#feel free to send in as many truth or dares y'all can think of
fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Remus. Honey. Look at me, take deep breaths. If you think you'll be okay, or you think you will have enough comfort people, go to the party! Worst comes to worse, bring Rowan! And if you dont want to sleep over, just do the party bit, no trouble or annoyances at all. N o n e.But if you get too anxious of the idea, or your just not feeling okay enough, dont go at all, it'll damage your mental health,,,more. Its your choice and no one, I repeat no one can judge you for that. -1/2
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(I got another ask also asking for this same thing so I will probs sadly delete it but I want the anon to know I appreciate it even if I didn’t answer it. thanks <3)
(Words: 1829)
Remus tried to take a few deep breathes like you said. He kept twirling the ring on his finger to try and get the nerves out. Your comment about how much his crushes liked him made his heart warm. Remy was looking at him with such a sweet look as they waited for his answer.
'i dont know about a party' He finally wrote into the text to speech app.
"Party?" It took a moment before Remy leant their head back in laughter "Babe I meant like a party in like the we're gonna have fun way not like the literal way. You seriously think I would wanna stand around with this fucked up cane and have like 3 different guys try to kiss me" 
Remus' stomach sunk. He could feel the tip of ears heating up from embarrassment.
"Sorry babe" Remy wiped a fake tear away once the giggles started to die down "That was all on me. I know you got like problems with tone and stuff. You good if it's just me, you and Jannie?"
He shrugged.
"We can hang out right here and your sis will stay around right?"
"It don't gotta be a sleepover if you decide you don’t want it to be. We can just like vibe and then I can weasel my way into control over Jannie's bed and sleep there. Will that be okay?"
Remus nodded.
They held out their hand to do a high five but he didn't move so they instead got out their phone and texted Janus. They made themself comfortable on the couch like a main character in an early 2000s teen romcom.
"Sooo do you wanna gossip? Paint each other nails? Kiissss? That is what people do at sleepovers right?" Remy asked "Cause babe I've never actually been at a real one with like friends. Just with Virgil or I've been like staying over with some dude after getting shitfaced but that's not the same thing y'know"
'do you really think i've been to any? i slept over in a mossy ditch once though'
"Stylish!! Maybe Jan knows" They looked at ech other and both shook their heads "Nah he doesn't"
Remus perked up and quickly wrote something on his phone 'Ro knows!"
They glanced back to Rowan. She had promptly fallen asleep with her forehead slammed into the table. Snores loud enough to shake a squirrel came from her.
The friends sent each other sinister smiles. Remus rubbed his hands together evily. Remy tip tapped on their toes like a mischievous bitch. They both slowly sneaked up behind Rowan.
And evily laid a blanket around her shoulders!!!
The friends giggled over their evil act together. The duke was a bit anxious about her being asleep but he knew she was a light sleeper after the third time she woke up to frogs filling her room
"Don't you have like a flag?" Remy suddenly asked.
Remus blinked at them 'what?'
They pointed at the wall behind Rowan. The one where her lesbian flag hung "Don't you have like a flag too? like trans or something?” They glanced at Rowan “You can get one if you want right?”
‘of course. i havent thought about it. brain dead’
He was so used to the sighs and annoyed looks he got from his ex every time he talked about being trans. Every time he’d tried to correct his pronouns. Putting a flag would have been a constant reminder of how burdensome his identity was. Sometimes Remus forgot he wasn’t living with his ex anymore.
“Want me to like make a flag? I should have some pink fabric over from making this Charli xcx shirt- Oh bitch I could have talked about being a dick sucking savant and that sentence would have been less gay. Jeez”
‘would you really?’ Remus asked with big puppy eyes.
“Suck a dick? Ehh it doesn’t really interest me but-”
‘i meant sewing the flag’
“Oh- Oh yeah babe! Of course! Anything for my green goblin!”
Remus motioned him to follow as he went over to Rowan’s bedroom aka the only bedroom in the apartment. He opened the closet and took out some old bedsheets and curtains. A dust cloud rose up from them.
He chucked them all on the floor and pointed at them. Remy promptly took out a needle and some thread from their bag.
“A lady is always prepared” They joked “So how big do you want it to be-”
A hurried knock came on the door. A thud came from the living room as Rowan fell down on the floor from surprise. “Dragon knocking” She yawned out.
Remus grabbed all of the fabric and followed Remy as they stumbled over to the door. Janus was standing on the other side. His breathing was quick and his eyes wide. His shirt was buttoned on wrong and he had on Logan’s space themed pajama pants.
“REmus! You’re alive!” 
He exclaimed and reached out to hug his friend but Rem flinched back. Jan took a few extra theatrical deep breathes before half hissing towards Remy.
“I’ll kill you Remy. I will literally put poison in your food”
“Girl why this sudden flirting!?” They teased back.
“Your message made it sound like I had to hurry over because Remus was hurt or something! I was in the middle of snuggli- doing important work!” He sent a smile to Remus “I am however happy to be here”
“It’s only ‘cause I’m here. I know. You don’t have to say it!” Remy added.
They pulled Jan into a tight hug and whispered to him about how Remus wasn’t talking and didn’t seem to want to be touched. When they moved out from the hug they still had on a cheerful look.
Even so Janus looked a bit pale when he looked at Remus “Are you sure you’re physically okay? There is a tube going into your nose”
‘it is how i control my zombie army’ Remus wrote back.
“Oh....Understandable then”
“Alright Janny boy you wanna have a totally cool awesome sexy lil sleepover?”
‘we can make fake blood and throw it at each other’ Remus wrote.
“Well I can’t say no to some classic blood throwing”
He stepped inside the apartement. His back instantly straightened when he saw Rowan. He was very afraid of pissing her off somehow and in turn pissing off Remus. He did a shy lil wave. She was too busy fixing her hair to notice.
“Alright gals and babe how about we make some dinner and watch some movies until we fall asleep. Babe you can like choose the food and movie if you want” Remy rambled. “But first!” They did a dramatic pose “Truth or dare!!”
“Very classy” Janus commented.
“Let me live out my popular teen girl dreams okay!?” They looked over to Remus “Only if everyone is like comfortable with it obviously”
Remus in turn looked over to Rowan before writing ‘sure. jan?’
“I only just played it for the first time a few nights ago but I am also fine with it. You would think Patty had to be bad at something but no she’s good at kissing too” Janus very casually said.
“Oh yeah. She’s great!” Rowan agreed. 
Before anyone could unpack any of that Rowan had pulled Remus into the kitchen to make popcorn and smoothies for everyone. Janus awkwardly sat down on the soft mattress in front of the tv. Remy sat down next to him and started to work on organizing the fabric.
Janus kept glancing over to them. Them in their full glory of a Charli xcx shirt made out of fabric found in a dumpster and in a skirt that made him blush. His lips curled up into an excited smile at the thought of maybe spending the night with his 2 crushes....and Rowan......ANYHOW he fantasized about being cuddled between the two. Like a smushed together spoon. He had to hold back happy stims.
“Scissor. need a scissor” Remy mumbled under their breathe.
They got up and leaned on their cane. It only took a few steps before some of the tape holding the cane together slipped up. The cane loosened and Remy fell foward. They landed harshly on their elbows and palms.
Janus quickly hurried over to help them. He reached out his hand.
“Are you okay?”
They slapped away his hand “It’s fine” 
He looked at the cane “...Did...something happen?”
“I just like tripped. Girl it’s fine. It’s like old and stuff. Of course it would break”
Janus’ heart sunk. He lowered his voice “Remy I can tell you’re lying. I’m not stupid. Are you okay?”
“Well girl I would have been better if I didn’t trip. Which is what happened. Nothing else. And now I can’t get like a new one ‘cause I’m broke as fuck” They had that hint of anger in their voice, the one they always got when someone caught them in a lie. 
“I only want to hear what happened because I care about you. It’s not like I get worried about you or anything”
Remy met his eyes “And what are you gonna do if I tell you? You gonna run off and tell Logan all about it? Huh?”
“It’s not-”
“We all need to gossip about something. I get it girl” They said through gritted teeth “I’m just real sick of people talking about me behind my back-”
“Smoothies are ready!” Rowan announced while walking into the room. 
Remy immediately shone up into their usual relaxed smile “Perfect gal! You got any scissors around here?”
Janus stayed still even after Remy painfully had gotten up to talk to Rowan. He felt sick to his stomach. They’d been the one to suggest a sleepover hadn’t they? He couldn’t help but be afraid there was a reason behind it.
‘i think j anus is possessed’ Remus wrote.
Everyone else had made themself comfortable on the mattress. A lit candle sat in the middle. Remus had wrapped his arms around his sister like an octopus and kept poking her cheek to annoy her to which she threw popcorn into his face.
(Even though Remus’ heart was beating out of his chest and he felt nauseous and shaky and he kept hearing people yelling and his thoughts were racing. He still felt happy. He didn’t think it would go this well. He held his sister closer)
Janus forced himself to get up and join them. He sat next to Remy but they looked down at the fabric instead of even glancing at him.
Rowan clasped her hands together “So who shall start?”
“Well girl no offense but I’m scared of you, Janny is too much of a shy flustered fuck, Rem will dare us to eat bathroom mold or something and I’m too sexy to ask things so we’ve already hit a wall” Remy said.
‘floating orb’ Remus wrote. 
“Dukey you’re hallucinating again”
He shook his head and pointed at you, the floating orb with sick fucking sunglasses in the corner of the ceiling.
