#feel free to birthday donate
hattoriscap · 8 months
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for tomorrow's livestream! 🇵🇸💖
share a screenshot of your donation ($5+) to the PCRF & you get to request a dnp doodle from me if you want 💗.
i believe dnp will be sharing another link for donations, but donating directly to the organization is good too, just share a valid receipt ($5+) with the date clearly shown as the 30th of jan (aka phils bday) 🫶🏼
at the end, i will match the total amount i receive & donate it to the same charity too.
free palestine! 🇵🇸
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growingwithem · 1 year
Eunhyuk donate 40,04 million won to support children and adolescents taking care of sick family member at an age when they need to be taken care of ❤️‍🩹
On April 4, the Green Umbrella Children's Foundation said "On Eunhyuk's birthday, the Super Junior member donated 40,040,000 won to support children and adolescents who care for relatives (children and adolescents who care for relatives or relatives who have difficulties such as disabilities, illnesses and mental illness).
The donation delivered by Eunhyuk is the amount raised by adding the proceeds from Eunhyuk's fan meeting held on March 30th & Eunhyuk's personal expenses. Eunhyuk said, "Since I was a child, seeing my father working at a child welfare center, I wanted to become a person who can help children when I grow up."
Choi Woon-jung, director of the Green Umbrella Children's Foundation's Seoul Regional Headquarters 2, said “I am grateful to Eunhyuk for taking an interest in children and adolescents taking care of their families, a blind spot in child welfare, and spreading a good influence."
Eunhyuk continues to do good deeds since 2021, such as donations to support children's housin.
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stagmalinay · 2 years
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Finally, some pictures!
@tuulikannel requested bed head, so here’s a picture Author caught of me waking up.
Welcome to day 1 of Stag Days, a count down to my Earth birthday on the 14th. I’d better get a lot of attention this month. If my head doesn’t grow at least ten sizes, you all failed.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
1 horny brave chatter that donated 100 bucks to loser cat reader's stream to make them say "nya" Lol
Kitkatsbiggestfan Donated 100 Dollars: Today's my birthday! Could I pretty please get a birthday nya from my favorite kitty :D?
"Ha! Good one!- Want me to do that you're gonna have to add a few more zeros."
Losers- These pathetic chumps think they can throw their cash and you'll automatically become their "precious little kitten". While that's true to some extent you still have your boundaries. You'll throw on the maid dress and call them master, but you draw the line at meowing, or any other of that cutesy cat shit. It felt dehumanizing as a grown adult with your own free will, not to mention they'd never let you live it down.
You ease back in your chair, thinking it's the end of that saga in your life when it happens. That same donation sends in another donation ten times the first with the cheeky tagline -
"Will that do? ;P"
More donations pour in voting in favor. Soon enough there's enough racked you could probably retire handsomely if you spent your money right, or at least pay for a nice vacation already feeling the headache this all will cause. There's definitely no way they'd let you back out of this now. Your pride was long gone the day you started streaming. Better to go down by the weight of wealth than regret.
Wedging your hands beneath your thighs, you hide your mouth in the collar of your shirt - leaning as far away from your mic as humanly possible. You steel yourself mentally and take a deep breath, but all that comes out is a meek-
Your ears twitch in response to every ping. You close your eyes, thinking of what useless crap you'll buy with your chat's money to distract yourself from their messages. A new chair. Fancy tuna. Restraining orders for all these sick fucks-
"Clip that!"
"Thanks for the new ringtone! ^^"
"Would you make that sound in bed? Asking for a friend-"
Why the fuck did you turn on text to speech?!
"If I see any videos of this online I will piss on your grave!"
"The only threat you're giving us is a good time..."
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dovesndecay · 4 months
It's June! It's Pride! It's (my) Birthday!
The Introduction Spiel:
Hi, I'm Reyah! (any pronouns! no really, go for it!) On June 21st, I'm turning 32, an exciting and mysterious age to be!! (So I've heard)
Warning: This is a post asking for financial help, and if there's one thing I would ask is that if you read the whole thing: please reblog.
I'm a multiply-disabled queer person of color, a writer, artist, and photographer. I live with three of my best-good-pal-friends, (@renthony, @kryptidkhaos, and @natalieironside) and our collective army of pets.
We all know it's damned hard to be all these things at the same time under the capitalistic hellscape we're living under, and we/I am always in need of a lot of help with the existing.
I ended the month of May with some smaller bills left still to pay, but am thankful to say that June already had fewer bills than usual due, and the amount I need to start the summer off right is actually less than I was afraid it would be! Woohoo!
What I Make
I mentioned my artistic endeavors, let me show you them!!
I write less often than I'd like, but I share poetry and shorts, when I have them, on my Patreon!
You must be over 18 to pledge, as I have, can, and will again share Adult Content occasionally. Patrons pledging at least $1/month get access to all content. But most posts becomes free to access eventually. :)
When I do longer form content, I primarily write fantasy with a focus on queer brown characters with disabilities, mental illnesses, and disordered attachments. Because therapy is expensive, and writing is free.
I do wildlife and landscape photography, primarily, but you can also check out my portrait and event work on my website! You can purchase PRINTS HERE.
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And because it's my birthday, I'm offering a 32% discount code for all my prints! The code is good from June 1st to July 1st!
A Note, if you purchase a print: first off: thank you. (please feel free to send a photo of wherever you display it!!!) secondly: this will not go towards the received totals on my financial need because Pixels doesn't pay out until nearly 2 months after the purchase. Funds made from sales will go towards future needs.
I've been exploring art, both analog and digital, a lot more lately, and have shared both process photos and final drafts on Patreon! Here are just a few examples:
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I admittedly don't post on patreon as much as I wish I had the energy to, but I try to make at least one thing a month, provided I have the spoons and time.
Creativity is, like, a level 5 spell slot when you're disabled and impoverished, and I appear to have exactly One (1) of those available at any given time.
The Needs:
The Bills: $1,100
Yeah, we had to get here eventually. Since this post is already pretty long, I'm putting the rest under a cut.
More than half of this, as always, is just for the car payment and insurance that keeps the regular day-job-haver getting to said job, and all our medical appointments, errands, etc.
I still owe around $13,000 total on Johnny Car, but I think we all know that's just not a real number.
The rest of the funds would go toward paying the small subscriptions, for my various medications, and the regular attempts to whittle away slowly at the $4,300 worth of other debt.
($2,200 of back taxes, and $2,100 of credit card debt, and gods, do I mean slowly. Interest piles up so much faster than I can seem to whittle.)
If you're able and willing to help with paying the bills, direct donations can be made here:
PayPal | (link)
Venmo | (dovesndecay)
Cashapp | ($dovesndecay)
If you can, and only if you can.
The It Would Be Cools:
Since every dime that comes in goes primarily towards food and bills, there's little left afterward to be put towards other life necessities like clothes, toiletries, let alone things I just think would be nice/neat/nifty to have.
I have a High Priority wishlist. It's mostly art supplies, bulk toiletries, etc.
I'm woefully low on clothes, being short, fat, and trans, so very little of what I own actually feels good to wear so much as it simply covers my body. I have a wishlist of clothes that would be nice to have.
For everything that firmly lands under the "I just want it" category, I have an Enrichment list. It's mostly stuffies, but also games, room decor, hobby supplies, books, and stim toys.
Our household keeps a big wishlist for things we need, want, groceries, accessibility products, and everything in-between.
Okay, now what?
Well, now, I'm gonna ask that if you got to this point, and if you can't/don't want to do any of the things listed above, then please reblog this post.
The more people that reblog it, the more likely I'm able to pay my bills for one more month this year.
But if you don't, it's not like anyone's gonna know. I'm not omniscient, I swear.
Anyway, I don't expect anyone to do anything if you can't or even if you just don't wanna, but if you can and you're willing to, it means the world.
I didn't think this is where I'd be at 32. But I never really expected to get here at all in the end, and it's a lot nicer than I thought it would be. Mostly because I am surrounded by amazing people who have the capacity to be so much kinder than I will ever have the words to describe.
Thank you, and to all, a happy pride!
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Can You Come Around
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
pairing: modern!steve harrington x modern!fem!reader
wc: 2629
cw: mad flirting, swearing, alcohol, drinking, weed, smoking, mentions of cheating, men being weird, smut, 18+ mdni, fingering, teasing
a/n: set in modern times with the reader as the front woman of a new band in NYC. hope you guys like it!!
steve masterlist
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“Goddamn”  Eddie whispered as they all stared up at the stage. 
It was Robin’s twenty-first birthday, causing everyone to meet up in New York City. Since Robin was the last of the eldest teens to turn of legal drinking age, the group decided to go on a small trip in honor of the momentous occasion. 
A four day trip with four of Steve’s closest friends—what could possibly go wrong. 
Originally? Nothing.
Wednesday and Thursday went off without a hitch. Seeing as her birthday was Wednesday, they spent the night bar hopping, snagging free drinks from those who were feeling generous enough to donate to their celebration, and snagging as many free desserts from as many restaurants as possible.
Then Friday night hit. Abandoning their original plan to try this bar near NYU that Nancy had been raving about, they found themselves in some other part of Greenwich, at this random bar that Eddie just had to go to. 
You see, the group had run into one of Eddie’s old friends on Thursday, and he wouldn’t stop raving about this random band that only Eddie seemed to have heard about. And that’s when Eddie turned to look at the group. 
“I said no Eddie, this was the plan–”
At one point he even got on his knees and pleaded with Nancy. 
She eventually caved when Eddie offered to sponsor her drinks for the rest of her trip.
Which is how they found themselves packed in the back corner of this surprising large space. It had to have spanned across two buildings since it was just this giant, underground hall that was covered in drawings, in stickers, in posters, in murals, in graffiti—dark, but not dingy, which Nancy and Robin greatly appreciated. Once the group had managed to snag a table in the back, and gotten their drinks, they all started talking to one another. 
It was loud, but since there was no music playing, they could still hear one another pretty well. 
That was until your band walked on stage the crowd of college kids roared. 
To say that Steve was completely and utterly entranced by you was an understatement. The roaming lights around the audience would catch his eyes every now and again, but it didn’t matter if he was being blinded since he could only see you anyways. 
As you greeted the audience, Eddie elbowed Steve slightly in an ‘I told you so’ manner. “You’re going to fucking love them man.” 
Steve only nodded in response, watching your smile broaden with each roar of applause from the crowd. 
The night went on like this, Steve being completely despondent from all conversations happening at the table, and the group making fun of his infatuation. He barely even finished the beer in his hand, only able to focus on the sound of your voice filling up every available inch of room. It was hard to not breathe you in with every single inhale he took. 
As the night was winding down, the crowd only grew. But as all good things, your performance had to come to an end. Your voice rang out. 
“New York!” 
They roared in response to you. 
“I just want to thank you all for coming out tonight to support me and my friends. At the end of the day we’re just a bunch of idiot twenty-two years old that fucking love music, and we’re so grateful you guys decided to come out and support us tonight.”
Steve heard Eddie scream over his shoulder with the rest of the crowd.
“Now, we only have one song left in our set–I know I know it’s devastating but some of us wanna get fucked up too.”
The opening chords of the song rang out and Steve swore he was going to go deaf. He had never actually felt sound before, but there was a first time for everything. 
Nancy whacked Eddie’s shoulder. “I fucking love this song, why didn’t you lead with that?” 
Eddie’s eyes grew wide as your voice floated over. 
Can you come around? Fuck me nice. 
“You know—you LIKE–this song?”
Pull my hair. Sing me lullabies. 
“Eddie, we listened to it in the van on the way here..”
And we can pretend that we're in love. 
Steve blocked out the rest of their conversations and zeroed in on the thrumming of his pulse as you continued to sing. 
“When you come around, I’ll wear red. And I’ll forget all the awful things you’ve ever said. And we can pretend that we're in love.” 
Singing has been a passion of yours from a very young age. You were in vocal lessons the second you turned four, and dance lessons by five. Your parents were certain you were going to be the next broadway triple threat. You had even picked up the guitar and piano by age seven. But by the time you hit middle school, you had become more interested in writing, in poetry. You dropped the dance lessons and picked up drum lessons instead, much to the chagrin of your father. Writing poetry turned into writing music, and suddenly you were sneaking off to go to concerts every night, finding ways to get into bars to see local singers and bands. It was exhilarating watching people pursue their passion.
You found your bandmates in your first semester at Columbia. You had been in the wrong place at the right time, finding out that one of your lab partners could also play the guitar and the bass. And then you found out she knew someone who played the drums who was looking for a few people to hangout with. Then you found out that the drummer's sister was a keyboardist who was over at NYU. And NYU’s roommate? Well she just so happened to be one of the greatest guitar players you had ever heard.
That’s when you guys started playing and writing music together. 
“Until I throw a punch and you call me a cunt and that tips me over the edge. Ah, you throw my phone out the window. The next thing the neighbor says she’s calling’ the feds, and I wish you were dead. For a sec. I wish you dead. “
You couldn’t help but feel as though someone had shot electricity through your veins. Any time you stepped out on that stage, it was as if the world shifted under your feet and suddenly you could feel every single pulse of every single person in the audience. 
Tonight was no exception. You had officially released two EPs with collections of songs on them over the past few years, but a few weeks ago, your band had signed with an agent, who was able to get you more gigs, better gigs. She was incredible. 
Exactly a week ago, you had released your first ever single with a label. Your EPs were listened to, and you were an up-and-coming group to look out for, for sure, but you had never had a single before. 
It blew up.
“But you come around. At ten pm. We watch tv. We break the bed.” 
Tonight was the first time you were singing the single live, and hearing the entire audience screaming the words back to you took your breath away. You almost forgot the next words since you were so baffled at just how many people knew your songs, how many people knew the words. 
 And we can pretend that we're in love. We can pretend that we’re in love.” 
You couldn’t help as your eyes roamed the entire audience the whole night, but during this final song, you locked eyes with someone in the back. 
He had these gorgeous eyes that only showed for a brief second as the light that had roamed over him, before it moved on and he was gone again. 
Your heart almost jumped into your throat and your stomach flipped. Who the fuck was this man, and how did you find him once you finished singing this song? 
“Until I throw a punch and you call me a cunt and that tips me over the edge. Ah, you throw my phone out the window. The next thing the neighbor says she’s calling’ the feds, and I wish you were dead.”
This song was written over the course of twenty-seven minutes. 
About four months ago, your relationship of three years had decided that you weren’t enough. And instead of ending it all proper-like, he decided to go and fuck some random girl in his ethics class. 
The irony was not lost on you. 
For a sec. I wish you dead. I wish you were dead.
After you had finished performing, you went backstage, congratulating your bandmates, but your mind was somewhere else. It was in the back of the venue with one of the most gorgeous men you had ever seen in your life. 
At the same time, Steve Harrington was running through all of the ways he would be able to find you in this crowd. He wasn’t about to tell his friends he was running off to find you, since it was Robin’s birthday night after all, but he wasn’t about to not take the chance. 
“They’re fucking amazing…” Robin slurred out a little bit, having had six shots in the past ten minutes. Wearing a “It’s my birthday” sash in a bar is all fun and games until you receive your tenth tequila shot and eighth free margarita from kind strangers. 
“Alright…maybe we should…”
Steve and Eddie chuckled at the sound that emanated from Robin’s mouth. He was sure if he put in the effort, he could translate it to a negative response to Nancy’s suggestion. 
“I’ll be right back Eds, while Nance and Johnny take Robin back. I know you wanted to stay out a little longer.” He muttered to Eddie before heading off, towards the hallway near the side of the venue. 
Steve found a bouncer near the end of the hallway who was smoking a cigarette and nodded outside. “Do you mind if I…?” 
The guy shook his head. “Knock twice to be let back in, yeah?” 
Steve nodded and headed outside, reaching into his pocket to pull out a joint from the small container in his pocket. 
