#february of the calendar council
thedeafprophet · 24 days
The thing with early writing with Feb is really is such a prime local of Bad Faith Revs writing
but jokes on them, 'Deranged Anarchist Villain" is in fact sentence that will make me like a character better
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A Moment’s Peace? We’ll See About That
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freefromlightandlaw · 15 days
February: If you're thirsty, we have scotch, gin, and vodka. And for your convenience, all in the same bottle.
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meangirlbracket · 1 year
Mean Girl Bracket - Round 1 Poll 2
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house-of-mirrors · 5 months
Also on the topic of cardinals honey: never forget lmao
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August: Hey, I've never had a nightmare before and I kinda wanna know what they're like. Can you help me out?
May: Sure! See you soon!
April: -This is so fucking powerful it burnt off my eyebrows.-
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zeebreezin · 5 months
With the return of Dracula Daily and our good friend Jonathan Harker, I’ve been left to ponder the age old question: if we had to make one FL NPC the Inexplicably Stereotypical American, who should it be?
My money’s on February Calendar Council, personally.
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apenitentialprayer · 1 year
May 11, 2023
Earlier today, Pope Francis declared that 21 Coptic Orthodox Christians, who were beheaded by Islamic militants in Libya in 2015, would be added to the Roman Martyrology. Francis made the announcement during an audience with Pope Tawadros II, the leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria. The “21 Coptic New Martyrs of Libya,” as they are called, were martyred on February 15, 2015. Less than a week later, they were declared saints in the Coptic Orthodox Church by Pope Tawadros. The Copts celebrate their feast on the anniversary of their death, February 15, and it appears that this will also be their feast day on the Roman calendar.
The world was shocked in February 2015, when a 5-minute video was uploaded to the internet by ISIS militants. The video showed the 21 kidnapped men in orange jumpsuits being beheaded on a beach near the Libyan city of Sirte. 20 of these martyrs were Egyptian Copts who had gone to Libya to do construction work. The last member of the group, Matthew Ayariga, was a fellow worker from Ghana. It is said that he told the executioners, “Their God is my God. I will go with them.” There has been some question over whether he was already Christian or whether the witness of his 20 coworkers led to his conversion, but nevertheless, his Christian witness and solidarity are inspiring. It was reported that as they died, they chanted hymns and prayed aloud.
The deaths of these men as Christian martyrs is undeniable. The extraordinary photos of Blessed Miguel Pro, a Catholic priest who was executed by the Mexican government in 1927 during the Cristero War — taken just moments before the he was shot by the firing squad — are perhaps the only other photographic images recording a Christian martyrdom as it happened. And yet the recognition of the 21 martyrs as Catholic saints is unprecedented for several reasons.
The primary reason, of course, is that the Coptic Orthodox Church is not in full communion with Rome. The Copts are Oriental Orthodox (as opposed to Eastern Orthodox), because they split from the other Christian churches in the year 451 at the Council of Chalcedon due to differences over the nature of Christ. They are also referred to as “Non-Chalcedonian Orthodox Churches.” This means that they recognize the first three ecumenical councils, whereas the Eastern Orthodox recognize seven, and the Catholic Church recognizes 21 ecumenical councils.
After more than 15 centuries, our hope of reunion may seem remote. After all these years, the two Churches have independently developed their own traditions, theologies, forms of worship, and prayers. Yet some things have remained the same. Both Churches have maintained apostolic succession and the sacraments: Pope Francis is the successor of St. Peter and Pope Tawadros is the successor of St. Mark. In recent decades, the relationship between the Catholic Church and the Coptic Orthodox Church has become closer. For example, in 2017, Popes Francis and Tawadros made a joint statement indicating mutual acceptance of the validity of baptism in both Churches.
Pope Francis has praised the Martyrs of Libya many times, and today he recalled our shared baptism, as well as the blood of martyrs that enriches the Church. He said, “These martyrs were baptized not only in the water and Spirit, but also in blood, a blood that is the seed of unity for all of Christ’s followers.” In the past, the pope has discussed how we must realize that we, the baptized, have much more in common than what divides us. This shared recognition of sainthood between the two Churches is a significant step towards Christian unity.