“Oh that one! One of my precious fans! Excuse me, yes that is indeed real”
“Perfect. An impartial magical being to give us truth and dares. This is what all people should have during sleepovers” Janus added. “You do want to be a part of the game right?”
You let out a long murmur of static that made a few plants shake. They all took it as a yes. They settled in and waited for your surely very good truth and dares.
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ᴀʟᴍᴀ ᴘᴇʀᴇɢʀɪɴᴇ | ᴀʟʟ ᴍᴏɴꜱᴛᴇʀꜱ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴍᴏᴛɪᴠᴀᴛɪᴏɴ - ᴀʟᴛ ᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ #1
well. thanks to @yourfavintrovert, y'all are going to suffer greatly. hope you have fun because people are about to die.
i started this by copying the beginning of the fight scene, so you should recognize that bit, and then started changing it <3
finally, after the '~' is the other's pov essentially, so what Jake and Emma see when they get to the room. :)
original story
warnings: death and descriptions of injuries and blood
not gonna do a taglist lol, whoever finds this finds it
enjoy xx
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“Well well well. You never told me you were whoring around with the bird behind my back, y/n.” My father sneers, entering the room and slamming the door. I hear Alma’s breath hitch in anger as she snaps “Don’t you dare talk to her like that.” It makes my father laugh humorlessly and I tense up; I’ve heard that laugh many times before, and it always ends with another Wight severely injured, or worse. I can’t risk letting Barron hurt her and without thought I step out from behind her and instead take her place, hitching my skirt up in order to remove my dagger from it’s strap. I grip it tightly as the fabric falls back over my thigh. My father gives me an impressed, if frustrated, glance, his sharp smile widening further as he exclaims “What, going to protect your little girlfriend? She’ll never love a Wight, and that’s all you’ll ever be.”
He creeps forward slowly, knowing just how to hurt me with his words; he’s always been able to do that. Still I growl under my breath and hiss “I don’t care if she doesn’t. I love her more than you’ll ever understand, and I won’t let you hurt her.” Alma lets out a little noise in the back of her throat; perhaps now wasn’t the best time to indirectly confess the full extent of my feelings to her, but it’s the truth and I don’t have time to regret my words. As if I would ever regret them anyway. Barron throws his arms out in a wide, sweeping gesture. “How sweet, lovers finally reunited. Too bad they won’t be together for much longer,” he mutters, voice dropping to a threatening rumble and I reply “You’ll have to go through me first.” Again he smiles, states “Well, that’s really not a problem. You were never a good daughter anyway.”
He lunges at me, hand transforming into a large, daunting axe head that swings down like a guillotine. I shove Alma back as hard as I can before ducking under the attack and aiming for his stomach with my own blade. Before I can make contact his other hand slaps me away, striking me hard across the face and sending me sliding across the room. I hum lowly in pain, the impact stinging viciously on my skin. Alma lets out a cry of distress but that draws Barron’s attention to her and I scream “Alma, go!” She backs away from Barron and calls back “No! I’m not leaving you!” I know how stubborn that woman can be and that she’s not going to give in easily. So I push myself back to my feet and run at them, catching my father off guard and giving me the chance to slice his right arm pretty badly. He lets out a shout of pain and spins to face me, swinging his blade in the process and, when I don’t duck out of the way in time, it catches me in the side.
I let out a gasp and nearly fall to my knees, but I know that Alma is in no way in the clear so although I stumble and clutch the wound with my free hand, I still fight. We’re locked in a battle for who knows how long, and at some point I think I see an opening and I go for it. But I can’t reach him for as soon as I’m off balance he uses my movement against me and side steps, pushing my shoulder roughly and sending me onto the floor in a bloodied heap. I land painfully on my injured side and try not to scream. Absently I feel someone fall beside me, trying to help, but they don’t have the chance to before they’re also yelping and falling back. I recognize it as Alma and force my body into submission, sitting up despite the paralyzing pain I’m in, and see the ravenette also on the floor a few feet away from me, curled in on herself as she holds her arm.
I can see the blood beginning to soak her nice jacket and I screech “Alma, now! Fucking get out of here!” She shakes her head again, still convinced she can help me, but I see Barron advancing on her again, ignoring me since he probably assumes that my wound is enough to keep me down. Yet Alma refuses to leave, jumping to the side as Barron's arm comes down, and with surprising agility, ducks around his swings. Although she doesn't have a weapon, the woman keeps him distracted long enough for me to stand, forcing my pain down, and clutching my dagger tightly in a white-knuckled grip. I see Alma duck behind the empty cage and take the opportunity to dash behind my father and stab my blade into his ribs. He lets out an agonized cry and I yank the weapon out before side stepping his return attack, barely avoiding getting my neck slit. The man stumbles, gritting his teeth and snarling "Just because you have some skill doesn't mean you'll survive. You're not good enough."
I scoff, bouncing lightly on my toes should he try to lunge, and reply "As if. I've practiced this, and I will do anything to keep the ones I love safe." Again Barron rolls his eyes, removing his free hand from his wound and stalking towards me. All at once he jumps forward, looking to be aiming for me and I duck out of the way, but it was just a fake out and I watch with wide eyes as Barron's other hand morphs into a longer blade resembling a sword and as Alma tries to slip out of the way, she isn't fast enough this time and with a yelp her face catches the side of the sharpened metal. I scream her name as she stumbles into the table, a deep gash going from her temple to her chin, just narrowly avoiding her eye. I see her squeeze her eyes shut, trying to will the pain away, but I can tell it hurts more than she's letting on and quickly jump in front of her before Barron can take advantage of her vulnerable form. He swings but I block each one, reinvigorated at the sight of my ymbryne getting hurt again. I can't let her die, she can't die. I don't care if I do, but she has children, she has a family that needs her. She needs to get out of here.
I remind myself of this as she begs me to be careful. I can tell she wants to help but without a proper weapon she stands no chance, leaving it up to me to defeat Barron. Again I tell her to run, needing to get her out, but no matter what I say she won't go, refusing to leave me alone. She knows that she's vulnerable without protection, but it doesn't matter unless I'm safe, a thought which would otherwise make me swoon but now only serves to make me upset and terrified. Barron attempts to strike my face as well, or maybe my neck, and this time he's only centimeters away from hitting his mark before I raise my arm, knowing that the dagger wouldn't be sufficient and instead dealing with the wound it causes my arm that makes me let out another strangled gasp. My entire body is on fire, bleeding profusely and making me light headed. I do my best to keep Barron away from Alma, who remains in a corner as she watches us fight. The sound of metal on metal echoes around the stone chamber, mixed with distressed noises and grunt of pain.
My breathing labored and knees weak, I hiss "Why don't you just give up now? Someone will be here any second to help me kill you." Barron laughs wickedly, seemingly not tired in the least, and states "What, your little kiddies? My associates will have dealt with them by now, don't worry. And once I've finished you off, there will be no one to stop me from killing your bird, and raiding more loops." I snarl, weaving and making a few more blows to his body, but none that land are enough to incapacitate or seriously wound him, whilst the ones he gets me with are deeper and bleed much faster. But at the mention of her wards, I hear Alma take a sharp breath and brokenly whisper "What have you done? Why did you bring them?" I realize she thinks I recruited them, but I look at her in a panic and quickly say "No, Alma I didn't! Jacob must have come with the--"
I'm distracted with Alma, worried about what she's thinking, that I don't notice her expression switch from distraught worry to terror, and she just has enough time to scream my name before I feel something cold collide with my neck. My eyes widen in shock, and a few seconds pass before the pain sets in and I scream. Barron rips the blade from my neck with a sickening noise and an even sicker laugh. I have no choice but to fall to the floor, dropping my dagger and clutching my neck as thick red ichor pours rapidly from it. Alma shouts my name again, but I can barely hear it as I feel my life leaving my body. I'm dying. Though, maybe this will encourage Alma to finally leave, get to safety. But instead, she runs towards me, and I can just see her snatch up my discarded weapon and stand over me, shaking as she stares Barron down. Distantly I hear her mutter something along the lines of "You bastard," which should surprise me but doesn't invoke any reaction as I lay on my side, slowly bleeding out.
The sounds of more tussling ensues that I can still barely hear, but it stops after a while and soon someone drops to their knees next to me, begging me to be alive, and putting more pressure on my wound. I can tell it's Alma, and raise my head enough to smile sadly at her, choke out "Go," as blood fills my lungs and leaves me gasping for air. Alma shakes her head and begins to say something, but I catch a shadow over her shoulder that looks suspiciously like a person, which I realize too late is Barron, and before I could say a word, (as if I would be able to anyway; my throat is constricted and too choked up with my own blood) I watch in muted petrification as a long, thick blade pierces through Alma's back and past her chest. She lets out a strangled gasp of pain, eyes dropping to the metal that now sticks out of her body before disappearing as my father pulls it free. Her hands shake as she presses one against the hole in her abdomen, gaze slowly moving to mine before she falls forward onto her hand, which soon gives out on her and sends her tumbling down completely. My tears have soaked my face and shirt by now and I try to whisper her name, but all I can hear is my slowing heartbeat and Barron's sick laughter.
I reach out to Alma and my grip is nonexistent as it lays on her cheek. Her eyes, slowly dimming, meet mine and she pushes herself towards me more until she can use her remaining strength to pull me against her body with a sob. Before her voice leaves her she breathes "I'm sorry I c-couldn't protect you." My vision goes almost black, and the last thing I see is Alma's face before my eyes fall mostly shut and I whisper "I love you." As everything begins going silent, I barely catch her returning the words, feel her lips shakily pressed against mine before it's all gone, and my heart stops beating.
