#feature study
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fuuuuuuuck me...
it's been 6666666678 decades since i picked up a drawing tool but my hands. they just... birthed this i guess. and still wanna work on it...
ended up making them look way more like the actors than i intended but i just got really into it with their features. i guess i was kinda goin' for how i imagine my fic characters (wolf among us style~<3) but i just had no fucking clue i had this one in me...
and also HA! bitch~<3 i beat you to the drawing bug! i'm just kidding, good luck getting back into it i love you~<;3<3<3
i swear, antony starr has the world's strongest fucking forehead. BUT HIS FANGS THO--. and people just do not give enough care and grace when analyzing butcher/urban's features cause gotdamn if that motherfucker isn't one of the CUTEST men i have ever seen.
first of all, his eyes. so many people get them wrong. bitch, they are HAZEL GREEN<3<3<3 and fucking GORGEOUS<3! so big and wide and beautiful too, he just narrows them a whole lot but boi you can't hide it from me. and his nose, fuck me that was a hard one. he's got them weird little nostrils that somehow add so much to the adorable charm. but i SWEAR this grown ass man actually, honestly, legitimately has the anime girl/cat silhouette face profile and that just damn blew mah mind~! and then his mouth? i have nothing else to say but babygirl lips, full ride. his lips are just CUTE and pretty. and listen, couple with his softly defined jawline i--.
then throw in a bit of chub on the man so he has that beautiful sexy dad bod that is the PERFECT second trimester belly and i just die a happy demon~&lt;3
i can't with these gais, they're so fuckin' handsome. i may try to dial it back on the closeness of the features when i do a closer style study as i did get... kinda carried away. but i was happy enough to at least share this<3
no i will not tell you what they are doing... yet.
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labotor · 15 days
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"Hey, chin up. I know the night just got darker, but it won't last forever."
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giantkillerjack · 11 months
Me: hm, I want something to put on the TV as background noise... Huh. Looks like YouTube is recommending something called The Last Unicorn. That's perfect, it's probably some old shitty animation that has aged poorly! I can watch it ironically!
Me, 2 hours later as the credits roll: *crying, cheering, buying the book, composing the songs*
Me, 2 weeks later: So I have compiled all of the quotes from the book that I think could make good tattoos, and also, HOW HAVE I NEVER LEARNED ABOUT HOW THE LAST UNICORN FUCKING SLAPS??? This gay-ass little fairytale fed my soul! Watered my crops! Transed my gender! Can't believe I heard of this story from youtube recommendations, of all places!!
#original#the last unicorn#tlu#peter s beagle#molly gru#schmendrick#schmendrick the magician#two of my favorite characters in anything right there in the center of the story! and I'm glad I saw the film first!#my reading ability has diminished due to trauma disability etc. but it seems like having a visual reference actually really helped!#no wonder i only ever want to read fan fic! turns out reading is not actually Superior to other types of Storytelling. it's just different.#to say otherwise is snobbishness I have been eminently guilty of in my life!#but like it is easier for me to consume tv and movies and that is fine actually. also that's why I'm doing a graphic novel lol#because i wanted to make something i would actually be able to read if i found it at a library. altho the audio book IS gonna be bomb#the audiobook is for visually impaired readers and anyone who wants or needs it! accessible stories for everyone! yeah!!#my gender was already transed but now I've gained an ADDITIONAL gender! which one? I'll never tell 😘#i am so powerful i have so much fuckin gender. my wife has no gender. and she is equally as powerful.#and also she has STUDIED THE BLADE#mostly zoro's blades from One Piece#normally YouTube recommends me shit movies like idiocracy or smth this is like if every day ur cat brought you a piece of rotten food and#then one day it brings you a BEAUTIFULLY ANIMATED TALE FEATURING MY BELOVED TWINK FUCK-UP WIZARD FRIEND AND MY ALL-TIME HOMEGIRL MOLLY GRU#and also it's soft and beautiful and funny and fucking weird!! i wrote melodies to the songs in the books on my ukulele
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sysig · 5 months
