#fate/apocrypha kin
ayavanni · 1 year
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Yall whats the mental illness diagnosis?
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derekscorner · 2 months
Fated Rantings: El motherf**kin Melloi
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I'm back! I don't even know how many this makes but by hell welcome back to my trip through Fate! I've been looking forward to this one for a while now. Ever since I finished Fate Zero (click here <-) in fact. (-> here's part two)
The "why done it" in this case being due to Waver Velvet and Iskandar. When I sat through Fate Zero I absolutely loved their arc and dynamic as the story progressed. Iskandar is one of the best bros I've seen written within Fate which is a praise I also give to Astolfo from Apocrypha.
Of course, with Astolfo I was also shocked by the sheer dissonance between the meme and the actual character. In Iskandar's case, I was shocked by the sheer misinterpretation of the Banquet of Kings scene.
I'll fight any of you on that scene and his character. It left me questioning the critical thinking skills of many given what I had heard vs what I actually saw.
But that's for another post, I linked the part two of the fate zero post if you're curious about my feelings of that scene.
What's most important for this post is just how much Waver changed after Fate Zero or more specifically the 4th Holy Grail War.
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Multiple Histories, One World
Now, as with nearly every post these days, I do feel the need to preface the multiverse nature of Fate and it's Type-Moon cousins. This multiverse has fed a lot of the complicated reputation for these stories and many movies are adapting a specific route or ending from a novel.
Fate Stay Night, Fate Hollow Ataraxia, Tsukihime, so many have multiple routes and endings. FSN in particular has had two anime and three movies depicting each main route.
This is relevant because the El Melloi Case files are based on actual light novels rather than visual novels. The anime is only 13 episodes long and it by no means has the time to truly adapt every novel in that series.
This should also be kept in mind because events and terms are shared among the various stories but that does not mean each story is connected.
For example, in most stories where Waver Velvet exists usually depict him as a participant in the 4th Holy Grail War but this does not mean that every Waver you see lived through Fate Zero.
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Fate Zero is a specific retelling of the 4th Grail War but not the universal depiction. A good example of what I mean is with Saber (Artoria) from Fate Stay Night.
In the original visual novel as well as the UBW anime (and others) Saber references the 4th Grail War and Kiritsugu. Even though servants aren't supposed to remember previous summons she does but the war she remembers in those stories is not the same story from Fate Zero.
Fate Zero is just one alternative version of the 4th Grail War. The war itself happens in several alternate worlds but none of them are exactly the same series of events.
In other words, you'll see Waver cameo in many stories but never assume they all had the same history. They probably had similar histories.
With that out of the way let us focus on the version of Waver we did see, the boy from Fate Zero that's grown into a lord of the Clocktower.
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What a true life changing experience just meeting someone can be
l've said it before but it's entirely possible to see the anime from the 2010s as their own pocket continuity. I won't claim that as 100% accurate since even 'ol Nasu said Fate Zero is it's own timeline but I do fully believe it can apply here.
El Melloi calls back to Fate Zero often and while the anime leaves out a lot that the novel covers it's still worth seeing. It focuses well on what became of Waver after Fate Zero and how Iskandar changed him.
It's even a plot point that he's obsessed with Iskandar and that war. Waver wishes to see Iskandar again and aims for the 5th Grail War. This obsession is often seen as a dangerous thing as well by those around Waver and for good reason.
Iskandar is a heroic spirit, he is dead and within Type-Moon it is the livings job to move forward not the dead.
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What I mean is that Waver is seemingly chasing the dead, running towards an end to prove himself to his king. Waver is not suicidal or the like but he's missed a bit of Iskandar's message.
In Fate Zero Iskandar does his damnedest to get the, then impatient and temperamental, Waver to enjoy the journey. Iskandar loves life and new things and pushes Waver to experience new things.
