#fat cell icons
chicago-geniza · 6 months
It's spring so I am misguidedly attempting to grow some hair back again. Taking bets that I will freak out and shave it in 2-3 weeks
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o-craven-canto · 3 months
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Recent evolutionary adaptations to the environment in human populations, from Going global by adapting local: A review of recent human adaptation (Fan et al., 2016). The icons show the type of adaptation recorded in various parts of the world, and the acronyms besides (e.g. EDAR1) are the names of the involved genes. Also see Genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations (Sabeti et al., 2009), Population Genomics of Human Adaptation (Lachance & Tishkoff, 2013).
Some examples are:
Lactase persistence in Europe, Near East, and East Africa, allowing the digestion of milk in adult age (by default, the lactase required to digest milk sugar would only be produced by infants; this was just a matter of removing a timed switch).
Similarly, greater production of amylase, which breaks down starch, is reported in Europe and Japan (diet based on farmed grains) and among the Hadza of Tanzania (diet based on starchy tubers).
Improved conversion of saturated into unsaturated fatty acids in the Arctic Inuit peoples. This makes it easier to live on a diet of fish and marine mammals in an environment where plant food is scarce.
Smaller stature ("defined as an average height of <150 cm in adult males") in the "pygmy" peoples (Aka and Mbuti) of Central Africa, and other hunter-gatherer peoples in equatorial Asia and South America. This helps shed heat in a hot humid climate where sweat does not evaporate.
More efficient fat synthesis in the Samoa, helping with energy storage at the price of more risk of obesity or diabetes with a richer modern diet.
Improved resistence to malaria, sleeping sickness (trypanosome), and Lassa fever in Subsaharan Africa. Fighting off against parasites is especially difficult (since unlike the inorganic environment, parasites also evolve), so this resistence often comes at a cost, such as anhemia, but is still a great advantage on net. Some improved resistence to arsenic poisoning is noted in an Argentinian population.
Denser red blood cells on the Andean, Ethiopian, and Tibetan highlands, to carry more oxygen which is scarcer at high altitude. I recall from elsewhere that this might increase the risk of thrombosis or strokes due to obstructed blood vessels.
Less melanin (which blocks UV light) and therefore lighter skin color in Eurasia. Melanin shields skin cells from damage due to UV radiations, but some UV light is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D.
A change in the gene EDAR1, resulting in denser head hair, slightly different tooth shape, and fewer sweat glands (all skin annexes), appears strongly selected for in East Asia, but as far as I can find the advantage of this mutation is still unknown.
From another article (Ilardo et al., 2018): the Sama Bajau people of Indonesia, who have a long tradition of free-diving in apnea, seem to have developed larger spleen to store more oxygenated blood during dives.
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obesogen · 9 months
Come on in, get very comfortable
Obesogens are, according to the scientist who coined the term, "xenobiotic chemicals that can disrupt the normal developmental and homeostatic controls over adipogenesis and energy balance".
In other words, an obesogen might disregulate the creation of new fat cells, the size of those fat cells, a person's metabolism, or all three.
Obesogens, along with present social and cultural trends, are speeding along the increasing prevalence of obesity and super obesity worldwide, making us by far the fattest humans who have ever lived.
As diets all over the world become loaded with delicious ultra-processed food and people have steadily decreasing levels of physical activity and time spent outdoors, we live in the golden age of obesity.
To think that even just 20 years ago to see a person weighing 500 pounds was very rare. A sideshow fat lady in the 19th century may have weighed that much if the circus was very lucky, but more than likely not even close.
In real life I see people close to a quarter-ton out and about with some regularity. The industrial world's capacity to overwhelm us with pound after pound of blubber is incredible. What a time to be alive if you, as I do, truly desire only the biggest.
I created this blog in order to have a specific place where I can express myself freely to this effect and to share posts that align with the particularities of my lifelong love of obesity.
And so, I hope to be an obesogen, promoting obesity wherever the soil is fertile.
Oh, and that desk chair I used for my icon? It has a weight capacity of 1000 pounds, and a seat that is 36 inches wide :)
That enough people needed a chair like this to be able to work in a building that this chair was designed and produced is great sign of things to come, I think.
This blog contains dark themes and triggering language, be careful and if nothing else,
be over 18 years old
I am not good with DMs, asks are scrumptious. Getting DMs does not bother me, but me being in the mood to answer them is a rare thing. I love, respect and advocate for fat people in real life no matter what I put here and I hope you do too.
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blackbird-brewster · 3 months
hiiii!! i'm sorry to hear you're not doing well right now, but you're definitely an appreciated face on my home page
1) i haven't watched much of the criminal minds reboot. i think i watched the first two episodes? but i don't like it. i think the reboot lays into the things i don't like about the show (gory deaths, really unhinged murderers, poor representations of people with mental health issues) while ignoring things i do like about the show (steady character development and family time, morgan, hotch, and reid being there >:( and an interesting analysis into what makes normal people do bad things, not what makes people run multi-level marketing murder schemes[???]). but i also have not seen enough of it to justify any stronger opinion than "i don't like reboots and this will not be an exception"
2) not really a headcanon, as much as an analysis of the show that my friend and i were talking about. but we both genuinely think that garcia and morgan would have ended up together if garcia was skinny...which is garbage because i absolutely LOVE their relationship, and i feel like it did not get any solidity or closure. also reid is bisexual and prentiss is a lesbian and jj is "good luck, babe" chappell roan-coded
3) a femme penelope garcia icon would be...kinda awesome 👉👈🥺
4) again, prentiss + jj = good luck, babe. idk what else to tell you
5) reid x morgan college au rivals to lovers shenanigans would make a great fic
6) comet and koshi (two of my five cats)
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7) read any good books recently? i'm reading who's afriad of gender? by judith butler right now, and i'm really enjoying it
hope all of this keeps you busy and makes you happy! feel better soon <3
Let me start by saying this was such a great message to read when I was very sick and very sad. THANK YOU!!! I finally have recovered enough to have half a brain cell so I can reply. <3
1) Tell me what you think of the reboot
I am RIGHT THERE with you friend. I think the reboot has really destroyed a lot of the characters (namely Garcia who is unrecognizable in terms of characterisation in CME) and especially in regards to this season, they made an unsub a main cast member?! So we have SOOOOO much of Elias Voit and so LITTLE of the characters we're here to see. I would trade all of his screentime for one look into what Luke and Emily do outside of the office tbrh (yes, the promo for this week has Emily at home for the first time in the whole reboot, but that's beside the point). I'm def not a fan of CME and I wish the show would have just ended in 2020 and that was that. But since it didn't and because my soul is eternally bound to this fandom, here we are. Thank god for fanfic.
