parjums · 7 years
everytime i see your art i wanna turn it into a cake and serve it at my wedding
Tumblr media
I’m flattered
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leggylance · 7 years
Hey do you have any good platonic shiro and Lance fics? Their relationship is one of my favorites but it's hard finding non-romantic fics that focus on just the two of them
absolutely none….. platonic shiro & lance content is the rarest treasure to find :/
if (by any chance tho), anyone knows any fics like this that are out there, let us know !
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bubleboobo · 7 years
Gnomeo and Juliet is playing on tv right now and the first thing I thought when I saw it was your klance au for the movie I hope you're proud of yourself
i’ve never been more proud :’}
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ghostcribs · 7 years
So I just realized you used to be uponagraydawn and drew all those big hero 6 fanarts. You were probably one of the first artists I followed and you were (and still are!) an inspiration to me! Your art has improved a lot since your big hero 6 days!
ah, the good old days....... i miss that time quite a lot. thank you so much!! you’re very kind! :)
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efrondeur · 7 years
Hey can I uhhh love and appreciate you with all my heart
idk what i did to deserve this, but ily fawn
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maychorian · 7 years
If it's not too much to ask, can you rec some good platonic shiro and lance fics? I've already read the ones in your platonic shance tag (they were all great recs btw i loved all of them) and I still crave more
I have lots more recs to put up at @maychorianrecs, I’ve just been little stressed lately so I haven’t been working on that project. There will definitely be more platonic shance there, so watch the space! You can always scroll through the Weekly Voltron Fic Recs for recs that catch your eye. I usually mention in my comments if Shiro and Lance’s relationship has a focus, because i super love it.
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thespace-dragon · 7 years
Psst you got any good sick or injured Keith fic recs?
OK! finally getting around to answering this. sorry it took so long but ive like literally had to go through all of my bookmarks to find some, and even then the ones im about to rec are pretty loose on the sick/injured Keith.
Needless to say, theres lots of angst, some have happy endings, some dont. Ill add the warnings in for each rec
Finding Home by spacegaykogane
Warnings: N/ASummary: After the wormhole collapses, Keith finds himself stranded on a strange planet. Alone. Until Lance comes along.With their lions dead and resources limited, Keith and Lance need to put aside their differences and work together to get home.Wherever that may be, now.WC: 26966 (6/6)General Notes: Its the typical fic of Lance and Keith getting stranded on a planet post s1 wormhole collapse. From what i remember its told mostly through Keith’s pov and I enjoyed it for all its worth. 7/10
we’ll make it, you and me by asexualrey
Warnings: Major character injurySummary: "Keith, if we make it out of this alive, I'm going to kiss you." WC: 6421General Notes: I really wish i remembered more of this one, i can only tell you that it was good. Lance is the one that ends up hurt the most, but like both of them are pretty beat up. 8/10
The Six Gun Sound (Our Claim to Fame) by Mytay
Warning: N/ASummary: “We’re not robbing the bank of the biggest crime lord here, Lance. Do you have a death wish?!”“Let’s just do our damn best to not die. I am too gorgeous to expire this early, dude — I haven’t even hit my prime yet.”Six weeks after crashing landing on this miserable world, the Red and Blue Paladins are on the verge of losing everything. This is how Lance and Keith turned it all around and earned their badass reputation as The Two McClains: Mercenaries That Get The Job Done.WC: 13181General Notes: They both get pretty scuffed up in this one, and its more of that dynamic duo action. i really love these two as space mercenaries/pirates. 8/10
Keith’s Scar by 61feathers
Warning: N/ASummary:Keith and Lance comfort each other later after Keith tells everyone he is Galra.Lance didn't get the chance to tell Keith his scar is actually really sexy though.WC: 1134General Notes: Short and sweet post ep8. You know that shoulder injury he gets, all about that. 8/10
all we have to do by akinghtley
Warning: N/ASummary: Keith gets hurt during a mission, and Lance is not sure how to handle that.Lance wakes up on the floor outside of the medical bay, jerking wildly, body a mess of aches and twinges.WC: 19418General Notes: summary pretty tells all there is to this fic, and its pretty much all this, and Lance not knowing what to do with himself really. I loved it. 9/10
Don’t Forget to Remember Me by CamelotQueen
Warning: N/ASummary: Keith recognizes him immediately. Alarm bells go off in his head. This person is important, he thinks. He wishes he could remember.“Keith!” he exclaims, “Look who’s finally awake. How are you feeling today?”Keith falters. His mind is working a mile a minute trying to recall this person’s name, what he is to him.“Um… who are you?” he asks dumbly. He immediately regrets it._______Keith suffers from dissociative amnesia.WC: 4107General Notes: a;sdkjgnasah this fic, holy shit, keith with amneisia kills me. my heart hurt the whole time, ust ughhhh. He’s not necessarily hurt but Lance is there taking care of him and boy, the domestic life suits them, but damn does it hurt. 10/10
Homecoming by Thesis
Warnings: Major Character DeathSummary: Two deaths and one funeral. Keith has trouble readjusting to Earth and Lance has trouble dealing with Keith. WC: 9845General Notes: I’m emotional over this still and i havent read it in forever ok/ thats all i gotta say. 9/10
bruises by Chaosandthecalm
