depression.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to get really obsessed with fandoms again, and I’ve honestly missed that feeling. When it was happening all the time, it could be annoying since it makes things like school difficult. But honestly, obsessions over video games or shows, like TOH, are part of what makes life worth living, for me at least. I escape into these worlds and find happiness within them. And with this one, I got to escape into this world, but I also got to heavily relate to the characters, and discover that I’m not as alone as I think I am.
These shows are important, people. Disney may not be able to understand the differences these kind of shows make, but oh boy, it’s a big difference. For a lot of people.
I could honestly ramble on for hours about this show and why I love it and go into depth over everything about it. And the fact that I can do that tells me that this is something that makes me really happy. Something I’m passionate about. And the way I see it, that makes it qualify as an additional reason to keep fighting every day to live another day, because there are things in this world that can make you happy, and make you feel, even if only for a moment, that everything is gonna be okay. That things will turn out alright.
That feeling is beyond what words can say.
I want to thank Dana, and her entire team, and all of the people who supported them, for creating or helping to create this wonderful, groundbreaking show. I will never forget how this masterpiece came together so beautifully, and the gradual journey it took to get to where it is now.
And The Owl House, thank you, for being in my life.
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vivalatoons · 2 years
April 8th
The final episode of The Owl House, Watching and Dreaming airs.
Not gonna lie, I'm going to be a sobbing mess when the episode comes out.
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studiomkm · 1 year
So, that’s the end of The Owl House. And on Easter, no less. It’s been a crazy ride but man if it hasn’t been fun. The show was cut short before it deserved for reasons that can’t be justified by anyone who claims to truly love good stories but I’m glad, at the very least, it got to go out with the kind of passion and COMpassion it deserved.
To those who worked on this wonderful show, my sincerest thanks for the fun and memories. To those who watched it along with me, thanks for enjoying the ride as much as I did.
Oh, and to those who unjustly persecuted this show , I wish a better heart than the one you’ve got.
So long, Owl House! Hope to see you again one day!
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random-dragon-exe · 1 year
I'm really sad that today is the day that The Owl House is over.
I remember when the show was first announced and I saw the poster and premise, I was automatically hooked.
I loved every single second of it.
This show helped me in multiple ways.
I felt a sense of comfort of being able to call myself bi and see good bi representation unfold before my eyes.
To a smaller extent, I got to relate to Luz on wanting to be a witch (I'm pagan).
I also got to be a part of an amazing community and meet so many people.
We'll never forget this show, and all it's done to touch us in our hearts.
Just, thank you.
Thank you ToH animators, and writers.
But most importantly...
Thank you Dana Terrace for creating such a great show. We'll never forget it, and thanks for the memories.
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lilmcttens · 2 years
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whenimgoodandready · 1 year
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lipstickmarks · 2 years
i am going to buenos this noche, nighty night y’all
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evils-corner · 1 year
One thing that kills me about this last scene is the use of the word "they're" here.
Like yes, the Collector uses they/them pronouns and Luz is obviously referring to them....but...it could also mean us. The audience. "They're nearly gone." The end of the show is mere seconds away. And then the entire cast says bye one last time, to us, to the show, to the story. It's a farewell to all of us, to send off the show.
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Thank you Owl House, and, as they said...
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casswithmywholeheart · 9 months
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My real last owl house post wrapping up 2023, I drew my favorite owl fam sending love and farewell to the show, and just two doodles of luz + hunter sibs
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evangelinesbible · 1 year
In celebration of 3,000 followers and this being my last Astro tumblr post. Loved all of the support and the crazy ass times we had 😭🫶🏽
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I am a Virgo rising. Although a lot of you guessed Capricorn and Scorpio, and there’s some explainations to that, I’m a pure Virgo rising. Virgo risings tend to have a lot of fullness to them. Full lips, eyebrows, and cheeks. They have a seemingly innocent look to them which they get because of their eyes. They tend to have round almost owl like eyes with a bit of a feline flare. With their foreheads/top of their heads being very prominent and there chins to be typically very small in comparison. Virgo risings tend to have angular faces but they still appear soft and delicate. They tend to have a very attentive and focused look to them and their faces tend to be even/symmetrical.
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Jupiter 1H people tend to have prominent thighs and/or a very attractive butt but it can honestly expand any part of the the body since Jupiter naturally rules over expansion period. And Virgo Jupiter’s tend to have a very attractive waist line/stomach.