This sets a new precedent. In 1964, when the Ugandan Martyrs were canonized by Pope Paul VI, St. Charles Lwanga and the other 21 Catholics among his companions were declared saints. The 23 Anglicans who were martyred alongside them were mentioned briefly in the pope’s homily, when he said, “And we do not wish to forget, the others who, belonging to the Anglican confession, met death for the name of Christ.”
Another reason why today’s announcement is unique was that Pope Francis did this by an official act. The Roman Martyrology is the official list of saints officially recognized by the Latin Church. Many Eastern Catholic Churches have their own processes for canonizing saints according to their traditions. Historically, when groups of Eastern Catholics have come into full communion with Rome, they will bring along their saints and prayers and traditions. Many of these saints aren’t officially canonized by Rome, and they are usually only venerated in their own tradition. By inscribing the names of these martyrs in the Roman Martyrology, Pope Francis has made it clear that these martyrs are to be venerated by Roman Catholics as saints.
Finally, in declaring them saints today, Pope Francis sidestepped the typical canonization process. They are saints, without having passed through the usual stages of Servant of God, Venerable, and Blessed. This “skipping” of steps is commonly referred to as “equipollent canonization.” Essentially, when a pope declares someone a saint by an official act, that person is recognized as a saint in the Church. This is not the first time Francis has moved a case along in this way. For example, when he canonized Popes John XXIII and John Paul II in 2014, he waived the requirement of a second miracle for John XXIII so that the two popes would be canonized on the same day. In 2013, he elevated the Jesuit Peter Faber, whose status had lingered at “Blessed” since 1872.
Perhaps the most interesting case is that of St. Gregory of Narek, an Armenian monk venerated as a saint in the Armenian Catholic Church and the Armenian Apostolic Church. Unexpectedly, Pope Francis named him the 36th Doctor of the Church in 2015. Living from in the mid-10th century through the early 11th, St. Gregory lived at a time when the Armenian Church was not in communion with Rome. After several failed attempts at reunion, the Armenian Catholic Church was officially recognized as an Eastern Catholic Church in 1742. Interestingly, the Armenian Catholic eparchy of Buenos Aires (established in 1989 by Pope John Paul II) is called the Eparchy of Saint Gregory of Narek. Perhaps this is how Pope Francis became familiar with the saint.
We Christians are blessed with a wide variety of saints from all sorts of backgrounds. They help make up the beautiful tapestry of the people of God — praying for us, interceding for us, and inspiring us. This is something worth celebrating.
21 Coptic New Martyrs of Libya, Pray for Us!
Mike Lewis. Bolded emphases added.
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scotianostra · 9 months
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Did you know that up until 1599 that Scotland celebrated Christmas day on December 17th.
So Happy Christmas Day folks, Old style!!
King James VI, via an act of his Privy Council, decided that Scotland should come into line with other “well governit commonwealths.” but generally well governed France, the date for New Year's Day was changed from the 25th of March and imposed as the 1st of January.
So the day after the 31st of December, 1599, became the 1st of January, 1600. Insular England didn't make the 1st of January the official start of the year until 1752. For more facts about New Year check this link out here.
Most folks, if asked, will say that New Year's Day falls on the 1st of January each year. It was not always so, either in the United Kingdom in general or in Scotland, in particular. Come to think of it, it still isn't so in many parts of the world. New Year's Day is generally accepted as being the day that marks the beginning of a new calendar year and also the day on which the year count is incremented, but neither was that always so and still isn't so in the Jewish calendar. The 1st of January is certainly the first day of the year on the modern Gregorian calendar and it was also the first day of the year on the ancient Julian calendar as used in Rome. Despite that apparent synchronisation, January the 1st on the Julian calendar currently corresponds to January the 14th on the Gregorian calendar.