Barron stands over the two bodies that lay curled together, silent and still as the eldest's life finally drains away as well, and they're both dead. His grin remains, sharp teeth exposed as he watches in dark glee, his kills a reward greater than anything he'd experienced thus far. Killing those two had been unreasonably difficult, but he knew he'd win in the end, so seeing the spoils of his war, laid out so nicely beneath him, was like Christmas. Finally satisfied, he kicks Alma's limp body before letting his hands return to their normal form and stretching his neck out. Satisfied, he saunters casually towards the door, but it flies open just before he can get to it and even he flinches back a few inches. Before him stand two older children, one of which he knows is Jacob. The boy holds a crossbow tightly in his grip, but it doesn't worry Barron in the least. The boy has most likely never shot one in his life.
"Well look who showed up! Too bad, I'm afraid you're too late to save your resident lovers." Barron cackles at the fear and shock that appears on their faces, and his right hand turns to his favorite axe-head form, which he raises dauntingly. He taunts them for a few more minutes, twirling back into the room and waving his arms about. "Such heroic little children. But they couldn't even save these two," he exclaims, absently waving his free hand towards y/n and Alma's bodies. The motion draws Jake and Emma's eyes to these two and the blonde pulls in a horrified gasp, nearly falling to the floor before Jake can support her. He doesn't know either of the two women much at all, the younger one he doesn't know at all, but seeing them together, dead, still makes his heart ache and a sick feeling rise in his throat. The brunette pushes it down as best as he can and shakily raises Alma's crossbow, trembling but voice steady as he calls out "You'll pay for what you've done to them!"
Still Barron just laughs, confident that neither of them stand a chance, and slowly marches towards them, grinning sadistically. "You can't even use that thing," he snarls, and Emma's eyes dart between the two males. She wants to back up, to run, but seeing her beloved headmistress and the girl that she'd grown to care about so much years ago, slaughtered like animals, keeps her rooted to the spot. Barron is only feet from them and Jake backs up slowly, trying to keep a steady hand as he aims for Barron's head. But before he can shoot another boy, this one much taller, appears without warning, grabs the crossbow with strong hands, and fires before anyone can even react to his presence. His shot hits it's mark, landing right between Barron's eyes, sending his tumbling back and tripping over his own feet. He falls to the floor and Enoch risks it, walking forward and bringing his booted foot down on the man's throat, crushing it under the force. As Barron dies, unable to breathe, Enoch finally catches sight of the other two women in the room.
The normally stoic lets out a gasp and his eyes go wide in shock. The threat now mostly eliminated, all three children rush towards them in unison. Emma and Enoch drop to the floor on either side of the two while Jake stands awkwardly behind them, doing his best not to throw up at the sheer amount of blood that pools on the floor. It soaks Emma's blue dress but she doesn't even notice, carefully rolling Alma over first and letting out a sob at the wide hole in the woman's chest, and hesitantly looks to y/n, seeing the brutal injury on her neck that still drips some blood. Even Enoch has silent tears falling down his cheeks, but Emma is full on sobbing and screaming in agony, burying her face in Alma's shoulder and trying to will them back to life. But they're long dead, and even Enoch can't fix this. The fact that he's powerless, even in the face of what should be his peculiarity's specialty, makes his chest tighten and more tears threaten to fall. They failed. They failed to rescue Alma, they failed to help y/n. And even if they all survived, the two most important ones hadn't.
Jake knows that he couldn't let the younger children see the brutality that lay in that room so with one last pained glance at the bodies, he drops the crossbow at his feet and runs from the room, going to round up the others and keep them out of the room. But Olive refuses to be kept back and when Jake tries to block her way, she grabs his wrist and heats it up just enough to burn him, using the opportunity to run from the room. She follows the continued sound of Emma's tormented sobs and eventually arrives at the correct room. She sees Barron, and then the blood, and knows that something terrible had happened. And it's confirmed when she takes just a few tentative steps inside and looks left just to see Emma and Enoch huddled on the floor around an especially large area of blood. The redhead runs to them and lets out a scream at the sight. She, like Emma, collapses to her knees at the women's heads, too scared to touch them but needing to feel their skin, needing proof to show this wasn't just a terrible dream.
And it isn't, making the girl let out yet another agonized keen. She falls against Enoch's body, who holds her tightly, burying her head in his chest and keeping her from looking at the two any longer. They're dead, and staring at them any longer was only going to make it worse. Though, none of them were sure if it could get any worse.
Jake gets the younger children in the boat first, before returning to the tower and carefully picking up y/n as Enoch picks up Alma, the stronger of the two. They exchange no more than a tense glance, and then walk out and back to the ship. They're careful to not let anyone else see the bodies, and end up putting them together in an empty room, repositioning the two so they're once again holding each other, even in death. The boys stare down at them, no longer able to pretend as if the day hadn't happened. Seeing Alma and y/n so vulnerable and so still in this environment just solidifies the fact that they're dead, and now the children are alone. Jake knows he can't leave now, not without finding another ymbryne to take the rest in. With one last look, Enoch lays a gentle kiss to Alma's temple, then to y/n's, and follows Jake out of the room, closing and locking the door behind him, never looking back.
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If Your Done With Embarrassing Me On Your Own Won't You Go Ahead and Tell Them
Oh my god y'all have just blown me away. I was not expect so much positive feed back. I was screaming so much I could not Believe how much you guys liked that. And so many people are asking to be tagged in the next part thank you guys so much. Also can I just say moving from Google Docs to Tumblr was a bitch to do and I hated it. But y'all inspired me so much that I decided to just go ahead and type it up on tumblr and move it to Google Docs afterwards.
This part's title is from "Impossible" by Shontelle. The song in this part is "Young Volcanoes" by Fall Out Boy
This is Part 2 of my fic based on @misashabunbun 's Love of Three.
Part 1
@thestressmademedoit @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @lizziejay @indecisive-mess-named-me @captainmac6 @luveverything12 @kris-pines04 @brokenwordsarehard2
To say Marinette was busy would be an understatement. Between working with Luka and Uncle Jagged producing her album as Neon Titanium and her friends insisting that they help heal her brokenheart she felt like she was caught in a whirl wind. But it was nice she had fun. Luka and Uncle Jagged knew how to turn the hard work of producing music into a fun experience while still being efficient. And her friends they had her laughing harder than she laughed in while and smiling brighter than their resident sunshine child. They did everything they could think off.
She went shopping with Chloe and Kagami. She watched horror movies with Alix, Nathaniel, and Adrien. Marc and Luka let her rant to them which turned into a crying session which then turned into a meditation session. And on top of that her and Peter hung out as well. Whether they just worked in silence together on their respective projects or they were pranking Uncle Tony, kwami did she have fun renaming the protocols on the Iron Man suit. Soon Peter easily fit his way into her group of friends abd he fit in perfectly. Everyone got along with him.
But he wasn't the last to join their ragtag group. Everyone was shocked when Felix Graham De Vanily came to their group offering Marinette condolences on her lost engagement. He was sincere and courteous so of course no one was surprised when Marinette invited him to join in the currently planned game of dodgeball, except maybe Felix himself. But nonetheless he joined in the competition and found himself hanging out with the rest of the group as well. Soon his cold off-standish demeanor was traded for sly smirks and slick humor that nobody caught at first except Marinette and Peter who would laugh openly at his responses.
Soon enough Felix was a part of the group and felt comfortable letting his guard down. It help that they didn't treat him as the Graham De Vanily heir or Adrien's asshole cousin. They treat him like Felix, the boy who while very proper cried watching Big Hero 6. Also the boy who slam dunked on Adrien without breaking a sweat. Yet he still is the master of backhanded compliments and insulting people with a smile and having them thank him. He could truly be himself and he was thankful.
And while he easily was getting along with everyone, anyone with easy could see he had a soft spot for Peter and Marinette in general. It was in the way his face would soften when looking at them. Or the way he would smile when Marinette would get excited over something. Or the way he always paid attention to Peter when he was geeking out. It was the way he softly teased them over their height, Marinette being the shortest of the group and Peter only being taller than Marinette and Alix. And everyone knew Marinette's heart was still healing, so it came no surprise when Felix and Peter started dating. And while everyone was happy for them no one, but Marinette herself missed the looks of longing both boys would send towards her.
Believe it or not Felix was not the most surprising addition to their friend group. No the last addition came soon after Marinette formally did an interview after too much press took notice of Damian Wayne's fiancee being seen for the first time in almost a year, in New York of all places.
She remembered Uncle Tony setting up the interview with someone he trusted. She was glad that this was only an interview as Damian Wayne's (ex) fiancee and not MDC or Neon Titanium. She can only imagine how big a deal it will be when she reveals. But that was future Marinette's problem. Present Marinette had to focus on what to say without giving too much details because no matter how much he deserved it, she didn't want to throw Damian to wolves like that. She settled on saying that she was going through some things and no longer was content in Gotham. She claimed that she decided it was in her best interest to leave, but she didn't want to make a big deal about which is why nothing had been said until now.
