#fatws taglist
cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
Hey hey hey! FATWS Announcement time!
I have made the executive decision to OPEN MY TAGLIST FOR FATWS FOR TODAY ONLY!
Meaning, that until the new episode is posted, you can ask to be added and it will happen! I figured since we only have a week left (😭😭😭) I'd celebrate this show by opening it up one more time.
This only covers the actual Chapters, not the One Shots. The only people tagged on my One Shots are those on my personal Taglist (which is also open).
The Taglist is already pretty long (I dunno how many Tumblr allows in one post) so I'll probably reblog twice with Tags.
Thank you so so much for all the love and support! I've got a long day at work again and knowing FATWS is coming out and I get to write for you lovely people is gonna get me through it!
Be kind to yourselves! Be kind to others! Get some sleep! Stay hydrated! And stay tuned! 💕
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caffeineghostie · 3 years
Worth It - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: you and your daughter bring Bucky coffee
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Tags: dad!Bucky, fatws!Bucky, fluff, talk of pregnancies
A/N: finally posting something that has been sitting in my drafts forever, hope you like it! Not beta'd, all mistakes are mine and i'll fix them in the morning.
A/N: reposted because of issues with dumblr :)))
Taglist/Requests: open!
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“Mommy!” your daughter greets you with a squeal when you get in her room.
"Hey sweet pea" you murmur, approaching your daughter’s crib.
The warm morning light was penetrating through the blinds of Lily’s room, caressing her soft features. She had her father’s colors, and the sunlight brought auburn highlights in her chestnut-coloured locks.
Before being captured by Hydra, Bucky had always wanted a family. He envisioned the white picket fenced life for himself, and couldn’t wait to grow old surrounded by kids. But life had very different plans for him.
After becoming the Winter Soldier, he thought he had missed his chance at being a father. After all, who would want to be with a former assassin? But then he met you.
You had helped him through his nightmares, through his belief of only being capable of violence and destruction, and showed him that there was still good residing in his heart.
When you agreed to marry him, he thought he could die of happiness. But that happiness was only a taste of what he felt when you told him you were pregnant. He was overjoyed. He went into overprotective dad mode from the start, being there with you at every appointment and not letting you lift a finger for any reason.
When Lily was born, she had her daddy wrapped around her finger from the start. Sometimes the only thing that could calm her was being in contact with Bucky’s metal arm, the cold metal soothing her every time.
Growing up, Lily had become his best friend. They spent a lot of time together because Bucky had retired from being an Avenger, now that Sam was Captain America, and they made a lot of fantastic memories.
One night, coming back home from work, you had witnessed one of these many special moments.
You could hear them chattering from the hallway, occasionally interrupted by your daughter’s laughter, and you made your way up to her room. There you found Bucky wrapped in a blanket, draped over his body mimicking a princess dress, having a tea party with Lily and your poor cat Alpine, complete with tiara and pigtails.
Noticing your arrival, Lily started running towards you.
“Hey peanut!” you took her in your arms, smothering her face with kisses. “What did you do to Daddy?” you laughed.
“She forced me!” he tried to defend himself, but even he knew that he would do anything for her. Even if it involved glitter. And lipstick. And probably scarring your cat forever.
To this day, that is one of your favourite memories, and the lock screen on your phone ever since.
Now, three years later, you found out you are expecting again. A baby boy this time. You both were elated at the news and couldn’t wait to see your little family grow.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice your daughter trying to climb out of her crib, so you scooped her up, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Come on monkey, let's go have breakfast," you suggested, eliciting a giggle out of your daughter.
"I'm not a monkey mommy!"
"Yeah, you are, you are my tiny little monkey. " You filled her face with kisses, making her giggle more.
In the kitchen, you sat her at her usual seat, and prepared her favorite cereal in her usual bowl - rigorously pink. You started busying yourself brewing some coffee for Bucky, knowing he would get up soon, even if it was a Sunday morning.
"Mommy?" your daughter asked, while munching on her breakfast.
"Yes, honey?"
"When is Daddy waking up?"
“I don’t know baby, I think Daddy’s pretty tired” that was true. You two had been busy until pretty late last night.
"We can bring him coffee! He's going to have a lot of energy and then he can play with me!" she exclaimed.
"That is a fantastic idea, bug!" you exclaim. "You want to help me?"
"Yes!" she squeals, excited. She’s always eager to spend time with Bucky, and she has him wrapped around her tiny finger. She just needs to bat her eyelashes and her dad would burn the world for her.
"Let's go mommy!" she called to you, pulling on your pyjama pants.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." You took the warm mug in your hands, the aroma of coffee filling your nose, and set off for the bedroom.
A gentle knock on the door later, she's peeping her head in your and Bucky’s bedroom. You could hear the tiny pattering of her feet on the parquet, right before seeing her launch herself on your king sized bed, squealing in excitement.
Bucky pretended to still be asleep. He couldn't possibly not be awake with her tiny fingers poking his nose repeatedly.
"Daddyyyy, daddy wake uuuup" she whined, balancing herself on his chest.
"Honey, maybe Daddy needs a kiss like the princess in the movie we saw yesterday," you suggested, seeing that Bucky was also struggling to keep his facade up with all that tickling.
"Like Aurora?" she asked, giggling before leaving a soft kiss on Bucky's nose.
Magically, Bucky suddenly woke up, surprising Lily.
"Thank you, you my sweet princess! You saved me from the spell that the evil queen," he smiled at you, "cast on me last night. How could I ever repay you?"
"We made you coffee, daddy" you butted in, sitting on the bed
"it was my idea!" Lily said proudly, passing him the mug you handed her, and she promptly gave it to Bucky.
You observed your husband as he sipped his coffee, before putting the mug on his nightstand and hugging your daughter tightly and snuggling his face into her neck.
“Thank you, sweet pea,” he says, “that was the best coffee I’ve ever had!”
“Mommy helped me,” she admitted laughing, Bucky’s beard tickled her.
“Oh yes? Well then,” he says turning to you “Thank you mommy” he adds, giving you a peck on the cheek.
“And thank you baby” he murmurs against your belly, gently caressing it.
Looking at the little family he created with you, Bucky couldn’t help but smile, his happiness tugging his heartstrings. He could have sworn he was the luckiest man alive, finally at peace. Everything that he went through was definitely worth it.
And he was more than willing to discover what more life had to throw at him.
comments and reblogs are appreciated!
@amelia-song-pond @millennial-teenybopper @natlovesu @brooke-supernatural16 @stressydepressyandlemonzesty
Everything Bucky:
@bbl32 @brooke-supernatural16 @justreadingficsdontmindme @leyannrae @iwannabekilledtwice @onyourgoddamnleft @itsthemaree
if you're striked it means that dumblr won't let me tag you
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Summary: James Buchanan Barnes does that thing with his metal arm on a mission that stirs something inside you. Something that needs immediate attention, even if it has to be on the quinjet.
Warnings: 18+, smut, dirty talk, fluff, is metal arm kink a thing?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Square Filled: Kissed to keep quiet
Word Count: About 900?
A/N: Written for @avengersbingo 2021. I blame FATWS and Sebastian Stan for this.
Avengers Bingo Masterlist
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @littlegasps @little-baby-vixen @another-stark-sub @supraveng @kahlanmars @marvelgirl7 @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles fyreball66 @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry​
Taglists open! Send me an ask or DM if you wish to be included! ;))
Torment. It was pure torment.
Watching him take out the bad guys to infiltrate a building that housed important mission data along with Sam Wilson while you manned the quinjet and helped the boys by hacking into the security system for easy access. After getting them in, you were the audience to the fight that ensued which you had to admit wasn’t the worst part of your job, in fact quite the opposite.
The super soldier fought putting all of his previous assassin training to use. Whether it was a hand to hand combat or a weapon, his movements and actions never failed to leave you awe-struck.
It never failed to let desire bloom deep in your belly either, given it was often at the worst of times, but you weren’t the one to be blamed.
Like now, you had almost missed Sam’s thumbs up from the CCTV footage you had access to for having successfully infiltrated the main section of the building because you were too busy ogling at Bucky who was taking down a heavily armed guard.
“Just let me know when you’re done making heart eyes at your boyfriend, (Y/L/N).” Sam’s voice came through the comms sharply, breaking your little trance.
Bucky knocked the guy out of consciousness with a single blow of his Vibranium arm before turning to look at you straight through the cameras, that knowing smirk visible even through the grainy visual.
The jet hummed quietly as it glided through the clouds homeward while you went to check on Bucky who was in the bathroom taking longer than usual to freshen up.
“Hey are you ok—”
Before you could complete the sentence, his hand pulled you inside the cramped space while another went to silence your startled scream.
Bucky pinned you against the door, the smirk returning as realisation dawned on your face of his intentions.
“You enjoyed the show?”
That soft whisper travelled right down to your core as he lowered his hand slowly, purposely tracing an invisible line down your front.
“Can’t blame me.”
He chuckled and leaned in as your hands went to cup his face, soon weaving into his shorter, soft hair as he hummed into the kiss.
Without warning he yanked your pants down in one swift motion, earning a gasp as his lips left yours, moving down to your neck.
“Is this what you wanted?” He murmured into your skin as he grabbed both your hands before securing them over your head with his metal one. The hold was tight enough to restrict any movement but loose enough knowing you wouldn’t dare. Besides, he knew just how much you enjoyed being held down by his arm.
“Oh yes.”
“Better be quiet then.”
Bucky traced your exposed skin before reaching your panties, toying with the hem. Fingers running over the fabric smoothly, teasing as your breaths got shallower.
Reaching in, his fingers were met with the wetness gathered between your legs, your arousal evident. The light touches he was teasing you with turned you into a wriggling mess as you moved your hips further into his hand for more friction.
“Don’t be a fucking tease Bucky.”
“Hush now sweetheart. Don’t make me shut your mouth.” Bucky’s voice low just the right amount of sexy to drive you insane, almost begging you to misbehave.
Your walls engulfed his fingers as they entered your wetness, making your head hit the back of the door in a low thud as you sighed.
“You want more?”
“Mmhmm. Please..”
“So pretty when you beg.”
The supersoldier released your hands momentarily to undo his pants but did it for him, desperate to have him inside you after fully getting rid of your bottoms.
You gave his cock a few pumps with your hands before aligning it along your entrance, as awkward as it was standing up, you managed.
“Fuck you feel so good.”
He bottomed out, his forehead on your shoulder. Grabbing the back of your knees, he lifted you up with ease and began thrusting in and out against the door.
A loud moan escaped your lips as he hit the spot. It didn’t take long for Bucky to cover your mouth with his and plunge his tongue inside, battling your own in a dance you were so familiar with.
His hips never faltered as your cries were swallowed in the brutal kiss, turning your mind foggy as your orgasm approached.
Bucky smiled against your lips as he felt your walls clench around his cock, knowing just what to do to send you over the edge.
Your fingers dug into his leather-clad shoulders as he rubbed circles around your bundle of nerves with one hand, making you see stars as you came around him, cries muffled by the sloppy kisses that continued for what felt like eternity.
The aftershocks of your orgasm still wracked your body as his hips faltered and his cock twitched inside you, filling you up with his seed.
“That was uh..”
“I know.”
“That’s it. You’re coming with me on all missions, I don’t care what Steve says.” Bucky stated, handing you your clothes.
Sharing a few lazy kisses, you got dressed, grinning like kids who’d stolen candy.
The smiles turned into full blown laughter when you heard Sam yelling ‘I’m never getting on this jet with you guys again’ as he stormed past the bathroom most probably shaking his head in disgust.
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acourtofsnakes · 3 years
Returning The Favour - Bucky Barnes x F! Reader part 2 (smut)
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Summary: After one hell of a day, you decide to help Bucky relax, and to repay the favour from a few nights ago. 
Warnings: 18+ only, smut ahead! Oral/blowjob – M receiving, hand job – m receiving, swearing/cursing, p in v sex (unprotected) – doggy style, face sitting, cowgirl, just pure filth, tbh. 
Smut under the cut!!
Word count: 4.5k+
A/n: A little bit of body positivity added in here too. You are all beautiful, and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise  
A/N: This is part 2 of A Helping Hand, but as there isn’t much of a plot (aside from the smut. I mean, c’mon), it can also be read as a standalone!! It touches briefly on the plot of FATWS, but nothing really detailed. 
Permanet Taglist: @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal @mypedrom @undiscovered-misunderstood​
Part 1
A few weeks had passed by since that night Bucky had devoured you, tearing your soul to pieces and burning through you like wildfire. 
You hadn’t stopped thinking about it… and hadn’t stopped thinking about him. 
His hands on your body, searing lines into your skin, one hot and one cold. 
The drag of his tongue inside your walls, letting you ride his face whilst the world crashed down through you. 
His hand, that damned vibranium hand fucking you into oblivion. 
God, you needed him. You needed more of him, all of him. You wanted him to tear you apart again and knit you back together with his lips and his tongue. 
