#feel free to drop in my inbox or dm with questions or conversation!
peepeethepissking · 6 years
[‘44] Laura: Follows a cop investigating the murder of a well loved socialite as he questions the people closest to her—notably an esteemed writer that helped advanced her career, and her fiancé, a fellow socialite with a poor reputation. The lead is very endearing and the film pulls off one of the most natural twists I’ve ever seen in a whodunit. My only real complaint is that the romance felt a little rushed, but it’s a small price to pay for an otherwise delightful movie.
[‘44] Murder, My Sweet: It’s unsurprising that this is a good film, because it’s based on a book by Raymond Chandler, one of the founding fathers of the hard-boiled detective genre that paved the way for film noir. Humphrey Bogart notably plays the same character, Philip Marlowe, in the Big Sleep. This is one of few films that I think really successfully utilizes an in-media-res frame. It follows Marlowe through two intertwined jobs—a search for a thug’s old girl and the truth behind a jewelry fence. I was surprised with how well it handled the two simultaneous storylines without letting them become too confusing.
[‘46] The Big Sleep: As the above film, this is based on a Raymond Chandler book. This is the only time Bogart depicts Philip Marlowe, and he’s considered one of the best depictions of Marlowe to ever hit the silver screen. This one doesn’t handle it’s plot quite as delicately as Murder, My Sweet, and I honestly ended the film with…a lot of confusion. But even so, it’s a very fun watch, and it feels like a true noir classic. It starts off with Marlowe getting a job from a sickly old colonel to poke around a gambling debt his daughter has acquired, and it follows Marlowe poking his nose in all kinds of businesses he’s not welcome in. [this notably has been recommended by kevin vibert himself!]
[‘47] Out of the Past: I’m not sure what it is, but this is by far my favorite noir I’ve seen, to date. Poor Jeff Bailey gets an unwelcome reminder of his dark past as an amoral P.I. one day after he’s reestablished himself as a small town mechanic. Cornered by an old client that’s much too powerful, he takes on one last job while trying to protect his new life, and his new love. It’s half flashback half real time, but it handles that quite well. My biggest complaint is that the ending is pretty far from what I had wanted, but it’s all for the sake of art, I suppose.
[‘45] Mildred Pierce: This film starts with a murder, and then within the frame of an interrogation tells the story of Mildred Pierce’s life after divorcing her first husband. This film doesn’t quite feel like a noir—it’s brightly lit, it features a female lead and no real “fatale” character, the murder isn’t really the focus of the film—but when you look at the real “message” of the film it lines up with the traditional noir pretty neatly. It’s about the disillusionment of capitalism as a fix-all, it’s about how heartbreaking unconditional love can be, it’s about how hard life will always be for some people. It’s a very frustrating film to watch because of how poorly Mildred Pierce is treated, but it’s a very cathartic film to watch because of how transparently realistic it is.
[‘46] The Blue Dahlia: This one’s a real classic, but I personally can’t decide if it was outstanding or forgettable—which I’ll grant, to have that strong of a discrepancy, it must’ve done something right. It’s a trope that we haven’t seen otherwise on this list, the unreliable memory of a freshly grounded war veteran. You get the facts immediately, with an opening scene that shows one of the gang is just a little troubled from his time overseas. It’s a whodunit that follows a mostly ensemble cast after the ‘lead’ runs out on his wife, then finds out she’s been murdered. What really makes this film worth watching is the end scene, which of course only works at all because of the groundwork laid in the first hour of the film. It keeps you on the edge of your seet with an unreliable narrator kind of confession and then whips you around and wraps everything up with what really happened in like, ten minutes. It’s absolutely dizzying and a real explosion of an end.
[‘50] In a Lonely Place: Another delightful Bogart movie, because, well…I like Bogey, what can I say. This film doesn’t really feel like a noir until you get about halfway through, and everything starts to build up and gain tension. It has a very satisfying ending for a film that almost feels like it isn’t about anything. I’d say it’s especially worth watching because of Miss Jeff Donnell’s absolutely wonderful performance as the-best-friend’s-wife. As far as the plot, it follows a screenwriter that happens to be the last person to have seen a murder victim alive, and is therefore a suspect in the muddy case. It does a great job of making you doubt every character, and the truth of the murder is successfully withheld until the very end.
[‘47] Crossfire: This one’s split between being a police procedural and a veteran noir, but I think it follows the vets around more than the cops in the end, so I’m putting it here instead of under “detective.” Fair warning—this film deals with antisemitism, and the central murder is revealed to have been a hate crime (don’t worry, though—the overall message of the film is that we shouldn’t judge our fellow man before we get to know him). We follow Sgt Keeley while the police question him and try to find his best friend, the prime suspect in a recent murder. Played by Robert Mitchum, notably the lead in Out of the Past, Keeley is a breath of fresh air—as all of Mitchum’s characters seem to be. He’s charmingly a sort of father figure to the other soldiers, and you find yourself rooting for his friends simply because their his friends. This film has probably the weirdest setup for an arrest I’ve ever seen, and I doubt it would hold up in court, but it’s a classic noir ending, nonetheless.
[‘47] Dark Passage: This movie is just incredibly fun to watch, because it’s such a product of it’s time. It has some of the goofiest filming decisions I’ve ever seen in an A-Lister! The beginning is shot in first person, through the eyes of the lead. It feels like playing a dating sim, almost. It’s made very sincerely, though, which really carries it through the humor, and makes it very fun and strangely light hearted. It follows a man wrongly convicted of murder as he escapes prison and tries to find out who framed him, with the help of a local fanatic that followed his trial and believes he’s innocent. Bogart is delightful to see in such a strange role, and Lauren Bacall has an incredible performance that would’ve just felt insincere from anyone else.
[‘49] D.O.A.: This movie follows a guy as he tries to find the man that fatally poisoned him. It’s an interesting twist on the whodunit where the “murder victim” himself is the one trying to find out whodunit. It uses a flashback frame in order to start immediately with that “who’s been murdered?” – “Me!” twist, but beyond that shock value, the frame is really unnecessary. This one’s would’ve been much more fun to watch if the main character wasn’t such a dick to women. The answer to “who did it and why” was also…a lot more confusing than it had to be, which left the end feeling a bit muddled. As a side note—here DOA stands for “dead on arrival.”
[‘53] The Big Heat: Follows a cop as he investigates a suicide that should’ve been an open-and-closed case. The closer he gets to the truth, the more trouble he gets into—and before long, it seems he’s gotten himself wrapped up in a world of crime that infiltrates even the police station, and the men in charge will do anything to keep his nose out of it. This one’s really classic, and it conforms so well to the genre that it almost feels forgettable—but it’s the fact that it is so true to the genre that makes it worth watching.
[‘44] Double Indemnity: I watched this movie in three separate parts because I fell asleep each time I tried to finish it. It’s a kill-the-husband-so-we-can-be-together type of movie, and it’s also notably an insurance adjuster film instead of a detective film. This one’s a real classic that almost everyone says is a must see, but personally I thought all the tension was killed by the unnecessary flashback frame. If nothing else, this one is worth watching because it’s absolutely dedicated to the well known tropes of the noir, but for me that just wasn’t enough.
[‘46] Gilda: Gilda was almost a good movie. Glenn Ford did an incredible job acting against his typecast—this time portraying a charming crook that got his job running an illegal casino by counting the right man’s cards. The movie was just too unorganized, though. It’s a sort of 3 act show that just goes further downhill the longer it goes on. There’s a couple of song-and-dance scenes that feel all but thrown in simply because Rita Hayworth does indeed know how to sing and dance, and the end kind of blows up in its own face without a proper set-up. It’s cinematically a beautiful movie, but I was disappointed by how messy the plot ended up being for something with so much hype.
[‘58] Touch of Evil: Allegedly the last classic noir made in the true film noir era. I watched about a third of this film before calling it quits, which I will admit, is rare for me—I like to suffer through to the end just incase there’s that one scene that makes a movie worth it (see the Blue Dahlia, for example.) This film is about “marijuana, murder, and police corruption,” and it takes place in a California-Mexico border town—which is a big part of what made me quit out. It felt tired and cliché in way that was just a little too close to racist, and I found myself without a real reason to root for the main characters.
as I continue watching noirs, I will update this here to include new recommendations, my watch list, and an “honorable mentions” section
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Have you ever felt like you were faking being neurodivergent? Past year I’ve been in the process of being tested. Before this and I began my own research about it, and from what my family has said, it’s almost definite that I’m not neurotypical. But my current psychologist/psychiatrist don’t seem to believe me. They’ve both pushed back testing and they’d told me my issues are solely from childhood trauma. When I mention I showed signs since I was a toddler or how during my childhood my teachers wanted me tested, they brush me off. My psychiatrist acts like I’m a pill junkie and my psychologist downplays my symptoms by using the term autistic features, and how I’m not truly autistic. I don’t want to be disabled, but I believe there’s always been something different about me that isn’t explained by my childhood experiences. I’m really scared I’m being seen as a hypochondriac, especially since I’m well versed with learning disabilities.
I know how you feel.
Especially when I started embracing my symptoms - stimming, high empathy, less spoons for socializing - I started wondering if I was just copying some of the symptoms because I knew so much about autism. My mom even asked me once if I was stimming on purpose or not.
However, over time, I’ve realized that mental illness is hard to fake, whether you are “pretending” to have it or you are masking for the public’s benefit. Whether you know much about it or not, it’s difficult to fake symptoms. Take one look at TikTok and you’ll see loads of videos of people trying to convince people they have something for clout, only to get shot down by people who have half a brain.
The reason it’s so difficult is because most autism symptoms are either very specific or need to have a certain context. For example, someone can hate loud noises and be neurotypical, but if someone cries and covers their ears every time a balloon pops, something may be amiss. Someone may play with their hair or fidget when they are nervous or giddy and be clear in the eyes of a psychologist, but if someone is spinning, biting, hugging themselves, or rocking back and forth to bleed off emotion or to express despair, then something else may be going on.
However, when someone with autism sees symptoms and relates to them, that’s different. They already have the context, but they just didn’t know to what yet. To be fair, it may not be correct - a lot of things overlap - but it’s certainly a start if you’re trying to get a diagnosis…and doctors/psychologists should respect that. They only see you, at most, a few times a year. They don’t know everything about you, and they certainly don’t know your day to day life the way you do.
And if you’ve had these symptoms since you were a child, before whatever trauma you went through, that should be an indication that your concerns should be looked into. I hate that this isn’t being taken seriously, especially because you have been dealing with the symptoms for so long - which, I’m sure, have been exacerbated by the childhood trauma.
As for being disabled, I get it. When I was young and before I was told about my diagnosis, I wanted answers any way I could get them. I didn’t want to be disabled. I didn’t want attention or clout or whatever. I just wanted to know why I could never hold a conversation for more than three seconds and I cried every day. Why I preferred hanging out in the teacher’s lounge instead of playing with kids my own age. Why everyone thought I was weird.
When I finally got that answer, it was a huge weight of my chest, but I still had a lot of questions - and I’m sure you do too. There are some things that the internet can’t explain or help. If you ever need a question answered, feel free to DM me or drop an ask in my inbox.
Keep me updated on your diagnosis process, and I hope everything goes well!
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woozisnoots · 4 years
Hello alex! Maybe I'm to early for having a emergency request but I haven't really going anywhere outside my house beside buy groceries and I haven't socialize properly in months (maybe there is a bunch of people can relate). It's stressing and make me mentally exhausted for months 😭😭😭 can I request something like joshua fluff or wonwoo fluff that can comfort us? And I get it if you can't do it since I think I'm to early for asking. Anyway hope you have a nice day ❣️
no ofc it’s not too early! pls, i want to do this for you guys 🥺💓 these are meant to be small so i ended up doing both. i hope you enjoy and if you ever need someone to talk to, my inbox and dms are always open!
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𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧!
