gardensofthemoon · 4 months
Please, can i ask for Feanor/Fingolfin 36 - to give up control?
36 - to give up control. prompt list here
“I am not sorry for putting them in their places.” Fëanáro’s fingers trailed down Ñolofinwë’s chest, stopping to leisurely graze his nipples. Ñolofinwë shuddered; the pinpricks or arousal crawled up his limbs, sensuous, a slow, sweet heat gathering in his belly.
“You shouldn’t have stooped to their level,” said Ñolofinwë. “You’ll be remembered, and they will be suspicious of you. Of us. We agreed we’d not flaunt our… friendship before unkindly looking eyes. Perhaps you should make amends, calm their bruised egos.” Ñolofinwë thought of the harvest festival, the stolen moments he’d enjoyed with his brother apart from prying eyes, when he got Fëanáro all to himself. They had to pretend, hide away — which Fëanáro hated and didn’t hold back from saying. They did not even kiss before the group of revellers stumbled upon them in a secluded corner of the gardens, close to Aulë’s statue, his brother’s arm snaking around his waist, that cunning, clever mouth whispering promises that sent jolts of lightning spreading through Ñolofinwë’s body.
Of course, Fëanáro had made a scene.
“Do you want me to apologise?” Fëanáro grinned, a sly, predatory thing. Breath caught in Ñolofinwë’s chest at the sight — Fëanáro had the likeness of a Vala in full might, bright and beautiful as the light of Laurelin in bloom. “I will not. I do not regret it.” He pinched Ñolofinwë’s nipple, hard, then rubbed his thumb in soothing circles. Ñolofinwë moaned, and tipped his head back into the swan-feather pillows. His hands fisted in the sheets. “But I wish we were not disturbed so by those ill-mannered revellers. Our sweet hour, ended so sourly.”
“No matter,” gasped Ñolofinwë. Fëanáro settled on top of him, hands caging his body in. Tenderly, he gazed down at Ñolofinwë; his eyes glimmered star-silver, luminous, lighting the pleasure paths aflame.
“Wise words, dear brother,” he said. “Let us forget it.” Arrogant as ever, he leaned in to take Ñolofinwë’s mouth.
“Not quite so,” replied Ñolofinwë, and flipped them over, his heaving chest pressing to Fëanáro, who glared up at him both annoyed and impressed. “This time, you will listen. We do not need enemies turning against us from a mere… scuffle. A drunken argument.” He pecked Fëanáro on the lips. “Say it.”
“You will have me bend?” grumbled Fëanáro, looking less the passionate lover Ñolofinwë desired, and more the haughty prince who found fault with anyone or anything. He had to take action quickly.
“Please,” whispered Ñolofinwë, and pressed his mouth to Fëanáro’s coaxing it open soft and honey-slow, kissing him breathless. When they parted, Fëanáro’s gaze was hazy with pleasure, heavy-lidded and wine-dark. He chased Ñolofinwë’s lips, and Ñolofinwë knew his brother had yielded.
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melestasflight · 9 months
For your writing prompts, what about Fëanor/Fingolfin + 13. I shall break my heart, if you want! :D
Holiday Silm Prompt fill for @ettelene and also for Anon who requested 'no other home.'
Young Nolofinwë comes to watch an artistic performance. He does not expect to become the art itself.
1.6k of Fëanor/Fingolfin, pre-slash or to be read as the reader pleases.
Warnings for artistic binding and an erotic performance.
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I shall break my heart / no other home
on Ao3
Serindë’s body has long been resting in the gardens of Lorién, and the hands that once wove things of marvel are cold as stone, yet much of her warmth, of the craft she thought into being, lives on through her son.
The Crown Prince of the Noldor rarely displays his talent for working fibers, his restless heart always in pursuit of some new industry to master, but when he does, it is a spectacle that outshines even the works of the Valar. 
Such a performance has now drawn a crowd of elves from all corners of Valinórë. Many of Míriel’s old apprentices, now masters in their own right, are in attendance, and so are some of the most acclaimed artists, dancers, and poets, lovers and appreciators of delicate beauty. Nolofinwë has joined the crowd, aware that many eyes fall on him, but his own gaze searches patiently for one figure only. 
Fëanáro is only recently returned to Tirion after several seasons of journeying across the southern lands. He had missed Nolofinwë’s coming-of-age ceremony, yet he had remembered to send a gift — a translucent shirt of finest silk, hand dyed in resplendent silver and amethyst in the hues of Telperion’s light coloring the shallow waters of the Bay of Eldamar. 