You wanted him to feel the same release you had the same earth-shattering pleasure. 
You’d tried to calm the fire by using your own fingers and toys, but no matter how much you replayed that night in your head – in perfect clarity – it just wasn’t the same anymore. 
Your toys, which you had spent a hell of a lot of money on… just didn’t do it. They weren’t enough. 
They weren’t… him. 
You couldn’t concentrate on your work, earning you more disapproval from Fury and he even asked you what the hell was going on and would you mind keeping your thoughts on the job, not on whatever was making you zone into space for twenty minutes straight with that look on your face. 
Luckily, you had managed to escape anymore of Nick’s wrath, by tagging along with Bucky as he went to help Sam, who was engaged in trying to take down a group of rebels called the Flag Smashers. 
You’d arrived to help him and the three of you set about doing what you could, also whilst trying to avoid John Walker, who had been rebranded as the new Captain America. 
Touchy subject. Best not to go there. 
Anyway, back on the case of the Flag Smashers.  They were being supplied with Super soldier serum from someone called the Power Broker, and the boys were at a loose end as to how to learn more. 
Well of course, there was one person who was the most knowledgeable about the serum. 
Helmut Zemo, a Sokovian villain who looked like he’d walk straight out of a film about British spies, fast cars and imaginative villains. 
You knew Bucky’s past with him, of course. 
You had fought alongside the others when Zemo triggered Bucky into becoming the Winter Soldier again. 
So, you had to admit you were surprised when you learned that Bucky himsef had ‘hypothetically’ given Zemo the way out of his German prison. 
Plans had been made, which is how tonight, you’d found yourself in Madripoor, each of you posing as a different persona. 
Sam was to be the ‘Smiling Tiger.” 
You were Zemo’s… acquaintance. His “Little Bird” he’d called you – much to Bucky’s frustration. At first, you thought it was simply because Zemo was… well, he was a ‘bad guy’. 
But as the night wore on, you noticed the looks Bucky shot the pair of you, his jaw clenching every single time Zemo’s hand brushed your waist, or he pressed his nose to your hair. 
The Baron didn’t touch you in any way you hadn’t already discussed, and you were comfortable but… the icy glint in Bucky’s eye, the tightening of his mouth when you asked him what was wrong, and he stayed silent… 
Something more was going on. More than just the role he was required to play. 
Bucky was be the Winter Soldier again. The very man he tried so desperately to escape from, the man who’s actions he was still trying to make amends for. 
You’d had to watch him play the Soldier all night, watch the tension build and build in the clenched muscle of his jaw, in the hard line of his shoulders and the tight prowl in his walk. 
Which was why, after escaping a fight and getting a little banged up yourself, you were looking into the mirror in your hotel room, adjusting the straps of the lingerie set you had slipped into. 
Okay, so maybe it was cliché. 
But Bucky had had one hell of a night. You could practically feel the tension rolling off of him from his hotel room opposite your own. 
You still had a favour to repay him, so why not go all out? He deserved it. 
Besides, you had spent a long time working up the confidence to look into the mirror and be happy and proud of what you saw, instead of feeling the need to change. 
You were proud of yourself and needed no-one else’s approval. 
But it didn’t mean it wasn’t rewarding to hear. 
Especially from a man with a wicked jawline and killer baby-blues. 
With one final shake of your hair, you pulled on your silky robe, padding to the door of your hotel room and you slipped into the cool hallway. Goosebumps rose on your skin as you moved across the plush carpet, knocking on Bucky’s door. 
Thank the lords, saints, old-gods and the new that Zemo was a Baron. This hotel was expensive, luxurious and did not have that funky smell that most hotels seemed to have. 
The rooms were lavish and richly decorated, the bathroom dripping with taste and money and the bed… well. The bed was certainly big enough for what you had in mind tonight. 
You were thoroughly determined to wreck the neatly folded covers. 
A few moments later, you heard footsteps and then the door opened. Those eyes greeted you, though they were deeper, like the colour of the sea in a storm. 
Bucky tilted his head, one hand braced on the door to open it, frowning slightly when he saw you. It was late after all. “Is everything alright, doll?” He peered down the hallway, like he was looking for threats. 
You shook your head lightly, “Nothing’s wrong, Bucky…” Lifting your eyes to his through your lashes, you moved your hands to the front of your robe, “I just thought I’d return the favour. And help you relax…” 
At your honeyed tone, at the movement in your hands, Bucky went rigid. Less in a tense way, more in anticipation. His eyes zeroed in on your hands, watching as you undid the sash and let the silk robe fall open, baring your body to him. 
Clad in gorgeous lace and delicate fabric of your favourite colour, the lingerie clung to the shape of your body, flaunting it and accentuating every beautiful line. 
Oh, it had so been worth the small fortune it cost. 
You were glad you had purchased more.
The door creaked, wood protesting as his vibranium arm gripped it. Bucky’s pupils dilated, black blotting out the blue as he raked his eyes over every inch of you. It wasn’t creepy or possessive. It was… worshipping. Awestruck. 
You had him in the palm of your already. 
Soon, it would be physically. 
“Are you going to let me in, Buck? There’s so many ways I could help you relax…” You let the robe slip off of your shoulders, leaving you incredibly bare in the middle of the very open hallway, in the very expensive, reputable hotel. 
But you didn’t care. 
Not with the way his Arctic eyes had deepened to the colour of cobalt, searing into you with the same fire that he had consumed with the other night. 
Not as he stood back, letting you in and following every single movement you made, the sway of your hips, the feline smile gracing your lips as you sashayed past him. He was enraptured by you, rendered helpless by the mere sight of you.
You saw his hands clench just before he turned to shut the door, like he was stopping himself from pulling you into his body and shredding the scraps of lace and velvet that were a barrier to your gorgeous skin and curves. 
The door snicked shut softly, shutting you both off from the rest of the world. 
You turned to face Bucky, extending your hand to him, “Come here.” You kept that honey rich tone, but you had no need to raise your voice, because Bucky had moved before the words even left your mouth. 
He slid his left hand into yours, the vibranium cool against the warmth of your skin. It was welcome, for you were burning an inferno inside that you were hiding very, very well. In fact, you were already wet, since the moment you slipped that lingerie on and saw your refection in the mirror. 
You pressed your lips to the back of Bucky’s hand, saying with movement what you knew he wouldn’t believe in words. 
That it was beautiful, strong… an extension of the graceful, deadly power that he had honed. You were never, ever afraid of it. Not even tonight, when he was playing the Soldier. Not even when he was the Soldier. 
Lifting your eyes to his, you let your tongue dart out, tracing along the golden grooves in the plates of dark vibranium. 
Fuck, the mere taste of the cool metal brought you back to that night. 
You moaned a little in the back of your throat, appreciatively and flattened your tongue over his knuckles, bringing his fingers into your mouth and sucking on them delicately, just as you had before. Except this time, it was you in charge. 
Bucky twitched, in every sense of the word. The plates of his arm clicked just faintly, like he was restraining himself even as a soft growl rumbled in the base of his chest. The sight of you sucking on his fingers again only made his jeans even more uncomfortable and he longed to feel your hot wet tongue on his skin. Every single inch of his skin. 
His own hand wasn’t enough anymore, especially not after that night. It had been near painful for him when he left, and he’d barely made it back to his own room before his hand was jamming into his boxers and he fucked his own palm until he was crying your name through gritted teeth. 
Never before had he felt such an urge to have feeling in his left hand, to feel your walls clench around him as you fell apart above him. 
It was like you could read his mind. 
You slipped off of his fingers with a small pop, a wicked gleam in your eyes as you dropped your hands to his belt buckle. Seconds later, you were undoing the zipper to his jeans, wasting no time in looping your fingers into both the waistband of his jeans, and the band of his boxers. 
You pulled them slowly down, lower and lower past his hips until his heavy swollen cock sprung free. 
Holy fucking shit. 
He was huge. 
Thick and smooth, the head already swollen and leaking. 
You wanted to taste him. 
You wanted him down your throat and buried inside you every single way until you could feel nothing but him, think of nothing but him. 
Forcing back your impatience, you slowly lowered, pulling his jeans down until they reached his ankles, and you were on your knees before him. 
Looking up through your eyelashes, you saw his head tilted down to watch you, is chin touching his chest. Those ridiculous eyes were fiercely burning, and his full, plush lips had parted in an effort to suck in more air. 
Oh, you were going to wreck him. 
You rose up a little higher, pressing your lips to the patch of neatly trimmed curls before following a trail lower, and then dragging your tongue up the underside of his cock, over that swollen vein that made you positively feral. 
Bucky’s hands flew into your hair, a barely restrained groan rising from his chest and he muttered, “Shit – shit.” 
Barely able to restrain the grin, you darted your tongue into the tiny slit, gathering that little bead of precum and then you took him into your mouth, inch by inch.
Fucking hell.
He was heavy, hot in your mouth and the velvety feel of his skin against your tongue and teeth was something you might just have died to feel again. 
You kept him still for a second, really wanting to draw this out for him – and because the weight of him against your jaw was sending floods of pleasure between your thighs and you knew the expensive lace of your underwear was already drenched. 
Bucky twitched, both inside your mouth and out and he tugged a little on your hair, “Baby, you gotta move – please, move.” 
Had this been a normal game you were playing; you might have let him suffer a little longer. But this was about relaxing him, about making him feel better so you granted him his wish and began to bob your head up and down. 
His soft moans were a symphony to your ears, a song you quickly learned the rhythm of as you moved faster, hollowing your cheeks now and then so he felt the drag of your wet, warm cheeks. 
His moans turned into curses when you reached up to toy with his balls, massaging them just slightly as you dragged your lower teeth against the vein. 
He jerked forward, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat suddenly, “Fuck, sorry baby, I didn’t mean to-“ 
His apologies were almost stammered, but you swiftly cut him off with a sinful moan. 
The mere feel of him, the pressure of him pushing against your throat nearly made you explode there and then. 
Your eyes rolled back slightly, hips rocking against nothing by instinct and fingers digging into his thighs. 
Bucky swore softly under his breath, his voice nothing more than a broken whisper, “You – you liked that?” 
Nodding around him, you pulled all the way off briefly, “Yes.” You gasped the word, pumping him with your hand a few times before taking him in your mouth again, sucking him with all the force of someone eating a five-star meal. 
You devoured him, setting a relentless pattern of kitten licks, hollowing your cheeks and licking that throbbing vein. You let him brush the back of your throat a few times, never gagging, only crying out with pleasure at the press of him. 
And Bucky’s moans… God, you could forgo music for the rest of your life and listen only to those noises his made. 
Wanting more, more of those delicious moans and growls from him, you relaxed the muscles in your throat, pushing him down all the way until your nose was once again brushing his curls. 
It was hard to distinguish your moan from his, the way his hands yanked hard in your hair, your fingers digging into his ass cheeks to force him deeper down your throat. You took a deep breath in through your nose, moaning at the heady scent of him as it pervaded your sense. 
More, - you wanted to take him deeper and deeper until you couldn’t speak tomorrow without feeling him there. 
You slid a hand down, grasping his balls once again and you palmed them, massaging and tugging them as you shook your head lightly against him, making him rock against your windpipe.
“Fuck!” Bucky’s head tilted back, his rough moan bouncing off the elaborately decorated walls and his legs trembled, signalling how close he was, how thoroughly you were hauling him toward that edge. 
You felt his balls tighten in your hand, felt how close he was so you squeezed them harder and at the same time, swallowed around the thick length of him.  
A broken version of your name echoed above your, both of his hands tightening in your hair so fiercely, you feared he might snap a bone. “Shit, shit-” His hips jerked forward and then he shattered apart, exploding in hot ropes down your throat. 
You heard him mutter an apology, but you didn’t care, you couldn’t care because he tasted divine. 
You drew back slowly, pumping him a few times with your free hand until he was gasping in a ragged breath, his legs threatening to give way, so with a gentle judge, you pushed him back on the bed. 
He plopped down weakly, watching with wide eyes as you lifted your head, wiping the corner of your mouth with a feline grin. “Sweetheart, that was-“
A finger to his lips cut him off, “Oh, no no. I’m not done with you yet, Buck.” You quickly rid him of his shirt, revealing the broad plane of his shoulders and chest and then you urged him up the bed. As he lay back, you climbed on top of him, rising up on your knees. “I believe you made me come… three times was it?” 
And that was when James Buchanan Barnes whimpered. A sound of pure carnal need and anticipation. 
You grinned at him, reaching behind your chest to unclasp the delicate bra, before sliding it from your shoulders and throwing it to the side of the room. “I intend to repay the favour, and then some, Soldier.” You reached down for both his hands, placing them on your breasts. One warm, one icy cold. 
Both your moans echoed in tandem, especially when he tightened his hands, squeezing and pulling at the soft flesh. “So beautiful…” He mumbled the words lowly, his voice a rough rasp and his ministrations caused you to arch your back further into his touch, allowing yourself a moment of pleasure. 
