#fatu brothers
maineventpapiuso · 2 months
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The pain in Jey's voice sent chills through my body.
I have a feeling Jey will have no choice but to forget what Jimmy did and go save his brother.
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 2 months
Jimmy👑☝🏾 Jey👑☝🏾 Solo👑☝🏾
The Fatu Brothers 👑☝🏾🩸
(Videos: @evolutionofwrestling24)
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msbigredmachine · 2 years
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Can’t wait to see what these three will do together. ☝🏾
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Memory Lane
AN Inspired by this throwback pic of Jey! You can't tell me they all weren't swimming in it LMAO! Enjoy!
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You're both 17. I do not own this image.
Year of 2002
Jey. "Mama, I don't want to be here." You groan as you fold your arms in annoyance. Your parents were forcing you to join them for one of their co-workers/ friends kickbacks at the beach. You sat in the backseat of your parents SUV with annoyance written all over your face. You'd rather be at home in your bed watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or reading a book while your grandmother watched Jeopardy downstairs in the living room.
"Come on sweetie, it's going to be a nice little family and friends get together. Besides Joshua is going to be there." She grins.
"Of course he's going to be there mama, it's his dad hosting it." You roll your eyes.
Joshua Fatu, or Jey as everyone in school called him was a classmate of yours along with his twin brother Jonathan and his cousin Joseph Anoai. You didn't know much about these three except they were voted as Most Handsome in your senior yearbook. They also played football together, basketball, baseball, and pretty much any other sport that they could have a ball in their hands. They were quite literally the popular kids of your school. You, on the other hand, kept to yourself. You were the top student at your school, in the poetry club, a part of your school's student government association, and were even active in your community. Not to toot your own horn, but you were also in the American Sign Language, Spanish, German, French, and Chinese clubs.
You often try to stay clear of boys like Joshua as they seemed to be nothing but trouble. It's crazy because while you tried to avoid them, boys and girls flocked to them. Boys envied them or wanted to be their friends and girls wanted to date them. You remember when Joseph Anoai started dating one of the cheerleaders and she thought she was the shit. But truth be told, you're sure any girl these three guys associated themselves with would.
"I could be coming up with a cure for the common cold or the world's first solar-powered car and yet here I am being forced to party." You sigh. You weren't trying to come off as rude and ungrateful, but you just preferred your solitude.
"Sweet heart please, try and live a little. It's not going to hurt you to enjoy the beach and free food. I'm just as invested in your future as you are, but honey, please. You're 17 years old, not 30. Have fun while you can."
"I have to agree with your mother princess, this could be good for you to make friends."
"I don't want friends, they disappoint me."
"You look very beautiful today sweetheart." Your mother says changing the subject as you arrive at the beach.
"Thanks, mama." You mumble as you look down at your selected outfit for this afternoon. A Juicy Couture tracksuit with your matching purse and sneakers. Your hair was pulled into two curly pigtails, gold bamboo hoop earrings adorned your ears and your lip gloss was poppin' and shinin against your naturally brown and pink lips. You looked good!
You scan the beach as you see numerous bodies moving around freely with no care in the world. Music blasted, food was eaten, and laughter and smiles filled the air. Your dad found a vacant park, turned off the car, and then turned to you.
"Look sweetie, try to have fun, okay? It's not that bad and I'm sure you'll turn out to like it more than you think you will. Promise you'll try." He says, giving you a small smile.
"Yes sir. I promise."
You walk behind your parents as you all walk through the sandy beach to the area that Mr. Fatu or Rikishi as some call him, had designated.
"KISH!" A tall stocky-looking man turns around with a gap-tooth smile.
"USO! Y/M/N! WELCOME!" You watch as your parents approach him and give him a friendly hug. He then turns his attention to you. "Well hello, you must be y/n?" You step up and take his awaiting hand.
"Nice to meet you, sir." You say shyly. You always found it awkward meeting new people.
"Nice to meet you two sweetheart. Please enjoy yourselves, get some food, and enjoy the music, we have the reservation til midnight. If you'd like, the teens are over by the fire pit." Your parents stand talking with him and you ease your way away from the adults. You sigh as you find an empty chair on the beach before settling down. You were glad that you had decided to bring your diary along with you so that you could write in it. What else would you be writing in your diary beside your imaginary relationship with Chad Murray from One Tree Hill? You were so engrossed in your diary that you didn't hear someone shouting for you to look out.
"Huh?" Before you could move, you were suddenly struck in the face with something hard, knocking you off the chair. You hear sand being kicked around as someone kneels to your side.
"Ayo, you okay?" You look up confused as ever to see Joshua and his twin brother Jimmy standing over you.
"Y-Yeah I'm-"You stop mid-sentence feeling something warm pouring from your nose. You look down at your now blood-stained jacket.
"Oh shit she bleeding!" Joshua smacks Jimmy's arm.
"Don't be cursin in front of a lady." He scolds his older brother. Soon Joseph appears beside his cousins.
"My bad. I didn't mean to hit you! I called out but you didn't hear me." Of course, he was the one that threw the ball. Josh helps you to your feet as he inspects your nose.
"I don't think it's broken."
"Do you need anything....maybe some water?" Jimmy asks.
"Smh foo what she gone need water for? She needs a towel." Josh says rolling his eyes. Jimmy shrugs.
"I'll be fine." You mumble stumbling to your feet. You grab your diary, throwing your jacket off you and holding it up to your nose. You hear all three of them arguing as you walk off to find your parents. You soon find them sitting with other adults in a circle. When they see you approach, they immediately jump to their feet.
"Sweetie, what happened?" Your mom asks running to your side. Before you can answer, you feel a presence beside you. You turn to Josh whose face is a little red.
"We threw a deep ball and it accidentally hit her in the face." He says sheepishly. "We weren't paying attention, my apologies Mrs. y/l/n."
"What did I tell y'all about throwing that ball around too close to others? I-"You cut off Mr. Fatu's rant.
"It's okay Mr. Fatu, they called out to me, I just wasn't paying attention. They didn't mean to." You reassure giving a small smile. "Mama, can I see the key so I can get something else to wear?" Your mother nods as she hands you the car key. You were thankful that you had some spare clothes in the trunk or else you'd have to walk around with this bloody outfit on. You quietly thank your mother and walk off. That is until you hear Josh calling out to you.
"Hey wait for me lil mama." You inwardly roll your eyes. You bet he says that to all the girls. You keep walking despite him calling out to you. He finally runs up beside you and walks with you in silence. You finally make it to your parents' car and get your spare clothes out of the trunk.
"If you don't mind, can you please tell my parents I'm going to the convenience store across the street to change?" You honestly just wanted to get as far away from him as possible. No, he hadn't done anything, it's just that you're super awkward in front of boys; especially cute ones.
"No, I wanna walk with you." He says an annoyingly beautiful smirk on his face. Rolling your eyes you walk off, once again leaving him behind. You make it across the street to the all-too-familiar convenience store. You come here so often that the owners know who you are.
"Um....I'll wait out here while you change," Josh says rubbing the back of his neck. You only nod as you walk off to the bathroom. It takes you about fifteen minutes before you're satisfied with your outfit and walk out. Your stomach growls and you realize that you haven't eaten since breakfast. You had to get back to the beach to get your something to eat. You search the aisles for Josh and finally find him in the snack aisle.
"Zebra caaaaaakes! Mmmm!" He was stuffing his face with the delicious Debbie cake.
"Joshua! What did I tell you about eating the products before paying?" You both turn around  to see the store owner, Mr. Jones standing at the end of the aisle with a broom in hand. You cover your mouth to keep from laughing as you watch cream and crumbs fall from Josh's mouth.
"Sorry Mr. Jones." He smiles guiltily as he picks up three more of the delicious Debbie cakes.
"Smooth. Very smooth." You laugh as he goes into his back pocket and pulls out a $20 bill.
"Want anything?" You say nothing as you pick up a bag of Doritos. You turn and walk down the aisle with him and walk to the fridge to get a watermelonflavored Arizona.
"Thanks-" Your words cut off by him pulling you into a mind blowing kiss. This was your first kiss in a long time. Well, the first one doesn't really count. I mean it was in second grade.
You quickly pull away from him and slap the hell out of him.
"Ssss oooo damn. That's gotta hurt!" You hear Mr. Jones mumble behind you before sweeping off down the other aisle. Josh looks at you shocked while holding his cheek.
"What was that for? I thought we was vibin-"
"Boy you don't know me to me movin like that! What's wrong with you?" You say glaring at him and folding your arms. His cheeks flush red as he looks away embarrassed.
"Y-You're right, my bad lil mama."
".....At least ask me first." You say biting the corner of your lip. Now that you're getting a good look at him, he was looking fine as hell right now. He was decked out in a red and black jersey, durag on and not to mention he was iced out.  No wonder the girls went crazy, he was a looker. But then again you should know cause his daddy was fine too! Hell everybody in their family was.
He licks his lips as he approaches you, you getting a good smell of his cologne as he pushes you up against the fridge locking you in. Your heart began to pound a million times faster in your chest. You look up at the tall male as he grasps your chin gently.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Yes." You lock your lips with his and its like heaven. You can't help but wrap your arms around his neck pulling him closer. He tried slipping his tongue pass your lips but you pop his chest.
"Aight nie, don't y'all be back there hunchin! I know both y'all parents!"
Youtwo finally pullaway, hearing Mrs. Jones, Mr. Jones mother says as she pulled down her glasses and eyes you two suspiciously. You both can't help but laugh.
"Don't be getting greedy. You can't have all that."
"You gave me a taste and now I want the whole plate." He smirks biting the corner of his lip. "Hey would you like to join me for the movies tomorrow? 1408 just came out and my friends and brothers are bringing their girls. Maybe you'd like to be my plus one?" Your ears perk up.
"I don't know, it's a school night and-"
"Don't worry Cinderella, I'll have you home before the clock strikes 12." He smirks. You playfully hit his arm. His smile grows bigger and you can't resist.
"..Fine. I'll see if I can get my parents approval."
"Fair enough lil mama. Here's my phone." He takes out his sidekick phone and hands you his phone. You playfully roll your eyes and put your number in after handing him your phone.
"Let's head back, our parents are probably looking for us."
"Yeah you're right. Listen, I know we know who each other are because we go to school together. But I want to formally introduce myself, I'm Joshua Fatu." He extends his hand for you to shake.
"Y/n." You say softly as you give him a small smile.