He wears that shirt now, though it is coming short above his wrists and it constricts his chests a little. It is evident that Fëanáro remembers him quite shorter and slimmer, as Nolofinwë had been last they saw one another.
When his half-brother appears, at last, it is with the casual grace that is so definitive of his personality. Fëanáro has created an art form of radiating elegance seemingly with no effort at all. He greets the crowd with a simple palm atop his heart and then gets to work at once. A metal construction stands in the middle of the stage and Fëanáro begins tying red silken ropes at its edges.
At first, Nolofinwë understands little of this performance, never having dared attend before. But as the music lengthens, and the metal is clothed in red, he begins noticing the intricate patterns Fëanáro is fashioning. The artist’s slender fingers work with remarkable dexterity, the sight of their movement enthralling, and Nolofinwë slowly lets himself become enchanted.
‘These silks are stronger than steel.’ Nolofinwë hears someone in the audience behind him whisper. ‘The Prince has fetched them from the darkness of the South where few dare venture. Each strand is worth more than Nienna’s tear.’
Nolofinwë is little surprised. Fëanáro has never shied away from what many find dark and ugly. He rather seeks such things, challenging himself to distill beauty and tenderness from their core.
When the complex web is completed, forming an abstract image of Yavanna’s tender roses, Fëanáro’s chest heaves from exertion. Nolofinwë cannot restrain his gaze from tracing the rapid rising and dipping of Fëanáro’s ribs nor the swell of fine muscle along his forearms. The gossamer of labor-swollen veins on his hands is as intricate and fair as the knotted artwork he has created.
The artist comes forward and scans the crowd before asking, ‘Who among you shall lend their body to my art?’
Several elves step forward, all strong-bodied and lithe. One of them Nolofinwë recognizes as the leading dancer of Olwë’s court, famous for his acts of agility. Nolofinwë’s own heart dances wildly in his chest, he hesitates, but the urges of his body are stronger, more stubborn than his reason. 
He will choose someone else and I shall break my heart, he thinks to himself even as he joins the elves who stand offering themselves to Fëanáro. 
His brother���s eyes fall upon him in astonishment as if seeing a bloom in the midst of an icy plain. 
The greeting is deceptively simple, failing to subdue the electric pulses that fill the space between them.
‘Have you done this before?’
‘No,’ Nolfofinwe confesses with a strand of embarrassment.
Fëanáro pays no heed and steps closer, placing a hand on his shoulder. His fingers probe against Nolofinwë’s bicep, then dig between the tendons that bridge the shoulder to his collar bones.
Nolofinwë does not dare breathe, conscious of his rioting heartbeat. And yet, a small corner of his mind finds satisfaction that he now towers over his brother, his legs longer, his chest broader. Fëanáro must crane his neck upwards to meet his gaze.
‘You have grown strong,’ Fëanáro tells him quietly, kindling a flame in the pit of his stomach. ‘Just follow my lead.’
As he is guided by the hand to the stage, Nolofinwë distantly hears the enthusiastic whistles and cheers from the crowd behind them.
Thereafter, he submits to Fëanáro’s ministrations. His shirt is removed from him and his body is pushed and pulled, rotated, twisted. It is done with the utmost gentleness, but Nolofinwë’s muscles stiffen nonetheless. He is not used to anyone exerting such control over him. The ropes snake around his wrists, his elbows and shoulders, then his stomach and thighs, all across his back. The knots are precise, and fully binding.
And when the silk tightens around his breast, just beneath the hollow of his throat, the air rushes out of him against his will. There is naught he can do to keep it inside. The space around him turns foggy, treacherous. 
‘Nolo, look at me!’ Fëanáro’s loud whisper breaks through the constricting haze. ‘Look at me! You must breathe. Inhale fully, and exhale slowly. Follow my breathing.’
One strenuous breath, and another, and another. Nolofinwë mirrors Fëanáro’s rhythm, drinking the air that emerges from his lips and returning it, ever slower, longer, until Fëanáro’s face before him is crystal clear again.
‘Just keep breathing. You are just not accustomed to this feeling, that is all.’ They share the air for some time more and then his brother asks, ‘Do you trust me?’
Nolofinwë can see himself in the deep well of Fëanáro’s eyes. The reflection is slightly distorted and wet, a mirror upon the surface of a clean stream, but it is undoubtedly beautiful. He is beautiful like this — the silks fitting themselves around his bare body, their redness a rich contrast against his tanned skin.
‘I trust you,’ he says.
Fëanáro smiles and brushes the loose tresses of Nolofinwë’s hair away from his face. Then, the performance continues. The knots are tightened quickly and firmly around his knees but then they linger, caressing, his inner thigh. Heat and warmth take turns and his body responds, softening, stretching. 
