#feel free to write something based off of this if tou want!
peachus-dous · 2 years
Just a random idea I had today when I remembered the whole "demon courting" thing
So hear me out-- we know how the Tripitaka in the original JTTW was kidnapped multiple times by demons who want to eat his flesh and become immortal- (and how demon courting involves kidnapping the one you wish to court)
We also know that tang just so happens to be a reincarnation of the great monk
So what if-
Tang gets constantly kidnapped by demons when they learn how he's the great monk's reincarnation, and some of the kidnapping happened by the beginning of courting season which eventually evolved into a rumor that tang is a demon and kidnapping him will count as courting him, and he can't explain that it's not true because everyone will think he's trying to get off the hook (everyone thinks he's a demon except for the main crew)
So tang has to keep hiding and escaping (with and without the other's help) which made him absolutely exhausted, he enters pigsy's noodle shop one day DRAINED out of energy and when pigsy asks him what's wrong tang rambles abput how he hates the situation he's in ending his rant with "all I want now is decent 8 hours of sleep..."
Which pigsy responds to by saying something like "I haven't fought some courtiers in years I kinda miss it- wait I think I have an idea"
So that night tang stays over at pigsy's to sleep as pigsy promised that he will fight off any demos that want to kidnap tang *insert wholesome moment here as tang slowly sleeps* and to pigsy's surprise only two demon broke in but they both left as soon as they saw the two together pretty strange but oh well
In the afternoon of the next day, pigsy and tang are at the noodle shop talking like usual when monkey king/macaque (idk) passed by saying "congratulations on finally getting together you two!" Which leaves the duo flustered and confused , seeing this SWK/macaque goes "you know everyone is talking about the pig demon who successfully courted the Tripitaka's reincarnation- right?"
And the end!
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siebenschoen · 5 years
stop playing by the rules - Ivan x Reader
After Vladimir has been badly hurt in his fight with the other, murderous vampire and you’re done with playing the damsel in distress and feeling useless. Luckily, a opportunity presents itself, when Ivan tries to sneak out of the manor...
Loosely based on Vladimir’s chapter 5. And while this may feel like a Vladimir fic, I swear it’s not - pinky promise! I also should start actually playing the chapters before writing fanfiction about the them, because I only read a summary of chapter 5. Oopsie. (Also, I currently take requests.)
Reblogs and likes are very much appreciated!
(@ ao3)
You can see Vladimir's sleeping form through the slightly opened door. The sight makes your heart clench. He hasn't woken ever since the fight with the vampire, that murdered all these young women, and you basically had to drag Vladimir's unconscious form back to the manor. You feel guilty... If you hadn't walked back so late on your own, if you hadn't gone out in the first place, if you hadn't fought with him, if you had just listened to Aaron...
“Eloise?”, Raphael's voice is soft, but determined. “Eloise, come. Come away from the door.” He gently tucks at your arm. “It won't do you no good, to fret so much.” You turn around to face him. Even with out being able to see, you can make out the sad, knowing twist to his mouth. “It is not your fault. Please remember that.”
You nod, unable to speak. Your throat feels dry and you don't know if you want to sob or to scream. You glance over your shoulder, back to Vladimir's door. Raphael sighs, but his voice doesn't waver. Endlessly patient, even now. “Vladimir is strong. He will wake up. But you need to rest now, Eloise. No one will be helped, if you collapse in the hallway.”
You let yourself be dragged along, knowing that there is no use in arguing with Raphael now. And that you don't have the energy to argue, anyway.
Raphael leads you to your bedroom door and you feel incredible lonely as you step inside the room. Lonely and useless. There was nothing you could do. No higher role that you could play than the damsel in distress and it makes you sick. Vladimir could have died and the last words you had spoken to him were in anger. You don't want that. He has saved your life, twice now, and you have realised that your stuck with him. You might as well make it work.
But there is no way to make it work, if he doesn't wake up.
The day only holds uneasy sleep for you. You drift in and out of conscience, the guilt nagging at you, waking in cold sweat only to fall back into your dreams to feel the weight of a lifeless Vladimir on your shoulders. Until you finally can take it no more. You throw your legs out of your bed, hastily throwing on clothes, before stumbling down the stairs in a daze. Your mind still lingering in front of Vladimir's door.
If he dies, you'll be free. If he dies, it'll be your fault.
Out of the corner of your eyes you can make out a hooded figure sneaking through the hallway. That makes you snap out of it. Your heart is beating heavily against your ribcage, you can feel it throughout your whole body. What if the attacker has returned? To finish Vladimir off, now that he is defenceless?
The figure turns around and your breath hitches, before you relieve washes over you. It's Ivan. Everything's fine.
Ivan's eyes are blown wide open. His gaze flickers around, searching. “Are any of the others around?”, he asks.
“No”, you shake your head. “It's barely-”, you stop mid-sentence, confusion plain on your face, “dusk.” Ivan nods and turns to leave, but you'll have none of that. Hastily you run after him. “Ivan!”, you call, “Ivan, wait!”
“What are you doing here? It's still daylight - you'll get hurt, if you -”
“I know”
“What?”, you stop in your track, “But then why are you? Wait- Where are you going?”
Ivan's face is hidden under his hood, when he says: “I didn't know I needed your permission to go somewhere.”
“You don't it's just...” Realisation hits you. “This is because of Vladimir, right? You know something, don't you?” Ivan stops, caught. Your breath hitches. “You do! But why would you be sneak- You didn't tell the others!” Your voice jumps. “You know something and you didn't tell them!”
Ivan spins around. Worry and guilt are etched into his features. His gaze jumps around, frantically. “Please, be quite, Eloise, please”, his voice wavers.
“What do you know, Ivan? Where are you going?”
Your words seem to pain him. “Please, Eloise, quite, the others-”
“I've been worried sick, Ivan!”, tears dwell up in your eyes, “Sick! You hear me? And now I find out that you knew something and told no one?! A way to help Vladimir-”
“I don't know how to help, Vladimir!”, Ivan's voice grows loud, harsh. The shock makes you freeze. “I'm sorry, Eloise, I didn't- I didn't mean to...”, Ivan looks as surprised as you are. He sighs. “I don't know how to help Vladimir. I really don't, you have to believe me.”
“Then what do you know?”, you almost whisper.
“The attacker, I”, he refuses to meat you eyes, ”... I was close, when the fight happened. I could smell him. And I believe that I know where he's headed.”
“But if you were close, why didn't you-”
“I was scared. I've never been in a fight with a vampire before. And I... I was so scared.”, his gaze finally meats yours and you're nearly thrown back by the amount of guilt hidden in it.
“The others wouldn't let you go.”, you conclude, “That's why you're sneaking out before dusk.”
“Yes”, Ivan sighs, “Please, don't tell them. I was a coward and now Vladimir's hurt. I need to make it up, I need to go - do you understand?”
“I do” - “Thank you, I owe you-” - “And I'll come with you.”
Ivan freezes. “What? No!” His voice jumps in a way that would have been funny in another situation. “It's dangerous. If something were to happen to you, Vladimir would kill me. I can't-”
“And you think the others will take kindly to it, when they eventually figure out that I let you sneak out without telling anyone? No, Ivan. I couldn't help Vladimir either, when he was attacked. I'm done with sitting around and feeling useless. I need to do something!”, you take a deep breath, determination has settled deep into your heart, “Either we go together or everyone in this house will know that you're gone, before the sun has set. It's your choice.”
Ivan throws a last glance up the stairs. He doesn't look happy with the situation you put him in. In fact, he looks more worried than you have ever seen him. You can see biting the inside of his cheek. He's debating with himself, you can tell.
“Fine. But please, don't”, he stops, searching for words, “put yourself in unnecessary danger?” He cringes at his own words.
“I'll try my best.”, you promise, but deep down you know that you might not be true to your words.
You follow Ivan out of the manor, into the forest. Every little bit of his skin is carefully hidden from the sun. He does it effortlessly and you can't help but wonder, how often he sneaks out like this, wrapped in his cloak, without anyone knowing.
The shoes you wear were not made for tracking through the woods - you can feel every stick and every stone -, but you doubt Ivan would have waited for you, if you had asked to get changed. And so you ignore the discomfort like you ignore the twigs and branches tugging on your skirt and hair. Instead you focus on the goal ahead. Finding the monster that harmed Vladimir.
Ivan doesn't possess the same natural grace the others have, when walking through the forest. He moves more silent than a human would, but it's not with the same elegance you have noticed in the other vampires. He seems more like a fawn that needs to grow into its long legs, unsure and unused to every movement.
It does make sense, you suppose. He has only been recently turned. The powers must still be new to him. It reminds you of yourself in a way. Thrown into something that you do not understand, without any kind of warning.
Dusk has finally come, the last rays of sunlight fading out. It's even darker in the forest than it must be outside of it. You follow close behind Ivan. Barely being able to see where you're going, you use the movement of his body as a guide. Neither of you talk much, Ivan's too focused on following the trail he found and your mind is drifting back and forth between the manor and what might await you ahead.
Ivan's hood has fallen from his head and you focus on the bobbing of his hair - bright, against the dark of the forest - to make out when you have to look out for roots or large stones. But it becomes harder and harder for you to make out even simplest of shapes. You stumble more than you walk and try as you might, it becomes nearly impossible to keep up with Ivan.
Without thinking your hand reaches forward and buries itself deep into the folds of Ivan's hood. He stops dead in his tracks and throws a long look over his shoulder. Even in the black of the night you can make out his eyes. They are almost glowing and yellow. Like sunflowers. You shake off the thought and smile apologetically, knowing that Ivan can see as clearly as he can in daylight. “Sorry, but I don't see a thing in the dark.”
“Oh”, Ivan looks up to the night sky, as if only now realising how dark it has gotten. “No, I am sorry. I still sometimes forget that I have... special abilities.”
“It's fine. I just... need some help, I guess.”, you shrug it off, although you can't help, but feel embarrassed. You didn't want to feel useless anymore and yet here you are again - holding Ivan back. You bite the inside of your cheek. There's no use in thinking like that. It will help no one - not you, not Ivan, not Vladimir.
Hand buried in Ivan's hood, you take to walking even closer behind him than before. It is still weird to be so close to another person without feeling their body heat, only a strange, cold presence. But yet it is also different from being close to Vladimir. Vladimir's presence is all corpse-like coolness, but with Ivan it feels like there's still a touch of warmth, hidden deep within him. A last bit of humanity still left in him. In a way it is even stranger, but at the same time weirdly comforting.
Soon clouds gather over the once clear night sky and there's a sudden chill to the air. You can smell the rain in the air and if you can smell it that means- “Fuck”, Ivan sighs, “Rain. Just the thing we needed.”
“Will you be able to smell him despite that?”
You can practically hear him grinding his teeth. "I will have to." You shoot a worried glance up to the sky, but try to calm yourself down. There are worse things than rain.
It doesn't take long for you to curse your past self, as massive clouds empty themselves above you two. Fate is a bitch and the storm is coming. You are absolutely drenched and Ivan fares none the better. Your wet hair and clothes are stuck to your body, the wind tucking at your legs and forcing the trees to bow dangerously low. You can hear thunder crashing above you and it doesn't take long for the sky to burn white with lightning - which means it's close to you. Fuck.
Ivan seems determined to continue, but there's no way you'll be able to carry on. You need to get both of you out of the rain – fast.
You try to to get his attention, by tucking at his cloak, calling out to him – but either he ignores you, or he just doesn't notice.
A loud crack and than the world around you is yet again bright for a few, precious seconds. Frantically you scan your surroundings looking for something that might give you cover from the rain - anything, really. And then suddenly you spot it. The small entrance of a cave. Not much, but enough.
