#fatws series announcements
sjsmith56 · 20 days
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Bucky Barnes, Deadpool and the TVA (or How I ended up inside the fourth wall)
Summary: A Bucky Barnes fanfiction writer finds herself in the same universe as the Thunderbolts* Bucky when she wakes up in his bed.
Length: 4.1 K
Characters: Unnamed and undescribed OFC, Bucky Barnes, Dr. Strange, Wong, B-15, variant of OFC, OMC (OFC’s husband)
Warnings: some sexual innuendo, naked horny Bucky, no smut (sorry)
Author notes: Just a silly story that I pulled from somewhere in my mind. The part about the OFC and her husband seeing the new Deadpool movie at a matinee was based on real life.
💻 🦾 🛵
The blank page stared at me.  It wasn't blank five minutes ago, but I read what I wrote, and didn't like it, so I deleted it and then I was looking at the page again.  We met before, you, the reader and me, the writer.  I sought help from the very reason I write, Bucky Barnes.  The writing gods first sent me World War II Bucky, a sweet flirty guy who was still interested in the stories I wrote.  The version that appeared to me was from before Azzano and before the train; that dreadful transport of death that changed his whole life in a moment.  Then they sent me the Winter Soldier, the dark brooding villain ... I know, he was more than that, but that was HYDRAs use of him.  He was their Fist, brutally carrying out assassinations on targets they assigned him.  Relentless and frightening in his attention to his task he was still a sight to see; that tall, dark-haired muscular menace and the way he strutted towards his target.  No hesitation, no regrets and totally the object of many fantasies.  I still got warm thinking about the ones I read about, never mind wrote.  On that day, it was Falcon and the Winter Soldier (FATWS) Bucky who came to my rescue.  It was him as he was portrayed at the end of the series, seemingly in a place where he felt at home in Delacroix, becoming part of Sam Wilson's family as their adopted uncle.  That Bucky sat with me, helped me through my writer's block, and even gave me an idea for a Black Widow smut piece that was a gift to my husband.  Before he left, he said he would always be there for me.  At the time, he probably meant it.  Then there was a disturbance in the Force.
Wrong franchise, I know, but how else to explain how things seemed to go a bit sideways?  There were the What If? episodes, that displayed Bucky as the sidekick to Captain Carter.  Those was okay, then he was more of the dark brooding long-hair version of Wakanda Bucky in a zombie wasteland.  At least we got to see a cartoon version of him in the shower, from the waist up.  Wasn't quite enough to quench the fandom's thirst for him but it was a start.  Don't even get me started on the Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special where Nebula appeared with Bucky's vibranium arm, opening a whole can of worms over whether it was funny (not to me), cute (seriously stealing Bucky's arm is cute?) and canon (no, James Gunn, it wasn't canon to me).  Yes, I'm changing the tense in the middle of a paragraph by telling you to don't @ me if you're a believer in any of the three above.  To me, all three of those scenarios were just wrong.  I got emotional then and I still do.
I wrote since then, some AUs, lots of one shots as I explored that format, several short fiction pieces of less than 50,000 words, and a couple of long ones.  It was going well, then they brought out the Captain America 4 announcement that Bucky wouldn't be in it (what?) and the Thunderbolts* announcement that Sam Wilson wouldn't be in that (seriously?).  Why did they get us to invest our time and interest in a six-part series about these two men forging a deep friendship if they had no intention of continuing it in their movies?  The rumours about Bucky in this upcoming movie littered the pages of tumblr and Twitter (sorry / not sorry X); things like Bucky regressed mentally and emotionally, he and Sam had a falling out, he became a congressman, or he went to work for Val de Fontaine so that he didn't lose his pardon. 
Why would they do that to Bucky?  Let the man have a fucking life.  As you could see I got emotional about it.  On that particular day I decided to have a nap and clear my mind, then it all changed.
"Hey, sweetheart."  I could hear the voice, then I felt a cold hand around my waist, reaching up under my T-shirt.  Jerking away and turning around I found myself in bed with Bucky Barnes, beefy Bucky, with the bad haircut shown in the leaked preview of the Thunderbolts*.   "There she is."
He had no shirt on, and I found it hard to look at him, then opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.  I noticed the smirk on his face, which made me feel warm, like really warm, the way the writers of Bucky smut describe it; a warm pool forming in my core, between my thighs, deep in my ....  What happened to me?  Where was I?
"You okay, doll?  You have a nightmare?"  His hand cupped my jaw, as he rubbed his thumb on my cheek.
"You're Bucky," I said, still frozen in place, because let's face it, it's not everyday you find yourself in bed with your romantic fantasy.
"Last I checked," he answered, licking his lips then running his hand over the beard he grew since he was in FATWS.  "You're my wife."
I pulled away from him, aware that he might not have anything on at all.  He looked at me funny.
"You seem different.  Tell me you're not a multiverse version of you that's been dropped here."
"I don't know," I answered, pulling the sheet up to cover my front since I realized I wasn't wearing a bra, and my nipples were doing something that was a little disconcerting.  "Am I a writer?  Are we married?  Are you working for Val de Fontaine?"
He laughed, showing those beautiful white teeth, then he leaned close, gently pulling down the sheet and began to nuzzle my neck, making me feel all sorts of things.
"No, yes, and no," he answered.  "Come here."
I pulled away so far that I fell out of bed and sat there on the floor with him looking over the edge at me with a decidedly perturbed expression on his face.  With only panties on underneath that T-shirt I pulled on the sheet, so I was covered again.
"What's got into you?"
"What's my name, Bucky?"
"Sweetheart, sunshine, baby girl, darlin' and my personal favourite, doll."  He was resting his head on his hands, looking at me in a way that was definitely more friendly than I was comfortable with.
"Those aren't names, they're terms of endearment," I answered.  "I am married but not to you and you're supposed to be an Avenger, with Sam Wilson."
"Really, just who are you married to and what is your name?" he asked, in a flirting manner.  "Gotta say, sunshine, this role-playing thing could be fun."
I told him my husband's name and my name.  "I shouldn't be part of the multiverse because it's not real.  It's fiction."
He laughed, then saw I wasn't laughing and frowned.  Angry Bucky alert.  "You have to be from the multiverse.  If you're not, where's my wife?  Why do you look and sound like her?"
I raised my hands up.  "I don't know where she is.  I look like her because I write fanfiction of you, and I picture myself in the original female character's role.  She usually becomes your love interest.  But I had writer's block because Marvel has been messing around with your portrayal and not giving out much information of how they've changed your character.  It was bugging me, so I took a nap, then woke up next to you."
"Who's this Marvel guy?  Do you think he knows where my wife is?"
He didn't know about the fourth wall, was definitely angry and all I could think of was that he looked just as angry now as he did in that leaked Thunderbolts* footage.
"Marvel's not a guy, it's a corporation that owns the copyright to your character."  I winced as I explained it to him, knowing he wasn't liking it.  "You're not real, Bucky.  You're a fictional character from the comics and the movies they made from it.  But you know this already.  I've spoken to you in your World War II persona, your Winter Soldier persona and from when you and Sam fought the Flag Smashers.  That's called your FATWS era."
I started to explain what the letters meant but he just glared at me, so I stopped.  He pulled away from the edge of the bed and got out on the other side, naked, and I did stare, I'll admit it.  God, he had a nice ass and the rest of him from the back was... wow.  Then he turned to face me, and I looked everywhere but there. 
"Get dressed," he ordered.  "You're taking me to this Marvel place and I'm going to get my wife back."
"It's not as easy as that," I replied.  He stared at me, his arms crossed defiantly in front of him while he was still showing everything the serum gave him.  I focused on his face, but it was so hard ... not that, you know what I mean.  "If this is a multiverse incursion then there might not be a Marvel in this universe and even if there was it wouldn't be possible to just walk in there.  We have to find Dr. Strange.  He's the only one who can do anything."
"Fine," he said, "but you're still coming with me.  Now get dressed."
Holding the sheet around me I approached the walk-in closet, but he was still standing there, naked, in all of his glory and he smelled so good when I slid past him to see what was available for me to wear.  Then he was right behind me, practically pressing himself into me and I had to focus, wondering if I had ever written this much raw physical sexuality into my versions of Bucky but it was difficult to concentrate with him so close. 
"You having problems, baby girl?" he asked, his lips so close to my ear that I could feel his warm breath making me moist. 
"I don't know what to wear," I mumbled, still painfully aware of his naked body this close to me and I was really only separated from him by a sheet. 
"We're going on the motorcycle," he said.  "Jeans, T-shirts, and leather jackets."
"Right," I answered, hastily going through the sexy dresses, the long gowns with the thigh-high slits, the almost obscene lingerie, but there were no jeans or T-shirts.  "Um, where are they?"
"In the drawers," he grunted.  "Don't you have drawers in your universe?"
"Yes," I snapped.  "Could you stand further away from me?"
"What's the matter, darlin'? Do I make you uncomfortable?"
"This close to me while naked, yes."  I rolled my eyes, which he must have heard because he huffed, but he did move away, and I was able to get out of that small space.
Quickly, I located the drawer that had jeans and pulled them on.  They were tighter than anything I ever wore but somehow, I got them on.  The bra selection left a lot to be desired as most of it was see through and really didn't offer much support.  I must have made a noise while I was searching for something more modest because he was suddenly beside me.
"Having a problem, sweetheart?  Don't see anything you like?  My wife loves all the lingerie I buy for her."
"It's not my style," I answered.  "Doesn't she have something that covers more?"
"Sports bra," he answered.  "Bottom drawer."
