#fe Phila
rainbowdonkee · 2 years
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New heroes are here! Rearmed is F! Robin (Grima) and Eir is our Ascended unit!
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yourladystar · 2 years
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You really mean to tell me that the random NPC with 5 lines of dialogue whose only role in the story is to suck at her job and die got in before Laurent?!
Gatekeeper I like; he's a meme king and mega wholesome. Brigand Boss; he's apparently also a meme, though I never got why, but I'll ignore it since he's a freebie. But this, no.
Was there anyone who wanted Phila to be added to Heroes? I know every character has its fans but was there a single person clamoring for Awakening's most worthless character to be added, into the summoning pool no less?!
Show me one person who was unironically wishing for her inclusion and I will draw myself wearing the "I'm sorry, I was born stupid" button as an apology.
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Wow, the new banner sure was surprising and unexpected.
To begin with I would have never have guessed they would choose Awakening when three other games were ahead of it in the rotation (Radiant Dawn, Fates and Mystery) AND they had the option to choose TMS since they just reminded everyone of its existence. Still, I love Awakening so it's not like I can complain.
I also can't complain that they chose to focus on Gen 1 since I always prefer when they introduce new characters rather than "rescue" characters from "alt hell".
Ricken, Gregor and Phila (!!!!) are good picks and I personally love it when they give us minor characters who were never playable before. So much that I actually voted for Phila in CYL.
And Cervantes is also a based pick. I never would have expected a free Armor Knight from IS. Feels bad to be a Validar fan... tho at this point it has to be intentional. I'm starting to think Validar will be the last character from Awakening added.
The Rearmed hero was really disappointing tho, ngl. Not only it's another Ascended!Celica situation since they gave a character that already has a Legendary the shiny new alt. But even if they picked someone else I would have preferred to have no Rearmed rather than another banner with a Rearmed and an Ascended. Because together with the last NH banner it begins to set a precedent, an expectation...
The expectation that every new heroes banner will have both Ascended AND Rearmed is extremely scary to me as someone who mostly cares about getting every character EVER in this game. Because as long as we have OCs like Eir, Lif and probably Thrasir it's tolerable. We still get 4 brand new characters and only one Forging Bond slot is taken by an alt.
But in the future, we could get only 3 new characters per banner with 2 forging bond slots being wasted. THAT I do not want.
The next Awakening banner could very well be: an Ascended alt, a Rearmed alt, Vaike, Kellam and GHB Pheros. The one after could be an Ascended alt, a Rearmed alt, Inigo, Severa and GHB Noire. R.I.P. Laurent...
I sincerely hope that I'm wrong about this and that they will start alternating between Ascended and Rearmed alts like they already do with Duos and Harmonics. For everyone's sake.
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phila's death in fea was pointless shock value and added nothing to the story. it would've been way more interesting for her to be defeated, but survive and be recruited at the beginning of chapter 10, so we could have her character contrasted against frederick's as someone who failed to save the woman she was duty-bound to protect. imagine the supports. imagine how good they'd be.
since intsys obviously doesn't care about her she's mine now btw. she has supports with at LEAST cordelia, sumia, frederick, and robin. she's bisexual and can marry robin regardless of gender. her son from the future is named alfred. his starting class is archer and he has a Thing about protecting people in general. unfortunately this sometimes leads him to forget that an archer should *not* be on the front lines. there's a bug where if phila marries female robin, alfred and morgan won't recognize each other as siblings (taken from how it works with gay awakening).
btw you'll never guess which other relatively minor npc from fire emblem awakening i have a weird amount of investment in.
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day-colors · 2 years
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keeping the exalt safe :)
just a quick doodle since phila is in heroes
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theofficersacademy · 5 months
hello, whilst I've really enjoyed my time here I think it's curtains for l'ara and phila. with exams on the horizon things have gotten too hard to manage. apologies to all thread partners, thanks for making my experience here a good one :]! bye for now
L'Arachel and Phila have been dropped and is now available!
- Mod Ree
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femblemfemslash · 2 years
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FE Femslash February 2023 // Emmeryn and Phila
Exalt Emmeryn… On my honor as a pegasus knight of Ylisse, I will protect you this time. I swear it.
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fefuckability · 1 year
Qualifying Round: Poll 7
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Feel free to post your justifications in the tags/comments!
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memie-art-blog · 2 years
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I finally finished this sketch!!!