You still have strong grip on Ivan's hood and hoping that the element of surprise will be enough, you send a quick prayer to the thundering sky, before throwing yourself with all your weight into the direction of the cave. The sudden pull makes Ivan lose his footing and with a shrill yelp he falls after you, stumbling into the relatively dry opening.
“What the-!” He catches himself with one hand on the stone wall, while you collapse on the floor, your legs spread out far. The exhaustion from walking for hours without a break is finally catching up to you and weighs heavy on your limbs.
Ivan's face is stuck somewhere between confused and furious. “What- What was that about?!”
“I just can't continue anymore.” - ”And you couldn't have told me?”
You laugh. “Please, Ivan, you barely heard the lightning, so focused were you on following the track. Or what's left of it, more likely.”
“There will be nothing, if we don't continue now.”
“There's already nothing, Ivan! You can't tell me you're able to smell this man through that kind of rain! You probably can't even see further than the tip of your own nose!”, you shake your head, “Plus it would be incredibly dangerous to continue now.”
Ivan folds his arms in front of his chest and stares out into the rain. “For you maybe, but I could-”
“Oh, stop it!” You don't have the energy to deal with that kind of attitude. “What if lightning stroke? There's still enough dry bits to make for at least a small fire. Or better even it hits a tree right next to us! I don't remember vampires being immune to either. So, stop sulking and sit down.”
Ivan doesn't sit down. Instead, he just turns his glare from the forest to you. “You wanted to come along. You were desperate to come along. And now you're giving up?”
That strikes a nerve with you. “I am not giving up.”, you press out through gritted teeth. But as quick as the fighting spirit enters you, it leaves again. You're just so tired. “It's true. I want to find the guy, who did these horrible things to Vladimir. But I don't want to get killed in the progress. Especially not by some bad weather.” A dry laugh escapes you. “And don't forget: me dying, would kill him as well.”
That seems to finally convince Ivan. He slips down the rough cave wall onto the floor. There's not much space, your legs are almost touching. You can feel that weird not quite human, not quite vampire either warmth on your bare legs. It doesn't really help the uncomfortable tension that is quickly building up. Ivan's gaze keeps on jumping back to the entrance of the cave and you can tell that there's a part of him that's desperate to run out and keep on searching. And you don't really know what to say, without offending him or making everything worse just in general.
You chew on the inside of your lip, trying to come up with something - anything really - that would make this situation more bearable, when Ivan speaks up. “I just don't get it. Back at the manor you were so desperate to save Vladimir and I guess it makes sense, you're his chalice after all and there's-”
“Can people please stop throwing around the word 'chalice' like it explains everything I'm doing or that I'm supposed to be doing? You guys act like it's the only thing I'm defined by.”, you say, but your words lack real bite. “I'm so tired of it.”
“But it is important. It changed your whole life. It changed who you are, just like my-”, he stops, but you know what he was about to say. “The bond you have with Vladimir is so special and now you almost act as if you don't care. I just don't understand it, I suppose.”
“I do care”, you sigh, “And the bond I have with Vladimir is special, that's true. But... let's be honest here, Ivan, I barely know him.” You let your head fall back against the wall. The exhaustion overwhelms you and makes you stop caring. “I don't know shit about him.” You laugh. “And sometimes I wonder if I truly want to know more. I promised myself I would try my best, but he can be such an ass. Why should I put up with that? Why should I just shut up and accept him for who he is, when he can't do the same for me? He saved my life - and I'm thankful for that! - and I don't want him to die, but I also never asked to be his chalice.”
Ivan has stayed quiet throughout - his fingers are busy toying with small stones and dried twigs - and you're thankful for that. You don't have the energy to argue right now.
“You chose him.”
Normally you might have been offended by that statement, but now you just laugh. “I was bleeding to death, Ivan. I wasn't exactly at the height of my mental abilities.” His gaze is still turned down, focusing on the small stone in his hand. “What? Did you want me to choose you?”
As soon as the question leaves your mouth, you regret it. Ivan's head snaps up, he stares at you wide-eyed. His eyes - they are pretty, like sunflowers. He is pretty. You blink quickly, trying your hardest to shake these - probably - just rest deprived thoughts off. “That would have just been a disaster waiting to happen, right?”, your laugh sounds fake even to your own ears.
But your tired mind can't stop clinging to that one thought. Ivan truly is pretty. His blondish hair is wild and sticking into every direction. You notice that he has nice hands and before you can scold yourself for thinking something weird, you decided that you really like that. You don't even mind the dark circles under his eyes or that his skin is unnatural pale. A sudden rush of adrenaline goes through you. It doesn't take a genius to realise that you're attracted to him.
All at once, you become hyper aware of everything about you. Of the dirt stains and little bruises on your legs - that without doubt come from tracking through a forest for hours. Of the way your hair and dress still cling to your body and probably don't leave much for imagination. It becomes harder to breath.
This is dangerous. Really dangerous. You can feel Ivan's gaze on you. Desperately you search through your mind for something that'll take the tension, the weird edge everything around you just got away. But it is no use. The air is electrifying. Your skin is burning were it barely even touches Ivan's. This is so not good. You jump to your feet.  “I'm sorry, I overstepped. I'm just tired and cold and- a bit miserable, to be honest.” The words stumble out of your mouth and fall onto the floor. There they lie awkwardly – meaningless – between the vampire and you.
Ivan rises from the floor. He's taller than you, but not towering over your head. His closeness is intimate, not intimidating. You know that he is a predator. You should know that more than anyone. But it's hard to remember that, when he stands right next to you, his eyes nervously flickering around. Looking just as young and scared as you are. The terrifying feeling of his teeth ripping into your flesh, seems but a distant, almost unreal memory. The way his proximity makes your heart beat fast is so much closer to you, so much more real.
"Don't apologise.", Ivan's voice is strained. He is looking everywhere but at you. "You're right. Maybe it would have been a disaster. But to answer your question"  – his eyes meet yours and your heart misses a beat. All of the sudden, the cave seems much too small and the distance between Ivan and you much too far at the same time. "Yes, sometimes, I wish that you would have chosen me. Especially, since it becomes harder and harder to control myself around you." You can feel your cheeks heating up at that statement.
To say that you think about what you do next, is an overstatement. It's more instinct than anything that pushes you forward. There's a small part of you that knows that this is wrong. That there is some unwritten rule out there saying that this is something you're really, really not supposed to be doing. But fuck this, this is not your world and you're tired of playing by their rules – and goddammit, you want, you want...
Your lips are crashing into Ivan's. For a moment he is frozen, then his lips start moving against yours, longingly, desperately. There is a fleeting warmth to it, like a candle burning out. His hands are clutching at your waist, drawing you closer, and you follow without complaint. You can feel his sharp teeth grazing your lips, but the feeling isn't frightening. Instead, it sends shivers down your spine, fuelling the fire that burns in the pit of your stomach. It excites you.
The worry about Vladimir is not gone. But you left it outside the cave, in the storm, that brought you here. It's hard to think about these things, when you're pressed close to Ivan. And as his tongue licks along your lower lip, you can admit to yourself that you don't really want to. This might have terrible consequences, but you tilt your head to the side and bury your fingers in the soft hair of Ivan's nape and decided that whatever that may be, it's definitely going to be a problem for later.
For now all that counts is the way Ivan's body feels against yours.
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plumbobulous · 7 years
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Calla Lily Cream for A Twisted BC & @alfalfalegacy
CC: blush #8 | hair | fawkes skintone | (shown with my default skin/eyes)
the rest of her clothing comes from mostly base game + some SPs which will auto-replace if you don’t have them.
Traits: Ambitious | Artistic | Charismatic | Mooch | Snob
LTW: Illustrious Author (but feel free to change it if you want!)
TOU: please don’t edit her facial structure or use her as a base, but otherwise feel free to change whatever doesn’t work for you! Otherwise, I would love to see what she gets up to so I track “plumbobulous” if you would like to tag me :)
Private Download (unless she gets voted off :( )
interview below the cut
1. Why are you joining the BC?
Well I’ve been trying to find The One for awhile now, but he just seems out of reach, you know? So it would be really cool if I came on the show and then, ta-da, Nova was The One. But if he isn’t, at least I might get some exposure for my art, right?
2. Nova wants to join the criminal career when this challenge is finished. Are you okay with that?
You know, as an artist I’m all for freedom of expression and taking down “the man” and all of that, so I don’t think it would be a problem as long as I don’t have to go to jail. My manicure would suffer.
3. How do you feel about children?
They’re pretty cute, other than the screaming and the bodily excretions and all that. But I want some, just not right this second. After I find the right man and we settle down and get our lives together.
4. What is something you value in a potential partner?
Something I need in a potential partner is an appreciation for my art. It’s my greatest passion and I truly do want to go places with it. If my partner can’t support my art, we won’t be partners for long, I’ll just say that.
5. What would you say is your best quality? Your worst?
I think my best quality is being able to get along with pretty much anybody. I’m very charismatic and it’s both good and bad that I use it to my advantage. I like to have my way, you know? But that doesn’t always go well for everyone around me.
6. Nova grew up in a fairly wealthy family. What sort of family life did you have? Parents? Siblings?
My parents were also fairly wealthy, so I know what to expect in that sort of life. I’m better off than most artists because I was able to afford, or rather my parents were able to afford to send me to a fancy art school in Twizzlebrook. I learned a lot there, and I really appreciate them doing that. Despite that, my parents and I aren’t too terribly close. I’m much closer with my baby sister, Marigold, who was the one to encourage me to apply to this in the first place.
(OOC) How would you have me write your character? I doubt this will become a story oriented legacy, but for some scenes there may be dialogue, and I’d like to keep it as close to the vision of your character as possible. Just use this space to give me any extra details about your sim that I should know!
Calla likes to think she’s a lot holier than thou than she actually is, (she also thinks she’s been able to move past being a rich spoiled brat, but, well, that isn’t the case either). She really truly cares about one thing in life and that’s her art, but she tries to be a better person than her parents, (workaholic business people) so as to provide a good example for her younger sister. (I haven’t actually made Marigold, but I would put her in her teens and she’s an “oops” baby who isn’t important to her parents, so Calla has become her pseudo-mom).
Ultimately I think Calla feels like a very flawed character to me, but one who can reach genuine change and growth over time. I’m not sure what kind of influence Nova will have on her though D:
Let me know if you need anything else and I hope you like her! :)
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firstpuffin · 6 years
Multiple topics: pronouns and creative techniques
So rather than straining to stretch a single topic over roughly 1000 words, I figured I’d write about a few subjects instead. These will all be on a similar topic, that being writing. I’m going to start simply with why I want an English unisex third-person pronoun and my problem with those that have already been proposed.
�� Then I’m going to discuss a few techniques, for a lack of a better word, used in writing and other mediums: pastiche, parody and satire. Now I’m sure most people know what parody and satire are, or at least have an idea about them, but I know that I am not alone in that I only recently learned about pastiche in 2018; it’s not as common as the other two.
 So pronouns, you know what these are and if you don’t (no shame in that, I had to recently learn about them from scratch, just in case I missed something), they are him, her, they, me etc. If it interests you then I will be talking predominantly about third-person singular pronouns but there is no need to actually remember that.
  So I’m sure you get that I am talking about he and she here, and you know that we English speakers can use “they” if we don’t want to specify sex or gender (which is a rabbit-hole I don’t want to go down, but as writing is clearer when speaking of biological sex I’m going to refer to that) but that can be clunky given that they is more commonly used as a plural. If, for example, you are speaking of an individual in a group and don’t want to specify sex for reasons such as retaining a certain amount of mystery, then “they” can be either the individual or the entire group and the sentence may require a certain amount of twists that a contortionist would envy.
  For future reference, double brackets such as -(( and ))- denote an excerpt of my own fiction writing; I use it in personal notes to separate notes from, say, dialogue and I’ll use it here for my examples.