"Y/n? Y/n? BAE! WHERE YOU AT?!" You're knocked out of your thoughts hearing your husband step into your bedroom. You were currently folding clothes when you were putting away his old red and black jersey with the #7. The same one he wore when y'all first met officially.
"Baby you good? I been calling you for the past ten minutes." He says walking over and wrapping his arms around you. You wrap your hands around his neck with a smile. Who knew you two would be together for more than a decade.
"Yes baby I'm fine, just going down memory lane." You grin holding up his jersey. He breaks into a smile.
"I still remember you slapping the hell out of me. Hurt a brotha pride."
"Whatever. You just knew you had me." You whisper against his lips.
"Of course. I love being yours and you being mine."
"I love you too."
"My lil headache. My smile. My frown. My right. My wrong. My pain. My happiness. My present. My future. My everything. I've given you my all. My heart and I don't want nobody else to have it. I love you Mrs. Fatu." He says kissing you with each word.
"I love you more."
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jeysmullet · 2 months
Hi hun! Could I request for a Jey fic where reader is engaged to Jey, but gets mad when she read that he had invited Sexxy Red to be his VIP guest and he makes it up to her. Smut or fluff, you decide!
Love your writing!
fuck my baby daddy.
jey uso x fiancé!fem!reader.
warnings: jey being an idiot, smut, the tiniest bit of exhibitionism (but not really), praise kink, and finally fluff!!
hope you enjoy it bookie 💋. @bebesobrielo
xoxo vaeh.
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y/n l/n pov.
Upset can’t describe how i’m feeling right now. Joshua decided it would be a good idea to invite no other than mrs fuck my baby daddy herself, Sexyy Red, to be his vip guest.
“hey mrs fatu,” i heard from someone in front of me. I looked up before locking eyes with Trinity’s. I rolled my eyes laughing before shaking my head.
“girl what’s wrong, you look off?” she spoke as she sat in the chair beside me.
“you’re fucking brother in law is what’s wrong.” i sighed as i ran my hands over my face.
“lord, what did thing two do now?” she shook her head. i didn’t say anything as i just unlocked my phone before showing her the twitter post.
“sexyy red?? what the fuck do he got going on.” she semi-yelled as she read the post.
“girl he got me fucked all the way up, entirely.” i spoke as i placed my phone back into my lap.
“oh girl. i know exactly what you can do.” Trinity said before grabbing my phone &’ tweeting something.
i looked at her after she hit post and smirked as we made eye contact.
。゚•┈୨time♡skip୧┈• 。゚
“FUCK MY BABY DADDY??” Jon flinched as he heard his twin brother yell. Jon turned around looking at Josh with wide eyes.
“uce what the hell wrong with you, yelling in my damn ear like that.” Jon said shaking his head before having a phone shoved in his face by Josh.
Jon laughed as he saw what his brother was yelling over. his soon to be sister in law had tweeted out, “fuck my baby daddy” and Josh was freaking out.
“damn uce, what did you do?” The older twin asked as he watched his younger brother pace back and forth.
“man uce, i don’t kno-“ Jon looked at his brother trying to understand why he cut hisself off. Josh’s eyes widened as he came to a realization.
“Sexyy, that’s why.” Josh said sighing as his brother looked at him confused.
“i invited her to be my vip guest and i guess y/n found out.” Josh continued as he ran his hands down his face.
“dumbass,” Jon mumbled before getting smacked in the back of the head.
“not the time Jonathan. i need help.” Jey sighed.
“alright uce , just calm down. i’ll call trin.” Jon speaks as he pulls out his phone before going to his wife’s contact and calling her.
“hey baby,” Trinity’s voice spoke from the phone.
“hey baby, look josh-“ Jon started to speak before the phone got snatched out of his hand.
“trin please i need your help, what did i do?” Josh spoke fast as he held the phone.
“well josh, we can start off by bringing up the fact you invited sexyy red to be your vip guest without warning your fiancé and now she’s upset because she found out from twitter instead of her fiancé.”
Josh could pass out from how stupid he felt at that moment. of course he was going to tell y/n about it, he just never got the chance to.
“shit trin, what do i do to make it up to her?”
“surprise her, take her to dinner and tell her why you didn’t tell her yet i guess.”
“thanks trin, i owe you.” Josh hung up the phone before handing it back to his brother.
“i’ll be right back.” Josh grabbed his phone and sped out of their shared locker room.
Josh passed by multiple superstars on the way to the women’s locker room. Some were confused on where he was rushing to and some had an idea on what was happening.
Josh stood outside the women’s locker room before knocking. He stood there for a minute before Nia Jaxx opened the door.
“Yo can you tell y/n i need to talk to her.”
Nia nods before closing the door again, only for it to open again a few seconds later to reveal an annoyed looking y/n.
“what josh?”
“listen baby i know how this seems but i promise you i was gonna tell you but every time i tried to one of us had something to do.”
Y/n sighed as she stepped further into the hallway closing the locker room door behind her. She grabs Josh’s hand before dragging him to an empty corner.
“I know we’re busy Josh but i wish you would’ve told me instead of me finding out from twitter. you know how twitter mixes things up.”
“I know baby but please believe me. i was gonna tell you.”
“i do believe you josh.”
“oh thank God.” Josh sighed out in relief as Y/n laughs.
“well i still want to make it up to you, let me take you out to dinner after the show tonight. it’s been a while since i’ve treated you to a night out.”
“okay Josh.” Y/n says as she smiles and leans up to place her lips onto Josh’s.
Josh smirks as the two engage in a heated make out session. His hands traveled down her body before reaching her ass. He smacked it before picking her up and placing her on a crate beside them.
Y/n leans her head to the side as Josh kisses her down her neck before going back to her lips.
The two were so lost in one another that they didn’t see Jon standing at the corner. Jon cleared his throat making the two jump.
“Sorry to interrupt but we got a match Josh.” Jon stated while awkwardly looking down.
Josh turned to Y/n and picked her up off the crate before placing her on the ground.
“you good?” Josh asked her when she straightened herself out.
“yeah i’m good, go ahead so you aren’t late.”
“alright, remember dinner tonight.” Josh said as he walked over to his brother.
“i’m guessing your apology went good.” Jon laughed.
Josh shook his head before laughing.
゚•┈୨time♡skip୧┈• 。゚
yourusername posted on their story
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nobody’s pov.
Josh staggered into the hotel room before closing the door with his foot as he held Y/n in his arms.
He made his way over to the bed before slowly sitting Y/n down on the bed. He let his hands roam her body before making his way to the back of her dress unzipping it. he slid the straps off of her shoulders before pulling the rest of it off her body.
He felt the blood rush to his lower body as he saw her bare body under the dress.
“oh so you wasn’t wearing nothing under that huh? You wanted other people to see what’s mine?” Josh spoke lowly as he lowered his lips to her collarbone sucking the skin before going lower.
Y/n moaned as she felt Josh start sucking on her chest. She let her hands snake down to his head before grabbing it and playing with his hair.
The two were lost in each other as their bodies pressed together in a long and passionate embrace, the weight of the world seemed to lift off their shoulders. The disagreement from earlier fleeting from both of their minds. They moved together in a slow and tender dance, lost in each other's touch.
Josh lifted his head from Y/n’s chest before he slipped his fingers down to her core.
Josh smirked at the girl under him as he feels how wet she is.
“I got you like that mama?”
as the sentence was being spoken, Y/n felt as he brought his thumb to her clit and started rubbing it.
She felt her breath get shakey as she tried to respond to him before giving up after she felt Josh’s fingers slid into her slick. she grabbed his arm trying to push it away from her.
“why you running baby? you wasn’t running when you was rubbing all on my dick at dinner. had me hard in front of all them people.”
“Josh please.” Y/n moaned out as Josh sped up his fingers.
“please what mama? i need your words.”
“i need you baby, i need your dick.”
Josh smiled before pulling his fingers out of his fiancé and bringing them up to his mouth.
He started to line himself up with her entrance before slowly pushing himself in.
Y/n’s back arched off the bed as she felt his dick inside of her.
“you feel so good around this dick baby. this yo dick.” josh grunted as he pounded mercilessly into her.
Y/n could only sob and beg shamelessly for more, hands clawing down his back as she felt her orgasm approached fast under his skilled touch.
Y/n felt her body shake as her orgasm took over her body, gushing around her fiancés dick. Josh felt his dick start pulsing inside of her as her pussy grips him over and over again.
Josh followed Y/n soon after as his cum shoots deep in her before his body collapses on top of hers.
“I love you girl and i’m sorry i didn’t tell you earlier.” Josh lowly said as he softly slid out of her before getting up.
“I love you too Josh. I promise it’s okay.” Y/n’s eyes followed her fiancé as he walked to the bathroom before coming back out with a wet rag.
Josh walked over to y/n before cleaning her up and picking her up to take her to the bathroom.
after she finished with her business and cleaned herself again, Josh came back into the bathroom before picking her up again. He laid her on the bed and gave her the water bottle he got her while she was in the bathroom.
He placed the cover over the both of them before leaning over and turning the light off.
Y/n placed the water bottle onto the nightstand before snuggling into Josh’s chest.
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raya-hunter01 · 4 months
WIP Wednesday (Even thought it's Saturday)
Thank you empressdede and @whatdoeseverybodywant for the tag. This has been sitting in my drafts since December. Enjoy!!
The Christmas Present
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Jey's Annual Christmas Party
“There is nothing wrong with Sefa, take that back. Your being plan mean now,” I said offended as Tori one of the new divas was talking about him as he stood across the room totally unaware, or maybe he was, and he just didn’t give a shit what people thought of him.
He always moved in silence…Guarded and the halls always cleared when they saw him coming.
“Get real Eden, it has to be something wrong with him. He just stands there like a knot on a log and doesn’t say anything. I wonder does he show emotions when he has sex or is he like a robot,” she said as Trin interrupted her public undressing of the tribal heir.
“Ain’t nothing wrong with my brother-in-law, he just ain’t with the drama that ya’ll asses bring. Plus, he likes his women real, not surgically enhanced,” Trin said as I smiled at the offended look and Tori’s face before she stormed off.
“Damn tell her how you feel, Trin,” I laughed as she smiled.
“Girl, she mad because he won’t give her the time of day and he likes you,” Trin said winking at me as I shook my head at her before stealing a glance at the baby brother of the Fatu family.
I have to admit, I liked him too, but he was dangerous. They say the most dangerous man in the room is one that doesn’t know the power he has over others, and I don’t think he knows the power he truly has.
