#fcc free
1randomweirdo · 8 months
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Forgot to share this yesterday!
Hey my fellow Americans, remember Net Neutrality? (Remember the douche with the comically oversized 'reese's pieces' coffee mug, Ajit Pai?) Quick rehash: Pai repealed it, and lacking Net Neutrality means Big Tech/Phone companies can hinder, slow, or block access to any sites they want for any reason (perhaps some of you recall Verizon throttling service of firefighters out west *while they were battling wildfires* - or how ads now just say internet speeds may decrease during peak hours? Net Neutrality makes it so that can't happen)
Well now that the aforementioned douche is not there, the FCC is considering restoring it! This is *huge*, and there's an easy way to submit comments to both the FCC *and* your members of Congress, below.
It's a pre-made form letter; all you have to do is enter your info (though I recommend adding something to the letter, just to prove to the recipients that they're not getting bot comments. Even just adding your name and saying "I agree with the comments below" or something is fine)
An action we can all take, that just takes a few moments (just be sure to uncheck the boxes at the bottom if you don't want to be added to email lists)
Link to send comments to FCC:
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danepopfrippery · 4 months
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igottatho · 4 months
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People are submitting complaints to the FCC regarding the Zionist ad that ran during the stupid Super Bowl. If you’re in the US and able/ interested, this could be a good strategy to apply.
The game started around 6:30 EST, 3:30 PST, and the commercial aired in between 7:20-8:45 sometime. I don’t have more info than that sorry. Maybe if another does they can put it in the comments
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nadanotes · 6 months
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2024 Monthly
Filofax Mini Rings
Pocket Rings
Pocket Plus Rings
A6 Rings
Personal Rings
Franklin Covey Compact (FCC)
Personal Wide Rings
B6 Rings
A5 Rings
Hobonichi Weeks
Mini HP
These inserts are made to be printed on US Letter Paper (8.5" x 11"). When printing, remember to set it to print at actual size.
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girderednerve · 1 year
i just think that if you get a radio then you get the radio content for free. that's the radio deal: you buy radio receiver, you can listen to radio broadcasts for free thereafter. we lost this one with TV and i'm still mad about it. digital broadcasts blah blah whatever all that means is for me that it's increasingly impossible to get a cheap antenna & pick up the local stations, which is trashass garbage. you bought the TV, the TV broadcasts oughta be free, i don't give a fuck if mr. nielsen has his ratings. don't get me started on streaming
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dulcewrites · 11 months
Myrah thinking she's a bad mum 💔 was that the worst from modern Baelor? How did thry reconcile, including with his dad?
Yes that’s probably the worse it gets for him. Like Aemond said in the piece, baelor is a good kid at heart. Even baelor himself acknowledges he’s not that kind of person. I kind of see him being a bit of a mixture of aemond and aegon, which makes sense since those are the two male figures in his life. In og fcc he’s quite close with his uncle (and Maelor 🫶🏽). Hes close to Aegon in the modern universe too, especially since I go back and forth on if modern Aegon would even want kids. He’s very much the cool doting uncle. To the boys in particular. I think Aemond would be happy he’s brother wants to play an active role in his life considering how strained things were in their youth. But it would worry him, and myrah a bit.
Baelor is a bit of a loner like how his dad is, but the way he handles his problems or feelings tends to skew towards his uncle. He can be a bit erratic when he feels like he isn’t been seen or heard. A key trait for both Aemond and Aegon is their want to be liked/loved. For Aemond it is easier to distance himself before he gets hurt. While Aegon gets into shit to self soothe. Both Aemond and Aegon put on false senses of bravado (for companionship or as armor), and Baelor is no different.
In terms of them making up, Baelor and Myrah would have a real conversation. One where they both hear each out. Some tears would shed. But Baelor is a mama’s boy; he’d rather be ran over than have him mother have a negative view of him. Honestly, Aemond is more upset that myrah is upset, especially since she could be pregnant at the time. he’s used to seeing rich kids get arrested and let off the hook. Once myrah and Baelor are able to chat through things, stuff levels out. Aemond and Baelor will always kind of have a more complex relationship at their core because of how much Baelor reminds Aemond of himself/his brother.
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alex51324 · 11 days
So, the NDA signed by producers of The Apprentice just expired, and one of them has published a tell-all article. Most of the article is about how they used standard reality-TV tricks to portray Trump as being wealthy and intelligent, when in reality he was, and is, a deeply indebted buffoon.
The money shot, however, comes when Trump and the producers are preparing for climax of the final episode, when the winner will be decided.
Per the FCC's rules for game shows, producers could not be involved in deciding who would be fired each week, or who would ultimately win: it had to be Trump's decision alone, like contestants and viewers were told it was. The producers could, and did, give him a presentation about the strengths and weaknesses of the contestants each time he had to make a decision. These were recorded, in case questions ever arose about whether the producers had crossed the line.
So, for the final episode, there were two contestants remaining. Both were men, one white, the other Black. They'd both done well in the final challenge of the competition. As the producers were summarizing the points for an against each candidate, this happened:
“Yeah,” he says to no one in particular, “but, I mean, would America buy a n— winning?” Kepcher’s pale skin goes bright red. I turn my gaze toward Trump. He continues to wince. He is serious, and he is adamant about not hiring Jackson.
In the finished program, Trump chose the white contestant as the winner.
(Four years later, Trump would propagate the baseless conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was not a native-born US citizen and therefore had not legitimately won the presidency.)
