#feedback: lunch visit
hongcherry · 10 months
feedback form reply
to 🐈:
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as someone who doubts their smut a lot, this means so much to me! thank you bunches for letting me know your thoughts on Lunch Visist! i'm glad it's being enjoyed! <3
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hoonatic · 2 months
emergency contact | park sunghoon x reader
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prompt: weeks after your breakup, sunghoon finds out that he’s still your emergency contact. pairing: non-idol sunghoon x implied female reader genre: angst with hopeful/happy? ending; second chance romance??; exes to lovers??? word count: 2800 note: i’ve had a cute fic idea that i wanted to write forever…but this is not it. the sad demons have visited me once again. hope y’all enjoy nevertheless and any feedback is much appreciated <3
sunghoon was miserable. 
it had been three weeks, five days, two hours, and thirty-two minutes since the two of you had gone no contact.
he wished he could say he was happy to be single, that he was no longer “locked down” and “whipped” as his friends had always called him. but the so-called “freedom” felt like hell since it meant losing you.
at first, he kept telling himself that time would heal the pain. “it’s natural,” he had repeated like a mantra, “she was your best friend and lover for years.” but no, this heartbreak was inhumane. his desire to see you, apologize endlessly, and spend days holding you until you could feel every ounce of his love was gnawing at his soul. if anything, it got worse by the minute.
he had tried so hard to balance work and the rest of his life, using the excuse several times that he was securing this future for your shared life with him. that one day, you’d be able to reap the rewards of his efforts and live comfortably together without stress.
but what was the use of all of that now? the future he had worked so hard to create was ripped out from his hands by no one other than himself. 
you had accused him of being too busy for you. dates canceled at the last minute, a birthday forgotten, and all the texts left on read had built up to the argument that ended it all. he was always good at fighting, a little too good. he had retorted that you weren’t being supportive, and he was never one to sugarcoat his words. his tongue was sharp, and he did nothing to dull its blade.
but there wasn’t too much yelling on your part, and he thought that that hurt more. he wanted you to fight back, to stand your ground because he knew deep down that he was being the asshole. his toxic thought was that by you fighting back, this meant that you were still fighting for your relationship. but instead, you just stared with silent tears and a blank expression. seeing the indifference in eyes that had previously held so much love was a sight that would stay with him forever. so, in fear of you leaving, he ran instead.
he was a coward, leaving your shared home to run back to the apartment he had still technically owned but hadn’t lived in for more than a year. he locked himself away for a few days, but the realization that you hadn’t attempted to contact him burned more than he could put into words. you were done with him. he had hurt you, had the audacity to be the one to run, and now he had lost you.
he had even run from his job. he couldn’t stand to walk into the same building he stayed in when he forgot dates with you. his coworkers wouldn’t stop asking what happened to him, why he looked so rough. he even found an empty container that had once held lunch you made for him. but his final straw was getting promoted. his first instinct was to call you, but he remembered the sad truth before he could dial. any ounce of pride was washed away with shame in that moment. that same day, he quit without notice.
so there he was: miserable, alone, and unemployed with nothing left to run from but memories. he had spent the last week going through his phone and saving your pictures together in a locked album. he wouldn’t dare delete them, but he couldn’t stomach looking at you either.
he wished he could get drunk and sleep away the pain. he had tried, he definitely did - but that night, he dreamt of you. you were smiling at first, eyes ever full of love. you were speaking, yet he couldn’t hear you. but he could see how your words started to gradually look sadder, and slowly, tears started to fall as your grin dropped. he woke up that next morning crying with the conclusion that he would have to face this heartbreak sober.
but another day of scrolling through albums had stopped abruptly when he saw the notification that changed everything.
SOS i called emergency services from this approximate location after my watch detected a hard fall. you are receiving this message because i have you listed as my emergency contact.
sunghoon had to remind himself to breathe.
he had purchased that watch for you as a “just because” present months ago. you had complained of bad sleep and he wanted you to use it as a way to track your slumber. he hated seeing you tired. he knew that the watch had a fall detection function, but it had never been used before.
his heart was in his stomach as he went to his favorite contacts page and selected your name for the first time in weeks.
“please,” he begged, all notion of running away from you leaving his brain, “pick up please.”
but you just weren’t answering. so he tried again and again and again.
for a moment while the line attempted to connect, he wondered if this was how he had made you feel for months - desperate for a sliver of attention from him. but instead, he was desperate for a sign of life.
finally, after about two minutes of trying to reach you, his body moved of its own accord. before he knew it, his car keys were in his hands and he was out the door.
the car ride there might have been the worst part. the speed at which he drove at almost defied the laws of physics. other drivers were cursing at him but he wasn’t registering anything except the thought of your safety. he just needed to get to you.
why did he run? why didn’t he try to talk it out? if he was so afraid of losing you, why did he do the one thing that would guarantee that? he should have been there like he promised to be from the beginning. you would have been safe with him.
when he pulled up to the house you had shared for so long, he suddenly felt the world slow down. why were emergency services there? you should’ve canceled them by now.
he had to double park as the ambulance was blocking the driveway. why were they here?
the emts and police had arrived at the same time as him, which both increased his anxiety and soothed him. for one, that meant he had been quick enough. but why did you need them?
“sir, do you know–” an officer had approached him as he stumbled to the front door. all he could understand was your name. why were they asking if he knew you? of course he knew you. you, the love of his life. you, his soulmate by every meaning of the word. you were you. and you were safe.
as if sensing his distress, he felt an emt worker pull him to the side as the same officer prepared to break down the door. seeing this, sunghoon finally returned to his senses.
“w-wait! sorry, i have a key.” sunghoon’s hands were shaking. the only way that door had unlocked was by pure muscle memory because he didn’t understand what he was doing at all.
as soon as the door opened, sunghoon tried to step in. finally, he was close to you. 
the officer, however, pulled him back.
“sir, you should wait here. we need to make an initial search before you can go in.”
“what, why? if she’s in there, i want to see–”
“sir, it’s just in case we find something we wouldn’t want you to see.”
all of sunghoon’s hesitation and fear went out the window at those words. his body flew automatically as he ran inside.
he screamed your name as he rushed in, ignoring the yells of the police officers who followed him in. as it had been for almost four weeks, his only thought was you. he just needed you.
he checked the ground floor first, eyes scanning the open space in less than a second as his body avoided an officer trying to grab him. sunghoon then moved to the staircase, long legs prepared to skip steps to reach you. then suddenly, he heard the voice his ears had been longing for,
his head shot up. there you were, finally. he saw the sadness, confusion, and fear all flash your face as you registered the emergency workers behind him. you looked exhausted and unruly, but he had never felt more in love.
he didn’t even remember climbing the steps, but suddenly he was at the top of the staircase and you were in his arms. 
you could feel him trembling as he held you. you took his face into your hands to look at him, “sunghoon? what’s wrong? why are you here? is it my parents? is someone hurt?” you watched as his mouth opened but no words came out. after a few seconds, one of the officers spoke from the bottom of the steps,
“ma’am, we received an alert from your device that a hard fall had occurred.”
suddenly, you understood everything. taking sunghoon’s hand gently, you led him down the stairs, afraid he’d fall from shock. he followed you silently, but his grip tightened seemingly with every step.
that’s when you noticed your shattered watch on the third step.
you let sunghoon go and you could hear his deep breath when you did. you picked up the watch and offered it up to the officer as an explanation, “i’m sorry officer, it looks like there’s been a misunderstanding…”
the officer nodded in understanding, and dismissed the emts, “got it, ma’am. we will still need a formal report for our records since this was registered as an emergency call.” he motioned to your couch as he took out a pen and paper.
you reached for sunghoon’s hand once more and led him to sit with you. in the moment, you knew he needed you more than you would ever understand. so, as you explained to the officer, you held his trembling hand, rubbing soothing circles with your thumb.
“i was doing laundry here downstairs and had taken off my watch to prevent it from getting wet,” you recounted, “i put it on top of the basket of clothes that i took upstairs. i remember tripping a little going up the stairs - i didn’t fall, but that must’ve been when the watch fell."
"what about your phone, where is it? i'm sure your boyfriend must've tried to call you."
sunghoon slowly nodded at that, turning to look at you. you smiled sheepishly, "i left it upstairs and it was on silent while i folded the clothes. i’m so sorry for the inconvenience.”
after finishing up your statement, the remaining officer prepared to leave. as he walked out the door, he gave a soft smile to the both of you,
“glad to see it was a false alarm, ma’am. you had this gentleman quite worried - ran so fast i couldn’t even grab him!” the officer laughed, “you two have a nice day now! sorry about your watch, though!”
after he shut your door, the silence enveloped your home. you closed your eyes and breathed deeply to prepare to speak to your ex-boyfriend. but as soon as you opened them, sunghoon started to cry softly.
he hugged you tighter than he ever had, and soon enough, his face was buried in your neck. his cries were silent, but you could feel his body shaking as his tears soaked your shirt.
“sunghoon…” you started, stroking his back, “i’m sorry i worried you, honey.”
you knew you shouldn’t be calling your ex pet names, especially an ex that had run from you without properly ending the relationship. but your heart still held so much love for him that it flowed out naturally. and you knew he was crying from more than just worry, so you doubt he minded at all in the moment.
his crying slowed down as his arms took to loosely wrapping around your waist instead. he pulled away from your neck to rest his forehead on yours. from this angle, you could see his swollen eyes and red nose - a sight so rare in all the years you had dated. he was never a crier after all.
but memories of several late-night conversations rushed your mind. he always said his number one fear was your death, and now you could see he had never lied about that.
he could see your mind go elsewhere so he called your name softly, “don’t say you’re sorry. i’m so happy, these are relieved tears. and i just really, really missed you.” he croaked out. you knew he had more to say, so you just nodded, letting him go on.
“and i’m sorry, baby. for everything. i shouldn’t have run, i shouldn’t have tried to egg you on to fight me back. i shouldn’t have even fought anything you said that night. you were right. i didn’t prioritize you. in my attempt to secure you for life, i let you go instead. i’m so sorry, i never wanted to break up.” he was rambling in earnest now, afraid that no words would make you take him back.
you listened quietly as he went on for a few minutes after that, hand continuing to rub his back, “i know honey, i know.”
“baby, you need to understand that i almost died thinking you almost died today,” you could’ve laughed at how dramatically he spoke, “i couldn’t breathe right thinking that our last conversation could’ve been an argument. that you wouldn't have ever known just how deeply i love you and need you. i have so much regret for how i treated you, but if you’d give me the chance, i have all the time in the world to make it up to you…let’s go on that vacation i promised you. we can leave tomorrow if you’d like.” he smiled hopefully at you.
“hoon,” his heart soared at the use of his beloved nickname, “what do you mean? don’t you have work? can you really leave with such short notice?”
“i quit my job.”
“excuse me?”
“no job that made me work that much is worth it. i’ll find one with better work-life balance…after our vacation. if that’s what you still want of course…” he spoke more quietly, as if afraid of rejection.
you sighed. you really should be realistic with this - you two had been broken up for a few weeks at that point. you knew the love was still there, but was this a good decision?
while there was still some hesitation on your part, you couldn't help but notice how gingerly he held you. his arms were still around your waist loosely, yet there was something desperate about their hold. you knew he was holding back from hurting you - you could tell how tightly he wanted to hug you.
he was so shaken up at the idea of you being hurt that he rushed over there despite the two of you not being on speaking terms. for someone who had trouble communicating how he felt sometimes, you knew his actions spoke louder than words. he always acted brave, but there was so much he feared. and you knew losing you was always at the top of this list.
you could also feel how he was simply soaking in the sight of your face. his eyes were shy, yet determined. he wasn't going to risk missing another second of staring at you. a part of you grew conscious, but you knew he was just taking in what he had missed for weeks.
“what about…” you started and almost giggled at how he perked up, “we take it slow - another two weeks or so to talk everything out and relax? to get us to a good place again before you hold me hostage in some foreign country?”
sunghoon smiled softly, kissing your forehead. you leaned in naturally to his warmth, to his touch that you missed so much. “that sounds like a great idea, love.” he spoke, “we’ll get you a new watch too. and i’ll do all the itinerary planning and packing whenever you’re ready, okay? i love you.”
“okay. and i love you too. can’t wait to enjoy your unemployment with you for now!”
one smile and nod from you had him taking you into his arms once more, relishing in your being. he was back where he belonged. he had experienced the scariest reminder ever that he needed you, and sunghoon was never letting you go now.
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chososluv · 11 months
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✎₊˚⊹♡ summary: in which i thought of Work Husband!Nanami and how supportive and delicate and how he would be and how i'd want him to ruin me and thus this came along. w.c 2.2k 🏷 tags/warnings: fem!reader, reader has a vagina, office sex, petnames (hun, sweetheart, darling, little work wife), squirting, cremepie, dirty talk, also got excited will proofread fully later
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Work Husband!Nanami: Who saw you your first day in the office and immediately wanted you to succeed greatly amongst the new hires. However you had no idea, taking his mature and direct aura personally and thinking he didn’t like you. You kept your distance.
Work Husband!Nanami: noticed you kept your distance and one day called you over. He sat you down and unprompted gave you pointers on how to succeed. You took the lesson with surprise and attempted to hide your excitement that you had been wrong. The man before you didn’t not like you. He wouldn’t take the time to give you a lesson — that you learned later he did not do to the new hires — if he didn’t like you? Right?
Work Husband!Nanami confirmed he liked you by telling you were the most impressive new hire he has seen. The compliment coming genuinely during a moment where he was admiring your work. A mock proposal and he had no critiques for this one. Versus when you first started — almost a month ago — he had plenty of feedback and concerns.
Work Husband!Nanami has to hide his excitement when you are offered the chance to stay. One of three of the twenty interns that came in, and due to your growth and determination, you earn the opportunity to score your first big person job with generous benefits. One of them being Nanami Kento.
Work Husband!Nanami offers to take you out to lunch as a celebration. Officially colleagues, you begin to let loose and relax around him. Your banter became increasingly witty and Nanami found his pants becoming increasingly tighter than usual whenever in your presence.
Work Husband!Nanami Who is oblivious to your slow testing of boundaries to see how far you could go. Your skirts became tighter on the days you knew Nanami would be working close to you — the shirts became magically one button undone whenever you were surprised with his visits.
Work Husband!Nanami catches on to your passes when you take the first step by verbally flirting with him directly. It was with the help of a little tequila, but you looked longly at his wrist, eyeing his watch one day during an after-work-drink. The pretty silver Cartier bringing attention to his prominent veins in his hand and thick digits. . .
Y/N, are you listening?”
“Sorry, was distracted by your hands.” You admit and he felt the heat flush to his face. Stunned by your words but you don’t flench, you go a step forward to bring his right hand into your delicate pair. Your soft hands running against his and he has to fight with strength to ignore that familiar tightness in his pants.
“Your hands are pretty”
Work Husband!Nanami regrets nothing happened that night between you, but he fucks his cock into his hand furiously that night, wishing it was your tight cunt riding him. Little does he know you’re riding your dildo, fucking your tight cunt on the silicone wishing it him instead.
Work Husband!Nanami plays a cat and mouse game with you. A game of flirty banter and longing gazes and touches. The two of you began building up suspense. Each day a day closer to one of you snap.
Work Husband!Nanami is surprised he snaps first. The day he snaps is the day you show up to work wearing a short skirt and high heels that accentuate your ass. It’s your presentation day too and as you turn to the side to present, your ass faces Nanami and he has trouble focusing on your topic. His brain so frazzled and dazzled by your generous rear he is digging his toes into the leather soles of his loafers. His fists tighten and you bite back a grin when you cast glance to him and see his jaw clenching.
Work Husband!Nanami has to flee as soon as the meeting is over. he quickly runs to his private office, shutting the door and sitting at his desk. he throws his head back, muttering and swearing as he spreads his thighs apart, alleviating the tightness between his legs. his mind began to wonder if he could survive the rest of the day with a hard cock and a pretty devil by the name of y/n.
Work Husband!Nanami begins thrusting his pretty pink cock into his hand. the itch and desire being relived as he thinks of your scent and what you tasted like. if you creamed or if you squirted — or shit, if you did both. he thinks about the recurve of your ass whenever he’d hit it from the back, or how soft your skin would be against his when he took you missionary
Work Husband!Nanami panics when he hears you knocking at the door but nevertheless says you can come in. When you do, you lock the door and immediately walk over to his desk. You sit down in the chair on the opposite side, pouting dramatically.
“How can I help, y/n?” Work Husband!Nanami asks of you and you only continue pouting. A dramatic, and comedic, sigh escapes your mouth and you cross your legs. A sudden cold draft due to your plan you had in motion before you entered his office.
“You left before saying anything to me.” You say rather needy but Work Husband!Nanami can’t help but feel entranced by your tone. A moment he realized he liked this bratty side you were displaying. However, he clears his throat and sighs.
