#fatal vore?
notmyprey · 4 months
Tw: A LOT of fatal vore mentions!!!! Injury and some gore. But keep in mind, no one dies, just gets badly hurt.
Betrayal part 1
I've never had many people trust me. It's not that I break promises or that I steal, nothing like that. I just rarely get close to people. But then I met you.
It's been months since I first found out you had been living in the walls of my apartment. Exactly how long have you been there? Neither of us knew, since you dont track time too well, and I hadn't known you were even here till recently. But from what I've gathered from your ramblings, it's been at least a year.
It took a while for you to work up the courage to see me. At first, you wouldn't even come out of the home you had made between my walls. But after about a week of us talking through the wooden panels, I finally convinced you to come out.
The first thing I noticed was that you were small, you were so small, in fact, I could easily compare you to the size of the Barbie dolls I used to play with.
After that, we hit it off. We were best friends, I believe. You loved listening to me talk about the outside world, and I listened to you talk about what new movie you watched. Sometimes, we would talk while cooking together, others we would lie in bed, with you atop my chest listening to my heart while I described what it's like to go to the store.
We were close, very close. That's at least what it looked like. But deep down, something else was stirring, a buzz in my brain that had been there since the day I first heard your voice. I didn't actually care about you. That's what I had to convince myself to think.
All I was doing was waiting for the perfect time to act, that's all. I didn't care about you, I refused to think how lonely I would be without you. I didn't actually like you, never.
I didn't wake up at night and lay my hand across your chest just to know if you were still breathing. I didn't glance over at you when I joked, just to see your smile. I never saw you like that. Because the voices told me you were nothing more than food.
If I thought too much deeper, I knew I would never be able to look at you again for the amount of shame I'd feel would be too great. So I didn't think about it. You were food, and I refused to think any deeper.
Although the voices were hungry, I told myself that I must wait for the perfect conditions. You had to be tired, so you wouldn't squirm too much. I had to have gotten a good nights rest, so I could chase you if needed. No one could be coming to my house that day, nor could I have any meetings. I needed to just have gone grocery shopping so that people wouldn't hear or see you withering in my gut. This list continued, being added almost endlessly any time I thought of something else to make it even just a little bit longer. But most importantly, I needed you to trust me. I needed to wait until you trusted me more than anything.
I didn't think that would happen. I never thought all conditions would ever be met, and I think some small part of me created the conditions to never be met. But today, when I got out of bed and turned to face you, that's when I knew each box had been checked.
I tried to turn back, I really did. But the voices had grown louder than ever before, and before I knew it, I was gripping your tiny form in between both of my hands.
You didn't move. You didn't even struggle, only gazing up at me, confusion and worry spreading across your face.
Like that, we stayed for a moment, my hungry eyes not seeming to be understood by you. You smile at me and ask if I'm alright, I didn't respond. I knew if I took even the slightest effort to talk, every emotion I had held back behind the wall of hunger would spill out. So I didn't talk.
Instead, I focused on the now. This is the moment I have waited months for. This is the moment I've envisioned in ever so much detail. How nice you would feel on my tongue, the small kicks that would start to come from my stomach as you fought against your final resting place. But between the hungry voices, gnawing at my brain, telling me to shove you down my awaiting throat, I found myself thinking of the stuff I've avoided for so long. How I would miss you small weight on my chest, how I would miss you talking durring movies, telling me about how this actor played in another movie, or how the sequel contradicts whats said in the original.
Shaking, I held you up closer, my hands moving without me telling them to. I thought of how much I've grown to like you. Your head touched my tongue, sending chills of flavor unlike any other down my spine. I thought about how much you trusted me. You didn't move, limply letting my tongue move around your face. I thought about how much love you had shown me. I swallowed, sending your head and sholders into my throat. I thought about how much I felt I needed you here with me. Another swallow, this one more powerful, sending your whole torso and upper legs into the confines of my throat. You meant so much to me. One more swallow, and all that was left were your feet in my mouth. But you're only food, right? The rest of you was sent into the ever waiting void of my throat with one more slow, thick gulp.
My head started to feel heavy since you took up quite a bit of the space in my throat, space that was often used to breathe. But soon, I felt you slip into my stomach. I brased myself, waiting for the kicks that were soon to come. But I felt nothing. A small flicker of movement in my abdomen made me flinch, but it quickly stopped again.