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rubywolf0201 · 2 years
Today is the birthday for The Vaike! Hope he gets added into FEH and have a smashin artwork too as well! 💛🎂
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ljreflet · 3 months
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Hey everybody ! I apologize for the lack of updates, I burnt out of modding and Fire Emblem for a while. But thankfully, the FE modding bug has bitten me again and I finally have motivation to jump into modding again !
I started this drawing 2 years ago and just kind of let it sit unfinished in the back of my computer. But I FINALLY managed to finish this drawing LOL.
Meet my Awakening OC, Ylang. He's a Pegasus Knight that works directly under Phila. He's talented in magic and is geared to be a Dark Flier. Gameplay-wise, his stats lean heavily toward speed, magic, and resistance, but as typical for a Pegasus Knight, his defense and HP are quite low.
I'm hoping to make him real in-game, and I already have his model and texture made as well as his character data.
But yeah, it's nice to be back and I really hope you guys like my drawing ㅠㅠ
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rainbowdonkee · 2 years
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Full art for Phila - Pegasus Master!
Artist: Hirooka Masaki
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yourladystar · 2 years
So, I was actually expecting to get a response from my last post confirming there was someone who was excited for Phila. What I wasn't expecting was how many people responded and how fast it happened. And I wanna say this now to make it nice and clear.
If you are one of the people who responded to my post or just saw it in passing who is excited about Phila being added to Heroes, good for you. I'm not being sarcastic, I am happy for you. I'm glad you were able to feel the satisfaction that every Heroes player wants to experience having their most requested character finally added. And I can guarantee that I will be the loudest b*tch popping off when Laurent and Shura are added.
So no, I don't begrudge anyone for being happy about Phila's inclusion. But it doesn't make me like it. Honestly, this whole banner feels a bit underwhelming, and not just because of Phila.
Only half of the banner is of actual new units with an additional freebie. The other half is taken up by Eir's ascended form, which I'm not bothered by since I was expecting it, and female Grima, who feels like the artist is just completely leaning into the "hot evil b*tch you wanna f*ck" archetype. Which I'm really f*cking sick of at this point.
Not only because I'm just so over all villains needing to be f*ckable for lonely straights to fantasize about, but because it feels like they're just forgetting who Grima actually is and what they've done. You do know this is the same being that brought about an apocalypse, horrifically traumatized the entire second generation of the Awakening cast, is the reason why almost all of them are orphans, and turned their own child into their servant?
If the fell dragon in Engage gets the same treatment, I don't think I can take it. Can't we just let villains be obstacles for our main characters?
Anyway, that's my follow-up to my last post and, as promised, here's the drawing I promised.
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I would have gotten this post done sooner, but I made the mistake of letting my brother borrow my colored pencils. I assumed he would need them for a day or two, maybe three, only for him to borrow them for nearly two weeks and then leave them at his friend's house.
This is why I don't let my brothers near my stuff.
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amitieos · 7 months
♡ (peg knights! peg knights! peg knights!)
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leto river crimea they/them class: pegasus knight -> falcon knight (lance + staff) -> seraph knight (lance, staff + sword)
reserved and quiet but far from shy. has great expectations on their shoulders from both parents and intends to meet them all.
studious, hard-working and very, very serious
has probably never told a joke in their life. might have laughed lightly at one or two
most often trains with phila growing up, elincia teaches her kids to fly but would honestly rather they didn't fight
but leto has dreamed of joining the royal knights since they were old enough to say the word knight
definitely prefers the company of animals to people
a skilled equestrian as well as pegasus rider, would probably rather a life training horses and pegasi than at court if they're honest
however, they accept the importance of their royal duties and take great pride in their people
idolises both of their mothers!!! wants to be just like them
makes friends very, very slowly. takes a long time to defrost but if you burrow through their walls then you have a loyal friend for life
definitely reads whatever the fe equivalent of warrior cats is. definitely will not admit to this fact
"accidentally" adopted a puppy at garreg mach
they're excited to take archery and authority classes at the monastery
healing/faith magic doesn't come naturally to them and is more of a budding talent they develop over time
secretly wants to be a mage but is uh... pretty darn terrible with offensive magic actually
reactive and impulsive in the face of danger. prefers to skip the talking and handle things with the point of their lance
a little embarrassed by how hot-headed and easy to anger they really are
doesn't have much of a sweet tooth but likes collecting fruit to share with their family
hyper critical of their own efforts but very encouraging to others, especially younger kids
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airlock · 8 months
CYL8 Nerding - Internal Bottom 10
y'know, last year, the least voted character in CYL had just 2 votes to his name, so I thought this might be the first year we ever see a character get 0 votes!
this did not happen -- our least voted character this year has 1 vote. fucking incredible. anyway, shall we go all-in on this year's biggest losers?
