#feedback and crit pls
genericpuff · 7 months
working on my biggest fix-it / "foefic" project ever
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and i'm already stuck on the 'chronically overthink what style to draw it in' stage because ofc
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newps · 2 years
im so stressed about my studio project im waiting to have an epiphany where everything makes sense but it just hasnt happened
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notallrobots · 20 days
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HI. i just threw this drawing together to see if anyone wants to send me inside out oneshot requests! They’ll probably be around 1,000 - 3,000 words in length and take some time maybe a week idk LOL. I’ll probably compile them on Ao3. ^_^
Feel free to send anonymous requests to my askbox or dm me! Send me rarepairs or AUs too (for AUs i’d appreciate some background info / fanart to go off of). The one shots might take awhile to write since I’m kinda busy but I wanted to hone my writing in my downtime. PLSSSZZZZZ SEND SOMETHING AHHAHGHHA.
All characters and MAYBE some original characters but mostly looking to write the HQ employees <3 I LOVEEE writing Fear (as you may have ascertained), Joy, Disgust, Ennui, (and i might like to write Shame if anyone’s interested), but I’ll certainly consider the other characters :3
Requests involving toki’s and my siren / mermaid / Epiphany Bay AU would be SO AWESHOMMEE eheheheheh.
Give me as much detail or as little as you’d like!
If you request something, pls be willing to give feedback on the work (ESPECIALLY CON CRIT!! i love con crit), even if it’s just “yay thank you!” 🥺
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ramrage · 2 years
fic concept: "dear simon"
ive been playing with the idea of writing a fic but it's told entirely through the pages of soap's journal, which have at some point become a collection of letters to ghost. of course he's never going to give them to ghost. he just needs a way to puzzle out their interactions because ghost is a cryptic pain in the ass and does he hate me or like me what's going on?
it definitely is chock full of limitations, but were i able to work around them and somehow make it benefit the narrative, it would be electric. the "truth" wouldn't matter or exist at all. it would be limited to soap's perception, colored by overthinking and shame/embarrassment despite trying to write something completely honest and for his eyes only.
shit i wrote at 3am below the cut. any suggestions/crit/feedback would be GREAT (plsplspls)
Dear Simon,
Yer never gonna read this. I’ll probably take a match to it when I’m done because yer a sneaky bastard and writing all this makes me feel like a cunt. I take to my journal, have been forever, to make my thoughts more real, yknow? not sure why i’m explaining myself to ye like yer ever gonna read it…
You’ve been getting on my last bleeding nerve, is the thing. Not like yer doin anything out of the ordinary for yerself. just the normal mysterious, aloof, fucken terrifying thing you do. with the stupid mask. fucken. i just didn’t know that /your thing/ also involved making fucken shite jokes bein endearing not as terrifying as i took ye fer. and that’s grand, except when you’re not being that way and i’m left to wonder how things went tits up.
i remember meeting you. they told me ye were some big scary fucker, and ye were, jesus, but i wanted to crack ye. after graves turned and left us to claw outta las almas, i thought i was. i didnae think ye’d wait for me, didnae think ye’d be in my ear with some of the most shite jokes i’d ever heard, but ye were. made me wanna push ye. see yer limits. i’ll be honest, i was full on with callin ye a good ol boy and tellin ye to take yer mask off. sorry bout that. but ye coulda shut me up and i know ye wouldnae struggle to. so i thought i found a boundary.
but you’ve been short with me all week. today, ye fucking head case, i do nothin more than nudge ye in the gym, tell ye yer liftin light + ye come at me like ye got a stick up yer arse. not even a quip back. whatdye say? some bullshite about respecting your superiors, /mactavish/. ye didnae strike me as a man who gave a quarter shite about vanity lifting and ye still don’t. im probably making somethin outta nothin and i dinnae ken why i even give a damn, give a damn enough to write it out like a wee fucken lovesick school girl, but here i am. i’ve not cared about people liking me for bleedin ages. and people tend to like me, no? charming and handsome bastard that i am.