2) Tell me your CM headcanons
"we both genuinely think that garcia and morgan would have ended up together if garcia was skinny…which is garbage because i absolutely LOVE their relationship"
YOU ARE SO RIGHT! They had so much potential and I'll forever ship Morcia and I agree the fact they would be an interracial couple with a fat babe involved was probably part of the reason they never dated. -- That being said, I DO appreciate that they never dated. Because I think it's quite rare to see loving, supportive, flirty, PLATONIC friendships between men and women on TV. Not every m/f duo needs to end up together, I think we definitely need more representation of m/f best friends.
"also reid is bisexual and prentiss is a lesbian and jj is "good luck, babe" chappell roan-coded"
100% correct on all accounts. The way I HOWLED with laughter at "JJ is good luck babe coded" lmaaaaaaaaaooooooooo
3) Request pride icons
When you say 'femme Garcia' which flag are you meaning? Happy to make the icon just wanna get the pride flag right (bc I know there's tons of different flags!).
4) Tell me songs that remind you of your ships
"again, prentiss + jj = good luck, babe. idk what else to tell you"
They are so many songs on that album. Jemily is also very 'Casual' and 'Coffee' too.
5) Give me fic prompts
"reid x morgan college au rivals to lovers shenanigans would make a great fic"
Fun fact, while Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) focuses mainly on JJ/Tara/Emily -- Derek and Reid are important side characters. And they were college acquaintances (established in Part 2)! And they both have dated the same guy (Luke) anddddd they are navigating polyamory together in Part 3. So you may enjoy that series.
6) Tell me about your pets
I love your cats!! I had 5 cats at one point. That's the dream! Tell them all they're so good and fluffy and I love them.
7) Ask personal questions
"read any good books recently? i'm reading who's afriad of gender? by judith butler right now, and i'm really enjoying it"
I've been reading my book copies of Fooled Around! I'm on the final book (I split the series into 4 books) and I'm trying to make it last as long as possible. I only have a couple of chapters left but having physical copies of something I wrote is SO cool. It's brought me a lot of joy and has helped me take pride in what I write!
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missgrimes · 2 years
001 - fuck montrose
Soho — 03:45 A.M ( Catherine Steel )
The devil isn't always a little red man with horns, a long pointed tail, sometimes he can be handsome. And Rhys Montrose was the most beautiful demon Catherine had ever seen.
Blue-eyed, stocky, almost territorial in posture, and showered with all the English class, Montrose wore his elegance in a different way than London's rich men, who paraded around covered in gold and diamonds, showing off their fat wallets at Soho parties. . He had a fat wallet, but he didn't show it off. Rhys carried his bullion in an old, battered bag.
"My God, it's Montrose!" - Jess said giving me an elbow, which made me drop my drink.
“What the fuck. Why did it?"
"You did not see? Rhys is right there"
Jess's eyes almost popped out of their sockets they were so wide. She gave him that psychopath smile, teeth clenched, and waved at him. That Rhys Montrose grinned and waved back briefly as he walked down the club stairs. Down the stairs, on the last step, a small group of people gathered and pulled out their cell phones, pointing at Rhys, who just gave them a restrained smile, no teeth showing.
I didn't live in a cave, it was obvious I already knew who Rhys Montrose was. He became one of hundreds of celebrities with a bad history behind stardom who were "unassumingly" paraphrased in a few paragraphs in a booklet with an iconic cover that happened to be at the top of the Times for enough weeks to be placed on one of those lists. "Books You Must Read Before You Die" on the Internet. Yeah, I knew him, as did everyone else in that club.
“He's literally the hottest man I've ever seen in my life."
"Close your mouth before drool falls into your drink."
I laughed and Jess elbowed me again.
"He is...
" Incredible? Wonderful? Intelligent..."
"Married. I interrupted."
"In divorce proceedings, according to the Daily Mail.'
I rolled my eyes. Jesse really had a thing for married men.
She went on and on about how hot Rhys was but I was too tired to listen so I left her with a group of girls who were also talking about Rhys and walked off with my drink in the opposite direction of the fuss and whispers.
Leaving the Montrose fan club behind, I started looking at how the rich worked, and boy was it bizarre. The world of high society was more complex than I imagined. Moving between the millionaire groups I heard conversations about bitcoins, shares in the stock exchange, I took a few more steps and soon I heard about a sexual abuse case that was covered up by a supreme court judge last week, more steps forward and I heard about how the Europe was stupid to free the slaves and behead their Kings, after all, in the world there are only two types of people:
The hunt.
And the hunter.
My drunken walk took me to a secluded spot in the club. A place where loud music was nothing more than an annoying noise muffled by the walls. A kind of room, which I didn't hesitate to enter, with a spacious bed that I also didn't hesitate to throw myself on. The sensation of zigzagging between the limit of sobriety and the unconscious attracted me in a unique way, I liked the feeling of walking on a rope, where one wrong step could be fatal.
Even drunk I was acutely aware that I shouldn't be there, and the fact that I was taking off my dress and heels and rolling around in an overly comfortable bed was going to get me into trouble soon, but I just didn't care. I took a step in the opposite direction of sobriety that night.
Damn it. It was the first thing I thought of when I opened my eyes.
I got up from the bed more slowly than I would have liked, the icy wind coming from the balcony reminded me that I was still wearing my bra and panties, I snorted loudly when I touched the plush carpet in the room, I took a deep breath before I got up to get up , but my stay on two legs was brief, as I landed in a sitting position. in bed again. It was obvious that my stupid brain was still too drunk to do the simple task of keeping me on my feet. I huffed again and after the third try I just gave in to gravity and slammed my bare back into the mattress.
“You made the list of things not to do when you're drunk. Congratulations. "
I looked in the direction of the voice and there it was; Rhys Montrose, sitting in the armchair in the darkest corner of the room. Legs crossed as he slowly swirled a glass of whiskey in his hand.
“You found my secret hiding place." He smiled.
“What are you doing here?”
"I was going to ask you the same thing."
I swallowed hard. Sober or not, I was going to get out of there as soon as possible. I gathered all my strength and got to my feet. I gripped the headboard as hard as I could and grabbed my dress off the floor and put it on, grabbed the silver heels and staggered to the door. But it was clear that my knees were still sleeping and forgetting to support me.
