#farmer ronen
carlos-in-glasses · 5 months
It's going to be Tarlos's first wedding anniversary next month! How do you think they'll celebrate?
Ooh thank you for this question, anon! Because it will be the first anniversary of Gabriel's death too, I think they will keep it fairly low-key but also stretch it out and be really clingy and cuddly with each other. I'm thinking about what Ronen said at the Paris con, how his imagined honeymoon for Tarlos was them in their apartment, holding onto each other. I think it's the same for the anniversary.
Carlos will throw himself into making an amazing dinner with organic ingredients from the farmers' market, ready for when TK gets home from work. TK will be swept of his feet. Likewise, TK will surprise Carlos with a couple of gifts of things he knows Carlos had his eye on. He'll give him a beautiful journal because first anniversary gifts are traditionally paper-themed. They'll have a bath. Fizzy bath bomb, rose petals in the water, candles aglow, that kind of thing. They shall make love. It will descend into chaos as it always does. There will be screaming. Neighbours will slip passive aggressive notes under the door!
They will argue over who gets to the be the big spoon, with TK winning. They will wake up in each other's arms all soft and smiley. Later, the Catan Gang arrives and they have a little party - charcuterie board, sparkling cider. The Tarlos juggernaut wins the game.
During their next day off together, they take a drive to their wedding venue and wander around hand in hand, reliving the atmosphere and magic. They talk about getting a dog.
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(Suddenly Gabriel's burner phone rings in Carlos' pocket...it's Gutiérrez calling with a fresh lead...will Gabriel's killer be found?!!)
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heartstringsduet · 1 year
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Thanks for tagging me @chaotictarlos and @alrightbuckaroo . Also got bit by the honeymoon at home bug after Ronen's statement.
They watch Marriage or Mortgage and shake their heads at the couples choosing a wedding over a house, then kiss the other's rings and laugh, knowing they would have done the same. It’s a perfect day. They never step a toe out of their apartment, not this day, not the next. Bliss is a bubble that only wobbles a bit when a scene of a bride’s father is shown. It only wobbles when they order dim sum and the fortune cookie has a proverb about cherishing your roots. It doesn’t burst though. Not until they go to the farmers market on Sunday, and Carlos goes quiet by the dairy stall, then silent by the local honey. 
“Hey, what is wrong, love?” TK asks in the car, a bag of fresh local and tropical fruits and veggies tightly pressed to his chest. It smells like basil and cilantro and ripe mango. Carlos’ hands are tight on the steering wheel. “Talk to me.” Carlos glances over at him, then slowly shakes his head. 
Not the time, TK reminds himself. It’s not never, it is not now. 
I tag (sorry if you've done it already): @wandering-night19, @carlos-in-glasses ; @welcometololaland ; @rmd-writes ; @noxsoulmate ; @strandnreyes ; @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut ; @paperstorm ; @lightningboltreader , @liminalmemories21 ; @goodways , @lemonlyman-dotcom
And all you wonderful writers out there. Tag. Your turn.
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 4): General Bracket Match 4
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Kaeden Larte | Identity: queer | Media: Ahsoka novel
Kaeden Larte was a young farmer on the isolated moon of Raada. When she was fourteen her parents died in a farming accident and she was given special permission to take their job. She also became the guardian of her younger sister Miara. When Ahsoka arrived on Raada, Kaeden was quick to welcome her and developed a crush on her. When the Empire arrived, Kaeden joined a resistance cell. Their attack on the Imperial garrison failed, and Ahsoka to save them, was forced to reveal that she was a Jedi. Feeling betrayed that Ahsoka kept such a secret from her, she abandoned their hiding place in the caves and was captured by the Empire. They tortured her, but Ahsoka was able to rescue her. When Ahsoka left Raada to get help, Kaeden was captured again by the Sixth Brother to lure out Ahsoka. When Ahsoka rescued her again, she confessed her feelings, which Ahsoka gave a noncommittal answer to.
After Ahsoka’s battle with the Sixth Brother, the residents of Raada were welcomed to Alderaan. Kaeden eventually went to medical school and afterwards joined the Rebellion as a medic. If she ever reconnected with Ahsoka is unknown. She was present at the medal ceremony at the end of A New Hope.
The episode “Resolve” from Tales of the Jedi is based on the same episode concept as the Ahsoka novel, and thus has potentially retconned Kaeden and replaced her with a white man. However a reference book has attempted to establish the two as just coincidentally similar separate events. The identity “queer” is based off E K Johnston’s statements regarding what orientation she imagined Kaeden with. 
Art by @jedikvghts on tumblr
Just Lucky | Identity: bisexual (male and nonbinary) | Media: Doctor Aphra comics
Just Lucky, to pay for his brother’s gambling debts, was forced to become a member of the Canto Bight based crime syndicate the Sixth Kin. There he began a relationship with another lieutenant of the syndicate, Ariole Yu. He later left the active service of the Sixth Kin and broke off his relationship with Yu, which he could do as long as he kept paying off his brother’s gambling debts. He took jobs off planet and eventually became an associate of Doctor Aphra. But when she attempted to obtain the Rings of Vaale, he became a double agent for the wealthy Ronen Tagge. After Aphra “killed” Ronen, he captured her for Dominia Tagge. She offered Aphra a job, while cutting off Lucky.
Needing a constant flow of cash, he returned to the Sixth Kin to see if they had any jobs. He was forced to work with Ariole Yu, his ex, to kill their shared mentor who had defected to Crimson Dawn. They fought Crae, refusing his offer to join Crimson Dawn. After they lost, they were thrown in the brig where they joined Aphra and Sana Starros is escaping. However, Aphra eventually stranded the two. Qi’ra gave her pitch for Crimson Dawn and then let them leave. Back on Canto Bight, the Sixth Kin attempted to bait them into killing each other. They saw through this and decided to take a job from Ronen Tagge to steal the Spark Eternal.
To do this job, they confronted a Spark Eternal possessed Aphra on the Vermillion. But seeing what they were up against, they decided to hit the bricks. As they fled, they ran into Sana Starros’ “Save Aphra” crew, running to confront/save Aphra. Just Lucky ended up convincing Ronen to save Sana’s team after they were defeated and their ship destroyed. Sana convinced Ronen that his only choice was to kill Domina, and that her team would join him to repay their “debt”. They joined Ronen in his Crimson Dawn supported coup for the Tagge Corporation, which turned out to be a trap Domina and Sana set to lure Ronen and his supporters into the open. Sana arranged for all of their debts to the Tagge Corporation to be forgiven, so Ariole and Just Lucky joined her in attempting to save Aphra.
In addition to his reignited relationship with Ariole, he also has a crush on the non-binary Lapin Tagge.
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pscottm · 9 months
Rabbis form human shield to protect West Bank olive harvest
Before Oct 7 there was an average of three incidents of settler violence per day, according to the UN. But that has risen to seven.