What an image they must make, the sons of Finwë, the princes of the Noldor, displayed for all the world to see. Nolofinwë cares not for any of it. His eyes fall shut and he gives his awareness fully to Fëanáro’s soft touch as he weaves the ropes across his stomach, Fëanáro’s warm breath along his shoulder blade, the faint scent of Fëanáro’s sweat mingling with the sandalwood oil rubbed into his scalp.
When the endings of the ropes at tied together, and he is cradled within the net, Nolofinwë can move nothing but his face. Fëanáro nudges gently at his knees and shoulders to give momentum to the silks and spin his body. A proud smile adorns his face, but it is not one of arrogance. The gleam in his eyes is that of an artist who has satisfied his creative impulses fully and now basks in the gratification, intent on drinking every last drop of it. 
Take a good look at my artwork, he seems to beckon their audience.
Nolofinwë finds he does not mind being Fëanáro’s piece of art. Because his brother, more than anyone he knows, gives himself selflessly to his art and his craft. The works of his hands are not objects to be simply displayed for vanity and then left for dead in a dusty corner when the esthetic proclivities evolve. They are living beings, growing with their creator, and nurturing the roots of his imagination. 
Bound as he is, with an utter lack of control over his body, Nolofinwë is amazed to discover how liberated he feels. There is no weight to his limbs, no urge to resist or move or do anything at all. He floats in a boundless space, released of all burdens and expectations. It is a sensation of being completely at home with oneself. 
I wish for no other home than this, Nolofinwë concludes in his pleasant trance.
Time must flow without his notice because when he next opens his eyes, most of the elves are gone and no music plays other than the trills of evening songbirds. Knot by knot, he is freed back to himself. Fëanáro holds him in what could be a loving embrace in a different situation until he finds his footing.
The energy is changed about them, Nolofinwë can sense it, and he is certain Fëanáro knows it too. The tension of the rainstorm is now softened, calming as a summer drizzle.
‘I shall like to do this again,’ he tells Fëanáro, astonished at his own boldness. 
Fëanáro only hums as he helps him dress. Nolofinwë cannot catch the thoughts in his mind, but he knows they are there, can almost hear them clashing against one another.
‘It is ill-fitting,’ his brother says when the amethyst shirt finds its way back upon Nolofinwë’s body. He sounds disappointed with himself. 
Fëanáro fingers the silver cuffs along the too-short sleeves of the shirt and then his touch lingers upon Nolofinwë’s wrist, caressing the plaited lines there left by the ropes.
‘I shall like to mend your shirt,’ Fëanáro’s response finally comes. ‘And if it pleases you, we can practice the knots. Seek me in ten days time at the second mingling.’
I shall seek you always, Nolofinwë thinks and lets his thought spill out on purpose.
If you enjoyed this story, feel free to drop me a note/kudo on AO3. It makes my day!
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comshipbracket · 7 months
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Antis DNI - Block the tag "comship" if this causes discomfort.
The Tridentariicest fanartist has given permission for the work to be used! Check out Vee's art here!
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise.
FeaNolo Propaganda (Incest - Half-brothers with the same father)
"Although Fëanor never showed much affection to Fingolfin, he (Fingolfin) would still always try to make amends and support his elder brother. Even Fëanors hatred (which was quite passionate) didn't deter him and he followed his brother even after getting betrayed multiple times. Fingolfin's loyalty/love for his brother is simply beautiful and their relationship always warms my heart :3"
Tridentariicest Propaganda (Incest, Toxic Dynamic, Body Modification, Codependant)
"Canonically, Coronabeth and Ianthe did not sleep in separate rooms until their early 20s, when one of them was presumed killed and the other drafted into intergalactic genocide on behalf of God.
Ianthe's necromantic specialties in subcutaneous fat and soft tissue suggest that she sculpted her sister's body with magic. Coronabeth is just about the only person from a thanergetic world who looks particularly healthy.
Ianthe spent 20something years keeping up the lie that Coronabeth is also a necromancer.
When Ianthe then kills and eats her cavalier to ascend to Lyctorhold and the sisters' lifelong companion, Naberius, Coronabeth says nobody cares about him and is outraged that Ianthe didn't eat her.
They kiss when they see each other again.
These two need to be with each other as a matter of quarantine."
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cilil · 1 year
Summer Stories
AN: Another ship I've been wanting to try for a while, especially after reading @i-did-not-mean-to's recent fic. I'm dedicating this one to @ettelene as a thank you for running Silm smut week (so excited for that already).