Rhys chuckled as he landed on the floor, not caring if I was listening or not.
" What's the fun"
"Other than your dress being backwards and you being so drunk you couldn't stand up?"
“Fuck off. I don't know what you think is going to happen here, but you're wrong."
"Do you know what's going to happen here?" He set his glass on the side table and leaned forward, clasping his hands together. The thick gold ring that rested on her thumb gleamed in the moonlight. “You'll try to get up, take half a step, and fall again. Get hurt and somehow it will end up on the front page of the Daily Mail tomorrow, with my name next to the word attacked.
" What do you want?"
"To help you"
“I don't need your help. And once again, nothing will happen here-"
“If I wanted to do something to you, young lady, I would have done it in the last three hours you've spent passed out and drooling on my bed."
“Fuck you, Montrose."
I leaned against one of the bookshelves and managed to get up.
Panting and unnecessarily sweaty, but on her feet.
I sucked in as much air as my lungs could hold and took the first step, onto my back, looking directly at Rhys. With one step after another I approached the door. I leaned on the handle when I thought I was going to fall, but on impact it broke, but somehow I caught on to the coat rack and I didn't actually fall before Rhys, who jumped up from his chair, came closer. .
With some difficulty I managed to get the door open and glanced at Montrose's stout figure before walking away.
(( summary here ₊˚✧ˎ
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k00297644 · 7 months
Artist Research - Olivier Theyskens
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Olivier Theyskens is a contemporary fashion designer from Belgium. He was born in Brussels in 1977 and he has worked in famous fashion and design houses such as Roches, Nina Ricci and Theory.
(pictured above is Theyskens in his studio in Paris, and Caroline Polacheck attending the 2024 Grammys in archive 1998 Fall Olivier Theyskens- Ready to Wear)
A particular collection of his, and some would argue the most iconic of his work is his first collection in Paris - the Fall 1998 Ready to Wear collection.
It featured many elements regarding movement and the human body, including exposed chests, anatomical elements such as vein-like lace details, distressed textile bodysuits resembling muscle fibres, and sheer pvc bodices, that exhibited and and constricted the body, moving and rearranging the fat cells and the overall proportion and shape of the body.
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Theyskens describes the collection as “romantic and expressive of complex yet fragile emotions”. He took much inspiration for this collection from Florentine studies of anatomy along with the 17th-19th centuries use of beadwork and intricate place detailing. Theyskens upon reflection of the collection said “When I look back, some of the charm of this collection is I can tell how much I’m trying different types of things as a discoverer or explorer, I was really doing things mostly for the first time”. I believe this statement perfectly aligns with myself and my position in the ‘Movement’ project.
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I, like Olivier started this project mostly doing things for the first time, and it’s a really beautiful thing to see how it all blends together. There’s always been quite a sculptural element to my fashion designs, as do his. However, I believe the textures and qualities print have brought to this project, along with the structure and stability of sculpture, and the intricate beadwork within Fashion, has brought such a gorgeous sense of contrast and depth to my work.
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themattress · 5 months
A look at Dragon Ball Z's sagas and the incarnation I prefer them in: manga, anime, or Kai.
The Vegeta Saga
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Manga: 48 Chapters (Vol. 1 - 5) Anime: 35 Episodes (Season 1) Kai: 16 Episodes (Season 1)
This one is really difficult. The arc is a good one in all incarnations, of course, but I especially love both animated renditions. The original anime has strengths like filler episodes that flesh out the year between the major Saiyan battles quite well and provide more development to characters like Gohan and Piccolo, and even spotlight characters that were underutilized in the manga (in Launch's case, not utilized at all!), but weaknesses like filler episodes that are particularly bad and contradictory to canon material, plus the battle with Nappa and Vegeta having more padding stuffed in than is necessary. Kai loses those weaknesses, but it also loses those strengths. On the plus side, it feels perfectly paced, with 8 episodes before Nappa and Vegeta arrive followed by 8 after their arrival. So, which version gets the victory?
Well, the winner is....
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The good filler in the original anime is very good, but the bad filler is literally story-breaking levels of bad (ex: the space pod Goku came to Earth in gets blown up, and then when it's canonically needed for the story no reference is made to the fact that it was ever destroyed), and more importantly than that, Kai has the only consistently good English dub of the saga.
The Freeza Saga
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Manga: 87 Chapters (Vol. 5 - 12) Anime: 72 Episodes (Seasons 1 - 3) Kai: 38 Episodes (Seasons 1 - 3)
Let's rule out the anime right away, because its filler and padding was more often than not atrocious and dragged the whole thing down in spite of the arc's soaring highs. Kai retains those highs and trims the fat, with almost half the amount of episodes. However, a few things it couldn't quite work around such as Captain Ginyu's pointless return in Bulma's body and the fight between Goku and Freeza getting interrupted by a fight between Gohan and Freeza still ended up remaining. The pacing is still slightly better than the manga's and seeing the battles and transformations all fully animated is always a plus, but as a minus Toriyama's writing is more consistent as Toei's aforementioned retained additions are just that obvious.
So, when weighing them carefully, I've got to give the nod to....
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The original manga arc was immediately iconic for a reason. Also, it's the only version where Vegeta says that Zarbon spilled Freeza's secret of being able to transform...and Zarbon actually did so! Yeah, in both anime versions they totally forget to have Zarbon say that to Vegeta, so it comes out of nowhere when Vegeta says the line to Freeza! When you make such a monumental narrative blunder, you just can't be the definitive version of the story.
The Cell Saga
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Manga: 91 Chapters (Vol. 12 - 19) Anime: 77 Episodes (Seasons 4 - 6) Kai: 44 Episodes (Seasons 3 - 4)
It's a nigh-perfectly paced and utterly riveting story arc in all three versions, so each version's weaknesses being minor compared to their strengths. So this one is practically a coin toss!
But the coin lands on...
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It's the best of both worlds. Truer to the manga with a lot of filler excised, while maintaining great animation and voice-acting that the anime made possible, plus keeping some of the better changes such as how the final epic beam struggle between Gohan and Cell plays out. Also, I much prefer the arrangement of the Kikuchi score here compared to the original.