I was drawn to him, there was a sadness to him that just made me want to hold him.  
The chaos of the Christmas party long forgotten as I saw him talk to his brothers for a few minutes before going upstairs.
“When are you going to tell him, you like him?’ Trin asked as I sipped on my champagne. “I’m not ready to date yet, Trin,” I said as she scoffed.
“Bullshit It’s been over a year, you need to have some fun,” she said as her thoughts echoed in my mind.
My last relationship had me leery on letting someone into my life again. It’s not every day your boyfriend cheats on you with your cousin. I’m not scared to admit that it fucked me up, but I am slowly working through it.
“I’m going to tell him Merry Christmas, then order me an uber,” I said as she smirked at me.  “An uber? Girl, go upstairs and lay up under that man, stop playin’,” Trin said as I sighed.
“Uh, we are rarely home and I’m going to sleep in my own bed tonight, thank you very much. Plus, I’m sure Jey don’t want folks having sex in his house,” I said giving her a hug as she laughed.
“Aye, where my hug at?” Jey asked engulfing us both in his strong arms. “I really enjoyed the party boo, but I’m about to head out,” I said as he kissed my cheek.
“Head up and see lil bro before you leave. He’s in the spare bedroom, you know where it’s at,” he said as I gave him another hug before going upstairs. The music becoming fainter as I went to the other side of the house.
How do you tell someone you want them to rearrange your insides respectively without sounding desperate. Gently knocking on the door I leaned up against the frame, my hair flowing wild and free as I anxiously waited.
“Who is it?” He asked opening the door as I smiled trying to hide my nervousness. The shocked look on his face told me all I needed to know I made the right decision to come up to see him.
“Are you alone?” I asked as he nervously gulped but couldn’t resist being a smart ass. “Oh, I got a whole party going on in here, you don’t see all these people” he said smartly as I rolled my eyes “Always the smart ass,” I whispered as he cracked a smile.
 “It’s always just me, you know that,” he said as I built up my nerve.
 “Well, how would you like to have a real party for two?” I asked shyly as he opened the door wider allowing me inside as I put my coat on the dresser.
“I was just listening’ to some music on the tv to unwind,” he said clearing his throat going over to turn it off. “No, leave it on,” I whispered sitting down in the chair beside the bed as he turned it down a little and sat down on the bed.
“What happened you been avoiding me all night?” I asked truly wanting to know what was wrong. “I got some shit on my mind, I had to take the kids back to their mom and they didn’t want me to leave,” he said as I sympathized with him.
“I know it gets hard but it’s going to get better, I know it is. They know you love them and just keep making sure they know that.” Reaching over I rubbed his knee in support as he stoic expression never changed but he nodded.
“I just hate I won’t get to spend Christmas with them tomorrow, but I guess I should be thankful they got to open a few of their gifts from me tonight.”
 “Maybe you should call her and see could you stop in and just be there for when they open their other gifts tomorrow,” I suggested as he sighed pulling out his phone texting his ex-wife.  
I hoped she lets him do that, it’s bad enough she moved the kids back here to Pensacola without him knowing.
 I saw a small smile pass his face as he got a text alert. “She said I could come in the morning to see them open their gifts, and eat breakfast with them,” he said as I smiled brightly at him, truly happy for him.
“I’m glad she changed her mind, I can’t even imagine being without my baby on Christmas,” I said as he grabbed my hand, causing me to blush.
“Enough about me though, how is Kason?” he asked as I smiled brightly at the mention of my son’s name. “He’s great, my mom has him for tonight. She thought I needed the break.”
“You do, I mean your like superwoman. You make sure all our schedules are good and constantly taking care of us all. Then you’re a mom to a very busy ten-month-old. Hell, when we leave the building, your night is just getting started,” he said as I tried not to smile.
 He actually was taking notice and appreciative of my work and who I was as a person.
“Yea, it does but I’m just glad Joe talked them into getting me a bus so I can bring him on the road with me. I love how kid friendly the backstage atmosphere is now under Paul’s leadership.”
“Yea, he has that part down good. Now if only the gossip mill would stop wit they shit, maybe I could walk the halls and not be judged by people that don’t even know me,” his voice trailed off.
I knew he heard the whispers of our coworkers. They were afraid of him, they bought into the persona, but I knew better. He was shy and misunderstood but it was their loss and my gain.
“I wanna dance,” I said standing up and holding my hand out to him as his eyes seemed unsure. It was almost as if he wanted to look around to see if there was anyone else in the room with us.
“Uh, with me?” he asked as nodded, not trusting my voice. “It’s a lot that comes along with this and I know you ain’t ready,” Sefa whispered his eyes piercing my soul as I yearned for him.
“Stop worrying, I’m a big girl and I know what I want,” I said unashamed as he licked his lips. “Is that right? Well, tell me again what you want beautiful,” His deep voice awakening something within me that had been doormat for far too long.
“I want to dance with you…Right here…. Right now,” I declared as he stood up pulling me close, our foreheads touching as I caressed his face.
 His nervousness making me almost shy, but I knew if this was going to happen tonight, I needed to take charge. “Sefa, I don’t want to be alone tonight,” I whispered as his eyes found mine again.
Clearing his throat, I waited with bated breath for his answer. “I don’t wanna be alone tonight either,” he whispered nodding as I released the breath I was holding.
 “I was hoping you would say that,” I said, my fingers playing with his beard as he caressed my hips.
 Building up my courage, I tested the waters with a gentle kiss as a deep groan fell from his lips as we tasted each other.
Suddenly, Sefa pulled me closer, deepening our kiss making it even more impossible for me to gather my myself as he ravaged my mouth with his. My hands gripping the back of his shirt as I whimpered against his lips in pleasure.
His kisses, powerful and intentional as I weakened in his arms.
“Mm, Sefa”, I gasped as he released my lips. Shit, he can kiss, and he knew it by the sly smile that adorned his handsome face as we both caught our breaths.
  “You sure?” he asked as I nodded, his hands caressing my face as he claimed my lips again.
“Mmm, tell me you want me and that I ain’t trippin’ right now,” he whispered, his passionate gaze making me fall even deeper under his spell.
“Yes, I want you,” I moaned as his thumb caressed my lower lip. “You want my head between your thighs eatin' that sweet pussy don’t you?”
 His deep voice sending shivers down my spine as I purred in anticipation.
“Yes! Please Sefa,” I begged unashamed, yearning to be claimed as he licked his lips.
“You want all this dick up in dat pussy rearranging them tight walls don’t you?”
Fuck, he knew his power, and I was already under his spell, ready and willing as I whimpered against him unable to speak.
“Are you ready for all of me Eden, I can be a lot baby, but I promise you ain’t gon’ never forget me.”  
I nodded, rendered powerless as his lips slowly descended upon mine, our kisses becoming deeper and more desperate by the second.
“Yes, take me,” I gasped finally finding my voice as we fell onto the bed.  Our lips and hands exploring each other desperately. “You sure?” he whispered against my lips, as I nodded again.
 “Let me here you, Eden. Do you want me?” he groaned, grabbing my hands pinning them above my head as he towered over me .
 “I want you,” I moaned as a low growl fell from his lips. “I want you too,” he moaned claiming my lips again with urgency as I gasped at the intensity but welcomed it.  
I was losing myself, losing myself in him and I loved it.
Whimpering against his mouth, he abruptly released my lips and let my hands go. “Why did you stop?” I panted trying to catch my breath as he searched my face for discomfort.
 “I knew you weren’t ready for this; I’m moving too fast.  Your scared of me, aren’t you?” he asked as I looked at him in confusion.
“What are you talking about?” I asked not getting how he gathered that conclusion.
“Look, I can take it alright, just tell me your scared of me like everybody els is," he said as I sat up beside him still trying to catch my breath.
“Scared of you? Boy, if anything I needed to breathe so I wouldn’t die on your ass,” I said as he looked at me in confusion.
“I’m serious Sefa, whether you know it or not, your very intense and I like it. It actually makes it hard for me to not lose myself around you,” I confessed as he searched my eyes for any deception in my words.  
 “I’m not scared of you Sefa, if I was, I wouldn’t have come up her,” I said reaching over and placing my hand on his knee.
“You sure you’re not scared?  You would tell me, right?” he asked as I smiled at him.
“Now, if you would have asked me this last year, I would have said yes without a second thought. But, I know you now, and up under that tough enforcer attitude you’re a teddy bear,” I said getting up off the bed and going over to the table to fix me a shot of Tequilla.
“I couldn’t tell that you were scared, you chewed my ass out for not speaking to you the first time we ever talked,” he said as I laughed.
“Hell, its rude to not to say at least hello to someone when they speak to you.”
“A’ight you right, I was wrong,” he said as an idea popped into my head.
“Now, since we got that covered, how bout we get out of here and go to my house. I have a beautiful view of the beach and plenty of privacy,” I offered as he stood up slowly walking towards me.
“Going somewhere more private sounds perfect, I mean we don’t need everybody in our business,” he said as I nodded in agreement. Last thing any of us needed was the gossip mill in our business.
 “I’m happy we’re on the same page, let’s get out of here.”
It was easy to sneak away as the party was in full swing, but Sefa shot Jey a text to let him know he was taking me home and would hit him up later.
The ride to my house at first was quiet but something shifted in the atmosphere as leaned over and playfully nipped at his neck as he drove.
“You playin’ a dangerous game Eden,” he growled as I smiled against his neck slowly reaching down, slipping my hands inside his sweats as he groaned.
“Mmhm, a big dangerous game at that and I can’t wait to play,” I whispered in his ear, as I slowly began to stroke him.
 “Damn, you like playin’ with danger, don’t you?” he moaned as I smiled against his neck. His breathing became more ragged as his hands gripped the steering wheel.
 “Yes, now eyes on the road, I got you,” I whispered as he groaned in appreciation. “Mm, shit… Well, go on then and do your thang.”
 My mama ain’t raised no punk, so Sefa’s bout to get a preview of what’s to come. I just pray it don’t get us killed.
“Make the next right and go about two miles up the road, my house is the last one up on the hill,” I whispered in his ear as one of his hands caressed my thigh.
 “I’mma tear dat pussy up, you know dat right,” he moaned. His deep voice echoing throughout the car and making me even wetter than I already was as I continued to stroke him.
 “Yes, and I can’t wait,” I whispered as his grip on the wheel tightened. “Are we almost there?” he gasped as I smirked knowing he was close as I decided to talk him through it.