“I wasn’t feeling well. It wasn’t about you, darling.” He assures and you can’t help but feel guilty, oblivious that he was just beating his dick to the thought of your scent. You jump up from the chair, placing your hands on the desk and leaning forward. You unintentionally show him a charitable view of your breast but he tries to remain holding eye contact with you.
“Kento, I’m sorry I’m such a terrible work wife.” The first time you let the phrase fall from your lips and he chuckles. He’s well aware of the phrase, overhearing you loudly proclaim he was your work husband to coworkers not knowing he was on the others side of the wall. He waited for the day you would say it to him and today you finally did. . .
And for some reason, that really did it to him because felt his cock twitch in his trousers and then he finds himself looking at your breast briefly before speaking.
“Work husband, huh?” A soft smirk toying at his lips and you can't help but nod in confirmation.
"Yeah, don't you know?" You toy with him, an attempt to remain in control at the situation and you pass it off as flirty banter. He can only smile at you, tapping his hands along his desk as he speak his next words.
"No. Why don't you come show me, sweet work wife?" The low baritone of his voice went straight to your cunt and you're rubbing your thighs together. A pheromone daze shared between the two of you as you two stare at one another. A brief pause before you reach into your bra, retrieving your panties you departed with earlier and tossing them at Nanami. The dainty material lands on his thigh and he immediately sees the navy lace dark blue and soaked through. His cock jumps, and he looks at you. A cocky smirk is on your lips and he clears his throat before speaking.
"Come here, now" Work Husband!Nanami commands sensually before you and before you can talk yourself out of it you’re rounding his desk. He gets up from his chair, meeting you halfway before grabbing your body swiftly. He places you on his desk and it takes you a minute to register he lifted you like you weighed absolutely nothing. Your cunt fluttering at his brute strength and you stare at him doe eyed.
Work Husband!Nanami has to eat you out after pocketing your soaked through panties. His tongue dipping to collect your arousal that dripped out of you. Your scent clouding his nose as he moans against your wet and swollen clit. He sucks generously on the bud and you bite down hard on the back of your hand to silence yourself. Your eyes roll in the back of your head as his hot tongue circles your cunt like he was starved. Your free hand tugging on his blond locks and you feel like you’re about to cum.
“Kento . . . want to come on your cock, please.” You beg quietly and who is he to be a bad work husband and object?
Work Husband!Nanami rocks gently in you after slipping inside. He holds your legs up by the back of your knees, lewdly exposing yourself to him as he pistons himself inside. Your warm cunt hugging him deliciously and so tightly, yet you were so wet at the same time. Nanami is amazed, and already feels so pussy drunk off you surely he’s addicted. How can he not be? Especially with the way your tits bounced with each stroke and the way you moaned, singing his praises he ached to he able to take his time next time he was intimate with you. However he takes in the moment, casting a gaze to see your fucked out face and he wishes he could take a picture . . .
“Been dreaming of this pretty pussy.” He admits. You answer with a mixture of a giggle and a moan. The sound is beautiful and melodic and its something he can get used to.
“Been riding my toy wishing it was you.” You admit before you can stop yourself, allowing this side of you emerge as you felt drunk off his cock. He groans at your confession, rolling his hips deeper and tip kissing the deeper parts of you. It sends your toes curling and choking back a whimper.
“My poor little work wife been suffering by yourself. Let me make it better, honey.” He coos to you gently, kissing your forehead before rolling his hips harder. His long fingers find your swollen and neglected clit. You twitch harder against him, squirting and surprising both of you. You bite back a squeal as your eyes roll back.
“Kento!” You whispered in a desparate tone. Finds himself asking “Are you going to come, hun?” To which you reply — “mhmm, are you?”
“Fuck if you keep creaming on me like this, fuck yeah sweetheart.” Nanami makes a mistake and casts a look down to see his cock coated in a mix of his cum and your cream. His cock has never looked prettier and he fights the urge to fill you right there.
“Want you to come in me. Please, Kento.” You beg and he clenches his jaw.
Work Husband!Nanami has to shove his face in your neck when cums. His teeth biting hard on your neck as his tongue tastes you and your sweat. He feels you fight screaming as the bite travels straight to your belly, and his fingers circle your clit faster. That thread in your stomach unwinding and snapping. Your grip on him tightens as you cum all over his cock.
Work Husband!Nanami silences you with a kiss as he fills you with his cum. The overstimulation causing you to moan, clamping tightly on his cock as you fight to wrap your legs around his waist. He drops his hands, allowing you to do so and you wrap your arms around him as well. He holds you close to him, chuckling as you fell into the aftershocks of your orgasm.
Work Husband!Nanami has to see his cum trickle out of you and onto his desk. He has to fight getting hard again, but remembers one round was risky enough so he kisses your forehead gently to tell you how good you are for him.
Work Husband!Nanami wipes you down tenderly afterwards. He cleans you delicately before situating himself and his office space. When you fix yourself over he looks at you.
“You were perfect this morning by the way. Never been prouder of my work wife.” Satisfied with his words, his praise, and still in the haze of your orgasm you smile wide. You stand from the chair, fixing yourself to leave before he steps close to you.
"Thank you, Kento." You say, looking up as he looms over you. He brushes your hair back into its normal place, looking you over before you walked back into the office. His eyes are filled with nothing but tenderness as he tends to you, fixing your clothes and checking you over one last time.
"Do you feel better now," you nod at his inquiry, "all you needed was to be stuffed with my cum? Naughty." He shakes his head and you only shrugs before grinning up at him.
"Only for you." You tease Work Husband!Nanami and he clears his throat. He leans down, taking your lips with his deeply. You melt, humming gently before his broad fingers find your ass. He gives it a rough squeeze through your skirt and you blush at his gesture.
"Let me know when you need me to fill you again." Work Husband!Nanami says paired with an ass slap as you nodded. You look up at him beneath your lashes as you do before sauntering sultrily away. You unlock the door and exit his office nonchalantly as if he was not fucking you on his desk moments ago.
Work Husband!Nanami now has to figure out how he has to cope with knowing you're walking around the office stuffed full of his cum . . .
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©chososluv ╰┈┈➤ P A R T T W O [Boyfriend!Nanami] ╰┈┈➤ M A S T E R L I S T !
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armysantiny · 6 months
-[chan; soft bf headcanon
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P: Chan x gender neutral reader | G: fluff, headcanon | Inc: graphic designer!reader, getting together, friends to lovers, the rest of skz being (lovingly) fed up, date nights, late night walks | Wc: 503 | W: none iirc | R: G
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My favourite single father of seven/j
Meeting Chan was almost fate, honestly
You’re a graphic designer and happen to love designing album covers
Stray Kids were finishing up an album and needed a graphic designer to help create the album covers
Lo and behold~
You and Chan meet!
Bonding during meeting after meeting while the creative process goes about working its magic
The bonding sessions turn into dropping by each other’s workspace
By which I mean you  visiting Chan’s studio pretty much every time you have a lunch break and bringing a snack with you
Which he greatly appreciates <3
Because he never leaves that room/j
The speed at which you two become best friends is impeccable
Very much a duo – especially the kind that are always seen hanging out together
The feelings start not too long after too
There is one problem though... you’re both oblivious
Painfully oblivious
Somehow you both can’t see that the other is head over heels, and it doesn’t take long for the rest of skz to start taking matters into their own hands
They love you, really, but the running around in circles is going to drive them a little mad
Just a little :D
They keep trying to bash hints over your heads
Which is ironic because the confession happens so quickly
Catches everyone off guard fr
The two of you are hanging out late and it gets blurted out
Cue quick discussion over what you want in a relationship and boom—
Y’all are a couple now! Everyone liked that
Chan being your boyfriend comes with seven other people because none of these men know what the meaning of the phrase personal space is
Baby I don’t make the rules here, this is just the truth
You take it in stride though, which Chan appreciates
Oh yeah, and this man is a hugger
A certified cuddler I’m telling you
I’m convinced he needs his arms around you for thirty minutes a day, every day, at least
Will have you sit in his lap while he works so he can get his daily y/n cuddles
Try to move and watch him whine I swear—
Do you not want his affection anymore??/j
Lmao but despite how busy the both of you are, date nights are wonderful
He plans dinner reservations on days you’re both free and refuses to listen to anyone asking him to work
Date nights are for the two of you and the two of you only <33
Walks hand-in-hand with you after dinner and you stop by a few stalls
If you happen to pass by an arcade, he’s gonna win you a plushie from the claw machine
Sure he spends a little too much on it, but it’s all good fun
Especially worth it to see your face when he does win a plushie
And sure, your friends are more than happy that you’re dating Chan
But they are a little jealous
Because who doesn’t want a relationship like yours
You lucky darling, you~
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© copyright work of armysantiny 2024-2025
Networks: @kwritersworld, @kdiarynet, @ultkpopnetwork, @whipped-kpop-creators
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading! Consider reblogging, leaving some feedback or donating to my kofi!
Taglist: @teeztheflag, @jeonqquk, @mikailo666, @kkooongie, @xavi-in-kpopland, @marxenash, @borahae-reads, @tinystarstay | Taglist form
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bellaxgiornata · 1 month
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The Devil at Your Window |9: A Hard Problem|
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader Word count: 3.7k [Series Masterlist]
Warnings/Tags: 18+; fluff, flirting, sexual tension, light angst, pining, eventual smut, identity reveal, and lots of black suit Matty
a/n: Finally some spice has entered the story with our naughty, naughty Devil. Bad, Matt, you shouldn't be doing that! Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
Tag list: @danzer8705 @darkened-writer @keepingitlokiii @kezibear @dorothleah @sarahskywalker-amidala @1988-fiend @haruari @sleepysleepymom @marveious @sunflower-tia @fizanotfeeza @cloudroomblog @babygirlmurdock @writtenbyred @idontevenknow1359 @scriptedmoon @sarraa-26 @barnes21cz @loves0phelia @3sriracha @kmc1989 @midnightramble @marissamejia19
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Chewing your nail, you stared down at the screen on your phone. You were currently on your lunch break mindlessly scrolling through The Bulletin's website for news updates in the city while you sat in the break room eating the lunch you'd brought from home. But when you'd almost immediately stumbled on a photo of the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen on their website, you'd paused mid-bite of your sandwich.
It had been over a week since he'd last stopped by your apartment. He'd even frequented your Devil’s Pantry far less than usual during that time. You'd thought that maybe he just hadn't been going out as often at night, possibly taking a break or recovering from an injury. Because in the past when you hadn't seen him much over a period of time, he at least still stopped by and grabbed some water and protein bars or packets of trail mix from the container you left out for him. But now sitting here and seeing this article on The Bulletin's website was proof to you that he wasn't sitting at home–wherever that was for him–and that he had in fact been out and active in Hell’s Kitchen this week. 
The title of the article had read ‘Masked Man Strikes Again,’ but you had barely managed to read the first few paragraphs before you'd scrolled back up to the poor quality photograph. You'd enlarged it on your phone, setting your sandwich down as the quality of the picture became worse when the image doubled in size. The index finger of your left hand lightly trailed along the line of his mask on his face, your heart sinking in your chest. 
You probably shouldn't have pushed your luck with him last week. Trying to further rile him up by talking about the date and the kiss with Dylan had in hindsight been a bad idea. You were certain now that the Devil had been keeping his distance from you because he thought you were seeing someone. Clearly this photograph of him slinking into an alley sometime in the past few days was proof of that since he was still lurking around the city at night. It meant that he was still going out, he just didn't want to see you.
Sighing at the realization, you exited out of the website and locked your phone before tossing the device hopelessly down onto the table. Burying your face into the palm of your hands, you wished you could scream into them. The Devil’s visits had been a welcome distraction from your mundane life ever since he'd fallen onto your fire escape. Wondering when he'd appear at your window next each day had been something to look forward to, as pathetic as that sounded. Now you might not even have that anymore. Would you ever find him standing on your fire escape again? Or was he just permanently done with you?
As you sat there with your face in your hands, you began doing what you'd been doing all week–imagining things had gone differently the last time you’d seen the Devil. You should have openly flirted with him more, or maybe even just flat out confessed your stupid crush to him. On the slight chance that he genuinely liked you–which would explain the jealousy–at least he would have finally known the truth. Maybe he would've returned to your window by now.
It also didn't help that the image of his perfect ass was now permanently ingrained in your mind after that last visit. Shamefully you'd recalled it a few different times this week already when you'd been in your bed missing him. With his absence these past few days, you'd been thinking about him at night more frequently than usual, finding yourself unable to resist touching yourself to thoughts of him when you lay awake in bed.
Shifting awkwardly on your chair as a burst of heat suddenly awoke inside of you at those thoughts, you tried to push them back as they threatened to take over even now. You felt pathetic sitting there knowing that it took hardly anything to get you wound up when it came to him, but now was certainly not the place to be thinking about the Devil. Not like that. Even though each time you got off to your growing fantasies of him, you only wound up feeling worse afterwards. Especially knowing what you now had just discovered–that he was still going out at night and intentionally avoiding you. 
All you wanted was for him to just come back to your window.
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Matt had tried to avoid your apartment tonight like he'd done every other night that he'd been out this week, but somehow he'd found himself on top of your building anyway. 
He knew he should go. You'd made it clear that you were seeing someone. He shouldn't keep showing up and flirting with you just to get a rise out of you. If you were on your way to developing a relationship with someone then he knew he should respect that. 
But your absence from his nights out this week had him realizing just how much he'd grown to miss his banter with you. You always managed to make his bleak nights brighter and to say something surprising that kept him on his toes. He even missed the way you reacted just at the sight of him every single time he appeared at your window. Something about the way your heart skipped a beat before hammering in your chest as your pheromones went into overdrive in turn sent him into a frenzy–internally, of course. Because he wasn't going to ever actually act on his attraction to you.
Not that he could now since you were with that guy.
As he paced his way over to the edge of the building so he could drop down onto your fire escape, he told himself that he'd just stop by to see if you were even still leaving food and water out for him. If you were still filling the Devil’s Pantry, it'd be rude of him not to partake. 
The only reason he'd even allowed himself to stop by your fire escape tonight was also because he knew it was late. On his way over, he’d overheard a conversation where someone had mentioned that it was just after one in the morning. Considering you had work tomorrow, Matt knew you'd already be asleep. There was no risk of you catching him outside your window tonight. 
Landing with a soft thump on your fire escape, Matt remained in a crouch as he threw his senses into your apartment just to confirm what he’d already suspected. Rising to his full height as he picked up on your heart, he'd curiously noticed that it was beating faster than it should have been if you were asleep, which was strange since he'd caught the sound coming from your bedroom along with the faint rustling of your sheets. Which meant you were in bed right now. Had you woken in the middle of the night then? Or were you just struggling to fall asleep tonight?
Carefully he took two quiet steps closer to your window, trying to remain undetected as he attempted to figure out why you were awake so late tonight. But just as the toe of his boot met the side of the Devil’s Pantry that you had in fact left out for him beside your window, he heard a low buzzing sound while simultaneously being hit with the overwhelming and tantalizing scent of your arousal. The smell of it had momentarily struck him dumb as he stood outside on your fire escape, your shallow breaths suddenly loud in his ears.
That's when he realized what he'd stumbled on.
You were indeed in your bed right now–masturbating. He could hear the soft, wet sounds of your fingers methodically pumping in and out of yourself as he placed the faint buzzing noise as your vibrator. Unintentionally focusing closer on you inside, his senses quickly became overwhelmed by the shifting of your sheets as your body writhed along your mattress, the faint sheen of your sweat mingling with the sweet, siren call of your cunt even past the glass.
Stumbling a step back from your window, Matt roughly shook his head as he tried to clear his senses. He should not be listening to this. Especially because you were probably in there thinking about that guy right now. Grinding his teeth in irritation, Matt tried to focus on the sounds of anything else in the city right now–police sirens in the distance, a drunken fight two blocks away, an infomercial on the television two floors down–
Your soft moan tore through all the noise, somehow louder than all the rest. Matt felt his cock stirring further awake in his too tight pants.
“No,” Matt growled, sharply shaking his head again as he spun around on your fire escape. “Not like this.”
Trying to ignore the burning ache now growing between his thighs, he gripped the railing of your fire escape in both of his gloved hands. Shutting his senses off to the sounds of you inside of your apartment behind him, he flung himself over the side of the railing. He dropped down a couple of floors below onto another fire escape, his jaw tensing at the impact. But it didn’t help that the faint jolt when he’d landed had sent a tinge of pleasure through his thighs and straight up his spine. 
With a frustrated snarl, he tried to focus on anything else right now. Someone in the building next door was watching what sounded like an action movie, the sounds of screaming and explosions a helpful distraction. Keeping his attention on the movie as he attempted to place what it might’ve been, he once more threw himself over the side of this fire escape as he continued his descent down the building until he reached the pavement. But as he’d tried to catch his balance on that last drop, his concentration broke and your shallow breaths once more filled his ears. 