The interview went well and everyone accepted her answers. It was released about a month after she left Damian and two weeks since Peter and Felix started dating. She still got news alerts for Gotham so she was waiting with baited breath for her interview to reach the Gotham, but it never seemed to. No announcements from WE or the Wayne family in general. She couldn't say it didn't hurt that no one even realized she was gone yet. But what hurt more was when 2 weeks after her interview she got an alert from Gotham Gazette saying the Damian claimed they set a date for their wedding. She cried that day. How could he not even notice she was gone? Was he so used to lying about her and their relationship that he didn't even give a second thought to what he was saying any more? And while she despaired, she relished in the fact that her friends did not let her be alone. Her face was buried in Peter's neck, she was sat on Felix's lap, Chole was threading her fingers through her hair, her feet laid over Peter legs and settled on Marc's, Adrien sat on the floor in front of Felix a hand rest on her back and everyone gathered around as close as possible trying to physically reassure her. Luka was even humming softly. She appreciated all the love amd support she had and soon she was feeling much better. Eventually it turned into a puppy pile napping session and if she ended up curled up between Peter and Felix? Eh, nobody said anything.
It was these series of events that led to their newest and by far strangest addition to their friend group. Here it was, two days after Damian's announcement and here in front of her stands no other than Jonathan Kent, Damian's best friend.
"Hey, Mari. It's been a while, huh?" She could admit Jon looked nervous. The way he wouldn't meet her eyes and how his hand was rubbing his neck. But him bring nervous did nothing to calm her nerves about why he was even here.
Marinette took a deep breath and drew as much of her inner Ladybug as she could. "Why are you here, Jonathan?"
Jon flinched at how she used his full name. "I'm so sorry, Nette. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry I didn't push harder. You were my friend too. I should have checked on you. Damian was such a good liar, I never knew. I should have known but I didn't and that doesn't excuse the fact that I wasn't there for you." Jon took a deep breath and finally met her eyes before speaking again. "But I'm going to do better, Nette. Whatever you need just say the word. Even if it means leaving. When we saw your interview Dad told Uncle Bruce to make sure his family was in order especially his youngest. He didn't give any details and Uncle Bruce got offended. I guess he did end up talking to Damian, but Damian doubled down on his lies and his family is believing him. But I know better because I saw what you said and I know even that wasn't the whole truth. So I want you to know I'm on your side."
Marinette was silent for a minute she study him and his words. The way she was looking at him made Jon feel like his whole soul was being judged, but he didn't dare look away. He needed her to know he meant it and that he was truly sorry for not being for. After a minute that felt like hours Marinette smiled softly at him. "I could always appreciate a hug from a friend." She held her arm open and Jon surged forward and hugged her tightly lifting her off the ground.
Marinette giggled a bit before he set her down. "Thanks, Jon for being here for me. I know Damian is you best friend-"
"He lost that right when he decided to lie to me repeatedly for his own benefit." Jon looked uncharacteristically upset at the fact.
"Well if you're in need of some more good friends, I know a group you should meet. Come on, we're about to have a pool day. I'm sure I have some swim trunks I've designed that you could probably fit. "
After they changed intl their respective swimwear, Mari led Jon to her Uncle Tony's pool where the rest of her friends were already waiting. "Hey guys! I'd like you to meet my friend Jon. He's in need of some good company."
Those who recognized Jon looked up surprised before see his nervous fidgeting and hearing Marinette's last sentence before nodding in understand. It was Peter who spoke up first. "Well any friend of Mari's is welcome with us. Come on we were about to play chicken fight!" And just like that their pool party was in swing. The played a couple pool games and had some snacks before Marinette decided to play some music. Soon a familiar tune was playing over the speakers.
When Rome's in ruins
It was Chole who started singing along first sitting laying on one of the pool chairs. In between Alix and Kagami.
We are the lions
Free of the colosseum.
In fields of poison
We're anitvenom
We're the beginning of the end.
Soon Alix was singing the next part as Chloe finished the first part.
Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds
It's all over now
Before it has begun
We've already won
Luka was quick to pick up the chorus while trying to get everyone to join in with him.
We are wild
We are like young volcanoes
While everyone was distracted with singing Luka had Adrien and Jon sneak with him behind the girls in the pool chair. Each of them grabbed one and threw them in the water. Luka grabbed Kagami, Adrien grabbed Chloe and Jon grabbed Alix.
We are wild
Americana, exotica
Do you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby?
As everyone else's singing tapered off into laughing, Marinette picked up the next part solo as she walked to the diving board and climbed up.
Come on, make it easy, say I never mattered
Run it up the flag pole,
She ended her singing with a cannonball into the pool. Peter picked it up from his place in Felix's arms.
We will teach you how to make boys next door out of assholes
He sung his verse looking at Felix the whole time, who scoffed jokingly when Peter winked at him, but gave a him a kiss after he was done singing. Marc and Nathaniel picked up where he left off dueting together.
Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds
And it's all over now
Before it has begun
We've already won
Soon everyone was singing along again to the chorus playing around splashing each other.
We are wild
We are like young volcanoes
We are wild
Americana, exotica
Do you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby?
Soon everybody had calmed down slightly singing a little quieter. Marinette her self was floating on her back towards the center of the pool. Smiling at all her support around her.
We are wild
We are like young volcanoes
We are wild
Americana, exotica
Do you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby?
As the song ended Jon was the first to speak. "What the fuck is in the water in Paris that makes y'all so talented?"
Peter laughed as he easily agreed, "That's what I said!"
Adrien chuckled at the Americans in their group antics. "To be fair, Felix is from London and Kagami is from Japan."
"Still! That is crazy. And Marinette I never knew you could sing like that!" Jon looked over towards the bluenette, his eyes softening at her.
Marinette giggled. "Neither did the rest of the world until Neon Titanium featured in Luka's last single."
"What?!" Jon exclaimed. "You're Neon Titanium?! I loved that song! Nette you're even more amazing than I thought."
Luka threw his hand up saying "Here, here." Making Marinette blush as all her friends joined in on complimenting her.
About a 3 weeks later, Marinette found herself working on a dress for her debut as Neon Titanium which uncle Tony insisted she do at a gala he's throwing. Which she suspects he's throwing just for her to debut because there was absolutely no gala planned before.
That was what she was doing when Jon, Felix, and Peter found her. It didn't take long for Jon to fit in with group. And with how often he stayed with them in New York instead of going back to Metropolis, no one was surprised when he started dating Peter and Felix. Marinette was happy for them even though it seemed like everyone was in happy relationships but her. But she knew she still had some things to work out before returning to the dating scene.
As they approached Marinette paused her sketching to look at her friends. "What's up guys? You needed something?"
The 3 boys looked at each other before Peter spoke up. "Yeah, actually. We wanted to tell you something." He rubbed the back of his neck before letting out a sigh. "We like you Marinette. A lot. And we would love for you to date us."
Marinette could feel the rejection on her tongue, but before she could say a word Jon cut her off.
"Let us finish first Nette. Please. After we're done you can tell us to never bother you again, but just let us get this out." Jon pleaded at her. Marinette just nodded and let them continue.
"We all like you a lot," Felix started his words very sincere. "But we all know that your still healing. We only told you because we thought it would be fair for you to know."
It almost seemed as they had planned and rehearsed for this because Peter effortlessly picked up after Felix. "We're not trying to guilt you into dating us because at the end of the day it is still you decision. And we know it may be some time before your ready to even consider dating us, but we're willing to wait."
Jon grabbed her hands as he prepared to finish them out. "We just want you to know how amazing we think you are. We'll be beyond lucky if you decide to date us when you're ready to make that choice. And until you are we're still your friends and we'll continue helping you heal and be better how ever you want us to. And if you decide you don't see us that way we'll still be some of your closest friends because having you in our lives is a blessing Nette."
Soon they all seemed to be holding one of her hands as they finished what they had to say. Marinette had silent tears streaming down her face, but the big smile she had eased away their worries. She pulled them into a tight hug for a moment before pulling back.
"You guys are the absolute best friends a girl can have." She smiled at them gratefully. "You're right that I'm not ready yet, but when I am, you guys will be the first people I consider dating. Promise. Now do you guys wanna see the designs I'm considering for my reveal?"
As the boys gathered around Marinette for her to show them her sketchbook she thought to herself with a smile.
I might not be quite okay yet, but with all the great people I have on my side, I know I will be soon.
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palaugranetes · 4 years
22 OCTOBER 2020
Riqui: Well I guess there is no other choice than doing this..
Pedri: Do what?
Riqui Added Arnau
Riqui: Well we have another one here. At this rate, we might as well just include the whole squad. BUT Welcome to this adult free mess bro!
Iñaki: 💙❤💙❤💙❤
Carlitos: Benvingut nanu!
Ronald: MANITO!!!!
Ronald: Look at you using those braincells @Riqui
Riqui: Nothing new
Ansu: BRO!!!! @Arnau 💙❤
Arnau: What even is this?
Frenkie: Adult Free Space.
Frenkie: WELCOME!! ❤💙
Arnau: Why is this even?
Francisco: Well I really am not quite sure of that yet.. But welcome!!!
Carlitos: This exists because we are sick and tired of the grown-ups.
Arnau: Who are the grown-ups? Aren't we all technically grown-ups?
Arnau: Well beside Ansu and Pedri.
JC: 😂😂😂😂😂
Dembz: 😂😂😂😂😂
Ansu: 😒😒😒
JC:"Dembz: 😂😂😂😂😂"
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Dembz: 🤜🏿
Ansu: I hate both of you so much.
Frenkie: It's only a week.. Just hang in there🤭🤭
Ansu: 😒😒
Pedri: 🙄🙄🙄
23 OCTOBER 2020
Carlitos: Anyways.. What I meant is that we are sick and tired of the ones in charge, their incompetence and their stupidity.
Riqui: Here here 🍻
Ronald: Thought popcorn was your TM
Riqui: 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
Riqui: Happy Now?