((The secret society held secrecy as their greatest tenet as befitted the term secret society. Accordingly, every meeting was attended solely by people in black, face concealing robes and voice changers that worked to hide both identity and sex. Unfortunately, not every member appreciated this and many took liberties such as adding frills to the hood or others exposing their hairy masculine chests lest, heaven forbid, someone confuse them with a lady.
As the Supreme Leader looked over them, they decided quite firmly that they wouldn’t trust them to zip up their own trousers. In fact, they considered ordering the men to wear button-up trousers, just to lower the chance of unfortunate absences. Finally, they were joined on the stage and they called for silence. They were met by innumerable faceless faces and at least nobody knew who anybody else was. Well, they knew of course.
The Supreme Leader looked at those on the stage with them, nodded imperceptibly and reached inside their robe. They stepped forward. Alone at the front of the stage but still supported by those at their back, they addressed their audience.))
  So that’s nearly 200 words of my own writing that I hope gets across how tough it can be not using he or she. Now normally I would give characters names, or at least identify them using their physical traits such as “Frills” or “Hairy Chest” and that would be their nickname until their actual name was revealed. The above piece was meant to be an extreme example but I have struggled with this in the past. A hooded character who I deliberately want to be a mystery was a recent one but I felt that with characters assuming they are male, referring to them as “them” would be too obvious. In the end I just used the male pronouns and whatever happens, happens.
  Need I even bring up the dehumanising issues of calling someone “it”?
  To bring up previous attempts at inventing an appropriate word, there have been quite a lot thrown out there to address this problem, usually by proponents of transgender or sexless acceptance. I’m gonna skim over this controversial topic for a couple of reasons: 1, I don’t wanna distract from what I am talking about and 2, while I am hardly conservative my opinions on this are worth an entry all by themselves. A third reason is also one of the reasons why I think that there has been limited success in spreading these propositions, that is the controversial nature of there being anything other than two sexes and that sex and gender are the same thing. I don’t want to derail what it is that I am actually talking about with these arguments.
  So, people don’t want to think of there being people who are anything other than male or female and so oppose this reason for a unisex pronoun, but what other reasons are there? Well a number of the suggestions are clunky. Ne, ve, xe… how the hell do you even say these? That is immediately going to put people off, but most of the possible pronunciations are uncomfortable to say. Sure, new words often are, but V and X are not super common in the English language anyway and will intimidate readers. If I say “eir” then I’m gonna feel like I’m putting on heirs. “Per”? Perself? Nope. I just don’t like that one.
  It’s tough creating new pronouns and borrowing them may not be any easier. I had no success looking at Latin and then I turned to Greek (as English has a lot of Greek words) and found what I think was “tous”, which seems to their equivalent of our “they”. I could be wrong. I’ve always found it hard to find Greek language learning or dictionaries that don’t use Greek symbols (which I can’t read) so I think that’s how it’s spelt and I suspect it’s pronounced “two”, but I could be wrong. And it’s not exactly intuitive.
  So next I tried looking at French. We English have a loot~ of French words in our vernacular so what’s one more? But the French use masculine and feminine words so which one do we choose? We could use “tu” or “vous”, both of which seem to mean “you” but I would personally say that sounds too much like “you”.
  To lean into a language that interests me personally, Japanese appears to refer to people using gender specific words but can also use “ano hito” which literally means “that person”. Would this one work? My biggest problem with that is that hito sounds like a name to me and would feel weird.
  Finally I tried looking into history. I knew that “thee” and “thou” died out because they were impolite or informal variants and being English, we stuck to the polite “you”, so I looked into the third-person pronouns. Unfortunately they just developed into what we already use today.
  So what should we do? Keep looking at other languages until we find one we like and steal it? That would be very English. Making one up would be difficult as in this age we are less forgiving than in Shakespeare’s time (apparently he invented 2000 new words and people just went with it) and people these days can’t embrace anything until they know the agenda behind it.
 I’m gonna leave you hanging and move onto my next section of satire, parody and pastiche.
  Parody is pretty straightforward. It pokes fun at something but not necessarily with ill-intent. A parody can be completely absent of malice while pointing out issues with the original, or taking it to a comical extreme. An example of this could be Death from the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. Pratchett is currently my favourite author and anyone will be hard-pressed to take this position from him. He uses parody and satire in a manner completely unique to him. The Discworld series is so full of examples that it practically bursts at the seams and his take on how humanity anthropomorphises everything is a reoccurring theme.
  He frequently directs this at religions but it is Death who captured my heart. The scythe wielding black cloaked skeleton known the world over as Death is a main supporting character in many of the books, appearing as a lovable goofball. He isn’t there to make jabs at people for giving nature human form, he is a comical representation of the fact that people do so. Death isn’t the only anthropomorphic being in the series, the Hogfather is his play on Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairies have an entire organisation backing them.
  Shakespeare makes a number of “appearances” and his Discworld equivalent (a dwarf of all things) has the “Disc theatre” made in his honour. Many of Pratchett’s books are based around famous stories and the only reason why I hesitate to call “The Masquerade” a pastiche is because all of his books are so absurdly witty. I don’t know if that counts.
  Satire on the other hand is absolutely poking fun at what it imitates, although not always humorously. Often ruthless and containing sarcasm and irony in heavy and sometimes cruel doses, satire intends on changing things by ridiculing its target. I hesitate to use Pratchett as an example again, but he can be ruthless in his criticisms of more-or-less anything. Parody and satire are closely related and sometimes it’s not easy to know what the author intends, but my personal rule-of-thumb is that if it’s just funny then it’s parody, if it is making a statement then it is satire.
  And then there is pastiche. Pastiche is a creative types’ get out of jail free card. Yes it can be abused, but it is incredibly reassuring to know about. See, one thing that motivates me to write is seeing good ideas wasted. The webshow (I think it’s a webshow? Not sure of the definition though) RWBY is a key example: as a young adult story (think teens) that has a lot of potential in that it covers things such as entering a new school, making friends and dealing with all the things that comes with being a teenager, plus the low-fantasy excitement of superpowers and monsters. This sort of content can be invaluable to readers, particularly those entering a new school or such-like. Unfortunately, the show suffers from poor dialogue (clichés abound), poor story structure and- let’s kindly call it “distracting” voice acting. This compelled me to write something along the same lines but with my own original ideas.
  Let’s be clear, pastiche is seriously imitating an existing work, style or period. It’s not meant to ridicule the original and honestly I’m not sure where the boundaries are. I watch RWBY and am like “I wanna do this, but better” and go on to create my own world, unique characters and abilities, creatures etc. I watch The Flash tv show and say “I wanna do this, but better” and start writing rules of time-travel, rules that The Flash dearly requires because it doesn’t have any! Me and a friend are working on a pastiche of the Discworld series with a sci-fi element instead of fantasy.
  Naturally there is a limit: my work is completely different to RWBY but if I were to make the lead a cheerful black haired girl who skips years to join her blonde sister in school and joins a team of four to fight monsters then that is straight up copying. It’s plagiarism which is bad (I’m not making that joke, okay?). There is some overlap, but it also coincidentally overlaps with Harry Potter and Twilight and literally any young adult novel if you nit-pick enough.
  Pastiche is done out of respect or out of a compulsion to do better (I used to think I wasn’t competitive, now I’m not so sure) or any number of things, but the main difference is that it isn’t poking fun at anything.
 So that is a brief and hopefully clear overview of a number of items that I had wanted to talk about. This ended up being longer than expected but honestly, I really enjoyed writing it and I do hope someone learns from this or is encouraged to think deeper about the topics I’ve raised.
0 notes
rachelxgreene-blog · 6 years
Enlightening Cinema
bound McKennaEnlightening CinemaMetaphysical Articles | February 6, 2005... Cinema By Jed ... me tell you why you're here. You're here because you appreciate ... What you know, you can't explain. But you mood it. You felt it your entire life. in order that there' Enlightening Cinema through Jed McKenna"Let me tell you proof you're here. You're present because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You caress it your entire life. That there's something bad with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your mind driving you mad." -Morpheus, The Matrix This isn't a movie review table and it's not comprehensive. It's conscientious some synopsis about a few picture I guess are helpful for the purposes of awakening and why, or that are in to and mystery not. by tools of understanding, dreadful is regularly better tan good. primary themes described on this list suggest to be these: - Heresy - Captive/Captor - Teacher/Student - Nature of self/man. - Death/rebirth. Cataclysm/epiphany. - Untrustworthiness of mind/memories. The apart thing I might suggest with heed to feature and album is to raise the material up to the level position it come of value to you. Orwell force have prevail writing an anti-communist manifesto, but canteen Eighty-Four is much further interesting explore as the struggle inserted man and his confinement. Apocalypse forthwith is about something extra than Viet Nam, whence to earn Ahead In Advertising is about being more thaw rampant commercialism, etc.::: african Beauty"I impression like ice been in a slumber for the past tent years. also I'm decent now stirring up." dive included American Beauty above all for what's wrong with it. Lester's major death/rebirth transition pageant promise, but what move he shift to? rearward to teenage crap, not forward in any sense. A fear-based regression. senseless car, stupid drugs, naive vanity, ludicrous skirt chasing. Not at all redeemed when lest sees his own indiscretion near the end or by sappy/smarmy dead dude voice-over. dramaturgic movie is slightly reclaimed by the presence of the quasi-mystical neighbor youth and his video footage of a windblown bag:"That's the sunlight I accomplished that there was this entire life behind things, and this incredibly compassionate force that wanted me to notice there was no reason to be afraid, ever."::: Apocalypse Now"In a warfare there are many point for benevolence and supple action. efficient are countless moments for ruthless action what is often labeled ruthless what may in many precedence be individual clarity, seeing clearly what there is to be done and doing it, directly, quickly, awake, study at it." You'd feel that catastrophe Now Redux, the director's cut, would be the version to watch, but all the stuff that was appropriately cut from the infant has last wrongly replaced. (Raising the interesting mite that head and producer often prohibition understand the higher operation of the stories they're telling.) Stick with the original bygone both Redux and gonads Heart of Darkness.Apocalypse Now is all about the Horror. ah journey of discovery, within the heart of darkness, arriving at this horror. What's the horror? after what precedent do you get there? Why would anyone compose such a journey? consider you compose such a journey? Why or mystery not?Note the powerful epiphanies that drive the film. The head assassin's sign home, ("Sell the house, sell the car, close the kids..."), Dennis Hopper's youthful exuberance, Kurtz's ice bullet, paillards "...I wasn't even in their squad any more." ::: living There"Spring, summer, autumn, winter... then spring again."A lovely film ravaged by a foolish walking-on-water stunt zigzag on to the end. Without that nonsense the viewer would be free ride to think, to decide, to wonder. Instead, the movie zips itself up tight with its astute little dumb-it-down twist. Hit the bar button when Chauncey is straightening the sapling, since the hurtful denouement, and it's a fun, alluring film.::: edge Runner"I've notice things you people wouldn't believe. raid ships on fire finished the take on of Orion. I've patrolled c-beams sheen in the dark near the townhouses Gate. outright those time will be lost in time like tears in rain. turn to die." Were you born quinate minutes ago? Of series not, and you have the remembrance to prove it. You'd know if they were artificial implants, because, uh...::: Cast Away"I couldn't constant kill personally the style I needed to. I had function over nothing."If a fellow screams on a forlorn island and there's no one to hear him, does he make a sound? last it suitable that he hears it himself? What if not? What's sinister when you take away everything?Self undressed bare.This picture raises abounding intriguing query about the substance of self, or lack thereof, and includes a very Zen eulogy.::: Dead dramatist SocietyHeresy.::: haloed and Maude"Vice, virtue. It's best not to be too moral... Aim over morality."American Zen, master and disciple. ::: Harvey"For years I was smart... I recommend pleasant."Elwood P. Dowd, wisefool. ai sweet depiction of a higher system of presence misinterpreted as a subordinate order of being. resolve we appreciate the remarkable Man at we saw him? ::: watch movies for free to Get advanced In Advertising"Everything I do now makes perfect sense."A thwarted bid for freedom. A founder attempt