° pairing: joshua x reader, wonwoo x reader ° genre: fluff! ° word count: 1214 ° warnings: none! ° tagging: @jaeyoonurl bc she has a thing for j*shua hong
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— joshua
in the scenario that you and joshua are living together in a small apartment complex, he does the slightest bit to annoy you whether it be intentional or not
like he’ll either make you stay in bed with him  longer than usual so you’d be late to a zoom class / meeting
or he’d purposefully flick you behind the ear while you’re cooking which causes you to accidentally pour more than just a pinch of salt on your eggs 
since josh owns that little projector that has slides of all the different constellations, he would turn it on right before you guys go to sleep as you lay next to each other on the bed and just stare at the stars from your ceiling
he loves making jewelry to pass the time while you guys watch netflix together. and wants nothing more than receiving an accessory that you made yourself
“joshua hong, please!” you fling your arms up to reach for the object now in joshua’s hands, much to your avail. “it’s literally so ugly. i beg you, please don’t wear it!” the little jump you add doing nothing but exhaust your energy. 
you knew it was bad idea, you should have trusted your gut the minute joshua left to get the groceries. forty-five minutes was just not enough time for you to possibly make a small thank you gift for you boyfriend. a token to say, ‘this is what three years has gotten us.’
“but you gave it to me!” joshua refutes back. you let your guard down, breathing rapidly in order to catch your breath from the unnecessary movement of having to keep up with him. he, on the other hand, took this as an opportunity to run, sprint away from your wrath and make a clean line for the bathroom before shutting the door to securely lock it in place. 
joshua hears your wallowed out screams coming from the other side and softly chuckles under his breath, wondering when you’ll ever get used to his childish antics at times. he safely unravels his hands to reveal the tiny object. and he can’t help but smile wide, ear to ear, and think, ‘so that’s why i felt something pointy.’ 
you’ve given up at this point. by now, he’s probably already seen your gift and for all you know, everything is doomed. your hand laid flat on top of the door, deciding whether to shrivel in front of him now or wait until he confronts you first. yet, he’s able to make that decision for you as he abruptly opens the door causing you to fall forward straight into his arms. 
“why, hello gorgeous,” you watch from underneath him, the corner of his lip rising up to form a cheeky smirk. you squint your eyes menacing at the thought that he could possibly be wearing the horrid gift you made. tilting your head to the side, you open one eye to catch a glimpse of green hanging from joshua’s left ear. he turns his head just slighty so you could get a better look. “you’ve really out done yourself, if i had anything to say about it. though i have to say, i didn’t think you’d go for the cute food aesthetic. i thought you hated avocados.”
blood immediately rushes towards your cheeks and hide your face from joshua’s vision but he was too quick. using his brute strength, he pulls your weight so you’re standing in front of the mirror, back facing him. your mind spirals as you feel joshua tuck strands of your hair behind your ear. “awe lookie, i knew you’d be wearing the other one,” he says before deliverying a small peck to your cheek, leaving you a scrambled mess. “what a perfect anniversary gift.”
— wonwoo
spending time with wonwoo during quarantine would be rather quiet and simple, but that doesn’t mean your time spent together is boring
having little to nothing to do all day makes you realize how much renovations you guys can do around your home
your morning conversations over breakfast would be about different home décor that you found on amazon and you would end up having such a fun time talking about it because you guys turn them into little debates over if the items are actually necessary 
that being said, wonwoo would be so willing to buy anything that would fill your guys’ boredom. and yes, that would include getting two separate desks, possibly four computer screens, two headsets, two light up keyboards for the heck of it, and of course: two very comfortable gamer chairs
no, he would not let you win at any games for freebies — you gotta earn that shit
out of all the days of the week, nothing was ever reserved for sundays. truly, every day was a free day — lounging around, doing chores, testing new cooking hacks to see if they actually worked. but sundays especially were just extra... boring. the very end of the week with absurd nothing to do. which has led you to spend this sunday morning in front of your dual computer screens with your boyfriend joining you on the other side of the desk.
“damn it!” you exclaim, lightly slamming the keys on your keyboard due to this endless frustration boiling inside of you since you’ve started playing. “how do i keep losing... it’s club penguin for fucks sake!”
your hands collect your face with pure dread and exhaustion, wondering how your supreme logic failed you during card jitsu. you hear a hearty chuckle coming from wonwoo sitting across from you. “the cards are just in my favor, sweetheart.”  he eyes you as he takes the warm cup of coffee to his lips to take a sip. “how about, best two out of three to see who has to make breakfast?” the huskiness of his voice growing deeper with each word, leaving you in trace for just a moment. 
you ponder at the bet, looking back between the screen showcasing your pink penguin and your beautiful barefaced boyfriend, ultimately coming to a decision. “what about. i watch you wipe out your penguin foes for the next few rounds and then we can make breakfast together,” you suggest instead, your mind thinking far beyond your apparently lousy deck of cards. 
“fine by me,” wonwoo shrugged, adjusting himself comfortably to his seat. you silently admire him from where you are, noticing how notably meticulous he was being when he’s focused. wonwoo’s eyes captures yours but gives you a puzzled look. “are you not gonna come over here?” he quietly asks. 
the simple question makes your head drop, feeling embarrassed as you try hard not to show him how flustered he made you. regardless, your legs move without you having to think it over. and instead of sitting on the small space that he left for you on his chair, you move his arm aside to face him before straddling your legs and sitting on his lap. 
wonwoo, completely unfazed, takes his free arm not holding his mouse and tugs you in closer to his chest so you can lay your head on his shoulder. for the remainder of your morning, your eyes slowly start to droop to the sound of penguin screams and victory. 
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lavenderslemonade · 4 years
Playing Animal Crossing While in Quarantine HC
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Pure fluff
Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima, Tamaki and Aizawa: Playing Animal Crossing With Their S/O While in Quarantine
I’ve been obsessed with animal crossing these past few days! If you want to visit my island some time or just chill, DM me and I’ll send you my switch friend code!
Also, if there’s another My Hero Academia peep you want me to do that isn’t on this list, leave me a message in my inbox and I’ll do them next! Also, please feel free to leave a comment!
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- The two of you had the game pre-ordered and once you got it the two of you became hooked. You refuse to let Midoriya onto your island till you have everything set up how you want. However, Midoriya lets you visit his island frequently. He has a little park area on his island, a little picnic area where the two of you can have little dates since he can’t take you out on real ones.
- He won’t let you in his house. You don’t know why, but he won’t. Before you can get near it you see where he’s dug holes or blocked the entrance off with large items so you can’t get through. “Midoriya, I wanna see your house.” You state one day over the phone as you keep hitting the large fish tank he’s put in front of the door with your net.
- You finally get in one day when he accidentally takes the fish tank away when he hit the wrong button, and you just bolt inside. You hear him freaking out on the other end of the phone begging you to please not look at his house. However, it’s too late. It’s...actually not that bad. He has normal rooms much to your surprise.
- Midoriya starts chasing you around his house as you scope out what he’s done with the place. Bathroom, Kitchen, Bedroom, Living room, it’s all pretty normal. Then you get to the basement. You knew it was too good to be true. His basement is nothing but All Might. Midoriyas avatar is behind you sweating and freaking out. However, you reassure him that it’s okay, you’ve seen worse. No really, you went to Minetas island to be nice, and like I said, you’ve seen worse on that island.
- If there’s something in the Nook shop that he thinks you’d like he’ll buy it for you and surprise you with it the next time you come over. If there’s a fossil you can’t find, or one or two bugs you need for Blathers then he’ll try his hardest to find them on different islands and give them to you. If your anniversary or birthday was coming up and couldn’t spend it together during quarantine, he’ll try to come up with a surprise for you.
- You leave your switch for a few minutes to open a few gifts that your relatives had sent you through the mail, and get a piece of cake that your parent(s) got for you. You keep your switch on so Midoriya can run around your island and do as he pleases. While you’re away he begins planting flowers all around your house that he’s collected. Has a little picnic set and places it in the middle of the flowers. Luckily the flowers start to attract butterflys and different insects.
- When you come back your heart is warm from the display, and the two of you spend several hours just talking and doing little things together like collecting the bugs the flowers brought in or fishing.
- He has a switch, but he didn’t buy the game when it first came out. Why would he? It was too cute looking for his taste and he remembers some of the girls playing that stupid background music to help them concentrate while they studied back at UA. It drove him up a damn wall then, so why would he put himself through that torture now?
- It wasn’t till he became annoyed with you that he decided to get the game. You were one of the people that had the game pre-ordered and ever since you got it, plus went under quarantine, you’ve hardly paid Bakugou a lick of attention. He was on the phone with you trying to have a conversation, but whenever it was your turn to talk or answer a question your line was just dead. He’d call out your name snapping you out of your trance, and apologize to him due to you trying to catch a butterfly.
- It was okay the first few times it happened, but then it became annoying. How your line would be quiet then randomly “If I can’t one more fucking sea bass!” blares from your end causing Bakugou to nearly drop his phone in surprise. “Are you still playing that stupid fucking game!” He’d growl into his phone. Goes onto Amazon once the two of you get off the phone and order the game. He won’t pick up whenever you try to call him, which honestly makes you feel pretty guilty.
- However, your guilt flies out the door when you see the banner come across your screen stating a visitor was arriving. You rush to the docks to see who it is and you’re surprised to see a mini Bakugou avatar walk out of the little airport. Quickly, you grab your phone and call him. You had hit the joy emote as you waited for him to pick up, and as soon as he did you couldn’t help but squeal in excitement. “I can’t believe you got the game!” You’d state excitedly as you watch your screen.
- Then an ax appeared in his hand, making the color drain from your face. “Please don’t...” You whimper. Honestly you expected him to chop down all your tree’s, however he simply chased you for about five minutes. Once he’s cooled down he listens to you gush about all the little dates the two of you can go on, giving him a tour of your island, and even showing off the big fish you’ve caught. He’s a little irked because he’s just started the game and hasn’t caught fish as big as yours yet.
- He complains about his hate for Tom Nook. You watched as he tries to hit Toms tent with an ax to no luck. He goes around your island and shakes all the fruit out of your trees much to your displeasure though he drops his own fruit from his island in front of you stating he wants you to plant them.
- Bakugou has a shirt that looks like his hero outfit that he wears most of the time. If he’s not wearing that shirt then he has a regular black shirt with a skull on it. The Bakusquad usually visits each others island, though they don’t visit Denki’s as much since it’s about just as bad as Minetas. It’s not perverted like Minetas, but it’s not really put together well and he wears the dress that looks like it’s a bikini...
- Bakugou is known to uproot Mina’s flowers when she’s not looking to give to you later, and easily gets irritated if one of the bakusquad catches a fish he was trying to get.
- He tried to name his island Hell, but that’s not allowed. So he followed Jacksepticeyes example and named it Hel
- He has a large bed in his house so that whenever you come over you can crawl in with him and pretend that the two of you are cuddling. He has Moose on his island AND HE WANTS HIM GONE!
- He didn’t pre-order the game before it came out, in fact he didn’t even own a switch. He’s never really been that interested in video games, and has mostly been spending his free time reading and spending time with his siblings. You keep sending him images of fish you’ve caught, the small garden you’ve set up beside your house, and when you spotted a Wisp across the water. He could tell you were having a lot of fun, and was surprised to find out that Midoriya and the rest of Class 1-A was playing the game.
- Thus, he ordered a switch and the game so he could play with everyone. He sends a picture of his avatar once he’s gotten everything set up. Though, you’re not surprised that his character has white hair instead of red. You call him and answer any questions he has, helping him learn the ropes of the game. once he’s got a good bit of things done, and Timmy and Tommys shop has been set up, you allow him to visit your island. However, he won’t let you visit his yet.
- The two of you mostly goof around collecting bugs and fish. When the sun sets you have a bench near the edge of the water that the two of you sit on together. Todoroki starts a garden on your island just for you. Yeah, you have one that you started, but he wanted to start one where it’s just flowers he’s brought you. If he’s visiting a fellow classmates island and sees a flower he thinks you’d like or would look good in the garden, he’ll take a few thousand bells and drop it at the island owners feet before typing “I want the flower.”
- They’re not complaining because they got a dept to pay. Will go straight to your island and plant the flower.
- He has Marshal AND Raymond on his island, and honestly you feel a bit jealous. He’s converted pictures of you and the two of you together from his phone to the nintendo app so he can hang up pictures of y’all in his house. His house is honestly pretty simple, just like his dorm room. He even has a bamboo noodle slide beside his house. Actually a good chunk of his island has bamboo on it now, which doesn’t surprise you.