maybe i don like thinking i can’t figure you out. yer rank pulling stunt has me wanting to punch the head clean off ye, but i still think i can crack ye. it’d do ye some good, lt. i told ye as much in las almas, and i meant it. not sure if ye got it, though.
well. i’ve not got anything left to tell ye, not today, and my hands are cramping somethin awful so i’ll sign off. until next time, ye jackarse.
notes to the readers that might exist:
in addition to literally any feedback you have, i have some specific questions about bits im particularly unhappy with/insecure about. but dw bout being too harsh or honest, i was in writing workshops (you wouldnt be able to tell smh) with liberal arts students with something to prove so my skin has been thickened yk. if by the grace of god you wanna beta pls lmk and ill have a child just so i can give you my firstborn xx
how do we feel about the strikethroughs? personally i think they can help me say shit that i want the reader to know but dont think johnny completely means or is ready to say
should i push details like that which reinforce that this is written by hand? like shorthand, writing + instead of "and"
i put slashes around things that i would otherwise italicize bc that's what i do when i journal. does it work? what would work better?
should the entries include dates?
how severely does it sound like an american trying to sound scottish lol? lmk what works/doesn't work im dying out here
i have an idea for the last chapter (despite not having a plot) and tbh it's predictable as hell but it could be zesty (;
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anklesalltheway · 3 years
The Gibbs Family Backstory [Draft / Version 1]
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Continuation of this question about that turned into a thrown together retelling of the Gibbs family drama backstory! (mostly focusing on Charles). 
This post is sort of a thrown together duct taped info dump of me rambling about Charles plus what I sort of have so far as the Gibbs family backstory that somehow ties in: Charles’ story, Julia being the family glue, Margaret marrying Swann, and the aftermath of Joshamee becoming a pirate. 
This story is unfinished, but I think I have mostly a gist of it now so excited to finally publish something! :D
also pls I would love feedback + constructive crit. and any mention of plot holes cuz I’m dealing with those like whack-a-mole. lmao.
anyways enjoy!
tw: family drama ? 
Once upon a time in Bristol…
(continuation from the ask) In Charles & Julia's youth, they were very involved and hands-on with their children's upbringing. They didn't have a lot of money, but they had enough to support themselves between Charles' long trips at sea. Joshamee & Margaret had a very happy childhood, and the siblings were inseparable. Charles would tell them stories of nautical lore, he would teach them geography and share his personal adventures of sailing around the world, and regularly took his family out sailing.
And then the war happened the Admiralty called Charles to sea. Charles left Bristol and returned a medaled war hero. And everything changed. Dazzling in the Admiralty spotlight, his ambition only grew uncontrollably... which started to take a turn for not exactly the wiser. He started getting bigger ideas for his family's future.
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To ramble on him a little bit on Papa Gibbs - Captain Charles Gibbs - is an interesting character. and I hope a complex character between lawful good and lawful neutral.
He's a good man, a great leader, and carried high honour and respect. He worked hard, and was proud and determined. He came from a self-made family, and was highly ambitious to attain greatness to (cue Hamilton soundtrack) blow them all away. He worked ruthlessly to rise in the Royal Navy ranks in a dog-eat-dog environment where he could only look out for himself (and those closest to him).
Perhaps what is his fatal flaw was not knowing when to stop and look at all what was achieved, and his obsession to achieve greater and greater led to tragic decisions and consequences. Later in life he makes some terrible choices and faces some tragedies when he becomes too blinded by his own growing ambitions and trying to keep said ambitions going.
Back to Charles as a father... Charles only wanted the best for his children, and to give his family the best life he could. His had his struggles with being years away at sea, and with his post-battle traumas as a soldier. But he used it to fuel his drive to achieve glory while still trying to be a good dad.
He was definitely strict on his children, and accepted nothing less than their best. His word would not be questioned, because he knew what was best for his children and would take no objections. To some extent, Margaret’s success is an example of the success of this.
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Time later Charles learned that his son didn't want to follow the same aspiring path in the Navy (& compete with his father's ascension) and was content to sail as a Boatswain without the responsibility of a leadership position. Friction arose between them.