In terms of other cultures, the Hijri or Islamic New Year begins on the first day of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar. In 2011, it fell on the Gregorian 26th of November. However, the Islamic year is 11 to 12 days shorter than the Gregorian year, so there's also a perennially shifting differential between the two calendars. The Hindu New Year falls according to the time and date the Sun enters Aries on the Hindu calendar, which normally means the 13th of 14th of April, depending on the Leap year. The Jewish New Year is celebrated on Rosh Hashanah, which takes place between sunset on the evening before the first day of Tishrei and nightfall on the second day of Tishrei. Strange to say, Tishrei is the seventh, rather than the first, month of the Hebrew calendar. In terms of the Gregorian calendar, Rosh Hashanah will fall between September the 5th and October the 5th. The Chinese, on the other hand, celebrate New Year's Day as the first day of the lunar calendar, corrected every three years, for solar deviations. The date normally falls between the 20th of January and the 20th of February.
Until 1599 in Scotland, the New Year began on the 25th of March, which was in line with England. However, on the 17th of December, 1599, King James VI, via an act of his Privy Council, decided that Scotland should come into line with other “well governit commonwealths.” As a result of Jamie Saxt looking over his shoulder at the likes of 'well governed' France, the date for New Year's Day was changed from the 25th of March and imposed as the 1st of January. So the day after the 31st of December, 1599, became the 1st of January, 1600. Insular England didn't make the 1st of January the official start of the year until 1752, the year it adopted the Gregorian calendar and way after James VI became James I of England.
According to the 'Register of the Privy Council', “The Kingis majestie and Lordis of his Secreit Counsall undirstanding that in all utheris weill governit commouns welthis and cuntreyis the first day of the yeir begynis yeirlie upoun the first day of Januare, commounlie callit new yeiris day, and that this realme onlie is different fra all utheris in the compt and reckning of the yeiris ...his Majestie with the advise of the Lordis of his Secreit Counsall statutis and ordanis that in all tyme cuming the first day of the yeir sal begin yeirlie upoun the first day of Januare...”
Jamie's Privy Council was a powerful legislative and administrative body, which was very useful to him. The King had much more influence over the Privy Council than he ever did over the more independently minded Scottish Parliament. The Privy Council act of the 17th December, 1599, went on to command royal officials, clerks, judges, notaries, &c., “in all tyme heireftir” to date all “thair decreittis infeftmentis charteris seasings letteris and writtis quhatsumeuir according to this p[rese]nt ordinance.” They also seemed to have had a shortage of commas in those days.
Scotland has had a chequered past regarding Christmas, perhaps that is why New Year has always been a wee bit mair special to us than the Yuletide season. Why was this? Well you can trace it back to an act of the Scottish Parliament in 1640 that made the celebration of Yule illegal.
Things had started going sour when those spoilsport Calvinist began to get a foothold, the earliest origins of the church falling out with Santa was actually some years previous, when in 1583, Glasgow Kirk at St Mungo’s Cathedral threatened those those who celebrated Yule with excommunication, this was serious in those god fearing days and would have condemned your eternal soul to hell, a fate worse than the death that would precede this!
Why was this? Well there are no celebrations of Christmas, after the Nativity itself recorded in the Bible. Therefore there should be none in Scotland, even singing a Christmas carol was considered a serious crime. After almost 60 years of build-up they eventually passed it into law. They also looked to the old testament for there religion, more or less ignoring the "papist" new one, as for the Virgin Mary, what was she but a heathen goddess dressed up in Roman garb? So she was dropped, along with all the other saints to whom benighted Papists addressed their prayers.
The law was officially repealed in 1712, but it was still generally frowned upon.
Punishments for celebrating Yule were harsh, and there was no public holiday for the Scottish people on Christmas Day.
This next part might surprise many of you, after centuries of not having, what the Yanks call "The Holiday season" Scotland eventually began to shake off it's bad relationship with Christmas, when in 1958 it became an official holiday!
January 2nd has for years been our additional festive season holiday, it wasn't until 1971 that Boxing Day officially became a holiday
After centuries of social, religious and political change, Christmas in Scotland has become a very unique celebration.
And as in times long past, we treat this time of year as a holiday season, rather than a single day. Christmas flows into Hogmanay in a glow of family, friends, fun and feasts – and that’s about as traditional as you can get, so raise your glass, turn to your loved ones today and wish them a Happy Christmas.
