#feel kinda eh about this one since i’m so tired but i did it
no-lavender · 10 months
qroier has always put up a funny guy and a “ohh i’m not tough” front. It’s mostly been doing this to protect how he feels at the moment and to make sure no one really sees in.
he makes jokes to make sure everyone around him is happy and laughing even if he isn’t. This front he has put on has caused people to only think of him as this. The other island residents didn’t even really believe he had these great pvp skills because he hid them from everyone. They never thought of him of capable of doing bad things because of this as well. The viewers do know he can do these things for example what he wanted to do as revenge for qspreen and what he did as revenge to qquackity. This front has also made him become trust worthy to everyone thinking he wouldn’t do these things to them, and he wouldn’t because he does truly care for the other island residents.
People really started to see his actual thinking of the island when the murders were happening with qcellbit. He didn’t care and wanted the federation to hurt after everything they did to him and his family. They obviously thought that this was weird, but still believed he can talk qcellbit out of these murders even if he was the one encouraging them.
Then purgatory came along and he had to fight for his life to survive. He had to kill his loved ones to make sure his team survived and he hated it. He was scared they wouldn’t trust him and hate him, which is obvious after the egg battle reunion with cellbit. Here he was able to show his actual skills in pvp and people realized just how skilled he was even with all the jokes and funny things he said/did.
After purgatory it was a little more obvious that something was up with roier. He still was there to be the “funny guy” but there was this obvious difference to him that some people took notice of.
Now at the current situation of qroier being kidnapped. He is alone right now and asking for help but it seems like no one is doing anything. Do you think he can’t help but wonder if he never played this funny guy act people would come save him? People would think he was worth more than his pvp skills and the jokes he told? People wouldnt then brush off his calls for help as maybe another joke he’s playing because he’s made some like that in the past. Do you think he’s sitting wherever he is at right now and thinking maybe he should’ve chosen a different route to make sure no one saw how is was actually feeling?
Maybe then, more people would be looking for him. Maybe then he would’ve been found by now and be back with those he loves. They wouldn’t be thinking his signs of distress as something else.
He is sitting wherever he is now thinking how if qcellbit, his husband, was still alive. No he still has hope he is out there, so if he was still here he would be there to find him. Because after all the only person to get him and see him through this whole front was his husband and now he’s gone and he’s alone in this dark room with no battery and suffering.
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euphoricimagination · 6 months
꧁༺ 𝓜𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓬𝓾𝓽𝓮: 𝓢𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓼𝓪 ༻꧂
You were in your favorite coffee shop after your day at work had finished, a small and very cozy shop that was in the middle of Tokyo that surprisingly didn’t have many customers for being in the heart of the country.
After a very tiring day you decided to visit, ordering your favorite pastry and coffee to have while continuing the book you were reading at the moment: The Flowers of Buffoonery by Osamu Dazai.
You were comfortably reading there when suddenly loud voices start to come closer, soon entering the café four people with big bags.
“I told you this place is so quiet! Almost nobody here!” one with greyish hair says
“How d’ya know about this, Bokuto-san? Ya don’t read” one with blonde hair asks
“Akaashi showed it to me when we where in uni!”
“Akaashi-san does seem like someone who would like this place” an orange hair one says now.
You noticed that the black hair one didn’t say anything, in fact he looked rather annoyed by his friends; but deciding to mind your own business, you continue reading while they order. Soon enough they came to sit near you, enthusiastically talking about volleyball and whatever had happened in their practice. You had seen them before, but not enough to know their names.
“Excuse me” you hear a few minutes after, the orange hair dude now beside you smiling brightly “It says Osamu Dazai? Like the dude from Bungo Stray Dogs?”
“Eh? Well, yeah, but…”
“Osamu? Ma brother was named after an author?” the blonde one says, taking his things and setting himself on your table
“You idiots, Osamu Dazai is a real person and a famous author” the black hair one says, looking carefully at the book as the other ones also join you
“Yeah, but it is true that he appears on the anime, all characters are based on real life authors, Dazai being one of them”
“ahh, I see! Thanks for letting us join you! I’m Hinata Shoyo” the orange hair says smiling, making it harder for you to even be mad at them
Surprisingly enough, despite being strangers, they made you feel really comfortable, everyone being chatty and making sure you join their conversation.
“I heard that this book it’s quite good, the protagonist is recovering after a suicide attempt, right?” Sakusa asks you, looking at the book again
“yeah, he’s the only survivor out of the couple. Its much more…joyful than his previous works”
“I see, I might try reading it. How did you found out about it?”
“honestly…because of the anime” you chuckle, making him have a faint smile “it is very good though, so I’m kinda glad I did pick it up”
“I’ve heard of the author, never actually check it out though” he says while looking over at his teammates, who know where loudly discussing about a match “sorry about them, you were reading peacefully and they came and ruined that”
“it’s alright, I don’t mind. They’re funny”
“They’re annoying”
“Omi-kun! Why do ya look more comfortable with her than us? We’ve know each other since high school!” Atsumu whines with a small smirk
“Unlike you bunch, she knows how to act outside”
“Ah! I know! We have a game on Sunday, why don’t you come to watch us Yn-chan?” Hinata asks you, also with a knowing look on his eyes, it seems that the three other players realized something about Sakusa
“Yeah, we can show you how awesome we are! You can see Omi-kun in action too!” Bokuto adds, a slight shade of red in your cheeks
“We have to go, we have practice early tomorrow” Sakusa stands ups, sending a sharp look to the guys and making them stand up saying their goodbyes. Sakusa is the last one to leave, looking at you right before he left “I do hope you can come to see us….maybe you can lend me that book after”
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scoops-aboy86 · 24 days
🧠🪱Wiggly Wednesday🪱🧠
Thanks for tagging me, @wheneverfeasible!
This is not fully formed at all, I was just listening to For Whom The Bell Tolls earlier and thought “Tolls for Thee” would be a cool fic title and also a good opportunity for a road toll pun. 
Cw for… major character death, I guess? It’s Eddie. 😔 It might be temporary. 
So Eddie gets attacked by the bats at the end of season four. He's proud of himself when he tells Dustin he didn’t run. And yeah, he’s bleeding and crying and dying and doesn’t even get a chance to close his eyes before slipping, but he knows he did the right thing and that makes it *his year.* 
Next thing he knows, he’s in the passenger seat of Wayne’s truck. He recognizes the road; this is the drive they took from where Wayne picked him up after Al’s arrest, heading back to Hawkins. At the time, twelve years old and full of restless frustration at having so little say in his own life (wanted a bike and Al got him one, but then pawned it; wanted to stay in his current school with the couple of friends he’d managed to make since the last move but child welfare had other ideas; wanted a guitar but like hell anyone was ever going to trust his clumsy ass with one; and so on), Eddie had spent the entire ride staring straight ahead at the End Of The Line, Dead End, Hawkins, Indiana. 
The truck pulls up to a toll station, and a familiar voice asks, “Got any change?”
Except, that’s not Wayne. 
Eddie startles and whips his head around to stare at Steve Harrington, looking like he had when driving the hot-wired RV. Still wearing the battle vest and torn shirt bandages, chest distractingly bare. 
“Hey,” Steve says, good-naturedly snapping his fingers in front of Eddie’s face. “My eyes are up here, man. You got any change or not?” When Eddie shakes his head, Steve just shrugs. “Me neither. Well, fuck it!” 
He floors it, tires shrieking as they speed past the booth without paying. And, fuck it, Eddie whoops and laughs along with him. What had he been so tense and sad about a minute ago? 
Oh. Right. 
“Am I dead?” Eddie asks, rolling his window up so there’s less wind to drown out the answer. On the other side of the truck cab, Steve does the same. 
“Eh,” Steve responds, wavering his hand in the air between them in a *kinda sorta* gesture. “It could go either way right now, but.” He nods forward, at the road. “We’re getting there.”
A pit opens in Eddie’s stomach. “We?”
“Well, you.” Steve flashes him an apologetic smile, the kind Eddie had seen in school whenever the guy had called Tommy to heel after something that crossed the line. “I’m just along for the ride. To keep you company, you know? Everyone has to do this alone, but there’s like… this instinct, you know? To have some sort of connection along the way. So, here I am.”
He’s a figment of Eddie’s imagination, then. It figures. Eddie has never had any actual one on one time with Steve except in the bad-dark-wrong version of the woods around Hawkins, displaced into a hostile alternate dimension and crawling with Vecna vines. Which maybe explains the choice in outfit, and the smudges of dirt and blood on the guy. 
“Sorry,” Eddie mutters anyway. Even though it’s not really Steve, and he can’t really apologize for the way he’s left Dustin holding his dying body. It does make him feel a little better, is the thing—which is the whole point. Closure. “You told me not to be a hero, and I guess I kind of fucked that up.”
“You sure did,” Steve says, sounding both amused and exasperated at the same time. 
“Still,” Eddie adds thoughtfully, “at least the company’s not too bad.” 
That’s all I’ve got. Maybe they hold hands for a bit. Maybe they get to the end of the line and before Eddie gets out of the truck he kisses Steve—which turns into Steve giving him the kiss of life back in the land of the living and Eddie is in the back of some vehicle that’s just pulling up to the ER. 
Who knows? Not me. Someone else write the rest, I’m tired. 
So tired I’m just gonna do my permanent tag list and call it a night. If you’re not so much with the writing, tell me a wiggly worm of something you’d like to read, idk. (Don’t say more of this, that’s cheating. 😭)
@hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @sofadofax @irishvampireboy @oatmilk-vampire
@hamiltonswiftie @grtwdsmwhr @yesdangerpls @theseaofdespair
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ask-lab-rats · 18 days
1) So most important question first: Does Taco have a British accent or does she talk the way she does in S1? I’m assuming it’s the latter since she’s mostly acting the way she does in S1 + she grew up with everyone, but I need to be sure.
2) Apple, do the people around you actually call you Apple or do you have a nickname (since Apple isn’t a very common name)? Also, you’re in college, right? What are you studying?
3) As someone with OCD myself, I’m curious what Bomb’s obsessions and compulsions are. Only if it’s okay to ask that, of course.
4) Balloon, if you are 10 and everyone else is 11 or older, that means you’re the baby of the bunch. Has that ever affected the way you’ve been treated by others?
5) Bow, if you’re okay talking about it, why did you not want to join in answering asks at first? Only if you want to talk about it, though.
6) And last but definitely not least, Paintbrush, do you do hugs? If so, here is a virtual hug. If not, then I don’t really know what I can replace a virtual hug with, but hug or not, I’m sending my affection anyway. I hope you feel better soon.
1: CreatorNotes: She would probably talk the way she did in s1. Growing up she wouldn't be around anyone with a British accent so she would have no way to pick that up.
2: "Yep people just call me Apple. It's not a super common name but it's not weird or completely unheard of.
I'm studying architecture and agriculture! - Apple
3: I'm gonna be honest w/ you, I'm too tired rn to answer this (I usually do research for asks like this). But like I said before, those hcs aren't even a part of the story (and mostly go for their canon selves) so just whatever you think I guess :/
4: "I've always been treated different. I'm either the baby or just a nuisance. When I got older OJ and Bomb started being nicer to me but I messed that friendship all up. No one trusts me with anything anymore." - Balloon
5: "Just didn't feel like it. thought it was dumb. But eh... it's kinda fun I suppose." - Bow
6: "Yeah I like hugs.... not really comfortable with strangers tho." - Paintbrush
"But don't worry. We'll give Painty all the hugs they could ever need!" - Lightbulb
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skyward-floored · 1 month
More totk things I did/saw yesterday:
Sticky lizards. Sticky lizards sticky lizards sticky lizards. Sticky lizards. Did I mention sticky lizards.
The glowing cave fish are so pretty, I love their colors. I just love all the glowing stuff in the caves, and the caves in general, they were a superb decision on nintendo’s part
I fought some of those crazy monkey bokoblin things. I forget what they’re called. I maybe screamed a little because they startled me. But also something about them reminds me of the Mogmas in skyward sword and that worries me a little (even though I’m sure it’s a coincidence).
Penn is the best. He’s so silly goofy. I love his little salute he does as he leaves and “soar long” abshdbdjdbd. I really hope he carries stuff in his beak at some point (letters would be REALLY funny).
Since when can the trees attack by the way? what happened to those trees. Who hurt you. Ents gone rogue. Rebellious teenage Ents maybe.
Didn’t expect to find Impa in the middle of a field but okay! why not. Thought I’d have to hike all the way over to Kakariko to see her. I was also surprised she isn’t dead but I guess Sheikah just live longer. She’s gotta be pushing 130 at least...
(The rest is a little long so it goes under the cut):
The geoglyphs are really cool. Part of time is thinking they’re just a way for the developers to take up space without having to put anything but eh I’m forgiving.
The geoglyph of Rauru looks like he’s in a wheelchair. I don’t have anything further to say about that I just think it’s interesting.
Dragon tears... mysterious dragon... dragon people... hmmmmmm. hm.
Zelda: *wakes up to see a lady with poofy hair and a literal dragon dude standing over her* oh it’s going to be one of those days isn’t it
Jokes aside I’m glad Zelda isn’t alone at least? Even if she’s ten bajillion years in the past or however long it is. At least she didn’t wake up basically alone like Link did. Plus Sonia and Rauru are funny hehe
Got three game overs from a battle talus thing and then ran away 😔
Zelda sounds really into the blood moon thing tbh. Like in botw it sounds like a tired warning, but in totk it’s like HERE COME THE MONSTERS BABE *cue the you better watch out vine*
Second geoglyph memory tear thing was very interesting. That view from the great plateau is incredible, I want to look around hyrule from a bajillion years ago. How come only Zelda got to go... anyway interesting how Sonia could sense she and Zelda were related. And also if they are indeed related and therefore Rauru is too then how come Zelda just looks... Hylian? Are Zonai genes just extremely recessive or something? Or has it just been so long with so many Hylian genes that they’re just all gone. I have Questions.
Also Rauru has a big sister? Little brother Rauru?? hehehe
I feel bad for thinking it but the blizzard situation is kinda fun ngl. I know the Rito are struggling but I LOVE snowy areas. I LOVE THEM.
And the music is different in rito village aaaaaaaa. Again I feel real sorry for the Rito. But I love the vibes. I love the snow. I love it here.
KASS’S GIRLS ARE OLDER aww!! I got a little burst of pride seeing them they’re all so responsible now *squeals*
Side note it’s weird that the botw shrines are gone. It’s like I know something should be there but it’s missing. And nobody acts like it’s even gone. But I know it is. It’s missing and it should be there but it isn’t.
...Is this what Link feels like all the time?
Tulin sounds like Spike the dragon from mlp but honestly that just makes me love him more. He’s a cute little responsible and rebellious teenager now!! And Teba is dealing with that haha. Also a promotion!! I’m sure it’s rough being village elder, but I think you’re doing a good job Teba.
Oh I forgot to mention the newspaper place, that looks like it’s going to be a fun sidequest! And the music is great there too (also Penn again!!! Beloved!!!).
And I think that’s all :)
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nerdyenby · 1 year
DR pt2 reactions (spoilers)
Episode 11
Opening scene hypeeeeeee!!!!! Love seeing them all work together, there’s definitely been a soft timeskip with Arin and Sora’s costume upgrades and how well they fit together
Lloyd’s handling Wyldfyre pretty well, respecting her boundaries while making sure she feels welcome anytime
Ray and Maya!!! Are they alive lol? Will we ever find out??
“The monastery works best when everything is in its proper place” *cue explosion*
Not listening to Zane is the cause of 85% of problems in this show
Kai and Wyldfyre’s rivalry is everything, actually
I will never stop gawking at the new animation, it’s so beautiful ;-;
Yayyyyyyy propaganda /s
Aye, Sora’s parents!!!! Seems like they’re having doubts mayhaps
Keep questioning authority kids, you’re getting there
Kids get it done!!!