To the point Charles left Joshamee mostly to his own devices with his Naval career, and begun 'investing' more into his daughter (who by then was blossoming into a young lady). Her success would equally mutually benefit his own. She was to be presented in fashionable society, and as her chaperone he would find both a smart match for her, but also network for his progress.
Margaret was always her father's daughter, and his pride & joy, and she shared his ambitious streak in wanting to make her family proud. Even if it meant undergoing a transformation (down to her own speech) from years of rigorous education fit for an upper-class debutante. At the same time she was becoming an accomplished musician on the harp and harpsichord, and the opportunity to travel to London to be introduced to high society and dazzle them all with her musical performances was beyond exciting. 
But as their spotlights grew brighter, Julia & Joshamee began to obscure into their shadow. Not that they minded. The extra funds for refineries and keeping a housekeeper was lovely. They were both cheerful people who enjoyed life’s simpler gifts, Bristolian to the core, and didn’t feel as much at home with the upper crust. (Margaret took after Charles while Joshamee took after Julia.) However they would still cheer for Charles & Margaret from the background, look forward to receiving their letters, their gifts, and toast and drink to their success. 
Julia did her best to support her son on her own. It wasn’t so different when Charles would be away at sea, only this time he was in London. She would see Joshamee off to sea, using her own funds to give him additional supplies and requesting her side of the family to put in a good word for her son to crew aboard the majestic ship the HMS Dauntless, then commanded by Admiral Lawrence Norrington. 
But still she saw the chip he carried on his shoulder, his sad eyes amidst his bright smile. Joshamee - who was always inseparable with his little sister - was starting to feel a divide between them thanks to their growing class divide. For all this there was an unspoken sadness that started forming as both Julia & Joshamee were being 'left behind' simply for not as strongly desiring to keep up. 
And Margaret couldn’t see this until after it was too late.
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Not long after, Margaret was courted & betrothed & married to Weatherby Swann, Esq. A very smart match indeed. The newlywed couple’s happiness was contagious. 
And as the Gibbs welcomed their new son-in-law and his family and eventually newborn Elizabeth, joy was restored. Thanks to Julia also insisting their family grow closer together again, like the old days. And they did.
The Gibbs household was full of celebration. 
Charles couldn’t be prouder, and took the united families sailing, for both new memories and old time’s sake. Julia loved being a grandmother, and was Margaret’s lifesaver as a new mother. Joshamee liked his brother-in-law and adored his little niece, and would tell his grandest stories at all hours to anyone who’d listen. And Margaret couldn’t be happier.
Years pass. All is well again.
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And then, Joshamee is discovered to be affiliated with pirates in the rum running business. Betrayed by both the Navy and the Pirates. 
And threatened by the East India Trading Company to be marked a pirate, were it not for his sister’s timely intervention.
Charles was enraged. In his mind, the only way to keep scandal from unraveling was by disowning Joshamee.
The Gibbs family was now divided more than ever.
Julia came to her son’s defense. As did Margaret. But Charles would hear none of it.
He argued if any of them defend Joshamee, they would all be condemned for aiding a person convicted of piracy, or associating with a person convicted of piracy. There was no way out of it but to let the chips fall.
And yet what no one knew at the time was that Charles had also begun to secretly affiliate with pirates, only he was better able to keep that a secret to his grave.
Margaret was thrown into a difficult position where if she didn’t stand by her father’s decision, she would extend scandal to the distinguished Swann family, and worst case scenario leave her daughter Elizabeth motherless.
“Father! My husband is both a lawyer and friend of the king! Then I shall ask him to request the King’s signature for a pardon, a Letter of the Marque!!”
“And further shame both our families by siding with a pirate?! Yes, Margaret, why not, go ahead and draw even more unnecessary attention! To the king, no less! To pardon a disgrace to the admiralty!”
“He’s my brother and your son!!”
“You turn your back on your brother, or you turn your back on me, your mother, your husband and your child, your place in society I worked my lifetime to give you, and even yourself. You will be seen a pirate and a disgrace to society, no different from him. And do you know the penalty for aiding and abetting a person convicted of piracy?! The gallows. You side with your brother, your child will be motherless.”