The first pic shows a full extract from the Scottish National Archives, the third is what is thought to be the first officially printed Gregorian Calender the basis for most calendars in the Western World.
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sunless-smash-or-pass · 8 months
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stairnaheireann · 7 months
#OTD in Irish History | 18 February:
In the Liturgical calendar, today is the Feast Day of Colmán of Lindisfarne, also known as St Colmán (he was Bishop of Lindisfarne from 661 until 664). Colman resigned the Bishopric of Lindisfarne after the Synod of Whitby called by King Oswiu of Northumbria decided to calculate Easter using the method of the First Ecumenical Council instead of his preferred Celtic method. After his resignation…
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thedeafprophet · 22 days
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Sorry i forgot how fuckin hilarious the text for Marrying September. its so good
February you are a woman of a certain age WHY are you acting like a schoolyard bully (affectionate)
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Bracket Announcement
Submissions on this blog for propaganda have been turned on. The first round will be broken up over four days. The individual matchups are as follows:
Day One (October 2)
The Manager of the Royal Bethlehem Hotel vs The Viscountess of the Viric Jungle
The Clay Highwayman vs Poor Edward
Mr Hearts vs Lettice the Mercy
February of the Calendar Council vs Mrs. Miriam Plenty
Day Two (October 3)
The Captivating Princess vs Mr Iron
The Quiet Deviless vs December of the Calendar Council
Furnace Ancona vs the Paisley
The Bishop of Southwark vs Virginia
Day Three (October 4)
The Jovial Contrarian vs the Dawn Machine
September of the Calendar Council vs Mr Wines
The Affectionate Devil vs the Lady in Lilac
April of the Calendar Council vs the Bishop of St Fiacres
Day Four (October 5)
Sinning Jenny vs the Tentacled Entrepreneur
Feducci vs the Solicitor-Baroness
The Gracious Widow vs the Anchoress
The Once-Dashing Smuggler vs the Youthful Naturalist
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freefromlightandlaw · 2 years
September: Why is March making that funny noise?
February: He's English, September. That's the way they talk.
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suna1suna1 · 8 months
It's WIP Wednesday again!
Alright, the tag game didn't work super great either, but that's okay. I got one person to play and they've got a really cool webcomic wip so it's all good lol
So, no art wips this week, but I do have an announcement.
The first chapter of To Catch a Hedgehog will be posted on AO3 next Thursday (probably after I get home from taking my chemistry exam)! After that, until such a time as it has been completely finished, I will update monthly, on the 1st of each month. I'm super excited to share this fic with all of you, and I hope you enjoy it! If you're looking forward to it, mark your calendars for February 1st! ^^
Now, here's this week's tag (go follow them, they're really cool) @deadrabbithq
And here's this week's progress! (that I totally didn't do late last night nope)
Shadow: "Sure. Let's go with that."
Shadow: "On another note, how attached to your job are you?"
Rouge: "0_0" 
Rouge: "Nah, I'm sitting this one out. You have fun. I'll try and cover your tracks." 
Shadow: "I didn't ask you to do that." 
Rouge: "You asked me if I was willing to be fired. I'm not. I'm compromising." 
Shadow: "Fair enough." 
There was another chime, and a new email address appeared in his inbox. No profile picture. The name was a string of nonsensical numbers and letters. 
yy783y7hhuqq7ht: "Would have come up with something cooler if my roommate had let me but oh well. It's me." 
Shadow rolled his eyes before he replied. 
Shadow: "What would you have come up with?" 
Sonic: "idk, fastest.thing.alive? Oh, wait... fuck, that's my ex's email. DAMN IT WHY'D HE TAKE THE COOL ONE?"
Shadow bit back a laugh as another message from Rouge came through. 
Rouge: "Look, just be careful, okay? It's not just losing your job you'll have to worry about." 
Shadow: "I know." 
He closed the window with their chat and turned his focus back to Sonic. 
Shadow: "Anyway, who is it that's gone completely 'Netic?" 
Sonic: "...Alright, here's an idea. It would be easier if I showed you. But since I can't trust you not to try and shoot my brains out, you come unarmed, and I bring back-up." 