But as El Melloi Waver has come to a stand still. I saw this as sad but not unbelievable for it is very human to find yourself stuck as an adult.
l see this as Waver "missing the forest for the trees" in a sense because;
A) He knows that servants typically do not recall previous summons. His desire to see if Iskandar remembers or approves of him is moot from the get go. He is effectively chasing shadows. B) Waver's entire personality as the tired teacher El Melloi was shaped by Iskandar. Waver has already changed in a positive way but does not reflect on that. He remembers their time together fondly but doesn't think of his present much.
Waver only regrets or remembers a past, he's not living life to the fullest like Iskandar would push him to do. It is a very believable fault to have and a very real rut that many of you will experience once as you age.
The beauty of Waver's time as El Melloi is seeing him learn to let go and live life with an attitude more akin to what Iskandar spouted.
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The man vs the Boy
Even then, even with that focus on Waver's obsession with the past, the story also shows just how much Waver changed after the 4th Grail War. They're not things Waver speaks up about himself but they are things both the viewer and cast take note of.
The first big change is seen in the flashback of how Waver became the lord El Melloi II. It is a few years before the first episode but a year or two after Fate Zero. After borrowing money (beginning his perpetual debt) Waver bought the nearly defunct classroom of his mentor Kayneth, the previous lord el Melloi.
The very man that Waver stole his relic from, the same man that was dealt a death so shameful by Kiritsugu that I found him more disgusting than Saber in that moment.
This not only took mage society by surprise but he shocked everyone still by making the class successful. Waver moans his lack of talent but he's proving Iskandar right by putting his head to use.
Within Fate Zero Iskandar pointed out Waver's problem solving skills and how solving something simpler than others is a talent to be proud of.
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It's obvious that others recognize this talent as well since he's often called to solve cases. He uses the money to pay off debts but the very fact that a society as prideful and traitorous as the Clocktower would even call him for help is a feat that I do not think Waver even considers.
The fact that he'd even buy Kayneth's class to keep it alive also shows a sharp change. As a boy he was irresponsible and was partly the cause of Kayneth's death but as a man he accepts that responsibility.
He's not making excuses as he did when you saw him in Fate Zero. I do not feel that my words are doing this trait justice because so many people grow up and never learn to accept the responsibility of their actions.
Let alone go out of their way to amend the issues they cause.
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By hell his acceptance of responsibility even takes the characters in story by surprise. The whole reason Waver is 'lord el melloi' is because the family was put on the cusp of ruin by Waver's actions and Kayneth's death.
They chose Reines as the next head out of political logic and necessity. When she kidnaps him (as a small child mind you) she fully expected Waver to throw a fit and go into denial because that's the personality he had prior to the war.
She was joking in earnest (probably plotting something bad too) but no. Waver accept all her demands and only asked they add the "II" to his title.
Both because Waver does not think he's worthy of the el melloi title and because his station is temporary.
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It may seem like minor rambling to you but I found this shift rather interesting and praise worthy.
Waver's mage family is new, he essentially had no father, so when I see this change I see a boy that learned a sense of responsibility from Iskandar. Perhaps not a father-figure in the truest sense but he was an example Waver needed.
Iskandar was a king and accepted all that it brought and from his words you see that he did consider his men and their view of him.
Even if by a fraction Waver emulated that and I consider that beautiful in hindsight of Fate Zero to here.
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As a teacher
To the shock of the Clocktower (and me tbh) Waver is a damn good teacher. He may lack power and potential as a mage himself but his problem solving mindset and his experiences have made him damn near prodigal as an instructor.
By the end of the anime he had at least 3 students of "pride" rank. I won't go into the whole detail but the best way to sum that up for you is by saying mages have ranks.
To have students who achieved a "pride" rank at such young ages is basically like a teacher in our world having three kids skip their way to college.
All of Waver's students have more talent than him but his class tends to draw the unwanted or odd so few of them have the actual mentality to put that power to use.
The Clocktower essentially throws problem children at him and he turns them into respectable mages much to the higher ups annoyance.
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Sadly the anime only showed a few of his class but I loved it when I got to see him being a teacher. The cases he solves are fun as well but the class draws out the easily annoyed aspect of Waver.
