#fb spoiler
fireandbloodsource · 3 months
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON ↳ The death of the twins, Ser Erryk and Ser Arryk
The singers tell us that Ser Erryk said, “I love you, brother,” as he unsheathed his blade, and that Ser Arryk replied, “And I you, brother,” as he drew his own. The twins battled for the best part of an hour, Grand Maester Munkun says; the clash of steel on steel woke half of the queen’s court, but the onlookers could only stand by helplessly and watch, for no man there could tell which brother was which. In the end, Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk dealt each other mortal wounds, and died in one another’s arms with tears upon their cheeks.
—Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons (The Red Dragon and the Gold) by George R.R. Martin.
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daffi-990 · 6 months
Seeing comments on Facebook like “Buck was always a ladies man” or “he’s never shown any interest in guys before” is why this story arc is so important.
Bisexual people exist and so often get dismissed or told to pick a side or that they just can’t commit to being gay or some other shit.
Just because you show a preference to one gender doesn’t mean you can’t be attracted to another.
And you don’t have to have your sexuality figured out at a certain age! It’s fluid! It changes! You could not discover something about yourself until you are away from toxic noise and finally are in a place where you feel safe.
I’m just .. I’m so thankful for Oliver and Tim and how they’re wanting to tell this story.
Especially Oliver.
He loves Buck so much and he sees the bi community and he wants to give them the best representation he can.
just yeah .. this story arc is important and Oliver is cradling it so gently in his hands because he knows how precious it is
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deviantplum · 1 month
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hdra77 · 7 months
Day 8 - Saint
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sibling Reunion :)
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tricksterlatte · 1 year
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Joker is the type of guy to defend his boyfriend on toxic anime boy powerpoint night, but also the type of person to do stuff like this
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Took Eloise 2 seasons to figure out who LW is
Took Cressida like 2 weeks (not exactly)
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loveislandthegame · 2 months
i didn’t even notice they made marshall 29 ?? 😭 to make it even more ridiculous: hamish was 4 years older than him in S6 & now they’re somehow the same age . excellent work, FB
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ianthoni · 10 months
Who put this here bro 💀💀💀
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your-zipper-is-down · 11 months
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MY FRIEND @lovethedanielhd drew my blorbos!
I love them so much 😭💖
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fireandbloodsource · 3 months
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON ↳ Queen Rhaenyra and her son, Jacaerys Velaryon (Prince of Dragonstone)
When he returned to King’s Landing with his brother’s corpse, the smallfolk lined the streets screaming his name and hailing him as a hero. But it is said that when he saw his mother again, he fell into her arms and wept. “I slew a thousand of them,” he said, “but it will not bring him back.” And the queen stroked his hair and said, “I know, I know.”
—Fire & Blood, The Long Reign (Policy, Progeny and Pain) by George R.R. Martin.
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rosstrytobe · 5 months
Me: *Not be able to study or do anything all week just edits and read fanfction of buddie*
Me this morning: *It's time to study*
Tim minear fb post this morning: "I'm not so sure about that"
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flowerbloom-arts · 7 months
What *would* you say is good sniff rep in the official media?
In the context of the Snufkin game I would've deeply preferred it if they made him just a little feistier when it came to the Giant Crab confrontation (making him chase the crab to get Cedric back, as an example) or if he was a little more pissy about the crab sitting on his treasure and not being able to keep his cake and eat it too, that's the one minor scene change I would've appreciated.
Another change that would've helped his character immensely is him and Snufkin having some actual friendly conversation rather than acting like people who simply know the other exists, we could have some minor disagreements or banter between them (not in the way Snufkin would have with Little My), likely surrounding Sniff's attachment to Cedric. It would've really helped give a sense that Sniff and Snufkin have been friends since little childhood and while they have ideological disagreements when it comes to material possession it's not a deal breaker for the two of them, the writers could've also used this banter to exposit about the Park Keeper if they so choose, or even foreshadow the conflict Snufkin will have with the PK.
In general I feel like Sniff's character in modern Moomin media is very hindered by this assumption that he is a simple child who is much younger than the rest of the cast and doesn't fully understand what he's doing in his goal to get money, or that his goal of accumulating wealth is outright stupid/silly and superficial. I feel like a more sympathetic look into the reasons he wants money, because he does have those, and allowing him to be treated as an equal among his peers, aswell as having a special child-adoptive parent bond with Moominmamma like he does in the books would benefit the depiction of his character immensely.