- The two of you actually dress up your characters to go on mini dates together. It grosses Bakugou out. “Why the fuck are y’all dressed like you’re about to go someplace fancy?!” Bakugou would type out while hitting Todoroki with a net much to his annoyance. When he’s bored Todoroki would make little outfits for you and send you the QR code. You mostly wear only what Todoroki makes now.
- He insist’s on helping you pay off your debt to Tom Nook, but you won’t let him.
- Like Midoriya he and you both pre-ordered the game. Surprisingly he’s played the past Animal Crossings as well. Before quarantine the two of you would actually listen to soothing animal crossing music when you study or were taking a nap. Your island is more developed than his since he doesn’t want to do the time jump cheat.
- The first room he has added onto his house is turned into a gym. He gets along so well with Tank, and usually can see his character running with Tank. Sucks at designing clothes so you designed him a Red Riot costume and emailed him the QR code. He lets you design different outfits for him and will put on little fashion shows for you. The two of you usually visit Sero and Minas island together, and sometimes Bakugou when he’s on (which is rare), and Denki’s.
- Everyone clicked the surprise emote when Denki appeared in the bikini dress. The two of you will go on fishing dates together, and if he catches a cute insect or a hard to catch fish, he’ll give it to you. One of the only things he’ll try is trying to grow a money tree, which surprisingly works.
- You logged on one day for one of your dates and he stated he had a gift for you. He’d hop off the bench y’all were sitting on and give you a huge stuffed bear from the Nook store. After that he’d take you to the town square where some of his villagers were singing Bubblegum KK.
- Has a large bed so the two of you can ‘snuggle’. His house is pretty ordinary, he keeps all his workout stuff in the back room. He’s the type that uses half his island to store the fish he’s collected to he an turn them in all at once. He’ll spend two-three days collecting fish nonstop, and then selling them to Timmy and Tommy. He see’s it as just a bit of revenge for the insane dept Tom Nook has put everyone in.
- He surprisingly pays close attention to the decor of your home. If there’s something he thinks you’ll like, he’ll build it and then change it’s color so it can fit with your homes aesthetic. Both of you download the nintendo switch app and convert photos of yourselves to put in your homes. He wants to go visit Tamaki, but you try to convince him not to since you know he’ll probably cause the older boy to have an anxiety attack with how hyper he is on the game.
- The two of you decided to be nice and visit Mineta’s island a.k.a “Hentai Island”. As soon at the two of you read the title you knew you were in trouble. His avatar frequently wears a shirt that has abs on it, and somehow it’s more disturbing than Denki’s Bikini dress. He tries to flirt with you in the game “Do I look manly enough for you now (y/n)?” you can basically hear him salivating from the other side of the screen.
- After that you and Kirishima vow never to go back. He’s not allowed on either of your islands either. Kirishima allowed him over once and he just kept staring at one of the pixel images of you Kirishima has on his wall. Luckily, while he was over Kirishima accidentally shook some wasps from a tree, and while he was running away they attacked Mineta.
- Both of you were too busy to pre-order the game, but Fatgum knew how much both you and Tamaki enjoyed Animal Crossing. He had actually caught the two of you playing on your break on your 3DS’s. He knew that some much was going on in your lives due to it being your final school year, plus the ordeal with saving Eri. Thus, he pre-ordered two of the games as a surprise for the two of you.
- However, due to not knowing when you’d get quarantined, once the games arrived he personally mailed them out to the both of you along with a little letter. When the two of you got your copies, you were surprised and ecstatic. Both of you sent a thank you text to Fatgum and began playing right away. Both of you spent a few days to yourselves, wanting to get your island organized and to surprise each other. You tried catching all the butterflies you could to give to Blathers and make the museum’s butterfly garden as nice as it could be!
- Neither you or Tamaki time jump since you want to experience the full calming effect of Animal Crossing. Tamaki honestly feels a bit intimidated by  Bam, but he loves Fuchsia. When the two of you finally visit he each other, you insist on going to his island first. He has flowers all around Fuchsia’s home and you could see a few buds sprouting around the new homes that were being built, his way of welcoming his new villagers.
- He’s made a large garden for you at the top of his island, where none of the villagers can really disturb the two of you. Because there’s nothing more awkward than Tamaki spending time with his S/O in a romantic setting and then trying to take them to the secret spot he set up just for Dom to be sitting on the bench meant for the two of you. He doesn’t want to be mean to the villager, however, watches from the side as you pull out your net and start thwacking Dom with it till he moves.
- Tamaki watched Dom leave, before joining you on the bench, and deciding to send the sheep some flowers as an apology for making him move. But like, it was a mini date for the two of you and he really wanted to watch the meteor shower with you from that said spot. And the end of the night you give him the outdoor picnic set you needed cherry blossom petals to make.
- On your island you tried your best to collect as many butterflies as you could along with a few other insects and koi for aesthetics to surprise Tamaki with. He’s honestly shocked with home many butterflies you had caught. With the time frame of some of them it means you’ve probably been up early in the morning to late at night trying to catch specific ones. Blathers probably has nightmares now about butterflies.
- Both of you aren’t really big fans of Tom Nook, but Tamaki loves Isabelle, Timmy and Tommy. Whenever Mirio and Nejire visit, it’s chaotic. The two of you will be chilling in the town square watching Marina sing into the mic that Tamaki set up for her, meanwhile Mirio and Nejire are chasing each other with nets and beating each other over the head. Mirio accidentally plucked one of Tamaki’s flower hybrids and Tamaki quickly clicked the distressed emote.
- Tamaki takes very good care of his plant life, literally going around and watering them everyday. So you were able to replicate the hybrid and planted it in the spot where Mirio had accidentally plucked the other one.
- Due to your busy schedules, Aizawa has a switch lite that he plays on when he’s taking breaks at school or when he’s just resting at home. Meanwhile you have a full on switch. Both of you pre-ordered the game and play it side by side at home. Aizawa is pretty resourceful with his materials, keeping things in his storage as to not waste room and going out to collect more stuff.
- His first two villagers were Rudy and Pashmina. You watched as his eye lit up at Rudy, knowing your boyfriend was crazy for cats. He tries to follow things step by step, collecting items to sell and pay off Tom Nook and steadily becoming frustrated with the more dept the damn raccoon put him in. Meanwhile, you’re using the time jump cheat to get things done quicker and make your island look like legit paradise.
- You’ve went to his island to find him catching fish and trying to give it to Rudy. He doesn’t really use emotes. A good bit of the time you see that he’s online, thus when you go to visit his island you’re surprised to see he’s not greeting you at the docks. You go to his house and you’re not surprised to find his avatar asleep on the bed. You go to the living room to see your boyfriend passed out on the couch, his switch resting against his chest as he snoozes away.
- You frequently bop him in the head with your net when you want attention, because he’s usually focused on completing tasks for Tom Nook and selling items to Timmy and Tommy. You finally stop when he pulls out an ax and just stares at you. You peek up from your switch in your chair in the living room and just see Aizawa glaring at you from the couch. “...I love you.” You’d state with the most innocent look you can muster.
- Barold moves onto Aizawa’s island and AIZAWA WANTS HIM GONE. You’d noticed online how the character had been getting a fair amount of disapproval, but it couldn’t be that bad. Well, Aizawa led you to Barolds house and you were amazed to see the surveillance stuff he has up, and you agree with Aizawa. Boi gotta go.  
- You decide to mess with him one day so you send all his students his switch friendship code, and Momo helps you design the schools uniform for the students. Some even make their hero costumes. When he gets on one evening he’s horrified to see all his students sitting in classroom chairs in the center of his island. Some of the villagers are passing by trying to talk to them, and you’re chilling on a bench. You walk over to your boyfriend and pull out a party popper and spray confetti over him yelling “Surprise! They wouldn’t pay attention on Zoom, so I thought they’d pay attention on here!”
- He just stares you down from his side of the bed. You refuse to look up from your switch to meet his irritated gaze.
- You’re not allowed on his island for a week.
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cryo-locket · 3 years
Rules & Info
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General Info
❖ This is a highly sfw blog, so please refrain from sending/tagging me in anything sexual.
❖ I am mostly open to any sort of conversation you’d like to bring to me even if it’s unrelated to Genshin.
❖ I ask of you to please be respectful to one another. I’d rather not have any conflict happening.
❖ I write based on my own viewpoint of everything, so please do not try to criticize me if my viewpoint differs from yours, as everyone has their own way of characterization.
❖ Feel free to drop some mail into my inbox at anytime! If you have any other questions, I’ll try my best to answer them!!
❖ You can just ask if you want to be mutuals, but please be sure I at least know you and it’s not a situation where I have no idea who you are at all for that would be very awkward.
❖ Tumblr is also known to sometimes bug out and eat asks. I keep count of the asks in my inbox on my pinned post, so if I don’t reply to your ask within a day or two, and the number of asks in inbox on pinned post doesn’t change, you could send in an ask to check with me!
❖ Please stay away from my blog if you’re homophobic, transphobic, lgbtqia+ phobic, sexist, racist, etc.
❖ Dark content creators and consumers kindly get tf off my blog, thank you.
❖ I spam random posts a lot at times.
❖ I’d rather not have anyone at the age of 12 and under interacting with my blog as well, thanks. (You’re literally not allowed on Tumblr what are you doing??)
❖ If you’re here just to send hate to me or anyone else, you may leave now. Save your breath and don’t make a fool of yourself on public media.
❖ I often use nicknames/pet names for people, so do let me know if you are uncomfortable with any of them.
❖ I’m honestly still quite confused about how tone indicators work, so please be aware that most of the things I say are mostly sarcastic and I do not mean any harm by them.
❖ I will not hesitate to block you should you try to start any sort of conflict, or violate any of my blog rules. If there’s anything you are unsure of, you can ask me in dms or send an ask on anon if you’re more comfortable with that.
❖ Please do refrain from acting all familiar with me right off the bat when I do not even know you/have never really interacted with you, because it’s just weirdly uncomfortable. And yes my dms are always open for questions of my blog you’re not comfortable with asking through asks, but don’t message me casually through dms otherwise if we’re not close(moots).
Requesting and Writing
❖ I currently only write for Genshin, but I do play ‘Obey Me!’ and Twisted Wonderland, so brainrots are very much welcomed!
❖ I may take quite a while to finish your request, so please do not rush me. Though if you’d just like to pop in to check with me if your request got through without tumblr eating it then that’s fine!
❖ As stated above in the general info section, no nsfw stuff, this is a sfw blog and I am uncomfortable with such things.
❖ Anything too gory, yandere related, cheating, suggestive, etc. I will not write for.
❖ My posts are mainly gender neutral unless stated otherwise, but I am known to make mistakes at times, so do correct me if you notice anything.
❖ I write for every currently playable character plus one stray Scaramouche. (Aloy’s origins are not of Genshin so I don’t write for her either)
❖ I write both platonic and romantic. Small beans are only allowed platonic.
> Small Beans: Qiqi, Klee, Diona, Sayu
✫ Please do not ask romantic troupes for any other minor characters if you are an adult!
❖ I don’t accept requests often, as my mind often goes blank when I do requests, but my inbox is always open for any sort of other shenanigans you’d like to send in! (Even an occasional ‘hi’ is absolutely fine!!)
❖ Though I do write angst, it’s probably only once in a blue moon, because I’ll most likely cry three times over before I finish the story. (╥﹏╥)
❖ If you have any other questions, feel free to send in an ask or even dm me! Whichever is more comfortable for you
This list also randomly updates whenever I remember something I should add, but I’ll most likely make a post notifying about it. So please remember to pay attention to #notice locket for announcements and stuff!!
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edensrose · 3 years
❝ 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐌𝐄  ─────
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-ˋˏ ༻𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆 ༺ ˎˊ-
• This blog is dedicated to Kamisama Hajimemashita/Kamsisama Kiss. My aim is to increase the popularity of this fandom and create more content, I wish to inspire others to do the same so that we can all grow as a fandom!