The parts of him that is still the young Waver which becomes a funny contrast in a way. I'd even argue that Waver draws annoying people to him unconsciously.
His "best friend" Melvin, the overly fond Flat, or actually talented/respectable mages like Luvia who wants him to be her tutor.
Hell, he's even on a list of people that female students wish to sleep with. No, I am not joking. One of them is even in his class. Her name is Yvette and I am certain that she's unhinged.
His social circle is endearing and it draws out a bit of young Waver and I love it.
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Sorry, I lost my own plot there. I don't really have a structure to my rambles since my brain just does not work that way but I hope that I got across how much I love what this story has done with Waver.
He was one of the best parts of Fate Zero and I loved seeing how Iskandar changed him. I see it almost like a man adopting an unruly kid and making them into a better person.
Only for that same person to do the same for his students. Of course, I also just genuinely love to see the Fate world in motion outside a Grail War.
You hear a lot about Clocktowers, mage society, and so on but this is a story in which you see it. You're getting the backdrop of the Type-Moon universe and I'm sad this anime didn't get more seasons to explore it.
However, before I finish up what has become a part one I have to mention a foil to Waver. Not another mage or case but his foil as a subject to Iskandar.
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I found you, FAKER
Hephaestion was an interesting character to me. I was interested in her prior due to lore but actually seeing her in action made me more interested in her dichotomy to Waver.
Both are heavily shaped by Iskandar himself but while Waver is a subject of the king Hephaestion was a body double. It's a bit more complex than that of course but she's essentially a body double he had in life.
Due to the magecraft used that let her play such a role she had no name of her own and her mark on history is odd compared to actual heroic spirits.
Thanks to this and the way in which she was summoned she manifested as a new class "pretender". Or as this anime called it "Faker".
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However, all things in Fate have a grain of truth. No matter how fantastical the spirit or spell there was something real it was based on.
This "faker" was a real woman and her hatred for Waver is a foil since he sees himself as a subject to Iskandar. She respects her king as much, if not more, than Waver but she hated his army.
For Waver to call himself a subject, for him to mention the Ionioi Hetairoi and her absence in it, these things anger her.
She saw that army as a detriment that lead to Iskandar's death. She even counts among the Ionioi Hetairoi by technicality but refuses to appear when Iskandar uses it due to her hatred of the army.
There's likely more there as well but I sadly lack knowledge on her as of typing this. I do know the basic gist of Dr. Heartless' plan and her role in it but her personal history I know little.
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But her foil to Waver I do find interesting because both were shown Iskandar's kindness yet she views herself apart as special confidant while Waver wishes to be a subject.
It is like they gained two opposite lessons from the same man. She even rejected Iskandar's numerous attempts to name her due to her respect for him. She was fine being his double while Iskandar saw it as horribly inhumane.
She hates the army, Waver would happily join it. She is a warrior and strong, Waver is weak. Yet Waver is the only one that can say things to get under her skin. On some level she knows he's right, on some level he understands her thanks to their shared experiences with Iskandar.
To be honest the anime doesn't explore them as much as I wish it did. I'm rambling, hoping to stretch it, but in truth the anime ended before I got to see this truly explored. It's a neat parallel to see but an incomplete one.
Thanks to lore videos I watch I do have a grander scope than most whole watch the anime. A very similar situation to when I watched the 2006 Fate anime, I have context.
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I won't spoil it but do know that Hephaestion and Dr Heartless' plot does lead to a proper build up and resolution to Waver's lingering feelings of Iskandar and the war.
I do think the anime did a good job, I truly wish it had more, but knowing what I do about these novels I wish they had gave it another season.
The dynamic of Iskandar to his two subjects also plays a greater role and one day I hope we get to see it.
For now I think I'll stop this here and make that part two. I know I rambled a lot with no direction and it fell thin toward the end there so I appreciate you reading regardless.
Hopefully you'll enjoy part two more where I can talk about other things aside my obsession with Waver and his character.