I am begging all the water, fire/heat, and ice elementals to practice some critical thinking and remember that ghosts cannot touch water
The delivery on Nya’s “Whaaaaaat?!??” was so good lmao
“Eh, it never came up” LMAOOOOOOO he was so deadpan I’m dying
“How hard can it be?” Arin I stg why would you say that
Lloyd is so awkward I love him
Arin and Sora having a handshake <333
Episode 12
We love a villain whose pride is 90% of the reason they fail
If they start deadnaming Sora I’m gonna throw hands
I was so ready for them to confirm Kai’s age, should’ve known better tbh
Lloyd is such a good mentor, I could cry
They’re playing catch :((
Lloyd’s little “that was the last of our dinner plates” lmao
Has the Bounty actually operated as a ship before? In the course of the show?? Kinda love that they’re treating her like an actual boat now
Revolution counter: 1
That was so funny and for what
If they make it through this episode without mentioning Bentho I will be so sad
WAIT is the crab controlling the merlopians instead of the other way around????
So glad the merlopians aren’t the bad guys here
Episode 13
Kai isn’t handling not being the most unpredictable person in the group very well
Kai’s girlbossing his way through life, as he should
Zane being down to drink motor oil but not fly juice is so valid tbh
Frohickey and Zane’s dynamic is so silly I love them
Zane you literally have a human disguise lol, kinda love him being comfortable enough with who he is that he prefers to stay as a nindroid even in disguise tho
Is that his detective costume from prime empire???? Now I’m thinking about what the ninja’s closets look like
Wyldfyre causing problems on purpose my beloved, she’s such a menace, I love her
I’m really enjoying seeing all the seemingly forgotten species come back, have we seen these skeleton people since season 1??
“Ninjasplaining” IM DEAD
The lavatides have such fun character designs
How did the other realms know about the ninja before the merge? Like it makes sense, but how about the practicality of it??
“Ok this is just getting silly” this show makes me so happy you guys
Zane has a holiday, as he deserves!!
So ready to watch Zane lose a Zane lookalike contest, surely nothing could go awry
Challenging Kai with a character even more headstrong and proud then him is such a good move, it provides so many opportunities to showcase how much he’s grown
Poor Zane, this man does not need another ship of Theseus crisis
Damn, I’m kinda emo over this message
Episode 14
I miss Pixal so bad, man
Frohickey’s trying so hard, I would die for him
Sora honey, I love you but please check that cognitive dissonance, the things going wrong are not your fault, none of it is your fault.
This show’s comedic timing is everything, I never get tired of it
Fat rip to Clutch’s book, no brobrogoogoo today :(
“Long before the Merge, Djinnjago was destroyed” Nya, are you not gonna mention that you were the one to destroy it???????
“Bad news first: our mission was a failure, also we have no good news” Sora is so fucking funny you guys
Frohickey is having such a rough time, poor guy
Nya having a lightning dragon can be so personal
Sora the dragon’s name is Zanth!!!!! Best resolution to the “other Sora” thread imo
I love this guys attitude so much lol
Confirmation that Riyu’s a special lil guy <3
The depressed icon we never knew we needed
Arrakore my beloved
Zane and Frohickey’s friendship is so precious
Episode 15
I like how Kai and Wyldfyre didn’t have a specific moment of “oh hey you don’t suck” its just “we’re too similar and it’s kinda annoying but you’re cool sometimes”
Why didn’t we get to see Arrakore’s song :((
Nya’s being so chill with Arrakore being djinn, obviously he has nothing to do with Nadakhan but it’s still nice, he also seems massively less racist so that’s good
Nya’s dragon finally has a name, Jiro my beloved :))
Arin infodumping and Lloyd just “mhm-ing” my beloved
Asking nicely always works, apparently
I entirely forgot about Rapton lmao
Is it Cole time??? I want it to be Cole time
*motivational music* “all life is important” “… but that’s Rapton 🤨” I love Arin
HEATWAVE TO THE RESCUE!!!! Though where has he been up til now??
Lloyd being like “yeah sure, how impossible can it be?” and being entirely justified is the most him thing ever
Episode 16
Cole and Nya hug <3333
Someone other than Zane mentioned Pix, a day for the history books
Glad to see Cole’s as OP as ever lmao
Oh they’re so gay
I didn’t even think about that, it’s so fascinating that the earth is unsettled by everything that’s happened
That’s so sad what the hell, so in character for Cole to just adopt a buncha orphans tho
Sora I love you but that is the worst possible way to phrase that
Kai talking about the importance of other ways of helping and how combat isn’t everything and showing Wyldfyre a healing technique :(( I’ve been rewatching s1 and he’s come so far
Geo :(( things are better now, but change didn’t come soon enough for him and now he’s Lost
Borg mention!!!!!!
Also I love having a reference point for Sora and Nya’s skillsets, it’s also just so heartwarming to see adults who are wholly supportive and unafraid of younger people being better than them
Cole is so out of the loop lmao
Zanth :0
Oh you bitch
Cole and Geo are so in love :(
Episode 17
I entirely forgot about this plot point lol
Oh this is so dystopian
Kai in a mentor role means everything to me
They’re actually addressing Kai’s grief??? Hell yeah, fucking finally /lh
Alright, betting time: Jay or Pixal?
Lloyd and Arin are so silly, I love them
Zane really just sat in that office, huh (/ref but it’s so vague I’d be shocked if anyone got it)
It’s a part of the realm of madness oh my goodness that’s hilarious
“Are they safe for people?” “No” *proceeds to shove them both in there*
Zane had way too much fun with that superhero landing lol
Zane is having so much fun this episode, he’s just getting shit done and looking great doing it
So we’re not getting Jay back yet? Rip
Zane is so polite what the heck
Episode 18
So Wyldness confirmed to be the same realm as Imperium???
Is Beatrix gonna have the same origin story as Kalmaar??
Nya and Cole’s friendship is so tender and caring, they’re besties your honor
LaRow trash talking Rapton to his face lmao
Rapton redemption arc!??!????!
It’s so interesting seeing the backstory of Ras and Beatriz’s alliance after it’s already fallen apart
Wyldfyre did not need to be told twice lmao
From a psychological perspective, Beatrix is fascinating
Revolution counter: 2!!!!!!!
Episode 19
Lloyd letting Kai take point on wrangling Wyldfyre only for Kai to immediately match her energy my beloved
“You have no idea how foolish some of us can be!!” Pffff “-no offense Lloyd” PFFFFFFF
Interesting to go the “non bender revolution” route considering how few elemental masters there are compared to avatar where benders are a vast majority, but it’s a villain whose power hungry so makes sense and I’m entirely down
The quips this episode are impeccable
They built an hq??? Hasn’t it only been a week or two??
So much is interconnected in this season I’m kinda not following some of it, but I love it
Percival monologue going off!!!!!!
Sora main character fr fr
Kai and Wyldfyre are everything
Kinda iconic that Nya just hasn’t mentioned that she found Cole lol
That scene with the guard was so good!!!! The suspense and the realization of just how deep the resistance runs…. It’s such a good moment
Love that as soon as Kai has Wyldfyre even slightly reined in he’s down to let loose and make messes with her, as long as it’s for a good cause lol
That extra delivered with that cry holyyy
Heck yeah Rapton redemption :D
Rapton out here with the guardians of the galaxy motivation and I’m loving it
The fight choreography in this show never ceases to amaze me, holy crap
Sora’s speech goes so hard, I’m tearing up
Finally got confirmation the og ninja are in their twenties, thank god
One thing about Nya is that she will never pass up an opportunity to call her brother stupid
Episode 20
Rapton calling Dorama a “washed up clown” is everything I never knew I needed lmao
The stakes are staking
The glitch effect??? Hello spiderverse!!!
The platonic love on display this season is killing me, they all care about each other sm :((
That Rapton Nya interaction was so good and for what
Sora’s parents >:(
Deadnaming their kid and guilt tripping her saying she “abandoned you,” damn Sora’s response is so fucking cathartic as a trans person with unaccepting parents
I’m just here for the ride and having a great time
Lloyd doing ye ole Chosen One things, as he should
Kai and Wyldfyre hug <3333
Dragon heritage mention???? Mayhaps???????
That was cryptic, cool though
Lloyd sees so much of himself in these kids 😭😭😭
Jordana boutta get the Harumi treatment fr
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year
hi! hope you're doing well. i got a question for you about the what if with marc's funeral, if that's okay, and please let me know if i'm missing the mark or overstepping in any way. as a jewish guy, seeing a non-jewish funeral kinda felt bad to me. like marc was already buried, no one who loved him or knew him participated in the burial, and yes the heroes wore their gear instead of traditional mourning clothing, but putting a star of david on the tombstone felt like an afterthought. marlene's 'may your memory be a blessing' was nice, seeing gena and the kids and crawly was like yes those are his people! but overall idk the setup and eulogy wasn't working for me. tldr my question is, what's your take on marc's funeral?
Hey! Thanks for stopping by! I guess before I say anything I should preface this by mentioning that I’m honestly just some dude on the internet and I really shouldn’t be considered an authority on anything. I’ve just read an unfortunately large number of comics and while I do dedicate a lot of time to learning as much as I can about anything, I definitely shouldn’t be considered an expert on matters as richly complex and integral to people’s very identities as religion or culture. In other words, I definitely appreciate you starting this conversation, but I really can’t offer anything more than a personal opinion that everyone should just take with a grain of salt.
But!!! thank you for sending this message, because, yeah, I realize that sometimes I can get so swept up in any writer even acknowledging that Marc is Jewish that I forget that, “oh yeah, this could be better and we should be well past the age where we had to hope for even the barest crumbs of representation.”
Accordingly, I fully see where you’re coming from and you’re probably right in that there was more the writer could have done. Even as I write that though, I can already hear the long list of excuses that could be made by devil’s advocates about why Marc’s funeral in What If…? Dark: Moon Knight was presented as it was. Most probably could be pretty easily refuted by anyone that wants better from the comic industry, but, hey, that’s comics: they thrive on intense, impassioned reader discussion and can somehow be ahead of their time in terms of cultural sensitivity AND painfully slow in breaking out of some really poor ways of depicting cultures, races, and religions.
[Putting in a read more because this got a little long (sorry all, mea culpa)]
But yeah, some of those excuses I can imagine include, first among them, space limitations. The creators had one page to depict the funeral in the single issue allotted to telling Marlene’s story of becoming Luminary. People could easily say something offhand and questionable like, “oh yeah, Marc’s mom sat shiva, but it all happened off panel,” but that explanation always feels a little cheap to me, as I know for fact that comic artists can get very creative with how they format a page to include critical information, but, eh, there it is.
Some people in these situations sometimes bring up the point that authors that share a background with the characters they depict can approach matters with a good understanding of what’s appropriate/significant. I can see the validity of that approach, but from the (admittedly brief) research I did, I haven’t found any conclusive statements on the writer’s background at least and I personally would rather not make any assumptions/speculations. (Again, that’s strictly a personal thing, because in my line of work, I come across a lot of bad actors who, from their perspective, “““accuse””” people of being certain races or ethnic backgrounds and I am,,,,very tired). Plus, that’s not necessarily a cure all, at least that’s what I’ve gathered from the heated debates on Bemis’ Moon Knight run that I still stumble upon on occasion.
The next thing that comes to mind, well, I don’t want to sound like I’m entirely absolving the creators since, sure, they probably could have done more, but I’m so used to grappling with the bad hands comic books deal me, that sometimes I propose what I guess could be referred to as Watsonian interpretations??? Like, yeah, this was ultimately written like this because creators are flawed, but I cope by trying to puzzle out in-universe explanations. In this case, I see this as potentially being some sort of hazy, not quite well constructed, reflection of Marc’s complex relationship with his background that characterized his adult life. Elias Spector, who frequently represents Marc’s connection to his past and how he wrestles with really complex questions of religion and identity, is dead by this point of time in both of Marc’s established origins, and while I am sure the organizers of Marc’s funeral, like Marlene and Frenchie, fully and deeply loved him, I’m just not sure if Marc ever communicated to them what they should specifically do for his funeral (fully traditional or as small/nondescript as possible if he even thought he deserved/would get a funeral), as enigmatic and….not always forthcoming in discussing such matters Marc circa Marc Spector: Moon Knight was, so they did their best.
But gosh, even as I write that out, that’s such a load of copium. I’ll admit that my fondness for the comic book genre results in me desperately trying to hammer something worthwhile out of sometimes (or frequently????) mediocre material, so thanks again for sharing your thoughts! You are well and away within your rights to not be satisfied with how the matter was handled and I know I thoroughly appreciate your critical eye. Arguably, it is only by such a capacity for critique that the industry will ever shake off some of its worst aspects that still haunt it and evolve into something really consistently worthwhile.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
Sister⇔Change!: Chapter 6
previous part (chapter 5)
next part (chapter 7)
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Yujiro: Are you okay? You still seem to be a little tired…
Aizo: It kinda seems like you’re still acting out your role from your previous drama, huh.
Mona (in Sena’s body): Y-yeah. I sure am~. Ahaha~.
Mona (in Sena’s body): I may have been stressing out about my role a little too much, but I’m all okay now.
Yujiro: I’m glad to hear that. Good luck with the filming for your drama.
Mona (in Sena’s body): Yup! I’m truly thankful to you guys!
Mona (in Sena’s body): (...I really hate thanking those guys, though. But it’s just as Yujiro said…) 
Mona (in Sena��s body): (I act as “mona” really often… so I know what it feels like to act.)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (I don’t want to disappoint all my adoring fans, as well as the people around me who support me and offer me jobs—)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (So I try to conceal all my negative feelings.)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (Even that’s a form of acting too. I want others to see all my good points after all.)
Mona (in Sena’s body): I get the feeling that I’ll be able to act out my role now…!
Mona (in Sena’s body): (I’ve just got to turn things around with the power of my own abilities, yeah!)
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Senior Actor: “Just how do you feel about me?”
Mona (in Sena’s body): (I’ve got to think of him like… how I think of all my fans. Like he’s my special someone…)
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Mona (in Sena’s body): “I love you, I really do…!”
Senior Actor: “Eh…?”
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Mona (in Sena’s body): “Please return my feelings… I’m not a good girl, and there are things that I just can’t do, but…”
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Mona (in Sena’s body): “I’ll do my very best to become as cute as I possibly can, just for you, so…”
Senior Actor: !
Director: Okay, stop! You missed your line back there. Are you alright?
Senior Actor: I-I’m sorry… My heart just skipped a beat, so…
Director: Haha. Well, I guess it can’t be helped, since such a cute girl had said such a line with such an amazingly great expression on her face, after all.
Mona (in Sena’s body): (H-huh…? Did I mess up again?)
Director: That was really good, Sena! It was completely different from before!
Mona (in Sena’s body): Eh?! You mean it?!
Director: Your professionalism has really shone through~. You can do it if you try, hm?
Actress: Yup, you were super cute!
Senior Actor: So you were just really nervous earlier, weren’t you? I’m so sorry for not realising it back then.
Mona (in Sena’s body): No need to apologise. I’m really sorry too…!
Senior Actor: This drama will definitely be a success, so let’s do our best together.
Mona (in Sena’s body): Yeah!
Director: Haha, it’s really heartening to see such a great mood in here. I’ll have to give it my all too, huh?
Mona (in Sena’s body): (To think that they’ve given me such a vastly different assessment compared to the one from a few minutes ago…)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (All of them are so kind and amiable… Ah!)
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Mona: Plus, there are tons of comments! Are they all from her fans?
Mona: (“Do your best, Sena.”, “I’m so excited for the drama!”, “You’re as super cute as always.”, “I’ll definitely watch the drama.”... huh.)
Mona: (They are all supportive messages from her fans… I’m nothing like her, even though we’re sisters…)
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Mona (in Sena’s body): (So the reason why everyone roots for Big Sis is because they recognise her efforts for her hard work…)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (Big Sis, you always hide the great hardships you face behind your smiles, don’t you?)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (You probably resolved yourself to never whine and show your weak points in front of me, so I knew nothing of it.)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (Is that because you’re trying to play the role of my beloved “Big Sis”, just for me?)
​​Mona (in Sena’s body): (I’m so sorry for everything up till now.)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (I’ll try to become a more reliable little sister who will make you proud, okay?!)
Director: Alright, let’s move on, yeah?