Just as he did so, he heard a cough from beside him. “You don’t happen to have a…”
As Steve looked up, your voice trailed off. The rest of your sentence didn’t matter since you were face to face with the mystery man from the back of the room. 
“Hey you’re–” Steve pointed at you before realzing how fucking dumb he must sound. But you just shrugged and nodded. 
“Yeah. How’d you like the show?” 
Steve held the lighter up and lit the joint that was in your hand. “Loved it.”
All you could notice was how gorgeous his eyes were again, stunned into a moment of hesitation with words since you were absolutely too mesmerized by him. 
“Great fucking show.” 
That and his hands. You would let those fucking hands do anything to you. 
“Think so?”
Steve nodded, and bit his lip as he looked you up and down shamelessly.
You come around. Fuck me nice. Pull my hair. Sing me lullabies.
You shoved Steve up against a wall, lips against his. He tasted like weed and whatever beer he had been drinking earlier. 
His hands cupped your ass as the two of you began to make out in the dimly lit alley behind the venue. 
No other words needed. 
Your body rolled reflexively against his, causing him to moan softly into your mouth. 
“Just gonna kiss me pretty boy or…” You muttered as you kissed across his jaw, sucking and leaving marks all across his neck. 
Steve took the opportunity to roll the both of you against the wall so now his body pressed yours up against it. 
His hands had moved from your back to your hips, squeezing them ever so slightly as to get more of a rise out of you. 
It was working. 
He slipped one of his hands down the curve of your hip and to the front of your jeans, unzipping them as you moaned into his mouth. The fingers that had previously been on his neck were now twisted in his hair. 
Steve’s pointer finger slid up your panties, causing your whole body to jolt at the touch of him between your thighs. 
His lips trailed down your cheek and towards your neck. 
The feeling of his hand so close to your pussy and the fanning of his breath over your neck was enough to almost send you over the edge right then and there. 
Steve knew better than to keep you waiting. Brushing aside your underwear with his thumb, he pressed a finger up into your core. 
Steve’s eye’s grew darker at the feeling of how completely soaked you were, just for him. 
Your hips rocked back and forth slightly, trying to get him to move, trying to get the friction. 
Steve took the hint and dug his finger in further, getting up to his knuckle in pussy. 
Once Steve had thouroughly fucked you with just one finger, he decided to add another. And then another, causing you to tug even more on his hair. 
Steve decided right then and there, he loved the feeling of your squirming on his hand while you yanked the shit out of his hair. 
“F-fuck–shit I’m…I’m so..” 
Steve started rapidly curling his fingers inside of you, over and over and over again, brushing against your g-spot over and over and over again. 
His other hand came up to your mouth and he slowly pushed his two middle fingers inside, causing you to slightly choke on them, and then moan. 
It was muffled by the digits in your mouth, but it was the final straw that caused your orgasm to snap your body in half. Choking slightly on one hand, and your pussy convulsing on his other, you had ascended to heaven. 
A man had never made you cum just by fingering you before. 
In the midst of your orgasm, body spasming at Steve’s fingers contined to fuck your insides, that Steve was probably just a god—a sex god really. No man could be this handsome and fuckable, while also being phenomenal at sex. 
Eventually as your body calmed down, and Steve removed his hand from your mouth, you felt his lips on yours. Your hand instantly shoved him hard against your lips, feeling the need to feel something of his skin on yours. 
He slowly circled his fingers causing your body to let out another moan, sending a shiver up your spine. 
After a few moments Steve pulled away, and you opened your eyes to take another look at the man standing with you. As you did so, he very gently pulled his hand out, looking you in the eyes the whole time. 
You might as well had cum a second time right then and there as he slowly slipped his fingers, covered in your orgasm, into his mouth. If you thought about it too much, you were sure you basically drooled right then and there for this man. 
Steve raised his eyebrows at the fact that the woman he had just heard singing her heart out was now speechless at him. 
“You’re coming back to my apartment.” 
You nodded and slid one of your hands down to zip up your jeans and fix your shirt.  Not that it mattered since you looked like you had just been fucked to heaven and back in an alley. 
Not even a moment later, just as Eddie was leaving the club he received a text from Steve: 
Dont wait up
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hauntedrph · 2 months
Hi lovely, my birthday is coming up in / on September 17 and I will turn 30! It’s such a big thing for me and I’d like to gather as much fund as I can to make it a good one and hopefully to clear up some debt and bills alongside groceries sorted to feel free and have a better grip off anxiety , severe depression & bpd especially since. I live alone.
The commission process is slower than usual given the many heatwave and my disability kicking in but you will get your graphics done and I’m okay being nudged every now and then.
I take payment before i start working on anything and it is made through PayPal ( or any of the other alternative below ) and sent it as friends and family. if there are fees to pay I am not the one who should be charged.
Donation and tips are welcome but not obligatory. Please note though if you decide to pay via Kofi it will takes an amount off it.
Amazons wishlist.
Dash icons 5 dollars ( you will get more than one if you ask )
Post banners ( ooc, inbox call, Shipping call etc ) pack 5 - 20 dollars depending on the complexity.
Mobile Headers 8 dollars.
Promotion 10-15 dollars dollars depending on the complexity.
Blog pack: 20 - 30 dollars. ( Dash icon, mobile headers, promotion, post banners ) depending on the complexity.
Buy one get one might apply for some of these if you sent a proof of purchase
So if you’re interested in potentially helping me out or comissions me feel free to reach out, thank you! It would be a pleasure to work with you in the near future. You can find some examples below.
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uriekukistan · 4 months
fics for gaza 🍉 UPDATED POST
hi everyone! i'll be participating in the fundraising initiative led by @ficsforgaza! for more information on how to participate as reader, or as a writer, you can visit this post!
how it works: in exchange for donations to vetted fundraisers, i will write at a rate of 100 words per $1. as a reader, you can either choose to "sponsor" one of my current wips/ideas, or you can make a request! more info on my wips & making requests below the cut.
even if you aren't interested in sponsoring my writing, please consider donating to one of the fundraisers anyway, if you're financially able!
total raised: $46
reblogs appreciated!
sponsored wips ❀
step one: donate to a vetted fundraiser and screenshot your proof of donation and block out any personal information
step two: send me an ask with your proof of donation and which wip(s) you would like to sponsor. word counts will be kept updated as i receive sponsorships.
summer lovin' (Jujutsu Kaisen, Itafushi - Yuuji x Megumi & Inuokko - Yuuta x Inumaki, Beach AU, Fluff & Light Angst) : Boyfriends Yuuta and Toge set up their friends Megumi and Yuuji after watching them pine for each other. 1/10 parts sponsored, about 2500-3000 words a part
untitled touka birthday one-shot (Tokyo Ghoul, background Touken - Touka x Kaneki, Fluff & Light Angst) : Touka celebrates her birthday and feels the first semblances of home since the Anteiku Raid where everything went wrong. 0/1500 sponsored
untitled Yuuji POV one-shot of Dancing With a Stranger (Jujutsu Kaisen, Itafushi - Yuuji x Megumi, College/Dancers AU, Fluff & Light Angst) : Yuuji has a huge crush on Megumi, but the green-eyed ballerina doesn't seem to like him much... 0/7000 sponsored
requests ❀
step one: please read my rules and propose your request to me via dm first (i don't bite)! i haven't done requests since (checks notes) 2015, so i'm still not sure what i'm comfortable writing for others 😅
step two: once i've accepted your request, please send proof of donation for me to start writing! i will try to have your request done within a week, but life does happen, so please be patient with me 🙏
request rules
i write for jujutsu kaisen, tokyo ghoul, and death note.
i will write ships, character studies, or any general story you have in mind. i do not write x reader fics at this time.
i will not write anything nsfw, nor will i write any adult/minor or incest ships.
i will write heavier topics, such as mental illness, addiction, violence, toxic relationships, etc, but i will not be romanticizing them. these are serious issues and i will treat them as such, and do my best to portray them realistically.
if you have any questions about what i will or will not write, please feel free to send an ask or a dm!
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justmeinadaze · 1 month
I'm In Control: 5 Years Later (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Pornstars Steddie (Daddy Steve & Sir Eddie) X Porn Agent Sub Fem Reader, SMUT, dp, praising, light hair pulling, after care of course, FLUFF, they love each other, mentions of kids, a bit more emphasis on the readers relationship with TJ.
Protective Steddie! Reader gets assaulted and hurt by the head of a studio she has a meeting with. The attack itself isn't described in detail. Just mentions of the after math (gets a cut on her head). She mentions feeling uncomfortable with the questions the man asks and tells them how he hit her before she ran out of there. Definite trigger warning for anyone who has been in a similar situation.
TJ and Steddie get revenge showing what happens when you "hurt their girl". Reader briefly discusses how the situation reminds her of her life with her religious parents and feeling stuck or trapped. They remind her that she's safe and they will always protect her <3.
Brief mentions of Steddie's fear of being a father. Very brief.
I think that's it.
Word Count: 5493
Full Series Here/ Donate to Me <3
As you watch both men on set, you can’t help but bite your lip as you try to stifle the moan that wants to break free. 
It had been 5 years since TJ let you go to start your own agency and you took off running fairly quickly. You started small in the room the boys had created for you as a work area, managing your three clients as you normally had. As soon as you had enough money and more people to manage, you were able to hire another agent. Someone you vetted personally to make sure they would take good care of their clients and not abuse their trust for financial gain. 
After a couple years, you purchased you own floor within a building and renovated it to fit your needs. Currently, you had four agents with 5 clients a piece and you always made sure everyone was comfortable and helping where you could while still managing the men you loved. Avery trusted your judgement when you suggested he work with one of the new people you hired but Eddie and Steve were steadfast on the notion that they didn’t want anyone but you looking after them. 
Over the past couple years because of how much they were making, they were able to cut down on how many projects they worked and when they did do them it was triple what they made financially in the past. Eddie was able to focus more on his music and found a good fan base on social media that seemed to genuinely care about what he was playing. Steve seemed to push more towards the technical aspect of films with his free time, asking photographers a ton of questions to learn what he could. For his birthday you bought him a camera and he utilized your gift to do photoshoots for some of the newer actors and actresses who needed headshots to find work. 
You still came to the shoots when you could especially when they were filming a scene together like today. As Steve slammed his release into the man below him, Eddie spilled onto the sheets in front of him while his tongue continued to rapidly flick at the clit in front of his face till the actress trembled and screamed obnoxiously in pleasure. 
“Cut! Good job everybody. That’s wrap for the day and I’ll call you guys if we need any reshoots.”
“Thanks Cal.”, Eddie beamed as they both sauntered your way. “Baaaaby.”
It was no longer a secret within the industry that were dating the hottest stars in porn especially now that you were your own agent and you appreciated being able to have regular couple PDA instead of hiding your relationship. 
“You guys did so good.”, you smile as you tilt up to kiss both their lips. “Are you ready to head home?”
“Yeah, we just need to grab our things. You don’t need to go by the office or anything?”, Steve asks.
“Hm not tonight.”, you answer as you watch them get dressed near their bags. “I’m still waiting for a call from Diamond Studios. The owner has phenomenal productions and I would love to get some clients in that door.”
“They’ll call, baby. They’d be insane not to.”, the metalhead praises as they take your hands in theirs and you head towards your car. 
Steve softly grins at you as your eyebrows scrunch together while sorting through some of your work documents in your shared bed. They were always attracted to your work ethic and need to make sure everything goes smoothly. They experienced it first-hand since day one and it was one of their favorite things about you. 
Dipping towards his nightstand, he grabs his camera, focusing it and taking a picture of you without you realizing until you hear the little click sound. 
“Steve.”, you giggle. “What are you doing? I’m a mess!”
“I think you look beautiful; wearing one of Eddie’s shirts with your hair up in that ‘I’m trying to focus’ messy hair bun.”
Rolling your eyes, you lightly kick him with your foot as you both laugh and the metalhead tosses a grin your way. 
“Hey. Come here, sweetheart, and look at this.”
As you curl up closer to Eddie’s side, he lifts his arm to wrap around your shoulders and adjusts the laptop he had been staring at for a while so you could take a look. On the screen was a gorgeous one-story, four-bedroom house with a lot of square feet that expanded the length of what seemed like a property near the beach. 
While flipping through the individual photos, both men commentated on every one. 
“That would be a good home office for you, honey. You can keep the window open and listen to the waves.”
“I can use this room for my guitars and recording when I work on my music.”, Eddie adds. “This basement area here Steve can use for his photography developing and equipment.”
“Oh, baby, look. We could sit on that patio at night and just relax.”, the other boy grins as he leans against your bicep.
“It is a beautiful home.”, you smile. “Whose is it?”
“Ours.” Their eyes watch as you sit up and furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “If you really do like it, of course.”
“Eddie… this is a beach front property. It’s most likely super expensive.”
“Not super expensive but it definitely had a price tag. With Steve and my income alone we were able to put a good chunk of money down. I just got the email from the realtor and they said we could move in within a couple of months.”
“But…I…” Your mind continued to reel as you tried to comprehend what was happening. “We don’t need thatmuch space. You know I can work from anywhere in the house and what would that additional room be for?”
“We were thinking our kids.”
You blinked and exhaled heavily at his words.
“Baby, Steve and I have been thinking about this for a while. You’ve been with us through everything for the last 5 years and our porn careers are at the highest they’ve ever been.  Now we want to experience the rest of our lives with you and that includes a family.”
“Not right now of course but whenever you’re ready, baby girl.”, Steve coos as he brushes some of your hair behind your ear so they can see more of your face.
“I didn’t think either of you would want to have kids with me.” Genuinely taken aback by your statement, they sit up and turn their bodies more to face your direction. “I’m sorry… I know it’s been so long since what happened at the wedding but…” At your mention of the event that caused them to lose you for a couple of weeks, they couldn’t help but hang their heads. “… I know you both have come so far when it comes to me and our relationship but since we never really talked about having kids I just assumed after what you told me back then that—”
“We’d be too afraid to have them.”, Eddie finishes for you. “I can understand why you would think that but, honestly sweetheart, when I look at you and think about having a son or daughter I don’t feel any fear.”
“You showed us we can be good men and we know with you by our side, we’d be good fathers.”
Smiling at their answer, you tilt towards them and give them each a soft kiss on the lips. 
“Yeah you would. Ok, let’s do it. I think it’s the perfect home for us and our future little family.”
“Steve Harrington why are you taking my picture?”, Eddie chuckles as he strums his guitar.
“Hey, I take pictures of everyone and you’re giving me a good photo op right now.”, the other man grins as he snaps another. 
“I think you’re just bored because Y/N’s in her meeting.”, the metalhead teased. 
This morning you had gotten a call from the studio you had been waiting to hear from and left in the afternoon to meet with him at his office. Unless they had a gig you scheduled for them, both men usually did their own thing around the house until you came back home or visited you in your office like they used to. 
“Hey baby.”, Steve coos as he turns to face the front door when he hears it open before his features fall and Eddie watches him run forward, getting up to hastily follow. “Y/N, what happened?!”
As they skidded to where you were kneeling on the floor, the long-haired boy cupped your cheeks in his palms as his eyes scanned over the blood coming from a cut on your temple near your eyebrow.
“I’ll get the kit.”, the other man declared as he ran towards the bedroom. 
“It’s ok, sweetheart. Everything’s ok. You’re safe now.”
Steve slides to the floor again and tears through the box, finding what he needs as he places the cotton on you wound making you wince.
“I know. I know, baby girl, I’m sorry.”
Carefully, Eddie reaches for your blouse but you flinch as you try to lift your arms. Not wanting to cause you anymore pain, the metalhead rips your shirt with his hands and his jaw tightens when he sees the indent of where your shirt had been yanked against your skin. 
“What happened, Y/N? Did that fucker hurt you?”
Instead of answering, you tackled your arms around him as you sobbed in his embrace.
Without saying a word, Steve opened the door to allow TJ into their home. Your former boss took in the situation before him as he nodded a silent hello to Eddie who was sitting beside you on the couch. 