I'll leave my other better written Fate posts linked below as well. Bye~
El Motherf**Kin Melloi pt2: https://www.tumblr.com/derekscorner/757996566277701632/fated-rantings-clocktowers-business-hours
For my other experiences with Fate click here: https://derekscorner.tumblr.com/tagged/fated-rantings
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implexisfatum · 14 days
* / zvedza sokolova.
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age: appears to be in her early 30's, chronologically 3,500+
gender: female (she/her)
species: elf
alias(es): lady sokolova, her majesty the tsaritsa, the cryo archon, phenex, phenex-naberius
birthday: january 27 (zodiac: aquarius)
affiliation: the seven, the fatui
vision gnosis: cryo
weapon: catalyst/polearm (interchangeable)
constellation: improbus auris.
faceclaim: morgan le fay, fate/apocrypha + grand order
relations on this blog: casimir (NPC/husband, deceased)
trigger warnings: brief mentions of gore.
her majesty didn't always have a heart of stone. many, many moons ago, when the world was in turmoil and factions fought tooth and nail for a seat amongst the seven, there was a young man with big dreams - some said his dreams, and perhaps his ambitions, were about as big as his own heart. although he was merely a sprite that walked amongst the soft, yet cold blanket of snow and ice, he one day dreamed to sit amongst the seven, gnosis in one hand... and his sweetheart in the other. the winter sprite - casimir - was a proud one-man army, determined to win the hand in marriage of an elf he had been in love with for quite some time, his love for her being returned in kind. much like the factions that had enough strength to topple the sprite with ease, casimir, too, fought tooth and nail to win a gnosis for snezhnaya - but to him, the gnosis was merely an extra point. casimir's throwing his hat into the ring of war wasn't for fame or glory, or even the gnosis - but he was one of the few contenders that fought in the name of love. and when he won the gnosis and became the first cryo archon, that very motivation for his fighting became his ideal, and the elf that had his affections - zvedza - became his cherished bride. as the cryo archon, naberius, he treated his wife as an equal in diplomatic meetings within and outside of their nation. for many years to come, the first cryo archon was a firm but gentle leader, his reign being known as the epokha mira (эпоха мира, era of peace). zvedza inherited the gnosis and became the second cryo archon following casimir's death. now known as phenex, zvedza followed in her husband's footsteps and did her best to lead as he did - stern but gentle. the grief of her loss was manageable, yet that never stopped her from asking him for guidance, from wherever his soul traveled to. it was the cataclysm, the tragedy that shook all of teyvat and khaenri'ah, that turned her world upside-down. one by one, zvedza's dearest friends all fell in battle. alongside the rest of the archons, she was forced to aid in the destruction of khaenri'ah, the incident she vehemently fought against. seeing the faces of innocent khaenri'ahns, seeing the look of fear and agony in their eyes as their humanity slipped away in some of their kin... the horrors of khaenriah's destruction would have driven an ordinary being absolutely mad. zvedza couldn't handle it. she was able to find at least one survivor, of course, and invite him to snezhnaya with the promise of sanctuary. his people deserved better... and for their misdeeds, celestia had to be destroyed no matter the cost. and so she, alongside the khaenri'ahn survivor, founded the fatui. the faction would take in powerful beings from all corners of the world that shared the common goal of overthrowing the heavenly principles. and so upon the fatui's founding, zvedza ceremoniously tore her heart out from her chest, locking it in a chest and hiding it in one of the many corridors of zapolyarny palace. the khaenri'ahn survivor - now the jester - and the sole witness to the tsaritsa tearing out her own bloodied heart, was sworn to secrecy, for whoever held the heart controlled the archon. it was up to fate, and her ability to feign sympathy, for the now emotionless archon to see her goals to fruition, no matter the cost. her people, whom her majesty no longer could love, only hoped to be on her side when judgement day would finally come to pass.
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bendwill · 1 month
do you have a plan? somewhere to go? — sahrotaar, escaping fate or verum leviathan verse.