Ronald: Elated!
Arnau: Ahhh I get it now. I see your point.
Arnau: So how long has this been going on?
Pedri: Like a month or so
Francisco: We still don't know what is happening here most of the times
Sergiño: Hey dude!! Another newbie here!! Welcome @Arnau
Arnau: 🤗🤗🤗
Ansu: What we do know is that El Clasico is tomorrow and I am about to jump out of my skin!
Riqui: I mean...
Carlitos: What do you guys think?
JC: Well what version of FCB is going to show up.. It depends on that.
Arnau: I really cannot sit through another Getafe type match... there aren't enough hugs in the world.
Iñaki: I feel ya bro.. pure torture.
Ronald: Look we tried..
Riqui: No Ronald.. You did.
Carlitos: And now that Jordi is back .. Y'all need to try harder.
Carlitos: I mean I love the guy but he needs to remember how to football.
Riqui: You say y'all as if any of us not named Frenkie Ansu and Sergiño is going to start.. Don't drag all of us into that mess..
Ansu: 🙄🙄
Carlitos: Oh no no Nanu I am happy for you.
Riqui: We'd be dead were it not for you kiddo.
Sergiño: I am just glad I'll be back to the right flank tbh
Sergiño: Like I'll play wherever I'm asked but...
Pedri: Exactly.. Imagine me playing on the left.. I'll do it sure of course, I'll try my best but it is not my favorite.
Francisco: Well I think it's natural.
Riqui: Ever since Antoine spoke he has been benched 🤭
Carlitos: Are we sure that is the only reason?
Riqui: Jeez
Dembz: 😐😐😐😐
Carlitos: Sorry.. But I only say this because I know what he can do..
Dembz: I guess we are all rusty...
Riqui: I wouldn't know.. I've played all of 10 minutes..
Carlitos: 🙄
JC: Well y'all better not make me watch for nothing.
Riqui: Again.. Can't help you there bro.
Riqui: Sometimes I wish Puyi is here just to like make them focus.
Carlitos: Remember when he yelled at Geri? 😂😂
Riqui: Which time 😂😂
Carlitos: All of them 😂
Ansu: OMG GUYS!!
Ansu: We should ask for his help.
Francisco: To come and make 'us' focus??
Pedri: It doesn't work that way dude.
Ansu: NO! With Geri
JC: I'm listening
Dembz: Are we really going to go ask for help from Carles Puyol?! Ansumane are you nuts!?
Dembz: No..
Dembz: And stop yelling @Iñaki is probably asleep.
Frenkie: We all should be ...
Ansu: BUT my Puyi idea.
Ronald: Can wait till after El Clasico.
Ronald: Go to sleep now
Ansu: 😒
24 OCTOBER 2020
JC: 4 OUT OF 11!!!
JC: Oh for fuck sake😒
JC: What the fuck was that shit....
JC: But it wasn't...
JC: I give up.. Screw this..
Arnau: This blows.
Iñaki: Once again.. pure torture.
Arnau: No but we were doing actually okay..
Iñaki: I mean.. relatively so-so.. we could have had it...
Arnau: What even was that 2nd ..
Iñaki: Bro.. Let it go..
Arnau: 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
Iñaki: 😐
Ansu: I hate us so much.
Pedri: I should not have said anything the other day..
Pedri: I jinxed myself.
Francisco: That was horrible
Sergiño: Truly awful
Riqui: I am going to keep my comments to myself.
Riqui: Because if I speak, I will get in trouble.
Carlitos: Okay José.
Carlitos: It was a José move.
Dembz: A Mess.
Frenkie: So we are just going to get a penalty every time we breathe next to a player!?
JC: BS. Just that.. BS.
Ansu: Siempre igual.
Frenkie: I hate this.
Riqui: We all do.
25 OCTOBER 2020
Ronald: On the bright side..
Riqui: There is not one bright side in this
Ronald: There is.
Ronald: The fact that it's over.
Riqui: Okay one bright side to this. And now we have Juventus next.
Riqui: Without Gerard
Riqui: Which means he will have time...
Riqui: Which means we are screwed.
Carlitos: I would like to go back to the match please.
Riqui: So I was right.. There is no bright side.
Dembz: Dammit.
Riqui: Good night.
Pedri: Night!
JC: See ya later
Carlitos: Nanit!
Sergiño: ✌🏽
26 OCTOBER 2020
Frenkie: They did not just say that.. 🤦🏼‍♂️
Frenkie: As if we needed more backlash...
Riqui: Just leave already for the love of everything good...
Riqui: We are a meme Club I swear...
Riqui: When has complaining ever benefited us ever?!
Carlitos: As if they don't know
Ansu: Did he really say that or did I hallucinate it!?
Riqui: They did kiddo
Carlitos: They did kiddo.
JC: Yikes
Francisco: What is the point?
Arnau: What is the point of their existence really
Iñaki: They have so many problems coming their way, the guys say they are taking action against them
Arnau: Well they should have let them finish the season and not just send them off like that.. They deserved to play the play-offs.
Iñaki: Don't remind me.
Arnau: Can the president just issue an arrest warrant against them already?!
Riqui: I wish
Riqui: I hope they end up in Jail. Or like exiled.. whichever can happen quicker..
Ansu: We cannot have one day of peace in this place.
Riqui: How else will the time pass..
Ansu: I rather not have it pass in stress.
Carlitos: Well.. tough.
Riqui: And another one tomorrow.
Sergiño: I am having such a dèjà-vu..
Riqui: About?
Sergiño: Tr*mp..
Riqui: Well.. Kinda.. sorta..
Riqui: Like.. take away the mania and psychopathic behavior and total lack of human empathy and decency... yeah it could be him
Sergiño: I meant the desperate need for him to just leave.
Riqui: Oh well yes that... spot on.
Carlitos: we have to wait more I guess.... But now Juve.
Frenkie: Exactly. Juve.
Ansu: Ronald's big moment. Hope he doesn't screw it up.
Ronald: Appreciate the vote of confidence.. really. So sweet.
Ansu: Anytime broski Anytime.
Pedri: Did you really just say broski?
Ansu: And what about it?
Pedri: Nothing..
Ansu: Mhm...
27 OCTOBER 2020
JC: Another meeting today?
Riqui: Yep
JC: Evening?
Riqui: Yep
JC: You think he will?
Riqui: Who the hell knows.. He might be coming out to announce a new sponsor for all I know
Carlitos: I hear he will
Ansu: Will he though?
Carlitos: Well I'm not his babysitter but I hope so.
Ansu: We shall see.
Frenkie: Ready to take off to Torino?
Pedri: YES!!
Francisco: Cannot wait tbh
Francisco: I saw Gerard today and he was being very suspicious.
Riqui: I do not need this now
Sergiño: I hung out with him during training this morning.. He seemed normal
Dembz: So what is the truth...
Ronald: All I know is he has time now.
Ronald: And I feel sorry for you guys..
Ronald: Not you @Riqui 💙 and Sergi would agree
Riqui: 😒 I hate you 💙
Arnau: WE ARE FREE!!!!!!
Carlitos: I cannot believe it. Someone slap me.
Ronald: You asked.
Riqui: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Ansu: Like I said.. We cannot have not 1 moment of peace.
Riqui: Is he really playing a victim?!
Carlitos: Great... more games for us not to play😒
Ansu: But things are changing.. so
Frenkie: Oh wow.. oh wow.. OH WOW
Francisco: What even is the point of a Super league?!
Francisco: It's like the Nations' League.. What is the point of that
Pedri: Money.
Pedri: 🤷🏻‍♂️
Francisco: Fair point.
Iñaki: Isn't everything?
Francisco: Yep.
Dembz: So now what guys?...
Riqui: Now we are free. We wait for the new President.
Riqui: And maybe a new coach 🙄
Dembz: I dig that.
Pedri: How do you guys think Leo is feeling??
Ansu: I wonder what the adults gc is like right now.
Ansu: Dammit Carles when are you going to be useful!
Carlitos: RUDE MUCH
Ansu: We need to know
Riqui: 😂
Frenkie: So now that he is gone.. What are we going to complain about in this Club.
Riqui: It's us.. We always have something. But enjoy this Win bro
Frenkie: I am.
Sergiño: I hope we can enjoy more wins
Francisco: Leo must be very happy.
Riqui: I wanna post something.. but I don't know if I should.
Dembz: Do it subtly.
Arnau: Have you met him? He doesn't know subtlety.
Riqui: I brought you here to back me up dude not join them😒
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babygirlizz · 5 years
Movies and TV shows of 2019
Okay so a couple or few years ago I did a review of movies that had released that year because I was super into movies that year. I am still into movies, but I have been watching a lot more shows this year. So, I will be reviewing movies and tv shows. Furthermore, I will be including stuff released this year, that I found this year, or that has a new season this year. Basically just anything that I have loved this year. Also, I don’t feel like ranking, so no particular order. Also, SPOILERS AHEAD - if you see a title of something you have not seen, and don’t want spoilers, please feel free to skip that section. Also, some of these I haven’t seen in a hot minute so if I get a detail messed up, we won’t speak on it. And finally, trigger warning - if you have struggled with sexual assault and may have an issue reading about it, either skip this post entirely or skip over the review of “Unbelievable.”
