#feat. my design for the MC lol
de1-os · 8 months
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Chapter 3 is genuinely so funny for this
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lukkabloom · 8 months
Fun Facts abt the residents according to Ikevamp Radio (ヴァンなま) Part 1
Found a playlist of Ikevamp Radio that occurred multiple years ago so I decided to collect my findings about the residents in a list. I haven't seen anyone translate it or talk abt it so I decided to do it for a bit of fun. Anyways, here are episodes 1-3!!
Some quick things to note before:
Vincent/Aramaki Yoshihiko (Makki) is the MC, Sebas/Morishima Shuta (Morishi) is a guest (but he’s in every episode he might as well be the 2nd MC). They also have other people as guests in some episodes (other ikevamp VAs or others related to the game itself)
Episodes 1 & 2 occur before Ikevamp’s release
most of my findings are from a segment from the livestream where the residents (mainly Vincent and Sebas) talk to each other & ask each other questions about the lives while they spend some bonding time in the thermae. The segment's called "I love yu" which is a pun on "I love you" and yu (湯) which means "hot water" or "bath"
There are also other segments where the VAs draw based on a designated theme & the viewers vote on the best art (van Gogh's drawing section), and another one where the VAs read the summary of the game in their in-character voices (but the VAs interrupt and make it funnier & less romantic) called "Ikemen Vampire, a guidance for you" (I won't talk abt these sections much tho)
ALSO!! This is not a translation of the whole livestream, just bits and pieces of it. I don't have the time and energy to do that
Episode 1: feat. Leonardo's VA Tsuda Kenjiro
Question: Which historical figure/genius do you respect the most?
Napoleon: Oda Nobunaga
Mozart: Johann Sebastian Bach
Leonardo: Michelangelo (which I thought was interesting since real-life Leo and Michelangelo had some beef w each other)
Morishima (Sebas’s VA): Newton (bc of the apple & theory of universal gravitation), Edison
Tsuda (Leonardo’s VA): van Gogh
Aramaki (Vincent’s VA): Liu Bei, Zhao Yun (I think that's who he was talking abt? I'm not familiar much w/Chinese figures' names in jp---they're read differently in Eng)
The other VAs joke that Aramaki’s similar to Napo in the sense that they both admire soldiers/military commanders
Question: Favorite part of a woman’s body? (This sounds so wrong in both jp & eng)
Napoleon: from the neck to the shoulder, he's prob talking abt the shoulders to the neckline or vice versa(首から肩まで)
Mozart: voice (so he can understand what his partner’s thinking & feeling)
Leonardo: thighs (bc it’s soft & he likes lap pillows)
Tsuda said Leo’s a bit of a pampered/attention-seeking child (甘えん坊), and not an ore-sama (which he thought Leo would be), an unexpectedly cute reason considering how reliable Leo looks
Vincent gets a bit sad when he’s bathing alone
Leo can sing a song that he’s only heard once (as expected of a genius)
Sebas can be seen hanging the sheets outside from Vincent’s room
Leo’s unsatisfied that there’s only men in the mansion (this was before MC stumbled to the mansion)
Vincent doesn’t want women in the mansion bc he wouldn’t know how to act in front of them
Sebas thinks Leo is an expert in handling women, Leo is confused when he became one
Leo’s weak against Vincent’s pleas/suggestions (honestly who isn’t??)
Sebas thinks it’s impossible for a woman to stumble upon the mansion (foreshadowing)
Leo thinks that fate will play a trick on them, his mumbling confuses Vincent and Sebas (more foreshadowing)
Episode 2: feat. Jun, singer of Ikevamp theme song "Rouge"
Jun is a repairman who fixes things around the mansion… HE'S ALIVE IN THAT ERA???? (Idk if its canon)
He also sings “Rouge” while he works which means the song exists in the 20th century (again idk how much of this is canon)
Jun also sells milk in the mansion, acting as a different person as the repairman, although Sebas & Vincent are suspicious of him (he literally just enters the bath to sell milk to Vincent and Sebas lol)
Vincent and Sebas talk about MC, she has arrived @ the mansion
Vincent worries abt her since she is surrounded by vampires in an unfamiliar environment, but to Sebas, it looks like MC enjoys her life and is headstrong (aka Vincent is just nice to others, nothing new)
Vincent believes that Sebas is cool and can do anything, to which Sebas indirectly disagrees (he coughs)
Sebas is weak to Vincent’s innocent eyes (just like Leo from the previous episode, again, who isn't?)
Sebas breaks the 4th wall talking abt a popular romance game where you can fall in love w/vampire-turned historical figures
This is literally the beginning of how Sebas goes ooc (becomes weirder) throughout the series (is it even ooc if it’s basically approved by official??)
Sebas says that Theo is overprotective of Vincent, Vincent comments that he’s supposed to be the older one
they also introduce my fav segment (Can you tell me... your name?) where they have listeners vote on quotes they want the VAs to say, and they will say the line w/the listener’s names so it sounds like the VAs are speaking to them. Vincent's & the guest (if there is one) will have legit cool lines (like “(y/n), Don’t let go of me” or “(y/n), you’re the only one in my eyes”) but Sebas always has one funny line as one of his options (ex. “Hey, do you wanna have a takoyaki party?” or “Do you want to fry one more sanma?”) and every single time the weird line gets voted and ITS FUNNY AS HECK
Also in the same segment the viewers will sometimes submit funny names for the VAs (especially Sebas) to say & it adds to the laughs
Ex. for Sebas’s “Hey, do you wanna have a takoyaki party?” some viewers gave names of Anpanman characters (a children’s anime in Japan) so Sebas will literally say things like “Jam-ojisan, hey, do you wanna have a takoyaki party?”
There was also one whose name was Tako (octopus in japanese) so Sebas would say “Tako, do you wanna have a takoyaki party?” so he’s asking the octopus to have a takoyaki party where the octopus will be eaten (the irony as well as the dark underlying meaning behind it is very funny)
Also the way the other people are laughing while Sebas’s VA is trying to keep his cool is so hilarious
It’s predetermined and agreed upon the Ikevamp staff that Sebas (or Morishi) is willing to do/say weird things for the audience
This whole segment is a whole ride in and out of itself
Episode 3: feat. Leonardo’s VA Tsuda Kenjiro once again
Sebas once again breaks the 4th wall by referencing episode 1 of the show
Sebas teaches Leo the basics of manzai (a type of japanese comedy)
Leo says “Vannama” (the name of ikevamp radio) and “tendon” (the food and a manzai phrase)  in a weird accent further proving that he doesn’t understand Japanese (or maybe it's bc the two phrases are too specific idk)
Sebas tells Leo to ignore what he’s saying as he is saying metafictional expressions (メタ発言) basically how he is breaking the 4th wall, and Leo just accepts that as another one of Sebas’s quirks
Vincent comments that Leo’s very manly, Sebas further compliments him saying that Leo is a man amongst men
This episode has one of the funniest (imo) “Can you tell me… your name?” segments ever. Vincent and Leo’s VAs had amazing lines, but Sebas… oh gosh where do I even start. (ok Leo’s VA did say “Ushi (cow), wait for me by the bed,” and “Namamono (raw food), wait for me by the bed” & that was funny too but…)
One of the options for Sebas’s lines (and the one that was ultimately chosen to be said) was “Do you want to fry one more sanma (a type of seasonal fish eaten in fall)?” and the viewers got crazy with this one.