Prompt: Picnic | Fëanor x Fingolfin Synopsis: Fingolfin makes another attempt at gaining Fëanor's favour. Warnings: Incestuous attraction
"What is this? Another attempt at gaining my favour?" 
Fëanor sneers at him when he looks up from his notebook, but Fingolfin can't help staring at him regardless.
How is it that his half-brother, so proud and unapproachable, can still draw him in as if he's under some kind of spell, like a moth to a flame? He's beautiful, brilliant, everything, making him feel small and insignificant, but in a way that makes his skin tingle and his heart race.
Oh Fëanáro, what are you doing to me...
Taking a deep breath, Fingolfin places the basket on the ground in front of his half-brother. 
"I brought you something to eat and drink," he says, attempting to stop his voice from shaking. "I thought you could use some refreshment after working all day." 
"So I was right," is all Fëanor says, referring to his previous question, and he shifts his attention back to his notes, ignoring both his half-brother and the basket. 
"You can go." 
Fingolfin hesitates. He doesn't know why he's still hoping for more in these interactions, and yet – 
"I said you can go. You know I won't be swayed by a few petty gestures." 
"Of course not," Fingolfin mumbles and with his head lowered, he turns to leave. Perhaps Fëanor is right and he's just a fool, but he knows already that he will try again and will keep trying until maybe one day he receives affection instead of contempt in return. 
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Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider liking and reblogging! ♡
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polutrope · 11 months
weird and controversial ships hmmmm.... elwing/maglor, feanolo, indis/nerdanel?
[ship bingo]
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Yes. They're both hot (to me), she hates him, he would do anything (anything) to redeem himself in her eyes. He won't but she'll still fuck him. Dynamic is Maglor guilt-fucking, Elwing like, "Yeah, I deserve this. Please me, kinslayer -- also don't talk." They are both surprised to find they have amazing chemistry and it gets pretty kinky. Earendil backs it, sometimes watches, rarely partakes. Elrond and Elros think it's funny as hell.
I need them to kill each other = I need her to kill him. With hotness.
That's my take, but for another great (and darker) one, may I recommend: Elwing/f!Maglor by simaetha.
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@ettelene is gonna be mad at me for not saying Soulmates but I'm still in my toxic sibcest era lol. UST more than hatefuck though. I do think kissing could fix them though, and I like a Feanor Lives AU where they fuck-to-fix-it.
Some Fave Feanolos:
The Revolutionary and the Usurper by Encairion (imo a masterpiece of Feanor characterisation, complicated relationships, and super hot smut scenes)
All of them by Ettelene but A Clash of swords is so much fun and showcases her talent for group dynamics as well as smut.
hell is empty and we are here by @crownlessliestheking. More pre-slash but their dynamic here is so perfectly spiky.
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100% sold on this by you. Prefer it to Mindis. Everyone, may I highly recommend stone toys by welcomingdisaster.
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💚
thank you so much!!
anamnesis: The Terror, Fitzier of sorts, Southern Reach AU. I love both of the media sources at the heart of this and had a fucking blast writing it.
butchery: Indis & Feanor, Valinor post-Darkening. I am utterly in love with how angry and grieving I've written Indis in this one and I just. God, I love her so much.
hell is empty: Feanolo, Fourth Age, angst and love and a kiss. I think this is where I really nailed down how I want to characterize Fingolfin; I adored writing it.
build an altar: Soooo this is Homestuck, DirkJake haunted house shenanigans, only one chapter posted but I'll have the second out this year I hope, and. God I had such a blast with the eerie domesticity, and the sort of insane stuff I've written that isn't posted yet.
nothing of him that doth fade: Elwing/Maglor monsterfucking aftermath, bitterness and transformation and this weird weird vibe between them. I love it.
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aracaranelentari · 10 months
Okay I saw that Maedhros ao3 ships pie chart by @phantomstatistician and was intrigued by what it'd look like for other silm characters, so I attempted to make one for Fingolfin, who's my fave <3
(Keep in mind I'm not great with numbers and this was done in like 3 minutes just by plugging in the current amount of fics under some popular Fingolfin slash tags so I could visualize a very vague idea of the distribution of Ñolo ships on ao3. I left out threesome tags cuz that gets messy.)
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Wow, a lot of FëaNolo! Unsurprising, but here's the interesting part:
This is what the chart looks like if you filter in only english fics
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According to my calculations, over half of the FëaNolo fics are from the CN fandom; and about 0.8%-1% of English fics (of ≈27k) have the FëaNolo tag, but 16% of all CN silm fics (of ≈1.7k) are FëaNolo. That's pretty crazy! I'm not judging or anything I don't mind the ship tbh, but I just think it's funny how much the CN fandom likes FëaNolo in comparison to the Eng fandom haha
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first-son-of-finwe · 2 years
Because I was thinking about it today, here is a headcanon
Watching from the Halls of Mandos as Fingolfin rides to fight Morgoth, duels and wounds him - that's the first time that Fëanor really sees his brother.