Warning: N/ASummary: "Show me how much you hate me.”Keith wants to know what Lance's problem is. The answer might surprise him.WC: 3632 (3/3)General Notes: Boys being boys and being idiots. What can you do. 7/10
Of booty shorts and Injuries by Queerklancing
Warning: N/ASummary: Keith is sure that he’s having a heart attack. Or that he hurt his brain when he fell earlier. Because it’s simply not possible that the boy who’s sitting next to him is not a hallucination. How could someone so gorgeous just sit in an emergency room at night?"Keith and Lance unexpectantly meet at the emergency room in the middle of the night.WC: 23862 (4/4)General Notes: lmao this one is great, def not as heavy as the others, but both of these doofuses get injured. keith is a hockey player and lance has legs for days. enjoy. 10/10
Prison Bonds by GriffinRose
Warning: N/ASummary: Keith and Lance are captured and stuck in a cell together, but it's not the Galra. They almost wish it was. These Cordalians feed off of emotions, and their favorite emotion is sadness. Worse, they've found a way to make their victims relive their worst memories to make that pain fresh again, and Keith has a lot of terrible memories he'd rather not relive.WC: 18925 (8/8)General Notes: just read it. please. 10/10
Heroes by battleshidge/Amiria_Raven
Warning: Graphic Depictions of ViolenceSummary: “My mom always hated the Garrison and what we were supposed to do there. I never got it. How can you despise the idea of being a hero?” Lance laughed a little here, dryly. “But I think I understand now.”He took a shuddering breath.“Because heroes aren’t meant to survive,” he choked, and then buried his face as the tears started falling again.WC: 8463General Notes: askgjnafbab, lance breaking down in this fic hurt my heart. 8/10
of florists and tennis shoes by venpast
Warning: N/ASummary: 'Lance wasn’t sure if he’d imagined the brief tremble at the corner of Keith’s lips or not, that slight stutter that promised a smile. But before he could guess further, Keith gave his knee a shove and got to his feet. He reached out to him, “I’m done here, and I’ve still got some daisies to sell you.”“Yeah,” Lance agreed, looking down at the extended palm, noting the little Saturn tattoo on the inside of Keith’s wrist where the sleeve hiked. He took the hand, “better not overprice those too, you asshole.”'(in which lance is a broke university student trying to impress a pretty girl with flowers, but ends up falling for the florist that sells them instead.)WC: 63774 (11/11)General Notes: This isn’t the kind of physical hurt that most people think of, but Keith does get emotionally hurt in this one and it just breaks my heart. i really loved this, its wonderfully written, and its just, wow. 10/10
Echoes of the Past by Gigapoodle
Warning: Graphic Depictions of ViolenceSummary: It was his fault. He shouldn’t have retreated – he should have ran after them, Galra forces be damned, and ripped the red paladin right out of his weaponized hands, shooting the commander dead on the spot.But he hadn’t. Lance stood there, frozen with adrenaline and fear, before backing out with tears in his eyes, justifying it to himself by saying, ‘he won’t get far, we can easily get him back once I have Voltron with me.’He’d forgotten they didn’t have Voltron. He’d forgotten that without Keith, Voltron was nothing.Keith is Galra. Keith is gone. Keith is Galra. Keith is gone.WC: 28197 (yes one chapter)General Notes: this is more along the lines of keith finding out he is galra and hence running away its still one of the best fics in this fandom imo. 10/10
i can’t help but want by aknightley
warning: N/ASummary: Lance deals with the aftermath of being sucked into a black hole and stranded on an alien planet.When Lance wakes up, all he can see is blue.WC: 16921General Notes: more of klance being stranded on a planet post wormhole collapse, and just yes. 10/10
Just Static by Jessadilla/wobblyarms
Warning: N/ASummary: --Static-----iro, Hunk, Kei---, nybody? I’m-----static----I’m sorry guys. This is all my----static--cc-----I found my coordinates. They’re---stttcc--guys. I hear something-----scccc--end transmission-Alone on a hostile planet, transmissions aren't getting through. How did it come to this?WC: 84141 (16/16)General Notes: just holy fuck. this fic made me cry, like straight up. it is more than likely one of the few fics that have made me cry, and i dont cry easy. 100/10
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diviinedogs · 7 years
fawnvanilla replied to your post: I have a paper due in 24 houRS LMA O
Good luck
thaNK U
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marmoraskeith · 7 years
Happy birthday! I love your blog
Awww! Thank you honey!! I’m glad I am worthy enough to be a fav of yours! Wish you all the best♥️🤗
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summer-arts · 7 years
If you have same face syndrome, something you can try is taking a pen and drawing random shapes really quickly, without thinking about it, and then make those shapes into faces. I use pen so I can't try and remake the face so I have to stick with what I have. You can try giving the face shapes all different expressions and try to exaggerate the expressions as best as possible. That's just something I try from time to time, and it's pretty fun (just some advice I hope this doesn't come off rude)
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puncertainty · 7 years
for the get to know me meme: 15, 24, 40, 72
15 - answered here
24 - i like showers more than baths bc i got shit to do (i say, yet i dont do the shit)
40 - i haven’t had a secret admirer before haha,,
72 - kind of, like im not cripplingly scared of it, more like, reasonably scared?? like,, if i cant see anything then who knows whats there lmao
(from this)
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fancifty · 7 years
Wow so you're the artist that did the promo art for the auzine? Nice job, your art looks great!