1. After
I have been waiting for this since middle school. I read the after books on wattpad because what teenager in love with harry styles didn’t. Now I will be real with y'all. The acting could use some work in specific scenes, and some of the actors aren't MY favorite picks for certain roles, but I’m not gonna hate on actors. Ok so, Tessa (Josephine Langford) is an incoming freshman in college and is rooming with an upperclassmen, Steph (Khadijha Red Thunder) who has a friend named Hardin (Hero Fiennes-Tiffin). Steph wants Tessa to branch out and do new things, so she invites her to a party, where they play the stereotypical games, and thats when Hardin is kind of dared to make Tessa fall in love with him. ALSO, Tessa has a high school boyfriend named Noah (Dylan Arnold). She starts seeing Hardin, her boyfriend finds out, she falls in love with Hardin, and finds out it was all a dare. Buuuuuuut, pLoT tWiSt he actually loves her.
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2. Avengers: Endgame
Ok listen, Infinity War was heartbreaking bc Bucky duh, but y'all are really gonna take Tony (RDJ) and Steve (Chris Evans) away from me? Shut up. Still, this was a really good movie and I’m not just saying that because I’m a marvel hoe. FRICK Thanos and thats on Ant Man. Thats literally all I have to say.
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3. Annabelle Comes Home
I am a whore for scary movies. I love them so much and this one was *chefs kiss*. I love Mckenna Grace, she's such a good young actress and she fits so well in scary moves. There’s not much to say about the plot in this one, and ya really need to see it. Also, Bob (Michael Cimino) is so heckin cute what the heck.
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4. Let It Snow
Ok this is a lot to unpack so grab ya snacks. Let’s talk about couple number 1 (of 3), Tobin (Mitchell Hope) and Angie (Kiernan Shipka) who are best friends. Tobin is in love with Angie but doesn’t know how to tell her, and gets lots of unwanted encouragement from his best friend Keon (Jacob Batalon) who just wants to throw a heckin good party, is that too much to ask for? So Angie gets invited to a party by some cute guy, JP (M and Tobin is jealous but goes with her anyways and they steal a keg for Keon’s party and run from the scary hosts of the party and end up stranded in a church after his car spins out of control. They finally make it to the party and kiss on the roof with the waffle town sign shining bright behind them. NEXT - we have Julie (Isabela Merced) and Stuart (Shameik Moore). This is kind of really cliche with the whole “he’s-famous-she-doesn’t-care-he-finds-that-attractive-lets-fall-in-love” aspect, but its also hella cute uwu. They meet on a train and the train stops so they go eat at the waffle town and go sledding and do a bunch of cute coupley shit. His manager comes to get him and basically tells her that nothing will ever really happen between them and he leaves. Then, he shows up at the party and they fall in love. NEXT- we have Dorrie (Liv Hewson) who is a lesbian that constantly struggles with the gay panic. Her best friend Addie (Odeya Rush) doesn't help much either because she's having her own relationship problems. Dorrie works at Waffle Town and when she's working the girl she's talking to, Kerry (Anna Akana) comes in with her dance team, and she's not out of the closet. A bunch of shit goes down, but they end up together and Dorrie learns that she’s worth more than she thinks and that’s all that matters. Also, Billy (Miles Robbins) and Tin Foil Woman (Joan Cusack) make wonderful additions to this movie.
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5. The King
First of all - Timothée Chalamet and Robert Pattinson in the same movie? Sign me the HECK up. But they’re also historical, frick yea. Not too much to say about this movie other than it’s good. Super graphic (don’t watch if you don’t like decapitation lol) and super long, but good nonetheless.
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6. Falling Inn Love
This movie is super freaking cute. Gabriela (Christina Milian) decides that she needs a change and enters a contest to win an Inn in New Zealand. She wins the Inn and is shocked when she realizes the Inn needs a LOT of work. She goes around town to get stuff to fix up the Inn and constantly runs into Jake (Adam Demos) and they have this flirty but we don’t like each other relationship, but then ya know, they fall in(n) love. 
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1. The Society
I could talk about this show for hours, literally. I love it so much it’s insane. Ok, so lets start from the beginning. A town called West Ham is being plagued by a disgusting smell. Due to this, the town decides to send busloads of teenagers to the mountains while they try and resolve the smell situation. All of the teenagers fall asleep on the bus and wake up to the announcement that they had to go back home due to road blocks. When they get off the buses, its late and no one is there to pick them up. They think that it may just be a sense of miscommunication, so they head home, only to find that none of their families are there, and they can’t get ahold of any of them over the phone. They finally decide to investigate and find that all exits out of town are completely blocked off. They then decide to find a way to survive without their families. This causes a lot of tension within the town including the death of a main character. This shows also includes gay representation!!!! This is my favorite couple, Sam (Sean Birdy) and Grizz (Jack Mulhern). Sam is deaf and gay and his brother, Campbell (Toby Wallace), makes fun of him for both reasons, and when the whole issue with the town happens, he believes he will never find love because he doesn’t think anyone else is gay, until Grizz comes along, and tries to learn ASL and loves him for him.
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2. Roswell New Mexico
Alright, to be completely honest, I did not want to watch this. I have no idea why I just didn’t. I saw an edit on like instagram or something of the couples in the show and I was like, alright I can give it a chance. And spoiler alert I loved it. The series starts off with Liz Ortecho (Jeanine Mason) comes back to her hometown of Roswell around the time of her the anniversary of her sister, Rosa’s (Amber Midthunder), death. She gets pulled over on her way in and the officer that pulled her over was Max Evans (Nathan Parsons), who has had a crush on her since they first met, and just so happens to be an alien. After Liz gets shot in her families restaurant, Max uses his healing powers to save her, but leaves behind a hand print on her that makes her suspicious. She continues to investigate until he tells her the truth. She also finds out that her sister was actually murdered, and has the same hand print on her that she did when Max healed her. Turns out, his sister, Isobel (Lily Cowels) killed her, but it was actually another alien possessing her (which they didn’t know was possible when she killed her). When they landed on earth they also landed with their “brother” Michael (Michael Vlamis) who starts off the series with an on and off relationship with Alex (Tyler Blackburn) and I love them together. Alex is the son of one of the guys trying to find and take down the aliens and he also went to war and lost his leg. Anyways, towards the end of the season Alex starts seeing Maria (Heather Hemmens), which is a couple I don’t really like, but also bi representation is good! Anyways I don’t really wanna spoil this one too much I just love it a lot.
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3. Elite
This is a show that came out in 2018, but they released a second season this year. All I’m saying is please watch the original version, not the dubbed over version. Elite is a spanish show about a few students that get a scholarship to the private school after their school gets demolished. This shows is in the fashion of present and past which includes a lot of flashbacks leading up to the the murder of one of the students. My favorite part of this show is the relationship between Ander (Arón Piper) and Omar (Omar Ayuso). Ander is the son of the head of the school and Omar is the brother of one of the students that got a scholarship. Not only are they of different socioeconomic status’, but Omar is also Muslim, and his family would not approve of him being gay. He finally finds the courage to tell his family, but thats not until season 2. Also, his sister Nadia (Mina El Hammani) falls in love with the “bad boy” of the school, Guzmán (Miguel Bernardeau) and starts going against her parents wishes as well.
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4. The Umbrella Academy 
Y’all mind if I confuse y'all real quick. So, a bunch of women all of the sudden give birth out of nowhere at the same time even tho none of them were pregnant? Yea I know weird. Anyways, so this dude tries to adopt as many of them as possible and ends up adopting like 7. They all have powers and they try and stop the apocalypse. That’s literally all I can tell y'all. 
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5. Unbelievable
I swear I didn’t mean to get y’all upset right now. This show made me angry and sad and so many other feelings all at once. So the show beings with a girl named Marie (Kaitlyn Dever) getting raped in her home. When she reports it, they can’t find any evidence, as he cleaned the apartment and made her shower. This mixed with the fact that she struggles remembering parts of her experience (which is common with sexual assault), the police don’t believe her and force her to retract her statement. This in itself is awful, but they also charge her with false statement, which adds on to the fact that people already believe that she is a liar. Years later, two female detectives, Karen and Grace, piece together rapes in their precincts and once they find the rapist, they find Marie’s picture in with his belongings, proving that she was telling the truth the entire time.
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6. Sailor Moon
I just got into anime and all I have to say is that I love this. That is all.
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swannsjack · 6 years
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that of all people in Hollywood, people decided to hate Johnny Depp. That man had gone his entire career with good reputation. Everyone that'd ever known him said the nicest things about him.
but then one day this person comes up with some seriously suspicious allegations with suspicious circumstances (arrested for dv herself, only asking for a divorce at first, sending a damn extortion letter, and making allegations just days after his mother's death, avoiding deposition three times! to name just few from the very long list) and all goes to hell. His entire previous life is forgotten. like it didn't exist. all that exists are unproven allegations.