It's the first time that the image he's held - an image coloured by his own prejudices, jealousies and pre-conceived notions of him that he's had since his birth - falls away. Instead, all he can see is the strong, determined and impressive being that Nolofinwë is. He smiles, and he feels proud. It's a different feeling, but it's a good one.
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fuckingfinwions · 2 years
Thinking about Nolofinwe being the one to seduce Feanor.
It's in Valinor, in Tirion, under the light of the Trees. Feanor has a wife and kids, and a rather dim view of his half-siblings. Nolofinwe also has a wife and kids, and views Feanor as hot-headed and hot-blooded and far too brash. But also, just overall too hot.
Though Feanor is the eldest prince and the apple of his father's eye, Nolofinwe is a prince as well. He knows he's beautiful and charming, and practiced at persuasion from his time at court. The best way to get someone to do what you want is to convince them it's what they want, and then use their own arguments to say than can have it.
Making Feanor want him is easy. For all Feanor's pretensions, he never ignores Nolofinwe. Whenever they're in the same room, Feanor is watching to see how Nolofinwe will react to his latest insult. Which means Nolofinwe has plenty of opportunities to flex his muscles, and lick his lips, and show off the jewels catch the light at the elegant tips of his ears.
Nolofinwe even mouths comments, when everyone else's gaze is on Feanor rather than him. Starting with the subtle - "Good to see you", "your outfit is nice today", "good point," and commentary on the people Feanor in insulting. But Nolofinwe escalates "You're gorgeous today", "I love your voice", "Lovely tunic, can I feel it?".
The comment that finally gets Feanor to have a conversation with Nolofinwe is a compliment on his broad chest. (Nolofinwe had begun to think he'd have to be outright obscene to get a reaction.)
Feanor initially assumes he's being mocked. When Nolofinwe says no, he's serious in his overtures, Feanor balks. But for every one of his arguments against this, Nolofinwe has a coutner
"So what if we're both already married? Is Finwe evil for his choices? You have said time and time again that marriage is not dissolved by death, and so he is lovers with two people. Do you think yourself more honorable than your father?"
"You claim incest? How can it be, if I am no brother of yours?"
"You say it's against the laws of the Valar? The Valar are only teachers, they have no more virtue than elves. We are their students and guests, not their subjects. Besides, elves are children of Eru, while the Valar are only his servants."
Feanor is not always persuaded by traditional logic. But he can find no flaw in his own arguments, even when they're used against him. He gives in to what they both want.
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maglor-my-beloved · 2 years
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Burn Like Me
Words: 3272
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Fëanor/Fingolfin, Fëanor & Maedhros & Maglor
Characters: Fëanor, Fingolfin, Morgoth, Maedhros, Maglor
Additional Tags: My Slashy Valentine, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dagor Bragollach, Fingolfin Lives, Sibling Incest, Explicit Sexual Content, Complicated Relationships, Good Parent Fëanor
Morgoth laughed, cruel and hateful as he raised his foot to crush him. "Thus ends the High King of the Noldor, defeated and alone, a mere pest beneath me."
Fingolfin closed his eyes.
Fëanáro burned.
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arofili · 2 years
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Nolofinwë visits Fëanáro just before his exile to Formenos.
for Kinktober Day 14: Uniform Kink, and for @last-capy-hupping, who requested this pairing with that prompt!
Rating: M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings [cw: half-sibling incest, dubcon] Relationships: Fëanor/Fingolfin Characters: Fëanor, Fingolfin Word count: 626
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gardensofthemoon · 9 months
End of the year fic recs
Thank you so much for tagging me, @curufiin! I am veeery new to fandom and fan spaces, and I started reading silm fic in August, but I have already devoured lots of great stories and I’m eager to share some of my favourites. I read mostly ship fics, so that will reflect on my recs.
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Multi chapter fics:
The Long Road by whyyesindeed, WIP, Mature, Fingon/Maedhros, 26k. I adore the author's previous works, and this one is a chaptered story in progress, an AU where Fingon and Maedhros go to Beleriand 48 years before Finwë’s death. The prose is impeccable.