•This is a writing blog, typically Reader Inserts [Canon x Reader], however I also write about ocs in relation to the fandom
•My art will also be posted here, once more, in relation to the fandom, this may be canons characters, ocs or concepts
•Also an edit blog, I typically do edits for canon characters [image edits/video edits] 
•If you would like to request any of the above, you are more than welcome to! You can get more information about requests here 
•This blog does contain nsfw, however, that will tagged with accordingly so that you are able to avoid it if you wish
•Among that, I also do shitposts - this includes random headcanons, character games, incorrect quotes etc. Certain shitposts will be tagged as follows: -Random rambles: foxx rambles -Headcanons/Ideas: foxx imagines -Oc Concepts: foxx ocs
•I do dialogue interactions for Tomoe, so go ahead, the ask button is right there~
•I also answer fandom questions, be it whether you are curious of my opinion on something in regards to the franchise or you need some lore background 
•Other than that, you are allowed to drop any random ask in my inbox
-ˋˏ ༻𝐌𝐄 ༺ ˎˊ-
•I go by many names, feel free to call me what you’d like - however, I mostly go by Foxx or Eden
•I don’t go by any specific pronouns, you may refer to me as they/them, she/her, he/him, etc.
•I’m a very sociable person and don’t mind talking to new people! Feel free to drop into my dm at any time, I adore conversing and making new friends - I can assure you that I skip the ‘awkward getting to know each other’ phase and will treat everyone as if we we knew each other for years. If you just want to talk or even have a problem, my inbox is wide open
•I roleplay too! Dm me if you’re interested~
•I simp for way too many characters in this fandom and encourage you to simp with me
•I am an ally! I respect you for who you are, race, religion, sexuality, gender, etc aside. You are valid and I want to talk to you!
•Don’t be afraid to tag me in something if you’re looking for hype, I know what it’s like to want feedback
•Literally in love with every single colour no I cannot choose a favourite - 
•I love classic music! I’m also a real softie for love songs
•I’m a generally nice person and hope not to intimidate you as much as people say I do - I hope we can be friends!
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katsukiscaramel · 5 years
love at first sight
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Summary: Love at first sight has the possibility of happening anywhere; even in a gala full of masked strangers. 
Note: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!!! (yes, I know I'm a day late sksksk) aLSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200 FOLLOWERS!!!! I’m highkey screaming ngl I love all of y’all so much! and I would love to talk to some of y’all too (cause 200 followers = 200 friends), so remember my dms/inbox is always open! Sorry for the rant, I’m just so happy. Anyways, as always comments + feedback are always appreciated!
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You were a firm believer in love at first sight. The very concept of coincidentally meeting someone, locking eyes with them, and immediately coming upon the realization the two of you were meant to be never failed to make your heart flutter. You were vaguely aware of how childish the concept of love at first sight was; something fabricated within the land of fairytales to help fuel the overactive minds of children who couldn’t quite grasp what love was. But even then, you couldn’t help yourself as you searched for the type of love that only seemed to exist in fairytales, becoming the hopeless romantic that never seemed to exactly find what they were looking for. 
And one with think that someone as fascinated with love as you were, would absolutely adore Valentine’s Day. After all, a whole holiday dedicated to celebrating love with the ones you loved seemed to be something exactly up your alley. 
But being stuck in a crowded ballroom adorned with pink and red decorations, surrounded by increasingly tipsy partygoers whose faces were covered with intricate masks, you found the holiday quickly becoming one of your least favorites. 
You stood near a somewhat secluded corner, your fingers occasionally fidgeting with your mask or the various parts of your outfit, desperately wanting to be anywhere but here. Your eyes glanced over the crowds of masked people, noticing the dancing couples and those few blatantly obvious singles who already seemed to be heavily intoxicated so early into the night. The smile that rested on your face was purely polite, with no real indications of enjoyment behind it. Some made an attempt to talk to you, but after a few words full of formalities, they’d wander away in search of someone a bit more fun. And to be honest, you didn’t blame them.
Your gaze landed on two masked figures approaching you. Once they were close enough, you dropped the fake smile plastered onto your lips, letting out a tired sigh.
“I want to go home,” you said to your friends. 
“I thought you were supposed to be a hopeless romantic? Isn’t Valentine’s Day supposed to be the one day practically made for you?” Monoma asked, making you roll your eyes.
“I’m not a hopeless romantic, because there’s still hope out there--” you were interrupted by Monoma’s obnoxious laughter. Kendo raised her hand, threatening to hit the blond hero, and effectively shutting him up. 
“If you were home, you’d be doing nothing but moping around and watching romance movies,” Kendo pointed out. You let out a sigh, fully aware of how right Kendo was. If it was up to you, you’d be at home, surrounded by boxes of chocolates and piles of blankets as you watched incredibly sappy romance movies.
“That’s still better than being here,” you groaned out, making Monoma roll his eyes. 
“Might I remind you that you’re attending a masquerade ball on Valentine’s Day?” Monoma commented, crossing his arms. “So go be Cinderella or whatever, and embark on your weird quest for love.” You stared at him in brief shock, before smirking. 
“Damn, you being a supportive friend? It’s a Valentine’s Day miracle,” you snickered out. You could see the glare Monoma sent your way through his black mask, only making you laugh even more. 
“Forget everything I said. Instead of being Cinderella, feel free to stay in this corner all night like the old witch you are. It’s not like you’ll find love anyways,” Monoma huffed out. You let out a gasp as Kendo rolled her eyes. She paused for a moment, suddenly realizing how quiet it was in the small little group. Her teal eyes looked around, something suddenly clicking in place.
“Hey, where’s Tetsutetsu?” Her question was immediately answered as she could hear loud yelling coming from the opposite end of the venue. She sighed, waving you a quick goodbye as she turned on her heels and headed towards the direction of the ruckus. Monoma followed behind her, leaving you alone.
Your eyes trailed after them, watching as they disappeared into the crowd. Faintly aware of the boredom gnawing at you, you sighed to yourself. After all, you had to leave your little corner eventually, no matter how comfortable it seemed. With that, you headed into the crowd of people, determined to make the best of the night.
And while your friends managed to successfully motivate you to enjoy the party; another group of friends was failing miserably at doing the same thing.
“This is so fucking stupid. Who the hell decides to have a masquerade ball on Valentine’s Day?” Bakugou growled out, angry crimson eyes glancing into the crowd of couples who were dancing to whatever annoying song that was echoing throughout the venue. 
“This is for a good cause,” Kaminari said. “It’s to raise awareness for some heart disease--” he briefly stopped talking, his yellow eyes widening in sudden realization. “Ohhh so that’s why it’s on Valentine’s Day! Cause-- you know, hearts and Valentine’s Day!” Kaminari shouted, making Bakugou roll his eyes. 
“I want to leave,” Bakugou grumbled out, arms crossed and standing firmly in his spot. Kirishima let out a sigh, running his hand through his red hair, his tired red eyes glancing towards his friends, or at least the remaining ones. Mina and Sero had already given up, wandering into the crowd to be able to finally enjoy themselves without Bakugou’s constant complaining. Some part of Kirishima wished to do the same, while the other part of him wanted Bakugou to at least somewhat enjoy himself for once.
“You can’t leave, I drove us here.” Kirishima pointed out.
“I’ll blast my way out of here,” Bakugou replied. Kirishima blankly stared at Bakugou, painfully aware of how serious the blond was.
“You making an appearance is good press, Bakubro. And as a pro hero, you need to maintain a good image so you’re well-liked by the public,” Kirishima said. Truth be told, he was just pulling out random reasons for Bakugou to stay. “At least stay for an hour. Please?” 
“Absolutely--” Kirishima could feel himself letting out a victorious smile. “--the fuck not. I’m leaving.” Bakugou decided, finally moving from his spot and looking for the closest exit. Kirishima sighed to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose and moving forward to follow Bakugou out. Kaminari’s hand stopped Kirishima, his yellow eyes spotting the perfect distraction in keeping Bakugou preoccupied for a while. 
“Alrighty Bakugou, you leave me no choice,” Kaminari said, catching Bakugou’s attention. Bakugou rolled his eyes, feeling himself become increasingly annoyed by the electric idiot he called a friend.
“Hey ladies!” Kaminari yelled, grabbing the attention of a group of women nearby. Bakugou turned around, curious as to what Kaminari was doing. “Meet my friend Bakugou! He’s a pro hero! Plus he’s incredibly strong, somewhat handsome, and desperately single!”
“What the hell did you say Dunce Face--” but before Bakugou could even reach Kaminari, a group of women suddenly surrounded him, their irritatingly high-pitched voices bombarding him with countless questions. Bakugou barely managed to see Kaminari and Kirishima duck into the crowd, hiding away from sight, before the women completely surrounded him. Bakugou growled, feeling the anger and irritation build up inside of him.
Good god, this was going to be a long night.
You aimlessly wandered throughout the crowd, careful to not bump into anyone. At some point, you had attempted to head in the direction Kendo and Monoma had run off too, but all you found was a broken refreshments table and absolutely no sign of your friends. Your eyes glanced over the people surrounding you, noting all the couples who were slowly dancing with one another to the soft music and the groups of friends laughing about. Only then did you notice how lonely you were. Sighing to yourself, you looked around for the quiet corner you previously occupied, somewhat regretting leaving in the first place. 
While moving around the crowd, your ears couldn’t help but catch a nearby conversation. 
“Come on, we should dance together!” A woman’s voice said, followed by a heavy sigh.
“Like I’ve told you before, I’m not even tempted by the damn offer. Will you just leave me alone?” A man’s voice gritted out, frustration coating his words. You looked over, noticing how the woman was practically latched onto the man’s arm while the man looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but there.
And honestly, you could relate. 
An impulsive decision entered your mind as you made your way over towards the two, tapping the man’s shoulder. His head snapped over towards you, and though you couldn’t exactly see his eyes, you could feel his glare seething into your skin. You feigned a smile, grabbing his arm.
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere honey.” You said, faking a cheery voice. You could see the woman beside him back off a little bit, her eyes trained on your actions. You looked back at the man, noticing how he looked absolutely livid. “You promised me a dance, remember?” 
Bakugou blankly stared at you, having half the mind to just scream all the profanities circling around in his head. He opened his mouth, with the intention of telling you to fuck off, until noticing the way you nodded your head off towards the side. His eyes glanced over, catching how the women that were previously surrounding him seemed to back off just a bit, watching the interaction with catlike eyes. 
Glancing between you and the group of women, he decided to pick the lesser of two evils. 
Letting out a sigh, he forced out a tight-lipped smile, focusing on you. 
“Oh right, I do owe you that dance, honey,” Bakugou hissed out, the words tasting like bitter poison in his mouth. Letting go of his arm, you reached for his hand. At first, he moved his hand away, before slowly allowing you to grab it. You sent an empathetic look towards the women. 
“Sorry ladies, I can barely keep an eye on this one. You know how it is,” you said with a smile, resisting the urge to shiver at the glares they were sending your way. Before they could respond, you dragged the man into the crowd of dancing couples.
Once in the crowd, you could still see the group of women staring the two of you down. You turned towards the blond man, grabbing his free hand with your own.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He asked, attempting to yank his hands away. For someone so short, you had a surprisingly tight grip. 
“Dance with me,” you simply said, stepping closer towards him.
“Excuse me?” Bakugou growled out, instantly regretting his choice in following you. Of course, he wouldn’t even be in this mess if it wasn’t for Kirishima and Kaminari, those damn idiots--
“They’re still watching us. The moment I leave, they’ll immediately latch onto you again,” you pointed out. You watched as the man turned his head, immediately turning back towards you. He let out a growl of frustration, his jaw clenching. And to be perfectly honest, you found that undeniably, and weirdly, attractive. You quickly snapped out of your thoughts, fully aware this was neither the time nor the place.
“Fine,” he grumbled out. Bakugou glanced at the couples dancing around them, noticing how they weren’t just simply holding each other and swaying. “Do you know how to dance?” You paused for a brief moment. You genuinely didn’t think you’d get this far.
“Well, not exactly--”
“Just follow my lead,” Bakugou said, taking one of your hands and placing it on his shoulder. He grasped your free hand, placing his other hand right above your waist. Once he began moving, you stared down at his feet, trying hard to follow his steps. After a few minutes of constantly stepping in his toes, and very colorful curses, you finally managed to catch the hang of it. Your eyes slowly looked up towards him, truly seeing him for the first time since the two of you met. 
A black mask framed his face, orange detailing surrounding his eyes. His messy blond hair stuck out in multiple directions but managed to look so neat on him. The scowl that previously rested on his face melted away, a seemingly content look on his face. You stared into his eyes, a mesmerizing shade of red that seemed to hold so much fire and determination behind them. 