“We too are victims of their violence,” Mr Dabush said. “A year and a half ago when we were planting, 15 masked settlers came from Givat Ronen, attacked volunteers, set the cars on fire.
“Four years ago we had a rabbi, 80 years old, and the settlers came from Yitzhar, set the field on fire and hit him with iron bars. He was hospitalised for a few days.”
Other volunteers have had arms and legs broken and suffered head injuries.
“The volunteers are really putting themselves at risk. In this case we are trying to protect the farmers but they are also at risk,” he said.
The charity works near some of the most radical and dangerous settlements.
The Bedouin village of Burim, near Nablus, is surrounded on one side by the settler community of Itzhar, and on the other Givat Ronen, considered a violent outpost.
Instead of 100 volunteers a day going to help Bedouin communities with the olive harvest, only about 10 can reach them, with the rest either displaced, at home taking care of children whose schools have closed, or too afraid of the rising tide of violence.
A UN report claimed “more than one in every three settler-related incidents since October 7 involved settlers using firearms to threaten Palestinians, including by opening fire”.
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rafaelsilvasource · 2 years
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COVER STORY: RAFAEL SILVA: "Masculinity is an idea, not something real"
"I didn’t tell anyone I was gay until I got to college."
America is said to be the land of opportunity, of dreams, and of freedom. Rafael Silva (June 18, 1994, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil) is the living testimony of all this propaganda. The only thing no one said was easy. He learned the hard way to be an immigrant on the ground where the skyscrapers prevent you from seeing the horizon.
After being bullied since pre-adolescence, he has managed to overcome himself and look ahead to the promising future. He now makes up, together with Ronen Rubinstein, one of the most famous and beloved LGTBIQ+ couples on the small screen. A visibility that even in the middle of 2022 is still more than necessary. And under this umbrella, the Brazilian actor wants to be a prophet of equality because as he says like a mantra “love yourself because it is not necessary to discriminate, it is not necessary to hate someone to feel better about yourself. There is room for everyone in this world.”
"I feel that responsibility to fight for a space in this world"
FOLIE: How did your career start?
I was born and raised in Brazil and when I turned 13 we moved to the United States. My family is a family of farmers and getting there was very big cultural shock and so I became more introverted, more shy and I was afraid to be myself, "the Brazilian". I learned to be a Brazilian here, I learned what it meant to be an immigrant and that life was not so easy for immigrants. I had to learn English and Spanish. Then we moved to New Jersey and studied theater in my third year of high school and that’s when my acting career began.
FOLIE: How did you get to 9-1-1: Lone Star?
I was doing a lot of auditions and after a month my agent called me and told me: 'You have to go to Los Angeles to do the last phase of auditions', I came here and a week later I was shooting. I asked to have classes to learn how to be a policeman.
FOLIE: Is it hard for you to play Carlos? what do you look like? similarities and differences?
Mentally and emotionally, Carlos needs to have a lot of control over his life and when he doesn't, he gets a little paranoid, but Rafael isn't like that.
FOLIE: What do you look like?
I am much more relaxed. Carlos thinks a lot about the future and Rafael thinks about the present.
FOLIE: How is your relationship with Ronen Rubinstein?
At the beginning of the series we did not have a very close friendship, but over time he has become a great friend.
FOLIE: What can we see more of Carlos in the future?
In the last episode there is going to be a big change in their lives, in Carlos's life mainly, and it's going to be very interesting.
FOLIE: Where would you like to take the character?
I would like to learn more about the Carlos of the past. I want to know where he grew up and lived. Professionally I want to see him as a detective, although what I'm most interested in is meeting Carlos before the first episode. His life, his family and the culture he loves.
FOLIE: Would you like them to do a spin off of Carlos?
Of course yes! (He laughs out loud)
FOLIE: You are Brazilian and you can see how in the series from the United States there is greater inclusion, do you think that diversity is helping to improve the situation in the United States?
Of course, of course. Well, the purpose of diversity and inclusion is to show the world we live in now. It doesn't make much sense to have an entire cast of a movie or a series that are white, since America is so much more diverse.
FOLIE: Does your physical appearance open doors for you?
The physical aspect can open certain doors for a moment, but to be you have to have a type of discipline because the physical aspect is not permanent. He can be very handsome in his 20s and he can easily get job offers, but you have to know what you're doing.
FOLIE: What's next after 9-1-1: Lone Star? What are we going to see of Rafael?
I would like so much to tell you, but I still don't know. I want to make more movies because I really like starting and finishing a project. I'm very grateful and I feel very lucky to be in 911, but we're constantly shooting and I don't have time for anything else. Now that the season is over I want to take care of my mind, my heart, travel and relax.
FOLIE: You will come to Spain?
Perhaps. Italy, Portugal…
FOLIE: What actor or actress inspires you?
Viola Davis. She is a wonderful woman. I started watching “How to Get Away with Murder” and it was a series that changed my point of view of acting thanks to her, her fight, her heart and her tenacity. But really the people who inspire me the most are my parents, who have fought a lot so that my brother and I could have a future, a better life here.
FOLIE: If you couldn't work as an actor anymore, what would you like to do?
I live to tell stories. I don't know how to do anything else, so if it wasn't as an actor it would be as a director or screenwriter.
FOLIE: Does fame make you anxious?
I don't consider myself famous. But yes, because I know that fame is not a representation of Rafael, it is a representation of the image that people have of who I am, but it is not the truth. It's the same as with social media. I can put an image on Instagram or Twitter that shows what I want you to see, but it is not the essence of Rafael. Sometimes I'm a little afraid of being judged for something I'm not.
FOLIE: Who is Rafael really?
I ask myself that same question every day. I am constantly changing, but I try to be the best version of myself.
FOLIE: Three adjectives that define you
Loving, fun and free.
FOLIE: Are you a romantic person?
I think my idea of ​​a romantic person is not common. I do simple things, nothing extravagant. My idea of ​​a romantic dinner is not going out to a restaurant, it's cooking for someone and teaching that person part of my culture.
FOLIE: What has been the most romantic thing you have done for love?
Nothing special, but I am a person who believes that sincerity is the most romantic thing you can give a partner.
FOLIE: How does Rafael seduce?
With a smile, with good conversation and delicious wine.
FOLIE: And how do you seduce him?
With a good sense of humor, being a fun person, who has the ability to see the world and see everything from a positive side.
FOLIE: What is the first thing you do as soon as you wake up?
I wash my face, drink coffee, meditate, pray, and try not to look at my phone before I do all of that.
FOLIE: Where is your earthly paradise?
On the family farm in Brazil.
FOLIE: What makes you cry?
Knowing that one day I won't have my parents with me.
FOLIE: When was the last time you apologized?
Today. To myself.
FOLIE: What did you need to apologize for?