While you were in the shower they called TJ thinking he may be able to get you to tell them what happened since you hadn’t said a word since you came home. He had known you way before you met them and you told them once you thought of him like a father figure so they knew you felt safe with him. 
Grabbing one of the dining room chairs, he placed it in front of you and took a seat. 
“The guys told me you three were looking into a house by the beach. Good because this house is way too small for you, angel.”, he chuckles as he nonchalantly glances around the living room. “You were always meant for bigger, better things.”
Your bottom lip quivers at his compliment and Eddie tenderly pets your head as Steve’s worried eyes continue to rake over you from his place against the wall. 
“I also heard you were trying to get in touch with the owner of Diamond Studios. The guy who started it was a good man before he retired. I never got to meet the man he passed it off to. But you did this afternoon, didn’t you, honey?”
As you nod, you wipe your eyes with your fingers as the tears begin to fall. 
“Did you go to the studio?” He blinks and exhales with a bit of relief when you nod again. “Good. I always said, ‘Never meet anyone at their house alone no matter what they say.’”
“H-He lets his employees go at 2pm.”, you whisper.
“Her meeting was at 1:30.”, Steve growled as his fists clenched under his crossed arms. 
“When did you start noticing something wasn’t right?”, TJ asked in a comforting tone. 
“He asked me questions that w-w-weren’t about my agents. He asked if I’ve ever been in front of the camera and what I enjoyed… I told him if he wasn’t interested in my agents and their clients then I had to leave.”
“Good, good. Then what happened?” As you began to stutter over your words, your former boss grabs your hands and softly holds them in his. “Take your time, angel.”
“H-H-He grabbed my arm when I tried to get up and s-s-said that he knows I want this because…”
“Because you’re with us.”, Eddie finished when you paused. 
“We fought and he hit me…”
“Ok, honey. Is that everything?” When you nodded again all three men sighed in relief. “You’re safe, baby, ok?”
You blinked as your eyes met his. TJ always called you angel but only ever called you baby when that protective dad mode kicked in. 
Rising to his feet, he tenderly kissed your forehead before gesturing towards the kitchen for the other men to follow. 
“Do you know where he is right now?”, Steve grumbled trying to control his temper. 
“No but I can find out. Give me 10 minutes.”
His eyes followed you as you ran after both men as they disappeared down the hallway to the bedroom. 
“Take me with you.”
“Stay here and we’ll be back in about an hour or so.”, Eddie commanded as if he hadn’t heard you.
“I’m not waiting here while the men I love go out there and defend me. We do things together.”
“This isn’t a fucking date, Y/N. Now, do as we say and stay here.”
“NO, DADDY!” They paused, turning to face you as you screamed their way. “No. That asshole hurt me. I deserve to see you do whatever you two are planning on doing.” Your defiant features began to falter slightly as the tears began to fall again and the metalhead stepped forward to caress your cheek. “I won’t get in the way, Sir, I promise.”
You saw it in their eyes the more you spoke. The titles were in the driver’s seat the moment you stepped through the door. Someone had the audacity to hurt you and they were going to do whatever needed to be done to not only show you that you were safe but to show the outside world what happens when you hurt what’s theirs. 
“His name is Bryce Hunter. He’s at a party at some swanky house downtown.”, TJ rolls his eyes. “I can get you in and then after I deliver my message you can deliver yours.”
“Hey, TJ! How are things going, old man.”
All three men were on alert but especially Eddie and Steve as their angry eyes took in their surroundings. Covered in the metalhead’s leather jacket, you kept your head on a swivel as you searched, trying to help them find who they were all looking for. 
“Not so good, Trent. Do you know where Bryce Hunter is?”
“Pfft, that asshole.” The man rolls his eyes as he points towards the stairs. “I saw him go upstairs with one of the other actresses.”
After patting his back as if to say thank you, TJ heads that way and begins opening doors with you by his side, murmuring apologies along the way to every unfortunate couple he caught in the act. At the last door he banged open, a man and a woman hastily jump apart as you back up and take Eddie’s hand in yours. 
“That’s him.”
“Miss, go ahead and head back downstairs. Trust us, you don’t want to have anything to do with this guy here.”
As she straightens up her dress, her wide eyes meet yours as she takes in the bandage on your face. Nodding her head, you can tell she knows and understands, squeezing your palm on her way out for emphasis before closing the door after she leaves. 
“The fuck is—”
TJ’s fist hits Bryce’s face hard and as he falls to the floor you back out of the away as your boys step forward to stand at his side. 
“Hey Bryce. My name is TJ. I don’t think we’ve met yet but I assure you that you are never going to forget my face.” He punches him again and grabs his collar, yanking him up right. “You see that girl over there? Not only did I train her to be the agent and company owner she is today but I’d like to think of her as part of my family. You hurt someone in my family, Bryce.”
“Congratulations, we’re going to make an example out of you tonight. If you or any other person even thinks about touching Y/N Y/L/N, we’ll be by to visit again and we won’t be so nice. Most people in the industry here already know that but just in case can you double check?”
“Y-Y-Yes, sir. I’m…I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“Oh, Bryce. Yes, you did.” TJ rises to his full height and gestures towards the man on the floor. “All yours, gentlemen.”
“Wait! Wait, I thought—”
“You thought wrong.”, Steve growled as he grabbed the man’s collar and punched him hard.
Your former boss gave you a small smile as you silently thanked him before closing the door behind him.
The entire car ride back home was silent but every mile that passed you felt the energy get thicker and thicker with need. The way their dominance oozed while protecting you drove you insane especially when they spoke.
“You had the fucking audacity to put your hands on any woman but especially ours.”, Eddie grumbled as he kicked Bryce’s stomach. “She deserves respect.”
“I’m sorry! I’m so fucking sorry.”, he cried. 
“Oh no, little boy. Are you crying? Are you scared? Probably about as scared as she was when you told her she was a whore and hit her across the face.”, Steve seethed through clenched teeth. “If I were you, I would beg her for forgiveness because your fate is in her hands.”
Bryce’s wide eyes flicked between you and the other two men. 
“You don’t want that up to us. If we had it our way, you’d be in the fucking hospital by now. What do you think, baby? Has he been punished enough?”
When all you do is glare his way, he begins to plead desperately. 
“Please, Y/N. I’m so sorry. Nothing like this will ever happen again. I promise. I learned my lesson.”
“You’re right, it won’t. I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure your studio is shut down and you never hurt anyone else again.”
“NO! Y/N, please, I can’t—”
When he ran forward, Eddie grabbed his collar and threw him back to the ground. 
“You should have thought about that before doing what you did and we’re going to help her follow through with that.” 
As he kicked him again, your hand reached out to grab his arm. 
“That’s enough, Sir.” His chest puffed out as he continued to heavily inhale and exhale, desperately wanting to hurt this man more. Facing Steve, his equally rage filled eyes seem to calm as they meet your softer ones. “I think we’ve punished him enough this way, Daddy.”
Blinking, he curtly nodded and took your other hand as you three walked back out into the party. 
Pausing in the doorway of your house, your palm tugged their arms causing them to stop and look your way. You had closed your eyes to try and suffocate the tears that had begun to fall, frustrated at the feeling of being helpless.
“You’re not weak.”, Eddie murmured as he stepped towards you. “What happened wasn’t your fault. I’ve known you for almost six years and I’m 100% positive that you went in there was the same strength and power you always carry. Don’t let a fucker like him make you think you’re anything but.”
Taking your hands in his, he rests his forehead against yours. 
“You’re also not weak for being scared. Someone tried to belittle and hurt you. He put his hands on you…”, he growled, closing his mouth as he exhaled through his nose making you cup his face in your palms. 
“Is it werid that…I was more afraid for you? I don’t want you to get hurt or lose everything because of me…”
“Baby girl…we would give up everything willingly for you if it meant keeping you happy and safe. You think we care about our fucking careers or anything else more than you? No, little miss. If we ever lost you…” As Steve’s eyes close and his head tilts, you quickly jump into his arms as he holds you tightly. “Fucking asshole is lucky we didn’t fucking kill him.”
Your lips almost desperately crash to his as the needy energy within you implodes. Steve blindly carries you towards the nearest flat service he can find and places you on the kitchen counter as you hastily tug at his belt buckle trying to free his cock from its confinement. 
It’s a bit manic the way you pull off your shorts and panties while clinging to his collar to bring him as close to you as possible. You hadn’t even removed Eddie’s jacket loving the heavy comfort it brought you but you needed more. Spitting into your own palm, Steve groaned as you stroked along his length before slowly guiding him into your core. 
His large hand takes hold of your lower back, bringing you closer to the edge of the counter as he rolls his hips at a needy pace. Your arms wrapped around him as he rested his head in the nook between your neck and shoulders. With every slap of his hips, his warm breath would warm your skin as he panted out a groan. 
“I love you, Daddy, so much.” In response, Steve’s lips attached to your throat as his tongue grazed your flesh. “Thank you for protecting me and taking care of me.”
At your praise, his rhythm increased as he pounded his cock deeper into your cunt eliciting a loud mewl that had you biting into his shoulder. 
“Fuck.”, he whimpered as his fingers threaded through your hair and pulled lightly as he felt your body tremble against his as you came. 
Tilting your head back, his lips sloppily kissed yours and you hummed at the taste before you felt him back away and ring covered fingers gripped your thighs as you were lifted once more.
Eddie had already removed his shirt and as your nails dragged down his chest he couldn’t help but moan as he carried you halfway down the hallway before stopping to press your back against the wall. 
Just as you had done with Steve, you circled your limbs around his neck and the metalhead kept one hand on you as he choppily pulled down his shorts just enough for his cock to spring free. Ever the master of his craft, Eddie utilized his hips to guide himself inside you and adjusted you around his waist. 
“Mmph—I love you, Sir. I a-always feel safe with you, baby. Thank you. I’m so happy I belong to you both.”
His grunts had your eyes rolling closed as he continuously hit that sensitive spot inside you that only they could every reach. That desperate feeling washed over you again and you held on to him with all the strength you had as your maneuvered your hips to meet his animal-like thrusts with ones of your own. 
As the coil snapped, you rode out your high and whimpered his title till the ecstasy subsided. Pushing his face into your neck, you petted his head as your soft voice hit both their ears. 
“I didn’t get scared until he grabbed my shirt. I thought I could talk my way out of the situation like I had done before when I was uncomfortable but when I started to leave and he grabbed me…” When your voice cracks, Eddie leans back so he can see your face as your eyes meet his own. “I know it sounds dramatic but when he hit my head and I hit the floor…all I could think about was you and Steve. How you’d be alone and hurting if I didn’t…make it back home.”
As you sobbed, the metalhead pressed you tightly to his chest and carried you to your bedroom with the other man close behind. After fully undressing you and laying you between them, their lips gently kissed your skin as their hands pet your head or rubbed along your arms. 
After lifting one of your legs over his waist, Eddie and Steve guided themselves into your body and a heavy exhale mixed with a mewl left your lips. This is how it was supposed to be; the three of you together. 
Between them and tangled in their arms is where you felt the safest. 
“I’m so sorry this ha-happened, sweetheart.”, Eddie groaned. “Something like that will never—mmm—never happen again.”
“Because now they know…”, Steve followed. “…what will happen when they fuck with our girl.”
“Ours.”, you repeat as your fingers hold the man’s hand while cupping the metalhead’s cheek with your other. 
“Yeah, little miss. Ours. Fuck.”, the long-haired boy whimpered as his lips met yours and both their rhythms matched as they pounded into you, their cocks abusing all of your sensitive areas as you became putty in their grasp. 
“M’gonna cum, Sir. Please, baby, j-just like that. Can I—”
Eddie’s aggressive nodding cut off your question and your face pressed into his shoulder as you let go, clenching around him as you came. He soon followed with a strained sounding grunt as fingers tangled in your hair and his hips sputtered as he filled you up. 
“C-Cum…Cum, Daddy. Please…I need you to.”
Steve’s sweaty body presses flat against yours as he rolls his hips roughly till you feel his release warm your insides. 
Nobody moved as you listened to their breathing slowly return to normal. After a while, they carefully pulled out of you and turned on the shower, waiting for the steam to rise before stepping side. A small smirk painted your lips as they descended on to the tile floor with you in tow, choosing not to even ask this time if you wanted to sit. 
Steve delicately ran a rag over your body but your hand abruptly grabbing his gave him pause as you looked over his knuckles. 
“Does it hurt?”, you ask in a curious, little voice that tells them you haven’t fully exited the headspace yet. 
“No, honey. I mean, it stings a little but probably nothing compared what that asshole is feeling.”
Before you can get the chance, Eddie flashes you his hands to show you the minimal cuts he was now donning on his own knuckles. 
“My rings took a lot of the impact. When I get into a fight I usually take them off to be fair but this fucker hurt our girl. He doesn’t get fair.”
You nod as your eyes fell and you curl up into his chest. 
“What are you thinking about, pretty girl?”
“I…I didn’t like the way he made me feel vulnerable. It…made me feel like…when I was a kid and my parents would scold me and my brother about being evil. He kind of…mentally pushed back…to a place I long let go of…”
Turning off the water, both men helped get you dry and placed you on the counter by the sink so they could look over your own wounds. 
“We can understand that. When your vulnerable with us, you’re still in control. You know we would never hurt you. With your family and then Bryce…you felt trapped.”, Eddie explained, validating your feelings as he brushed your hair away from your face so he could place a new bandage on your cut. “Don’t ever forget, sweetheart, that you always have us. No matter where you are, you’ll never be trapped or stuck because we’ll come save you.”
“Kind of sounds like we’re the mob.”, Steve chuckles as he watches his friend cover the gauze with a band aid before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Hey now, Stevie.”, Eddie responds with a fake gangster voice that makes you giggle. “This is our baby girl and NO ONE hurts our girl or else they swim with da fishes, ya hear?”
You’re still laughing as he lifts you in his arms and carries you back to bed. 
3 Months Later
“Lucky, slut! Then again, I can never sit still long enough to have a home let alone one by the beach. Lol. It’s a beautiful view, Y/N. I can’t wait to come and visit.”
You grin at your brother’s text as you place the phone down on the table and lean back in your chair to admire your nighttime view of the beach setting in front of you. You three, TJ, and Avery had spent all day moving your things from their house to this new one as well as any of the new furniture you bought on the guy’s instance for the new space to feel more like a home. 
“Alright, I think that’s everything. Now you just need to have a homecoming party to christen it.”, your former boss beams as he takes a seat beside you and takes a sip from the beer in his hand. 
“I believe it’s called housewarming, not homecoming.”, you giggle. 
“Eh, tomato ta-ma-toe.”, he shrugs before gesturing towards your phone. “I, uh, heard that Bryce Hunter was fired from Diamond Studios and a new head took over the company.”
“Huh. You don’t say.”, you playfully pout as you tilt your head. 
“Yeah, some kid is in charge of the studio now. Avery something, I think.”
“What did I do?”, the man inquires as he takes a seat near you. 
“Look, I just made a call to some people and suggested an amazing young man who I knew could handle a business like that and would be respectful of all the people in the productions.”
“Oh, you’re talking about Y/N getting me the job of head of Diamond Studios.”, Avery giggled as TJ jokingly rolled his eyes. 
“Nothing gets past you, kid.”
“Oh, don’t act like you aren’t proud of him. We both know you have a kind heart, old man.”
When your eyes meet his, you deliver him a soft smile silently thanking him for everything he’s done for you and in return he reaches over and tenderly pats the back of your hand. 
“Shit! Steve, get your camera. TJ’s showing affection.”, Eddie shouts as he tosses a pizza box onto the table as your boss lets you go and sighs. 
“See? This is why I don’t tell you people anything.”
Steve lifts you out of your seat to take it and pull you on to his lap. 
“Thank you guys for helping us move. We really appreciate it.”