Director: The next scene is the one that’s the most emotionally moving for our protagonist—.
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tickletrrickster · 2 years
War After The War
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a/n this was a collab i did with my friend on my old acc (@luz-kinnie) and ppl really liked it! i found a few old fics so expect those to be published. feel free to send me asks about the state of my other fics/prompts you guys sent over, rewrites might be in order for like... most of them.  Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Ships: Kataang, Sukka (minor roles in story tho)  Summary: A cuddle-pile gone wrong in the Southern Water Tribe turns to a one bender (or fan-and-sworder?) to themselves tickle war. 
“That was delicious!” Suki exclaimed. “It was Katara who cooked it,” Sokka said, gesturing to his sister.“Aw, you guys!” Katara said as she got up to tidy the campsite.Team Avatar were at the Southern Water Tribe to talk to the leaders there to try and get them to call off their guards around the world. They had just beaten the Fire Lord and ended the hundred-year war only a few months ago, which meant that they had a lot of work to do in order to get everyone to try and trust each other. “I’m getting kinda sleepy.. Today was tiring. Let’s head in for the night.” Aang yawned and stretched. Zuko nodded in agreement, following Aang to their tent, waddling slowly in the thick snow. The cold air made his face sting as he held his arms together. The brisk cold made it hard for them to fall asleep. Spirits, even Zuko, the firebender, had trouble sleeping. Toph tossed, turned and sniffled, wiping her nose on her blanket, Katara  hugged her pillow in a vice-like grip, and Aang just couldn’t sleep. “Sokka….. M’cold.”  Aang looked over at Sokka, who was sleeping next to him.
“Mmng… Aren’t you a firebender..?” “D’wanna burn nyone…. Don’t wan nother Jeong Jeong inc’dent…” Sokka scratched his chin in (half-asleep) thought, making “hmmm” noises. “That’s it!” He exclaimed loudly, startling the rest of the gang awake. “We could pile up!” “Hm?” Zuko asked, half-asleep. “Mmmhavn’t done that since w’wre kids…” Katara mumbled. “A’ight.” Soon enough, they all fell asleep in an instant. Katara snuggled up to Aang, who Toph held on to. She laid on Sokka’s shoulder, while Suki was sleeping on his back, and Zuko was hugging Toph while his leg rested on Sokka’s back.
Of course, someone had to wake up and ruin the peaceful moment- Toph, to be exact. She yawned, her headpiece getting caught in her hair as it flowed down, brushing Aang’s ear slightly, waking him as he wheezed to conceal his laughter and jumped out of Katara (who was surprisingly, still sound asleep) ’s arm. He closed his eyes, trying to sleep, screeching when Toph’s nails grazed his side lightly. Toph giggled mischievously to herself, smirking. “Oops, that was totally an accident.” she joked, holding a lock of her hair and brushing Aang’s neck with it, smirking as she watched him try to compose himself. After a while of keeping the charade up, he eventually gave up and curled up into a giggly ball. “Eahahaha- thahat was totally on purpose!” “Shh.. We can’t let the others know.. I have an idea.” Toph sat up on her pillow, covering her feet with her blanket. “What is it?” “Just watch, Twinkle Toes. Just watch.” Toph feigned slumber, leaning on Katara who was laying on her chest. She dragged a finger down her back- which showed no effect. Alright, that didn’t work. Toph thought to herself as she concocted a plan B.  She held onto her with her left hand, using it to claw on her stomach, waking her in the process, and eliciting loud, wheezing laughter resembling that of a hyena-beaver’s. Katara thrashed, squealed and kicked- then eventually got the jump on Toph, jabbing her sides and stroking up and down her ribs, causing her to shriek and giggle, waking Sokka. “Mmmnh… was dreamin’ bout the m-” Aang tackled Sokka, wriggling his fingers in between his ribs, making him kick, thrash and squeal. “Nngh-ahAHAHAHA! WHAT WAS THAHAHAT FOR!?” Sokka shrieked, attempting to push Aang away. “Eh, ask Toph.” Aang looked over at Toph, who was still tickling Katara to near death. While he was distracted, Sokka slipped away to jab Toph’s sides. She squealed as Sokka picked her up by her arms, signalling Aang to help him. “W-wait, Twinkle Toes! I thought we were frieHEHEHENDS! EEEAHAHAHAH!” Toph thrashed while Aang squeezed her knees, making her kick her legs. He moved his hands upwards, spidering up her sides. “YOU TRAHAHAITOR!” Sokka let go, giving Toph room to breathe. “Well done, my friend.” Sokka held out his hand to high-five Aang. While he wasn’t looking, Sokka glided his fingers across Aang’s armpit with his free hand, which had him collapsing in laughter. “Hey, no fair!” “You really thought I’d let you off the hook, huh? Huh?” Sokka taunted, tickling his stomach. Meanwhile, Katara and Toph had called a truce, and were plotting a team effort to wake Suki up. “Alright, you grab one foot, I’ll grab the other, you understand?” Katara looked at Toph, grinning evilly. Toph nodded and began initiating their plan, which was working extremely well. She awoke, immediately tackling Katara to the ground and blowing a raspberry to her side. Katara flinched away and snorted in response. -------------------------------------- “Huh? Huh? You think you can- Suhuhuki! Nohoho!” In the midst of serving up sweet revenge to Aang, Suki scribbled her fingers over Sokka’s sides, causing him to let go of Aang, who slipped away, attempting to sneak up on Katara but being stopped by Toph, who held him down. “Get him.” Katara nodded, walking over to his boyfriend and straddling his waist, squeezing his sides while he hiccupped and squealed. “Nohoho! Not fair, not fair!” “All’s fair in love and war, sweetie.” Katara replied. “If you let me go, Ihihi’ll, uh, I’ll, um..” Aang struggled to think of anything, blushing. “You’ll what?” Katara replied smugly while tasering her boyfriend’s armpits. Her eyes suddenly widened as two familiar hands scribbled at her shoulder blades. She giggled, squealing with every breath. “Oogie.” Sokka said, digging into his sister’s armpits. Amidst all the chaos, Zuko woke up, standing in a fighting position. He looked around the room for potential threats, then was pleasantly relieved to see it was just his friends- no, his family being silly. He smiled, rolling his eyes and tried to get back to sleep, only to find Katara sitting at his feet and Sokka holding his arms. Both siblings smirked. Maybe he shouldn’t have been so relieved. Katara scribbled her fingers over Zuko’s left sole with her right hand, her left hand holding it. Toph quickly noticed Zuko’s boyish laughter and stopped tickling Suki, instead dragging her over to Zuko. They each attacked one side of his torso, causing him to kick, squirm and flinch, cackling with undignified laughter. “Ahehehehe! Guys! Nononono, please! Stohohop!” Zuko thrashed and squirmed, careful not to hurt anyone. “Why should they?” Sokka asked. “Yeah, why shouldn’t we?” Suki replied to Sokka. Everyone nodded in agreement, too busy to notice Aang in the corner, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He pursed his lips and closed his eye, sinking his face into Zuko’s stomach and blowing an enormous raspberry. “You guhuhuys are me-AHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Zuko closed his eyes, thrashing about. The rest of the gang backed away in fear, noticing the confident smirk on Zuko’s face. “Alright, that’s it. You guys wanna play? We can play now.” He jabbed Aang in the stomach, causing him to collapse as he giggled from the very sight of his hands drawing closer to his torso. “I’m not even touching you!” Zuko laughed. His laughter turned an octave higher as Sokka dug under his arms. Zuko jumped in surprise. Suki tackled him, her fingers climbing down his sensitive neck. He writhed and kicked, then got back up at the right opportunity, leaving Sokka and Suki with each other. “I haven’t forgotten about you, have I?” Zuko approached Aang with confidence, squeezing his knees. “S-Sifu Hotman! Pleahahase!” “What did you just call me!?” Zuko asked, stilling his hands. “Sifu Hotm-ahahaha! No fair!” Zuko clawed his hands down Aang’s feet over and over again, making him buck and thrash about. “Just say that I’ve captured the Avatar and restored my honor, and this’ll all be over.” Zuko teased. “Nahaha- Okay, you’ve captured me! Now whahat?” “Alright, I’ll stop.” The tent went silent as everyone was worn out from the chaos that ensued. Toph fell asleep on Sokka’s shoulder, while Suki collapsed on Zuko, who held Aang tightly. Katara held Aang's hand and nuzzled up to his face. Sokka, who was the last to fall asleep, made a disgusted face as he settled down next to Suki. “Goodnight, you evil, evil people.” “.....” He hugged his girlfriend close, ready for the next cold day in the South.
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sleepyscxry · 2 years
Peridot x Gender neutral reader!!
A/N this might be pretty short because I’m tired asf.
the car comes to a halt and my eyes jolt open. “WERE HEEERRREE!!” Said my very awake friend, Bullet.. he’s been awake on monsters since we got out of Alabama. He’s been awake for two days.. “are you okay?” I said with worry.. “don’t worry y/n I’m fine we just gotta get the stuff in as soon as possible before I crash.” “Ooook” with that me and him start moving boxes and furniture in. The appliances came with the house on both floors!! Sinks, washers, dryers, dishwashers and a big doggie door!! ‘Will be perfect for king he’s fucking huge. Why did we decide to get a Great Pyrenees again?’ by the end of the day we were surprisingly done! We laid on our beds on our sides of the room and immediately crashed. the next day we wake up to king scratching at the door like a zombie. “I’m comin’ ya big goof.” Bullet said with his groggy Italian accent. I giggled because he sounds so silly. I got up and went to the bathroom to splash water on my face to wake me up. Putting on a snazzy sweater and some jeans I go to the kitchen and bullet is already making breakfast! “Your hair looks like an aliens trying to abduct it lol” I said with a still pretty sleepy tone. “What do ya mean?” He looked at the camera on his phone and said “oh my god I look like I’m in the 80’s jeezus.” We laughed it off as he fixed his hair and finished making breakfast. It was a waffle sandwich. “Huh?” “Oh that’s just something this dude over by the shore told me about. But said he went veggie and doesn’t like ‘em anymore so I stole the recipe!” “Wow.. sounds like you, talking about breakfast to someone you barely know.” “Oh no I’ve known Steven ever since we were twelve!” “Oh wow..” “there are a lot of things you don’t know about me. Let’s go talk to ‘em!” “But I haven’t finished-“ “it’s fine don’t worry about it king will!” He dragged me to the car and started driving to the shore. I will admit the beach is very pretty. We get to this ancient looking statue thing with a house built into it.. “what the hell?” “Don’t worry about it! Top secret stuff!!” He giggled and ran up the stairs. He knocked on the door and yelled “STEVEENNNNN ARE YOU HOOOMEE??” Then a boy with poofy curly hair like bullet answered the door. “Hair buddy!!” “Hiya steven so I just wanted you to meet my friend y/n!!” “Oh hi! It’s nice to meet you come in!” He was as cheerful as bullet which surprised me. ‘In my 4 years of knowing this man I’ve never seen anyone as cheerful as him until now.. wow’ and then I see weirdly colored people come into the house through this crystal portal thing? “Omg these are the crystal gems!!” He then goes on to tell me all of their names.. but only one catches my full attention.. “and this is peridot. She’s mostly sweet but a bit of a gremlin..” “HEY!! I AM NOT A GREMLIN!!” “My proof.” “Oh.. SHUT UP YOU CLOD!” ”Hi I’m y/n it’s nice to meet you all!” “It’s nice to meet you too.” Garnet said with a bit of a serious tone. Bullet saw me and said “you ok? To many people? You’ve got that look on your face that usually means you’re feeling a strong emotion” he led me outside to talk about it. “I’m fine it’s just that the last one.. peridot she is..” “different, short, loud, kinda annoying?” “I guess but she’s also kinda cute-“ “AYO- SUS? Sorry but uhm that’s actually really funny. Y’all could be the shortest couple known!” “Hey it’s not my fault you’re 6’2!!” “Ok true buuut you are only (I’m sorry to do this but-) 5’3” “I- eh- UGGGH” I stomp back in there. Him walking in with me wheezing. “What happened” steven said with a concerned voice. “Y/n is mad because they’re short lmao” “well that’s nothing to be to ashamed about..” peridot said with a smile. I notice that she is pretty short compared to the others.. “wanna be friends?” I said with a sweet gentle tone
I’m SORRYYY. I know I haven’t been updating ANYTHING! And yes I’m making this slow burn because peridot is ARO. ACE. Get it right you fools. bullet out >:)
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moonlightreal · 2 years
Fate season 2-4
We’re reached episode four!  First, an update to the last one.  Terra didn’t get a fancy outfit because she wasn’t going to the party.  Musa also wasn’t going to the party but she was wearing this… skintight sheer colored camo?  So I didn’t connect that those two just weren’t dressed to party while the others were.  So the show wasn’t actually dissing Terra.    
This next episode is entitled An Hour Before the Devil fell which portends… I’m not sure what but it certainly is portending hard!
Methinks this show portends too much.
But, per google, it is a quote!  The full quotation, “until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in heaven,” is uttered by Miller's John Hale, a puritan pastor involved in the Salem witch trials, and it warns against deception: what seems sweet may be wicked.
...I’m trying to think of characters that ‘seem sweet’ and that’s pretty much Terra and… just Terra!
As we finished last episode, Beatrix was getting got!  And it looks like she wasn’t killed or drained of magic, she was kidnapped!  Did the scrapers fly off with her?  No, I suppose they injured her enough that the human with them hauled her off.  This kinda feels like B’s arc could be coming to an end. Frees Rosalind!→doesn’t get the appreciation she hoped for→loses her dudes→loses her powers→nothing left to live for→dramatic death or sacrifice.  I think B hoped to be Rosalind’s protege and right-hand minion, and finally make her debut as Andreas’ favored foster daughter as well, and none of that happened.  Rosalind had no more use for her and Andreas does seem to love her but he’s loyal to Rosalind first.
Andreas is very worried, he wants all the soldiers to go out and look for Beatrix.  Rosalind is just like eh, kidnapped by Blood Witches, predictable, they just want to draw us out so they can catch some fairies.  Andreas is happy to throw another fairy away to get Beatrix back, he suggests an exchange. Rosalind says, “Because we have history, I’ll pretend you didn’t say that.”  So… Rosalind won’t hear of sacrificing a fairy student?  Another fairy student, because B is a student.  Andreas says Beatrix is like a daughter to him and Rosalind just says she warned him not to “form attachments” in case exactly this happened.
Yeah, “Raise this baby every day for sixteen years and don’t get attached” like that’s possible for any non-sociopath human.  Though Andreas is kind of a face-smashing murderhobo soooooo…
It is nice to see that he loves Beatrix though.  It’s a breath of fresh air in this show where it’s often hard to tell how any character feels about any other character.
In the school’s one classroom Badass Marco is grading papers.  Congratulations Marco, promoted to teacher! Guess he got tired of being a soldier after his partner got killed last season.  And the school had to promote somebody before they ran out of teachers entirely!
But Marco may not get to enjoy his new job for long because Andreas attacks and strangles him!  Not to death I don’t think, just to unconsciousness.  Murderhobo.
Opening sequence!
But school is going on as usual, students in the cafeteria, doing homework, staring at Bloom because she was outed as having the Dragon Flame just like they did over her being a changeling last season.  Aisha tells Bloom “The Dragon Flame’s a legend and now you are too.”
So the two girls are supposedly studying, in a perfect opening for an infodump since Aisha has been swimming with Grey instead of studying.  But Bloom first teases Aisha about “what’s Grey’s favorite ‘stroke’?”  Spare me.
Then we get to the good stuff!  Lore from the textbook!
Aisha: “I know about Blood Witches. They aren’t super common but they’re a thing.”
Bloom: “Their element is blood so they can control muscles and bones.  Theirs and other people’s. Creepy.”
Back in Dominion War times Blood Witches were so powerful they could puppeteer people’s bodies from miles away.
And that was the “last time the Dragon Flame existed” and since then it’s been dormant.