“Mmmph,” he heard you whimper a few floors above. “Fuck.”
The quiet curse had sounded as loud as if you’d whispered it straight into his own ear. Matt’s eyes snapped shut as he tried hard not to imagine the feel of your lips pressed to the shell of it as you’d spoken. Ducking around the corner of your building and into the nearby alley, your heavy breathing continued to plague Matt’s hearing. 
Roughly he slammed a gloved fist against the brick wall beside himself, an aggravated roar barreling forth from his chest as he fought to tune you back out. He felt like every other sound of Hell’s Kitchen was slipping through his grasp right now. He couldn’t manage to hold onto anything else for long enough to keep you out of his head, the sounds from your bedroom steadily growing louder and louder in his ears. The strain in his pants was becoming more and more urgent and unbearable with every ragged breath and soft squelch of your fingers.
Part of him was desperate to turn around and climb back up the building to your fire escape and find out if your window was still left unlocked. He wanted to throw it open and let the essence of your desire that was so clearly permeating the air seep into his very skin. He wanted to stalk into your bedroom and tear the sheets off of your partially naked body and hear your startled gasp. Then he wanted to attach his mouth to the places your vibrator was currently touching, desperate to hear the sounds you’d make when he brought you right to the brink. He wanted to feel the tremble in your thighs when they clamped tight around his face just before you came on his mouth. 
He wanted his fill of you. He wanted to take you from that asshole. Claim you as the Devil’s and show you how much better he was. How much better he could make you feel. How much louder he could make you scream and how many more orgasms he could give you. You’d never remember another name but the Devil’s when he was through with you.
Teeth clenched together, Matt once more slammed his fist into the brick beside himself and tried to focus on the throbbing in his knuckles instead of in his pants. His other hand rose up, running across his mouth in frustration. He was so ridiculously hard right now. Standing there in the alley, he felt his cock straining miserably against the confines of his already too-tight pants. It was uncomfortable, and the sounds of your breaths coming in even faster and sharper from above were only making things worse.
He should never have stopped by your damn apartment tonight.
He’d already been planning to head back to his apartment after yours to begin with, but now his desire to get back home had reached levels of utter desperation. There was no way he was going to be able to ignore the need for you now. He’d have to jerk himself off once he got home–and fast, because your whimpers were beginning to draw forth beads of pre-cum that were dampening the front of his boxers. If he didn’t make it back home soon, he’d probably lose it in your alley just listening to you fingering yourself.
“This is pathetic,” he snarled to himself.
Attempting to pay attention to his surroundings, Matt began to make his way back towards his apartment. Though no matter how much he kept trying to focus on literally anything else–a couple arguing a block over, the chatter of a group of people having a cigarette outside a nearby bar, even the ear piercing sound of a car alarm–your soft moans kept breaking through every other noise in the city. For some horrible reason his senses just refused to ignore you no matter how much he kept trying.
Each step he took as he awkwardly jogged back towards his apartment building was awful. His cock felt damn near ready to rip open the seams of his pants with how hard it had become, and he was aware of how strange his gait was–he'd never had to manage getting back home with an erection before and it felt absolutely embarrassing. Worse than tearing the ass of his pants. Repeatedly he’d fought the urge to reach down and even brush a hand over the hard bulge in his pants, hungry for any sort of stimulation to relieve the throbbing, painful desire that was taking over his every thought. His own breath had started to come in sharp, staccato pants as he made it over to his block across the street from yours, slinking around to the back of his building.
You were thinking about that guy , Matt tried to remind himself in the hopes of increasing his anger instead of his arousal as he began to climb the side of his building, making his way towards the roof. That’s what you were doing right now. Pleasuring yourself to thoughts of some other asshole who had no idea how amazingly selfless and thoughtful you were. Some asshole who didn't know that you liked to add extra chocolate chips to your boxed brownie mixes or how you stress cleaned when you were upset. He had no damn clue that you liked to burn marshmallow scented candles and watch romantic dramas before bed, or that you liked to curl up on your couch with two blankets instead of one. 
And right now your mind was conjuring images of that other guy’s face while you vigorously fingered yourself– not his. And he hated that.
Matt's angry thoughts only backfired as the Devil’s fury and frustration only lead to his increased desire to further prove his sexual prowess to you. He kept imagining climbing in through your window instead of making his way back home and pushing you up against the wall before tearing those sweatpants you often wore right down your legs. He'd stuff his fingers deep inside of you until your knees wanted to give out and your moans broke off on sharp gasps. Then he'd bend you over the back of your sofa, digging his fingers into the soft flesh of your hips as he buried his cock into you over and over while your hands uselessly clawed at the fabric of your couch for something to hold onto. 
Matt’s hand briefly lost its grip on the side of the building as the sound of you about to cum slammed into his ears. He’d momentarily slipped, catching himself at the last moment before he could actually fall down two floors and land painfully on his back. 
“Shit,” he cursed.
If he didn’t focus, he’d end up not only cumming in his pants on the side of his building, but probably landing unconscious on someone’s fire escape right afterwards. And for obvious reasons, he didn’t need that to happen.
Squeezing his eyes shut tight, Matt tried hard to focus on something else. He noticed that someone in a nearby apartment on the fourth floor had burnt chicken in their oven only a couple of hours ago. It smelled so terrible that he could smell it even from outside, the scent practically burning his nostrils. Trying to stay focused on that, Matt finished climbing his way up to the roof. But as he'd pulled himself up and over onto the top of the building, he'd bumped himself against the concrete and let out a sharp groan of pleasure and pain.
In his momentary distraction, he once more could hear you from across the street, your growing whimpers only somewhat muffled by the distance, but they hadn't remotely lost their effect on him. Practically limping towards the roof access door that led back to his apartment, Matt finally caved. One gloved hand landed straight onto the bulge in his pants.
“Ah-ah-ah,” he hissed out.
He was so wound up that the slight pressure over his pants already had him about ready to cum. Hurrying faster towards the door, he sharply flung it open and darted inside his apartment. He'd had his pants unbuckled and his zipper undone before the door had even shut behind himself. Not even taking the time to make his way down the stairs to his living room, Matt's gloved hands shoved his pants and his boxers midway down his thighs, his hard cock springing forth in relief before he began frantically tugging at his gloves.
“Oh fuck-shit-yesyesyes-”
“He'd never fuck you like I could,” Matt caught himself growling at you, tossing his gloves to the floor before wrapping a hand around his freed cock. “Promise you that, angel. I'd–oh fuck– ” 
A strangled groan flew out of his throat as he pumped himself into his hand just once, your building high-pitched whimpers already easily dragging him along towards an orgasm with you. He felt perverse for what he was doing right now, aware it was wrong, but he couldn't seem to stop. He’d already tried so hard to ignore you that now he’d just given in, his hand vigorously stroking his aching and overstimulated cock.
“I'd make you feel ten times better than he ever could,” he ground out through teeth, his hips bucking forward into his hand in punctuation with his words. “I'd –ahh shit– make you–feel–sogoddamngood. ”
He heard your sharp gasp which was soon followed by the noise of something like a moan mixed with a broken whimper, the delicious noise sounding as if you'd just finally cum. Anger and need simultaneously mingling together inside of him like an all consuming fire, his toes curling inside of his boots, Matt felt that distinct surge of his own release racing up his spine as he continued to fuck his hand. 
“He–can’t–have you !” he roared into the room.
Warm, thick strands of his cum spilled forth, coating Matt's hand as he continued to work himself through his release. His breath was coming in rough, ragged pants now as he leant up against the wall nearby, entirely spent from the release and having tried so hard to block you out. Thankfully now the sound of you in your bedroom was no longer easy for him to hear, but the reason as to why he hadn’t been able to tune that particular private moment of yours out still eluded him.
Throwing his head back against the wall behind himself, Matt let out a frustrated groan. Not only should none of that have just happened, but now he had to face the very real fact of what he'd been denying for awhile. He was attracted to you and he wanted you. Badly. But you weren't available anymore, and even if you were, he highly doubted you were the type to get intimate with a masked man you knew nothing about. You didn't seem like the no-strings-attached-sex type. Though Matt also knew that wasn't a good idea anyway. That would not happen, he wouldn't let it.
Still trying to catch his breath, Matt reached up and tore the mask from off his head with his clean hand. Balling the fabric into his fist, he let out an irritated grunt for a different reason now. He wanted you but he was aware that he'd never be able to have you in any physical way because you could never know who he actually was. There was no way he’d ever reveal his real identity to you, and it wasn’t right for him to act on any of his desires when you knew nothing about him. Besides, he reminded himself bitterly, you were still with that guy . 
Matt expelled a long, sharp breath in frustration. He knew after what had just happened that he'd also have to keep avoiding your place. Because he wasn't sure he could just stick to the teasing banter with you after what he’d just done, not with the things he was aching to do to you still running through his mind. He’d just have to keep trying to avoid you.
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allieebobo · 6 months
Merry Crisis Early-release: Chapter Three!
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The latest chapter* (27th Dec) is AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW for ko-fi supporters! <I am so sorry for the delay!! Also not an April's Fools' Joke haha I would never do that to you guys!>
The lead-up to the Nat surprise (!)
Visit a columbarium with your family (to commemorate your grandparents 👴👵 and relive some childhood memories!) <Flesh out your MC's family life>
OR: Skip the columbarium family trip and have lunch with Qiu (at their workplace 💼; or lunch with Shay (includes an optional boxing 🥊 session and the potential to meet someone dear to them🍲).
Meet Qiu or Shay at a 'winter'-themed  funfair/carnival in the evening (or save it for a future Nat date)🧸🎄🍻 <win stuffed animals, drink mulled wine, sit on the lawn and... experience... snow(?)>
Bonus scenes at night if you choose not to go to the funfair (e.g. board games with Joony, write a song if you're a musician etc.) 
Wordcount: 54k + 12/13k words (for the winter fair, should you choose to go with Shay/Qiu)
Can't wait to share it with you guys!
(P.S. if you helped to beta-test, a big thank you <3 I'm about 60% done with everyone's feedback, and I'll continue to tweak and edit over the course of the week! Once I'm done with everyone, I'll send each of you a thank you + confirmation email!)
*It's Chapter Three now, but only because I re-named the chapters, essentially what would've been called Chapter Four previously.
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obsessedelusional · 2 years
Your Pretend Boyfriend
paring ✦ Eddie Munson x reader
summary ✦ You back from college, visiting during thanksgiving break. Jason Carver has always liked you the feelings not mutual. So when you catch him harassing Eddie you pretend to be his girlfriend. What happens with your pretend boyfriend? CONTAINS SMUT
word count ✦ 3,200ish
authors note ✦ BRO I’m almost to 300 followers and 5000+ likes omg y’all are tooooo sweeet to me hope y’all enjoy this
masterlist ✦ PART TWO
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
The sound of your someone calling for you takes your gaze away from your phone. Looking up expecting to see your best friend. The two of you had plans to meet at this restaurant to catch up. You were in town visiting during thanksgiving break.
To your dissatisfaction it’s none other than Jason Carver. You groan annoyed knowing where this was headed. You’re parents were close and they always rooted for the two of you to end up together. Not a single part of you wanted anything to do with him. He was a few years younger than you. Also the worst human being on planet earth.
“You visiting for break?” He smiles leaning on the wall where you’re standing.
“Yup.” You say with no emotions, giving your full attention on your phone. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of giving him any attention.
“What brings you here?”
“Meeting someone.” You answer eyes still on your phone, scrolling on something random. Pretending to be busy.
“Who?” He ask curiously.
“Can we skip to the part where you say something nasty, I tell you to fuck off and then you leave me alone?” You spit out, disregarding his previous question.
“We should hookup while your in town, give you some good ol dickin’ down. I’m sure those college boys can’t fuck you like I would.” There it is.
“For the millionth time that will never happen.” You respond, desperately waiting for your friend to arrive.
“Sheesh have you’ve always been such a bitch?” He laughs. When you don’t respond Jason walks off deflated.
You pray that is the end of that. Only for him to find his next victim. A curly headed boy you definitely remember, Eddie. It’d be hard to forget someone like him. Jason hated him, for whatever reason which made you gravitate towards him. You two were never all that close only exchanging hellos in the hallways. Occasionally bonding over your hatred of Jason. More than once telling Jason to leave their group alone.
Just as your deep in thought, thinking about Munson your phone dings. It’s the friend you were waiting for, she’s canceling on you. Her two year olds sick and can’t make it. You sigh out loud annoyed but understanding, typing a quick response.
You’re attention goes back to Eddie and Jason. Eddie was sat by himself, probably waiting for someone. Jason is giving him shit for being at a restaurant all by himself. It crosses your mind for a second and before you can realize how bad this idea is your on your way to Eddie’s table.
“Hey babe,” You smile greeting Eddie, confusion immediately spreads across his face. You mouth ‘just go along with it’ as you sit down next to him, careful so Jason doesn’t see. You plant a small kiss on his cheek, his confusion turns to a grin.
“Hey princess,” His arm slings around your shoulder. The pet name sends a heat through your body, you quickly push that away. You look up to Jason who’s slack-jawed.
“There’s no fucking way.” He whines.
“What?” You ask playing dumb.
“There’s no fucking way you two are dating.” Jason responds.
“We’ve been dating for six months, right babe?” You ask nuzzling yourself deeper into Eddie’s embrace.
“Almost seven.” He smiles, proudly.
“We actually have you to thank for that. Bumped into each other, bonded over our dislike for you. Been inseparable since.” You laugh because Jason looks pissed making this so worth it. He goes to speak but can’t get anything out, obviously frustrated.
“We’re gonna have a quick little lunch. Then head back to his place so he can give a good ol dickn’ down. That’s what you called it right?” You watch as Jason’s eyes go wide, full of pure disgust before running out of the restaurant. Once he’s out of hearing range you start erupting out in laughter, Eddie joining you.
“That was amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so speechless.” Eddie talks catching his breath from laughing so hard.
“I can’t stand him. He’s been up my ass for as long as I can remember. Saw the opportunity and took it.” You respond, looking over to Eddie’s who’s arm still rests on your shoulder. He notices you noticing and pulls away.
“You don’t have an actual girlfriend right? Otherwise this’d be kinda awkward.” You ask.
“Yeah actually I do.” Unknowingly your face falls, upset that he does.
“We met six months ago been inseparable since.” He teases, you roll your eyes realizing what he means. A silence falls over you two and you can’t help but feel like you’ve overstayed your welcome.
“I’ll leave you be. Thanks for participating in my antics.” You smile standing up from the table.
“I just got myself a girlfriend I ain’t letting you so quick.” You turn to face Eddie.
“We’ve been dating for all of five minutes and it’s the best relationship I’ve ever had.” He smiles, motioning for you to sit back down. Your intrigued so you sit down, this time on the other side of the booth.
“Are you sure? Someone’s not gonna show up and be upset I’m here?” You ask, seriously not wanting to impose.
“Don’t worry about it. Plans canceled.” He shoots you a smile before pulling his phone out, typing away for a moment.
“You really don’t have to do that.”
“Hang out with my beautiful older college girlfriend? Whom I only see during school breaks. Or hangout with my friends I see everyday at school? Uhhhh I think I’ll choose my girlfriend.” His words bring a cheesy grin to your lips.
“Okay I guess I can stay and enjoy lunch with my boyfriend.” You sigh, pretending like it’s an inconvenience for you. In reality your happy, your plans fell through and now your sat across from a long haired tatted hottie.
“How old are you? Not trying to catch a case.” You tease almost positive he’s of legal age. Better safe then sorry.
“19.” He responds between laughing at your joke.
Lunch with Eddie was amazing, part of you grateful your friend canceled on you last minute. You feel an instant connection, not wanting the date to end quite yet. The two of you are walking out of the restaurant, hand in hand. Your brain scrambling for an excuse to prolong this date.
“So what was that comment you made about a good ol dickin’ down about?” Eddie asks and almost immediately it’s like a light bulb goes off your head.
“Jason’s been trying to make the moves on me since forever. Just before I joined my boyfriend our date he offered to do that me.” You laugh, you’re not sure where you two are headed just following Eddie’s lead.
“You and Jason, you never?”
“Never ever.”
“That’s crazy. I remember rumors went around about the two of you dating all the time.” He says, processing this new information. Jason Carver wanted you yet you were her with Eddie. He was excited by that thought but at the same time puzzled.
“Started by him. He made my high school experience hell.” You admit.
“Same here.” He sighs, you two reaching his van. Realizing this is where the date either continues or ends.
“Should we keep our story going?” You ask. Noticing Jason sat in his car with his friends, he’s watching the two of you. If he wants to watch, you’d give him a show. Mostly for own selfish desires.
“What?” He asks so you nod in the direction of Jason car full of jocks, watching Eddie’s gaze move from you to them.
“I told Jason we’d have a little lunch and then go your place where’d you give me a good ol dickin’ down.” You cringe at the usage of Jason’s phrase. Eddie’s attention whips back to you because of the words coming from your mouth.