AKANEIA #1: Dice, also Roberto (3 votes) #3: Reiden (6 votes) #4: we all still think of Luke as a small fry (11 votes) #5: Frost (13 votes) #6: Malledus (16 votes) #7: Boah (17 votes) #8: Roderick, also Belf, also Ymir (18 votes)
VALENTIA #1: Tatarrah, also Garth (3 votes) #3: Dolth (4 votes) #4: Barth, also Jerome (6 votes) #6: Grieth (7 votes) #7: Halcyon (11 votes) #8: Slayde, also Blake (15 votes) #10: Marla (16 votes)
JUGDRAL #1: Danann (3 votes) #2: Scipio (4 votes) #3: Hilda, also Halvan (8 votes) #5: Sandima, also Alva, also Perne (10 votes) #8: Munnir (11 votes) #9: Tristan, also Deimne, also Safy (12 votes)
ELIBE #1: Lundgren (6 votes) #2: Zelot, also FE7!Murdock (8 votes) #4: FE6!Merlinus (10 votes) #5: Desmond, also FE6!Murdock (11 votes) #6: Hellene (14 votes) #7: Barthe (18 votes) #8: Saul (19 votes) #9: Fargus, also Durban (20 votes)
MAGVEL #1: Riev (8 votes) #2: Hayden (11 votes) #3: Rennac, also Vigarde (13 votes) #5: Dozla (26 votes) #6: Fado (28 votes) #7: Caellach (33 votes) #8: Orson (41 votes) #9: Natasha (42 votes) #10: Tethys (43 votes)
TELLIUS #1: Muston (1 vote) #2: Bertram (3 votes) #3: Daniel and Jorge twinning it the FUCK up (4 votes) #5: Hetzel (6 votes) #6: Kasatai (8 votes) #7: Bastian (10 votes) (I'M ONE OF THEM. YOU ABSOLUTE DASTARDS--) #8: Ludveck (12 votes) #9: Izuka (13 votes) #10: Numida (14 votes)
YLISSE #1: Cervantes (14 mustache hairs) #2: Validar (16 votes) #3: Phila (17 votes) #4: Kjelle (24 votes) #5: Flavia and Basilio sitting under a tree, F-I-G-H-T-I-N-G (25 votes) #7: Mustafa, also Excellus (31 votes) #9: Brady (33 votes) #10: Yen'fay (37 votes)
TMS#FE #1: Teru & Garrick (8 votes) #2: Kuen & Excellus (11 votes) #3: Chikaomi & Lon'qu (12 votes) #4: Chouten & Pheros (13 votes) #5: Nobu & Gangrel (19 votes)
HOSHIDO/NOHR #1: Tarba (7 votes) #2: Zhara, also Lloyd (8 votes) #4: Fuga (9 votes) #5: Llewelyn (11 votes) #6: Funke (12 votes) #7: Senno (15 votes) #8: Hans (17 votes) #9: Daichi (24 votes) #10: Arete, also Kumagera (30 votes)
FÓDLAN #1: Tomas, also Gwendal (4 votes) #3: Lonato (5 votes) #4: Pallardó (6 votes) #5: Aelfric (8 votes) #6: Ludwig aka Duke Aegir (9 votes) #7: Solon (11 votes) #8: Kostas (12 votes) #9: Volkhard aka Lord Arundel (13 votes) #10: Grégoire aka Count Varley (16 votes)
ELYOS #1: Hyacinth (38 votes) #2: Seforia (68 votes) (god dammit I knew I should have voted for her--) #3: Saphir (74 votes) (I DID VOTE FOR HER THOUGH YOU ABSOLUTE--) #4: Lindon (97 votes) #5: Morion (142 votes) #6: Bunet, also Zephia (158 votes) #8: Marni (187 votes) #9: not Marni (201 votes) (ie Madeline btw) #10: Vander (215 votes)
ZENITH #1: Ganglöt (50 votes) #2: Hel (69 votes) (nice) #3: Ótr (77 votes) #4: Nótt (88 votes) #5: Freyr (91 votes) #6: Ylgr (94 votes) #7: Múspell (116 votes) #8: Reginn (121 votes) #9: Letizia (122 votes) #10: Gustav (148 votes)
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kumeko · 1 year
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A/N: For the Of Mews and Men zine! I couldn’t resist writing about my og FE husband, Chrom. Even in an AU, all he knows is suffering XD
As I am sure you are all aware, it is election time in Ylisse. It might be impossible to forget that fact, considering how many ads and signs are around. People with even the smallest stake in our country’s politics are popped out of the woodwork, all ready to throw their hat in the ring. You can’t even go for a walk without being bombarded by posters.