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Good skeles, like you lots (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Gaster#Finally a set mostly featuring the brothers! Yay!#I love their dynamic so muuuuch and they're both so cuuuuuute ahhhhhhh <3 <3#I made that first one based on some half-remembered doodles from my Very First time around drawing UT characters - going way back!#I never posted any of them - I do actually have some studies from back then from various artists including Zarla haha ♪#And I think the original sketches for the pixel bouncies I made of them? :0 There's a lot of good stuff back there! Been a while tho lol#Really tho I've just kinda been on a big-eyes-and-swirly-cheeks kick lately haha ♪ They suit it so well! Especially Sans#Very fun to put down strong lines about ♫#Hugging <3 Always hugging <3 <3#I'm really pleased with their hands there actually haha - Papyrus pulling Sans in and Sans' hand on his ribs not pushing just a little space#They're so cute <3 Even some of my first doodles of them were them giving little donk-pecks on their cheek or forehead#Y'know - since they don't have lips lol#Also probably not a shock but I've pulled out my own colour cube(s) to play with out of inspiration lol#I am So out of practice lol#Sleeping on each other - it is The Classic! I love Papyrus' little paw thing with his plated hand while he sleeps haha#I personally really like the inverted Soul look on Monsters but in Handplates they're right side up! What do!#There must be a happy medium to strike somewhere hmmm#Just put them sideways and upset Everyone lol#A silly little set with Gaster of the two ''flying'' - does that activity actually have a name? :0 I don't know it#Gaster is not about to have them playing anything that could end up with 1-s falling though - not that he'll listen lol#''Because I told you to!'' Lol#And finally trying on clothes in their house! Papyrus is getting weird vibes off this shirt with how it ties in the back and hangs loosely#I'm pretty sure? I've been drawing him with his scar but it can hard to tell even looking at it myself lol#I'm not exactly careful with the delineation of his neck bones so the line can get lost#Needs a shirt that will compliment a scarf or a cape for sure
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some wallies :]c
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cholvoq · 1 year
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Eddie study/cheat sheet is here! :D
This genuinely helped me so much bc while I draw him all the time, I’ve always been more confident drawing Steve over Eddie. Just know I’ll be drawing Eddie like this a LOT more now
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Izutsumi character study
#dungeon meshi#izutsumi#One of my goals for this year was to spend more time doing art studies.#What better way to start than with my favourite danmeshi character (not seen: a whole page of figuring out her features)#I feel like she is by far one of the most poorly understood characters in the series. Partially due to her 'late party member' status.#'She's abrasive and mean' - 'she's a picky eater' - 'she's a catgirl who acts like an asshole cat ' YES and that is the point!#Everyone in dungeon meshi is traumatized and messy about it but izutsumi is just less polite in how she tries to cope.#Izutsumi is a extremely traumatized teenager who has utterly lacked autonomy her entire life.#She is the epitome of a “If I can just have X thing then all my problems will be solved!” character. And the X is 'Freedom'.#Her epilogue was one of the best and wrapped up her character so wonderfully (WARNING: I WILL NOW SPOIL PART OF THE ENDING)#Because she finally gets her freedom! She can go where she wants to and she doesn't need anybody! Yet...it doesn't fix her.#She is so focused on doing only what she wants that she forgets her own needs. Sometimes you have to eat the things you don't want.#And sometimes you have to face the hard truths that you need more than just one thing to make you happy.#Life is not all about only seeking pleasures and avoiding pain. You need to be balanced in order to grow.#Eat your vegetables (including the metaphorical ones: I am eating more art veggies this year by doing art studies!!!)
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coochiekrab · 4 days
VANNAH, give us more Evan content and my life is yours *I bow noble-y in my silly little jester outfit with a huge sign pointing down to me that says "The only Evan fan in the world"*
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will you accept low effort doodles
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collophora · 1 month
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Found a cool color palette. Might finish it later. (Probably not.)