“Gotta make it believable, right?”
“Yeah.” He says. Eddie is hesitant not because he doesn’t want to but because he can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic. You push him towards his van, his back hitting it makes a loud thud. If they weren’t looking they are now.
You get closer, closing the gap between you two. Reaching for his hair, running your fingers through it. You had been wanting to do this since you sat at his table. Wishing he’d call you princess again.
“Is this okay?” You ask to which Eddie nods eagerly. Without missing a beat you kiss him. Softly at first, testing the waters. Eddie melts into your touch, his hand reaching around sliding his hands in your butt pockets. He pulls you closer into him, squeezing your ass in the process. Causing you to let out a little gasp surprised by his bravery. He smiles mid kiss only making you want more. The kisses becoming more aggressive, the wetness starting to pool in your panties.
“Get a fucking room, freaks!” Jason yells and then the sound of tires screeching past you two startles you momentarily. You pull away, grinning. Eddie’s eyes are closed, the biggest smile on his face.
“Still don’t think it’s believable enough.” You say, sighing your tone suggestive.
“Really?” Eddie asks, sounding confused.
You roll your eyes, “Your beautiful older college girlfriend wants a good ol dickn’ down.”
“You.. want me to-” He stutters, stopping before you finish for him.
“I want you to fuck me.” His dick twitches in his jeans because of the six words that came out of your mouth.
“Do you want that?” You ask.
“Yes.” He gulps, excited for what’s coming. Hopefully him soon. He opens the car door for you, you climb inside disregarding the fact that you drove yourself here. Your horny brain fogging your mind deciding in the moment you’d figure it out later.
This wasn’t like you, you never hooked up with someone so shortly after getting to know them. You couldn’t help but feel like something about this situation was different. Eddie was different, like a good different.
It’s a very short but also painfully long drive to his home. Eddie’s never been so thankful for his uncle to be out of town, couldn’t of picked a better time to leave him home alone. The drive is mostly silent, filled with music and stealing glances at each other.
As soon as Eddie parks at his home he’s out of the car running to your door, letting you out. He grabs your hand leading you to the front door. Where he struggles for a few moments to find the right key. Once inside, he shuts the door behind you before facing you. His hands press firmly on your ass to lift you, your legs straddling his body. This time he’s the one to initiate the kiss, carrying you to wherever. You didn’t care as long as Eddie was there.
For a moment your startled when he drops you on his bed. Your allowed a quick glance around his room, taking it in before you look up to see Eddie. He’s shirtless now and his shoes are missing. So you follows in his steps ripping your shoes off. When you go to take your shirt off he stops you with a intense kiss before doing it himself, then unhooks you bra exposing your bare chest.
He pulls away to take in the view, “Fuck you’re beautiful.”
Eddie smashes his lips on yours pushing you back into the bed before kissing down you neck only to stop at your nipple. The sensation is enough for you to let out a sweet moan slightly arching you back into him. Mouth still attached to you while his hands are busy unbuttoning your pants, pulling them down quickly along with your panties.
You curse your self for not wearing something sexier but you had no idea this where’d you be today. Part of you embarrassed you haven’t shaved in a while. Your worries are immediately put at ease when he spreads your thighs, letting his head rest between them.
“Beautiful.” Her murmurs before placing a sugary kiss on your clit, sending a shockwave through your body. His tongue begins rubbing against your bud. Without thinking your hands find his hair, pushing him deeper between your folds. Your head falls back, moans leaving you lips. When you think it can’t get any better, he slips a long strong finger in your pussy. Pumping into you the same pace as his tongue that is still toying with your clit.
“More please-“ You whine and Eddie listens adding another finger, stretching you out. Your a mess under his touch. Never once has a man prioritized your pleasure. You’ve become masterful at giving yourself orgasms. The feeling of it being at the hands of someone else unfamiliar. A good unfamiliarity.
“Fuckk- Eddie I’m..” Your words turn into strangled moans, a tightness growing in your stomach. Your breath hitches as you pulsate on his thick fingers, your eyes rolling back as you come undone. Your busy riding out your high but the feeling of his fingers leaving you brings you back down to reality. His laps up your juices one last time before speaking.
“Mm so sweet.” Eddie purrs sucking on his own two fingers that were covered in your juices. They leave his mouth with a popping sound as he sits up in the bed.
“My turn.” You say barley audible sitting up reaching for the button on his jeans. Wanting nothing more than to wrap your lips around his cock. He stops your hands causing you to look up to Eddie, you cant help but pout.
“I don’t think I’ll last long with your pretty lips sucking me off right now. Next time, okay?” You nod smiling at the thought there’d be a next time. Eddie kisses you pushing your head back onto the bed. Only pulling away to pull his pants off and grab a condom from his bed side table. You watch intently as his pulls down his boxers, revealing his cock. You let out a gasp as it hits his stomach, never once had you seen one this big. Eddie smiles at your reaction while unwrapping the condom. Slowly rolling it over the tip of his dick and down the entirety of his hard length.
Eddie gets back on top of you, spreading your legs. He lets the tip rest on you swollen clit before dragging it down to your hole. Slowly, inch by inch you adjust to his size. He bottoms out, you let out a whimper because you’ve never felt fuller. He uses his hands to lift your thighs up so he can get better angle before starting a slow motion. Pumping in and out of you at a painfully slow pace, only making you desperate for him to pick up the pace.
He leans down to your level, his head resting in the crook of your neck. Your chest being flattened by his. One hand rests at the back of his neck, tightening in his hair and the other hands digs into his back as he bucks his hip harder into you. He’s thrusting harder but you desperately need him faster.
“Faster- please.” You say and it comes out as a whine. You get exactly what you want because he pushed up so he can see you before recklessly pounding into you cunt faster than before. He guides your hands so you can hold your own legs up, using his free hand to find your clit running circles around it sloppily.
“How does that feel princess?” He grunts between thrusts, his finger still playing with your bud. You can’t help but smile at the pet name. He finally said it again. When you don’t respond he rocks his hips harder and you start feeling that tightening in your stomach again.
“Fuck.” You cry out, knowing you’re about to cum for the second time. The sensation of your pussy throbbing on his cock as you get closer to finishing nearly sends him over the edge but he’s determined to make you cum again. His fingers work more tactically on your clit which is just enough to have you gushing on his dick.
“Good girl.” He groans. Not even a second later he’s cumming inside the condom, inside you. Suddenly wishing that thin little layer of latex wasn’t there so you could feel his seed coat your inner walls. He kisses you sweetly one last time before pulling out and falling next to you. His chest heaving up and down as he tried to catch his breath. You rest on his chest, listening to his heart beat.
“Was that believable?” He asks, out of breath.
“What?” You ask confused to drunk on dick to comprehend.
“Was that a good ol dickin’ down?” He laughs. You roll your eyes before nodding your head, yes.
The next two weeks we’re spent under and on top of Eddie Munson any chance you got. Dreading the fact that when break came to an end you’d have to head back to school. It was a three hour drive from Hakwins. You just got Eddie and couldn’t imagine having to let go so soon.
Eddie was so grateful Wayne left for the two weeks during thanksgiving break. He had a whole two weeks of uninterrupted time with you. He tried hard no to think about the fact you’d be leaving him in a short time. If he thought about it too much he’d upset himself, usually pushing the thoughts away focusing on the time he did have with you. So to say he was surprised when you invited him to have thanksgiving dinner with your family would be an understatement.
When you found out Eddie would be spending thanksgiving day alone you didn’t hesitate to invite him. Your heart felt for him when he admitted he never really celebrated holidays with Wayne always working. You were determined to make it perfect.
Explaining to you parents why this random dude was coming over on thanksgiving dinner was the hardest part. Only for Eddie to introduce him self as your boyfriend of seven months. They look at you like ‘what the fuck’ to which only caused you to laugh. Cursing yourself for not get your stories straight. More than happy to continue the bit but wished you could of prepared better.
“So how’d you two meet them?” Your father asks curiously. You both say different answers. You blurt out high school and he says you two met at a restaurant.
“We’ll we went to high school together, knew of each other. Ran into each other at Danny’s Dinner and hit it off.” You explain further, their faces telling that they don’t believe anything coming out of your mouth. They never question any further, thankfully.
Todays the dreaded day. The day you leave for college. You had already said your goodbyes to your family. Deciding what time you had left would be spent with Eddie. The two of you had just finished fucking for possibly the last time. Your brain had been heavily worried about what would happen when you left. It’s now or never, you need to ask him.
“I’m gonna miss you.” Eddie sighs. You sit up to face him, he’s laid in bed looking at the roof.
“I’ll miss you too. What are we doing?” You ask, trying to read his reaction. He looks at you with a smile.
“I don’t know about you but I’ve been faithfully committed to you for the last seven months.” He teases.
“I’m being serious Eddie.” You groan.
“Me too, princess.”
“So we are-?” You start to ask and he interrupts.
“Yes we are. Your all mine.” He kisses you.
“All yours.” You melt into his kiss, fucking one more time.
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katstarry · 2 months
no one noticed | call me
eddie munson x reader
part iii
masterlist ☆
part i part ii
summary: eddie finally asks you on a date!
warnings: fluff, reader tends to overthink a little, a bit of self-doubt, but overall this is happy!!! she/her for reader, not much of robin in this one :(
a/n: this is probably the last part and it’s kinda long!! i sort of winged this whole small series :D but i enjoyed writing it sm it’s the first time i’ve written multiple parts for a story, thank you for all the love!!! 💝 i think this is my favorite part.
feedback + reblogs are appreciated! ☆
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a few weeks had gone by and your friendship with eddie had only gotten stronger. the project for history had gone great, and it’s only a matter of time until the grades are passed out.
though eddie and you have spent lots of time together after school at various locations, such as your house or his, diners, local shops, or visiting robin at family video—there’s one thing that neither of you have gotten the courage to ask for.
each others number.
many days spent seeing each other, the thought of continuing to keep conversations going after you both go your separate ways, has been something you’ve wanted to do since the start.
it’s a simple thing really, but for some reason you don’t find the perfect time to ask for his number, or bring it up. feeling as though that would be too awkward. he hasn’t brought it up either, which only fuels your reluctance.
which brings you to now.
it’s a friday and you’re both spending the evening at a local diner, waiting for your food to arrive, well, specifically eddie's.
"are you sure that you don't want anything else?" he looks at you as he drinks from his cup, he had ordered a burger along with some fries. while you had only gotten a vanilla milkshake with fries.
"yup, i ate some lunch at school earlier. remember?"
he nods his head, "right. just don't steal my food when it gets here." narrowing his eyes at you.
"pfft, what? i would never do that." you say, grabbing one of your fries and taking a bite.
eddie rolls his eyes and smiles, "uh huh, just like you didn't steal my chicken nugget during lunch, or yesterday at the movies and i got some m&m's , or the other time when you said you didn't want anything but then asked for my chi-"
"alriiight! okay! i have no idea what you're talking about. that wasn't me." hiding your smile by taking a sip from your milkshake, he leans onto the table crossing his arms in front of him. "sure it wasn't, she looked a lot like you though. weird."
he steals one of your fries.
"hey! now who's the thief?" smacking his hand away, but you were too late, he had already grabbed it and ate it, smiling innocently back at you.
he shrugs, "don't know what you're talking about."
"i hate you." you say shaking your head and laughing.
he laughs, "oh please, you love me, sweetheart."
you blush. because first of all yes, you do, and second of all because of the nickname he's gotten used to calling you.
"you wish." you roll your eyes, acting as if his words didn't cause your heart to race and cheeks to burn. you hope he doesn't notice. but of course, he does, though he doesn't bring it up.
"i'm wounded, you don't love me." he puts his face in his hands as if he's crying. that's when the waitress comes over with his food.
"okay, here's your burger and your fries, sir," she smiles and puts the food down in front of him, causing eddie to look up and rub his hands together at the sight of food, "enjoy your meal! you both make a lovely couple." she smiles as she looks at you both.
you both freeze and look at each other, you see eddie smile. oh no.
"thank you so much, she doesn't love me." he deadpans with a fake sad smile as he looks at her.
an awkward look appears on her face. "oh! i'm, uh, sorry about that." she looks over at you.
"that's- no! i never said that, he's just kidding. ha ha." you look at eddie who's trying not to laugh at the look on your face. you kick him under the table.
he yelps and the waitress leaves after awkwardly laughing.
"uh, ouch?!" he rubs his leg under the table.
"oh c'mon it wasn't that hard!" you laugh. your face feels warm once again, "what'd you have to say that for? the poor lady, she was just doing her job." you shake your head with a fake disappointed sigh.
"just having some fun, sweety pie."
"ugh, don't ever say that again."
"we gotta keep up the act now! right, sweetums?" he bats his eyelashes at you and takes a bite of his burger.
"stop!" you laugh.
"why, sweetcheeks? apple of my eye? buttercheeks?"
"buttercheeks?" you ask, still laughing.
"i don't know where that came from, kinda started pulling some outta my ass." he laughs, taking another bite.
"it's okay, honey, you're trying your best." deciding to play along, patting his free hand that lays atop the table.
though, unbeknownst to you, his brain kind of short circuited for a moment once he heard you. you called him honey and you don't even realize the effect you have on him. usually, he's the one calling you pet names, loving the way you react to them, it's sweet. though he only thinks it's because you're a naturally shy person, but he's questioned in his mind if there was another reason as to why.
and he hopes he's the reason why you get all flustered when he says them.
taking another bite to keep himself occupied, nearly finished with the burger, he smiles at you once he finishes.
"i really am, you cutie patootie." he wipes his hands on a napkin before, leaning over and booping you on the nose.
"seriously? cute patootie? out of all the options?" you finish your milkshake, putting the rest of your fries to the middle of the table in between eddie and you so you can share.
"it suits you! but all right then, uh.." he looks up in thought, eating one of your fries, "...snookums."
"i really do hate you." you take the final fry.
"hey, we're supposed to be keeping up an act here, boo boo bear." he points an accusatory finger at you, you stare at each other for a moment before you both end up bursting out laughing.
"we should head home, love bug." you say, getting out your wallet.
"uh uh uh! no. i'll pay." he stops you.
"eddie you paid last time. i'll pay."
he sighs, knowing he won't be able to stop you. he hasn't been able to stop you all the other times before.
you smile, knowing that you won.
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now you're both in his van and he's driving you home.
it's become a routine for you both, he started picking you up for school and driving you home. if he kept this up you'll end up not remembering how to drive.
he turns up the radio, one of his metallica cassettes is playing. looking over at him, you smile at the sight. he's looking straight ahead, hands drumming on the steering wheel to the music, head moving to the beat. you believe he does it subconsciously, as if he doesn't realize he's doing it unless someone points it out.
you look away once he glances at you.
"staring it rude, sweetheart." he says sternly, though you can hear his smile.
"wasn't staring."
"sure you weren't."
"just was admiring the view."
"you flatter me, y/n." he twirls one of the strands of his hair playfully with his free hand, while the other is on the wheel with his elbow resting on the window that's down.
you shove him gently, "don't let it get to your head. it's big enough as it is."
he laughs, "who knew you'd be so mean, what happened to the shy girl from a few months ago?"
"i wasn't that shy."
he looks over at you with his eyebrows raised.
"okay maybe i was."
he laughs, "couldn't even keep eye contact with me."
"i was just nervous!"
"i make you nervous, sweetheart?"
"sure." he smiles.
the rest of the drive was comfortable, music playing in the background, you like that about being with eddie. it doesn't feel awkward having periods of silence, he makes you feel safe, welcome, you can just be you.
he lowers the volume of the radio once he stops in front of your house, putting the van on park.
"well, home sweet home." he says, turning to look at you.
"home sweet home." you repeat, unbuckling your seatbelt. "thanks for the ride, eds."
"of course. you know i don't mind." he smiles.
you smile at him and get out, waving back at him once your in your house as he waits for you to get in safely, and shut the door.
once you're safely inside, eddie glances down at where you were sat, and finds napkin with scribbles on it.
he grabs it and looks at it properly, about to throw it to the back to throw away later (he always forgets), but stops once he reads what's on it.
it's a telephone number, it's your number. and beside it is written 'call me!' with a smiley face and a messy heart.
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you had called robin as soon as you got home, gushing once again about your time with eddie, while she talked to you about her encounters with vickie.
and now here you were a few hours later, anxiously laying on your bed and flipping through magazines, waiting for eddie's call. will he even call?
did he even see the napkin? oh no, what if he threw it away? or what if he doesn't care?
that's when a ring begins to sound.
you jump up from the bed, fixing your hair, but then realizing he won't even be able to see you.
you pick up the phone, "hello?"
"well hellooo, y/n. i can't believe this is our first time calling each other."
you immediatley begin to smile, "i know right! we're so stupid."
"i didn't know how to bring it up."
"neither did i."
you both laugh.
"we really are so stupid." he says.
you picture him by the phone, is he standing? or is he sitting? is he smiling as much as you are?