He looked absolutely stunning, and at that moment you didn’t think you ever wanted to let go. 
Bakugou caught your eyes staring at him, an annoyed remark dying down in his throat as he stared right back at you. Weirdly enough, you were less annoying and more useful than he gave you credit for. And the small content smile that rested on your lips managed to capture his attention, his crimson eyes noticing the way that the low light in the ballroom managed to make your eyes practically shine. 
And for a brief moment, dancing with you didn’t seem as bothersome as it did minutes ago.
The both of you didn’t even notice that the song ended before the room filled with applause, snapping the both of you out of your daydream filled daze. Bakugou quickly let go of you, the long-forgotten scowl appearing back on his face. 
“Well, that was...“ you trailed off, watching as the blond-haired man quickly began maneuvering throughout the crowd, heading straight for a door. You stared at him in disbelief, but before your brain could register what you were doing, your feet trailed after him. 
You followed him into a long corridor illuminated by a soft golden yellow light, watching as he opened doors, glancing inside before closing them.
“What are you looking for?” You asked, watching as the blond slammed another door shut, clearly growing frustrated at the lack of results. 
“The exit, what else would I be looking for? I just want to leave this stupid party,” Bakugou said, and you could find yourself nodding in agreement. 
There was a moment of silence that fell between you two, the only sounds entering your ears were the faint music from the forgotten gala, the clacking of your shoes hitting the tiled floor, and the opening and slamming of doors. You couldn’t help the amused smile that appeared on your face, watching as the man mumbled profanities and grew increasingly frustrated. You didn’t even think it was possible for one guy to be so angry.
“Do you even know where you’re going?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Of course I know where I’m going!”
“Really? Because it doesn’t seem like it--”
“If you don’t trust my sense in navigation then why the hell are you still following me?” Bakugou snapped, sending you a quick glare before continuing through the corridor. You paused for a moment, his comment echoing throughout your mind.
Why were you following him? 
If you had spent all this time looking for your friends instead of with him, you would have probably been halfway home by now. And you truly had no real reason to stick around, aware of how the extremely angry stranger probably wanted to be alone.
But for some reason, you just couldn’t make yourself leave.
Once he noticed the sound of footsteps had stopped following him, he glanced around, his eyes landing on your figure. What he had said wasn’t too rude, was it? 
He was about to say something before he saw you begin to leave your frozen spot in the hallway, catching up to him. His eyes quickly looked away, as he continued on his way, shaking the thoughts away from his mind.
Since when did he care if he was too rude?
You watched as the man opened another door, peering inside. He was frozen for a moment, his eyes widening before he quickly slammed the door shut. He just stood there for a moment, his curious behavior making your furrow your brows.
“What was in the room?” You asked, heading towards him. He gave no reply, only sparking your own curiosity. Your hand reached towards the door handle, but a shiver ran down your spine as the man gripped your wrist, stopping you from reaching the handle. 
“You don’t want to know what was in there,” Bakugou said, mentally shoving what he saw in some dark repressed corner of his mind. 
“What do you mean?” You asked, looking towards him. Once you saw the light blush that dusted his cheeks, you suddenly realized exactly what he might have seen. “Oh, you poor thing--”
“Shut up,” he grumbled, before dragging you away from the door and into another hallway, his hand never leaving your wrist.
It felt like another hour of aimless wandering until the two of you stumbled upon a pair of double doors. You glanced over towards the man beside you, watching as his lips formed a victorious smile. 
“You really think that’s the exit?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I know it is,” he simply said, letting go of your wrist. Bakugou pushed open the double doors, feeling relief as his eyes caught sight of the night sky and what seemed to be a large garden, overwhelmingly happy at the thought of finally being free--
Until he took a few steps forward, his eyes catching sight of a railing, and his brain slowly registering that while they might have been outside, they were really just on a very elaborate balcony. He let out an annoyed groan, feeling the urge to just hit something. 
“Well,” you began, trying your hardest to keep in your laughter at the sight of the stranger’s dejected face. “If we jump off the balcony, then technically this could be an exit.” You watched as he turned to face you. “Ooh, maybe we could do a flip while going down!” If looks could kill, you’d surely be dead. 
“Do you ever just shut up?” 
“And deprive the world of my very necessary commentary? Never,” you said. Bakugou rolled his eyes, moving towards the balcony railing, and allowing his eyes to sweep over the landscape. It might not have exactly been freedom, but at least he still wasn’t cooped up in that hellhole of a party. 
You were about to take a few steps towards him until your eyes caught sight of a small rose bush. Instinctively, you stepped towards it, your eyes immediately landing on a rose that had fallen onto the ground. Your hand reached down, picking it up, before moving to join the masked man at the balcony railing. 
“You’re welcome, by the way.” You said, still staring at the rose in your hands.
“For what?” The man growled out. You rolled your eyes, turning your head so you could look at him.
“For helping you escape that group of women,” you said, watching as he scoffed.
“Tch, I had it handled.” 
“Oh really? Cause from where I was standing, you had it far from handled. It looked like they were all seconds away from tearing you apart.” You commented, your eyes once again meeting his red ones. He was silent for a while, before letting out a sigh.
“Thank you, I guess,” he gritted out, his voice barely audible. You let out a smile.
“See, that wasn’t too hard!”
“Nevermind, I take it back,” Bakugou mumbled, making you laugh. 
You glanced back at the rose in your hands, before reaching forward and carefully tucking the stem into the pocket of his suit, making sure that the rose was still visible.
“What the hell are you doing?” He asked, his eyes narrowing on your movements. You simply shrugged, waving your hand dismissively.
“Don’t get so worked up, I just thought the rose matched your eyes.” You said, watching as the man’s hand reached for the rose in his suit pocket. For a brief second, you thought he was going to rip out the rose, but instead, his hand momentarily hovered over it, before dropping back on top of the balcony railing. 
Another comfortable silence fell between the two of you, as you both looked out into the nighttime scenery. You could feel a gentle breeze, your eyes glancing out into the garden, captivated by how relaxing everything seemed. 
As you observed the view from the balcony, you couldn’t help it as your eyes glanced beside you, particularly fixated on the man standing next to you.
It was almost as if you were back in the ballroom again, finding yourself enchanted by the man next to you. Your eyes focused on the way the soft moonlight practically made him glow. The way he looked so at peace, almost as if all the anger that consumed him somehow managed to wash away. 
The way he seemed to be looking at you with the same intensity, an undefinable look crossing over his eyes. 
You couldn’t tell if it was your daydream filled haze playing tricks on you, but the two of you seemed to slowly move towards each other, eyes only focused on the other. 
You could feel your heart racing inside your chest, an indescribable feeling enveloping you. 
The two of you were barely inches apart until the balcony doors slammed open, resulting in the two of you moving as far apart as possible. Your heads snapped towards the entrance, eyes now focused on the man who had so violently opened the doors.
“Oh my god, there you are!” Kaminari said, trying to catch his breath. “Kirishima got super drunk and remember that guy he was practically twins with back in high school? Well, they threw each other out of a window-- it was kind of funny not gonna lie-- but we need to leave, immediately,” Kaminari quickly explained. But after taking a brief moment to look at the scene in front of him, a different thought crossed his mind.
“Did I interrupt something? Sorry! I’ll leave you two alone--”
“You didn’t interrupt anything. I was looking for the exit anyways.” Bakugou growled out, ignoring how his face started feeling extremely warm. You awkwardly cleared your throat, gaining his attention. 
“I guess I’ll see you around?” You asked, feeling somewhat hopeful that this wouldn’t be the last time you’d see the blond man. Your eyes almost lit up as he nodded his head. 
“I’ll see you around,” he said, before heading towards his friend who seemed to be watching the whole interaction with shocked eyes.
“Damn, how did you get someone so beautiful to hang out with you--” Kaminari was interrupted as Bakugou shoved him backward.
“I’m going to kill you Dunce Face,” he grumbled out before the balcony doors shut behind him.
You had watched the interaction with an amused smile on your face, before turning back and staring out at the view once more. Rather than focusing on what you were seeing, your mind focused on all the emotions that seemed to be coursing through you. 
Your heart was fluttering in your chest, a warm and fuzzy feeling consuming you. You couldn’t even begin to describe the emotions enveloping you, but at the same time, they made so much sense to you. Was this it?
Was this the moment you finally fell in love?
You let out a content sigh, your brain running wild with daydreams. The inner romantic in you felt so indescribably happy at that moment. But as a different thought crossed your mind, you felt yourself freeze, feeling the daydreams that surrounded your mind come shattering down into small unfixable pieces.
You didn’t even know his name.
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kookmin1913 · 5 years
Questions Asked and Answered
So I stated a couple of days ago that I was sent several questions in my DM, and I would work on getting responses to them.  Well here is that post.  This may end up being a long post.  Please bare with me and keep in mind, that the answers to some of these questions are strictly my thoughts and opinions.  Let’s get started.
1. How old are you?  
I am over the age of 30
2. Where are you from?  
3. How long have you been Army?  
May 2018
4. Will you strictly be a Jikook blog?  
Yes most content and blog related posts will be Jikook.  I will probably still share OT7 videos or pictures, but mainly Jikook or Kookmin, whichever you prefer to go by.
5. Who is your bias and why?  
Jimin.  At first he stood out to me because of his dancing  watching the MV’s, when I originally started following and learning about BTS.  As a person with a dance background, I always noticed that about him first.  He is such a powerful performer.  As i continued to learn more about him through the eyes of the members and himself, I just fell in love with what he seemed to be as a person. Beyond him being a talented singer and dancer, he just appeared to be a genuinely nice guy.  He was always smiling and laughing with the members and being very supportive of everything they did.  You don’t find many people who are as nice as JM seemed, but the members have all talked about how JM is one of the nicest people to everyone, and that he is the member they can lean on the most when things get hard and how he is such a great listener.  This is just a little bit of why I love him as my bias. 
6. Who is your bias wrecker and why?  
Jungkook.  I pretty much noticed him the same way I started with JM with the dancing and performance and then his voice stood out of course.  As I started following them more, started to feel like JK is a little like me.  I can appear cold to be people at first, because I can be quite shy initially getting to know you and I can have a hard time opening up.  But in my own time, I slowly drop my walls to let people into my world, and they find that i can be the sweetest person in the world.  I felt that JK was a lot like that.  He finds it hard to let you in, but once he does, he goes all in.
7. What made you start shipping Jikook? 
Let me first say that I don’t ship them, I support them, as I believe they are in a romantic relationship with each other.  GCF Tokyo is what made me start supporting them.  As I mentioned in my “New Kookmin Blogger” post, I was introduced to shipping first through Taekook.  I watched quite a few videos of them, but I honestly never saw anything romantic or sexual in nature with their interaction as the analysis videos always tried to imply.  I was being told by TK shippers that I should stick with this ship and that JK actually hates JM.
So one day, the GCF Tokyo video popped up in my YouTube recommendations to watch, so I clicked on it and watched.  By the end of the video, i was sitting there looking with big wide eyes at what i just watched, slightly misty eyed and smiling ear to ear all at the same time. I thought to myself at that point, who in the world makes a video like that for someone they supposedly hate?  I know I wouldn’t do it.  Then I found out that JK actually PLANNED and PAID for trip as an actual birthday gift for JM.  At that moment I was like, this is NOT how you treat someone you hate. So I started searching for Jikook content and it lead me to seeing several things that I hadn’t seen from the other ship videos that I had been shown.
The subtle looks between the two: I know that all the members have looked at each other before, however, there was certainly a different vibe I felt when JK looked at JM and vice versa.  For JM, there always seemed to be a fondness in his eye for JK, like he just wanted to wrap him in arms and give JK all the hugs, cuddles, and kisses he could muster.  For JK, his eyes literally light up when looking at JM, whether he’s intently listening to JM talk during ending ments at concerts or just generally being silly, JK seems to melt into a puddle of love goo.  LOL!  They both smile and laugh at anything the other does, even when it’s not a moment they should.  Their eyes are always searching for the other.  It doesn’t matter if they are sitting side by side or far apart from each other, it’s almost as if they crave looking at each other like it brings them peace or calmness.  