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HE WALKS ON NIRN AGAIN, and so too does Sahrotaar. It is well beyond the Merethic, beyond the time of the Dragon Cult that had, unfortunately, long been ended during his stay in Apocrypha. There had been fleeting trips to Nirn before this point, but Miraak had been alone in these short-lived tasks, and never stayed. Nor had Sahrotaar been with him. It is the first time both of them are here since the war, and now there is no Cult to accost them. No secrets to hold. Least, not the same secrets.
Hands smooth along the dovah's crest. Miraak notes the mutations between then and now with more clarity here in the sun, easily missed in the dark of Apocrypha. The scales are a different colour, he notes to himself. Slightly less blue than before. He blinks, eyes pulling to Sahrotaar's as he is addressed. Both of them have changed, but they are here again.
“No,” Miraak admitted; Sahrotaar was, perhaps, the only soul he felt comfortable being so candid with. “But I will.”
This was the first time he'd been permitted an indefinite leave from the daedric realm, alongside his draconic companion. It wasn't a freedom without expectation — Hermaeus Mora did not give without taking — but there was no precise task at hand. Nothing he would have to fulfill like a dutiful slave.
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A giddy grin pulls at the corners of his lips, visible under the shadow of his hood, for now he wears no mask.
“Exciting, isn't it?” He leans closer, forehead almost touching scale. Eyes dart from the dragon's and look towards the horizon, glinting with unfiltered ambition. “Vos mii bo, Sahrotaar. This time, no kin to stop us.”
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someawesomeamvs · 5 months
Warning: Violence, spoilers, flashing lights
Title: Fire
Editor: Cedrek
Song: Fire
Artist: Gavin DeGraw
Anime: Naruto Shippuden, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Sword of the Stranger (film), Bleach, One Piece, Fate/Apocrypha, Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online, Sword Art Online: Alicization, Redline (film), Bungou Stray Dogs, Noragami, Hunter x Hunter (2011), Kotoura-san, Psycho Pass, Mob Psycho 100, The Irregular at Magic High School, Monogatari series, Hellsing, Classroom of the Elite, Cowboy Bebop, Owari no Seraph, Osomatsu-san, Kin of the Stained Blade (Spirit Blossom 2020 Cinematic), Honkai Impact 3rd (game), Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Cowboy Bebop: The Movie, One Punch Man, Shingeki no Kyojin, The God of High School, Fire Force, Boku no Hero Academia, unknown anime
Category: Action
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strawchocoberry · 6 months
ᯓ౨ৎ about me .ᐟ.ᐟ
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౨ৎ candy . she/her . twenties
◟ pisces sun, aries moon, cancer rising, march baby, entj & 8w7
✦ blog birthday: july 10th, 2023
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❤︎ | LOVES. sex, writing, reading, dark romance, being spoiled / princess treatment, shopping, makeup, skincare, lip gloss, scarlet red, tattoos, jewellery, hanging out with my friends, sleepovers, travelling, daydreaming, rain, plushies, cherries, cooking, making new friends
◟ games: genshin impact, honkai star rail, final fantasy
◟ anime/manga/donghua: blue lock, kaiju no.8, wind breaker, sakamoto days, fairy tail, bleach, fate (especially grand order absolute demonic front: babylonia, apocrypha, strange fake: whispers of dawn, lord el-melloi ii case files), code geass, tougen anki, gokurakugai, jujutsu kaisen, nana, fruits basket, paradox live, the apothecary diaries, link click, grandmaster of demonic cultivation, heaven official's blessing
◟ music: chase atlantic, the weeknd, chris grey, arctic monkeys, lana del rey, the neighbourhood, halsey, isabel larosa, daniel di angelo, darci
❤︎ | HATES. politically and morally correct people, conservatives, bullying, religion, politics, lying, traitors, ignorance, stupid people
❤︎ | FAVOURITES. blue lock: michael kaiser, shidou ryusei, itoshi sae, karasu tabito, itoshi rin, chigiri hyoma, kunigami rensuke ; kaiju no.8: hoshina soshiro, narumi gen ; wind breaker: kaji ren, umemiya hajime, endo yamato, suo hayato, sakura haruka ; sakamoto days: nagumo yoichi, sakamoto taro, akao rion, shishiba, osaragi, seba natsuki ; fairy tail: natsu dragneel, sting eucliffe, gray fullbuster, lucy heartfillia, juvia lockser, gazeel redfox ; bleach: kuchiki byakuya, ulquiorra cifer, grimmjow jaegerjaquez, kurosaki ichigo, abarai renji, inoue orihime, urahara kisuke, shihoin yoruichi, zaraki kenpachi, unohana retsu ; fate: gilgamesh, enkidu, cu chulainn, amakusa shirou tokisada, semiramis, achilles, karna, waver velvet/lord el-melloi ii, frankenstein ; tougen anki: momoka tsukuyomi, mudano naito ; genshin impact: tartaglia, alhaitham, yae miko, yelan ; honkai star rail: jing yuan, kafka, blade, aventurine, black swan