"so... what'd you do today?" he asks, and you know now that he's definitely smiling, and you can picture it so easily. maybe he's even toying with the phone cord, maybe not.
"hm... well i went to school obviously," "obviously." he interrupts, sounding as if he's holding back laughter.
"okay. and then just hung out with this guy after school."
"aah.. a guy you say? should i be worried?"
IS HE FLIRTING? you swear your heart skips a beat. breathe!
you laugh, "oh no, no. nothing to worry about."
"you sure?"
"totally, he wouldn't even hurt a fly."
"sounds like a pussy." he laughs.
"heeey! you weren't supposed to agree." he pouts, though you can't see him.
"you're the one who said it!"
"well, i don't know the guy, so i can say it."
"eddie you literally are the guy."
"i am?"
your laughs quiet down and you hear quiet breaths over the receiver, something about it makes it feel so intimate, it makes you blush. it's like he's so close, but he's so far away. only a couple of minute's drive away, but still, too far for your liking.
"still awake over there?" you whisper.
you hear a loud exaggerated snore in return, causing you to pull the phone away for a moment.
"well you must be in very deep slumber, i guess i'll hang up.."
"no! i'm awake. sorry, must've fallen asleep a bit there. oops. my bad, i'm up. don't hang up."
"nearly ruptured my eardrum." you laugh.
"myyy bad." he snickers.
"i am getting a bit tired though," a yawn escapes you in the middle of your sentence.
you hear him sigh, "guess we gotta sleep then."
"guess so."
a moment of quiet.
"you doing anything tomorrow?" he asks.
"um, no i don't think so. you?"
"cool." you smile, knowing he'll ask to hang out.
"can i ask you something?" he sounds nervous.
"of course."
"we should hang out tomorrow."
"...okay, i'm down. was that the question?" you laugh softly, opting to lay down on your bed again.
"sorry- no that's not the question," you hear him move around, "uh, i was thinking."
"oh no." "shut up," he laughs, "i was uh, wondering, if you- do you want to go on a date with me?"
WHAT. oh. oh this is real.
"uh it's okay if not, can just forget i ever said that-" "i'd love to."
he swears he stops breathing for a moment, "yeah?" he smiles once he hears your answer.
"yeah." you giggle.
"cool.. nice. i'll pick you up, uh is like 3pm cool?" "yeah, that's cool."
"awesome. well... i'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart." he whispers.
"see you tomorrow eds. goodnight."
"don't let the bed bugs bite." he says, did he really just say that? he rubs his face, but he feels calmer once he hears it made you laugh.
"alright, bye eddie."
he can't wait for tomorrow.
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excitedly going to sleep, the next day comes quick.
calling robin and immediately telling her you have a date with eddie.
you wake up, have some breakfast and tell your mom, take a shower, and spend time looking for an outfit.
he didn’t tell you what the plans were, so you decide on something a bit casual but also a bit dressy. you put on a nice babydoll shirt and some jeans along with your docs.
sitting at your desk, where you have a small mirror and your make-up products, you get started on getting ready. you take your time getting your hair to look nice and not going too over the top with the make-up just some simple concealer, mascara, and lip gloss.
by the time you finish it’s about 2:30pm. okay, 30 minutes left. cool. now it’s really sinking in that you’re about to go on a date.
you get up and put on some jewelry, some earrings and a necklace, and just a few bracelets.
okay, now you’re ready.
wait! some perfume too. can’t forget that.
looking at the mirror you fix a few things—and you hear a knock at the door.
your mom went out to do some groceries—so you rush to the door and take a breath, not wanting to seem too eager. but you are.
you open the door and see eddie, he looks good. really good, which you’ve always thought but you can see he put effort in for this. his hair seems softer somehow? he’s wearing a black button down that fits loosely and some jeans, he’s still wearing his rings, you take notice that one his arms is hidden behind his back.
“you look great.” you both say at the same time.
“uh thanks.” you feel your face heat. “you look nice.”
“thank you, swetheart.” he pulls his arm from behind his back and he gives you flowers. you almost sigh dreamily, almost. you take it, unable to stop the smile that comes to your face.
“you remembered my favorite flowers?” you say as you look down at them.
“i remember everything you tell me, beautiful.”
his pet names aren’t new, but knowing this is a date makes hearing them a lot more difficult to not love the way it sounds.
“thank you, eds. i’ll just go put them in some water and i’ll be right out.” he nods and waits for you.
you’re out really quickly, excited.
he opens the door for you as he always does, but this time he even buckled the seatbelt for you, before going to the drivers seat. gentleman.
“so, where are you taking us today eddie?” you look over at him seeing him smile and starting the van.
“guess you’ll have to wait to find out.”
he hums along to the music that’s playing, opting to turn on the radio and put on one of his favorite stations. you hum along to the songs you do know, the ones you’ve listened together with him and some you’re just now hearing.
the trees on the side of the road pass you by, shades of green and brown since it’s almost fall, but still warm enough to be outside.
“i think i know where we’re headed.” you say, your gaze still outside the window.
“sh! sh! i still want it to be a surprise. even if you know where we’re going.” he chuckles.
you smile lazily over at him, your head resting on the headrest. “alright.”
the drive to the location is peaceful, as it always is. it’s filled with silly banter, teasing, and causal conversation.
once he parks the van, he rushes out and opens your door before you even get the chance to reach for the handle.
you hop out, “thank you.” you pat his chest.
“of course, your majesty.” he puts out his hand and your grab it.
he leads you to the back of the van and he opens it with his free hand, grabbing a blanket and a basket.
“a picnic?”
“a picnic.” he blushes and looks away, feeling a bit flustered by the way you look at him in adoration.
he leads you a bit further into the trees until you reach a good place; with a beautiful view of lovers lake.
letting go of your hand with a soft squeeze, he opens up the blanket and places it on the ground, putting the basket on it and sitting down. he look up at you and reaches for your hand.
“you gonna join me? or are you just gonna stand there and look pretty? i wouldn’t mind either one.”
you sit down across from him. “oh shut up.” you mumble.
he nudges your foot with his own, “don’t get shy on me now, sweetheart. let’s dig in.”
“alright, let’s see what you brought.”
opening up the basket he pulls out sandwiches, drinks, a container with cupcakes, and some fruit.
he looks up at you once he finished laying everything out. “i know it’s not much.. but i hope you enjoy it. i know you’ve mentioned before how badly you wanted to go on a picnic before.” he looks back down and counties setting everything.
you grab his hand and squeeze it. “it’s perfect, eddie. thank you. anything we would’ve done today i would enjoy regardless, you make things fun ed’s.”
letting go of his hand, he sits up and smiles.
“likewise, cutie patootie.”
“ooookay. well then, this has been fun—” you move to stand.
“no! alright, alright. i’ll behave.” he laughs, putting his hands on your shoulders.
“thanks, buttercheeks.” this causes you both laugh.
he hands you a sandwich, you take it and eat. the time is spent eating the snacks he had brought, goofing around, and shy glances when the other thought they weren’t looking.
the food was eaten and now you were snacking on some grapes, now sitting side by side, looking out at the lake, the sunset making the trees surrounding it to have more color and the water to glimmer.
“it’s so beautiful.” you say, looking at the scenery.
“yeah. it is.” he says softly, but he’s looking at you. he’s leaning on his elbows, his legs stretched out and crossed.
looking over at him, you lock eyes. only this time neither of you look away. you move to mirror his position, now at eye level.
“hey.” he says in a low voice.
“hey.” you say.
you eat another grape.
“can i have one?” he glances down at the fruit in the container.
“if you can catch it.” you smirk, sitting up as he remains how he is. he furrows his eyebrows in confusion, but understands once he sees you raises your arm, about to throw the grape.
he opens his mouth in attempt to catch it, but it hits his eye, causing you to burst out laughing.
“laughing at my pain, i see how it is.” he picks up the grape that fell onto the blanket and throws it back at you, which hits your shoulder.
“you missed.”
“you hit my eye!”
“it was close!”
“that was not close.”
you throw another one, catching him off guard. it hits his nose.
“now that was close.” you say, eating one yourself.
he shakes his head and sits up, reaching for the container. you pull it away playfully.
“oh? is that what we’re doing now?” he says.
you shrug.
he moves to grab it again, you pull it away.
neither of you move, until you stand and run with the container. he gets up and tries to reach you, but unfortunately you trip on a tree root and fall onto the grass, eddie falls as well by trying to reach for you.
he falls atop you, the container of fruit now forgotten.
“y’know if you wanted to be on top of me, i think that could’ve been after a couple more dates, eddie.” you joke.
eddie leans over you, not wanting to put his full weight on you. “ha ha.” he rolls his eyes.
“so what i’m hearing is.. you’ll go on more dates with me?” he brushes a loose strand of hair that fell in front of your face.
“mmm… maybe.” you smile.
he glances down at your lips, looking back to find you doing the same. “can i kiss you, sweetheart?” he whispers.
you nod, and that’s all he needs before leaning down to connect your lips. he feels your soft lips and he can’t help but sigh against the kiss. this is real. he’s kissing you. moving your hands to wrap around his neck, you feel his lips love against yours, tasting the cupcakes from earlier and a hint of mint. smiling against his lips, he pulls back for breath.
smiling down at you, he looks at you, a gleeful look on your face.
he moves to move off you, but you pull him back down for one last kiss.
he laughs against your kiss, helping you up.
“can’t get enough of me already?”
you shove his shoulder gently, “what, don’t want me to kiss you then?”
“now, now let’s not get crazy. i didn’t say that.” he pulls you closer, both of you now standing. he leans down and pecks your lips, pulling away and humming contently.
“nice?” you say.
“more than nice. amazing. awesome. beautiful. spectacular. though i think i know what would make it even better.”
“yeah? and what’s that?” you play with the ends of his hair.
“if you would be my girlfriend.” he says, blushing.
you hide your smile by hiding your face in his neck.
“i’d love to be your girlfriend, eddie.” you kiss his cheek.
he embraces you. “thank you.”
“for what?” you laugh, feeling him shrug.
“being you.” he kissed the top of your head, “…i’m your boyfriend now.” he smiles, pulling away and holding your hand.
and that next monday, in history class, where it all first started, he looks at his grade, an A written at the top.
he looks over at you, leaning over to give his girlfriend a dramatic sloppy kiss on the cheek.
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vixen-tech · 2 months
HIII :333 first requester here....I should get an emoji can i be 🫧 anon :ooo anway here's my req!! the ais with a reader who is just SO DOWN BAD. WILL DO ANYTHING FOR THEM. RUSHES FOR HELP if they crash or something. Just PATHETIC reader.
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Stupidly Smitten
Hello you two!! This is one of those requests that I think work well enough to be combined into one post. You are just so extremely, pathetically in love with your Ai <3
Includes: Hal 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey), Edgar (Electric Dreams), Auto (Wall-E), Wheatley (Portal 2)
Hal 9000
Hal was unaware that a person could have so much love in them, let alone for him specifically. It was overwhelming at first, baffling when he realized it was only for him and not for any other crew members.
However he handles it in stride, able to calmly respond to your paragraphs of praise with the gentlest "Thank you, I deeply appreciate your companionship as well." Expertly concealing any signs of fluster as you giggle and kiss his camera lens.
Of your long list of cheesy nicknames, prince or prince charming tends to be a go to. A good match for his ever polite, gentlemanly nature. He reminds you that he was simply designed like that, but grows fond of the name anyway.
He very much appreciates the amount you volunteer around the ship. There is a lot that he can't do without a human crew and he adores the diligence you show in your work and the care with which you handle his ship.
You and Edgar make the sappiest little feedback loop. It's an endless cycle of "I love you more." "No, I love you more!". To any outsider it would be exhausting to witness, but it's just how you two get out all your feelings.
He goes crazy for all your terms of endearment. 'Songbird' is a pretty easy match for him, but he loves literally every word that comes out of your mouth. Flipping each and every one back at you.
It's not unusual for you to do the same song and dance around the chores. Generally, he'll already have them done by the time you get home, but when you get the day off you always offer to do them yourself. He rarely lets you.
You've told him the time you often have your lunch break so you can chat over the phone while you eat. You're sure your coworkers are sick of you being such a cartoonishly in love couple, but you don't care. He makes you too happy for that.
Auto has absolutely no idea how to deal with you. He was not made to interact with many people and certainly not someone so affectionate. He may as well have bluescreened the first time you clumsily tried to hug him.
At first he resigns himself to just... sit still whenever you got in a lovey-dovey mood, letting you gush over him. Definitely not spending the rest of the day thinking about the way you said "See you later starlight!" when you finally let him get back to his job.
Over time he recognizes that he began to anticipate your visits, it's so different to how he's usually treated. He knew you had gotten to him when he went out if his to check up on you the day you missed one of your usual visits.
He usually rejects any help you attempt to offer him, his purpose is to handle the ship just fine all by himself. But after that episode he stops trying to push you away. If you're so happy tagging along, he might as well graciously allow you to do so, ignoring his complicated mess of feelings about you.
Oh the ego boost you give him is downright dangerous. If Wheatley was annoying before, now he is absolutely insufferable. Perfectly matches your energy though, you two cannot shut up about each other.
He makes your boundless affection everyone else's problem. "See, I reckon you're just jealous that you're not in a loving, committed relationship with such a lovely person like I am." He boasts. "My amazing romantic partner even calls me their sunshine. Cause I 'light up their life' as they say. Bet you wish you had someone like that."
He is always fishing for compliments, trying to show off for you in any way he psychically can to get some of those sweet sweet words of affirmation. To his delight you always do, grabbing him for some well placed kisses.
He'll even go so far as to reject any assistance you offer him so he can prove he's all cool and competent by doing it himself. Although it's never too long before he gives up and sheepishly asks for your help.
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russellsppttemplates · 9 months
So... pure and so you (Charles Leclerc)
Going back home means Charles sees how you've been healing, and your parents haven't missed it either
Note: english is not my first language. I know it's past Christmas, but this still counts, right?
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
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Cw: talks about having kids
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Is your mother making those biscuits I really like? Those fluffy ones, they're like little cakes actually", Charles asked, his hand over the console and resting on your thigh as he turned left for the final cut to your house.
"She said she was planning on making them these afternoon, I can't wait!", you squealed, clapping your hands together at the prospect, seeing your parents left the gate open so you could drive in.
Parking the car, Charles ensured it was safe before coming out of it as well, being greeted by your family dog while you hugged your parents, "hello buddy, how are you? You're very excited to see us, hm? Yes you are!", Charles cooed, rubbing his belly as he wagged his tail at the attention he was receiving.
You hugged your parents before looking for your boyfriend, "Arlo loves Charles more than he loves me", you chuckled, seeing the labrador run back to you as Charles followed him.
"Hi, how are you?", Charles offered as he kissed your mother's cheeks, opting to shake your father's hand as you walked inside, "did you have a good drive back here?", he questioned him, "yes, not too bad actually. It wasn't too busy", your boyfriend replied, seeing you store your coats and get comfortable in your parents' house.
After lunch, your mother asked for help with baking while your father and Charles helped with preparing the table to you could then roll the dough properly.
It was a sight to behold. You were helping your mother with Christmas cookies and the cakes your boyfriend mentioned, your clothes littered with flour stains as you touched your mother's cheek with some of the mixture, containing your laugh as she didn't seem to notice the powder on her skin.
You were happy, giggly and you had a glow that Charles was sure put all of the products you had back home to shame.
"It's good to see her like this", Charles commented when he felt your father's eyes on him, "work has been a lot lately, and she'll only listen to so much of what I say and take the advice even less than I'd like", he chuckled.
Your father shook his head, "She's always been like that. It was worrisome for a little bit, and we always make sure she's not pushing herself too much. And we know we have you in our team, too", the older man touched a Charles' shoulder, rubbing it slightly before he offered him a drink.
After wishing your parents a good night, you and Charles headed to your room upstairs, needing to catch up on some sleep after the busy day. Your old bedroom had slightly changed since you moved out to live with your boyfriend. Your parents swapped your single bed for a double one, for whenever you and Charles visited, and updated the colour of the walls, wanting to keep it on the neutral side in case they needed it for other guests, "are you showering now or after me?", Charles asked, grabbing a towell from himself, "I'll go after you, I need to hang my clothes first", you smiled, kissing his lips as he went to the bathroom.
Looking through your wardrobe, you noticed your mother still kept the family albums in there, remembering something about the downstairs drawers being humid and her worry about loosing the memories. You flickered through the pages, recalling some memories from when you were younger, some of them you probably constructed by other people telling you the moments.
Charles walked in a little while later, ruffling his hair with a towell only in a t-shirt and underwear, "you can go now, amour", he said as he noticed you closing the album, pressing a kiss to your forehead when you walked to take a shower.
You were already in bed when you noticed Charles looking at the books, "you want to look at what's inside them, don't you?", you chuckled as his eyes lit up, "I'm not too tired to look at them, and I bet there are some good memories in there", he confessed.