Both JK and JM’s submission/softness for each other: I’m not talking in a physical/sexual sense.  The members have all stated how both JM and JK can be stubborn and strong willed.  JK himself has stated, that he could be very selfish.  What’s mine is mine and what’s yours in mine. They are both extremely competitive by nature, but when it comes to each other, they both seem to toss all of that out of the door and flush it down a drain somewhere, because JK will do just about anything that JM ask of him without much fuss, compared to what we see sometimes with the other members.  In addition, JM may be older, but he willingly relinquishes some control over to JK as well by expressing how much he feels protected by JK, which I think allows JK to not feel like the “baby” in the relationship.  We all know JM is quite capable of protecting himself, but by showing that vulnerable side to JK, it allows some of JK’s natural protectiveness to shine.  JK and JM can be quite loud and boisterous when talking to the other member, they both get this quiet softness in their tone of voice when they are speaking to each other, like they don’t want anyone else to invade the conversation meant for just them.  
How the members react to the Jikook:  They always seem to be monitoring what they will do or say around each other.  They seem paranoid sometimes or literally end up just separating them by giving a look, or a tap on the shoulder, etc. for them to not cross some imaginary line we can’t see.  The members facial reactions during interviews and concerts. They literally have the “please don’t say that” or “here we go again” faces.  It’s also how the members defer to JM or JK when it comes to the other.  For instance Burn the Stage when JK was on the verge of exhaustion and JM was the only who stayed in the room with medical staff or recently from the behind scenes Paris DVD, it was JM yet again with JK getting his stitches removed by medical staff. Of course, this doesn’t mean the other members don’t care, because we know they do.  It just appears to me that members seem to naturally let JM and JK take care of each other in these types of moments.
Talking about one another in interviews: I always find it interesting they always seem to bring the other up during an interview. Always talking about the infamous GCF Tokyo trip, or answering questions with each other’s names. They never seem to be far from the other’s mind which i love seeing.  In the recent Japanese interview, it was asked, “What’s the moment you feel connected to a member”, and JK literally said, “When my eyes naturally connect with JM’s” he feels connected, like WTF? JM saying in an interview once, how he tends to hold everything internally, but that if it wasn’t for JK noticing this and always coming to do something to make him laugh, he would just hold it until he probably explodes.  
Whole host of other reasons that I won’t discuss in this post because this is already hella long and i haven’t gotten through all the questions. 
7. Do you hate Taekook?  
No. I hate toxic TK shippers.  I hate those shippers who like to make JM the evil person who is supposedly coming in between Tae and JK, or when they make JK the vile person who is always hurting Tae trying to make him jealous by hanging out with JM, which then leaves Tae as this sad person who’s miserable all the time.  These boys all love each other. I also dislike toxic Jikook shippers as well. Like I’ve said before, you can feel free to ship who you want to ship, but you don’t have the right to spew hatred to other members in support of it.
8.  Why don’t you believe Taekook is real? They have touchy moments, plus a lot of off cam content.  
I think Tae and JK are close friends.  I don’t see any romantic attraction or feelings between the two. All the boys are touchy with each other, especially Tae in my opinion.  He appears to be someone who shows affection to whoever is near him. He’s an affectionate guy which we love.  The off cam thing I truly don’t understand because ANY moment we get to see of the boys is literally on cam.  If it’s off cam how do you know what the boys do in their spare time, unless they post it or tell us themselves later on. The only off cam stuff we get is when they are caught out in public by fans, like the Jikook “dates”, when they hung out in L.A, Paris, went ice skating, dinner, etc. those are considered off cam moments.  
9.  Why does BH hide Taekook with Jikook?
I REALLY DON’T UNDERSTAND this line of thinking.  So BH is hiding one gay relationship with another gay relationship? That’s not hiding anything, because there are still two people being exposed with JK as the common denominator between the two ships. So JK and JM expose themselves as the gay couple to hide Tae and JK’s gay relationship.  Somebody please make this make sense. So in my opinion NO, BH isnt’ pursuing some Jikook agenda to hide TK contrary to what most TK shippers would like to believe.  If JK and JM are together all the time, it is because they CHOOSE to be with each other.  End of story!
Well that was all the questions i received.  Thanks to those who messaged me.  I hope i was able to convey my thoughts decently.  As I stated before, these are my opinions and you do not have to agree, but please be respectful.
That’s it for now.  Please feel free to send asks to my inbox.  
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echoedfates-archive · 6 years
Hey guys, I’ve been meaning to do this for months but I’ve finally updated my rules. I’ll be copying and pasting this to my other blogs eventually but even before I do so, they do apply. Most of the changes are pretty obvious stuff, though the main one it my stance on non-mutuals.
Everything’s under the cut if you want to skim it. Realistically, these have been in place for a while but I feel like people have been taking advantage of how lax some of them are and not listening to common sense/courtesy. It doesn’t help that my rules were a massive chunk, so there are now 3 temporary categories for until I know how to fix this.
New/edited rules are in italics.
General RP:
Starters, inbox calls and threads are mutuals only. My inbox is open to anybody, however.
Muses that are available in multiple routes and/or games will be open to be interacted with in all verse. Any special, AU verses can be found on this page.
Mun is of legal age in her country
The usual no godmodding etc. stuff. You all know the drill.
If you are a child muse that mine can be a parent to - or vice versa, go ahead! Just make sure it’s obvious if you intend for your muses to be related.
I am somewhat selective with muses from other fandoms as well as OCs. This isn't because I have anything against them, but after being an FE rper for over 5 years, I've started noticing that I tend to drop things much quicker than with canon FE muses. I'm not against those kind of interactions, but it's more a heads up for you guys. People I'm already good friends with will probably have more luck, if I'm being honest.
Please specify which muse you’d like if you send me an ask. Unless it’s something obvious e.g. Odin saying "My daughter!" and meaning Ophelia.
Shipping, Doubles and Exlcusivity:
Don’t assume romantic relationships. More than anything, I ship chemistry, so it doesn’t matter if I’ve mentioned something being a bias of mine. So if we have never interacted and you come along assuming our muses to be in a relationship, don’t be surprised if you’re ignored. Characters having a one-sided crush are fine.
The only exception to that rule will be if we’ve discussed it in advance or perhaps if it’s a crack thread.
Whilst I do have mains that just come naturally from who’ve I’ve interacted with the most, I prefer not to do mains calls/outright state who they are on the dash as I know that can deter people from interacting.
In that respect, I don’t practice exclusivity. Unless we’re in a ship - then I might be willing to discuss it but unless I am told that you’re not comfortable with me shipping with another version of your muse, I’ll most likely assume you’re fine with it. In this regard, we probably need to be close friends as I really don’t like the concept of exclusivity.
Doubles are allowed, but I’m unlikely to interact with you with my matching muse. Unless you initiate the interaction, or we’ve agreed to do twins.
Do not reblog from me if we are not mutuals. Point blank. Memes, art or threads: don't. Mutuals may, but don't use me as a meme resource.
Tag tw: panic attack and tw: dog attack/dog bite please!
If there’s something you think I should add a trigger warning to, please tell me. If it’s not one of the default ones, I won’t know unless you tell me or perhaps I just forgot in an instance or two. Please don’t be scared of coming into my ask box about this - I’d rather spend 5 seconds to tag something than set off a person.
I know some people will disagree with me here, but ships are something I won’t tag. There’s a difference between disliking a ship and being actually triggered. If there is a relationship I portray that has triggering content, said content will be what is tagged.
Don’t ever vague about something I’m doing. Vague about a ship I’ve left untagged, and I’ll go reblog some art of it. Vague about a slightly inappropriate joke I’ve made, and I’ll keep making it. That may seem petty, but I don’t appreciate somebody complaining about me publically before even attempting to approach me about it: dm me and we can have a healthy conversation. Even if I refuse to tag something, I’ll explain why and you’re welcome to continue the discussion with no hard feelings. Actually, I’ll be more likely to do as you ask this way. Sorry if this seems odd, but there have been multiple accounts of people vagueing my content.
Muses may be dropped or added at any time. I’ll most likely make a post about it, however.
Whilst you can ask whether or not I’ve dropped a thread, please don’t pressure me for replies. The muses I have on individual blogs take priority over this, as most of the characters here are experimental.
With that in mind, if I find I have a lot of muse for a specific character/they gain more interest than the others, I may move them to their own blog.
Please do not ask the question “would you like to rp"or just a random “How are you”, unless for the latter it’s because you’re actually concerned about me. I find the questions awkward as opposed to conversational starters. Instead, if you want to interact just do it. Or say “I’ve been wanting to send an ask but I can’t think of an idea” in which case I might help, or if you want to plot, tell me that. Of course I want to rp, that’s the point of the blog, and you don’t need to ease into a conversation before telling me what you want to say.
Feel free to come into my ask to rp/plot or just tag me in a starter!
I accept M!As people have made up; not just ones from a meme I’ve reblogged.
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munjade · 6 years
do not reblog
finally making the post for mobile. let me know if the cut doesn’t work
Before we interact you must…
have a properly displayed muse
have easily accessible posted information regarding your muse in a section or page
have easily accessible posted rules / guidelines in a section or page
for AU’s, you must have posted information regarding your muse within the fandom universe in its own section or page
make sure I am following you
cut threads
I Won’t
roleplay sex, generally. there may be a few exceptions, but keep the standard that i probably won’t. sexual content, perhaps, if all muns involved are over 18.
tolerate any sexual advances toward myself ooc
roleplay inserts
always follow back, nor will I follow personals
tolerate pressuring, be it to rp in general or consistent pestering to answer threads
answer everything in my inbox. It’s not often I ignore asks, but I won’t answer something if it violates my rules. If I have difficulty answering something, I will privately message senders or make public inquires about anonymous messages.
Please Don’t:
reblog meme asks. I don’t mind this so much, but it keeps things cleaner when they’re moved to a new post.
reblog inbox answers for non starter memes. examples would be mun opinions and the like but extend to headcanons and other writing. violators will be asked to delete the post and may be blocked.
reblog threads you are not a part of. warnings will be given to violating rp blogs, but personals will be instantly blocked.
reblog personal posts, especial images of myself. violators will be instantly blocked.
I am open to
multiple threads
duplicates of other muses (i do not rp duplicates of my own muse, but I usually have other muses in the fandom which I will be more than happy to interact with there, no twins etc)
shipping, though I will be highly selective, possibly exclusive. I will not instant ship, but I don’t mind developing our muses’ relationship privately over DMs.
mutli verse and/or polyshipping as befits all the muses and muns involved
rping toxic relationships of any sort
angst and/or triggering threads, though I would prefer to discuss  the thread and tagging beforehand
crack threads
select AUs
ask/tagged initiated threads/starters but I ask for some warning if they are not from a meme or other prompt
responses of any length, so long as it is enough to reasonably work with for the pace of our thread
group threads
generally questionable plots. regardless of whether or not I approve of such practices ooc isn’t usually relevant. this is fictional, exploration of an idea– not a real-world execution of that idea. Feel free to DM for details.  
Please Also Note:
I do not require length to be matched and may not always match partner’s length. I will respond as much as I feel I am able to or that I feel is necessary.
If my response is inadequate, difficult to respond to, or otherwise distasteful, FEEL FREE to ask me to redo my response.
Understand that my selectivity will depend on my comfort level and that I am not obligated to explain myself.
I tag all my threads as “thread”
I tag my partner’s url
if partner’s url changes, I will tag both old and new urls for the first response then only the new url going forward.
I generally tag triggers as “trigger tw”. same with general cw’s. i’m not the best with tagging, so let me know if I should watch for stuff in particular
my activity is generally a joke, but I’m constantly lurking, so feel free to drop a message
I am incredibly anxious. It doesn’t matter if we have late night conversations for like a month straight i will still be afraid to talk to you every. single. time. so always feel free to come whack me on the head or smth
while I can be very laid back / crack-ish, I do prefer to explore darker themes and my thread responses are much more serious than I come off as.
Blacklisted / Ask to Tag:
nsfw (for general safe scrolling)
“little space” related
“daddy,” “mommy,” etc
a/o/b related
pregnancy related
vivid depiction of sensory / memory alteration (particularly in images, but not excluded to)
unreality (also especially, but not limited to, images)
Of course I can’t require people tag these, but I will most likely not follow you if your post these regularly and do not have some warning which will be picked up by blacklist applications.