The Buu Saga
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Manga: 99 Chapters (Vol. 20 - 26) Anime: 92 Episodes (Seasons 7 - 9) Kai: 69 Episodes (The Final Chapters)
This arc was never gotten right in any version. The manga's goes further and further off the rails and gets rushed to a flat, underwhelming conclusion; the anime's drags on too long and the many battles against different incarnations of Buu grow tiresome; and Kai bafflingly keeps in a lot of the anime's worst additions which feels totally against the original point of Kai.
But the lesser of three evils is....
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At the very least, when this arc starts to get really bad in the manga, it goes by fast. It's mostly in the last two volumes and you can read through it easily. That's way better than spending 22 minutes after 22 minutes after 22 minutes putting up with the decline in quality.
But that leads me to my big Hot Take: Dragon Ball Z is a legendary anime, important to and cherished by many, myself included. But nowadays there's....really not much of a good reason to watch it. Kai is far more in line with the original manga and actually goes at a reasonable pace. 167 episodes is still lengthy; longer than Dragon Ball's 153 and Dragon Ball Super's 131, but it still falls under that reasonable umbrella, whereas 291 episodes just feels way too daunting, especially when not being broadcast on a weekday-by-weekday basis.
So aside from checking out episodes here and there as a curiosity, I wouldn't recommend the original Dragon Ball Z to anyone anymore. Maybe I'm going to HFIL for that, but it's true!
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iviarellereads · 1 year
Nona the Ninth, Guest List and John 20:8
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For detail on The Locked Tomb coverage and the index, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
No chapter icon for either, but both have lots to talk about.
Dramatis Personae Guest List, as dictated by Nona and transcribed by "C. Hect"(1)
Dogs. Nona LOVES dogs. She wants all the dogs she knows at her party. She also wants all the members of the gang there, with all their unfamiliar names. There's also a teacher she calls The Angel she'd like to invite.
The Blood of Eden members are where this list starts to get interesting. "Crown Him with Many Crowns"(2) is shot down by Cam in notes, and "the Captain"(3) is "Not possible". Cell/Wing Commander We Suffer and We Suffer(4) is another flat no from Cam.
And of course, Nona's three guardians.
This is followed by the Houses poem, once more, in full.(5) Then, a new poem. Without saying anything too specific, I'd just suggest coming back to this every once in a while in the book. Since hopefully you've already read the John prologue-introduction before reading my notes, you might have an idea of why this might continue to be important throughout. Still, in a surface-level interpretation, it's a poem from someone being asked to sleep a while and leave another person to their revenge quest. This may sound familiar. Alecto and John, of course.
You held aloft the sword. I still love y
Then, onward, into John 20:8(6) which I think it's fair to assume is John and... well, if the last line is right, Harrowhark.
In the dream, he told her the words about where he took his degrees, his postdoc, his research fellowship. They were his noise and not really for consumption. More like meditation; like even his mouth knew the pointlessness of it, and just wanted to recite. Dilworth. Otago. Auckland. Overseas to Corpus. (She likes the word corpus; it sounds nice and fat.) Then another year abroad, where he got the grant and met the men who would make things happen. Special pleading with the New Zealand government and Asia-Pacific Environmental, at his suggestion, then back to the facility outside Greytown. They mocked it up to look like a freezing works. We all thought that was funny, he said.
He said: We just wanted to save you. You were so sick.(7)
Early on, the team was just A- and M-.(8) M- as a medical professional, A- "because he was the glycerol-6 genius." He also handles the shareholders for John, who still hates meetings.
C-(9) was brought in by the executives of the funding, as oversight, but she was on their side within a year.
Until the last year, there was every sign that the funders would see the project through. John wanted to be sure no one of the eleven billion was left behind.(10) When the funders started constructing other ships, John was told it was nothing, just some exploratory stuff. He even loaned them G-(11) for his expertise. M- didn't like it, but John said she shouldn't get too paranoid. This is how everyone can get out, and the trillionaires will go where the real exit is.
When the funders call to say the project has been cancelled, M- reminds him of this statement.
The two are sitting on a beach, with a fire he made from driftwood. The ash still falls, and makes them sick for a little while.
Anything that hurt them only ever hurt them for a little while.
She's sitting next to a pile of meat, for when they get hungry, which always happens at the same time.(11)
John continues that the worst part is that M- and A- cried in each other's arms, they were so scared, and John couldn't do anything about it.
He and she sit in the quiet for a while.
She prompted: So what did you do? He said: A damned thing, didn’t I. She said: When is the part where you hurt me?(12) He said: Soon. It’s coming up. She said: I still love you. And in the dream he rubbed his temple with his thumb and said: “You always say that, Harrowhark.”(13)
(1) Camilla, naturally. (2) A hymn from 1851. Expect a lot of this sort of name. (3) Funny that the Captain has no other given name, no song or poem fragment. Even We Suffer gets a partial name. Do we know a captain with no historical document linked name in the BOE? (Sort of… if you squint and think Judith might have gone over after we last saw her in HtN) This also might recontextualize Crown's name if you think about it. (4) "We Suffer and We Suffer", now that we have a little more of the name we first learned in As Yet Unsent to contextualize, is a quote from Agamemnon, a play by Aeschylus from about 458 BCE. In a slightly fuller context, it's a line about how it is impossible to know the future, we must suffer the present and learn what's to come when it's time for it to happen. How very fitting of such an enigmatic character so far. (5) I also feel it's worth noting, this time, how the Lyctors are split into a trinary. His Lyctors, his Saints, his Hands. We saw them use all three in HtN. (6) Positioning this as a Bible verse is pretty clever of Muir. Since she's shown a preference for the DRB translation, here's John 20:8 "Then that other disciple also went in, who came first to the sepulchre: and he saw, and believed." However, it's also important to note that the numbers on this chapter can correspond to letters: TH. I think the duality is important. If this is your first read, I do not recommend looking at the table of contents in the ebook until the end. I'll keep you up on what all these chapter numbers are indicating as we get to them, promise. (7) Save who? Harrowhark? He couldn't have known her back then. And why would a cryogenic facility save anyone? (8) Augustine and Mercymorn? They were the first two to serve, and Mercy does have medical aptitude as we know her later/in the present. Only, why would John be using initials for his friends? (9) From context, Cassiopeia, founder of the Sixth, would have had the book-smarts for this, and was the Fourth Saint which tracks with being brought in earlyish in whatever this project is, though none of this project tracks with what we were told of the origins of the Nine Houses. (10) G1deon? Likely, as again, Third Saint. (11) It's a dream, so you shouldn't need to get hungry, but dream logic can also depend on what you expect to happen. Simultaneous hunger suggests a deeper link between these two people though. (12) How did John hurt whoever he was trying to save? (13) And here, now, why would Harrow be in a dream with John, how could she have been the one he saved? Or is something odd about this dream, too...