I pulled it open, thankful to find an assortment of sports bras.  Pulling one out I started to take the T-shirt off that I woke up in then became aware of his eyes on me.  Turning around I was startled to see him reclining on the bed, propped up on one elbow, fully clothed, with his booted feet hanging off the bed.
"Do you mind?"
"No, I don't mind at all," he smirked.  "Don't let me stop you.  I've seen it all anyways."
"But you're married.  Wouldn't watching me get dressed make your wife angry?"
He grinned in an almost wolfish manner.  "We have an understanding."
"What?  The Bucky's I write are monogamous.  Are you polyamorous?"
The grin became a broad smile as he looked me up and down.  "If the occasion arises.  Gotta say I'm curious to see if you have the same appetites as my doll."
"Out!"  I wasn't in the mood for this.  "Right now.  Go downstairs and get your motorcycle ready."
Slowly, he slid off the bed, then approached me, backing me up to the dresser, while looking at me in a way that gave me thrills at the same time as setting off all sorts of warning bells in my head.
"You sure, sunshine?"  His fingertips grasped a tendril of my hair, as he twirled it slightly.  "I could definitely make you ...."
"Out," I repeated.  "Please stop this."
He backed up, suddenly respectful of my space.  "Since you said the magic word, I'll wait downstairs for you."
Just like that, he was gone, and I quickly got the sports bra on, then a clean T-shirt.  I pulled on some socks and found some boots, sliding them on.  With a quick run through of my hair with my fingers I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, wondering what I had done to get into this predicament.
He was waiting on his motorcycle for me, with a helmet in hand.  As I stood there, he placed it on my head, adjusting the chin strap then nodding his head in approval, before putting his on.  I slid on behind him, grasping him at the waist.  His voice came over a Bluetooth speaker in the helmet.
"You okay, darlin'?  Have you ridden a motorcycle before?"
"I'm good.  My husband has one and I've ridden with him.  Where are we going?"
"The Sanctum Sanctorum," he said.  "Might as well go straight to Dr. Strange."
Suddenly, we were there, pulling up to an open parking spot in front of the headquarters of the Masters of the Mythical Arts in the middle of Greenwich Village.  This was definitely a unique universe, as we skipped over the long motorcycle ride from Brooklyn, then the frustration of finding any sort of parking.  Striding over to the door, Bucky rang the bell, and we were ushered in by an acolyte to where Dr. Strange was drinking a cup of tea and Wong was standing there wringing his hands.  Before we could even say anything the two men looked at me, then at each other, then at Bucky.
"Where did you find her?" asked Wong.
That wolfish grin briefly appeared again on Bucky's face.  "In my bed.  Says she's not my wife, so where is she?"
"That is a good question," said Strange, placing his teacup on the table and approaching me, assessing me in a way that was a little disturbing.  "Well, this explains a lot.  You're from the real world, aren't you?  Beyond the fourth wall."
"Yes, I guess.  I'm a fanfiction writer and was taking a nap.  When I woke up it was next to him."  I pointed at Bucky.  "The thing is, he's nothing like the Bucky Barnes character that I write about."
"What's different about him?" Strange's one eyebrow was higher than the other.  It was one thing seeing it in the movies but another thing seeing it in person.  "Is there a problem with my face?"
"No, no.  The biggest difference is that the Bucky's I write are monogamous and this one is polyamorous."
"And?  That's a problem?"
I became aware that I was in the middle of all three men, and they were looking at me as if I were lunch, served on a platter just for them.
"Stop!" I barked.  "Yeah, it's a problem, okay?  Is this a polyamorous universe?  Because I'm not!  I'm married to one man, and I want to go back to him.  Please, you must find a way to get me back to where I belong."
Wong backed away from me first.  "She's right.  Consent is still required in this universe.  Plus, with her being from beyond the fourth wall we could really hurt her.  She's actual flesh and blood ... we're fictional characters."
Dr. Strange backed away, returning to his cup of tea.  Bucky, well, he just sprawled on a couch as if he had always lived there.
"Tell me about what you were doing before you slept," said Strange.
I told him about the physical changes to Bucky's appearance based on the leaked preview of Thunderbolts* and how the fandom was worrying about his portrayal, and the fact that after a six part series of him and Sam becoming friends Marvel just casually split them apart into two different movies as if the other didn't even exist. 
"You care about him," said Strange, his voice neutral.  "You want him to be happy."
"Well, yeah," I replied.  "The man lost everything that mattered to him and was tortured for 70 years, experimented on, and forced to become a killer for a gang of authoritarian thugs.  My thing, my contribution to fanfiction is that Bucky gets a happy ending."
"Sweetheart, I have that," said the super soldier, from where he sat on the couch.  "I admit that I am fucked up, but my wife makes me happy and her interest in our extramarital activities is the same as mine.  Yet, you treat me like I'm some sort of deviant."
"No, it's not that."  I sighed.  "Other writers see you in this way and that's fine; that's their thing and lots of people read them and enjoy them but I guess I just like you better when you're monogamous, kind and gentle.  To someone like me, this version of you is a bit scary and overwhelming."
"That's fair," he murmured.  "You look like my wife.  Does your husband look like me?"
"No, not at all," I smiled.  "He's shorter, balding, not as fit.  But he loves me and he's faithful, kind, and gentle.  He beta reads my stories, and I even wrote a Black Widow smut piece just for him.  I think he imagines me as his Black Widow sometimes."
Bucky grinned, then nodded his head approvingly. 
"Do they break the fourth wall in this Thunderbolts* movie?" asked Wong.
"I don't know.  It hasn't come out yet and there's been very few previews of it.  I think the only Marvel character that breaks the fourth wall is Deadpool.  His movie with Wolverine just came out recently and is making a ton of money."
Both Dr. Strange and Wong perked up.  "Deadpool?  As in Wade Wilson?"
I nodded.  "Yeah, he's fully aware in the movies and comic books that he's fictional.  He often breaks the fourth wall."
My voice tapered off.  Was I here because of Deadpool?
"Sunshine, have you seen the movie?" Bucky was also sitting upright.
I nodded my head.  "My husband and I went to see the matinee just a few days ago."
A green glow emanated from the time stone as Dr. Strange went to wherever he went when he activated it.  Wong watched him carefully as did Bucky.  Then the Supreme Sorcerer stopped his permutations and gazed at me.
"The Time Variance Authority are in this movie," he stated.  "I have a feeling they're involved in this.  But why they would take someone from the real world and place them here is a mystery to me."
Suddenly a TVA portal opened in front of us, and B-15 walked out followed by me, at least a version of me, wearing only a T-shirt and panties.  Bucky jumped up from the couch.
"Doll? Is it you?"
"Oh Daddy, I was so afraid," she cried, as he wrapped his arms around her.  "I woke up in a cell and didn't know how I got there, and ...."  She noticed me.  "She's me."
"I'm sorry," said B-15, looking at me.  "A terrible mistake was made.  Beyond the fourth wall is usually forbidden to our hunters but when you went to see the Deadpool movie your presence was noticed in the theatre with your Bucky variant."
"Wait, my husband is a Bucky variant?"
The leader of the TVA smiled.  "Well, yes.  It's why you write Bucky Barnes fanfiction.  You see him as Bucky and yourself as the original female character.  You don't have to look alike to be a variant.  It's just that you're kind of the model for the OFC in your own universe where you draw your inspiration from.  It's supposed to be a private universe and off limits to the TVA.  Unfortunately, one of our hunters didn't understand that.  He removed Mrs. Barnes here as an illegal variant and installed you as the original in this universe.  He has been sent for judgement and won't be in a position to do that again.  We are also making sure all of our hunters are aware that the Bucky Barnes fanfiction that you write and read in your own private universe is just that, private, at least to us."
"So how do we get this Mrs. Barnes back to her universe beyond the fourth wall?" asked Dr. Strange.  "I have the feeling it's beyond my capabilities."
B-15 smiled at him.  "It is but not beyond mine.  As soon as she's ready to go I'll open a portal back to her universe."
It sounded simple and like many movies, a little bit of a quick fix, but I wanted to go back so I wasn't going to question it.  Wong smiled at me.
"Good luck on the next one shot," he said.
I nodded at him, then Dr. Strange looked at me in that superior way he sometimes had.  "I knew there would be a logical solution."
Bucky was next, his wife already wearing his leather jacket.
"Oh, this is yours," I said, starting to take the one I had off. 
"Keep it sweetheart, as a souvenir," he smirked.  "Say hi to your husband for me.  Tell me something.  The lady there said something about the fiction you read.  Does that mean you do read the polyamorous stuff, since you ended up in my bed?"
I sighed as I hated being put in a position of agreeing.  "Every so often one captures my eye," I admitted.  "Doesn't mean it's something I'm interested in trying."
"If you say so."  He glanced at his wife with affection.  "You came through for me.  I appreciate it."
I looked at B-15.  "I'm ready."
She nodded at the others, then punched a few buttons on her TemPad.  A portal opened and I walked through it, then felt the touch of my husband's hand on my shoulder as I was still on top of the bed.
"Honey?  Wake up."
I sat up, saw my husband, and felt a rush of affection for him.
"Sorry, I took a nap, and I guess I was more tired than what I thought."
"No worries," he smiled.  "Um, did you go shopping today?  Is that a new jacket and jeans and boots?"
I was still in the other Mrs. Barnes' clothing.
"Yes?" I answered, tentatively.
He smiled and nodded his head appreciatively.  "I like them.  Makes you look hot.  You should wear stuff like that more often."  Offering me his hand, he helped me up.  "What do you think of taking a ride on the bike and going to a diner for dinner?  My treat."