There were some legit names but most were for jokes, choosing names going along with the theme of fall foods and creatures (tuna, matsutake, karaage, grasshoppers, etc.)
There was “Akashiya, sanma mouipikki yaku?”(Akashiya, do you want to fry one more sanma?) which was the funniest one. Akashiya Sanma is a very famous Japanese comedian and it’s very genius of the viewer to connect the person with the food. I laughed straight for like 10 min when I first listened to this (I still laugh just remembering it. The double-entendre!!!)
Literally any episode with Tsuda is chaotic (this isn’t the last time where he shows up)
At the end of the episode, Vincent’s VA couldn’t stop laughing and messed up his lines multiple times (I don’t blame him everything is just so funny)
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greenscreen-dress · 2 years
Better late than never (Sunday 6 a.m lol), I managed to keep to my goal of one Miku a week for... A week! ^^
2023-ku 02: Block Game-iku 💎
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Pixel Art • Dotpict (Custom palette)
Pictures, rambles and Minecraft screenshots under the Read More; please check it out I spent A While on it all ^^;
Exams took up most of my time this week, but now those are done I've had time to mess around in Minecraft & decide on my next project: a big pixel art of Miku out in the ocean!
Deciding what size/theme to go with went through a few phases:
1) Miku Voc-Allay-d (I gave up because there aren't enough shades of blue to properly do pixel art of an Allay, also Allay arms holding stuff are HARD to pixelate due to being angled... Bleh)
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2) Statue-ne Miku (Good colours but too small and I didn't like the limb shapes)
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↑ Managed to make this one in MC! ↓
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3) Third time's the charm :D
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↑ And the Minecraft version (unfinished for now, World is Hair's or whatever that song is ^^) ↓
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Designing these for my Minecraft world also meant creating a custom palette that more or less maps onto the colours of some in-game blocks, so what I draw ends up actually being doable in-game...
I also made myself a handy ref sheet for the palette ↓
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And finally, the family photo! Feat. first attempt at a 3D Allay holding a leek ↓
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Thank you for stopping by & scrolling all the way down!
Originally I thought the only Mikus I'd have to offer this week would be the extra-scrungled ones I scribbled on the side of my exam draft papers... Maybe I'll post those some other time when I'm too tired for new art :D
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kakujis · 1 year
ah, that would be great because i actually searched cpl on urbam dictionary before i asked lol and i typed in a super formal way so that doesn't help either. apparently, the archive also glitches via the app too, tumblr definitely need to divert their focus from desktop to the app.
that's true, leander must be a hard cookie to pull of that feat and leander does seem like the type where you'll always guess what his next move will be. that's a good point considering kuras was able to attach the mc arm back to her body and make it almost brand new. his background would probably be the most important one.
i think their will probably be release when their character designs are finally confirmed/done but considering the game is coming out in 2025, we might get their sheets in 2024 :(
it's a bit hard to figure out vere's relationship with kuras and their dynamic since we didn't see them properly interact as a pair in the demo but it just goes to show how smart the studio is with dropping the right hints/clues for everyone to be head over the game.
mhin's relationship with the senobium also seem complex too so their and kuras/vere might be interlinked together in a certain way. well, i just hope that the game doesn't get delay to 2026 or something considering it's such a small studio. the demo took them two years to make.
that would be a sweet drabble to read and mhin's outfit is a nice finishing touch too. canva is a useful tool to make something like that, it's easy to use. that's true but i feel like with ais, he can afford to take that risk with his behaviour considering he does have the soulless as his servants.
i get where you're considering from because vere's outfit definitely seem to be the most gender neutral among the cast. i agreed with you but i feel like the studio chose the palette/outfit that suited the personality most of each character. but i feel like mhin got black streaks in their hair or may just be the roots or maybe i'm just overthinking it.
i will try not to esp irl but i feel like just from my replies to you/texting style, any fan can see that i mimics/or similar to mhin in some way lol. i actually said to my friend irl that if i send her text messages like you're my bff and i love you and stuffs like that, you would think my phone had been hacked and she was like i really would, LMAO.
that's nice! i find that easy to believe because you give those vibes off a lot on tumblr and just from your general replies with me. i slightly know about seventeen (kpop fan many years ago) it is awkward but at the same time, i'm pretty sure that his stage name (?) how did you get into kpop though?
tbh, i do wish that some otome games would focus on the breakup of platonic love because dealing/accepting it can be quite hard esp the aftermath. that's a great idea! it's hard to find that content altogether in most fandoms so that would be interesting to read and the representation too. what fem characters do you have in store? (if you don't mind revealing them)
it is annoying but sometimes, the studio use it as a trope to create conflict in the character troupe but there are other way to do that, they just need to brainstorm more ideas.
er, i would find that terrifying and morbid but i'm not a proper ais stan. well, leander was the only one with blushing/shy emojis so you are heading in the right direction regarding him. i suppose in that situation, it would be a lot easier for leander to play the victim card too like he could say i look after you so much, why are you being mean then? to the mc or something along those lines.
i think there are some yan! servers that you can join on discord to get help from other writes or just general advice if you want to improve. tbh, i remember seeing a yan! request regarding three characters from TR and one was Chifuyu but the writer replied i cannot do him because i can't imagine him as a yandere at all so it does happen!
what's nightowl? i think kazutora is a great candidate considering how unhinged he was in season 1. the best thing about ao3 is that the platform have a feature that tell you how many users had read your fics!
i'm looking forward to them! are they oneshots or headcanons? well, idm sharing because my username is different on ao3 but my writing style is quite particular and i'm not entirely sure whether you're a bnha fan but my tr fic is quicker to read compare to my bnha one.
i dk how to add links in an ask or if it's even possible so i'll just copy and paste them down below.
here you go!
i played the demo late at night so i didn't notice these things unless that was mention in the other origins route (?) he is and i do like how he give others a chance otherwise i'm sure he wouldn't want to know mhin.
it definitely sound like sen is super cursed then and she's most likely to appear in leander route the most. well, even his character design play that stereotype but anything can happen. i know who reo is LMAO.
well where i live, there was an event that increased the general price for postage/shipping so that's probably a factor but it is a bit too much for fans outside North America.
i never heard of paku romi so i can't make a comment on that but i trust your judgement! do you think the voice acting would only be the scenes with the CGs? at this rate, i wouldn't be surprised if the studio run out ideas for stretch goals lol.
that's a nice mindset to have and that's completely true, do you have any posters in your room? i got mini one where my count is probably 20 and i'm getting more soon. what's breed is your dog? well, anything is possible! what's your favourite game?