I wanted to run my hand across you, but something seemed to be stopping me. Guilt, perhaps? I think whatever it was, it was the same thing stopping me from looking down on myself. I felt gross, somewhat sick, almost like I had just eaten something I wasn't supposed to. Perhaps that was the guilt, too?
"Did I taste good?" Your small voice echoed through my head. I could hardly think it was real, but it would have been hard to have guilt hallucinate a voice from someone now so close to me.
I couldn't bring myself to answer, not because the answer was unclear, but because my voice refused to come out. No matter how I tried, the most I could do was whine a pathetic, "ya," in response.
Tears started to flow down my cheeks. Everything felt overwhelming all of a sudden. I flopped onto the floor, bringing my knees to my chest. As I did so, I could feel you curl up too, your tiny form now compressed more now that I was putting more pressure on my middle.
That's when I started crying. Goodness knows why, but now Im sure the emotion I was feeling was horrible, gut-wrenching guilt. Months of effort, love, and care down the drain because I couldn't contain myself.
Your small hand pressed against me from the inside, I think you started talking, but my head was throbbing, drowning out your words. Without warning, you screamed out in pain. Your speaking became more panicked, like something was stealing your ability to breathe. Soon, you had started crying, too.
I could hardly take it, my heart wrenched ever so painfully. How had I ever thought I should do this? How could I ever do this? The illness in my stomach came to its peak, and my eyes started to blur as I hunched over. You started to get forced back up my throat. Soon, I tasted you once again on my tongue, this time though you didn't taste pleasant.
It was a mixture of your original sweetness, but it was nearly drowned out completely by the bitter acid and sour blood that came with it.
Soon, through the tears still draining from my eyes, I saw your body hit the floor in a mixture of other fluids. While still foggy, my mind seemed to work with me, telling my arms to scoop you up and for my legs to tumble towards the bathroom. I set you down in the sink, not even bothering to wipe my blurry eyes as I turn on the cold water. With a couple of blinks, my vision cleared enough to focus. Your left eye was swollen, closed shut with red and yellow liquid flowing around it. Though comparatively, the rest of you didn't look nearly as bad, I knew it still hurt. Any time I glanced at a new area of exposed skin, I found a new red burn, showing the bloody flesh underneath.
You started to shiver, but I couldn't take you out of the water yet. I needed to make sure all of the acid was off of you. Soon though, after I thought that everything was rinsed off, I sped to the closet to grab a towel, then started gently drying you off. While you continued to dry off and wrap the towel around you, I rummaged through my first aid kit to find something to wrap over your eye.
Dropping to one knee to get a better look, I gently placed some tissue over your eye, then wrapped a cloth bandage over it to keep it in place.
I dropped my hands to my side, unable to take my eyes off you. Not even 20 minutes ago, you had been smiling up at me, happy and healthy. Now, I knew I'd never see that side of you again.
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thebananasnake · 1 year
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Clara has wondered about and found herself a sleeping Giant… Better not wake this one..
Told y’all I’m making more content with this dude lol
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cybersoldier82 · 2 years
Servers been a lil quiet so I figured I’d spread the link around a bit^^
Cmon down to Sovngarde y’all, we got anything you can think of and more^^
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flights-of-fangcy · 3 months
found this in an old notebook
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tabbytums · 4 months
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Shane got hungry and ordered delivery. Unfortunately, for the delivery driver, he might have been too hungry~
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vorishthings · 6 months
The Last Delivery
This is my first vore story, and I hope you like it! Let me know if I can improve my writing by liking it, or just message me. If you want more send me some ideas or writing prompts. Enjoy!
It was any average Tuesday. Bryson was hungry. Not hungry in a simple, “I will eat food” sort of way. No, he was hungry for prey. He didn’t feel like going on a dating app and seducing his way into eating his prey, or finding some other convoluted way to go about getting his dinner. He decided to simply call in a pizza and have it delivered to his home. What a simple easy way to get his prey delivered to him. 
Eventually, the pizza arrived at his door, with a hot delivery guy to accompany it. Man, and he is hot too? I love hot prey. Hot prey for Bryson made it all the more appealing for him, as he loved the hot of someone gorgeous becoming worthless belly fat on him. Bryson opened the door, and the delivery guy greeted him. 
“Hello, I have a pizza for a…Bryson?” 
“Yes, that's me.” GURGLE. Bryson’s stomach must have had a mind of its own as it must have known its prey was nearby, and it grew upset in waiting. “Oh, excuse me, I haven’t eaten all day.” 
