#feedism adjacent
sapphicfeedist · 5 months
thinking about ✨intox kink✨
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puppyfriedrice · 3 months
uuuugggg my bestie is getting chubby again and his belly was sooooo round especially after two burgers, some chicken, and two big slices of ice cream cake unfortunately he physically feels like shit when he's heavier so ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ I just get to look at eye candy and make flirty jokes
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anyone have experience with opening up to their therapist about this kink? I've been seeing mine for a couple months & really like her & she knows I have "very specific sexual interests" & she's mentioned being very kink positive with bdsm stuff and even recommending a lot of her patients to explore bdsm spaces for various reasons so I'm not WORRIED about it exactly but I've never brought it up with previous ones before really except one who I never liked when I was still very young and in the "can I mindgame my way out of having this kink" stage of things after a relationship ended badly LOL. it hasn't been super relevant with this therapist yet because I don't struggle with this part if my sexuality like I used to but the more I start to remember & unpack some past trauma I'm with a lot of it the kink is like, a relevant enough part of some of those past situations that im not sure I can meaningfully make progress without unpacking it & continuing to beat around the bush is probably hindering my progress. so yeah any advice you guys have would be super helpful!
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sydmarch · 1 year
What YouTube videos?
Oh You Know
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abundantbelly · 5 months
For ages I thought I only had one real kink but turns out I'm into a LOT of things they just have to be adjacent to/paired with feedism
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ruelpsen · 3 months
ok i am not the same anon as the system anon but i am also a system in which two of us have a kinky thing going and i have a story to share. for context one of us is a feedee/gainer and the other is a feeder/encourager, and both are also really into burping. today the feeder spontaneously had the me writing this/the feedee try burp denial for the first time and it was the hottest thing ever. he made me chug a bunch of soda and physically kept me from burping. i got so turned on by how bloated i felt! he only let me burp a few minutes later when we were driving, giving me permission to use a bumpy road to help get those burps up. but by that point they were pretty stuck, so he had me drink more soda and told me to let loose. and when i did, holy shit, those belches practically exploded out of me! i'm still super turned on, and i feel really lucky that we can be together and have fun like this.
your blog and the other system anon kinda do have us wondering how many of us there are. idk if there's a correlation between systems and this kink or broader feedism dynamics, but it's cool knowing we're not the only ones!
Damn, this is both sweet and hot! It sounds like you had a lot of fun, and tbh I think it's cool that you're able to enjoy kink dynamics in a complex way like this. If you've got any other stories you want to share now or in the future, I'm always down for that!
As for the last part, I can't say I've personally seen people in these sorts of circles openly IDing as systems beyond just a couple blogs. I suspect part of that could be because of stigma, but I don't really know for sure what else might go into that. I suspect the number is definitely higher, though, since this is tumblr after all and there's so many neurodivergent (sub)communities with substantial presences here, including systems. That said, even if people prefer to not to openly ID themselves as such, would it be helpful for you to see something like a poll on systems in feedism and adjacent kinks?
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sapphicfeedist · 8 days
if more people just accepted being horny weirdos, i think the world would be a lot better
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FINAL ASK FOR THIS BATCH SORRY FOR THE SPAM Since there was that whole Chubby-Mychem blog I know there's interest but, I would want to ask here if that's okay, so would anyone at all be interested in a chubby kink, feedism, and adjacent kink MCR blog except this one would allow Waycest (the other does not and when I went to it one more time for those images they were bad mouthing Waycest shippers) if you would be interested just like this or say something on it. Because I'd love to do something for that -Feedism anon
go ahead if you want !!! i'll also accept those types of asks if y'all wanted :33 i accept anything
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urges-to-gain · 23 days
saw the last ask about the feedist relationship, if you don’t mind what are you hoping to get from a feedist relationship? both kink and non kink?
For sure! I’ll start with non-kink, I’d like to have a best friend more than anything, someone who Id be dating with love and connection beyond mutual kinks. Being on the same page with goals in life.