But not for too long, because you soaked through the lace of your underwear, and you might well have been dripping down your thigh at this point. Dropping a hand, you moved your underwear to the side, before gliding your fingers through your glistening folds. 
Yep, you were right. 
“All of this is for you, Bucky. Because of how good you tasted in my mouth.” You moaned delicately, eyelashes fluttering as you circled your clit a few times, “How thick you were in my throat.” You gathered some of your wetness on your fingertips, before pressing them to Bucky’s lips, “See...”
He wasted no time in drawing your fingers into his mouth, dragging his teeth along the skin and cleaning every single millimetre. He seemed determined to pay you back, to try and make you feel some of the desperation he had felt. 
You let it go, only because the combination of his hands pulling at your nipples and his hot tongue sliding between your fingers. You lowered down, resting over his already hardened length before dragging up and down it a few times, coating him in your slick. Low moans came from your throat, your eyes fluttering closed as you rocked yourself against him, waiting for him to recover for round two. 
He soon groaned around your fingers, earning you a muffled, “Baby.” In an impatient tone as he twitched underneath you, hard and throbbing again.
Fine, you could give in. 
You grasped his cock, before rising up and then lowering back down, taking him in. 
Every single damn inch of him. 
The stretch of your walls was painfully delicious, making you throw your head back and cry out softly, a low keen until you were seated on his thighs again. He was buried to the hilt inside of you and you could feel him everywhere. In your belly, in your toes, in your spine even. 
Bucky’s back arched off of the bed, teeth clamping down on your fingers and his hands tightening on your breasts, before falling to your thighs where his fingertips dug into the soft flesh, “Fucking hell.” He gasped in a breath, lowering his head, “Look at me.” 
The words were choked as you dropped your chin, meeting his eyes and the look int hem nearly floored you. 
Near midnight blue with desire and lust, but they glinted like the night sky, full of admiration and… adoration of you. Complete and utter adoration. 
You stayed where you were for a second, speechless from the look of unbarred emotion on his face as the pair of you adjusted. Bucky soon swallowed, croaking again, “Move, darlin’ – please, move.” 
Well, you didn’t need telling twice. 
You rose up off him a few inches, before dropping back down with enough force to sear your spine in half. You quickly set an earth-shattering pace, rising up before sinking back down, his hips rising to meet you and push that little bit further inside. 
Once again, the room filled with the scent of sex, the symphony of your bodies gliding with each other, mixed with Bucky’s rough moans and mutterings and your keening cries. 
His hands grasped your hips, tight enough to bruise even with his right hand, but you didn’t care. You wanted to be marked, you wanted to feel him tomorrow. 
And you wanted to mark him too. 
You dropped down over his body, bringing him for a messy, deep kiss that was all stroking tongues and teeth. 
He groaned into your mouth when you rotated your hips around him, this new angle causing your clit to drag against his firm muscles and rough curls. 
The sensation was absolutely mind-blowing, and you dragged your mouth from his to bite at his jaw and neck, swearing against his hot skin, “Fucking hell, Bucky, you feel so good. You have no idea how good you feel – filling me up. So big-” The words were stumbly, broken sentences but you knew he understood them because he matched them. 
Telling you how tight you were, how deep you were taking him. How good you looked fucking yourself and taking what you deserved – it was all yours. 
You soon felt the pressure build in your lower back and belly, at the same time Bucky’s hips were snapping up into yours with more urgency. Quickly, you dragged yourself back to sit up, and began to ride him with wild abandon. His left hand came up to yours, giving you an anchor as you fucked him relentlessly, making the pair of you cry out with wordless groans of ecstasy. 
To Bucky, you looked like – no, you were a goddess. Your body moving with carnal grace, head thrown back and those gorgeous moans and curses falling from your parted lips. 
To him… there would never be a more beautiful sight. 
Just as you began to grind your hips in circles with each downward motion, words started to spill from those plush lips, like he wasn’t in control, “You have no idea how much I wanted to tear Zemo apart tonight. His hands all over you – they shouldn’t be there. You shouldn’t be touched like that.” 
His lips parted wider for a moment, his hips thrusting up to meet your circular motions and it made the head of his cock thud against that spot deep inside you, sending shockwaves through your spine. 
Your whimpering plea spurred him on, kept him hitting that spot with hard pressure that threatened to tear you to pieces, “You’re a goddess - Not a fucking piece of arm candy. The sight of him touching you-” He snarled, pulling you down hard on his dick for a second, taking the opportunity to rotate his own hips this time, “That should be me. Worshipping you. Not him.” 
His rough words and the sheer intensity of his thrusted hurtled you closer and closer to that edge, the admissions sending just as much pleasure through you as his hard length. 
That should be me.
Did he mean…?
You looked down through hazed eyes, like you were seeing all of this with a fresh gaze. 
Bucky was already a mess beneath you, his head tilted back, and the line of his throat held taught. His deep curls with a mess, ruffled up over his forehead and the pillows. 
Bucky’s hips were starting to lose rhythm as he jerked up into you, but he never failed to repeatedly hit that spot, again and again. 
You both chased down your orgasms, and with one final grind of your hips, one final sharp jerk of his own, you fell to pieces in tandem. 
Bucky’s back arched, freezing as he spurted his hot load up inside you, at the same time your walls clenched around him, milking him for everything he had as your combined wetness slipped down his balls, making a mess of his skin – and the bed. 
Like either of you could care. 
Time lost all meaning yet again as you came down from your high, and later, you’d remember only by the places your bodies occupied. 
Bucky hauled you up, finished with the lack of control and he took you against the floor to ceiling windows, your breasts pressed to the cool glass, the city twinkling below you as Bucky fucked you deep from behind, that vibranium hand against fitted snug around your throat. 
Then on the plush rug in front of the fireplace, his dick sliding down your throat again as his tongue dragged between your folds, your knees braced either side of his head as you held onto his thighs. 
When you retired to the sunken tub to wash up, you found yourself seated on Bucky’s lap, riding him once more with the hot, jasmine scented water splashing over the ornate tiles, your combined moans mingling with the steamy air. 
The whole time, Bucky’s words played over and over in your head, echoing in the tiny space of your mind that wasn’t sex-addled. 
He wanted to be the one to walk into a club with you on his arm. He wanted everyone in the room to know he worshipped the very ground you walked on, the air that you breathed. 
It wasn’t like the feelings weren’t reciprocated either. 
It had been the blue-eyed soldier in the forefront of your mind for months and months now, perhaps even far before that. 
And it wasn’t until you were back on the bed, covers strewn on the floor that things truly shifted. 
Bucky’s hands were gripping your thighs, pulling you down to fuck his face and tongue whilst you gripped onto the headboard, his groans of delight muffled against your wet heat. 
The feeling was… other-worldly. 
Your sexual partners of the past had gone down on you, sure. You’d even been in this exact position once, but it was nothing compared to Bucky. 
No one worked you over with the same acute knowledge of what you liked, before you even knew it yourself. 
His nose nudged against your clit, providing the perfect pressure whilst he spearheaded his tongue deep within you. Every time he did, he pulled you lower, shaking his head from side to side so that his stubble scratched your sensitive inner thighs and your swollen folds.  
Words were beyond you, and all you could do was make incoherent moans and keens, sure the people in the rooms surrounding yours could hear your screams, but you didn’t care. 
Especially when Bucky dragged his teeth over your clit, ever so lightly biting it and causing you to hurtle into the outer atmosphere and forget everything.  
You collapsed, losing the tension in your legs and only Bucky’s hands shooting up to your ribs stopped you from smashing your forehead on the wall. 
Light exploded across your vision, your blood roaring in your ears and you couldn’t move, your body was completely boneless. You were truly spent, muscles twitching with aftershocks and you only just noticed Bucky coaxing you to lay down next to him. 
You faded in and out of a warm haze, registering a warm cloth gliding between your legs, over your flushed skin. 
“Go on a date with me.” 
The soft words underlined with that oh-so familiar rasp brought you rushing back to the present. “You... what?” 
“Go on a date with me.”
You snapped your eyes open, only to be met with the Arctic ocean, almost glowing from within with sated desire. 
Curling your lips up into a smile, you gently dragged Bucky’s head down to yours, pressing your lips to his equally swollen ones, “Okay.” 
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nano--raptor · 3 years
Three Questions
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Pairing: FATWS!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Words: 594
Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, sex, some softness and fluff and feelings, TFATWS spoilers. A/N: This popped into my head yesterday and I had to write it. It kind of switches tenses or something at the end and I apologize, but I like how it came out so I decided to leave it. I love exploring and writing this kind of thing for Bucky, because. Yeah. This turns me on😏 Primal and feral sexy times for everyone plz. Thanks for reading!😘
Do not click ‘keep reading’ if you are under 18+.
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Bucky's eyes were on you. Dark and hungry. You smirked at him, walking through the living room towards the bedroom. He followed you. You could feel his presence behind you, almost like he was stalking you and it sent a thrill through you.
He kept walking towards you once you entered the room, slowly backing you against the wall, the same little smirk playing on your lips as his. Hooded eyes held your own and you could already feel the heat emanating off of his body. Bucky stripped off his shirt, dropping it to the floor and you raised an eyebrow at him.
“I have three questions for you, honey.” There was fire in his eyes and you couldn’t ignore the way it started a fire in your belly too. “Who, what and why.” You said the words slowly and Bucky’s lips twitched, his voice rough and gravelly when he spoke.
“I am no longer the winter soldier.” He stalked closer to you, and you took another step backwards, your back finally hitting the wall. He was looking at you like you were his prey, and it always made your breath catch. This time was no different. You wanted him to devour you.
“I am James Bucky Barnes.” You hooked a finger through the chain around his neck and pulled him closer, the chain with the dog tags that had his name, his identity, stamped onto them. James B Barnes. This is who he was again. Bucky braced his hands against the wall on either side of you, his lips just a breath away from yours as you whispered.
“And you’re part of my efforts to make amends.”
“That's right baby,” you breathed, feeling hot, your heart pounding in your ears. Your fingers ghosted over his torso, settling on the waistband of his jeans and popping the button open. “You’re stronger than anyone I’ve ever known.” Then his mouth was on yours, confident and passionate. He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist before falling onto the bed with you. The rest of your clothes came off quickly, Bucky’s mouth moving over your skin, marking it, claiming you as his. You gave yourself willingly, gripping his shoulders and pulling him closer. He settled between your legs, rutting against you as he kissed his way up your body, then sinking into you with a guttural moan. 
He fucked you good and deep, reveling in the pleasure you’d give each other, how good it felt to be alive. Your fingers would find their way into his short hair, tugging on it, gripping it tightly, back arching as he’d take you apart, while his lips and his teeth were on your skin. And then he’d make you scream, loving the way you trembled as you let go for him, and he’d follow, burying himself deep while his head dropped into the crook of your neck with a groan as bliss exploded over his skin.
Afterwards, limbs tangled together, you’d draw circles on his back, or his arm, just holding him close, soothing each other and sharing that intimacy. Bucky loved it. He’d never felt so alive as he had these days. All because of those rules, those questions, that kept him grounded in who he was, and because of you, for helping him to remember it.
“James Bucky Barnes. I love you.” Then he’d lift his gaze to meet yours, both of your eyes shining with life and love, and Bucky would smile, genuine and satisfied. “I love you too, baby.”
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Headcanons for being an Avenger with the power of persuasion
Avengers x reader
a/n: towards the end this branches off into the fatws timeline but there’s no explicit spoilers
prompt: anonymous: “Can you do hcs for the avengers with a reader who has powers like Allison Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy?”