“Haha! It’s all right! I hope this will satisfy your hunger. One large pepperoni pizza with a liter of soda.” 
“Thank you, wait, hold on for one second.” He took the pizza and the soda bottle and set it down on the table, ran over to his desk and grabbed a ten dollar bill from it. He ran to the door. 
“Here is your tip, and…oops!” Bryson purposefully dropped the ten dollar bill on the floor. “I am so sorry…” 
“Oh no, it is okay. I can get it.” The delivery guy bent down and went to grab the dollar bill from the floor.  
Now was his chance, for his prey was distracted. Seizing the opportunity, Bryson grabbed the delivery boy by the back of his shirt and dragged him inside the house, slamming the door behind him with his foot. 
“Hey, what the fuck was that for? Let me go!” The delivery guy questioned and moved around to get him to let go of his shirt. Instead, Bryson took the delivery guy and put him in a chokehold. 
“Don’t worry, you will be fine…I promise. Just let me do what I need to do, and it will all be over.” Bryson tried to reassure the delivery guy. But the delivery guy was not reassured, and instead acted in a fighting response, kicking Bryson in the balls. “Oh, fuck!” Bryson yelled out loud. “Ok, that is it! You are going in there right now, so you can think about what you just did!” Bryson opened wide, his huge mouth leaking with drool to help maneuver his prey through his esophagus. He quickly shoved the guy’s head into his mouth, and removed his arm from the guy’s neck and put both his hands around the guy’s arms, forcing them to stay to his side. Mmmmfff!  The delivery guy was yelling, but his voice drowned out, as Bryson’s body made it impossible for any voice to be heard clearly from the outside.
Now, Bryson got his head down his esophagus, it was time for the shoulders, and eventually the guy's chest. Bryson was enjoying every second of his prey squirming, and his dick immediately got hard. The same could be said about the delivery guy. The guy’s dick was hard as a rock, and once Bryson got to the guy’s crotch, he started playing with the guy’s dick with his tongue. Mmmmffff! The delivery guy immediately moaned and orgasmed, with a cum stain appearing on the outside of his khaki pants.
Bryson could taste the cum with his tongue, and wanted to continue playing with his prey, but couldn’t, as the guy’s legs grew stiff from pleasure, and he stopped fighting. Pulling the guy’s shoes off of his feet, Bryson seized his chance, put his hands around the soles of the delivery guy's feet, and sent him with one final push to his stomach. GULP! Bryson’s neck bulged as the guy was being pushed by his insides to his stomach. 
“There, was it really that hard?” Bryson asked him. “Well, your job is now accomplished. You delivered my meal straight to my gut. Technically, you are the meal, but the little details don’t matter.” 
The delivery guy was pounding on the sides of Bryson’s stomach. “Let me out! Please! I will let you have the pizza for free! I will do anything! Just please don’t let it end like this!” Unfortunately for the delivery guy, Bryson’s stomach covered the sounds of his words, and it could only be heard as muffled voices from outside. “Oh, fuck! Your struggling is making me hard.”
Bryson’s dick was vibrating from the pleasure of having prey in his stomach. He took out his dick from his pants and started aggressively, pumping. Bryson couldn’t handle it anymore, and thick, gooey cum erupted from his cock and got shot all over his stomach, and the couch. He admired the orgasm he just had, and was too lazy and tired to clean it up. His stomach however, was not lazy, its job was just getting started.  Grrrrrroan. “Wow, my stomach must be having a field day with you in there, my friend.” 
Bryson went to sit down on his couch and took the pizza box that was on his table that the guy delivered. “Don’t worry, I won’t let this food go to waste. Here, why don’t you try some?” Bryson rolled up a pizza slice, and swallowed it whole. Once it got to Bryson’s stomach, it unrolled, making it more cramped and less air was inside of Bryson’s stomach for the delivery guy to breathe.
Bryson downed more pizza slices, and followed it with some sugary soda, which his stomach received with enthusiasm. Grrrrrrrrrrooooaaaaan. “Hey man! Not cool! I can barely *cough* breathe.” He kept punching at the sides of Bryson’s stomach, and it only made it more upset and aggressive.
Bryson moaned. “Just give up, and make yourself comfortable. You can’t escape your demise.” He patted his belly in an attempt to make the delivery guy calm down. “Your life will serve as a matter of sustenance. I mean you did wish earlier that my hunger would be satisfied didn’t you?” 