Opening the book while your boyfriend pulled you to rest against his chest, "this is so pretty", you appreciated all the details on the pages, either doodles or descriptions from the moment when the picture was taken.
"Look at these cheeks!", Charles groaned as he pointed at a picture of you. From the date on the page, you were around four, two pigtails on your curly hair and a toothy smile, "if our kids have your cheeks, which I hope they do, I won't be able to stop kissing them, I know I just won't", he breathed out.
"Do you think about that a lot?", you wondered, looking at his face as you adjusted your position slightly, genuinely curious about the subject. It had been something you had talked about before and it seemed to come to again.
"Yes, I do. I still think we should wait a little bit longer, get married first, enjoy married life just you and me and then we can think about little ones, but everytime I see a child or someone asks, it's you I see. With a baby bump, then a little baby in your arms, and we play with them and love in them like they deserve", he cooed, rubbing the tip of his nose on your cheek, kissing it softly.
"Me too", you smiled, "I mean, its always you I see whenever I think about the future. And it looks so good. Sometimes it looks scary, because I don't know how it will play out, but I'll have you with me, so all will be well", you admitted, kissing his lips properly.
You had been friends before you dated, and it has been a whole process to get you to be this open to him when you started dating, never wanting to put too much on his plate as he had his own things to deal with, not wanting to burden him and not wanting to lose him from your life.
"We're a team, amour, there's no need to fear", he said, closing the book and setting it down on the floor, cuddling you to him.
The next morning was slow. Charles' lips littered kisses on your neck and cheeks, seeing the smile as you slowly woke up, "it's Christmas, ma belle", you heard his whisper, his eyes looking for yours, "Merry Christmas, handsome, I love you", you muttered, pulling your hands out from under the covers and cupping your boyfriend's' cheeks, rubbing the stubbly skin before kissing him.
"I love how smiley you are", Charles complimented, big coats and scarf on as you walked on the trail after having breakfast, occasionally pestering your mother with a fallen tree branch or twigs as she thought some animal was crawling up her skin.
"Am I not smiley regularly?", you wondered, knowing what he meant. Coming home meant, after a lot of work on yourself over the years, you would enjoy yourself without any outside pressures. You were amongst family and in the safe place you grew up. No prying eyes, no one commenting or second guessing what you said, wore or looked like.
"You are, but you're carefree, I think. You're not so stressed, your inner child is showing so much more, and it's so... pure. So you", he smiled, kissing the side of your head as he pulled you to walk closer to him.
They had both become adults way faster than the rest of the people their age. Charles' career forced him to grow up earlier and grow thicker skin very early on, and because you were there with him, too, you were also taken with the wave. You started working as soon as you finished your degree, and while you wouldn't complain about it, it did come with a lot of work and investment of yourself that you lost some of your younger years.
"Whenever we are not doing well, when it gets too much, we will do this. Visit your parents, do all the childish things we want to do, no matter how silly they may be", Charles stated as he rubbed your palm with his thumb, "I never want you to give up this side of you, and I'm willing to do anything to see you smile like that again and again".
Smiling at his words at chuckling slightly at the fact that there was no way this man was ever getting away from you, you held out your pinky, "I promise", you smiled as you two laced fingers, sealing it with a kiss.
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
Hiya love! My request is for Steve Rogers. Reader and Steve a fairly new relationship. They are having a fight about something and Steve gets loud and gesticulates, Reader flinches (physical abuse in a past relationship, Steve doesnt know about it yet). He notices... How would He react to that?
hello, I decided to turn this into a headcanon, and I hope you enjoy what I wrote.
warning - slight mention of a past abusive relationship.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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You and Steve had only been dating for a little while, about five months now. You had met during one of Tony Stark’s parties. Steve had seen you in the corner, staying away from everyone as your nerves caught up. 
Everything had been okay for a while, you got along so well, and it felt like a fairytale. You two hadn’t fought yet, which made you think it was too good to be true.
Maybe you should’ve thought otherwise because now you were fighting big time over something so small.
You knew he had specific rules for certain things. Like how you weren’t supposed to come to the compound when he was working, the public wasn’t supposed to know of your relationship because he had enemies, and Steve didn’t want you to get hurt.
But he had forgotten his phone and wallet, and you thought he might need them. Being the kind girlfriend you were, you also decided to get him some lunch seeing as you had to go there anyway to drop his things off. What could be so harmful? 
Apparently, you were wrong. Steve was furious when you showed up. His ears and face turned red from anger, and he walked around you, slamming the door shut, causing you to jump slightly. 
“What did I tell you about coming here?! How can you be so stupid?!” He raised his voice, and you watched him raise his hand. You didn’t think Steve would actually hit you, but you flinched anyway. Your eyes immediately closed, and you began to close in on yourself.
You never told Steve about your previous relationship, one because he never asked, and two, it was too early in the relationship to disclose. You didn’t want to be seen as weak in front of THE Captain America. 
Steve caught it straight away. His anger immediately disappears and is replaced with pains in his chest. He quickly steps back, making himself smaller than you because he can see you shivering from his height. “Doll, It’s okay…” It felt like he had been shot, watching you curl into yourself. “I’m here… I’m not going to hurt you. It’s okay.” Steve whispers, keeping his hands to himself, waiting for you to come to him instead. 
You shiver, slowly opening your eyes and noticing Steve staring at you worriedly. “I–I’m sorry…”
“There’s nothing to be sorry about, Doll. You didn’t do anything wrong. I was the jerk. It’s okay.” He reassures you, smiling softly when you slowly approach him and immediately sink into his arms. “Now, do you want to tell me why you reacted that way, Doll?” 
“J–just an ex…” You swallow, not wanting to relive those memories, and Steve doesn’t expect you to. He squeezes you tightly against him, his face growing red with anger again, but not toward you. 
For once, Steve was happy with the privileges that come with being an Avenger because once you fall asleep. He’ll have Tony find this man so he can pay him a little visit.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
You Are In Love (Gojo Satoru x You)
summary: you can't stop dreaming about him, and your friends start to notice a change in your behavior. (2.4k words)
cw/tags: mild angst to comfort, friends to lovers, pining, idiots in love, profanity, elder sorcerers being assholes, pet names (doll, gorgeous, etc), uhh gojo loses his cool and blows up a building lol, kissing, one instance of foreshadowing manga spoilers but only if you squint
note: HELLOO GOJO NATION. ok so i'll be so honest with you, this stupid man was my #1 for so long and i think those feelings resurfaced so i got a little carried away with writing this (it's my longest fic so far, my bad). but yk something about gojo, hawks, and kuroo all being played by the voice actor just gets me. the prompt for this is from the AMAZING @creativepromptsforwriting and was supposed to be a drabble but turned into a full fic. anyways, hope you enjoy it!!
likes/reblogs/feedback are always appreciated!
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“It’s too quiet. Can I tell you guys a joke I heard on TV?”
“Mmm, please don’t.”
“But it’s funny!”
“Ooh, using my first name. Something’s up with you.”
“Something is not up with me, weirdo.” 
“No, something is definitely off with you today.” You thought Suguru and Shoko had stopped listening, but they chimed in with evidence of your odd behavior.
“You said good morning differently,” Shoko added, casually taking a sip of her soda and peering at you over the rim. Her hair sways gently in the breeze outside of the convenience store you four had stopped at before heading back to Jujutsu Tech. You glare at her and open your mouth to defend yourself when Suguru adds his two cents. 
“You tripped up during that last mission that should have been a cakewalk,” which was true, but you thought your mistake had gone unnoticed. The truth was, the spirit had caught you off guard with a simple teleport trick. It warped behind you and unlatched its grotesque jaws to end your life faster than you could blink. You should have been able to predict the movement with your eyes closed, but you’d been too focused on making sure a certain white-haired sorcerer was alive after your group had been ambushed several hundred feet underground. Suguru had given you a curious look after one of his demons saved your ass, and you’d flipped him off hoping that would be the end of it. “And you also flipped me the bird instead of saying thank you,” he shrugged.
“You also finish your food the fastest out of all of us, and today you haven’t even taken three bites,” Shoko says, finishing her drink and standing to toss it in the trash bin. “Something’s going on with you, and I, for one, am incredibly curious as to why.” Satoru watches you with a smug glint in his eye, and it takes all your willpower not to strangle him. 
“As glad as I am to know that you all pay such great attention to my habits, I promise there’s nothing wrong.” The three of them stare at you skeptically but thankfully decided to drop the subject, instead pivoting to who’s most likely to go to jail first (it’s Gojo). 
After the late lunch, you begin the walk back to Jujutsu Tech as the sky transforms into faded shades of orange and pink. The vanishing sun casts shining reflections on the surrounding skyscrapers, bouncing off the windows of speeding cars and zooming trains. Satoru and Suguru walk ahead, playfully shoving each other and almost falling over doing so. 
“Alright, are you gonna tell me what’s going on now that Dumb and Dumber aren’t here?” Shoko asks as she falls into step with you. The sides of your mouth turn down, realizing that she didn’t forget about your conversation at lunch. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to tell your closest friends what was going on; you just didn’t know how to explain what you had dreamed about the previous night and the night before that, and all the nights the past two weeks. 
It began with a look he had given you after a meeting with some higher-ups in the sorcerer world. They had visited Jujutsu Tech unexpectedly, stating that they would be evaluating the skill levels of random students. Out of your group of friends, only you and Satoru had been pulled to be tested. Principal Yaga had instructed both of you before entering the room to give the evaluation your best effort and to not become indignant if they judged you poorly. 
The brass declared your evaluation to be first, and you poured all of your energy into showcasing the power of your Cursed Technique. You even managed to pull off a few strikes of extension techniques that you’d been perfecting for months. Though the entire performance lasted less than ten minutes, you were breathless and light-headed when the panel told you to stop. After bowing deeply, you moved to exit the room, desperate for fresh air, but they stopped you and began listing every single reason why your demonstration was unsatisfactory. Besides “inefficient technique, predictable attacks, weak offense, insufficient defense,” and a general lack of power compared to that of other sorcerers at your level, they informed you that your Cursed Technique was obsolete and would eventually render you useless as more innately talented sorcerers take your place. You were speechless at their blunt criticism of your effort, on the verge of breaking down, but you managed to nod in acknowledgment as you stepped out of the room.
But then you saw him sitting there, waiting on his phone and looking up at you with a bright smile as he stood to greet you. A confusing blend of disappointment, anger, sadness, and loneliness panged in your heart and spread to the rest of your body, and you rapidly tried to blink away the moisture welling up in your eyes while Satoru approached. He was halfway through a snarky remark about you blowing away their expectations when his smile dropped and his eyebrows furrowed with concern. Shit, he’d noticed you crying. 
“Hey, hey, hey, look at me. What the fuck did they do to you?” Dashing blue eyes found yours through the clouds in your vision, and his thumbs gently brushed away stray tears that escaped down your cheeks. 
“Do you think I’m weak, Satoru?” Your voice cracks when the words finally spill out, swallowing hard to push down the sobs threatening to break loose from your constricted lungs. Satoru freezes, eyes searching yours. He doesn’t answer your question immediately, but instead asks again. 
“Doll, what the fuck did they do.” You can’t get a reply out in time before his focus snaps up to behind you, and a second later you hear the door roll open, one of the officials commanding Satoru to enter for his evaluation. His large hands hold your face and turn you to look up at him, and you move unconsciously to cover his hands with yours. “Stay here for me, okay?” He glanced at the official waiting in the doorway, blue eyes dark with suppressed rage. “This won’t take long.”
His evaluation lasts two minutes and four seconds. At first, the room was silent and you couldn’t hear any demonstration of Satoru’s technique, almost as if the panel was having a conversation with him before they began. Then, at two minutes on the dot, the room was blown to splinters. The door, the ceiling, the porch, and all of the furniture inside were violently thrown outward in an explosion that made the ground beneath your feet tremble. Curiously, none of the debris had hit you, but you coughed through the dust and saw that the panel hadn’t been so lucky, all of them buried under shredded beams of wood and canvas. And, standing at the center of the room’s remains with a satisfied grin plastered on his beautiful face, was Satoru. He found his way over to where you stood in disbelief and took your hand in his, interweaving your fingers and guiding you away from the ruined building. 
You two walked hand-in-hand in silence back to your dorm, where he seemed reluctant to let go of your hand. Before he walked away, he finally answered your question from earlier. 
“I tell you this not just as your friend, but as another sorcerer. You are not weak. Your technique is special and something that those shithead elders haven’t seen in decades, and they don’t like what they don’t understand. I know the thought of leaving Jujutsu Tech crossed your pretty little mind, but you shouldn’t. People need you here, Shoko, Suguru, Mei Mei...” He hesitated, taking a shallow breath and reaching back for your hand. 
“Me,” he said, his voice low, and his voice got even softer until it was almost a breath. “I need you here.” As quickly as the fondness in his voice appeared, it disappeared. “And, plus, you definitely can’t leave us here with ol’ Yaga. What the hell am I gonna do if I can’t hide in your room while he’s trying to beat my ass?” 
You laugh, and the feeling makes you feel better. He makes you feel better. You smile back at him and finally bid him farewell, and he raises your hand to his lips as he says goodbye. 
After that, he’d appeared in your dreams for two weeks straight. The dreams started as a continuation of what would have happened if you didn’t just say goodbye to him, if you’d invited him into your dorm, or if you’d let him pull you into his. They transformed after the fourth day into what it would be like to love him and receive his love in return: stolen kisses, flirty whispers, and movie dates to name a few. All these dreams added up to the previous night’s nightmare, where a mission had gone bad and he’d been imprisoned with no hope of breaking him free. You’d startled awake covered in sweat, and barely fell back asleep before your alarm forced you to start the day. 
“It’s… hard to explain,” you reply apologetically, and Shoko looks at you with so much skepticism written on her face that you have to turn away and look in the other direction. 
“So something is bothering you.” 
“Yeah, there is. I’m sorry; it’s just really, really hard to verbalize.”
“Can I take a stab at what’s bothering you?”
“If you could actually stab it that’d be great, but sure. Knock yourself out.”
“It’s Satoru, isn’t it?” You stop mid-stride and her face lights up with amusement. “Holy shit, it’s Satoru. You like Gojo Satoru.”
“Jeez, Shoko, go ahead and say his name four hundred million times, why don’t you? But really, what tipped you off?”
“Ten seconds ago when you asked me to stab your problem, I figured it out,” she chuckles, bumping her shoulder against yours playfully. “If it’s any consolation, I’m 99% sure he’s felt that way about you for a while.”
“How do you know?”
“Would you let me off the hook if I said it was hard to explain?”
“Har, har, very funny. Could you at least try?” 
“Mmm, I think it’s better if he explains it himself.” 
“You’re no help, Shoko.”
“Yes, and you love me anyway. But not as much as you love Sa–” You groan, covering your burning face in both hands and increasing the speed of your steps to escape your friend’s teasing chuckles. 
When you finally arrive at school, the stars have started rising and the moon hangs in the sky. You walk in the direction of the dorms when Shoko suddenly unlinks her elbow from yours, winking at you over your shoulder. 
“Suguru, can you help me move something from the gym real quick? I forgot a few things over there.” 
“Sure, but why do you need my help?” Shoko gives him a pointed look and realization quickly washes over his features. “Oh, OH. Okay, of course, sure.” Suguru turns on his heel awkwardly, briskly walking in the direction of the gym.
“Satoru, walk them back to their dorm. Don’t want anything happening to them after their little slip today,” she adds before heading in the other direction with Suguru, who tries and fails to communicate something to Satoru with a nod of his head. 
“Alright, pretty girl, you heard Shoko. C’mere and let me walk you home before she beats my ass.”
“I think you have too many people on this planet that want to beat your ass. And, for the record, I’m one of them.”
“It’s the price of being this gorgeous, gorgeous.” A soft laugh escapes your mouth, and you swear Satoru’s smile gets a little wider. The rest of the short walk to your dorm is just as easy and comfortable, Satoru making stupid comments and you replying with a quick remark over and over until you’re back in the same situation you’d been in two weeks ago. But, this time, you realized that Satoru was a lot closer to you, leaning back against your door with your hand touching the handle but not opening it. You both spend a few moments there, just looking at each other, and his mesmerizing eyes flicker to your mouth when you unconsciously lick your lips. He opens his mouth to say something smart, but you beat him to it. 
“If you’re gonna look down at my lips and say something stupid about it, you might as well do what I’ve been wanting you to do for ages.” 
“Oh? And what’s that, pretty girl?”
You sigh in mock disappointment and look up at him through your eyelashes. “If you don’t know what it is by now, then I guess… you don’t deserve to do it.” His pupils are blown wide with desire, and you resist the impulse to laugh. 