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the avengers were a little iffy about you because......someone with your power was hard to trust at first
“mind control isn’t as fun as it sounds, you guys. i really don’t wanna keep my guard up at all times when i’m at home base” -clint
“yeah, i’m not sure if i trust this one yet. i mean, i’m totally immune to mind control, but what if they mind control someone to come after me? and they have easy access to the place?” -tony
“excuse me, did you just say you were immune to mind control?” -nat
“he most certainly is not” -wanda
i mean, you get it and all. you heard stories of the avengers’ past encounters. it couldve messed them up
and they had no character references for you
you were new and mysterious
and your powers could be dangerous if you used them the wrong way
“well, i say we take a chance on them. they might surprise us” -cap
“i knew you would say some crap like that” -tony
“i thought a surprise was the opposite of what we wanted?” -bruce
you were put on the team soon after, but you had to have a buddy on missions
*pretending that we have deaf/hoh!clint like in the comics* you were buddied up with clint since your powers were auditory
“you can’t sign me an involuntary command, can you?” -clint
“no, sir” -you
“cool, cool, cool” -clint
stealth looked good on you, ngl
you were able to get behind heavy gunmen and whisper commands to them
“simon says you are an avenger now, shoot the enemy” -you
“simon says i am your new boss, take out your ex-coworkers” -you
“simon says give me your keycard” -you
“simon says i’m not the enemy, you are” -you
“not bad down there, y/n!” -sam
“thanks! now can somebody give me a lift to that one all the way up there?” -you
you proved yourself that day, so everyone got a lot more comfortable with you
and you made a promise that day that you’d never use your powers on them
but occasionally someone would ask you a simple favor, like putting them to sleep or making them focus on a project
“i think the focus one could be a fire hazard” -you
“so just come and get me! or let me die, that’d be fine, too” -tony
“whatever...simon says focus on the new tech” -you
time went by and things got tough, especially when the sokovia accords rolled in
“i wasn’t even there for that, mr. secretary” -you
“and i’m aware of that, mx. l/n, but you still pose a threat to people around the world. you have the means to walk into any place you want and do anything you want. you can see how that makes people uneasy, don’t you?” -ross
“i’ve never used my abilities for anything but good” -you
“what y/n is trying to say is—” -steve
“he knows what i’m trying to say, but apparently that’s the issue” -you
you were “grounded” with wanda
and pretty pissed about it
“i can understand why i’m here, y/n, but you? what did you do?” -wanda
“i intimidate men in charge, i guess” -you
sounds about right, huh?
but clint broke you out
“finallyyyyy! vision is such a drag” -you
and when you got to germany, you were conflicted with yourself
should you use your powers on the teammates who wanted you locked away?
if you got into their comms, you could stop it in an instant
but that’d take some time
“hi, simon(e)! i’m, uh, scott! i think you’re pretty neat!” -scott (p.s. y/n’s hero name is simon/simone. whatever you prefer idrc)
“thanks...and what do you do?” -you
“he shrinks!” -sam
you snuck out to the pavement and tried to hack their comms, but could only do it one at a time
so you got the spider kid
“simon says stick the cat man to the side of the plane” -you
but that cat had claws
alright, it might be harder than you think
“oh god, simon(e)?” -scott
“what is it?” -you
“i’m a little nervous for my next trick...would it be too much to ask if you did your little command thing for me?” -scott
“ughhhhh...simon says, go on with your ‘trick’” -you
and all the sudden he shot up into the air
“oh, nice” -you
you really hated fighting with these guys, but you were out of options and now cap wanted you to come with him, he wouldn’t leave without you
“steve, i’m sorry. simon says leave without us” -you
and that he did, which left you to be caught by a hair
“so close, weren’t you?” -tony
“simon says go to hell” -you
“very funny, guess i’m immune to mind control, after all” -tony
having a mouth restraint place on you that tony had been saving ever since you joined the team
one that “team cap” heavily protested the second they saw it
“tony, that’s wrong! don’t you trust them enough not to do that? they’re going to hate you after all of this” -wanda
“it’s either me or them. at least mine is comfortable” -tony
kinda fucked lol but understandable ig
having to testify without a voice, only able to type or write
but eventually you made your case and were able to make a deal, but part of that deal was to keep your mouth sealed when in the presence of authority since your voice was deemed a weapon ;)
kinda a dick move if you ask me
so you said fuck that and became a fugitive with steve + friends
but used your powers less and less
again, only for favors because it was hard to get peace in these crappy motels
“simon says kill that roach, oh god” -you @ steve
“you were an avenger and you can’t kill a roach?” -sam
“don’t start with me, sam, or you’re sleeping on the floor” -you
“you wouldn’t” -sam
“don’t test me” -you
waiting and waiting for some kind of turning point that didnt come until alien invasion 2.0
and you tried so hard to stop thanos from snapping, but the stones got the best of you as you were frozen in time
but fortunately you didn’t dust
leaving you to get a rematch against thanos when the time would come
and reuniting with tony just for him to lecture you with the rest of the team
“go fuck yourself, tony” -you
“oh, thank god they didn’t say ‘simon says’” -that raccoon you’ve known for like 3 weeks
“do you ever shut up?” -you
“no, he does not” -nebula
anyways your time did not come and you waited five years for another chance
and although you did not redeem yourself on your own, you were just glad that your side, humanity, had won
but just before thanos had ceased to exist, you told him
“simon says to feel the pain of loss for all of eternity” -you
it may have been cruel, but it’s what he deserved
the next step was for you and sam to be pardoned of your crimes
but you didn’t exactly part ways just because...what else was there for you to do? the two of you were close after your time on the run
and all was well until he decided to give the shield up
“oh, bucky’s gonna be pissed” -you
“he’ll be fine” -sam
now, bucky had mixed feelings about you
he was nervous about your powers, but you did save him
and he knew what it felt like not to be trusted
so he gave you a chance and partnered with you after the “new captain america” and the “flag smashers” fiasco
legally, if you used your powers on a government official/soldier you’d go back in the slammer, but it was quite tempting, even if it were just a “simon says punch yourself in the face”
and off to madripoor you went with...zemo
“are you going to persuade me into something petty, mx. l/n?” -zemo
“i’ve gotta make it worth it, honestly, but there’s no rule against me doing so, so at least i won’t feel bad” -you
and who knows what’s next?
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @agentshortstacc // @rosadiaz-sarayvargas-harleyquinn // @werewolf-himbo // @comiocudequemtalendo1 // @mochamoff // @the-marvel-meme-emporium // @summersimmerus //
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forever-rogue · 3 years
could you do a blurb in fatws where bucky and the reader have feelings for each other and zemo is trying to flirt with the reader?
Warnings: use of pet name [bunny], mention of toys, references to sex, possessive!Bucky, language, minors dni
A/N: Yuh, I would love to have Bucky and Zemo fight over me so here we are 😇
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You looked at Bucky’s back, biting your lip as you contemplated your next actions. You know what Zemo was trying to do; his half-masked attempts at flirting were not exactly subtle. And for some reason...you weren’t totally abhorred by the thought of Helmut Zemo making a move on you. He was handsome, that was easy to see, and it had been a while since you’ve had...anyone. Quite frankly your hand and toys weren’t cutting it anymore.
It wasn’t like you could wait for Bucky for forever. At some point you’d have to accept that either he didn’t feel the same way or he just wasn’t ever going to make a move. Over the past year your little back and forth with him continued to grow but it never amounted to anything besides a lingering touch here and there or longing looks thrown in the other’s direction when you thought they weren’t looking, and very flirtatious banter. But still...you could make a move on your own, but you were too stubborn - just like him.
Maybe Zemo wasn’t a bad choice after all. He’d been more friendly lately, making his desire for you known to everyone. In some ways it was a little bold and exhilarating; to have someone be this brazen in their desire for you. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t warmed up to the possibility of having him.
“Tell me,” you accepted the drink he slid across the island at you, leaning over on your elbows so he could see down the front of your loose shirt. It wasn’t a subtle move, but at this point it didn’t matter, “when’s the last time you’ve been with anyone, Baron?”
Zemo almost looked startled by your question - almost. He kept his cool and took a long drag of his drink, finishing it off and setting it back down on the cool granite. The corners of his lips pulled into a wolfish smile as he studied you for a moment. You put on your best poker face as you tried not to let any of the cracks show, “it has been a while. Why little bunny? What’s got you so interested?”
“You look like you know how to touch a woman,” you threw back the rest of your drink, hoping it would work like liquid courage. Despite not being particularly loud, you could sense that Bucky heard you across the apartment, seeing his head turn slightly from the corner of your eye. This was a dangerous game indeed, and yet you were thrilled with it, “like you know just how to give me what I need.”
“Have you ever been with a man?” he asked suddenly as a tingle spread throughout your body. He took a step closer, slowly making his way over to you, “or have they all been boys?”
“Umm,” you were speechless as he leaned over and put his hand on your face, slowly stroking his thumb over your cheek. Your lips parted as you looked at him like a deer in headlights. He was close enough to where you could smell his aftershave and count every little freckle. He really was handsome, “n-no.”
“Are you scared little bunny?” he leaned in so his lips were just shy of yours and part of you was screaming to close the gap and kiss him, “you weren’t so shy before. Or are you afraid that you can’t handle it?”
“I-I can handle it,” you gasped as he ghosted his fingers along your jaw and down the column of your throat before lightly putting his whole hand around your throat. He was squeezing ever so slightly, but it was just enough to dizzy you and leave you wanting more, “please.”
While the two of you stared at each other, it was like the world had stopped existing and Bucky wasn’t in the adjacent room. He’d overheard every word, seen every little moment, attempting to compose himself, but it was getting harder with each passing second. You were his, not Zemo’s.
“You have such a smart little mouth,” he said slowly as he licked his lips, “I wonder if you’re able to put it to good use for something other than talking back. Are you going to let me-”
“Get your hands off of her,” the voice was cold as ice as the two of froze and slowly turned to find Bucky standing there, nothing but anger in his eyes. You swallowed the lump in your throat as Zemo removed his hand from your throat and crossed his arms over his chest, “she’s mine.”
“I wasn’t aware she belonged to anyone,” the two men stared at each other intently as you weren’t sure what to do, “I think the little bunny is free to do whatever she wants. Tell James what you want.”
“I…” you stared at the floor for a moment, studying your feet while you felt the two men studying you intently, “I...dunno.”
“Come on little bunny.”
“Umm…” you slowly looked up and then found your eyes wandering over to Bucky. He met yours with a steely gaze that caused a shiver to run down your spine and a tingling in your lower belly, “James.”
Zemo tuttled lightly, a small sound of disappointment as he looked between the two of you. He took a step back and nodded; the Baron was a lot of things, but he wasn’t about to impose or force himself on anyone. As soon as his name had left your lips, you seemed surprised that you’d said anything, a warm flush creeping into your neck and cheeks.
“And so she has made her choice,” Zemo said as he poured himself another drink, unfazed by the whole situation, “if you should ever choose to come to a different conclusion little bunny, do let me know.”
Without another word, he nodded at the two of you before clutching his drink and walking out of the kitchen, humming quietly under his breath. It was almost dead silent as he retreated and closed the door to his bedroom, leaving the two of you to stare silently at each other. Bucky’s gaze was unwavering and intense, and you felt as though you were slowly coming undone in front of him. When the silent became too great, you cleared your throat, ready to scramble away to your own quarters.
“Just where do you think you’re going?” Bucky reached out and grabbed your arm in gentle, but firm grip, effectively stopping you in your tracks. You swallowed thickly as you turned to look back at him with nervous eyes. When you didn’t say anything, he raised an eyebrow, “I asked you a question: where do you think you’re going?”
“I…” you trailed off as you watched him look at you with hungry, dark eyes, pupils completely blown with lust, “just leaving.”
“I’m not done with you yet,” he practically growled as you left all of that go directly to your already aching cunt, “I meant what I said - you’re mine.”
“I thought you didn’t feel the same,” you were looking at much with such surprised innocence that it was a miracle Bucky didn’t take you then and there, “you never-”
“Guess I jus’ needed that asshole to remind me of how much you mean to me,” he released his grasp on your arm and gently reached up to touch your face. After all this time - you’d never been reading the signs incorrectly at all, “just the idea of him touching you disgusts me.”
“What are you going to do about it then, Buck?” you gripped his wrist and pulled his hand away, a challenging look on your face as you tilted your head to the side, “so far you’ve been all talk.”
Maybe the alcohol was suddenly working as a confidence boost. Normally you would have shied away or let him take full control but today you were feeling...confident. The fact that two grown men had all but fought over you didn’t hurt either.
“You want this?” he licked his lips as his eyes instinctively fell to yours. Of course you wanted this; you’d practically been throwing yourself at him for the last year. You nodded slightly and his smile just grew, stretching from ear to ear, “you better be real sure sweetheart. I won’t be gentle and I won’t be nice. You are mine in every way and you will do what I say. Understood?”
Your jaw was clutched in his hand and his grip was practically bruising. Your whole body was burning with lust and desire, wanting him to use you and mark you up as his, “I’m yours, Bucky. Use me as you please.”
“I’m going to like this,” this was a side you’d never seen before of him and you suddenly wondered why you’d never tapped into it before. Despite his words, you knew he would never truly hurt you, “you’re such a good little bunny, aren’t you?”
“Mhmm,” you sighed, head already empty except for thoughts of him and what you wanted him to do to you, “I’ll be good.”
“Then on your knees,” he insisted as you readily complied, letting your knees hit the cool tile of the floor, “and do as I say.”
“Good girl.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Marvel Taglist (add yourself to a taglist here!)(strike-through means I couldn’t tag you - please check your settings!)