Aisha asks if it’s hereditary, suggesting that some magic is, but Bloom says Rosalind’s theory is that it “surfaces in times of great conflict”
Aisha reminds Bloom that Rosalind is shady and Bloom says they want the same thing: to stop Blood Witches from stealing fairies’ magic.  And Bloom’s glad they have Rosalind to help fight them.
Which… kind of a good point.  Now that we know about Blood Witches from a source other that Rosalind directly telling Bloom that confirms they are at least a thing that’s real.  I wish I knew more history though.  Why Blood “witches” instead of “blood element fairies” if it’s just another element? In fact why not “Healer fairies”?  Or “Shapeshifting fairies” if they can control their own flesh?  Does bloodbending automatically make you evil?  I figured it’d be something like “they’re humans with no magic who get magic by performing blood sacrifices” which would cover how they’re all evil.  I almost wonder if we’re going to have a “Blood Witches were evil back in the First Dominion but the ones now are a persecuted minority” plot.  Either way maybe it’s better for the plot to leave the door open for good Blood Witches just in case.
This show better keep its hands off Mirta though.  Seeing my and other writers’ special witch messed with might make me actually angry rather than just befuddled.
But let’s leave that terrible thought and go outside for some archery!  Fairy magic doesn’t work on scrapers so the specialists gotta step up!  Silva is back to teaching like he never left, which rubs Sky the wrong way.  Riven asks if he prefers Andreas and sky says at least Andreas is who he says he is. Of course who he is is a “massive prick” as Riven points out. They wonder if it’s because Beatrix is gone.  Rosalind claims to have sent her on a mission but nobody’s heard from her.  Riven is just happy she’s gone.
They’re shooting homing arrows which are enchanted to curve and hit the target.  Pretty cool.  Wonder how that works, magically.  You’d have to form a sympathetic link, so the arrow knows what the target is, easiest enchantment would be for the arrow to hit whatever the shooter is concentrating on hitting.
Rosalind and Silva share some more wisdom: they expect scrapers and Blood Witches to attack together. Mind fairies can protect the Specialists from Blood Witch bloodbending.
Musa is here to observe.  She’s wary of using her magic after what happened with Sam.  Rosalind says Musa is the strongest mind fairy in the school.  To do this they have to concentrate on protecting one individual specialist.  Musa tries to protect Dane while Rosalind “simulates at attack”  it’s just a battle of glowing eyes but Rosalind wins and Dane’s arrow goes off course.  
Over in the greenhouse Flora is checking out the fishtank o’ scrapers, which has been parked in here for some reason.  Hopefully not in the infirmary section where sick or injured fairies will have to try and get better with that in the room!  Flora wonders what the scrapers evolved from, so evolution is understood here.  Terra says maybe it didn’t evolve since it’s from the “Realm of Darkness, whatever that is.”
Aimee LeRoy the fluid mechanics alumni is going to be the new teacher for potions and Terra wants to get the greenhouse tidy so she doesn’t think their family are slobs.  The cousins talk a little about Ben and Sam leaving.  Terra is still angry at Musa, thinking she’s the reason Sam has to leave.  Which, yeah, Musa definitely made bad choices but Rosalind is the root of the problem.
Flora is going off to see the specialists.  Riven in particular.  Terra looks upset at this.
Over to Stella, wearing a lavender knitted tube top and sweater with little sequin flowers on it.  The clothes aren’t quite as washed out as last season but they’re pretty strange.  She’s been texting Beatrix to see if she’s all right.  Stella also wants some of B’s booze.  Stella is also searching the secretary’s desk outside of Rosalind’s office, which I guess is where Beatrix worked.  In one drawer are croc shoes. Stella’s croc shoes were a symbol of her not caring about her looks while she was depressed, then Beatrix fried them with lightning but I don’t immediately get the significance of crocs in the drawer.  they’re B’s and she went off without them?  Bloom catches her and she says she was just looking for a package from her mother.
Rosalind arrives, Stella flees and we go to a Bloom and Rosalind scene.  Bloom has been studying hard for her Blood Witch quiz since she wants to know everything about the people who kidnapped her when she was a baby.  She also read all of Rosalind’s reports on the fairies who were drained, and she’s amazed Rosalind managed to write long detailed reports, study the victims, and run the school.  Rosalind just says, ‘Sleep is for the weak. What I’m doing matters to the entire Otherworld.  I make time.  You’d better too.”  Bloom looks horrified at the idea of giving up sleep.
Rosalind is leaving for the capital. Bloom is impatient to go after the Blood Witches, she wants answers about her past.  Rosalind comes and sits down with Bloom and gives her the “you are valuable, you need to stay safe, Blood Witches are going to try to get you.” and Bloom displays her fire.  She could just flame ‘em!  She says “I have the Dragon Flame” in an awfully confidant voice for someone who didn’t know what it was a few days ago and maybe still doesn’t.  Cool fire effect though, a little sparkler flowing around her hand.
The Rosalind spills the beans about Beatrix being kidnapped.  She thinks it’s a Blood Witch in the school!  But they need more information before they can act, information she’s going to the capital to get.  Telling this to the student whose tendency to go off half-cocked is so strong it freed you from magic jail is… certainly a choice, Rosalind.  Bloom is shocked that they haven’t told anyone that a student is missing. Rosalind says it’s safer not to because ‘people are irrational. They act on emotion.”
And guess what Andreas is doing! Acting on emotion!  He’s out in the woods striding along hauling Marco along by the leg.  I thought Marco was a specialist but maybe he just never did magic on screen and he’s a fairy.  Andreas texts somebody a pic of Marco’s knocked-out face.
Rosalind tells Bloom emotion is only useful for magic so Bloom needs to stay in and study, not let emotions cloud her judgment.  Bloom looks horrified not sure why, then as Rosalind leaves Bloom’s expression changes.  Bloom is ready to do something foolish while Rosalind is away!  And I am here for it, now that Bloom’s emotions are gonna maybe make trouble for characters that actualluy deserve it this time.
Back in the suite I think Bloom came to rouse the troops for action but she finds Terra dressing up.  Or, talking like she’s dressed up but she’s just wearing a dark buttonup shirt and black pants.  With Rosalind out of town, everybody’s going to the pub!  Aisha, wearing a hideous mustard yellow jumpsuit, is going too!  Musa is in a n olive top and leggings like she’s going into battle and Flora is cute in a velvet jacket. Nobody’s scared of the blood witch since they have Bloom and her dragon flame along!
Stella, as a princess, would not wish to be seen by commoners in a gross dingy pub.
So they all go get beers!  Everybody else is there, and after a minute of drinking Sebastian comes in and Bloom goes to talk to him while Sky goes to find Riven, who he expects to be puking in a corner by this time.  But Riven is in fact bringing IPAs to Flora and Musa and a cider for Terra.  Which is sweet.  He proceeds to flirt with Flora.  Musa tries to make small talk with Terra but terra shuts her down, not forgiving her for messing up things for Sam and her dad.
Terra texts Stella a “wish you were here” but Stella is leaving a message for Beatrix.  She couldn’t find the whiskey but she found the crocs, she hopes the mission is going well, she’s worried… Stella is positively mooning over Beatrix!  Not sure this is supposed to be shipping or loneliness; Stella hasn’t really connected with the rest of the girls and she and Beatrix do have evil parents in common.
Sebastian tells Bloom he used to come to this pub to drink after failing in Specialist school.  He was a student when Andreas was a teacher… wait, Andreas was a teacher?  I thought he was just soldiers with the other adults before they became teachers.  He says Andreas is a bully.  And he brings Bloom a list of all the catering staff from the party, assuming the Blood Witch snuck in as part of the staff.  Bloom says she’ll start looking through it now and Sebastian says he does not condone underage drinking but he also does not condone ignoring friends and doing work in a pub.
Bloom says she has history with blood witches, and that she’s “the only fairy who can take on a blood witch.”  what? Why?  And that she doesn’t know how her friends will react when she tells then Beatrix is missing.  Serbastian says, “You’re also a teenager, Bloom.  Get drunk, act your age.” and tells the bartender to put Bloom’s drinks on his tab.  He gets a text and leaves Bloom with that encouragement to get plastered!
Like… do grownups really do that?
But Bloom opens the folder to start searching for answers.
Everyone else has fun.  Terra brings Riven beer and he says this is the nicest thing she’s ever done for him.  Terra then delivers the “If you hurt Flora-” threat.  Riven says they’re just having fun and Flora says, ‘You don’t have fun. You ruin people.”  and indicates that Dane is ruined from the post-trio heartbreak.  That was Riven having fun.
Dane sits down near Musa, who reads his mind.  Dane says he knows it’s pathetic, he’s the strongest specialist dating the hottest one (Dane has several hangers on, not sure which is his boyfriend) but he still moons over Riven.  Musa says relationships are hard.  Dane heard about what happened with Sam and tells Musa not to beat herself up over it.  They talk about mind fairies and emotions and Dane says he likes training because it’s just ‘do’ no ‘think’  He also says he felt Musa when she tried to protect him in the training exercise, and she almost blocked Rosalind, the strongest mind fairy in the Otherworld.  Musa is powerful.
Daytime, Rosalind goes to meet the head of the army, the Indian woman from the party.  The commander has blood witch contacts!  Who are “old guard” and don’t want to fight with fairies.  They don’t know anything.  So there are peaceful blood witches!  But the unpeaceful ones are stirring up trouble.  They killed Duke Hammerstrom.  
Andreas is approached by a bald dude with fuzz beard.  He offers up Marco, “the most powerful air fairy at Alfea” for Beatrix.  The dude says ok, then Andreas throws a knife at him and puts a sword to his throat.  But this guy was only a puppet!  The real blood witch kills him by snapping his bones!
The… same thing Rosalind did to Miss Dowling.
Then the witch starts bloodbending Andreas!  He says he’s sorry to Beatrix as the blood witch seizes control of him!
...is it Sebastian?  He did just leave the pub right before this.
Bloom reads the folder while everyone else dances to a really insipid pop song.  Outside it is daytime! Why are you drinking in the day that’s just weird! Sky is on the phone with Silva, who wants him back before dark.  Sky’s like, “So if I miss curfew do I get a lecture like you do or a torture like Rosalind does?”  Silva comes back with, ‘You’re speaking to your commanding officer” which I guess will not-work as well as anything else he could’ve said.
Bloom has come outside, and tries to say Silva’s just looking out for him.  Sky says that when Silva disappeared he finally felt like his own person, free.  Which… I can see.  Dad stuff and commanding officer stuff are two streams that definitely should not be crossed.  Bloom says she’s learned from Rosalind that things are usually more complicated than they seem. Sky says “that does sound like Rosalind” which Bloom finds disturbing.  So Bloom says they need to let loose, and chugs her entire beer.  Sky’s like, “Oh. That kind of let loose.”
So they go in and dance with everybody. Yaoi kissing with Dane.  Terra stands and disapproves of everything.
Aisha and Grey have gone off outside. Aisha says if she was still in the pub she’d end up worrying someone was too drunk and end up ruining the fun trying to protect them.  Grey says he’s more into acquaintances than friends, that makes it easier to go after what he wants without worrying about other people.  That’s a weird philosophy to say out loud, Grey. Right now he wants Aisha, with him, walking through the unbelievably lovely countryside this show shows off.  They hold hands on an ancient stone bridge.
Back at the pub Riven is outside smoking.  Flora finds him and asks if he’s going to offer her a hit, but he says drama waiting to happen.  And here comes Terra, more drama waiting to happen.  Terra invites them to come play darts versus her and Kat and Flora cuts her off with, “What’d you say to him?”  Terra assumes Riven told, Riven says he didn’t and walks off, leaving them to drama it out.
Terra: I was just looking out for you. he’s not a good guy.
Flora: according to who?  You?
Terra: No, objectively.  Trust me.”
Which is exactly what I was thinking. Hah!  But Flora says they’re just hanging out, it’s not a big deal so who cares?  She shoots Terra down as “You know everything, right?”
I feel like Terra is a lot less badass this season.  In the first season her character was “insecure about her weight, but super competent in a crisis” and this season she just seems to be judgy and unforgiving.  Correctly judgy; Musa did misuse her powers and Riven is objectively a bad idea, but how Terra is handling it is just not at all competent.  She’s coming off as a jerk.
Back at school Stella lies in bed watching videos of the dancing at the pub.  Then she gets a text. From Beatrix!  She thinks she’s in some ruins.  She needs help.
Bloom gathers the girls in the pub’s bathroom.  Terra thinks she knows the ruins, she found beer bottles and a creepy doll there once.  Hah!  Musa suggests grabbing the less drunk specialists to mount a rescue.
But Bloom shuts it down.  No rescue. This is a trap.  Obviously.  Nobody hears from Beatrix and now that Rosalind is gone Stella gets a text?  Trap.  Bloom is smart, but Bloom is also wobbly and drunk.  Stella still wants to do something and Bloom says, ‘I know for a fact Rosalind is at the capital because she is handling this.”  And so everyone finds out that Bloom knew Beatrix was kidnapped!  Noises of disbelief!
Which are a bit weird considering Beatrix is a bad guy but ok.  I guess the girls never found out she’s a murderer like they don’t know Rosalind killed Dowling.
So the girls feel betrayed that Bloom didn’t tell them, and it does not look good Bloom keeping Rosalind’s secrets.  But sensibly Bloom says they are all sloshed and should go back to school and sober up and make a plan.
But outside the pub, which must be a real place in Wicklow, Sky and Riven are suiting up.  When the girls didn’t help, Stella called the boys.  Bloom tells Sky it’s an obvious trap but Sky points out that they’re trained and mind fairies can protect them.  Musa says she’s in.  Bloom says it’s not safe for fairies and none of them are going, but Musa shoots back that “for once my magic’s useful.  I need this.”  Bloom is not happy, I think some of Rosalind’s need to be obeyed is rubbing off on her.  Then she realizes Aisha isn’t here.
Aisha and Grey are lounging on rocks by the stream.  Aisha says she’s an overachiever because of her family.  They “run a bunch of hydro-energy facilities on the border of Andros” for anyone playing home-realms bingo.  They wanted Aisha to take over the family business, she wants to be an academic, so she has to overachieve to prove she made the right choice.
Grey makes the water light up with “tiny bugs” so his magic is water creatures?  Aisha splashes him. They kiss.  They kiss some more.  Water rises in magical streams around them.
Night has fallen!  Sky, Riven and Musa have arrived at a gorgeous ruined stone barn with moss on the roof. Musa thinks it’s creepy and asks why they never get to break into a playground.  The boys put arrows on strings and they go inside.
Back in the suite Bloom paces and waps her phone on her hand.  Stella says, ‘You don’t always have to be the one to save the day, I know that’s a tough pill to swallow.” heh.  But Bloom shoots back that Stella doesn’t risk herself at all.  Stella tells them that she physically can’t leave, and finally shows them the tracking gem.  Flora and Terra gather around in pity, and Bloom in guilt.  Stella says she didn’t tell them because of those looks.  She gets up and goes into her room.
And that scene is the platonic example of the “the girls aren’t really friends” problem I have with Fate.  Stella couldn’t depend on them to empathize and leap to help her, and when they found out they didn’t.  Bloom didn’t ask what a tracking gem is, Flora didn’t know a risky acid potion to burn it off, everyone looked horrified but nobody said out, “This isn’t right, your mother’s terrible, and we’ll get this thing off you.”
Ok.  back to the action.
The ruin is overgrown and, I think, a soundstage because they go upstairs to find Beatrix.  she’s unconscious but Musa says she’s alive.  Musa also realizes an unconscious fairy couldn’t text Stella.  Then they hear the chittering of scrapers!  As the boys take aim someone else shoots Riven’s arm, knocking off his aim.  Ominous music plays as Andreas appears through a fallen archway!  he’s being puppeted!  Sky tells Musa to run and she does, as the boys draw their swords!
Musa makes a break for it but there are scrapers on the ground floor!  One grabs her arm and sucks out some of her magic before she throws it off and gets into a tunnel or something behind a door.  She calls the girls and tells them what happened.  Flora seems to know a lot, she says after a short scraper bite Musa will lose her magic for only a little while, it takes a longer attack for it to be permanent.  So Beatrix probably lost her magic permanently, she was attacked by a couple of them.  But Musa will be ok later.  She tells them that Andreas is here but he’s being controlled.  She felt “years and years of anger. A grudge like whoever’s controlling Andreas knows him.”