While everyone talks and enjoys the meal, you take in your little chosen family. Your parents always believed that certain behaviors were sinful yet from an early age none of it made sense to you. To you, these four men were angels and you had no idea where you would be without them. They made you feel loved unconditionally and you trusted them with every fiber of your being. You felt safe and protected which is something you never had growing up.
“Hey, you. Everything ok?”, Eddie asked later that night while you were in bed staring out the sliding glass door that led to the patio outside. 
“Yeah. I’m just thinking about how lucky I am to have you two and the guys.”, you sigh pleasantly, giggling when tattooed arms wrap around your tummy and spin you to the middle of the mattress where Steve lays on the opposite side. 
“Hey. You deserve this.”, he grins as he gestures absently around the room. “You deserve to be happy.”
“So do you.”, you smile back as you kiss his lips. 
“Trust us, princess. We’ve never been happier. You changed our lives, baby, and for the better.”
Tilting your head back you kiss the metalhead’s lips as well as he yanks you closer to his chest. 
“Speaking of ‘baby’. When, um, when did you guys want to…I mean when were you thinking…?”, you stutter making their grins grow. 
“Whenever you want, little miss.”
“I can schedule an appointment with my doctor to get off the birth control but whose, um,…”
“Oh my God, Eddie look. The porn agent is blushing at the word sperm. That’s so cute.”, Steve teases as you cover your face with your palm trying to hide.
“No, sweetheart, no don’t hide. Harrington and I planned this out. We’re going to duke it out battle of the death style and whoever is still standing gets to give you sperm.”
They laugh harder when you lightly elbow him in the side and your cheeks get even redder. 
“It’s ok, baby. We were thinking since we’d both be dad you know we didn’t need to know. We can just both try… no matter who helped create them they’re ours.”
“Ok. Whatever makes you comfortable.”, you smile, turning red all over again when they both kiss your cheeks. 
Im working with an old tag list so bear with me <3
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @alienthings @lunatictardis
@corrodedcorpses @whoringtonmunswhore @big-ope-vibes
@eddiesguitarskills @brittney69 @mandyjo8719 @hugdealer
@h3llo-k1tt @mynameismothra @local-stoner-bitch
@miarosso @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @arianafreckles
@sweetpuffy12 @mybradforddream @sugar-haus
@manda-panda-monium @justsheerfilth1
@wroteclassicaly @micheledawn1975
@erinsingalong @imogen-m-h @playfuloutcast @spookedbydawn
@cinnamapup @bimbobaggins69
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @skyesthebomb
@sherrylyn628 @eli-flower @aejae-ssi @atomiclilac
@anaibis @chelebelletx @kik51199 @dashingdeb16 @nailbatanddungeon @hardladyheart
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paradoxproductions · 2 months
Hiii SO . I haven’t made a post like this in a while but I could really use some help!
I’m a disabled queer artist, and after saving up and getting gifted money from my parents I was able to buy my boyfriend Seth a plane ticket to stay with me from mid September ~ January. He will be able to spend his birthday with us, my husbands birthday, my birthday AND Christmas here— which is usually a very traumatic times for me.
I’m wanting to try and pad my savings so I can afford his medication while he’s here, the extra food, and to do some fun stuff on our birthdays and holidays. I’m not expecting donations or free money! But if you’d like to help, I do have commissions and a ton of prints and cool stuff available in my shop!
I also currently have a sale going on, you can use code SETH at checkout for 21% off ALL ITEMS in my shop and SETH21 to get 21% off ALL commissions to celebrate his 21st birthday! Sale ends on September 29th as that’s his big day!
I have a lot of stickers and prints available and am willing to make custom stickers, prints and pins— so if you’ve been wanting anything please feel free to contact me here or on discord @ hereticsys !
Thanks so much for reading and if you could spread this around so I can reach interested parties that would be amazing !
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angelkhi · 7 months
red velvet - a.a
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links to support palestine🇵🇸: ways to help | esims | donate food | click to donate (it’s free!!)
pairing: baker!abby anderson x reader
summary: abby is stressed about a new recipe, you just want her to relax.
warnings: MINORS DNI, nakedness. no real warnings to be fair?? just very soft and mushy. still, i mean this in the meanest way possible, minors fuck off xxx
word count: 1.3k
a little note: hi it’s been a while. some softer stuff for you. i think that’s all i have to say. okay bye bye.
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Abby's passion for baking is something you can't help but admire. Her attention and care to each bake, the way she scrunches her nose as she concentrates, the way she stands there, eyes wide awaiting your opinion on her latest bake. You admire it because you love seeing her happy whilst creating something that she's proud of, and of course the sheer amount of baked goods you get presented with daily.
It's hard to understand how she finds such solitude in baking, considering her brow is permanently creased whenever she is in the kitchen. The first time the two of you met, she (and the countertops) had been caked in flour. Then there was the melted baking tray, and the batter covered walls due to a stand mixer related incident. Though the more you saw her, the sooner you came to realise that a messy kitchen kitchen is her natural habitat.
Getting to see her happy and relaxed in her own little way became some sort of a drug. You would sit across from her, most of the time not speaking, just watching. Her rough hands becoming delicate, arms flexing as she rolled out yet another batch of pastry, smiling widely whenever you tasted one of her creations.
She would silently place a cupcake or a pastry in front of you and step back, arms crossed, lip pulled between her teeth, brows furrowed, watching intently for your reaction. You would hum, nod, then compliment without pretence. Her smile would be so wide, so bright in the dim light of the kitchen. That was your favourite part, it still is, seeing her light up like that.
Each and every time she pours her love into her baking until it's overflowing, bursting at the seams, warming your insides and filling your stomach until you were full, yet it still left you hungry for more. At first it was the offering of a stray baked good when you visited Ellie and Dina, then it was sending you tupperware of fresh cookies and pastries weekly as though she knew the key to your heart lay in flaky chocolate chip croissants.
The final straw was your birthday cake. She stood there, face lit delicately by the slow burning candles, eyes as soft as her smile.
The cake itself was beautiful, topped in delicate piping, filled with a strange combination of your favourite flavours that seemed to mingle in your mouth, erupting across your tastebuds in each pleasurable mouthful.
This time when she gnawed at her lip in anticipation, you couldn't help but kiss her. Acting completely on impulse and pent up yearning. Seeing her hands work almost every day, tasting the fruits of their labour was one thing, but to feel them was something entirely different. Now, some years later she comes home to you, bringing a different sweet treat from her bakery everyday.
Today she comes home to an empty living room, the slight thrum of a running shower and quiet music welcoming her. She drops her things over the couch, puts a small box of sweet treats in the fridge, and follows your quiet humming to the steamed up bathroom.
She can perfectly map out each dip and curve of your body, despite the fogged up shower door, the sweet smell of your conditioner carried by each misty tendril.
She doesn’t think as she undresses, just wanting to be close to you after a long day alone. She calls out to you softly so she doesn’t startle you half to death. For once, the almost scalding heat of the shower is welcome against her taut skin, though she’ll never understand how you can withstand it for so long.
Resting her head in your neck as she breathes out a tired sigh. You stroke a hand through her soft hair, small flecks of cocoa power dusting her golden tresses.
"Long day?"
Abby nods her head, breath tickling your neck, the low hum of her words brushing against your skin.
"Mostly just missed you,"
She presses a kiss to your neck, hand resting on your stomach lightly, fingers itching to trace each dip and curve. Her hands don’t leave your skin as you turn to face her, a dollop of her pine shampoo in your hands. The moment your fingers touch her scalp, it’s like all of the stress in her body melts away into nothing.
“You’re all tense, what’s bothering you?” Your fingers massage until the soap becomes cloud-like, nails gently grazing her every now and then. Her eyes close on instinct, fingers tracing the skin at your waist, indistinct patterns that somehow feel like home.
“Nora’s trying out a new menu, m’trying to come up with some ideas but nothing feels right.”
“Your hands make magic. It’ll be perfect.” She smiles softly, staring at you for a moment before looking away. One day, you think, she’ll learn how to accept a compliment.
The more she relaxes the slower her hands move, and as much as you want to keep slowly running your hands through her hair, she’s practically falling asleep on her feet. You make quick work of rinsing and conditioning, being glad for once that she’s not a ten-step shower girl and shut off the water.
You hand her a warm fluffy towel, watching as her eyes droop even further. Your hand rests on her back as you guide her from the steam filled haze of the bathroom. You know she doesn’t need it, she’s more than capable of finding her way, but she deserves it every now and then, a helping hand no matter how soft. If you could give her only one thing, something she’d earned with each waking breath, it would be a moments rest, an anchor to ground her even on the most tiresome of days.
The two of you work around each other like a well oiled, yet sluggish machine. She hands you a sleep shirt, you hand her underwear, she hands you moisturiser, you braid her hair. It’s a dance the two of you are more than familiar with, one that has no end but rather slow swaying pauses.
A slither of moonlight runs from her arm across to your fingertips, her quiet curses empty of malice as she chucks the many pillows to the end of the bed. You smile, knowing that come morning they’ll be neatly arranged, not because she wants to, but because knows that’s how you like them.
“Snagged you some red velvet brownies.” Her words are muffled by a long yawn.
“I knew there was a reason why I liked you. That’s breakfast sorted.”
Abby chuckles, considering for a moment that your insatiable sweet tooth had played into some Pavlovian response to her constant baking. But whatever hold her skills in the kitchen had over you were minuscule compared to way you’d managed to entrance her just by being you.
“Anything to keep my girl happy.” She presses a kiss to your shoulder, pulling the covers higher once she notices the slight chill on your skin.
“I’m sure that’s what Nora tells the accountant every month.” Another chuckle from her, the sweetest symphony ever directed. You spend a moment shuffling around, getting comfortable, finally ending up with your arm strewn across her waist.
“Now relax, get some sleep, and stop thinking about whatever concoction i’m sure you’ve already perfected.” Your thumb moves in the same way hers had before, hoping it soothes her as much as it had soothed you.
“M’not even that tired.” She protests, her usually furrowed brows slightly relaxing, words slurred by sleep. You know she’ll be snoring in five minutes.
You relish in the feeling of her breaths slowing, her muscles releasing the pent up tension, of her finally relaxing. You quietly thank whatever invisible string of fate tied the two of you together. For allowing you to have moments like this in the quiet of the night. For letting you wake up to her every morning. For her.
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hungee-boy · 2 months
Today is my 24th birthday!
If you have the means and you want to do something for me, I want you to donate to these Palestinian donation campaigns that are the furthest from their goal (10% or lower).
I'm taking these from @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi 's list of verified campaigns and I HIGHLY urge you to donate and help these families survive and build new lives. Click on each name to access their campaigns.
Mahdy Zourob - €2,412 / €25,000 (9.6%)
Yousef Mounir - £5,292 / £50,000 (10.6%)
Ahmad Turk - £30 / £70,000 (0.0%)
Haifa Hasan - €1,110 / €25,000 (4.4%)
Sanaa and Rana Abu Ghaben - $5,761 / $100,000 CAD (5.8%)
Ahmad Shaban - £10,490 / £150,000 (7.0%)
Hassan Shbeir - $2,590 / $50,000 USD (5.2%)
Mahmoud Nedal - $2,763 / $50,000 USD (5.5%)
Mohammed Mansour - $10,888 / $150,000 USD (7.3%)
Anonymous - $4,189 / $50,000 USD (8.4%)
Sharif Family - $8,949 / $90,000 USD (9.9%)
Mahmoud Mousa - €1,766 / €15,000 (11.8%)
Nedal's Family - €870 / €33,000 (2.6%)
Basel Abu Ghaben - $4,077 / $105,000 CAD (3.9%)
Nasser Shoshaa - €6,464 / €120,000 (5.4%)
Abeer Ibrahim - $5,265 / $70,000 CAD (7.5%)
Mohamed Refiq Abdo - $6,103 / $100,000 CAD (6.1%)
Ahmed Abu Ghali - €2,948 / €50,000 (5.9%)
Ahmed Abu Shammala - €9,898 / €100,000 (9.9%)
Maha Ibrahim - kr 34,177 / kr 1,067,200 NOK (3.2%)
Khalil and Amal/Abdelsalam and Nahla - €3,246 / €80,000 (4.1%)
Yazan Ashraf Abu Safiya - €3,699 / €50,000 (7.4%)
Ihab Al-Masaraei - $2,440 / $35,000 USD (7.0%)
Hussam Hijazi - €7,225 / €75,000 (9.6%)
Khalil Abu Baker - €1,481 / €30,000 (4.9%)
Dima Nabahin - €1,757 / €30,000 (5.9%)
Nahla and Amal - €3,246 / €80,000 (4.1%)
Mahmoud Helles - €1,380 / €50,000 (2.8%)
Samira Ehab/Akkila - €527 / €30,000 (1.8%)
Tawfik Al Tatri - €571 / €25,000 (2.3%)
Mohammed Khatib - $439 / $10,000 USD (4.4%)
Hala Al-Nakhala - kr 19,466 / kr 600,000 SEK (3.2%)
Basel Ayyad - 3,318 / 60,000 CHF (5.5%)
Siraj Abudayeh - $6,108 / $82,000 CAD (7.4%)
Asma El-Derawi - €3,410 / €38,000 (9.0%)
Raghad Qanou - £3,615 / £55,000 (6.6%)
Wattan Abu El Eish - €4,563 / €50,000 (9.1%)
Abdulrahman Al-Abadla - $310 / $31,000 CAD (1.0%)
Hamza Alabassi - €2,085 / €21,000 (9.9%)
Hani Ibrahim - $3,528 / $50,000 USD (7.1%)
Majdy Al Shamaly - $2,937 / $140,000 CAD (2.1%)
Mohamed Jameel - €934 / €35,000 (2.7%)
Safaa Abu Baker - €1,857 / €15,000 (12.4%)
Mohammed Okal - kr 5,030 / kr 90,000 NOK (5.6%)
Sara and Alaa Tahrawi - £578 / £15,000 (3.9%)
Israa Al Azaiza - $2,775 / $48,000 CAD (5.8%)
Al-Moatasem Abu Amsha - €75 / €25,000 (0.3%)
Ghada Banat - €4,467 / €50,000 (8.9%)
Noha Al-Habil - $5,265 / $70,000 CAD (7.5%)
Ayman Sharif - $3,833 / $40,000 USD (9.6%)
Dr. Husam Farhat - $1,706 / $29,500 (5.8%)
Abed Rahman El-Shaer - $430 / $50,000 USD (0.9%)
Updated as of 07/14/2024.
It would mean the absolute world to me if you donated. My love and heartache go to these people and I want nothing more than for them to survive, heal, and have the means to live comfortably, as all human beings should.
Feel free to reblog with proof of donations and to share this to anyone you can think of. And, of course, be respectful, be kind, and always look out for your fellow man.
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pedropascalsx · 7 months
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After the success of last years birthday project, where we raised an incredible $2,683 for abortion rights we are back again with another birthday fundraising project!
This year we are raising funds that will go directly to doctors without borders / Médecins Sans Frontières - a charity that we know Pedro himself is very passionate about.
Donations and shares are very greatly appreciated as we aim to hit our first goal of $490! The fundraiser is live now and will remain live until Pedro’s birthday on the 2nd April.
I am co-chairing this fundraiser with my partner in kind @leslie-lyman again this year - please feel free to reach out to either of us if you have any questions!
Please donate, reblog and share if you can ❤️
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just-an-enby-lemon · 7 days
Thinking about the post talking about how The Illiad could be read as Troy Story and I demand and Toy Story illiad crackfic were they are toys from a middle school class, except some belong to the school and others (the ones favored by the gods) to the students.
The war is an elaborated playtime story made by some kids during the year and their free time is just them being toys. Some ideas:
- Odysseus is a Solid Snake action figure but his kid (the nerdy crafty tomboy girl called Athena) has repainted him/made him new cloth clothes he uses over his normal Solid Snake style. Other kids namely Poseidon make fun of Athena for making Ody clothes and giving him a diferent name instead of just calling him Solid Snake( and some umamed assholes about playing with "boy" toys).