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bluebellhairpin · 5 months
Hello, I have come to inform you of Yuuji as requested 🫡
Now, I only watched the first season of JJK and that was a goooooodddd while ago. I have not read the manga at all.
BUT from what I know of the charming young man <33333. Some of this you may already know, so forgive me if this is the case ksenfrikendjkdd.
He is exceedingly strong and agile as a normal human, even before Sukuna becomes a part of him
Yuuji tends to kinda keep to himself, but when he does make friends, he keeps small circles
His parents are not alive. He was raised by his grandpa who at the beginning of the JJK story was dying.
He is a very silly guy. Airhead type energy. Not the most intelligent in general, but he is very (unknowingly) sensitive to other’s emotions.
He’s fiercely loyal to those he cares about and will protect them at all costs if there is something he can do. That kind of energy is why he ends up choosing to take on Sukuna in the first place. He was protecting his friends from curses, and then Megumi.
He is the biggest sweetheart and values time with his friends and loved ones greatly.
Bro is persistent when it comes to things he wants or desires to achieve, be it something extremely serious, or something tedious and annoying. If it is the latter, he will moan and complain about it, but he will get it done uwu.
Despite his no brain cell vibe, at times he will surprise you by being more perceptive than you take him for. He will remember things you don’t expect him to.
He is willing to risk it all to do what he believes is the right thing. Time after time he has sacrificed his life and his body to try to balance out the cruelties of this world in general and toward people.
Also he has a thing for tall girlies with beeg booties lmao. It seems shallow (he’s very silly about it lmao), but he is also known to look at the qualities of someone’s character and actions in someone. (For example, when he was in middle school vibing and reading, some other dudes in his class were talking about girls and asked him who he’d date if he had to pick a classmate. He says he would pick a student who happened to be overweight, and the dudes were like “Her? No way! She’s fat!!” And shit. And he’s like “Yeah, but her handwriting is pretty.”
Uuuuhhhh this is about all that came to mind. There are others that prolly know more than me lol. But I hope this helps!!
Somehow I knew none of this and yet none of it came as a surprise to me and I have no idea how that happened. I love all of it and Dere I deeply apricate all the time you had to put into it bc DAMN??? I said essay but you took it literally and I'm bowing down before you.
I'm squirreling this away so I can use it later <3
ALSO - “Her? No way! She’s fat!!” And shit. And he’s like “Yeah, but her handwriting is pretty.” - KING SHIT. ICONIC. SAME. I'D ALSO FALL FOR SOMEONE BC THEIR HANDWRITING IS PURDY.
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nutrahealth-tips · 7 months
Click Below to Visit the Official Website ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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 The Most Complete LipoSlend Review - Discover the Secrets to Effective Weight Loss: In this in-depth LipoSlend review, you'll have access to insider information essential to achieving your weight loss goals. If you're looking for real, safe results, this is the video you can't afford to miss! I'll reveal all the important aspects about LipoSlend, from its powerful ingredients to the incredible benefits it offers, as well as providing crucial warnings for your health. 
 ✅ What is LipoSlend and how does it work? LipoSlend is a revolutionary supplement designed to boost your body’s natural fat burning process. With a unique "molecular liposuction" approach, it aims to prevent the growth and multiplication of fat cells, providing a healthy and sustainable weight loss. 
 ✅ Scientifically Proven Ingredients: The formula of LipoSlend consists of a careful selection of natural ingredients, all of them rigorously tested and certified by science for their effectiveness in weight loss. Each capsule contains a powerful combination that works in harmony to help you achieve your goals safely and effectively. 
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 Click Below to Visit the Official Website ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 
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docsprocket · 7 months
Exploring The Electric Bike Scene In Sydney: A Ride Through The Top Shops
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Sydney, Australia, with its scenic coastal routes and bustling city streets, is a haven for cyclists of all kinds. And with the rise of electric bikes, navigating through this vibrant metropolis has become even more exhilarating. As the demand for eco-friendly and efficient modes of transportation grows, so does the popularity of electric bikes. In Sydney, enthusiasts have a plethora of shops to choose from, each offering a unique selection of e-bikes and accessories. Let's take a ride through some of the top electric bike shops in Sydney.
1. Electric Bikes Sydney: Nestled in the heart of the city, Electric Bikes Sydney is a premier destination for electric bike enthusiasts. With a diverse range of brands and models, from sleek urban commuters to rugged off-road machines, this shop caters to cyclists of all preferences and skill levels. Their knowledgeable staff are passionate about e-bikes and are always eager to assist customers in finding the perfect ride.
2. Sydney Electric Bikes: Located near the iconic Sydney Harbour, Sydney Electric Bikes boasts an impressive selection of electric bikes from top brands such as Bosch, Shimano, and Yamaha. Whether you're looking for a foldable commuter bike or a high-performance mountain e-bike, you'll find it here. The shop also offers comprehensive servicing and repairs to keep your e-bike running smoothly for years to come.
3. Glow Worm Bicycles: Tucked away in the eclectic suburb of Newtown, Glow Worm Bicycles is a hidden gem for electric bike enthusiasts. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, this boutique shop offers a curated collection of cutting-edge e-bikes from emerging brands. Their friendly staff are passionate cyclists themselves and are always eager to share their knowledge and expertise with customers.
4. E-riders: Situated in the vibrant suburb of Bondi Beach, E-riders is a mecca for beach cruisers and coastal explorers. Specializing in stylish and practical electric bikes, this shop offers everything from retro-inspired cruisers to futuristic fat tire bikes. With breathtaking ocean views just a stone's throw away, E-riders is the perfect starting point for a scenic ride along the coast.
5. Cell Bikes: For those seeking quality and affordability, Cell Bikes is the place to be. With a wide range of electric bikes at competitive prices, this popular shop caters to budget-conscious cyclists without compromising on quality. From city commuters to electric cargo bikes, Cell Bikes has something for everyone. Their online store also makes it easy to browse and purchase e-bikes from the comfort of your own home.
Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or a novice rider, exploring Sydney's electric bike scene is an adventure like no other. With an array of shops offering diverse selections, expert advice, and top-notch service, finding the perfect e-bike has never been easier. So why wait? Hop on an electric bike and experience the thrill of cruising through Sydney in eco-friendly style. Happy riding!