“How dare you bring my daughter into this!”
“Make your choice Margaret. Now.”
“Mother, please!”
“Charles, Margaret. I don’t want --”
“You leave your mother out of this -- her mind has already been made!!”
“You left mother no choice in the matter, and you are doing the same to me!”
“SILENCE!!” Charles roared in rage, the fierce voice of a seasoned captain against an insubordinate, raising his trembling hand as though to strike it, before lowering it. “Enough. There will be no further discussion.” 
Margaret glares tearstained back at her father, whom she once idolized. But the damage is done. She will try to do what she can for her brother on her own. “I will never forgive you for this. You give me no choice but to turn my back on the both of you.” 
She gives her heartbroken mother a long and sorrowful look, ‘she doesn’t deserve this...’ before turning and leaving the Gibbs residence, gently slamming the door behind her.
And so Julia & Margaret were strong-armed into silence, and could only help Joshamee secretly from the sidelines. Margaret did her best to support her mother & brother from afar, and vowed to not repeat her father’s mistakes with her own family. 
But still it was a decision that haunts Margaret, and one she forever deeply regrets. She, who recalled how close she was to her brother, how could she leave him like this? She could never endanger her husband and daughter, but could she ever leave her brother behind?
When she tried to find her brother again, however, he was already gone.
After frantically searching again, Margaret stood at the furthest docks. Feeling like she could walk into the ocean if she wished. But at the same time, the docks meant she’d reached a dead end. Did he take it upon himself to leave by his own will to end their suffering? 
To this day she still checks the Fort Charles records (in addition to checking the Harbormaster’s ships logs) if any ‘Gibbs’ have visited, been arrested or face an appointment at dawn with the gallows. And regardless of the cost, she would rescue him in an instant.
Still, she hopes he’s well. She senses he’s still alive. Somewhere. Out there. Staying elusive, but not staying out of trouble. Sailing free on the seas. Smiling brightly in a tavern with a drink, and telling the grandest stories one will ever hear in their lifetime. 
How she misses him.
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So where did that leave Charles & Julia?
Julia stood by Charles, but emotionally she distanced herself. She still loved him, but silently found it impossible to forgive his actions. What she would do to return to the past, to their happier days.
Charles was immovable. He made the decisions he thought best.
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And then the Admiralty called Captain Charles to go to sea again.
Captain Charles achieved one of his greatest victories in a defying-all-odds battle against three enemy ships.
But the victory was short-lived. His ship the HMS La Perla (The Pearl, named after his daughter) was caught in a shipwreck. Charles cried out for Davy Jones, and bartered his 100 year service aboard the dutchman in 10 years time to save his ship. And by extent his life, his reputation, and his crew aboard it.
The deal was done. La Perla was refitted to sail again, all the crew were safe, and in 10 years time Davy Jones would have Captain Charles Gibbs to serve aboard the Flying Dutchman.
Charles returned to shore, only to learn that his wife had passed away. Had he not cheated death, perhaps he would have reunited with her.
His wife no longer in this world. His son who-knows-where. His daughter across the Atlantic Ocean living her own life.
And now Charles was the one left behind in the once-lively home.
Now in his old age, he was awarded the promotion of Rear Admiral for his bravery in the 3-against-1 victory and his rescuing La Perla. Little did anyone know what he did to rescue that ship. Little did anyone know where that would leave him now.
A scattered home. Heavy debts. Secret piracy. Trauma and losing part of his sanity. The Black Spot.
Was this where all his once-noble ambitions got him?
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Epilogue I.
Over a decade later on his deathbed, Admiral Charles Gibbs held onto his daughter’s hand. He bestowed his entire inheritance to her. He did right with her. At least he did right by her, and his son-in-law, and his granddaughter. 
“Have you heard word from your brother?”
“I -- I tried writing to him. I heard from some -- ” pirates “friends. Of his whereabouts with a certain Captain Jack Sparrow.”
“I’m deeply sorry, Margaret.”
“-- father...?”
“Your mother was right all along. -- I should have --” he continued in a lengthy and regretful confession, of his errs, of what he wished he would have done differently, what can be done posthumously to make amends.  “... forgive me.” 