By mentally highlighting my insecurities, I realized that I was feeding them and for that I apologized.  
FOLIE: What has been the comment that you have read somewhere about yourself or what else has hurt you?
I try not to read anything because everything affects me a lot, but there was a comment I read that said that I had no talent to be in a television series and that left me very touched.
FOLIE: If you could live in any time, what would it be?
In the 50s or 60s in Brazil where Brazilian music was wonderful.
FOLIE: If you could give a message to your past self, what would it be? What would you say?
Walk forward, keep going, don't stop.
FOLIE: What was the last book you read?
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
FOLIE: What is the last song you listened to on Spotify?
CIUMEIRA by Marília Mendonça.
FOLIE: How did you come out of the closet?
A month before going to college in New York I decided to tell my family. That Monday I tell them that I had something very important to tell them the following Sunday and I prepared this special day so that we could go to the beach, make a barbecue and eat cakes. That's how I had it structured in my head. Then came Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and I was trying to convince myself that I had to do that on Sunday. Sunday came and we went to the beach and I sat them down across from me and told them I wasn't being honest with them as I thought I was gay. It was the first time I said it out loud and I started to cry a lot. They got up and started clapping, they accepted me immediately.
FOLIE: Did your friends know?
No, no. I didn't tell anyone until I got to college. I was afraid that people would change their perception of me.
FOLIE: Seeing that Jonathan Bailey or Matt Bommer revealed their sexuality. Do you think that people like you and them open the doors to new LGTBIQ+ boys or girls?
Yes, and much more being a Latin American queer actor because there is a lot of machismo in Latin America and in Brazil.
FOLIE: What is your perfect plan for a Sunday afternoon?
Watch the sunset and walk along the beach.
FOLIE: Have you suffered bullying?
When I grew up and moved to the United States, I was bullied quite a bit when I was 13 years old and when I was in high school. Now sometimes I receive messages that are not very polite, people who do not know why they send those messages. For this reason, I feel that responsibility to fight for a space in this world.
FOLIE: Is there a social cause or activism you think you should get involved in?
Ending the LGTBIQ+ collective being a minority. It is also important to recognize the history, the violence that imperialism caused. A large part of history is hidden and that is why it is important to recognize it and show it. In Brazil there are quite a few indigenous people who only ask to be treated like people, not like animals. It's ridiculous that this happens in 2022. You have to realize that the world is bigger than your house.
FOLIE: What would you say to those people who promulgate hate speech?
I would tell them 'love yourself because it is not necessary to discriminate, it is not necessary to hate someone to feel better about yourself. There is room for everyone in this world.'
FOLIE: What is masculinity for you?
It is an idea, it is not something real. It is a suggestion of how to be a type of human being, but it is not the only way to be a man or a type of person. I was born in a country where the idea of ​​being a man is to follow all those rules to be an alpha male.
FOLIE: What is your opinion about conversion therapies?
It is a malice against children. It is awful. You cannot change the essence of a person and it is a direct attack on the LGTBIQ+ collective.
FOLIE: Have you ever been discriminated against because of your sexual orientation?
Not directly, but I experience that discrimination every day.
FOLIE: What would you like to tell the world?
The sun is giant and its light can touch all the people in this world, we have space for everyone, it is not necessary to fight for material things because when you die you cannot take anything with you.
FOLIE: What is mental health for you? do you take care of it?
I have gone to therapy for many years throughout my life. Now I find my own therapy in my books, in my friends, in independence and in my work because I love what I do.
FOLIE: Do you consider yourself a free person?
I try to be a free person, but I don't consider myself 100% because every day I'm discovering things about myself. It is an apprenticeship.
FOLIE: Are you worried about what others think about your physical appearance?
professionally yes, absolutely.
FOLIE: Personally?
Of course, of course. I want to feel attractive too.
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doublel27 · 2 years
@melodrama-lorde had some great tags on this post from @lonestardaily
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Here's the thing, yes, feeding people is one of Carlos's love languages because he spends most of his time feeding the people that matters. We see it from the fish all the way through to the snacks at the engagement announcment, it matters to Carlos to create food for the people he loves.
However, just because TK struggles with the actual process of MAKING food (Ronen said so) doesn't mean it's not also one of his love languages.
I'm gonna start with season three and work backward, but when in the Coma Carol, TK envisions making cookies with his mom as his happy place. Not only that, but they also talk about him burning his mouth on hamatachen as a kid and in 3x08 we establish that Spring Street dim sum is THEIR place and it keeps coming around through the season, as part of their love. He's thrilled about being thanked in snickerdoodles, enough to argue to Nancy that the snickerdoodles as thanks make up for the not ideal working situation. We also see it crop up as he asks his dad to join them for dinner as above. Also in 3x12, when Owen is potentially springing himself, Catherine and Shady Sadie on them, TK feels there's not enough food in the house and immediately heads out to get pho. We won't talk about how that ends, but him physically going and getting food is a sign of caring and affection. Additionally, in 3x11, we see TK making a salad for Carlos who is having a full on spiral (that Carlos is pretending isn't happening). I think this is maybe the only time we ever see TK preparing food for anyone. When Carlos is in distress over the terrible SWATing call, TK goes as far as physically cutting vegitables (please check the TK Can Make: tag on my blog for the many lists of things the fandom feels he can make) for Carlos, which is such an act of love.
TK asks his dad out for food four times in the series, twice in 2x10 when he's struggling. Sometimes it's to go get food, and other's it's because Carlos is cooking, yeah, but Carlos is an amazing cook and TK is. We also see in 3x17 that TK alerts Carlos to choice meals at the firehouse, so that Carlos can decide if he needs to call in a Code 7 at the firehouse. I have a feeling Carlos has also called a Code 7 to meet the paramedic crew for lunch if TK texts about it.
He's also very receptive every time Carlos cooks for him. The look on TK's face when he walks into the condo in 2x12 and realizes Carlos roasted a chicken for him. The look on his face kicks me in the chest every time. He's so awed and in love.
And I answered it in a meta on 1x02 earlier today, but I think one of the reasons TK takes the fish and the bread and everything so seriously is because he recognizes food as a love language. TK values the time and energy it takes to feed someone and he reacts so strongly to the food because he KNOWS it's more than just a meal based on what he sees in front of him. Someone who didn't speak this love language might not have had the same thought. It's also why TK doesn't believe Carlos when Carlos tries to downplay the significance of what he's done.
It's a point he makes to the 126 games crew in 2x01, that Carlos, his boyfriend, takes the time and energy to offer them his home and FEED them. I think it's significant that he includes that because he sees that part. He goes shopping with Carlos at the farmer's market for food that maybe he won't prepare, but the act of sharing this part of the process is infused with love. And even when TK's depressed and doesn't want to eat, he still values Carlos going out of his way to feed him anyways.