- Achiles does not belong to any kid instead he is everyone's favorite toy. Apollo hates him because his action figure Hector from the Troy Royal Family Collection used to be the coolest toy before the school got Achiles from a donation box.
- Helen is Afrodite's barbie doll. She is a special edition rare doll and every girl wants her. She had a fling with school toy Menelaus but Afrodite got Paris as a birthday present and is playing Helen and Paris as a couple (real feelings might arrise???).
- Penelope used to be one of Afrodite's dolls but she gave her to Athena as an apology gift (the girls are frenimies).
- Patroclus is also a school toy and he and Achiles are dating in Toy World. First time the kids played war, Hector killed Patroclus in the make belief world and Achiles refuses to talk to him ever since.
- Cassandra is the only toy from the Troyan Family (is an in-universe cartoon very like Thundercats with a bit lf the new She-ra)Special Edition Apollo doesn't have (tho he gave Paris to Afrodite). He tried to steal her once and was caught by the teacher and grounded. He hates her every since and gives her the worst playtime lines/stories. Only reason he didn't try to break it is cause he knows he'll just be more grounded.
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cryptictongues · 8 months
184 Days
pairing: Clive Rosfield x Flower!Reader Series rating: Mature (angst; tw listed below) word count: 13.6K summary: You have a hard time grieving after Clive's passing, even when you didn't need to grieve at all.
warnings:  reader-insert (sorry lol), angst, hurt/comfort, reunions, grief/mourning, slight suicidal ideation, slight self-harm, depression, panic attacks, happy ending (yay!) - this is part of the Flower!Reader series! You don't need to have read the other two but there are references to them if that interests you.
Spoilers: This is post-game stuff. If you haven't played the game, beware.
TW's: This fic contains major themes of grief, so it is heavy. There is minor suicidal ideation and self-harm, not graphic in nature, but it is there. Depression and panic attacks are more common in this fic. If these topics don't sit right with you, please be cautious when reading. You may also reach out if you want to know specifics if you are worried!
Songs: I just want to share that I was constantly listening to When the Sun Hits by Slowdive, Thick Skull by Paramore, and Wicked Games by Chris Isaak.
LASTLY, I am sharing this on my birthday! My birthday gift to you all <3
[AO3 link]
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Day 1
The Hideaway is full of people. People from all over Valisthea arrive in droves, coming to grant supplies, donate gil, and help around the Hideaway because today is the day; the day everyone here sends off Dion, Joshua, and Clive for their leave to Origin.
You are working overtime, helping with the final preparations before they take off. The biggest reason, however, for the hard work is the ever creeping anxiety filling your body as the time ticks closer to Clive’s departure; from his friends and family, and from you. This day has been a long time coming, yet now that it’s here you can barely stomach the thought of him leaving. With that thought lingering, every moment together has been even more precious than the next. 
Every moment of free time has been spent together. With today being the day of departure, your last moments together were last night. You both made love all night, and in between sessions would talk about what you two will do once he comes back; creating the life of your dreams together. Yet, in the back of your mind, all you could think was those thoughts were just that: dreams. You don’t know what will happen during Clive’s mission. But it’s fun to play pretend, and to envision what life could have in store for the two of you. 
The sun was in its golden state before its colors showed, telling you it’s almost time. You see everyone gathering on the main deck, Clive and co included, talking with one another as they say their farewells and safe travels. You start your way there, walking slowly as if it would prevent the inevitable. You know the moment you reach Clive, it would only be a matter of minutes before he is no longer within your grasp.
You see Clive talking to Jill, bringing her in for a tight hug as he continues. You see a shake in her shoulders, telling you she feels the same way you do. Just as hard as it is to wish your lover away, it must be just as hard to watch the man who has become a brother figure leave. They grew up together, after all.
You give a farewell to Prince Dion and Joshua once on the deck, giving Dion a firm handshake and a bow, while Joshua brings you in for a hug. You didn’t know Dion for long, but Joshua is a different story. Getting to know your lover’s brother has brought you closer to the both of them. Seeing how happy Clive was with Joshua around made your heart swell. You wonder if Joshua ever felt the same about you two. 
Joshua let’s go of you, a melancholy smile drawn on his face. “Thank you, _____. Thank you for taking care of my brother.” 
You shake your head. “No, thank you for finding each other again. I will be praying for the three of you to safely return to us.”
“I appreciate that, my lady.” Joshua thanks, yet his eyes shift, and he nods. “Here he comes.”
You turn to see Clive approaching you, and you already feel your chest growing tight and eyes water. He is standing before you, looking as beautiful as he always has, but with a sorrowful look that says everything you feel. It’s unfair, really. It devastates you that he is the one to stop all the madness, when in a perfect world he would stay. You keep telling yourself this isn’t the end, yet your gut keeps telling you otherwise. 
“Would it be selfish of me to ask you to stay? To ask to let the world go to hell?”
Clive smiles, solemnly chuckling at your suggestions. “Never.”
You reach for his left hand with both hands, holding it as you rub your thumbs into his palm. “I know it would be futile, all the same.” You utter. “There would be no life worth living for anyone. I just wish things could be different.”
“I am doing this for a better future for everyone. It is what the world deserves.” Clive’s other hand covers your hands in full. “I must do this, so you and I can live the future we’ve always talked about.”
“I wish I could take your place, so I could guarantee your safety.” You choke out, the waterworks starting. 
Clive is quick to react, pulling you into him as you sob softly into his chest. “Knowing you will be safe here will be reason enough for me to make it back to you.” Your hands squeeze his sides, his statement making you want to sob harder. Clive pulls back, taking one hand to lift your head to get a good look at you. “I promise I will be back. Wait for me.”
You nod frantically, sniffling as you take deep breaths to calm down. Clive’s forehead leans against yours, his thumb brushing continuous strokes on your cheek, before pressing a gentle kiss against your lips. You accept his kiss, giving it your all knowing the outcome is unknown. Both of your lips linger, not wanting to pull away because once one of you does, he will be on his way. 
Clive pulls away slightly, his lips still lingering near your own. “I love you, ____.”
“I love you too.” You whisper, placing one more kiss to his lips before pulling away. “I have something for you.”
You reach into the pouch you keep attached to your corset belt and pull out a lily. You thread the stem in between the crease of his corset and tunic, the tightness of his uniform keeping the flower in place. You brush his chest, stalling him a little longer before you accept it is time. “Lily represents reunion. With this flower, you shall come back to me.”
Clive sucks in a breath, releasing with a shutter as if he was on the verge of tears. “I will, no matter what.” 
You feel a hand on your shoulder, and you turn to see Jill still sniffling with watery eyes. She smiles at you before looking at Clive. “We will take care of each other.”
You feel something rub against your thigh and look to see Torgal rubbing his head on you. You smile, rubbing behind his ears. “Torgal will look out for us too.” 
Clive hums, appreciating the sight before him. “This is farewell for now. Till then, we have a god to kill.”
Everyone has now formed a semi-circle around the three dominants about to depart, watching as they walk towards the end of the deck. They pick up their pace, all of them running until they are no longer in sight. A bright light goes off and the next thing everyone sees is Bahamut carrying Clive and Joshua towards an event that will shape the world. 
You are sitting on the main deck, legs dangling off the side as you continue to stare off into the horizon. You haven’t left since Clive left, the golden hour long gone and twilight having come and gone, dusk now settling in the sky. It feels like it has been hours since his departure, when in reality it has only been a few. You wonder if they have made it to Origin yet, if the battle has started, if Ultima has been defeated… if they have met their maker for good. That thought makes you shiver. 
You hear footsteps coming from behind you before a presence sits right beside you. You don’t look, but the aura alone tells you it’s Jill and you smile slightly. She puts an arm around you, pulling you into her as you both continue to look into the distance, like they would be back any second. She twists your hair, which comforts you in a way, and you hum. It is silent for a while, watching the sky continue to grow darker and darker until the sky is black with its pearls. 
“Have you prayed to Metia today?” You break the silence with a question. Jill’s fixation that Metia answers prayers is comforting in these moments, especially when every prayer she has spoken through her heart has come true.
She shakes her head. “I haven’t, but only because I wanted you to join me. Our hearts combined will help, no doubt.”
You nod your head, and you both move into a position that faces Metia herself, kneeling before her with hands clasped together. You bow your head, and say your prayer in your head, letting your heart translate it in a way that only Metia understands. You pray for everyone’s safe return with little to no injury. You pray they come back healthy and happy. You pray for the dawn of a new age where you and Clive help build a world you two can grow old in. You pray for everything to be okay. You raise your head as you finish, and you admit that some weight has been lifted off your chest, but an uneasiness still sticks. You turn your head to see Jill finishing her own prayer, and she looks towards you with her hand reaching for yours. You give her your right hand and she grips it with a smile. “Metia has listened to our prayers. Now, we wait.”
“Jill, your faith that everything will be okay is admirable. I wish I had your confidence.” You confess, the sour feeling remaining deep in your body. 
“For the longest time, I thought Clive was long dead. I believed that Metia hadn’t listened. And next thing I know, there he is. Granted, it was years later.” She squeezes your hand, and turns so your knees are touching hers. “That’s why I have faith that they will return to us.”
“Maybe your faith will rub off on me, and not the other way around with my worries.” You chuckle, trying to make light of the night. 
“No matter what happens,” Jill reassures, “I will be here for you. We will be here for each other.”
You nod, and bring her in for a hug, squeezing her tightly which she returns. “Thank you, Jill. For everything.”
You both stay there for a minute, until next thing you know you hear running on the deck. You pull away to see Gav running towards you two, panic clear on his face. “Ah fuck,” he breathes in and out as he approaches. “Edda is in labor. All hands on deck.”
You and Jill gasp in unison, both jumping up to run to the infirmary to help bring new life into this world. And hopefully, a new one.
Day 2
“Alright, one more push, Edda.” 
You are sitting behind Edda, letting her use your hands for her death grip as she continuously pushes and wails out in pain. You, Jill, and Mid are giving her words of encouragement as she continues her labor, and after one final push Tarja fully delivers the baby. A cry echoes throughout the room and the atmosphere is full of happiness and relief. 
“Can I come in yet?” You hear Gav yell from the other side of the door.
“She just gave birth, Gav. Give us a minute.” Tarja yells, eyes rolling hard at Gav’s common sense.
“He’s just excited,” Jill chimes in. “As we all are.”
“Congratulations, Edda! It’s a boy!” Tarja finishes cleaning off the baby, kneeling beside Edda as she passes him off to her. You watch Edda admire her baby boy for the first time, her smile brightening up the room as she talks to him. 
Seeing them interact stirs you with an emotion you wish to experience directly. You and Clive have talked about having children, making it clear you two wouldn’t have any until the world has been set straight. But you two would talk about what it would be like to have a little you or a little him running around or both. You imagine cradling a little boy in your arms, giggling as you shower him with kisses. You imagine Clive holding a little girl, swaying her around while singing a melody. Two giggly children to call your own with the man you have fallen madly in love with. You feel as if your heart could burst from the thought. 
“_____, can you go up to the rear stacks to grab more towels off the lines?” Mid asks, taking you out of your sappy daydreams. You snap out of it, humming in the affirmative before moving away from Edda and heading to the door. You could barely get out the door before almost being trampled by Gav, running in like a mad man. “Let me see! Let me see!”
You chuckle to yourself, exiting the room and heading to the linen lines. Even when things seem dark, you can’t help but keep smiling at everyone’s high spirits tonight. You suppose new life being brought into the world will do that to people because it sure as hell is doing that for you. It’s a good distraction, and you accept it with open arms.
You grab some towels from the line, cradling them in your arms securely as you make your descent to the main deck and up the stairs to the infirmary. You reach the infirmary doors when you are once again almost hit by a body, except this time it was Jill. One quick look at her made it apparent she was crying. She doesn’t spare you a glance as she runs down the stairs, sobs fading as she goes further down. You turn to the open door, shock clear on your face. “What happened?”
Gav and Mid look at you like they don’t know what to say. You look at Gav, tears streaming down his face, and it’s like everything hits you all at once. Towels drop from your arms, your arms no longer working as your body starts to erupt. “No,” you shudder. “No.” You kept repeating yourself, not quite believing what’s happening. No words spoken, and yet everyone is saying your worst nightmare out loud. 
You could see Gav wanted to say something, but before a word could break the glass box you were building around yourself, you ran. You ran right out the door, and ran as fast as you could to Clive’s chambers. You slam the door shut, starting to pace back and forth with your fists yanking your hair. You turn to the balcony doors, and run to them, slamming them wide open before looking out into the distance. You see the moon, as bright and big as ever, yet Metia no longer shines in its vibrancy. You hear a howl and see Torgal and Jill, Jill’s head tilted down as her body continues to shake. Jill’s connection with Metia was enough to tell you that something terrible has happened: Clive is dead.
You back away from the door, utter disbelief and pain seeping into your lungs. He promised. He promised he would return to me. Your mind keeps reeling, and next thing you know you find yourself in Clive’s bed, wrapping yourself in his covers tightly to encapsulate his lingering scent. Sobs devastate your body, almost to the point of not being able to breathe. But you embraced it, for you wish you could stop breathing all together in this moment. 
You fall asleep with choked up airways and puffy eyes, dreams full of a future that’s no longer possible. You dream of him and him alone. You fall asleep in the dead of night, missing the sun greet Valisthea into a new era.
Day 5
Clive would’ve thought he was dead if it weren’t for the loud thumping in his head. He slowly comes to, the first thing he sees being light. It takes him a few seconds to adjust, his eyes working overtime against the strain. He feels sand, and hears the sound of waves. He goes to move his fingers when he notices he can’t move the ones on his left hand. He brings his left arm to his view and sees his hand is completely petrified. He couldn’t see the rest of his arm, but could feel the lack of blood and flesh ending right above his elbow. He pushes himself up with his good arm, hunching over in his spot as he breathes the salty air deeply.
Origin. He had defeated Ultima. The crystal in the sky was destroyed and now he finds himself here on this beach. Based on his surroundings, he concludes he is on the coast of Storm, even though the dark coast was no longer dark, but bright. It could have easily been mistaken for a coastline off of Valisthea, but behind him were still the dead brush of the continent. 
He wonders how long he’s been out for. He vaguely remembers waking up, but not long enough to recollect anything. He reaches up to his face to touch his facial hair, feeling the scruff that has grown out slightly. A few days, he thinks. It was a mere few days ago when he left the Hideaway with Dion and his brother, and now he is the only one left. It burns him up inside knowing he couldn’t save them, and the fact he watched his brother die not once, but twice weighs heavy on his heart. Especially because if Ultima hadn’t chosen him as his vessel, he most likely would have become the Phoenix and Joshua would be alive and safe. He couldn’t be sure, of course, but alas.
Clive knows it does no good to think this way. Just like he would have done anything to save Joshua, he knows just as well Joshua would’ve done everything to save him. He knew Joshua would want him to help bring Valisthea and Storm into a new age. And most importantly, he knew Joshua wanted him to be happy, and deserved as much. I cannot delve into what was, but what can. And what he can focus on is the future, especially one with you. 
Clive suddenly remembers the lily you had given him, and scrambles to retrieve it from his pant pouch with some difficulty due to one available hand. He felt its petals, still smooth and soft, and pulled it out to see it still looked brand new. He lets out a stuttered breath, eyes watering slightly. He almost couldn’t believe that after everything it had managed to stay in one piece, but he knew it was because you had blessed him with it. You had grown it, cared for it, and plucked it for him, and it was his turn to care for it. Just as well, it was time to keep his promise: to come back to you. He has been away for too long, and he must make haste now.