In regards to the sensory alteration, I mean things like seeing/hearing/etc things that aren’t there, mis-remembering or outright tampering with memory, etc. It’s kind of situation to situation on what gets me, but when it does it tends to hit me pretty hard. If you have any questions about it, fire away! [ example text post ]
On unreality, this somewhat relates to the above, I use this as a catch all phrase for images, vivid descriptions, and most especially videos/gifs of things that basically don’t behave or seem to behave as they should. Sometimes, I’ve seen these things tagged as “trippy” and the like, but they those posts tend to be too…idk how to put it. Extra? What tends to get me is when things are going fairly linear and then suddenly go for a loop. That’s not the greatest description, but here’s a few posts that have triggered me the worst that I’ve slowly gotten used to.  There are also things which should seem fine or normal but aren’t. If anyone has a better description for this, by all means let me know! example posts [ one ] / [ two ] /  [ three ] + a weird image that also gets me for some reason. hmvent is actually a blog I use to store things that trigger me so I can slowly get used to them or try and figure out what it is / why these things get to me.
Name: Jade/Cova Age: 19 Birthday: April 1st (no joke) Height: 4ft 8in Residence: California Timezone: GMT -8
Pronouns: he/him (rarely, she/her) Gender: genderfluid Romantic Attraction: panromantic, polyamorous Sexual Attraction: fraysexual, aegosexuality Ethnicity: Filipino-Italian
MBTI: ENTP Horoscope: Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Rising Alignment: Chaotic Neutral HP Houses: Slytherin Ennegram: 3w4 Force Alignment: Sith
A few other things to note;
I have very little time to access a desktop but can access most things through the tumblr app, mobile site or mobile version of the desktop site.
I am, at any given time, at least working 1 full time job and 1 part time job but I have gone up to as many as 2 full time, 2 part time and one as-needed jobs at once. That being said, my responses / activity may be slow.
on my main fandom blogs, I tend to make a lot of original shitposts / ooc posts.
I am usually quite willing to give out my PM apps and such (Discord, LINE, SnapChat, etc) but do not roleplay on them.
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haynr · 6 years
all blog info below the cut, 
apologies now to my mobile users 
Before we interact you must…
have a properly displayed muse
have easily accessible posted information regarding your muse in a section or page
have easily accessible posted rules / guidelines in a section or page 
for AU’s, you must have posted information regarding your muse within the fandom universe in its own section or page
make sure I am following you
cut threads
I Won’t
roleplay sex, generally. there may be a few exceptions, but keep the standard that i probably won’t. sexual content, perhaps, if all muns involved are over 18. If we do, it is with the understanding muses involved will be aged up appropriately. 
tolerate any sexual advances toward myself ooc
roleplay inserts
always follow back, nor will I follow personals
tolerate pressuring, be it to rp in general or consistent pestering to answer threads
answer everything in my inbox. It’s not often I ignore asks, but I won’t answer something if it violates my rules. If I have difficulty answering something, I will privately message senders or make public inquires about anonymous messages. 
follow everyone back / interact with everyone, even if you technically follow all my rules. i’m selective. 
Please Don’t:
reblog meme asks. I don’t mind this so much, but it keeps things cleaner when they’re moved to a new post. 
reblog inbox answers for non starter memes. examples would be mun opinions and the like but extend to headcanons and other writing. violators will be asked to delete the post and may be blocked. 
reblog threads you are not a part of. warnings will be given to violating rp blogs, but personals will be instantly blocked. 
reblog personal posts, especial images of myself. violators will be instantly blocked. this means anything tagged ooc. 
force ships with me. I am a p easy going shipper, but I will be a bit more restrictive with Hayner. most of it has to do with his muse in general. he’s not thinking about romance atm. if it comes up in plot, great. if it doesn’t, you’re more than welcome to put it forward, but please do not expect me to go along with it. on that note, don’t expect me to always agree with your interpretations of my muse in ships. ideas and suggestions are fine, your own take is fine, but i cannot stress enough, please do not push hcs. 
I am open to
multiple threads
duplicates of other muses (i do not rp duplicates of my own muse, but I usually have other muses in the fandom which I will be more than happy to interact with there, no twins etc) 
shipping, though I will be highly selective, possibly exclusive. I will not instant ship, but I don’t mind developing our muses’ relationship privately over DMs. 
mutli verse and/or polyshipping as befits all the muses and muns involved
rping toxic relationships of any sort, will be tagged accordingly and placed under cuts.
angst and/or triggering threads, though I would prefer to discuss  the thread and tagging beforehand
crack threads
select AUs
ask/tagged initiated threads/starters but I ask for some warning if they are not from a meme or other prompt
responses of any length, so long as it is enough to reasonably work with for the pace of our thread
group threads
generally questionable plots. regardless of whether or not I approve of such practices ooc isn’t usually relevant. this is fictional, exploration of an idea– not a real-world execution of that idea. Feel free to DM for details.  
Please Also Note:
I do not require length to be matched and may not always match partner’s length. I will respond as much as I feel I am able to or that I feel is necessary. 
If my response is inadequate, difficult to respond to, or otherwise distasteful, FEEL FREE to ask me to redo my response.
Understand that my selectivity will depend on my comfort level and that I am not obligated to explain myself.
I tag all my threads as “thread”
I tag my partner’s url
if partner’s url changes, I will tag both old and new urls for the first response then only the new url going forward.
I generally tag triggers as “trigger tw”. same with general cw’s. i’m not the best with tagging, so let me know if I should watch for stuff in particular
my activity is generally a joke, but I’m constantly lurking, so feel free to drop a message
I am incredibly anxious. It doesn’t matter if we have late night conversations for like a month straight i will still be afraid to talk to you every. single. time. so always feel free to come whack me on the head or smth
while I can be very laid back / crack-ish, I do prefer to explore darker themes and my thread responses are much more serious than I come off as. 
Blacklisted / Ask to Tag:
nsfw (for general safe scrolling, just let me know what your tag is since t simply wont show not safe for wombats content anymore) 
“little space” related
“daddy,” “mommy,” etc
literally anything in this vein. in the vaguest, most removed sense. idc what you tag it. either let me know or just tag it “jade don’t look” whatever.
in fact feel free to tag any and all of these as just “jade don’t look” or some variant.
a/o/b related 
anything pregnancy related
vivid depiction of sensory / memory alteration (particularly in images, but not excluded to)
unreality (also especially, but not limited to, images)
Of course I can’t require people tag these, but I will most likely not follow you if your post these regularly and do not have some warning which will be picked up by blacklist applications.
In regards to the sensory alteration, I mean things like seeing/hearing/etc things that aren’t there, mis-remembering or outright tampering with memory, etc. It’s kind of situation to situation on what gets me, but when it does it tends to hit me pretty hard. If you have any questions about it, fire away! [ example text post ]
On unreality, this somewhat relates to the above, I use this as a catch all phrase for images, vivid descriptions, and most especially videos/gifs of things that basically don’t behave or seem to behave as they should. Sometimes, I’ve seen these things tagged as “trippy” and the like, but they those posts tend to be too…idk how to put it. Extra? What tends to get me is when things are going fairly linear and then suddenly go for a loop. That’s not the greatest description, but here’s a few posts that have triggered me the worst that I’ve slowly gotten used to.  There are also things which should seem fine or normal but aren’t. If anyone has a better description for this, by all means let me know! example posts [ one ] / [ two ] /  [ three ] + a weird image that also gets me for some reason. hmvent is actually a blog I use to store things that trigger me so I can slowly get used to them or try and figure out what it is / why these things get to me.
Hayner is a young lad who resides in the sleepy Twilight Town. He is described as “impulsive and determined, and is always looking for a new adventure. He is bold to the point of recklessness…He gets bored easily during uneventful times… also easily angered/irked…thirsts for some kind of recognition…” During the events of KHII, he is 15, the same as Roxas/Sora. He has deep brown eyes, dirty blond hair and is a bit tall and, while still skinny, muscular for his age. He is the leader of his quartet trio including Pence, Olette and Roxas himself.
While he does have parents, he’s rather distant from them. While he does receive support from his folks, they were just never really there. Because of this, his loyalties lie greatly with his chosen family, his friends. He considers it his duty to help, lead and, if needed, protect them, even if he’d never admit as much even to himself. If any of his actions or ideas end up hurting someone he cares about, he takes it very much to heart, often beating himself up about it for weeks and weeks after.
Hayner, despite his hotheadedness and brashness, is a very observant leader. His tough guy act, while not entirely based on this, is partially to build himself up, make other less inclined to pick fights with him and his friends. Whether or not this works out, however, is certainly debatable. He also does his best to incorporate his friends’ wants and needs– or at least what he perceives these as– into his plans.
As oblivious as he may seem, he is quite mindful of the people around him. Whether it’s picking out the shady figure on that street corner or this one, or noticing some random kid’s not having a good day - he sees a lot of it, but often it doesn’t strike as a huge priority. He thinks things through a lot more than he’s credited for, but unfortunately, he doesn’t go through the whole process before starting his plan of action.
Hayner also isn’t exactly the most social person. He is outgoing and nice to people out of politeness and giving people the benefit of the doubt, but as a whole he’d much rather just stick with his friends. The only exception to this has been Sora, as he feels a “familiar vibe” about him, and therefore is also open to his circle of friends.
A couple more misc hcs below:
Is a very exceptional swordsman (at least with the training swords). However, his skills do not seem as outstanding compared to that of Roxas and other more major characters.
As much as he hates school, his best subject science. And although one would think he’d be a good athlete because he is competitive, he actually doesn’t have good PE grades because he doesn’t try if he doesn’t have to. The only way to get him to really participate is to make it a competition.
AU Info will be added shortly. 
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I know not everyone is huge into rules, but they make things go more smoothly and help out to make things better for everyone. So here's a list of things to expect, not really rule, rules... But close enough.
I am an Indie RP blog, which means I don't belong to a specific group. I never have and I probably never will because that's just not my jive. I do RP with a specific person quite often but that doesn't mean I'm exclusive, I just happen to know this person personally and so I RP with them often.
If you ask me, I can tag things with a trigger warning. This doesn't bother me at all but I will not know to tag this unless you ask me to. I'm not going to go snooping for anything and I'm not a mind reader, so it's your responsibility to let me know to tag something. You're welcome to go through my tags list and block whatever may bother you. However, if something bothers you and it's not there, let me know so I can tag it in the future. If I forget to tag something (which I'll do my best not to, but it happens when you're human) then just remind me. I'll do my best to avoid this happening, however.
If you need to talk, go ahead and message me. I use combinations of my own experiences with scientific evidence and understanding to cater my responses to your situation. I will be honest, however. I don't want to lie to you, so I'm going to do my best to not do that. I try to provide a neutral voice, affirm what you're feeling, and give the most mature advice I can. I do not always have the answer but I'm excellent at listening, at least.
This is my only warning, my blog may have NSFW themes. Sex, cursing, death, and other dark themes. I tend to not shy away from the cruelties of reality, no matter how much I (or others) abhorr them. There is no way to stop the horrors of life... but we can take action and open up conversations and outlets of thinking so we can better understand and combat these terrible atrocities. I enjoy making myself think and question things and then going further and wondering WHY.
However, I am also mentally ill, live in the middle of nowhere, and have a life offline... so sometimes even the things I'm causing myself to question I have to take a step back from due to PTSD. I am still willing to discuss them, but I would need a small break so as to not cause myself mental and emotional pain. This is how I process and understand things. I will pick up the thread when I feel I am mentally able to and I will let you know that it's on pause because I do NOT just drop threads randomly. If you have this problem as well (or even if you want to actually drop the thread or just skip ahead) let me know and I will gladly do what I can. I'm not here to cause pain and distress. If the topic I'm RPing with you is pushing too far, let me know and we can stop that (and probably never do it again unless you request it).
Again, I will not randomly drop threads without discussing with you first. Not unless we personally come across an issue and you and I are no longer communicating. In which case, I will drop them in an effort to leave you be. I do not go out of my way to ask others why they dropped threads, either. I just ask that if you're going to drop it, let me know so I can remove it from my tracker. You don't have to give me a reason why, just let me know and I'll do it.
My replies MAY be incredibly slow. I live in the middle of nowhere so most of the time my internet doesn't work or only partially works. I'm mentally ill and have life outside of the internet. Sometimes I'm just slow to respond. I am not ignoring you, I promise. If I don't want to talk to you, I'll generally say I don't want to talk right now. Otherwise, assume something on my end is messing up so I cannot currently respond... or I'm sleeping or away from the computer.