Especially that poster. I am sure you know the one I’m talking about. The one featuring front-runner Chrom in, shall we say, a delicate situation. Everyone has questions and I am here to get some answers. After all, it’s the Mews and Men way, though I must say, most politicians never want a tabloid like ours covering them.
Fortunately, Chrom doesn’t have such qualms with our magazine and has allowed me to interview him in his campaign’s headquarters. It’s the same location where his sister ran for office, time and time again, before the incident. I am sure it has a lot of symbolic meaning to him. We are seated in his office, just out of earshot for the hundreds of staffers outside. I recognize some faces from his sister’s cabinet—the well-prepared Frederick, the genius Cordelia, and even the wise Phila are organizing this campaign. They were the pillars of Emmeryn’s campaign. No doubt, it will end in victory if they are on board.
I set the recorder on the table between us. The room is rather sparsely decorated, with only our plastic chairs and his thrifty wooden table. It matches what I heard about Chrom’s frugal living and how little he spends on perks. His campaign money sticks to his needs: advertising and outreach.
Chrom looks stiff. It’s not a surprise, considering that he had never been in the limelight before. When I ask, he rubs his neck sheepishly and laughs. “Is it that obvious? I led as a soldier, but that’s really different than this.”
I can imagine. He had been a decent platoon leader in the army, thriving in the more physical and to the point environment of the Ylissean military. There had been a few rumours about property destruction, but most of it had been swept under the rug. That was also where he met his right-hand and best friend, the tactical genius Robin. Chrom’s expression softens as he recalls those days. “I thought we’d fight together forever. I’ve never really been one to look to the future. That’s changed now.”
And the reason for this change? Well, the obvious: his sister’s hospitalization. His eyes darken as he recalls those memories. “The day I received that call…I’ll never forget it. I think I actually stopped breathing until Robin shook me out of it. I’m just glad she’s alive.”
It had been an assassination attempt by the neighbouring country, Plegia. Not that anyone has stepped forward to claim the attack, though President Gangrel hasn’t hidden his anger over the failure. Whoever the assassin was, they’d just narrowly missed their target, and what would have been a fatal blow had become a survivable one. The entire country had mourned the loss of Emmeryn. She had been a popular leader and many of her ideals would have pushed Ylisse to a better place.
Fortunately, while she won’t be the same, she still lives. The country now lives for her journey through physical therapy, celebrating all of her milestones.
“Emmeryn’s walking again. Lissa always hovers nearby, worried, but she doesn’t need more than her walking stick now.” Chrom’s expression brightens as he talks about his sisters. Clearly, family is very important to him. “The doctors said it won’t be long before she can talk again.”
Emmeryn has already made a few appearances at campaign rallies, garnering support for Chrom and his sympathetic cause. While she can’t implement them herself, her ideals live on in her brother and many of her supporters naturally flock to him. As Chrom puts it, “when I saw that Emmeryn’s work would disappear, I couldn’t let that happen.”
It is an admirable sentiment. A brother championing his sister’s peaceful views, even after her assassination and the people’s cries for vengeance. He’s swayed the public’s opinion from war back to peace.
“I couldn’t do it without everyone’s help, though.” Another one of Chrom’s charming traits is how humble he is. “Robin knows exactly what to do, Cordelia and Frederick make it happen, Maribelle has all the connections—it’s a team effort, more than anything.”
Speaking of things that he can’t do alone, I see my chance and I take it. As fun as it is talking to him, I am here on a mission, after all. “Is there anyone you work with better than the others?”
“Oh, that’s easy.” He smiles brightly as he talks about his two main aides, Robin and Frederick. “Robin plans everything, and Frederick just makes it happen!”
It’s not really a surprise he picked those two—Frederick and Chrom have been friends since childhood, while Chrom and Robin have been inseparable since they first met. While most of the campaign is made up of an assortment of long-time friends, those two are the closest.
Either of them could even potentially be his mysterious lover. I try a different tact to weasel the information out of him. “How about out of the office?”
“Well, for the door-to-door stuff, our outreach heads have been really helpful there. There’s no one who knows the country better than Gaius and Panne is great at keeping things on track.”  It’s no surprise Chrom left those two in charge of his grassroot level promoting. While Gaius’s image has cleaned up recently, it isn’t that long ago that when someone thought of Ylisse’s shadowy side, they thought of a certain red-haired ex-thief.