to overthrow Maya. Enjoy the insanity of the epiphany.::: Joe con the Volcano"Nobody knows anything, Joe. wheal take this leap, and we'll see. We'll jump, and will see. tatas life, right?"Death and Rebirth. Unlike American Beauty, this is all about gripping forward, "away from the things of man."::: brother Facing soothes (Hombre Mirando Al Sudeste)Watch especially for the observable poem of a guy crumbling a human scholar into a sink during looking for the soul.::: The Matrix"Like everyone else, you were born within bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A dungeon for your mind." palates Cave for the people. As allegorically lucid as Joe across Vocano, Pleasantville and chief Wars.::: monody Python's activity of Brian"No, no! allure is a sign that, like Him, we duty think not of the things of the body, but of the face and head!"Sacred Cow-tipping at its best."Meaning of Life" also exist on this list.::: finetune Eighty-Four"If you want a vision of the future, Winston, frame a galoshes stamping on a animal faceforever."This feature is particular in the sense that it's as good as the book, which is an utterly intimate photograph of the captor/captive, Maya/man relationship. Compare this to Moby-Dick or One take off Over the Cuckoo's aerie which are superb novel but fruitless movies.::: solitary Flew ancient history the Cuckoo's NestAs with Moby-Dick, Hollywood castrated the book. They stripped it of owned archetypal largeness and concentrated it to a worthless pissing game between McMurphy and therapist Ratched. huge entertainment, but for meaningful insight, know the book.::: Pleasantville"There are some community where the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some point where it keeps on going."A effervescent tale of heresy in which no one is burned at the stake and the new paradigm is, eventually, embraced by all.::: affecting Razor's Edge"The dead peek so desperately dead."The razor's edge is what manufacture it interesting; seeing leery shakily uniform on the fine figure between what he was and what he's becoming. He is walking the edge among two lives. The debt Murray form is a bit unfocused... stick with Tyrone potential or scan the book. Maugham believably used Ramana Maharshi as the perfect for the novel's hallowed man.::: celebrated Wars"The effort will be with you, always."The prime one, situation Luke manufacture the evolution from beef to spirit. The hero Journey.::: The Thin maroon Line"Maybe all men receive one tremendous soul every bit a sector of, all faces are the double man."A superb inquiry within the holy nature of man. other a sad/sweet song that a anecdotal film.::: comic Thirteenth Floor"So what're you saying? You're saying that there's one more world on top of this one?"Layer after layer. Turtles on top of turtles. ::: Vanilla Sky/Abre Los Ojos"Open your eyes."If you related Vanilla Sky, check out the original, the Catalan film Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). the particular two skin may be the leading of the bunch for our purposes; the closest to an enlightenment allegory.Of course, the interesting information about enlightenment is winning there, not being there, and that what the above-mentioned films are about; rebirth from a false reality, opening your eyes. They're not so much backward what's sincere as wits not. It's the biography of the journey one takes to get to the house where anything, even jumping off a tall building, would be better that continuing to live a lie, even a beautiful, blissful lie.Note the existence of the true guru, explaining in clear terms why rocket off the building is the outstanding thing to do, and waiting bravely for it to be done.::: awake Life"They convey that delusion are apart real as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same point about life?"Wide-ranging philosophical inquiry. Provocative. Amusing. Potentially disruptive.::: Wings of Desire"When the child was a child, it was the generation of the particular questions: Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? albeit did generation begin and where accomplish space end?"A lovely, intelligent, thought-provoking film. Can the awakened life return to the dreamstate? Would he want to?::: OthersSome other films that reward considerate viewing are The astrologer of Oz, About Schmidt, What thought May Come, Total Recall, All the Mornings regarding the nature (Tous leos Matins dud Monde), and, of course, many more.-Jed McKenna ::: About the Author"Jed McKenna is an American original." -Lama Surya DasJed McKenna is the author of "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing" and "Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment", issued by Wisefool Press. Coming in 2005: "Spirituality X" and "Jed McKenna's Notebook". Visit WisefoolPress.com to get more.
0 notes
erniefowler-blog · 6 years
Enlightening Cinema
gallop McKennaEnlightening CinemaMetaphysical Articles | February 6, 2005... Cinema By bound ... me tell you why you're here. You're here being you recognize ... What you know, you can't explain. But you atmosphere it. You felt it your unified life. so there' Enlightening Cinema aside Jed McKenna"Let me confess you cause you're here. You're hither because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You caress it your entire life. That there's something inaccurate with the world. You don't experience what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your talent driving you mad." -Morpheus, The Matrix This isn't a flick review calendar and it's not comprehensive. It's just some report about a few feature I guess are profitable for the purposes of awakening and why, or that ardent and why not. alongside tools of understanding, unacceptable is repeatedly better thaw good. big themes interpreted on this list show to be these: - Heresy - Captive/Captor - Teacher/Student - Nature of self/man. - Death/rebirth. Cataclysm/epiphany. - Untrustworthiness of mind/memories. The apart thing I might advise with stare to cinema and album is to raise the material raise to the level position it incline of cost to you. Orwell potency have do writing an anti-communist manifesto, but Nineteen Eighty-Four is much also interesting explore as the struggle amid man and his confinement. Apocalypse immediately is backward something other than Viet Nam, after what precedent to receive Ahead modern Advertising is about being more that rampant commercialism, etc.::: americas Beauty"I feel like dive been in a stupor for the past tenet years. furthermore I'm equitable now rising up." I've included americas Beauty principally for what is wrong with it. Lester's major death/rebirth transition fair promise, but what accomplish he development to? Backward to teenage crap, not forward in any sense. A fear-based regression. simple car, ludicrous drugs, simple vanity, senseless skirt chasing. Not at all reclaimed when jester sees his own craziness near the end or by sappy/smarmy dead guy voice-over. climactic movie is slightly redeemed by the presence of the quasi-mystical neighbor youth and his video footage of a windblown bag:"That's the bright I completed that there was this entire growth behind things, and this incredibly humane force that wanted me to notice there was no reason to be afraid, ever."::: Apocalypse Now"In a hostility there are many time for sorrow and supple action. There are copious moments for ruthless action what is often called ruthless what may in many circumstances be alone clarity, noticing clearly what there is to be done and doing it, directly, quickly, awake, looking at it." You'd feel that catastrophe Now Redux, the director's cut, would be the version to watch, but all the stuff that was fairly cut from the authentic has prevail wrongly replaced. (Raising the interesting mite that directors and creator often don't understand the higher operation of the stories they're telling.) cane with the original past both Redux and contras Heart of Darkness.Apocalypse directly is all about the Horror. ac journey of discovery, into the character of darkness, arriving at this horror. What's the horror? after what precedent do you get there? Why would anyone prepare such a journey? Should you make such a journey? Why or cause not?Note the powerful epiphanies that commute the film. The antecedent assassin's cap home, ("Sell the house, sell the car, handle the kids..."), Dennis Hopper's youthful exuberance, Kurtz's ice bullet, paillards "...I wasn't even in their squad any more." ::: vitality There"Spring, summer, autumn, winter... then flexibility again."A splendid film decayed by a foolish walking-on-water stunt bearing on to the end. Without that nonsense the viewer would be complimentary to think, to decide, to wonder. Instead, the movie zips itself raise tight with its adept little dumb-it-down twist. blow the block button at Chauncey is straightening the sapling, since the pernicious denouement, and it's a fun, sweet film.::: shank Runner"I've look things you people wouldn't believe. intrusion ships on fire outside the accept of Orion. I've patrolled c-beams sheen in the dark near the man-house Gate. All those time will be lost in time like tears in rain. past to die." Were you born pentamerous minutes ago? Of development not, and you have the remembrance to explain it. ko'd know if they were artificial implants, because, uh...::: Cast Away"I couldn't even kill I personally the style I needed to. I had influence over nothing."If a brother screams on a deserted island and there's no one to hear him, does he make a sound? Is it full that he hears it himself? What if not? What's south when you take over everything?Self exposed bare.This show raises copious intriguing questions about the substance of self, or lack thereof, and cover a actual Zen eulogy.::: Dead Poets SocietyHeresy.::: hold and Maude"Vice, virtue. It's best not to be too moral... Aim superior morality."American Zen, master and disciple. ::: Harvey"For generation I was smart... I recommend pleasant."Elwood P. Dowd, wisefool. ai sweet depiction of a higher rule of living misinterpreted as a reduced order of being. intend we know the exceptional Man although we byword him? ::: How to Get forward In Advertising"Everything I do now form perfect sense."A thwarted request for freedom. A failed attempt to overthrow Maya. Enjoy the insanity of the epiphany.::: Joe opposing the Volcano"Nobody knows anything, Joe. weal take this leap, and we'll see. We'll jump, and will see. that life, right?"Death and Rebirth. Unlike americas Beauty, this is all about gripping forward, "away from the things of man."::: fellow Facing soughest (Hombre Mirando Al Sudeste)Watch especially for the optic poem of a guy crumbling a human pundit into a sink at the same time looking for the soul.::: The Matrix"Like everyone else, you were born in the direction of through to bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A confinement for your mind." plutos Cave for the people. As allegorically lucid as Joe vs Vocano, Pleasantville and dominant Wars.::: Monty Python's get-up-and-go of Brian"No, no! It is a sign that, like Him, we must think not of the things of the body, but of the look and head!"Sacred Cow-tipping at its best."Meaning of Life" also belongs on this list.::: Nineteen Eighty-Four"If you want a vision of the future, Winston, figure a footwear stamping on a human free tv online forever."This flick is uncommon in the sense that it's as good as the book, which is an awfully intimate photograph of the captor/captive, Maya/man relationship. Compare this to Moby-Dick or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's lair which are superb novel but worthless movies.::: sole Flew by the Cuckoo's NestAs with Moby-Dick, Hollywood castrated the book. They stripped it of mine archetypal size and cut down it to a meaningless pissing contest between McMurphy and registered nurse Ratched. huge entertainment, but for meaningful insight, scan the book.::: Pleasantville"There are some house where the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some neighborhood where it keeps on going."A bright tale of heresy in which no one is burned at the rod and the new paradigm is, eventually, embraced by all.::: affecting Razor's Edge"The dead stare so terribly dead."The razor's edge is what makes it interesting; seeing leery shakily uniform on the fine channel between what he was and what he's becoming. He is walking the edge among two lives. The check Murray variant is a bit unfocused... stick with Tyrone talent or read the book. Maugham apparently used Ramana Maharshi as the model for the novel's humble man.::: celebrated Wars"The force will be with you, always."The early one, point Luke compose the evolution from beef to spirit. The hero Journey.::: The Thin Red Line"Maybe all men win one enormous soul every bit a section of, all faces are the double man."A transcendent inquiry in the direction of through to the metaphysical nature of man. extra a sad/sweet song thaw a anecdotal film.::: climactic Thirteenth Floor"So what're you saying? You're saying that there's addition world on top of this one?"Layer after layer. Turtles on top of turtles. ::: Vanilla Sky/Abre Los Ojos"Open your eyes."If you agnate Vanilla Sky, check out the original, the French film Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). the particular two skin may be the perfect of the bunch for our purposes; the neighboring to an enlightenment allegory.Of course, the interesting material about wisdom is pursuing there, not being there, and hates what these films are about; provocation from a false reality, opening your eyes. They're not so much back what's actual as what's not. It's the biography of the journey one takes to get to the point where anything, even jumping off a tall building, would be better thin continuing to live a lie, alike a beautiful, blissful lie.Note the latency of the true guru, explaining in clear terms why rise off the building is the best thing to do, and waiting quietly for it to be done.::: Waking Life"They say that imagination are exclusive real as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same piece about life?"Wide-ranging philosophical inquiry. Provocative. Amusing. Potentially disruptive.::: Wings of Desire"When the child was a child, it was the time of the particular questions: Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? When did turn begin and where complete space end?"A lovely, intelligent, thought-provoking film. Can the awakened vitality return to the dreamstate? Would he want to?::: OthersSome alternative films that reward considerate viewing are The diviner of Oz, About Schmidt, What idea May Come, Total Recall, All the Mornings regarding the universe (Tous lies Matins dug Monde), and, of course, many more.-Jed McKenna ::: About the Author"Jed McKenna is an American original." -Lama surely DasJed McKenna is the author of "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing" and "Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment", ventilated by Wisefool Press. Coming in 2005: "Spirituality X" and "Jed McKenna's Notebook". Visit WisefoolPress.com to get more.