Haha, yep~ I’m also the mod for the @voltronauzine, and the other mod didn’t have enough time, so I drew most of the promo art//
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tangyss · 7 years
tag meme lol
thank you @klangst for tagging me!!! im living <3
Rules: Tag 20 people
Nickname: nat (and also, furry :/ fml right)
Zodiac: pisces
Height: 5’3
Last thing i googled: voltron cah decks
Favourite music artist: this cutie! 100% recommend them, they deserve more love!!!!!! :-)
Last movie i saw: wonder woman in cinemas, the babadook at home
Why did i choose my url: lance cuddles people he lovs its canon okay
Do i have any other blogs: nope lol (i have a few urls saved tho)
What did your last relationship teach you: I was 12 so idk if it counts? But that im gay and if the feeling isnt mutual i shouldn’t be dating them lmao
Religious or spiritual: all i can think of is zak bagans, so spiritual??
Favourite colour: like every pastel colour ever. duck egg is god tier
average hours of sleep: some days it’s like 12 hours, sometimes it’s 2. (rn im on the 2 hours of sleep stage and Im shaking linda)
Lucky number: 9
How many blankets do i sleep with: one
Dream job: to be an author/screen writer!
Tagging: @keithcats @holtmatt @peasandlesbeans @softklances @lancelouis @gentlelance @spaceboysatori @pldgeholt @coranner @pink-prompto @soul-tra @voldorks @rainbowpaladins @mulletkeith @lkeith @klancery @fawnvanilla @gaylatea @starryeyedkeith @klancecuddles
(i did this at 6 am lmao. pls dont kill me for the 4th q ily) ;)
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efrondeur · 7 years
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diviinedogs · 7 years
🌸 🌷 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Send me emojis
🌸 - We don’t talk, but I appreciate your presence on my dash!
🌷 - We don’t talk, but I would like to!
💙 - I think you’re cool!
alSO I’m super shy so but feel freE TO MESSAGE :>c
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puncertainty · 7 years
'Music Shuffle' Tag Game
Rules: Put your music on shuffle, list the first 9 songs and your favorite lyrics from each. Then tag 9 other people to participate! I was tagged by @seikamoomoo thank you !! ^v^ (don’t fucking, judge me,,) 1. Unlike Pluto - Worst in Me
I’m done for, it’s over, I’m through
Playing games from the start
Sinking your nails in my heart 2. Schmoyo - Chicken Attack
With the power of nature, you’re never alone
And you can’t let evil run amok
Every beast, every tree follows me to the end
And you’re about to massively Fucked! 3. Vicetone ft. Kat Nestel - Angels
I can remember
When you hurt me so bad
But now the tables turn
Apocalypse is coming 4. J. Fla - All We Know & Dont Wanna Know
Fighting flames with fire
Hang onto burning wires
We don’t care anymore 5. K. Flay - So Fast, So Maybe
Little did I know she would get so gnarly
This Quickly, I hardly
Had time to think
Uh Uh, no time to think 6. Scott - Porcelain 
Just about a million ways to harm you
All the things I shouldn’t say
Are the things that when I want to make you happy
Only come out of me 7. Hedley - Lose Control
In my body
In my bones
Drop the beat and free my soul
When I hear that rock and roll
Oh my God, I lose control 8. The Chainsmokers - Closer 
So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover
That I know you can’t afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder 9. Jhameel - Collision
Love is a collision
Sex is a religion darlin’
Gimme your attention
Ah, Ah, Ah! I’ll tag: @punaesthetic , @punforgiven , @kaz323 , @thespace-dragon , @3dkind , @fawnvanilla , @whitthecat , @spacedanae , aaand @guyofthepandas
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