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notthesaint · 2 months
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Fun fact: my recent art style was inspired by queruloustea and arty-cakes
Also this is a gift for @queruloustea, HIHI I LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH
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bixels · 10 months
I'm so in love with everything about your art!! I wanted to ask something about your MLP human designs in particular. all of them have really lovely and interesting face shapes/details. even though all the pony designs have the same head molds (save for eye shape), all the unique characteristics you gave them just... look RIGHT. is there a particular method or design principle you used? thanks for your time!! I can't wait to see more of your work!
It's all about shape language and how they inform a person's read on the character.
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I talked about this before, but each of the Main 6 were paired together so I could design them in contrast with each other. For RD, I wanted her short hair to have a wind-swept look, as if she's constantly running. So bare forehead and hair spiking out at the bottom. She contains lots and lots of sharp lines and shapes to give her the look of a speeding arrow.
Felice, on the other hand, droops down a lot to reflect her solemn, shy disposition. I didn't want her hair to be perfectly straight though, as that'd suggest she spends a lot of time fretting over it and isn't outdoorsy, so I made it a bit of a tangled mess too.
In short, RD's features are sharp and point upwards, Felice's features are round and droop downwards. (Think Joshua tree vs. weeping willow.)
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For these two, I specifically wanted to include non-Western facial features, as I found I haven't really included them in my character designs up until now.
Pinkie's bold and loud, so I gave her bold eyes, bold eyebrows, a bold nose, etc. I worked on Thea's nose for quite a bit and ended up abstracting the shape a bit to look more cartoony, borrowing from Pixar's Soul's character design notes. In cases like these, I recommend finding ways to simplify features and break them down into easily-recognizable shapes and forms (Cartoon Saloon are masters at this). The less visual noise, the easier their expressions are to read! And it's generally more fun to draw.
In short, diversify, exaggerate, and simplify. Figure out what works for you and get a little wacky with it. Character design is all about finding a balance between maintaining your voice and vision and creating something unique and lively.
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purpleleafsyt · 6 months
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Got CSP!! Needed to test out some brushes <3
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Some drawings of the boy that couldn't become nice individual pieces :')
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mell0w0dyssey · 1 month
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Fishmen rough study
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suudonym · 4 days
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trying new stuff means new balam portrait
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spaciebabie · 8 months
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this picture isnt real its all happening in twilights head and she's listening ta this as she's having her bi horse fantasies
un blurred below the cut as well as the lineart with flats cuz i want ta show it off sue me
edit: ignore that the images changed slightly i noticed a shading error i missed and it was bothering me 💀
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#mlp#twishy#fluttertwi#mlp fim#my little pony#my little pony friendship is magic#fluttershy#twilight sparkle#spacie scribbles#twilight narration voice: ''i have to go...'' id say ''its getting late and i need to put spike to bed''#fluttershy would yawn. a gentle cute noise befitting for such a cute pony before she would turn her head sleepily towards me#she would look at me with her big beautiful eyes and study me for a moment before saying in her sweet soft voice#''are you sure you dont want to stay the night? i would hate for something to happen for you on your walk back home...''#oh fluttershy...always looking out for her friends. such a caring and gentle soul. my heart would swell at the thought although#id hesitate....and in response fluttershy would get closer and gently push her muzzle against mine...#''please twilight...stay the night...''#my heart would be galloping out of my chest as the moon would gently glow through the window#the pale light highlighing all of fluttershy's delicate features#its as if luna herself planted the moon in this specific way...on this specific night... just for us....#spike‚ interrupting the daydream: twilight are you...narrating a self insert you wrote abt you and one of your best friends???#twilight: ....NO. BUT. DONT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS OKAY#spike: oookay! you got it. i wont tell a soul.#*he then tells everyone except fluttershy*#im crazy guys i swear#i just wrote fanfic abt twilight sparkle writing fanfic#she has a fanfic section of the library its all just her x fluttershy#good lord these horses.
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