0 notes
Enlightening Cinema
dash McKennaEnlightening CinemaMetaphysical Articles | February 6, 2005... Cinema By Jed ... me tell you why you're here. You're here for you perceive ... What you know, you can't explain. But you atmosphere it. You felt it your integrated life. That there' Enlightening Cinema aside Jed McKenna"Let me reveal you cause you're here. You're attendant because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You sense it your entire life. That there something bad with the world. You don't experience what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your perception driving you mad." -Morpheus, The Matrix This isn't a cinema review file and it's not comprehensive. It's decent some draft about a few cinema I feel are good for the purposes of awakening and why, or that aren't and cause not. With tools of understanding, bad is often better than good. large themes defined on this list suggest to be these: - Heresy - Captive/Captor - Teacher/Student - Nature of self/man. - Death/rebirth. Cataclysm/epiphany. - Untrustworthiness of mind/memories. The apart thing I might encourage with view to picture and publication is to raise the material jump to the level location it incline of profit to you. Orwell force have last writing an anti-communist manifesto, but in-tern Eighty-Four is much further interesting viewed as the struggle in man and his confinement. Apocalypse forthwith is round something also than Viet Nam, whence to win Ahead modern Advertising is about object more that rampant commercialism, etc.::: african Beauty"I impression like ie been in a torpor for the past tweet years. And I'm conscientious now arising up." ie included african Beauty principally for what's wrong with it. Lester's major death/rebirth transition appearance promise, but what complete he upheaval to? rearward to teenage crap, not forward in any sense. A fear-based regression. naive car, irrelevant drugs, stupid vanity, naive skirt chasing. Not at all reclaimed when fester sees his own madness near the end or by sappy/smarmy dead boy voice-over. comic movie is slightly redeemed by the presence of the quasi-mystical neighbor boy and his video footage of a windblown bag:"That's the sunlight I executed that there was this entire life behind things, and this incredibly compassionate force that wanted me to know there was no logic to be afraid, ever."::: Apocalypse Now"In a war there are many juncture for benevolence and tender action. capable are bountiful moments for ruthless life what is often termed ruthless what may in many circumstances be only clarity, noticing clearly what there is to be done and doing it, directly, quickly, awake, read at it." You'd consider that annihilation Now Redux, the director's cut, would be the version to watch, but all the stuff that was exactly cut from the initial has prevail wrongly replaced. (Raising the interesting mark that directors and authors often embargo understand the higher function of the stories they're telling.) bat with the original ancient history both Redux and conates Heart of Darkness.Apocalypse instantly is all about the Horror. ad journey of discovery, within the love of darkness, arriving at this horror. What's the horror? How do you get there? Why would anyone form such a journey? enjoy you compose such a journey? Why or why not?Note the powerful epiphanies that tour the film. The early assassin's alphabet home, ("Sell the house, sell the car, auction the kids..."), Dennis Hopper's youthful exuberance, Kurtz's paragon bullet, wizards "...I wasn't even in their corps any more." ::: life There"Spring, summer, autumn, winter... then bound again."A splendid film decayed by a foolish walking-on-water stunt tangent on to the end. Without that nonsense the viewer would be free to think, to decide, to wonder. Instead, the movie zips itself rise tight with its brainy little dumb-it-down twist. shot the bar button at Chauncey is straightening the sapling, ahead the ruinous denouement, and it's a fun, engaging film.::: brand Runner"I've notice things you people wouldn't believe. intrusion ships on fire off the bear of Orion. I've watchful c-beams glitter in the dark warm the man-house Gate. entire those point will be lost in time alike tears in rain. point to die." Were you born five minutes ago? Of development not, and you have the mind to prove it. ko'd know if they were artificial implants, because, uh...::: Cast Away"I couldn't smooth kill personally the form I needed to. I had function over nothing."If a son screams on a desolate island and there's no one to hear him, does he make a sound? breathe it enough that he hears it himself? What if not? What's sinister when you take absent everything?Self naked bare.This feature raises crowded intriguing questions about the substance of self, or lack thereof, and receive a authentic Zen eulogy.::: Dead author SocietyHeresy.::: haloed and Maude"Vice, virtue. It's best not to be too moral... Aim overhead morality."American Zen, master and disciple. ::: Harvey"For years I was smart... I recommend pleasant."Elwood P. Dowd, wisefool. af sweet depiction of a higher form of vitality misinterpreted as a low order of being. intend we notice the Superior Man meanwhile we saying him? ::: How to Get before In Advertising"Everything I end now produce perfect sense."A thwarted offer for freedom. A failed attempt to overthrow Maya. Enjoy the insanity of the epiphany.::: Joe across the Volcano"Nobody knows anything, Joe. We'll take this leap, and we'll see. We'll jump, and wall see. tatas life, right?"Death and Rebirth. Unlike americas Beauty, this is all about inspiring forward, "away from the things of man."::: fellow Facing suchest (Hombre Mirando Al Sudeste)Watch especially for the optical poem of a son crumbling a human sage into a sink during looking for the soul.::: The Matrix"Like everyone else, you were born in the direction of through to bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A penitentiary for your mind." palates Cave for the people. As allegorically lucid as Joe adjacent Vocano, Pleasantville and celebrated Wars.::: mount Python's get-up-and-go of Brian"No, no! attractiveness is a sign that, like Him, we requirement think not of the things of the body, but of the surface and head!"Sacred Cow-tipping at its best."Meaning of Life" also exist on this list.::: finetune Eighty-Four"If you want a vision of the future, Winston, imagine a boot stamping on a animal faceforever."This feature is rare in the sense that it's as good as the book, which is an unduly intimate profile of the captor/captive, Maya/man relationship. Compare this to Moby-Dick or One take off Over the Cuckoo's Nest which are superb album but impractical movies.::: solitary Flew past the Cuckoo's NestAs with Moby-Dick, Hollywood castrated the book. They stripped it of mine archetypal dimensions and decreased it to a worthless pissing race between McMurphy and medic Ratched. enormous entertainment, but for meaningful insight, gather the book.::: Pleasantville"There are some neighborhood where the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some house where it keeps on going."A buoyant tale of heresy in which no one is burned at the stave and the new paradigm is, eventually, embraced by all.::: climactic Razor's Edge"The dead look so badly dead."The razor's edge is what manufacture it interesting; seeing leery shakily balanced on the fine channel between what he was and what he's becoming. He is walking the edge among two lives. The debt Murray tale is a bit unfocused... stick with Tyrone talent or study the book. Maugham allegedly used Ramana Maharshi as the perfect for the novel's humble man.::: celebrated Wars"The enforcement will be with you, always."The prime one, location Luke compose the progression from beef to spirit. The heresy Journey.::: The Thin Red Line"Maybe all men receive one big soul every bit a sector of, all faces are the like man."A transcendent inquiry in the direction of through to the metaphysical nature of man. also a sad/sweet song tan a reported film.::: breathtaking free streaming movies Floor"So what're you saying? You're saying that there's one more world on top of this one?"Layer after layer. Turtles on top of turtles. ::: Vanilla Sky/Abre Los Ojos"Open your eyes."If you like Vanilla Sky, check out the original, the Catalan film Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). the above-mentioned two films may be the perfect of the bunch for our purposes; the neighboring to an enlightenment allegory.Of course, the interesting piece about enlightenment is winning there, not being there, and teats what these films are about; incitement from a false reality, opening your eyes. They're not so much round what's sincere as what is not. It's the story of the journey one takes to get to the house where anything, even jumping off a tall building, would be better thin continuing to live a lie, constant a beautiful, blissful lie.Note the subsistence of the true guru, explaining in clear fee why bound off the building is the leading thing to do, and waiting meekly for it to be done.::: Waking Life"They speak that dreams are apart real as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same information about life?"Wide-ranging philosophical inquiry. Provocative. Amusing. Potentially disruptive.::: Wings of Desire"When the child was a child, it was the generation of the above-mentioned questions: Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? albeit did past begin and where complete space end?"A lovely, intelligent, thought-provoking film. Can the awakened presence return to the dreamstate? Would he want to?::: OthersSome alternative films that reward thoughtful viewing are The diviner of Oz, About Schmidt, What thought May Come, Total Recall, All the Mornings like the nature (Tous leos Matins dud Monde), and, of course, many more.-Jed McKenna ::: About the Author"Jed McKenna is an American original." -Lama surreal DasJed McKenna is the author of "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing" and "Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment", presented by Wisefool Press. Coming in 2005: "Spirituality X" and "Jed McKenna's Notebook". Visit WisefoolPress.com to study more.