“Johnny is one of the nicest people that I know—to the extent where it’s almost heartbreaking how kind he is"
Y'all really think he just woke up one day as he was nearing his 50s and became an abuser? everytime an abuser is revealed, it doesn't come as surprise. even if she were to be his first physical "victim" it would still not be a shocker. there are always signs. always something that makes you look back and see things in a new light, maybe not casual acquaintances, but definitely people that had spent with them more time. yet, Depp's exes spoke up in his defense. people who know him personally, even staff at events, they all have said that's just not him. but especially his exes are the most important. he would absolutely have a history of questionable behavior. but he doesn’t. oh sorry, I forgot he chased away paparazzi after politely asking them to leave his family alone and they didn’t. what a jerk, protecting his family from vultures, ugh. and don’t tell me “can’t know what happens behind closed doors” Vanessa Paradis lived with him for over a decade and she sent a handwritten note defending him. and no, she did not do it for the kids. where is the logic in that? if their father was abusive, don’t you think she would make sure her kids are safe from him, protect them from him, instead of defending him?! 
yet they all said he's gentle, kind, caring. I saw two of his less famous ex girlfriends tweet about him last year, not about the allegations, just posting or commenting some pictures of them together. there have been people speaking up, saying he was the victim (people now question why he hadn't come out early with his allegations against her, but you fail to realize that he would have, he didn't sell his stuff to tabloids for all of you to see (I know, the audacity!) unlike her, but he was ready to do it properly through the court of law, but the case was dropped with prejudice (!), a NDA signed and he was never given the chance to clear his name, he even says in the new lawsuit that he was going to challenge the RO before they reached an agreement (+ his evidence list does have a photo of himself from december 2015 and while we do not what the photo is about, there’s a pretty compelling argument to be made that she injuried him that month - watch this video at about 14th minute) but there have been people saying it. saying she lied and there were no bruises, including TWO POLICE OFFICERS, at least one of them being a woman (so that's two female officers of the law speaking out against Heard - first being the one that arrested her for assaulting her then girlfriend/wife) yes, there are new witnesses saying the same but a lawyer that lived in the building said Heard was seen without make up and no bruises even back in 2016! that's not news, the same person also tweeted something about helping the real victim...
Johnny's friends all had agreed she treated him badly but they were too afraid to tell him that, said they watched her:
"f*ck with him at his weakest, or at his weakest from being f*cked with"
how do things like that not make people take a step back and consider that maybe, it's not the hundreds of people defending him that are trash? that he didn't pay all of them to lie (and how interesting to now have witnesses saying Heard asked them to “help” her by lying for her, that she said she had contacts in PEOPLE magazine, how interesting that all the things people accused Depp of, were actually something Heard did). he is willingly going back to court. he has invited her to show up at the court if she wishes to, “we are looking forward to that [her] evidence” his lawyer said.
why can't you just consider that it's the one shady person that is the piece of sh*t. a person who's "witnesses" are two of her friends who lived in Depp's home rent free. witnesses whose stories kept changing or didn't match her own. Even Heard kept changing things. At some point it was said she made a decision not to file a police report. later she said her LAWYER advised her not to file it (??? im sorry what? what lawyer would give that advice if something truly had happend?) and so many other things. honestly, how does that not make you suspicious?
and then we have the video, the video people think is proof that he abused her, even saying "there's a video of him hitting her, throwing glass at her blah blah blah" when he does NO SUCH THING. go watch it, I dare you to show me where exactly does any of that happen. all that happens in the video is that he's upset, but he's trying to ignore her. she keeps making it about herself despite the fact that he tells her it's not about her. and he slams some cupboards shut and throws a glass into the sink or something. damn I'm glad no one has filmed me when I was being abusive, by slamming the door behind me or throwing something a little harder than necessary when upset. no one does that unless they abuse their loved ones. still, Depp's not one of the smartest guys, is he. he sees his "victim" filming him while he "abuses" her and doesn't think to delete the video. sad
believe women is all nice and good, but not at all cost, not when there’s all that evidence against her. and what about all the women defending him? the list is pretty long, including JK Rowling who you've been bullying despite the fact that it was implied that she knows things that weren't made public at the time (and there's absolutely no excuse whatsoever for the bullying Johnny's daughter received for defending her father, you wanna pretend you don't support abuse? don't f*cking bully children) what about the female officers, one that witnessed Amber Heard assaulting her then partner, and the other who saw no bruises, no redness, no swelling on her face, no property damage, no disturbance (which Heard claimed was there) whatsoever? 
who made the choice that, in all of this, Heard is the only woman to be believed?
not every case is the same. some people are truly guilty, but some are not. false allegations happen. and Depp was never found guilty, the restraining order request (a reminder that's all the case was about) was dropped WITH PREJUDICE. Another fun fact, the money she got was for the divorce, she got no compensation for the “abuse” as people like to say. they were married, when divorce happens, there is money involved, allegations or not, surely people know that. And guess what, being the abuser that he is *not, for some reason he did not have a prenup. funny isn’t it? one of the richest, most famous actors in the world, and he marries his “victim” without a prenup. 
And let's not forget that according to the new documents in the Sun lawsuit it says she admitted to causing him multiple serious injuries. Oh yes, sure, she was just defending herself from her "bigger, stronger husband" as she said, because that's a perfectly natural way to phrase it. sure doesn't sound like a rehearsed manipulative bullsh*t to force you to picture this big bad MAN and the helpless fragile woman.
oh my God there's so much more to say. so much not only disproving her lies, but also showing she abused him, but it’s been said before and my venting is pointless, but I'm just so sick of people hating on a victim.
everytime those ignorant haters call him derogatory terms, make fun of his looks, or his social anxiety - which causes him to speak slower and stammer (which he's had his entire life but even more so now, while evil people were making fun of him at the tCoG premiere for having a hard time getting his point cross, saying he was high or drunk, I WAS FREAKING PROUD OF HIM for even standing up there in front of all those people, after two years of getting unfair hate and backlash against his casting in said movie) - it makes me sick. 
Absolutely sick that this has been done to one of the most genuinely nice people in the hellhole that is Hollywood (”he doesn’t belong in show business, he belongs somewhere better” SJ. Parker). it feels like I'm in an alternative universe where it's all backwards.
I truly want to hope that things can turn around and people will hold the real perpetrator accountable for what she's done. But then I see the foolish hate, the lies (so many crazy, disgusting lies made about him by vile nobodies on the internet just to support the "bad guy" image when everything else fails and they have nothing but lies), the twisting of facts and truths, the misguided, ignorant support of Heard because she's a woman, and she had a pretty wig in Aquaman or whatever, and it feels hopeless again.
But he deserves better. Johnny Depp deserves better. And this may be too long and pointless, because who cares what I have to say, but I just had to vent, at least for my own good, because it’s been so frustrating. 
Johnny Depp was a victim. He deserved love and support. Instead he got hate and bullying. Will people apologize and admit their mistake? No. Most will not.
But Johnny Depp deserves better.
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oldcastielrip · 7 years
You're Mine (Castiel x Reader)
Request: I love your fics, they’re amazing! Do you think you could do one where Cas is dating the reader but people keep hitting on him when they’re out, kinda based off season 10 episode 7? Thank you! :))
Title: You’re Mine
Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Warnings: it’s a bit fluffy :)
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It’s been a rough couple of weeks. Having to turn Dean from demon to human and Cas loosing his grace, your mind has been running nonstop.
You decided that it was probably best if you stayed with your boyfriend. You didn’t dare leave him alone, especially since you knew that the stolen grace he had was doing more bad than good.
You weren’t too happy to know that he didn’t want to get his own grace back, that he was willing to die and leave you. It was selfish but you couldn’t let him go, you just couldn’t.
Right now you were currently holed up in a motel room with Castiel and Hannah, still looking for some rogue angels.
“It’s getting easier. Isaac came back willing, didn’t even resist.” Hannah stated as she crossed something off from the board. “There are still some angels down here but the higher profile rogues are back.”
You sat next to Cas, your laptop in hand as you researched for any signs of angel doings.
“We find them all. That’s the mission.” Your boyfriend responded, standing up from the bed. “Here. Christopher Sherman, pastor. Local papers in Tennessee say he’s working miracles in his Parish.”
“Figurative speech?” You suggested to the angel.
He looked at you and sighed a little. “Perhaps, but it’s the best lead we had.”
You walked over to Cas’ side and looked at all the markings and newspaper articles you had hung up.
He was right. This was the closest thing you had to a lead.
&Idquo;Until we find something stronger, we should—”
You had both simultaneously looked over towards Hannah, only to find her completely naked.
“Oh my god,” You squeaked out in surprise. You quickly turned around, your hands flying to Castiel’s face to prevent him from seeing anything.
“—check it out.” Cas finished his sentence gruffly, stiffening under your touch.
“Hannah,” You laughed awkwardly.
You couldn’t hold it against her. You knew that she didn’t know it was inappropriate to get naked in front of other people.
You shuffled around uncomfortably, trying not to look directly at the confused angel.
Your hands still gently placed over your boyfriend’s face. He did not need to be seeing any other women naked.
“What’re you doing?” You asked her softly.
“I’m taking a shower,” She replied, tilting her head slightly to the side.
“We don’t need to shower,” Cas spoke up beside you.
“I know,” The angel answered, walking into the bathroom.
You sighed in relief as her naked body was finally out of sight, your hands dropping to your side.
Cas gave you an apologetic gaze as he looked down at you. The giggle that fell from your lips was enough to relax him.
“How’re you?” You asked him softly, grabbing onto his trench coat as you stepped closer to him.
He looked conflicted. He knew that he couldn’t lie to you but he didn’t want to tell you the truth.
“I’m okay.” The angel said carefully.
You looked up at him knowingly, not sure if you really believed him.
“Cas,” You sighed, giving him a pleading look to tell you the truth.
“At this moment, I am okay Y/N.” He replied softly, his hands entangling themselves in your hair. “Let’s go get you something to eat.”
You nodded, standing on your tip toes to plant a gentle kiss on his lips.
You and Cas quickly made your way to the closest diner to eat, leaving Hannah in the motel.
It was the first time in a few days that you were finally alone with the angel and you were definitely not going to waste it.
“What can I get y'all today?” A waitress asked as she walked up to your table.
“I’ll take a bacon cheeseburger with a Sprite please.” You answered almost instantly.
Cas gave you a small smile, one you returned happily.