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nancyreviewtalk · 8 months
Puravive Review - Puravive Weight Loss - Puravive Reviews - PURAVIVE ⚠️( I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT! )⚠️
✅Official WebSite: http://tinyurl.com/puravive-offer-site ✅Official WebSite: http://tinyurl.com/puravive-offer-site
Puravive Review - Puravive Weight Loss - Puravive Reviews - PURAVIVE ⚠️( I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT! )⚠️
Its Puravive?
PuraVive boasts a 100% natural formula, free from harmful chemicals and additives. Its plant-based, non-GMO composition appeals to health-conscious consumers.
- The FDA-approved manufacturing facility adheres to GMP certification standards, ensuring strict compliance and safety.
- Delivered in easy-to-swallow capsules suitable for a diverse user base, PuraVive is non-habit-forming and assures no negative side effects. Overwhelmingly positive customer feedback attests to its effectiveness.
Not only does PuraVive facilitate a healthy lifestyle, but it also does so at an affordable price range, offering savings, promotions, and deals to enhance its allure for customers seeking added value. How Does This Product Aid in Losing Weight?
- PuraVive offers a cutting-edge approach rooted in scientific research. A German study revealed a significant factor in excess abdominal fat: a deficiency in brown fatty tissue (BAT).
PuraVive aims to elevate the body's BAT levels, addressing this deficiency.- BAT is highly efficient in burning calories, enhancing metabolism for consistent and effective calorie burn throughout the day and night. The supplement's natural ingredients also benefit vitality, brain rejuvenation, and cardiovascular health, enhancing blood flow, regulating blood sugar, cholesterol, and overall well-being.
Ingredients List for PuraVive
- Holy Basil: An adaptogen reducing stress, improving mental health, and impacting weight management by raising BAT levels. - Luteolin: Increases BAT levels, promoting brain health, aiding weight loss, and controlling cholesterol. - Korean White Ginseng: Boosts immunity, reduces oxidative stress, promoting energy and general health. - Propolis: Potent antioxidant maintaining blood sugar balance and cell protection. - Kudzu Root: Strong antioxidant properties, promoting cardiovascular health and weight control by increasing BAT levels. - Amour Cork Bark: Improves gut health, digestion, supports metabolic and cardiovascular health. - Quercetin: Aids in aging, blood pressure maintenance, and weight loss by altering metabolic pathways.
00:01 Introduction 00:24 Puravive Reviews 00:50 Puravive Supplement 01:10 Does it Work for Weight Loss? 01:29 Ingredients and benefits 02:10 How to use Puravive 02:55 How does Puravive Work 03:00 Conclusion
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meatkinghk · 1 year
Meat's Health Benefits & Cultural Impact on Diet
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The Health Benefits of Meat and Its Cultural Impact on Diet
Introduction: In recent years, there has been much debate surrounding the health benefits and cultural implications of consuming meat. As an online store committed to delivering the best quality meat, we at Meat King believe it is essential to shed light on this topic. In this article, we will explore the health benefits of meat and its significant impact on various cultural diets. Whether you're a meat enthusiast or simply looking to understand the role of meat in a balanced diet, read on to discover the advantages of incorporating meat into your meals.
1. Health Benefits of Meat:
Meat is a valuable source of essential nutrients that are vital for overall health and well-being. Here are some of the key health benefits associated with consuming high-quality meat:
Protein Powerhouse: Meat is an excellent source of complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids necessary for muscle growth, repair, and maintenance. Protein is also essential for supporting a healthy immune system and maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails.
Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Meat, such as beef and lamb, is rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and selenium. Iron is crucial for carrying oxygen in the blood, while zinc contributes to a robust immune system. Vitamin B12 is essential for neurological function, and selenium acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage.
High-Quality Fats: Certain types of meat, like fatty fish, contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their heart-healthy benefits. Omega-3s help reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and support brain health.
Satiety and Weight Management: Meat is a highly satiating food that can help control appetite and contribute to weight management. Including lean cuts of meat in your diet can help you feel full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of overeating or snacking on unhealthy foods.
2. Cultural Impact of a Meat-Based Diet:
Meat has played a significant role in various cultural diets around the world. Here are a few examples of how meat-based diets have influenced different cultures:
Western Cuisine: Many traditional Western dishes feature meat as the centerpiece. From juicy steaks to roasted poultry, meat has long been a staple in Western diets. The cultural impact of meat in Western cuisine is evident in iconic dishes like hamburgers, barbecues, and classic Sunday roasts.
Asian Cuisine: In many Asian countries, meat, such as pork, beef, and chicken, is widely used in stir-fries, curries, and noodle dishes. Meat-based dishes often showcase the region's unique flavors and culinary traditions, highlighting the cultural significance of meat in Asian cuisine.
Mediterranean Diet: The Mediterranean diet, known for its emphasis on fresh produce, whole grains, and healthy fats, also incorporates moderate amounts of lean meat. This diet has been associated with numerous health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease and improved longevity.
Indigenous Diets: Many indigenous cultures rely on hunting and gathering for sustenance. Meat from wild game forms an integral part of their diets, providing essential nutrients and sustaining their communities' cultural traditions.
Meat offers a range of health benefits and holds cultural significance in various diets worldwide. From its protein-packed properties to its rich vitamin and mineral content, meat can play a valuable role in a balanced and nutritious diet. Understanding the cultural impact of meat-based diets allows us to appreciate the diversity of culinary traditions and the importance of high-quality meat in different cultures.
At Meat King, we are passionate about providing premium-quality meat that not only contributes to a healthy lifestyle but also celebrates the cultural heritage associated with meat-based diets. Explore our wide selection of beef, lamb, poultry, and seafood, and experience the joy of incorporating high-quality meat into your meals.
Remember, when selecting meat, prioritize quality, sourcing, and sustainable practices. By making conscious choices, you can enjoy the many health benefits of meat while also supporting ethical and responsible food production.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist for personalized dietary recommendations and guidance.
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stayyoungcryoau · 1 year
Body Sculpting Sydney: Embracing the Future of Body Contouring
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Sydney, renowned for its iconic landmarks and pristine beaches, is also rapidly becoming a nexus for cutting-edge beauty and wellness treatments. At the vanguard of this movement are two intertwined and transformative procedures: Body Sculpting and Body Contouring. Sydneysiders, with their penchant for embracing the latest in health and beauty trends, are readily adopting these non-invasive treatments, aiming to achieve that sculpted silhouette with minimal downtime.