❤︎ | KINS. inoue orihime & ayasegawa yumichika (bleach), sakura haruka (wind breaker), gilgamesh & tohsaka rin (fate), maomao (the apothecary diaries), lucy heartfilia & juvia lockser (fairy tail), honda tohru, sohma kyo, sohma isuzu/rin & kuragi machi (fruits basket), ayuzawa misaki (maid sama), hori kyoko (horimiya), sugasano allen & yeon hajun (paradox live), osaki nana (nana), nakiri erina (food wars), lu guang (link click), wei wuxian (grandmaster of demonic cultivation), xie lian (heaven official's blessing)
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arks-kin-creations · 4 years
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(Sources in the notes.)
Astolfo from the Fate series 750px by 1334px wallpaper.
-Mod Ark (Ark Shift)
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Edit: Because of a certain blog, I have to add this banner now too.
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aestheticforkin · 6 years
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Aes for Mordred (Fate/Apocrypha) who misses Shishigou and don't know what to do from now on.
(ngl self indulgent)
-angie (mordred shift)
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animeuserboxes · 3 years
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grandorderkins · 4 years
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I am starting this blog up and I’ve even created a kin discord for anyone who kins from the fate series, click here to it <The ask box is open to any confessions related to the characters or the series and for any kincalls you wish to submit! I hope you all have a good day!
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fatekinnies · 5 years
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are you a fate kinnie? cool, join our server.  it’s double friendly and 15+.  it’s a relatively small, baby server so there aren’t many occupants, but that’s subject to change!! mod cu and mod gil will be around to help you with questions you may have.  post an intro when you join, and your roles will be given to you. 
here’s the link to the server!!!
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not-jake-english · 5 years
Any enkidu kinnies out in the wasteland of the fate kin community? I’m but a poor gilgamesh kinnie after some sweet nostalgic bants with my boy, although in general if you kin someone from fate please interact. 
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“ Can I get an aesthetic/moodboard for Vlad III (Lancer of Black is preferable, please) with themes of castles, old books, distrust and nighttime? I'm sorry if that's a lot. Thank you.”
Here you go, Vlad! I hope you enjoy it. I used a black gradient fill to help with the nighttime feel. As for the distrusting part, it is hard to trust people and believe in them, I know. If you need to talk or anything you can always come to me, if you’d like to. You are not alone. 
 If there’s anything you want changed, let me know alright? 
- Mod Jeanne Alter
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kin-squad-finder · 5 years
Hi there, I'm kin with Mordred from both fate apocrypha and arthurian legend and I'm looking for anyone else from either of those. I'm 19 and I'd prefer if you're around the same age range. Message me @hezulblood or like this and I will message you
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kurozu501 · 7 years
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Can’t believe that a joke halloween fgo event is giving me more insight into Vlad as a king then the entire Fate/Apocrypha anime did.
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kin-dredspirits · 7 years
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Stimboard for Astolfo from Fate/Apocrypha featuring no paint mixing, & lots of pink.
(Hope this is okay, let me know if you want anything changing!)
Stim Sources: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / X / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
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