“You like my hands pleasing you, don’t you?” I asked as he nodded in concentration putting his other hand back on the wheel.
“Don’t hold back, I want you to let go,” I encouraged as he melted into me. “There is my house, turn in and park,” I said as he quickly pulled into my driveway, throwing the car in park and cutting it off.
"Now, keep your hands on the wheel,” I said as he turned, resting his forehead against mine, keeping his hands on the wheel as I continued to please him.
“Why did you come with me tonight?” I whispered, licking his lips as groaned catching my tongue between his lips as we shared a sloppy wet kiss.
 “Mmm, you know why. Tell me why you wanted me to come?” he moaned, trying to regain control of the situation.
“I wanted you to devour this pussy,” I whispered as he moaned against my lips.
“Now you tell me why you came? Tell me Sefa,” I whispered, beginning to stroke him faster as he gasped.
 “I wanted to have you all to myself and make you scream my fuckin’ name all night long,” he growled grasping my face and claiming my lips in a passionate kiss as he came.
His body trembling as he found his much-needed release. Looking handsome more than ever as he rode out his climax as I watched in awe.
Yea, he defiantly needed that, and I was happy to help.  
“Damn Eden, that was-” he moaned caressing my face, not able to finish his sentence, I smiled.
“It was my pleasure,” I whispered tenderly kissing his lips.
“Now, let me see if you taste as good as you look right now,” I said as he watched me through heavy lids.  
Slowly I leaned down, and licked his cum off of his stomach as he gasped in shock at my actions. Not leaving a single drop, I then slid back into my seat. “Let me see Eden, open up beautiful.” Staring innocently at him, I opened my mouth and released my tongue for him to see.
 “Fuck, dats what I’m talkin’ bout. Mmhm, now swallow dat shit,” he commanded as I did as he instructed.
“Mmm, you taste good,” I whispered licking my lips as he moaned. His powerful gaze awakening the woman within me.   
“You askin’ for trouble,” he hissed as I smirked, before exiting the car as he readjusted himself back into his sweats.
Anxiously, I went to unlock the front door, before turning around to see if Sefa was behind me, but he was still sitting in the car in a daze.
“Stop overthinking Sefa, it’s no rules here,” I said going inside and heading upstairs, dropping articles of clothing along the way as I made my way to my room.
 Hearing his footsteps, I sat down on the side of the bed, crossing my legs wearing only my black stilettos and a smile.
In all honesty I was scared to death, but excited if that made sense.
 My heart began to race as Sefa appeared in the doorway in all his naked glory. My pussy drippin’ and throbbing in anticipation, knowing at any moment he was going to completely engulf me within his flame, and I couldn’t wait.
“I see your waiting for me like a good girl,” he whispered as I smiled holding out my hand to him as he came closer.
“I see you’re ready again,” I whispered looking at his throbbing erection as he smirked.  “Oh, I stay ready and you betta be ready,” he said his voice making me wet as fuck as I moaned at his words.
“Come find out,” I whispered as he took my hand and smiled.  “Are you sure?” he asked once again kneeling before me as I smiled.
 “More than you’ll ever know,” I said as our lips met in another passionate kiss.
 “Merry Christmas, Sefa.”
 “Merry Christmas, Eden” he whispered easing me back onto the bed as I welcomed all of him.  His hands caressing my body as raked my nails down his back in pleasure as he nibbled and sucked on my breasts.
 “Let me see if you taste as good as I imagined,” he panted moving his kisses to my stomach as I gasped.  Fuck, with how this man kisses I know he can give some bomb ass head.
“Are you gon’ give it all to me like a good girl?” Sefa asked dipping his tongue into my belly button as I moaned, running my fingers through his hair.
“Yes! I’mma give it all to you,” I moaned staring down at him in anticipation as he wore a mischievous smirk as my body trembled.
“Well, let me open up my first Christmas present then,” he whispered as his head disappeared between my thighs.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy
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empressdede · 4 months
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Been sitting in my drafts for like a couple months😭 Lemme know how you feel about it 🫶🏾
Thank you for the Tag : @harmshake
India’s eyes trailed over his work outfit with a hitched breath, watching her best friend at work. Her mind was everywhere, And watching him be attentive at work made her wonder what else he would be attentive at as well.
“You do know that watching him from all the way over here isn’t going to do anything right?” Riley whispered in her ear which broke the trance she seemed to be in.
“Girl, what the fuck else you want me to do? He’s working.” She whispered back. Her eyes not straying away from her boy best friend not once.
On the outside, it looked like a small schoolgirl crush on her boy best friend, Joshua Fatu. But in reality… there was a different story underlying the two of them. Something India was scared to admit to her best friend Riley.
“I don’t get it. You mean to tell me you guys always room together but nothing has happened between you two?”
“Not a thing.” India denies
Last night
India squirmed in her sleep, letting out a deep sigh of relief as she felt herself slowly waking up. A pressure was building up in her stomach and she felt her knees split and a soft moan escaped her lips and when she finally opened her eyes, her mouth dropped open to see Joshua in between her legs.
“Josh- fuck. What are you doing?” She breathed out, trying not to be loud because they were not in the confinement of their homes where these activities would usually take place but in a hotel room, where his twin brother was sleeping right next door.
“Don’t worry baby. Just lemme make you feel good.”
India tried her best not to moan but Joshua just smirked against her, keeping his tongue pressed to her clit.
“Fuck… Josh wait.” She whined, her hands coming up quick to push his head away from her but her pushed her hands away from him, flicking his tongue against her even faster.
“Ouuu Fuck” India cried out, letting the pleasure overcome her and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
Joshua pulled back from her to push two fingers right into her soft velvety walls, curling his fingers to touch her G-spot.
The moan that escaped India was a loud one and with a smirk on his face, Josh tried to hush her.
“Shhhh, you think you can be quiet Princess?”
The question went right over her head, and it wasn’t like Joshua gave her a chance. He leaned forward to suck on her clit while he thrusted his fingers into her.
Her hips bucking up to chase his fingers, and if you asked Joshua… this was where India looked her best.
Like a slut, chasing her high in anyway he gave her. Even if it was just with his fingers. “Baby please.” India pleaded, the pitch of her voice rising.
“Shhh, do you want them to hear? I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you? Want the whole world to hear you beg me to make you cum huh princess?”
Tagging: @raya-hunter01 @kill-the-artiste @whatdoeseverybodywant @msbigredmachine
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maineventpapiuso · 2 months
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Jey looking at the new titles like.
"So Jimmy new tag titles umm when are we going to get them uce?"
Reunite the Usos.
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 5 months
Jimmy Uso 👑 😍
Jey Uso 👑😍
Jimmy Uso behind the scenes at the Royal Rumble.
Jey Uso behind the scenes of the Royal Rumble.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 2 months
I hope you’re having a good day! I wanted to request a fic with Jimmy (or jey, I love them both) where the mc is a bridesmaid at their sister’s wedding and she meets one of the groomsmen (Jimmy) and they start to really like each other. The sister warns mc that Jimmy is a playboy but things start to heat up quick between the two anyway! You can add or take away any aspects, have fun with it. Thanks, I love your writing!
The Bridesmaid - Jimmy Uso x OC
thank you @summerssoldierxx for the request. Sorry it took so long to get out. Hope you like it! 🫶🏽
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Main Masterlist
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“I thought it was against the rules to look better than the bride.” Summer Cooper rolled her eyes and let out a sigh as she turned to face her newly brother-in-law’s best friend. Jimmy or Jonathan - she was very confused about the two names - had been flirting with her since they met at the rehearsal dinner last night. And she was flirting back, heavy until her sister pulled her to the side. 
“Do not get involved with Jonathan Fatu okay.” Her sister Vanessa said. “He ain’t nothing but trouble and I won’t allow you to become another notch on his bedpost.” Summerhad never seen Vanessa look so serious before so she left Jimmy/Jon alone and ignored him the rest of the night. She was doing a good job at ignoring him during the wedding too, even though they walked down the aisle together. 
“Damn you ignoring me? I thought we hit it off?” Jon broke her out of her thoughts. 
“Listen.” Summer trailed off. “I’ve been told about you and your little games and I will not be another one of your victims.” She crossed her arms over her chest.  Summer furrowed her eyebrows because Jon actually looked hurt and shocked at what she said. 
“Oh ight. Shoot, my bad.” He said rubbing his hands together before walking away from her. She bit her lip as she watched him walk away from her. She quickly pushed him out of her mind and went over to her sister. 
“I seen you talking to Jon.” Summer rolled her eyes. 
“Yup. Told him to leave alone. Happy?”  Vanessa smiled and placed her hand on Brittany’s shoulder. 
“I’m only looking out for you.I don’t want to see my baby sister hurt.” Summer rolled her eyes and nodded her head. 
“I understand. You just looking out for me.” Summer forced a smile on her face. “Now go dance with you husband.” 
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Summer laughed as she watched her nephew do his best TikTok dances on the dance floor. She picked up her champagne flute and took a sip as she looked around the banquet hall, the bitter feeling was back in her stomach as she watched all of the happy couples but once she looked at her sister and her brother - in -law she had a small smile on her face. That was what Summer wanted, someone who loved her unconditionally. And it seemed like every time she thought she found the one they wound up being complete jackasses who weren’t worthy of her time. 
“Who is that man and why does he keep staring at you?”  Summer furrowed her eyebrows as she looked in the direction her mother was looking and felt her heart stutter in her chest as her eyes met Jon’s. 
“One of Dontae’s friends.” Summer replied as nonchalantly as she could. She arched her eyebrow as Jon pushed himself off the wall and started making his way towards her table. 
“Hi i’m Jon” He said walking up to her mom and holding his hand out and Summer’s mom shook his hand. 
“Oh, you’re Jon.” Her mom said, causing Summer and Jon to furrow their eyebrows. Jon looked at Summer who held her hand up and shook her head. “I’ve heard some things about you.”
“Apparently, everybody has.” He said, his eyes still on Summer who rolled her eyes and picked up her champagne flute, taking another sip. 
“You wanna dance with me?”  He asked Summer and before she could turn him down, her mother spoke for her. 
“She would love to.” Summer shot her mom a look. “Summer Renee, don’t look at me like that. You might be thirty but I'm ya momma and will still whoop ya ass.” Summer shot Jon a glare as he tried to hide his laughter behind his hand.  She rolled her eyes , stood from her seat and walked away from Jon and her mother towards the dance floor.