i suppose that it's not shocking because it's technically a form of fanservice but i do feel like the female characters are sexualised more.
i know about obey me as a game but the notifications would overwhelm me and i deleted/reinstalled the game a few times and seeing the amount was like hell/trying to catch up for me so i gave up LMAO. are you an obey me fan?
really? wow, i have undermind the power of obey me, i did not realised that some fans were super devoted like that towards the game.
he actually would but we may get a cg of mhin smiling towards the end but his bad ending might be really good nightmare fuel. i think all those tiers are gone but i felt like the best one was the sketch commission.
heyo nonnie, sorry this reply took a bit!! i feel like tumbly will always be glitchy lool, i've been on here for soo long even back then it was super glitchy!
yes! even though ais is my favorite, i think kuras and mhin have the most interesting back stories for me! especially kuras like, what are u hiding angel man?! not gonna lie, sort of hoping the chara sheets come earlier than that. i think they might to keep interest!! also what i found interesting during the demo is that vere was able to stay within the same space as kuras though, during the tavern scene!
from what i got from mhin's dialogue, i think mhin may have been a student at the senobium who was kicked out? or something along those lines! and i agree with the delay, but i'm also thinking that i could handle a delay in order to get the best finished product!
also eee, ngl i've used canva maybe once or twice and it's soo confusing to use for me *_*... i'm really bad at any type of editing or graphics, so i try to find premade things... but i really do wanna start making better banners for fics and such T_T.
eee i still have that ais drabble i'm working on but i feel like i'm in such a creative rut lately!! not sure why. >..< yes yes i agree! each outfit is def tailored to them <3 and they all look soo good eee. i was just thinking mhin stands out a ton for me personally!! also do they? i have to play the demo again soon! oo how i'd love to cosplay vere someday <3!!
LOL no worries!! talk how you talk, if u talk like mhin then soo be it! and LOL, that's so funny!! i used to be a lot like that, but sprinkle in a ton of social awkardness + anxiety, so whenever i'd say something kind or nice my sisters would message me back like: are you okay? mentally and physically? ┐(‘~` )┌
ah which kpop groups were u into??? also, i used to play a game called audition online (OOF REALLY OUTING MYSELF HERE!!) and there were toons of kpop songs on there! i naturally fell into it that way :'). i was a big 2nd gen fan and did listen to some of 3rd gen, but not much. love love love jun from seventeen tho ehe. like whenever i see him i'm just like: ♡ ( ̄З ̄)
ahh i see what you mean, i think the aftermath of platonic breakups hurts a lot more than romantic ones! (at least for me! but i've only gone thru one serious break up :p). and AAA well, definitely yuzuha from tokrev since she's my favorite!! but i'd love to write for the other tokrev ladies especially senju <3. i'm also a big mt. lady fan from bnha so maybe her as well ^^; idk why i'm suddenly blanking on my favorite charas LOL.
ahh see, i reeeallly love monster designs and stuff! claymore is one of my favorite series of all time and there's tons of monsters + body horror characters within it. i also really like blood and violence (fantasy ofc), so thats probably why i gravitated towards ais. but omg.. when u first meet mhin and they reach their hand out- im gonna pass out goodbye!! OMG you are SO RIGHT on leander's dialogue!!! ugh there is so much juicy potential with these charas i'm!!
ah.. i would i join a discord server, but i'm genuinely very very shy ;//;. i'm in a ton right now and i barely talk in them. even after a good convo, it's hard for me to start again cause i overthink a TON! also, nightowl is a character from the game blooming panic! it's a free game on itch.io! you should give it a try, you essentially join a discord server and fall in love with one of the members. which member you get depends on your dialogue choices too! i remember wanting to get quest first but i got nightowl and i was HOOKED from there, eep. <333
yes yes! i was thinking of that kazutora! obviously of age, but i think unhinged kazutora was so sexy eee. same with izana!!! AHDSFSDJF i love love love izana. wbu? also i really do need to get on with uploading my fics to ao3, i'll try to do that this weekend!
they're both oneshots! they're on here ... somewhere, i think they're listed on my masterlist? i'm really bad at self reblogging so they kinda just fade off into the distance oops! also i got the links!!! i'm not able to read them fully rn, brain too mushy from school...╥﹏╥ BUT i do have them opened up in another tab and i read a bit from both and what a wonderful writing style you have!! <333
i think it was mentioned somewhere in a post about him but i'm not entirely sure eep. i'm going to give the demo another go through tonight, probably on the alchemist origin and see if i pick anything new up!! i wanna know who brought sen back!! was probs the senobium but still! arghh tell me nowww red spring studios!!! alsoo, i'm TERRIFIED im gonna get mhin's bad end.. i feel like i always fail with these types of characters LOL. but smiley mhin <333 i'd die for that eee!!
oo! so have u watched blue lock or read it? if so what are ur thoughts on it? ^^ argh sorry about the shipping! hopefully in the future it'll be more affordable D:... i've seen that a lot with toons of brands, especially smaller ones where the shipping is double the amount that the product itself is which is INSANE!!
personally, i think the voice acting would be only for cgs or special scenes! like unless they did unvoiced main protagonist video game style and added in grunts, laughs, etc. for the LIs but i think that would be odd? and same here LOL, idk what else they could do for stretch goals!
i do! i just haven't hung them up LMFAOO. theyre literally sitting in a corner like "hello... anyone here??" i have a bleach painting of ichigo kurosaki <333 and a bnha poster! what posters do you have? and my pup is a bichon frise!
hmm, for favorite game it's probably ... dragon age: origins. i've replayed that game soo many times, i've been itching for another playthrough heh. besides that... stardew valley, dragon's dogma, and ffxiv definitely! what about you? you have any favorite games?
yess fem charas are sexualized soo much! i won't lie tho, i do have a kind of inappropriate figure of shion from that time i got reincarnated as a slime! i wanted it sooo bad, but i cant even display it i'm soo embarrassed hahha.
yes!! i'm a big obey me fan! LOL NGL i have over 100+ texts from the demon bros i just don't even read em anymore. sometimes i'll click the most interesting one buut, idk its so much reading damn. i'm so behind on the main story omg. but like, they keep coming out with side events that i wanna play!! its so hard to keep up! i used to play their ooolllddd dating sims from when they did the Shall We Date? series, i installed like every single one and was so into them. idk why i didn't get into obey me sooner eep.
yes the obey me fandom is mind boggling sometimes!!! i know the seiyuus go to anime expo and i wanna go sometime and meet mammon's seiyuu in person!! hes so cute!!! we're getting a new game called, obey me: nightbringer. and we're going back in time for this one!
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amoc94 · 3 years
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My Yandere BTS Fanfic Recommendation.
Read the warning carefully. As with any yandere story, expect some gory scenes, non consensual / dubious consensual sex, some dark kinks. (Everything under the term, you know the risk).