And just...yeah, TK also loves through food. So him continually inviting Owen out for food, and getting upset that one time he tries to get his dad to eat at the firehouse and Owen lies and says he went and grabbed a burger from a place TK has asked him to go before and he didn't (Owen was actually sick off the chemo), well that's him trying his best to love his dad.
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So I love Ronen and Rafa but I feel like they’re a little off about what kinda scenes we actually adore.  Like yes last night’s episode was very Tarlos heavy, which I liked, and I obviously have spent a non-zero amount of time staring at that shirtless bedroom GIF set.
But none of their talking scenes gave me anywhere near the amount of feelings as the police station scene or the farmers market makeup scene.  It’s the open communication and emotional vulnerability that really does it for me, and we really only got a slice of that at the very end, when Carlos broke down.  
If they had done a real heart-to-heart convo about the shoving scene in the fire station and why that wasn’t okay (which they SHOULD have), then I can totally imagine how the actors would’ve knocked it out of the park and that could’ve easily jumped into my top 3 in terms of Tarlos scenes.  But yeah overall I enjoyed the episode a lot, but I didn’t feel like it lived up to the actors’ hype (which is maybe my fault for putting too much stock in wine-drunk enthusiasm because god knows I tend to get over enthusiastic when I’ve had a few as well haha).  
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tarlosxstreyes · 4 years
What if the Owen/Gwyneth proposal happens early on and then TK is vaguely rambling to Carlos about relationships, longevity etc in a negative way because he’s bothered by his parents’ relationship and it makes Carlos go on the defensive or feel insecure suddenly about introducing TK as his boyfriend on the spot
Well anon you might be onto something.... I can really see this happening because TK already expected that his parents won’t last in this new relationship so a marriage proposal could really set him off (as it should, I really hate this storyline, I wish we could see at least some mother-son interaction instead of this). What if this conversation actually takes place at the farmers’ market, TK is going off about how all relationships need actual work, Carlos starts overthinking it and then they stumble into his parents. 
Also when TK said his parents were in a honeymoon mode Carlos interpreted it in the context of their relationship (”those can last a while” aaaaahhh) so it would be reasonable if TK starts rumbling about commitment and stuff Carlos would take it personally. But then they talk it through and boom, the new fan favorite scene promised by Ronen 
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howtosingit · 4 years
Am i stupid for believing that i think they wont break up? i just feel like TK wouldnt wanna do that he doesn't look like he wants to? maybe im just being overly optimistic but i just considering we are getting scenes in ep 6 of tarlos i dont see the point of breaking up and getting back together so soon?
What do you think they’re going to do with Tarlos??? Leave it on a cliffhanger or have it resolved in the episode? 👀👀
Again, combining two similar asks...
No, I don’t think they’re going to break them up. 
I think we’re going to get the roller derby scene first - everything will look fine and flirty and normal. Then, we’ll get the farmer’s market scene. Then we’ll get this “fight” scene from the trailer. TK will leave because he needs to think - whatever the conversation ends up being, the man has just had the rug pulled out from under him (relatable, TK, relatable). And then I think the episode will end with our 4th scene.
(EDIT: I’ve had more than a minute to think about it, so I’m now assuming that TK does not actually leave and need space, but stays and they talk the whole thing out. Not sure where or what that fourth scene will be, but I’m excited to watch Ronen and Rafa crush all of this! )
Look, Ronen always said dinner scene and police station scene. Dinner scene was a fight, police station scene was the repair. I’m pretty confident that’s what we’re getting here.
Ultimately, I think this storyline is going to be about them confirming what they mean to each other, and what this relationship means to them. I think it’s going to be hurdle, but they’re going to face it together. And they will come out stronger. 
I can’t really speculate further than that without assuming we’re doing a homophobic parents storyline, and I really don’t want to assume that just yet... though my hopes are not high.
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woodchoc-magnum · 4 years
911:Lone Star 2x04 Hate Watch
It’s taken me nearly a week to do this, but here we go.
Hate under the cut:
Okay I love Grace and Judd
This whole games night thing is awkward af
But I love Grace and Judd?
Carlos was weirdly possessive? I didn’t think he was like that
I think one of the main differences between the OG and Lone Star is that the majority of the Lone Star cast (all the characters who aren’t Rob Lowe) are young? So you’ve got four firefighters all in their 20s - and while I don’t hate the camaraderie and friendship between them, it’s a different dynamic to the OG.
But literally none of them are fleshed out in any way, shape or form
Not getting into the Marjan stuff because @zeethebooknerd​ wrote an amazing post about it
Here’s another wedding with hardly anyone wearing a mask, guys, there’s a pandemic
God this show is fucking GROSS - vomiting? Every week it’s something GROSS!
Okay I seriously can’t get over the lack of masks. In the OG, everyone is wearing a mask when they’re at a scene - in this show, none of them have one on. They’re not even fucking trying
Just a prediction - this show sucks so much, that they are definitely going to have Marjan and the fiance break-up and she will meet and fall in love with someone “the Western way”. I’m calling it now.
Oh the bride banged the best man before the wedding jeeez
Lisa Edelstein deserves better than this show
Boy they really love showing Marjan without a headscarf
Carlos seems really weird and OOC and I can’t put my finger on it
Everyone’s in a restaurant, no one’s wearing masks
No one’s wearing masks at the farmer’s market
They’re not even fucking trying
Re the Marjan storyline - I feel very uncomfortable about the whole thing which means that the writers have done a shitty fucking job
It just feels like this whole thing is designed to be controversial? It makes me very uncomfortable. Muslims cop enough shit as it is in the media; this is not helpful.
Ronen what’s-his-face can’t act and it needs to be said
This TK & Carlos storyline as well
They love each other now? When the fuck did that happen
God this Strand family drama can go fuck itself
The imp guy was Dwight’s friend in The Office lol
Grace is amazing, honestly this whole “Mistress” sequence made me lol
As soon as Rob Lowe is on screen, the whole show just flatlines
Why do I feel absolutely nothing towards TK & Carlos
Like literally nothing
Do they have any chemistry? I don’t think so.
Lisa Edelstein has been in the show for five fucking minutes and he’s already proposing to her
Just when I think this show can’t get any stupider, 55-year-old Lisa Edelstein is knocked up to 56-year-old Rob Lowe.
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Jesus fucking christ this stupid fucking show
This week’s episode - 1/10 for bullshittery
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Thoughts on S02E04
Owen was absolutely intolerable this episode. He really does have great hair though.
I love seeing Marjan being a badass on the rink and the four guys there to cheer her on. We don’t usually get to see women in TV dramas play sport and have the men cheer them on. It was cool. And so aggressive.