Yeah, it’s Sebastian.  That’s why he wanted Bloom to get drunk, so she couldn’t stop his evil scheme.
The boys fight valiantly but Andreas knocks them both down.  All seems lost!
And Silva rescues them!  Most dramatically, he jumps in and parries the descending blade with a shout of, “Andreas, no!”
Riven grabs Beatrix and carries her outside and hands her off to Dane.  Was he there before?  And props to the dudes who all seem to be strong enough to princess-carry Beatrix, which is harder than it looks.  They realize Musa didn’t get out.  Riven curses and goes back for her.
Musa is still in the tunnel.  Her eyes are glowing purple and I think she’s experiencing the sword fight above as Sky and Silva take on Andreas.  So her magic isn’t gone it’s just messed up I guess?
Back in the school the rest of the girls are realizing the Blood Witch isn’t an outsides, he’s someone who knows Andreas so--  Bloom realizes!  She runs off to go after Sebastian!  Without saying his name, but she says “hates them more than anyone, someone who’s been by our side this whole time” She goes by herself, Terra and Flora text Aisha but don’t go with Bloom for some reason.
Bloom gets to town while the sword fight in the barn still continues.  That’s one long sword fight! Eventually Andreas has Silva pinned and begins choking the life out of him!  Sky begs him to stop, just as--
Bloom enters the shop and goes into the basement and there’s Sebastian with his eyes glowing red!  But he’s distracted so he loses his hold on Andreas.  Wonder what it takes to re-control someone, can he just puppet Andreas anytime or do they have to be close enough to enchant?
Sebastian says Bloom’s ballsy to come alone but she counters quite confidently that all his scrapers will be at the barn trap and blood witch magic doesn’t work on fairies so she can just haul him back before he can do anything.
But Sebastian has a backup plan!  His veins start glowing silver.  he’s filled himself up with stolen fairy magic!  He got some light fairy magic, some water magic, a weak mind fairy… and Beatrix.  Sebastian throws down lightning and all the TVs in his show turn on with static and distorted pictures. Quite a well done bit of creepy!
Bloom says, “Whoever you’ve got, they’re not me.”  In the most obnoxiously edgelord “lookit my stone cold confidence” teenage voice.  And she summons a handful of fire.
And she summons her wings!  She can just have her wings whenever she wants?  There’s no “transformation” they just flame out behind her.  But it is kind of cool.  The wings shed light and the flame seems to move the air, blowing Bloom’s hair.  For a real life magic, it’s not awful.
Sebastian is not impressed!  He starts talking about how he knows all about Bloom, her powers, her childhood, her parents, and also her real parents.
Of course all he had to do was mention birth parents and Bloom unflames and goes completely vulnerable, stuttering a little as she says, “You know who my birth parents are?”
Sebastian says he’ll tell her if she joins him.  Joins him to what, he doesn’t elaborate.  He also says “if you’d stayed with me” and “it’s not too late” implying Bloom had previous chances to join him.  Just a writing weirdness or is he meant to be the Blood Witch who kidnapped baby Bloom and he planned to raise her or something?  Hard to tell.
Anyway Bloom’s totally about to join Team Blood Witch.  She doesn’t say so, just looks thoughtful, but Fate Bloom is so single-issue and impulsive I think was can all deduce what her choice would have been.
Rescue arrives as all the pipes in the shop burst and water sprays into the air, flowing to form a wall between them.  Aisha has arrived!  With a pretty useful power, Aisha has advanced since season one.  Bloom just says, “Great timing.” Sebastian escapes into another room and of course when the girls get there a second later he’s gone.
Back at the castle, with a gorgeous outdoor shot of the building, Terra and Flora are in the greenhouse arguing.  Flora did the research, but Terra wants to recheck.  Flora: Why do you always have to second guess me?”  Terra: Most of the time you need second-guessing.”  Flora says like with Riven and Terra says yeah like with Riven.  Then Flora says, “It’d be easier to talk about what’s happening if we could talk about what’s happening.  you’re jealous.  It kills you when I succeed without you.”  Terra gapes in surprise and says, ‘Is that really what you think?  If I’m so horrible why are we even friends?” and Flora says, “Sometimes I ask myself the same question.”
And here is another platonic example of nobody being friends.  I don’t even know what that scene’s trying to say.  Flora assumes she knows what Terra is thinking?  Terra is a busybody?  
We go to Rosalind walking through the darkened courtyard.  A specialist tells her they found Marco completely drained of magic.  Maybe that was his lightning Sebastian had not Beatrix’s.  Students are milling around worried and Rosalind shouts at them to go back to their rooms.  Bloom and Aisha return and immediately tell Rosalind it was Sebastian.  He went to Earth through the portal in his shop.  Rosalind asks if he said anything and Bloom looks super shifty and says he offered her knowledge for betraying Rosalind.  Rosalind is unbothered and says that all in all the day was a win.
Beatrix wakes up coughing and sputtering in Stella’s bed.  Of all strange places that are not the infirmary.  Stella tries to comfort her.  But Beatrix’s magic is gone.
Terra is moping in her room.  Flora comes in to apologize for what she said but Terra says, “You were right, I’m jealous.”  She offers her phone which has a picture of her and Riven snuggling.  Before the start of the series Riven and Terra were close, they even kissed once while drunk and then Terra puked because drunk.  it’s in the prequel novel and Terra mentions it in the first season.  Sparks did not fly and the drunk kiss was so embarrassing Riven started ignoring Terra and she was so mad she started ignoring him back.
But that’s not the jealousy.  Terra is really jealous that Flora is so free to be herself and go after what she wants. And Terra can’t.  Then Terra drops the bombshell1 Very hesitantly she says she thinks she picks bad idea guys because she’s not really into guys.  Flora says “You can say it” and Terra says she thinks she’s gay and Flora says “you’re perfect, everything about you is perfect” and they cry and hug.  It’s a very sweet scene.
But we’ve got Blood Witches to chase! Terra, Flora and Stella join Bloom and Aisha in the courtyard. Bloom asks if Stella’s ok after the emotions before and Stella says she is.  Then Sky appears and Bloom goes to him to say sorry she didn’t rescue him instead of going after the blood witch but Sky says she saved his life.
Flashback-- yikes!  Bloom broke Sebastian’s control but only for a second.  Andreas had time to basically say, “Do it!” and Sky ran him through!  He’s dead! Flashback to Sky weeping over his father’s body.  In the present Sky says, “He was gonna kill Silva.  I didn’t have a choice.” and Bloom hugs him.
Wow!  I’m not surprised, but I’m surprised it happened in a flashback.  Poor Sky.  Poor Beatrix, how will she go on without her magic and without her father?  
The other girls talk about what happened and how Aisha and Bloom saved everybody, and then they realize Musa hasn’t come back.
And Riven staggers in carrying her and calling out for help!  Musa is all bloody and unconscious!
Whew!  That was a lot!
Unrelated observations:
Rosalind says fuck and shit a lot. More than the teenage characters do.  I’m sure this is supposed to say something about her personality but I don’t know what.
It occurs to me that Fate is teens vs. adults while Winx is teens vs. teens.  The Trix are the same age as the Winx.  Some of the other villains are adults but they’re never adults in a position of authority over the Winx.  I’m sure that says something about the difference between the two shows but heck if I know what.
This show is very befuddling.
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tiredassmage · 2 years
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Thank you for the tag @captainderyn!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Possibly a great, great(?) grandmother I never had the chance to meet, via middle name, though it’s been... probably at least a decade since I heard that tatter and I’m not sure how correct it is, lol. I’m... not particularly close to a vast majority of the family, tbh, given Drama(TM). Mom picked by meanings though. I know that was very important to her.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I... think I cried a little about a week and a half ago in one of my classes. Not because the class, I promise, lol. We watched the pilot episode of a show called Station Eleven in class and that was a gut puncher.
3. Do you have kids?
No, thank you. My pets and my OCs are all I need, lol. Very ace. Not my personal cup of tea.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Mmmm. I wouldn’t say regularly. It has its moments and I’m sure I was a bit more brutal with it when I was a kid, but its purpose isn’t generally helpful in areas where I need to communicate. I think most of the things I say sarcastically now are probably in regards to fictional characters. xD
5. Favorite time of day?
Late evening, in that like seven - ten pm range. Generally evenings. I’m absolutely not a morning person. If I’m up rather early, I’m tired later in the day. Evening tends to host “me” time.
6. Eye color?
Good ol’ reliable brown. (I need more brown eyed ocs, tbh?) Fun fact: eyes are kind of what enchants me, irl and I probably tend to be a bit invested in fictional character eye colors, too, lol. They’re beautiful. I have no other explanation. That said, I’m very shy about eye contact until I feel more comfortable with people/get to know them better.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, if I’m picking between them and scary. I don’t do horror, I am baby. I can be enraptured by a decent thriller and loved a good crime drama TV show. I can kind of do paranormal stuff sometimes, but I can scare myself just thinking a little too hard about it, so very hesitant.
8. Any special talents?
Mmmm... nothing nontraditional, I suppose. I had a few music teachers tell me when I was younger that I have hands that would’ve been great for piano, but I wasn’t super interested in pursuing musical interests outside of, like, basic school requirements. I did chorus for a while, but was kinda eh. I did enjoy acoustic guitar, but, again, not exactly enough that I ended up doing anything with it.
9. Where were you born?
Rural northeastern US of A. I miss having a fall season, but decidedly not enough to give up the warmth of living much farther south.
10. What are your hobbies?
Largely video games, lol, if it was hard to tell. I’d like to do more drawing and get into digital art. I am majoring in Digital Media Design, after all. One of my hopes is to properly play around with a tablet I bought myself over the summer while I take a break from courses. I desire to draw my blorbos, haha!
11. Do you have any pets?
Two ball pythons, the loves and amusing occasional nuisances of my life! They made a brief appearance on my main here. There’s also two dogs in the house, James and Cooper. Cooper is definitively my mom’s dog, however, and, jokingly, my little brother. (He’s her favorite. We all know this.) Cooper is... ??? We think a Collie mix. And James is a Basset-Lab, both adopted about a year or two apart, if I remember right.
12. What sports do you/have you played?
Oh, actual eons ago, I briefly played soccer (probably not very well) when I was very, very small. I have ridden horses (I miss them, Brent), but primarily only in schooling shows and I did participate for a few years in my barn’s summer gaming series just at Walk/Trot. I used to ride low-level jumping courses. Competitive sports haven’t ever really been my thing, particularly to participate in. I would’ve called riding one of my hobbies while I did. It’s an expensive one though and a bit of a tricky one to get back into when balancing college and part-time retail work. My mom and I try to stick to our developed tradition of selecting a local trail riding venture to attend every year for my birthday though that keeps that connection outside of whatever I vicariously pick up through games, lol.
13. How tall are you?
5′5ish. A smidgen shy, but that’s what they put on my license.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Histories and sciences. If I wasn’t so averse to writing research papers and math, I have genuinely considered majoring in either area. Unfortunately, my university doesn’t have a program for meteorology (weather and natural events are a somewhat more recent interest of mine) and video games evidently have some staying power as my interests, so that’s how I ended up in DMD.
15. Dream job?
I’m honestly not sure anyone has a really solid answer to this question, lol. I certainly don’t. I... went into DMD partially because it was interesting enough and I genuinely felt college would benefit me somehow. While I like my pet store job, it’s not exactly where I’d like to spend the next twenty years, even if I am a creature of habit that balks at change, lol.
So, theoretically, I’m studying DMD and entertaining the idea of a minor in creative writing because characters have always been one of the most important aspect of games to me. The idea is to maybe pursue a focus on character or scenario writing, but I... really don’t know, lol. I’m still largely clearing prerequisites and other structural graduation requirements, so I haven’t really dug into the focus areas of my degree yet and I definitely still doubt that I know what I’m doing or if it’ll genuinely be something I can pursue.
It’s definitely scary and I absolutely struggle with that uncertainty, but it’s also a process of just trying to remind myself that it’s a skill and therefore it is something I can develop if I put the work in - that’s the whole purpose of taking classes, after all. It’s something I’m trying to be more conscious of because I have found it very easy to slip into the student mindset of doing things just for class, so I’m still not sure what all I have as far as presentable skills or how to showcase them. But that is... off the base question, I suppose, lol.
So, work in progress!
Uhhhhmmm, this one’s sort of a mix idk who to tag for, lol, so I think I’ll leave this one open? Muts/followers, feel free to say you’ve been tagged if you’d like to do this one!
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musicwaman · 2 years
stuff happened today? not much to talk about I feel.
I was late to picking up my friend carmen. I had to shower and I was late when I started showering lol. I like to stay in bed. actually i’m kind of lying about that, but since i’m saying this to a void that could look back whenever it wants to, i’m not going to say it. wonder how that could affect my future if I did talk about it? I assume my digital footprint is large… eh, you probably understand anyway?
anyway, stepdad, john, was a bit annoyed, and the whole guilt of being like 20 minutes late to picking up my best friend kinda made me step back and go, “oh, yeah I should actually do something about this.” and I will. I will actually try being on time for once. hm..
so, we picked up carmen, who, despite being 20 minutes late, hadn’t even started getting ready? it’s ok tho, she got ready in like 6 minutes. oh also, carmen had to leave around 4:30, she plays basketball and had to leave for her game! pretty cool stuff. in her opinion. I don’t really care about sports, and I told her that I would probably go watch her game, but I just.. don’t want to lol. I don’t really find it all that interesting. and also don’t want to go to a place where there’s.. people *shudder.*
alright, so, me and carmen went for a walk, and she wanted to get back at my house by 2:45. we both realized we walked a bit to far to be back that soon, and I was just going to, you know, normally turn around and walk the other way. but carmen, NOTICED A PART OF A FENCE THAT WAS KNOCKED OVER, AND STEPPED THROUGH IT. oh yeah also good to mention our walk had many little curves and turns and whatnot. so yeah, THEN SHE TELLS ME TO FOLLOW HER. this was so abysmal to me, and it felt like a movie. she was the brave one, taking the more dangerous path through a mini-forest with thorns everywhere, and I was the cowardly one, wanting to take the safer path, the path I trusted and the path I knew. so ermm.. what did I do? well my cheeks got red out of confusion and I followed her. ow, those thorns though. so yeah, we’re still going through this forest, and we see some non-foresty bits, cool, we head out there, us both nearly tripping and falling on the weird red thorn twig thing that came out of the ground, did a little loop and went back it. as we keep walking, we see that this field was massive! and there was a little patch of trees in the middle of it, which housed a nice shady place. there was also a house close to where we were standing. it was an odd yellow house, didn’t think much of it, but we kept our distance… carmen walks through the center trees and once I get there as well we notice an iron-chain fence around the perimeter. I think nothing much of it, and carmen suggests, to get home faster, we should hop the fence. i’ve never hopped a fence, and I don’t intend to. so what did I do?? I noticed the entrance, with the gate wide open- then I realized. oh shit, i’ve been here before. I ran over to the entrance of the of the gate and sure enough, right on the front. “NO TRESPASSING”. ah, ok, so carmen and me just trespassed over someone’s private property. i’m sure that’s fine 👍
me and carmen follow the road to go home, and obviously make it there successfully. then I kinda cuddled up on her while wahr went on her phone until her mom came to pick her up at 4:30 for her game. I wished her good luck and so did john. :)
that’s the most important thing that happened. pretty cool, looking back on it now. can’t believe we didn’t get caught trespassing.
god, i’ve said way to much stuff and I’m real fucking tired I almost fell asleep 4 times typing this.
good night.
ohhh my god I woke up and I guess I literally just fell asleep after writing good night I didn’t even post it augh im still tired. but now i’m posting it.