She let out a huff as the DJ started playing a softer, slower song. Jon smirked and pulled her closer to him, taking her arms and wrapping them around his neck before wrapping his own arms around her waist.  
“So, what did you mean by you didn’t want to be another one of my victims.” Jon stated, getting straight to the point and instead of answering right away, Summer let her eyes wander around the room and stilled as they landed on her sister who was watching her and Jon dance. Summer shook her head and cleared her throat. 
“I’ve just heard some things about you and.” She paused and shrugged, “Listen, I like you and I’m not tryna get my feelings hurt. Okay..” She said averting her eyes from his.
Jon scoffed. “What makes you think I was going to hurt you? Like I told you earlier, I thought we really hit it off yesterday. I’ve told you some shit I aint even told my twin brother.” 
“Really?” She asked shocked and Jon nodded his head.
“Yeah, I’m not a liar, Summer.” She bit her lip and cut her eyes back over to her sister who was still watching them. Jon followed her eyesight and cracked a smile. 
“Ohh, your sister is the one who was talking shit.”  He let out a laugh. “Big sis  looking out for lil sis, I get it now. What did she tell you?” Summer shrugged and mumbled, 
“That you a playboy and that she wasn’t gonna let me become another notch on your headboard or something like that.” Jon bit the inside of  his cheek and nodded. 
“Wow. Aight, imma be completely honest with you right now.” He started and stopped dancing , so the two of them were now standing still while everyone else around them continued to dance. “I was married and got divorced about two years ago.  And in those two years, I’ve had sex with one person.” 
When Summer just arched her eyebrow in response, Jon sighed. “I told you I'm not a liar, Summer. I told you yesterday that I really liked talking to you. I ain’t try nothing with you, did I?” She shook her head. “Exactly, If I was a playboy wouldn’t I be trying to get you in my bed? Look,  You live here in Pensacola right?” She nodded. “Aight so fuck what ya’ sister saying and have breakfast with me tomorrow. Get to know me without having your sister in your ear saying how much of a bad person I am.” Summer bit her lip and nodded her head, causing Jon to flash her his pearly whites.
He pulled his phone out of his suit pants pocket. “Here, put your number in my phone.” 
Summer took it, but before she put her number in she looked him in his eyes. “Don’t make me regret this, Jon.”  Jon smiled and took her other hand into his own. 
“You won’t I promise.” 
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Sorry, this took me so long @summerssoldierxx. I really hope you like it and if you have anymore request, send them in ❤️.
🏷️: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @baconeggndcheez
@theninthwonder @empressdede @harmshake @alyyaanna @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade
@abadbitchblogs @qveenmikaelson @mzv11
@black-yn @badbitchcentralinc @bebesobrielo @saintaquarius
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joesanrio · 11 months
Hiiii can I request a Jey uso X female reader where jey sees a post on social media saying reader is messing with Jimmy and it’s not true. But Jey still gets hot headed and stuff thank you ☺️
This!! I love this. I feel like I took this and ran with it- so please forgive me 🩷 a bit angsty :))
All over Twitter | J.U
Summary: Jey never liked how quickly he was bothered of something on social media, but he can’t help himself… especially when it comes to you.
Pairings: Joshua Fatu {Jey Uso} x fem!reader
Warnings: social media drama, delusions, arguing, cursing, stubborn!Jey, crying, bad angst (first time), rumors, mentions of cheating, not edited
Word Count: 1230
Ratings: Angst | 16+
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Jey scrolling through his social media was starting to become a daily thing, especially since the Bloodline storyline was starting to pick up. As much as he hated how people depicted him and his talents based on the 30-45 minutes they saw him a week, he never reacted. He kept any bad energy they sent towards him to himself, and pretended like he didn’t even see it. That was until he came across a tweet that had to do with you and his twin.
The tweet had about 92k views already, and 40k retweets. It was a video of you and Jonathan meeting up late at night, hugging before entering a random building. There was no context about what was happening except the obvious comments of;
Nah imagine thinking your girl safe from your own twin 💀💀
I CANT- poor Jey 🥲💔
No cause what abt my girl Trin?!?!
That Y/n? Do she not know how Trin can get down…😬
He couldn’t help himself but to keep scrolling through the comments, looking for some type of reassurance that it isn’t what he’s thinking. Jey always thought he knew where you were and what you were doing, maybe he was too blind by a false sense of trust. “Y/n!” He calls for you from the living room.
Your delicate footsteps making their way downstairs to the man sitting on the couch, you couldn’t help but smile at the gorgeous man in front of you. “Hi Baby.” Your lips plump and glossy as always, wearing Jey’s shirt with your little shorts. He looks away as he can feel himself getting flustered by your appearance, remembering the things he just saw not even a minute ago.
“You want to tell me anything.” His voice deep and stern before he lays back against the couch, your hips swaying a bit as you go to sit beside him.
Your freshly groomed eyebrows now in a confused furrow, “I like your haircut… I mean they could’ve faded the sides better but—” Jey’s head immediately snapping towards you.
Going silent as he rubs the side of his hair down before adjusting himself in the chair. “It’s cute!” I reassure as a small smile forms Jey’s lips before the smile drops quickly. “Appreciate it but that’s not what I’m looking for.” His eyes boring into yours, uncomfortably. Your hands starting to fidget together under his intense gaze, shaking your head ‘no’.
A loud sigh coming from his mouth as he picks up his phone, Twitter immediately popping up on the screen. “Look.” He hands you the phone before crossing his arms aggressively, your eyes falling onto the dim screen. Playing the small clip of you and Jon, not understanding the big deal until you scroll down to the comments.
A small scoff leaving your mouth as you go speechless by all the assumptions, “Those people are so miserable.” You hand the phone back before looking at Jey’s serious face.
“So, it’s the people now? Not the fact that you and my damn brother sneaking around at night?” He sits up almost giving himself whiplash. Feeling your heart drop at his demeanor, you couldn’t believe that the man you left everything and everyone for is accusing you of. “Joshua. You’re kidding…” Trying to understand what he’s getting at, this had to be some type of prank.
April Fools was a couple months ago though, and we did forget about it. “This is a joke. Ha-ha so funny babe.” A sarcastic laugh leaving you forcefully as you notice Jey’s gaze not changing.
Noticing the deep breaths, he’s taking is starting to concern you, “I’m not joking, are you screwing around with my brother? My twin at that.” He speaks calmly. Your eyes going wide at the audacity, “Joshua. Don’t be fucking delusional- if I was going to cheat do you really think that I would go to your twin brother?” Your voice high-pitched unintentionally.
His head shakes before wiping his hands on the edge of his knees. Jey loves you too much to believe this, he knows you wouldn’t, you couldn’t do that to him. Something subconsciously is saying otherwise, the fact that he no longer knows where you were and what you were doing is making him upset.
“Do you know how fucking embarrassing this is for me. To find out that you going behind my aback through social media.” He says out loud, hands rubbing down his face in a stressed manner. “I didn’t go behind your damn back! They’re clearly just making stuff up.” Your voice in a defensive tone,
Jey’s gaze on you turning into disappointment making your heart drop. His heavy footsteps leaving you in the living room as he goes upstairs assumingly to your bedroom.
The tension surrounding you, sitting in the now quiet room alone. Heart racing and head spinning, you felt like you were going to cry at any moment. The fact that he wasn’t listening to you just hurt worse, never did you think that complete strangers would have that much of an impact on you and Jey’s relationship.
The loud slam of a door snapping you out of your trance, “Joshua! What are you doing?” jumping from the couch and heading up the stairs quickly. His figure passing by with a suitcase, not bearing a glance towards you. “I’m going to stay the night with… well damn I don’t even know because I can’t go to my own brother!” Jey shouts before throwing the suitcase onto the bed.
He always tended to be overdramatic especially in disagreements, but never to the point where he was leaving. “You’re fucking crazy! Nobody did anything, it was clearly taken out of proportion. Stop acting like that!” You could feel the tingly feeling of anger starting to spread through your body. “Y/n, then what the hell were y’all doing? Because I didn’t even know about you going to see him? He didn’t tell me either!” He shrugs his shoulders as he waits for your response.
“I- nothing! We weren’t doing anything.” You stutter knowing that he can’t know the real reason you were meeting with Jon. Not liking the answer, he heard, he goes straight to the closet and starts ripping shirts off the hanger, “I’m so tired of being second place. So tired of looking like a fool! You say you weren’t cheating but you can’t even tell me what you were doing?” His hands flying as he shouts angrily. Going completely speechless as you watched him continue throwing things into the suitcase, chest heavy, before breaking completely.
Tears streaming down your face uncontrollably, this is ridiculous. Multiple solutions rambling through your head as you stood behind the fuming man. “I can’t tell you. But I promise I wouldn’t cheat on you.” The words practically forming together as you can barely speak while trying to control your breathing. Jey turns around to see you looking like a complete wreck, his eyes softening.
“Then imma go until you can tell me. Simple as that.” He says as he zips up his suitcase, your eyes looking in a panicked manner as he grabs his wallet. “Joshua! Don’t you think this is a bit dramatic?” You sniffle as he rolls his eyes at you.
“Hell yeah. But rather be dramatic than sitting and looking like a fucking clown.” He exits the room without even looking back.
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romanreignseater · 1 year
So this is just a request but let’s say one day that Roman was on the game with his cousins cause they had a day off and one of the twins asked where was the reader and he said that she was “working” and they got back to talked but a second later they hear her choke and says “Ro….It’s to much” that there all laughing but she’s embarrassed because she can hear them threw his headset
Here you go anon!!! Thanks for the request.
*Tumblr didn’t even notify me that I had asks in my inbox 🙄.
Game On. (Request)
Roman Reigns x Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut per usual.
GIF: @romanreigns
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Finally, time to himself.
Roman was on a little hiatus after WrestleMania, and what does he do with his free time? Play video games with his crazy ass cousins. But, he also likes to pleasure his wife.
Y/N laid top of Roman with his cock deep inside of her. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she bounced up and down on his length. His arms around her waist, and hands fiddling with his controller.
“Yo, I got left Solo, get right!” Said the older twin, Jimmy. Roman’s headset currently on mute to hide he and his wife’s moans. Until, the cousins on the other end called for him throw a grenade into the opposing sides fort.
“Joe, GET THEY ASS!! HIT EM’ WITH THAT GRENADE!” Jey’s voice booming through his headset. Roman shushed his wife and ceased her hard movements to softer, and lighter movements. “I got em’. Get my back.” The grenade hit the other teams fort and they went down.