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dovalore · 1 year
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⚠️ pandaemonium anabaseios
10th circle
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genericpuff · 2 years
Guess it's time for me to give the people what they asked for- (FP spoilers ahead)
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Hey y'all, thanks for waiting while I got my ducks in a row to put this lil' essay together. Life's been doing a lot of 180's and I haven't had as many spoons to allocate to LO crit and all that good shit. And honestly, half the struggle of putting these essays together is finding screenshots to back up my claims, the episodes are so cluttered with nonsensically-woven events that it often has me scrolling through multiple episodes wondering if I'm crazy and if the panels I remember even exist.
BUT I just got back from work, Halloween's right around the corner, and I'm feeling like talking about one of the witchiest LO characters of all.
Yep, we're talking Daphne.
(note: there are FastPass spoilers in this essay!)
Now I know - some of y'all in the UnpopularLO and LO crit communities really like Daphne because of her willingness to hold Thanatos accountable. But if you'll give me a few paragraphs, ima tell you why she's just as if not more problematic than some of the go-to problematic characters in LO (AND ima blow your mind with something I don't think y'all have even realized but once you see it, you can't unsee it).
Daphne, like many characters in LO, started off relatively strong. Though her inclusion was a little random, I liked it as a way to show Persephone's past friends from the Mortal Realm (and also it just went to show how obsessed Apollo was with Persephone prior to the whole overthrowing-Zeus retcon).
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But that's about where my compliments end because as her inclusion in the plot went on, I came to realize that Daphne is 1.) yet another character in the plot whose only purpose is to be a victim, 2.) unable to practice what she preaches and forces onto other characters, and 3.) yet another character who's used as a Therapy Speak stand-in for Rachel to try and project herself onto.
Let's get the obvious aside - yes, she's basically just another Persephone clone. And by extension that does, in a really messed up way, make her another Rachel clone, but instead of serving the DDLG function of satisfying Rachel's weird but obvious hyperfixation on being a sugar baby (i.e. Persephone) she instead serves the function of being a holier than thou "I'm gonna recite self-help advice that doesn't actually apply to your situation" person, in the same vein as people who use Twitter as their handbook for catch-all moral behavior. Y'know the word... virtue signalling.
I think where Daphne first started to fall apart for me was her first serious interaction with Thanatos, and this is one that gets called out a lot. Daphne is talking about her issues trying to get Apollo's validation, and Thanatos is mentioning how upset he is over Persephone getting special treatment from Hades, when we get THIS little schpeel:
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I'm sorry to break it to y'all, but she is NOT being insightful here. She's basically telling Thanatos what Rachel wants to say to her audience - "stop caring so much that Hades is a creepy old man taking advantage of a 19 year old girl in a corporate setting where there's obvious special treatment at play - you're supposed to ship them dammit!"
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Neither do we, Thanatos, neither do we.
But think about it. Thanatos is an employee of Hades, one we've found out through both previous and future interactions is often berated and mistreated by Hades (retconned to be Daddy Issues, okay Rachel...) whose job is literally affected by internships, the same way it is in most corporate settings. Internships are incredibly competitive positions, ESPECIALLY in massive mega-corporate settings like the one run by the King of the Dead. There were undoubtedly more people way more qualified for the job. Especially considering little miss Persephone doesn't even know how to operate a computer.
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No, you're not required to already 'know' everything during an internship, but there's a reason most internships are only open to students with some kind of transcript showing they're familiar with the work that's being expected of them. Persephone has NONE of that here, AFAIK she's in school for biochem, she has no experience managing shades or even turning on a bloody computer, and here she is, hired to work a job that she has no connection to or interest in besides Hera telling her to (which idk why Hera's even able to do that considering it's not her domain) and the money. Which she shouldn't even be receiving but does because of Hades favoring her for being cute.
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I've seen a myriad of Daphne-like defenses of this, stating "well Thanatos is the God of the Dead, his job isn't necessarily affected by Persephone so he shouldn't give a shit."
Except he literally sits next to her.
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If you've ever worked in a corporate setting or any kind of industry that utilizes internship programs, you very likely also know what it's like to get an intern who's clearly been hired due to favoritism or nepotism or some other bullshit reason that has nothing to do with the job itself. Intern or not, the skill level of other employees can and will affect your own job. If Persephone fucks up, that could mean problems for Thanatos, Minthe, and other employees under Hades' care. And Thanatos/Minthe/etc. should NOT have to be responsible for carrying her weight or teaching her how to do a job that she should have been qualified for when she got picked.