"Sounds like a plan," I answered.  "Just let me freshen up a little."
When I got outside my husband was already waiting on his Vespa.  I know what you're thinking ... a Vespa is not a motorcycle.  Maybe not in the traditional sense but it is what we have and it's a lot of fun.  I still get to wrap my arms around my husband's waist and maybe he doesn't have a hard body like Bucky Barnes, but he's all mine and I don't have to share him with anyone.  Besides, now that I know he's a Bucky variant I understand how he knows what I like between the sheets, if you get what I mean.  When I do write smut, I'm writing about my Bucky, the one I live with in this universe, beyond the fourth wall.
One Shots Masterlist
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insanityclause · 1 year
What do you think?
Do I think the TCC has all the goods?? No, because they've been wrong before. They're scoopers like the rest of them.
I think Marvel has been looking at all options about rewriting/recasting, and I've been saying that since March.
And I've been saying I expected them to slot it into the time frame that Andor had last year (it premiered September 21st) for almost 3 months now... even before the JM issue, when they first announced they were slowing production/release down.
This ask/response below is from February 16th. It's pretty much what happened, though TM was later moved to November.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
Broken Wings || Pt.5
Sam Wilson x OFC Ada Marks
Summary: A 6-8 part mini series following OC Ada Marks as she rekindles a relationship with Sam but can they really get past their long history for a fresh start or is it better to just let go. Set after FATWS with Bucky and Sam being friends. Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, violence, warfare, sexual themes. || Series Masterlist || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 ||
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Afghanistan, 2013
“I don’t like this,” I said for the third time as Sam and Riley worked quickly to pack up the camp we had set up. “We should go together.”
Riley sighed to himself but wouldn’t say anything because it wasn’t in his nature to go against an order despite hating when we were separated too. “How long until they get here?” 
“Chopper will be here in an hour,” Sam said as he sat on my rucksack so I could zip the overfull bag closed. “You and I fly in at 2300.”
“What about me?” I rose with my hands on my hips.
“We have been over this babe, two of us going in is already a risk,” he said, shaking his head. “You’ll be on standby, Ada.”
I wasn’t happy with the strategy but arguing would get me nowhere, but I would damn well make sure I was ready and waiting should one of them need me. 
I rolled up my mattress and tied it up with twine before tossing it out of the tent and onto the growing pile of belongings. My uniform was the only thing left unpacked but I wouldn’t change into it until the tent was dismantled. Taking it down would break a sweat and the last thing I wanted was to sit in damp clothes on an hour long flight back to base. 
“Incoming,” Riley announced as he heard the chopper blades while we were rolling the last of the canvas tent up tight. 
We quickly shoved the tent into its travel sack and covered our eyes as our transport arrived, kicking up dust in its wake. Two fairly new soldiers jumped out and helped us pack the chopper with our bags before we strapped in and we were off. The desert terrain fell away as we climbed higher and higher and the peace I had felt camping with my boyfriends fell away with it. 
“We’re home,” Riley said as he shook my shoulder and woke me up. 
I rubbed my eyes and tried to lift my head off Sam’s shoulder but his head was heavy on top of mine and I nudged his side so he would wake up. He lifted his head and looked around, forgetting for a moment where we were before stretching and waiting for the skids to touch down.
“58th in the house!” A loud voice called out over the sounds of the engine turning off and we all smiled at the 48th Rescue Squadron leader. 
“You know how it is, Fischer, call in the big guns when shit gets real,” Sam joked as he pulled him into a hug and clapped each other on the back.
“Only until they share your tech with the rest of us,” Staff Sergeant Ian Fischer retorted with a laugh. “Go on, everyone’s in the bullring.”
I gave Ian a hug and Riley shook his hand as we walked past on our way to the building that Sam was already disappearing into. Riley slung his arm over my shoulder as he caught up and I felt the pre-mission jitters and excitement begin to build. I had no idea that just 12 hours later my world would come crashing down.
“Alright, Falcon and Eagle, you have Starling for backup but we want to get in and out under the radar so the less Exo-7s out and about the better.” 
We all nodded as we stepped into the straps of our suits and began the quite lengthy task of securing our jet propulsion wings to our backs. We checked each other’s buckles to make sure they were snug before stepping out into the cool evening air. I pushed my ear comms deeper into my ear to make sure it wouldn’t fall loose when I flew and checked that everyone could hear each other as well as command central. 
We reached the clearing where our take off point was and I stood between Sam and Riley, holding one of their hands each in mine. We had seven years of pararescue missions under our belts, four of those with the Exo-7 wings. It still never made this moment any easier. 
“These things we do,” Sam said as he squeezed my hand.
“So others may live,” Riley followed.
“58th until the end.” 
We never said I love you. We never said goodbye. It was an unspoken rule that had never been broken. We stepped away from each other and expanded our wings before engaging the jets and taking to the skies. Two yellow dots were blipping in my helmet and those would be the two lights that guided me home, Falcon and Eagle. 
"The target is 8.6 miles northeast of Dabay. Uploading coordinates now,” Air command notified us through our comms before a red dot was added to the map in my helmet. 
"Eagle, take the right flank. Starling, stay out of range behind us."
We followed Sam's direction and I broke away as we reached the mountains that crashed steeply into the valley where Khandil was in hiding. I watched as Riley barrel rolled to the right and they both dove down into the dark depths and out of my sight. The air was still as I hovered in place ready for any sign of trouble but there didn't seem to be any. I was beginning to think the intel was wrong as their positioning beacons showed they had landed in the enemies territory unscathed. 
Suddenly machine guns fired in rapid succession and I heard Sam call out to Riley as he located Khandil. Their beacons moved hastily around my helmet as they manoeuvred their way about of the valley they were trapped in and Sam confirmed he had Khandil in his custody. Unable to remain in position any longer, I set my thrusters to full speed and raced over the terrain to reach Sam and Riley. 
Bullets hit my wings as I swooped at the insurgents and took some of the heat away from my men before I saw an alert for a missile heading straight for me and I tucked my wings in close, dropping from the sky. I felt the heat of the explosion above me and looked up to find Riley had protected me from the shrapnel and other projectiles. Opening my wings wide I blew a thank you kiss to Riley before heading back to Sam.
"Starling, get out of here," Sam called out as I reached him. "Eagle, let's go!"
We both looked back as we banked sharply to avoid an RPG heading towards us and I turned to see another RPG coming from behind.
Time slowed as the horror unfolded before our eyes. He had a 50/50 chance of banking left or right to dodge the RPG that passed us but he chose wrong. His right wing curled in and he turned right into the second RPG that was coming up behind him. Fire and flames engulfed him and there was nothing that I could do as he disappeared in the explosion. 
Fury flooded me as I looked down at the men scattered around the valley walls, from here they looked like ants and those ants took Riley from me. Sam was calling out to me, ordering me to leave but I couldn’t just let them get away with what they did. I pulled the comms piece out of my ear and dropped it as I tucked my wings in and plummeted from the sky. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The drive from York to Washington DC was quiet. The only voice that broke the silence was Riley as he pressed his nose to the window and watched the scenery pass us by, questions flowing from his lips quicker than the water of the Potomac River Sam drove along. Trying to ask him to have quiet time was futile and I had given up by the time we crossed that state line into Maryland, opting to try to sleep instead.
“Mr Wilson?” Riley asked as he leant into the middle of the seat and found Sam looking at him in the small mirror.
“Come on little man, call me Sam.” He smiled. “What’s up?”
“What was my dad like?” 
I fought the urge to open my eyes and kept my head on my rolled up hoodie that was doubling as a pillow for the drive. 
“Shouldn’t you be asking your mom about him?” Sam was obviously uncomfortable with the question and you heard the leather seats creak with his shuffle of movements.
“I think it makes her sad when I ask.” 
Sam’s sigh was barely audible but you knew he did it. “He was brave and kind and always put everyone else first. He was like you, protective of your mom.”
Riley chewed his lip and returned to looking out his window before gasping with fright. I bolted upright and leant across the seat to look out his window and spotted a man flying towards us with a rudimentary version of a wingsuit. 
Grabbing Riley, I tucked him under my arms and slipped a pair of control gloves over my hands to activate my wingsuit that was in the cargo hold.
“We’ve got company,” I growled as I noticed another man out my window and grabbed my son’s face. “Stay low, Ry. Hear me? Just stay low.”
“Ada, what are you-”
I pinned Sam with a stare through the rearview mirror and interrupted him, “What I have to, get Riley out of here.” 
Wind whipped around the car as I opened the door and dove out, Riley and Sam’s shouts sounding behind me. The back of the car exploded as my wingsuit tore through the metal and erupted out of it before they slammed into my back and saved me from hitting the asphalt road. 
The thruster kicked in almost immediately and I was thrown forward with the power much stronger than the previous marks had been able to pull. I almost screamed in exhilaration but it was the fear of my son that kept me focused on the two targets I had my eyes on.
It was mere seconds later that I was swooping past the car and the men with the inferior suits were too slow to avoid my sharp blades that slashed through their own wings before they could draw their weapons. One crashed heavily into the highway and came to a rest unmoving but the other managed to crash into the grass verge and lifted his weapon towards Sam’s car, at my son. 
I could never make it there in time but my wingsuit could. There was no time to think about myself as I flicked my wrist and fell from the sky as my suit disappeared from my back. A scream of pain tore from my lips as I landed badly on my already sore leg, my skin shredding along the road as I rolled but it was all secondary to the relief I felt as the wings wrapped around the back of the car, protecting its occupants from the bullets. 