1. Understanding Body Sculpting and Body Contouring
At their core, both these treatments share a common goal: refining the body's natural shape. While body sculpting often uses techniques like fat freezing or ultrasound to break down fat cells, body contouring can refer to various procedures that tighten skin, reduce cellulite, or reshape areas of the body.
2. Why the Surge in Popularity?
Given Sydney's vibrant beach culture, there's an intrinsic desire for a toned physique. Beyond aesthetics, these treatments offer quick results with minimal side effects, making them a favoured alternative to more invasive procedures.
3. The Science Behind the Magic
Both treatments leverage advanced technologies. For instance, cryolipolysis in body sculpting targets and cools fat cells until they crystallize and naturally exit the body. Radiofrequency and laser technologies in contouring stimulate collagen production, ensuring firmer, smoother skin.
4. Who Can Benefit?
Virtually anyone looking to enhance their physique can benefit. Whether it's stubborn belly fat, sagging skin post-pregnancy, or cellulite, these procedures offer tailored solutions.
5. Safety and Efficacy
Given the non-invasive nature of both treatments, risks are minimal. However, it's paramount to choose reputed clinics with experienced professionals in Sydney to guarantee safety and optimal results.
6. The Journey: Consultation to Results
A typical journey begins with a thorough consultation, understanding the individual's goals and medical history. Post-treatment, results gradually emerge over weeks as the body naturally processes and removes treated fat cells.
7. Maintaining Results
While these treatments offer lasting results, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet is essential to enjoy the benefits long-term.
8. Cost Implications
The costs vary based on the area treated, the technology used, and clinic reputation. However, given the lasting results and the absence of surgical risks, many find it a worthy investment.
9. Combining Treatments for Holistic Beauty
Often, clinics in Sydney offer packages that combine body sculpting with other beauty treatments like facials or massages, ensuring a holistic beauty experience.
10. The Emotional and Psychological Benefits
Beyond the physical, achieving the desired body shape significantly boosts confidence and self-esteem. It empowers individuals, making them feel more comfortable in their skin.
11. Not Just for the Ladies
While traditionally more popular among women, an increasing number of men in Sydney are exploring body sculpting and contouring to achieve a chiselled look.
12. Body Sculpting Sydney: The Global Perspective
Sydney's adoption of these treatments is reflective of a global trend. As technologies advance, the results become more pronounced, ensuring these procedures' continued global popularity.
13. Prepping for the Big Day
Many opt for these treatments as a prep for significant life events, be it weddings, reunions, or beach vacations, aiming to look their absolute best.
14. The Ethical Perspective
Body positivity is paramount. It's essential to remember that these treatments aren't about fitting into societal molds but enhancing one's natural beauty and achieving personal body goals.
15. Aftercare: The Road to Lasting Results
Post-procedure care plays a pivotal role in maximising the benefits of both treatments. Hydrating, moisturising the treated areas, and avoiding strenuous activities for a few days are commonly recommended by Sydney clinics.
16. The Celeb Endorsement
The world of celebrities and influencers, always in the limelight, often turns to these treatments for quick and efficient results. Their endorsements, coupled with genuine testimonials, have significantly bolstered the popularity of body sculpting and contouring in Sydney and beyond.
17. Understanding Potential Side Effects
While generally considered safe, some might experience temporary side effects like redness, swelling, or a tingling sensation. Being informed and following professional guidance ensures these effects are short-lived.
18. Personalized Treatment Plans
The beauty of these treatments lies in their versatility. Leading clinics in Sydney offer customised plans tailored to individual needs, whether it's targeting love handles, defining the jawline, or contouring thighs.
19. Diving Deeper: The Psychological Boost
The ripple effect of achieving one's body goals cannot be overstated. Many report not just an enhanced appearance but a renewed zest for life, increased motivation to maintain health, and a stronger sense of self-worth.
20. The Environment and Sustainability
Sydney's top clinics ensure that the technologies they employ are environmentally friendly. With minimal waste generation and energy consumption, these treatments align with the city's commitment to sustainability.
21. Continuous Innovation
The world of body sculpting and contouring is not static. As research advances, we can expect even more efficient, faster, and diverse treatments to emerge, further solidifying Sydney's reputation as a hub for holistic beauty and wellness.
22. The Role of Reviews and Recommendations
Before embarking on this transformative journey, potential clients are encouraged to research, read reviews, and seek recommendations. Sydney's community of those who have undergone these treatments is vocal and supportive, providing invaluable insights to newcomers.
23. Setting Realistic Expectations
While results can be transformative, it's crucial to have realistic expectations. These treatments enhance and contour, and while changes can be significant, they are not a substitute for more extensive surgical interventions.
24. The Future Landscape
With advancements like AI and augmented reality, future consultations might include virtual previews, allowing clients to visualise potential results. This intersection of technology and beauty will further redefine the body sculpting and contouring experience.
In Summation:
Body sculpting and contouring in Sydney are more than aesthetic procedures; they represent a broader shift in societal values towards self-improvement, health, and wellness. As the city stands at the crossroads of innovation and beauty, individuals can confidently look forward to not just enhanced physiques but also enriched lives. Sydney's commitment to these treatments, combined with its penchant for innovation, ensures that the city remains at the cutting edge of this beauty revolution.
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muu-kun · 1 year
What Makes Your Muses Body Unique?
Simple premise. Give 5 (or more) headcanons about your muses' body. Hands, eyes, feet, birthmarks, tricks--anything! Tagged by: @tximidity
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Features spanning across the ages: Past (bottom icon) and Present (top icon)
Heart shaped face seen in the detailing and relationship between the roundness of his face around his eyes and the angles of cheeks until they meet to form a pointed chin.
I've discussed it before, but I'm mentioning once more (as well as including an image) the fact he has what is known as clinodactyly. It is isolated to three fingers on each hand-- pinky, index, and ring-- with each one varying in severity from one another. All of which in that exact order. These fingers of his are also all double jointed. The bottom knuckles, however, in ALL of his fingers are bulbous in shape. They curvatures of them fit perfectly amongst each other like a puzzle. The same cannot be said about the top knuckles, though, as gaps surround his middle fingers on each sides.