And, by the way, we can give further credit to Thanatos being bothered by this because we know that Thanatos has been working for Hades for centuries and he's witnesses Hades hire not one, not two, but three employees simply due to being cute or because of some made-up superfluous reason that Hades came up with on the spot. That we know of. Needless to say, HADES HAS A HISTORY OF HIRING PEOPLE ON THE SPOT WITH ZERO REAL QUALIFICATIONS.
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(there are some obvious parallels between Persephone and Minthe but we're not gonna get into that in this essay)
Needless to say, if you had a boss who treated you like a doormat despite ABSOLUTELY NEEDING YOU TO MAKE MONEY AT ALL (remember that Thanatos is LITERALLY the god of the dead and Hades is the equivalent of the dead's accountant, Thanatos is not someone who is considered subservient to Hades, if anyone is working for anyone, it's the other way around) and had a history of hiring and firing women for no reason other than wanting to bone them? You'd be pretty pissed too.
And yet here comes Daphne with the oh-so-insightful "wHy dO yOu cArE" schpeel straight from the Twitter Handbook of Life Advice as if Thanatos doesn't stand to have his own job or life compromised by Hades' shitty behavior. Thanatos is fully in the right for raising an eyebrow at his boss - and later established, his father figure - constantly hiring unqualified hot young women to help manage the Underworld.
So that alone had me kind of rolling my eyes at Daphne. She's trying to take some kind of moral high ground without taking a moment in the SLIGHTEST to understand where he's coming from or the context of his situation, even though it's literally what he does for her.
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But that's just the tip of the iceberg. We ain't done, folks.
Shortly after this, Daphne shows a clear interest in Thanatos but makes it clear she doesn't wanna date him to "fix" him, she wants him to "get his shit together."
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This on its own was fine, I'm all for having more female characters who don't date the first guy who gives them empathy.
But then almost IMMEDIATELY afterwards, basically by the time we see her next, she's dating him anyways and goes ahead and says this shit:
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Daphne, which is it exactly? Do you have self-respect, or are you seriously gonna try and 'fix' him when you literally just said to him that you weren't gonna be responsible for that? Pick a lane, for the love of god.
Now, once was bad enough, but she literally does it again in Episode 217. When Hades shows up to speak to Thanatos (in an attempt to find Hypnos) and Thanatos obviously IMMEDIATELY writes him off (as he should!) and Daphne just ?? stomps on Thanatos' boundaries entirely? ??
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Man, seriously, fuck Daphne. If Persephone is Rachel's messed up way of having some kink fantasy self-insert, then Daphne is Rachel's equally messed up way of having her moral high ground talk-at-the-audience self-insert.
But hoo boy, that brings us to Persephone, Hades, and the inversion of their relationship juxtaposed against Daphne and Thanatos. This is that "once you see it" thing y'all have been waiting for.
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And that begins once you ask yourself, who do Daphne and Thanatos remind you of?
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Oh. Right.
Pink nymph-like character from the Mortal Realm with flowing hair who acts like they're better than everyone else and constantly gets away with shitty behavior? Check.
Blue/grey cthonic god with dominion over the dead, mommy/daddy issues, and banging Minthe? Check.
Obvious gap in how the two people in the relationship are presented, treated, and behave in LO's class system compared to everyone around them? Check.
Borderline toxic relationship dynamic in which one plays the Daddy Dom role and another plays the Little Girl role? Oh yeah, check.
But in Daphne and Thanatos' case, it's inverted.
Persephone is presented as a naive, in-over-her-head character who gets into a relationship with someone who speaks on her behalf and makes a lot of decisions for her.
And here we have Thanatos, a naive, in-over-his-head character who gets into a relationship with someone who speaks on his behalf and makes decisions for him- oop.
Daphne and Thanatos may as well just be Rachel's excuse to keep drawing Persephone x Hades fluff without it being Persephone x Hades fluff.
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Same petty, tone deaf virtue-signaling dialogue. Same pink x blue aesthetic. Same roles in the comic's established class system. Same character arc that's reduced to being nothing more than a #metoo victim of assault from a man (the same man no less) all just to push their love interests' character arc and make them look better by comparison. Same creepy, toxic DDLG undertones projected from a creator who's proven to be into these power-imbalanced controlling relationship dynamics.
Daphne isn't 'empowering'. She's not 'mature.' She's yet another Rachel projection - Persephone but not Persephone - to talk at the audience with generic Therapy Speak while refusing to uphold the very virtues she's signaling. It's not a good thing that her greatest contribution to the plot was being another victim of Apollo.
The proof is all there. If you've still got a hint of doubt, look no further than the newest FastPass preview for Episode 219.
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That's all I'm gonna say on that.
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stargirl-and-potts · 10 months
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