Minors DNI 🔞
If you hope for more stories from those authors, please do something to support them. By giving shout out, comments, and reblog their works. It's how tumblr works, people.
Damn, been a while since I updated this list. Now finally got the time to read again.
For non yandere recommendation, check full Navi here.
1. Allurement , Yandere Namjoon. Series of Drabbles, Slick and deceptive yandere CEO Namjoon.
2. Beloved, long oneshot. Yandere King Min Yoongi - My all time favorite, if you like asian historical dark romance, you'll love this.
3. Excitus Acta Probat, oneshot. Soft Yandere, Mafia Yoongi, feat. OT7.
4. The Tarot Series, A Collection of yandere oneshots based on Tarot Card.
5. Charming, oneshot. Cinderella AU, obsessive Prince Park Jimin. This is very beautiful the way the author describe the scenes and everything.
6. Ultimatum, miniseries. Yandere Sugar Daddy Taehyung, feat. Jimin.
7. Case Closed, miniseries. Yandere Detective Namjoon.
8. Boys Don't Cry, miniseries. Yandere husband Yoongi, feat. Hoseok.
9. Beastly Gods, oneshot. Yandere hybrid Taehyung, feat OT7.
10. Level of Restraint, long oneshot. Office AU, Yandere Jimin and Namjoon. BDSM undertone.
11. Something Wicked, series. Yandere CEO Seokjin.
12. Let The Villain Win, oneshot. Yandere thriller writer Namjoon.
13. Baby Mine, oneshot. Yandere mafia Yoongi with OC.
14. Poison Apple, mini series. Yandere Taehyung feat. Yoongi. This is not for the faint heart. Proceed with caution. Hard non con.
15. A Dangerous Game, Yandere Mob boss Namjoon x reader. Long series, there is sequel. Hard non con in one of the chapters.
16. Solar Eclipse, long oneshot. Yandere Hoseok, time travel / after life AU.
17. The Stranger, long oneshot. Yandere Doctor Seokjin.
18. Persephone, long oneshot. Yandere mafia leader Namjoon.
19. Bad Guy, ongoing series. Mafia boss Seokjin. This one is not really yandere, per se, but the way Seokjin loves the MC is quite you know...obsessive.
20. Addiction, long oneshot, yandere student Jungkook x reader. He was insanely lusting over you and just how much he was willing to pay for it?
21. See No Evil, long oneshot. Yandere ghost Taehyung, feat. Namjoon.
22. Nightcall, oneshot. Yandere Taehyung, mafia au.
23. Lovesick, oneshot. Yandere Taehyung is your sister's ex-boyfriend.
24. Trigger Happy, oneshot. Yandere mob Jungkook, undercover agent reader.
25. Visitation of a Lover, long oneshot. Yandere ghost Taehyung, feat. Jin.
26. Until I Saw You, oneshot. Yandere mob Namjoon.
27. Fucked Up, yandere OT7. Polyamorous - Idol AU. This is actually a series, look in the author's masterlist. The full version is in author's AO3. (Beware tho, the long version is just like the title says, pretty fucked up, lol.)
28. Illicit Photography, series with a sequel. Soft yandere Jungkook with reader as his teacher.
29. Promise, long oneshot. Yandere boyfriend Jimin.
30. Break My Mind's Eye, series. Jungkook as mob boss x fashion designer OC, yandere undertone.
31. Every Breath You Take , oneshot. Stalker Jungkook x reader, feat. Namjoon & Hoseok.
32. Butterfly, oneshot. Your stepson, Yoongi, fucks you in the kitchen while your husband eats breakfast. 
33. Actually, The Devil Wears Gucci, oneshot. Wicked CEO Taehyung with assistant reader.
34. Positive, quite long oneshot. Yandere richman Yoongi, waitress reader is pregnant.
35. Forbidden Fruit, long oneshot. Jhope as mafia member, reader has inability to feel fear.
36. Predator, oneshot. Vampire Jungkook stalked on reader. I felt goosebumps reading this, nothing too gory tho.
37. Brother Knows Best, ongoing short story. Yandere Jungkook, reader is his step sister.
38. Tea For Two, oneshot. Yandere Prince Namjoon x reader, arranged marriage AU.
39. Falling for A Lounge Singer, oneshot. Yandere mafia Taehyung, reader is a singer.
40. Black Swan, long one shot. Swan Prince Jimin x reader as a Princess. I'm not usually fond of story about faeries, this one is an exception. Hard to describe this, along with the hair that stood on my nape and that tingling feeling of fear and excitement while reading this. A truly masterpiece.
41. Making of A Lover, yandere Jungkook with his assistant reader. It's short but darkly entertaining.
42. Expectation x Reality, oneshot. Jungkook x reader, Taehyung x reader. Some hard dub con. With plot twist. 🤭
43. Delphinium, long oneshot, King Taehyung x queen reader. Soft yandere, angst. Beautiful with, ... again, plot twist.😈
44. In The Pain Of The Roses, long one shot, yandere king Yoongi x princess reader. Beautiful, poetic narrative. Read the tag warning, because it's really dark.
45. Anti Hero, long oneshot, yandere Yoongi x idol reader. Not many yandere story in idol universe, this one is not only one of the few, but also oh so so good.
46. Broken, oneshot. Seokjin x reader. Some dub con borderline to non con. Proceed with caution, because it's quite dark. I read this like a year ago, but everytime I read it again, it never failed to give me a shiver. It's on AO3.
47. Infatuation, series of one-shots. Light reading, darkly entertaining. Always fun to reread. It's on AO3.
48. Cardio, long oneshot. Personal trainer Jungkook x rich wife reader. Infidelity, angst, thriller. Very well written. On AO3.
49. War Lords, miniseries. Namjoon x Detective reader x Hoseok, both men were crime lords. Heavy angst, very well written. Totally NSFW! You probably soak your panties in front of your colleagues or classmates if you do read it during work.🤣
50. Deviant Affairs, long one-shot. Jimin was your stepbrother who was crazy in love with you.
51. Motive, long one shot. College AU. Jungkook x reader x another girl. Angst, thriller, love triangle. It will keep you on edge dragged by your curiosity before 💣💣 boom! There it go, the plot twist.😂
52. Still With You, one-shot. King Jungkook x servant reader.
53. The Mansion, long one-shot. Jimin x another man's wife reader. Very good, give you those old house horror scenes vibe.
54. Énouement, long one-shot. Doctor Taehyung x trophy wife reader. It's a part of interconnected stories with other members. Look at the author's masterlist. This is the one that I like the most.
55. Polarity, miniseries. Yandere Jungkook x reader. Infidelity around bestfriend relationship entangled with twisted obsession. It's really good!♥️
56. Arte Factum, long oneshot. Yandere android Jimin x reader. Jimin is a sub here.
57. Knight in Bloody Armor, club owner Hoseok x reader. Ongoing series. Very well written and chilling. It's on AO3, and you need to log in to be able to read it.
