#fathom WoF
maypl-syrup · 7 months
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Wof shipping requests from over on insta Doing this made me realize I haven't drawn a large amount of canon characters in forever (or like ever)
I am very proud of all of these, I think my favorites are fathom and indigo, and thorn and stonemover
In order: (top to bottom, left to right)
Fathom x Indigo Winter x Qibli x Moonwatcher Blue x Cricket Sundew x Willow Clay x Peril Thorn x Stonemover Turtle x Kinkajou
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falling-skyzz · 2 months
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does a little dance
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fuckingcritter · 7 months
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also had to draw darkstalker & co. this was like one of my fave books in the series
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adamphoebe · 3 months
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fourtytwo42 · 2 months
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Darkstalker and Fathom, again. I accidentally made darkstalker look twinkish
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sirstrawberryhead · 3 months
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Was thinking about Darkstalker legends recently, I think Fathom and Indigo deserve their life together 100%
(Bottom left is Clearpool, top left is Cowrie, right is Ripple)
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some-pers0n · 11 months
I honestly love how the SeaWing massacre chapters have a Clearsight POV right between them.
Clearsight: Oh boy! I can't wait to go to my first day of school!
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darkstalker-void · 5 months
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Unfortunately for the plot, we can’t!
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rrustelle · 2 months
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Darkstalker always kinda sucked tbh they deserved way better
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halcyonleaf · 7 months
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Darkstalker and friends!
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ravewing · 9 months
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drew over some ww2 propaganda bc i saw someone on tiktok do it
original poster:
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kinkajouwof · 10 months
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falling-skyzz · 5 months
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pre-trauma fathom & indigo
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summerf0x · 2 months
I think the real reason why Artic’s death is so horrifying isn’t because of the gore. It’s because it represents Darkstalker finally becoming the monster he was prophecized to be.
The entire book you know how it’s going to end. Darkstalker will be sealed beneath a mountain, Clearsight will flee the continent, and Fathom leaves the public eye with Indigo. The build up is an entirely different story. All three of them want the future to be different, one where they stay together and avoid the grim fate that awaits them, and for a few brief periods all over the story you think they will. Clearsight says that she had almost entirely written out the scroll as a possibility because of how few timelines it appeared in.
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Fathom manages to gradually reign in Darkstalker to the point where the thought of him enchanting the goblet was shocking. And yet, Darkstalker continues down the dark path. He doesn’t trap Indigo just because he loathes her (although that definitely contributed to it). He traps her because it’s a stepping stone to getting Fathom more willing to use his animus powers, weather that be voluntarily or not. He gives Clearsight the earrings not because he dislikes her power. He gives it to her because it’s only a temporary thing to make sure she’s happier and he check all her work anyway, so nothing bad would happen!
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Darkstalker has convinced himself that every action he does is the right one. It’s all to move them towards the best possible future, where everyone’s happy in the end. At least… he says that. Some part of Darkstalker still knows these are wrong. That’s why he wrote them in the invisible ink. That’s why he never fully enchanted, Clearsight or Fathom to change. Little, justifiable nudges that he could write off as a necessary evil. It doesn't matter how they get to the big, happy ending. Just that they get there in the first place. Everyone will be happy then, so when he reveals what he did they'll be mad for a bit but will ultimately accept that it all worked out in the end.
It's this philosophy that helps Darkstalker continue. He's not a monster because he never changes them directly, only with something small and disposeable like an object. He is so terrifed of being that bloodstained dragon in the future he refuses to do it directly, maintaining plausable deniability the entire time. It creates a buffer between them, and as long as it stands he considers himself blameless.
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Even when everyone else is against him for surviving Quickdeath’s attack, he doesn’t focus on the fact that they are horrified that he enchanted himself to be invulnerable and instead says that the problem is resolved and is shocked that they aren’t relieved and going on as normal.
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When he enchants Arctic, he still doesn’t lay a hand on him. Not his claws. He is not bloody. Not yet. He flies Arctic to the center of the Nightwing kingdom and creates a mock trial out of his father’s death. He kills him as a show of power, yes, but convinced himself it’s justifiable. He waits for the crowd’s reaction before doing it.
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Arctic’s death isn’t even that descriptive. The book says that it was “messy” but there aren’t pages and pages of vivid gore. It’s a short paragraph and while it is the culmination of Darkstalker’s decent into power-driven madness the violence is so very small in a book filled with it. There’s no return from here. Clearsight says it herself, when everything is done. She can’t return to the Nightwings after being seen on that stage with Darkstalker. This is what finally gets Fathom to give up on any attempts to bring him back to the friendly, charming version of the Darkstalker he knew.
There’s no return for Darkstalker, either. In his mind, he’s won. He’s “triumphed” over Arctic after all this time. He’s finally killed someone. No. He’s finally made someone kill themselves. Like some sort of horrible gotcha to the universe, there is no blood on his claws. No blemishes on his body. Even when killing his father, he remains blameless in his mind. He would have remained blameless when killing anyone else.
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raina-clipse423 · 5 months
New Year!
It's the year of the wood Dragon so I present 🤲🏽
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I am so sorry
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I just saw that a little bit ago you asked for drawing requests. If you're still open for any, maybe fathom from wof? If your not taking any right now feel free to ignore :)
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fathom upon ye ‼️
also i hope you know that this may have made me realize i can draw dragons so. you all. just might get wof content?????? maybe even ninjago wof au content???? don’t get your hopes up but 👀
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