Clive sighs and slowly starts to stand up, gathering his bearings so as to not get too dizzy.  He stands still for a moment, breathing in deeply once more to ensure he won’t collapse before assessing his situation. He will need a boat. He thinks he could find a port somewhere, and worse comes to worse he travels to Waloed to get one there. He will need to eat something to gain some semblance of energy to do said travel. The biggest obstacle for him will be his arm, a heavy weight on his body that doesn’t help his fatigue. He will have to find something to make it more manageable until he can get back to the Hideaway.
He starts to walk up the beach towards the woods; body heavy from his wet clothes, stone arm, and tired eyes. But he will move forward, for you are waiting back home for him and his safe return. No matter the cost, he will make it home to you. 
“Darling, wait for me. I’m coming home.”
Day 14
It has been two weeks since the end of Origin, and to say you haven’t been grieving well is an understatement. You have a hard time getting out of bed these days, and your motivation to do anything is abysmal. You know your numbness is unsettling to other Hideaway members, many not knowing what to say when they see you. It’s like they saw you change overnight; your happy, go lucky self now tainted with expressionless reactions.
Gav has officially transitioned as the new Cid, but has yet to move into what will be his new room. He only comes in to do some paperwork, and read his latest messages. Oftentimes he will come to you, asking if he can get you anything, and he gets the same response from you every time: a subtle shake of your head. You are grateful that he lets you stay here as the smell of Clive’s sheets is the only thing keeping you from breaking all together. 
You had forced yourself out of bed today to go to the Backyard. You sat beside the flower bed, staring at the flowers hoping for something to happen. Flowers were your comfort for a long time, and now it is like they have no effect at all. You look at the lilies that are off to the side, and all you can do is scoff. Reunion my foot. 
You hear footsteps and paws coming down the stairs. You know it is Torgal and Jill, especially when Torgal has been stuck to Jill’s side for the last two weeks. You can’t blame him. You wouldn’t want to be around you either. 
“You came to pay the flowers a visit. They’ve missed you.” 
“They aren’t very good at showing it.” You shrug. You have been here for a few hours, and your mood hasn’t changed. You feel empty.
“Hortense is holding a sewing class for some new arrivals. You should come and say hi.” Jill says gently, not wanting to make your mood shift further south. 
Deep down, you know you’ve let Jill down. You had promised to be there for her like she had with you, yet your own self pity refuses to acknowledge your lack of empathy. The demon residing in your brain just tells you that no one understands. It doesn’t matter if everyone is grieving about the three’s passing; your happy ending relied on your lover coming back to you. Everyone else can move on, keeping him in their memory. You can’t because a part of you is now dead with him. 
You move to stand up, not wanting to bring her down with you. “They won’t want to see me. I’ll just make a fool out of myself.”
You move to head upstairs when Torgal blocks your walking route, and Jill gets in front of you. She grabs your shoulders, looking at you intently. You can see she is trying hard not to break in front of you, making that deep part of you scream to get over yourself. “Please, _____. You are an important asset to the Hideaway; the Jack of all Trades. I know they would love to meet you. The more kind people like you they meet, the more comfortable they will be here.”
Even since the end of Origin, new arrivals have continued to come in, many wanting to help with the cause. Even though bearers no longer have the power of magicks, it has led to more violence against those with the mark. This has led to everyone working more tirelessly to make strides for a future with new hope reinstated. You have yet to meet many of them, the motivation to do so never in your favor. 
“Clive would want you to continue his legacy.”
You wanted to scream. You wanted to scream how his legacy has taken him away from you. You know your way of thinking is irrational, but the rational part of you is a mountain ready to avalanche. With the last bit you have, you take a deep breath, knowing she is right. He would want you to continue living, even without him. 
“Okay,” you nod. “I’ll meet them. I can’t promise I’ll come off as kind. Even if I wanted to, I don’t have the strength.”
Jill smiles, brushing hair from your face. “All I ask is that you try. We miss you.”
You three ascend the stairs, Jill locking arms with you as if you’d run away. You make it to the main deck, seeing Hortense and a few new faces sitting in a circle. Hortense waves, signaling you three to join in. “_____, it is so good for you to join us!”
“It’s, um, great to be here.” You say, trying to come off as happy. 
You, Jill, and Torgal join the circle, quick introductions being passed around before Hortense starts her lesson. She is doing a lesson on basic sewing techniques using cross-stitching circles, showing everyone different patterns, styles, and methods for different types of fabrics. One of the new arrivals, Greta you remember her name being, was looking at your stitching constantly. You turn to look at her, and she quickly turns away. You look at her work, and you can tell she is struggling a little bit. 
“Hey,” you say slightly above a whisper. “Try this.”
You show her a trick when it comes to tightening the thread, making it so it won’t want to fall apart. “Okay, now you try.”
Greta follows your method to a T, going slowly as she does it from memory. She smiles, seeing how well it worked. “That’s genius! Thank you so much!”
You nod, going back to your own work with a subtle smile on your face. You remember when you first learned how to sew, and how difficult it was for you. You remember when you had to learn on your own, Hortense having too much on her plate. You forgot how good it was to help others, and even if this feeling is for a moment, you feel lighter. You face Jill to see her glancing at you, a grin on her face as she continues messing with her circle of fabric. You know she is punching the air in success in her mind right now.
The session lasts for roughly an hour, and Hortense puts it to a close. “I’ll hold another class next week. Feel free to practice in the meantime.”
‘Yes ma'am’ is said in unison, and everyone departs to get ready for supper. You and Jill stay behind, helping Hortense put stuff away and create small chatter. As you all finish up, you pull Jill aside, feeling the need to say something. “Jill, I want to thank you. But most importantly, I want to apologize for not being there for you as well. I promise to do better by you.”
“Oh, _____,” Jill coos, bringing you in for a hug. “It’s okay. I understand your pain. We will get through this.” 
You two continue like this, and all you can think is maybe this is a new start. Maybe you can start grieving in a better way than you have been. You know it won’t happen overnight, but after days of feeling like you’ve been dragged into a hole, you sense you can see the light. 
Someone is yelling from afar, and you pull back to see a woman walking quickly to Hortense, a basket of what looks to be freshly clean linens in her hands. You and Jill walk over to see the commotion, only to see another new face. Hortense motions you two over, grinning from ear to ear with the woman beside her. “Ah, _____! I don’t think the two of you have met. This is Willow. She’s been helping me a lot with many of the laundry duties.” 
“Oh Lady _____, it is so lovely to meet you.” Willow says, bowing her head slightly. “Also, lovely to see you again Lady Jill.”
You bow slightly, not used to such formalities towards yourself. Jill chimes in, glee in her tone. “You as well. Thank you for helping Hortense during this time. I know she surely appreciates it.”
“Of course!” Willow chirps. “I was coming over here to tell her the linens for the beds are done. Lady ____, I was able to clean your sheets as well so you will have a freshly made bed for tonight.”
You stop breathing, your ears deceiving you. “W-what?”
Willow was still smiling, not catching on to the atmospheric shift. “Your sheets! Hortense got me to get all the bed linens for a wash, but I went ahead and had your bed made as a good gesture.” 
Your heart is hammering in your chest, and your vision is starting to blur. She cleaned the sheets. She cleaned Clives sheets. Not yours, but Clives. The one thing you had left of him, the one thing that still smelled like him, the one thing that made it feel like he wasn’t completely gone from the world, vanishing right before your eyes. You are starting to breathe hard, everything around you is no longer real. It is just you being thrown back into your suffocating glass box, and being thrown back into that dreaded hole. You can hear voices, but can’t distinguish what is being said. It’s when you feel a hand on your shoulder that the glass shatters, leaving you bloody in the dark, dank hole. 
You collapse, the flood gates opening with shrieks and agonizing sobs. You are hitting the wood, small splinters digging into your fist as you continue. You didn’t care because no pain was more painful than what you are feeling right now. You hear running, and more commotion in the background.
“There is nothing to see here, take your leave.” It’s Gav. It fucking Gav.
“_____, please get up. What happened?” 
“This is my fault.” Hortense says mortified. “I didn’t tell Willow that room was off limits.”
Your breathing is now rapid, sucking air and pushing it out because it isn’t enough. Arms wrap around you and you thrash around, yelling and screaming to let you go. “Get the fuck off of me!”
Gav has you upright and the rage you are now feeling bubbles out, turning into hitting his chest. “You are the only other person that goes in there, and you didn’t notice the fucking sheets were gone?! How could you let this happen?!”
“Please, _____. I just got back from Lostwing. I haven’t been there since early this morning.” Gav reasons, getting a grip on you with your arms secure so you wouldn’t do something you regret. 
“That was all I had left of him.” You wail. “All I had was his scent and now it’s gone! It’s all fucking gone! He’s gone!” 
“I got her from here. You three go have dinner.” Gav picks you up bridal style, walking up the main deck stairs. You are still crying, and your vision is blurry but you can still make out what is behind you. Willow is hugging Hortense, both visibly upset. But then you see Jill, who is standing there looking at the ground, none moving. Torgal is nudging her, but she won’t budge. 
I’m sorry, Jill. I broke my promise.
Day 31
One month. It has been one month since Clive’s death, and you are no longer alive; a living corpse that lays in bed for days and days on end. You only get up to use the privy chambers, but other than that you lay there. Nothing is enjoyable anymore. The idea of going to the Backyard, to the Shelves, or even the Ale House is unappealing. Gav usually brings you food, sometimes Jill, but you barely touch it. You eat a little, but your appetite is non-existent; you eat only when your stomach tells you to. 
People don’t visit you like they did. Sometimes Jill, Tarja, and even Jote would come in for a short time. They would try talking to you, they would rub your side to bring comfort, they would brush your hair, yet you wouldn’t react. Those visits have slowly dissipated, and you can’t blame them. 
You hate what Clive’s passing has turned you into. You never thought grief would transform you so poorly. Grief isn’t new to you, just as it isn’t new for most people in the realm. You grieved when your parents passed, you grieved when Hideaway members didn’t return from missions, you grieved when Titan and his Dhalmekian goons killed so many innocent people in the Old Hideaway. But Clive is your one true love; the one man that was able to intertwine his soul with yours. They say once the soul has been torn into two, it never fully recovers. 
You get up from the bed with all the strength you can muster. As you stand, you face the mirror from across the room, and what you see makes you shutter. You walk over slowly, not quite believing that it is you in the reflection. Your fingertips drag along the cool surface, slightly dissociating in the process. What was once full and bright features were now hollowed from lack of sleep, crying, lack of appetite, and the grief that’s swallowing you.
“By the Founder, I look dreadful.” 
You want to heal. You want to get better. Your soul is waiting for your shell of a body to hatch, so it may continue to live. But how can you do that in a place where everywhere you look, you see him? Every corner of the Hideaway is covered with Clive’s aspirations, dreams, and ideas. If you want to move on, to grieve healthily, you can’t stay here. You need to be somewhere that takes you back to a time before Clive.
The moon shines brightly in the room, giving you enough light to maneuver around. You pack a small bag of your belongings, only with things that would benefit your travels, and dress yourself in clothes to protect you from the elements. Once situated, you walk over to what was once Clive’s desk and sit down. You grab the quill and a scroll, and look at the blank paper. Your eyes start to water, knowing this decision will ruffle some feathers, and will create a form of worry you won’t be here to satiate. You think about getting back into bed and forgetting about what you are about to do, but you know this is a must. You are holding everyone in the Hideaway back, and you can’t support the cause if you aren’t getting better. 
You must do this, so therefore you write. 
“What do you mean she left?” Jill raises her voice, the shock clear in her tone. 
Gav had come into Clive’s old chambers to send some letters out to town leaders when he saw the bed was empty and made, with a scroll lying on top of the pillow. When Gav opened it, and read the words on the page, he immediately called for an urgent meeting with the main Hideaway members. 
“She left this on the bed.” Gav states solemnly, passing it to Otto who is on his right. “Long story short, she doesn’t want to be found. She didn’t give a direct location to where she was heading. All she said is she will send word when she is ready to communicate.”
“She isn’t in the right state of mind to go out by herself!” Tarja says with irritation. “What is she thinking?!”
“How would she have even left? We only have one boat, no?” Tomes questions.
“We have a second boat in case the one Obolus uses is in need of repair.” Otto mutters, looking at the scroll a tad longer before passing it off to the next person. 
Jill stands up from her seat, huffing as she turns to take her leave. Gav stands with her, already reading her mind. “Where the bloody fuck you think you’re going?!
“Rather than us wasting our breath, I’m going to go find her!” Jill shouts, frustration built into her face. 
Tarja stands up quickly to grab Jill’s arm. “Now wait a damn second. We need a plan before we start going out willy nilly.”
“As you said, she isn’t in the right mindset to be out by herself. She could be dead in a ditch for all we know.” Jill seethes, pissed that nobody seems to be as fearful for her friend as she is. 
“She is strong, Jill.” 
Everyone turns to Jote, who is never one to chime in unless need be. She is holding the scroll, looking at it as she speaks. “I don’t know her as well as you all may, but from what I do know she is very resilient. She wouldn’t leave unless necessary, and this letter proves as much.”
Everyone is quiet, thinking caps on as they process Jote’s words. The first words spoken after the pregnant silence is Otto, turning to Gav seriously. “Gav, you are the leader of the Hideaway now. It is your call.”
Gav ponders for a moment, a bit torn of what action is best to take. You are family and he wants to know you are safe. He also doesn’t want to get in the way of what you need to do to get better. He fears sending Hideaway members out to find you will make things worse. 
“I think,” Gav pauses, sighing in the process. “I will alert town leaders around Valisthea to keep their eyes peeled for her. If she doesn’t want to be bothered, we shouldn’t intrude. Getting a location on her though would be beneficial for us to ensure she is at least safe.”
“Gav is right,” Otto agrees. “She will need to go into towns for essentials and will probably pass through a few.”
“If we don’t hear anything within a month's time, we will start sending out some search parties, but as I said we cannot bother her if we find her. We have to hope she will reach out to us when she is ready.” Gav continues, giving everyone a once over to see if his words are reciprocated.
Agreements are shared, some more hesitant than others, before Gav dismisses everyone to their daily duties. When the last person leaves, Gav collapses into his seat, taking deep breaths as he runs his hands over his face. 
“May Greagor be with you, _____.” Gav whispers to himself.
Day 40
You can’t sleep, constantly shifting under the covers with no sense of relief. You feel hot, which is abnormal for this cool night. You start to burn up, skin flaring until it starts to burn. You sit up, panicking as you throw the covers off of you before you freeze, breath caught in your throat. In the moonlight, there is a figure sitting across the room from you, head bowed down with arms in their lap. You panic in silence, not knowing whether to fight or flight.
“You’re awake.” That voice. You know that voice all too well. 
“C-Clive?” You stutter, not trusting your voice to break the quiet. 
Silence suffocates the room. You wait for a response, but he just sits there. You move off the bed and walk towards him slowly, feeling off about what you are experiencing. He’s dead. Metia’s star went out. This can’t be real.
You are standing in front of him now, your bare toes touching his boots. He still doesn’t move, so you move your hands to his head, messing with the strands of hair from his head. “Clive, is it really you?” 
“You left.” You pause, his tone off. Is he not happy to see me?  
“Clive, I thought you were dead. We all did.”
“And yet, you still left.” He growls, finally moving his hands to grip your waist tightly, on the verge of pain. “You promised to wait for me. You broke that promise.”
“Clive,” you choke. “I’m sorry I-”
“You broke your promise to Jill.”
“I didn’t mean to!” 
“You abandoned the Hideaway, my legacy, like it was nothing!”
“Clive, you’re hurting me.” You are crying now. His fingers are digging into your side hard, and you look to see he is shaking with anger. 
“This is nothing in comparison to how you have hurt me!” He yells, and he lifts his head, causing you to gasp. His eyes are orange, glowing bolder and bolder the more worked up he got. You try to pry his grip off of you, but to no avail. 
“Please, Clive!” You cry harder. “I love you, I'm sorry for leaving! I should have stayed!”