58. House of Serpents, ongoing series. OT7 x high class escort reader in organized crime AU. A shitload twisted men with twisted sex flavor. I have no words to say other than it put me on variety of different emotions until its latest chapter, and I have love and hate relationship with all of the men here. Polyamorous dynamic, heavy BDSM vibe. It's very well written on AO3. As always, read the warning.
59. Love Pages, long oneshot. Yandere Jimin x slight yandere reader, inspired by "Death Note".
60. Kill to Kiss You, long oneshot. Jungkook as mob boss x escort reader. I got cold hands and feet reading this. Chilling and put you on edge till the end.
61. Lesson Learnt, miniseries. CEO JK x ex gf reader. My ultimate weakness, BTS members as CEO with power and obsession. This one is pretty dark, read all the warning.
62. Code Red, one shot. Doctor Jimin x patient reader.
63. Saving You, short oneshot. Yandere husband Tae x reader.
64. Single Side Line, mini series. Yandere tennis player Tae x reader as ball girl. There are two alternate endings.
65. A Thriller Film, movie director Jungkook × reader as his stylist. It's well written and chilling.
66. Killing Me Softly, yandere OT7 x reader. Polyamorous AU but quite realistic thus give you chill to imagine what you would feel if this indeed is real.
67. Daffodil Dreams, yandere patient Taehyung, MC is his therapist. There are two parts - Dreams and Nightmare. Chilling and hair-raising.
68. Cruel Intentions, yandere mobster JK x reader in South Korea setting, my favorite AU. Love it❤️
69. Mindless, patient Hoseok x psychiatrist reader. Oneshot.
70. Roses, oneshot. Yandere dynamic between JK x reader. Just, wow.
71. Sinner, oneshot. Yandere fugitive Jungkook x detective reader. I reread like ... 6 times? That's just how good it is😙
72. The Broken Vow, attorney JK x reader as his ex wife. This one is so well written, leave you with mixed emotion, love and hate at the same time. Just ❤️
73. Cabin in The Woods, Jungkook as werewolf, reader as his mate and prisoner? Lol. Stockholm syndrome. I can't hate him here. Somehow he indeed protected her.
74. Cathexis, three parter, Jimin x reader. Based on Firestarter movie. 'There was no way in hell he would let anything happen to you and he would raise literal hell to make sure you were never hurt. If anyone tried to take you from him he’d burn the entire world down'.
75. Snatched, two parter ongoing. Yandere harpy Taehyung x nurse reader. Dystopian AU, dark and chilling. Very well written.
76. Obsesión, oneshot. Yandere pro rugby player Jungkook x sport journalist POC reader.
77. Code of Conduct, long series. Finally got the time to indulge in another long series. Just ♥️
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@sweetwolfcupcake @bang-tan-bitches @flowesona @bangtans-apollo @lemonjoonah @chaoticpuff17 @jooniyah @deepdarkdelights @sweetbunnykook @worldwidemochiguy @jingabitch @jkeuphoriadreamland @flowerwrites06 @junqkook @yandere-society @smileyoongle @nomnomsik @persephoneyss @chummywchimmy @ddaenqu @lovetalkhendery @chinkbihh @jessikahathaway @darkestcorners @99liners @yanderebts @jimlingss @smasmashie @bebejungkook @taechaos @girlmeetsliv3 @sombreboy @explicit-tae @lolabangtan @jungk0oksthighs @roses-ruby @lleldey @girl8890 @bahbah-bee @thvlouvre @go1denjeon
Let me know if I mistyped the tag list on author's name.
I still have a long list fics to read, need to catch up later.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hi naddy bby~ I’m gon request an HC from you~ I know I’m requesting a lot but I love you so much and I need ur writing! Can I get a warlord reaction from Hideyoshi, mitsuhide, ieyasu, and ranmaru (if you’re comfortable writing him) to an mc who has a lotta piercings. Ear, tongue, nose, lip, maybe nipple even- ty~ ❤️😗✌️
Hi, love thanks so much for the request they are always so interesting and cool! Hehehe, so sidenote the craziest piecing I have is the fact that I have 3 piercings on both sides of my ears so yeah... Hehehe also the thought of nipple rings makes my nipples shrivel up in fear lol although my one friend has nipple rings and she freaken loves it! Anyways here is ya HC 。◕‿◕。Hope you enjoy this love! ❤
Warning: Mentions of sex
MC with Piercings Headcanons feat Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide, Ieyasu and Ranmaru 
The first time he sees them he is not a fan ^_^;
Like he has never seen anyone, with more than the basic ear piercings before
“But you're naturally beautiful just the way you are, I don’t see why you should wear all that extra metal on your face.” 
( ̄□ ̄;)
You basically explain that it id part of your self expression and that you think they look pretty  (✿◠‿◠)
“Well if it is how you chose to express yourself... I guess it’s okay then.”  (╯°□°)╯
Give you a lecture anyways about the potential effects it will have on your future
“You know Hide I think you would look pretty good with an ear-piercing”  
Cue Hideyoshi running away and parkouring over the castle wall before you get any ideas  ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴
He slowly starts getting used to them 
He becomes especially fond of your tongue ring ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He has never kissed someone with a tongue ring before, and he is shook (¬‿¬)
Like he could kiss you for hours, definitely wasn’t against your piercings after that  (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
He raises a brow the first time he sees you with more than just regular ear piercings (¬‿¬)
He kinda low key likes them
They add a sense of danger and edge to your look (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
He gently traces over the ones on your ear and is literally in awe (◕‿◕✿)
They are utterly unique and extremely aesthetically pleasing
He definitely wants to find out more, so he will sneak in a question about them during one of your lessons ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
All your stories of how you got then heavily intrigues him
“One night in was drunk and my friends and I decided it would be a good idea to get these nipple rings.” 
His eyes widened ◉_◉
“Wait, little mouse do you mean to tell me you have those piecing on your nipples” 。◕‿◕。
Low key looks down at you boob  (‘・ω・`)
Blushes a lil when he can see the outline of them through your kimono
Will tease you 24/7 ^̮^
“Why little mouse your piecings shine like little stars in the moonlight.”
Thinks your nipple rings are super hot  (ΘεΘ;)
Loves to feel the contrast between the cold metal and your warm skin in his mouth
Will 100% tug on them a little during sex (¬‿¬)
“Looks like my little mouse enjoys a little pain.”
Forget about your hair he will definitely will play with your piercings between his fingertips (◕‿◕✿)
He is super shocked and confused the first time he sees them  (°.°)
He is also a little scared, has never seen so much metal on someone’s face and ears before 
He kinda on the down-low is in awe and thinks you’re a total badass
After a while, he gets used to them and actually makes and paints pretty piercings with flower designs for you ❀
They are super cute and delicately done.