Half-brother in blood, full lover in heart by @ettelene, WIP, Mature, Fëanor/Fingolfin, almost 200k. This is my favourite Feanolo, with lovely writing and compelling plot. The chemistry between the leads is sizzling and I hope that in this AU there will be a happy(/ier) ending.
Moonlight In His Cave by @cuarthol, WIP, Mature, Curufin/Finrod, 15k. Canon compliant Curufinrod, I don't need to say anything more. I cannot wait to read more; the prose is absolutely gorgeous and I LOVE how the familial relationships are portrayed so far.
Curufinwë Atarinkë’s Journal by @curufiin, WIP, Teen and Up, minor Curufin/Finrod, 9k. This one made me love Curufin so much and understand more of his mind, it's crack treated seriously and it goes from baby Curufin scribbling in his journal, to adult kinslayer bearing a horrible burden. I read this three times and each time, I love it more.
Know Thyself by LiveOakWithMoss, completed, Teen and Up, multiple relationships, 9k. Absolutely hilarious, couldn't stop grinning: First Age Feanorians are magically transported into the modern world and meet their human counterparts. Chaos ensues (Maglor duet contest, selfcest, Maedhros is elected Assistant Manager in a mall shop, some interdimensional threesomes). I adore every word.
One shots:
Mirror Image by @swanhild, Gen, various familial relationships, 4,5k. A few fluffy moments between the Feanorians and the Arafinweans, with Feanor and Arafinwe watching. It's endearing and heartwarming with some ominous foreshadowing. It made me cry.
Mapmaking by am_fae, Explicit, Maedhros/Maglor, 3k. Super funny and clever with lots of puns, and a steamy sex scene. Lots of sexy geography talk.
The dining room by @ettelene, Teen and Up, various familial relationships, 9k. A peek into the cooking preparations and subsequent dinner at the Feanorians' house. With a larger cast, lots of witty dialogue, a Huan cameo and underlying tension, this is a splendid read with great characterisation.
Of doves, letters and darker things by @elevenelvenswords, Explicit, Curufin/Finrod, 3,5k. Super atmospheric, a glimpse into the complex power games between the cousins that ends up in hot throne sex.
Outlast the Forests by daphnerunning, 2021, completed, Explicit, Beleg/Turin, 68k. If I could convince any silm fan to read a fic, THIS WOULD BE IT. It's my TOP favourite longfic, canon compliant, slow burn, mortal/immortal. It's based off of Children of Hurin, rife with tragedy, heartwrenching, incredibly loving and ladden with longing. I read it four times and I still think about it on a weekly basis. This is canon to me, it gives alllll the doomed feelings. I don't even need to read other Turleg fics, this is perfection.
And All Our Wounds Forgiven by Marchwriter, 2012, completed, Mature, Curufin/Finrod, 9k. The writing style is fantastic, tolkienesque, the atmosphere the writer has created is unparalelled, like a fairytale, but infused with tension. One of the first Curufinrod pieces on ao3 and a MUST READ for fans of this pairing. I cannot stress enough how beautiful the prose is.
Those Who Favor Fire by @clothonono, 2022, completed, Mature, Fingon/Maedhros, 41k. The author is already one of my favourites on Russingon, but I love this fic in particular because of Maedhros' portrayal post-Thangorodrim, as it fits in line with my headcanons. It also explores the morality of the first kinslaying and Fingon's attempt at justifying himself. It ends with a gut-punching line.
your shadow at morning, rising to meet you by crownlessliestheking, 2021, completed, Explicit, Feanor/Fingolfin, 5k. Fingolfin goes to Formenos to talk sense into his brother. Excellent characterisation and I specifically liked the dialogue.
Correspondingly so by LiveOakWithMoss, 2016, completed, Teen and Up, Curufin/Finrod, 2k. Notes and letters that are funny and witty as hell and full of subtext. I love ALL of LiveOak's Curufinrod pieces, but this was one of the first ones that I read and I remember snickering so much. Another one I reread multiple times and it has in fact inspired one of my fics too.
Fëanor posts on r/amitheasshole, Teen and Up, various relationships, 4k. Pure crack. I laugh every time I reread this and I had a ton of fun writing it, I recommend it for when you want some shits and giggles.
Immortal Longings, Mature, Curufin/Finrod, 5k. Epistolary and humorous, written for a 'sexy letters' prompt. Falcon shenanigans, banter, mentions of steamy scenes and golden lingerie that ends up being treated by historians as valuable artefacts from an ancient age. It ends up in tragedy but I am very proud of this one.
Give me shelter, the night is dark, Mature, Curufin/Finrod, 5k. I consider this my best written fic, prose-wise, and I am very pleased with the dialogue (I adore writing Curufinrod dialogue). The premise of it is basically 'Curufin does drugs and Finrod does Curufin.'