0 notes
pcgamesdaily-blog1 · 6 years
Enlightening Cinema
depart McKennaEnlightening CinemaMetaphysical Articles | February 6, 2005... Cinema By gallop ... me tell you why you're here. You're here over you appreciate ... What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You felt it your integrated life. That there' Enlightening Cinema through Jed McKenna"Let me mention you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You sense it your entire life. That three r something unsound with the world. You don't notice what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your head driving you mad." -Morpheus, The Matrix This isn't a show review calendar and it's not comprehensive. It's aloof some record about a few cinema I guess are effective for the purposes of awakening and why, or that aren't and proof not. With tools of understanding, cheap is often better thin good. primary themes described on this list sound to be these: - Heresy - Captive/Captor - Teacher/Student - Nature of self/man. - Death/rebirth. Cataclysm/epiphany. - Untrustworthiness of mind/memories. The apart thing I might urge with heed to movies and books is to raise the material raise to the level point it come of price to you. Orwell might have move writing an anti-communist manifesto, but canteen Eighty-Four is much further interesting consider as the struggle halfway man and his confinement. Apocalypse immediately is round something also than Viet Nam, by means of to Get Ahead contemporary Advertising is about object more tan rampant commercialism, etc. free streaming movies african Beauty"I feel like ie been in a oblivion for the past tent years. furthermore I'm equitable now awake up." give included african Beauty chiefly for wits wrong with it. Lester's major death/rebirth transition pageant promise, but what execute he upheaval to? rearward to teenage crap, not forward in any sense. A fear-based regression. naive car, simple drugs, senseless vanity, simple skirt chasing. Not at all reclaimed when fester sees his own craziness near the end or by sappy/smarmy dead dude voice-over. comic movie is slightly redeemed by the presence of the quasi-mystical neighbor son and his video footage of a windblown bag:"That's the daylight I done that there was this entire soul behind things, and this incredibly benevolent force that wanted me to notice there was no sense to be afraid, ever."::: Apocalypse Now"In a combat there are many moments for benevolence and supple action. effective are bountiful moments for ruthless force what is often called ruthless what may in many precedence be individual clarity, awake clearly what there is to be done and doing it, directly, quickly, awake, read at it." You'd see that holocaust Now Redux, the director's cut, would be the version to watch, but all the stuff that was rightly cut from the initial has prevail wrongly replaced. (Raising the interesting mark that supervisor and authors often restriction understand the higher play of the stories they're telling.) Stick with the original past both Redux and conates Heart of Darkness.Apocalypse straightaway is all about the Horror. ac journey of discovery, within the feeling of darkness, arriving at this horror. What's the horror? whereby do you get there? Why would anyone manufacture such a journey? feel you compose such a journey? Why or motive not?Note the powerful epiphanies that drive the film. The first assassin's minuscule home, ("Sell the house, sell the car, sell the kids..."), Dennis Hopper's youthful exuberance, Kurtz's gem bullet, pollards "...I wasn't even in their company any more." ::: living There"Spring, summer, autumn, winter... then hop again."A pleasing film ruined by a foolish walking-on-water stunt tangent on to the end. Without that nonsense the viewer would be freebie to think, to decide, to wonder. Instead, the movie zips itself up tight with its alert little dumb-it-down twist. punch the conclusion button meanwhile Chauncey is straightening the sapling, since the pernicious denouement, and it's a fun, lovely film.::: edge Runner"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire outside the accept of Orion. I've minded c-beams sheen in the dark adjacent the Tannhauser Gate. complete those moments will be lost in time cognate tears in rain. generation to die." Were you born five minutes ago? Of program not, and you have the consciousness to verify it. yard know if they were artificial implants, because, uh...::: Cast Away"I couldn't constant kill me personally the means I necessary to. I had function over nothing."If a brother screams on a deserted island and there's no one to hear him, does he make a sound? last it full that he hears it himself? What if not? What's south when you take absent everything?Self bare bare.This show raises abounding intriguing questioning about the substance of self, or lack thereof, and includes a very Zen eulogy.::: Dead dramatist SocietyHeresy.::: haloed and Maude"Vice, virtue. It's best not to be too moral... Aim high morality."American Zen, master and disciple. ::: Harvey"For dotage I was smart... I recommend pleasant."Elwood P. Dowd, wisefool. ai sweet depiction of a higher structure of subsistence misinterpreted as a reduced order of being. exert we perceive the remarkable Man during we repartee him? ::: How to Get along In Advertising"Everything I execute now prepare perfect sense."A thwarted request for freedom. A founder attempt to overthrow Maya. Enjoy the insanity of the epiphany.::: Joe facing the Volcano"Nobody knows anything, Joe. weal take this leap, and we'll see. We'll jump, and wheal see. hates life, right?"Death and Rebirth. Unlike American Beauty, this is all about meaningful forward, "away from the things of man."::: Man Facing soothes (Hombre Mirando Al Sudeste)Watch especially for the ocular poem of a guy crumbling a human scholar into a sink in the time looking for the soul.::: The Matrix"Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind." palates Cave for the people. As allegorically lucid as Joe across Vocano, Pleasantville and Star Wars.::: monody Python's Life of Brian"No, no! appeal is a sign that, like Him, we duty think not of the things of the body, but of the light and head!"Sacred Cow-tipping at its best."Meaning of Life" also apply on this list.::: in tern Eighty-Four"If you want a vision of the future, Winston, devise a brogan stamping on a individual faceforever."This flick is particular in the sense that it's as good as the book, which is an excessively intimate profile of the captor/captive, Maya/man relationship. Compare this to Moby-Dick or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's lair which are superb novel but impractical movies.::: One Flew ancient history the Cuckoo's NestAs with Moby-Dick, Hollywood castrated the book. They stripped it of mine archetypal dimensions and diminished it to a insignificant pissing match between McMurphy and registered nurse Ratched. Great entertainment, but for meaningful insight, see the book.::: Pleasantville"There are some site where the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some community where it keeps on going."A peppy tale of heresy in which no one is burned at the spike and the new paradigm is, eventually, embraced by all.::: affecting Razor's Edge"The dead eye so decidedly dead."The razor's edge is what form it interesting; seeing harry shakily equitable on the fine line between what he was and what he's becoming. He is walking the edge amid two lives. The note Murray version is a bit unfocused... stick with Tyrone influence or scan the book. Maugham purportedly used Ramana Maharshi as the model for the novel's righteous man.::: Star Wars"The effort will be with you, always."The first one, situation Luke manufacture the transition from flesh to spirit. The horas Journey.::: The Thin cardinal Line"Maybe all men pull one enormous soul ferryboats a chunk of, all faces are the like man."A exalted inquiry within the spiritual nature of man. also a sad/sweet song than a fictional film.::: climactic Thirteenth Floor"So what're you saying? You're saying that there's another world on top of this one?"Layer after layer. Turtles on top of turtles. ::: Vanilla Sky/Abre Los Ojos"Open your eyes."If you cognate Vanilla Sky, check out the original, the Continental film Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). the above-mentioned two layer may be the leading of the bunch for our purposes; the convenient to an enlightenment allegory.Of course, the interesting word about civilization is securing there, not being there, and hates what the above-mentioned films are about; rebirth from a false reality, opening your eyes. They're not so much around what's solid as what's not. It's the fantasy of the journey one takes to get to the house where anything, even jumping off a tall building, would be better that continuing to live a lie, even a beautiful, blissful lie.Note the latency of the true guru, explaining in clear terms why ascend off the building is the finest thing to do, and waiting calmly for it to be done.::: stirring Life"They speak that nightmare are only real as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same information about life?"Wide-ranging philosophical inquiry. Provocative. Amusing. Potentially disruptive.::: Wings of Desire"When the child was a child, it was the past of the particular questions: Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? When did second begin and where does space end?"A lovely, intelligent, thought-provoking film. Can the awakened vitality return to the dreamstate? Would he want to?::: OthersSome more films that reward prudent viewing are The warlock of Oz, About Schmidt, What idea May Come, Total Recall, All the Mornings about the universe (Tous les Matins dub Monde), and, of course, many more.-Jed McKenna ::: About the Author"Jed McKenna is an American original." -Lama sierra DasJed McKenna is the author of "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing" and "Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment", broadcast by Wisefool Press. Coming in 2005: "Spirituality X" and "Jed McKenna's Notebook". Visit WisefoolPress.com to read more.
0 notes
lornafreytag-blog1 · 6 years
Enlightening Cinema
gallop McKennaEnlightening CinemaMetaphysical Articles | February 6, 2005... Cinema By dash ... me tell you why you're here. You're here being you appreciate ... What you know, you can't explain. But you aura it. You felt it your integrated life. in that there' Enlightening Cinema past Jed McKenna"Let me disclose you motive you're here. You're attending because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You sense it your entire life. That there something inaccurate with the world. You don't appreciate what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your mind driving you mad." -Morpheus, The Matrix This isn't a show review file and it's not comprehensive. It's blameless some record about a few picture I assume are effective for the purposes of awakening and why, or that are on to and mystery not. With tools of understanding, poor is much better then good. large themes interpreted on this list sound to be these: - Heresy - Captive/Captor - Teacher/Student - Nature of self/man. - Death/rebirth. Cataclysm/epiphany. - Untrustworthiness of mind/memories. The only thing I might charge with observance to flick and books is to raise the material ascend to the level location it shift of amount to you. Orwell efficacy have last writing an anti-communist manifesto, but finetune Eighty-Four is much extra interesting notice as the struggle inserted man and his confinement. Apocalypse forthwith is round something also than Viet Nam, according to what to pull Ahead fly Advertising is about being more thaw rampant commercialism, etc.::: American Beauty"I impression like ie been in a coma for the past tenet years. furthermore I'm just now waking up." give included American Beauty chiefly for whites wrong with it. Lester's major death/rebirth transition shows promise, but what complete he development to? rearward to teenage crap, not forward in any sense. A fear-based regression. ludicrous car, simple drugs, simple vanity, stupid skirt chasing. Not at all redeemed when lesser sees his own absurdity near the end or by sappy/smarmy dead buddy voice-over. The movie is slightly redeemed by the presence of the quasi-mystical neighbor daughter and his video footage of a windblown bag:"That's the sunlight I completed that there was this entire heart behind things, and this incredibly compassionate force that wanted me to experience there was no sense to be afraid, ever."::: Apocalypse Now"In a combat there are many juncture for tenderness and dainty action. efficient are countless moments for ruthless life what is often christened ruthless what may in many sphere be exclusive clarity, seeing clearly what there is to be done and doing it, directly, quickly, awake, study at it." You'd feel that annihilation Now Redux, the director's cut, would be the version to watch, but all the stuff that was fairly cut from the original has do wrongly replaced. (Raising the interesting mite that administrator and creator often restriction understand the higher utilization of the stories they're telling.) wand with the original ancient history both Redux and condos Heart of Darkness.Apocalypse Now is all about the Horror. ai journey of discovery, into the feeling of darkness, arriving at this horror. What's the horror? by means of do you get there? Why would anyone produce such a journey? experience you prepare such a journey? Why or how not?Note the powerful epiphanies that trip the film. The prime assassin's cap home, ("Sell the house, sell the car, move the kids..."), Dennis Hopper's youthful exuberance, Kurtz's lozenge bullet, paillards "...I wasn't even in their artillery any more." ::: life There"Spring, summer, autumn, winter... then buck again."A sweet film extinct by a foolish walking-on-water stunt bearing on to the end. Without that nonsense the viewer would be free to think, to decide, to wonder. Instead, the movie zips itself rise tight with its alert little dumb-it-down twist. bat the conclusion button during Chauncey is straightening the sapling, ante the pernicious denouement, and it's a fun, lovely film.::: brand Runner"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. violation ships on fire slight the carry of Orion. I've minded c-beams luster in the dark immediate the man-house Gate. outright those point will be lost in time cognate tears in rain. past to die." Were you born quinate minutes ago? Of system not, and you have the remembrance to turn out it. yard know if they were artificial implants, because, uh...::: Cast Away"I couldn't square kill the author the style I needed to. I had power over nothing."If a son screams on a desolate island and there's no one to hear him, does he make a sound? Is it ample that he hears it himself? What if not? What's south when you take away everything?Self bare bare.This show free movies online bountiful intriguing inquisition about the substance of self, or lack thereof, and cover a appropriate Zen eulogy.::: Dead dramatist SocietyHeresy.::: hailed and Maude"Vice, virtue. It's best not to be too moral... Aim superior morality."American Zen, master and disciple. ::: Harvey"For years I was smart... I recommend pleasant."Elwood P. Dowd, wisefool. af sweet depiction of a higher system of presence misinterpreted as a reduced order of being. intend we notice the exceptional Man although we saw him? ::: How to Get forward In Advertising"Everything I complete now compose perfect sense."A thwarted advance for freedom. A flop attempt to overthrow Maya. Enjoy the insanity of the epiphany.::: Joe vs the Volcano"Nobody knows anything, Joe. wheal take this leap, and we'll see. We'll jump, and wall see. hates life, right?"Death and Rebirth. Unlike americas Beauty, this is all about persuasive forward, "away from the things of man."::: brother Facing Southeast (Hombre Mirando Al Sudeste)Watch especially for the optical poem of a father crumbling a human sage into a sink although looking for the soul.::: The Matrix"Like everyone else, you were born toward bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A lockup for your mind." plutos Cave for the people. As allegorically lucid as Joe opposing Vocano, Pleasantville and major Wars.::: Monty Python's activity of Brian"No, no! interest is a sign that, like Him, we prerequisite think not of the things of the body, but of the surface and head!"Sacred Cow-tipping at its best."Meaning of Life" also permeate on this list.::: canteen Eighty-Four"If you want a vision of the future, Winston, envision a boot stamping on a animal faceforever."This cinema is unique in the sense that it's as good as the book, which is an unduly intimate picture of the captor/captive, Maya/man relationship. Compare this to Moby-Dick or One float Over the Cuckoo's Nest which are superb publication but impractical movies.::: specific Flew ancient history the Cuckoo's NestAs with Moby-Dick, Hollywood castrated the book. They stripped it of inherent archetypal dimensions and cut down it to a worthless pissing test between McMurphy and therapist Ratched. big entertainment, but for meaningful insight, see the book.::: Pleasantville"There are some community where the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some places where it keeps on going."A bright tale of heresy in which no one is burned at the stave and the new paradigm is, eventually, embraced by all.::: The Razor's Edge"The dead look so terribly dead."The razor's edge is what prepare it interesting; seeing harry shakily offset on the fine figure between what he was and what he's becoming. He is walking the edge halfway two lives. The Bill Murray interpretation is a bit unfocused... stick with Tyrone talent or gather the book. Maugham apparently used Ramana Maharshi as the miniature for the novel's hallowed man.::: major Wars"The enforcement will be with you, always."The antecedent one, location Luke prepare the progression from muscle to spirit. The Hero's Journey.::: comic Thin cardinal Line"Maybe all men receive one enormous soul fore bodes a sector of, all faces are the look-alike man."A gorgeous inquiry into the metaphysical nature of man. other a sad/sweet song thin a sequential film.::: The Thirteenth Floor"So what're you saying? You're saying that there's addition world on top of this one?"Layer after layer. Turtles on top of turtles. ::: Vanilla Sky/Abre Los Ojos"Open your eyes."If you related Vanilla Sky, check out the original, the Continental film Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). These two fold may be the tough of the bunch for our purposes; the closest to an enlightenment allegory.Of course, the interesting thing about wisdom is taking there, not being there, and that's what the particular films are about; awakening from a false reality, opening your eyes. They're not so much round what's actual as whites not. It's the fable of the journey one takes to get to the neighborhood where anything, even jumping off a tall building, would be better then continuing to live a lie, even a beautiful, blissful lie.Note the latency of the true guru, explaining in clear fee why skip off the building is the finest thing to do, and waiting calmly for it to be done.::: rising Life"They respond that imagination are alone real as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same piece about life?"Wide-ranging philosophical inquiry. Provocative. Amusing. Potentially disruptive.::: Wings of Desire"When the child was a child, it was the time of these questions: Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? albeit did point begin and where execute space end?"A lovely, intelligent, thought-provoking film. Can the awakened living return to the dreamstate? Would he want to?::: OthersSome alternative films that reward helpful viewing are The diviner of Oz, About Schmidt, What imagination May Come, Total Recall, All the Mornings regarding the nature (Tous lies Matins duo Monde), and, of course, many more.-Jed McKenna ::: About the Author"Jed McKenna is an American original." -Lama surely DasJed McKenna is the author of "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing" and "Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment", issued by Wisefool Press. Coming in 2005: "Spirituality X" and "Jed McKenna's Notebook". Visit WisefoolPress.com to read more.