You are in awe at his ability to paint such cute small flowers on the smallest of earings ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁
Give you a small smile when he sees you wearing the flower nose ring
His first impression makes a complete 180 as now he thinks you are the cutest person alive
When he spots your nipple rings through your Kimoto one day he goes super red ◉_◉
Can’t help but feel a little turned on
“What are those,” He asks while being suuuuper red and shyly pointing to your nipples (⁄ ⁄◕⁄ω⁄◕⁄ ⁄✿) ⊙﹏⊙
“they’re my nipple rings, do you wanna see” (; ̄︶ ̄)
They low key, high key turn him on ◍ ꒳ ◍
“Don’t just go around offering random strangers the chance to see your nipples.”  ┌(;*´Д`)ノ
“But your not a stranger Ieyasu” (◕‿◕✿)
“Okay, but you can’t show anyone else.”  (ΘεΘ;)
Loves to kiss you on the forehead, cheek and then instead of nose he kissed the nose ring 
He is in utter awe ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Like you look so fancy and cool with all those different piercings (¬‿¬)
He spends 3 hours pestering you, asking you all sorts of questions about them (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
He admires you for being so bold
“If I had to get piercings on my face I would probably pass out or something” (◕‿◕✿)
You beam up at his “Wanna get a piercing together.” (◕‿◕✿)
He squeals like a little girl, holding both your hands jumping up and down while nodding (。◕‿◕。)
“HELL YEAH I WANNA GET ONE”  ♪┏(・o・)┛(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:
He gets himself a nose piercing, while you get your nipples pierced
He is literally there holding your hand tightly through the whole process
He is awestruck at the fact that you didn’t even blink when getting your nipples pierced (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
“aren’t they sore.” 
“Pain is for the weak” ಠ_ಠ  
( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) 
He loves his new piercing! He will legit play with it when he is bored
Hope you enjoyed love!❤❤🔥
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azulsartdump · 5 years
Thanks to @rainbowdragonsworld​ for tagging me!
Gender: Female
Star sign: Libra
Current time: 10:02 AM
Favourite song artists: Reol, MARiA, Ava Max, Giga-P, and Gorillaz
Favourite songs: Yuureizumi/ Phanto(me) (Reol), Ooedo Ranvu (Giga-P x Reol feat. nrsqe), So am I (Ava Max), Hyperistic Bullet (GARNiDELiA), Kyouki Ranbu (GARNiDELiA), Melancholy Hill (Gorillaz), Feel Good Inc. (Gorillaz)
Song stuck in your head: I DO What I WANT (KIRA feat. Hatsune Miku)
Last movie you saw: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Last thing I googled: obey me wrath UR cards (was making another card overlay lol)
Other blogs: I have so many, but @azulistrash is my main
Do you get asks: I get a few here and there. They’re mostly questions about drawing other peoples’ MC’s though. (Honestly expected this when I offered, but getting other asks would be nice sometimes lol)
Reason for your URL: My online name is Azul, and I dump all of my art here.
Average amount of sleep: I usually sleep 6-8 hours, but on weekends and holidays I get around 10 hours
Lucky number: 14
Currently wearing: Black thigh-highs, dark green overalls, a white long-sleeved shirt, and a navy blue cardigan.
Dream job: Video game dev/character designer
Dream trips: My dad likes to travel, so I’ve already been to Hawaii, Paris, Greece, Japan, and we’re planning on going to Nice, France for his triathlon this summer, but I’ve been wanting to visit Osaka and Kyoto if we visit Japan again.
Favourite food: I really like Ikura (salmon roe). My twitter bio actually says I take commission payments in ikura and USD lol.
Play any instruments: I was forced to play piano for 12 years, but other than that, I’ve just been taking vocal lessons from friend of mine who used to be a vocal coach.
I’m tagging @butter-beel, @cloviaglade, and @lord-diavolo as well as anyone else who wants to do this!
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gachaesthetic · 7 years
Shades, as I have complete faith in your ability to curate quality Gacha content, which live dvds do you recommend?? I mean, yes obv all of them, but I have Christmas money to spend and I need to choose wisely 🤔
Ok here’s my personal ranking. For the first three I’m assuming you get the Limited Edition which is the only way to go, the regular versions cut out wayyyy too much.
Sekira Liar Tour Final: If you try to buy this on Amazon or eBay, you’re going to get gouged hard for this one, so check out Yahoo Auctions and stuff via proxy service and you can probably get away for less than $200. This live is the pinnacle, an amazing setlist, practically nothing edited out, great cinematography and camera angles vis-a-vis drone cameras and GoPros attached to the instruments, the infamous BokuCin prank, and a rendition of Takaramono that will absolutely give you chills.
7th Anniversary: this one is almost my favorite, I love the setlist, love the KAKUHEN album as a whole, Nenne’s great, there’s some interesting set design such as the Juicy Beats dance version on the center platform. However, because of the circumstances of that live (there was a sound problem and they had to start the whole thing over ~4 songs in) you can tell they were a little rattled at the beginning and it takes a while for everyone to get back in the zone again, but when they do it’s great. Also, they cut out some of the content even in the limited edition–no acoustic segment, no Tomo-zo MC corner, no Takaramono >:( On the upside, I think the LE is still available in stores so this is an economical option.
Delicious Tour: Oreo faceplants and that is all you need to know. Best bonus content feat. Gachas in China. Lots of feelings during the encore. This one is expensive as hell on the secondhand market too
1st Anniversary: depends how much you like Armmy era I guess, and it’s pre Virgin-A too so no Juicy Beats, no ben-jan-dan etc… Still a good piece of history and there’s two songs in there that have never been released anywhere else, including Kimi wo… which was Hana’s first lead vocal song with just her on piano with violin accompaniment, it’s beautiful.
Gachallenge Final: tbh I hate this one lol. They edited a lot out and never put out a limited edition to replace that content, but even more egregious is the amount of over-dubbing in the audio. It barely feels like a live recording. But hey, it’s their only release available on both DVD and Blu-ray (since Blu-ray is region free that is always what they bring to sell at overseas lives), and it’s still widely available online.
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solongllondon · 5 years
these are all so freaking cute so here are some more if you want to do them but no pressure though! 28: sunrise or sunset? 29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
28: in theory, sunrise. I like hearing the world wake up but lbr I’m rarely up early enough to see it and it’s not the same if you see it after a night of insomnia because then it feels like a guillotine hanging over you telling you to get ready for a day of sleep deprivation. on the other hand it’s the most beautiful thing seeing a sunrise after a night out. A friend and I sometimes walked through the city all night until we saw the sunrise and that is stunning. Also though, I love seeing the sunset because (at least where I live) it’s a much more vibrant experience and seeing bright pinks in the sky will never not be awe striking. 
29: okay. so. one of my closest friends is a girl I grew up with, like she lives in the same house that I grew up in (we have several flats) and we always grew up quite hippie where we don’t have any real locks on doors so basically anyone from any flat can come and go wherever they want to say hi (sounds strange I know) but yeah, so I’ve known her since she was 3 years old and she’s kind of my younger sister (she’s 4 years younger than me) even though we’re not really related but again we grew up together, right. and she does this thing where when I’ll come visit my family from uni she’ll hug me super tight for like hours and it makes me feel really comfortable and at home. she also likes booping my nose bc my nose scrunches up when someone does that and that’s apparently adorable. She’s also always up for midnight drives just for the sake of driving and I love that, a lot. Driving helps me get out of my head and I love screaming along to music with her at 2 am. also she takes care of my cat when I’m not around and that’s all that I could ask for, really. 