I think I like the arranged marriage storyline here. I mean, it’s not the best storyline they could have given her. But as Marjan points out, it is a very common practice in a lot of countries and cultures and a show with so much diversity should show diverse cultures. I appreciate that it was shown in a positive light. It’s not something that Marjan resents or feels oppressed by, she defended it because she believes in it and the positive aspects of it were nicely contrasted with the disaster of the wedding they attended.
That wedding scene was actually so gross.
It’s really jarring to see some people at the wedding wearing masks and remembering that the pandemic is happening in this world too. Especially after just seeing everybody at the derby with zero mask wearing or social distancing. Are the 126 anti-maskers?
If they don’t want to depict the pandemic, just pretend it’s over or it never happened. I mean, we’re all pretending that Austin is sitting on top of an active volcano and life is just continuing as normal. We can pretend the pandemic is over too.
Carlos has also followed his father into law enforcement. It’s interesting that both Carlos and TK have followed their father’s career paths. But while TK has followed his father’s path so closely they work in the same firehouse, Carlos has opted for a different branch. There’s a meta post there about TK’s need to be close to his father and Carlos’ need for distance from his.
The timing in this episode bugs me. Carlos and TK are at the farmer’s market in the middle of the day, cut to Marjan and Salim at the restuarant at night, cut back to Carlos and TK getting back from the farmer’s market to have their fight. What were they doing all day? How long does it take to drive home from the farmer’s market?
Carlos being uncomfortable introducing TK to his parents even though he’s out is really sad and I’m annoyed at TK for shouting at him, even though I think his feelings are valid too. It’s a pretty common issue for lots of LGBT+ people that even when they’re out it can be very difficult to be out around family, and as a gay person, it feels like TK should be a little more understanding of somebody being caught by surprise and introducing their partner as a friend.
Just because they’re both gay does not mean that they have had the same experiences growing up. I think TK forgets his privilege - he grew up in Manhattan, with liberal parents, he has always worked with his dad, and the 126 were handpicked by Owen as part of a diversity drive. I’ve no doubt he’s experienced prejudice, but nothing like Carlos would have as a gay Latino in Texas. As with Marjan, there are differences in their cultures and experiences.
Owen and Gwyn absolutely sucked at listening to TK and giving him advice. Thank goodness he’s in therapy and has learned how to communicate his feelings from a professional because his parents suck. It’s actually sad. The relationship between Owen and TK was so lovely in season one, but now Owen is completely focused on Gwen and Gwen might has well be his second wife for all the relationship she has with TK. I mean when she showed up at the station in the middle of their shift, TK was right there and they didn’t even acknowledge each other.
I just really love the relationship between Marjan, Paul and Mateo.
Marjan literally grinding an axe - perfection.
NOTHING phases Grace. Scorpions, guy choking in his dead friend’s ashes, guy in a gun case, Imp - she just rolls with it. The scene with the imp was amazing. I love that the rest of the call center operatives all listened in and then just went back to work. Like yeah, it’s a weird one but we get weird ones all the time here.
YOU LOOK AT BABY CARROTS WITH ENVY!! Nothing can ever top that line.
Thank you, your Grace. That was amazing. I DIDN’T FEEL A THING. Perfection.
Judd is the holder of Owen’s single brain cell.
Carlos and TK have such lovely chemistry. Massive kudos to Rafael and Ronen for how they portray their relationship.
I loved the talk between them. Communication is so sexy.
It’s not like I demand to see them kissing (especially in the midst of a pandemic) but if that had been a straight couple there would have been a kiss. All the straight couples have kissed. We know at least one other Tarlos kiss that was filmed and then cut. There should have been a kiss at that point.
Carlos’s hands are so big. I’ve never noticed that before.
The lyrics of the song when Marjan is walking down the hotel hallway is “for you”. I heard “fuck you” and I had to google it because I thought I was losing my mind.
Where Marjan’s storyline for this episode feels like it has wrapped up and complete, Carlos’s story doesn't and it’s something that will play out in future episodes.
I did not see the pregnancy plot coming. It’s not going to end well, is it? Lisa Edelstein isn’t going to stick around Lone Star forever. At some point she’s going to leave. Worst case scenario she dies and Owen becomes a single father to a baby. (Best case scenario, she returns to New York and Owen goes with her. TK stays with Carlos. Judd takes over as Captain.) Most likely scenario, the baby doesn’t make it. It plays into Owen’s belief that he’s invincible but those around him get hurt.
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firetrucks-fastcars · 4 years
One of my favorite things about Ronen and Rafa’s relationship is how comfortable and open they are with each other. Like they have absolutely no obligation to be friends but they are and they seem super close (to me at least.)
They tweet at each other constantly and have little inside jokes and nicknames (roro and papi) and in that video they posted today, when Rafa was explaining why he was an animal person he said
“we’re a family of farmer, which you already know”
Like he’s told Ronen about his family and I just think that’s so sweet. I love healthy male friendships
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marjansmarwani · 4 years
interesting thoughts that people are sharing about carlos and his parents! :) i have a quick question because maybe i just missed the official confirmation. are those people they meet at the farmer's market (or wherever that is lol) truly his parents? or is that just an assumption? :O
I’m so glad you’re enjoying all the thoughts, I think they’ve been pretty insightful! 
As for your question, there has been no confirmation that those people from the promo are his parents. We can guess that they are people Carlos knows well from the way he interacts with them and his parents are certainly a possibility. We also know from an interview Ronen did that TK will be meeting Carlos’s parents at some point this season (I don’t have the exact link to the interview but if someone wants to add on it feel free). So no, you didn’t miss anything! It’s mostly an assumption based on those two facts together. 
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rafaelsilva · 4 years
Omg I noticed their corresponding outfits at the farmers market too - I was just thinking that even their shopping bags match the colours too.
I do not understand why we didn’t get hand holding though :( I think Rafa and ronen could have played it up so well when Carlos sees his parents and lets go and then there would have been full circle with their final scene in that ep. Idk just hands. - 🔹
omg yeah, their shopping bags too!! i need more cute matching outfits, pls.
ahhh, that would’ve been such a great idea to have seen played out. fox doesn’t want us to have anything nice... 😔
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poweredbydietcoke · 3 years
Favorite Books of 2021
2021 Book Totals
17 audiobooks 17 Kindle books 7 tree books
41 books total
Clearly dad-, startup-, and farm-life cut into my reading time this year, and continued the shift towards more audio content (during travel, workouts, and chores). I also experimented with mostly-dictated notes for this post this year, with only very light editing, so if it reads a bit funny, that’s why. Hopefully the information is still there.