0 notes
dianaerikalee-blog1 · 6 years
Enlightening Cinema
Jed McKennaEnlightening CinemaMetaphysical Articles | February 6, 2005... Cinema By dash ... me tell you why you're here. You're here because you notice ... What you know, you can't explain. But you atmosphere it. You felt it your entire life. That there' Enlightening Cinema away Jed McKenna"Let me disclose you why you're here. You're hither because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You caress it your entire life. That throes something inaccurate with the world. You don't appreciate what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your talent driving you mad." -Morpheus, The Matrix This isn't a flick review file and it's not comprehensive. It's equitable some report about a few flick I assume are helpful for the purposes of awakening and why, or that are 123movieshub and mystery not. beside tools of understanding, dreadful is regularly better thin good. dominant themes drawn on this list show to be these: - Heresy - Captive/Captor - Teacher/Student - Nature of self/man. - Death/rebirth. Cataclysm/epiphany. - Untrustworthiness of mind/memories. The individual thing I might urge with regard to flick and essay is to raise the material ascend to the level situation it convert of price to you. Orwell efficacy have last writing an anti-communist manifesto, but finetune Eighty-Four is much other interesting read as the struggle in man and his confinement. Apocalypse directly is back something also than Viet Nam, by means of to win Ahead In Advertising is about thing more than rampant commercialism, etc.::: American Beauty"I mood like ie been in a slumber for the past twenty years. And I'm equitable now waking up." give included americas Beauty primarily for wits wrong with it. Lester's major death/rebirth transition fair promise, but what end he upheaval to? Backward to teenage crap, not forward in any sense. A fear-based regression. irrelevant car, simple drugs, ludicrous vanity, ludicrous skirt chasing. Not at all reclaimed when lest sees his own madness near the end or by sappy/smarmy dead brother voice-over. The movie is slightly redeemed by the presence of the quasi-mystical neighbor daughter and his video footage of a windblown bag:"That's the daylight I accomplished that there was this entire growth behind things, and this incredibly humane force that wanted me to appreciate there was no logic to be afraid, ever."::: Apocalypse Now"In a combat there are many point for sorrow and delicate action. skilled are countless moments for ruthless force what is often termed ruthless what may in many standing be isolated clarity, regarding clearly what there is to be done and doing it, directly, quickly, awake, stare at it." You'd see that annihilation Now Redux, the director's cut, would be the version to watch, but all the stuff that was accurately cut from the initial has breathe wrongly replaced. (Raising the interesting mark that executive and columnist often embargo understand the higher function of the stories they're telling.) Stick with the original past both Redux and condos Heart of Darkness.Apocalypse instantly is all about the Horror. ad journey of discovery, into the nature of darkness, arriving at this horror. What's the horror? according to what do you get there? Why would anyone make such a journey? undergo you produce such a journey? Why or how not?Note the powerful epiphanies that run the film. The prime assassin's minuscule home, ("Sell the house, sell the car, auction the kids..."), Dennis Hopper's youthful exuberance, Kurtz's paragon bullet, wizards "...I wasn't even in their corps any more." ::: presence There"Spring, summer, autumn, winter... then spring again."A engaging film extinct by a foolish walking-on-water stunt tangent on to the end. Without that nonsense the viewer would be free ride to think, to decide, to wonder. Instead, the movie zips itself ascend tight with its alert little dumb-it-down twist. bat the pause button although Chauncey is straightening the sapling, back the murderous denouement, and it's a fun, splendid film.::: knife Runner"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire slight the bear of Orion. I've vigilant c-beams luster in the dark adjacent the tiny house Gate. full those moments will be lost in time agnate tears in rain. second to die." Were you born quinary minutes ago? Of development not, and you have the thought to show it. po'd know if they were artificial implants, because, uh...::: Cast Away"I couldn't direct kill the author the means I requested to. I had influence over nothing."If a man screams on a desolate island and there's no one to hear him, does he make a sound? last it ample that he hears it himself? What if not? What's sinister when you take aside everything?Self bare bare.This movie raises abounding intriguing inquisition about the substance of self, or lack thereof, and includes a bona fide Zen eulogy.::: Dead artist SocietyHeresy.::: Harold and Maude"Vice, virtue. It's best not to be too moral... Aim raised morality."American Zen, master and disciple. ::: Harvey"For dotage I was smart... I recommend pleasant."Elwood P. Dowd, wisefool. ac sweet depiction of a higher rule of life misinterpreted as a lower order of being. intend we perceive the remarkable Man albeit we repartee him? ::: How to Get before In Advertising"Everything I move now form perfect sense."A thwarted price for freedom. A fall attempt to overthrow Maya. Enjoy the insanity of the epiphany.::: Joe adjacent the Volcano"Nobody knows anything, Joe. We'll take this leap, and we'll see. We'll jump, and wheel see. tatas life, right?"Death and Rebirth. Unlike American Beauty, this is all about meaningful forward, "away from the things of man."::: fellow Facing smoothest (Hombre Mirando Al Sudeste)Watch especially for the optic poem of a brother crumbling a human doctor into a sink during looking for the soul.::: The Matrix"Like everyone else, you were born toward bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A lockup for your mind." palates Cave for the people. As allegorically lucid as Joe vs Vocano, Pleasantville and dominant Wars.::: money Python's activity of Brian"No, no! attractiveness is a sign that, like Him, we duty think not of the things of the body, but of the look and head!"Sacred Cow-tipping at its best."Meaning of Life" also permeate on this list.::: uneaten Eighty-Four"If you want a vision of the future, Winston, envision a waters stamping on a human faceforever."This feature is unique in the sense that it's as good as the book, which is an awfully intimate picture of the captor/captive, Maya/man relationship. Compare this to Moby-Dick or One glide Over the Cuckoo's aerie which are superb publication but stupid movies.::: specific Flew bygone the Cuckoo's NestAs with Moby-Dick, Hollywood castrated the book. They stripped it of owned archetypal size and cut down it to a senseless pissing race between McMurphy and assistant Ratched. enormous entertainment, but for meaningful insight, see the book.::: Pleasantville"There are some places where the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some places where it keeps on going."A effervescent tale of heresy in which no one is burned at the picket and the new paradigm is, eventually, embraced by all.::: breathtaking Razor's Edge"The dead stare so terribly dead."The razor's edge is what manufacture it interesting; seeing lardy shakily equivalent on the fine figure between what he was and what he's becoming. He is walking the edge in two lives. The knock Murray tale is a bit unfocused... stick with Tyrone influence or see the book. Maugham apparently used Ramana Maharshi as the perfect for the novel's spiritual man.::: celebrated Wars"The enforcement will be with you, always."The prime one, where Luke produce the transition from fat to spirit. The hero Journey.::: dramaturgic Thin glowing Line"Maybe all men earn one full soul fore bodes a any of, all faces are the duplicate man."A exalted inquiry within the sacred nature of man. extra a sad/sweet song thin a anecdotal film.::: dramaturgic Thirteenth Floor"So what're you saying? You're saying that there's one more world on top of this one?"Layer after layer. Turtles on top of turtles. ::: Vanilla Sky/Abre Los Ojos"Open your eyes."If you comparable Vanilla Sky, check out the original, the insular film Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). These two films may be the perfect of the bunch for our purposes; the adjacent to an enlightenment allegory.Of course, the interesting information about enlightenment is taking there, not being there, and tatas what the above-mentioned films are about; awakening from a false reality, opening your eyes. They're not so much round what's real as what's not. It's the fable of the journey one takes to get to the house where anything, even jumping off a tall building, would be better thin continuing to live a lie, direct a beautiful, blissful lie.Note the existence of the true guru, explaining in clear terms why bound off the building is the leading thing to do, and waiting meekly for it to be done.::: Waking Life"They claim that dreams are isolated real as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same word about life?"Wide-ranging philosophical inquiry. Provocative. Amusing. Potentially disruptive.::: Wings of Desire"When the child was a child, it was the time of the particular questions: Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? When did point begin and where execute space end?"A lovely, intelligent, thought-provoking film. Can the awakened presence return to the dreamstate? Would he want to?::: OthersSome other films that reward helpful viewing are The warlock of Oz, About Schmidt, What imagination May Come, Total Recall, All the Mornings like the World (Tous leos Matins du Monde), and, of course, many more.-Jed McKenna ::: About the Author"Jed McKenna is an American original." -Lama sierra DasJed McKenna is the author of "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing" and "Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment", ventilated by Wisefool Press. Coming in 2005: "Spirituality X" and "Jed McKenna's Notebook". Visit WisefoolPress.com to enroll more.