Margaret looked away, wiping away tears. Some was too late, some was what she was longing to hear. Empathetically she returned a sad smile and grasped both his hands. 
Her father looked at her with a weak grin, the flawed hero within him still glimmered brighter than his medals. But as he looked to her hand holding his that beared the Black Spot hidden behind a cloth wrap, a dreading gnawing concern came over him, as he looked up at her.
No, perhaps there were still a few secrets best to take with him to his grave.
But she could not live on without warning.
“Promise me, Margaret... When I am gone, you shall never go to sea.”
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Epilogue. II.
As though witnessing her brother at the stand being tried for piracy wasn’t enough of a living nightmare, worse, that she couldn’t speak a word in his defense, else she be publicly accused of associating with a pirate… but worse than worse she could never live with herself at the mere thought of having to watch own her dearest brother face imprisonment or walk to the gallows.
In the dead of night a cloaked figure approached the lonely prison cell, key clasped in a delicate gloved hand unlocking it, “Hush! C’mon, we ‘aven’t got anoth’r moment t’ lose...” opening the cell door, the moonlight revealed Margaret’s noble face weakly smiling at him, “...Joshie.”
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bonnienapierfilm · 3 years
I really enjoyed the crit for this project :-) I know we have actual posts and reflections to write, but thought I'd quickly give feedback on the group we were paired with.
We were with group 8, who chose the nature walk/pen twirling scenes (I can't remember the name of the film). Something that I excited me about this project was the opportunity to flip genre, using sound to change the original genre, which is something group 8 did.
Firstly, the 'Swedish chanting' (as named in ProTools) was amazing. I'm not sure if it was an actual Swedish chant or just a chant by a Swedish man? Loved it either way. I think it really shows the creativity of everyone on this course. So, the narrative I picked up from the scenes without the audio was that this man was a butler, working in a big house. Honestly, that's about it, not much happens. Now, the new narrative with added sound by group 8. A horror/thriller maybe. A man is being haunted by an old tribe? I think it's along these lines!
I didn't have much criticism at all for the group, just a little bit. BUT PLEASE REMEMBER I LOVED IT AND I THINK YOU ALL DID A WONDERFUL JOB, I HATE GIVING CRITICISM XX
When inside, the group used the sound of a fireplace, that crackling fire spitting sound. Which is a great sound (hmm bacon) but I felt like there was no sign of a fireplace in the room? There were candles, so the first time watching the film through I thought you may have used a fireplace sound for candles, and candles are more silent than a fireplace 'sssckkzzzz'. So yeah, I guess it's opinion on whether the fireplace is there on not... #firegate.
But yeah, not a lot of feedback but just a lil. Well done guys!
@katieqnmr @jackmmbirrell71
I don't have Heather or Sam on tumblr, help me find them pls !
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sometimesiwrite · 3 years
Hmmmm let's see...
Do I find writing cathartic or stressful?
A bit of both, I think, but always in a positive way. Lately I've been pushing myself to write outside my comfort zone and challenge my imagination which always feels a bit like going up to the first drop of a roller coaster "Whoooooa here we gooo 😬". If anything it makes the writing process slower for me and it means I'm exploring less "popular" content and pairings. Which in turn means less interaction. So sometimes it feels like I put in a lot of work that not many people end up seeing, and that can be hard because interaction is part of the reward for hard work on places like Tumblr and Ao3. Praise cuts through the self-criticism (I'm also very particular, I will work and work until I'm satisfied with the framing of each sentence), and it feels good, of course. Thankfully I have supportive friends who spoil me with new ideas, feedback, gentle nudges, and fic recs. I love writing.
Which piece do I wish people would ask me more about?