So, in no particular order:
The Dirty Life: A Memoir of Farming, Food, and Love - Kristin Kimball and Good Husbandry - Kristen Kimball
I listened to both of these (as my trend towards audio consumption continues) and they were fantastic. Lizzie recommended Dirty Life, and I liked it so much I listened to her sequel, Good Husbandry. Both are auto-biographical in a sense; Kristin starts off as a journalist / travel writer living in Manhattan and falls in love with this farmer in Pennsylvania while she’s writing a story about him. They end up getting married and buying an old, big, run-down farm (Essex Farm) in upstate New York and starting to bring it back to life via permaculture, horse teams (and tractors where needed), and a mega-CSA that aims to provide a year-round, complete food supply for their members. The Gift Of Good Land is their bible (see below) and they dig into a lot of currently-popular back-to-basics farming trends (no-till ag, complementary planting, massively diversified ecosystem, etc) – almost like the book version of The Biggest Little Farm. She’s got a pretty honest assessment of what works and what doesn’t, what’s hard and what’s worth it, etc. You don’t have to be totally into farming to enjoy this book, but a passing interest in the food supply chain and agriculture is helpful.
The second book is the follow-on about family life on the farm as they have two daughters and cope with running a growing farm, raising a family, etc. More of the same but totally entertaining and worth listening to.
Rise and Kill First - Ronen Bergman
Listened to this on a recommendation, I think, from Geopolitical Futures. It was admittedly a slightly unusual subject – a history of the Israeli Mossad assassination program – but it was fascinating. I don’t have a particularly strong background in any of this history (assassination, sure :) but also Israel’s history), but it struck me as pretty intellectually honest / balanced. It wasn't “Israel can never do anything wrong”, but nor was it anti-Israel. “Hey, some of this stuff actually worked really well for their aims, and some of the stuff has not.” It was a pretty good mix of storytelling and a well researched, systemic look at the different eras, focused on why things were done, and what worked and didn't work. Interesting overlap with a lot of the decision analysis stuff I’ve been reading lately (Annie Duke’s Thinking in Bets, Dan Gardner’s Superforecasters, etc, both of which will likely make my 2022 list).
In the beginning was the command line - Neal Stephenson
This was a Christmas gift from my dad. I love Neil Stevenson and this was no exception. I think I’m a few decades late to this particular party, but it's a really funny essay that basically combines the evolution of the personal computer and the different operating systems and the battle between Mac and Windows and Linux (and at the time he wrote it, which was probably in the late 90s, BeOS). But it’s also about the rise of the technology class in society and how most people are trading convenience for almost anything else..
The Deceivers: Allied Military Deception in the Second World War - Thaddeus Holt
Another odd but really interesting subject, definitely skim it if you read it – it’s a bit too repetitive and detailed, but really unique. Tells the history of the Allied deception units in World War II. Famously the plan (Operation Fortitude) that had Patton commanding a totally fictional First Army Group and they were going to invade over the channel into the Pas de Calais instead of in Normandy, but there's a bunch of other stuff, a bunch of analysis of the lessons that were learned. 
Don't do deception just for the heck of it, do it when you have an objective -- if you just do it, you might cause outcomes that are actually counter to your interests.
Don't try to tell a story, try to create an action. Some great examples of telling a story too well (like “we’re going to invade here with unstoppable force”) that led to enemy withdrawal, instead of being off-balance in the fight.
Understand your actual plan before you start deception, because a) your deception needs to be believable (an almost-but-not-chosen real plan is the best basis) and b) you don’t want to stage a deception that turns out to conflict with the real plan!
And then a lot of it was just the personalities and people and organizational fights, which I found less interesting.
The Secret Race - Tyler Hamilton
Adam Wolley recommended this book to me a long time ago, and I finally got around to listening to it. Fascinating story of Tyler’s experience on the US Postal Service cycling team back in the “good old days”. Depressing, as I remember being a huge fan of USPS’s and Lance’s success in the Tour, but still very interesting. It covers how he got into racing, then doping, then covering it up, then coming to terms with it, and a lot (almost too much, but hopefully cathartic to him) of the personal costs he paid throughout.
It seemed to be a pretty honest account of it, or at least framed to seem that way, and self-flagellant enough to be believable. :) Why he did it and why he felt like he had to do it and why he regrets it but also, he's honest about “I did it.” 
Teach your baby to read - Glenn Doman
I forget where I came across this, but it was fascinating, if a bit repetitive. I’m totally unclear how rigorous the science was or if the method works (I tried it a little with Cooper and he seemed uninterested, so I didn’t push it), but I enjoy reading stuff that at least questions mainstream assumptions just to keep my brain open. I’m including it here mostly because I was really excited about it when I read it, and then less so after it didn’t turn out to be interesting to Cooper, but maybe to kiddo #2? Or maybe it’s totally bogus. :)
The first section is all about history. They started working with a bunch of injured children with brain damage in various ways, medically disabled and figured out a lot of ways to help them and improve these kids' lives. And they built a bunch of techniques that teach them how to talk and read and stuff. They started to do better and better than they started to do better than kind of "happy normal kids". 
This book was written in 1963-1964 I think. So it's interesting from that point of view, it's very gender-stereotyped and the science is probably a little bit (a lot?) less rigorous than we're used to today (insert questions here about the variability of rigor in “modern science” here :) ). But it was actually pretty interesting. 
The middle section of the book was why kids should learn to read and sure, everyone agrees with that. 
The fundamental “insight” (assertion?) was that young kids can learn but their sensory pathways are underdeveloped. And so if you want to teach them as an example to read, you just have to use physically bigger words. So build these flashcards that have three-inch high letters on them in bright red, and start doing flashcards with your kids. And they will learn to read much quicker and you start with a system for you know, you start with five flashcards, one word each, you do them a couple of times a day, that's a deck, and then you introduce a second deck, a third deck. And ultimately, I think you get to five decks of five words each three times a day for each word. And then you replace the words after the kids have seen them about five times. And you build up this vocabulary of starting with, names Mummy, daddy, Cooper, whatever. And then parts of the body that are very useful and obvious to them, like my hand and my foot, whatever. 
And then the second half of the book is all the letters he received from his parents, which I just skipped because I'm sure they're nice and heartwarming, but I don't have that kind of time. :)
Slow horses - Mick Herron
I forget who recommended this, but it was one of the few pieces of fiction I read (listened to) this year, and it was really good. It was a British spy novel about these men & women who have been kind of exiled from the intelligence service because they made some mistake but they're still  employed. They're in the Slow (Slough, because British) House and how they get caught up in this big kidnapping case and save the day. 
Flying with Baby - Meg Collins
Very quick read, obviously a very targeted audience. :) The highlights: she had some good gear recommendations. I got the CARES harness so kids <2yo can fly on airplanes without lugging along a carseat (you can check it for free, less hassle). She also recommended these Cosco Scenera lightweight travel seats (the same ones that Scott Hoppe recommended), and we now have two and really like them. Also “special” (the right size/shape) bags for checking your carseat and gate-checking your umbrella stroller…I skipped both of these on our first trip, and now have both to prevent further damage. :)
She made a point of saying you need to call the airline if you're carrying your kid, you have to notify them in advance so it's on your boarding pass for eg TSA. She recommends a little travel cart to haul your car seats around the airport because they're so heavy (the big convertible ones)--we solved this with lightweight, checked seats instead. She has some stroller recommendations too, I bought one to try, a little umbrella-folding one. It’s been fine (very easy to carry but not awesome to actually use for more than 30min).