The harsh sound of metal dragging across the ground had me look away from where Riley was safe and I found the man who had attacked up aiming his gun at me. It wasn’t the first time I had stared down a barrel but it was not something that ever got any easier and I felt the blood rushing in my ears as my heart raced. I didn’t want to die but I couldn’t risk bringing the wingsuit back and leaving Riley unprotected, he was my world. 
“My boss wants you alive so he can kill you himself,” the man spoke in Pashto. 
“Khandil can kiss my ass,” I spat back and jutted my chin to the road behind him. “If he wants me, he’s going to have to go through that.”
The man’s eyes widened as he looked over his shoulder and saw Sam throw his vibranium shield. The metal crashed into his back, breaking the wingsuit he wore and throwing him off balance and off aim, right into my fist that rendered him an unconscious mess on the asphalt. 
“I told you to look after Riley!”
“I wasn’t going to leave you, again,” Sam said as his voice broke and he scooped me up as gently as he could. There was no stopping the memories that assaulted me as I inhaled the woody scent of his cologne and my head found its way into the curve where his strong shoulders met his neck. It was a place that always felt like home, and it still did.
“You really outdid yourself,” he said with a rather disbelieving chuckle as he reached the car and you closed the wingsuit up with a swish of your hand. “It’s like you’re trying to one up me.”
I barked a laugh as he slipped me onto the backseat beside a worried Riley who I immediately wrapped in my arms as I cocked an eyebrow at Sam. “Have you looked in the mirror lately? Nothing can outdo that costume of yours.”
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
So...I finished it. I spent all day trying to write the best piece I could to finish this story and...it's done. It's long - there's only one part to it...
I'm so hesitant to post it. I've never finished a series before, not even in my WIPs. I kinda wanna hold onto it for a little longer, but that's not fair to you all.
But... this is really hard for me. I'm such a sentimental, nostalgic person and writing is such a huge part of me. Sharing something like this with you all has been such a blessing, but it’s been tough for me to let go of these things. To actually post them and make them finalized. To not have the ability to come back change things I didn't like because no one would be affected by adraft sitting in my drive.
I'm gonna go get some dinner. And do laundry. And yes, this is me procrastinating and making excuses. It will be posted tonight! I just...I need to get up. Take a break from it all. Separate myself from it for a little bit.
Thank you for your patience, support, understanding, and love! It means the world to me! Be kind to yourselves! Be kind to others! Stay tuned! 💕
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youdidntseenothing · 3 years
Tumbler rant. Is that a thing? It is now.
I was reading a beautiful fic by @howdoyousleep3 and she had the simplest interaction between the two main characters; a kiss on the cheek. That was it. Nothing over sexual (I mean it totally was if you know her amazing writing) but it was a simple gesture that had a lot of underlying meaning. But it got me thinking. So here is my message to all husbands or wives or whatever term you use, A simple kiss can mean a lot more to your partner than constantly being pawed at.
Seriously. Walk into your home give a soft peck and just say "I love you"
You dont understand how much it might mean to them...
Ok. Off my soap box
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kuromichad · 4 years
god the way all the new disney/lucasfilm/etc announcements make me want to kms slash make me feel like we live in a simulation, except for like... the claims that the obiwan & cassian shows arent dead, falcon and winter soldier release date, tiana animated series... which still sounds like a braindead shill amount of things but given that they literally announced like Dozens of bullshit potential disneyplus series in one day. thats actually a very pathetic percentage of things that have caught my interest
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Hi I’m the anon! Thank you I’ll send the submission later with the fake email like you suggested! It’s taking me a bit since it’s a lot
(mod ali here just pasting their submission to their ask to keep everything tidy)
the sterek fandom has been racist For those that don’t know, sterek is the name of the ship between Stiles Stilinski and derek hale from the show Teen Wolf, which ran from 2011-2017. A sequel movie was announced last year and is scheduled to release soon (and with the announcement, brought back a dormant fandom). For context, the ship itself is controversial and problematic due to 99% of the scenes (and all of the ship fodder) between the characters taking place when Stiles is 15/16 and derek is 22/23 (shippers will argue that his age in the original draft of the script was listed as 19 (which is still an adult) but it’s irrelevant since his age was changed to 22/23 by the time the character was cast) making Stiles underage while derek is an adult. It’s made even more disturbing when you consider that one of derek’s traumas has to do with being molested by an adult when he was 15/16. There is always a lot of fandom discourse over underage/pedophilic ships but ultimately the problematic nature of the ship itself has little to do with the racism and misogyny of the fandom. To start with, the show itself has very few POC characters in the cast, 2 to be exact. The first is the main character Scott McCall (played by Tyler Posey who is half-Mexican and a MOC) and the other is Danny Mahealani (played by Keahu Kahuanui who is Hawaiian and a MOC). Danny is also the only gay character at the beginning of the series. From the start, Scott was sidelined by the fandom who, as always happens in fandom, ignored him in favor of zeroing in on the two white guys (which happens all the time like for example when FATWS came out early last year, Sam was often sidelined by fans in favor of Bucky, zemo (who is a villain), or even Steve (who wasn’t even in the show) when the show was about Sam’s journey). The sterek fandom would even try to argue that Scott wasn’t the main character of the show and say that they’re all the main character (ignoring that the show is about Scott and his story) or insisting that the show should have centered on the Stiles and derek instead.
The show also got accused of queerbait which isn’t inaccurate but if you watch the show itself, the baiting and subtext was actually between Stiles and Danny. Stiles repeatedly asks Danny if he finds him attractive and is grateful when Danny offers to sleep with him (and then disappointed when Danny reveals he’s joking). There is actual text and subtext between them but for some reason the fandom either ignores it, considers it a joke, or uses Stiles canon interaction to Danny as a form of “proof” that he is or will be attracted to derek
The relationship between Stiles and derek doesn’t have anything that suggest any romantic tension or subtext (and a lot of newer fans that watch the show talked about being confused by what made people ship it in the first place) and actually consists of Stiles being scared of derek and derek being annoyed by stiles. Their relationship slowly progresses to where by the end of the series they are somewhat friends but they each still have a lot more people they care about way more: one of them being Scott, who once again gets pushed aside and has his relationships with both characters diminished and ignored. there was also the added misogyny with characters playing canon love interests getting a lot of hate. in particular, Braeden and her actress Meagan Tandy got a lot of hate, facing both misogyny and racism. fans would at best hide their misogyny behind claims of wanting her to be a “badass independent woman” (as though a woman can’t be that and be in a relationship simultaneously) or at worst use blatant attacks her and her actress (including claiming that Meagan was “obsessed” with Tyler since she shipped Braeden and derek (something tyler said he shipped as well)). To top it all off, sterek fans have relentlessly harassed the actors and fans with their hate being targeted specifically towards Tyler Posey (who has publicly voiced his dislike for the ship) and their hate knows no boundaries with attacks even going as far as bringing up his past addiction issues, his looks, his sexuality (constantly trying to invalidate his sexuality when he came out as sexually fluid but at the same time insisting tyler h and Dylan, whove never suggested they were anything but straight, are secretly in a relationship), or even his mother (who had passed away from cancer a few years ago).
For example this account, that has page after page harassing Tyler over sterek and also page after page supporting Dylan O’Brien. but then being revealed as a conservative who supports trump and was one of the people rioting on January 6th and when someone brought up that Dylan would hate them, they claimed they hate Dylan too but support him constantly because they’re “curious” about his personal life.
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Sterek fans either ignore people or are just like them. When teen wolf was called out and faced backlash for not paying Arden Cho (the only WOC in the main cast) the same amount as the other actresses in the movie, stereks either made it entirely about Dylan (who liked one tweet about the situation (the same tweet colton liked) and otherwise said nothing) or made it about her, Dylan, and tyler H “taking down” jeff and Tyler Posey. The irony here being that tyler h was a producer in the movie and had an active behind the scenes role. Making a Arden’s mistreatment and the gross racism she faced all about a white man or being gleeful that it’s a take down against Tyler Posey is latest in a long line of racist bullshit the sterek fandom has put out.
The sterek fandom and ship has in recent years been called out and hated on for the gross nature of the ship but fans should also keep in mind that it is also full of racism and misogyny and has been since the very beginning.
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booksandabeer · 2 years
fic rec anon here, so I was specifically asking for recs because I'm on vacation rn and could use some long-ish reading material. I do like the pre-war flavor, but I'm not really picky about the plot or era overall, as long as it's written well, the characterization fits, and the dialogue flows easy
Ok, long fics to read during a vacation, you say? So nothing too heavy I think—although I personally am all for ANGST in my fave fics and I guess a lot of people would still consider some of these quite angsty? I tried my best!
Without further ado, I offer you a Stucky recs potpourri of five wildly different stories:
North Fork by @beaarthurpendragon | 62K, Explicit
Author’s summary: Sworn to silence by the Air Force after a friendly fire accident in Afghanistan, former aid workers James and Sam have come home to take over Sam’s family’s vacation rental business to escape the bad memories. Losing an arm and working maintenance wasn’t how James pictured his life turning out, but his life is good: He likes fixing things, he gets to work for his best friend, and he loves surfing every morning.
Fresh out of the ice, all Steve wants is for SHIELD to announce his return and let him get back to work so he won't have time to think about all he's lost. But when his psychiatrist refuses to clear him for duty until he's dealt with his trauma, he reluctantly accepts Tony's offer of a beach house for the summer to settle his mind. Armed with a false identity and a stack of sketchbooks, his only goal is to get back into the field. He's got no intention of letting his heart defrost along with the rest of his body.