Hmmm that's tough. I love talking about my writing--that sounds a bit up myself I guess--but to me, discourse is part of the feedback of the creative process, like a workshop for new performance, or a group crit for an art piece. Talking is how I connect with people. I think I wish people asked me more about my OC series. It's been stalled for a bit and I think part of the reason is that I don't feel that many regular readers are curious about it. There's a lot in there about platonic intimacy, building partner-trust, and emotional labour. I feel like it's actually quite poignant, and I feel like getting questions about it might help me to see where my thoughts and others' experiences are or aren't lining up. Sometimes the artist wants readers to come away with something, and right now I'm not sure whether or not that's happening. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but. I dunno. It would be fun to know!
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neonun-au · 4 years
i know how important feedback and the like are on this platform (any platform) for creatives, especially writers (i say especially because i am a writer so that’s the circle i run in). i have a fic recs blog @neonun-reads
if you’re interested, give it a follow! I will be reblogging with commentary every single fic that i read, whether i enjoyed it or not (im not going to leave harsh reviews regardless trust me haha i know this is just a hobby for everyone)
if i have liked your fic and not reblogged it, i am getting around to it eventually. 
if there is a fic you have that you would really like some feedback/constructive crit on let me know and send me the link so i can bump it up on my tbr list!! 
ofc i am not fast with this, i have a lot of things i want to read and i am also writing and working full-time so...have patience pls thank you
i just want to give a bit back to the community in some small way as i know we’re all struggling
(additionally, im going to be revamping that fic rec blog with tags and stuff and fics that i especially highly recommend i’ll probably just rb on main lol) 
i also ask, as a writer, that you try and do the same when liking and reblogging work from that blog (or any blog!) even a simple ‘cute’ or ‘nice’ in the tags is better than nothing at all!! :)) 
anyway that’s it thank you bye bye
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bluexiao · 3 years
i switched kazu’s iron sting with black sword (sorry keqing lmao) and his damage is *chef’s kiss*. instead of 4 pc viri, his artifact set is now 2pc viri and 2pc glad. you can try 4pc tho and see how that works.
if you summon for jade cutter, that works too since its substat is crit rate!
oh that’s my current artifact sets since viri still hasn’t decided to give me 5 star em til now:) what cup did you use?? atk% or em? i think my black sword is with jean omg i already got her anemo dmg bonus cup and now jdjsjsjs but i really do hope my next weapon summon would be useful jxjdjs anything but a catalyst is fine by me PLS LUCK ARCHONS
def gonna try switching the sword tho! it’s r1 tho so compare to my r5 iron sting… let’s see hahaha thank you for the feedback luv!
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humanslikeme · 5 years
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First Attempts Feedback Pls/Crit
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simaethae · 7 years
some rambling about concrit, bc i was thinking this over today when i should really have been concentrating on work:
- most of the time if i don’t like a fic enough to leave criticism-free comments on it, i just won’t say anything. (tho if i’ve read your fic and didn’t comment the reason is FAR more likely to be laziness on my part, don’t read too much into it!) in particular i am very scrupulous about not pretending to like things just because i like the author as a person or whatever, bc it would upset me badly to think the nice comments people left me were polite lies.
- i don’t at all mind the couple of minor pieces of criticism i’ve had (it reassures me that the nice things are probably sincere) but they’re rare. my impression is this is most people’s position. which is fair because i don’t think encouraging random drive-by crit from random strangers would really improve the fandom experience. (anyone else remember those ff.net reviews that dutifully told you your grammar was fine?)
- that said sometimes i wonder. i mean, sometimes i do read a fic and see how the author could have done something better? should i tell them? do i have blind spots about my own fic that other people have been tactfully not pointing out? (...pls don’t say “second person” or “semicolons”.)
- in general i am only likely to make the effort to give not-completely-positive feedback if the fic hits that particular balance where i enjoy it but i can still see how to do it better. there are many fics to which my reaction is pure and sincere admiration and delight and there is no criticism i could make! there are also plenty of fics that suck and i really doubt my telling the author “rewrite this but give your characters a personality this time” etc would be helpful (shitty writing being a natural stage you have to go through on the way to good writing). in general i think critical feedback is only likely to be helpful where it’s coming from a place of appreciation and enjoyment for what the author’s trying to do.
- but this is hard work and unsolicited concrit is a tricky endeavour at the best of times, so mostly i don’t.