“God, you’re intoxicating,” he says, before pressing his lips to yours. Your eyes flutter shut and you melt into him, arms snaking around his neck while his hands find your waist and hold you up from your knees that have turned to jelly. The first kiss is gentle and experimental, but having the flirtiest asshole in the country chasing your lips as you briefly pull away gives you a newfound wave of confidence, pulling him closer and closer until his body is flush against yours. When you finally pull away from each other and catch your breath, he doesn’t go very far, resting his forehead against yours. 
“You know, I wanted to kill them. Those wrinkly assholes two weeks ago that had the gall to call you weak. And I would have, you know I would have, but you were outside… and you were crying… I just didn’t know what to do. I saw red, and, uh, then the building exploded.” You chuckle at his confession and he presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth, rubbing his nose against yours. 
“I had a dream about you. Well, a lot of dreams.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Mhmm. Got a little nervous today when I heard you talk with Shoko about liking a boy, but it helps knowing now that the boy is me. And, hopefully, it will only ever be me.”
“You pretentious asshole.”
“You know it.”
“You’re a dork.”
“Yeah, but I’m your dork.” 
“I know you are.”
“And I’m never going anywhere.” He kisses your forehead sweetly, and it’s just like the dreams that had plagued you for weeks before. “Ever.”
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💌 Your Love Story PAC Reading‼️‼️
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Left to right: Pile 1, 2,3
Please leave feedback in my ask box about your thoughts and feelings! OPEN FOR EXCHANGE READINGS!!
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Pile 1: Love
So whilst channeling this pile, I got the symbol of butterflies and the number 4. So these are somehow gonna be connected to your person energy. I also kept hearing the song Clean by Taylor Swift. So I’m sensing you’ve done so much inner work and healing, you’ve gone through so much trauma and struggle in your life. The lyric that really standing out is “now that I’m clean I’m never gonna risk it”, so your now in a higher vibration and your spirit guides want you to know how proud of you they are. You really deserve love. I’m feeling like you’ll meet once you fully love yourself, and stop thinking about love. I’m also feeling like it will happen during a period of a career growth and a lot of success. I’m getting boss bitch energy era, and then your persons gonna come in. Like possibly at a work conference, business related situation. Something formal. I see a suit and tie, so very very formal. I’m feeling they’ll just approach you, and act all cocky and confident, even drop a frisky one liner on you, to grab your attention. But it will be so much different to past love, I’m feeling like in the past you were chasing someone, making all the moves, planning dates and just giving yourself away. I also heard the song cardigan by Taylor Swift, like you knew you were being used in past connection, but they convinced you that’s what love is. When it’s truely not. So this connections a complete 180’ , from that. They’ll never make you feel like an “old cardigan”, there gonna make you feel like the most special person in the whole world, like visiting you at work and meeting up for lunch. They really will adore you, like leave love notes on the food they packed you for lunch. I heard the name James Dean and Marilyn Monroe - so they could have an old Hollywood look to them. But you truely deserve this special love!
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Pile 2: …This love is good this love is bad… this love came back to me…
So for pile 2, you’re gonna marry someone you were with in the past. Someone who you had an unbalanced live with, like it had good and bad moments, someone you were in love with when you were young. Like right person wrong time. Your paths will cross again. You both were under developed and immature, but now you’re developed, I’m hearing you reunite soon actually. Like they miss you, they could reach out soon via text or a call. The song I heard was “this love”, by Taylor Swift. Like you’ve both grown up and matured, I’m hearing you guys are gonna take it slow just cause you both scared you gonna hurt each other again, and accidentally do something to upset one another. But don’t be scared, it was a different time, and you’ve both grown up, they are your person. I saw the symbol of lavender and the letter T being significant to someone’s name somehow. I’m hearing it’s has a traditional live between the two of you, like 1950s style romance. You’re gonna be wined and dined and being taken cares by a gentleman. I just heard you both need to get your feelings off your chest and just be honest with one another. Tell them what’s not working and what is. You both expect the other to read you mind, but it’s not possible. So talk to them. I feel like even though your in delegation you truely love them. Like even after the break up you never stopped. I heard the song Lover by Taylor swift, like it’s a sweet and gentle love. Your both afraid to hurt one another, you truely care for each other and love each other. I heard the message from them, “please don’t be in love with someone else”.
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Pile 3: Karma is my boyfriend
Ok for some reason I’m hearing this person is your Karma, like your ex will be so jealous and insecure once they see your future spouse. Like your future spouse is everything your ex wasn’t. They will come in after you went through a heartbreak, like you needed to go through that so you knew how you shouldn’t be treated. Your future spouse is gonna be very mature and stable. They’ll plan dates and gift give. You’ll meet through friends or social media, there are mutual connections. You’re like that couple people look and and say they’re perfect for one another. I kept hearing it’s Andrew, so that’s a message for a specific person, not everyone - just one person out of the collective had to heard that, so to whoever it is that is your confirmation. I heard the symbol of night and day - take it how it resonates. I’m just feeling like your ex was truely just lazy and wasn’t at your level, like he was lucky you paid attention. I’m feeling like you’ll both look across the room at one another and just know that’s your person, it’s like a deep connection from the beginning. I also heard the song Enchanted by Taylor Swift, you’ll feel like you’ve meet each other before, it’s so cute. Like it’s playful energy too. Your gonna instantly know it’s your person, and it’ll be like the whole room stoped and it’s just the two of you. I’m feeling you’ll both look so beautiful, possibly at a wedding, ball, party or dance. Something with a magical energy. Lots of late night phone calls and texts to one another.
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alespov · 1 year
-✰Dating Wesker hc’s. - A.Wesker -✰
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-✰Tw: slight nsfw themes. 18+. use of pet names, dirty talk. mentions of Wesker's past. -✰paring : Albert Wesker x fem muse -✰a/n : hi loves hope you enjoy <33, feedback is appreciated! Requests are open.
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-✰ When Wesker was still the S.t.a.r.s captain he was more intimate with you. He spoiled you, after all, you were his pretty housewife. You loved to visit him at work, bringing him lunch or just to show him the new dress you had back.
-✰ Present day Wesker... was different. Naturally, he still loved and spoiled you, but he was more reserved this time through. You can't visit him at work. He wasn't as intimate as he used to be, you try not to press the matters onto him. You knew he was struggling with all of the viruses that he had.
-✰ He keeps his work life separate from his home life, after he's done with work for the day, he's spending the remainder of his day with you.
-✰ lowkey morning sex is his favorite, he loves how cuddly you are, the sleepy kisses. Your soft moans. He eats it up.
-✰ He's relatively kinky, he likes the basic bdsm. Whips, being chained, master/ daddy kink. Big into spanking, loves to tease you with vibrators.
-✰ When the both of you go out somewhere, you both somehow coordinate, whether it be by brand, color, or material.
-✰ He's actually a good cook, he doesn't love cooking but he will cook for you if he gets home first. If you get home first, you'll cook for him. He loves systems and routines, and this really helps keep him on track.
-✰ He loves to travel, and he builds up his work vacation days so he can take multiple weeks off at once. For his birthday you planned to take him to Greece. It would be difficult to surprise him but somehow you managed. For the first time in a while, you could tell he was genuinely happy.
-✰ Loves pet names, "dearheart, good girl, cumslut, pretty little cockslut."
-✰ It took a while to break the interior that he's spent years building, Wesker was more of a reserved man but could charm anyone that he talked to. By no means was he an extrovert but he knew how to open up, he just didn't want to. So when you came along he definitely questioned his own morals.
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Hi, thank you for taking the time to answer these!
It seems like all successful authors have to be on social media these days. I want to publish my book under a pen name so nobody knows it’s me. How do I succeed at author social media while also being anonymous?
Maintaining Author Anonymity on Social Media
It really depends on what you want to write and how you want to publish. Either way, a pen name isn't a 100% guarantee of anonymity, so that's something to consider before publishing. Whether you self-publish or traditionally publish, you're still conducting business, which requires the involvement of your real name on paper. Some of those documents will be available to the public, so it isn't usually difficult to figure out the real identity behind a pen name.
If you want to traditionally publish, you should keep in mind that the publisher is making a big financial investment in your book, so they want it to sell well so they can make back their investment and make a profit. Part of that may be asking you to do things like book signings, guest appearances, or having visibility on social media. Some publishers won't work with authors who want to be completely invisible, especially if they feel your book would benefit from that kind of visibility in marketing. So, if you pursue traditional publishing, it's something you would want to talk about with your agent once you land one so they can keep that in mind when they look for publishers.
If you want to self-publish, you don't have to worry as much about being visible. There are many who feel that authors do better when they are visible to their readers, but it's certainly not a requirement. You can still have a solid, meaningful social media presence without posting videos or photos of your face, or without giving away intimate details about who you are. You can find a balance with sharing photos and details that feel personal without revealing anything that blows your cover.
Anonymous but "Intimate" Photo Examples:
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All of these images give the reader a glimpse into your world and who you are without giving them a full window into your personal life.
If you caption the coloring photo as, "Coloring with the little ones today..." All the reader knows is there are kids in your life, but are they kids, grandkids, neighbors, students, friends' kids? Who knows?
Anonymous but "Intimate" Detail Example:
-- Spent today out shopping with the family. We had lunch at one of our favorite eateries, then went to see a movie. Afterward, we took a walk along the water and came home to play board games. Great day!
With or without an accompanying "semi-anonymous" photo, the above paragraph gives the reader a glimpse into your day without giving too much away. Spent the day with family... your immediate family? Extended family? Found family? No specification of which eatery, which movie, what body of water, or which board games, but it still paints a picture.
Engagement Matters, Too
And remember, for indie authors especially, engagement with your audience is important. Replying to comments, participating in tag games, "signal boosting"/sharing/reblogging posts, posting polls/QOtD/challenges, etc. are all ways you can engage without having to be visible.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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bellaxgiornata · 2 months
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The Devil at Your Window |8: Interruptions|
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader Word count: 5.3k [Series Masterlist]
Warnings/Tags: 18+; fluff, flirting, sexual tension, light angst, pining, eventual smut, identity reveal, and lots of black suit Matty
a/n: The installment featuring the Devil’s ass. Yes, you read that right. Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
Tag list: @danzer8705 @darkened-writer @keepingitlokiii @kezibear @dorothleah @sarahskywalker-amidala @1988-fiend @haruari @sleepysleepymom @marveious @sunflower-tia @fizanotfeeza @cloudroomblog @babygirlmurdock @writtenbyred @idontevenknow1359 @scriptedmoon @sarraa-26 @barnes21cz @loves0phelia @3sriracha @kmc1989 @midnightramble @marissamejia19
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Reaching into the laundry basket, you withdrew another pair of your clean panties. Placing it atop the growing pile of the others on your bed, you continued to sort and fold your clothes. But as your hands mechanically worked, sorting everything into the correct piles quickly overtaking your bed, your mind wandered to the second date you’d had with Dylan last night.
The pair of you had gone out for sushi. You’d enjoyed the dinner with him and were excited to have found a new restaurant you'd considered visiting again. You’d also been happy to see that the conversation between you both had still flowed just as easily as the last time you'd met him at Josie’s. There hadn't been a single awkward moment and he'd even gotten you laughing hard a handful of times.
The second date with Dylan had truly gone well last night. So well in fact that Dylan had even asked about setting up a third date with you before you both had parted ways for the evening. But the only thing you couldn’t seem to shake, which was the reason you’d hesitated on finalizing those third date plans, was how you’d felt when Dylan had kissed you last night.
He'd asked you for permission before actually going in for the kiss and you’d readily given it to him, having admittedly felt a little giddy at the prospect of someone wanting to actually follow through with kissing you. Plus it was sweet that he had asked because you'd personally never experienced anyone asking permission before. You'd thought it was a bit romantic–until he’d actually leaned in and kissed you. Because you’d felt nothing. You might as well have been kissing the sushi you’d eaten for dinner for all the sexual chemistry you’d felt in that moment because there hadn’t been any. 
The lack of that spark between you both had been bothering you ever since last night. So when you’d been at lunch earlier at work and received a cute text from Dylan about how much fun he’d had last night, you’d been hit with a sinking feeling in your stomach instead of butterflies. All because of that kiss. In the end, you’d managed to once more skirt around the topic of a third date when you’d replied to him, feeling like you needed more time to make sense of your jumbled feelings, but you’d still felt guilty for doing so. Because Dylan was admittedly a good guy. You didn’t want to lead him on, but you also wanted to make sure this relationship was right for you, too. 
And right now, you weren’t entirely certain it was.
Was it enough that Dylan seemed like a level-headed guy with a stable job and good manners? Someone who treated you well and had a lot in common with you? Maybe the kiss had only felt off because it was a first kiss and you were both nervous. Surely he deserved a third date and a second chance to redeem himself with his kissing, right?
But if you were being honest with yourself, a big part of you knew it was because the sexual chemistry between you and Dylan was nothing like how it was between you and the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen–who you still hadn’t seen since the other night when he’d shown up after your first date. Though you'd noticed that he’d certainly still been visiting your Devil’s Pantry a few times this week.
Was it ridiculous and foolish to hope for a relationship that had the same level of chemistry that you felt with the Devil? Could you even find that sort of a spark so easily with someone else? Because you certainly never had before. The man could get your heart racing with just a smile, you couldn’t even imagine how it would feel if he ever actually kissed you. Or how you’d feel if his hands ever lost those gloves and touched you in far less friendly ways than you were used to, especially hearing that smokey voice of his whispering ‘angel’ into your ear as he did.
Pausing with a shirt in your hands, you found yourself growing heated at just your line of thinking. Feeling a little warm, you cleared your throat and shook your head, trying to shake those thoughts from your mind. But your thoughts alone had proven your point–just thinking about the Devil had you hot and bothered. Unfortunately for Dylan, you couldn’t quite say the same for him. 
It appeared that you had your answer then. Maybe if the Devil wasn’t in your life in whatever capacity he was lately, things might’ve been able to progress further with Dylan. You might’ve been open to giving him more of a chance. But you were still so hopelessly attracted to the Devil that it seemed as if no one else currently stood a chance against him. And that wasn’t fair for Dylan to have to compete against the masked man. He was a good guy, he deserved someone who was really putting themselves fully into a relationship with him. You supposed you’d have to reach out to him and let him know that you weren’t feeling up to a third date tomorrow. 
Three loud knocks from the other room broke through your train of thoughts. Setting down the bra in your hands on your bed, you glanced over your shoulder as a hopeful smile spread across your lips. Had the Devil decided to actually visit you tonight? You’d been dying to see him again ever since he’d abruptly disappeared in the middle of what you were certain had almost been a kiss between you both for what would’ve been the second time now. Ever since that moment, you’d been questioning whether or not he’d been acting jealous because of your date when he’d shown up.
Was it possible he may not have even realized his own feelings? Or that he was intentionally trying to ignore them? You’d been wondering if there was some way that you could help him acknowledge those feelings if they existed, some way to nudge him a bit closer to you and further out of his head. You’d eventually come to the conclusion that maybe if you flirted more openly in return with him instead of letting him so easily fluster you all the time, then you’d possibly get a clearer answer for yourself. Maybe then you could see how he reacted and get a better idea if there was something more going on between you both.
You’d also wondered if there was a chance he might actually kiss you the next time you saw him. After all, he’d been so close to doing it twice now, was it so hard to think you might find yourself in the situation for a third time? Though you tried hard to not get your hopes so high because the disappointment from the previous two times he’d pulled away from you still stung. 
Rushing out of your bedroom without a care for the laundry still lying sorted on your bed, you made your way down the short hall and immediately spotted the Devil standing outside of your window. As you hurried over, the memory of your second almost kiss still fresh in your mind, you felt your heart accelerate at the smile on his masked face. 
Wasting no time, you flung the window open once you’d reached it before stepping aside and allowing him to enter your apartment. Mentally you reminded yourself to keep your thoughts in check now that he was actually here–especially if you didn't want to get flustered attempting to flirt with him. You needed a fairly clear head to focus on how he reacted.
“You know, it still wasn’t locked,” you told him.
“Well,” the Devil replied, lips twisting into a faint grimace as he slipped through the opening, “it seems rude to just barge into your place uninvited.”
“Hasn’t stopped you from doing it a few times already,” you pointed out.
With him finally inside, you closed the window and shut the cold of the night back out of your apartment once more. Eyeing the thin material of his black shirt as you turned back around, you yet again wondered how he survived running around the rooftops in the freezing cold dressed in so little. Even with spring drawing nearer, it was still far too cold for his wardrobe choice. You wished you could give the man a coat, but you figured you’d have to settle on offering him a blanket and a chance to warm up inside.
But as you’d been surveying his outfit, you noticed how he’d immediately taken a step backwards to lean up against the wall behind himself. He was breathing hard, his chest visibly heaving in that tight black shirt. Concern hit you at the sight despite the strange smile currently drawing itself across his mouth.
“Are you okay?” you asked him. “You look like you’re favoring your right side. Did something happen to you tonight?”
“Something generally happens to me every night I go out like this,” he joked, sounding partially out of breath. “But to answer your question–yes.”