That is, until a handsome maintenance man with a secret of his own shows up with a gallon of ice cream and a smile that could light up half of New York.
One of the best Shrunkyclunks fics I’ve read. Both, Steve AND Bucky are complex, fully fleshed-out characters in this, and — even more importantly—equal partners (something which I feel can sometimes be a bit of a problem with Shrunkyclunks). Bea is one of my favorite authors writing for this ship, so I’d also recommend any other story of hers. I picked this one for the ‘beach house for the summer’ premise, but it is really so much more than that. Features beautiful art by @lisamott9
These City Walls by @tessabennet | 88K, Teen
Author’s summary: Before there was Captain America, before there was even a war, there were two idiots in Brooklyn, just getting by every day, living a life, trying very hard not to let it show that they had, as a matter of fact, fallen in love with each other.
This is the first part of what I plan to be a multi-part fic spanning the entirety of the MCU, following Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes on their journey with, away from, separate from, and back towards each other.
A beautiful, in-depth look into Steve and Bucky and their lives in Brooklyn before the war. Be aware though that they don’t actually get together in this installment of the series (the goal of this series is to stay as canon-compliant as possible all the way through, with an eventual divergence post-FATWS to give these boys their much-deserved happy ending). However, if you’re into Pre-war Pining™, this will definitely hit the spot for you. And then some.
 A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall by @disraeligearsgoestumblin | 60K, Explicit
Author’s summary: He got off the boat in New York on May 13th, 1945, five days after V-E Day... 
A story of loss, grief, war, and a love that survives them all.
An AU set between 1945-1979, where Steve doesn’t go into the ice, but Bucky still becomes the Winter Soldier. This is the darkest/angstiest fic on this list, but it is so, so good and you will be rewarded with the most satisfying ending, I promise. God, just thinking about it, I want to reread this right now.
Space Oddity by @spacerenegades (crinklefries) | 147K, Mature
Author’s summary: After the world ends, things happen to Bucky in this specific order: he helps defeat Thanos, he rejects Steve’s attempt to address Feelings, he watches Steve volunteer to put the Infinity Stones back in time, he waits for Steve to come back, he is sad when Steve does not come back, he realizes that everyone thinks Steve disappeared in 2012 (???), he gets taken to space by Carol Danvers (!!!), he meets up with a depressed literal alien Norse God, he and the depressed literal alien Norse God travel through space, he and the depressed literal alien Norse God hit a wormhole and fall into the--Multiverse.
What the fuck.
This is the story of how Bucky and Thor pick up the pieces of their lives, find their own worth, find their own person, and find their way out of a multiverse of 100 realities stitched together with 100 tropes. There’s love, there’s friendship, there’s an extreme amount of Tesseract fuckery, but most importantly there are sexy vampires. Bon Appetit.
A love letter to Stucky and to fanfiction as a whole. It’s hilarious, heartbreaking, and just incredibly entertaining. The perfect binge-read for a vacation, I think. Also comes with beautiful art by cyclamental and @nalonzooo.
the world on fire by burlesquecomposer | 51K (WIP), Mature
Author’s summary: Steve loves old vinyl records, doodles on his files, and cannot remember a time that he didn't serve the TVA. And that suits him just fine—that is, until stray variant Bucky Barnes, fresh out of HYDRA's grasp, drops into his time theater and makes Steve question everything he believes in.
Yes, this is a WIP (a regularly updated one!), but PLEASE do not let this stop you from reading this gem of a story. It is well written, has a super fun premise,  clever plotting, wonderful characterizations, and a firm grasp on the SteveBucky dynamic. It is brilliant and I think it deserves a lot more love and attention.
This was fun--let’s do it again some time! 
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aburningpotathoe · 2 years
So its kinda weird how abruptly they announced the end of phase 4 but oh well. Thematically, it fits really well, as phase 4 is about grief and coping with the events of the war against Thanos (Wandavision, MoM, FatWS, Loki, Eternals, Hawkeye,NWH and ThorLT all deal with the aftermath of Endgame)
So ending it on a movie marked by grief not only on screen but in the cast too is fitting
anyway heres the information we have on the few projects left
She Hulk: Attorney at Law
This series will dive into the legal and administrative aspect of having a world filled with superheroes (honestly a nightmare) with she hulk representing superhumans in legal cases
Damage Cotrol (from NWH and Ms.Marvel) will likely be a part of that and we'll probably see why they were so pressed about Kamala getting powers
This series is probaly set closer tho Endgame than we think, given that Bruce is still in his professor Hulk form and not in the human form we see in Shang-Chi.
The amount of super humans coming out of nowhere they mention could be a way to introduce mutants as their mutant genes might have been activated by the cosmic energy surges of the different snaps
We get a look at frog man as well as many folkloric superhumans, and what looks like discussion groups about living with superpowers (again with the idea that many people randomly started getting powers and now have to cope with they ways it will affect their life)
Titania also appears and she seems to be a rival of Jennifer
It is likely that Jennifer will already have mastered her hulk form by the beginning of the series and then we'll see her origin story in a flashback episode.
Also we see her do the Hulk Thanderclap move. So slay of her.
We might get an explanation as to why Bruce goes back to human (him being jealous of Jen might be a reason why)
Dare fricking devil is here in his yellow suit from the comics. We can also hope for a Matt or even foggy Cameo in court (Manifesting it)
Jen is representing Emil Blonski in court after his crimes as abomination. 15 years after it happened. I would say they bring it up out of the blue but honestly the legal system is so tedious thzt it is almost realistic.
The wong cinematic universe continues as Wong appears in the trailer. He will probably work with jen on the legal aspect of some magic threats, as the world will face many events that human laws are not meant to cover.
Honestly it would be fun if this series was about Jen working through the legal aspect of phase 4 events, like the Westview situation, America Chavez popping out of nowhere, a random citizen by the name of Peter Parker just disappearing out of nowhere...)
The demolition team appears (is that the right name???) in the comics their tools get powers from Loki but their origin story will most likely be changed.
Jen breaks the fourth Wall like in the comics. The first time it happens even she seems surprised and it was honestly pretty fun.
It is rumored that this series will set up a World War Hulk project for phase 6, but we can only dream
Also i think i saw Thaddeus Ross in a scene but maybe im just tripping
Werewolf by night
No news about this project sadly but it is still confirmed to happen (right?? right)
Michael Giacchino confirmed he will produce this halloween special.
Gael Garcia Bernand will allegedly play Jack Russel (the werewolf)
Like the groot series, it will probably be considered soft-canon: the events happen within the MCU but will likely never be mentioned again due to this being a special
This character might appear in the upcoming blade movie, but honestly i dont see him having a major place in the MCU
Black Panther: Wakanda forever
Man talk about a trailer done right. It was the definition of no plot just vibes as we have almost no information ol the plot other than the war against atlantis and Tchalla's death
This movie will follow the Wakandan chzracters introduced in previous projects, as they fight agains the atlantideans, and Wakanda struggle to hold its political stance in the wake of Tchalla's death
The wakandans will obviously grieving the death of king Tchalla. We get shots that look like his funeral, as well as Shuri crying and queen Ramonda delivering a heart wrenching speech (give angela basset all the awards NOW)
We also get some shots of wakanda being flooded during the war against the Atlantians, as well as the Dora Milaje fighting in the open waters jumping off the deck of a ship
The conflict between the atlantians and the wakandan might originate from the vibranium mining operations we see in the trailer. It is rumored that Dr.Doom is the one ammassing vibranium, teasing is appearence in following marvel projects
Namor will probably be the second mutant introduced in the MCU and it seems like we are getting his backstory through flashbacks
Ironheart appears, meaning that her upcoming show will probably not be an origin story, she seems to build her suit during the movie out of vibranium most likely
We might get a romance between Ayo and Aneka (lesbian rights???? hello lesbians???)
A person is show in the black panther suit meaning that either killmonger is resurrected or they find a way to syntheticallt recreate the heart-shaped plant. I personnally hope it will either be Shuri or Nakia as bringing a character back from the fead in a movie centered around grief feels out of touch
There is a rumor that Nakia will give birth to Tchalla's son although the birth scene in the trailer seems to be Namor's birth.
The guardians of the Galaxy: Holyday special
According to James Gunn, this will not be a one off special but rather a project connected to the overall MCU. However, it wasnt mentioned during comic con, which might mean that its importance for future guardian projects might be minimal
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star-archer · 2 years
No Exit [Chapter Three]
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Summary: Bucky hates snow, but a snowstorm on the way to his sister's memorial keeps him overnight at a mountain lookout rest area with a motley crew of strangers: a trucker, a businessman, some roadtrippers, and You, an apparent runaway full of secrets. When strange things start happening, a light-hearted lock-in turns dark and dangerous. (Loosely based on the 2022 film of the same title.)
Pairing: Post FatWS!Bucky x amnesiac!Reader
Chapter Word Count: 2657
Warnings: violence and gore, memory loss, angst, brief mentions of drug abuse, weapons, torture, sexual content.
A/N: Something very exciting happens in this chapter... love to hear your thoughts! Thanks, as always, for reading xo
Series Masterlist | star-archer masterlist
You looked small in Dorian’s old sweats, a sack of slumped grey on your cot, with your legs pulled up to your chest. They’d managed to wrap you in blankets from the RV, but Bucky watched with trepidation as your lips faded from blue to purple and back to pink. You claimed you needed fresh air, that you’d slipped and fallen against your car, but as you sipped whisky from your plastic cup, your eyes darted at the other visitors. 