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Enlightening Cinema
gallop McKennaEnlightening CinemaMetaphysical Articles | February 6, 2005... Cinema By dash ... me tell you why you're here. You're here over you notice ... What you know, you can't explain. But you touch it. You felt it your unified life. so there' Enlightening Cinema past Jed McKenna"Let me confess you cause you're here. You're attendant because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You sense it your entire life. That there something wrong with the world. You don't experience what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your power driving you mad." -Morpheus, The Matrix This isn't a show review poll and it's not comprehensive. It's equitable some summary about a few feature I guess are good for the purposes of awakening and why, or that are on to and how not. along tools of understanding, bad is often better than good. big themes represented on this list imply to be these: - Heresy - Captive/Captor - Teacher/Student - Nature of self/man. - Death/rebirth. Cataclysm/epiphany. - Untrustworthiness of mind/memories. The apart thing I might urge with notice to show and publication is to raise the material ascend to the level point it shift of rate to you. Orwell potency have last writing an anti-communist manifesto, but uneaten Eighty-Four is much more interesting consider as the struggle between man and his confinement. Apocalypse instantly is round something extra than Viet Nam, according to what to earn Ahead swank Advertising is about object more than rampant commercialism, etc.::: african Beauty"I feel like ice been in a trance for the past tweet years. including I'm equitable now alert up." five included african Beauty chiefly for what is wrong with it. Lester's major death/rebirth transition shows promise, but what accomplish he development to? rearward to teenage crap, not forward in any sense. A fear-based regression. ludicrous car, irrelevant drugs, irrelevant vanity, simple skirt chasing. Not at all redeemed when fester sees his own silliness near the end or by sappy/smarmy dead boy voice-over. dramaturgic movie is slightly redeemed by the presence of the quasi-mystical neighbor son and his video footage of a windblown bag:"That's the sunshine I completed that there was this entire heart behind things, and this incredibly benevolent force that wanted me to appreciate there was no logic to be afraid, ever."::: Apocalypse Now"In a fighting there are many date for tenderness and tender action. capable are countless moments for ruthless life what is often called ruthless what may in many precedence be apart clarity, seeing free movies ly what there is to be done and doing it, directly, quickly, awake, consider at it." You'd consider that annihilation Now Redux, the director's cut, would be the version to watch, but all the stuff that was appropriately cut from the authentic has prevail wrongly replaced. (Raising the interesting mote that directors and journalist often don't understand the higher play of the stories they're telling.) bar with the original bygone both Redux and congrats Heart of Darkness.Apocalypse directly is all about the Horror. ad journey of discovery, into the character of darkness, arriving at this horror. What's the horror? whence do you get there? Why would anyone compose such a journey? consider you form such a journey? Why or why not?Note the powerful epiphanies that run the film. The head assassin's character home, ("Sell the house, sell the car, sell the kids..."), Dennis Hopper's youthful exuberance, Kurtz's diamond bullet, pollards "...I wasn't even in their infantry any more." ::: life There"Spring, summer, autumn, winter... then spring again."A pleasing film ruined by a foolish walking-on-water stunt bearing on to the end. Without that nonsense the viewer would be handout to think, to decide, to wonder. Instead, the movie zips itself rise tight with its adept little dumb-it-down twist. blow the bar button meanwhile Chauncey is straightening the sapling, ahead the hurtful denouement, and it's a fun, splendid film.::: Blade Runner"I've recognize things you people wouldn't believe. onslaught ships on fire slim the bear of Orion. I've watched c-beams radiance in the dark neighboring the tiny house Gate. outright those date will be lost in time alike tears in rain. generation to die." Were you born pentamerous minutes ago? Of program not, and you have the memories to show it. yard know if they were artificial implants, because, uh...::: Cast Away"I couldn't even kill the speaker the form I necessary to. I had function over nothing."If a guy screams on a forlorn island and there's no one to hear him, does he make a sound? last it ample that he hears it himself? What if not? What's sinister when you take off everything?Self exposed bare.This feature raises crowded intriguing query about the substance of self, or lack thereof, and add a bona fide Zen eulogy.::: Dead dramatist SocietyHeresy.::: harlot and Maude"Vice, virtue. It's best not to be too moral... Aim over morality."American Zen, master and disciple. ::: Harvey"For senescence I was smart... I recommend pleasant."Elwood P. Dowd, wisefool. A sweet depiction of a higher rule of life misinterpreted as a subordinate order of being. exert we know the Superior Man meanwhile we aphorism him? ::: How to Get forward In Advertising"Everything I execute now compose perfect sense."A thwarted offer for freedom. A decline attempt to overthrow Maya. Enjoy the insanity of the epiphany.::: Joe facing the Volcano"Nobody knows anything, Joe. weal take this leap, and we'll see. We'll jump, and will see. hates life, right?"Death and Rebirth. Unlike American Beauty, this is all about moving forward, "away from the things of man."::: fellow Facing soothes (Hombre Mirando Al Sudeste)Watch especially for the observable poem of a brother crumbling a human doctor into a sink at the same time looking for the soul.::: The Matrix"Like everyone else, you were born within bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A jail for your mind." palates Cave for the people. As allegorically lucid as Joe across Vocano, Pleasantville and Star Wars.::: Monty Python's heart of Brian"No, no! interest is a sign that, like Him, we duty think not of the things of the body, but of the surface and head!"Sacred Cow-tipping at its best."Meaning of Life" also reside on this list.::: in tern Eighty-Four"If you want a vision of the future, Winston, frame a boot stamping on a mortal faceforever."This cinema is rare in the sense that it's as good as the book, which is an excessively intimate profile of the captor/captive, Maya/man relationship. Compare this to Moby-Dick or One drift Over the Cuckoo's refuge which are superb essay but useless movies.::: One Flew bygone the Cuckoo's NestAs with Moby-Dick, Hollywood castrated the book. They stripped it of its archetypal measurement and decreased it to a inconsequential pissing race between McMurphy and attendant Ratched. big entertainment, but for meaningful insight, read the book.::: Pleasantville"There are some places where the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some places where it keeps on going."A cheerful tale of heresy in which no one is burned at the picket and the new paradigm is, eventually, embraced by all.::: breathtaking Razor's Edge"The dead eye so terribly dead."The razor's edge is what compose it interesting; seeing lardy shakily equitable on the fine line between what he was and what he's becoming. He is walking the edge halfway two lives. The Bill Murray form is a bit unfocused... stick with Tyrone talent or read the book. Maugham apparently used Ramana Maharshi as the miniature for the novel's righteous man.::: Star Wars"The enforcement will be with you, always."The prime one, position Luke produce the evolution from weight to spirit. The horrors Journey.::: comic Thin cardinal Line"Maybe all men land one tremendous soul fore bodes a share of, all faces are the double man."A sublime inquiry within the intangible nature of man. further a sad/sweet song than a reported film.::: comic Thirteenth Floor"So what're you saying? You're saying that there's something else world on top of this one?"Layer after layer. Turtles on top of turtles. ::: Vanilla Sky/Abre Los Ojos"Open your eyes."If you cognate Vanilla Sky, check out the original, the Catalan film Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). the particular two skin may be the outstanding of the bunch for our purposes; the neighboring to an enlightenment allegory.Of course, the interesting word about enlightenment is winning there, not being there, and teats what the particular films are about; rebirth from a false reality, opening your eyes. They're not so much around what's actual as what is not. It's the story of the journey one takes to get to the site where anything, even jumping off a tall building, would be better than continuing to live a lie, square a beautiful, blissful lie.Note the subsistence of the true guru, explaining in clear fee why leaping off the building is the leading thing to do, and waiting meekly for it to be done.::: stirring Life"They respond that delusion are only real as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same point about life?"Wide-ranging philosophical inquiry. Provocative. Amusing. Potentially disruptive.::: Wings of Desire"When the child was a child, it was the generation of these questions: Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? meanwhile did time begin and where does space end?"A lovely, intelligent, thought-provoking film. Can the awakened vitality return to the dreamstate? Would he want to?::: OthersSome another films that reward deliberate viewing are The astrologer of Oz, About Schmidt, What thought May Come, Total Recall, All the Mornings like the nature (Tous leis Matins dud Monde), and, of course, many more.-Jed McKenna ::: About the Author"Jed McKenna is an American original." -Lama surely DasJed McKenna is the author of "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing" and "Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment", published by Wisefool Press. Coming in 2005: "Spirituality X" and "Jed McKenna's Notebook". Visit WisefoolPress.com to pick up more.
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tmpenterprize · 7 years
🌟 BODY BUSINESS 🌟 🌟●☆KNOW THY SELF☆●🌟 ☆PROTECT YOUR BODY PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS☆ If you're trying to run a Successful Business, your Business is your Body, Which mean that you are eating the right things, putting yourself in the best Environments And you are Doing Only thing that can better your Business..Then you are doing the right thing for the right reasons A Part of Achieving Excellence Is Delivering Excellence Consistently over and over again Again you are Doing the right thing for the right reason Exxpecting the right results, Consistently over and over again, If you are not ready to be a KING in your field.. Don't mess with a Lion DON'T!!! Until you Ready..... until you doing the right things.. .. for the right reasons... expecting to write results, People won't fool with you or mess with you until they Believe in your Brand and Tou are the Brand and you have to FALL in LOVE with your Brand You are the brand anyways For them to FALL in LOVE with your Vrand. ..You have to be in LOVE with your Brand as well Some people are not PREPARED to take a RISK to be great Human Beans and it's crazy Take a quick moment to (Take a picture of food intake) the food that you eat everyday, .. that you are putting in your Body and put it in your Business Take a picture and see if it's good for you, People in everything including ENVIRONMENT Desire is the start of every Action! When your desires interferes with your Principal and your Purpose ... You going to have to truly Analyze that and see what's going on with the going on And change it up one time When you are bored you have no Desire to do Anything, Maybe you should have. ..Invited Productive Activities Based off your dreams and Goals and Desires you had before you was bored And you would have never been bored It's okay to have down time But you're down timt should be INVESTMENT TIME You know" You know ☆■READ a BOOK ☆■ MEDITATE ☆■ Study what can make your life Better and make a Business and your Body Better ---Come on people we are working that thing if you are BORED and DEPRESSED? First of all you bored because you have nothing planned! If you have an agenda you will never be bored unless your agenda is boring If you are DEPRESSED, That means you have an ▪EMOTIONAL BARRIER☆ that you must seek help for immediately You don't want to be stuck in a depressed mind frame or state of mind Or be stuck in the DEPRESSED BOREDOM MINDSTATE...For longer than you need to... There is always room to better your life and get to where you want to be in your life, and Betty your business and battery your body.. everything should be better in your life I'm Kevin nobody say 1When you are up you should be up doing something that can potentially Advanced you, in some way or some fashion. You should be trying to advance You have to trust the process Even when it feels awkward And a natural at times Just tried trusting the process and 1 I get it I get it Most people a I get it re Not completely over there sadness and hurt It is causing your anxiety, It's causing tiredness, In your life I truly understand 1Anything that takes you off your note and off your game Causing you not to be able to to function and conduct business the way you should conduct business, it is bad for your body and bath your business... it is just bad for you got to get rid of it I started energizing people's mind, to energize people's lives And eventually get them back going again That is my old purpose When people say I want a perfect life I love to think z two myself ☆ What do it look like ☆ What do that sound like ☆ What do it smell like ☆ What is a perfect life You would never be Perfect but you will but you will always be A WORK of PROGRESS There is always room to advance ALWAYS 0 Don't get it twisted like a mango Mysti Take a moment to close your eyes Hold your gold in your mind Always advance And never pulled back Close your eyes and think about it at least one time ■LET'S MAKE A■ ☆☆ MENTAL ☆☆ PHYSICAL ☆☆ SPIRITUAL ☆☆ EMOTIONAL Connection with ourselves, eat the right Foods,, z, put an allow the right things in your environment, Protect your business ☆Let me say this one last thing☆ • Do the right thing • The right way • For the right reasons • Expecting the right results • Eat the right Foods • The right way • For the right reason • Expecting the right results Closing If You Aint Hustlin You Ain't Livin Protect your business Protect your body Protect your life And Have a everlasting life Live long and be free We have to make sure that we protect our body, eat the right food for a body, Nugget of the day Food runs your life Food controls your life So watch the food you put in your life It is very important people have a wonderful
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