“You are too late, _____.” He seethes. 
“Because I don’t love you anymore.”
You shoot up from your bed, screaming in a cold sweat. You look around the room like a mad woman, trying to gauge your surroundings. A wave of nausea overcomes you and you fall to the floor, vomiting from the absolute madness that occurred in your head. You dry heave on the floor, waiting for the next course of nausea to arrive but it never came. You sat up so your back was against the bed, relieved you weren’t going to be sick again, yet frustrated all the same.
You arrived in Dhalmekia four days ago. Originally, you set out to find your childhood home where you grew up with your parents, but when you arrived at the village off to the left of the Northern Velkroy, it had all but been abandoned. Your home, that was left with memories of your old life, ravaged from what you could assume to be bandits. So you kept going, hitchhiking a few rides before traveling on foot. That is when you found a small, two room cottage down in the Fields of Corava, a place you weren’t aware of, having never been south of Dalimil. There was minimal damage; a broken window and some chipped flooring. It was a better place to stay for the time being.
Ever since arriving, however, your mind has conjured terrible dreams with it being the same every time. It was always you and Clive in this room with him degrading your worth. The first night didn’t feel real, knowing that Clive would never act as such with you. But tonight, after having it for the fourth time in a row, your heart is waning.
You stare at the chair you saw Clive in, an increasing amount of anguish washing over you as you look. He’s gone. Your fingers dig into your thighs, trying to ground yourself. He’s gone. You start to choke on air, not wanting the cries of grief released from your lungs. He’s gone.
He’s gone.
He’s gone.
He’s fucking gone!
The shell cracks, the quiet night becomes piercing as you scream. You shoot up to the chair, taking it and bashing it into the floor. You keep screaming, the splinters from the chair and the floor growing with each smack. No matter the ache your body is having, the adrenaline rushing through your it has given your grief new purpose; a cathartic event that is shaping your mentality.
The chair is nothing but wood; the bare bones of it. You get up to open the door, chucking the wood outside the door with rage. The splintered wood digs into your hands, your emotional distress covering any semblance of physical pain. Your screams have turned into wails, angry tears dripping from your face to the floor. 
This rage inside of you stirred by grief makes you feel like you're dying. If anyone told you that Clive’s death would make you transform into the living dead, you’d laugh. How could anyone make you feel dead when you were the cheerful jack of the Hideaway? 
The wood is now dispersed all across the field before you, bathing in the pure light of the moon. You sink into the cottage where the dark swallows you, slamming the door shut and sliding down it as your body continues its assault. Your bloody hands grip at your hair as you rock back and forth, chanting the same two words over and over.
He’s gone.
Day 70
The atmosphere at the Hideaway was the same like any other day. People were up doing their tasks or simply enjoying the day; it has been the same old, same old. 
That is, until the bell on the pier sounded off.
“What is going on?!” Jill yells, everyone looking over the main deck to see the commotion. The bell is only used for emergencies, like if an enemy were to approach the Hideaway. However, Jill sees that people weren’t panicking, but rejoicing. 
Gav runs up to Jill alarmed, trying to get a sense of what’s happening. “Oh fuck me! What’s going on?!” 
“That’s what I’m trying to find out.” Jill says, her and Gav picking up the pace as they walk to see the situation at hand; both ready to take action. The two of them push through the crowd, finally reaching the railing that sees over the pier. The first instant Jill looks down, a gasp is let out with her hand covering her mouth and eyes bulging. 
“No fucking way,” Gav whispers, not quite believing what he is seeing.
But their eyes do not betray them, for the bell has rang not for an emergency situation, but a message that he is alive. Clive is alive. 
“He made it… Great Greagor he fucking made it!” Gav cheers.
“Clive!” Jill yells.
Clive looks up to the main deck to see two of his cherished friends, and right as he makes eye contact with them, he makes a run for the lift. Gav and Jill follow his lead, running in the direction he is to come to officially greet him. The minute Clive steps out from the lift, Gav and Jill are on him, hugging him tightly to make sure he isn’t here to haunt the place.
“You’re alive!” Jill elates.
“I apologize for my late return. I didn’t realize I’d be sorely missed.” Clive jokes, watching as more people gather around them.
“Are you kidding? This place has been falling apart without you!” Gav exaggerates.
It makes Clive chuckle, placing his hand on Gav’s shoulder as he pulls back. “Seeing all the new faces, I doubt that. And that is thanks to you. Thank you for keeping the Hideaway safe.”
Clive feels something rub his leg, and looks to see Torgal rubbing his head against him. He bends down, using his good arm to rub behind Torgal’s ears. “Torgal, have you been a good boy since I’ve been away?”
“Clive,” Jill gasps. “You’re arm.”
During Clive’s travels back home, his arm had become more of a nuisance if anything. He is a strong man; he can wield swords made of the heaviest metals, no problem. But to have an appendage weigh more than the other, well, that is a whole different situation. He had ripped part of his cape and created a sling to keep his arm in place, making travel more bearable.
Clive stands up straight, rubbing his stoned arm. “Yeah… I didn’t get away completely unscathed.” Clive draws out. “But nevertheless, we won.”
“What of Joshua and Dion?” Jill asks, even though the look in her eyes tells him she already knows. All he could do was shake his head.  
“I suppose I have a lot of explaining to do.” Clive says, having much to tell. 
“You will, but not before we get your arm sorted out.”
“Of course,” Clive chuckles, and turns to see Tarja with her arms crossed and hip out. He is so happy to be back amongst friends and family, ready to truly cherish his time after a battle where he could have easily perished. But most importantly, he is ready to see you.
Truth be told, Clive’s travels back to Valisthea were consumed mostly by you. All he could think about was how he craves for you to be in his warm embrace, giving him kisses and caresses that would heal him for a lifetime. To be away from you for so long is agony, and what has kept him going was knowing the future is now his and yours; one where you both can live lives worth living. 
He looks around and sees a bunch of familiar faces approach, his original crew gathering around him as they welcome his return. He scans the crowd, nodding to everyone and granting a smile. However, he doesn’t see you within the sets of familiar faces. 
“Where’s _____?” Clive asks, scanning the crowd once more for your face.
Everyone goes silent, glancing at one another trying to communicate. An uneasy feeling settles in Clive’s pit, not liking the reaction he got with his simple question. 
Tarja is the first to speak up, diverting the question quickly with urgency. “We can talk about her later, but first we need to do something about your arm straight away. Jill. Gav. Take him to the infirmary. I’ll be up there shortly.” There was a look in Tarja’s eyes that told Clive she wouldn’t be there for a while, which made that uneasy feeling grow bolder. 
Gav and Jill suddenly hook arms with Clive on either side, walking fast so he had no choice but to follow. Clive could feel himself getting frustrated, having wanted to see you for days upon days and not being granted that wish immediately upon his return. 
He leans down to Jill’s ear, needing an explanation immediately. “Where is she?”
“It is better we explain once we are upstairs.” Jill reasons, although there is a shake in her voice.  
The four of them get into the infirmary, Jill and Gav situating Clive on a cot. Gav whispers to Jill, her nodding in response as he jogs out of the room. Clive looks at her, a million thoughts running through his head at their peculiarness. 
“Jill, what is happening?”
Jill twiddles her thumbs, taking deep breaths as she prepares herself. She looks down at the floorboards, and Clive can feel the tension in the room. “Some things happened while you were away, Clive.” Her breath trembles. “You aren’t going to be happy with what I’m about to say.”
“You are worrying me, Jill.” Clive says, trying to stay calm. “Please tell me what’s happened.”
Jill looks up, eyes starting to gloss over. She places her hands over Clive’s right hand, squeezing it gently. “The night of Origin. Metia’s star went out, and I couldn’t feel you anymore after that. I thought you were dead.
“Jill,” Clive says in a low tone. “I apologize for causing so much grief.”
“We all thought you died.” Jill laughs solemnly. “Seeing you right now doesn’t feel real.” 
Clive squeezes Jill’s hands as a means to comfort her, as well as to urge her to continue. She shakes her head, tears as icy Shiva’s magick slipping down her face. “We all took it very hard. Some held hope, but after weeks of no signs of your return, everyone had accepted it.”
Jill’s breath stutters. “But Greagor, Clive. _____ took it so hard.” The tears started to fall, Jill shaking as she continued. “She wouldn’t get out of bed, wouldn’t eat… oh Greagor she wouldn’t talk to anyone. She would just lay there no matter what we tried to do.”
Clive thinks his heart just tore. The thought of you like that made him ill. And the past tense of Jill’s words make the air all the more suffocating.
“Where is she, Jill? Let me see her, please.” He pleads, needing to show you that he lives and has come back to her.
“I’m sorry,” Jill cries, her head bowing onto their intertwined hands. “I’m so sorry, Clive.”
“Jill talk to me, please!” He begs before hearing the door to the infirmary open, only to see Gav with a small scroll in his hand. 
“Gav, you need to tell me what has happened.” Clive says sternly, knowing another second longer with no answer will send him into a frenzy. 
Gav shows him the scroll, making Clive gently let go of Jill’s hands to reach for it but before he could grab it Gav backed away. “When you read this, know that we have plans enacted.”
Gav hands it to him, taking another step back to give Clive more space. Clive unravels the scroll quickly, the need for answers strong. And he gets his answer, but that answer makes his skin run cold and go hot at the same time.
I apologize for putting this on you. I know your transition as the new Cid has been a lot, and I am sorry for making it much harder for you. This space is yours now. Not Clive’s, nor mine.
You know as well as the others I am not well. A part of me died the day Clive passed, and being here has made any progress of healing not happen. Truth is, I see him everywhere. Everything here reminds me of him, and it’s killing me because one moment I see him and the next I don’t. The grief that has consumed me has become everlasting. 
By the time you read this, I will be far gone. Please, I beg of you, do not come find me. Do not send anyone to come find me. I will not come back, at least for now. Any chance of me getting better is for me to go out there, not stay here. I know this will cause worry, and I apologize for being a nuisance, but I have no choice. It’s either I die out there trying or I stay here rotting. 
Tell the others I’m sorry, especially Jill, and take care of her. Once I’m ready, I’ll send word of my whereabouts. Until then, please let me grieve in peace.
Much obliged,
Clive is seeing red. His fist starts to squeeze the paper, crackles and the sound of a tear coming from it. “When did she leave?” 
“It’s been about a month.” Gav mutters, and everything that happens next is a blur. Clive shoots up from the bed, charging towards Gav before slamming him into the door.
“Clive, please don’t!” Jill cries.
“She’s been gone for a month?! And you have yet to find her?!” Clive yells, his fist gripping tightly onto Gav’s leathers.
“We have notified people on the outside to keep us posted.” Gav tries to reassure. “That is what the Hideaway members have agreed on.” His words do nothing to soothe him. If he still had his magick, he is sure hellfire would rain on the Hideaway.
“She needed time, Clive.” Jill rests her hand on his shoulder. “We chose to respect her wishes.”
He scoffs, backing away from the both of them, disbelief clear on his features. “You agreed to this too?”
“You were not here to witness what we did!” Jill yells agitated. “Clive, I understand your frustration, but if you saw how she was you wouldn’t think twice.”
He wants to stay angry, put the blame on someone selfishly. You’ve done so much for the Hideaway, the cause, everyone involved. How could they let you leave? But all he feels is defeat. He came too late, and now he needs to make up for lost time.
“Excuse me,” Clive mutters, walking towards the door Gav is still leaning against. 
Jill shoots herself to grab the upper half of his petrified arm, a grunt forced out at the pulling tension. “Clive, you need to stay right here so Tarja can do something about your arm.” 
“No, I am going to go out and look for her! She needs to know I’m alive!” He tries shaking her grip off his arm, but to no avail as she holds on tighter. Panic is starting to set in, not knowing where you are and if you are safe freaking him out. It is almost as if he is experiencing firsthand what you went through. 
Gav steps forward, putting his hands on Clive’s shoulders shaking him slightly. “We have cursebreakers looking for her daily now that the month of her leave has passed. We will find her. And now that you are back, we will bring her home.” 
“Once you are better, we will go with you to search for her. But for right now, you need to rest. Let the cursebreakers do what they’ve been assigned to do.” Jill reassures. “Let’s get you ready for Tarja. The sooner she can fix you up, the faster you can go out.”
Clive takes a deep breath before nodding, and lets Jill and Gav guide him back to the cot. He sits back down, and all he can do is look down at the floorboards. Anger and defeat have turned into a sadness he cannot fully comprehend; a feeling he hasn’t quite felt before. “Do you two mind giving me some time alone? Please.”
“Of course, Clive. We will be outside if you need anything.” Jill says, before the sound of four feet patter across the floor and the creak of the door opens and closes, leaving Clive completely alone.  
He doesn’t know how long he stays like that; unmoving, eyes glued to the floor. All he thinks is he should have found a way to send a message to you so you knew he had survived. Deep down, he knows there was nothing he could have done given his circumstances, but that doesn’t stop the blame game he is putting upon himself. So he sits there, wallowing in his heartache as his shoulders shake and throat lets out faint sobs.
The letter is still held tightly in his grasp. 
Day 71
Waking up early in the morning before the sun makes its greeting isn’t abnormal for you, not when you dream constantly. Sometimes your dreams would startle you. Sometimes they would make you wake up crying. Sometimes they would wake you up with a smile on your face. But the time is always the same; the moon is always there to tell you the time of the morning and you fall back into a deep sleep before the sun shows itself. However, this time is different. 
In recent days, you’ve had nothing but wonderful dreams. Not ones like when you first came here, or ones about a future no longer possible. They were dreams of the past, deja vu in nature. Fond memories of you and Clive ranging from the first time you laid eyes on him to the last. What’s different about your calling back to the real world is your eyes open to hues of yellow and orange shining through the window. It is not the moon’s beams that greet you, but the sun’s rays.
You get out of bed and go to the door, opening it to step out onto the field. The early morning air hits your skin, the grass licking at your feet as you continue forward. You trek to the spot between the elevated land, a v-shape displaying the rising sun as it continues its ascent. Your hand goes out in front of you, watching your skin transform as the sun’s colors grow brighter. You can’t help but smile at the sight before you because all you feel is peace. For once since Valisthea changed forever, you felt like everything will be okay. 
You think about the first time you and Clive watched the sunrise together, holding each other tightly as you both talk about how it is a new day full of hopes and dreams. You remember him telling you how he has never felt more alive than he did in that moment, and you can understand why; you understand because you feel the same. 
You know Clive would want you to live to the fullest, for that was what he wanted all along. Even if things didn’t turn out the way they should have, he would have wanted you to live for him, but most importantly for yourself. He would want you to remember your time together fondly, and that it wasn’t for nothing. It was everything. 
You inhale deeply, the scents of the morning filling your airways before you exhale. You continue to look out on the horizon, mesmerized by the beauty of a new day; a new start .
“I deserve to be happy, right Clive?” You whisper to yourself. “I will continue to live for you and for me. Starting now.”
This is the start of your new life. 
Day 172
“These are absolutely beautiful, my lady. These are so hard to find in Dhalmekia.” 
You smile brightly, watching the woman before you admire your handy work. “I’m pleased that you love them. Morgenbeards are native to the swampy waters in Rosaria, but I was able to get my hands on some seeds.”
“You must know your stuff to get them to grow here.” The lady continues.
You shake your head, grinning at her. “I have my ways.”
To say things have gotten better would be the greatest understatement in history because you are thriving. It is as if everything has fallen into place. You fixed up the small cottage you are residing in so it felt more like a home rather than a temporary visit. You did a lot of prep work to ensure you’d live comfortably. The greatest thing, however, is you found a way to make a living for yourself, the one thing you do best: grow flowers. 
You noticed how flowers grew in the fields, yet you could tell they needed help; the Dhalmeky dirt too dry to keep them alive for long. You were able to get some books on flower gardening, along with different kinds of seeds, all imported from merchants who graciously accepted the little gil you had. It took some time, but those things helped you open a flower shop out of your home. And thus far, it has been a wonderful success.