@qhbr2013 @greeneyedblondie44 @april-showers-and-flowers @softboiipascal @im-an-adult-ish @patzammit @niki-xie @xxlovingfandomsxx @startrekkingaroundasgard @welcometothepedroverse @actual-spawn-of-satan @punkerthanpascal @lazybeeches @someday-when-you-leave-me @justgivemethekeys @salome-c @rosiefridayrogersunday @neptunesglow @artsymaddie @haildoodles @amneris21 @star017 @irepostthingsiwanttoseelater @its–fandom–darling @ayamenimthiriel @alyispunk @djarinbarnes @edencherries @ashamed23 @sunsetskywalkerr @nikkixostan @spookispunk @cable-kenobi @ironicfoxes @cc13723things @gooddaykate @natthebattygeologist @sociallyantisocialbutterfly @n3ssm0nique @daughterofthenight117 @riddikulus-obsessions @imaginelover88 @saint-bvcky @sleep-tight1 @missstef23 @moonlacebeam @asylummara @wakandabiitch2 @hoodedbirdie @mysweetlittledesire @reallyloudstarlight @vintagepigeon @froggyy06 @fleurydelacoury @veil-of-time @queenbeean @deedepee @kenzieam @luxeavenger @dobbyjen @bbl32 @frickin-bats @caprisunsister @bucks-bunny @starlightcrystalline @jensenswinchester @simonedk @keithseabrook27 @cloverrover @jedi-mando @allforkook @bibliophilewednesday @doozywoozy @drayshadow @milkxxkookies @ironicfoxes @livstilinski @lunaserenade @siriuslyslyslytherin @leyannrae @randomfavtingswall @bbl32 @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
Omg hi hun! Hope you’re having a wonderful day, could I possibly be added to your tag list pls?🤍 Not only for tfatws series but also the one shots please, you’ve got me really invested here lmao. Love your writing btw, keep the good work going!❤️
Hi! 😊 I would love to add you! For the One Shots I am only tagging those on my Taglist for all my work, not on the FATWS Taglist. Did you want to be added to my personal Taglist so you get tagged on the One Shots?
Thank you so much, babe! 💕
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sunflowergirl522 · 3 years
Tinder Match 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You look at the older people on Tinder joking about finding a sugar daddy. That’s when you stumble upon a man claiming to be 106. Intrigued you swipe right and match with him.
Warnings: Language, fatws spoilers
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Series Taglist: @kittengirl998​ @fxckyou4ever​ @safetypinxtales​ @starstruckgardenstudentzonk @oofkatisanerd
Bucky Taglist: @puddinsqueen @koressecretidentity @stevieintheimpala @unmagically @panickingqueer @thomasthetankson @joeysbumpkinbatch @the-chocoholic-writer @perksofbeingatrex @99-cats @rachmmb @quokkatrash @mylifeiscrazy0423 @vanillamaa @strawb3rrydr3ss @that-sarcastic-writer @spp2011 @spideyycents @mackycat11 @lieswithoutfairytales @crystalsoul2​ @rosiemotion @dissectiontime @franzthelentil @lmf​ @jacelynenursalim​ @aiyanalevina​ 
Marvel Taglist: @its-the-autism-innit-luv @amourtentiaa @xxspqcebunsxx @obsessedwithbuckybarnes @thenormanreedus @rorysreallyrandom @sxtansqueen @fandomrejects @stephyra @myalupinblack @mirakeul @aya-fay​ 
Everything Taglist: @peterssweetpea @ninuffi @i-love-superhero @kolakube9 @lexy9716 
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Bucky Barnes x friend!reader
Finished: April 24, 2021
Bucky Masterlist
Summary: When you’re friends with a 106 year old Super Soldier, anything can happen.
Warnings: angst and fluff?? (so far) There will be FATWS spoilers whether they’re minor or major
A/N: I honestly was not thinking about doing a part 2, or continuing after the first part but I thought I’d give it a try. I don’t know if there will be more parts than episodes but we will see :0 based on TFATWS
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The Super Soldier and His Friend
You visit Bucky after work and find him waking up from a nightmare. You try to convince him to do the things that his therapist says he should do, but you have no luck. So you decide to just sit with him.
The Super Soldier and His Friend; part 2
Bucky tells you about his notebook and his date.
The Super Soldier and His Friend; part 3
Coming to Bucky’s apartment you notice him watching something, you sit down next to him and realized that Sam doesn’t have the shield. You try to explain to him to hear Sam out about before he leaves but you don’t have much success.
The Super Soldier and His Friend: part 4
You get a text from an unknown number sending you a hilarious video.
The Super Soldier and His Friend: part 5
You and Bucky spend the evening at Brooklyn Bridge Park and he tells you about his recovery in Wakanda.
The Super Soldier and His Friend: part 6
Bucky comes back home after storming out his apartment when he saw Sam gave up the shield and tells you about his time away.
The Super Soldier and His Friend: part 7
Bucky tells Yori the truth, and tells you that you’re his family. Bucky invites you to go with him to Louisiana for a cookout with Sam.
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Bucky Tags: @ragnaroqk @mollysolo @fredweazleyswh0re @mogaruke @whothehellisbuckybarnes @amelia-song-pond @tinylumpiaa @stephthepeach
(If you want to be removed or added to a taglist just for this series let me know)
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mlmarint · 3 years
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your faithless love's the only hoax i believe in
You were raised by Hydra to be nothing more than a killer.
And than you had met him.
When you began to question about fighting for the people who were torturing him, you realize that it might be more in your history than just a murderess.
You were just as broken as him, but how can you fix him when you don’t even know the truth about yourself?
series playlist
status: in progress
pairing: fm!reader x bucky barnes + canon ships from the mcu
trope/genre: star-crossed lovers; angst with (possible) happy ending; idiots in love; forbidden love; lovers to enemies to friends to lovers again; “slow burn”
warnings: violence, torture, sexual innuendos (but no explicit content), some fluff, blood, cursing, trauma, a LOT of trauma, death, mentally unhealthy caracters, i don’t have a beta
Part 1 - The Winter Soldier
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - coming soon...
Part 2 - Age of Ultron
Part 3 - Civil War
Part 4 - Homecoming
Part 5 - Infinity War
Part 6 - Endgame
Part 7 - Falcon and The Winter Soldier
autor’s notes:
This is a reader x bucky fanfiction that will follow the events of the mcu. There will be some flashbacks, but it will be focused on the movies and FATWS series.
You could say this is a kinda of “slow burn”, but the reader and bucky know about their feelings (life just isn’t fair with them 😄).
Also, I won’t be using “y/n” and other therms, cause I particularly like it better without it.
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One Way Or Another
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Pairing: Baron Helmut Zemo x F!Reader
Warnings: Helmut Zemo (He needs his own warning), canon typical violence, weapons, smutttt, unprotected sex, piv sex, FATWS spoilers
Summary: Helmut Zemo is someone you just can’t seem to figure out. But is this mysterious man more than meets the eye? What happens when the two of you are thrown into close quarters...
A/N: Ok this is my first Zemo fic I hope y’all enjoy! Let me know if you want me to make this more than one part I feel like I could definitely make more chapters if anyone is interested!
Word Count: 4.2k 
|| Writing Masterlist ||
Get added to my Taglist!
Kätzchen – kitten (german)
The evening was cool, the breeze from the water surrounding the island of Madripoor whipped through your hair as your cheeks and ears blushed red at the sharp sting of the frigid air. You leaned lightly on the cool steel railing of the large balcony admiring the incredible view from Sharon’s apartment in the heart of the island. The whole city was alight in an incredible neon glow, every building shining a different colour, the reflections of light bouncing off the water surrounding the island making the whole metropolis glitter against the deep black of the night sky. 
The breathtaking scene in front of you easily rivalled some of the incredible stolen art which resided inside the apartment in amongst the clamour of the party. Music drifting from the boom of the speakers out of the ajar door that led to the outside space, the thin glass muffling the heavy noise but not barring the gentle vibrations of the bass that ran through the floor and up your legs.
It had been a long day, the five of you had managed to extract some information about Karli from the elusive Dr Nagel and you were all ready to set out the next day, excluding Sharon of course due to the price on her head. So tonight, they had decided to enjoy themselves. Sharon had already had a party to auction off some of the art planned weeks in advance, so the timing lined up perfectly, giving you all the opportunity to let go and enjoy yourselves before you were thrown into the heat of battle once more. 
You certainly had been enjoying Sharon’s extensive liquor stash, letting the boys pour you drinks throughout the evening, enough that you were feeling a soft buzz of alcohol running through your veins, while your belly warmed itself with the final dregs of a dark spiced liquor which swirled around the glass you held in your fingers that you couldn’t quite remember the name of. You sighed softly, your breath puffing out in front of you in the cool night air, as you simply enjoy the stillness of the moment.
Not a second later, as if you had summoned him purely through the power of thought, you hear the door behind you creak slightly as more of the muffled music begins to pour out of the opened door frame. You hear him walk up to you, the heels of his boots clicking on the crisp stone tiles of the balcony as he approaches you. Feeling the heat of his gaze as if it were a physical touch as he traces the outline of your form with his eyes, moving up the thin stiletto of your patent black heels, up the exposed skin of your calves, your thighs, the soft curve of your ass hidden underneath the short black skirt of your skin tight dress, finally landing his gaze on the soft plush of your cheek as he stands next to you, mirroring your same stance, leaning across the balcony railing. 
You turn to look at him, Helmut Zemo, the man who had been working with you and the boys to help take down the super soldier Flag Smashers. He was wrapped in a lucious black fur trimmed coat; the luxurious fabric draped over his strong shoulders broadening his physique making him look more imposing. All you could think was how broad he would look caging you in underneath his torso in the soft plush of his bedsheets. Beneath the striking coat rested a maroon turtleneck which adorned his torso tapering down to the silver buckle of his belt which secured the slim black slacks which hugged the strong muscle of his legs. You can’t help but envision his strong thighs pressed against the back of yours as he rails you from behind. Fuck. You shake your head attempting to break your train of thought, a hard task when all you can feel is his warm breath tickling the exposed skin of your neck.
You shudder gently at the feeling, which he mistakes for a shiver against the brisk wind, quickly moving to remove his jacket and place it over your shoulders. Suddenly your senses are full of him all at once, the warmth of his body heat that he had created in the jacket, the delicious smell of his cologne filling your nostrils. The gesture is sweet and caring only serving to further confuse you. You had no idea what to make of this man beside you. You couldn’t decide if you should hate him after all the terrible things he’d done, the people he had killed, the violence he had inflicted or, if you should look at him with fresh eyes, as a man who had changed and learnt from his mistakes. The man you had witnessed firsthand here in Madripoor. You knew you couldn’t trust him. Not completely. But something about him lured you in, a burning curiosity to find out what his mysterious persona hid beneath the surface.
Not a single word had passed between you in the minutes that he had come to stand beside you. The air crackled around you both with an unsaid tension thickening the space between you like a fog descending across a field in the early morning. You knew you were staring but you couldn’t bring yourself to tear your gaze away from the soft expression that rested in the features of his face, a mixture of concern and curiosity as he looked you over. His gaze rested on yours, holding eye contact with you, as he waited for you to say something, his eyes darting down to the soft plush of your lips as you finally managed to form some words to break the silence. Your filter substantially diluted by the strength of the alcohol you had consumed.
“I just can’t seem to figure you out Zemo.” You say, eyebrows quirked in a questioning manner as you analyse the features of his face. Trying to read his expression as he looks back up catching your gaze in his.
“What’s there to figure out Kätzchen?” He smirks, a teasing quality to his voice as he looks down at you.
You sigh in frustration, narrowing your eyes as if to articulate how you were studying him and his reactions as you spoke, lips moving slowly as you dragged out your words, giving them emphasis, “This whole broody mysterious but sweet thing you have going is not fooling me… I can’t decide if I should hate you or like you.”
He pauses, mulling over your words, “Why not a bit of both?” Quirking his eyebrow as he responds, a close-lipped lopsided grin spreading across his cheeks as you roll your eyes at his retort.
Resigning to the fact that you weren’t going to learn anything by talking his ear off with these probing questions. You lean back removing your elbows from the railing, standing upright once more, still not quite as tall as Zemo even in your reasonably high heels. Pulling Zemo’s warm coat off your shoulders, you grip the gorgeous fur trim as you pass it back to him, shivering slightly at the briskness of the outside air as the soft wool leaves your skin.
“Shall we go back inside and join the party then?” You say eyebrows raised, determined to enjoy the rest of your evening, trying to move past your complete inability to read the man in front of you.
“Let’s, little one. I’ll make you another drink.” He says smiling softly, slipping his coat back on and gesturing to the door with an extended arm.
You pass him your empty glass and strut forward past him and back into the electric energy of the party. Moving through the crowds of people socialising and looking over the beautiful artworks, you make your way through the dim blue light of the room to the illuminated tiles of the dance floor. The space was teeming with people moving to the music swaying in the strobe lights as the upbeat rhythm of a sultry song permeated the air. Washing over you like wave of movement, your body starts to move to the music, the familiar melody causing you to break out into a blissed out smile as you sway your hips to the passion filled lyrics.