Music played from Karla’s phone, an odd mix of jazz and classic rock which further added to the strange atmosphere. After she’d doted upon you, made sure you were warm and dry, she went back to her whisky, an odd smile on aged features, and a sway in her stance. Dorian wrapped an arm over her shoulder and planted a kiss to her temple. 
Kenneth was two sheets to the wind. Bucky was sure this was the first time the kid drank, ever, and he giggled to himself in the corner. Murphy, beside him, also laughed, but the older man seemed far too wired, maybe the combination of whisky and energy drink wasn’t ideal. 
Bucky glanced between them, followed your gaze to each of their faces, their waists, their feet, but he always came back to you. He held his breath under your scrutiny, wondered what you must be thinking, searching for. Perhaps you were pinpointing his weak points, in case you needed to escape. He held up his palms, exposing them, and you immediately looked away, caught in your observations. 
You were nursing your wrist, he noticed, tucking it into the folds of Dorian’s sweatsuit, and he opened his mouth to ask if you were hurt when Murphy spoke up. 
“Alright, mates. What game we playing next?”
Karla clapped in delight and crossed to her basket of board games that had been pulled from their camp. “We have so many to choose from. Boggle, Scrabble, Monopoly…” 
“Truth or Dare?” You offered, your voice stronger than Bucky expected, firm. You stared at Kenneth, an odd fire in your eye. “I mean, this is a slumber party, after all. Right?” 
Karla giggled and Dorian poured everyone another round from another bottle. Bucky leaned back in his cot, watched you take a long swig. Your eyes never faltered from the boy in the corner, who was taking steady sips of his own drink. 
“I’ve never played.” Bucky said. “What are the rules?” 
That pulled your gaze away. There was a challenge in your eye. He shrugged.
“Well one of us poses the question: ‘truth or dare’, and the other one decides if they want to answer a question, honestly, or do something the asker commands. I think the last time I played truth or dare was at that rowdy Christmas party. Remember that Dorian? At the factory? You and me in the copy room…” Karla’s voice graveled, and Dorian shushed her with an embarrassed chuckle. 
Bucky didn’t take his off of you.
“I’ll start,” you announced, but you squared your shoulders and turned back to the younger man. “Kenneth, truth or date.”
“Oh shit,” Kenneth cackled, leaning on his fist. “Uhhhh… truth I guess.” 
You nodded. “What are you hauling?” 
Bucky’s ears prickled at that. He heard the determination in your voice, saw you were on a mission. He peered just over Murphy’s head into the snow drifts. He could barely make out Kenneth’s white cab. The trailer was fairly short, wide. Bucky wracked his brains for things that needed to be taken from the mountains to the city, as that was the direction the kid was coming from.  
He shrugged. “I dunno. Some machinery bullshit.” 
“Are you privately contracted or is it for a big business?” 
“Ah, ah, ah!” Murphy butted in with a waggled forefinger. “One question at a time, missy. Save some for the rest of us. Kenny, your go.” 
Kenneth pushed himself upright, resting his head against the wall with a thud. The room winced, but he laughed. God, he really was gone. “Sergeant Barnes, truth or dare.” 
Bucky sighed, weighed his options. If he said truth, they’d ask him something about his past, how many people he’d killed, maybe? He’d rather take his chances on a dare. “Dare.” 
The kid’s face burst into a grin. He looked like a fucking child in a candy store, and he sat up straight to dole out his brilliant idea of a dare. “Show us all of the weapons on your body.” 
Bucky hadn’t anticipated that. He knew the kid had been excited about meeting a super soldier, imagined maybe he would have dared him to call Sam or Steve, or hell, any of the Avengers, take your pick. But he supposed without service, deadly weapons were the next best thing. So Bucky pushed off from his chair and pulled his knife from the holster at his hip. He twirled it in his hand a few times. Karla gasped. 
“Whoa, can I touch it?” Murphy asked, and Bucky warmed at the fact that all eyes were on him. 
He spun it back into its holster. “No.” 
“Is that all of them?” You asked, and he met your gaze, hard, unreachable. He lied with a stout nod. 
“Your turn, Sarge.” Dorian said.
Bucky maintained your eye contact while he seated himself, and he nodded your direction. “Truth or dare.” 
Your jaw ticked, but you tried to relax your shoulders to appear nonchalant in the decision. “Dare.” 
“I dare you to show me your wrist.”
You didn’t like that. You bristled, scoffed, feigned denial, but with the concerned chatter of the other players, you finally removed your hand from your lap. The room let out an audible wince. Your hand was limp, but swollen, a reddish purple bruise. Bucky cursed under his breath.
“What did you do?” 
“Can’t ask two questions.” You snapped back.
Bucky sighed, ran a tired hand over his face, and stood from his seat to pull his first aid kit from his duffle. Then he gestured with a nod down the hallway. “Come on, let me look at you.” 
“Ow! Fuck!” You seethed as Barnes tightened the ace bandage around your wrist. He’d pulled you into the men’s room, which offered better lighting than the women’s, and his hands were surprisingly dextrous at wrapping you up. 
He’d removed his leather gloves for the first time that night, and you were glad to have the counter under your ass when you saw the slick black metal and purple creases of his bionic arm. You’d seen prosthetics, but not like this. It moved like a real hand, like he’d shoved a real arm into a silicone sleeve, a big metal glove. And despite the fear climbing your esophagus, he was gentle. 
“You’ll live,” he snorted. “We’ll get some snow to calm the swelling.” 
“Is it broken?” You chewed on your lower lip, trying to stay out of his light, but curious all the same. 
He shrugged. “Could be. Or sprained. Maybe avoid going out in the snow with improper footwear.” He shot you an arched eyebrow, showing his age. You wondered if he had any kids of his own, anyone he scolded when they’d fallen in the snow, broken their wrist. His tone was more playful than a scold though, and you found a sparkle in his blue eyes. 
“I wasn’t expecting snow,” you mumbled, maybe the first truth you’d allowed. It was a little one, but the snow really had come out of nowhere. Had you known, you would have stolen a truck. Would have found gear at that Walmart. Wouldn’t be trapped here on a mountain top with nosebleeds and that mechanical sound in your head, those memories of flashing blue.
“Me neither,” the soldier shook his head. He seemed satisfied in your bandages and began to piece his things back into his first aid kit. You noticed everything wrapped and meticulous. Everything had its place. How militant of him. 
“You guys killed aliens and stuff, right?” You blurted, panic clawing its way back into your throat.  
He nodded, sighed. “And stuff.” 
“Did you ever see like… a flashing blue light? And like, this whirring sound in your head?” You hadn’t known the moment you decided to trust him. Maybe it was the lithe fingertips against your skin. Maybe it was the way he instinctively knew you were hurt. Maybe it was the mistrust in everyone else in this fucking building. 
Bucky’s eyes widened, and he tilted his head your direction. “What’s going on?” 
“Kenneth,” you started, gesturing to the open restroom entrance. And at that moment, like you’d summoned him, Kenneth sauntered into the bathroom. Panicked that he’d heard, panicked he’d ask questions, panicked he knew more than he let on, your body reacted before your brain had a second to catch up, and you grabbed Sergeant Barnes’s face with your good hand and pulled him into a face-crashing kiss. 
He made a soft sound of alarm against your lips, all stubbled jaw and nose smacking your own. You fell back, a little off-balance, but the soldier caught you with two hands around your waist. And that’s when you both gave into it. Your fingers found the hairs at the nape of his neck, and his balled at Dorian’s sweatshirt on your back.
“Ohhhhh shit!” Kenneth cawed from behind you, and Bucky made to move away, but you wrapped your other arm around his shoulders to keep him close. 
You didn’t pull away until you heard the retreating slap of shoes against tile, and then you broke away with a hearty shove at Bucky’s massive shoulders. He was rock solid.
“What uh….” He was blushing, certified blushing, stubbled cheeks pink and lips glossy. He couldn’t meet your gaze. He took a few steps back and scratched at the base of his skull where you had carded fingertips through his hair. 
“Kenneth has some sort of machine in his truck,” you hissed, straightening your sweatshirt around yourself. 
Bucky seemed to shake himself off, eyebrows folded into the crease you’d grown accustomed to in the past few hours. “You think it’s alien?” 
You threw your hands in the air. “Fuck if I know! I went outside to get fresh air, and I heard this whirring sound, and then I got all of these memory flashbacks to the sound and a flashing blue light and me screaming in agony.” 
“You have these flashbacks a lot?” 
Your heart was racing, and you couldn’t catch your breath, and you could feel a dull thud from your bandaged hand and the bruise forming on your back. You weighed the man across from you, all furrowed brows and broad shoulders, concern etched into every wrinkle on his face, or maybe it was terror. 
You shook your head. “First one.” 
He nodded, took a careful step toward you. “Was it like a full-blown PTSD flashback? Like you were in it. The world around you disappeared and you were there?” He’d experienced this before.
You shook your head again. “No, it was just snippets.” Your mouth felt dry. The taste of iron settled to your tastebuds in the back of your throat. “But I was terrified.” 
Bucky hated snow. He waded into it, careful to avoid the icy ground, leaving drifts in his wake, and he tapped the comms in his ear again. “Sam? Sam Wilson, do you fucking copy?” But again, nothing came through. 
He unclipped the handle to enter the cab of Kenneth’s truck and tried to listen past the howling wind for any of the whirring sounds you were talking about, but the wind was just too strong. He yanked the door open, careful not to snap it clear off, and hauled himself into the driver’s seat of the cab. 