You had taken a flower cart to Dalimil to get your name out there, and to let people know where to find your business. You eventually want to move your business within the inn’s market, but when you had come to propose the idea, you found out Lubor had been gone on an expedition. The cart will have to do, you recalled thinking. The people there have been nothing but supportive, offering their business in exchange for theirs: vases, business signs, gardening supplies, etcetera. It was a good system that benefitted you and them. You were grateful.
You are sitting at the kitchen table, having closed shop for the day, sipping on some hot tea as you write down your daily earnings. A hard day’s work is rewarding, and knowing your flowers have made your customers happy makes you happy. To be doing things that feel worthwhile feels good, and the last time you felt this way was when you lived at the Hideaway.
The Hideaway. You stop writing as you reminisce about those times. It really wasn’t that long ago, yet it feels like a lifetime. Have I changed that much? 
You miss everyone dearly. You miss Tarja’s tough love. You miss Mid’s inventiveness. You miss Otto’s gruffness. You miss Tome’s stories of his travels. You miss Jote’s coolness. You miss Gav’s banter. You miss Torgal’s way of comforting you. You miss Jill’s faith. You miss everyone. You often wonder if they miss you too.
You are surprised no one has come looking for you, or have found you if they were. You think about what they must have thought when you left that letter. Were they angry? Sad? Worried? All three? Did they listen to you when you said you didn’t want to be found or did they nonstop look day and night for you? You couldn’t tell. Not unless you find out for yourself. 
You set the daily earnings paper aside, and lay out a fresh one, your quill hovering over the paper as you think of what to say. There are so many words to say, yet you don’t know where to start. Do you share everything? Do you just tell them you are okay? Do you tell them where you are? So many questions to answer with little paper to write it all out. So you write something simple, hoping it gets the message across.
I hope this finds you well. Come see me if you wish. You all know where to find me.
Day 179
Clive’s search for you has been non-stop, days and nights spent looking for trails only to find dead ends. He doesn’t get it. He doesn’t get how you could have disappeared without a trace. But that will not deter him. He will not stop looking until he finds you.
Every place that Clive could think of they checked. Areas in Dhalmekia were the first places they looked, knowing you knew the area better than others. The very first place they checked was your childhood home near the Northern Velkroy, but it didn’t look like there were any signs of life there. Different towns within the area were checked but no one had heard or seen you. Hell, they were more surprised to see him alive and well to focus on the whereabouts of a lost woman. He understood, but it grated his nerves. 
Every other place in Valisthea had been scouted and marked as they went, but every location and mark was the same. So here he was, writing letters to town leaders of the cause again to be his eyes. You have to show up somewhere eventually, if you haven’t already. 
As every day passes, his heart wanes further. It yearns for you, calling out its other half to be complete again. When he does rest, granted not for long periods of time, he imagines you are lying with him. He holds a pillow close in his arms, picturing it to be you to subdue his crazed heart and mind. It was nice to pretend, but then he wakes up and is sorely disappointed to see what lies in his arms is just that: a pillow. It’s a cycle because the same thought crosses his mind each and every time: the day you are back in his arms will be a momentous day. That day has yet to come.
He keeps writing the same words over and over on different sheets of paper when he hears commotion from beyond his doors. The fighting instinct in him shoots up, running to the door to see what was happening when he sees Otto, Jill, and Gav running towards him.
“Has something happened?” Clive asks, alarmed. 
Otto reaches Clive first, shoving a piece of paper into his hand. “She has communicated with us.”
Clive couldn’t read the paper fast enough, not quite believing this day had come. He rings out the paper to straighten it before reading her handwriting. “She is staying in a cottage in the Fields of Corava.” 
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go get the lass back!” Gav expresses with full excitement, springs basically on the bottom of his feet with how bouncy he is. 
Jill pats Gav on the back. “Gav, let’s let Clive go alone.” She then turns to face Clive, an understanding smile greeting him. “They will need some time together.”
“Thank you, Jill.” Clive says softly. “I thank all of you.” 
“Well, if that’s the case…” Gav draws out, approaching Clive before slamming his hand on his shoulder, “you better get cleaned up! You have a lady to see.” 
Clive laughs at Gav’s antics, and turns to ready himself; ready himself to return to you once and for all.
Day 184
It’s late in the morning as you gather flowers into your basket, trimming and cutting the ones that have bloomed beautifully. The flower gardens in the field were flourishing more and more every day. The more you work in the gardens, the more fulfillment you feel. You felt this when you helped out in the Backyard, but what you built here is from your own doing. You believe it to be a testament to your growth, showing that you made the right decision all those months ago. You’ve created your own little utopia, and to share it with others is a beautiful thing.
As you cut fresh flowers, you start to wonder if people at the Hideaway got your letter. You would love for them to come visit, and see what you have done with the place. You wonder if they will ever come to see you or if they will send a letter back. It could be any day now, and you will be ready.
You have a full basket of flowers ready to be put in vases, and before you can get up to head inside you see a shadow lingering above your form. “I’m sorry, but I won't be open for another couple of hours.”
There is no reply, and the shadow remains as still as a statue. You sigh, standing up to turn and be more clear with your words. “I apologize for the inconvenience, but I still need to se-”
The flower basket falls from your grasp, tumbling out and falling into a heap by your feet. Time has frozen, not feeling real as you look at the person you have longed to see for months. You question if you are hallucinating, having had moments where you would see Clive one second and the next he was gone. This, however, was different.
The man before you was not in uniform; just a simple white tunic that displayed a few of his chest curls at the v-cut and regular black trousers with his leather boots. His face was clean-shaven, the facial hair he had kept for so long absent from his face making him look younger. The biggest difference, however, was his left arm; from his elbow down was gone. How could this be hallucination?
“Am I dreaming or is this real?” You breathe, blinking a few times to see if he’d disappear. He didn’t.
He takes a step forward, grabbing one of your hands to place it over his heart. He is warm, his heart fluttering quickly. He is looking down into your eyes, where you see his baby blues grow glossy. “This is real.” He murmurs. “I’m home, sweetheart.”
Something about his words break you, your hands latching onto his shirt to hold yourself to reality. He’s home. My Clive is home. 
You can’t help the sobs that leave your mouth as you bury your face into his chest, making him wrap his arm around you as you both collapse down into the flower beds. You are feeling every emotion under the sun, and you can tell Clive does too as he holds you in his lap. He cries with you, sharing a reunion so pure that it is overwhelming. You lift your head and bring his face to yours, kissing him so deeply that your lungs shake. Exchanges of small words come out between the two of you as you give each other kisses that have been longed for. 
“I never thought I’d see this day.” You say with a wobble in your tone, kissing him again and again. “I love you so much.”
“And I love you. I’m sorry I kept you waiting.” Clive croaks, and goes back in for your lips.
There you both make up for lost time; holding onto each other in a field of flowers where kisses and touches are continuously exchanged.
You and Clive eventually went inside. You turn the sign on your door to ‘close’, so no one can bother you two. You watch Clive look around the place, taking in your little set up of flowers on the kitchen table.
“I apologize for the mess. I’ve had a lot of requests over the last few days believe it or not.” 
Clive looks at you, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. “That doesn’t surprise me in the least. You’ve always had a way with flowers. Speaking of which…”
He reaches into his pocket, only to pull out the lily you had given him all that time ago. You gasp, surprised he has kept hold of it. “You still have it? But how?”
“I protected it with my life.” Clive sets it onto the table. “You gave it to me with the wish that I’d return to you. I wasn’t going to lose it easily.”
“You are so endearing.” You say, but you have so many things you want to know and that alone puts a small frown on your face.
Clives sees the shift immediately, grabbing your hand to console you. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” 
“What happened at Origin, Clive?” You ask, needing to know what he went through for the time he was gone.
Clive exhales, seemingly knowing that question was coming. He pulls your hand towards him as he walks to your bed. “We should sit down. It is a long story.”
The two of you sit down and Clive still has a tight hold on one of your hands. “Forgive me, for this may take me a second. Thinking about certain events there still hurts.”
You bring your free hand to his face, which feels smooth under your touch. His head leans into your palm, turning slightly to kiss the delicate skin. “Take all the time you need. I am here.” You murmur. 
And so, he tells the tale of Origin. He tells you about Dion’s sacrifice. He tells you about what he found out about Ultima’s plans. He tells you about Joshua’s passing, something he had a hard time conveying without his voice breaking, but he pushed on. He tells you about Ultima’s demise. He tells you about how he woke up somewhere off the Shadow Coast of Storm. And he tells you how throughout his journey back to Valisthea, all he could think about was how he couldn’t wait to come home to you. All of it was hard to listen to, hearing what he went through from Origin till now. 
“So, Metia going out was a sign that magick has been lost…” 
“Mmm,” he hums, the both of you lying down now.
“So that’s why you didn’t become wholly petrified? You stopped it in time.”
“Tarja did a great job removing it and ensuring my stub was healed properly, despite my stubbornness.” He jokes, but you don’t laugh. All you can think about is the past.
“If only I waited a little longer,” you start. “I would have saved us so much grief.”
“Don’t you dare blame yourself.” Clive shushes, kissing the top of your head and pulling you closer into his body. “Jill told me you had a very hard time grieving. I will not shame you for doing something you felt was right.
You bury your head into Clive’s neck, breathing in something that is so undeniably him. “You know, when I first got here, I would have these dreams. Nightmares really.”
Clive stays silent, letting you continue. “It would always start and end the same. I would wake up with you in the room, and the next thing I knew you were telling me I had betrayed you… and that you no longer loved me.” You start to sniff, not liking to recall those dreams. “For such a long time, I felt I didn’t deserve to be happy because I had left part of your legacy behind. It felt like your ghost was haunting me day and night.”
“Oh, darling,” Clive pulls you into him so you are on top of him with legs on either side of him. Clive brings your forehead to his, his thumb coming up to swipe the tears building up in your eyes. “I could never not love you.” He looks deeply into you, burning the truth of his heart into you. “I am yours even beyond death.” 
His words overwhelm you, and you lean down to kiss him with every passionate fiber in your being. Your hands go to his torso, running your fingers up and down the sides as you continue to show him how much you love him. He grunts into your lips, his arm holding you down to him. Your hands start to slide slowly under his tunic, your fingers slowly ascending until they reach his chest only to go down again. The delicate touch of your fingers makes his hips buck right against your heat, a grunt and a moan echoing together simultaneously. Your hands go back up again, only this time you bring the tunic with you. 
“We have a lot of lost time to make up for.” You say against his lips.
Clive smirks at your boldness, only to flip you over on your back so he is hovering over you. “That we do, darling. Forgive me, though. Having one arm gives me less leverage.”
You hum, bringing him back down to you by his hair. “I’m sure we can manage.”
You two make love into the night and into the morning, not getting enough of one another; making up for lost time.
Day 200
Since you and Clive’s reunion, he had decided to stay for a while. He had sent a letter to the Hideaway to let them know you were well and that he would be staying for the time being, making Gav in charge. 
“He’ll love that.” You had joked.
“He’s his own man. I have all the faith in him.” 
These last few weeks have been sublime. When you wake up, you see Clive snoozing away beside you on your right; always the right so he can wrap his arm around you in his sleep. He has also helped you with the flower shop. You two would go out in the morning before the heat set in to work the ground and water the flowers. You don’t know if the yearning in your body has yet to be satiated, but there have been times when you would come outside to gather more flowers to see Clive with his shirt off, sweat glistening on his burly chest as he works. It takes every bone in your body not to jump his own. Most times, you are unsuccessful. 
You also found out Clive is quite the salesman. When you two would go out to Dalimil to sell from your cart, the way he is able to convince people to make a purchase is astounding. Is it the charm? The looks? A combination of both? You could guess, but it didn’t matter. Every time you made a sale, he would turn to give you a quick peck. 
“I would kiss you for every individual flower we sell, but we don’t want to scare them away now, do we?”
After a long day out in Dalimil, you two are now inside the cottage finishing up dinner. You are cleaning the dishes when you feel him behind you, wrapping his arm around you pulling your hips to his. You hum in a laughing manner, his friskiness showing as he places kisses on the side of your face. “Clive, let me finish these.”
“They aren’t going anywhere.” He hums, his kisses lingering below your ear. 
You sigh but continue cleaning. Clive, on the other hand, was not having it. He pulls you away, soap and water sloshing from your hands as he pulls you to him. He plops down onto the kitchen chair, bringing you into his lap. “Hmmm, I got you.”
“You are such a horn dog. Are you sure Ifrit still doesn’t linger within you?” You laugh, then squeak when he pinches your side.
“In all seriousness,” he murmurs in your ear. “I want to talk about something.”
“About?” You hum.
“About our future.” 
“Go on,” you urge. “What about our future?”
“Well,” Clive starts, “living the way we have the last couple weeks, my mind can’t stop wandering to what I want for us.”
Your hand reaches up to his cheek, only for him to nip at the tips of your fingers causing you to giggle. “Such as?”
“To start the life we’ve always talked about.” He places more kisses on your neck. “One where our lives are strictly ours. One where I come home to my beautiful wife.” 
“I like the sound of that.” You mewl, his kisses making you squirm in his lap.
“One where I get to see you bearing our child.” His hand goes down to your tummy, rubbing just above your uterus. 
“I’ll be surprised if I’m not already with all the love making we have done.” You giggle. 
He chuckles along with you, his hand squeezing your flesh. “You’d look beautiful. You always do.” He continues, “one where I get to raise a little me, a little you, or both.”
“It all sounds so wonderful.” You purr, feeling all warm and fuzzy at his remarks. 
“Then let’s go ahead with step one.” Clive says, lifting you off of him only to sit you back down. He kneels before you, both of your hands in his one. “I don’t have a ring, but I can’t wait a moment longer. _____, will you do me the utmost honor of marrying me?”
You hum, smiling brightly at his question. “Would you have me in a wedding dress? A big ceremony?”
“Anything your heart desires.”
You shake your head, laughing at his insistence. You look at him, letting yourself get swallowed by his eyes. “I’d marry you with just the clothes on my back.” 
Clive grins, bringing your left hand to his lips as he kisses your ring finger. “I cannot wait to marry you, future Lady Rosfield.”
Lady Rosfield. It has a nice ring to it.
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ad0rechuu · 2 months
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[ Please note that you shouldn’t don’t send anymore asks asking for aid to this account right now, not because I don’t want to help but because I’m in the hospital and I can’t share these asks as quickly as everyone deserves and I feel like that isn’t fair towards the people in need. ]
7 AUGUST 2024 : today is my 20th birthday and the war in gaza is still raging on. so instead of happy birthday wishes and stuff i’d really appreciate if you would share this post and reblog the post on the profiles mentioned down below! and more than that, if you have the resources, please donate to these people. they deserve to celebrate their birthdays in peace.
i’ve linked their accounts and i also linked their gofundme’s, even a little can go a long way. please also read their pleas for help and feel free to add to this list
@wafaaresh. — gofundme : their story
@mohammedalanqer. — gofundme : their story
@musababed. — gofundme : their story
@malakabed. — gofundme : their story
@supportgaza. — gofundme : their story
@kareemyounes10. — gofundme : their story
@abdelmutei. — gofundme : their story
@ashraf-family2. — gofundme : their story
@salem-baker. — gofundme : their story
@shymaafamily. — gofundme : their story
@bilalassadabedrou. — gofundme : their story
@samhslam. — gofundme : their story
@ghaziyounes1967. — gofundme : their story
@mohammedabasan. — gofundme : their story
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what for you might only be a moment can share someone’s life! share this on all platforms, in your networks, group chats to all your friends and followers on every app, these people deserve peace and happiness and they deserve justice
btw the reason i named this as event of sorts is because titles tend to catch ppls attention i am in no way taking credit for these people’s bravery to reach out and also i thought this would reach more people than me sharing the asks
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