I am not interested in anything more than platonic friendships with others. I am in a relationship and, honestly, am not really a people person... I'm a loner who lives on 12 acres and would rather go for a walk with my dogs or build toys for my rats than go to the mall. I'm not good with communication, though I try my best. I have no interest in flirting and it actually makes me incredibly uncomfortable, so I would prefer if you just didn't. I am friendly on a platonic level and nothing more. I may RP sexual themes, but other than my lover, I am not sexually interested in anyone. I'm very much grey-ace/demisexual... Meaning I have to build an attachment in the first place and, even then, I'm not generally interested in sex. I would appreciate if you respected that.
I do not generally have icons or gifs that are directly related to the character, but if I find one I may use it. Otherwise, I am an artist and so I may draw and/or doodle here and there. You are not required to do any of this, however. Please do not feel obligated to do anything for me. I owe you nothing and you owe me nothing. You are your own person, just as I am my own.
I am an AU/Crossover/OC friendly blog. For OCs or Crossovers into other fandoms I ask that you please toss me some information, however. There is the high chance that I will have no idea what you're talking about, even if I'm in the fandom, because my memory is not the best, I do not go snooping on other people's pages, and it's just nice to have something to work with. Plus, I may not even know the fandom. Regardless, I'll still work with you because I do enjoy challenges and learning.
If I reblog a meme or starter post, feel free to reblog and/or send me some. I don't mind either way, but I do enjoy getting inbox things so feel free to ask away, even if it doesn't have to do with a meme or starter post.
If you want to do a lot of threads with me? Same or different muses? Feel free! I'm really laid back and chill so it's no problem with me.
My muse is usually a top, though can switch depending. Preference for those who identify as male but swings any which way. He's generally Alpha in ABO universes. I will write sexual but if you don't want to then let me know and we can skip those scenes or even just do platonic RP. I am not picky and will not judge for this.
My Mike is usually the kind of guy with a big heart and a secret dark side that he's ashamed of and tries to hide. He wants to help everyone else be better than he thinks he is. He doesn't think highly of himself but works hard to do the right thing, despite being able to be swayed to do the wrong thing. I do this so I have a complicated character to work with who has realistic problems and not always the correct response. There are topics I can (probably even will) cover that I do NOT agree with or am even uncomfortable with myself because it helps me to process and understand things better when I can think of alternative trains of thought and get inside another's head.
I am mentally ill, sometimes I fall behind... Please be patient. I'm not going to bite and I do my best to talk professionally. If our RP touches on a topic that upsets either of us, it is your responsibility to let me know that you'd like to pause, skip, drop, or change the topic, and it is my responsibility to do the same for you. I will not judge you for this. I can only handle some topics at certain times too, so it's nothing personal. There are some topics that I can never handle when they hit a certain point, even (usually victim-blaming/gas-lighting children who are being abused, I cannot go in depth on this topic) because I suffer from PTSD from childhood trauma. There are topics that some people simply cannot do and that's okay. So if I'm RPing with you, and there's a topic you don't want, let me know so we can avoid it. I'm not here to cause undue distress. However, if I'm RPing a topic with someone else that makes you uncomfortable or you cannot do? Just let me know to tag it so you can block the tag. Nothing personal, no issues.
I generally do not move asks to a new thread because I am lazy and often forget how to do that. I write things down and use programs to help me keep track of things. However, if you want to move it, feel free. Just tag me so I can track it. If I don't see your tag, feel free to DM me to let me know to go look for it.
Personal blogs feel free to follow me but don't expect a follow back all of the time. Let me know the sid blogthat you RP with and I'll follow you there. This is NOT my main blog. My main blog is a Michael/Tall Goth RP blog that is much darker in topic, so do not feel like you have to follow that back.
If there is anything you have a problem with let me know. If you don't want to RP with me, that's okay! I'm not going to stalk you or demand an explanation. It's not my place and I don't have the time or energy to do that kind of thing. If you want to drop RPing with me completely, let me know and I'll remove the RPs from my tracker and leave you alone. You have every right to choose to not interact with me and that's okay. Even if you just want time, that's okay too. Unless we have a personal dispute, chances are that, even if you ask me to drop you, I won't block you so you're welcome to come back whenever you want to. No questions asked. You owe me NO explanation. Even if I ask you if it's okay if I ask why? Feel free to tell me no and that you don't want to explain, that's okay! You don't owe me anything and it's okay if you don't want to interact.
If you want to RP but something is bothering you? Whether it's a topic or a real life issue or my attitude... It's okay. Let me know. If you know we're just going to argue on a topic but you want to talk about other things, just ask me to never bring up that topic and I will do that for you. I can avoid topics to avoid disputes that way we can talk about other things. It doesn't bother me to do that. If you want me to tag that topic? I can do that too, so you don't have to see my talks about that with other people, either. I have no problem with that.
However, if you want to argue, are looking for an argument, or want to try to tell me how horrible I am because of xyz reason? I'm going to ignore you. I may even block you. It's nothing personal but I do not have the energy to do that. I am literally sick enough that if I get too stressed I pass out. I don't have the time or energy to waste on arguing that when I could go do something else. I do my best to study before I speak. I take facts and studies from trained professionals. I educate myself and separate reality from fiction. I have no interest in arguing over arbitrary things and I know who and what I am. I do no harm. I go out of my way to bend backwards to compromise. I will not stand there and be told I'm a horrible person with falsehoods because I know it's not true and I could spend that time going outside and working on the garden. So I won't. End of story.
In real life, I don't really do a lot. I live in the middle of nowhere with my partner and my animals. I spend my time taking care of my animals and making art because I'm not a people person. I have a lot of late-night deep debates with my partner that makes me really think and question things in order to challenge myself. I love science and studying. I don't generally interact with people in real life because I don't like people and it causes me stress. I'm not a super sexual person. I'm angry about the world's issues but not violent. I prefer to just chill and learn and ask questions. I want to challenge myself to think about things that make me assess situations from multiple sides and understand WHY someone does something. I want reality, no matter how cruel, so I can better learn how to help prevent that. It's just what I do.
I have no interest in arguing. Too much effort and no reward. If you want to hate me? Go ahead. I don't care the reason, just do it on your own time. Don't waste my time with it because I don't care. My caring goes as far as, this makes you uncomfortable? Okay, let me know and I'll tag it. Then you can block the tag and we can be done with it. It's your job to let me know. My job to make the tag. Your job to avoid the tag.
I'm not here to fight. I'm here o open up discussions within myself and challenge myself. My morals lay at how my rights end where yours begin and vice versa. I will not seek you out to cause harm. If you seek me out and cause yourself harm? That's on you. You did that to yourself. I am not forcing you to look up tags that upset you and read them. You did that to yourself. I put the tags there so you had the option to opt out.
Anyway, I feel like this is long enough. So there are my rules/explanation for my blog. If you need anything to talk abou, DM me and we'll figure out if I need to add anything. I'm nt actually an asshole, I just suck at communication and am not going to argue with every aggressive person online because I could use that time being productive.
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askdragonbladetalon · 6 years
SPEED: Pretty fast! I usually reply within a couple of hours of seeing the post. If it takes me longer than a week, it means that I’ve lost the thread or don’t know it’s my turn. Please always feel free to poke me if you want a reply more quickly!
REPLIES:  I normally match lengths with the other person. My personal preference is for a few paragraphs to novella length, but I am fine with short dialogue-only posts for cracky interaction or casual conversations.  Really, I’m super flexible here.
STARTERS:  I have EVERY SINGLE STARTER MEME I’ve ever reblogged tagged as ask meme and welcome anyone who wants to send them in! Seriously, I love them. I’m even fine just writing drabbles instead of starter posts. Also happy to plot ahead of time, if that’s how you prefer threads going.
INBOX:  …I try and fail to keep my inbox clear. Starters have priority, then meta questions, then creative prompts (graphics/art/drabbles), then late creative prompts. Any sort of OOC communications get answered as soon as I see it but I’m also chill with people using tumblr messenger to chat.
SELECTIVITY:  I’m happy to RP with pretty much any char or mun. I can’t follow back everyone who follows me, because I do my best to keep up with my dash and read everything, but it’s nothing against you if I’m not following you! I just have limited time, unfortunately.
WISHLIST: Is it Xmas already, Santa Draven? Please don’t think I’m greedy but there’s a whole lot of things I want…
AUs. I love AUs. I love crossover AUs. I love considering what my char would be like if he belonged to a totally different fandom and how he’d interact with your char there.  
Katarina. My Talon needs a sister to snark at/with, okay? This is the first time that I’ve had a Cass but NOT a Kat. There are usually more cats than sneks!
Explain-y threads. Talon’s got practically zero education. Teach him about stuff, guys! Tell him about how to make wine, about royal protocol, about how to weigh arrows. He learns through listening to people and observing them, and is intensely curious about everything.
 …Ships? Given that Talon’s ace, socially awkward and very stabby when startled, trying to ship with him often feels like a lost cause to me. Still, he is a fun little murderbaby if you can cope with him and could definitely do with a partner in crime. Also, again, I like AUs and have zero problem playing a non-ace version of Talon in AUs.
More interaction for @slake-my-thirst, my Vlad blog. I’m in the process of developing him and the boy needs more attention.
Collabs! I love love love collabs, whether it’s me writing and you drawing, or you linearting and me coloring, or anything like that. 
Feedback! Like every artist/writer/creator out there, I am always starved for feedback. Huge shoutout for  @sourikuro  + @thealicehuntt for their kind feedback, and to @aliebrokenwonderland143, @d007ization and  @achedina for their silent support via diligent use of the like button.
Asks! If I post an ask meme, always feel free to send in asks even if our chars haven’t interacted or even met. Getting asks is absolutely delightful. Non-RP blogs are also always welcome to send in questions/prompts.
HONEST NOTE: I love being tagged for memes, I love being kicked links to interesting stuff, I love being approached to play stuff out and in general, I am very excited for interactions and RP! I’ve been told it’s intimidating to hit me up but seriously, I am here to have fun just like you are. I am a huge fan of OOC chatter so if you want to talk, just drop me a DM or kick me an ask for my Discord if you prefer that to Tumblr Messenger!
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blennie · 7 years
Hey I saw that you wanted to go back to Taiwan and I was wondering where are you actually from? Have you gone for a trip or you actually lived there for a while? I'm just curious, I have some family there and my mom would actually want me to stay there for a year but I only went there for like two short trips and the culture from where I am is so different that Idk if I'll get used to it, so could you give some thoughts about the things you like the most about there pls? Also I love your blog ^^
Hi!! first of all thank you!! i was born in california actually, but my mom is like sixth or seventh generation taiwanese and i used to go back every summer until i hit high school, when i’d go every two or three years. we usually go to taipei because that’s where my grandpa and aunt live, but we also sometimes go to taoyuan and tainan. whenever we go, we stay for about a month at my grandpa’s house. for me it’s always kind of been like my second home tbh
i started going back since i was a little girl and because my mom is still so connected to her taiwanese roots, it was never really too big of a culture shock to go back. i’m not /quite/ fluent in chinese, but i can communicate and hold decent conversations with people so i guess it wasn’t really a huge thing?
i guess a really big thing is the food there. i really love taiwanese food, and i think going to the different restaurants is really fun. the night culture is super different, like if you go to the night markets there it’s wayyy different than the night markets here like 626 night market (if you’ve heard of it). i guess also because my family lives in taipei, you’ll find a lot of restaurants there that have a fast food feel to it for business people, but with meals that are nutritious and fulfilling rather than the typical idea of like hamburgers and fries. besides the food, it’s fun to just look around and observe i think. being around different cultures can be pretty weird at first, but i think as long as you go into it with an open mind you’ll pick it up pretty quickly! do some exploring if you ever go, don’t be afraid to look around!
i think if you’ve never gone for too long, it could be a little strange at first, but depending on where you go i don’t think it’s really difficult to acclimate to! even for me when i first go back, it’s awkward to get back into the feel of it and i’m super aware of the differences, but after a short while, i feel comfortable again. sorry if this was explained poorly or vaguely, if you have any questions about specifics feel free to drop into my inbox or dm me! i’m always down to talk about taiwan :)
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