This took way longer than expected! I truly believe I have not read ONE badly-written silm fic, and it was quite difficult to choose from many well-loved works. Tagging all authors mentioned here, if you'd like to join.
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sallysavestheday · 11 months
Great Minds Think Alike
I've had a few requests for @nolofinweanweek drabbles about topics or characters for which I've recently written longer one-shots. Thank you for asking, friends! Since there's interest, allow me to recommend a few Nolofinwean favorites from my back catalogue:
A Wind Amid the Dust (G, 800 words). Fingolfin and Fingon and farewells.
True North (G, 900 words). Fingolfin and Maglor and the burdens of being the second son.
More, More, More (G, 600 words). Aredhel and Feanor and ambition.
None Shall Mark Thy Going (G, 900 words). Aredhel and Turgon move their people to Gondolin.
From the Heights, Such Light and Air (G, 900 words). Good Dad Fingolfin and awkward adolescent Turgon.
Reckoning (G, 600 words). Turgon and Maeglin in Mandos.
Ever Yours (G, 650 words). Fingon character study from Maedhros' POV (not Russingon).
When the Sixth Day Comes (G, 600 words). Feanor takes a momentary interest in young Fingolfin (not Feanolo).
There's more where those came from. Enjoy!
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polutrope · 1 year
16 and 18 for your ask game?
16. One of your favourite tropes 
Answered that one here (soulmates). I am sure there are more but I can't think of them right now.
18. Something you initially did not like but came around to
Here's a little summary of my "journey":
Jan 2022: "Omg sibling incest!! I am shocked!!"
Feb 2022: "Okay, well I like @ettelene, I guess I'll read this Feanor/Fingolfin fic. Hm, that was enjoyable..."
Mar 2022: A handful of fandom friends patiently endure me talking myself around to appreciating sibling incest. "Okay, I get it, but I'm still not gonna read it."
Proceeds to read it. (Shout out especially to the works of @meadowlarkx and @jouissants and the silmkinkmeme in general.)
Oct 2022: Writes silly Fingon/Maedhros/Maglor for a silmkinkmeme prompt on anon (since claimed).
Jan 2023: Throws a pinch of Maemags into Everlasting Darkness (on anon, since claimed).
Mar 2023: Spends weeks writing angsty, complicated, realistic (to me) Maedhros/Maglor just to "see if I can". Posts under a pseud, then claims.
And now I'm a shameless heathen. But actually, I consider some of my incest fics to be among the best things I've written, I think largely because part of the writing process involved convincing myself and working out the complex circumstances and character needs and motives that would lead to it (other times it's just a non-issue because Fiction -- and that's valid, too!).
There are definitely many other things, but that's the biggest one. So yeah, keep an open mind, folks. Maybe it's not for you (valid!), but writing/enjoying fictional incest says absolutely nothing about a person. I am saying that because I did think that. Not for long, and I knew it was wrong, but on some level I did, and that was not cool of me. Growth 🌱.
[Spread Love Asks]
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Hello👋. Would love to hear anything about your process behind 'hell is empty and we are here'. I thought it was very cleverly-written (like others of your fics) and loved the characterisations!
Hi!! Thank you so much- that one is honestly really interesting because I took a little bit of a turn, stylistically, to what I'd been doing before. I would say that some of clotho's stuff definitely had an influence on that; it's less lofty and high fantasy, and a little more wittier, but it really suited what I was going for? I think it's also qite influenced by arrogantemu's And What Happened After, where like. Feanor and Fingolfin aren't the stars by any means, but the concept of Feanor returning from Mandos with some things still fresh in his mind, while Fingolfin has been re-embodied for quite some time and is in fact a bit well-adjusted now providing a lot of contrast. That was kind of the key thing I wanted to explore, the other was Fingolfin's characterization: Which is that I thought he's kind of a bitch but in the most complimentary way; he has been through it all and come out on the other end, and he's doing alright. I had a lot of fun writing his dialogue, letting him have his quick wit, letting him have had a lot of time to come to terms with what happened and transform that into a bit of dark humor that like, three people appreciate at most. Feanor is a bit different as a person, post-Mandos, sure, but Fingolfin is also very far from the guy he used to be when he was at odds with his older brother; I think the tension of regression when being around someone from your past (even if you'd like them to be part of your future) is a really interesting thing to have lurking in the background, especially with these two. It's the push and pull between who he is now, who should know better, and who he was then, and with Fingolfin and Feanor it's just so crunchy. I also really liked dropping hints of the background relationships Fingolfin has, even if the story is centered around him and Feanor, it's not...just about them. It's never been just about them, and Fingolfin knows that, but the fic is also him deciding that it can be, just this once.