“What? I didn’t mean me! I meant the pizza, and I…*cough* *cough*” Bryson’s stomach rumbled, as it contracted and splashed acid all over the delivery guy and the pizza. The delivery felt the acid burn through his clothes and eventually his skin. His shirt fell off of him, and so did his pants. He felt himself becoming deformed, and he tried to stop it. He aggressively used all of his might to pound on the outside of Bryson’s stomach, to no avail. He grew weaker and weaker, and eventually, he gave up and subsided to his fate of becoming his customer’s dinner. Well, at least I made a customer happy. At least I did my job right. Sort of. 
Bryson’s warm, smooth stomach walls started squeezing around the delivery guy, mushing him into whatever form it desired, almost like the stomach was playing with clay. Soon, the delivery guy became just soup and miscellaneous piles of flesh and bones. Bryson felt his stomach grow peaceful and quiet. The delivery guy stopped thrashing around his stomach, and his stomach stood still. “What? Gone already? Man, prey always digests so quickly.”
Bryson felt pressure rise from his stomach, and braced himself, and let out a huge belch. BURRRRRRRRPPPP. With a splat, what seemed to be what was left of the delivery guy’s uniform: his pants, his shirt, and his socks, got thrown to the floor. Bryson assumed that the guy’s underwear must still be inside his stomach, but that was fine with him, as he could just collect his underwear when it passed through his body as a keepsake of his victim.
He slapped his stomach, and started playing with it. “You are now a part of me, as useless body fat and energy that I can easily just exercise and burn right through. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay there, because my metabolism goes through things fast, and next thing you know, you will end up as undigested remains in my toilet. Thanks for feeding my hunger.” Grrrooaannn. His stomach erupted with groans and gurgles from within and kept eating away at the pizza and the remains of the delivery guy. As for Bryson, he went back to watching TV, while the delivery guy was stewing in his powerful stomach, along with the pizza he delivered.
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wrayet · 13 days
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sketchpage for a friend on twtr of their dragon sona Fritz (he/him) !!
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justanothervoreblog · 7 months
Big Brother's Indulgence
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Martin had been warned so many times about the noise. Once was an honest mistake, two was recklessness, and three was just a blatant disregard. Kyle had to lay down the law. He pardons himself from the game chat that he was on and makes his way towards Martin's room. Martin had a friend over, Sam, the two of them together were a nightmare. However, both of them together would be delicious.
Kyle opens up the door and interrupts both of the noisemakers. Right before he was about to grab them, he could see cans of Coke all over the floor. So not only had Martin failed to entertain his guests at unreasonable noise levels, but he went right into Kyle's secret stash of sodas. Now this was more than just punishment, this was earned gluttony.
Kyle's belly growled out in anticipation and Martin immediately realized that he had fucked up. He had watched Kyle swallow up a couple of religious solicitors once. Martin was fully aware of what his brother could do and began to plead for his mercy. Sam foolishly believed that this was a punishment was relegated family members to try to make a subtle exit. Kyle grabs him by the shoulders and opens his mouth possibly wide. Sam screams but it is immediately cut off by the muscled walls of Kyle's throat. To make sure that Martin doesn't try a similar stunt, Kyle seizes Martin by the shirt. He gets a front-row ticket to his brother's gluttony.
Kyle shoves Sam into his mouth. The saliva slicks up the shoulders and helps them slide past that pink tongue. Afterward, the lean chest and abs follow quickly. Martin's room is filled with Kyle's gluttony and satisfied moans. His stomach greedily awaited the arrival of Sam. It gets its first bit of food when Sam's head pops past that tight stomach ring. It was an uninviting and hostile place, Kyle's belly. Inside was digesting Pizza and leftovers, and he was pretty sure that there was a Best Buy t-shirt. All that remains of the unhelpful worker that Kyle had snapped up.
Martin watched as Sam's legs uselessly outside of his brother's maw. His thighs are slowly reduced down to the calves. Kyle removes the sneakers from Martin's feet. He leaves the socks though, it was always a bit of a kink of his. Then Martin watches as Sam goes from best friend to brother food with a single gulp. The bulge passes down into Kyle's throat and then expands inside of his belly. Martin can hear Sam's cries from inside. He watches Kyle rub over that belly and Martin trapped within. Martin knows that it was fucked up way to think, but he silently hopes that Sam was enough for Kyle's hunger.