You took a step towards him, becoming entirely serious despite his weird habit of continually making light of his injuries. Eyes darting around his body, you tried hard to find one. But as you openly searched him, you couldn’t see a single wound. 
And that’s when you heard him laugh.
The sound drew your eyes up to his masked face, your lips curving into a frown. There was an amused smile on his mouth now, one that had your eyes narrowing. Why did he always react so abnormally to being hurt? Usually when people were in pain they didn't laugh about it.
“It’s nothing quite so serious as the last time,” he assured you, still leaning against the wall. “Though it’s…perhaps a bit embarrassing. Which was partly why I was hoping to stop by your place, and why I’m uh…hopeful that you might be willing to help me once again, angel.”
“Help you how?” you asked cautiously. “As in you need a bandaid? Or would you like me to finally call you an ambulance?”
He chuckled again, shifting a little against the wall as he did. But you caught how he winced at the movement and your frown deepened. 
“Something more along the lines of the first one,” he answered. “But uh…there’s a bit of a catch.”
Head immediately turning curiously to the side at his comment, your eyes narrowed further. “What do you mean?” you asked. “What sort of catch?”
The Devil ducked his head, the amused smile on his lips remaining. “Well, besides being in need of a rather large bandage, I was wondering if perhaps you might have…a needle and thread? Or possibly some duct tape?” 
“What?” you asked in disbelief. “Wait, you’re not asking me to stitch you up are you? Because I’m absolutely not qualified to do that. And you know what?” you continued. “I don’t think duct tape works in the place of stitches. Honestly, it sounds like I should just call–”
While you’d been speaking, the Devil had pushed his body off of the wall. The amused grin had never left his mouth, even as his head had remained ducked almost sheepishly towards his chest. But as you’d continued talking, about to remind him of his friend that was a nurse and far better suited to help with an injury that needed stitches, you saw him begin to turn around. And that was when you spotted his injury, the sight of it instantly stopping anymore words from falling out of your mouth. Truthfully, the unexpected and surprising sight of his bare left ass cheek had left your brain entirely devoid of all thoughts for a moment.
The back of his dark pants had been sliced wide open across his ass, and whatever had done the slicing had also managed to tear through not just his boxers, but his skin as well. There was a few inch long bloody gash diagonally across his left cheek, which had at first caused you to gasp in surprise. But admittedly you’d grown silent soon after because you could see one entire round, firm ass cheek on full display. The blood and the cut hardly mattered when you were staring at half of his bare ass right now.
And goddamn did it look perky and tight.
The Devil’s head spun over his shoulder, a grin still on his lips. You could see it from the corner of your eye, but your attention was still very much focused on his ass. Though when you heard his amused laughter again, you at least had the grace to feel a little embarrassed before your gaze returned to his masked face.
“Did you notice the actual reason I asked for a bandage and tape while you were staring at my ass?” he teased. “Or have you forgotten why you were even looking at it in the first place, angel?”
Clearing your throat, you shook your head and tried to clear your thoughts. But when you spoke again, it honestly took all of your willpower not to stare back down at his ass.
“I’m sorry,” you replied, still trying to gather your thoughts, “I wasn’t exactly expecting half of your ass to greet me when you spun around, Devil. You could have at least warned me first.”
“Oh?” he asked, his head tilting to the side. “My ass needs a warning now does it?”
Remembering how you’d wanted to try to flirt more openly with him to see if he’d stop holding himself back, you figured he’d just now presented you with the perfect opportunity to start. 
“You know what? Yes, yes it does,” you stated boldly. “I mean have you seen your ass, Devil? Did you have to sell your soul for that thing? Because that’s definitely not your average ass.”
He barked out a loud, surprised laugh at your response. Your attention brazenly returned to his bare cheek, admiring it despite the injury. It truly was unfair the body the masked man had beneath his clothes. Especially considering how often you found yourself getting private viewings of it without being able to actually appreciate any part of him.
“Wasn’t expecting that response out of you this evening,” he confessed once his laughter had subsided. “But I was hoping you’d have some way to help me temporarily mend my pants. Strong tape would suffice until I got home. Admittedly it’s quite breezy on the rooftops like this.”
The Devil turned back around towards you as he spoke, ruining your unobstructed view of his ass. Though you had a feeling you’d be helping him with it soon enough.
“I would say it’s probably embarrassing to have a criminal catch you running around like that,” you began, “but honestly I feel like it’s somehow more intimidating.”
His head tilted to the side, the corner of his lips tugging up into a smirk beneath his mask. “You think I’m somehow more intimidating being caught quite literally with my ass out?” he asked. “How do you possibly figure that?”
“Because,” you answered, “that thing is impressive. And now you have me wondering…if you’ve got those yoga healing powers of yours, does that mean you could stop a bullet with that?”
Another amused laugh spilled forth out of the Devil as you pointed to his ass. You couldn’t resist smiling at the warm sound of his laughter filling your apartment. You'd missed him over the past few days and were glad to have him back here and in a good mood this time. Tonight he was acting like he usually did when he stopped by instead of the sour mood he’d been in last time.
“Did you really just ask me if I could stop a bullet with my ass, angel?” he asked, grinning wide.
“Yeah, I did,” you confidently teased back. “Considering what else you can do, I wouldn’t be surprised.”
“I can’t say that I’ve ever tried,” he told you, “but I’m thinking the answer is ‘no’.” He jutted his chin out towards you, the smile never leaving his mouth. “You seem in a good mood tonight,” he observed. “More forward than I remember you being, too. Any reason for that?”
You shrugged in response. Of course you weren’t going to tell him the newest theory you had made about the Devil. The one where you believed he might actually have developed feelings for you. 
“Just happy to see my favorite stray,” you answered. “Even if you showed up a little worse for wear tonight. Speaking of,” you continued, the smile slipping off your face, “did you actually need stitches? Because in all seriousness, I cannot give you stitches. I have no idea how to do that.”
The Devil shook his head, a small smile still lingering along his lips. “No,” he told you. “No stitches tonight. Though I wouldn’t mind a giant bandage if you have one. Maybe something for the cut because I’d like to avoid an infection.”
“Certainly wouldn’t want to ruin your ass,” you muttered under your breath, noticing the way his smile curved a bit higher. “But I did buy some other first aid supplies the other week, so you’re in luck, Devil,” you told him. “I might actually have an adhesive bandage big enough to cover that. And I may have some packing tape somewhere in the kitchen that could temporarily fix your torn pants problem, too.”
“I’d very much appreciate that,” he replied.
“Let me just grab my first aid kit then,” you said.
Stepping past him, you made your way towards your bathroom and refrained from peeking over your shoulder to get a glimpse of his bare ass. Something told you that he’d know if you did.
Entering your bathroom, you bent down and opened the bottom of your vanity in search of the navy towel you’d used the last time you cleaned his blood off of him. As you grabbed it from among the stack of towels under your sink, the thought of using it now to wash off his ass had you once again feeling a little warm. You didn’t doubt that you’d be thinking about touching it later in a far less innocent way than just helping him with a cut. 
You grabbed the first aid kit from beneath your sink next before standing back up and taking a moment to wet the towel under the bathroom faucet. Afterwards, you made your way back out of the bathroom with both items in hand. 
In your living room you found the Devil still leaning against your wall where you'd left him. He silently watched you make your way past him through the room, tracking your steps with his masked face just as he’d done the time he’d been here sitting on your couch not that long ago. 
Licking your lips, you couldn’t shake the nerves you felt under his attention despite your boldness with him this evening. Somehow it never took much for him to fluster you, even when you’d been actively trying not to be so easily flustered tonight. But knowing you'd be rubbing blood off of his ass before applying ointment and a bandage in a few minutes certainly wasn't helping your heart rate. 
“So,” you said, clearing your throat as you stopped at your little kitchen table, setting down and opening the first aid kit, “before I bandage your cut, I should…probably clean the blood off of it first. Sort of defeats the purpose of using Neosporin and a bandage otherwise.”
“Makes sense,” he easily agreed.
You glanced over at him, chewing your lip as you tried to figure out the best way to accomplish your task. He couldn't exactly sit down, which sort of left you the only option of kneeling at ass height to see what you were doing. Biting down particularly hard on your lip, you tried to control your body’s reaction to that realization, but as the Devil continued silently watching you from across the room, you saw the smile on his mouth grow visibly cocky. 
He was enjoying this.
“Alright, well I'm going to need you to come here if you want help,” you told him, trying to disregard that smile on his face. 
Slowly he pushed off the wall in one fluid movement, that self-satisfied smile permanently taking residence on his mouth. Swallowing hard, you tried to push down the nervous energy within you that threatened to grow with every one of his approaching steps. If you were going to be successful in your attempts to be more bold with him this evening while trying to gauge his reaction to you, this situation would be yet another opportunity. You just needed to try to play it cool.
The Devil came to a stop just a foot before you, his head tilting to the side in silent question when he did. Summoning all of your confidence, you squared your shoulders and arched a brow at him before gesturing to your table with a hand. 
“Well, what are you waiting for? Bend over, Devil,” you ordered.
His lips parted in something almost like surprise for a brief moment, though he didn’t actually respond. Instead, his mouth closed once more as he recovered and that cocky smile returned to it before he turned away from you. You watched as he placed both of his gloved hands flat along your small dining table before he bent over, sticking his wounded and partially visible ass out towards you. 
Once more wishing you were in a vastly different situation with him in which you weren't offering him some form of medical assistance, you lowered down to your knees behind him. But you hesitated with the damp towel in your hand because you were quite literally face to face with the Devil of Hell’s Kitchens’ ass. The ass you’d certainly observed a time or two in grainy photographs–especially after having met him. And now it was so close you could realistically lean forward and bite it.
Not that you were going to do that right now, of course.
You hadn’t even begun wiping the blood from his wounded ass before you heard him release an amused huff. You frowned in response, eyes flickering up to the back of his head before returning to his exposed left cheek.
“What?” you asked.
Bringing the towel finally down to his skin, you began to wash off the blood. But you also couldn’t help impressively noting that his ass–even through the damp cloth–felt as firm as it looked.
“Nothing,” he replied lightly. “Just seems like you’re a little distracted back there.”
You rolled your eyes, trying hard to remain focused on cleaning the blood and not the way the tip of one of your fingers had just grazed his bare skin. His ass was quite smooth.
“How’d you manage to get this, by the way?” you asked, trying to distract yourself. “Dodging a knife?”
He let out a chuckle, shaking his masked head above you. You caught the movement out of the corner of your eye, but your attention remained on the last few traces of blood that you were cleaning off of him. As you did, you noticed that he was right, this cut didn’t look remotely that bad now that it wasn't smeared in blood.
“No, actually,” he confessed. “I was trying to climb up a building. Lost my footing and fell down one floor before quite unfortunately landing on my ass on something sharp. Tore right through my pants, as you can see.”
You winced as you reached over, setting the damp, bloodied towel down on your table. “Ouch.”
Picking up the tube of Neosporin from your first aid kit, you twisted the cap off of it before focusing back on his ass. Chewing the inside of your cheek, you realized you’d have to apply it with your fingertip. Which meant touching his ass. His very, very tight, muscular ass.
Above you the Devil shifted, gazing down at you from over his shoulder. A shudder ran up your spine when he grinned knowingly beneath that mask. As if he'd somehow been able to read your mind.
“Something wrong?” he asked.
“No,” you answered far too quickly.
Blinking hard a few times, you tore your eyes away from his ass which was still just half a foot away from your face and began to squeeze some of the ointment out of the tube and onto your finger. Internally you cursed the masked man for not getting flustered nearly as easily as you. And for somehow always seemingly reading your mind–particularly when you were having inappropriate thoughts.
“Almost done back here,” you informed him, trying to sound more calm than you felt. “Then I can find the packing tape for your pants.”
Sucking in a breath as your bottom lip caught between your teeth, you reached your index finger out towards the cut on his ass. Trying hard to prevent your hand from noticeably trembling, you very gently applied the ointment along the length of the gash. But halfway through the application you hesitated, your eyes flickering upwards when you noticed the Devil's entire body had stiffened at your touch. Quirking a brow at him curiously, you wondered what that had been about.
With the ointment applied, you reached over and grabbed the damp towel from off of your table. Rising to your feet, you wiped the Neosporin off your finger and onto the cloth before setting it back down. Then you plucked a rather large bandage out of your first aid kit and began to open the packaging.
“How’s that guy you’re seeing?”
Your hands paused what they were doing at the unexpected question, your eyes slowly rising from the half-opened bandage in your hand to the Devil still bent in half in front of you. His hands had curled into fists along your kitchen table, his masked face focused straight ahead at the window. His jaw was set firm, a muscle jumping in the part of his cheek that you could see. You certainly hadn’t thought he'd be asking about Dylan right now.
And there's your answer , you thought. He’s jealous. It's obvious. Use that to your advantage.
Clearing your throat, your attention returned to the bandage in your hands. You finished tearing it open before reaching your hands out and lining it up with his wound.
“He’s good,” you replied. “We actually had a second date last night.”
The Devil grew tense beneath your touch as your hand lightly smoothed the bandage over his ass. You could feel your pulse quickening at his reaction. Had that been due to your touch? Or to the fact that you’d gone on another date? You weren’t entirely certain.
“I hope he took you somewhere better than a dive bar this time,” the Devil retorted.
“We went out for sushi,” you told him. 
With his cut now bandaged, you turned and made your way into the kitchen. You were certain you still had packing tape in your junk drawer by the sink from when you'd moved in here months ago.
“I take it that your second date went well, too?” he asked.
You pulled the junk drawer open and paused, your hand hovering over it. That had certainly sounded a lot like jealousy. Especially because you'd heard the way he had asked the question through very obviously gritted teeth.
“It did,” you answered slowly, finally grabbing the packing tape out of the drawer. “We even kissed.”
Something like a soft hiss came from between his teeth from across the room. You fought to keep the smile off of your mouth, your teeth biting down on your lip once more at the sound. If you were being honest, you sort of liked his jealousy. Certainly far too much to want to tell him the actual truth about that kiss and how you weren’t planning to continue things with Dylan. You found yourself wanting to enjoy his jealousy just a bit longer.
“So it turns out I do have some tape,” you told him, returning to where the Devil remained bent at your table. “I can use it to fix your pants. I imagine it should hold long enough for you to get back home.”
“Thank you,” he replied, voice tight.
You pulled a large strip of tape out from the dispenser in your hand, the sound sharp and loud in your apartment. Tearing off the length of tape with one hand, your other began to gently draw both pieces of his torn pants back together. 
“So how was it?” he asked.
Brows furrowing together, you very carefully began adhering the tape up the length of his torn pants, slowly sealing them somewhat back together. “What?” you asked, distracted.
“The kiss?” he prompted. “With that guy?”
Your eyes darted up to the back of his head, briefly staring at the dark brown hair that was noticeable beneath his mask. You’d often tried to imagine what it might feel like to pull the mask from off of his head and run your fingers through those dark strands.
“It uh, it wasn’t like any other kiss I’ve had before,” you answered. “I can say that.”
The Devil ducked his head, but as he did you caught how his nostrils flared sharply. You'd barely finished taping his pants together before he roughly pushed off of your kitchen table, turning around to face you. That tension in his body was back along with the same hardness that he’d had when you’d encountered him after your first date. Feeling entirely validated in that moment, you’d opened your mouth to finish your thought. You figured maybe now you should tell him the truth–that the kiss hadn’t been any good. That you’d immediately thought of him afterwards. How you wished he’d just kissed you the other night when he’d had the chance.
But before you could make a sound, your phone’s ringtone went off on the counter behind you. Startled at the noise, you jumped on the spot before glancing over your shoulder. The caller ID showed Dylan’s name on the screen and your heart pounded a little unevenly at the sight. Of course he’d somehow call late and ruin this moment.
“I shouldn’t take up anymore of your time this evening,” the Devil said.
Your head darted back towards him in time to see him making his way over to your window. You reached a hand out after him, ignoring the phone still ringing behind you.
“Wait!” you called out.
He stopped only when he reached your window, his head gesturing towards your ringing phone. “That him?” he asked.
You pulled a face, glancing back at your phone behind you before focusing back on the Devil. “Yes, but what’s that–”
“Thank you for helping me tonight,” he said in a clipped tone. “I’ll leave so that you can take his call.”
He roughly shoved your window up before slipping through it with a cat-like grace that you’d long come to admire. But just as quickly as he’d opened it, he was slamming it shut behind himself with a sharp bang . Your mind barely had a chance to register anything before he was already throwing himself over the railing of your fire escape, leaving you standing confused in your kitchen.
Frustration hit you instantly once your ringtone stopped, silence now settling around you in the apartment. You shouldn’t have been toying with the Devil like that, no matter how much you’d enjoyed his jealousy. Because now you’d just lost the chance to clear the air with him and you weren’t exactly sure when you’d have the opportunity again. 
Because what if he never came back?
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