For kinks, feedism being my main kink but also expanding on it with adjacent kinks, like I love squashing and using my size, along with other matters as im a switch
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feederandfeedee · 4 months
Most feeders are profoundly unsexy in the way most of those self-described "daddy doms" are. They're not writing up an appealing hypothetical for the person they're supposed to be turning on, they're word vomiting their own "and and and then what if this happened" fantasy with absolutely zero subtlety
How's this: at some point, you'll have to do away with the excuses and admit that you're capable of self-control. You just like to play weak-willed and helpless because you don't want to admit that what's happening to your body is your responsibility. Feeders might enable or encourage you, sure, but you can't put the blame on them when you get turned on from feeling yourself wobble as you walk. You'll get fatter regardless, and there's no stopping it anymore. Some day, you're going to look yourself in the eye, step back because the mirror isn't wide enough to show your hips, say "I can't believe I've done this to myself"
And then you'll keep eating
See I agree feeders are not all that sexy these days but the other thing that makes it hard to appeal to me through these scenarios is that feedism is such a massive fetish encompassing so many niches and themes. It’s not hard to miss the mark for what gets me going when there’s so many options for fantasies that won’t appeal to me personally but still fall into the feedism fetish. Like your hypothetical for instance: there’s aspects of it that toe the line for me but overall it’s just adjacent. Sometimes a play by play of “and then this is what happens” is hot too. It’s just about hitting the right notes
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elliegoose · 5 months
Hey I have a food? Adjacent fetishism question. I'm aware of feedism (pog) but is there something similar for like muscle? Like "ooh eat this protein and get so big and strong for me" type shit. Or is that outside your ample wheelhouse (complimentary)
that is completely outside my wheelhouse but also i know it definitely exists lol
i wish you luck in finding this content
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fernisfat · 8 months
how did you get into feedism
I found it through fanfic initially, I prefer my porn in written form and I was big into fandom for a long time. there’s a decent number of teen wolf fanfic that’s involves feedism or is feedism adjacent and also some Sherlock fics back when I was still into that. then later on I started stumbling across it in the Hannibal fandom and that solidified it for me (also got into consensual cannibalism at that time, only in theory of course, there is something so erotic and profound to me about allowing the person you love to consume a part of you) also a specific modern au stranger things fic got me into bloating and belly expansion!
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quiet-admirer · 7 months
totally get what you mean about not fully understanding where discomfort about feedism-adjacent interests comes from at a young age -- i feel like it was uncomfortable for me because the idea of focusing or commenting on fatness was something i associated with bullying when i was a young kid, though i wasn't in that situation myself. being fascinated by something that people often get bullied for, or in some cases being fascinated by the bullying itself (in fictional depictions of teasing about weight gain), just didn't seem like a good thing, i guess? since my awareness of why and when people openly talk about fatness was purely negative, or at least never positive, it seemed like a "mean" impulse even though my reaction was positive/curious rather than judgmental.
i feel like it's worth noting that i didn't feel this way about my early awareness of my sexuality (as in sexual orientation, not kinks) or gender when i came to understand those concepts, but that's probably because i had *some* positive awareness of gender nonconformity and queer relationships by that point. the idea of enjoying being fat, or talking about fatness as something pleasant/beautiful rather than something to be cruel or (at best) self-deprecating about, was not on my radar at all. which is not great! i hope fewer kids feel this way these days, though i'm sure many still do. but yeah, from my perspective, i feel like some % of the discomfort just came from fatphobic attitudes that weren't questioned or opposed in the world around me, even though they weren't strongly enforced. just some food for thought
Yeah I definitely started associating my focus on fatness with fatphobic messaging when I was older like in elementary school when I became aware of it, it's just weird that that discomfort started happening even before I was really aware of fatphobia! Like when I was 4 or 5!
And I totally get you about a difference in realizing queer vs kinky sexuality! I struggled with my fetish the whole way but it was relatively easy to just be like oh I guess I'm bisexual when I was sixteen (barring the brief moment when I was 14 and had a flash of a gay crush feeling towards one of my friends and was like "aha, nah I'm not gay tho" and then forgot about it for another 1-2 years 😅)
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pearshapedpanda · 2 months
Any time I see someone talk about feedism and adjacent kinks being inherently abusive it tells me everything I need to know about them, because even putting aside the flagrant fatphobia it says they don't understand the concept of consent. So...yeah, immediate side eye.
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No no no, I'm so glad you'll accept my asks and I'll still bring some here, I just don't want to spam you with them, and I'd love to do more things with images, also I'll admit my asks are all pretty much the same because my thoughts are all basically the same thing over and over again I'm sharing it here if that's okay but here's the blog I made https://www.tumblr.com/mcr-feedism any weight gain kink, chubby kink (in general), feedism, and feedism adjacent stuff is allowed Anyways for something more living up to my name I found that interview where Gerard says “I’ll look at pictures of myself then and see somebody that had relapsed into alcohol and was completely starving himself." Refering to during Danger Days apparently and I just want someone (it feels odd imagining myself doing it) to have helped him both with the addiction and by making/getting foods they know he'll enjoy, and not like forcing him to have them but letting him know how good he is when he has some and how important it is to eat something, and just let him know how pretty he is -Feedism anon
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isdalinarhot · 3 months
If you can’t handle me at my wasted sadalinar feedism adjacent headcanons you don’t deserve me at my actual literary analysis
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