The article also describes how women working on the production faced discrimination based on whether or not Trump wanted to look at them while they did their jobs:
While leering at a female camera assistant or assessing the physical attributes of a female contestant for whoever is listening, he orders a female camera operator off an elevator on which she is about to film him. “She’s too heavy,” I hear him say. Another female camera operator, who happens to have blond hair and blue eyes, draws from Trump comparisons to his own Ivanka Trump. “There’s a beautiful woman behind that camera,” he says toward a line of 10 different operators set up in the foyer of Trump Tower one day. “That’s all I want to look at.”
And there's a third anecdote where he pressures a woman producer to break the FCC rules, while being casually misogynistic toward a contestant:
Trump corners a female producer and asks her whom he should fire. She demurs, saying something about how one of the contestants blamed another for their team losing. Trump then raises his hands, cupping them to his chest: “You mean the one with the …?” He doesn’t know the contestant’s name. Trump eventually fires her.
This information is pretty unlikely to persuade anyone who wasn't already persuaded by any of the other things Trump has done and said, which would for anyone else be a career-defining scandal. But it is a useful reminder of who we're dealing with.
(Link is to Slate, an x-number-of-free-articles-a-month site, but the incognito window trick works.)
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cyberianlife · 7 months
New FCC rules intend to enable all American households equal access to high-speed internet by prohibiting service providers from “digital discrimination" 😳😳😳
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aci25 · 1 year
Save Free TV - Let's Stop ATSC 3.0 DRM ! Broadcasters are Encrypting Over the Air TV Channels!
Sign the petition: https://lon.tv/atsc3petition - Efforts by broadcasters to encrypt ATSC 3.0 broadcasts are accelerating with most US cities now seeing at least one station restricted. When tuners get certified it's likely DVR and other time shifting features will remain locked out. See more ATSC 3 - http://lon.tv/ATSC3 and subscribe! http://lon.tv/s
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bispsolutions · 1 year
Oracle FCCs Unbalance Journals
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turnedinto-themoon · 1 year
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post-leffert · 3 months
For An Anarchist Radio Relay League
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A free zine about amateur radio for anarchists.
For an Anarchist Radio Relay League (
For an Anarchist Radio Relay League ( -booklet
However, in a time when the United States government is fighting tooth and nail for the preservation of its own legitimacy while simultaneously eviscerating community services by way of privatization (Health Care, Postal Service, Public Land, Public schools, you name it), it is as important for the anti-authoritarian Working Class to learn about the science and art of radio communication as it is to learn how to grow food and shoot straight. (read "Factories, Fields, and the Firearms to Defend Them" by Hybachi LeMar )
In fact, in October of 2020, Ajit Pai's* FCC** ordered amateur access to the 3.5GHz band to be "sunset" (http://www.arrl.org/news/fcc-orders-amateur-access-to-3-5-ghz-band-to-sunset ) so that the frequency space can be sold to private companies to expand the new 5G mobile network. While this isn't exactly disastrous for anyone other than a specific sub-set of Hams***, it is par for the course for this early half of the 21st Century that the government would sell off public property to the highest bidder so that private companies can sell it back to "Consumers" and lock poor people out of access to something as ubiquitous as air or water. Sound familiar? (https://iaffaiorg.wordpress.com/2020/10/11/skills-for-revolutionary-survival-5-communications-equipment-for-rebels/)
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The John Miller Program w/Ashly Russell
The John Miller Program w/Ashly Russell
On this program myself (John Miller) and Ashly Russell hosted Dan St. Paul. We talked about getting old, marriage and lesbians, classic bands and drank some beers. Then we had good friend that has no eye brows, Robert Hawkins.
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nadanotes · 2 months
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Month on 2 Pages
Filofax Mini Rings
Pocket Rings
Pocket Plus Rings
A6 Rings
Personal Rings
Franklin Covey Compact (FCC)
Personal Wide Rings
B6 Rings
A5 Rings
Hobonichi Weeks
Mini HP
These inserts are made to be printed on US Letter Paper (8.5" x 11"). When printing, remember to set it to print at actual size.
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foxpunk · 2 years
Hey, you! Yeah, you with the cool neocities!
You're doing great! Really love what you've done with the place so far. Now here's something important moving forward. If you are making a neocities - especially if you are doing so with the motivation to fight back against Web 3.0 and reclaim the web as a space for individual users instead of for companies - please, keep the following in mind:
An inaccessible web is not a free web.
Repeat after me: An inaccessible web is not a free web.
Resources for Beginners to Learn About Web Accessibility and Web Design:
W3C's Introduction to Web Accessibility | W3C is the organization that decides on the standards of Accessibility on the web. They are an invaluable direct resource.
A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Web Accessibility
Mozilla's Accessibility Overview
WebAIM's Introduction to Web Accessibility
What is Web Accesibility in 60 Seconds! [YouTube Video]
Accessibility: What's the difference between WCAG Levels A and AA? [YouTube Video]
FreeCodeCamp | FCC provides an extremely beginner friendly Responsive Web Design course. The lessons for this course integrate accessibility standards naturally, and also have individual lessons specifically for teaching accessibility.
FreeCodeCamp's Accessibility Tag on their News Page
HTML Dog's Tutorial's for HTML, CSS, and Javascript
MarkSheet's Free HTML and CSS Tutorial
W3C's Easy Checks
W3C's QuickRef on How to Meet WCAG | I have filtered the QuickRef link to only show Level A requirements. This is the easiest level to meet and is considered the "bare minimum."
WAVE: Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
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personal-blog243 · 2 years
I can’t believe I never heard about this program? See if you qualify for discounted internet and computers.
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