She recommends going through security with the baby in an Ergo because your arms are free instead of carrying them. Bring your baby's birth certificate or something like a passport that has age records in case they want to make a big deal about what age they are. Get gate-check tags in advance. All pretty simple after the first time you’ve done it. 
The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy by Pietra Rivoli
Dan Carroll sent me this book, and it was great. It was sort of like Box, the surprisingly fascinating book all about containerized shipping. Written by a Georgetown Econ Prof so her writing wasn't quite as fluid and easy to read as Box, but it was well-researched with a bunch of interesting stats and data.
Long story short, the US (still & surprisingly) produces most of the world's cotton, mostly in Texas, and she covers the evolution of that production and the mechanization of it, and how that is related to labor costs. Obviously, slavery early on in the US, and then as slavery was abolished things changed, except there were still a bunch of pretty shitty working conditions for blacks (and others) in the south. They pick cotton for a while, but eventually it moves to Texas with the invention of a couple of mechanized, it's now a very non-labor intensive thing, cool. There's a bunch of interesting vertical integration among the cotton producers where they basically built their own mills and other things as a cooperative, which was a really interesting model. 
She talks a lot about the impact of trade regulations – free trade or not – on this stuff, and how weird and how screwed up it is. And all these rules, like the “yarn forward” rule (X percent of the shirt from the yarn onwards has to be made in a country on this list”, blah, blah, blah). 
She made an interesting point that increasingly, as prices go up for clothing, and people care more about fashion, and prices go down generally, but disposable income goes up, people are willing to spend more on clothing. Functionally more garments are being imported to the US, with companies just paying the tariffs on rather than trying to optimize for sourcing material from a free-trade country, etc. They're like this is stupid. We're just going to pay the dollars and get the right products and work with partners that we want to work with. Which makes sense, if only the people who advocate for all this stuff would pay attention..
She talks a lot about these different theories that the market is a race to the bottom or the market is forcing people to get better and so there's truth and lies to all of these things. And you just have to keep digging to see what's actually happening. So yes, it was really worthwhile. Good book. Box is a little better written and in a similar vein, but this is more interesting specifically on fabric and textiles.
The Depository Trust Company by William Dentzer
Recommended by Robert MacCloy, and only available in actual tree-book format.
Depository Trust Company, written by the Founding President/CEO, William Dentzer. It was great, really interesting if you’re into how unusual stuff works. It's basically about the clearinghouse that manages all of the stock transfers in the US and increasingly worldwide. 
When everything was represented by paper stock certificates, if you sold your stock, you had to mail it to the company, or specifically, I think it was the registration agent who would then cancel the certificate and reissue it to the new owner. And it took days to settle a trade, but you didn't want to pay for the stock until you got the certificate and escrow was really complicated. 
So these guys in the 70s started this clearinghouse that was basically, “Hey, just send them all to us and we'll manage them” and they eventually basically got book-entry accounting approved for stock certificates. So they hold all the stock in the name of their holding company, which is (Cede and Co. for Certificate Depository). And then they basically just make entries in an accounting spreadsheet about who owns which certificates. Then they built some really interesting interfaces so that you could get a certificate if you needed it for some reason, etc. since some people didn't work with them yet. But you could also do things much faster and cheaper if you worked with them and it was really clever and they went on and on and on. 
They modernized, they did a lot of electronic stuff. There's a bunch of really cool examples and interesting things on how it all worked in here. So super cool book, very quick read, only comes in paperback but is very worth it. 
Men to Match my Mountains by Irving Stone
Audiobook recommended by Daniel Wile
I finished it finally, he recommended it years ago. Really interesting, long, and a little bit over-detailed like these histories tend to be. It was written in 1956, so the writing style feels a bit dated (gender norms and stereotypes, etc). Some good stories, mostly with the gold rush a lot about the Mormons, the 49ers,  the 59ers, I think there were the 79ers and the 89ers in Utah. If you’re into California history, it’s well done, and explains a lot of the early people and place names.
Weapons of Mass Instruction - John Taylor Gatto
Audiobook, recommended by Sophia Rowe
Fascinating book. It’s aggressive in views & presentation, and I certainly don’t know enough about this topic to endorse a lot of what’s in here, but it was thought provoking to say the least as we start to think about schooling for kiddos. 
The gist of his argument is that compulsory schooling (required public education) was set up to create better serfs (for factory workers, etc) and he has some historical arguments about why this happened. Then he goes into a bunch of entertaining stories about how principals called the police to shut down his lectures at schools (about why the school should be shut down :) ), etc. He doesn’t really propose many solutions – homeschool is the obvious answer, with obvious issus – but asks a lot of interesting questions about how the current system works.
Like I said, it’s incendiary and I don’t know the other sides of these arguments well enough to judge it, but it made me think about some other questions I want to ask & answer before our kids are in school.