84: yes. so many, lol. first I gotta get over my fear of needles though. The tattoo i’ve wanted the longest will probs be the last I’ll ever get tbh because it’ll be painful af. It’s the silhouette of a pine tree down the left side of my back next to my spine and I’ve wanted that since I was roughly 16 I think…more realistically I want a Jean-Michel Basquiat quote on my arm that will probs be more attainable and I’m working on figuring out a design for a musical theater tattoo…but come fall I’ll definitely get one of them and will see how I’ll deal with the pain lol 
99: I should probably apologize in advance for the onslaught of taylor songs that will soon follow but (Ill do this in alphabetical artist order I think) this might get long. (this is probs my favorite question ever!! It’ll be elaborate sorry) 
Adore, Amy Shark 
Don’t Turn Around, Amy Shark
3. Stock - AnnenMayKantereit
Campus - Bastille
Sick of Losing Soulmates - dodie
Wake Me Up - Ed Sheeran
Tenerife Sea - Ed Sheeran
Twin Size Mattress - The Front Bottoms
The One That Got Away Acoustic - Katy Perry
Wieder Winter - Kraftklub
Day To Stay - Lena
Writer in The Dark - Lorde
Overthinking - Orla Gartland
She’s So High - Tal Bachmann
Holy Ground - Taylor Swift
State of Grace Acoustic - Taylor Swift
I Almost Do - Taylor Swift
The Lucky One - Taylor Swift
Dancing With Our Hands Tied - Taylor Swift
Enchanted - Taylor Swift
Last Kiss - Taylor Swift
Long Live - Taylor Swift
Jump Then Fall - Taylor Swift 
Breathe - Taylor Swift feat. Colbie Caillat
You Are In Love - Taylor Swift
Bad Ideas - Tessa Violet
Not Over You - Tessa Violet
Immigrants (We Get the Job Done) - Hamilton Mixtape (K’naan, Snow Tha Product, Riz MC & Residente) 
Alabanza - In The Heights, Original Broadway Cast
Natalie, Lena, Sing Meinen Song Compilation (cover by a german singer of another german singer lol) 
La Vie En Rose - Zaz (her cover gets me every time??) 
send me asks!
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
I’m a Falcons fan. Not even 28-3 can break me.
Losing Super Bowl 51 was the bottom. Nothing will ever hurt that bad again.
28-34: 2nd and Goal, James White 2 yard touchdown run, Patriots win in OT
I decided the confetti would not touch me. That was the line I drew; that was the one indignity I refused as an Atlanta Falcons fan. The bags released from the NRG Stadium ceiling the second the review of White’s touchdown was upheld and I started hopping along empty seats, around and through Patriots fans, abandoning the sight of what had happened as fast as damn possible. This manic exit was probably the most athletic feat of my adult life.
The dry heaving started as soon as I got to the concourse. I couldn’t actually vomit -- I hadn’t eaten in seven hours, first because of nerves and then because I didn’t want to miss a single play of this, our coronation! But just in case I stood over one of those trash cans with the recycling dividers on the lid.
I started to gag again.
“Ooooh, oh baby. Baby, you gonna be OK,” a beer lady closing down her kiosk said.
This was the same area in which, two hours prior, I had solicited a high-five from an on-duty Texas Ranger after Tevin Coleman scored Atlanta’s fourth touchdown. This stupefying extension of my white privilege not only didn’t earn me a taser or handcuffs, but the high-fived law enforcement office responded “Man, y’all sure are laying the damn wood,” with a smile.
I wanted so badly to vomit, hoping that would stop the pain in my stomach. If one of the three Budweisers or the $9 bottle of Dasani came up, I decided I could spit it through either the “plastic” or “landfill” holes on the bin.
A stranger in an Alge Crumpler jersey stopped to look at me while he lit a cigarette inside the building.
“Hey man,” he said. “Cursed. We are fucking cursed.”
28-28: Two point conversion, Tom Brady pass to Danny Amendola
Atlanta fans are not cursed. No one is. A sports curse is a stupid, lazy way to explain away the failings of millionaire strangers you’re embarrassed to be emotionally invested in.
Besides, I don’t think Atlanta Falcons fans are allowed to claim a curse. Curses are pacifiers for shitty performing teams who have national appeal, and almost every conversation I’ve had with strangers about the Falcons -- my favorite team in any sport for my entire life -- inevitably arrives at the same question, even after I explain I’m from Georgia: Why the Falcons?
About that: I’m not explaining that anymore, why I care so much about the Falcons I was gagging into a trash can. No one asks people why they vomit in The Meadowlands.
My family is from Georgia; half from Macon crackers and half from Roswell WASPs. That’s it. That’s why I’m a Falcons fan. I don’t have to justify shit to you, Tampa homeowner in a Steelers jersey.
Here’s where we skip the four paragraphs about ennui and Southern pro sports franchises. And we aren’t going to paint a picture of Atlanta based on an out-of-towner’s gross miscalculation that the city is a cultureless void of white collar migrants and no local identity just because you’re scared of humidity and trap music. But there is a fantastic aquarium, you should try to visit that if you get a chance.
28-26: 2nd and Goal, James White 1-yard touchdown run
I shouldn’t care, but it’s hard to ignore that certain fan bases’ misery earns them some kind of certification for national acceptance. For instance, we pause to reflect on the Buffalo Bills losing four consecutive Super Bowls. Woe is the long winter of that city’s Loyal. True. Fans.
Buffalo’s is an “existential pain” and not a joke, because Buffalo is the kind of place a sports columnist can go 20 inches to nowhere with tripe about the hope inside of workaday Springsteen characters roaming the cheap seats. You know, in the America that used to be great, except America actually sucked as much then too, which is why all those people moved South to take jobs.
Now -- If you’re the Houston Oilers, lol, you’re not a city yearning to rally around a championship: Oh no. You’re just some assholes who blew a 34-point postseason lead back when Matt Ryan was 7 years old.
If most people laugh at the idea of an Atlanta Falcons fan base, surely no one is going to respect how bitter a Falcons fan still feels after February 5. But knowing that actually helps, at least for me. The only thing worse than being made to feel like your fandom is somehow invalid in comparison to a Green Bay or Pittsburgh is humping a Super Bowl loss for sympathy points from media and other fans.
The NFL has enough problems without creating its own Cubs fans.
28-20: Two point conversion, James White 1-yard run
The Atlanta Falcons blew a 25-point lead in the Super Bowl. At some point in the proceeding seven months realizing that fact felt slightly less than devastating. That’s it. That’s all the misery you’ll get from me.