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lovelyhan · 2 years
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— inflection point ⟢
pairing: jeonghan x reader x seungcheol
summary: you love yoon jeonghan. no, scratch that. you fucking adore yoon jeonghan; so much that the moment he asks you to be in an exclusive set-up with his current partner, you accept the offer in a heartbeat. what you fail to consider, however, is who your boss’ boyfriend actually is.
word count: 6.3k words
tags: unresolved emotional tension, friends to lovers on the hannie side of things, lovers to exes to enemies to lovers again on the cheol side of things, established relationship, angst, smut
notes: this fic comes in three parts this time! honestly, i loved writing this so so much... not a lot to take note of except: i hope you enjoy reading as much as i enjoyed writing this EHE
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part one - part two - part three | masterlist
“So how did you meet your boyfriends again?”
Soonyoung was the number one source for gossip during your college years, so it comes as no surprise when he finally slides the question on the table. On the other hand, the remaining member of your unbreakable trio shakes his head with a sigh.
“Don’t you think ‘hello, how are you’ is a more appropriate way to greet people?” Jihoon chides him before plucking the menu out of Soonyoung’s hands. “Sorry about that. He couldn’t shut up about it on the way here when I told him you’re dating again.”
“And not just one person, but two!” Soonyoung sighs dreamily, and the waiter who came by to serve your table some water looks at him funny. “Seriously? What kind of black magic is at play here? I can’t even get the cutie I’ve been eyeing at the gym to look at me!”
“Maybe that’s because he’s freaked out?” Jihoon scoffs. “You stare at him all the time while he’s doing his bench presses. Even I’d be scared shitless.”
Soonyoung dismisses Jihoon’s concerns about his questionable behavior with a wave of his hand—resting his face in his palms as he places his elbows on the table. He doesn’t have to speak to let you know that he wants you to spill every detail, so with a deep breath, you open your mouth to finally explain.
However, in the corner of your eye, you notice your phone light up with a text notification.
insufferable piece of shit [08:25 P.M]: Jeonghan told me to pick you up at 11 for movie night. Don’t be late.
Suppressing the urge to put the device on airplane mode, you muster up a sweet smile for your friends to see.
“It’s a bit…complicated.”
Soonyoung and Jihoon have been your best friends since freshman year. Even after graduating and pursuing different careers, the three of you never put it past the other to show up during these monthly nights out.
It’s no different now, as you tell them about how exactly you got into a relationship between your boss and long-time crush, Jeonghan, and his boyfriend, Seungcheol. After all, they knew everything about you.
Well, almost everything.
“Is that one of your guys?” Soonyoung slurs into your ear as you help him out of the restaurant—having had one glass of wine too many. “He kinda looks like Jihoon.”
“That is Jihoon, idiot,” you chuckle, watching your other friend flag down a cab so he could take Soonyoung safely back to their apartment. “My…uh, ride’s just around the corner though.”
Soonyoung practically whines. “I wanna meet them! Do I get to meet them? Just need to make sure they’re treating you right.”
You shake your head at how obtuse he’s being, but knowing that Soonyoung still looks out for you even in that state of inebriation warms your heart a little. “Hannie said he was feeling a little tired after work, so…Cheol’s the one who’s picking me up.”
“Aww! You have cute little nicknames for them, too.” Soonyoung lets out another withering sigh, forcing you to balance his weight more evenly, lest you want him to plummet face-first into the pavement. “Okay. I’m convinced. You have crazy high standards, anyway. Just promise me that we’ll be the first ones invited to the wedding?”
The mere idea makes your heart leap and twist simultaneously—unsure of how to react.
“Sure thing,” you offer instead, and if Soonyoung had been more sober, he would’ve sensed the hesitation in your voice in a heartbeat.
As expected, a familiar black Santa Fe pulls over by the corner avenue a few moments later, but instead of anticipation, all you feel is two parts annoyance and one part dread.
You will never let him hear the end of it if he acts up in front of your friends—the same friends who you fed complete bullshit about what a kind, loving, and affectionate boyfriend Choi Seungcheol is.
When the man in question gets out of the car after turning on the hazard lights, however, it’s like you’re faced with a completely different person.
“Hey, baby,” Seungcheol says with a small grin, as if he’s actually happy to see you. “Whoa, that guy’s wasted wasted.”
Jihoon, who finally managed to get a taxi rushes back to your side, taking Soonyoung out of your grasp as he acknowledges your ‘boyfriend’ with a polite nod. “Sorry, he’s always been a lightweight. My name’s Jihoon, and this guy is Soonyoung, by the way. The three of us have been friends since college.”
“Yep, she’s told us all about you.” He nods. “You’re her two closest friends, after all.”
“Bunch of besties,” Soonyoung giggles before leaning forward a little to scrutinize the newcomer. “Oh, no. Your boyfriend’s hot. Now I’m dying to see the other one!”
“What can I say? She has good taste,” Seungcheol laughs, low and steady before you feel one of his toned arms circling your waist. “Don’t you, baby?”
It takes every ounce of willpower not to recoil from his touch.
Focus. Just a few more minutes and this will all be over.
Still, a petty part of you doesn’t want Seungcheol to gain the upper hand by flustering you on purpose. You just know this asshole is convinced he’s going to get the last laugh. So, you turn to him with a smile that’s too wide to be genuine before standing on the tips of your toes—pressing a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth.
The startled look that crosses his gaze as you pull away with a smirk is just the ego boost you needed.
“That, I do.”
“I’m just saying you could’ve driven back here without acting like you’re in a chase scene for some action movie, asshole!”
“Jeonghan was already half-asleep when I left. He wanted to at least see you first before clocking out for the night. You know, this wouldn’t have been an issue if you just canceled on—”
“Seungcheol, shut the fuck up. I told you I already made plans with them in advance!”
“You know Han has been looking forward to this all week.”
“And you know I tried to make a compromise to please both my boyfriends and best friends!”
“Well, you didn’t try hard enough.”
If you weren’t as tired as you are now, you would’ve been rational—taking one of your many arguments with Seungcheol inside the house instead of shouting out in the open in the dead of night. But this guy just hasn’t given you a second of peace.
The moment you climbed into the passenger seat of his car and parted ways with Jihoon and Soonyoung, the loving boyfriend façade was tossed to the side. He was back to chewing you out as if you’re the source of all the world’s anomalies before you knew it.
“Seungcheol, I’m just as tired as you are.” There. You’re raising the white flag of surrender. You just hope to God he won’t find anything else to harp on about in the next five seconds. “Can we do a ceasefire just until I say good night to Jeonghan?”
“Hm? What ceasefire?”
You practically felt both yourself and Seungcheol freeze up at the sound of that soft, familiar voice. At the steps leading to the front porch, you see Jeonghan shuffling towards you with a Seven-Eleven plastic bag hanging from his fingers.
Curiosity eclipses the sleepiness in his eyes at the sight of you and Seungcheol, and you try not to think about how adorable he looks wearing those My Melody pajamas for a quick convenience store run.
“It’s nothing, babe,” Seungcheol immediately replies, repeating the same gesture that ticked you off earlier today. This time, when you feel his arm around your waist, you play along without a word. “We’re just arguing about who’s going to prepare the snacks and wash the dishes for movie night.”
“What about you, Hannie?” you wonder, resting your hand atop Seungcheol’s even if it does nothing but repulse you. “Cheol told me you were half-asleep when he came to pick me up.”
Jeonghan merely smiles, the angel that he is. “I noticed that we were out of your favorite tea leaves, and figured you’d want to have a cup after wine night. There wasn’t any toothpaste left in the medicine cabinet either, so…”
God. At times like this, it’s so difficult to think that this same guy is your boss.
About fifteen minutes later, you’re sprawled in between your two boyfriends on their beloved cloud couch—watching a true crime documentary that Jeonghan’s secretary recommended to him. You all watch it in diligent silence, and you quietly celebrate the fact that you’re finally afforded some peace of mind now that Jeonghan is here.
He’s the only person in the world who can keep you and Seungcheol from tearing each other’s throats out with his mere presence alone. But it’s not like he knows about the back-and-forth hostility you’ve shared with Seungcheol since becoming part of their relationship a month ago.
Honestly? You’d prefer if Jeonghan never found out.
“Are you staying over?”
That’s the first thing Seungcheol asks once he finishes carrying a dozing Jeonghan back to their bedroom. You’re in the middle of brewing yourself some tea with the leaves Jeonghan personally got for you, and you respond with a shake of your head.
“He dealt with a lot of shit from the higher ups today,” you explain as you pour your drink into a dainty teacup from their cupboard. “Don’t want to take up the bed space he direly needs.”
Seungcheol doesn’t respond for so long that you think he already fucked off back to their bedroom. But when you feel him come up from behind you with his own cup in hand, you nearly drop the pot in surprise.
“Jesus, don’t scare me like that, you prick.” You glare at him before putting some space between the both of you.
Seungcheol merely rolls his eyes. “I just wanted to drink some tea. Unless you’re against sharing some with me?”
“I’m already sharing the love of my life with you. Might as well do the same with my stupid tea, right?”
He sighs, handing you his cup. “Stop being dramatic and just pour me some already.”
Despite your history having heavily influenced the way you and Seungcheol act around each other, you like to think he isn’t a complete asshole sometimes. It’s probably a side effect from being around Jeonghan. The man must have forgotten that he isn’t here right now, and that he can quit acting like he doesn’t despise you as much as you despise him.
“Do you need a ride back?” Seungcheol asks gruffly as you gather your things from the living room.
“No. The trains are still running at this hour anyway.” you tell him. “I’ll shoot you guys a message when I get back.”
When you’re already halfway to the sidewalk, Seungcheol calls your name from the front porch again—making you glance back at him with a miffed look. What does he want this time?
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay over?” He swallows thickly, like he isn’t sure what words to use. “I can sleep on the couch so Han doesn’t feel cramped.”
“Seungcheol, I need to go to work tomorrow.”
“I don’t have any clothes in your house.”
“Then just bring some of them here for next time.”
You scowl at him, folding your arms across your chest. “You know, for someone who’s trying to convince me to sleep over, it seems like you really, really don’t want to.”
“Can’t I fucking look out for my girlfriend for once?” Seungcheol argues, and you almost choke on the air you’re breathing.
The last time he called you that was way back in high school—when the two of you were nothing but naïve teenagers that mistook the hormones for love.
“I don’t know, Seungcheol,” you scoff, brushing the memories off before they can resurface. “You have a very weird way of looking out for someone.”
About ten minutes of bickering later, you end up submitting to Seungcheol’s insistence to drive you back to your apartment uptown anyway. While yielding to the man you claim to hate made your pride take a decent hit, you’re exhausted. You might end up falling asleep on the train at this rate, and you really didn’t want to encounter any more hassles than you already have tonight.
The ride back to your apartment is quiet, unlike the complete mess of a trip when he picked you up earlier tonight. Seungcheol merely keeps his eyes on the road, and you dare not utter a single word that might break the silence.
“Thanks,” you say once he pulls over in front of your apartment complex. Seungcheol simply nods as he waits for you to get out of the car.
Funnily enough, some part of you expects him to at least say good night before he leaves. If he’s shown you this much unexpected kindness tonight, what’s stopping him from sparing you a bit more?
But then you remember he’s Choi Seungcheol. He never says goodbye.
He just leaves without a word.
As the black Santa Fe speeds back into empty streets, you tell yourself how stupid you’re being. It’s been more than a decade, but your heart still hurts from the fact that, no matter how much you hoped he’s changed after all these years, Seungcheol is no different from the boy who broke your heart.
You liked to think you have a good sense of self-preservation.
You tell yourself that, matter how much this stupid jock tries to flirt with you so he can mooch off the answers to your Geometry homework, you wouldn’t cave and give him what he wants. But Seungcheol is just so damn persistent that, instead of ignoring him like any sane person would do, you ended up tutoring him about the lesson an hour before the assignment is due.
“You know, if you just helped me right away, I could’ve treated you to the ice cream parlor much sooner.” Seungcheol tells you after the end of class, making you stare at him, puzzled.
“What are you even talking about?” you ask.
Then, he smiles—making sure to show off that dimple that has all the girls in your grade swooning at the sight of him.
“This is me asking if I can treat you to the ice cream parlor after school,” he says, as if you’re the dunce who had to be tutored in basic Geometry. “You know, as thanks for giving me a hand. Just wait for me at the building entrance at four.”
You’re not doing that. You’ll march straight home without thinking twice about the boy who’s been giving you a hassle and a half for the past week.
Except you do wait for him.
You linger by the entrance at four, just like he asked. You wait for him a little longer even when most of the students have gone home and he still hasn’t shown up. Ten minutes to five o’clock, you’re convinced that he was really just fucking with you. As you make the motions to just finally go home like you meant to do in the first place—
“Hey, wait up!”
There he is, still wearing his sweaty jersey despite looking like he’s just about ready to go home. You scowl at Seungcheol once he’s right in front of you, showing you that stupid dimpled smile yet again.
“I forgot we had practice today, and I kinda just bullshitted my way out of it,” he reasons. “Did you wait long?”
“What do you think?” you bite back sarcastically. But the fact that he actually ditched practice just to keep his word makes you feel a little fuzzy. “You owe me two scoops of ice cream now.”
Seungcheol laughs. “I’d treat you to three if that’s what it takes for you to forgive me!”
You’re convinced that, once Seungcheol has paid his academic debts, he’ll move out of your orbit and back to his usual crowd of jocks. Though you did do him a big favor, you’re not exactly friends. So when he does the exact opposite, you’re considerably…suspicious.
When he doesn’t have practice, he’d insist on walking you to the train station even if his house is in the opposite direction. When your own friends got held up by a group presentation and you had no one to have lunch with, he stayed with you the entire time until you had company.
One day, you decide to confront him about it—saying that if he needed something from you, he could just ask and not…do all these weirdly nice things for you.
“I like you,” Seungcheol says, and you nearly trip on air out of surprise. Fortunately for you, he’s an athlete with good reflexes.
“What?” you ask hoarsely. “You’re not messing with me, are you?”
He snorts as he helps regain your balance. “Now why would I mess with the girl I like?”
That’s when it starts.
Practically speaking, dating someone in your senior year of high school isn’t very good of a decision. You’ve got college entrance exams to worry about on top of making sure you comply with the requirements from all your classes. But in the midst of your piling responsibilities, Seungcheol proves to be an effective stress reliever.
“Cheol,” you whimper, unconsciously grinding your hips against his as he nips at the sensitive spot below your jaw. “We still have homework…”
You can feel him smile against your skin as his hands start to knead your hips through the fabric of your sweats. That bastard. “We can get back to it after I help you relax. How’s that sound?”
Against your better judgment, you relent.
“Fine,” you whisper, fingers creeping up his neck and into his curly hair. “You know when to stop, right?”
Seungcheol presses your faces closer, eyes dark with desire as he nods once.
“Of course.”
That’s one of the things you loved about him. You know Seungcheol has his…needs, but never did the guy once act on them. He’s aware that you’re still hesitant to cross that line; knows that you aren’t ready. But he took your decision in stride and respected it, saying he’ll wait for you as long as it takes.
Fast forward to a month before graduation. The results for college entrance exams should be coming out soon, and a majority of the student population is considerably nervous. Seungcheol isn’t part of that demographic, though—having weaseled his way into a sports scholarship to a nearby university months prior.
“I’m just saying that you shouldn’t be so anxious about it,” he says one day while you’re hanging out in his room. “You aced your exams. I just know it.”
Of course he thinks you aced them. He only knows that you took the test for a local university—not the most prestigious academic institution in the country.
When the results come out and you do end up passing all the exams you took, you have a hard time thinking about how you can break the news to Seungcheol. Naturally, you’d choose to go to college in Seoul, but that meant you had to leave your hometown behind.
Leave Seungcheol behind.
You really meant to tell him after you all graduated. But when the day finally comes and you’ve mustered up the courage to be honest, Seungcheol unknowingly distracts you from your main agenda with his too heated touch, and too sultry kisses.
You let him have your first time then—both because you wanted to give it to him, and because of some misplaced sense of guilt. You haven’t even told him what he was about to lose, but you’re already compensating.
“I love you,” he whispers after the passion has burned out, leaving both of you to bask in the afterglow. “I’m so lucky to call you my girlfriend.”
When he leans in to kiss you, his lips taste sweet on yours—something that makes your heart ache with everything you need to say.