The Bloodline won the round and were in the lobby, waiting to start a new round when they began to casually converse. “Finna go to Waffle House later tonight, get me a little uh-sandwich and all dat.” Said by the Waffle House fanatic himself, Jey Uso.
“Yo ass is always at some damn Waffle House.” The Tribal Chief spoke as his Y/N was still riding him softly. “Enough bout’ me. Joe where my sister-in-law at?!” Roman’s gaze fell to his wife agape face, crying in pleasure. “She working… working real hard.” A sly smirk plastered across his face. “She must be in that kitchen cooking your big ass some food.” The Enforcer spoke boldly.
“Watch your mouth, you’re not that far from me big boy.” The whole family began to laugh immensely. Then, Y/N picked up her pace as she was reaching her high. Roman’s face molded into an angry expression, as he didn’t want his cousins to hear what he was doing.
“Stop!! You want them to hear you?!” He whispered harshly. “I can’t… I’m gonna cummm.” Y/N moans getting louder and louder by the second. “You wanna cum, huh?! Well, imma make you cum.” Roman planted his feet on the ground and spread his legs. He pounded into her pussy at a fast pace, wanting her to literally explode all over him.
“Ro… it’s too much.”
“Nah, this is what you wanted, now you got it.” His massive hands let go of his controller and wrap around Y/N’s dainty little neck. “OHHHH MY GODDD.” Y/N’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she reached the peak. She caught her breath as Roman spilled his seed inside of her. They began to kiss when a voice paraded his ears.
“Y’all nasty.” The Fatu Brothers now laughing up a storm at the encounter they heard. “This is what I do when on break.”
That’s Roman Reigns for you.
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @alyanarossi @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce
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empressdede · 1 month
Me, U & Jealousy - Chapter 2
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Previous chapter
This story is written in both past and present. Italics is the past and regular font is written in the present.
Chapter Two
“Girl c’mon, just think about how fun it’ll be. You can’t seriously expect me to believe you don’t want to go to our first high school party!” Jada had been trying to convince Sorai for the whole day to accept Britney’s invitation to her party that was taking place the upcoming weekend.
It wasn’t that Sorai didn’t want to go, she just wasn’t dumb. If Sorai’s there then her four unwanted bodyguards would be as well. It wouldn’t be a good night if they went because she knew they would do everything in their power to keep her away from any action.
“Jada, if I go then the ‘big brothers’ gone try to go and I already know how that’s gonna end. Me in the corner sipping on juice, while they get to be the life of the party.” Sorai stressed rolling her eyes.
“Just tell your parents your sleeping over at my house. That way their parents won’t suspect anything. C’mon Rai, Cameron said he was going for you.” Jada continued, she was gonna pull all the stops to persuade her friend to come to this party.
Sorai rolled her eyes. “Fine. We’ll go. But you can’t tell nobody I’m going. I’m serious Jada, those boys are so irritating.”
“Who’s irritating?” Josh asked as he busted in her room. Sorai let out a sigh of feigned annoyance.
“You and yo crew. You won’t ever give me a break.”
Even though the boys were too over protective over her, she did love them as if they were her own brothers…. Well almost all of ‘em were like a brother to her anyways.
“We just looking out for you Rai, all these lil boys are the same. They only want one thing and they gone have to see me before they get try to get it.” Joshua stated with a shrug because he was serious. Nobody was going to take her innocence if he could help it.
“Aye man they gone have to see us Uce.” Jon echoed as he walked in with a couple boxes of pizza. His youngest brother following through.
“Did y’all really have to ‘watch’ Sorai while her parents are out for the night? She’s 16, you know?” Jada asked sarcastically but this was how it was every other week.
Sorai’s parents would go out for the night and have the Fatu brothers watch her to make sure she was safe. And at first, it was cool to have other people to hang out with seeing as Sorai was an only child. But as time progressed, Sorai wanted to be treated like a grown up.
“Sefa’s the same age as me and they still want him to play babysitter for me.” Sorai explained with an eye roll to her best friend.
“Awe, don’t be too upset Sorai. Everyone knows I’m way more mature than you. That’s why I have to watch over you.” Joseph replied back in a teasing manner
“Aye man, we ain’t come here to hear allat. Let’s just enjoy movie night and when your parents come back we’ll be on our way.” Jonathan cut our banter short.
That was the plan, it was always the plan. Movie night in my room, and all of us passing out due to the itis. But after Jada passed out the older brothers hopped up.
“Aye man, Joe just sent us an invite. I guess Kiara got a couple friends at her crib and her parents ain’t home.”
“What you just gone leave me here by myself?” Sorai asked with a raised eyebrow and Jon shrugged.
“Sefa can watch you till we get back.” Jon suggested
Sorai rolled her eyes as she watched the older brothers leave. Boys are so stupid. She thought you herself.
The room fell quiet, the only sound heard in the room were Jada’s soft snores and the TV playing the movie Friday the 13th. Jada had fell asleep on Sorai’s bed and Sorai and Joseph were still sitting on the air mattress on the floor while they watched the movie in silence.
“You know I heard of the scheme you and Jada were trying to come up with." Joseph had spoke into the quiet room.
Sorai felt herself freeze at the revelation. Damn, she really couldn’t do nothing with these boys around.
"What scheme?"
"The one where you lie to your parents about sleeping over at Jada’s house so that you can go make out with Cameron at Aaliyah’s house party."
Sorai let out a defeated sigh. She wasn’t going to continue to play dumb with him if he obviously knew what she planned to do.
“So what… you gonna snitch on me now?”
Joseph let out a small chuckle, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t say all that. I just don’t think it’s a good idea to go to the party.”
Sorai rolled her eyes. “You’re just saying that because of Cameron. He actually likes me ya know?”
“Sure. And Lemme guess, your smitten with him too huh?” He asked teasingly.
“I’m still going. You guys can’t keep everyone away from me. How can I ever expect to gain any kind of experience if you guys shun everyone interested in me away?”
“Experience? And just what kind of experience-“
“Not like that!” She had hissed at him. She didn’t understand why he was giving her such a hard time. It wasn’t like he didn’t have any experience. His on and off girlfriend made sure the whole world knew that.
“You’re the one going on about experience.” Joseph replied, an eyebrow raised in amusement.
“So Monica can tell the whole world you blowing her back out, but I can’t even experience what could be my first kiss with the guy that I really like? How is that fair Sefa?” Sorai asked, a small pout forming on her lips.
He rolled his eyes. “Okay Rai, I’ll let you go to this party on a couple conditions.”
“A couple conditions?” She repeated with confusion.
Joseph nodded his head at her. “1. I gotta talk to Cameron before the party. This is non negotiable and 2. I’ll come with you to the party. I’ll make sure my older brothers don’t come so that you can have fun with your friend. Deal?”
Sorai flashed a smile at him and nodded her head in agreement.
As annoying as Joseph and his older brothers were, Sorai really did appreciate them always looking out for her. And even though she never said it out loud, Sefa was her guy best friend. He’d look out for her on behalf of his brothers but sometimes he would help her indulge in whatever she wanted to do…. Sometimes.
“Can you at least promise to try to like him Sefa?”
“Sure.” He agreed with a a monotone.
“How come I gotta like Monica but you won’t even try with Cameron? I don’t even like the bitch.” Sorai stressed.
Joseph let out a sigh of annoyance. “I’m not even seeing her anymore. And plus, you don’t like Monica because she didn’t want us to be so close.”
“That’s not the point Sefa.”
“Alright, Alright. I’ll try to give him a chance.” He finally agreed but they both knew he only agreed for the sake of the conversation.
She just hoped Cameron didn’t scare easy. She also hoped that Sefa would take it easy on him because she really liked him and she just wanted to know what it was like to have a boyfriend.
The two friends let a comfortable silence fill the room as they paid attention to the movie playing on the screen.
When the twins had returned, they found everyone sleeping. Jada on Sorai’s bed softly snoring away and on the floor Sorai and Joseph on his designated air mattress fast asleep.
“So,” Kayla started as soon as we were out of earshot. “Wanna tell me the history behind that?” She asked teasingly.
Sorai let out a small sigh. “Our parents are best friends. So even though I am an only child, those boys are the brothers I never wanted to have.” She briefly explains.
“Oh I didn’t know they played big brother to a sister.” Kayla replied fully intrigued, the amusement still apparent on her face.
Sorai shrugged and didn’t elaborate any further. She didn’t really want to talk about the people she haven’t seen in five years. Five fuckin years, and while it did hurt her feelings in the past, she’s completely over it now.
“Hey Kayla, what’s up?” A voice called out from down the hallway.
Both girls turned around to find one of the wrestlers, Cody Rhodes, walking towards their direction.
Sorai’s interest peaked. Finally, something to look forward too. She thought to herself as she let her eyes trail over the male figure that stood over six feet.
“Hey Cody. Nothing, just showing my new colleague around. It’s her first day.” Kayla stated with a smile.
She watched as Cody smiled back at her, Sorai’s eyebrow raised, oh?
“Whenever your free, come by my locker room. I got a couple of things I wanna go over with you.” He then turned to Sorai and flashed her a welcoming smile. “Welcome, I hope Kayla’s not giving you too much trouble.”
“No, not at all. She’s been an absolute treasure to be around.” Sorai complimented.
Cody let out a small chuckle, turning his gaze back to the women beside her. “That she is.” He agreed.
Interesting. Sorai thought to herself. “Yes, Well… it was a pleasure to meet you Cody. Hopefully we’ll be able to work with each other soon.”
“You too…uh?” He trailed off once he realized he never got her name.
“Sorai.” She answered
“Right. Well, welcome to the company Sorai. See you later Kayla.” Cody bid his goodbyes before walking down the hall.
Sorai smiled as she turned to face Kayla who was watching the man leave, nibbling on her bottom lip as she did.
“So,” she started, teasingly; Kayla turning to her, slightly red in the face. “Wanna tell me the history behind that?” Sorai asked, flipping the question back on Kayla.
Kayla rolled her eyes, shrugging her shoulders. “There’s no history. I think he’s cute but I think he’s only playing with me.”
“Playing?” Sorai repeated almost mockingly. The two girls continued their journey down the hall.
“Kayla, he stared at you the entire time, it was almost like I didn’t exist.”
Kayla shrugged again. It was clear she didn’t really want to talk about whatever was going on between them.
Sorai guessed it had to do with lack of confidence so she decided she would advise her on one thing.