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comshipbracket · 7 months
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Antis DNI
Comship Bracket 3 Round 1!
Round 1 is split up into 6 Segments, which are split into 3 smaller polls within them! These will be posted when I am able, with a 6-day voting time limit. Look out for your ships! Propaganda is both welcome AND encouraged, whether through the form of essays, art, fanfiction recommendations, or otherwise, Almost* All propaganda will be reblogged.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise. Disclaimer 2: The mods are aware that in-system dating (regarding 0909) is not a problematic trait, 0909 counts as a comship in manners OTHER than this. Please stop constantly informing us "in-system dating isn't problematic", we already know this.
Poll 1: Kyuumi (Kyubey x Mami Tomoe), Puella Magi Madoka Magica VS Komugiroha (Komugi Inukai x Iroha Inukai), Wonderful Precure
Poll 2: Stuilly (Billy Loomis x Stu Macher), Scream VS 10027 (Byakuran Gesso x Tsunayoshi Sawada), Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Poll 3: Finncest (Finn Mertens x Fern), Adventure Time VS ZADR (Zim x Dib Membrane), Invader Zim
Poll 1: Aeshaia (Strophaia x Aeshma/Ichiro Umoregi/Akuma Kun II), Akuma Kun VS 0909 (Mikoto Kayano x John Kayano), MILGRAM
Poll 2: Amporacest (Eridan Ampora x Cronus Ampora), Homestuck VS Lucifadam (Lucifer Morningstar x Adam), Hazbin Hotel
Poll 3: Brujay (Bruce Wayne/Batman x Jason Todd/Robin/Red Hood), DC Comics VS Thoschei (The Doctor x The Master), Doctor Who
Poll 1: Jimthan (Jimmy Valmer x Nathan), South Park VS Stannarrator (Stanley x The Narrator), The Stanley Parable
Poll 2: AiHina (Airi Sezaki x Hinako Hanamura), Kitanai Kimi Ga Ichiban Kawaii/I Love Your Cruddy VS Ayuno (Aya Asagiri x Tsuyuno Yatsumura), Magical Girl Site
Poll 3: Annie Edison x Jeff Winger, Community VS Cooprey (Audrey Horne x FBI Agent Dale Cooper), Twin Peaks
Poll 1: NozoCoco (Nozomi Yumehara x Kouji Cocoda), Yes! Precure 5/Yes! Precure 5 GoGo/Kibou no Chikara ~Otona Precure '23~ VS Arthorin (Arthur Denton x Orin Scrivello), Little Shop of Horrors
Poll 2: LukeLeia (Luke Skywalker x Leia Organa), Star Wars VS The Floor Show (Dr. Frank N Furter x Brad Majors xJanet Weiss x Rocky), Rocky Horror Picture Show
Poll 3: Miki x Kozue (Kaoru Miki x Kaoru Kozue), Revolutionary Girl Utena VS Toukasaki (Aoyagi Touya x Tenma Saki x Tenma Tsukasa), Project Sekai
Poll 1: Zackray (Rachel "Ray" Gardner x Isaac "Zack" Foster), Angels of Death VS Family Rentarou (Rentarou Aijou x ALL his girlfriends), 100Kanojo/The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You
Poll 2: Misato x Shinji (Shinji Ikari x Misato Katsuragi), Neon Genesis Evangelion VS Elriccest (Edward Elric x Alphonse Elric), Fullmetal Alchemist
Poll 3: HaniMori (Mitsukuni Haninozuka x Takashi Morinozuka), Ouran High School Host Club VS Tsumigiibo (Tsumugi Shirogane x K1-B0), Danganronpa
Poll 1: FeaNolo (Fëanor x Fingolfin), The Silmarillion VS Tridentariicest (Coronabeth Tridentarius x Ianthe Tridentarius), The Locked Tomb
Poll 2: This Ship has been Disqualified on Bracket Rules VS Paire (Peter Petrelli x Claire Bennet), Heroes
Poll 3: FischOz (Prinzessin der Verurteilung, Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort x Ozvaldo von Hrafnavins), Genshin Impact VS Studcoms (Steban the Student Communist x Ulixes the Echo Maker), Disco Elysium
- Mod Satou (She/Her Only) The mods of this blog use a COLLECTIVE Shes/Hers/Herselves pronoun (e.g. Both the mods on comshipbracket have been working hard lately. I really enjoy hers blog and hope shes are doing well and not overexerting herselves.)
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