For a moment, Kyle just pushes his brother's face up against his expanding dome. Martin could feel every twitch that Sam made and realized that if he ever wanted to see Sam again, he'd have to ask Kyle to lift his shirt. Kyle didn't usually let his meals go and this wasn't the first time that he had snacked on Martin's friends. Billy, Josh, and Steve had all made their way down Kyle's throat.
Then a rumbling vibrates Kyle's belly and Martin knows exactly what was about to happen. With a loud burp, the nastiest-smelling air is expelled. It was wet too, bits of spittle landing on Martin's face. All of it, unfortunately, smelled like Sam. The dome slightly shrinks to reveal Martin continuing to struggle. The fight inside the belly becomes clear for a moment. Then the belly expands again leaving the prey obscured.
Kyle's eyes then drift down to Martin, his little brother. For a moment there is an exchange, no words. Could Kyle eat his brother? His own flesh and blood? Was that a line that he could cross? Martin hoped that there was some limit to Kyle's gluttony. Maybe eating one of his friends was enough and Kyle would let him go? Perhaps, there was a chance. Kyle lifted him so that Martin was close enough to smell Kyle's Sam-scented breath. The pool of saliva building up at the back of his mouth was intimidating. Still, Kyle wouldn't actually do it right, right?
Martin's hopes get dashed as Kyle licks his lips. Martin doesn't remember what Kyle says after that. Something about how the second course is always sweeter or something along that line. What Martin does remember is Kyle opening up his mouth and his world turning to darkness…
Kyle could feel the weight of his gaming chair creek. Other chairs he had owned would have broken by now, but this one had been properly reinforced. If Kyle was going to eat like a pig, then he should have a chair that fits him like one. Martin and Sam had saved him only one Coke. So who is the real pig here? It was still Kyle, now with Martin and Sam trapped inside of his belly.
The struggle had calmed down a while ago, both boys accepting their fate as food for Kyle. Kyle savors their taste with a refreshing Coke as he texts the game chat that he will be a moment. He was going to order some more food for himself and in a way, Martin and Sam. Of course, if they ate the food that already came down, it was their business. Kyle had already gotten his.
So while Kyle waited for the food delivery, his hands roamed over that mighty gut. His little brother was trapped inside, wondering if he would see the sun again. Kyle wasn't sure if his little brother would be let out. Sam would be a permanent resident, much like his other little friends. Kyle thought about the questions his dad might ask. It was enough to make him reconsider or… Kyle could just show his dad where Martin had gone. The thought of that makes him chuckle as he rubs his fat gut. As he daydreams about the scenario, Martin plays with his belly button.
The doorbell cuts him out of his delusions. He stands with his hefty belly and stretches realizing that the food was here. Right before he was about to head to the door, his belly growled.
The question is this: Did Kyle want thirds?
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teal-fiend · 6 months
you get eaten by a stranger. You barely are able to catch a glimpse of their face before you're gulped down and deposited in the stomach.
You were in public before, a park that you'd been to many times. So when your predator starts moving, and the stomach starts to become more active, stimulated by the walking, you can imagine in your minds eye where they have gone in the park.
They're heading to the edge, now you feel the footsteps hitting concrete as they go along the sidewalk.
you yell for help; there must be other people around who can help you. Your pred doesn't even bother trying to silence you, or acknowledge your protests at all.
You're still following along where you imagine they are, until they stop, leaving you hanging motionlessly for the first time. Its kind of like being in a hammock, but cramped, and the hammock is trying to digest you.
You hear a click, and the opening of a car door. As the pred gets in, you become much more cramped, squished by their legs and torso, and the car. And their stomach keeps squeezing you, trying to make you smaller.
Now the car is moving and you have no idea where you are. You are sloshed back and forth by the momentum of the vehicle or what could be an hour or more.
Eventually it slows down, the car parks. For the first time the pred gives you a little pat before getting out of the car.
They're moving up some stairs. You can feel and hear their heartbeat at the exertion. And you get thrown back and forth with each step.
You hear a door open. And a sigh. You're in a house, you assume. Or an apartment? It could be anywhere, you dont even know if you're still in the same city.
You are likely in a strangers home, and in their gut. You're going to be digested far away from any place you are familiar with. No one will know where you went. And if someone saw this pred with their full belly, they'd have no idea who the meal was.