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sunstarelanor · 4 years
okay so for Astrid x Eodwulf x Caleb (friendship and otherwise) stuff I am following these tags:
blumenthal drei
blumenthal trio
Eodwulf cr
Eadwulf cr
Astrid cr
is there any more i should know of to follow?
is there a consensus on which tag(s) are/will be most used? Is there some that are useless to follow?
(ps i am of course also following the caleb widogast tag. Should I follow bren’s tag as well??)
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joshuaorrizonte · 7 years
Awful lot of people in that post who don’t understand that not all negative feedback is “constructive.” “This sucks” is never constructive, even if it’s followed by a “here’s why.” It’s insulting and it’s putting the author down. You don’t get anti-SJW points for being an asshole.
And even if your heart really is in the right place, constructive criticism is only “constructive” if the person receiving it is open to it. I want constructive criticism on my work (NOT including insults) but a lot of people either are so defensive they won’t hear what you’re saying, or they did the work for fun and DON’T want con crit. Don’t just assume your con crit is welcome. Ask first. And if they say no, RESPECT THAT.
(Venting. Pls don’t reblog.)
Edit: just thought of this one, too. An author, even if they ask for con crit, isn’t obligated to take your advice. If it doesn’t seem helpful to them, they are perfectly entitled to say, “No thank you” to it.
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robotslenderman · 8 years
(Just realised the timing is super awkward, but this isn’t related to anything I’ve been posting about.)
(Also just realised the timing is even more awkward because in the last week I’ve had two separate discussions on fanfic feedback that touched on this but wandered away from it. crap.)
Back in my day
on ff.net
Us 13YOs (and younger) would publish our fanfic uphill, both ways, in the snow, and you know what we got?
We got something that’s no longer in fanfic vernacular: we got our asses flamed. We got anonymous assholes coming up to us telling our baby writer selves to stop fucking writing forever.
And you know what we did?
Either we kept on fucking writing, or we stopped, but either way, it was a world of pain no matter what we did. One thing we all did, because we were forced to, was that we friggen dealt with it. We either kept on writing, and kept on getting flames, and eventually got good enough to not provoke as many trolls as before, or we stopped and the wound healed in time anyway.
I used to have a bunch of reviewers/fans who’d hung around for years just to tell me, every single chapter, what I did wrong.
And it annoyed the shit out of me. It also hurt. It was stressful as fuck because they loved and hated the exact same things so I’d be left confused as to whose advice I should take. Sometimes I felt like shaking them going “then why the fuck are you STILL HERE???”
So if someone says “please don’t give me crit” 
That is totally fine and justified, because hey, crit’s never fun even when it is, and even the most well written and thoughtful critic is being an asshole if they ignore your wishes, no excuse for that, nope.
But if you haven’t taken the responsibility of specifying whether or not you are open to it and a reader has invested their time in giving a thoughtful, in-depth critique that discusses weak points while also explicitly gushing about the strong, oh my god what the hell are you whining about??? not enough praise??? you’ve already got enough, sit down, shut up and be grateful and be glad you were never a 13YO on ff.net because you ain’t seen nothing until anonymous comments make you cry in your most formative already-traumatising years.
KIDS THESE DAYS. Jesus back in my day we’d have killed for that. “Hey we’d multi-paragraph reviews are the best” liars, liars, all of you liars. try it, put in some less-than-gushing words in your review and watch your dash collapse under the weight of its own salt.
Christ I am still traumatised over that time I got roasted alive for two solid months by dozens of reviewers (I’m p sure I whined about that on tumblr a lot and on one hand yeah that shit hurt, but on the other I look back @ past me and think “uh yeah they were kinda right, and by kinda I mean a lot” and it took me years to realise that and why) so I am like totally incapable of mustering any sympathy for people pissed off when the other person went out of their way to be thoughtful and kind.
Like yeah no that shit hurts, your pain is valid, but dear lord please handle it with some responsibility. Either say upfront you don’t want crit or friends lock that shit.
Can we please bring back the practice of saying upfront whether you want crit or not instead of putting that responsibility on readers, pls and thank.
(Man, us kids were tough as fuck.)
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