Looking around the space as you gyrate to the music, you catch a glimpse of Zemo from behind the bar pouring a semi clear liquid into lovely matching crystal glasses resting on the bench top. He must have felt you watching him because in that moment he flicks his gaze up directly at you, catching you watching him. For some reason you feel drawn to him, knowing how much trouble he is, how dangerous he is. You’ve seen him kill with your own eyes. And yet you can’t help the strong attraction to him, his danger mixed with the softness he showed you. You didn’t even know if he was interested in you like that. But fuck were you interested in him. Throwing your inhibitions to the wind thanks to the bit of liquid courage you had been consuming you hold his gaze, continuing to dance, moving seductively as you sway your hips to the music running your hands over your body.
Tracing your own form with gentle fingertips, you close your eyes for a moment as you bite your bottom lip, enjoying the sensation of your caresses. Blinking as the light of the dance floor floods your vision once more you realise that Zemo had disappeared into the chaos of the crowd. You spin around looking for him, worried that you’d scared him away with your forwardness, suddenly coming face to face with that very grin you had been searching out. Zemo looked down at you, watching your lips form a small ‘o’ in surprise at his proximity as he extended his hand, the drink he had made you resting in his calloused palm. A broad smile breaks across your face as you take the crystal glass out of his hand brushing your fingers purposefully across his skin.
“Turkish Delight,” he whispers just loud enough for you to hear, “Irresistible.” A quiet confidence lingering in the air around him as it always did.
You pull the glass up to your lips, closing your eyes once more as you take a deep sip relishing in the delicious taste of rosewater and sugar mixed with the sharp tang of vodka flooding your taste buds. You let out a satisfied moan as you pull the glass away from your lips, looking back up at Zemo through your dark lashes and you catch him tense up slightly at the sound that had just escaped your lips.
The mood shifts as the next song starts to play, a slower melody with a deep baritone voice filling your ears from the speakers. You turn towards the speakers, trying to focus on recognising the song which sounded so familiar, when suddenly you feel an arm wrap around your waist pulling you swiftly into the warmth of the body behind you. Zemo had pulled you flush against him, your back resting against his warm torso, as he gently sipped his matching drink. You are swept up in the feeling of him against your back the feel of his arm over your waist, his splayed hand pressing against your lower stomach, the heat of his palm seeping into your skin through the thin material of your dress, making your cheeks flush a bright red at the effect he was having on you. The two of you sway slowly to the rhythm, your hips resting against his as your ass gently rocked against his thighs, his warm breaths ghosting the shell of your ear, making your skin prickle as he began to softly whisper the lyrics of the song into your ear.
“What's your name?... Who's your daddy?... Is he rich like me?... Has he taken… Any time… To show you what you need to live?” His sultry voice echoes through your head and desire begins to pool in your lower belly. The flush on your cheeks only growing redder as the words resonate with you. Your eyes drift closed as you soak up every part of the moment, letting it fill your senses, the scent of him, the heat radiating off his strong chest, the suggestive words he had whispered into your ear echoing and reverberating as you become lost in that moment in time. It felt as if everything was moving in slow motion, everything was him.
Your eyes are jarred open quickly as you hear the smash of glass nearby as one of Sharon’s drunk guests decides to pick a fight with another and a brawl breaks out on the dance floor. So quickly that you can barely register what is happening. In a state of shock, you look around trying to figure out what to do when Zemo quickly pushes you out of the way of a fist flying towards your face. He grunts slightly at the effort and you hear both of your crystal glasses smashing against the hard tiled floor as he rushes you into a small room just out of reach of the commotion. Still in a state of shock your finally register what was happening. You had been swiftly pulled out of harm’s way and into the small butler’s kitchen tucked away behind the main living space where the party that you had been attending, which had broken out into a full-on brawl, had been located. You suddenly take in the situation you were in, pressed up against the wall behind the door frame caged in behind the broad body of Zemo. He was crowding his body in front of yours out of instinct as he heard guns fire in the adjacent room.
All you can feel is his body pressed against you, protecting you from harm. You watch him as he eyes the doorway listening to the commotion outside, his features strained in focus as he listened out for any action moving in your direction. All you could think in that moment was that this man who was supposed to be dangerous, supposed to be evil, supposed to be the bad guy, had probably just saved your life and was determined to protect you even if it meant him getting hurt or even killed in the process. That was entirely evident in the way he had pulled you out of the crossfire and was currently using his own body to shield you from any impending damage. And fuck if that didn’t make your body heat up with desire and arousal flood your panties.
The attraction that had been mounting between you had just culminated in the ultimate grand gesture and you realised you could not bring yourself to tear your eyes away from him, half of his face illuminated by the soft moonlight streaming in through the door frame as you gazed at him completely entranced.
“Zemo…” you whisper as you trace the sharp angle of his jaw with a delicate finger.
“Kätzchen?” He whips around suddenly at the sound of your voice, panic riddled across his features. “Is something wrong little one? Are you hurt?”
“No no… but you are.” You whisper as you continue tracing his jaw to the place where you realise the man’s fist had collided with his face. The one he had pushed you out of the way of and instead, he had received the blow that probably would have cracked your nose. He winces slightly under your touch and you pinch his chin between your thumb and forefinger, pulling him down to your eye line to analyse the small bruise that was forming at the base of his jawline. He watches you from the corner of his eye as his breathing hitches, scarcely moving as you caress his skin. Tracing the gentle outline of a forming bruise as you feel his searing gaze burn into you, watching your pursed lips and your worried eyes. You run a soothing hand over the bruise, holding his cheek and his jaw in your soft palm as you look back into his eyes.
“Thank you for protecting me.” You whisper with bated breath as you hold his gaze.
His eyes flicking down to your lips as you speak, unable to stop himself. Entranced by the proximity and the way you were touching him, the way your chest heaved in front of him just brushing against his torso. Suddenly he was on you, lips slanting over yours tentative at first, questioning, but as soon as you responded in kind, melting into his touch, the kiss became more bruising, desperate, ravenous. You moaned into his mouth as he ran a hand through the hair at the nape of your neck, pulling you even closer. He took this as an opportunity to explore your mouth with his tongue. The two of you tangling together as you both explored the warmth behind each other’s lips. His other hand running down the small of your back to grab at the luscious curve of your backside as you ran your hands across the firmness of his chest.
You both pulled apart gasping for breath. Small plumes of air mingling together in the dark of the room. You shouldn’t be doing this, you knew who Zemo was and yet you couldn’t help yourself, you were so excited, turned on even, by the danger, the mystery of the man.
He shook his head at you and whispered breathily, “I’m trouble little one…”
You look into his warm brown eyes slowly turning as black as the shadow of the room. Smirking back at him, the glint of mischief in your pupils evident as you respond, “I like trouble.”
His gaze becomes predatory as your words sink in. Removing the hand from your neck he quickly slams the door closed and locks it behind him taking all the light out of the room apart from a small sliver of moonlight coming in through a skylight above. He pushes you against the wall once more and hungrily slants his lips across yours, capturing you in a delicious but messy kiss, filled with passion and craving. He moves slowly from your lips, down across your jaw and then attaches himself to the pulse point of your neck, biting gently at the soft skin as you moan out in pleasure at the small sharp pain. He wraps his hands around your thighs and lifts you up, holding you against the wall. You respond in kind, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around the crook of his neck, pulling his lips to yours with a sharp tug of his hair. Holding you carefully, his hands wrapped around the muscle of your thighs, he walks you over to the kitchen counter on the other side of the room, sliding you gently onto the cool marble.
He pulls away once more, admiring your already dishevelled state, chest heaving as you catch your breath, drawing attention to the swell of your breasts, your slightly mussed hair falling across the glistening skin of your cheek, the skirt of your dress which had ridden up to reveal a glimpse of your lacy black panties. Fuck you were gorgeous.
“Are you sure you want this Kätzchen?” he says as he regains his own breath.
“Fuck yes I do.” Any inhibition you may have had earlier disappeared, as quick as the sound of the outside world had as soon as the door closed.
Moving slowly towards your figure, he reaches out to the silver press studs that run down your dress, starting at the top of your chest. You let out a small gasp as he touches the visible skin, slowly exposing the matching black lace bra beneath as he undoes the clasps slowly, the metallic clicks the only noise in the room apart from your shallow breathing. He grins up at you completely enthralled by how you were responding to him. He undoes enough clasps to fully reveal your bra and your chest. His movements are that of a man possessed as he traces the swell of your breasts with delicate fingers, leaving prickles of heat in the wake of their touch.
“So delicate, like a rose in full bloom.” He murmured, voice silken as he followed the trail of his fingers with his gaze.
He brings his hands to the front of your dress and pulls it open, one button at a time, the rhythmic click of the clasps bursting was a melody to your ears. Slowly exposing the rest of your body to him as your dress falls off your shoulders, you swiftly pull the rest of the fabric off your wrists, letting it pool around you on the kitchen counter. He slowly makes his way to the crook of your back to unclasp your bra. He makes quick work of the hooks and pulls the thin piece of fabric off you, exposing your chest completely to him. Massaging and squeezing at your breasts, his warm palms feeling exquisite on your nipples, hard in the cold air of the evening and from his ravenous attentions. 
Moving his hands lower, he grips onto your hips with a bruising force, moving his head down to your chest, taking one of your breasts into his mouth, sucking languidly on your pebbled nipple, dragging his teeth across it nibbling lightly making you arch yourself into him, desperate for more. You wanted his mouth all over your skin, everywhere he could reach, his attentions are ravenous as he places a particularly cutting bite to your nipple then swiftly switching his attentions to your other breast, leaving a trail of delicate bites across your collarbone in his wake. You keen into his caresses as he begins to move slowly upwards, marking up your chest, your collarbone, and finally your neck with small red bruises made by his teeth. You revelled in the delicious pain of it, the arousal in your panties starting to drip down your thighs at the feeling of his teeth dragging over your skin.
“You look so beautiful like this, all marked up, showing everyone that you’re mine…” he whispers against your skin, “I wonder how your boys would feel about that…” confidence and lust dripping from his words as he watches you react to him. 
You whimper as he moves his hand down to your cunt, pressing against you with two fingers against the thin lace material, feeling how you had soaked through the fabric.
“It seems you like it too, Kätzchen.” His tongue languishing over every syllable of the little nickname he’d given you as he tugged your soaking panties down your thighs so that they dropped onto the cool stone floor.
You were now completely exposed to him as he stood in front of you fully clothed. You paw at his chest, feeling his strong torso beneath the fabric as you tugged at the lapel of the jacket, slowly dragging it over his shoulders and letting it drop to the floor to join your panties. Understanding your silent plea he pulls the top beneath over his head, revealing his toned yet soft torso to your eager hands. You run your fingers over his skin, tracing the small outlines of his figure with light caresses as you make your way down to the silver buckle of his belt. Deft fingers making quick work of the clasp then making your way to the buttons of his pants with just as much eagerness.
“Zemo… please.” You whine needily. Your craving getting the better of you. You needed him to touch you, needed him to fuck you, needed him to fill up every one of your senses.
He loved the sound of you begging, mesmerised by your desperate touches as you yank the fabric of his slacks along with his boxers down his legs, his member springing free and resting against his stomach.
You lean forward, watching him as you wrap your fingers experimentally around his shaft, swiping your thumb over the tip, red and leaking with small beads of precome.
He batted your hand away, his gaze burning into yours, “I want to feel you Prinzessin.” You nod your head trying to communicate how much you want that as well, unable to form the words under his devouring gaze. Gripping the backs of your thighs, he pulls you to the edge of the kitchen bench, letting the fabric of your dress drop to the floor amongst the other discarded garments. Your bare skin tingles against the cool marble and you draw in a sharp breath at the change in temperature which touches your most sensitive areas. Spreading your legs with exploratory fingers, he admires your form, taking in your soft skin dappled in the small red marks littered across your body.
“All mine…” He whispers as he slots himself between your thighs. Lining himself up at your dripping entrance. 
“Zemo please… please fuck me.” You whimper, desperate to feel more of him. 
Gripping onto your hips with bruising fingers he pushes into you, slowly and carefully. You gasp out as you feel every ridge and vein as he thrusts into you. He starts at a gentle pace, relishing in the feeling of your tight cunt wrapped around his length. He fills you up incredibly and you can’t help the noises that escape your throat. 
“Fuck Z-Zemo you feel so fucking good.” You moan out.
You wrap your thighs around his waist begging with your body language for him to go faster, to fuck you until you cant think. He moans at your words and the feeling of your soft skin wrapped around him. The deep guttural noise that had fallen from his lips mixed with the obscene sound of flesh smacking together was intoxicating. 
He moves his hand, pulling at the crook of your knee, changing the angle of your body so he can reach an even deeper spot inside you as he increases his pace to a more intense rhythm. The new position makes you throw your head back in ecstasy as he thrusts into you, giving him the opportunity to lean down and pull your nipple into his mouth with his teeth. You arch your back into his touch, moaning as he assaults your senses with the feeling of him deep inside you and his warm mouth on your skin.