“Well I’ll tell you what. If you want to know how he feels about you, mention something you like. An event or something and be sad that your going alone, If he tells you ‘that’s tough, you’ll find someone’ then he’s not interested. But if he suggests that he goes with you, then he definitely likes you.”
“He could be suggesting that just to be nice ya know?”
“No man, is that nice unless they like you. Trust me.”
Kayla raised her eyebrow at her in question, “And this has worked on you before?”
“Every single time.” Sorai assured
Kayla flashed her a thankful smile, nodding her head as she took the advice. Maybe working here won’t be so bad if I can already play matchmaker. Sorai though to herself.
The silence between the two was a comfortable one as Kayla led Sorai wherever they had to go next. Both girls lost in their thoughts for two completely different reasons.
It wasn’t until they stopped in front of a door who’s name read Roman Reigns, that Sorai realized where Kayla was taking her. She rolled her eyes.
“Can’t you take me to my new office instead?” Sorai asked, but it was too late. Kayla had already knocked on the door.
“I would love to, but 1. I have a feeling if I didn’t bring you, they would’ve hounded me down for it and 2. I have a new theory that I would love to test out.”
Jonathan opened the door and shouted a greeting towards Sorai.
“Bring her to my office when you guys are done. I got something I gotta do real quick, so I’m trusting you guy can keep her occupied until I’m done?”
Jon threw his arm around Sorai’s shoulder, bringing her into a side hug. “We haven’t seen our lil sis in a cool five years Kayla, if she not back in yo office by the time you get there, you can come find her here.”
Kayla nodded her head and shared a look with Sorai before walking down the hallway to look for a certain superstar.
And if Sorai was a hatin’ ass bitch she would’ve hated Kayla for leaving her with these boys like this. But, she wasn’t. She knew what it felt like to want someone so bad that they yearned to be close almost every single second. But damn did she owe her one.
Sorai let Jon pull her into the locker room to face the men who broke her heart from leaving, five years ago.
𝚂𝚘, 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚎 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚘 𝚏𝚊𝚛? 𝙸 𝚐𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚒𝚝 🙂🫶🏾
Tagging the lovelies: @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @skyesthebomb @christinabae @leighla3 @whatdoeseverybodywant @harmshake
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maineventpapiuso · 3 months
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 3 months
Sorry Chapter 1
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this is a rewrite, if you want to read the original version, it is still up on my wattpad : Sorry (Wattpad)
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
taglist: @empressdede @abadbitchblogs @wrestlingprincess80 @harmshake @xmonetsworld @cyberdejos2 @almondmilkdeinker11 @girlwhogaf @alyyaanna @courtninacole @amandairene88 @skyesthebomb @yana3sworld @mindairy @hllokttysoprtty @christinabae @tbmotw @venusesworld @rantfandombloggg @jeyusosgirl @minsheyaish @southerngirl41 @tabletheofhead @wwelovergirl @wooahmiri @theninthwonder @lovelyhunnys @saintaquarius @rebelrel0987 @meanniam
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“Do you even want to get married?” Jonathan Fatu asked his fiancé who rolled her eyes and turned her back to him to finish packing their bags. She was so sick and tired of having the same conversation with him. Everyday it was ‘ when are we gonna get married?’ Like, what was the rush?  “Dominique, I know you hear me talking to you.” Jon frowned when she still ignored him and walked past him to make sure theft had no belongings in the bathroom.  He scoffed and followed her, blocking her from exiting the bathroom. 
“This the shit I'm talking about Dominique. If you don’t wanna be with me nomore, Just say that shit. This is fucking torture.  Dominique's eyebrows raised and she looked over at Jon who was already staring at her with his mouth open.
“Excuse me?!” 
“No” He held up her hand stopping him in his tracks. “You know what?” she scoffed, she took her ring off her finger and threw it at him. “I’m done.” 
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“Aight, so you going to get the scripts for tonight or what?” Jon sighed and stood up from the couch, ignoring the looks his brothers and cousin threw at each other and walked out of the dressing room towards the writers room. He just knew Dom was going to be in there given her best friend was the head writer for Smackdown. 
He hadn’t seen Dominique since earlier that morning when she threw her engagement ring in his face and stormed out of the hotel room.  He didn’t mean that their relationship was torture. He was just so in love with her and all he wanted to do was marry the love of his life, but she was making it difficult. Every time he asked about the wedding he got shut down or ignored and he was over it.
He took a deep breath and knocked on the door, opening it when Ishana yelled out ‘come in’. Dominique stopped talking as Jon walked into the room. She rolled her eyes as they made eye contact. 
“I’m here for the scripts.” He said, feeling his heartache in his chest. Ishana nodded and  got up from her desk and walked over to the stack of papers with a sticky note saying “BLOODLINE”.
“Here you go.” She said trying to hand the papers over to Jon but he had turned his attention to Dominique who was pretending to be busy on her phone. Even when she was upset with him, he thought she was the most beautiful person walking the earth, from her chocolate brown skin to her deep brown eyes that he felt were always staring into his soul.
“Dominique, can we talk please?”  Ishana shuffled on her feet and the awkward energy in the room. She tried to hand Jon the scripts again but he sucked his teeth and stormed over to Dominique, crouching down in front of her.  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just frustrated” He tried to grab her hands but she pushed away from him. 
“No. You said what you said Jon. You said that being with me is torture.” Ishana’s mouth dropped open and she glared at the back of Jon’s head. Jon groaned and dropped his chin to his chest, letting out a deep sigh. 
“That’s not what  meant-” 
“Well it’s what you said.” She cut him off. “And I don’t want to be with someone who thinks that being with me is torture.” She stood up from her chair and turned towards Ishana. “I’ll see you later.” Ishana nodded and she and Jon watched Dominique leave the room. 
“You fucked up.” 
Jon sighed and stood up from his crouched down position. “I know, I didn’t mean it though.”
“I know, but you know how Dom is.” Ishana said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Y’all gon get through this.” Jon nodded, grabbing the scripts out of Ishana’s hand and walking out of the room. He thought about going to find Dominique but decided not to. He knew how she got when she was upset and knew that she wouldn’t want to hear anything he had to say. So he begrudgingly made his way back to the Bloodline’s locker room. 
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“And his opponent. Accompanied to the ring by Jimmy Uso, he is one half of the Smackdown tag team champions.. JEY USO!” Dominique spoke into the microphone before sitting back down in the time keepers area. She was able to avoid Jon all day and she hoped that he would be professional enough to not say anything to her while he was ringside. 
She watched Josh whisper something to Jon and then they both looked over at her causing Dom to suck in a deep breath. Josh nodded and Jon got out of the ring and started walking over towards her. She narrowed her eyes as walked over to lean on the barricade in front of her.  “You wanna talk to me now?” Dominique’s jaw dropped open in disbelief. 
“You’re not doing this now.” She muttered, placing the microphone down so the conversation wouldn’t get picked up. “I’m not doing this now.” She corrected with a roll of her eyes. 
“Stop harassing her.” They both looked over to Randy Orton, who had made his way over to them. 
“Aye, this don’t involve you. Pay attention to your homeboy in the ring.” Jon glowered, his upper lip curling as he spoke. 
“Nah, you should pay attention to your homeboy.” Jon and Dominique looked towards the ring just in time to see Riddle hit Josh with a kick to the jaw that knocked him on his ass. Jon shot Dom a look before making his way back over to the ring, yelling at Josh. 
“You alright? That looked a bit heated” Randy asked and Dom nodded. 
“Yeah, i’m fine thank you..” Randy nodded this time, eyes falling on her left ring finger where her engagement ring should be. He smirked but said nothing else as he walked back over to where he was ringside to finish watching the match. She made eye contact with Jon who was watching her with narrowed eyes. 
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After Jey lost his match, both teams made their way to the back and Dominique's phone had not stopped vibrating in her pocket. She knew it was Jon so she ignored it. Whatever he had to say could wait. Was she being too mean? Maybe, but he should’ve never said loving her was torture. 
Smackdown was finally over and she made her way backstage going to find Ishana only to run into Jon holding her tote bag. “How did you - nevermind. Can I have my stuff please?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Not until you talk to me, Dominique.” She rolled her eyes and stomped her foot like a child. 
“Jon, just give me my stuff. Ishana’s waiting on me.” 
“So you riding with her?” 
“Yes, I do not want to be around you right now, Jon. I really don’t understand why you don’t understand that.” 
“Because you’re my fiance.” 
“Am I? I mean.” She trailed off and turned her attention to Josh who was standing behind Jon looking beyond awkward. “Josh, would you tell your fiance that loving her was like torture.” 
“That’s not what I said Dominique” 
“I , uh-” Josh stuttered looking at his twin. 
“Exactly,” She then turned her attention back to Jon, holding her hand out for her bag, “Just give me my stuff so I can go, please.  I don’t want to argue with you.” 
“Whatchu mean go? Are we not going back to the same hotel room?” He asked confused and Dominique shook her head. 
“No, I decided to stay with Ishana tonight.” She said, still holding her hand out for her bag. “It’s what’s best for us right now.” Jon pursed his lips and thrusted her bag in her hands before walking away from her. 
“You alright sis?” Josh questioned, walking over to give Dominique a hug which she accepted. 
“I’ll be fine, I promise.” She said giving him another hug before walking out of the building. 
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“Damn you okay?” Ishana asked as Dominique entered the car and slammed the door behind her. 
“Sorry Sha, I ran into Jon.” Dominique nodded and started driving towards the hotel. 
“Yeah, he came and snatched your bag and ran off before I could stop him.” Ishana said and both women rolled their eyes at Jon’s antics. “What caused him to say loving you was torture?” 
“He brought up the wedding” Ishana cut her eyes at Dom. 
“Okay…” She trailed off 
“And he keeps bringing up the wedding. We’ve only been engaged for nine months Sha, we have more than enough time.” 
“Babe. 9 months is a long time. You and I both know that man loves the crap outta you and just wants to marry you. It’s been all he has been talking about since he proposed.”  
“Yeah well.. The wedding is obviously off.”  Now at a red light, Ishana turned her attention to Dominique. 
“Girl stop playing, You know damn well you don’t mean that. You and the man love each other to death and this ain't the first time Jon done said some dumb shit out his mouth.” Both women let out a chuckle “ I mean you wanted to marry him right?” Dominique didn’t say anything. “Dom?” Dominique huffed and shrugged. 