He has a silly little scar at a place very few can see. One of which acquired from an injury sustained as a teenager as a result of doing something he had ought to not be up to in the first place. In an attempt to climb over a metal fence into an area he'd otherwise not been permitted into, and unsupervised at that, he managed to get comically stuck in his hurdle over it by way of his shorts getting caught onto a sticking out piece of metal. Rather than proceed with caution, he adamantly lunged downwards with all of his effort, slicing through his attire and that of the top of his gluteal cleft to the inches just above it. It isn't entirely noticeable unless one is truly looking in that area, and yet in knowing of it the male can't quite help himself from finding joy in its existence. Especially when considering the fact it acts as his nearly invisible tail each time he excitedly sways his hips as though he's wagging it via an energetic stim.
Another feature he finds to be a delight about himself is the fact he has an outie belly button. He's never wished to cosmetically change it in anyway as it has never caused him any pain or problems. He'll never be able to get a piercing there, no, but that's okay on account it looks cute as a button on its own already. It also rests perfectly within his softened stomach. It is where his fat cells deposit themselves most prominently, and has a tendency to consistently bloat forward due to a combination of stored negativity and a hormone imbalance. Muu always has, and always will, calls it his baby fat.
Speaking of body fat, Muu is otherwise rather lacking in that department as he is generally petite across the majority of his physique. Some of which is contributed to an active lifestyle dictated by consistently walking his dog, going on foot or by bicycle to places close enough to not require his vehicle, or public transport even, routine pacing in instances in which he's attempting to physically regulate out an intense emotion, a whole food diet centered on his entirely vegan lifestyle, and plenty, PLENTY of sleep. Muu's actively in bed by no later than 10pm an any given evening as he for one doesn't like to exist in the dark any longer than he has to, and also because he just is very invested in listening to his body for queues it needs an abundance of rest. Consider yourself lucky if you ever invite him to something taking place after eight pm, because by then he'd ideally like to already he in his jammies with the intention of unwinding and settling down for slumber. His slim frame is also a contribution of an underlying eating disorder centered on withholding food from himself whenever he's under the impression that he ought to be punished for his perceived failures of the day; however, he's growing more inclined to forget such a habit in favor of snacking on vitamin rich treats as hunger and hurt go more together than the version of himself who started up the habit in the first place knew about. He's also taking on the role of gentle parenting himself, which does sometimes mean sneaking himself vegan cookies to boost positivity while negative voice inside his head is distracted. All in all, he weighs an astounding 115lbs / 52kg. Already on the thin side, where one can notice it the most is in his teeny, tiny ankles. Them and his wrists are minute in their circumferences, which isn't entirely of any surprise as both his hands and feet are small for even a man of his stature. Fun fact: both his shoe size and his ring size are that of a size seven in traditional American sizing.
#; ♡ ; headcanons#please feel more than free to steal this from me as I'm sure I and many others would love to read about your muse(s)#tw mentions of ed#if anyone requires a specific tag ofc feel free to reach out and let me know#I also could have admittedly done much more than 5 but knew I'd go into overkill if I continued on#also can I just say I am entirely in love with number repetitions in muus information that so much coincides with something else#which is interesting given the fact that my preference for divination is numerology#and muu who has decided he quite likes select messages of apollo is lithomancy#I also didn't dive into k@llmann in this due to more research being done about it every day to really hone in what aspects of apply to him#and which don't because there are so many conflicting reports of percentages and what is restricted to one gene discrepancy over another#I'm also just an indecisive little sl@t because initially I gave him a predisposition to gynecomastia due to a fc of his having it#but since I no longer rotate in that fc I haven't considered whether or not that's a trait I'd even like to keep in association with him#perhaps because we went the route of micro weenie due the chances of his gene discrepancy having one is Very high#whereas having such traits as gynecomastia and decreased testa size is of lesser likelihood#or at least in comparison to other variants of KS and especially in the case of entirely different conditions as is#like klinefelter for example
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dan6085 · 1 year
The Frieza Saga is a major storyline in the Dragon Ball Z anime and manga series. It spans from episodes 75 to 107 in the anime, and from chapters 291 to 329 in the manga. The saga follows the Z Fighters as they battle against the evil Frieza, a powerful and ruthless alien overlord who seeks to conquer the universe.
The saga begins with the arrival of Frieza and his minions on the planet Namek, where they are searching for the Dragon Balls, powerful artifacts that can grant wishes. The Z Fighters, including Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin, also arrive on Namek in search of the Dragon Balls. They soon find themselves in a race against time to collect the Dragon Balls before Frieza does.
As the saga progresses, the Z Fighters face off against Frieza's elite henchmen, the Ginyu Force, and engage in intense battles with Frieza himself. Goku, who has been training in the afterlife, eventually arrives on Namek and joins the fight. The final battle between Goku and Frieza is one of the most iconic moments in the Dragon Ball franchise, with both fighters pushing themselves to their limits in a battle that ultimately culminates in Frieza's defeat.
Throughout the saga, there are also important character developments for several of the Z Fighters, including Vegeta's evolution from villain to anti-hero, and Piccolo's growth as a mentor to Gohan. The Frieza Saga is widely regarded as one of the most significant and impactful storylines in the Dragon Ball franchise, and it has had a lasting impact on the series as a whole.
The Buu Saga is the final major storyline in the Dragon Ball Z anime and manga series. It follows the aftermath of the Cell Games and focuses on the emergence of a new villain named Majin Buu, a powerful and unpredictable creature with the ability to absorb other beings and gain their abilities.
The saga begins with the arrival of a wizard named Babidi, who seeks to awaken Majin Buu and use him to conquer the universe. The Z Fighters, including Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan, engage in battles with Babidi's henchmen, but they are ultimately unable to prevent the awakening of Majin Buu.
As the saga progresses, the Z Fighters engage in intense battles with various forms of Majin Buu, including the childish and unpredictable Fat Buu and the more powerful and dangerous Super Buu. The saga also introduces several new characters, including the Supreme Kai and the powerful warrior Gohan trains with, Kibito, who play important roles in the story.
The final battle of the saga is an epic showdown between Goku and Kid Buu, the original and most dangerous form of Majin Buu. The battle takes place across multiple planets and is one of the most intense and dramatic moments in the Dragon Ball franchise. Ultimately, Goku is able to defeat Kid Buu and save the universe from destruction.
The Buu Saga is notable for its focus on the theme of redemption, particularly for Vegeta, who undergoes significant character development throughout the saga. It also introduces new concepts and power-ups, such as fusion and the Super Saiyan 3 transformation. The Buu Saga has had a lasting impact on the Dragon Ball franchise, with many of its story elements and characters continuing to be referenced and explored in later Dragon Ball media.
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