Of course, Gaius has changed now. He no longer works on the black market for one. There have even been pictures of him at orphanages distributing candy. There’s been a lot of speculation on why Gaius reformed, but nothing concrete.
Perhaps love is the reason?
“How about outside the campaign itself?” I ask, digging for more candidates.
It isn’t a surprise when he talks about his sisters again. I imagine he’ll make a great father, the way he gushes over them. “Lissa’s actually stopped pranking these days! I thought maybe it was because Robin out-tricked her, but it’s because she wants to help Emmeryn.”
He definitely has the vibe of a man who would pull out a wallet full of photos of kids and grandkids if anyone asked about his family.
It is adorable and utterly useless.
“How about you?” With Chrom, the best tact is straightforwardness. I raise my pen, ready for the answer. “Are you dating anyone?”
Chrom flushes. “What?”
I’m sure all of our readers at Of Mews and Men are all aware of the rumours. Chrom is dating his mysterious aid Robin. Or perhaps he was caught kissing the long-adoring Cordelia. Or heading to a hotel with the dedicated Frederick. A steamy romance with the foreign Olivia or Lon’qu. Every tabloid has scrutinized Chrom’s photos with his associates, trying to figure out just which one is behind the poster that’s been posted on every street corner. No one’s had this kind of front row seat to ask. Not until now.
“Are you dating anyone?” I repeat firmly. I owe our readers a duty and I will not let him weasel out of this.
Chrom resembles a tomato as he shakes his head. Entirely too flustered, he denies every allegation, his hands up as though to ward off the rumours. “No one! I, that—this is a professional environment. I would never do that here.”
His wording is interesting to say the least, so I press him. “Does that mean there is someone you’re thinking of? Or maybe that you were with before the campaign?”
He is still full of denials. I feel like I am bullying a teenage boy, but journalistic integrity pushes me to pull out my phone and show him a picture of the infamous posters. It’s benign, as far as scandalous photos are, just an image of a shirtless Chrom surrounded by cats. Yet, the usually composed Chrom looked utterly relaxed as he smiled at the camera, and it didn’t take long for everyone to speculate he was with his lover.
It also didn’t take long for the poster to become a thirst trap. Whenever one’s on a wall, it’s immediately stolen. I can’t blame anyone. Have you seen the abs on this man? Clearly his time with the military was well spent; even with his busy campaign schedule, Chrom keeps himself in shape.
Whoever this mystery person is, they were very lucky. Maybe the poster is their way of bragging.
Chrom shakes with embarrassment and anger as he grabs my phone. I can hear a crack. I hope he doesn’t break it by accident. “Who—when—wait, that’s the local shelter’s cats…Lissa.” His jaw drops. “She’s pranking me.”
Well, that explains a lot. His sister is a known prankster, appearing on a lot of comedy shows as she promotes her brother. It is a disappointing, normal answer. On the bright side, there won’t be any broken hearts over it. Chrom is still available, after all. We can still fantasize that he’ll appear at our doors, sweeping us off our feet.
When I get the phone back, there is a noticeable crack on it. Chrom apologizes profusely, the gentleman he is, and asks me to send the replacement bill to his office. This isn’t the first time he’s accidentally destroyed property, it seems—he is remarkably clumsy for such a strong man.
The interview ends all too soon. His grip as he shakes my hand is overly careful. I wonder what it feels like when he lets loose, what else those hands of his can do.
He’s still single, perhaps I stand a chance to find out one day.
While there sadly is no scoop, I do have a consolation prize. Just as I leave the office, Frederick pulls me to the side and offers me a scrolled-up poster. A gift, he claims. To help promote the campaign.
It’s a pristine version of the cat poster. When I question, Frederick explains. “A campaign is always in need of funding and promotion. So, why not do both at the same time?”
This amazing campaign strategy had come from Robin’s devious mind. There is even a store where you can buy these posters, so no one needs to tear a used one off a fence anymore. It gets better: they have mugs, shirts, and even mousepads.
“It’s been doing so well, we actually have a second collection out,” Frederick adds as he hands me a box full of goodies. I obviously accept: there’s just something relaxing about Chrom’s smile. I have to smile back, no matter how crappy my day is. Even if you don’t vote for him, you should check out the store.
The election is in a month. I hope this piece helps you with deciding your vote. I know where mine’s going in next week’s early voting.
I even circled the date on the Chrom calendar, so I won’t forget.
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