He holds your hip with bruising fingers as he palms at your breast with the other hand. You slowly pull his hand further up wanting him to replicate the grip he had on your hip around your throat. He groaned as you placed his fingers around your throat giving it an experimental squeeze under your guidance. You felt your walls clench around him as his fingers sunk gently into your neck cutting off your breathing ever so slightly.
“Fuck that made you even wetter Kätzchen…” he murmured, entranced by you and the way you reacted to him, “I want you to come for me little one, come all over my cock. I want to feel you come undone for me. SIng for me, little songbird.” He whispered, warm breath fanning the side of your cheek as he tightened his grip on your throat while his other hand snaked down in between the two of you, thumb rubbing harsh circles on your clit. 
You relished in the feeling of his fingers, completely overwhelmed by the incredible sensations as you gripped onto the muscles of his back and his bicep, digging your nails in harshly as he plunged into you with bruising force. 
His filthy words ringing in your ear, his cock hitting the back of your cervix just at the right spot, his thumb working continuously on your clit as black spots started to form behind your eyes from his tight grip around the column of your throat. All of it together makes you completely fall apart beneath him, crying out as you ride out the earth shattering orgasm. He moves his hands to your back, tightly holding you upright as he fucks you through your aftershocks, hitting you deep and making you cry out at the oversensitivity. His hips start to stutter as he feels your velvet walls flutter around him, holding his cock in a vice like grip as your whimpers reach his ears. He nuzzles his head into the crook of your shoulder as his orgasm hits him, thrusting slowly as he comes hard, painting your walls with his release. His moans echo in your ears as he fills you up deliciously and all you can feel is him. His body pressed against yours, chest heaving as you both attempt to regain your breath.
Zemo pulls out slowly and you whimper at the loss. Looking down at you, skin slick with a light sheen of sweat as you gazed up at him with hazy eyes, you were slowly coming back down to earth from your high. Gently pushing a stray hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear, he smiles, expression soft and warm as he smiles down at you. 
As your vision slowly clears Zemo’s handsome face comes back into focus and you return his soft smile with your own. He has a small flick of stray hair resting on his forehead, his usual clean cut presentation ruined by your roaming hands. You spot some of the fingernail marks you had left across his upper arms and bite your lip, excited by the idea of leaving your own marks on him. 
“I think hate and like make a pretty good combination, don’t you agree little one?” He says as he traces the plethora of marks across your warm skin, running gentle fingers across the small bruises forming across your chest and around your neck. 
You blush at his words as he repeats your earlier sentiment, suddenly becoming shy under his fervent gaze. Helping you off the kitchen counter slowly he holds you gently, keeping you upright as you regain your balance on shaky legs. Zemo grabs a small wash cloth from the other side of the kitchen, soaking it in warm water and quickly bringing it over to clean up the mess between your legs. You smile at the gentle, caring nature he was displaying. 
After cleaning himself up he pulls on his boxers and trousers, looking over at you as he sees you reach for your lacy undergarments. Reaching out, he grabs your wrist as you clutch your panties and bra. 
“Don’t put these back on Kätzchen… I-I want you to walk out of here without them.” He murmurs with lust blown eyes as he pulls your dress off the floor and begins to dress you in it, “I want to be the only one to know that all you wear underneath that tight fabric are... my marks…”
You shiver under his touch as he buttons up the front of your dress. Picking up his coat he gently wraps it around your shoulders, letting the fur rest around the soft skin of your neck as the soft outlines of his grip begin to appear on your throat. “There we go, my little songbird. hidden... only for me…” he says as he strokes the lapel next to your cheek, straightening the fabric.
 You watch him as he pulls the top back over his head and combs his hair back into position out of his face. Grinning up at him you say, voice sultry and warm, “Maybe I’ll see you later Zemo.”
“If that is what you wish little one… how could I say no to such a good girl...” He whispers in your ear as he suddenly disappears out the door, smirking with a confidence only he could pull off. 
You feel desire lick up in your belly again at his quiet promise. This man would be the death of you… one way or another...
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Treatment, Part IV: Performing
Previous: Part I, Part II, Part III
FATWS!Bucky x Fem!Therapist reader
Length: 1.4K 
Summary: Bucky and his therapist debrief (lol) after the fight. 
Warnings: Slow burn, angst, cursing, fluff, 18+ (I will clearly mark the smut parts of the fic, so read at your own risk), oral (f rec), fem squirting, penetrative sex, biting, creampie.
Taglist: @vicmc624​ @hersilencedscreams 
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Photo source: buckysbarnes
“Well, it seems we just keep ending up here,” you chuckled wryly as he wrapped a cut on your forearm. This time you were on his kitchen counter, knowing that it wouldn’t be long before they were found in those empty cells and pursued you to your apartment. 
“At least my first aid kit is decent,” he eyed you with a smirk as he secured the bandage. 
“Hey!” You playfully swatted at him and he dodged, cracking a grin. The kitchen was silent for a minute. But the silence was full of unspoken words. 
“I should look at your shoulder, at least,” he said. You thought about arguing, but it was really throbbing. You went to take off your jacket and groaned in pain. He slid his hands under it, protecting your shoulder as he pulled it slowly off your arms. He started when he saw the scar marring your smooth skin. 
“It was that knife,” you said, following his eyes. “It was what made me realize I had to go. Serves as a good reminder.” He touched it before he realized what he was doing, feeling its ridges with his flesh fingers. He recovered quickly. 
“Looks like just a bruise. Should heal up ok,” he remarked, pulling his hand away. When he met your eyes, the heat hit him like a wave, and his mouth crashed into yours. 
*********Smut begins here, scroll down for where it ends**********
You didn’t even try to resist and wouldn’t have been able to anyway. Your mouth worked over his, your tongue impatiently pushing its way into his mouth as you wrapped your arms around his neck, your pain forgotten. His hands settled at your waist, his hips landing against the counter between your knees. 
You soon reached for his jacket zipper and he let go of you long enough to pull it off himself and throw it to the floor. Your hands glided over his back while his flew up to your face, holding your cheeks and tangling in your hair while your tongues moved against each other. You soon found the hem of his black t-shirt, yanking it up to sate your need to feel his skin. He pulled back, his eyes burning a hole in you as he quickly pulled it up over his head. You followed suit, your tank top fluttering to the floor. 
Your lips met again before his trailed down your jaw to your neck, his hands planted on the counter on either side of you. You moaned, your hands grasping his strong arms. When your hips jutted forward unconsciously, rubbing yourself against the now evident bulge in the front of his pants, he lifted you up under your thighs. He strode to the bedroom, your arms and legs wrapped around him, and dropped you onto the mattress, his weight supported by his arms as he leaned over you. 
“God, I missed you,” you said breathlessly as he kissed down your chest. He pulled your bra cup down roughly, nipping at your skin before skating his wet tongue around your nipple, your gasp emboldening him. He laid beside you, pulling you with him so he could unclasp what was in his way. 
“I missed you so goddamn much,” he said lowly, finally rubbing his flesh hand against your bare breasts. How many times had he imagined this? And it felt even better in reality. Your hands smoothed down his chest, appreciating the corded muscles beneath the scars and bruises. He looked so beautiful, his bare chest heaving, his blue eyes blown with lust, his tongue darting over his kiss bitten lower lip. You lunged at him, kissing him with ferocity while your hands fell to his pants, undoing his fly. 
He pawed at yours as well, then stood at the foot of the bed to pull your remaining clothes off. He marvelled at your naked form and the few scars littering your skin while he rid himself of his pants and boxers. You felt seen in the most intimate yet comforting way. He knelt, gently spreading your legs with his hands - one warm, one cool. He leaned onto the bed, the smell of you nearly driving him crazy. 
“Gorgeous,” he growled before nuzzling at you, earning a whine. His tongue lapped at your folds, exploring every centimeter of you. One fist was twisted in his hair, the other instinctively muffling your rhythmic mewls. He knew just the way you needed it, alternating between gently teasing your bud and travelling down to fill your hole. When the warmth started to build in your abdomen, your moans became more intense, and he concentrated on your clit, slipping two fingers inside you. 
“Oh, fuck, Bucky,” you managed to gasp out, your hand having fallen limply to your side. “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck!” When he curled his fingers, you bucked off the bed, crying out as the tide of pleasure washed over you repeatedly. He followed your movements, working you through your orgasm regardless of how you writhed. He felt the spray of you hit his face, and wondered how he’d ever lived without this. It was perfection. 
As you came down, legs shaking around his head, he went back to nuzzling you until you stilled. He raised his head, wiping his flesh hand down his face to gather your slick from his stubble. He looked mesmerized, like he was worshipping your body with his eyes. You reached out to him, and he laid beside you again, your smell on his breath. You looked into his eyes, gently stroking his cheek in awe before you leaned in, kissing him once again. It was a sweet, slow kiss until your hand surprised him by grasping his impressive cock. He groaned, his kisses becoming more hungry, more sloppy as you moved along his length with a firm grip. 
“I need you,” you whispered against his mouth. “I need you inside me.” You pushed him back, straddling him as you guided his tip to your entrance. You lowered yourself slowly, both of you cursing at the sensation until you sat fully on his lap. You rocked your hips a bit before you bounced on him, and he threw his head back, his eyes shut tightly. 
“You feel so fucking good, y/n,” he finally breathed out, opening his eyes to admire your form dancing over him. His hands reached up to catch your bouncing breasts in his hands, his thumbs ghosting over your nipples. You moaned at the feeling, grinding down on him, feeling him hit everything inside you. When you collapsed onto his chest, reveling at your skin meeting his, he grabbed your hips and pistoned up into you as you choked on your sounds. 
When you bit his neck, not even fully conscious of your actions, he went feral. He flipped you over in a heartbeat, holding you under your soft thighs as he fucked you without mercy. 
“Oh my god,” you keened, “oh my god, Bucky!” His fingers slid over your clit again, soothing it with the chilly metal. You grasped at the headboard, trying to ground yourself as you felt your senses dull, focusing only on the sensation of him inside you and on you. Your second orgasm crashed over you with intensity, and you practically screamed as he thrusted even faster, your walls squeezing his cock. As your last wave washed over you, his hips stuttered, curses falling through his lips as he came inside you. 
He collapsed beside you, his cock popping out of your swollen pussy.
********************Smut ends here*********************
 You still hadn’t caught your breath, but you needed to be near him, so you dragged yourself to his side, placing your head on his cool shoulder and your hand on his heaving belly. He turned his head, kissing your hair as his arm wrapped around you, tracing lines on your lower back. 
“This feels right,” you sighed in satisfaction. He hummed in response. “We should do this all the time.” 
He craned his neck to look down at you, surprised you weren’t filled with regret or backpedaling the experience as a “one time thing.” 
“I can’t practice therapy anymore, anyway,” you said, reading his look with ease. “Not after what happened with Justin.” He realized you were right. After he threw the knife to you, you buried it to the hilt in Justin’s shoulder without remorse. He had a few choices: he could finally let you go, he could file charges against you, or, most likely, he would try to take revenge off the books. “It’s too risky for my clients and my license to practice makes me easy to track. I made peace with that before I went to the prison.” 
“So … what does that mean for us?” he asked tentatively. You looked up into his eyes, a wide smile on your face. 
“It means there’s nothing stopping us anymore.”
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
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a/n: yay fatws request!!! also anon ur a sweetie ily. also this is PLATONIC i dont want another star*n situation on my hands ;)
requested by anonymous
Bucky surveyed the restaurant, having to do a double take before he fixed his eyes on you. There you sat, sipping from your glass as you read a book by your lonesome, one your grandmother had lent you many years ago. She looks just like her. Bucky stared at you, a habit of his, before his friend chimed in. “You should ask her out.” Yori snapped him out of his thoughts.
“What? No. No, I can’t.” Bucky shook his head and noticed his friend’s judgmental stare pierce through him. “Fine, but you owe me one.” He rolled his eyes and swallowed the lump in his throat, approaching you with caution before he found himself before your table. “This seat taken?”
“It is now.” You motioned for him to sit with you, giving him a slight smirk he tried to reciprocate. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m y/n.”
“You wouldn’t by chance know the name ‘Linda Baxter,’ would you?” Bucky asked you abruptly, solidifying your suspicions.
“I thought that was you,” you set your book aside and gave him your full attention, “Bucky.”
“You look...just like her.” He told you in what appeared to be shock. “Kind of refreshing to see a familiar face.”
“I bet.” You chuckled. “She told me all about you, you know?”
“I wish I could have come back home to her after the War.” He shared his regrets, oddly comfortable sharing with you.
“She did, too. But that’s in the past, right? No need to dwell on lost time.” You explained to him, giving him something to think about.
“...Thanks, I actually needed to hear that.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @agentshortstacc // @rosadiaz-sarayvargas-harleyquinn // @werewolf-himbo // @comiocudequemtalendo1 // @mochamoff // @the-marvel-meme-emporium // @summersimmerus //
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Babysitting Bucky - Part 3
Pairing: FATWS!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1,016
Summary: You’ve been assigned by the government to keep an eye on the Winter Soldier to ensure that he was no longer a threat to the world.