Your world shifts, the pred has laid down. You hear a muffled rustling of sheets and there is extra weight over you. The pred is tucked into bed, and its not even night time. A mid-day rest, as they prepare to digest you fully.
You dont want to accept this. Your efforts to escape have been useless so far. But you try to do your best. You yell at them, to get their attention. You kick at their stomach, which is hard because of how restricted you are.
You feel the pred roll onto their back, letting you wriggle uselessly ontop of them. You feel silly doing it, seeing as how little an effect it has.
Then, you feel them tense their belly muscles slightly, and there is a loud bubbly gurgle. You feel the pred thump on you lightly. You figet in response, doing your best to irritate them further. But all you get is a loud burp from above, before you feel the pred relax again.
you hear their voice for the first time as they excuse themselves. But after that, they have nothing more to say.
You wonder what the room looks like. And what the pred looks like. You can barely remember.
You wonder what you would look like from the outside. A gurgling bulge in a stranger's abdomen. An anonymous meal. The pred had probably seen that many times. If they looked in a mirror later, they'd be able to see you. Well not you, the pred would only see their own stomach, but you would be inside it
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vorekody · 2 months
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FINALLY done with this, a concept of the storage and digestive dolphin pred guts (-the thing that inspired me to make Alon in the first place shsjh)
Anyways I feel like it's usually the first stomach that's safe in mer/naga/centaur vore so I wanted to change it up a little bit.
Also felt like it made a bit more sense for Alon's bigger stomach to be for storing stuff yk?
This does make it so they can only digest one person at a time because of the lack of room in their first stomach, but I really like it that way I think, gotta wait ur turn.
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hooter-n-company · 2 months
What type of pranks has Rameses played on other creatures and tourists/people? ( vore is definitely one of them though isn't it Hooter (¬ w ¬) )
Yup, vore is one of them...although it tends to backfire on him every once in a while...
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tabbytums · 4 months
started off as a sketch page of my oc Shane and then ended up kinda being a short digestion sequence.
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he had some breakfast in bed but then had to lug his huge digesting gut around all day at work 🙄 they seriously need to make those desks bigger to accommodate preds
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mmmleckerlecker · 3 months
seen a couple of posts recently exploring preds as actors and having to film a swallowing scene, which was not something I’d really thought about. but then I kinda started thinking about it and… what about AFTER the swallowing scene? what about pred actors who have to film for hours on end, take after take, with a bellyful of prey? to cut on costs, the prey inside is an extra who makes a living out of being “the belly guy.” the pred actor legally has to take regular sips of water to keep digestion under control and periodically releases the extra for breaks (the prey extras are unionized btw). buuuut then they’re forced to swallow them down again and continue work. and just…
the pred has to stand awkwardly while the director talks to their belly, informing the extra when their cue to kick is and then having them practice a few times.
the pred doesn’t have any lines for the scene but they’re in the background and for continuity sake they have to be standing the whole time and they are SORE from the weight of the prey and if they could just rest their belly on this nearby table between takes…
the pred going into autopilot while they take notes and stroking their pleasantly full belly until they remember they’re in a professional environment and hopefully nobody saw that…
everybody just sorta,,, forgetting that the extra is still in the pred’s belly and talking about them like they’re not there. even going so far as to referring to them more as a prop that the pred actor has to handle rather than another living person.
trying to film a scene where the prey is fighting for their life inside the pred but they just can’t get it to look right and now the pred’s whole belly is sore and tender from so much struggling but, again, they don’t want to look unprofessional and rub their gut in front of everyone
or! on the other end of things… the prey has to put up with filming scenes where they’re kneaded into submission by the pred, rubbed tenderly by the pred’s co-star, or tossed around and squished during an action sequence
I could could go on but just …. ough
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justanothervoreblog · 24 days
Roommate Snacking
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They would come a day where people would listen to you and understand that you're not just blowing air up their ass. However today your three friends Josh, Andrew, and Billy had to learn the hard way. Their teacher in the school of hard knocks was none other than your roommate, Brandon.
Brandon was your typical horrible roomy. Didn't cook or clean, but still had the audacity to be a slob. Loud music and even louder sex when you're trying to sleep. All of these things you would reluctantly coexisted with because his job made a ton of money. What scared you was the fact that on multiple occasions you watched Brandon devour men. Pizza guys, the cable guys, mormons, your boyfriends, and even his own. All of them had in one way shape or form become his meal and burped up in your face.