“Seungcheol,” you murmur back as you burrow yourself into his embrace, wishing you could just lay in his warmth forever.
“There’s something you need to know.”
“Sweetheart, are you alright over there?”
The sound of Jeonghan’s voice reels you right back into the present, where you’re busy sorting old files with him in his office.
It’s been a while since you sat down and recalled your memories with Seungcheol from high school. More because they’re too painful to remember than outright dislike for the man in general.
Right after you told him you’d be studying college in Seoul, he met the words with nerve-wracking silence. Until he slowly peeled himself away from your bed—putting his clothes back on without uttering a single word. You don’t dare watch him as he leaves your room nor do you let yourself cry until you’re sure he’s already left the house.
You hoped back then that he’d come around in a few days. But a bigger part of you knew things between you and Seungcheol had already ended before your heart could begin to accept it.
Yet somehow, like some sort of cosmic joke, the man sitting in front of you now—the first man you let yourself fall in love with after Seungcheol—is the same person who led you back to him.
“I just spaced out for a second,” you reason with a laugh as you tidy up some of the boxes on the floor. “Sorry about that.”
“That was definitely more than a second,” your boss laughs good-naturedly before hibernating the computer on his desk. “How about we take a quick break? You’ve helped me plenty, doll.”
You roll your eyes—already having a good grasp of what Jeonghan considers a ‘break’ in the privacy of his office. Still, you’re weak to his advances, so with one last glance at the door to make sure it’s locked, you waste no time climbing onto his lap.
“Hannie, you should really quit getting frisky on the job,” you mutter as he begins to pop open the buttons of your blouse. “The others already think you have a nasty case of favoritism. The last thing you should do is prove them right.”
Jeonghan lets out another chuckle, pressing your breasts together before nuzzling them. You let out a long, long sigh.
“Why shouldn’t they know you’re my favorite?” he whispers before peppering your chest with featherlight kisses—trailing his lips upward until you can feel his breath on your ear. “Why shouldn’t they know how many times I’ve had my way with you on this desk?”
“Yoon Jeonghan!” You laugh, absolutely scandalized. “You’re going to make me keel over one of these days.”
“Then at least you’ll die of pleasure, hm?”
You don’t dare complain as Jeonghan swipes the important documents off his desk, placing you on top of the polished wood as he bunches your tight skirt up to your waist. He groans when he sees you wearing his favorite stockings—the ones that come with a strap and garter set that complement your lacy underwear a bit too well.
“Why are you wearing something like this to work, sweetheart?” he sighs before sinking to his knees. “It’s like you’re asking me to fill you up until you’re dripping all over my desk. What’s that you said about not getting frisky on the job again?”
You merely flash him a ditzy smile before threading your fingers in his hair—pressing his pretty face where you want him.
“And if I am asking for it?”
Despite claiming to adore how the lingerie looks on you, Jeonghan is awfully quick to take it all off. Zero distractions, he said, before putting his mouth to good use.
Your hips buckle every time he tenses his tongue and dips it into your soaked entrance—rubbing two gentle fingers on your clit as an added stimulus. You know that Jeonghan likes it more when you’re loud and wanting, but given your current setting, you’re not about to risk getting both of you fired for semi-public indecency.
“You’re so worked up today, huh?” he observes when he pulls away, and you have to bite down a groan when you see the way your juices glisten across his pretty pink lips as he smiles. “Haven’t seen you this wet in a while, doll. Has Cheol not been taking care of you right whenever I’m away, hm?”
The mere mention of Seungcheol has you stiffening under his touch, though you didn’t mean to. Jeonghan definitely noticed the way you froze up, though, but you decide to get his mind off it by letting out a desperate mewl, locking your legs around his neck.
“I just missed you a lot,” you grumble.
That seems good enough an explanation for him.
After making you fall apart on his tongue, your boyfriend doesn’t quite let you off the hook so easily. You don’t particularly mind, since he’s broken your sex drive into ridiculousness at this point.
You’re whining when you feel Jeonghan press his hard length along your slit—teasing you for the sole purpose of hearing the cute noises that continuously spill from your lips. Sometimes, you get why people call him a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This guy acts like an angel for the most part, but is ruthless when he wants to be.
“You know what to do when you want something, right, sweetheart?” Jeonghan coos, dipping the head of his cock into your pulsing hole just to drive you insane. “Come on, I know you can do it.”
“Hannie,” you whimper. “Please?”
“Please, what? Use your words, baby.”
Fuck Yoon Jeonghan, honestly. Yourself, too, for falling in love with such an evil man.
“Please fill me up, Jeonghan.” Your fingers anchor themselves onto his shoulders, pressing your hips upward for any sort of friction. “Want your cum in me, please, please—”
Your breath catches in your throat when Jeonghan buries himself to the hilt, overloading your senses with the sudden feeling of being filled so much so quickly. It took you off-guard so much that tears started to pool at the corners of your eyes—something that Jeonghan notices right away.
“I’m sorry, love,” he chuckles, leaning forward to kiss them away. “You got me a little excited, is all. You’re starting to become a real occupational hazard, you know that?”
You pout at him, trying your best not to moan when you’re supposed to be sulking. “Then I can very much just hand you my resignation—oh!”
Jeonghan cuts your little spiel short with a shallow thrust that has you clenching down on his dick—strong hands holding up your thighs to help you wrap them around his waist. He smirks when he notices how you can barely form any sentences, gradually amping up the cadence of his thrusts as you lose yourself to the feeling of him inside you.
You always look prettiest when you lose your mind from the sensations only he can give you.
“My pretty baby is so needy,” he sighs, trying not to get addicted to how tightly your walls squeeze his cock. “Can’t last a few days without a good dicking down, can you? I’m going to have to tell Seungcheol to keep you real satisfied when I go on that business trip.”
Wait. Business Trip?
Jeonghan doesn’t give you much leeway to ponder about what he just said, though—lifting your ass higher to fuck into you at an angle that has stars bursting in the backs of your eyelids.
He definitely knocks something over and sends it clattering onto the floor because of the intensity of his pounding, but you don’t care. Not about his poor secretary, who’s the only soul in the office who knows about your relationship. And definitely not about how Jeonghan just told you he’ll tell Seungcheol to satisfy you while he’s away.
When he’s finally done with you, your boyfriend is thoughtful enough to reattach the straps and garters after he helps clean you up. Unless you want to keep my cum inside until you get home, he said. The filthy little thing. But part of you is convinced he’s just doing that as an excuse to feel you up again, which you’ll gladly let slide.
“So, this business trip you’re going on,” you say as you join him in the elevator half an hour later. “When is it again? And how long are you going to be gone?”
Jeonghan sighs, presumably unlocking his phone to check his calendar. “This Saturday, unfortunately. I’ll be heading to Busan for two weeks.”
“Can’t I come with you?” you ask, despite already knowing the answer.
He chuckles, shaking his head before smoothing down your hair. “Sweetheart, I won’t get any work done if either you or Cheol are there with me. Go have fun with each other while I bring food to the table, yeah?”
“Gee, I didn’t know you were such a breadwinner, Hannie.”
Jeonghan’s lips twitch into a small smile before he leans down to peck your lips. For a split second, you find yourself hoping the security guards won’t check the elevator footage, but the thought is lost to the wind when he says:
“Anything for you, love.”
Really, you can not be any more in love with the man.
In the office building’s lobby, Jeonghan grabs your wrist when you move to part ways with him. You shoot him a confused look.
“Won’t you come over tonight?” he whispers. “Cheol has a surprise for you.”
…Seungcheol has a what?
You have no clue about what that guy could possibly have thought to give to you as a surprise, and knowing Jeonghan, he’ll probably sales-talk you into paying their home a visit anyway. So, with a defeated sigh, you simply nod before he’s dragging you off to the parking lot.
This better be worth it.
It’s a bed.
Seungcheol got a king-sized bed to replace their old queen-sized one. For you. In their house.
Not only that, he even bought a whole separate wardrobe for you to fill with your clothes. So you don’t have to worry about not having anything to wear when you stay over, he said, and you had to keep yourself from staring at him like he personally insulted your mother.
“You shouldn’t have,” you tell him instead, biting down the warmth slowly spreading through your chest. “It must’ve cost a lot.”
“Sweetheart, trust me. This won’t make a single dent in Seungcheol’s bank account.” Jeonghan laughs, and you hate how he’s right. “He probably earns more from a single game than I do in a month.”
Seungcheol rolls his eyes, but you don’t miss the red tinge on his cheeks. “Quit lying, Han. You’re the most loaded out of every one of us.”
Out of a childlike sense of curiosity more than anything else, you decide to fling yourself on top of the brand new bed—the mattress still sealed in plastic and everything. Your boyfriends stare at you with equal parts surprise and amusement as you let out a satisfied sigh.
“Gotta admit, it’s kinda nice having two sugar daddies.”
“Baby, I just messed you up an hour ago. You sure you want to rile me up again?” Jeonghan chuckles as he lies down right next to you.
An unspoken awkwardness suddenly materializes in the air before Seungcheol mimics Jeonghan and takes the vacant spot on your other side. Thankfully, it doesn’t last long, as Jeonghan immediately starts complaining about how annoying this potential business partner is being about a deal he wants to close.
You keep an attentive ear to whatever Jeonghan is saying, but you’re still receptive to Seungcheol's presence.
In the two months you’ve started officially dating both of them, you’ve never once shared a bed with Seungcheol—unable to let go of the memory of the last time you did. Sure, cuddling on the couch during movie nights is somewhat similar, but there’s this…intimacy to lying on the same bed that you just aren’t ready to feel around him.
God, you suddenly recall all that stuff Jeonghan told you about Seungcheol taking care of you.
Never mind having sex with him, you can’t even lie right next to the guy in bed without having an existential crisis.
Fortunately, Jeonghan isn’t the nosy type. He doesn’t mind the fact that it’s been two months, and you’re yet to invite them both into a more intimate setting. He hasn’t opened up any conversations about the logistics of it either, so you’re under the impression that he just thinks you’re taking your time getting to know Seungcheol first.
Oh, if he only knew.
“By the way, Joshuji told me something earlier,” Jeonghan says while the three of you eat some takeout that Seungcheol bought along with his furniture purchases.
“Who’s Joshuji again?” you wonder before sticking a forkful of pasta into your mouth.
Seungcheol laughs softly beside you. “That’s just some weird nickname he calls his secretary. He doesn’t want to say what it means though.”
“Well, Shua doesn’t want anyone to know but me, and I respect that.” Jeonghan pouts. “Anyways, he said that the trains are going to be closed for maintenance next week. You should just stay here for a while and let Cheol drive you to and from work while I’m away.”
You nearly spit out the food in your mouth, but keep yourself from doing so by calmly washing it down a glass of water. Though you’re a bit hesitant, you meet Seungcheol’s gaze with an earnest question in mind. “Uh, you okay with that? Didn’t the season just start for you?”
He nods. “Yeah, but it’s no big deal. I can pick you up from the office when I don’t have games.”
“How about when you do have games?”
“Then you’ll just have to come watch me play.”
It’s a tall proposition—one that both of you are fully aware of. You haven’t seen Seungcheol play since high school, and the utter surprise on your face the day Jeonghan introduced him to you as both his boyfriend and one of Seoul’s most talented football stars was utterly priceless.
And now you’re forced (not really, you still have the choice to decline) to witness him play the sport he loves for the first time in years.
You tell yourself that you’re only hesitant because you don’t even like him to begin with. Why should you come watch his games, right? But the more self-aware part of you knows it’s because you’re afraid.
Afraid of falling in love with him again once you see him where he shines brightest.
“Sure thing,” you finally say—all while mustering a smile that isn’t completely fake this time. “If Cheol doesn’t mind, then I’ll take up the offer.”
You could’ve sworn you saw Seungcheol smile that familiar, dimpled smile in the corner of your eye, but it’s gone when you move to take a better look.
That night, it’s just you and Seungcheol driving back to your apartment once more because Jeonghan had to take an important call. It’s from the same potential business partner he’d been bitching about two hours prior. He didn’t even want to answer it, but you talked him into doing so if he didn’t want your paychecks to take a hit this month.
“You can start filling up your closet back home when you stay with me next week,” Seungcheol suddenly says out of the blue once he stops in front of a red light—not really meeting your gaze.
“Seungcheol, why’d you do all that?”
“Do what?”
You roll your eyes. “You don’t have to act all nice and oblivious. Jeonghan isn’t here anyway.”
“Why do you always assume everything I do has Jeonghan counted into the mix?” he asks with an exasperated tone. “Can’t I do nice things for you just because I want to?”
“That’s because you never do nice things for me unless it’s to fool Jeonghan into thinking we actually get along?” you deadpan. “Come on, Seungcheol. I’m not an idiot. I know you still hate me for choosing Seoul over you, and you know I still hate you for just leaving me without any sort of explanation.”
Your eyes are quick to catch the way his grip tenses on the steering wheel, even under the muted light from the street lamps outside. Seungcheol doesn’t say anything more until he arrives at your destination, and you’re a little grateful for it.
However, when you slide out of the passenger seat—
“I don’t hate you.”
White noise fills your ears as you stand right beside the open car door—eyes filled with pure, unadulterated shock.
“Come again?” you ask, a disbelieving smile finding its way onto your face. Surely, he didn’t just say—
“I don’t hate you,” Seungcheol repeats, and you nearly melt from the intensity of his gaze. “I never did.”
But…that’s impossible.
If he didn’t hate you, he wouldn’t have just disappeared from your life like that. He wouldn’t have ignored you after all these years; wouldn’t have acted like such an insufferable asshole behind Jeonghan’s back.
However, instead of overexerting your brain by overthinking every single detail about your weird relationship so far, you decide to just let it go for tonight.
“Good night, Seungcheol.” You manage a tight-lipped smile, hoping it isn’t too obvious that you’re on the verge of tears again. “Thanks for the ride.”
“Hey, wai—”
You close the door to the passenger seat before he can convince you to stay a little longer—convinced that if he tells you he doesn’t hate you one more time, you’ll really break down in front of him.
And you’re not quite ready to show him that vulnerable side of you again. Not yet.
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part one - part two - part three | masterlist
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hhappyelf · 2 years
Saturday, November 26th, 2022
Hot damn it’s cold :P
Life update at 3:00 AM... Old habits die hard I guess.
I never thought I’d make mistakes as I did this year but the path to progress is a long one. ;( I think I finally found out how to enjoy myself even past my anxiety. I went to therapy and went on escitalopram for a few months and decided to quit it since it wasn’t helping anymore. I believe it has done it’s job and my brain has been changed to think differently and I’m finally enjoying myself :)
Not gonna lie, I’ve had the least amount of money since years ago but I’m 100x happier... Happy enough to try making more money. Still lonely I guess but it’s difficult to not feel judged and whatnot by the smallest comments. I had an argument with my mom and her friend about me being sensitive to everything. Oh yeah, I’m at my grandparents now with no-contact basis with my mom. Eh I think I’m done with everything they say. Hard to care enough to reconnect to be honest. Whatever words they say, the results are what I see and they kinda suck. Good luck with whatever religious quest you’re doing I suppose, just leave me out of it. 
I’ve picked up shrimp keeping. I found something I love and it happens to be shrimp for some reason? Just find them fascinating and cute for some reason. Spending hundreds and hundreds on shrimps and aquarium supplies. I would like to pick up aquascaping with shrimp in the future. Currently working part time at my old work place as a CAD tech and enjoying it so far. Part time is just enough before I start getting bored of the week haha. My entire team speaks in Viet for the most part and I have to be trained in it even with my shoddy Viet-glish. Like imagine these industry terms and acronyms and they’re saying it with a vietnamese accent, can’t understand jack hahaha. Chill group of older peeps, although they seem kind of conceited? The supervisor was roasting them about giving me projects that were too complicated since I’m a rookie; though 5 minutes ago my team was roasting me while training me haha. Music is still a huge part of my life, can’t understand why it isn’t for most people? I think it has something to do with life experience. I think I’m supposed to enjoy other things more? Just depression things I guess haha but we’ll take it day by day. :D I was gonna pick up dancing but my budgets lookin a little tight... And I should probably start gyming more consistently instead of dancing since I’m so out of shape? Also want a tattoo.. Paul’s getting an oni on his forearm. SO COOL
Bonfire on the 3rd of December coming up. I’m hosting it but It’s always hard for me. Some days I dread planning it and following through and some days I can’t wait to hang out with all my friends. Just so tiring sometimes, don’t know how people have the energy to socialize all the time.