“How about you handsome?” She asked the angel, finally looking up from her notepad.
Your jaw dropped in surprise. You did not expect her to flirt with him.
“I’ll take the same,” He stuttered slightly, looking at you with wide eyes.
“Sure thing sugar.” She answered, giving him a small wink before walking away.
You huffed quietly, letting go of his hand. It wasn’t his fault at all but you felt extremely annoyed now.
“Y/N..” Cas called out softly, trying to gain your attention.
“She really had the nerve.” You muttered quietly to yourself.
Cas got out from his side of the booth before sitting beside you.
You kept your gaze on the table, feeling slightly embarrassed that he was seeing you jealous and annoyed.
“Why’d you have to pick such an attractive vessel?” You whined childishly, finally looking up at him.
“But you like this vessel.” Cas pointed out, chuckling slightly.
“I know but you’re mine.” You pouted, leaning into his touch as he caressed your cheek.
“I still am baby.” He whispered as he leaned in closer to you, his lips grazing yours.
He kissed you tenderly.
It was enough to make your body tingle with emotions. It was just like the first few kisses you ever shared. Those kisses you cherished and always longed for.
Time stood still when you kissed him. It was as if you were in your own little world. And you never wanted it to end.
But sadly, it did.
Someone clearing their throat brought the both of you out of your little bubble.
You pulled away from Cas, smirking slightly as you noticed it was the waitress.
Her face scrunched up in distaste as she forced a smile. Your smirk only grew as you felt Cas’ hand rest on your thigh and you knew she could see it.
“Here’s your food.” She cheered falsely, placing the plates in front of you. “Enjoy.”
A laugh fell from your lips as she hurried away. Cas looked at you with amusement, squeezing your leg comfortingly.
“I don’t understand why you get jealous,” Cas thought out loud. “I would never think to leave you for anyone else.”
“I love you,” You said softly, pecking his lips.
“And I love you.” He responded, watching you adoringly as you began to eat.
A/N: i literally rewrote this so many times omg but this is my finally product :)
hope you enjoy!
credit to the owner this gif
A/N: hey y’all ok so due to some difficulties.. i have moved blogs so this one will no longer be active, i’ll just keep it up bc of all my old posts
so please feel free to follow me at @castielrip​ and feel free to send me REQUESTS there as well
sorry for the inconvenience
thank you!
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illumi-nnaughtyy · 8 years
1-155 ahahahah
I'm petty asf so here ya go 😂 1: Name- Bailey 2: Age- 17 (almost 18)3: Fears- lol everyone y'all 4: 3 things I love- my dog, pasta, & Morgan 5: 4 turns on- kindness, intelligence, effort, & being funny 6: 4 turns off- not able to keep an interesting convo going, no sense of humor, treat waiting staff bad, and not being good w/ kids7: My best friend- MORGANNN8: Sexual orientation- just living my life homie 9: My best first date- never had one 🙃10: How tall am I- 5'1 (I'm small)11: What do I miss- Izzy💗12: What time were I born- idk I think like 12?13: Favourite color- blue or green14: Do I have a crush- a huge one send help15: Favourite quote- "Live Life For Bella"16: Favourite place- anyplace outdoors or anyplace with coffee 17: Favourite food- ANY AND ALL PASTA 😍18: Do I use sarcasm- lolololololol all the fucking time 19: What am I listening to right now- nothing, but I have headphones in which is weird 20: First thing I notice in new person- sense of humor 21: Shoe size- 6 1/222: Eye color- blue/green23: Hair color- blonde 24: Favourite style of clothing- tshirts I guess 25: Ever done a prank call? I was in middle school once so yep 26: Meaning behind my URL- I liked the song Wake me up by Avicii when I made my blog forever ago :/27: Favourite movie- not so many but atm probably The Proposal 28: Favourite song- too many to chose from 29: Favourite band- idk don't listen to a lot of bands 30: How I feel right now- happy 😊 31: Someone I love- My dog Jake 32: My current relationship status- single 33: My relationship with my parents- I'm really close w/ both although my mom & I argue a lot (about politics and religion mostly), but my dad is my fav human to ever exist 34: Favourite holiday- probably Valentine's Day or Christmas 35: Tattoos and piercing I have- my ears are pierced 36: Tattoos and piercings I want- so many tattoos omg 37: The reason I joined Tumblr- I thought it looked cool?38: Do I and my last ex hate each other? I don't hate her bc I've let go of that negativity but she probs hates me but it's chill 39: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? I have recently & it makes me heart smile bud 40: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? That'd be Morgan so YEET no 41: When did I last hold hands? When my dad was driving me to take my Midterm & I was nervous so he held my hand 42: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Like 20 minutes, u less I shower then like 40 minuets43: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? Yepppp 44: Where am I right now? Laying in bed 45: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Morgan probs 46: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? LOUDDDD47: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Mom48: Am I excited for anything? The future 49: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? My dad 50: How often do I wear a fake smile? Anytime I'm at yee yee south Paulding high school 51: When was the last time I hugged someone? Honestly so long ago it's kinda sad52: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? They would be an invisible person bc I haven't kissed anyone 53: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Probably 54: What is something I disliked about today? Yes55: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Hmmmm probs lexi or obama 56: What do I think about most? School tbh 57: What’s my strangest talent? My dedication 58: Do I have any strange phobias? I irrationally hate the dark bc I'm five 59: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both idc 60: What was the last lie I told? That I wasn't mad that my dad wasn't picking me up until tomorrow 61: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Both is fine I prefer in person 62: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Def ghosts but idk about aliens 63: Do I believe in magic? Nah64: Do I believe in luck? Ehhhh not really 65: What’s the weather like right now? Cold as hell66: What was the last book I’ve read? Medical Law, Ethics, and Bio Ethics 67: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Kinda 68: Do I have any nicknames? Bai & Angel 69: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Broke my arm & my knee 70: Do I spend money or save it? Both 71: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? Nope72: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? My room walls 😅73: Favourite animal? My dog 74: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Talking to lexi 75: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Trump 76: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Brown eyed girl 77: How can you win my heart? Make an effort to remember the little things & make me laugh....also if you're good w/ kids 😍78: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? "This bitch was lit asf"79: What is my favorite word? Content 80: My top 5 blogs on tumblr yeet too much work to do this 81: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Why are we all so hateful?82: Do I have any relatives in jail? Yes83: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? To know everything 84: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Idk depends on who's asking 85: What is my current desktop picture? Trees 86: Had sex? Nope 87: Bought condoms? Yes (as a dare)88: Gotten pregnant? Nope 89: Failed a class? Nope 90: Kissed a boy? Nope 91: Kissed a girl? Nope92: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Nope 93: Had job? Yes 94: Left the house without my wallet? All the fucking time ugh95: Bullied someone on the internet? No bc I'm not an asshole 96: Had sex in public? Nah 97: Played on a sports team? Yes 98: Smoked weed? No 99: Did drugs? No 100: Smoked cigarettes? No 101: Drank alcohol? Yes 102: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No 103: Been overweight? No 104: Been underweight? Yes 105: Been to a wedding? Yes I love them so much 😍😍106: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? I do online college so sadly yes 107: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Lololol I'm trash so yes 108: Been outside my home country? Yes 109: Gotten my heart broken? Many times110: Been to a professional sports game? Yes111: Broken a bone? Yes112: Cut myself? .....113: Been to prom? Yes114: Been in airplane? Yes 115: Fly by helicopter? No116: What concerts have I been to? 4 Taylor Swift, 1 Carrie Underwood, & 1 one more that I can't think of 117: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Lololol so many times 118: Learned another language? Like 2 years of hs Spanish 119: Wore make up? I'm an ugly toe so yes 120: Lost my virginity before I was 18? Nope 121: Had oral sex? Nope 122: Dyed my hair? Yes 123: Voted in a presidential election? Nope 124: Rode in an ambulance? Nope 125: Had a surgery? Yes 126: Met someone famous? Yes 127: Stalked someone on a social network? All the fucking time 128: Peed outside? Yes 129: Been fishing? I live in Georgia so what do u think?130: Helped with charity? Yes 131: Been rejected by a crush? Lol all of them132: Broken a mirror? Sadly 133: What do I want for birthday? Money 134: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? Idk maybe 2 or 3? And I want to name them Dani, Andi, or Amelia 135: Was I named after anyone? Some bitch from my mom fav tv show 136: Do I like my handwriting? Noooo it's horrid 137: What was my favourite toy as a child? A Mickey Mouse teddy bear 138: Favourite Tv Show? Soooo many but atm scandal 139: Where do I want to live when older? Idk just not in Georgia 140: Play any musical instrument? The recorder that I learned in 4th grade 141: One of my scars, how did I get it? I have one on my knee from falling off of my bike & breaking my knee cap 142: Favourite pizza toping? Mushrooms bc I'm trash143: Am I afraid of the dark? Yes 144: Am I afraid of heights? Very 145: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Nope 146: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Everyday fam 147: What I’m really bad at? Telling ppl how I feel 148: What my greatest achievments are? My academics for sure 149: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me? Prefer not to say 150: What I’d do if I won in a lottery? Pay for college 151: What do I like about myself? Not gonna lie I've got some A+ boobs 152: My closest Tumblr friend? Hmmm idk 153: Something I fantasise about? Moving out of my house & being independent 154: Any thoughts on the paranormal? That it's scary as fuck 155: Free question: Any question you’d like to ask, be it rude, fun, curious, strange, sexual, random, meme related, etc! Lol one wasn't asked
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