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Glistening Skin, Superlative Ceviche, and 13 Other Things We’re Talking About
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Ceviche, and 13 Other
Things We’re Talking About
“This is my husband’s first Father’s Day. I love the idea of giving him the Josh Cellars Wine Lover Box from the Giftagram app, which is my favorite new download. We had our honeymoon in Napa, so whenever we open a bottle of a California wine, it takes us back. You need those reminders in the early days of parenthood.” —Jessica Robinson, director, brand partnerships & marketing
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The Daily Stone
“This is so brilliant for my dry, lizard-like skin—and for making my legs gleamy in tiny cutoffs. It looks like a pretty stone but is actually a genius lotion bar made of the most skin-coddling butters and oils that sink in to hydrate, nourish, and soothe every inch of your body. I love it most after a shower, when my skin is ready to drink in all the moisture. I warm it in my hands to melt it a bit, then gently trace it over my shoulders, legs, arms, shoulders, and butt (I never knew this was a priority for me until I started with the stone) and massage it in until my skin feels plush and supple. It smells like roses and frankincense, is thoughtfully made in Brooklyn (where I live), and comes nestled in a muslin cloth in a reusable little bamboo container that I keep necklaces in.” —Megan O’Neill, senior beauty editor
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“I recently brought home a Supernatural starter set—and I’m obsessed with it. I pour a little bit into a smaller spray bottle for my three-and-a-half-year-old son, who loves ‘cleaning’ with me. The essential-oil-based home formulas are safe for my little helper—and smell amazing.” —Wendy Lauria, VP of marketing
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The Daily Stone
“This is so brilliant for my dry, lizard-like skin—and for making my legs gleamy in tiny cutoffs. It looks like a pretty stone but is actually a genius lotion bar made of the most skin-coddling butters and oils that sink in to hydrate, nourish, and soothe every inch of your body. I love it most after a shower, when my skin is ready to drink in all the moisture. I warm it in my hands to melt it a bit, then gently trace it over my shoulders, legs, arms, shoulders, and butt (I never knew this was a priority for me until I started with the stone) and massage it in until my skin feels plush and supple. It smells like roses and frankincense, is thoughtfully made in Brooklyn (where I live), and comes nestled in a muslin cloth in a reusable little bamboo container that I keep necklaces in.” —Megan O’Neill, senior beauty editor
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Stateside T-Shirts
“At In goop Health LA, goop staff wore custom Stateside T-shirts, and mine has become my new go-to cozy piece. The material is so soft, and it’s a fun memento of the epic weekend we had.” —Dylan Mullen, director of business development
STATESIDE T-SHIRTS, Stateside, starting at $64
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STATESIDE T-SHIRTS Stateside, starting at $64
“I’ve been in a gym rut lately, so I decided to try something new: working out at home. (It’s low stakes; I don’t even have to wear shoes.) And when I discovered that I could stream the be.come project by Bethany C. Meyers on my computer, I had to try it. It’s a twenty-five-minute Pilates-meets-yoga routine that builds in intensity. The emphasis is on body-positivity and doing what feels right, emotionally and physically. Meyers releases a new video each week—and by day four, I had all the movements down and noticed that I was a whole lot happier.” —Samantha Saiyavongsa, assistant editor
THE BE.COME PROJECT, $35 per month
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The BE.COME PROJECT $35 per month
“This line has the best, most elevated basics around. Perfectly fitting tanks, sleek jumpsuits, and airy dresses that you’ll want to live in all summer long. Once I put on the Frank Tee, no other T-shirt in my closet really stood a chance.” —Melissa Schoenfeld, assistant stylist
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LACAUSA Bungalow Jumpsuit Lacausa, $160
Meditation Combo
“I believe in the power of meditation, wherever and however I can fit it in. But I must say, my experience is elevated when I have a beautiful accessory to practice on. These gorgeous cushion sets by Halfmoon are perfectly plush. They allow me to sit a little taller and more comfortably, for longer. It ups my mindfulness experience.” —Cory O’Donnell, event producer
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Halfmoon Meditation Combo Halfmoon, $200
Locational Astrology
“I like to fantasize about moving to different places—and wonder whether I’m meant to be somewhere else. So when I heard about locational astrology, I jumped at the chance to find out if my pings were real or standard escapism. Based on your natal chart, astrologer Alexandra Clark identifies the places where your planetary energies and houses align on a world
map. It’s worth a reading just to know where your karmic path lies from a geographical perspective. (Apparently, I am in Los Angeles for a reason.) She also uses elements from Human Design to identify the best type of environment for you. (I’m a kitchen type, which is spot-on.) Even if you’re not looking to uproot your life, it’s a fun way to plan your next vacation. Case in point: I have an emotional line right through New Orleans, and my sister just sent me a link to Hotel Peter and Paul a week ago.” —Andrea Arria-Devoe, sustainability editor
ASTROCARTO LOCATIONAL ASTROLOGY, Astrocarto, $175 for one hour
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Astrocarto Locational Astrology Consultation Astrocarto, $175 for one hour
goop MRKT Nantucket
“I’ve been obsessed with interior architect and designer Jess Wilpon Kamel’s eye for as long as I’ve known her. We tapped the Ronen Lev founder to transform a former toy store into goop MRKT Nantucket, and the result is a Shaker-inspired haven filled with tonal neutrals and texture. I’ve daydreamed about the kitchen—done in the perfect shade of summer blue from Farrow & Ball—more than once.” —Noora Raj Brown, VP of communications
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“I recently discovered Toptote, and it has changed my hat-traveling game. It easily clips your hat onto your bag, so you never have to worry about accidentally setting it down somewhere or damaging it by shoving it in somewhere. I will be bringing this with me anywhere I go with a hat.” —Nina Christensen, brand partnerships coordinator
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Toptote by Lindsay Albanese Lindsay Albanese, $48
Farmer’s Footprint
“I just watched the incredibly illuminating docuseries, Farmer’s Footprint, made by a grassroots movement that’s informing people on the health impact of chemical farming. It’s educational and moving—not to mention beautifully shot—and poses a solution of regenerative agriculture and farming.” —Christina Schwarzenegger, assistant editor
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“I recently discovered Toptote, and it has changed my hat-traveling game. It easily clips your hat onto your bag, so you never have to worry about accidentally setting it down somewhere or damaging it by shoving it in somewhere. I will be bringing this with me anywhere I go with a hat.” —Nina Christensen, brand partnerships coordinator
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Toptote by Lindsay Albanese Lindsay Albanese, $48
“Handcrafted leather sneakers without the middleman markup? Sign me up. Inkerman just opened up a pop-up in my hood—and in true Venice form, it’s a cool, converted driveway quietly tucked away on Abbot Kinney. My husband and I are both obsessed with the unisex Charlie high-tops, but it’s founder Thomas Downing’s commitment to transparency, ethically sourced materials, and a price tag that no one can hate on that keep Inkerman on our list.” —Alyssa Nelsen Geiger, senior creative copywriter
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Inkerman Charlie
High Top Sneakers
Inkerman, $188
Solaz Resort
“We came here for the sunsets. And the brand-new Brutalist-style design. And to nap on private hammocks. But the ceviche. The just-caught-red-snapper-with-fresh-lime-juice-and-chopped-tomatoes ceviche. It was the reason our naps were short and our sunset-watching even shorter. All we wanted to do was sit at Mako, the resort’s restaurant, and eat that damn ceviche all day.” —Stacey Lindsay, articles editor
SOLAZ, rooms starting at $485
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SOLAZ rooms starting at $485
“I recently got the Moody Month app, which has become an invaluable resource for keeping everything related to my hormone cycle in check. But it isn’t just for your periods and ovulation. Since our cycles affect everything from mood to wellness, the more you document, the more insight Moody provides. The app was conceived, designed, and built by women. They get it.” —Kate Wolfson, executive editor
MOODY MONTH, App store, free
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MOODY MONTH App store, free
“As a working mom, I’m constantly juggling. So I was excited to learn about the opening of the Wonder—a super fun new members’ club for families in NYC. In a single visit, I can do a painting class with the kids, slip in a few work emails in the grown-up workspace, and meet up with friends for a drink at the café while the kids have a ball in the open play area. It’s a multitasking parent’s dream.” —Katie DiMatteo, senior director, brand partnerships & marketing
THE WONDER, monthly membership, $450
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THE WONDER monthly membership, $450
Source: https://goop.com/style/decorating-design/goop-mrkt-nantucket-and-other-highlights/
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