Man I’m all over the place during these logs again. Wonder if I’ll ever grow up haha
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shoujosekaii · 2 years
Onee-chan no Midori-kun (Midori Loves My Sister)
Chapter 7
The narration reads: It sprouted unconsciously. These feelings, which were bound to come to nothing, were brought to a real closure without a single warning. This is truly an underwhelming first love.
Sui’s narration reads: After that, a month or so passed. What happened felt like an illusion. Just like that, I didn’t meet Midori-kun after that incident. Before I realized it, it was already the start of summer.
We see Momo eating a slice of toast and looking dazed. She sighs, and Sui looks at her. Sui asks, “What’s wrong? Sighing so loudly, early in the morning.”
Momo: Eh? It can’t be. I actually sighed?
Sui: Yup, a big one at that. Did something happen?
M: …Ah– it's nothing much. I’m really glad that I can be part of [Kazuya and Miwa] now (this is the drama that Momo is assigned to now and has been following on TV), but the job of an AD is much tougher than I thought. Processes such as applications and negotiations hardly go smoothly for me.
[Explanation on AD: It’s short for Assistant Director. When shooting outdoors, they need to obtain various authorizations, carry out negotiations on the film subject, distribute lunchboxes and prepare the equipment needed for filming… All in all, having to take care of so many errands and tasks makes it a very challenging job!]
Chuckling painfully, Momo says, “That’s why, I’m kinda drained now. (Haha)”.
Sui simply looks at her sister and gives a cynical, “...Huh– Yeah.”
Momo: Eh, why do you look so unconvinced-
Sui: You’re a liar.
Momo: Hm?
Sui: Yes, your work is indeed really tough, but you’re always full of energy every day, onee-chan. I know it better than anyone.
Sui asks, “After what happened previously, you didn’t meet with that person at all, did you?”
Momo looks surprised, and Sui continues, “With just one look, I can tell; It’s absolutely not work problems, but relationship problems.”
Momo is taken aback and then teasingly replies, “...Hah, as expected of you. About what’s on my mind, shall I proceed to confide in Sui-chan, who loves her older sister the most–?”
Sui is startled by Momo’s words, blushing and pouting, “Wha… No one said anything about loving you.”
Chuckling happily and patting Sui’s head, Momo answers, “Yes, yes, you adorable kiddo.” Sui embarrassedly goes, “Hey!” in response. She is reminded of how Midori used to tease her.
Momo begins, “...On the day Sui-chan fell ill and was resting, not only did I forget about the appointment I made with Midori, I also gave him a rude reply.” (We see Momo’s text to Midori: What do you mean you’re here?)
M: After that incident, I one-sidedly became awkward around him.
S: Eh? Didn’t Midori-kun say that he didn’t mind?
M: Oh? Did I tell Sui-chan about it?
S: Ah! No. I just happened to overhear Midori-kun talking on the phone with onee-chan. That time, I collapsed, so he brought me back to my room.
M: …Ah. Come to think of it, he did kind of mention that…
We see a recap of Momo’s memory: Midori was on the phone with Momo, telling her, “Sui-chan collapsed, so I brought her back to her bedroom. I’m sorry for entering without permission."
Facepalming, Momo chides herself, saying, “No, why am I saying ‘kind of’...? Man, I’m really unforgivable, aren’t I? (Sigh–...)”
Momo continues, “...Ever since I started working, my whole mind has been filled with work. Be it my own words or things that Midori said, I seem to have become more absent-minded about them. Even though he said that he doesn’t mind, I know clearly that I’ve troubled Midori. All this time, we’d never encountered anything like this, so I think I’m at a loss right now…”
Sui looks at her sister giving a pained smile and is reminded of Midori’s similar expression.
Momo further laments, “In the end, we couldn’t match our timings to meet up at all; And because I get too tired, I only reply to his messages the next day. I really hate myself to death.”
Sui is speechless for a moment, then says, “...Say, onee-chan. You’ve scheduled your work so that it won’t clash with our family’s barbeque session with Ayame’s family, right?”
Momo answers, “Eh, yes. I think something might crop up at work, but my afternoon on that day is still available. It’s an activity that our families have done together for 10 years in a row after all, I definitely have to be there. (This year, we will be the ones hosting it, right?)”
Sui suggests, “Then, on that day, why don’t you invite Midori-kun along?”
The sister exchange glances.
In the next scene, we see Sui and Ayame chatting in school. Ayame goes, “What? Oh– So it’s developed such that Midori-kun is also joining the barbeque.”
S: That’s right.
A: Aoi also said that he’d bring his girlfriend over, so I don’t think that it’s an issue.
S: About that, why does an elementary schooler have a girlfriend? Are they all like this now?
A: I’m not sure myself, but Aoi is indeed really good at such stuff.
[We see a picture of Aoi, who is Ayame’s younger brother. Mizukawa Aoi, 6th grade. Has a refreshing and outgoing personality.]
Ayame: Let’s not talk about that. Sui-chan, are you fine with this?
Sui: ? What?
A: The things you’re doing now seem to me like you’re trying to pick at the scab of your heartbreak.
S: Eh…
A: Even though it’s been more than a month, won’t you feel sad if you see them together?
Ayame looks genuinely concerned, and Sui looks at him.
Ayame continues, suddenly tearing up, “For me, when I’m pursuing other story routes, it kills me to see my close friend (in his Bishoujo game) and my favourite character acting all lovey-dovey together in the background… (but I want to complete all of the story routes…)”
Looking somewhat disturbed, Sui remarks, “Could you not mix me in with those game characters?”
Sui continues, looking away, “Regardless, don’t worry about me. Forgetting about that person was much easier than I thought. Now, I have ab-so-lu-tely no feelings for Midori-kun anymore.”
Fiddling with her feet, Sui says, “...Rather than that, if onee-chan and him continue being like this, I will get worried.”
Huffing crossly all of a sudden, Sui tells Ayame, “I know that there are many inconveniences that come with being an adult, but even if they are awkward about it, they should make time to talk it out clearly and all will be fine, right?!”
Ayame glances at Sui while she sighs, “I know I’m just being nosy.” He recalls his conversation with Sui in his room.
[Sui: Anyway, I was rejected by Midori-kun.
Ayame: Eh? That’s sudden.
S: It’s kind of a long story… but basically, under various circumstances that were beyond my control, things progressed naturally and turned out like that. Well, rather than the time I was desperately trying to hide my feelings, I now feel much more relaxed. It went a totally different direction from the plan that you came up with (recall their ‘Operation-Forget-Our-Troubles-With-An-Enriching-High-School-Life’ from Chapter 4)... but, how should I say it? I still want to thank you.
Sui is holding onto her long ponytails, looking away from Ayame and blushing lightly. Ayame looks at her and goes, “Eh, you suddenly got shy.”
Sui vehemently retorts, “I’m not being shy!”.
Sui recalls Ayame’s words to her: ‘At least, I wouldn’t think that way about you.’ and she continues shyly, “...Anyway, I mean it. Ayame’s words really helped me to remain grounded. So thank you, Ayame.”]
We see Ayame being wordless, just uttering a “Oh—...” in response.
Later, we see Sui at home, looking at the card case that Midori gave to her. She narrates: Actually, saying that ‘I have no feelings for him anymore’ was a complete lie. However, somehow, I just don’t want to see Midori-kun looking lonely.
It’s now the day of the combined family barbeque. Mochi is looking around dazedly while Aoi and his girlfriend are fascinated with it.
Girlfriend: So cute…
Aoi: Yeah, Mochi’s adorable, right? (It looks like it’s spacing out.)
Girlfriend: Its name is Mochi? (That’s cute.)
Aoi: Yes, because it’s really soft to the touch. Sui-chan named it.
Girlfriend (touches Mochi): It’s true! So soft and bouncy.
Aoi: Yeah–
Sui and Ayame watch the little couple having fun and Sui comments, “What’s up with that fuzzy atmosphere over there? (It’s very cute, though.)”
Ayame replies, “I feel like I have no words for it.”
Sui (teasingly): Eh, what? Are you feeling indignant that your little brother got himself a girlfriend ahead of you?
Ayame: Nope. In fact, I’m currently dating more than 30 ladies. I’ve also given away my first kiss.
Sui (rolling her eyes): Are you adding those girls from your Bishoujo games into the count? Ayame, you should occasionally also show some interest in real people too.
Ayame (glancing at Sui): Real people, huh…
Sui (teasing): Then again– if Ayame really started liking 3D girls, I think pigs would start flying.
Someone calls out to Sui. It’s Midori, going, “Sui-chan. Hello there– Long time no see.” Sui looks over at him, blushing lightly and is dazed for a moment. He asks her if he can enter their yard through the gate, to which she confirms after being brought back to her senses. Ayame watches silently.
Sui thinks to herself with a blush, ‘I’m sure it’s not because we haven’t seen each other for so long that my heart’s beating faster.’ She also notes to herself that Midori's hair has grown a little longer.
Midori and Ayame greet each other. Mochi runs up to Midori to welcome him, and Midori also greets Mochi fondly. Aoi asks Ayame who Midori is and Ayame explains that Midori is Momo’s boyfriend.
Watching Midori, Sui recalls her last conversation with him: “The next time we meet, we will still interact as usual!” with a pinky promise. She thinks, ‘This is good, he’s properly keeping our promise.’
Midori then goes, “Ah, I just remembered.” He holds out a cake box to Sui, telling her that he brought over a small gift for everyone to share (it’s from his favourite cake shop).
M: It’s cake.
S: Wow, acting all courteous to win us over, huh.
M: What’s wrong with that? I was invited to your family’s gathering, so bringing a small gift is very normal, isn’t it? Kids who say such things won’t get to eat cake later, you know <3
Sui: Ack-
The door to the house opens, and Momo steps out. She sees Midori and goes, “Oh, Midori, you’re already here.”
Midori: Momo. (Hello–)
Momo: I’m sorry I didn’t notice, I was in the house preparing the ingredients.
Midori: It’s fine, I also just arrived.
Sui goes up to Momo to show her the cake box that Midori gave, saying, “Onee-chan, this is a gift that Midori-kun brought over.”
Momo recognizes the cake box, going, “Ah, ONiSE’s cake? I was just thinking about eating it.” Momo’s eyes sparkle with delight.
Midori answers, “Oh, yeah?”. His gaze softens as he says to Momo, “I guessed as much.” Sui notices the expression on Midori’s face.
Momo says that she will put the cake into the fridge and Midori asks her if he can help with anything. Momo says, “Ah– then, could you help to start the fire? I still have things to prepare indoors. (The rest of the adults are not around.)”
[Momo and Sui’s mother will be working until evening time, Ayame’s parents are out buying groceries.]
Midori replies, “Okay, gotcha–”, and Momo returns indoors.
Sui, who was watching Midori and Momo’s interaction, teases, “Look at you– Happy is written all over your face.”
M: …What? What are you saying?
S: You haven’t seen onee-chan for so long, that you revealed an expression that shows how unabashedly happy you are.
M (blushes): Eh- No no no, I didn’t make that kind of face–
S: You did, you totally did–
M: I didn’t.
S: You did.
M: I said I didn’t, so I didn’t.
S: I said you did, so you did.
M: Ah– Geez.
(Ayame watches this entire exchange silently.)
Blushing and scratching his neck shyly, Midori insists, “I already said I didn’t.” Sui gives him a small smile, while Ayame watches.
Sui tells Midori teasingly, “Stop acting cool already and just admit it honestly. Tell her, ‘I’m rea—lly happy to see you <3’.”
Flustered, Midori responds, “Hey, you. Even if it’s me, I wouldn’t say such things, okay? Especially not in front of you, Sui-chan.”
He laughs awkwardly and says, “Also, I don’t want Momo to think that I’m being passive-aggressive. (Haha…)”
Hearing that, Sui thinks to herself, ‘...What a fool you are. It’s already come to this; clearly you don’t have to be so considerate of my feelings.’
Sui says to Midori, “Gross. To think that Midori-kun is still being considerate of my feelings. That’s so gross.”
In defence, Midori asks, “Oh? Are you trying to pick a fight with me?”
Sui says, “...Midori-kun, you should go in and help onee-chan. Ayame and I can handle the fire-starting by ourselves.”
Both Ayame and Midori go, “Eh?” in response. Sui explains, “Even though onee-chan isn’t doing much now, she mentioned that she might get called to work anytime. Time is very precious, so you should use the time now, even if it’s short, to be with her.”
Midori looks surprised, and says, “But-”, however he is interrupted by Sui going, “Right, Ayame?! You’re good at fire-starting, aren’t you!”
Ayame simply replies, “Eh? Yeah.”
Sui declares to Midori, “I’ll say this again. If you act considerate of my feelings one more time, I’m going to punch you!”
Midori looks at Sui, speechless, while she shakes her fist at him. He then sighs and says, “You win, you win. Why is Sui-chan such a good kid? (While I am so lame—).”
Sui answers harshly, “I’m not. It’s just that Midori-kun doesn’t seem like the type who knows how to start fires, so you’d just be a nuisance here.”
Resigned, Midori asks Sui, “Is it really fine? I’ll obey your orders then.”
Sui replies, “I approve!”, and Midori reveals a small smile.
Sui narrates: Ayame was right. I’m picking on the scabs of my heartbreak with my own hands. This is really foolish of me, but despite that, I can’t help finding Midori-kun, who immediately becomes shy when it comes to onee-chan and gets unusually tongue-tied and clumsy, adorable. I have undoubtedly become incurably blind.
Midori says, “Alright, then I’ll take my leave for a moment.”. Shooing him, Sui says, “Okay, please hurry up and leave.”
Midori reaches a hand out to pat Sui’s head, going, “Thank you so much, Sui-ch…”, however he stops his hand before it makes contact with her head. Sui looks up at him with a small frown.
Withdrawing his hand, Midori says, “...Ah. Sorry, I keep doing that.” and backs away.
Sui claps her hands, saying, “Well done realizing it yourself. (You earned the praise!) Even though I mentioned that we should interact as usual, you should still stop doing that.”
Midori replies, “I got it. (I’m really sorry.)”
Walking away, Midori thinks to himself, ‘I’m really so lame—...’. Sui watches Midori’s back and recalls the times he had patted her head. Blushing a little, she thinks, ‘I was the one who brought it up, but in my heart, I still feel a slight loneliness…’
Ayame comes up to Sui and remarks, “Sui-chan, you’re a liar. So much for saying that you have no feelings anymore; it’s obviously all a lie.”
S (pouting): What are you talking about?
A: Well, that guy was in the wrong as well. Even though Sui-chan was the one who started the topic, wasn’t it inappropriate for him to have shown that kind of expression? (Being all shy). I understand that he was being considerate of your feelings, but he clearly knows how you feel about him, so shouldn’t he have tried harder to cover up his expression?
Confused, Sui looks at Ayame and asks him, “Eh? Are you angry?”
Ayame is mildly stunned by her question, getting confused himself. He asks, “Eh, am I being angry?”
Sui answers that she doesn’t know, and the two of them stare at each other for a moment. Ayame remains confused, but Sui explains while tending to the barbeque bit, “Well, that expression simply proves how much Midori-kun loves onee-chan. Even if he doesn’t want to show it, he can’t help himself but reveal on his face what he feels in his heart.”
Turning to look at Ayame, Sui says, “That’s what love is like, you know.”
Ayame looks at Sui with a serious and thoughtful expression, leading Sui to suddenly feel shy and blush, going, “Ack, don’t make me say such things! It’s so corny…! (We’re ending this conversation here!!)”
Ayame silently continues looking at Sui, then wonders to himself, ‘...What’s happening? Somehow, I feel really anxious.’
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