A good enough reason not to invite your best friends over. But they insisted, and wanted to meet this legendary Brandon themselves. And unfortunately their curiosity overwhelmed their survival. Once they crossed the threshold into your apartment, it was over. They weren't three men, just three meals for Brandon. As if things couldn't get worse, you smelled the sweaty aroma in the air. Brandon had just gotten done with a workout and was looking to snack.
Dumb, dumber, and dumbest decided that it would be a good idea to try to talk to Brandon and see what the dude was about. Neither of them looked particularly impressed, perhaps Brandon wasn't what they imagined. Unfortunately their imaginations are quickly dashed by reality. Brandon, not for small talk, reaches out and grabs Billy. The smallest of your friends is devoured quickly. Clothes and all made no difference for Brandon. Josh and Andrew watch as Billy becomes a bulge in Brandon's neck and later belly. A soft thump could be heard as Billy lands in his new permanent home.
Josh goes for the door, but the second he turns his back on Brandon it's over. Your greedy roommate, not satisfied with your first friend moves on to your second. Josh shouts for your help but it is muffled over the sloppy swallowing and gulping from Brandon. Globs of saliva fall from Brandon's wet lips. Brandon devours Josh the way a pelican devours a fish. In no time, just his sneakers are wiggling on the outside. Then, those are gone. Brandon's belly expands with Josh. It sags but clearly by the hungry look in Brandon's eyes, he wasn't done yet.
Andrew looks at you for some kind of reassurance or hope that you would step in. Brandon's protection however only extended to you as a roommate. Your friends are on the table and more importantly on the menu. Andrew was bigger then Brandon, but Brandon didn't seem to mind. He approaches your final friend and opens wide. Brandon lifts Andrew off the floor and glomps down on his body. Andrew's size is no deterrence for Brandon. Your greedy roommate throws his head back as your big friend is turned into a big snack. Helpless Andrew slides deeper into Brandon, bulging out his neck wildly before disappearing past Brandon's chest. You watch as Andrew's form joins Billy and Josh. Andrew's muscular legs are slurped down to his slides. A final and damning gulp makes him disappear for good.
Brandon sighs as he collapses onto the couch. His belly spills out onto his lap. The forms of all three of your friends are rubbed over lazily by Brandon. Even though such a feast was impressive to you, to Brandon it was nothing more than an afternoon lunch. Occasionally he would give the side of his belly a couple of pats. As if he felt the need to remind the three men inside his belly that they were nothing but food. Although the crushing and boiling environment they were in more than likely told them that. Brandon man spreads as he unleashes a hefty burp. Your friend's clothing comes flying out covered in putrid saliva. As horrible as it was to watch your friends be devoured and now digested, you realized you were going to have to clean that up.
Your roommate leans back on the couch and puts his feet on the coffee table. He had a beer in hand and a remote in the other. Brandon mindlessly flips through the channels as he nurses his beer. Your friends struggles are lesser now. Whether they wanted to admit it to themselves, but they were food for Brandon. You leave him to his digesting and head back into your room.
You did try to warn them. And now, you would remember them only as a layer of fat Brandon would get from digesting them.
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wleneo · 2 months
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I was at my friend's house, hungry, too hungry until he went shopping His brother was distracted in the kitchen so I thought it was the perfect prey and I ate it, my stomach is very strong and it only took me seven minutes to digest it completely. After digesting my best friend's older brother, I obtained these profits that made me grow more, he really was the most delicious prey I have ever tasted, now I wonder if my best friend tastes as good as him.
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vorekody · 2 months
wat about.. cow type preds? They have 4 tummies for friens :v
Okay I'm so sorry but I'm going to geek out on you right now.
really fun fact is that a cow is a ruminant - a group of mammals who have four stomachs (or more accurately stomach chambers)
And so if you want a pred who has a bunch of guts to fill there's actually a lot of different animals you can base them off of, not just cows >:)! There are sheep, deer, goats and giraffes too! (Or you could always make a fictional creature ofc lol)
Then there's camelids! A modified ruminant with only three stomachs/stomach chambers- alpaca, camels and llamas, so even more options there :)!
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ANYWAYS, yes, cow type preds are amazing, I love them, and not exactly a cow but here's a gentle Yak pred with a couple of bunnies in their storage bellies and some grass in the others, and a not so gentle bonus alpaca pred.
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