As a fan I have chosen to survive this, and not out of some attempt at altruism. Nah. I’m still here, still signed up for 16 games and God-knows-what-else-come-January because it’s all house money now, and forever: I’ve seen the absolute worst thing that could happen in a game to my team. Ever.
Not Eugene Robinson. Not Brett Favre. Not Bobby Petrino. Not Bad Newz Kennels. Not marrying into a Saints family. Not getting my ass whipped by Washington fans on a school bus in Virginia in 1992 for wearing my team’s Starter jacket.
Imagine knowing that your fandom has found absolute bottom. Imagine knowing nothing else can hurt you as much as it already has.
28-18: 2nd and 2, Tom Brady touchdown pass to Danny Amendola
This might actually be the most watchable, most enjoyable Falcons team in the history of the franchise. And in 51 years that’s not as bold a statement as it should be, so it’s even that much more enticing to watch.
A few months ago a college head coach described Dan Quinn’s Seattle-Atlanta defense to me: “I mean, don’t write it like this because it’s not appropriate anymore, but we love it because they can trick you just enough put a ball carrier out in space to flat knock you the fuck out. On purpose.”
I know my silent admiration for that quote is the root of what might end the violent sport of football entirely, but I am a weak person who loses moral calibration every time Keanu Neal tattoos someone.
Go back and watch that Seattle Super Bowl over Denver. If you don’t like defense, if you were weaned on Steve Spurrier or Bill Walsh, go watch that game again. Watch the things a defense can do when it wants to be fluid and graceful and not the 1985 Bears.
In the space between talking about New England, our fan base has managed to develop excitement about the young players designed to overcome the fourth-quarter evaporation that allowed* the Patriot comeback.
(*The preceding statement, however tacitly, technically acknowledges that Super Bowl 51 was not the entire fault of former offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan. However, it is still the unwavering belief of this writer that Mr. Shanahan should at some point in the near future go fuck himself forever.)
28-12: 4th and Goal, Stephen Gostkowski 33 Yd Field Goal
Julio Jones glides just off the ground. All the time: He even glides when he’s run blocking, when he went in motion in the damn backfield to pull safeties away from a touchdown run by Devonta Freeman in the Super Bowl.
Julio Jones is a 6’3, 220-pound, living action verb whose default setting is “General Lee, midair” and sometimes when I’m having a bad day I watch this play on repeat, because ahahahahahahaha there’s no league policy against using a Kaiju at wideout:
When I watch that clip it occurs to me that my fixation on winning a Super Bowl might cause me to miss the joy of watching what will almost certainly be one of the genuinely fun NFL offenses of the last decade.
Some people ruin their fandom trying to sort their quarterbacks or defenses in the pantheon of greatness. My failing has always been the reduction of every single moment to a binary: Championship / No Championship. That’s always been it. As a fan I have never stopped to appreciate the single moments of satisfaction along the way.
28-9: 2nd and Goal, Tom Brady touchdown pass to James White
I love that Deion Sanders is still the greatest cornerback in history, even if he went to San Francisco. I love Jerry Glanville. I love the Grits Blitz. I love “Big Ben Right.” I love that Michael Vick ran 46 yards for a touchdown in overtime and scared the ever-loving shit out of White America for a decade. Hell, I still love Michael Vick, and I adopted a pit bull and named it after Matt Ryan. I love breaking Minnesota’s soul in 1998 to repay the Twins in 1991. I love Dan Reeves. I love MC Hammer. I love the “Dirty Bird.” None of these things, built over 36 years of my life, were context for what happened vs. New England.
If you met a Falcons fan in a sports bar tomorrow and you couldn’t rile them about the Super Bowl and they still expressed genuine excitement for the 2017 season, you would be terrified of what would be an obvious sociopath. This is the kind of fan I have to be now to keep going. The guy you don’t want to fight in that sports bar because you know they wouldn’t just swing a few times, they’d bite you in the face.
I will bite you in the face. At no point in this Godforsaken experience of losing a 25-point lead in the Super Bowl have I stopped loving the things about this lampooned, derided sports team that makes a grown man dry heave in anger.
If that’s true, if Super Bowl 51 can’t separate me from this stupid team, then I will surely die with them. Because nothing can be worse.
I seriously think we’re going to win the Super Bowl this year.
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alphaplus052things · 7 years
【#本日再入荷 ‼️絶賛発売中‼️】裂固 - AUTOMATICFUN ¥1,389+tax 第9回高校生ラップ選手権チャンピオン、岐阜が産んだハードライマー裂固!待望の1stEP完成!第9回高校生ラップ選手権でその名を一気に全国のバトルシーンに知らしめた裂固。では���源は?その疑���に答えるべき一枚がHIKIGANE SOUNDよりリリース。根っからのルーザー魂から一気に頂点まで登り詰めた未成年の主張は一癖も二癖もある曲がりくねった表現方法によりアートに変換される。貪欲故の傲慢さが下から目線の上から目線となりど真ん中に突き刺さる。バトルスタイル同様、固い韻と硬いラップ。その上で柔軟に踊るフロウが玄人の鼓膜も揺さぶる。必聴。 TRACK LIST : 1. PROLOGUE 2. MAKE SOME NOISE 3. LOSER 4. SILENT PLAN 5. 魑魅魍魎 (feat. 人義) 6. RHYME&REASON (feat. K.M) 7. JUST DO IT (feat. 知史, TEP) 8. MY SPACE (feat. 知史) 9. 風音 PROFILE : 岐阜県揖斐郡揖斐川町出身のアーティスト。特に何の目的も持たず生活していた16歳の少年はある日直撃したカルチャーに衝撃を受け即座に地元で活動を開始する。当初は2MCのユニットで活動していたが約半年間の活動期間を経て解散。迷う事なくソロ活動を開始する。その頃から地元関係者の間でスキルの高さが話題となり、鳴り物入りでHIKIGANE SOUNDに加入。その後も大垣駅サイファーの主催(毎月第四木曜日)やデイイベント〝SHUTTER CHANCE〟の主催、さらに数々の現場でのLIVEをこなしバトルシーンにおいても優秀な戦績を残す。その中でも最も輝かしい戦績といえば、第9回高校生ラップ選手権での優勝である。初出場のダークホースとは思えぬ堂々とした立ち振る舞いとライミングセンスは全国のバトルファンを唸らせた。しかしバトルシーンやサイファーのみで活動するMCとは一味違いリリック制作、ライブ、レコーディングを並行して経験してきたそのスキルはさらに洗練されたモノとなりバトルファンならずとも首を縦に振るクオリティーにまで進化。そして満を持して2016年7月20日HIKIGANE SOUNDより1st EP "AUTOMATICFUN" をリリース。完成形では無く進化途中の若き血。 #裂固#instagood #streetstyle #checkitout #like4like #likeforlike #lol#l4l #life #live#love#photo #design #graffiti #graffitiart #followme #music #reggae#hiphop#hypebeast #fashion #fashionista #picoftheday #photoftheday #アルファプラス
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