He’d made some comment about you needing a doctor, asked if he could use the kid’s radio to call it in. Kenneth gave up the vehicle willingly. So either there was nothing inside, or the kid didn’t know exactly what he was carrying. The way you spoke about it made it damn hard to believe you were lying though. 
The whirring, the flashing blue, the flashbacks, Bucky felt those in his core. The terror of your eyes mirrored his own. 
The cab of Kenneth’s truck was fairly small, and reeked of fast food garbage that had piled itself onto the floor boards of the passenger’s side. Everything else looked fairly standard to the make and model, not that Bucky had been in many, but he knew enough of the inner workings. Pulling himself up and into the front seat, he slammed the door closed and watched snow poof from the roof and windshield. 
From this vantage, he could make out the warmth of the visitor’s center up ahead. You sat cross-legged on your cot, staring out the window ahead, and he wondered if you could see him, or just the reflection of yourself, lost and small. And after the drifts outside began to settle, he heard it.
Even with his serum-hearing, it was soft. It was the turning of fan blades, metal, oversized. It was the static of thousands of volts rushing together. It was more of a feeling than a sound, the prickle of hair on his arm, the push and pull of atoms within him, the grit of his teeth. He turned his head toward the sound, toward the cargo hold. He’d have to exit the truck to get to it.
He tried the radio, but no one was close enough to make contact. There was no one over the air waves. He wondered if whatever cargo was being hauled might have caused the outage. His eyes trailed the inner cab for any clues. The dash was relatively clean. There were no weapons in the glove compartment or center console, but a roll of porno magazines tumbled onto the passenger’s side, rolled around an oversized bottle of lube. Bucky grimaced. 
This wasn’t what he was here for, none of this bullshit. Why couldn’t the Universe just leave him the fuck alone? He was going to his little sister’s memorial. Something no man should have to do, and yet it couldn’t even be that simple. He had to be stuck in a snow storm with a group of total idiots, one of which seemed to be in some serious shit, whatever that may be.
He found a log in the center console, but all it specified was the shipment of ‘heavy machinery’ from an OsCorp, and Bucky couldn’t quite place the name. Not that he was very familiar with any of the modern day industry conglomerates. He chewed that spot on the inside of his cheek again, already healed, and glanced back at you through the drifts of snow that’d already begun to cover his view.
You were upright now, knee bouncing, staring out the window back at him, all haloed in white and warmth. The fear was etched into your sunken features, the confusion of it all, and he ached for you. He’d been there. He wished he could offer more, but he remembered being unable to take advice, hell, even Steve’s bullshit didn’t get to him. 
He took a deep breath. When this was all over, when the storm had cleared and Sam found him, he’d force the two of you in a room to talk it out. Sam Wilson always had a God damn way with words. 
He grit his teeth and shoved open the door to endure the elements again. The second slam, after he’d hopped out, dumped a whole lot more snow than he anticipated, and he growled as he shook off like a dog. Bucky hated snow. He brushed off his shoulders and continued his steady walk around the side and to the back entrance of the truck. He took a vibranium punch to the locking mechanism, and the doors swung out and open.
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the-other-art-blog · 3 years
Hawkeye season finale!!!! SPOILERS
By now I have come to terms with the fact that no matter how much content Marvel gives me of Clint (and Laura), it will never be enough. I just love him too much.
I was satisfied with Wandavision, FATWS and Loki, cause I knew we’re gonna seen them again. But I’m not sure about Clint. Kate, Yelena, Maya, they will come back for sure. However, unless we get a season 2 or some series I don’t see Clint popping up in another project, and even less Laura.
That being said, I pray we get a season 2 announcement. I was hoping to see it at the end of the credits, but nothing. I think a lot of people would love to see them again, even if it’s not as the lead characters. Could they be training the next generation???
I’m gonna be reading as much fanfic content as possible this holidays. Maybe someone will write a coworkers-to-lovers story for ClintxLaura??? I know there are some of them, but it doesn’t hurt to have more.
You know, sometimes dying is the best thing it could happen to someone, at least to save their reputation. Kate’s father died and it made him a saint in her eyes. I know, I KNOW, Eleanor killed Armand, framed Jack and sent Yelena to kill Clint. HOWEVER, it was her husband who got her into that mess. He’s the one who acquired debt from Kingpin. Maybe he was also a shady guy, or maybe he just made horrible decisions and trusted the wrong people.
Clint making his own arrows!!!! YES! YES!!!!!!! Hell yes!!!!!
I love that. Ever since I saw it in the trailers, I was so happy. Clint Barton is so smart and I’m so fucking tired of people thinking of him as a stupid person. In Fury’s words, he’s one of “the sharpest men” he knows.
Also, I love that both Stark and Scott gave him tech. I don’t know how aware of that is Hank Pym, though.
Love Kate labeling the arrows.
Jack vs Armand VII
Eleanor’s dress!
Jack, sweetheart, finally some action from the Swordsman. I still don’t like they didn’t make him Clint’s mentor at the circus. But maybe he can mentor Kate now? I’d allow it.
Yelena and the mother of all braids!!!!
She looked so beautiful and badass.
As someone who loves wearing braids, I need a tutorial for that one!
The whole elevator scene was so funny.
It’s ok if you punch her or try to kill her. But don’t slap Yelena, that’s just too aggressive!
Clint stuck on a tree.
So many bros!!! They just kept coming!
Kate and that bro guy!!!
Clint did the trick with the wood arrow!!!!! I wish we would have gotten Kate’s reaction.
So the owl eat those bros, right? This show is dark.
Scott mention! I can’t believe we never got a bonding scene between Clint and Scott. They would have been bffs, talking about their kids and all. But I think this establishes that they are good friends, not just co workers.
Clint vs Yelena
I feel like Clint spent more time pulling his punches in the MCU than proving how good of a fighter he is. That’s also why it was cool to see him as Ronin. He is effective and deadly when he wants to.
But of course he wasn’t gonna really fight Yelena.
The WHISTLE!!!!!!!!
“You had so much time with her”
It was Nat’s choice!!!
Clint honestly considering Kate his partner!
He made it to Christmas morning!
Clint and Laura!
Agent 19!!! She’s Mockingbird! I think they didn’t want to have AOS fans hating on the show so they only teased it. Bobbi Morse could still exist. I like the theory that Mockingbird is like SHIELD’s Black Widow code. Like an elite female agent.
That last shot and conversation was perfect!
I think I’m in the minority here, but I loved the musical!!!!! It’s so bad that it becomes good. Its ridiculousness makes it good.
Now, there was something pretty disappointing and that was Kingpin. I don’t remember almost anything from Daredevil season 2. But they kept teasing this incredibly dangerous guy. Clint and Laura were genuinely afraid of him.
Yet, an amateur superhero like Kate defeated him in 2 minutes! Plus, he should have died. Kate shot an arrow at his chest, then the explosion! And it’s obvious he’s still alive.
We also never really learned why he was so interested in the watch. What did Laura did that he wanted to know who she was? Clint didn’t even saw him. It was disappointing. Fanfic writers, I’m counting on you.
Also, where is Clint’s backstory?!?!!? I would have really loved to see flashbacks about his difficult childhood and how he overcame that, became a good man, husband and father. It would have given so much more meaning to why he wanted to go back to his family.
Clint is a guy who could have became like his father, he could have continued the cycle of violence, but he didn’t. He also could have been alone, or never married at least. That’s what usually happen in this cases in series and movies. Instead, he became the best husband and dad ever, and a person who is always giving second chances. He’s a tough guy for sure, but he’s also so incredibly loving and caring. And that’s rare.
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logicalstansadvice · 2 years
"Clearly none of the people who are complaining about him being in the thunderbolts ever read the comics lol just because he joins a team of anti heros or redeemed villains doesn’t mean he’s a bad person or a villain… [...] an anti hero is one that does good things but not by the book. [...] Bucky is not steve or sam he’s him and he does things differently because the world will forever treat him differently"
👆👆👆 ALL OF THIS!! How can people not be excited for Bucky in Thunderbolts is honestly beyond me. He and Seb are finally getting the attention they deserve in the MCU. I know he was a co-lead in TFATWS, but the show was mostly about Sam becoming Captain America. But now, being the co-lead in Thunderbolts, I think Seb/Bucky will finally have the opportunity to shine! ✨
Anon 2: Is Florence Pugh’s character the leader of the thunderbolts? Based on the poster it looks like it but it could also be for aesthetic reason seeing as she’s the shorted in the group. Wish Zemo was a member but maybe he will show up in this or another movie, I enjoyed his charisma
Anon 3: He couldn't be in Cap 4, they've been announcing a big cast for the movie, and Sam has a new sidekick the new Falcon, Sam's family is going to be in the movie. Cap 4 will try to follow in Black Panther's footsteps (without a talent team behind it lol). Bucky doesn't fit in this movie, he would be overshadow and you all would complain a lot. Also, he can't show his full potential as a Super Soldier, one of the complaints from fans of the comics. Two less movies to watch.