Taurus is ruled by Venus so having it be my Venus signs means that I have a natural earthy and Venusian look to me. (That and I’m a Venusian) Taurus Venus people typically are seen as conventionally attractive. I would say all earth afflicted venues (house or sign) have faces that are so naturally beautiful, literally just Mother Nature vibes. Venus in the 9H can mean that my legs are very attractive as well. Everybody online thinks I’m 5’7 and up but I’m actually 5’3 🚶🏽‍♀️ In some pictures I appear taller than I actually am.
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(Bestie @d4rkpluto gave me these)
I specifically have Venus trine Jupiter which can make someone have a lot of natural beauty/blessed with beauty. People with this placement can have beautiful eyes/large eyes, attractive/long legs and can make some rn look like a fairy or even an elf lol
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Moon - ASC people have something very soft about them I’m their face. And usually it’s their skin that gives off this soft look because it appears shiny/ dewy. Especially in a bare face. These people can have plump faces or cheeks as well. (I for sure did when I was younger)
Of course Venus touching the asc will give someone some sort of beauty that the general public find very attractive. People with prominent Venus can have a pouty look to them and symmetrical faces.
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This placement can indicate someone being seen as sexy and/or active. Might have an angled and shape looking face or body. Similar to Pluto these people have a seductive stare but it can be more aggressive or dominating. Striking or laser eye like eye contact. These people can look very striking and attractive in more “masculine” apparel.
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Typically these people age very well. They tend to be late bloomers and grow more into their faces with age. Face shape/ structure is very prominent, especially as they get older and they tend to be on the skinnier side most of time.
People with this aspect tend to have a bit of seductiveness and darkness to their appearance. Literally and figuratively, since I think most of these people who have brown eyes are a really dark shade. Naturally dark features also incidental hair. They have a heavy lidded almost bedroom eye stare to them.
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Having the asteroid that simply means beautiful conj. the ASC/ in the 1H can make someone be perceived as very beautiful. Virgo Bellas tend to look younger than they appear. This will accentuate a more innocent look. Since Virgo rules over the stomach/ waist bella Virgos might have an attractive stomach/waist
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Very flirty and charming stare with this one. Nymphe rules over youth so having it conj. a personal planet can indicate being blessed with a youthful look in your older years. It being conj. Sun can mean that I’ll have a glow/shine to me even in old age
Having Aries touch the ASC can obviously make the native have some sort of aphrodisiac look to them. A mixture between beauty and seduction in the face. Aries Aphrodite trines my ASC so the sharp sensuality is softened. Aries Aphrodite people tend to look their best when they’re wearing warm colors reminiscent of a fire and wearing bold, and more “masculine” fashions. 9H Aphrodite can give someone an attractive curvy or thick figure around the thigh area.
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And that was the Astrological Beauty of Me,
Sydney Evangeline Mykah 💋
Big ole X’s and O’s to my astrological babes and my best friends on here and irl 🫶🏽 a giant thanks to anyones who’s supported, followed, liked and shared my astrology content it means the world. Thank you for being in this chapter, on to the next one with @sydneymykah
- ⚜️💫⚜️
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crysthemist · 1 year
Farewell to an amazing show. Owl House will always have a place in my heart for the deep worldbuilding and attention to detail of even the smallest background characters
Anyways I made this in like four or five hours which is a bit shorter than usual so I’m proud of myself lol
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sepublic · 1 year
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"They're nearly gone!" is such a clever line for Luz to say, because on the one hand, you could interpret it as her referring to the Collector, and/or their light show! But on the other hand, it can refer to the audience, given the show's pretty meta jokes!
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Likewise, "BBBYYYYEEEEEE!!!!" is a perfect farewell for The Owl House; It's how the crew has said goodbye to each other in real life, and it's what the characters say to each other, in-universe. It was even frequent enough that fans made a note of it and speculated potential foreshadowing about it, until the crew clarified it as their little inside joke!
It's the protagonists giving a farewell to their friend the Collector, hoping to see them again, and a farewell to the lights that have lighted our way; And a goodbye between all of the people who worked on The Owl House together, grateful for the wonder of meeting one another, with dreams for another reunion.
And now "BBBYYYYEEE!!!" bridges both the crew and characters, in a meta sense it's a mutual farewell between both sides; It's the writers, animators, and VAs saying goodbye to their characters and to the audience. It's the characters saying goodbye to the crew, and to the viewers. I only wish I could say it right back...
Oh wait! I can!
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