Shadow: "Alright... but come where?"
Sonic: "The Mobius Strip. It's an Xtreme racing track. I used to race there not too long ago." 
Shadow: "Why did you stop?" 
Sonic: "Eh, dated a guy I met there for a little while, but he's just kind of a douche, so I try to avoid him." 
Shadow recalled the green-feathered hawk he'd seen talking to Sonic the night he followed him and Knuckles down to Station Square, and his quills stood in revulsion as he shuddered. If that was who he thought he was, he could see why Sonic would want nothing to do with him. 
Shadow: "Do you miss it?" 
Sonic: "Well, yeah, I guess... It was decent money for me too. But I couldn't trust that he wouldn't sabotage me because we broke up, so I cut my losses..." 
Shadow: "I take it you won quite a bit then? Or were you a foul player?"
Sonic: ">:( Rude, man. I race fair and square. Not my fault I'm aerodynamic." 
Shadow: "I've seen you on your gear. That's abnormally fast." 
Sonic: "Okay, yes, but that was after I quit. I had a friend juice it up for me. Better for running from the Hounds. And you. Oh, wait... you have those stupid rocket boots." 
Shadow: "Implants. Got them shortly after the Council died." 
Sonic: "Dude, just say they were murdered. We all know they were. Hell, you might have even done it."
Shadow: "Now who's being rude? I didn't. That was somebody else. At that time I was still in college." 
Sonic: "You went to college?"
Shadow: "Had to drop out before I got my bachelor's."
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house-of-mirrors · 8 months
I posted the fic about the Bazaar as a modern publishing company. Now I need to write about modern AU calendar council. Specifically thinking about cyberpunk dystopia (not necessarily the neon future!)
January maintains a free online library full of texts and articles, fighting against the paywall culture of academia and censorship. Also a skilled hacker targeting energy systems to draw attention to infrastructure vulnerabilities caused by the failings of neoliberalism.
February leaks information to the worldwide media at the most opportune times to incite unrest. On the side, she's quite good at online gaming tournaments and has an intense rivalry with user knifeandcandle.
March is an online persona maintained by several individuals to reduce the risk of compromise in the great game which has been taken to the next level by technology. Behind the development of several "leaky" apps, spyware, and wiretaps.
April has no online presence, off the grid for her safety after her role in a costly attack to physically destroy servers at powerful companies. In a world of increased surveillance, she lurks somewhere outside the city with no cameras. You can, however, contact her on clear nights over radio waves, with encoded transmissions.
May is rumored to be one of the very first shareholders for Bazaar Publishing. This aside, has a telehealth webpage that's the height of the spiral with redirecting links, popups, eyestrain colors, and recommendations that seem too personal. Ads pop up during your regular browsing, similar to seeing the merry gentleman about. It's nearly impossible to get an actual appointment unless they email you first, confirming a stay you never reserved. The hotel has bowling alley carpeting and neon lights. I feel like it should have an arcade.
June is the founder of a secretive engineering and technology startup, rumored to be taking funding from shady sources in the private sector. Little is known about her wherabouts or activities, except her last known IP address was at a testing site on a remote island.
July is a whistleblower, leaking confidential documents and warning the public about transactions and political schemes that can lead to their destruction. Fighting a constant war against misinformation, in which she works closely with September.
August is active on twitter and reddit. I don't need to say more. He also promotes accessibility in technology and the web.
September has a podcast and is constantly finding new ways to bypass censors and promote truthful news sources. He runs a blog dedicated to history and culture, where he also shares his poetry. This man is so anti-advertisements.
October is a merciless hacker. Rumors persist she's so skilled and uncatchable because she found a way to project her consciousness into the computer. Several of the most costly ransomware and DDOS attacks bear her signature.
November operates on the black market, overseeing illegal commerce. She works not only in arms dealing and contraband, but in getting restricted supplies to places that need help.
December is an enigmatic figure of the dark web that no one has ever seen or heard, someone you can't contact but rather contacts you through heavily encrypted txt files, identifiable only through a borzoi icon. Some say they're just a myth or a virus. Some say they're an alien, tapping into satellites.
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