A/N: Opening my tag list in case anyone’s interested! Just let me know!
It felt weird to be in the Avengers compound when you were literally a stranger to everyone who lived there. Not that there were many actually, only Sam and Bucky decided to stay there with Fury and Sharon dropping in every once in a while.
After the incident of the snap, most of the Avengers weren’t the same anymore. With Steve deciding to return back in time, Tony and Natasha’s devastating sacrifices, Clint retiring and no word on Wanda— it felt like a whole new world. Thor and Bruce weren’t active too, they were probably taking their breaks and maybe deciding to work on themselves after the toll of the entire ordeal with Thanos. You couldn’t blame them to be honest.
It truly felt strange, even to you. Moreso that the government still didn’t trust the new Captain and the Winter Soldier despite them being the only Avengers left to protect the world willingly.
You sat in the room assigned to you by FRIDAY, going through your files on the Winter Soldier as if you haven’t read them for so many times now.
Seargent James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes from the 107th precinct. A valuable member of the Howling Commandos turned Hydra’s best asset. Brainwashed into committing the murder of Howard and Maria Stark and responsible for plenty more assassinations.
You heaved out a sigh as you rubbed your forehead. No matter how many times you’ve read his file, you never failed to feel bad for the soldier. He had gone through so much and despite his successful recovery in Wakanda, the government still doubted him.
“Stop empathizing.” You told yourself as you kept your files.
You had a job to do.
For the rest of the day, you worked on your reports and went on several conference calls with the government to discuss the situation. They didn’t tell you for how long you were supposed to keep an eye on the Winter Soldier, they just wanted you to report everything he does on a daily basis. You had plenty of questions to ask but decided against it. You’ll ask them when the time is right.
You slammed your laptop shut and was about to lay down to rest when a series of knocks interrupted you. Opening the door, you were surprised to see none other than Bucky.
“Sorry, were you busy?” He asked.
His voice was soft whenever he spoke, even when annoyed. It was something that you noticed upon arriving at the compound.
“No, I just finished my last meeting for the day. To what do I owe this visit, Mister Barnes?” You asked.
You could see the way Bucky cringed at your formality, “Are you going to be this formal the entire time?” He asked.
“Mister Barnes, may I remind you that I am here on a mission so yes, I will be this formal during my entire stay. So what brings you here?” You clarified.
“Sam and I are ordering pizza for dinner. Is that alright with you?” He asked.
If there was something about your mission that you weren’t prepared for, it was this kind of interaction. You knew you needed to stay at the compound to keep watch and that tagging along with your subject during missions was required. But the in-betweens and domestication was a topic that was never discussed. It was awkward, so to speak.
“Uh, yes. Pizza is fine.” You responded and immediately cleared your throat when Bucky seemed to notice the discomfort you displayed.
He merely nodded, “Okay. FRIDAY will let you know when it’s here.”
“Of course. Thank you, Mister Barnes.” You said.
Bucky hummed, “I’m still hoping you’d stop calling me that.” He said as he turned around to walk away.
“Not a chance, Mister Barnes.”
“Agent, the pizza is here. Captain Wilson and Seargent Barnes are in the kitchen.” FRIDAY announced.
You had just gotten out of the shower and was clad in a simple black shirt and sweatpants. You debated whether to join the two for dinner or to simply grab a pizza and eat it somewhere else. Sure, you were one of the US Secret Services’ best agents but that didn’t mean you always knew what to do. You had feelings too and right now, you were feeling confused and awkward.
Would it ruin their impression of you if you showed up in comfortable clothes? Maybe you should go change into a more formal outfit but wouldn’t that make you look stupid?
“Fuck it.” You huffed out and decided to go out as is.
You padded along the corridor and finally reached the kitchen. Sam and Bucky immediately looked up from their food and stared at you before glancing at each other.
“Well this is awkward.” Sam commented.
You cleared your throat, “I’ll just get a few slices and I’ll be on my way.” You said.
“You know you can drop the act, Agent.” Sam called out. “I know we may have started in the wrong foot earlier but if you will be staying here with us for a while, it’d be better if we become comfortable being around each other.” He said.
Sam had a point, you were aware of that. But your job demanded that you remain unbiased and comfort was definitely out of the cards.
“My only job is to ensure that Mister Barnes does his responsibility as an Avenger properly. That doesn’t require me to make things comfortable for the both of you.” You firmly explained before placing a couple of bills on the table.
“Thank you for considering me. But moving forward I would prefer if I’d buy my own food. It’ll be less awkward, am I right Mister Wilson?” You said, stressing your last sentence as you looked at the Falcon meaningfully.
Sam merely shook his head at your response, obviously displeased at the rejection. You quickly got a couple slices of pizza and placed them on a plate before walking away, feeling two pairs of eyes watch your back as you retreated.
This was going to be one hell of a ride. ---
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
Sharon was in fatws!!!!!!!!! Also I love ur writing, could I request a agatha x reader pls where reader is a normal person but is obsessed with everything medieval bit especially witches and all about the Salem witch trials and stuff. Then one day agatha sees reader saying about how much they love witchy stuff and it just makes agatha really happy cause she's always been ridiculed about her magic and had people killing her kind cause of their use of magic so it just feels really nice to have someone be excited by it. Then maybe she meets them and becomes friends with r (and may or may not have a crush on r) and r always talks about her love for witchy stuff and how she really wants to see a real one and hopes some are still alive then one day agatha shows r her magic and tells her its still evil and stuff but r is jsut so amazed and so inspired by all agathas been through then maybe tehy kiss or confront their feelings for each other sorta things. Basically lots of fluff please. I really hope u can do this but np of not, I live for ur writing, its so great
A Dream Come True | a.h fluff fic
Summary: Y/N is shocked (and very excited) to learn that Witches are real and that she is definitely falling for one.
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @sybil-moon-is-a-mess @cerberus-spectre @marrymemcgrath @celestialbarnes
MCU Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @summerlovingbaby @ineffablebean @okkulta @procrastinatingsapphictrash @prettysbliss @mochamoff @sarahp-stan @thewidowsghost @basiclesbianbitch @mycosmicparadise @kidswhofightmonsters @extraordinary-fangrl @peggycarter-steverogers @username23345 @ima-gi--na-tion
Agatha Harkness Taglist: @nyx-aira @midnight-lestrange @thelanawinterrs @agathaharkness-simp @fallingfor-fics @emril-osvigne @aethwrs @powerfulmagicalgirl (tag not working)
A/N: Thank you for requesting and thanks for your compliments on my writing!
Request to be on a Taglist (or multiple) here!
MCU Taglist | Marvel Taglist
header c @/castielbarnes
Y/F/N = Your Fake Name | Y/F/L/N - Your Fake Last Name 
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Agatha put on a smile so big that her cheeks ached as she walked up to Wanda and Vision’s house, settling once again into her role as Agnes, the unusual couple’s nosy neighbor. With her role, she didn’t bother to knock, for it was in Agnes’ nature to just walk in, unannounced, the situation fitting perfectly for her arrival. This time, she knew beforehand of the mess she was getting into, for she had used a spell to peek into Wanda’s mind the other day and see what she had planned for all the townspeople the next. 
Agatha couldn’t deny that she was intrigued by today’s agenda. She already knew that Y/F/N Y/F/L/N was already sitting inside, chatting with Vision, and that with “Agnes”’ arrival, It would cause Wanda to go and get a brunch set up for the four of them to enjoy. The spell had worn off before Agatha was able to see why Wanda was having Y/F/N over, but she assumed Wanda wanted to have another friend. 
Reaching the house, Agatha turned the doorknob - convenient that the door was unlocked - and stepped right inside, announcing her presence with a cheery and loud, “Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Maximoff!” 
Immediately Wanda turned around, a dramatized surprised expression on her face, soon replacing it with a big smile. “Agnes! I’m so glad you’re here. Y/F/N was just catching Vision and I up on how she’s doing. How ‘bout you join them and I can go prepare brunch?” She rambled all in one breath. 
Agatha nodded, her smile plastered on her face. As Wanda excitedly went to the kitchen, Agatha gracefully sat down next to Y/F/N on the couch, who had been engaging in a conversation with Vision, as he was sitting across from her in a chair. She gave Y/F/N a small smile and a bigger one to Vision, introducing herself before letting Y/F/N continue. 
“Well, I was just telling Vision how obsessed I am with the Salem Witch trials! I just find that time period so fascinating, especially when you think about how much society has grown - from their readiness to kill women based on accusations of being ‘witches’ - to not believing in the concept of magic at all!” Y/N said, and Agatha quickly covered her surprise - and excitement - before it could manifest itself on her face. 
She had never seen anyone besides boring old historians that animated about the Salem Witch trials or witches, and she felt a little spark of being special whiz around her. It felt so refreshing to hear someone speaking about witches positively, not in fear or disgust, and it calmed a sort of bitterness that had been brewing for years inside Agatha, relaxing her. She almost forgot she was acting in a play, and when she got a good look at Y/F/N, reality came rushing back because damn, Agatha was enchanted by her. Her beauty, her charm, everything about her was stunning. She felt like she was flying, and Vision’s voice brought her floating to the ground, coming down on a hot air balloon. 
“Do you believe in magic?” He asked Y/F/N, seeming to be genuinely interested in her thoughts, stroking his chin with his hand as he leaned forward. 
Y/F/N thought for a moment, and Agatha found herself on the edge of her seat, tapping the sofa’s cushions rhythmically, almost needing to hear the answer. Oh, god, the witch was falling for this woman fast. “I definitely believe that it’s possible. With all the stories, all the history, everything . . . I’ve never seen it myself, though. However I really do love researching about it,” she admitted. 
Agatha smirked. She loved that little insight into Y/F/N’s mind - how she considered both sides - having not seen it herself but taking in the evidence of the world around her. Agatha respected that Y/N truly enjoyed magic and witches but was also a little precautious. While most may say she might not be true to her passion if she didn’t believe in the existence of witches and magic, Agatha would argue that while that argument held a valid point, taking precaution and understanding the skepticism kept her grounded and gave her an ability to really test her belief and those who challenged it. It didn’t make Y/F/N any less interested or devoted to the art of magic and to witches. 
That was when she jumped into the conversation, and by the time Wanda had finished preparing lunch, Agatha and Y/F/N had formed a solid friendship that would only continue to form itself in the next couple days. Y/F/N mostly talked about all things witch-related, and Agatha couldn’t get enough of it. She found her crush growing rapidly like a beanstalk sprouting into the air from a couple beans, and finally she decided to tell Y/F/N the truth. Although, the lines between wanting to do this from a logistic standpoint or doing it because she liked Y/N were beginning to blur, though the brunette ignored it.
She told Y/F/N she just wanted to have her over to her house and when Y/F/N arrived, Agatha sat her down on her couch and gave her a smile, barely able to contain her nerves from radiating and bubbling around her. “Y/F/N, I wanted to tell you something,” Agatha said, her voice a bit shaky. If Y/F/N noticed, she didn’t say anything, for she just nodded with a bright smile. 
Agatha took a deep breath before getting up and disappearing, only to quickly return with an old yet cleaned leather-bound book. She sat down on the couch again and smiled at Y/F/N before carefully opening it up. “This, Y/F/N, is a spell book,” she said, letting Y/F/N see the aged parchment, it’s ink faded and stained. 
Y/F/N looked at the spell book, her hungry gaze eating up all the contents of this new item, before casting a skeptical gaze at Agatha. “What do you mean?” She asked, thinking that maybe this was an artifact of some sort.
Agatha smiled. “Magic is real, Y/F/N,” she revealed, and to prove her point, she conjured her purple swirl of Magic and power in her hand.
Y/N’s eyes widened and she became immediately captivated by it, as if she was watching a light show. Her eyes followed it and Agatha found herself wanting to summon more Magic just to see the beautiful and awe’d look in her eyes.
Y/F/N eventually snapped out of it, beginning to feel light header from this sudden realization but not really caring. “Wow,” she breathed. “I-I don’t know what to think! It’s real!”
Agatha chuckled softly. “Yes, it is,” she confirmed. “But — I do have to tell you that Magic is often seen as evil and some might even view me as evil.”
Y/N shook her head. “How can something and someone so beautiful be evil?” The words slipped out before she could stop herself . . . In any other instance Y/F/N would try to cover herself, embarrassed with what she just admitted, but with Agatha it was different. Agatha was calming, soothing, Y/F/N felt comfortable with her, and it helped that Agatha wasn’t seemed to like what she had said.
“I feel the same way about you, though I’m sure you’re not evil,” Agatha murmured, and then, adrenaline pumping through her since revealing to someone she had magic had never gone so well before, she leaned forward.
Y/F/N smiled and met her halfway and they captured each other’s lips in a wonderful and magical-like kiss, only pulling back and giggling when they needed some air.
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