“I think I do.” Dominique sighed and rubbed her temples. She felt a headache coming on. “It’s just like he wants to get married tomorrow and wants to start having kids and move into a bigger house. It’s too much at once.” 
“Have you told him that?” Dominique nodded and scoffed. 
“Yeah, he tells me that I need to grow up and that he needs more from me than just accepting his proposal.” Ishana silently agreed with Jon, but she also felt bad for her friend. Ishana knew Dominique too well and could tell that there was something holding Dominique back from marrying Jon. 
“Fuck it,  we’re going out tonight.” Ishana said sending a quick text message to Kayla and Carmella.
“Sha no - “ 
“Dom, yes. You need a night to unwind and relax and if we stay in the hotel all night all we’re going to do is get drunk and talk about Jon. So let’s go out, get drunk and talk about Jon.” Dominique sighed already knowing Ishana wasn’t going to take ‘no’ for an answer. 
“Fine.” rolling her eyes, Dominique reached into her bag to fish out her phone that she threw in there after Jon had given it back to her. Her eyebrows furrowed as her hand made contact with a velvet box that she knew was not in there earlier. Pulling the item out, she rolled her eyes as she opened it to find her engagement ring. 
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“Meet you back here in one hour.” Ishana said, pointing her finger at Dominique. “If you’re not here I will come find you.” Dominique rolled her eyes with a smile and gave her a lazy finger salute, before walking on the elevator as the doors opened up. 
As the elevator doors shut Dominique finally let the facade fall. Tears threatening to fall as thoughts of her and Jon not being together anymore crossed her mind. It wasn’t that she didn't love him, because she did, with her whole heart. And she did want to marry him, just at her own pace. Jon knew about her hesitation towards getting married since their third date and he was still pressuring her to hurry up, was being engaged not good enough for him right now? 
“Please be with Josh, Please be with Josh.” Dominique whispered to herself as she unlocked the hotel room door and pushed it open, luck was apparently not on her side as Jon was lounging on the bed scrolling on his phone.
‘Hi,” Dom whispered as she walked further into the room, placing her suitcase on the edge of the bed. 
“Hey” Jon whispered back, not taking his eyes off of her.  “Can we talk now?” 
“Jon.” Dominique groaned, as she riffled through her bag, looking for something to wear. “I don’t want to fight with you.” 
“Well I want to fight for you Dominique.” She said nothing as she gathered up all her essentials for her shower, she was almost inside the bathroom when Jon called out to her.  “Do you still want to be with me?” 
That stopped her in her tracks, “Of course I want to be with you Jon.” 
“So why everytime I bring up the wedding, you get like this? I love you and just want to marry you Dom.” 
“Listen, we can talk about that later.” She turned around again but he grabbed her arm stopping her. 
“Nah, we gonna talk about it now. You my other half and I need you to fuckin’ talk to me Dom.” He said getting slightly agitated with her.  “Cause right now I dont know what the fuck is happening.” 
“Jon, let's talk about it later.” She stressed, trying to walk away again but his grip tightened.  “Jon let me go.” 
He shook his head. “No, talk to me.” 
“Fine!” She exploded. “You keep bringing up us getting married like you want us to get married tomorrow. Is that what you want? Fine! As soon as we land in Florida we’ll go to the courthouse and get married! Is that what you want?!” 
“No, that’s not what I want Dom, I want you to want to marry me. Not do it because you feel like I'm houding you.” 
“Buy you are.” She stressed, “you're pressuring me to get married knowing how I feel! I accepted your proposal. Isn’t that enough right now?” 
He furrowed his eyebrows at her. “Pressuring you? It’s been 9 fuckin’ months Dom!” 
“Yes, pressuring me. I accepted your proposal, I’m still here with you and if that's not enough for you then maybe you should go find somebody else then. Somebody who wants to move at your pace.” 
“Get the fuck outta here with that shit Dom. That’s what you gon say to me really?” She just huffed and held her arms out. 
“Well what do you want from me Jon?”  They were both getting frustrated. 
“ I just want one fuckin’ step from you just one!” He said holding up his index finger. “ I need something else besides you accepting my proposal. Have you even looked at dresses yet?”  When she didn’t say anything he scoffed. “See that’s what I’m fucking talking about!” He said, starting to raise his voice. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath “You know what..” he opened his eyes and Dom felt her heart crack at the look of pain in them. “Imma go stay with Josh. I can’t even look at you right now…” 
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Heyyy 🙂
First chapter of the rewrite.. i'm loving it so far.. how about y'all?
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saintmagx · 11 months
✨ Cruel Summer ✨
pairing: Solo Sikoa x reader, Jey Uso x reader (briefly)
AN: Literally making this for myself, so if I do ever end up publishing - enjoy I guess? 🤪
w/c: 1198
⚠️ Warnings: 18+ , swearing, violence (this is the WWE after all) slight smut, infidelity(if you squint), jealous Jey, toxic behaviour, bad/embarrassing writing ⚠️
doesn’t follow a specific timeline however it is more recent, total divas making a return.
✨ I love you ain’t that the worst thing you’ve ever heard - he looks up grinning like the devil ✨
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“I dunno Trin, the thought of being recorded for 12 hours of the day, like, I enjoy my privacy”.
“Think about it as an opportunity, having the fans see a different side of you. Showing them how hard you work your ass off.”
Trinity is my best friend, she helped me out so much when I joined the WWE 6 years ago. She and her husband Jon took me into their family and helped me adapt into the crazy world of being a WWE superstar.
“Just think about it is all I’m saying. It’ll be fun” trin says nudging me.
Ever since I moved here, we have had a weekly tradition of Wednesday Girls Night, its just snacks, Chinese takeout, and movies, it’s just time for us to catch up and wind down from the gruelling travel schedule.
Right on queue at exactly 11:30pm Jon walks in the door.
“Times up ladies” he says, which is swiftly followed by two pillows being thrown at his head.
“Come on uce, you know better than to interrupt gIrLs NiGhT”
The couch beside me dipped and once again I felt the heat from the body of Josh Fatu, my one weakness. His hand falls to his side and creeps closer to me caressing the side of my bare thigh. You see what people don’t know is Josh and I have an ��agreement’ - no feelings, just sex and friendship, and it was going great until it wasn’t, feeling were caught, specifically by me and I’m stuck between a rock and hard place as I’m falling hard for him, but I cant let this agreement end because I would rather have him this way than not have him at all.
“Spoke with Joe today, Hunter is bringing him up to the main roster, can’t wait to have my other younger brother fighting by my side”. A third pillow is thrown at Jon from the direction of Josh.
“We are twins, and you are only older by 8 minutes”.
Never a dull moment where the Fatu boys are concerned.
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First day of filming (TD Interview Segment)
Okay, so lets start with a basic intro okay? Ready, go!
The room falls silent the light shines bright on me, I have at least 6 pair of eyes on me, goading me into starting. Gosh why did I sign up to do this!!!
Hi there, my names yn, I am currently on the Smackdown roster and I am the current WWE Women’s Champion.
I’ve been with the WWE for 6 years now and I wouldn’t have survived if it wasn’t for my adoptive sister Trinity, she took me under her wing and I’ve been there ever since. As you guys know – and if you didn't know, the accent should be a huge giveaway, I’m originally from the United Kingdom, I came to the states with a dream in hand and no one there to help me through this bumpy ride. I can never repay her or Jon for the way they have accepted and welcomed me into their little dynamic. Although, travelling the world with Jon and Josh is hard work, they boys are chaotic, I don't know how Trin managed to do it herself for so long!
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Friday Night Smackdown, Atlanta Georgia, 8 weeks before Survivor Series
Walking into the arena for Smackdown I get a message from Hunter asking to meet him in his office. A mixture of anxiety and curiosity fill in the pit of my stomach. In his office I’m met with the familiar faces of Jon, Josh, and Joseph, smiling I look over to Hunter who invites me to sit.
“I got your message, what’s up?
“We have been toying with the idea of a cross brand rivalry - for Survivor Series. Now that Joe has come up to the main roster, we think the Usos and Solo v The Judgement Day would pique interest from the WWE universe.”
“So why am I here?”
“Demi is the Women’s World Champion and part of Judgment Day; it would only seem right that she faces the Women’s Champion”.
Without hesitation I accept. Hunter debriefs us on how it’s going to play out over the next few weeks. We will have to be on both RAW and Smackdown over the next few weeks, so looks like it will be me and the brothers travelling together since Trin is exclusive to Smackdown!
Gorilla, few hours later (TD segment)
Tonight, I have a singles match, however Demi has to interfere and cost me the match – thus starting our road to Survivor Series.
I see Hunter in his usual place over at the screens with his headset on talking to Randy Orton, Randy spots me and immediately comes over to me.
“There’s my favourite girl.”
“I wouldn’t let your wife hear you say that Randy”.
Randy Orton, he is exactly how you would imagine him to be, a cocky little shit, flirtatious as hell, a menace but he has a heart of gold. Many nights we would hit the gym together and training with him before his injury really improved my in-ring ability. He is another one I would call my family away from family.
A familiar scent fills my nostrils, Josh. He stands next to me wrapping his arm around me pulling me closer, as if to stake his claim in me.
“I’ve been looking for you, come on let’s go”.
I smile apologetically at Randy, he just waves me off laughing, as much as I say people don’t know anything about me and Josh, it’s not to say there isn’t rumours flying around, people have their own take on it, and that’s okay, we just laugh it off.
Trin and Jon (TD Interview segment)
“You see yn and josh think they are so slick hiding their little late-night rendezvous” says Jon
Trin sighing, “I just wish they would bang their heads together and realise they are meant to be. Think of the double dates we could finally have Jon.”
Jon’s laugh fills the small interview room, “yeah it would be sweet, and yn is already like family, it would be an easy transition.”
Away from the cameras
“What were you talking to Randy about?” Josh quizzes
“Nothing, you came in and ushered me away before I could say anything.”
“Good, I don’t like it when you get attention from other guys, just me, okay?”
“I think you’ll find Josh that I can speak to who I like”. I say frustrated with his behaviour.
You see as much as I love Josh, this, this right here the way he wants to have his cake and eat it too drives me insane. I so much as look at another guy and he is right there to remind me I’m his, yet he can look at and speak to as many girls and I can’t say shit.
“I’ve got a match to get to, I’ll see you later J.”
“Goodluck out there baby girl, not that you need it.” Before he can come any closer to me, I slip out the room and let my frustrated sigh out. How much longer am I going to keep torturing myself.  
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