Anon 4: Eric Pearson, the writer for Thunderbolts, also wrote Black Widow, Thor: Ragnarok and the Agent Carter TV series. Bodes well for Thunderbolts having a combination of badass action, humor and sparkling dialogue. 🤞
Anon 5: Seriously…. People complain about wanting more Bucky and that FATWS wasn’t good, now they are complaining about Bucky coming back without even knowing anything about the movie 🙄. Why can’t people just be happy with more Seb content. And the ask about the necklace …. We’ve seen him with necklaces before and there’s zero pics of him wearing one on the trip. It could likely be one he’s had for a while. There’s no point in thinking that deep on anything with no proof. And honestly I’m kinda confused by Annabelle’s response to being asked if she’s dating Sebastian. I know she’s not ever gonna outright answer the question, but her laughter reaction just struck me as odd (and no, I’m not delusional, just pointing out that her response was a bit confusing from my perspective)
Anon 6: As a fan who has not read the comics, it can be hard for me to understand the antihero aspect. What I've seen presented of Bucky in the MCU is that he is a good man who was not corrupted by the serum because there was nothing to corrupt. His actions in releasing Zemo in TFATWS seemed out of character. That said, I'm excited to see whatever it is he does in Thunderbolts. I'm not going to let my confusion ruin my excitement.
Anon 7: BUT Val is a villain, Bucky will partner with a bad woman it's not ok. See, that's not Bucky. Our Bucky died at the end of Avengers Endgame, since then they've mischaracterized him for a version I don't even know what he is now, but it's not Bucky. Well, I hope everything flops, every movie continues to be poorly received.
Anon 8: It seems to me that Thunderbolts is a win for both Seb and Bucky no matter what. Seb will get to show Bucky with an actual personality to the MCU audience. This is a big deal and will help continue to get him the roles he wants. And Bucky in the MCU will get a story, however small or big it is, that isn't him being a foil to make someone else look good. That's a lot more than we've ever gotten.
The good/evil divide isn’t so black and white. Every single one of the characters has had either some kind of redemption at the end of their respective films/shows but they are willing to bend the rules/play in the gray area.
And if that isn’t your thing, oh well!
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babyboibucky · 4 years
Babysitting Bucky - Part 3
Pairing: FATWS!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1,016
Summary: You’ve been assigned by the government to keep an eye on the Winter Soldier to ensure that he was no longer a threat to the world.
A/N: Opening my tag list in case anyone’s interested! Just let me know!
It felt weird to be in the Avengers compound when you were literally a stranger to everyone who lived there. Not that there were many actually, only Sam and Bucky decided to stay there with Fury and Sharon dropping in every once in a while.
After the incident of the snap, most of the Avengers weren’t the same anymore. With Steve deciding to return back in time, Tony and Natasha’s devastating sacrifices, Clint retiring and no word on Wanda— it felt like a whole new world. Thor and Bruce weren’t active too, they were probably taking their breaks and maybe deciding to work on themselves after the toll of the entire ordeal with Thanos. You couldn’t blame them to be honest.
It truly felt strange, even to you. Moreso that the government still didn’t trust the new Captain and the Winter Soldier despite them being the only Avengers left to protect the world willingly.
You sat in the room assigned to you by FRIDAY, going through your files on the Winter Soldier as if you haven’t read them for so many times now.
Seargent James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes from the 107th precinct. A valuable member of the Howling Commandos turned Hydra’s best asset. Brainwashed into committing the murder of Howard and Maria Stark and responsible for plenty more assassinations.
You heaved out a sigh as you rubbed your forehead. No matter how many times you’ve read his file, you never failed to feel bad for the soldier. He had gone through so much and despite his successful recovery in Wakanda, the government still doubted him.
“Stop empathizing.” You told yourself as you kept your files.
You had a job to do.
For the rest of the day, you worked on your reports and went on several conference calls with the government to discuss the situation. They didn’t tell you for how long you were supposed to keep an eye on the Winter Soldier, they just wanted you to report everything he does on a daily basis. You had plenty of questions to ask but decided against it. You’ll ask them when the time is right.
You slammed your laptop shut and was about to lay down to rest when a series of knocks interrupted you. Opening the door, you were surprised to see none other than Bucky.
“Sorry, were you busy?” He asked.
His voice was soft whenever he spoke, even when annoyed. It was something that you noticed upon arriving at the compound.
“No, I just finished my last meeting for the day. To what do I owe this visit, Mister Barnes?” You asked.
You could see the way Bucky cringed at your formality, “Are you going to be this formal the entire time?” He asked.
“Mister Barnes, may I remind you that I am here on a mission so yes, I will be this formal during my entire stay. So what brings you here?” You clarified.
“Sam and I are ordering pizza for dinner. Is that alright with you?” He asked.
If there was something about your mission that you weren’t prepared for, it was this kind of interaction. You knew you needed to stay at the compound to keep watch and that tagging along with your subject during missions was required. But the in-betweens and domestication was a topic that was never discussed. It was awkward, so to speak.
“Uh, yes. Pizza is fine.” You responded and immediately cleared your throat when Bucky seemed to notice the discomfort you displayed.
He merely nodded, “Okay. FRIDAY will let you know when it’s here.”
“Of course. Thank you, Mister Barnes.” You said.
Bucky hummed, “I’m still hoping you’d stop calling me that.” He said as he turned around to walk away.
“Not a chance, Mister Barnes.”
“Agent, the pizza is here. Captain Wilson and Seargent Barnes are in the kitchen.” FRIDAY announced.
You had just gotten out of the shower and was clad in a simple black shirt and sweatpants. You debated whether to join the two for dinner or to simply grab a pizza and eat it somewhere else. Sure, you were one of the US Secret Services’ best agents but that didn’t mean you always knew what to do. You had feelings too and right now, you were feeling confused and awkward.
Would it ruin their impression of you if you showed up in comfortable clothes? Maybe you should go change into a more formal outfit but wouldn’t that make you look stupid?
“Fuck it.” You huffed out and decided to go out as is.
You padded along the corridor and finally reached the kitchen. Sam and Bucky immediately looked up from their food and stared at you before glancing at each other.
“Well this is awkward.” Sam commented.
You cleared your throat, “I’ll just get a few slices and I’ll be on my way.” You said.
“You know you can drop the act, Agent.” Sam called out. “I know we may have started in the wrong foot earlier but if you will be staying here with us for a while, it’d be better if we become comfortable being around each other.” He said.
Sam had a point, you were aware of that. But your job demanded that you remain unbiased and comfort was definitely out of the cards.
“My only job is to ensure that Mister Barnes does his responsibility as an Avenger properly. That doesn’t require me to make things comfortable for the both of you.” You firmly explained before placing a couple of bills on the table.
“Thank you for considering me. But moving forward I would prefer if I’d buy my own food. It’ll be less awkward, am I right Mister Wilson?” You said, stressing your last sentence as you looked at the Falcon meaningfully.
Sam merely shook his head at your response, obviously displeased at the rejection. You quickly got a couple slices of pizza and placed them on a plate before walking away, feeling two pairs of eyes watch your back as you retreated.
This was going to be one hell of a ride. ---
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
I've got a question for you all!
I'm not gonna post it tonight, BUT THE NEXT PART IS DONE! I'm super tired so I'm gonna go to bed and post it tomorrow.
My question, though, is if I should split it. I want expecting it to be so long, but its over 7k 🙈. So if I split it I'll probably post the first part when I get ready and stuff and the second part a little after. Probably 11 and 2 pst. I really, really wasn't expecting it be that long, I was barely expecting 2 parts out of this episode, but... things change i guess? So yeah.
I'm asking now so there's answers in the morning. One very very long post at about 12 pst? Or two regular posts at abot 11 pst and 2 pst? (I'm leaning towards the two but that means I'll have to add a couple lines, which I'm more than willing to do!)
Be kind to yourselves and others and stay tuned! 💕
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whokenobi · 3 years
How do you know when he got the P&T role? He probably knew it was coming long before we did. Putting that together wasn't a last-minute thing. And they'd filmed several episodes of FATWS, which means he'd been paid for several episodes. And that's the one thing I believe he really made Marvel money on. And no, agents and mgt teams don't pimp out clients like Seb for money. But say we're in an alt universe and they did, she would have been on his IG every week to earn that cash.
Tumblr media
According to wikipedia, the announcement of the series order came in December 2020.
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myarmsaretoolong · 4 years
- WandaVision trailer we can actually see!!!!!
y’all im crying- omggg
- America Chavez in Doctor Strange!
- FATWS exclusive look!! it looks awesome, bucky and Sam are badass!! Their banter omg—
- Loki is a crime thriller, Loki’s confused OMG A FIRST LOOK— it literally picks up from that endgame scene, he has no idea what’s happening, HOLY SHIT!! he’s in his proper costume, idk what’s happening but I love it, his hair is short- omg this is wild yall-
- What If...? first look. Y’all I hope these are put online somewhere- it’s stunning i cant-
- Ms Marvel, early look whAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!?! only brief glimpses at the show, but it looks great. “Going to be part of the wider mcu”
- CAPTAIN MARVEL 2 will have Ms Marvel and adult monica rambeau!!!
- Hawkeye teams up with Kate bishop (as if we hadn’t realised)
- She Hulk, funny series, Tatiana Maslany confirmed, TIM ROTH AND BRUCE BANNER AND HE HINTED AT DAREDEVIL ALL IN THE SHOW
- Secret Invasion, Skrulls have infiltrated Earth, Nick fury stars
- Ironheart announced
- Armour Wars (AKA THE RHODEY SERIES!!!) where Tony’s suits fall into the wrong hands
- Gotg holiday special directed by James Gunn for 2022
- I am Groot shorts series on D+
- Thor 4 casts Christian Bale
- Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantum Mania with Kang as the villain
- A tribute to Chadwick Boseman. They’re not recasting the character, but going ahead with Black Panther 2 (no word on shuri)
- Fantastic Four directed by Jon Watts (spider-man)
omg 😭😭
y’all all this happened so quickly I’m sorry there not much information but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hit me up with questions if you have any I’ll do my best (it is 1am though)
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